class SqlServerGrammar extends Grammar (View source)
protected string | $tablePrefix | The grammar table prefix. |
from Grammar |
protected bool | $transactions | If this Grammar supports schema changes wrapped in a transaction. |
protected array | $modifiers | The possible column modifiers. |
protected array | $serials | The columns available as serials. |
Wrap a value that has an alias.
Convert an array of column names into a delimited string.
Get the appropriate query parameter place-holder for a value.
Compile a rename column command.
Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.
Add the column modifiers to the definition.
Get the primary key command if it exists on the blueprint.
Format a value so that it can be used in "default" clauses.
Create an empty Doctrine DBAL TableDiff from the Blueprint.
Check if this Grammar supports schema changes wrapped in a transaction.
Compile the query to determine if a table exists.
Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.
Compile a drop spatial index command.
Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.
Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.
Create the column definition for a spatial GeometryCollection type.
Create the column definition for a spatial MultiLineString type.
Get the SQL for an auto-increment column modifier.
wrapArray(array $values)
Wrap an array of values.
wrapTable(Expression|string $table)
Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.
wrap(Expression|string $value, bool $prefixAlias = false)
Wrap a value in keyword identifiers.
protected string
wrapAliasedValue(string $value, bool $prefixAlias = false)
Wrap a value that has an alias.
protected string
wrapSegments(array $segments)
Wrap the given value segments.
protected string
wrapValue(string $value)
Wrap a single string in keyword identifiers.
columnize(array $columns)
Convert an array of column names into a delimited string.
parameterize(array $values)
Create query parameter place-holders for an array.
parameter(mixed $value)
Get the appropriate query parameter place-holder for a value.
isExpression(mixed $value)
Determine if the given value is a raw expression.
getValue(Expression $expression)
Get the value of a raw expression.
Get the format for database stored dates.
Get the grammar's table prefix.
setTablePrefix(string $prefix)
Set the grammar's table prefix.
compileRenameColumn(Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $command, Connection $connection)
Compile a rename column command.
compileChange(Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $command, Connection $connection)
Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.
protected array
getColumns(Blueprint $blueprint)
Compile the blueprint's column definitions.
protected string
getType(Fluent $column)
Get the SQL for the column data type.
protected string
addModifiers(string $sql, Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $column)
Add the column modifiers to the definition.
protected Fluent|null
getCommandByName(Blueprint $blueprint, string $name)
Get the primary key command if it exists on the blueprint.
protected array
getCommandsByName(Blueprint $blueprint, string $name)
Get all of the commands with a given name.
prefixArray(string $prefix, array $values)
Add a prefix to an array of values.
protected string
getDefaultValue(mixed $value)
Format a value so that it can be used in "default" clauses.
getDoctrineTableDiff(Blueprint $blueprint, AbstractSchemaManager $schema)
Create an empty Doctrine DBAL TableDiff from the Blueprint.
Check if this Grammar supports schema changes wrapped in a transaction.
Compile the query to determine if a table exists.
compileColumnListing(string $table)
Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
compileSpatialIndex(Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $command)
Compile a spatial index key command.
compileDropIfExists(Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $command)
Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.
compileDropPrimary(Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $command)
Compile a drop primary key command.
compileDropSpatialIndex(Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $command)
Compile a drop spatial index command.
compileDropForeign(Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $command)
Compile a drop foreign key command.
Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.
Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.
protected string
typeChar(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a char type.
protected string
typeString(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a string type.
protected string
typeText(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a text type.
protected string
typeMediumText(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a medium text type.
protected string
typeLongText(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a long text type.
protected string
typeInteger(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for an integer type.
protected string
typeBigInteger(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a big integer type.
protected string
typeMediumInteger(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a medium integer type.
protected string
typeTinyInteger(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a tiny integer type.
protected string
typeSmallInteger(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a small integer type.
protected string
typeFloat(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a float type.
protected string
typeDouble(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a double type.
protected string
typeDecimal(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a decimal type.
protected string
typeBoolean(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a boolean type.
protected string
typeEnum(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for an enum type.
protected string
typeJson(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a json type.
protected string
typeJsonb(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a jsonb type.
protected string
typeDate(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a date type.
protected string
typeDateTime(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a date-time type.
protected string
typeDateTimeTz(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a date-time (with time zone) type.
protected string
typeTime(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a time type.
protected string
typeTimeTz(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a time (with time zone) type.
protected string
typeTimestamp(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a timestamp type.
protected string
typeTimestampTz(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a timestamp (with time zone) type.
protected string
typeYear(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a year type.
protected string
typeBinary(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a binary type.
protected string
typeUuid(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a uuid type.
protected string
typeIpAddress(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for an IP address type.
protected string
typeMacAddress(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a MAC address type.
typeGeometry(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a spatial Geometry type.
typePoint(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a spatial Point type.
typeLineString(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a spatial LineString type.
typePolygon(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a spatial Polygon type.
typeGeometryCollection(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a spatial GeometryCollection type.
typeMultiPoint(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPoint type.
typeMultiLineString(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a spatial MultiLineString type.
typeMultiPolygon(Fluent $column)
Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPolygon type.
protected string|null
modifyCollate(Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $column)
Get the SQL for a collation column modifier.
protected string|null
modifyNullable(Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $column)
Get the SQL for a nullable column modifier.
protected string|null
modifyDefault(Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $column)
Get the SQL for a default column modifier.