class Mailable implements Mailable, Renderable (View source)
array | $from | The person the message is from. |
array | $to | The "to" recipients of the message. |
array | $cc | The "cc" recipients of the message. |
array | $bcc | The "bcc" recipients of the message. |
array | $replyTo | The "reply to" recipients of the message. |
string | $subject | The subject of the message. |
protected string | $markdown | The Markdown template for the message (if applicable). |
string | $view | The view to use for the message. |
string | $textView | The plain text view to use for the message. |
array | $viewData | The view data for the message. |
array | $attachments | The attachments for the message. |
array | $rawAttachments | The raw attachments for the message. |
array | $callbacks | The callbacks for the message. |
Render the mailable into a view.
Build the view for the message.
Build the Markdown view for the message.
Build the view data for the message.
Set the priority of this message.
Set the sender of the message.
Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.
Set the recipients of the message.
Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.
Set the recipients of the message.
Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.
Set the recipients of the message.
Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.
Set the "reply to" address of the message.
Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.
Set the recipients of the message.
Convert the given recipient arguments to an array.
Convert the given recipient into an object.
Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.
Set the subject of the message.
Set the Markdown template for the message.
Set the view and view data for the message.
Set the plain text view for the message.
Set the view data for the message.
Attach a file to the message.
Attach in-memory data as an attachment.
Register a callback to be called with the Swift message instance.
Dynamically bind parameters to the message.
send(Mailer $mailer)
Send the message using the given mailer.
queue(Factory $queue)
Queue the message for sending.
Render the mailable into a view.
protected array|string
Build the view for the message.
protected array
Build the Markdown view for the message.
Build the view data for the message.
protected string
buildMarkdownText(Markdown $markdown, array $data)
Build the text view for a Markdown message.
protected $this
buildFrom(Message $message)
Add the sender to the message.
protected $this
buildRecipients(Message $message)
Add all of the recipients to the message.
protected $this
buildSubject(Message $message)
Set the subject for the message.
protected $this
buildAttachments(Message $message)
Add all of the attachments to the message.
protected $this
runCallbacks(Message $message)
Run the callbacks for the message.
priority(int $level = 3)
Set the priority of this message.
The value is an integer where 1 is the highest priority and 5 is the lowest.
from(object|array|string $address, string|null $name = null)
Set the sender of the message.
hasFrom(object|array|string $address, string|null $name = null)
Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.
to(object|array|string $address, string|null $name = null)
Set the recipients of the message.
hasTo(object|array|string $address, string|null $name = null)
Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.
cc(object|array|string $address, string|null $name = null)
Set the recipients of the message.
hasCc(object|array|string $address, string|null $name = null)
Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.
bcc(object|array|string $address, string|null $name = null)
Set the recipients of the message.
hasBcc(object|array|string $address, string|null $name = null)
Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.
replyTo(object|array|string $address, string|null $name = null)
Set the "reply to" address of the message.
hasReplyTo(object|array|string $address, string|null $name = null)
Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.
protected $this
setAddress(object|array|string $address, string|null $name = null, string $property = 'to')
Set the recipients of the message.
All recipients are stored internally as [['name' => ?, 'address' => ?]]
protected array
addressesToArray(object|array|string $address, string|null $name)
Convert the given recipient arguments to an array.
protected object
normalizeRecipient(mixed $recipient)
Convert the given recipient into an object.
protected bool
hasRecipient(object|array|string $address, string|null $name = null, string $property = 'to')
Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.
subject(string $subject)
Set the subject of the message.
markdown(string $view, array $data = [])
Set the Markdown template for the message.
view(string $view, array $data = [])
Set the view and view data for the message.
text(string $textView, array $data = [])
Set the plain text view for the message.
with(string|array $key, mixed $value = null)
Set the view data for the message.
attach(string $file, array $options = [])
Attach a file to the message.
attachData(string $data, string $name, array $options = [])
Attach in-memory data as an attachment.
withSwiftMessage(callable $callback)
Register a callback to be called with the Swift message instance.
__call(string $method, array $parameters)
Dynamically bind parameters to the message.