class UrlGenerator implements UrlGenerator (View source)
static protected array | $macros | The registered string macros. |
from Macroable |
protected RouteCollection | $routes | The route collection. |
protected Request | $request | The request instance. |
protected string | $forcedRoot | The forced URL root. |
protected string | $forceScheme | The forced schema for URLs. |
protected string|null | $cachedRoot | A cached copy of the URL root for the current request. |
protected string|null | $cachedSchema | A cached copy of the URL schema for the current request. |
protected string | $rootNamespace | The root namespace being applied to controller actions. |
protected callable | $sessionResolver | The session resolver callable. |
protected Closure | $formatHostUsing | The callback to use to format hosts. |
protected Closure | $formatPathUsing | The callback to use to format paths. |
protected RouteUrlGenerator|null | $routeGenerator | The route URL generator instance. |
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Get the full URL for the current request.
Get the current URL for the request.
Get the URL for the previous request.
Get the previous URL from the session if possible.
Generate an absolute URL to the given path.
Generate a secure, absolute URL to the given path.
Generate the URL to an application asset.
Generate the URL to a secure asset.
Generate the URL to an asset from a custom root domain such as CDN, etc.
Remove the index.php file from a path.
Get the default scheme for a raw URL.
Get the URL to a named route.
Get the URL to a controller action.
Format the given controller action.
Format the array of URL parameters.
Extract the query string from the given path.
Get the base URL for the request.
Format the given URL segments into a single URL.
Determine if the given path is a valid URL.
Get the Route URL generator instance.
Set the default named parameters used by the URL generator.
Get the default named parameters used by the URL generator.
Force the scheme for URLs.
Set the forced root URL.
Get the path formatter being used by the URL generator.
Get the request instance.
Get the session implementation from the resolver.
Set the session resolver for the generator.
Set the root controller namespace.
static void
macro(string $name, object|callable $macro)
Register a custom macro.
static void
mixin(object $mixin)
Mix another object into the class.
static bool
hasMacro(string $name)
Checks if macro is registered.
static mixed
__callStatic(string $method, array $parameters)
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
__call(string $method, array $parameters)
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
__construct(RouteCollection $routes, Request $request)
Create a new URL Generator instance.
Get the full URL for the current request.
Get the current URL for the request.
previous(mixed $fallback = false)
Get the URL for the previous request.
protected string|null
Get the previous URL from the session if possible.
to(string $path, mixed $extra = [], bool $secure = null)
Generate an absolute URL to the given path.
secure(string $path, array $parameters = [])
Generate a secure, absolute URL to the given path.
asset(string $path, bool $secure = null)
Generate the URL to an application asset.
secureAsset(string $path)
Generate the URL to a secure asset.
assetFrom(string $root, string $path, bool|null $secure = null)
Generate the URL to an asset from a custom root domain such as CDN, etc.
protected string
removeIndex(string $root)
Remove the index.php file from a path.
formatScheme(bool|null $secure)
Get the default scheme for a raw URL.
route(string $name, mixed $parameters = [], bool $absolute = true)
Get the URL to a named route.
protected string
toRoute(Route $route, mixed $parameters, bool $absolute)
Get the URL for a given route instance.
action(string $action, mixed $parameters = [], bool $absolute = true)
Get the URL to a controller action.
protected string
formatAction(string $action)
Format the given controller action.
formatParameters(mixed|array $parameters)
Format the array of URL parameters.
protected array
extractQueryString(string $path)
Extract the query string from the given path.
formatRoot(string $scheme, string $root = null)
Get the base URL for the request.
format(string $root, string $path)
Format the given URL segments into a single URL.
isValidUrl(string $path)
Determine if the given path is a valid URL.
protected RouteUrlGenerator
Get the Route URL generator instance.
defaults(array $defaults)
Set the default named parameters used by the URL generator.
Get the default named parameters used by the URL generator.
forceScheme(string $schema)
Force the scheme for URLs.
forceRootUrl(string $root)
Set the forced root URL.
formatHostUsing(Closure $callback)
Set a callback to be used to format the host of generated URLs.
formatPathUsing(Closure $callback)
Set a callback to be used to format the path of generated URLs.
Get the path formatter being used by the URL generator.
Get the request instance.
setRequest(Request $request)
Set the current request instance.
setRoutes(RouteCollection $routes)
Set the route collection.
protected Store|null
Get the session implementation from the resolver.
setSessionResolver(callable $sessionResolver)
Set the session resolver for the generator.
setRootControllerNamespace(string $rootNamespace)
Set the root controller namespace.