interface Gate (View source)
Determine if a given ability has been defined.
Define a new ability.
Define a policy class for a given class type.
Register a callback to run before all Gate checks.
Register a callback to run after all Gate checks.
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
Determine if the given ability should be denied for the current user.
Determine if all of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.
Determine if any one of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
Get a policy instance for a given class.
Get all of the defined abilities.
has(string $ability)
Determine if a given ability has been defined.
define(string $ability, callable|string $callback)
Define a new ability.
policy(string $class, string $policy)
Define a policy class for a given class type.
before(callable $callback)
Register a callback to run before all Gate checks.
after(callable $callback)
Register a callback to run after all Gate checks.
allows(string $ability, array|mixed $arguments = [])
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
denies(string $ability, array|mixed $arguments = [])
Determine if the given ability should be denied for the current user.
check(iterable|string $abilities, array|mixed $arguments = [])
Determine if all of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.
any(iterable|string $abilities, array|mixed $arguments = [])
Determine if any one of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.
authorize(string $ability, array|mixed $arguments = [])
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
getPolicyFor(object|string $class)
Get a policy instance for a given class.
forUser(Authenticatable|mixed $user)
Get a guard instance for the given user.
Get all of the defined abilities.