1.33.0 / 2018-08-07
Added startOfSecond() method
Added endOfSecond() method
Added translations for az, bn, ca, es
Fixed sh plural
Fixed typing exception messages
Added support for closures in setToStringFormat
1.32.0 / 2018-07-05
Thrown an exception if start/end of week set to a value out of range
Added short units for pt_BR translation
Added one/two days diff wording for uk translation
Added period wording for uk, ca and oc translation
1.31.1 / 2018-06-26
Disabled locale auto-update with symfony/translation < 4
1.31.0 / 2018-06-24
Added executeWithLocale method
Added localization support checking methods: getAvailableLocales, localeHasShortUnits, localeHasDiffSyntax,
localeHasDiffOneDayWords, localeHasDiffTwoDayWords, localeHasPeriodSyntax
Added automated synchronization with Laravel locale
Added/updated translations for my, fr, pt_BR
1.30.0 / 2018-06-15
Added CarbonPeriod skip method
Added calculated read-only properties englishDayOfWeek, shortEnglishDayOfWeek, englishMonth, shortEnglishMonth,
localeDayOfWeek, shortLocaleDayOfWeek, localeMonth, shortLocaleMonth
1.29.2 / 2018-05-29
Added german now/tomorrow/yesterday translations
Added compareYearWithMonth and shouldCompareYearWithMonth
1.29.1 / 2018-05-29
Allowed to configure is(Same|Current)(Month|Quarter) behavior
1.29.0 / 2018-05-24
Added CarbonPeriod and related methods in Carbon and CarbonInterval
1.28.0 / 2018-05-22
Added isStartOfDay, isEndOfDay, isMidnight, isMidday methods
Added make methods to Carbon and CarbonInterval
Added workaround for timezone bug: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=45528
Added cascading CarbonInterval and custom carry-over points
Added total method and total getters to CarbonInterval
Added macro support to CarbonInterval
Added invert method to CarbonInterval
Added $short argument to CarbonInterval::forHumans to display short formats
Added locales bs_BA, hi, is, ne, oc, sh, sw
Added diff translations for ca, es, nl, no, pl, sl, sr*
Fixed createFromFormat with partial format and mock now instance
Fixed ko, pl translations
1.27.0 / 2018-04-23
Added isSameQuarter, isCurrentQuarter, isNextQuarter and isLastQuarter methods
Added isSameHour, isSameMinute, isSameSecond, isCurrentHour, isCurrentMinute and isCurrentSecond methods
Added CarbonInterval::times method
Added italian translation for diff words
1.26.4 / 2018-04-17
Always pass $self at its position even if previous arguments miss
1.26.2 / 2018-04-16
Fixed Laravel's compatibility
1.26.1 / 2018-04-16
Fixed Laravel's compatibility
1.26.0 / 2018-04-16
Added setDateFrom and setTimeFrom methods
Allowed DateTimeInterface in instance method
Added macro, hasMacro and mixin methods
Added welsh language
Added CarbonInterval::getDateIntervalSpec (similar to CarbonInterval::spec but static and able to take any
DateInterval instance as argument)
Added options for `diffForHumans` to support now/yesterday/tomorrow (see
the doc. )
1.25.0 / 2018-03-20
Allowed date/time strings in diffIn* and diffForHumans methods
Added addRealHours()/addRealHour()/subRealHours()/subRealHour() method
Added addRealMinutes()/addRealMinute()/subRealMinutes()/subRealMinute() method
Added addRealSeconds()/addRealSecond()/subRealSeconds()/subRealSecond() method
Added diffInRealHours() method
Added diffInRealMinutes() method
Added diffInRealSeconds() method
Added Carbon::createFromTimeString() method
Added CarbonInterval::fromString() method
Allowed spec string as CarbonInterval constructor and in CarbonInterval::parse()
Added Carbon::useMicrosecondsFallback() and Carbon::isMicrosecondsFallbackEnabled() to handle microseconds
work-around in PHP < 7.1
Added dayOfWeekIso property
Allowed editing/adding languages and translations
1.24.2 / 2018-03-09
Prevent from negative values in microtime
1.24.1 / 2018-03-09
Re-align __set_state on DateTime method to ease Laravel compatibility
1.24.0 / 2018-03-09
Added createMidnightDate() method
Added isLastOfMonth() method
Added isDayOfWeek() method
Added toRfc7231String() method
Added toIso8601ZuluString() method
Added hasFormat() method
Added toArray() method
Added startOfHour() method
Added endOfHour() method
Added startOfMinute() method
Added endOfMinute() method
Added midDay() dynamic method, and getMidDayAt, setMidDayAt static methods
Added nowWithSameTz() method
Added CarbonInterval::compare() method
Added year overflow support (addYearsNoOverflow, addYearNoOverflow, addYearsWithOverflow, addYearWithOverflow,
subYearNoOverflow, subYearsNoOverflow, subYearWithOverflow, subYearsWithOverflow dynamic methods and
useYearsOverflow, resetYearsOverflow, shouldOverflowYears static methods)
Added microseconds on calling now with PHP < 7.1 (PHP >= 7.1 still support it natively)
Fixed hasRelativeKeywords() that no longer guess if the string is relative but test if it really produces a
relative date, making it more accurate
Fixed createSafe(), now throws an exception with PHP >= 5.4 if the time is in a hour skipped by daylight saving
Allowed DateTime and DateTimeInterface in diff methods
1.23.0 / 2018-02-28
Added ->weekNumberInMonth property
Added $parts arguments to diffForHumans() to allow components diff like "1 week 2 days 11 hours"
Added createFromTimestampMs method to create from timestamp in milliseconds
Fixed/completed translations: ar, az, bg, el, fr, hy (arm), ja, pl, sk, sr, th, uk, uz, zh
Added translations: ar_shakl, dv_MV, kk, mn, ps, sr_Cyrl
Added Carbon::getDays() returning week days codes
getLastErrors() now works also on construct
Added workaround for setTimezone bug: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=72338
Now Carbon instances can be exported via var_export and recreated with the produced code
Compatible with Symfony 4
Dates can be mocked now with microseconds
Workaround for the coma decimal separator PHP bug https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=67127
Allow formatLocalized no matter if a custom toStringFormat has been set
isSame*() methods now also accept DateTime instances
Handle daylight saving time in a better way
1.22.1 / 2017-01-16
Fix diffForHumans()
Let extended classes access lastErrors
1.22.0 / 2017-01-15
Added new langs and fixed up others
Various style fixes and small internal code improvements
Use atom format for iso8601 as suggested by php docs
Added addQuarters/subQuarters
Added startOfQuarter/EndOfQuarter
Added support for short time units in diffForHumans()
Added nextWeek(end)day/previousWeek(end)day
Added addCenturies/subCenturies
Added support for no overflow when working with months.
New is methods for next/last week, month and year
Add number of parts in the diffForHumans() interval
Added codecov
1.21.0 / 2015-11-04
Added new langs and fixed up others
Improved race conditions in tests
Allow CarbonInterval to hold a 0 interval
Added styleci checks and fixes
Added closest() and farthest() comparison methods.
Made isBirthday() arg optional to allow for easy comparison to today
Bumped class loading to psr4
1.20.0 / 2015-06-25
Added ms, uz, bn, he, lv langs and fixed up others
Added day of week helpers, isSunday(), isMonday() etc.
Made first and last day of week dynamic
Bumped to symfony/translation ~2.6|~3.0
1.19.0 / 2015-05-08
Added fa, az langs and fixed up others
Bumped to symfony/translation ~2.6
1.18.0 / 2015-03-25
Localization of diffForHumans()
Added a CarbonInterval class with localization
Added diffInHours() and diffFiltered()
Updated addXXXX()/subXXXX() to be an alias for addXXXXs()/subXXXXs() with default params of 1
1.17.0 / 2015-03-08
Fixed diff tests that didn't obey TestNow (diffInHours, diffInMinutes, diffInSeconds).
Fixed edge case tests
1.16.0 / 2015-03-03
Avoid Bug #52063 for PHP <5.3.6
Improve diffForHumans()
1.15.0 / 2015-03-02
New Site !
Let safeCreateDateTimeZone handles null tz
Various refactorings
Added yearIso getter
Improved diffForHumans() to be more accurate (handles daylight savings and Feb)
1.14.0 / 2015-02-06
Added isBirthday()
Various refactorings
Merged MonthsNoOverflow helpers
Added 2nd param to diffForHumans() to remove string modifier text
Improved readme for installation
Simplified __get method
timezone support for method formatLocalized
Added helpers secondsSinceMidnight() / secondsUntilEndOfDay()
1.13.0 / 2014-09-25
Fixed diffInDaysFiltered() bug.
Removed default param from formatLocalized() (thanks @vlakoff)
Various refactorings (thanks @lucasmichot @euromark)
Updated toXXXString() methods to be camel cased (thanks @euromark)
Now using 4 spaces for indent. (thanks @lucasmichot @euromark)
1.12.0 / 2014-09-09
Add new functions diffInDaysFiltered(), diffInWeekdays() and diffInWeekendDays() (thanks @m4tthumphrey)
Fixed XofQuarter methods when moving to a month that doesn't have that day it jumps forward #168
Support for microseconds during instantiation and copy. Be aware that microseconds are ignored for doing any of
the math.
Microsecond getter.
Various refactorings (thanks @lucasmichot @lorenzo)
1.11.0 / 2014-08-25
Added isSameDay() (thanks @enkelmedia)
Added diffInWeeks(), maxValue() and minValue() (thanks @lucasmichot)
Improved accuracy of diffForHumans() by using 30/7 for weeks and moving the floor() call to outside the loop.
Fixed tests that just look better now as a result.
Improved readme with common formats example output (thanks @troyharvey)
Various internal refactors (thanks @lucasmichot)
1.10.0 / 2014-07-17
Changed @return Carbon phpdocs to static for better IDE typehint when extending Carbon
Fixed Carbon.php download link
Added 5.6 and HHVM to test coverage
Fixed issue with isPast() returning true for now()
Added getter for weekOfMonth
1.9.0 / 2014-05-12
Changed self references to static to allow for easier child classes
Fixed a couple of tests to account for London DST
Fixed a test that failed due to inconsistent DateTime COOKIE strings
1.8.0 / 2014-01-06
Added .gitattributes file to to ignore some files on export (thanks @lucasmichot)
Removed unnecessary __set tz/timezone switch
Added min() / max() (thanks @lucasmichot)
Fixed startOfWeek() / endOfWeek() when crossing year boundary.
Fixed bug in detecting relative keywords in ctor parameter when using a test now
1.7.0 / 2013-12-04
Added startOfYear() / endOfYear() (thanks @semalead)
Added average() (thanks @semalead)
1.6.0 / 2013-11-23
Fixed "Cannot access property ::$toStringFormat" when extending Carbon and type juggling to a string
1.5.0 / 2013-11-21
Diff for humans now shows 2 weeks ago instead of 14 days ago
Added a local getter to test if the instance is in the local timezone
Added a utc getter to check if the instance is in UTC timezone
Fixed dst comment / phpdoc and psr issues
Optimize timezone getters (thanks @semalead)
Added static __toString formatting (thanks @cviebrock and @anlutro)
1.4.0 / 2013-09-08
Corrected various PHPdocs
formatLocalized() is now more OS independent
Improved diff methods
Test now can be mocked using a relative term
1.3.0 / 2013-08-21
Added modifier methods firstOfMonth(), lastOfMonth(), nthOfMonth(), next(), previous(), and so on
Added modifiers startOfWeek() and endOfWeek()
Added testing helpers to allow mocking of new Carbon(), new Carbon('now') and Carbon::now()
Added formatLocalized() to format a string using strftime() with the current locale
Improved diffInSeconds()
Improved [add|sub][Years|Months|Days|Hours|Minutes|Seconds|Weeks]
Docblocks everywhere ;(
Magic class properties
Added PHP 5.5 to travis test coverage
General Code cleanup
1.2.0 / 2012-10-14
Added history.md
Implemented __isset() (thanks @flevour)
Simplified tomorrow()/yesterday() to rely on today()... more DRY
Simplified __set() and fixed exception text
Updated readme
1.1.0 / 2012-09-16
Updated composer.json
Added better error messaging for failed readme generation
Fixed readme typos
Added static helpers today()
, tomorrow()
, yesterday()
Simplified now()
1.0.1 / 2012-09-10
1.0.0 / 2012-09-10