class File extends Facade (View source)
static protected Application | $app | The application instance being facaded. |
from Facade |
static protected array | $resolvedInstance | The resolved object instances. |
from Facade |
Create a fresh mock instance for the given class.
Get the registered name of the component.
Resolve the facade root instance from the container.
Get the application instance behind the facade.
Handle dynamic, static calls to the object.
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Facade at line 32
static void
resolved(Closure $callback)
Run a Closure when the facade has been resolved.
Facade at line 44
static MockInterface
Convert the facade into a Mockery spy.
Facade at line 60
static Expectation
Initiate a mock expectation on the facade.
Facade at line 76
static protected Expectation
Create a fresh mock instance for the given class.
Facade at line 90
static protected MockInterface
Create a fresh mock instance for the given class.
static protected bool
Determines whether a mock is set as the instance of the facade.
static protected string|null
Get the mockable class for the bound instance.
static void
swap(mixed $instance)
Hotswap the underlying instance behind the facade.
static mixed
Get the root object behind the facade.
static protected string
Get the registered name of the component.
static protected mixed
resolveFacadeInstance(object|string $name)
Resolve the facade root instance from the container.
static void
clearResolvedInstance(string $name)
Clear a resolved facade instance.
static void
Clear all of the resolved instances.
static Application
Get the application instance behind the facade.
static void
setFacadeApplication(Application $app)
Set the application instance.
static mixed
__callStatic(string $method, array $args)
Handle dynamic, static calls to the object.
static bool
exists(string $path)
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static string
get(string $path, bool $lock = false)
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static string
sharedGet(string $path)
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static mixed
getRequire(string $path)
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static mixed
requireOnce(string $file)
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static string
hash(string $path)
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static int|bool
put(string $path, string $contents, bool $lock = false)
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static void
replace(string $path, string $content)
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static int
prepend(string $path, string $data)
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static int
append(string $path, string $data)
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static mixed
chmod(string $path, int|null $mode = null)
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static bool
delete(string|array $paths)
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static bool
move(string $path, string $target)
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static bool
copy(string $path, string $target)
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static void
link(string $target, string $link)
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static string
name(string $path)
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static string
basename(string $path)
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static string
dirname(string $path)
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static string
extension(string $path)
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static string
type(string $path)
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static string|false
mimeType(string $path)
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static int
size(string $path)
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static int
lastModified(string $path)
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static bool
isDirectory(string $directory)
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static bool
isReadable(string $path)
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static bool
isWritable(string $path)
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static bool
isFile(string $file)
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static array
glob(string $pattern, int $flags)
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static SplFileInfo[]
files(string $directory, bool $hidden = false)
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static SplFileInfo[]
allFiles(string $directory, bool $hidden = false)
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static array
directories(string $directory)
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static bool
makeDirectory(string $path, int $mode = 0755, bool $recursive = false, bool $force = false)
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static bool
moveDirectory(string $from, string $to, bool $overwrite = false)
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static bool
copyDirectory(string $directory, string $destination, int|null $options = null)
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static bool
deleteDirectory(string $directory, bool $preserve = false)
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static bool
deleteDirectories(string $directory)
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static bool
cleanDirectory(string $directory)
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