class LuaScripts (View source)


static string

Get the Lua script for computing the size of queue.

static string

Get the Lua script for popping the next job off of the queue.

static string

Get the Lua script for releasing reserved jobs.

static string

Get the Lua script to migrate expired jobs back onto the queue.


static string size()

Get the Lua script for computing the size of queue.

KEYS[1] - The name of the primary queue KEYS[2] - The name of the "delayed" queue KEYS[3] - The name of the "reserved" queue

Return Value


static string pop()

Get the Lua script for popping the next job off of the queue.

KEYS[1] - The queue to pop jobs from, for example: queues:foo KEYS[2] - The queue to place reserved jobs on, for example: queues:foo:reserved ARGV[1] - The time at which the reserved job will expire

Return Value


static string release()

Get the Lua script for releasing reserved jobs.

KEYS[1] - The "delayed" queue we release jobs onto, for example: queues:foo:delayed KEYS[2] - The queue the jobs are currently on, for example: queues:foo:reserved ARGV[1] - The raw payload of the job to add to the "delayed" queue ARGV[2] - The UNIX timestamp at which the job should become available

Return Value


static string migrateExpiredJobs()

Get the Lua script to migrate expired jobs back onto the queue.

KEYS[1] - The queue we are removing jobs from, for example: queues:foo:reserved KEYS[2] - The queue we are moving jobs to, for example: queues:foo ARGV[1] - The current UNIX timestamp

Return Value
