
A lightweight, flexible component that can optionally extend the entire viewport to showcase key marketing messages on your site.

You can set the heading and lead text via the header and lead props, or use the named slots header and lead if you need HTML support.

Anything else between the opening and closing tags will be rendered at the bottom of the jumbotron.

Usage with props:

  <b-jumbotron header="BootstrapVue" lead="Bootstrap v4 Components for Vue.js 2">
    <p>For more information visit website</p>
    <b-button variant="primary" href="#">More Info</b-button>

<!-- b-jumbotron.vue -->

Usage with slots:

    <template slot="header">BootstrapVue</template>

    <template slot="lead">
      This is a simple hero unit, a simple jumbotron-style component for calling extra attention to
      featured content or information.

    <hr class="my-4">

      It uses utility classes for typography and spacing to space content out within the larger

    <b-button variant="primary" href="#">Do Something</b-button>
    <b-button variant="success" href="#">Do Something Else</b-button>

<!-- b-jumbotron-using-slots.vue -->


Control which tag is rendered for the header by setting the header-tag to the appropriate HTML element. The default is h1. Both the prop header and slot header will be rendered inside this tag. If both the prop and the slot are specified, the slot will be shown.

Control the overall size of the header text by setting the header-level prop to a value between 1 and 4 - with 1 being the largest and 4 being smallest. The default value is 3.

Lead text

Control which tag is rendered for the lead text by setting the lead-tag to the desired HTML element. The default is p. Both the prop lead and slot lead will be rendered inside this tag. If both the prop and the slot are specified, the slot will be shown.

Fluid width

To make <b-jumbotron> full width, and without rounded corners, set the fluid prop. The inner content will automatically be placed into a <b-container> (fixed width at the various breakpoints). To change this to a fluid container, set the container-fluid prop. The container-fluid prop has no effect if the fluid prop is not set

Component tag

By default, <b-jumbotron> will render it's root element as a div. Change the element tag to any other appropriate element by setting the tag prop to the desired element tag name.


Control the overall background variant with the bg-variant prop ( set to info, danger, warning, light, dark, etc), the border variant with the border-variant prop, and the text variant with text-variant prop. All three props default to null, which will instruct the jumbotron to use the default styling.

  <b-jumbotron bg-variant="info" text-variant="white" border-variant="dark">
    <template slot="header">BootstrapVue</template>

    <template slot="lead">
      This is a simple hero unit, a simple jumbotron-style component for calling extra attention to
      featured content or information.

    <hr class="my-4">

      It uses utility classes for typography and spacing to space content out within the larger

<!-- b-jumbotron-variants.vue -->

Component reference


PropertyTypeDefault Value
fluid Booleanfalse
container-fluid Booleanfalse
header String
header-html String
header-tag Stringh1
header-level Number or String3
lead String
lead-html String
lead-tag Stringp
tag Stringdiv
bg-variant String
border-variant String
text-variant String


headerSlot for custom header content. Placed inside 'header-tag'
leadFor custom rendering of lead text content. Placed inside 'lead-tag'

Importing individual components

CHANGED in 2.0.0-rc.22 You can import individual components into your project via the following named exports:

ComponentNamed ExportImport Path


import { BJumbotron } from 'bootstrap-vue'
Vue.component('b-jumbotron', BJumbotron)

Importing as a Vue.js plugin

CHANGED in 2.0.0-rc.22 Importing plugins has been simplified.

This plugin includes all of the above listed individual components. Plugins also include any component aliases.

Named ExportImport Path


import { JumbotronPlugin } from 'bootstrap-vue'