class SqlServerConnector extends Connector implements ConnectorInterface (View source)
protected array | $options | The PDO connection options. |
Determine if the given exception was caused by a lost connection.
Create a new PDO connection.
Create a new PDO connection instance.
Determine if the connection is persistent.
Handle an exception that occurred during connect execution.
Create a DSN string from a configuration.
Determine if the database configuration prefers ODBC.
Get the DSN string for a DbLib connection.
Get the DSN string for an ODBC connection.
Get the DSN string for a SqlSrv connection.
Build a connection string from the given arguments.
Build a host string from the given configuration.
Get the available PDO drivers.
protected bool
causedByLostConnection(Exception $e)
Determine if the given exception was caused by a lost connection.
createConnection(string $dsn, array $config, array $options)
Create a new PDO connection.
protected PDO
createPdoConnection(string $dsn, string $username, string $password, array $options)
Create a new PDO connection instance.
protected bool
isPersistentConnection(array $options)
Determine if the connection is persistent.
protected PDO
tryAgainIfCausedByLostConnection(Exception $e, string $dsn, string $username, string $password, array $options)
Handle an exception that occurred during connect execution.
getOptions(array $config)
Get the PDO options based on the configuration.
Get the default PDO connection options.
setDefaultOptions(array $options)
Set the default PDO connection options.
connect(array $config)
Establish a database connection.
protected string
getDsn(array $config)
Create a DSN string from a configuration.
protected bool
prefersOdbc(array $config)
Determine if the database configuration prefers ODBC.
protected string
getDblibDsn(array $config)
Get the DSN string for a DbLib connection.
protected string
getOdbcDsn(array $config)
Get the DSN string for an ODBC connection.
protected string
getSqlSrvDsn(array $config)
Get the DSN string for a SqlSrv connection.
protected string
buildConnectString(string $driver, array $arguments)
Build a connection string from the given arguments.
protected string
buildHostString(array $config, string $separator)
Build a host string from the given configuration.
protected array
Get the available PDO drivers.