class Vite implements Htmlable (View source)
static protected array | $macros | The registered string macros. |
from Macroable |
protected string|null | $nonce | The Content Security Policy nonce to apply to all generated tags. |
protected string|false | $integrityKey | The key to check for integrity hashes within the manifest. |
protected array | $entryPoints | The configured entry points. |
protected string|null | $hotFile | The path to the "hot" file. |
protected string | $buildDirectory | The path to the build directory. |
protected string | $manifestFilename | The name of the manifest file. |
protected array | $scriptTagAttributesResolvers | The script tag attributes resolvers. |
protected array | $styleTagAttributesResolvers | The style tag attributes resolvers. |
protected array | $preloadTagAttributesResolvers | The preload tag attributes resolvers. |
protected array | $preloadedAssets | The preloaded assets. |
static protected array | $manifests | The cached manifest files. |
Mix another object into the class.
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Get the preloaded assets.
Get the Content Security Policy nonce applied to all generated tags.
Generate or set a Content Security Policy nonce to apply to all generated tags.
Use the given key to detect integrity hashes in the manifest.
Set the Vite entry points.
Set the filename for the manifest file.
Get the Vite "hot" file path.
Set the Vite "hot" file path.
Set the Vite build directory.
Use the given callback to resolve attributes for script tags.
Use the given callback to resolve attributes for style tags.
Use the given callback to resolve attributes for preload tags.
Generate Vite tags for an entrypoint.
Make tag for the given chunk.
Make a preload tag for the given chunk.
Resolve the attributes for the chunks generated script tag.
Resolve the attributes for the chunks generated stylesheet tag.
Resolve the attributes for the chunks generated preload tag.
Generate a script tag with attributes for the given URL.
Generate a link tag with attributes for the given URL.
Determine whether the given path is a CSS file.
Parse the attributes into key="value" strings.
Generate React refresh runtime script.
Get the path to a given asset when running in HMR mode.
Get the URL for an asset.
Generate an asset path for the application.
Get the the manifest file for the given build directory.
Get the path to the manifest file for the given build directory.
Get a unique hash representing the current manifest, or null if there is no manifest.
Get the chunk for the given entry point / asset.
Determine if the HMR server is running.
Get the Vite tag content as a string of HTML.
static void
macro(string $name, object|callable $macro)
Register a custom macro.
static void
mixin(object $mixin, bool $replace = true)
Mix another object into the class.
static bool
hasMacro(string $name)
Checks if macro is registered.
static void
Flush the existing macros.
static mixed
__callStatic(string $method, array $parameters)
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
__call(string $method, array $parameters)
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Get the preloaded assets.
Get the Content Security Policy nonce applied to all generated tags.
useCspNonce(string|null $nonce = null)
Generate or set a Content Security Policy nonce to apply to all generated tags.
useIntegrityKey(string|false $key)
Use the given key to detect integrity hashes in the manifest.
withEntryPoints(array $entryPoints)
Set the Vite entry points.
useManifestFilename(string $filename)
Set the filename for the manifest file.
Get the Vite "hot" file path.
useHotFile(string $path)
Set the Vite "hot" file path.
useBuildDirectory(string $path)
Set the Vite build directory.
Use the given callback to resolve attributes for script tags.
Use the given callback to resolve attributes for style tags.
Use the given callback to resolve attributes for preload tags.
__invoke(string|string[] $entrypoints, string|null $buildDirectory = null)
Generate Vite tags for an entrypoint.
protected string
makeTagForChunk(string $src, string $url, array|null $chunk, array|null $manifest)
Make tag for the given chunk.
protected string
makePreloadTagForChunk(string $src, string $url, array $chunk, array $manifest)
Make a preload tag for the given chunk.
protected array
resolveScriptTagAttributes(string $src, string $url, array|null $chunk, array|null $manifest)
Resolve the attributes for the chunks generated script tag.
protected array
resolveStylesheetTagAttributes(string $src, string $url, array|null $chunk, array|null $manifest)
Resolve the attributes for the chunks generated stylesheet tag.
protected array|false
resolvePreloadTagAttributes(string $src, string $url, array $chunk, array $manifest)
Resolve the attributes for the chunks generated preload tag.
protected string
makeTag(string $url)
deprecated Will be removed in a future Laravel version.
Generate an appropriate tag for the given URL in HMR mode.
protected string
makeScriptTag(string $url)
deprecated Will be removed in a future Laravel version.
Generate a script tag for the given URL.
protected string
makeStylesheetTag(string $url)
deprecated Will be removed in a future Laravel version.
Generate a stylesheet tag for the given URL in HMR mode.
protected string
makeScriptTagWithAttributes(string $url, array $attributes)
Generate a script tag with attributes for the given URL.
protected string
makeStylesheetTagWithAttributes(string $url, array $attributes)
Generate a link tag with attributes for the given URL.
protected bool
isCssPath(string $path)
Determine whether the given path is a CSS file.
protected array
parseAttributes(array $attributes)
Parse the attributes into key="value" strings.
Generate React refresh runtime script.
protected string
Get the path to a given asset when running in HMR mode.
asset(string $asset, string|null $buildDirectory = null)
Get the URL for an asset.
protected string
assetPath(string $path, bool|null $secure = null)
Generate an asset path for the application.
protected array
manifest(string $buildDirectory)
Get the the manifest file for the given build directory.
protected string
manifestPath(string $buildDirectory)
Get the path to the manifest file for the given build directory.
manifestHash(string|null $buildDirectory = null)
Get a unique hash representing the current manifest, or null if there is no manifest.
protected array
chunk(array $manifest, string $file)
Get the chunk for the given entry point / asset.
Determine if the HMR server is running.
Get the Vite tag content as a string of HTML.