AuthorizationExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
$ Gate#abilitiesProperty in class Gate

All of the defined abilities.

$ Gate#afterCallbacksProperty in class Gate

All of the registered after callbacks.

Gate::after() — Method in class Gate

Register a callback to run after all Gate checks.

Gate::allows() — Method in class Gate

Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.

Gate::any() — Method in class Gate

Determine if any one of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.

Gate::authorize() — Method in class Gate

Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.

Gate::abilities() — Method in class Gate

Get all of the defined abilities.

HandlesAuthorization::allow() — Method in class HandlesAuthorization

Create a new access response.

$ Response#allowedProperty in class Response

Indicates whether the response was allowed.

Response::allow() — Method in class Response

Create a new "allow" Response.

Response::allowed() — Method in class Response

Determine if the response was allowed.

Response::authorize() — Method in class Response

Throw authorization exception if response was denied.

AuthManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
$ AuthManager#appProperty in class AuthManager

The application instance.

AuthServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
AuthenticatableClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
AuthenticationExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
AttemptingClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
AuthenticatedClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
$ GenericUser#attributesProperty in class GenericUser

All of the user's attributes.

GuardHelpers::authenticate() — Method in class GuardHelpers

Determine if current user is authenticated. If not, throw an exception.

AuthenticateClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
$ Authenticate#authProperty in class Authenticate

The authentication factory instance.

Authenticate::authenticate() — Method in class Authenticate

Determine if the user is logged in to any of the given guards.

AuthenticateWithBasicAuthClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
$ AuthenticateWithBasicAuth#authProperty in class AuthenticateWithBasicAuth

The guard factory instance.

AuthorizeClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
$ PasswordBrokerManager#appProperty in class PasswordBrokerManager

The application instance.

SessionGuard::attemptBasic() — Method in class SessionGuard

Attempt to authenticate using basic authentication.

SessionGuard::attempt() — Method in class SessionGuard

Attempt to authenticate a user using the given credentials.

SessionGuard::attempting() — Method in class SessionGuard

Register an authentication attempt event listener.

BroadcastController::authenticate() — Method in class BroadcastController

Authenticate the request for channel access.

$ BroadcastManager#appProperty in class BroadcastManager

The application instance.

LogBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class LogBroadcaster

Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.

NullBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class NullBroadcaster

Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.

PusherBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster

Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.

RedisBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster

Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.

Queueable::allOnConnection() — Method in class Queueable

Set the desired connection for the chain.

Queueable::allOnQueue() — Method in class Queueable

Set the desired queue for the chain.

ApcStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
$ ApcStore#apcProperty in class ApcStore

The APC wrapper instance.

ApcWrapperClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
$ ApcWrapper#apcuProperty in class ApcWrapper

Indicates if APCu is supported.

ArrayLockClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
ArrayLock::acquire() — Method in class ArrayLock

Attempt to acquire the lock.

ArrayStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
$ CacheManager#appProperty in class CacheManager

The application instance.

DatabaseLock::acquire() — Method in class DatabaseLock

Attempt to acquire the lock.

DatabaseStore::add() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.

DynamoDbLock::acquire() — Method in class DynamoDbLock

Attempt to acquire the lock.

DynamoDbStore::add() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.

Lock::acquire() — Method in class Lock

Attempt to acquire the lock.

MemcachedLock::acquire() — Method in class MemcachedLock

Attempt to acquire the lock.

MemcachedStore::add() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.

RateLimiter::attempts() — Method in class RateLimiter

Get the number of attempts for the given key.

RateLimiter::availableIn() — Method in class RateLimiter

Get the number of seconds until the "key" is accessible again.

RedisLock::acquire() — Method in class RedisLock

Attempt to acquire the lock.

RedisStore::add() — Method in class RedisStore

Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.

Repository::add() — Method in class Repository

Store an item in the cache if the key does not exist.

Repository::all() — Method in class Repository

Get all of the configuration items for the application.

ApplicationClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
Application::artisanBinary() — Method in class Application

Determine the proper Artisan executable.

Application::add() — Method in class Application

Add a command to the console.

Application::addToParent() — Method in class Application

Add the command to the parent instance.

InteractsWithIO::argument() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Get the value of a command argument.

InteractsWithIO::arguments() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Get all of the arguments passed to the command.

InteractsWithIO::ask() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Prompt the user for input.

InteractsWithIO::anticipate() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Prompt the user for input with auto completion.

InteractsWithIO::askWithCompletion() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Prompt the user for input with auto completion.

InteractsWithIO::alert() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Write a string in an alert box.

ArtisanStartingClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
$ ArtisanStarting#artisanProperty in class ArtisanStarting

The Artisan application instance.

GeneratorCommand::alreadyExists() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Determine if the class already exists.

$ Event#afterCallbacksProperty in class Event

The array of callbacks to be run after the event is finished.

Event::appendOutputTo() — Method in class Event

Append the output of the command to a given location.

Event::after() — Method in class Event

Register a callback to be called after the operation.

ManagesFrequencies::at() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the command at a given time.

BoundMethod::addDependencyForCallParameter() — Method in class BoundMethod

Get the dependency for the given call parameter.

$ Container#aliasesProperty in class Container

The registered type aliases.

$ Container#abstractAliasesProperty in class Container

The registered aliases keyed by the abstract name.

$ Container#afterResolvingCallbacksProperty in class Container

All of the after resolving callbacks by class type.

Container::addContextualBinding() — Method in class Container

Add a contextual binding to the container.

Container::alias() — Method in class Container

Alias a type to a different name.

Container::afterResolving() — Method in class Container

Register a new after resolving callback.

Util::arrayWrap() — Method in class Util

If the given value is not an array and not null, wrap it in one.

AuthorizableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access
Gate::after() — Method in class Gate

Register a callback to run after all Gate checks.

Gate::allows() — Method in class Gate

Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.

Gate::any() — Method in class Gate

Determine if any one of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.

Gate::authorize() — Method in class Gate

Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.

Gate::abilities() — Method in class Gate

Get all of the defined abilities.

AuthenticatableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
AuthenticatesRequestsClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Middleware
StatefulGuard::attempt() — Method in class StatefulGuard

Attempt to authenticate a user using the given credentials.

Broadcaster::auth() — Method in class Broadcaster

Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.

Repository::add() — Method in class Repository

Store an item in the cache if the key does not exist.

Repository::all() — Method in class Repository

Get all of the configuration items for the application.

ApplicationClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Console
Kernel::all() — Method in class Kernel

Get all of the commands registered with the console.

Container::alias() — Method in class Container

Alias a type to a different name.

Container::addContextualBinding() — Method in class Container

Add a contextual binding to the container.

Container::afterResolving() — Method in class Container

Register a new after resolving callback.

Filesystem::append() — Method in class Filesystem

Append to a file.

Filesystem::allFiles() — Method in class Filesystem

Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).

Filesystem::allDirectories() — Method in class Filesystem

Get all (recursive) of the directories within a given directory.

ApplicationClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation
Paginator::appends() — Method in class Paginator

Add a set of query string values to the paginator.

Job::attempts() — Method in class Job

Get the number of times the job has been attempted.

UrlGenerator::asset() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Generate the URL to an application asset.

UrlGenerator::action() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the URL to a controller action.

Session::all() — Method in class Session

Get all of the session data.

ArrayableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
MessageBag::add() — Method in class MessageBag

Add a message to the bag.

MessageBag::all() — Method in class MessageBag

Get all of the messages for every key in the bag.

Loader::addNamespace() — Method in class Loader

Add a new namespace to the loader.

Loader::addJsonPath() — Method in class Loader

Add a new JSON path to the loader.

Validator::after() — Method in class Validator

Add an after validation callback.

Factory::addNamespace() — Method in class Factory

Add a new namespace to the loader.

AddQueuedCookiesToResponseClass in namespace Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware
Manager::addConnection() — Method in class Manager

Register a connection with the manager.

Connection::affectingStatement() — Method in class Connection

Run an SQL statement and get the number of rows affected.

ConnectionInterface::affectingStatement() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Run an SQL statement and get the number of rows affected.

ConnectionResolver::addConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver

Add a connection to the resolver.

PostgresConnector::addSslOptions() — Method in class PostgresConnector

Add the SSL options to the DSN.

$ DatabaseManager#appProperty in class DatabaseManager

The application instance.

DatabaseManager::availableDrivers() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Get all of the drivers that are actually available.

Builder::addUpdatedAtColumn() — Method in class Builder

Add the "updated at" column to an array of values.

Builder::applyScopes() — Method in class Builder

Apply the scopes to the Eloquent builder instance and return it.

Builder::addNewWheresWithinGroup() — Method in class Builder

Nest where conditions by slicing them at the given where count.

Builder::addNestedWiths() — Method in class Builder

Parse the nested relationships in a relation.

Collection::append() — Method in class Collection

Append an attribute across the entire collection.

$ HasAttributes#attributesProperty in class HasAttributes

The model's attributes.

$ HasAttributes#appendsProperty in class HasAttributes

The accessors to append to the model's array form.

HasAttributes::attributesToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes

Convert the model's attributes to an array.

HasAttributes::addDateAttributesToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes

Add the date attributes to the attributes array.

HasAttributes::addMutatedAttributesToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes

Add the mutated attributes to the attributes array.

HasAttributes::addCastAttributesToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes

Add the casted attributes to the attributes array.

HasAttributes::asJson() — Method in class HasAttributes

Encode the given value as JSON.

HasAttributes::asDecimal() — Method in class HasAttributes

Return a decimal as string.

HasAttributes::asDate() — Method in class HasAttributes

Return a timestamp as DateTime object with time set to 00:00:00.

HasAttributes::asDateTime() — Method in class HasAttributes

Return a timestamp as DateTime object.

HasAttributes::asTimestamp() — Method in class HasAttributes

Return a timestamp as unix timestamp.

HasAttributes::append() — Method in class HasAttributes

Append attributes to query when building a query.

HasEvents::addObservableEvents() — Method in class HasEvents

Add an observable event name.

HasGlobalScopes::addGlobalScope() — Method in class HasGlobalScopes

Register a new global scope on the model.

QueriesRelationships::addHasWhere() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add the "has" condition where clause to the query.

QueriesRelationships::addWhereCountQuery() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a sub-query count clause to this query.

$ Factory#afterMakingProperty in class Factory

The registered after making callbacks.

$ Factory#afterCreatingProperty in class Factory

The registered after creating callbacks.

Factory::afterMaking() — Method in class Factory

Define a callback to run after making a model.

Factory::afterMakingState() — Method in class Factory

Define a callback to run after making a model with given state.

Factory::afterCreating() — Method in class Factory

Define a callback to run after creating a model.

Factory::afterCreatingState() — Method in class Factory

Define a callback to run after creating a model with given state.

$ FactoryBuilder#afterMakingProperty in class FactoryBuilder

The model after making callbacks.

$ FactoryBuilder#afterCreatingProperty in class FactoryBuilder

The model after creating callbacks.

$ FactoryBuilder#activeStatesProperty in class FactoryBuilder

The states to apply.

$ FactoryBuilder#amountProperty in class FactoryBuilder

The number of models to build.

FactoryBuilder::applyStates() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Apply the active states to the model definition array.

Model::all() — Method in class Model

Get all of the models from the database.

BelongsTo::addConstraints() — Method in class BelongsTo

Set the base constraints on the relation query.

BelongsTo::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class BelongsTo

Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.

BelongsTo::associate() — Method in class BelongsTo

Associate the model instance to the given parent.

$ BelongsToMany#accessorProperty in class BelongsToMany

The name of the accessor to use for the "pivot" relationship.

BelongsToMany::addConstraints() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set the base constraints on the relation query.

BelongsToMany::addWhereConstraints() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set the where clause for the relation query.

BelongsToMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.

BelongsToMany::as() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Specify the custom pivot accessor to use for the relationship.

BelongsToMany::aliasedPivotColumns() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the pivot columns for the relation.

BelongsToMany::allRelatedIds() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get all of the IDs for the related models.

AsPivotClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Concerns
InteractsWithPivotTable::attachNew() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Attach all of the records that aren't in the given current records.

InteractsWithPivotTable::attach() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Attach a model to the parent.

InteractsWithPivotTable::attachUsingCustomClass() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Attach a model to the parent using a custom class.

InteractsWithPivotTable::addTimestampsToAttachment() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Set the creation and update timestamps on an attach record.

HasManyThrough::addConstraints() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Set the base constraints on the relation query.

HasManyThrough::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.

HasOneOrMany::addConstraints() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Set the base constraints on the relation query.

HasOneOrMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.

MorphOneOrMany::addConstraints() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany

Set the base constraints on the relation query.

MorphOneOrMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany

Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.

MorphTo::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphTo

Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.

MorphTo::associate() — Method in class MorphTo

Associate the model instance to the given parent.

MorphToMany::addWhereConstraints() — Method in class MorphToMany

Set the where clause for the relation query.

MorphToMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphToMany

Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.

MorphToMany::aliasedPivotColumns() — Method in class MorphToMany

Get the pivot columns for the relation.

Relation::addConstraints() — Method in class Relation

Set the base constraints on the relation query.

Relation::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class Relation

Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.

Scope::apply() — Method in class Scope

Apply the scope to a given Eloquent query builder.

SoftDeletingScope::apply() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope

Apply the scope to a given Eloquent query builder.

SoftDeletingScope::addRestore() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope

Add the restore extension to the builder.

SoftDeletingScope::addWithTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope

Add the with-trashed extension to the builder.

SoftDeletingScope::addWithoutTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope

Add the without-trashed extension to the builder.

SoftDeletingScope::addOnlyTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope

Add the only-trashed extension to the builder.

MigrationCreator::afterCreate() — Method in class MigrationCreator

Register a post migration create hook.

$ Builder#aggregateProperty in class Builder

An aggregate function and column to be run.

Builder::addSelect() — Method in class Builder

Add a new select column to the query.

Builder::addArrayOfWheres() — Method in class Builder

Add an array of where clauses to the query.

Builder::addDateBasedWhere() — Method in class Builder

Add a date based (year, month, day, time) statement to the query.

Builder::addNestedWhereQuery() — Method in class Builder

Add another query builder as a nested where to the query builder.

Builder::addWhereExistsQuery() — Method in class Builder

Add an exists clause to the query.

Builder::addDynamic() — Method in class Builder

Add a single dynamic where clause statement to the query.

Builder::avg() — Method in class Builder

Retrieve the average of the values of a given column.

Builder::average() — Method in class Builder

Alias for the "avg" method.

Builder::aggregate() — Method in class Builder

Execute an aggregate function on the database.

Builder::addBinding() — Method in class Builder

Add a binding to the query.

Blueprint::addImpliedCommands() — Method in class Blueprint

Add the commands that are implied by the blueprint's state.

Blueprint::addFluentIndexes() — Method in class Blueprint

Add the index commands fluently specified on columns.

Blueprint::addFluentCommands() — Method in class Blueprint

Add the fluent commands specified on any columns.

Blueprint::addColumn() — Method in class Blueprint

Add a new column to the blueprint.

Blueprint::addCommand() — Method in class Blueprint

Add a new command to the blueprint.

ColumnDefinition::after() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
ColumnDefinition::always() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
ColumnDefinition::autoIncrement() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
Grammar::addModifiers() — Method in class Grammar

Add the column modifiers to the definition.

SQLiteGrammar::addForeignKeys() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Get the foreign key syntax for a table creation statement.

SQLiteGrammar::addPrimaryKeys() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Get the primary key syntax for a table creation statement.

Dispatcher::addInterfaceListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher

Add the listeners for the event's interfaces to the given array.

Filesystem::append() — Method in class Filesystem

Append to a file.

Filesystem::allFiles() — Method in class Filesystem

Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).

FilesystemAdapter::assertExists() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Assert that the given file exists.

FilesystemAdapter::assertMissing() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Assert that the given file does not exist.

FilesystemAdapter::append() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Append to a file.

FilesystemAdapter::allFiles() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).

FilesystemAdapter::allDirectories() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get all (recursive) of the directories within a given directory.

$ FilesystemManager#appProperty in class FilesystemManager

The application instance.

FilesystemManager::adapt() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Adapt the filesystem implementation.

AliasLoaderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
$ AliasLoader#aliasesProperty in class AliasLoader

The array of class aliases.

AliasLoader::alias() — Method in class AliasLoader

Add an alias to the loader.

ApplicationClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
$ Application#appPathProperty in class Application

The custom application path defined by the developer.

$ Application#absoluteCachePathPrefixesProperty in class Application

The prefixes of absolute cache paths for use during normalization.

Application::afterLoadingEnvironment() — Method in class Application

Register a callback to run after loading the environment.

Application::afterBootstrapping() — Method in class Application

Register a callback to run after a bootstrapper.

Application::addAbsoluteCachePathPrefix() — Method in class Application

Add new prefix to list of absolute path prefixes.

Application::abort() — Method in class Application

Throw an HttpException with the given data.

Application::addDeferredServices() — Method in class Application

Add an array of services to the application's deferred services.

AuthorizableClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access
AuthorizesRequestsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access
AuthorizesRequests::authorize() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests

Authorize a given action for the current user.

AuthorizesRequests::authorizeForUser() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests

Authorize a given action for a user.

AuthorizesRequests::authorizeResource() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests

Authorize a resource action based on the incoming request.

$ HandleExceptions#appProperty in class HandleExceptions

The application instance.

$ PendingDispatch#afterResponseProperty in class PendingDispatch

Indicates if the job should be dispatched immediately after sending the response.

PendingDispatch::allOnConnection() — Method in class PendingDispatch

Set the desired connection for the chain.

PendingDispatch::allOnQueue() — Method in class PendingDispatch

Set the desired queue for the chain.

PendingDispatch::afterResponse() — Method in class PendingDispatch

Indicate that the job should be dispatched after the response is sent to the browser.

EventMakeCommand::alreadyExists() — Method in class EventMakeCommand

Determine if the class already exists.

ExceptionMakeCommand::alreadyExists() — Method in class ExceptionMakeCommand

Determine if the class already exists.

$ Kernel#appProperty in class Kernel

The application implementation.

$ Kernel#artisanProperty in class Kernel

The Artisan application instance.

Kernel::all() — Method in class Kernel

Get all of the commands registered with the console.

ListenerMakeCommand::alreadyExists() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand

Determine if the class already exists.

FormRequest::attributes() — Method in class FormRequest

Get custom attributes for validator errors.

$ Kernel#appProperty in class Kernel

The application implementation.

Kernel::appendMiddlewareToGroup() — Method in class Kernel

Append the given middleware to the given middleware group.

Kernel::appendToMiddlewarePriority() — Method in class Kernel

Append the given middleware to the middleware priority list.

$ CheckForMaintenanceMode#appProperty in class CheckForMaintenanceMode

The application implementation.

$ VerifyCsrfToken#appProperty in class VerifyCsrfToken

The application instance.

$ VerifyCsrfToken#addHttpCookieProperty in class VerifyCsrfToken

Indicates whether the XSRF-TOKEN cookie should be set on the response.

VerifyCsrfToken::addCookieToResponse() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken

Add the CSRF token to the response cookies.

PackageManifest::aliases() — Method in class PackageManifest

Get all of the aliases for all packages.

$ ProviderRepository#appProperty in class ProviderRepository

The application implementation.

ArtisanServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
AuthServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers
InteractsWithAuthentication::actingAs() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication

Set the currently logged in user for the application.

InteractsWithAuthentication::assertAuthenticated() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication

Assert that the user is authenticated.

InteractsWithAuthentication::assertGuest() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication

Assert that the user is not authenticated.

InteractsWithAuthentication::assertAuthenticatedAs() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication

Assert that the user is authenticated as the given user.

InteractsWithAuthentication::assertCredentials() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication

Assert that the given credentials are valid.

InteractsWithAuthentication::assertInvalidCredentials() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication

Assert that the given credentials are invalid.

InteractsWithConsole::artisan() — Method in class InteractsWithConsole

Call artisan command and return code.

InteractsWithDatabase::assertDatabaseHas() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase

Assert that a given where condition exists in the database.

InteractsWithDatabase::assertDatabaseMissing() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase

Assert that a given where condition does not exist in the database.

InteractsWithDatabase::assertDatabaseCount() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase

Assert the count of table entries.

InteractsWithDatabase::assertDeleted() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase

Assert the given record has been deleted.

InteractsWithDatabase::assertSoftDeleted() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase

Assert the given record has been "soft deleted".

$ TestCase#appProperty in class TestCase

The Illuminate application instance.

$ TestCase#afterApplicationCreatedCallbacksProperty in class TestCase

The callbacks that should be run after the application is created.

TestCase::afterApplicationCreated() — Method in class TestCase

Register a callback to be run after the application is created.

AbstractHasherClass in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
Argon2IdHasherClass in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
Argon2IdHasher::algorithm() — Method in class Argon2IdHasher

Get the algorithm that should be used for hashing.

ArgonHasherClass in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
ArgonHasher::algorithm() — Method in class ArgonHasher

Get the algorithm that should be used for hashing.

Factory::assertSent() — Method in class Factory

Assert that a request / response pair was recorded matching a given truth test.

Factory::assertNotSent() — Method in class Factory

Assert that a request / response pair was not recorded matching a given truth test.

Factory::assertNothingSent() — Method in class Factory

Assert that no request / response pair was recorded.

Factory::assertSentCount() — Method in class Factory

Assert how many requests have been recorded.

Factory::assertSequencesAreEmpty() — Method in class Factory

Assert that every created response sequence is empty.

PendingRequest::asJson() — Method in class PendingRequest

Indicate the request contains JSON.

PendingRequest::asForm() — Method in class PendingRequest

Indicate the request contains form parameters.

PendingRequest::attach() — Method in class PendingRequest

Attach a file to the request.

PendingRequest::asMultipart() — Method in class PendingRequest

Indicate the request is a multi-part form request.

PendingRequest::acceptJson() — Method in class PendingRequest

Indicate that JSON should be returned by the server.

PendingRequest::accept() — Method in class PendingRequest

Indicate the type of content that should be returned by the server.

InteractsWithContentTypes::accepts() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes

Determines whether the current requests accepts a given content type.

InteractsWithContentTypes::acceptsAnyContentType() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes

Determine if the current request accepts any content type.

InteractsWithContentTypes::acceptsJson() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes

Determines whether a request accepts JSON.

InteractsWithContentTypes::acceptsHtml() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes

Determines whether a request accepts HTML.

InteractsWithInput::anyFilled() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Determine if the request contains a non-empty value for any of the given inputs.

InteractsWithInput::all() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Get all of the input and files for the request.

InteractsWithInput::allFiles() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Get an array of all of the files on the request.

$ TrustHosts#appProperty in class TrustHosts

The application instance.

TrustHosts::allSubdomainsOfApplicationUrl() — Method in class TrustHosts

Get a regular expression matching the application URL and all of its subdomains.

Request::ajax() — Method in class Request

Determine if the request is the result of an AJAX call.

ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::attributes() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes

Merge the given attributes.

AnonymousResourceCollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json
$ JsonResource#additionalProperty in class JsonResource

The additional meta data that should be added to the resource response.

JsonResource::additional() — Method in class JsonResource

Add additional meta data to the resource response.

$ LogManager#appProperty in class LogManager

The application instance.

LogManager::alert() — Method in class LogManager

Action must be taken immediately.

Logger::alert() — Method in class Logger

Log an alert message to the logs.

$ MailManager#appProperty in class MailManager

The application instance.

MailManager::addSesCredentials() — Method in class MailManager

Add the SES credentials to the configuration array.

$ Mailable#attachmentsProperty in class Mailable

The attachments for the message.

Mailable::addressesToArray() — Method in class Mailable

Convert the given recipient arguments to an array.

Mailable::attach() — Method in class Mailable

Attach a file to the message.

Mailable::attachFromStorage() — Method in class Mailable

Attach a file to the message from storage.

Mailable::attachFromStorageDisk() — Method in class Mailable

Attach a file to the message from storage.

Mailable::attachData() — Method in class Mailable

Attach in-memory data as an attachment.

Mailer::alwaysFrom() — Method in class Mailer

Set the global from address and name.

Mailer::alwaysReplyTo() — Method in class Mailer

Set the global reply-to address and name.

Mailer::alwaysReturnPath() — Method in class Mailer

Set the global return path address.

Mailer::alwaysTo() — Method in class Mailer

Set the global to address and name.

Mailer::addContent() — Method in class Mailer

Add the content to a given message.

Message::addAddresses() — Method in class Message

Add a recipient to the message.

Message::attach() — Method in class Message

Attach a file to the message.

Message::attachData() — Method in class Message

Attach in-memory data as an attachment.

ArrayTransportClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
MailgunTransport::allContacts() — Method in class MailgunTransport

Get all of the contacts for the message.

ActionClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
AnonymousNotifiableClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
MailChannel::additionalMessageData() — Method in class MailChannel

Get additional meta-data to pass along with the view data.

MailChannel::addressMessage() — Method in class MailChannel

Address the mail message.

MailChannel::addSender() — Method in class MailChannel

Add the "from" and "reply to" addresses to the message.

MailChannel::addAttachments() — Method in class MailChannel

Add the attachments to the message.

$ MailMessage#attachmentsProperty in class MailMessage

The attachments for the message.

MailMessage::attach() — Method in class MailMessage

Attach a file to the message.

MailMessage::attachData() — Method in class MailMessage

Attach in-memory data as an attachment.

MailMessage::arrayOfAddresses() — Method in class MailMessage

Determine if the given "address" is actually an array of addresses.

$ SimpleMessage#actionTextProperty in class SimpleMessage

The text / label for the action.

$ SimpleMessage#actionUrlProperty in class SimpleMessage

The action URL.

SimpleMessage::action() — Method in class SimpleMessage

Configure the "call to action" button.

AbstractPaginatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
AbstractPaginator::appends() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Add a set of query string values to the paginator.

AbstractPaginator::appendArray() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Add an array of query string values.

AbstractPaginator::addQuery() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Add a query string value to the paginator.

Manager::addConnection() — Method in class Manager

Register a connection with the manager.

DatabaseFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider

Get a list of all of the failed jobs.

$ DynamoDbFailedJobProvider#applicationNameProperty in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider

The application name.

DynamoDbFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider

Get a list of all of the failed jobs.

FailedJobProviderInterface::all() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface

Get a list of all of the failed jobs.

NullFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider

Get a list of all of the failed jobs.

InteractsWithQueue::attempts() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue

Get the number of times the job has been attempted.

BeanstalkdJob::attempts() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob

Get the number of times the job has been attempted.

DatabaseJob::attempts() — Method in class DatabaseJob

Get the number of times the job has been attempted.

RedisJob::attempts() — Method in class RedisJob

Get the number of times the job has been attempted.

SqsJob::attempts() — Method in class SqsJob

Get the number of times the job has been attempted.

SyncJob::attempts() — Method in class SyncJob

Get the number of times the job has been attempted.

Listener::artisanBinary() — Method in class Listener

Get the Artisan binary.

Listener::addEnvironment() — Method in class Listener

Add the environment option to the given command.

$ QueueManager#appProperty in class QueueManager

The application instance.

QueueManager::after() — Method in class QueueManager

Register an event listener for the after job event.

QueueManager::addConnector() — Method in class QueueManager

Add a queue connection resolver.

ConcurrencyLimiter::acquire() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiter

Attempt to acquire the lock.

DurationLimiter::acquire() — Method in class DurationLimiter

Attempt to acquire the lock.

DurationLimiterBuilder::allow() — Method in class DurationLimiterBuilder

Set the maximum number of locks that can obtained per time window.

$ RedisManager#appProperty in class RedisManager

The application instance.

AbstractRouteCollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
AbstractRouteCollection::addToSymfonyRoutesCollection() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection

Add a route to the SymfonyRouteCollection instance.

$ CompiledRouteCollection#attributesProperty in class CompiledRouteCollection

An array of the route attributes keyed by name.

CompiledRouteCollection::add() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection

Add a Route instance to the collection.

ThrottleRequests::addHeaders() — Method in class ThrottleRequests

Add the limit header information to the given response.

Redirector::away() — Method in class Redirector

Create a new redirect response to an external URL (no validation).

Redirector::action() — Method in class Redirector

Create a new redirect response to a controller action.

ResourceRegistrar::addResourceIndex() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the index method for a resourceful route.

ResourceRegistrar::addResourceCreate() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the create method for a resourceful route.

ResourceRegistrar::addResourceStore() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the store method for a resourceful route.

ResourceRegistrar::addResourceShow() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the show method for a resourceful route.

ResourceRegistrar::addResourceEdit() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the edit method for a resourceful route.

ResourceRegistrar::addResourceUpdate() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the update method for a resourceful route.

ResourceRegistrar::addResourceDestroy() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Add the destroy method for a resourceful route.

$ Route#actionProperty in class Route

The route action array.

Route::addGroupNamespaceToStringUses() — Method in class Route

Parse a string based action for the "uses" fluent method.

$ RouteCollection#allRoutesProperty in class RouteCollection

A flattened array of all of the routes.

$ RouteCollection#actionListProperty in class RouteCollection

A look-up table of routes by controller action.

RouteCollection::add() — Method in class RouteCollection

Add a Route instance to the collection.

RouteCollection::addToCollections() — Method in class RouteCollection

Add the given route to the arrays of routes.

RouteCollection::addLookups() — Method in class RouteCollection

Add the route to any look-up tables if necessary.

RouteCollection::addToActionList() — Method in class RouteCollection

Add a route to the controller action dictionary.

RouteCollectionInterface::add() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface

Add a Route instance to the collection.

RouteDependencyResolverTrait::alreadyInParameters() — Method in class RouteDependencyResolverTrait

Determine if an object of the given class is in a list of parameters.

$ RouteRegistrar#attributesProperty in class RouteRegistrar

The attributes to pass on to the router.

$ RouteRegistrar#allowedAttributesProperty in class RouteRegistrar

The attributes that can be set through this class.

$ RouteRegistrar#aliasesProperty in class RouteRegistrar

The attributes that are aliased.

RouteRegistrar::attribute() — Method in class RouteRegistrar

Set the value for a given attribute.

RouteRegistrar::apiResource() — Method in class RouteRegistrar

Route an API resource to a controller.

RouteRegistrar::any() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
RouteRegistrar::as() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
RouteUrlGenerator::addPortToDomain() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator

Add the port to the domain if necessary.

RouteUrlGenerator::addQueryString() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator

Add a query string to the URI.

Router::any() — Method in class Router

Register a new route responding to all verbs.

Router::apiResources() — Method in class Router

Register an array of API resource controllers.

Router::apiResource() — Method in class Router

Route an API resource to a controller.

Router::addRoute() — Method in class Router

Add a route to the underlying route collection.

Router::actionReferencesController() — Method in class Router

Determine if the action is routing to a controller.

Router::addWhereClausesToRoute() — Method in class Router

Add the necessary where clauses to the route based on its initial registration.

Router::aliasMiddleware() — Method in class Router

Register a short-hand name for a middleware.

$ UrlGenerator#assetRootProperty in class UrlGenerator

The asset root URL.

UrlGenerator::asset() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Generate the URL to an application asset.

UrlGenerator::assetFrom() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Generate the URL to an asset from a custom root domain such as CDN, etc.

UrlGenerator::action() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the URL to a controller action.

ArraySessionHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
DatabaseSessionHandler::addUserInformation() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler

Add the user information to the session payload.

DatabaseSessionHandler::addRequestInformation() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler

Add the request information to the session payload.

AuthenticateSessionClass in namespace Illuminate\Session\Middleware
$ AuthenticateSession#authProperty in class AuthenticateSession

The authentication factory implementation.

StartSession::addCookieToResponse() — Method in class StartSession

Add the session cookie to the application response.

$ Store#attributesProperty in class Store

The session attributes.

Store::ageFlashData() — Method in class Store

Age the flash data for the session.

Store::all() — Method in class Store

Get all of the session data.

AggregateServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
ArrClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
Arr::accessible() — Method in class Arr

Determine whether the given value is array accessible.

Arr::add() — Method in class Arr

Add an element to an array using "dot" notation if it doesn't exist.

Collection::all() — Method in class Collection

Get all items in the enumerable.

Collection::avg() — Method in class Collection

Get the average value of a given key.

Collection::add() — Method in class Collection

Add an item to the collection.

ConfigurationUrlParser::addDriverAlias() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser

Add the given driver alias to the driver aliases array.

Enumerable::all() — Method in class Enumerable

Get all items in the enumerable.

Enumerable::average() — Method in class Enumerable

Alias for the "avg" method.

Enumerable::avg() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the average value of a given key.

AppClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
ArtisanClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Artisan::all() — Method in class Artisan
AuthClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Auth::attempt() — Method in class Auth
Blade::aliasComponent() — Method in class Blade
Blade::aliasInclude() — Method in class Blade
Broadcast::auth() — Method in class Broadcast
Bus::assertDispatched() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertDispatchedTimes() — Method in class Bus
Bus::assertNotDispatched() — Method in class Bus
Cache::add() — Method in class Cache
Config::all() — Method in class Config
DB::affectingStatement() — Method in class DB
Event::assertDispatched() — Method in class Event
Event::assertDispatchedTimes() — Method in class Event
Event::assertNotDispatched() — Method in class Event
$ Facade#appProperty in class Facade

The application instance being facaded.

File::allFiles() — Method in class File
File::append() — Method in class File
Gate::authorize() — Method in class Gate
Gate::after() — Method in class Gate
Gate::abilities() — Method in class Gate
Gate::allows() — Method in class Gate
Gate::any() — Method in class Gate
Http::accept() — Method in class Http
Http::acceptJson() — Method in class Http
Http::asForm() — Method in class Http
Http::asJson() — Method in class Http
Http::asMultipart() — Method in class Http
Http::attach() — Method in class Http
Log::alert() — Method in class Log
Mail::assertNotQueued() — Method in class Mail
Mail::assertNotSent() — Method in class Mail
Mail::assertNothingQueued() — Method in class Mail
Mail::assertNothingSent() — Method in class Mail
Mail::assertQueued() — Method in class Mail
Mail::assertSent() — Method in class Mail
Notification::assertNotSentTo() — Method in class Notification
Notification::assertNothingSent() — Method in class Notification
Notification::assertSentTo() — Method in class Notification
Notification::assertSentToTimes() — Method in class Notification
Notification::assertTimesSent() — Method in class Notification
Queue::assertNotPushed() — Method in class Queue
Queue::assertNothingPushed() — Method in class Queue
Queue::assertPushed() — Method in class Queue
Queue::assertPushedOn() — Method in class Queue
Queue::assertPushedWithChain() — Method in class Queue
Redirect::action() — Method in class Redirect
Redirect::away() — Method in class Redirect
Request::all() — Method in class Request
Request::allFiles() — Method in class Request
Request::accepts() — Method in class Request
Request::acceptsAnyContentType() — Method in class Request
Request::acceptsHtml() — Method in class Request
Request::acceptsJson() — Method in class Request
Request::ajax() — Method in class Request
Request::anyFilled() — Method in class Request
Route::apiResource() — Method in class Route
Route::any() — Method in class Route
Route::as() — Method in class Route
Route::apiResources() — Method in class Route
Session::all() — Method in class Session
Storage::assertExists() — Method in class Storage
Storage::assertMissing() — Method in class Storage
Storage::allDirectories() — Method in class Storage
Storage::allFiles() — Method in class Storage
Storage::append() — Method in class Storage
URL::action() — Method in class URL
URL::asset() — Method in class URL
View::addNamespace() — Method in class View
$ Fluent#attributesProperty in class Fluent

All of the attributes set on the fluent instance.

InteractsWithTime::availableAt() — Method in class InteractsWithTime

Get the "available at" UNIX timestamp.

LazyCollection::all() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get all items in the enumerable.

LazyCollection::avg() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get the average value of a given key.

$ Manager#appProperty in class Manager

The container instance.

MessageBag::add() — Method in class MessageBag

Add a message to the bag.

MessageBag::addIf() — Method in class MessageBag

Add a message to the message bag if the given conditional is "true".

MessageBag::all() — Method in class MessageBag

Get all of the messages for every key in the bag.

MessageBag::any() — Method in class MessageBag

Determine if the message bag has any messages.

$ ServiceProvider#appProperty in class ServiceProvider

The application instance.

ServiceProvider::addPublishGroup() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Add a publish group / tag to the service provider.

Str::after() — Method in class Str

Return the remainder of a string after the first occurrence of a given value.

Str::afterLast() — Method in class Str

Return the remainder of a string after the last occurrence of a given value.

Str::ascii() — Method in class Str

Transliterate a UTF-8 value to ASCII.

Stringable::after() — Method in class Stringable

Return the remainder of a string after the first occurrence of a given value.

Stringable::afterLast() — Method in class Stringable

Return the remainder of a string after the last occurrence of a given value.

Stringable::append() — Method in class Stringable

Append the given values to the string.

Stringable::ascii() — Method in class Stringable

Transliterate a UTF-8 value to ASCII.

BusFake::assertDispatched() — Method in class BusFake

Assert if a job was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.

BusFake::assertDispatchedTimes() — Method in class BusFake

Assert if a job was pushed a number of times.

BusFake::assertNotDispatched() — Method in class BusFake

Determine if a job was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.

BusFake::assertDispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class BusFake

Assert if a job was dispatched after the response was sent based on a truth-test callback.

BusFake::assertDispatchedAfterResponseTimes() — Method in class BusFake

Assert if a job was pushed after the response was sent a number of times.

BusFake::assertNotDispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class BusFake

Determine if a job was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.

EventFake::assertDispatched() — Method in class EventFake

Assert if an event was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.

EventFake::assertDispatchedTimes() — Method in class EventFake

Assert if an event was dispatched a number of times.

EventFake::assertNotDispatched() — Method in class EventFake

Determine if an event was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.

MailFake::assertSent() — Method in class MailFake

Assert if a mailable was sent based on a truth-test callback.

MailFake::assertSentTimes() — Method in class MailFake

Assert if a mailable was sent a number of times.

MailFake::assertNotSent() — Method in class MailFake

Determine if a mailable was not sent based on a truth-test callback.

MailFake::assertNothingSent() — Method in class MailFake

Assert that no mailables were sent.

MailFake::assertQueued() — Method in class MailFake

Assert if a mailable was queued based on a truth-test callback.

MailFake::assertQueuedTimes() — Method in class MailFake

Assert if a mailable was queued a number of times.

MailFake::assertNotQueued() — Method in class MailFake

Determine if a mailable was not queued based on a truth-test callback.

MailFake::assertNothingQueued() — Method in class MailFake

Assert that no mailables were queued.

NotificationFake::assertSentTo() — Method in class NotificationFake

Assert if a notification was sent based on a truth-test callback.

NotificationFake::assertSentToTimes() — Method in class NotificationFake

Assert if a notification was sent a number of times.

NotificationFake::assertNotSentTo() — Method in class NotificationFake

Determine if a notification was sent based on a truth-test callback.

NotificationFake::assertNothingSent() — Method in class NotificationFake

Assert that no notifications were sent.

NotificationFake::assertTimesSent() — Method in class NotificationFake

Assert the total amount of times a notification was sent.

QueueFake::assertPushed() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.

QueueFake::assertPushedTimes() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert if a job was pushed a number of times.

QueueFake::assertPushedOn() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.

QueueFake::assertPushedWithChain() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.

QueueFake::assertPushedWithoutChain() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert if a job was pushed with an empty chain based on a truth-test callback.

QueueFake::assertPushedWithChainOfObjects() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.

QueueFake::assertPushedWithChainOfClasses() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.

QueueFake::assertNotPushed() — Method in class QueueFake

Determine if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.

QueueFake::assertNothingPushed() — Method in class QueueFake

Assert that no jobs were pushed.

$ EnumeratesValues#averageProperty in class EnumeratesValues
$ EnumeratesValues#avgProperty in class EnumeratesValues
EnumeratesValues::average() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Alias for the "avg" method.

ViewErrorBag::any() — Method in class ViewErrorBag

Determine if the default message bag has any messages.

AssertClass in namespace Illuminate\Testing
Assert::assertArraySubset() — Method in class Assert

Asserts that an array has a specified subset.

Assert::assertFileDoesNotExist() — Method in class Assert

Asserts that a file does not exist.

Assert::assertDirectoryDoesNotExist() — Method in class Assert

Asserts that a directory does not exist.

Assert::assertMatchesRegularExpression() — Method in class Assert

Asserts that a string matches a given regular expression.

ArraySubsetClass in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Constraints
$ CountInDatabase#actualCountProperty in class CountInDatabase

The actual table entries count that will be checked against the expected count.

$ PendingCommand#appProperty in class PendingCommand

The application instance.

PendingCommand::assertExitCode() — Method in class PendingCommand

Assert that the command has the given exit code.

TestResponse::assertSuccessful() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has a successful status code.

TestResponse::assertOk() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has a 200 status code.

TestResponse::assertCreated() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has a 201 status code.

TestResponse::assertNoContent() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has the given status code and no content.

TestResponse::assertNotFound() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has a not found status code.

TestResponse::assertForbidden() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has a forbidden status code.

TestResponse::assertUnauthorized() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has an unauthorized status code.

TestResponse::assertStatus() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has the given status code.

TestResponse::assertRedirect() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert whether the response is redirecting to a given URI.

TestResponse::assertHeader() — Method in class TestResponse

Asserts that the response contains the given header and equals the optional value.

TestResponse::assertHeaderMissing() — Method in class TestResponse

Asserts that the response does not contains the given header.

TestResponse::assertLocation() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the current location header matches the given URI.

TestResponse::assertPlainCookie() — Method in class TestResponse

Asserts that the response contains the given cookie and equals the optional value.

TestResponse::assertCookie() — Method in class TestResponse

Asserts that the response contains the given cookie and equals the optional value.

TestResponse::assertCookieExpired() — Method in class TestResponse

Asserts that the response contains the given cookie and is expired.

TestResponse::assertCookieNotExpired() — Method in class TestResponse

Asserts that the response contains the given cookie and is not expired.

TestResponse::assertCookieMissing() — Method in class TestResponse

Asserts that the response does not contains the given cookie.

TestResponse::assertSee() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given string is contained within the response.

TestResponse::assertSeeInOrder() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the response.

TestResponse::assertSeeText() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given string is contained within the response text.

TestResponse::assertSeeTextInOrder() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the response text.

TestResponse::assertDontSee() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given string is not contained within the response.

TestResponse::assertDontSeeText() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the given string is not contained within the response text.

TestResponse::assertJson() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response is a superset of the given JSON.

TestResponse::assertJsonMessage() — Method in class TestResponse

Get the assertion message for assertJson.

TestResponse::assertJsonPath() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the expected value and type exists at the given path in the response.

TestResponse::assertExactJson() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has the exact given JSON.

TestResponse::assertJsonFragment() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response contains the given JSON fragment.

TestResponse::assertJsonMissing() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response does not contain the given JSON fragment.

TestResponse::assertJsonMissingExact() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response does not contain the exact JSON fragment.

TestResponse::assertJsonStructure() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has a given JSON structure.

TestResponse::assertJsonCount() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response JSON has the expected count of items at the given key.

TestResponse::assertJsonValidationErrors() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has the given JSON validation errors.

TestResponse::assertJsonMissingValidationErrors() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response has no JSON validation errors for the given keys.

TestResponse::assertViewIs() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response view equals the given value.

TestResponse::assertViewHas() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response view has a given piece of bound data.

TestResponse::assertViewHasAll() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response view has a given list of bound data.

TestResponse::assertViewMissing() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the response view is missing a piece of bound data.

TestResponse::assertSessionHas() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the session has a given value.

TestResponse::assertSessionHasAll() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the session has a given list of values.

TestResponse::assertSessionHasInput() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the session has a given value in the flashed input array.

TestResponse::assertSessionHasErrors() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the session has the given errors.

TestResponse::assertSessionDoesntHaveErrors() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the session is missing the given errors.

TestResponse::assertSessionHasNoErrors() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the session has no errors.

TestResponse::assertSessionHasErrorsIn() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the session has the given errors.

TestResponse::assertSessionMissing() — Method in class TestResponse

Assert that the session does not have a given key.

ArrayLoaderClass in namespace Illuminate\Translation
ArrayLoader::addNamespace() — Method in class ArrayLoader

Add a new namespace to the loader.

ArrayLoader::addJsonPath() — Method in class ArrayLoader

Add a new JSON path to the loader.

ArrayLoader::addMessages() — Method in class ArrayLoader

Add messages to the loader.

FileLoader::addNamespace() — Method in class FileLoader

Add a new namespace to the loader.

FileLoader::addJsonPath() — Method in class FileLoader

Add a new JSON path to the loader.

Translator::addLines() — Method in class Translator

Add translation lines to the given locale.

Translator::addNamespace() — Method in class Translator

Add a new namespace to the loader.

Translator::addJsonPath() — Method in class Translator

Add a new JSON path to the loader.

ValidatesAttributes::anyFailingRequired() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Determine if any of the given attributes fail the required test.

ValidatesAttributes::allFailingRequired() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Determine if all of the given attributes fail the required test.

DatabasePresenceVerifier::addConditions() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier

Add the given conditions to the query.

DatabasePresenceVerifier::addWhere() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier

Add a "where" clause to the given query.

Factory::addExtensions() — Method in class Factory

Add the extensions to a validator instance.

$ Validator#afterProperty in class Validator

All of the registered "after" callbacks.

Validator::after() — Method in class Validator

Add an after validation callback.

Validator::addFailure() — Method in class Validator

Add a failed rule and error message to the collection.

Validator::attributesThatHaveMessages() — Method in class Validator

Generate an array of all attributes that have messages.

Validator::attributes() — Method in class Validator

Get the data under validation.

Validator::addRules() — Method in class Validator

Parse the given rules and merge them into current rules.

Validator::addExtensions() — Method in class Validator

Register an array of custom validator extensions.

Validator::addImplicitExtensions() — Method in class Validator

Register an array of custom implicit validator extensions.

Validator::addDependentExtensions() — Method in class Validator

Register an array of custom dependent validator extensions.

Validator::addExtension() — Method in class Validator

Register a custom validator extension.

Validator::addImplicitExtension() — Method in class Validator

Register a custom implicit validator extension.

Validator::addDependentExtension() — Method in class Validator

Register a custom dependent validator extension.

Validator::addReplacers() — Method in class Validator

Register an array of custom validator message replacers.

Validator::addReplacer() — Method in class Validator

Register a custom validator message replacer.

Validator::addCustomAttributes() — Method in class Validator

Add custom attributes to the validator.

Validator::addCustomValues() — Method in class Validator

Add the custom values for the validator.

AnonymousComponentClass in namespace Illuminate\View
BladeCompiler::appendFilePath() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Append the file path to the compiled string.

BladeCompiler::addFooters() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Add the stored footers onto the given content.

BladeCompiler::aliasComponent() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Register a component alias directive.

BladeCompiler::aliasInclude() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Register an include alias directive.

$ ComponentTagCompiler#aliasesProperty in class ComponentTagCompiler

The component class aliases.

ComponentTagCompiler::attributesToString() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Convert an array of attributes to a string.

$ Component#attributesProperty in class Component

The component attributes.

$ ComponentAttributeBag#attributesProperty in class ComponentAttributeBag

The raw array of attributes.

ManagesEvents::addViewEvent() — Method in class ManagesEvents

Add an event for a given view.

ManagesEvents::addClassEvent() — Method in class ManagesEvents

Register a class based view composer.

ManagesEvents::addEventListener() — Method in class ManagesEvents

Add a listener to the event dispatcher.

ManagesLayouts::appendSection() — Method in class ManagesLayouts

Stop injecting content into a section and append it.

ManagesLoops::addLoop() — Method in class ManagesLoops

Add new loop to the stack.

Factory::addLocation() — Method in class Factory

Add a location to the array of view locations.

Factory::addNamespace() — Method in class Factory

Add a new namespace to the loader.

Factory::addExtension() — Method in class Factory

Register a valid view extension and its engine.

FileViewFinder::addLocation() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Add a location to the finder.

FileViewFinder::addNamespace() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Add a namespace hint to the finder.

FileViewFinder::addExtension() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Register an extension with the view finder.

ViewFinderInterface::addLocation() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface

Add a location to the finder.

ViewFinderInterface::addNamespace() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface

Add a namespace hint to the finder.

ViewFinderInterface::addExtension() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface

Add a valid view extension to the finder.


$ Gate#beforeCallbacksProperty in class Gate

All of the registered before callbacks.

Gate::buildAbilityCallback() — Method in class Gate

Create the ability callback for a callback string.

Gate::before() — Method in class Gate

Register a callback to run before all Gate checks.

$ PasswordBrokerManager#brokersProperty in class PasswordBrokerManager

The array of created "drivers".

PasswordBrokerManager::broker() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager

Attempt to get the broker from the local cache.

SessionGuard::basic() — Method in class SessionGuard

Attempt to authenticate using HTTP Basic Auth.

SessionGuard::basicCredentials() — Method in class SessionGuard

Get the credential array for a HTTP Basic request.

BroadcastControllerClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
BroadcastEventClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
BroadcastExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
BroadcastManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
BroadcastServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
BroadcasterClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
$ Broadcaster#bindingRegistrarProperty in class Broadcaster

The binding registrar instance.

Broadcaster::binder() — Method in class Broadcaster

Get the model binding registrar instance.

LogBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class LogBroadcaster

Broadcast the given event.

NullBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class NullBroadcaster

Broadcast the given event.

PusherBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster

Broadcast the given event.

RedisBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster

Broadcast the given event.

RedisBroadcaster::broadcastMultipleChannelsScript() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster

Get the Lua script for broadcasting to multiple channels.

InteractsWithSockets::broadcastToEveryone() — Method in class InteractsWithSockets

Broadcast the event to everyone.

BusServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Bus
Lock::block() — Method in class Lock

Attempt to acquire the lock for the given number of seconds.

Lock::betweenBlockedAttemptsSleepFor() — Method in class Lock

Specify the number of milliseconds to sleep in between blocked lock aquisition attempts.

$ Application#bootstrappersProperty in class Application

The console application bootstrappers.

Application::bootstrap() — Method in class Application

Bootstrap the console application.

GeneratorCommand::buildClass() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Build the class with the given name.

CommandBuilder::buildCommand() — Method in class CommandBuilder

Build the command for the given event.

CommandBuilder::buildForegroundCommand() — Method in class CommandBuilder

Build the command for running the event in the foreground.

CommandBuilder::buildBackgroundCommand() — Method in class CommandBuilder

Build the command for running the event in the background.

$ Event#beforeCallbacksProperty in class Event

The array of callbacks to be run before the event is started.

Event::buildCommand() — Method in class Event

Build the command string.

Event::before() — Method in class Event

Register a callback to be called before the operation.

ManagesFrequencies::between() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run between start and end time.

BoundMethodClass in namespace Illuminate\Container
$ Container#bindingsProperty in class Container

The container's bindings.

$ Container#buildStackProperty in class Container

The stack of concretions currently being built.

Container::bound() — Method in class Container

Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.

Container::bind() — Method in class Container

Register a binding with the container.

Container::bindMethod() — Method in class Container

Bind a callback to resolve with Container::call.

Container::bindIf() — Method in class Container

Register a binding if it hasn't already been registered.

Container::build() — Method in class Container

Instantiate a concrete instance of the given type.

Gate::before() — Method in class Gate

Register a callback to run before all Gate checks.

PasswordBrokerFactory::broker() — Method in class PasswordBrokerFactory

Get a password broker instance by name.

SupportsBasicAuth::basic() — Method in class SupportsBasicAuth

Attempt to authenticate using HTTP Basic Auth.

BroadcasterClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
Broadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class Broadcaster

Broadcast the given event.

ShouldBroadcast::broadcastOn() — Method in class ShouldBroadcast

Get the channels the event should broadcast on.

Lock::block() — Method in class Lock

Attempt to acquire the lock for the given number of seconds.

BindingResolutionExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
Container::bound() — Method in class Container

Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.

Container::bind() — Method in class Container

Register a binding with the container.

Container::bindIf() — Method in class Container

Register a binding if it hasn't already been registered.

Application::basePath() — Method in class Application

Get the base path of the Laravel installation.

Application::bootstrapPath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the bootstrap directory.

Application::boot() — Method in class Application

Boot the application's service providers.

Application::booting() — Method in class Application

Register a new boot listener.

Application::booted() — Method in class Application

Register a new "booted" listener.

Application::bootstrapWith() — Method in class Application

Run the given array of bootstrap classes.

Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel

Bootstrap the application for HTTP requests.

Mailable::bcc() — Method in class Mailable

Set the recipients of the message.

Mailer::bcc() — Method in class Mailer

Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.

Queue::bulk() — Method in class Queue

Push an array of jobs onto the queue.

BindingRegistrarClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
BindingRegistrar::bind() — Method in class BindingRegistrar

Add a new route parameter binder.

Manager::bootEloquent() — Method in class Manager

Bootstrap Eloquent so it is ready for usage.

BuildsQueriesClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Concerns
ManagesTransactions::beginTransaction() — Method in class ManagesTransactions

Start a new database transaction.

Connection::bindValues() — Method in class Connection

Bind values to their parameters in the given statement.

ConnectionInterface::beginTransaction() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Start a new database transaction.

SqlServerConnector::buildConnectString() — Method in class SqlServerConnector

Build a connection string from the given arguments.

SqlServerConnector::buildHostString() — Method in class SqlServerConnector

Build a host string from the given configuration.

FactoryMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class FactoryMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

BaseCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
DatabaseServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider

Bootstrap the application events.

BuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
HasRelationships::belongsTo() — Method in class HasRelationships

Define an inverse one-to-one or many relationship.

HasRelationships::belongsToMany() — Method in class HasRelationships

Define a many-to-many relationship.

$ HigherOrderBuilderProxy#builderProperty in class HigherOrderBuilderProxy

The collection being operated on.

$ Model#bootedProperty in class Model

The array of booted models.

Model::bootIfNotBooted() — Method in class Model

Check if the model needs to be booted and if so, do it.

Model::booting() — Method in class Model

Perform any actions required before the model boots.

Model::boot() — Method in class Model

Bootstrap the model and its traits.

Model::bootTraits() — Method in class Model

Boot all of the bootable traits on the model.

Model::booted() — Method in class Model

Perform any actions required after the model boots.

BelongsToClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
BelongsToManyClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
BelongsToMany::buildDictionary() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Build model dictionary keyed by the relation's foreign key.

InteractsWithPivotTable::baseAttachRecord() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Create a new pivot attachment record.

HasManyThrough::buildDictionary() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Build model dictionary keyed by the relation's foreign key.

HasOneOrMany::buildDictionary() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Build model dictionary keyed by the relation's foreign key.

MorphTo::buildDictionary() — Method in class MorphTo

Build a dictionary with the models.

MorphToMany::baseAttachRecord() — Method in class MorphToMany

Create a new pivot attachment record.

Relation::buildMorphMapFromModels() — Method in class Relation

Builds a table-keyed array from model class names.

SoftDeletes::bootSoftDeletes() — Method in class SoftDeletes

Boot the soft deleting trait for a model.

$ QueryExecuted#bindingsProperty in class QueryExecuted

The array of query bindings.

PostgresConnection::bindValues() — Method in class PostgresConnection

Bind values to their parameters in the given statement.

$ QueryException#bindingsProperty in class QueryException

The bindings for the query.

BuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query
$ Builder#bindingsProperty in class Builder

The current query value bindings.

BlueprintClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
Blueprint::build() — Method in class Blueprint

Execute the blueprint against the database.

Blueprint::bigIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new auto-incrementing big integer (8-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::bigInteger() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new big integer (8-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::boolean() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new boolean column on the table.

Blueprint::binary() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new binary column on the table.

BuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
Builder::build() — Method in class Builder

Execute the blueprint to build / modify the table.

Builder::blueprintResolver() — Method in class Builder

Set the Schema Blueprint resolver callback.

$ ForeignIdColumnDefinition#blueprintProperty in class ForeignIdColumnDefinition

The schema builder blueprint instance.

Dispatcher::broadcastWhen() — Method in class Dispatcher

Check if event should be broadcasted by condition.

Dispatcher::broadcastEvent() — Method in class Dispatcher

Broadcast the given event class.

Filesystem::basename() — Method in class Filesystem

Extract the trailing name component from a file path.

$ Application#basePathProperty in class Application

The base path for the Laravel installation.

$ Application#bootedProperty in class Application

Indicates if the application has "booted".

$ Application#bootingCallbacksProperty in class Application

The array of booting callbacks.

$ Application#bootedCallbacksProperty in class Application

The array of booted callbacks.

Application::bootstrapWith() — Method in class Application

Run the given array of bootstrap classes.

Application::beforeBootstrapping() — Method in class Application

Register a callback to run before a bootstrapper.

Application::bindPathsInContainer() — Method in class Application

Bind all of the application paths in the container.

Application::basePath() — Method in class Application

Get the base path of the Laravel installation.

Application::bootstrapPath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the bootstrap directory.

Application::bound() — Method in class Application

Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.

Application::boot() — Method in class Application

Boot the application's service providers.

Application::bootProvider() — Method in class Application

Boot the given service provider.

Application::booting() — Method in class Application

Register a new boot listener.

Application::booted() — Method in class Application

Register a new "booted" listener.

BootProvidersClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
BootProviders::bootstrap() — Method in class BootProviders

Bootstrap the given application.

HandleExceptions::bootstrap() — Method in class HandleExceptions

Bootstrap the given application.

LoadConfiguration::bootstrap() — Method in class LoadConfiguration

Bootstrap the given application.

LoadEnvironmentVariables::bootstrap() — Method in class LoadEnvironmentVariables

Bootstrap the given application.

RegisterFacades::bootstrap() — Method in class RegisterFacades

Bootstrap the given application.

RegisterProviders::bootstrap() — Method in class RegisterProviders

Bootstrap the given application.

SetRequestForConsole::bootstrap() — Method in class SetRequestForConsole

Bootstrap the given application.

ChannelMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ChannelMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

ComponentMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ComponentMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

$ Kernel#bootstrappersProperty in class Kernel

The bootstrap classes for the application.

Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel

Bootstrap the application for artisan commands.

Kernel::bootstrappers() — Method in class Kernel

Get the bootstrap classes for the application.

ListenerMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

MailMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class MailMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

NotificationMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class NotificationMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

ObserverMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ObserverMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

PolicyMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

RouteCacheCommand::buildRouteCacheFile() — Method in class RouteCacheCommand

Build the route cache file.

ViewCacheCommand::bladeFilesIn() — Method in class ViewCacheCommand

Get the Blade files in the given path.

Dispatchable::broadcast() — Method in class Dispatchable

Broadcast the event with the given arguments.

$ Kernel#bootstrappersProperty in class Kernel

The bootstrap classes for the application.

Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel

Bootstrap the application for HTTP requests.

Kernel::bootstrappers() — Method in class Kernel

Get the bootstrap classes for the application.

$ PackageManifest#basePathProperty in class PackageManifest

The base path.

PackageManifest::build() — Method in class PackageManifest

Build the manifest and write it to disk.

FormRequestServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class FormRequestServiceProvider

Bootstrap the application services.

FoundationServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class FoundationServiceProvider

Boot the service provider.

EventServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class EventServiceProvider

Register the application's event listeners.

RouteServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider

Bootstrap any application services.

InteractsWithAuthentication::be() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication

Set the currently logged in user for the application.

DatabaseTransactions::beginDatabaseTransaction() — Method in class DatabaseTransactions

Handle database transactions on the specified connections.

RefreshDatabase::beginDatabaseTransaction() — Method in class RefreshDatabase

Begin a database transaction on the testing database.

$ TestCase#beforeApplicationDestroyedCallbacksProperty in class TestCase

The callbacks that should be run before the application is destroyed.

TestCase::beforeApplicationDestroyed() — Method in class TestCase

Register a callback to be run before the application is destroyed.

BcryptHasherClass in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
$ PendingRequest#baseUrlProperty in class PendingRequest

The base URL for the request.

$ PendingRequest#bodyFormatProperty in class PendingRequest

The request body format.

$ PendingRequest#beforeSendingCallbacksProperty in class PendingRequest

The callbacks that should execute before the request is sent.

PendingRequest::baseUrl() — Method in class PendingRequest

Set the base URL for the pending request.

PendingRequest::bodyFormat() — Method in class PendingRequest

Specify the body format of the request.

PendingRequest::beforeSending() — Method in class PendingRequest

Add a new "before sending" callback to the request.

PendingRequest::buildClient() — Method in class PendingRequest

Build the Guzzle client.

PendingRequest::buildHandlerStack() — Method in class PendingRequest

Build the before sending handler stack.

PendingRequest::buildBeforeSendingHandler() — Method in class PendingRequest

Build the before sending handler.

PendingRequest::buildRecorderHandler() — Method in class PendingRequest

Build the recorder handler.

PendingRequest::buildStubHandler() — Method in class PendingRequest

Build the stub handler.

Request::body() — Method in class Request

Get the body of the request.

Response::body() — Method in class Response

Get the body of the response.

InteractsWithInput::bearerToken() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Get the bearer token from the request headers.

InteractsWithInput::boolean() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Retrieve input as a boolean value.

$ Mailable#bccProperty in class Mailable

The "bcc" recipients of the message.

Mailable::buildView() — Method in class Mailable

Build the view for the message.

Mailable::buildMarkdownView() — Method in class Mailable

Build the Markdown view for the message.

Mailable::buildViewData() — Method in class Mailable

Build the view data for the message.

Mailable::buildMarkdownText() — Method in class Mailable

Build the text view for a Markdown message.

Mailable::buildFrom() — Method in class Mailable

Add the sender to the message.

Mailable::buildRecipients() — Method in class Mailable

Add all of the recipients to the message.

Mailable::buildSubject() — Method in class Mailable

Set the subject for the message.

Mailable::buildAttachments() — Method in class Mailable

Add all of the attachments to the message.

Mailable::buildDiskAttachments() — Method in class Mailable

Add all of the disk attachments to the message.

Mailable::bcc() — Method in class Mailable

Set the recipients of the message.

Mailable::buildViewDataUsing() — Method in class Mailable

Register a callback to be called while building the view data.

Mailer::bcc() — Method in class Mailer

Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.

Message::bcc() — Method in class Message

Add a blind carbon copy to the message.

$ PendingMail#bccProperty in class PendingMail

The "bcc" recipients of the message.

PendingMail::bcc() — Method in class PendingMail

Set the recipients of the message.

Transport::beforeSendPerformed() — Method in class Transport

Iterate through registered plugins and execute plugins' methods.

BroadcastChannelClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Channels
DatabaseChannel::buildPayload() — Method in class DatabaseChannel

Build an array payload for the DatabaseNotification Model.

MailChannel::buildView() — Method in class MailChannel

Build the notification's view.

MailChannel::buildMessage() — Method in class MailChannel

Build the mail message.

BroadcastNotificationCreatedClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Events
BroadcastNotificationCreated::broadcastOn() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated

Get the channels the event should broadcast on.

BroadcastNotificationCreated::broadcastWith() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated

Get the data that should be sent with the broadcasted event.

BroadcastNotificationCreated::broadcastType() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated

Get the type of the notification being broadcast.

BroadcastMessageClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Messages
$ MailMessage#bccProperty in class MailMessage

The "bcc" information for the message.

MailMessage::bcc() — Method in class MailMessage

Set the bcc address for the mail message.

Notification::broadcastOn() — Method in class Notification

Get the channels the event should broadcast on.

$ NotificationSender#busProperty in class NotificationSender

The Bus dispatcher instance.

NotificationServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class NotificationServiceProvider

Boot the application services.

AbstractPaginator::buildFragment() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Build the full fragment portion of a URL.

PaginationServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class PaginationServiceProvider

Bootstrap any application services.

BeanstalkdQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
$ BeanstalkdQueue#blockForProperty in class BeanstalkdQueue

The maximum number of seconds to block for a job.

Manager::bulk() — Method in class Manager

Push a new an array of jobs onto the queue.

BeanstalkdConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
DatabaseQueue::bulk() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Push an array of jobs onto the queue.

DatabaseQueue::buildDatabaseRecord() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Create an array to insert for the given job.

BeanstalkdJobClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
BeanstalkdJob::bury() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob

Bury the job in the queue.

Queue::bulk() — Method in class Queue

Push an array of jobs onto the queue.

QueueManager::before() — Method in class QueueManager

Register an event listener for the before job event.

$ RedisQueue#blockForProperty in class RedisQueue

The maximum number of seconds to block for a job.

PhpRedisConnection::blpop() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Removes and returns the first element of the list stored at key.

PhpRedisConnection::brpop() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Removes and returns the last element of the list stored at key.

PhpRedisConnector::buildClusterConnectionString() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector

Build a single cluster seed string from array.

ConcurrencyLimiter::block() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiter

Attempt to acquire the lock for the given number of seconds.

ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder::block() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder

Set the amount of time to block until a lock is available.

DurationLimiter::block() — Method in class DurationLimiter

Attempt to acquire the lock for the given number of seconds.

DurationLimiterBuilder::block() — Method in class DurationLimiterBuilder

Set the amount of time to block until a lock is available.

ControllerMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand

Build the class with the given name.

ControllerMakeCommand::buildParentReplacements() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand

Build the replacements for a parent controller.

ControllerMakeCommand::buildModelReplacements() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand

Build the model replacement values.

ThrottleRequests::buildException() — Method in class ThrottleRequests

Create a 'too many attempts' exception.

Redirector::back() — Method in class Redirector

Create a new redirect response to the previous location.

$ Route#bindingFieldsProperty in class Route

The fields that implicit binding should use for a given parameter.

Route::bind() — Method in class Route

Bind the route to a given request for execution.

Route::bindingFieldFor() — Method in class Route

Get the binding field for the given parameter.

Route::bindingFields() — Method in class Route

Get the binding fields for the route.

Route::block() — Method in class Route

Specify that the route should not allow concurrent requests from the same session.

RouteParameterBinder::bindPathParameters() — Method in class RouteParameterBinder

Get the parameter matches for the path portion of the URI.

RouteParameterBinder::bindHostParameters() — Method in class RouteParameterBinder

Extract the parameter list from the host part of the request.

$ RouteUri#bindingFieldsProperty in class RouteUri

The fields that should be used when resolving bindings.

$ Router#bindersProperty in class Router

The registered route value binders.

Router::bind() — Method in class Router

Add a new route parameter binder.

SessionManager::buildSession() — Method in class SessionManager

Build the session instance.

SessionManager::buildEncryptedSession() — Method in class SessionManager

Build the encrypted session instance.

SessionManager::blockDriver() — Method in class SessionManager

Get the name of the cache store / driver that should be used to acquire session locks.

App::basePath() — Method in class App
App::bootstrapPath() — Method in class App
App::boot() — Method in class App
App::booted() — Method in class App
App::booting() — Method in class App
App::bootstrapWith() — Method in class App
BladeClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
BroadcastClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
BusClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
DB::beginTransaction() — Method in class DB
File::basename() — Method in class File
Gate::before() — Method in class Gate
Http::baseUrl() — Method in class Http
Http::beforeSending() — Method in class Http
Http::bodyFormat() — Method in class Http
Mail::bcc() — Method in class Mail
Queue::bulk() — Method in class Queue
Redirect::back() — Method in class Redirect
Request::bearerToken() — Method in class Request
Route::bind() — Method in class Route
Str::before() — Method in class Str

Get the portion of a string before the first occurrence of a given value.

Str::beforeLast() — Method in class Str

Get the portion of a string before the last occurrence of a given value.

Str::between() — Method in class Str

Get the portion of a string between two given values.

Stringable::basename() — Method in class Stringable

Get the trailing name component of the path.

Stringable::before() — Method in class Stringable

Get the portion of a string before the first occurrence of a given value.

Stringable::beforeLast() — Method in class Stringable

Get the portion of a string before the last occurrence of a given value.

Stringable::between() — Method in class Stringable

Get the portion of a string between two given values.

BusFakeClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
MailFake::bcc() — Method in class MailFake

Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.

QueueFake::bulk() — Method in class QueueFake

Push an array of jobs onto the queue.

$ ViewErrorBag#bagsProperty in class ViewErrorBag

The array of the view error bags.

$ TestResponse#baseResponseProperty in class TestResponse

The response to delegate to.

BladeCompilerClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
$ ComponentTagCompiler#bladeProperty in class ComponentTagCompiler

The Blade compiler instance.

$ ComponentTagCompiler#boundAttributesProperty in class ComponentTagCompiler

The "bind:" attributes that have been compiled for the current component.

ManagesEvents::buildClassEventCallback() — Method in class ManagesEvents

Build a class based container callback Closure.


$ Gate#containerProperty in class Gate

The container instance.

Gate::check() — Method in class Gate

Determine if all of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.

Gate::canBeCalledWithUser() — Method in class Gate

Determine whether the callback/method can be called with the given user.

Gate::callbackAllowsGuests() — Method in class Gate

Determine if the callback allows guests.

Gate::callAuthCallback() — Method in class Gate

Resolve and call the appropriate authorization callback.

Gate::callBeforeCallbacks() — Method in class Gate

Call all of the before callbacks and return if a result is given.

Gate::callAfterCallbacks() — Method in class Gate

Call all of the after callbacks with check result.

Gate::callPolicyBefore() — Method in class Gate

Call the "before" method on the given policy, if applicable.

Gate::callPolicyMethod() — Method in class Gate

Call the appropriate method on the given policy.

$ Response#codeProperty in class Response

The response code.

Response::code() — Method in class Response

Get the response code / reason.

$ AuthManager#customCreatorsProperty in class AuthManager

The registered custom driver creators.

AuthManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class AuthManager

Call a custom driver creator.

AuthManager::createSessionDriver() — Method in class AuthManager

Create a session based authentication guard.

AuthManager::createTokenDriver() — Method in class AuthManager

Create a token based authentication guard.

ClearResetsCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Console
CreatesUserProvidersClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
$ CreatesUserProviders#customProviderCreatorsProperty in class CreatesUserProviders

The registered custom provider creators.

CreatesUserProviders::createUserProvider() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders

Create the user provider implementation for the driver.

CreatesUserProviders::createDatabaseProvider() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders

Create an instance of the database user provider.

CreatesUserProviders::createEloquentProvider() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders

Create an instance of the Eloquent user provider.

$ DatabaseUserProvider#connProperty in class DatabaseUserProvider

The active database connection.

EloquentUserProvider::createModel() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider

Create a new instance of the model.

$ Attempting#credentialsProperty in class Attempting

The credentials for the user.

CurrentDeviceLogoutClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
$ Failed#credentialsProperty in class Failed

The credentials provided by the attempter.

GuardHelpers::check() — Method in class GuardHelpers

Determine if the current user is authenticated.

$ ResetPassword#createUrlCallbackProperty in class ResetPassword

The callback that should be used to create the reset password URL.

ResetPassword::createUrlUsing() — Method in class ResetPassword

Set a callback that should be used when creating the reset password button URL.

CanResetPasswordClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
$ DatabaseTokenRepository#connectionProperty in class DatabaseTokenRepository

The database connection instance.

DatabaseTokenRepository::create() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository

Create a new token record.

DatabaseTokenRepository::createNewToken() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository

Create a new token for the user.

PasswordBroker::createToken() — Method in class PasswordBroker

Create a new password reset token for the given user.

PasswordBrokerManager::createTokenRepository() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager

Create a token repository instance based on the given configuration.

TokenRepositoryInterface::create() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface

Create a new token.

$ RequestGuard#callbackProperty in class RequestGuard

The guard callback.

$ SessionGuard#cookieProperty in class SessionGuard

The Illuminate cookie creator service.

SessionGuard::createRecaller() — Method in class SessionGuard

Create a "remember me" cookie for a given ID.

SessionGuard::clearUserDataFromStorage() — Method in class SessionGuard

Remove the user data from the session and cookies.

SessionGuard::cycleRememberToken() — Method in class SessionGuard

Refresh the "remember me" token for the user.

$ BroadcastManager#customCreatorsProperty in class BroadcastManager

The registered custom driver creators.

BroadcastManager::connection() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Get a driver instance.

BroadcastManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Call a custom driver creator.

BroadcastManager::createPusherDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Create an instance of the driver.

BroadcastManager::createRedisDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Create an instance of the driver.

BroadcastManager::createLogDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Create an instance of the driver.

BroadcastManager::createNullDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Create an instance of the driver.

$ Broadcaster#channelsProperty in class Broadcaster

The registered channel authenticators.

$ Broadcaster#channelOptionsProperty in class Broadcaster

The registered channel options.

Broadcaster::channel() — Method in class Broadcaster

Register a channel authenticator.

Broadcaster::channelNameMatchesPattern() — Method in class Broadcaster

Check if channel name from request match a pattern from registered channels.

$ RedisBroadcaster#connectionProperty in class RedisBroadcaster

The Redis connection to use for broadcasting.

ChannelClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
$ Dispatcher#containerProperty in class Dispatcher

The container implementation.

Dispatcher::commandShouldBeQueued() — Method in class Dispatcher

Determine if the given command should be queued.

$ Queueable#connectionProperty in class Queueable

The name of the connection the job should be sent to.

$ Queueable#chainConnectionProperty in class Queueable

The name of the connection the chain should be sent to.

$ Queueable#chainQueueProperty in class Queueable

The name of the queue the chain should be sent to.

$ Queueable#chainedProperty in class Queueable

The jobs that should run if this job is successful.

Queueable::chain() — Method in class Queueable

Set the jobs that should run if this job is successful.

ArrayStore::calculateExpiration() — Method in class ArrayStore

Get the expiration time of the key.

CacheManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
$ CacheManager#customCreatorsProperty in class CacheManager

The registered custom driver creators.

CacheManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class CacheManager

Call a custom driver creator.

CacheManager::createApcDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Create an instance of the APC cache driver.

CacheManager::createArrayDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Create an instance of the array cache driver.

CacheManager::createFileDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Create an instance of the file cache driver.

CacheManager::createMemcachedDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Create an instance of the Memcached cache driver.

CacheManager::createNullDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Create an instance of the Null cache driver.

CacheManager::createRedisDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Create an instance of the Redis cache driver.

CacheManager::createDatabaseDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Create an instance of the database cache driver.

CacheManager::createDynamodbDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Create an instance of the DynamoDB cache driver.

CacheServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
CacheTableCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Console
$ CacheTableCommand#composerProperty in class CacheTableCommand
CacheTableCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class CacheTableCommand

Create a base migration file for the table.

ClearCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Console
$ ClearCommand#cacheProperty in class ClearCommand

The cache manager instance.

ClearCommand::cache() — Method in class ClearCommand

Get the cache instance for the command.

$ ForgetCommand#cacheProperty in class ForgetCommand

The cache manager instance.

$ DatabaseLock#connectionProperty in class DatabaseLock

The database connection instance.

$ DatabaseStore#connectionProperty in class DatabaseStore

The database connection instance.

CacheEventClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
CacheHitClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
CacheMissedClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
MemcachedConnector::connect() — Method in class MemcachedConnector

Create a new Memcached connection.

MemcachedConnector::createMemcachedInstance() — Method in class MemcachedConnector

Create the Memcached instance.

MemcachedStore::calculateExpiration() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Get the expiration time of the key.

$ RateLimiter#cacheProperty in class RateLimiter

The cache store implementation.

RateLimiter::clear() — Method in class RateLimiter

Clear the hits and lockout timer for the given key.

$ RedisStore#connectionProperty in class RedisStore

The Redis connection that should be used.

RedisStore::connection() — Method in class RedisStore

Get the Redis connection instance.

Repository::clear() — Method in class Repository
Application::call() — Method in class Application

Run an Artisan console command by name.

CommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
Command::configureUsingFluentDefinition() — Method in class Command

Configure the console command using a fluent definition.

CallsCommandsClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Concerns
CallsCommands::call() — Method in class CallsCommands

Call another console command.

CallsCommands::callSilent() — Method in class CallsCommands

Call another console command silently.

CallsCommands::createInputFromArguments() — Method in class CallsCommands

Create an input instance from the given arguments.

CallsCommands::context() — Method in class CallsCommands

Get all of the context passed to the command.

InteractsWithIO::confirm() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Confirm a question with the user.

InteractsWithIO::choice() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Give the user a single choice from an array of answers.

InteractsWithIO::comment() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Write a string as comment output.

ConfirmableTraitClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
ConfirmableTrait::confirmToProceed() — Method in class ConfirmableTrait

Confirm before proceeding with the action.

CommandFinishedClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
$ CommandFinished#commandProperty in class CommandFinished

The command name.

CommandStartingClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
$ CommandStarting#commandProperty in class CommandStarting

The command name.

CacheAwareClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
CacheEventMutexClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
$ CacheEventMutex#cacheProperty in class CacheEventMutex

The cache repository implementation.

CacheEventMutex::create() — Method in class CacheEventMutex

Attempt to obtain an event mutex for the given event.

CacheSchedulingMutexClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
$ CacheSchedulingMutex#cacheProperty in class CacheSchedulingMutex

The cache factory implementation.

CacheSchedulingMutex::create() — Method in class CacheSchedulingMutex

Attempt to obtain a scheduling mutex for the given event.

CallbackEventClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
$ CallbackEvent#callbackProperty in class CallbackEvent

The callback to call.

CommandBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
$ Event#commandProperty in class Event

The command string.

Event::callBeforeCallbacks() — Method in class Event

Call all of the "before" callbacks for the event.

Event::callAfterCallbacks() — Method in class Event

Call all of the "after" callbacks for the event.

Event::callAfterCallbacksWithExitCode() — Method in class Event

Call all of the "after" callbacks for the event.

EventMutex::create() — Method in class EventMutex

Attempt to obtain an event mutex for the given event.

ManagesFrequencies::cron() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

The Cron expression representing the event's frequency.

Schedule::call() — Method in class Schedule

Add a new callback event to the schedule.

Schedule::command() — Method in class Schedule

Add a new Artisan command event to the schedule.

Schedule::compileParameters() — Method in class Schedule

Compile parameters for a command.

Schedule::compileArrayInput() — Method in class Schedule

Compile array input for a command.

SchedulingMutex::create() — Method in class SchedulingMutex

Attempt to obtain a scheduling mutex for the given event.

BoundMethod::call() — Method in class BoundMethod

Call the given Closure / class@method and inject its dependencies.

BoundMethod::callClass() — Method in class BoundMethod

Call a string reference to a class using Class@method syntax.

BoundMethod::callBoundMethod() — Method in class BoundMethod

Call a method that has been bound to the container.

ContainerClass in namespace Illuminate\Container
$ Container#contextualProperty in class Container

The contextual binding map.

Container::callMethodBinding() — Method in class Container

Get the method binding for the given method.

Container::call() — Method in class Container

Call the given Closure / class@method and inject its dependencies.

ContextualBindingBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Container
$ ContextualBindingBuilder#containerProperty in class ContextualBindingBuilder

The underlying container instance.

$ ContextualBindingBuilder#concreteProperty in class ContextualBindingBuilder

The concrete instance.

$ RewindableGenerator#countProperty in class RewindableGenerator

The number of tagged services.

RewindableGenerator::count() — Method in class RewindableGenerator

Get the total number of tagged services.

Authorizable::can() — Method in class Authorizable

Determine if the entity has a given ability.

Gate::check() — Method in class Gate

Determine if all of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.

CanResetPasswordClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
Guard::check() — Method in class Guard

Determine if the current user is authenticated.

Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory

Get a broadcaster implementation by name.

Application::call() — Method in class Application

Run an Artisan console command by name.

Kernel::call() — Method in class Kernel

Run an Artisan console command by name.

ContainerClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
Container::call() — Method in class Container

Call the given Closure / class@method and inject its dependencies.

ContextualBindingBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
CastableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent
Castable::castUsing() — Method in class Castable

Get the name of the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.

CastsAttributesClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent
CastsInboundAttributesClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent
$ ModelIdentifier#classProperty in class ModelIdentifier

The class name of the model.

$ ModelIdentifier#connectionProperty in class ModelIdentifier

The connection name of the model.

CloudClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
Filesystem::copy() — Method in class Filesystem

Copy a file to a new location.

Application::configPath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the application configuration files.

CachesConfigurationClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation
CachesConfiguration::configurationIsCached() — Method in class CachesConfiguration

Determine if the application configuration is cached.

CachesRoutesClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation
Hasher::check() — Method in class Hasher

Check the given plain value against a hash.

Mailable::cc() — Method in class Mailable

Set the recipients of the message.

Factory::channel() — Method in class Factory

Get a channel instance by name.

Paginator::currentPage() — Method in class Paginator

Determine the current page being paginated.

Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory

Resolve a queue connection instance.

ConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Redis
Connection::command() — Method in class Connection

Run a command against the Redis database.

ConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Redis
Connector::connect() — Method in class Connector

Create a connection to a Redis cluster.

Connector::connectToCluster() — Method in class Connector

Create a connection to a Redis instance.

Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory

Get a Redis connection by name.

UrlGenerator::current() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the current URL for the request.

MessageBag::count() — Method in class MessageBag

Get the number of messages in the container.

Translator::choice() — Method in class Translator

Get a translation according to an integer value.

Factory::composer() — Method in class Factory

Register a view composer event.

Factory::creator() — Method in class Factory

Register a view creator event.

CookieJarClass in namespace Illuminate\Cookie
CookieServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Cookie
CookieValuePrefixClass in namespace Illuminate\Cookie
CookieValuePrefix::create() — Method in class CookieValuePrefix

Create a new cookie value prefix for the given cookie name.

$ AddQueuedCookiesToResponse#cookiesProperty in class AddQueuedCookiesToResponse

The cookie jar instance.

Manager::connection() — Method in class Manager

Get a connection instance from the global manager.

BuildsQueries::chunk() — Method in class BuildsQueries

Chunk the results of the query.

BuildsQueries::chunkById() — Method in class BuildsQueries

Chunk the results of a query by comparing IDs.

ManagesTransactions::createTransaction() — Method in class ManagesTransactions

Create a transaction within the database.

ManagesTransactions::createSavepoint() — Method in class ManagesTransactions

Create a save point within the database.

ManagesTransactions::commit() — Method in class ManagesTransactions

Commit the active database transaction.

ConfigurationUrlParserClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
ConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
$ Connection#configProperty in class Connection

The database connection configuration options.

Connection::cursor() — Method in class Connection

Run a select statement against the database and returns a generator.

ConnectionInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
ConnectionInterface::cursor() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Run a select statement against the database and returns a generator.

ConnectionInterface::commit() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Commit the active database transaction.

ConnectionResolverClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
$ ConnectionResolver#connectionsProperty in class ConnectionResolver

All of the registered connections.

ConnectionResolver::connection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver

Get a database connection instance.

ConnectionResolverInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
ConnectionResolverInterface::connection() — Method in class ConnectionResolverInterface

Get a database connection instance.

ConnectionFactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
$ ConnectionFactory#containerProperty in class ConnectionFactory

The IoC container instance.

ConnectionFactory::createSingleConnection() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Create a single database connection instance.

ConnectionFactory::createReadWriteConnection() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Create a read / write database connection instance.

ConnectionFactory::createReadPdo() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Create a new PDO instance for reading.

ConnectionFactory::createPdoResolver() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Create a new Closure that resolves to a PDO instance.

ConnectionFactory::createPdoResolverWithHosts() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Create a new Closure that resolves to a PDO instance with a specific host or an array of hosts.

ConnectionFactory::createPdoResolverWithoutHosts() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Create a new Closure that resolves to a PDO instance where there is no configured host.

ConnectionFactory::createConnector() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Create a connector instance based on the configuration.

ConnectionFactory::createConnection() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Create a new connection instance.

ConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
Connector::createConnection() — Method in class Connector

Create a new PDO connection.

Connector::createPdoConnection() — Method in class Connector

Create a new PDO connection instance.

ConnectorInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
ConnectorInterface::connect() — Method in class ConnectorInterface

Establish a database connection.

MySqlConnector::connect() — Method in class MySqlConnector

Establish a database connection.

MySqlConnector::configureIsolationLevel() — Method in class MySqlConnector

Set the connection transaction isolation level.

MySqlConnector::configureEncoding() — Method in class MySqlConnector

Set the connection character set and collation.

MySqlConnector::configureTimezone() — Method in class MySqlConnector

Set the timezone on the connection.

PostgresConnector::connect() — Method in class PostgresConnector

Establish a database connection.

PostgresConnector::configureEncoding() — Method in class PostgresConnector

Set the connection character set and collation.

PostgresConnector::configureTimezone() — Method in class PostgresConnector

Set the timezone on the connection.

PostgresConnector::configureSchema() — Method in class PostgresConnector

Set the schema on the connection.

PostgresConnector::configureApplicationName() — Method in class PostgresConnector

Set the schema on the connection.

PostgresConnector::configureSynchronousCommit() — Method in class PostgresConnector

Configure the synchronous_commit setting.

SQLiteConnector::connect() — Method in class SQLiteConnector

Establish a database connection.

SqlServerConnector::connect() — Method in class SqlServerConnector

Establish a database connection.

$ MigrateMakeCommand#creatorProperty in class MigrateMakeCommand

The migration creator instance.

$ MigrateMakeCommand#composerProperty in class MigrateMakeCommand

The Composer instance.

$ SeederMakeCommand#composerProperty in class SeederMakeCommand

The Composer instance.

$ DatabaseManager#connectionsProperty in class DatabaseManager

The active connection instances.

DatabaseManager::connection() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Get a database connection instance.

DatabaseManager::configuration() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Get the configuration for a connection.

DatabaseManager::configure() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Prepare the database connection instance.

DetectsConcurrencyErrors::causedByConcurrencyError() — Method in class DetectsConcurrencyErrors

Determine if the given exception was caused by a concurrency error such as a deadlock or serialization failure.

DetectsLostConnections::causedByLostConnection() — Method in class DetectsLostConnections

Determine if the given exception was caused by a lost connection.

Builder::cursor() — Method in class Builder

Get a lazy collection for the given query.

Builder::create() — Method in class Builder

Save a new model and return the instance.

Builder::callScope() — Method in class Builder

Apply the given scope on the current builder instance.

Builder::callNamedScope() — Method in class Builder

Apply the given named scope on the current builder instance.

Builder::createNestedWhere() — Method in class Builder

Create a where array with nested where conditions.

Builder::createSelectWithConstraint() — Method in class Builder

Create a constraint to select the given columns for the relation.

CollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
Collection::contains() — Method in class Collection

Determine if a key exists in the collection.

Collection::collapse() — Method in class Collection

Collapse the collection of items into a single array.

$ HasAttributes#changesProperty in class HasAttributes

The changed model attributes.

$ HasAttributes#castsProperty in class HasAttributes

The attributes that should be cast.

$ HasAttributes#classCastCacheProperty in class HasAttributes

The attributes that have been cast using custom classes.

HasAttributes::castAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes

Cast an attribute to a native PHP type.

HasAttributes::castAttributeAsJson() — Method in class HasAttributes

Cast the given attribute to JSON.

HasAttributes::cacheMutatedAttributes() — Method in class HasAttributes

Extract and cache all the mutated attributes of a class.

HasEvents::creating() — Method in class HasEvents

Register a creating model event with the dispatcher.

HasEvents::created() — Method in class HasEvents

Register a created model event with the dispatcher.

QueriesRelationships::canUseExistsForExistenceCheck() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Check if we can run an "exists" query to optimize performance.

Factory::construct() — Method in class Factory

Create a new factory container.

Factory::create() — Method in class Factory

Create an instance of the given model and persist it to the database.

$ FactoryBuilder#classProperty in class FactoryBuilder

The model being built.

$ FactoryBuilder#connectionProperty in class FactoryBuilder

The database connection on which the model instance should be persisted.

FactoryBuilder::connection() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Set the database connection on which the model instance should be persisted.

FactoryBuilder::create() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Create a collection of models and persist them to the database.

FactoryBuilder::createMany() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Create a collection of models and persist them to the database.

FactoryBuilder::callAfterMaking() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Run after making callbacks on a collection of models.

FactoryBuilder::callAfterCreating() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Run after creating callbacks on a collection of models.

FactoryBuilder::callAfter() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Call after callbacks for each model and state.

FactoryBuilder::callAfterCallbacks() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Call after callbacks for each model and state.

$ Model#connectionProperty in class Model

The connection name for the model.

Model::clearBootedModels() — Method in class Model

Clear the list of booted models so they will be re-booted.

Model::callNamedScope() — Method in class Model

Apply the given named scope if possible.

$ BelongsTo#childProperty in class BelongsTo

The child model instance of the relation.

BelongsToMany::chunk() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Chunk the results of the query.

BelongsToMany::chunkById() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Chunk the results of a query by comparing numeric IDs.

BelongsToMany::cursor() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get a lazy collection for the given query.

BelongsToMany::create() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Create a new instance of the related model.

BelongsToMany::createMany() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Create an array of new instances of the related models.

BelongsToMany::createdAt() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the name of the "created at" column.

InteractsWithPivotTable::castKeys() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Cast the given keys to integers if they are numeric and string otherwise.

InteractsWithPivotTable::castKey() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Cast the given key to convert to primary key type.

InteractsWithPivotTable::castAttributes() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Cast the given pivot attributes.

HasManyThrough::chunk() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Chunk the results of the query.

HasManyThrough::chunkById() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Chunk the results of a query by comparing numeric IDs.

HasManyThrough::cursor() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Get a generator for the given query.

HasOneOrMany::create() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Create a new instance of the related model.

HasOneOrMany::createMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Create a Collection of new instances of the related model.

MorphTo::createModelByType() — Method in class MorphTo

Create a new model instance by type.

$ Relation#constraintsProperty in class Relation

Indicates if the relation is adding constraints.

Relation::createdAt() — Method in class Relation

Get the name of the "created at" column.

ConnectionEventClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
$ ConnectionEvent#connectionNameProperty in class ConnectionEvent

The name of the connection.

$ ConnectionEvent#connectionProperty in class ConnectionEvent

The database connection instance.

$ QueryExecuted#connectionProperty in class QueryExecuted

The database connection instance.

$ QueryExecuted#connectionNameProperty in class QueryExecuted

The database connection name.

$ StatementPrepared#connectionProperty in class StatementPrepared

The database connection instance.

Grammar::columnize() — Method in class Grammar

Convert an array of column names into a delimited string.

$ MigrationServiceProvider#commandsProperty in class MigrationServiceProvider

The commands to be registered.

$ DatabaseMigrationRepository#connectionProperty in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

The name of the database connection to use.

DatabaseMigrationRepository::createRepository() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

Create the migration repository data store.

$ Migration#connectionProperty in class Migration

The name of the database connection to use.

$ MigrationCreator#customStubPathProperty in class MigrationCreator

The custom app stubs directory.

MigrationCreator::create() — Method in class MigrationCreator

Create a new migration at the given path.

MigrationRepositoryInterface::createRepository() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface

Create the migration repository data store.

$ Migrator#connectionProperty in class Migrator

The name of the default connection.

$ Builder#connectionProperty in class Builder

The database connection instance.

$ Builder#columnsProperty in class Builder

The columns that should be returned.

Builder::createSub() — Method in class Builder

Creates a subquery and parse it.

Builder::crossJoin() — Method in class Builder

Add a "cross join" clause to the query.

Builder::cloneForPaginationCount() — Method in class Builder

Clone the existing query instance for usage in a pagination subquery.

Builder::cursor() — Method in class Builder

Get a lazy collection for the given query.

Builder::count() — Method in class Builder

Retrieve the "count" result of the query.

Builder::cleanBindings() — Method in class Builder

Remove all of the expressions from a list of bindings.

Builder::cloneWithout() — Method in class Builder

Clone the query without the given properties.

Builder::cloneWithoutBindings() — Method in class Builder

Clone the query without the given bindings.

Grammar::compileSelect() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a select query into SQL.

Grammar::compileComponents() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the components necessary for a select clause.

Grammar::compileAggregate() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an aggregated select clause.

Grammar::compileColumns() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "select *" portion of the query.

Grammar::compileFrom() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "from" portion of the query.

Grammar::compileJoins() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "join" portions of the query.

Grammar::compileWheres() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "where" portions of the query.

Grammar::compileWheresToArray() — Method in class Grammar

Get an array of all the where clauses for the query.

Grammar::concatenateWhereClauses() — Method in class Grammar

Format the where clause statements into one string.

Grammar::compileJsonContains() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "JSON contains" statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileGroups() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "group by" portions of the query.

Grammar::compileHavings() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "having" portions of the query.

Grammar::compileHaving() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a single having clause.

Grammar::compileBasicHaving() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a basic having clause.

Grammar::compileHavingBetween() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "between" having clause.

Grammar::compileOrders() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "order by" portions of the query.

Grammar::compileOrdersToArray() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the query orders to an array.

Grammar::compileRandom() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the random statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileLimit() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "limit" portions of the query.

Grammar::compileOffset() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "offset" portions of the query.

Grammar::compileUnions() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the "union" queries attached to the main query.

Grammar::compileUnion() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a single union statement.

Grammar::compileUnionAggregate() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a union aggregate query into SQL.

Grammar::compileExists() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an exists statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileInsert() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an insert statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileInsertOrIgnore() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an insert ignore statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileInsertGetId() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an insert and get ID statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileInsertUsing() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an insert statement using a subquery into SQL.

Grammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an update statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileUpdateColumns() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the columns for an update statement.

Grammar::compileUpdateWithoutJoins() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an update statement without joins into SQL.

Grammar::compileUpdateWithJoins() — Method in class Grammar

Compile an update statement with joins into SQL.

Grammar::compileDelete() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a delete statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileDeleteWithoutJoins() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a delete statement without joins into SQL.

Grammar::compileDeleteWithJoins() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a delete statement with joins into SQL.

Grammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.

Grammar::compileLock() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the lock into SQL.

Grammar::compileSavepoint() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the SQL statement to define a savepoint.

Grammar::compileSavepointRollBack() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the SQL statement to execute a savepoint rollback.

Grammar::concatenate() — Method in class Grammar

Concatenate an array of segments, removing empties.

MySqlGrammar::compileInsertOrIgnore() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile an insert ignore statement into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileJsonContains() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a "JSON contains" statement into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileRandom() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the random statement into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileLock() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the lock into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileInsert() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile an insert statement into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileUpdateColumns() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the columns for an update statement.

MySqlGrammar::compileJsonUpdateColumn() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Prepare a JSON column being updated using the JSON_SET function.

MySqlGrammar::compileUpdateWithoutJoins() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile an update statement without joins into SQL.

MySqlGrammar::compileDeleteWithoutJoins() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a delete query that does not use joins.

PostgresGrammar::compileColumns() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the "select *" portion of the query.

PostgresGrammar::compileJsonContains() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a "JSON contains" statement into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileLock() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the lock into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileInsertOrIgnore() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile an insert ignore statement into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileInsertGetId() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile an insert and get ID statement into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile an update statement into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileUpdateColumns() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the columns for an update statement.

PostgresGrammar::compileJsonUpdateColumn() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Prepares a JSON column being updated using the JSONB_SET function.

PostgresGrammar::compileUpdateWithJoinsOrLimit() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile an update statement with joins or limit into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileDelete() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a delete statement into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileDeleteWithJoinsOrLimit() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a delete statement with joins or limit into SQL.

PostgresGrammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileLock() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the lock into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile an update statement into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileInsertOrIgnore() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile an insert ignore statement into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileUpdateColumns() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the columns for an update statement.

SQLiteGrammar::compileJsonPatch() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a "JSON" patch statement into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileUpdateWithJoinsOrLimit() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile an update statement with joins or limit into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDelete() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a delete statement into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDeleteWithJoinsOrLimit() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a delete statement with joins or limit into SQL.

SQLiteGrammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileSelect() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a select query into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileColumns() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the "select *" portion of the query.

SqlServerGrammar::compileFrom() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the "from" portion of the query.

SqlServerGrammar::compileJsonContains() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a "JSON contains" statement into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileAnsiOffset() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create a full ANSI offset clause for the query.

SqlServerGrammar::compileOver() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the over statement for a table expression.

SqlServerGrammar::compileTableExpression() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a common table expression for a query.

SqlServerGrammar::compileRowConstraint() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the limit / offset row constraint for a query.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDeleteWithoutJoins() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a delete statement without joins into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileRandom() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the random statement into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileLimit() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the "limit" portions of the query.

SqlServerGrammar::compileOffset() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the "offset" portions of the query.

SqlServerGrammar::compileLock() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the lock into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile an exists statement into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileUpdateWithJoins() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile an update statement with joins into SQL.

SqlServerGrammar::compileSavepoint() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the SQL statement to define a savepoint.

SqlServerGrammar::compileSavepointRollBack() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the SQL statement to execute a savepoint rollback.

$ Blueprint#columnsProperty in class Blueprint

The columns that should be added to the table.

$ Blueprint#commandsProperty in class Blueprint

The commands that should be run for the table.

$ Blueprint#charsetProperty in class Blueprint

The default character set that should be used for the table.

$ Blueprint#collationProperty in class Blueprint

The collation that should be used for the table.

Blueprint::commandsNamed() — Method in class Blueprint

Get all of the commands matching the given names.

Blueprint::creating() — Method in class Blueprint

Determine if the blueprint has a create command.

Blueprint::create() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the table needs to be created.

Blueprint::char() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new char column on the table.

Blueprint::computed() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new generated, computed column on the table.

Blueprint::createIndexName() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a default index name for the table.

Blueprint::createCommand() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new Fluent command.

$ Builder#connectionProperty in class Builder

The database connection instance.

Builder::create() — Method in class Builder

Create a new table on the schema.

Builder::createBlueprint() — Method in class Builder

Create a new command set with a Closure.

ColumnDefinitionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
ColumnDefinition::change() — Method in class ColumnDefinition

Change the column

ColumnDefinition::charset() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
ColumnDefinition::collation() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
ColumnDefinition::comment() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
ForeignIdColumnDefinition::constrained() — Method in class ForeignIdColumnDefinition

Create a foreign key constraint on this column referencing the "id" column of the conventionally related table.

ForeignKeyDefinition::cascadeOnUpdate() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition

Indicate that updates should cascade.

ForeignKeyDefinition::cascadeOnDelete() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition

Indicate that deletes should cascade.

ChangeColumnClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
ChangeColumn::compile() — Method in class ChangeColumn

Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.

ChangeColumn::calculateDoctrineTextLength() — Method in class ChangeColumn

Calculate the proper column length to force the Doctrine text type.

Grammar::compileRenameColumn() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a rename column command.

Grammar::compileChange() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.

Grammar::compileForeign() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a foreign key command.

MySqlGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the query to determine the list of tables.

MySqlGrammar::compileColumnListing() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the query to determine the list of columns.

MySqlGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a create table command.

MySqlGrammar::compileCreateTable() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the main create table clause.

MySqlGrammar::compileCreateEncoding() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Append the character set specifications to a command.

MySqlGrammar::compileCreateEngine() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Append the engine specifications to a command.

MySqlGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile an add column command.

MySqlGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a primary key command.

MySqlGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a unique key command.

MySqlGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a plain index key command.

MySqlGrammar::compileSpatialIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a spatial index key command.

MySqlGrammar::compileKey() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile an index creation command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop table command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop table (if exists) command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop column command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop primary key command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop unique key command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop index command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropSpatialIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop spatial index command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a drop foreign key command.

MySqlGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a rename table command.

MySqlGrammar::compileRenameIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile a rename index command.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropAllTables() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.

MySqlGrammar::compileDropAllViews() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to drop all views.

MySqlGrammar::compileGetAllTables() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all table names.

MySqlGrammar::compileGetAllViews() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all view names.

MySqlGrammar::compileEnableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.

MySqlGrammar::compileDisableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.

PostgresGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the query to determine if a table exists.

PostgresGrammar::compileColumnListing() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the query to determine the list of columns.

PostgresGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a create table command.

PostgresGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a column addition command.

PostgresGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a primary key command.

PostgresGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a unique key command.

PostgresGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a plain index key command.

PostgresGrammar::compileSpatialIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a spatial index key command.

PostgresGrammar::compileForeign() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a foreign key command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop table command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop table (if exists) command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropAllTables() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropAllViews() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to drop all views.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropAllTypes() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to drop all types.

PostgresGrammar::compileGetAllTables() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all table names.

PostgresGrammar::compileGetAllViews() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all view names.

PostgresGrammar::compileGetAllTypes() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all type names.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop column command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop primary key command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop unique key command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop index command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropSpatialIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop spatial index command.

PostgresGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a drop foreign key command.

PostgresGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a rename table command.

PostgresGrammar::compileRenameIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a rename index command.

PostgresGrammar::compileEnableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.

PostgresGrammar::compileDisableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.

PostgresGrammar::compileComment() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a comment command.

RenameColumn::compile() — Method in class RenameColumn

Compile a rename column command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the query to determine if a table exists.

SQLiteGrammar::compileColumnListing() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the query to determine the list of columns.

SQLiteGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a create table command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile alter table commands for adding columns.

SQLiteGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a unique key command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a plain index key command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileSpatialIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a spatial index key command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileForeign() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a foreign key command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a drop table command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a drop table (if exists) command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDropAllTables() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDropAllViews() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to drop all views.

SQLiteGrammar::compileRebuild() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to rebuild the database.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a drop column command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a drop unique key command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a drop index command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDropSpatialIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a drop spatial index command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a rename table command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileRenameIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a rename index command.

SQLiteGrammar::compileEnableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDisableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.

SQLiteGrammar::compileEnableWriteableSchema() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to enable a writable schema.

SQLiteGrammar::compileDisableWriteableSchema() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to disable a writable schema.

SqlServerGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the query to determine if a table exists.

SqlServerGrammar::compileColumnListing() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the query to determine the list of columns.

SqlServerGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a create table command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a column addition table command.

SqlServerGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a primary key command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a unique key command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a plain index key command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileSpatialIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a spatial index key command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop table command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop table (if exists) command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropAllTables() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop column command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropDefaultConstraint() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop default constraint command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop primary key command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop unique key command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop index command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropSpatialIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop spatial index command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a drop foreign key command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a rename table command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileRenameIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a rename index command.

SqlServerGrammar::compileEnableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDisableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropAllForeignKeys() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the command to drop all foreign keys.

SqlServerGrammar::compileDropAllViews() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile the command to drop all views.

$ Seeder#containerProperty in class Seeder

The container instance.

$ Seeder#commandProperty in class Seeder

The console command instance.

Seeder::call() — Method in class Seeder

Seed the given connection from the given path.

Seeder::callSilent() — Method in class Seeder

Silently seed the given connection from the given path.

$ Encrypter#cipherProperty in class Encrypter

The algorithm used for encryption.

Encrypter::calculateMac() — Method in class Encrypter

Calculate the hash of the given payload.

CallQueuedListenerClass in namespace Illuminate\Events
$ CallQueuedListener#classProperty in class CallQueuedListener

The listener class name.

$ Dispatcher#containerProperty in class Dispatcher

The IoC container instance.

Dispatcher::createClassListener() — Method in class Dispatcher

Create a class based listener using the IoC container.

Dispatcher::createClassCallable() — Method in class Dispatcher

Create the class based event callable.

Dispatcher::createQueuedHandlerCallable() — Method in class Dispatcher

Create a callable for putting an event handler on the queue.

Dispatcher::createListenerAndJob() — Method in class Dispatcher

Create the listener and job for a queued listener.

CacheClass in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
Filesystem::chmod() — Method in class Filesystem

Get or set UNIX mode of a file or directory.

Filesystem::copy() — Method in class Filesystem

Copy a file to a new location.

Filesystem::copyDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem

Copy a directory from one location to another.

Filesystem::cleanDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem

Empty the specified directory of all files and folders.

FilesystemAdapter::copy() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Copy a file to a new location.

FilesystemAdapter::concatPathToUrl() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Concatenate a path to a URL.

$ FilesystemManager#customCreatorsProperty in class FilesystemManager

The registered custom driver creators.

FilesystemManager::cloud() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Get a default cloud filesystem instance.

FilesystemManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Call a custom driver creator.

FilesystemManager::createLocalDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Create an instance of the local driver.

FilesystemManager::createFtpDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Create an instance of the ftp driver.

FilesystemManager::createSftpDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Create an instance of the sftp driver.

FilesystemManager::createS3Driver() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Create an instance of the Amazon S3 driver.

FilesystemManager::createFlysystem() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Create a Flysystem instance with the given adapter.

FilesystemManager::createCacheStore() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Create a cache store instance.

Application::configPath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the application configuration files.

Application::configurationIsCached() — Method in class Application

Determine if the application configuration is cached.

Authorizable::can() — Method in class Authorizable

Determine if the entity has the given abilities.

Authorizable::cant() — Method in class Authorizable

Determine if the entity does not have the given abilities.

Authorizable::cannot() — Method in class Authorizable

Determine if the entity does not have the given abilities.

LoadEnvironmentVariables::checkForSpecificEnvironmentFile() — Method in class LoadEnvironmentVariables

Detect if a custom environment file matching the APP_ENV exists.

LoadEnvironmentVariables::createDotenv() — Method in class LoadEnvironmentVariables

Create a Dotenv instance.

$ PendingChain#chainProperty in class PendingChain

The jobs to be chained.

PendingDispatch::chain() — Method in class PendingDispatch

Set the jobs that should run if this job is successful.

ComposerScriptsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
ComposerScripts::clearCompiled() — Method in class ComposerScripts

Clear the cached Laravel bootstrapping files.

CastMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ChannelMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ClearCompiledCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ClosureCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
$ ClosureCommand#callbackProperty in class ClosureCommand

The command callback.

ComponentMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ConfigCacheCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ConfigClearCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ConsoleMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
$ Kernel#commandsProperty in class Kernel

The Artisan commands provided by the application.

$ Kernel#commandsLoadedProperty in class Kernel

Indicates if the Closure commands have been loaded.

Kernel::commands() — Method in class Kernel

Register the Closure based commands for the application.

Kernel::command() — Method in class Kernel

Register a Closure based command with the application.

Kernel::call() — Method in class Kernel

Run an Artisan console command by name.

ModelMakeCommand::createFactory() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand

Create a model factory for the model.

ModelMakeCommand::createMigration() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand

Create a migration file for the model.

ModelMakeCommand::createSeeder() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand

Create a seeder file for the model.

ModelMakeCommand::createController() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand

Create a controller for the model.

ResourceMakeCommand::collection() — Method in class ResourceMakeCommand

Determine if the command is generating a resource collection.

$ RouteListCommand#compactColumnsProperty in class RouteListCommand

The columns to display when using the "compact" flag.

ServeCommand::canTryAnotherPort() — Method in class ServeCommand

Check if command has reached its max amount of port tries.

VendorPublishCommand::createParentDirectory() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand

Create the directory to house the published files if needed.

ViewCacheCommand::compileViews() — Method in class ViewCacheCommand

Compile the given view files.

DiscoverEvents::classFromFile() — Method in class DiscoverEvents

Extract the class name from the given file path.

$ Handler#containerProperty in class Handler

The container implementation.

Handler::context() — Method in class Handler

Get the default context variables for logging.

Handler::convertValidationExceptionToResponse() — Method in class Handler

Create a response object from the given validation exception.

Handler::convertExceptionToResponse() — Method in class Handler

Create a Symfony response for the given exception.

Handler::convertExceptionToArray() — Method in class Handler

Convert the given exception to an array.

$ FormRequest#containerProperty in class FormRequest

The container instance.

FormRequest::createDefaultValidator() — Method in class FormRequest

Create the default validator instance.

CheckForMaintenanceModeClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
ConvertEmptyStringsToNullClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
TransformsRequest::clean() — Method in class TransformsRequest

Clean the request's data.

TransformsRequest::cleanParameterBag() — Method in class TransformsRequest

Clean the data in the parameter bag.

TransformsRequest::cleanArray() — Method in class TransformsRequest

Clean the data in the given array.

TransformsRequest::cleanValue() — Method in class TransformsRequest

Clean the given value.

PackageManifest::config() — Method in class PackageManifest

Get all of the values for all packages for the given configuration name.

ProviderRepository::compileManifest() — Method in class ProviderRepository

Compile the application service manifest file.

ProviderRepository::createProvider() — Method in class ProviderRepository

Create a new provider instance.

$ ArtisanServiceProvider#commandsProperty in class ArtisanServiceProvider

The commands to be registered.

ComposerServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
ConsoleSupportServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
DatabaseTransactions::connectionsToTransact() — Method in class DatabaseTransactions

The database connections that should have transactions.

RefreshDatabase::connectionsToTransact() — Method in class RefreshDatabase

The database connections that should have transactions.

$ TestCase#callbackExceptionProperty in class TestCase

The exception thrown while running an application destruction callback.

TestCase::createApplication() — Method in class TestCase

Creates the application.

TestCase::callBeforeApplicationDestroyedCallbacks() — Method in class TestCase

Execute the application's pre-destruction callbacks.

AbstractHasher::check() — Method in class AbstractHasher

Check the given plain value against a hash.

Argon2IdHasher::check() — Method in class Argon2IdHasher

Check the given plain value against a hash.

ArgonHasher::check() — Method in class ArgonHasher

Check the given plain value against a hash.

BcryptHasher::check() — Method in class BcryptHasher

Check the given plain value against a hash.

BcryptHasher::cost() — Method in class BcryptHasher

Extract the cost value from the options array.

HashManager::createBcryptDriver() — Method in class HashManager

Create an instance of the Bcrypt hash Driver.

HashManager::createArgonDriver() — Method in class HashManager

Create an instance of the Argon2i hash Driver.

HashManager::createArgon2idDriver() — Method in class HashManager

Create an instance of the Argon2id hash Driver.

HashManager::check() — Method in class HashManager

Check the given plain value against a hash.

ConnectionExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
$ PendingRequest#cookiesProperty in class PendingRequest

The request cookies.

PendingRequest::contentType() — Method in class PendingRequest

Specify the request's content type.

Response::clientError() — Method in class Response

Determine if the response indicates a client error occurred.

Response::cookies() — Method in class Response

Get the response cookies.

InteractsWithInput::cookie() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Retrieve a cookie from the request.

InteractsWithInput::convertUploadedFiles() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Convert the given array of Symfony UploadedFiles to custom Laravel UploadedFiles.

CheckResponseForModificationsClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Middleware
$ Request#convertedFilesProperty in class Request

All of the converted files for the request.

Request::capture() — Method in class Request

Create a new Illuminate HTTP request from server variables.

Request::createFrom() — Method in class Request

Create a new request instance from the given Laravel request.

Request::createFromBase() — Method in class Request

Create an Illuminate request from a Symfony instance.

CollectsResourcesClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources
CollectsResources::collectResource() — Method in class CollectsResources

Map the given collection resource into its individual resources.

CollectsResources::collects() — Method in class CollectsResources

Get the resource that this resource collects.

ConditionallyLoadsAttributesClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources
$ AnonymousResourceCollection#collectsProperty in class AnonymousResourceCollection

The name of the resource being collected.

JsonResource::collection() — Method in class JsonResource

Create new anonymous resource collection.

$ ResourceCollection#collectsProperty in class ResourceCollection

The resource that this resource collects.

$ ResourceCollection#collectionProperty in class ResourceCollection

The mapped collection instance.

ResourceCollection::count() — Method in class ResourceCollection

Return the count of items in the resource collection.

ResourceResponse::calculateStatus() — Method in class ResourceResponse

Calculate the appropriate status code for the response.

ResponseTrait::content() — Method in class ResponseTrait

Get the content of the response.

ResponseTrait::cookie() — Method in class ResponseTrait

Add a cookie to the response.

File::create() — Method in class File

Create a new fake file.

File::createWithContent() — Method in class File

Create a new fake file with content.

FileFactory::create() — Method in class FileFactory

Create a new fake file.

FileFactory::createWithContent() — Method in class FileFactory

Create a new fake file with content.

UploadedFile::clientExtension() — Method in class UploadedFile

Get the file's extension supplied by the client.

UploadedFile::createFromBase() — Method in class UploadedFile

Create a new file instance from a base instance.

$ MessageLogged#contextProperty in class MessageLogged

The log context.

$ LogManager#channelsProperty in class LogManager

The array of resolved channels.

$ LogManager#customCreatorsProperty in class LogManager

The registered custom driver creators.

LogManager::channel() — Method in class LogManager

Get a log channel instance.

LogManager::createEmergencyLogger() — Method in class LogManager

Create an emergency log handler to avoid white screens of death.

LogManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class LogManager

Call a custom driver creator.

LogManager::createCustomDriver() — Method in class LogManager

Create a custom log driver instance.

LogManager::createStackDriver() — Method in class LogManager

Create an aggregate log driver instance.

LogManager::createSingleDriver() — Method in class LogManager

Create an instance of the single file log driver.

LogManager::createDailyDriver() — Method in class LogManager

Create an instance of the daily file log driver.

LogManager::createSlackDriver() — Method in class LogManager

Create an instance of the Slack log driver.

LogManager::createSyslogDriver() — Method in class LogManager

Create an instance of the syslog log driver.

LogManager::createErrorlogDriver() — Method in class LogManager

Create an instance of the "error log" log driver.

LogManager::createMonologDriver() — Method in class LogManager

Create an instance of any handler available in Monolog.

LogManager::configurationFor() — Method in class LogManager

Get the log connection configuration.

LogManager::critical() — Method in class LogManager

Critical conditions.

Logger::critical() — Method in class Logger

Log a critical message to the logs.

$ MailManager#customCreatorsProperty in class MailManager

The registered custom driver creators.

MailManager::createSwiftMailer() — Method in class MailManager

Create the SwiftMailer instance for the given configuration.

MailManager::createTransport() — Method in class MailManager

Create a new transport instance.

MailManager::createSmtpTransport() — Method in class MailManager

Create an instance of the SMTP Swift Transport driver.

MailManager::configureSmtpTransport() — Method in class MailManager

Configure the additional SMTP driver options.

MailManager::createSendmailTransport() — Method in class MailManager

Create an instance of the Sendmail Swift Transport driver.

MailManager::createSesTransport() — Method in class MailManager

Create an instance of the Amazon SES Swift Transport driver.

MailManager::createMailTransport() — Method in class MailManager

Create an instance of the Mail Swift Transport driver.

MailManager::createMailgunTransport() — Method in class MailManager

Create an instance of the Mailgun Swift Transport driver.

MailManager::createPostmarkTransport() — Method in class MailManager

Create an instance of the Postmark Swift Transport driver.

MailManager::createLogTransport() — Method in class MailManager

Create an instance of the Log Swift Transport driver.

MailManager::createArrayTransport() — Method in class MailManager

Create an instance of the Array Swift Transport Driver.

$ Mailable#ccProperty in class Mailable

The "cc" recipients of the message.

$ Mailable#callbacksProperty in class Mailable

The callbacks for the message.

Mailable::cc() — Method in class Mailable

Set the recipients of the message.

Mailer::cc() — Method in class Mailer

Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.

Mailer::createMessage() — Method in class Mailer

Create a new message instance.

$ Markdown#componentPathsProperty in class Markdown

The registered component paths.

Markdown::componentPaths() — Method in class Markdown

Get the component paths.

Message::cc() — Method in class Message

Add a carbon copy to the message.

Message::createAttachmentFromPath() — Method in class Message

Create a Swift Attachment instance.

Message::createAttachmentFromData() — Method in class Message

Create a Swift Attachment instance from data.

$ PendingMail#ccProperty in class PendingMail

The "cc" recipients of the message.

PendingMail::cc() — Method in class PendingMail

Set the recipients of the message.

$ MailgunTransport#clientProperty in class MailgunTransport

Guzzle client instance.

ChannelManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
ChannelManager::channel() — Method in class ChannelManager

Get a channel instance.

ChannelManager::createDatabaseDriver() — Method in class ChannelManager

Create an instance of the database driver.

ChannelManager::createBroadcastDriver() — Method in class ChannelManager

Create an instance of the broadcast driver.

ChannelManager::createMailDriver() — Method in class ChannelManager

Create an instance of the mail driver.

ChannelManager::createDriver() — Method in class ChannelManager

Create a new driver instance.

$ NotificationTableCommand#composerProperty in class NotificationTableCommand
NotificationTableCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class NotificationTableCommand

Create a base migration file for the notifications.

$ DatabaseNotification#castsProperty in class DatabaseNotification

The attributes that should be cast to native types.

BroadcastNotificationCreated::channelName() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated

Get the broadcast channel name for the event.

$ NotificationFailed#channelProperty in class NotificationFailed

The channel name.

$ NotificationSending#channelProperty in class NotificationSending

The channel name.

$ NotificationSent#channelProperty in class NotificationSent

The channel name.

$ MailMessage#ccProperty in class MailMessage

The "cc" information for the message.

$ MailMessage#callbacksProperty in class MailMessage

The callbacks for the message.

MailMessage::cc() — Method in class MailMessage

Set the cc address for the mail message.

$ SendQueuedNotifications#channelsProperty in class SendQueuedNotifications

All of the channels to send the notification to.

$ AbstractPaginator#currentPageProperty in class AbstractPaginator

The current page being "viewed".

$ AbstractPaginator#currentPathResolverProperty in class AbstractPaginator

The current path resolver callback.

$ AbstractPaginator#currentPageResolverProperty in class AbstractPaginator

The current page resolver callback.

AbstractPaginator::currentPage() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Get the current page.

AbstractPaginator::currentPathResolver() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Set the current request path resolver callback.

AbstractPaginator::currentPageResolver() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Set the current page resolver callback.

AbstractPaginator::count() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Get the number of items for the current page.

UrlWindow::currentPage() — Method in class UrlWindow

Get the current page from the paginator.

$ Hub#containerProperty in class Hub

The container implementation.

$ Pipeline#containerProperty in class Pipeline

The container implementation.

Pipeline::carry() — Method in class Pipeline

Get a Closure that represents a slice of the application onion.

CallQueuedClosureClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
$ CallQueuedClosure#closureProperty in class CallQueuedClosure

The serializable Closure instance.

CallQueuedClosure::create() — Method in class CallQueuedClosure

Create a new job instance.

CallQueuedHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
$ CallQueuedHandler#containerProperty in class CallQueuedHandler

The container instance.

CallQueuedHandler::call() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler

Handle the queued job.

Manager::connection() — Method in class Manager

Get a connection instance from the global manager.

BeanstalkdConnector::connect() — Method in class BeanstalkdConnector

Establish a queue connection.

ConnectorInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
ConnectorInterface::connect() — Method in class ConnectorInterface

Establish a queue connection.

$ DatabaseConnector#connectionsProperty in class DatabaseConnector

Database connections.

DatabaseConnector::connect() — Method in class DatabaseConnector

Establish a queue connection.

NullConnector::connect() — Method in class NullConnector

Establish a queue connection.

$ RedisConnector#connectionProperty in class RedisConnector

The connection name.

RedisConnector::connect() — Method in class RedisConnector

Establish a queue connection.

SqsConnector::connect() — Method in class SqsConnector

Establish a queue connection.

SyncConnector::connect() — Method in class SyncConnector

Establish a queue connection.

$ FailedTableCommand#composerProperty in class FailedTableCommand
FailedTableCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class FailedTableCommand

Create a base migration file for the table.

$ RestartCommand#cacheProperty in class RestartCommand

The cache store implementation.

$ TableCommand#composerProperty in class TableCommand
TableCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class TableCommand

Create a base migration file for the table.

$ WorkCommand#cacheProperty in class WorkCommand

The cache store implementation.

$ JobExceptionOccurred#connectionNameProperty in class JobExceptionOccurred

The connection name.

$ JobFailed#connectionNameProperty in class JobFailed

The connection name.

$ JobProcessed#connectionNameProperty in class JobProcessed

The connection name.

$ JobProcessing#connectionNameProperty in class JobProcessing

The connection name.

$ Looping#connectionNameProperty in class Looping

The connection name.

$ Job#containerProperty in class Job

The IoC container instance.

$ Job#connectionNameProperty in class Job

The name of the connection the job belongs to.

$ Listener#commandPathProperty in class Listener

The command working path.

Listener::createCommand() — Method in class Listener

Create the command with the listener options.

$ Queue#containerProperty in class Queue

The IoC container instance.

$ Queue#connectionNameProperty in class Queue

The connection name for the queue.

$ Queue#createPayloadCallbacksProperty in class Queue

The create payload callbacks.

Queue::createPayload() — Method in class Queue

Create a payload string from the given job and data.

Queue::createPayloadArray() — Method in class Queue

Create a payload array from the given job and data.

Queue::createObjectPayload() — Method in class Queue

Create a payload for an object-based queue handler.

Queue::createStringPayload() — Method in class Queue

Create a typical, string based queue payload array.

Queue::createPayloadUsing() — Method in class Queue

Register a callback to be executed when creating job payloads.

$ QueueManager#connectionsProperty in class QueueManager

The array of resolved queue connections.

$ QueueManager#connectorsProperty in class QueueManager

The array of resolved queue connectors.

QueueManager::connected() — Method in class QueueManager

Determine if the driver is connected.

QueueManager::connection() — Method in class QueueManager

Resolve a queue connection instance.

$ RedisQueue#connectionProperty in class RedisQueue

The connection name.

RedisQueue::createPayloadArray() — Method in class RedisQueue

Create a payload string from the given job and data.

$ Worker#cacheProperty in class Worker

The cache repository implementation.

ConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Connections
$ Connection#clientProperty in class Connection

The Redis client.

Connection::createSubscription() — Method in class Connection

Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.

Connection::client() — Method in class Connection

Get the underlying Redis client.

Connection::command() — Method in class Connection

Run a command against the Redis database.

$ PhpRedisConnection#connectorProperty in class PhpRedisConnection

The connection creation callback.

$ PhpRedisConnection#configProperty in class PhpRedisConnection

The connection configuration array.

PhpRedisConnection::createSubscription() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.

PhpRedisConnection::command() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Run a command against the Redis database.

$ PredisConnection#clientProperty in class PredisConnection

The Predis client.

PredisConnection::createSubscription() — Method in class PredisConnection

Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.

PhpRedisConnector::connect() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector

Create a new clustered PhpRedis connection.

PhpRedisConnector::connectToCluster() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector

Create a new clustered PhpRedis connection.

PhpRedisConnector::createClient() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector

Create the Redis client instance.

PhpRedisConnector::createRedisClusterInstance() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector

Create a new redis cluster instance.

PredisConnector::connect() — Method in class PredisConnector

Create a new clustered Predis connection.

PredisConnector::connectToCluster() — Method in class PredisConnector

Create a new clustered Predis connection.

CommandExecutedClass in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Events
$ CommandExecuted#commandProperty in class CommandExecuted

The Redis command that was executed.

$ CommandExecuted#connectionProperty in class CommandExecuted

The Redis connection instance.

$ CommandExecuted#connectionNameProperty in class CommandExecuted

The Redis connection name.

ConcurrencyLimiterClass in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Limiters
ConcurrencyLimiterBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Limiters
$ ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder#connectionProperty in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder

The Redis connection.

$ DurationLimiterBuilder#connectionProperty in class DurationLimiterBuilder

The Redis connection.

$ RedisManager#customCreatorsProperty in class RedisManager

The registered custom driver creators.

$ RedisManager#configProperty in class RedisManager

The Redis server configurations.

$ RedisManager#connectionsProperty in class RedisManager

The Redis connections.

RedisManager::connection() — Method in class RedisManager

Get a Redis connection by name.

RedisManager::configure() — Method in class RedisManager

Configure the given connection to prepare it for commands.

RedisManager::connector() — Method in class RedisManager

Get the connector instance for the current driver.

RedisManager::connections() — Method in class RedisManager

Return all of the created connections.

AbstractRouteCollection::checkForAlternateVerbs() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection

Determine if any routes match on another HTTP verb.

AbstractRouteCollection::compile() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection

Compile the routes for caching.

AbstractRouteCollection::count() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection

Count the number of items in the collection.

CompiledRouteCollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
$ CompiledRouteCollection#compiledProperty in class CompiledRouteCollection

The compiled routes collection.

$ CompiledRouteCollection#containerProperty in class CompiledRouteCollection

The container instance used by the route.

ControllerMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Console
ControllerDispatcherClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Contracts
ControllerClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
Controller::callAction() — Method in class Controller

Execute an action on the controller.

ControllerDispatcherClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
$ ControllerDispatcher#containerProperty in class ControllerDispatcher

The container instance.

ControllerMiddlewareOptionsClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
ThrottleRequests::calculateRemainingAttempts() — Method in class ThrottleRequests

Calculate the number of remaining attempts.

ThrottleRequestsWithRedis::calculateRemainingAttempts() — Method in class ThrottleRequestsWithRedis

Calculate the number of remaining attempts.

$ PendingResourceRegistration#controllerProperty in class PendingResourceRegistration

The resource controller.

Redirector::createRedirect() — Method in class Redirector

Create a new redirect response.

$ Route#controllerProperty in class Route

The controller instance.

$ Route#computedMiddlewareProperty in class Route

The computed gathered middleware.

$ Route#compiledProperty in class Route

The compiled version of the route.

$ Route#containerProperty in class Route

The container instance used by the route.

Route::compileRoute() — Method in class Route

Compile the route into a Symfony CompiledRoute instance.

Route::compileParameterNames() — Method in class Route

Get the parameter names for the route.

Route::controllerMiddleware() — Method in class Route

Get the middleware for the route's controller.

Route::controllerDispatcher() — Method in class Route

Get the dispatcher for the route's controller.

RouteBinding::createClassBinding() — Method in class RouteBinding

Create a class based binding using the IoC container.

RouteRegistrar::compileAction() — Method in class RouteRegistrar

Compile the action into an array including the attributes.

$ Router#containerProperty in class Router

The IoC container instance.

$ Router#currentProperty in class Router

The currently dispatched route instance.

$ Router#currentRequestProperty in class Router

The request currently being dispatched.

Router::createRoute() — Method in class Router

Create a new route instance.

Router::convertToControllerAction() — Method in class Router

Add a controller based route action to the action array.

Router::current() — Method in class Router

Get the currently dispatched route instance.

Router::currentRouteName() — Method in class Router

Get the current route name.

Router::currentRouteNamed() — Method in class Router

Determine if the current route matches a pattern.

Router::currentRouteAction() — Method in class Router

Get the current route action.

Router::currentRouteUses() — Method in class Router

Determine if the current route action matches a given action.

$ UrlGenerator#cachedRootProperty in class UrlGenerator

A cached copy of the URL root for the current request.

$ UrlGenerator#cachedSchemeProperty in class UrlGenerator

A cached copy of the URL scheme for the current request.

UrlGenerator::current() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the current URL for the request.

ArraySessionHandler::close() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler
ArraySessionHandler::calculateExpiration() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler

Get the expiration time of the session.

CacheBasedSessionHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
$ CacheBasedSessionHandler#cacheProperty in class CacheBasedSessionHandler

The cache repository instance.

CacheBasedSessionHandler::close() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
$ SessionTableCommand#composerProperty in class SessionTableCommand
SessionTableCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class SessionTableCommand

Create a base migration file for the session.

CookieSessionHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
$ CookieSessionHandler#cookieProperty in class CookieSessionHandler

The cookie jar instance.

CookieSessionHandler::close() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
$ DatabaseSessionHandler#connectionProperty in class DatabaseSessionHandler

The database connection instance.

$ DatabaseSessionHandler#containerProperty in class DatabaseSessionHandler

The container instance.

DatabaseSessionHandler::close() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
FileSessionHandler::close() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
$ StartSession#cacheFactoryResolverProperty in class StartSession

The callback that can resolve an instance of the cache factory.

StartSession::collectGarbage() — Method in class StartSession

Remove the garbage from the session if necessary.

StartSession::configHitsLottery() — Method in class StartSession

Determine if the configuration odds hit the lottery.

StartSession::cache() — Method in class StartSession

Resolve the given cache driver.

NullSessionHandler::close() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
SessionManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class SessionManager

Call a custom driver creator.

SessionManager::createNullDriver() — Method in class SessionManager

Create an instance of the "null" session driver.

SessionManager::createArrayDriver() — Method in class SessionManager

Create an instance of the "array" session driver.

SessionManager::createCookieDriver() — Method in class SessionManager

Create an instance of the "cookie" session driver.

SessionManager::createFileDriver() — Method in class SessionManager

Create an instance of the file session driver.

SessionManager::createNativeDriver() — Method in class SessionManager

Create an instance of the file session driver.

SessionManager::createDatabaseDriver() — Method in class SessionManager

Create an instance of the database session driver.

SessionManager::createApcDriver() — Method in class SessionManager

Create an instance of the APC session driver.

SessionManager::createMemcachedDriver() — Method in class SessionManager

Create an instance of the Memcached session driver.

SessionManager::createRedisDriver() — Method in class SessionManager

Create an instance of the Redis session driver.

SessionManager::createDynamodbDriver() — Method in class SessionManager

Create an instance of the DynamoDB session driver.

SessionManager::createCacheBased() — Method in class SessionManager

Create an instance of a cache driven driver.

SessionManager::createCacheHandler() — Method in class SessionManager

Create the cache based session handler instance.

Arr::collapse() — Method in class Arr

Collapse an array of arrays into a single array.

Arr::crossJoin() — Method in class Arr

Cross join the given arrays, returning all possible permutations.

CarbonClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
CollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
Collection::collapse() — Method in class Collection

Collapse the items into a single enumerable.

Collection::contains() — Method in class Collection

Determine if an item exists in the enumerable.

Collection::crossJoin() — Method in class Collection

Cross join with the given lists, returning all possible permutations.

Collection::combine() — Method in class Collection

Create a collection by using this collection for keys and another for its values.

Collection::concat() — Method in class Collection

Push all of the given items onto the collection.

Collection::chunk() — Method in class Collection

Chunk the collection into chunks of the given size.

Collection::count() — Method in class Collection

Count the number of items in the collection.

Collection::countBy() — Method in class Collection

Count the number of items in the collection using a given truth test.

ComposerClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
ConfigurationUrlParserClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
$ DateFactory#callableProperty in class DateFactory

This callable may be used to intercept date creation.

DateFactory::create() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::createFromDate() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::createFromFormat() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::createFromTime() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::createFromTimeString() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::createFromTimestamp() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::createFromTimestampMs() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::createFromTimestampUTC() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::createMidnightDate() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::createSafe() — Method in class DateFactory
Enumerable::collapse() — Method in class Enumerable

Collapse the items into a single enumerable.

Enumerable::containsStrict() — Method in class Enumerable

Determine if an item exists, using strict comparison.

Enumerable::contains() — Method in class Enumerable

Determine if an item exists in the enumerable.

Enumerable::combine() — Method in class Enumerable

Create a collection by using this collection for keys and another for its values.

Enumerable::concat() — Method in class Enumerable

Push all of the given items onto the collection.

Enumerable::chunk() — Method in class Enumerable

Chunk the collection into chunks of the given size.

Enumerable::countBy() — Method in class Enumerable

Count the number of items in the collection using a given truth test.

Enumerable::collect() — Method in class Enumerable

Collect the values into a collection.

App::configurationIsCached() — Method in class App
App::configPath() — Method in class App
Artisan::command() — Method in class Artisan
Artisan::call() — Method in class Artisan
Auth::createUserProvider() — Method in class Auth
Auth::check() — Method in class Auth
Blade::check() — Method in class Blade
Blade::compileString() — Method in class Blade
Blade::compile() — Method in class Blade
Blade::component() — Method in class Blade
Blade::components() — Method in class Blade
Broadcast::channel() — Method in class Broadcast
Broadcast::connection() — Method in class Broadcast
CacheClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
ConfigClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
CookieClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
CryptClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
DB::connection() — Method in class DB
DB::commit() — Method in class DB
Date::create() — Method in class Date
Date::createFromDate() — Method in class Date
Date::createFromTime() — Method in class Date
Date::createFromTimeString() — Method in class Date
Date::createFromTimestamp() — Method in class Date
Date::createFromTimestampMs() — Method in class Date
Date::createFromTimestampUTC() — Method in class Date
Date::createMidnightDate() — Method in class Date
Date::createFromFormat() — Method in class Date
Date::createSafe() — Method in class Date
Event::createClassListener() — Method in class Event
Facade::createFreshMockInstance() — Method in class Facade

Create a fresh mock instance for the given class.

Facade::createMock() — Method in class Facade

Create a fresh mock instance for the given class.

Facade::clearResolvedInstance() — Method in class Facade

Clear a resolved facade instance.

Facade::clearResolvedInstances() — Method in class Facade

Clear all of the resolved instances.

File::cleanDirectory() — Method in class File
File::copy() — Method in class File
File::copyDirectory() — Method in class File
File::chmod() — Method in class File
Gate::check() — Method in class Gate
Hash::check() — Method in class Hash
Http::contentType() — Method in class Http
Lang::choice() — Method in class Lang
Log::channel() — Method in class Log
Log::critical() — Method in class Log
Notification::channel() — Method in class Notification
Password::createToken() — Method in class Password
Redis::connection() — Method in class Redis
Request::capture() — Method in class Request
Request::createFrom() — Method in class Request
Request::createFromBase() — Method in class Request
Request::cookie() — Method in class Request
Route::current() — Method in class Route
Route::currentRouteAction() — Method in class Route
Route::currentRouteName() — Method in class Route
Schema::connection() — Method in class Schema

Get a schema builder instance for a connection.

Schema::create() — Method in class Schema
Storage::cloud() — Method in class Storage
Storage::copy() — Method in class Storage
URL::current() — Method in class URL
View::composer() — Method in class View
View::creator() — Method in class View
$ HigherOrderCollectionProxy#collectionProperty in class HigherOrderCollectionProxy

The collection being operated on.

$ HigherOrderWhenProxy#collectionProperty in class HigherOrderWhenProxy

The collection being operated on.

$ HigherOrderWhenProxy#conditionProperty in class HigherOrderWhenProxy

The condition for proxying.

InteractsWithTime::currentTime() — Method in class InteractsWithTime

Get the current system time as a UNIX timestamp.

LazyCollection::collapse() — Method in class LazyCollection

Collapse the collection of items into a single array.

LazyCollection::contains() — Method in class LazyCollection

Determine if an item exists in the enumerable.

LazyCollection::crossJoin() — Method in class LazyCollection

Cross join the given iterables, returning all possible permutations.

LazyCollection::countBy() — Method in class LazyCollection

Count the number of items in the collection by a field or using a callback.

LazyCollection::combine() — Method in class LazyCollection

Create a collection by using this collection for keys and another for its values.

LazyCollection::concat() — Method in class LazyCollection

Push all of the given items onto the collection.

LazyCollection::chunk() — Method in class LazyCollection

Chunk the collection into chunks of the given size.

LazyCollection::count() — Method in class LazyCollection

Count the number of items in the collection.

$ Manager#containerProperty in class Manager

The container instance.

$ Manager#configProperty in class Manager

The configuration repository instance.

$ Manager#customCreatorsProperty in class Manager

The registered custom driver creators.

Manager::createDriver() — Method in class Manager

Create a new driver instance.

Manager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class Manager

Call a custom driver creator.

MessageBag::checkFormat() — Method in class MessageBag

Get the appropriate format based on the given format.

MessageBag::count() — Method in class MessageBag

Get the number of messages in the container.

ServiceProvider::callAfterResolving() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Setup an after resolving listener, or fire immediately if already resolved.

ServiceProvider::commands() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Register the package's custom Artisan commands.

$ Str#camelCacheProperty in class Str

The cache of camel-cased words.

Str::camel() — Method in class Str

Convert a value to camel case.

Str::contains() — Method in class Str

Determine if a given string contains a given substring.

Str::containsAll() — Method in class Str

Determine if a given string contains all array values.

Str::createUuidsUsing() — Method in class Str

Set the callable that will be used to generate UUIDs.

Str::createUuidsNormally() — Method in class Str

Indicate that UUIDs should be created normally and not using a custom factory.

Stringable::camel() — Method in class Stringable

Convert a value to camel case.

Stringable::contains() — Method in class Stringable

Determine if a given string contains a given substring.

Stringable::containsAll() — Method in class Stringable

Determine if a given string contains all array values.

$ BusFake#commandsProperty in class BusFake

The commands that have been dispatched.

$ BusFake#commandsAfterResponseProperty in class BusFake

The commands that have been dispatched after the response has been sent.

$ MailFake#currentMailerProperty in class MailFake

The mailer currently being used to send a message.

NotificationFake::channel() — Method in class NotificationFake

Get a channel instance by name.

QueueFake::connection() — Method in class QueueFake

Resolve a queue connection instance.

CapsuleManagerTraitClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
$ CapsuleManagerTrait#containerProperty in class CapsuleManagerTrait

The container instance.

$ EnumeratesValues#containsProperty in class EnumeratesValues
EnumeratesValues::containsStrict() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Determine if an item exists, using strict comparison.

EnumeratesValues::collect() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Collect the values into a collection.

ReflectsClosures::closureParameterTypes() — Method in class ReflectsClosures

Get the class names / types of the parameters of the given Closure.

ViewErrorBag::count() — Method in class ViewErrorBag

Get the number of messages in the default bag.

CountInDatabaseClass in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Constraints
$ SeeInOrder#contentProperty in class SeeInOrder

The string under validation.

$ PendingCommand#commandProperty in class PendingCommand

The command to run.

MessageSelector::choose() — Method in class MessageSelector

Select a proper translation string based on the given number.

Translator::choice() — Method in class Translator

Get a translation according to an integer value.

ClosureValidationRuleClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
$ ClosureValidationRule#callbackProperty in class ClosureValidationRule

The callback that validates the attribute.

FormatsMessages::callReplacer() — Method in class FormatsMessages

Call a custom validator message replacer.

FormatsMessages::callClassBasedReplacer() — Method in class FormatsMessages

Call a class based validator message replacer.

ValidatesAttributes::compareDates() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Compare a given date against another using an operator.

ValidatesAttributes::checkDateTimeOrder() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Given two date/time strings, check that one is after the other.

ValidatesAttributes::convertValuesToBoolean() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Convert the given values to boolean if they are string "true" / "false".

ValidatesAttributes::compare() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Determine if a comparison passes between the given values.

$ DatabasePresenceVerifier#connectionProperty in class DatabasePresenceVerifier

The database connection to use.

$ Factory#containerProperty in class Factory

The IoC container instance.

$ DatabaseRule#columnProperty in class DatabaseRule

The column to check on.

$ Dimensions#constraintsProperty in class Dimensions

The constraints for the dimensions rule.

$ RequiredIf#conditionProperty in class RequiredIf

The condition that validates the attribute.

$ Validator#containerProperty in class Validator

The container instance.

$ Validator#currentRuleProperty in class Validator

The current rule that is validating.

$ Validator#customMessagesProperty in class Validator

The array of custom error messages.

$ Validator#customAttributesProperty in class Validator

The array of custom attribute names.

$ Validator#customValuesProperty in class Validator

The array of custom displayable values.

Validator::callExtension() — Method in class Validator

Call a custom validator extension.

Validator::callClassBasedExtension() — Method in class Validator

Call a class based validator extension.

$ BladeCompiler#customDirectivesProperty in class BladeCompiler

All custom "directive" handlers.

$ BladeCompiler#conditionsProperty in class BladeCompiler

All custom "condition" handlers.

$ BladeCompiler#compilersProperty in class BladeCompiler

All of the available compiler functions.

$ BladeCompiler#contentTagsProperty in class BladeCompiler

Array of opening and closing tags for regular echos.

$ BladeCompiler#classComponentAliasesProperty in class BladeCompiler

The array of class component aliases and their class names.

$ BladeCompiler#compilesComponentTagsProperty in class BladeCompiler

Indicates if component tags should be compiled.

BladeCompiler::compile() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Compile the view at the given path.

BladeCompiler::compileString() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Compile the given Blade template contents.

BladeCompiler::compileComponentTags() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Compile the component tags.

BladeCompiler::compileExtensions() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Execute the user defined extensions.

BladeCompiler::compileStatements() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Compile Blade statements that start with "@".

BladeCompiler::compileStatement() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Compile a single Blade @ statement.

BladeCompiler::callCustomDirective() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Call the given directive with the given value.

BladeCompiler::check() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Check the result of a condition.

BladeCompiler::component() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Register a class-based component alias directive.

BladeCompiler::components() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Register an array of class-based components.

CompilerClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
$ Compiler#cachePathProperty in class Compiler

Get the cache path for the compiled views.

CompilerInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
CompilerInterface::compile() — Method in class CompilerInterface

Compile the view at the given path.

ComponentTagCompilerClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
ComponentTagCompiler::compile() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Compile the component and slot tags within the given string.

ComponentTagCompiler::compileTags() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Compile the tags within the given string.

ComponentTagCompiler::compileOpeningTags() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Compile the opening tags within the given string.

ComponentTagCompiler::compileSelfClosingTags() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Compile the self-closing tags within the given string.

ComponentTagCompiler::componentString() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Compile the Blade component string for the given component and attributes.

ComponentTagCompiler::componentClass() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Get the component class for a given component alias.

ComponentTagCompiler::compileClosingTags() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Compile the closing tags within the given string.

ComponentTagCompiler::compileSlots() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Compile the slot tags within the given string.

ComponentTagCompiler::compileAttributeEchos() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Compile any Blade echo statements that are present in the attribute string.

CompilesAuthorizationsClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
CompilesAuthorizations::compileCan() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations

Compile the can statements into valid PHP.

CompilesAuthorizations::compileCannot() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations

Compile the cannot statements into valid PHP.

CompilesAuthorizations::compileCanany() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations

Compile the canany statements into valid PHP.

CompilesAuthorizations::compileElsecan() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations

Compile the else-can statements into valid PHP.

CompilesAuthorizations::compileElsecannot() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations

Compile the else-cannot statements into valid PHP.

CompilesAuthorizations::compileElsecanany() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations

Compile the else-canany statements into valid PHP.

CompilesAuthorizations::compileEndcan() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations

Compile the end-can statements into valid PHP.

CompilesAuthorizations::compileEndcannot() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations

Compile the end-cannot statements into valid PHP.

CompilesAuthorizations::compileEndcanany() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations

Compile the end-canany statements into valid PHP.

CompilesCommentsClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
CompilesComments::compileComments() — Method in class CompilesComments

Compile Blade comments into an empty string.

CompilesComponentsClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
$ CompilesComponents#componentHashStackProperty in class CompilesComponents

The component name hash stack.

CompilesComponents::compileComponent() — Method in class CompilesComponents

Compile the component statements into valid PHP.

CompilesComponents::compileClassComponentOpening() — Method in class CompilesComponents

Compile a class component opening.

CompilesComponents::compileEndComponent() — Method in class CompilesComponents

Compile the end-component statements into valid PHP.

CompilesComponents::compileEndComponentClass() — Method in class CompilesComponents

Compile the end-component statements into valid PHP.

CompilesComponents::compileSlot() — Method in class CompilesComponents

Compile the slot statements into valid PHP.

CompilesComponents::compileEndSlot() — Method in class CompilesComponents

Compile the end-slot statements into valid PHP.

CompilesComponents::compileComponentFirst() — Method in class CompilesComponents

Compile the component-first statements into valid PHP.

CompilesComponents::compileEndComponentFirst() — Method in class CompilesComponents

Compile the end-component-first statements into valid PHP.

CompilesComponents::compileProps() — Method in class CompilesComponents

Compile the prop statement into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionalsClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
CompilesConditionals::compileAuth() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the if-auth statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileElseAuth() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the else-auth statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileEndAuth() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the end-auth statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileEnv() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the env statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileEndEnv() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the end-env statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileProduction() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the production statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileEndProduction() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the end-production statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileGuest() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the if-guest statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileElseGuest() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the else-guest statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileEndGuest() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the end-guest statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileHasSection() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the has-section statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileSectionMissing() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the section-missing statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileIf() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the if statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileUnless() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the unless statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileElseif() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the else-if statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileElse() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the else statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileEndif() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the end-if statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileEndunless() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the end-unless statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileIsset() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the if-isset statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileEndIsset() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the end-isset statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileSwitch() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the switch statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileCase() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the case statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileDefault() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the default statements in switch case into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileEndSwitch() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile the end switch statements into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileOnce() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile an once block into valid PHP.

CompilesConditionals::compileEndOnce() — Method in class CompilesConditionals

Compile an end-once block into valid PHP.

CompilesEchosClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
CompilesEchos::compileEchos() — Method in class CompilesEchos

Compile Blade echos into valid PHP.

CompilesEchos::compileRawEchos() — Method in class CompilesEchos

Compile the "raw" echo statements.

CompilesEchos::compileRegularEchos() — Method in class CompilesEchos

Compile the "regular" echo statements.

CompilesEchos::compileEscapedEchos() — Method in class CompilesEchos

Compile the escaped echo statements.

CompilesErrorsClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
CompilesErrors::compileError() — Method in class CompilesErrors

Compile the error statements into valid PHP.

CompilesErrors::compileEnderror() — Method in class CompilesErrors

Compile the enderror statements into valid PHP.

CompilesHelpersClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
CompilesHelpers::compileCsrf() — Method in class CompilesHelpers

Compile the CSRF statements into valid PHP.

CompilesHelpers::compileDd() — Method in class CompilesHelpers

Compile the "dd" statements into valid PHP.

CompilesHelpers::compileDump() — Method in class CompilesHelpers

Compile the "dump" statements into valid PHP.

CompilesHelpers::compileMethod() — Method in class CompilesHelpers

Compile the method statements into valid PHP.

CompilesIncludesClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
CompilesIncludes::compileEach() — Method in class CompilesIncludes

Compile the each statements into valid PHP.

CompilesIncludes::compileInclude() — Method in class CompilesIncludes

Compile the include statements into valid PHP.

CompilesIncludes::compileIncludeIf() — Method in class CompilesIncludes

Compile the include-if statements into valid PHP.

CompilesIncludes::compileIncludeWhen() — Method in class CompilesIncludes

Compile the include-when statements into valid PHP.

CompilesIncludes::compileIncludeUnless() — Method in class CompilesIncludes

Compile the include-unless statements into valid PHP.

CompilesIncludes::compileIncludeFirst() — Method in class CompilesIncludes

Compile the include-first statements into valid PHP.

CompilesInjectionsClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
CompilesInjections::compileInject() — Method in class CompilesInjections

Compile the inject statements into valid PHP.

CompilesJsonClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
CompilesJson::compileJson() — Method in class CompilesJson

Compile the JSON statement into valid PHP.

CompilesLayoutsClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
CompilesLayouts::compileExtends() — Method in class CompilesLayouts

Compile the extends statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLayouts::compileSection() — Method in class CompilesLayouts

Compile the section statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLayouts::compileParent() — Method in class CompilesLayouts

Replace the @parent directive to a placeholder.

CompilesLayouts::compileYield() — Method in class CompilesLayouts

Compile the yield statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLayouts::compileShow() — Method in class CompilesLayouts

Compile the show statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLayouts::compileAppend() — Method in class CompilesLayouts

Compile the append statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLayouts::compileOverwrite() — Method in class CompilesLayouts

Compile the overwrite statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLayouts::compileStop() — Method in class CompilesLayouts

Compile the stop statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLayouts::compileEndsection() — Method in class CompilesLayouts

Compile the end-section statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLoopsClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
CompilesLoops::compileForelse() — Method in class CompilesLoops

Compile the for-else statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLoops::compileEmpty() — Method in class CompilesLoops

Compile the for-else-empty and empty statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLoops::compileEndforelse() — Method in class CompilesLoops

Compile the end-for-else statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLoops::compileEndEmpty() — Method in class CompilesLoops

Compile the end-empty statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLoops::compileFor() — Method in class CompilesLoops

Compile the for statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLoops::compileForeach() — Method in class CompilesLoops

Compile the for-each statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLoops::compileBreak() — Method in class CompilesLoops

Compile the break statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLoops::compileContinue() — Method in class CompilesLoops

Compile the continue statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLoops::compileEndfor() — Method in class CompilesLoops

Compile the end-for statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLoops::compileEndforeach() — Method in class CompilesLoops

Compile the end-for-each statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLoops::compileWhile() — Method in class CompilesLoops

Compile the while statements into valid PHP.

CompilesLoops::compileEndwhile() — Method in class CompilesLoops

Compile the end-while statements into valid PHP.

CompilesRawPhpClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
CompilesRawPhp::compilePhp() — Method in class CompilesRawPhp

Compile the raw PHP statements into valid PHP.

CompilesRawPhp::compileUnset() — Method in class CompilesRawPhp

Compile the unset statements into valid PHP.

CompilesStacksClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
CompilesStacks::compileStack() — Method in class CompilesStacks

Compile the stack statements into the content.

CompilesStacks::compilePush() — Method in class CompilesStacks

Compile the push statements into valid PHP.

CompilesStacks::compileEndpush() — Method in class CompilesStacks

Compile the end-push statements into valid PHP.

CompilesStacks::compilePrepend() — Method in class CompilesStacks

Compile the prepend statements into valid PHP.

CompilesStacks::compileEndprepend() — Method in class CompilesStacks

Compile the end-prepend statements into valid PHP.

CompilesTranslationsClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
CompilesTranslations::compileLang() — Method in class CompilesTranslations

Compile the lang statements into valid PHP.

CompilesTranslations::compileEndlang() — Method in class CompilesTranslations

Compile the end-lang statements into valid PHP.

CompilesTranslations::compileChoice() — Method in class CompilesTranslations

Compile the choice statements into valid PHP.

ComponentClass in namespace Illuminate\View
$ Component#componentNameProperty in class Component

The component alias name.

Component::createBladeViewFromString() — Method in class Component

Create a Blade view with the raw component string content.

Component::createVariableFromMethod() — Method in class Component

Create a callable variable from the given method.

Component::createInvokableVariable() — Method in class Component

Create an invokable, toStringable variable for the given component method.

ComponentAttributeBagClass in namespace Illuminate\View
$ ManagesComponents#componentStackProperty in class ManagesComponents

The components being rendered.

$ ManagesComponents#componentDataProperty in class ManagesComponents

The original data passed to the component.

ManagesComponents::componentData() — Method in class ManagesComponents

Get the data for the given component.

ManagesComponents::currentComponent() — Method in class ManagesComponents

Get the index for the current component.

ManagesEvents::creator() — Method in class ManagesEvents

Register a view creator event.

ManagesEvents::composers() — Method in class ManagesEvents

Register multiple view composers via an array.

ManagesEvents::composer() — Method in class ManagesEvents

Register a view composer event.

ManagesEvents::classEventMethodForPrefix() — Method in class ManagesEvents

Determine the class event method based on the given prefix.

ManagesEvents::callComposer() — Method in class ManagesEvents

Call the composer for a given view.

ManagesEvents::callCreator() — Method in class ManagesEvents

Call the creator for a given view.

CompilerEngineClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
$ CompilerEngine#compilerProperty in class CompilerEngine

The Blade compiler instance.

$ Factory#containerProperty in class Factory

The IoC container instance.

$ Factory#composersProperty in class Factory

The view composer events.

$ InvokableComponentVariable#callableProperty in class InvokableComponentVariable

The callable instance to resolve the variable value.

ViewServiceProvider::createFactory() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider

Create a new Factory Instance.


Gate::define() — Method in class Gate

Define a new ability.

Gate::denies() — Method in class Gate

Determine if the given ability should be denied for the current user.

HandlesAuthorization::deny() — Method in class HandlesAuthorization

Throws an unauthorized exception.

Response::deny() — Method in class Response

Create a new "deny" Response.

Response::denied() — Method in class Response

Determine if the response was denied.

$ ClearResetsCommand#descriptionProperty in class ClearResetsCommand

The console command description.

DatabaseUserProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
DatabaseTokenRepositoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
DatabaseTokenRepository::deleteExisting() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository

Delete all existing reset tokens from the database.

DatabaseTokenRepository::delete() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository

Delete a token record by user.

DatabaseTokenRepository::deleteExpired() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository

Delete expired tokens.

PasswordBroker::deleteToken() — Method in class PasswordBroker

Delete password reset tokens of the given user.

TokenRepositoryInterface::delete() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface

Delete a token record.

TokenRepositoryInterface::deleteExpired() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface

Delete expired tokens.

BroadcastEvent::displayName() — Method in class BroadcastEvent

Get the display name for the queued job.

$ BroadcastManager#driversProperty in class BroadcastManager

The array of resolved broadcast drivers.

BroadcastManager::driver() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Get a driver instance.

PusherBroadcaster::decodePusherResponse() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster

Decode the given Pusher response.

InteractsWithSockets::dontBroadcastToCurrentUser() — Method in class InteractsWithSockets

Exclude the current user from receiving the broadcast.

DispatcherClass in namespace Illuminate\Bus
Dispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatcher

Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler.

Dispatcher::dispatchNow() — Method in class Dispatcher

Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.

Dispatcher::dispatchToQueue() — Method in class Dispatcher

Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler behind a queue.

Dispatcher::dispatchAfterResponse() — Method in class Dispatcher

Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler after the current process.

$ Queueable#delayProperty in class Queueable

The number of seconds before the job should be made available.

Queueable::delay() — Method in class Queueable

Set the desired delay for the job.

Queueable::dispatchNextJobInChain() — Method in class Queueable

Dispatch the next job on the chain.

ApcStore::decrement() — Method in class ApcStore

Decrement the value of an item in the cache.

ApcWrapper::decrement() — Method in class ApcWrapper

Decrement the value of an item in the cache.

ApcWrapper::delete() — Method in class ApcWrapper

Remove an item from the cache.

ArrayStore::decrement() — Method in class ArrayStore

Decrement the value of an item in the cache.

CacheManager::driver() — Method in class CacheManager

Get a cache driver instance.

$ CacheTableCommand#descriptionProperty in class CacheTableCommand

The console command description.

$ ClearCommand#descriptionProperty in class ClearCommand

The console command description.

$ ForgetCommand#descriptionProperty in class ForgetCommand

The console command description.

DatabaseLockClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
DatabaseStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
DatabaseStore::decrement() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Decrement the value of an item in the cache.

DynamoDbLockClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
$ DynamoDbLock#dynamoProperty in class DynamoDbLock

The DynamoDB client instance.

DynamoDbStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
$ DynamoDbStore#dynamoProperty in class DynamoDbStore

The DynamoDB client instance.

DynamoDbStore::decrement() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Decrement the value of an item in the cache.

$ FileStore#directoryProperty in class FileStore

The file cache directory.

FileStore::decrement() — Method in class FileStore

Decrement the value of an item in the cache.

MemcachedStore::decrement() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Decrement the value of an item in the cache.

NullStore::decrement() — Method in class NullStore

Decrement the value of an item in the cache.

RedisStore::decrement() — Method in class RedisStore

Decrement the value of an item in the cache.

RedisTaggedCache::decrement() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache

Decrement the value of an item in the cache.

RedisTaggedCache::deleteForeverKeys() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache

Delete all of the items that were stored forever.

RedisTaggedCache::deleteStandardKeys() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache

Delete all standard items.

RedisTaggedCache::deleteKeysByReference() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache

Find and delete all of the items that were stored against a reference.

RedisTaggedCache::deleteValues() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache

Delete item keys that have been stored against a reference.

$ Repository#defaultProperty in class Repository

The default number of seconds to store items.

Repository::decrement() — Method in class Repository

Decrement the value of an item in the cache.

Repository::delete() — Method in class Repository
Repository::deleteMultiple() — Method in class Repository
TaggedCache::decrement() — Method in class TaggedCache

Decrement the value of an item in the cache.

$ Command#descriptionProperty in class Command

The console command description.

$ Event#descriptionProperty in class Event

The human readable description of the event.

Event::description() — Method in class Event

Set the human-friendly description of the event.

ManagesFrequencies::daily() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run daily.

ManagesFrequencies::dailyAt() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run daily at a given time (10:00, 19:30, etc).

ManagesFrequencies::days() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Set the days of the week the command should run on.

$ Schedule#dispatcherProperty in class Schedule

The job dispatcher implementation.

Schedule::dispatchToQueue() — Method in class Schedule

Dispatch the given job to the queue.

Schedule::dispatchNow() — Method in class Schedule

Dispatch the given job right now.

Schedule::dueEvents() — Method in class Schedule

Get all of the events on the schedule that are due.

$ ScheduleFinishCommand#descriptionProperty in class ScheduleFinishCommand

The console command description.

$ ScheduleRunCommand#descriptionProperty in class ScheduleRunCommand

The console command description.

$ ScheduleRunCommand#dispatcherProperty in class ScheduleRunCommand

The event dispatcher.

Container::dropStaleInstances() — Method in class Container

Drop all of the stale instances and aliases.

Gate::define() — Method in class Gate

Define a new ability.

Gate::denies() — Method in class Gate

Determine if the given ability should be denied for the current user.

DispatcherClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Bus
Dispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatcher

Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler.

Dispatcher::dispatchNow() — Method in class Dispatcher

Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.

QueueingDispatcher::dispatchToQueue() — Method in class QueueingDispatcher

Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler behind a queue.

Repository::decrement() — Method in class Repository

Decrement the value of an item in the cache.

Store::decrement() — Method in class Store

Decrement the value of an item in the cache.

DecryptExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption
Encrypter::decrypt() — Method in class Encrypter

Decrypt the given value.

DispatcherClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Events
Dispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatcher

Dispatch an event and call the listeners.

Factory::disk() — Method in class Factory

Get a filesystem implementation.

Filesystem::delete() — Method in class Filesystem

Delete the file at a given path.

Filesystem::directories() — Method in class Filesystem

Get all of the directories within a given directory.

Filesystem::deleteDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem

Recursively delete a directory.

Application::databasePath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the database directory.

DispatcherClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Notifications
Job::delete() — Method in class Job

Delete the job from the queue.

Registrar::delete() — Method in class Registrar

Register a new DELETE route with the router.

ResponseFactory::download() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new file download response.

DeferrableProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
DeferringDisplayableValueClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
$ CookieJar#domainProperty in class CookieJar

The default domain (if specified).

EncryptCookies::disableFor() — Method in class EncryptCookies

Disable encryption for the given cookie name(s).

EncryptCookies::decrypt() — Method in class EncryptCookies

Decrypt the cookies on the request.

EncryptCookies::decryptCookie() — Method in class EncryptCookies

Decrypt the given cookie and return the value.

EncryptCookies::decryptArray() — Method in class EncryptCookies

Decrypt an array based cookie.

EncryptCookies::duplicate() — Method in class EncryptCookies

Duplicate a cookie with a new value.

$ Connection#databaseProperty in class Connection

The name of the connected database.

$ Connection#doctrineConnectionProperty in class Connection

The instance of Doctrine connection.

Connection::delete() — Method in class Connection

Run a delete statement against the database.

Connection::disconnect() — Method in class Connection

Disconnect from the underlying PDO connection.

Connection::disableQueryLog() — Method in class Connection

Disable the query log on the connection.

ConnectionInterface::delete() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Run a delete statement against the database.

$ ConnectionResolver#defaultProperty in class ConnectionResolver

The default connection name.

$ FactoryMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class FactoryMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ FreshCommand#descriptionProperty in class FreshCommand

The console command description.

$ InstallCommand#descriptionProperty in class InstallCommand

The console command description.

$ MigrateCommand#descriptionProperty in class MigrateCommand

The console command description.

$ MigrateMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class MigrateMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ RefreshCommand#descriptionProperty in class RefreshCommand

The console command description.

$ ResetCommand#descriptionProperty in class ResetCommand

The console command description.

$ RollbackCommand#descriptionProperty in class RollbackCommand

The console command description.

$ StatusCommand#descriptionProperty in class StatusCommand

The console command description.

$ SeedCommand#descriptionProperty in class SeedCommand

The console command description.

$ SeederMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class SeederMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ WipeCommand#descriptionProperty in class WipeCommand

The console command description.

WipeCommand::dropAllTables() — Method in class WipeCommand

Drop all of the database tables.

WipeCommand::dropAllViews() — Method in class WipeCommand

Drop all of the database views.

WipeCommand::dropAllTypes() — Method in class WipeCommand

Drop all of the database types.

DatabaseManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
DatabaseManager::disconnect() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Disconnect from the given database.

DatabaseServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
DetectsConcurrencyErrorsClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
DetectsLostConnectionsClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
Builder::decrement() — Method in class Builder

Decrement a column's value by a given amount.

Builder::delete() — Method in class Builder

Delete a record from the database.

Builder::defaultKeyName() — Method in class Builder

Get the default key name of the table.

Collection::diff() — Method in class Collection

Diff the collection with the given items.

Collection::duplicateComparator() — Method in class Collection

Get the comparison function to detect duplicates.

$ HasAttributes#datesProperty in class HasAttributes

The attributes that should be mutated to dates.

$ HasAttributes#dateFormatProperty in class HasAttributes

The storage format of the model's date columns.

$ HasEvents#dispatchesEventsProperty in class HasEvents

The event map for the model.

HasEvents::deleting() — Method in class HasEvents

Register a deleting model event with the dispatcher.

HasEvents::deleted() — Method in class HasEvents

Register a deleted model event with the dispatcher.

QueriesRelationships::doesntHave() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query.

QueriesRelationships::doesntHaveMorph() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a polymorphic relationship count / exists condition to the query.

$ Factory#definitionsProperty in class Factory

The model definitions in the container.

Factory::define() — Method in class Factory

Define a class with a given set of attributes.

$ FactoryBuilder#definitionsProperty in class FactoryBuilder

The model definitions in the container.

$ Model#dispatcherProperty in class Model

The event dispatcher instance.

Model::decrement() — Method in class Model

Decrement a column's value by a given amount.

Model::destroy() — Method in class Model

Destroy the models for the given IDs.

Model::delete() — Method in class Model

Delete the model from the database.

BelongsTo::dissociate() — Method in class BelongsTo

Dissociate previously associated model from the given parent.

AsPivot::delete() — Method in class AsPivot

Delete the pivot model record from the database.

InteractsWithPivotTable::detach() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Detach models from the relationship.

InteractsWithPivotTable::detachUsingCustomClass() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Detach models from the relationship using a custom class.

MorphPivot::delete() — Method in class MorphPivot

Delete the pivot model record from the database.

$ MorphTo#dictionaryProperty in class MorphTo

All of the models keyed by ID.

MorphTo::dissociate() — Method in class MorphTo

Dissociate previously associated model from the given parent.

DatabaseMigrationRepositoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
DatabaseMigrationRepository::delete() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

Remove a migration from the log.

MigrationRepositoryInterface::delete() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface

Remove a migration from the log.

$ Builder#distinctProperty in class Builder

Indicates if the query returns distinct results.

Builder::distinct() — Method in class Builder

Force the query to only return distinct results.

Builder::dynamicWhere() — Method in class Builder

Handles dynamic "where" clauses to the query.

Builder::doesntExist() — Method in class Builder

Determine if no rows exist for the current query.

Builder::doesntExistOr() — Method in class Builder

Execute the given callback if rows exist for the current query.

Builder::decrement() — Method in class Builder

Decrement a column's value by a given amount.

Builder::delete() — Method in class Builder

Delete a record from the database.

Builder::defaultKeyName() — Method in class Builder

Get the default key name of the table.

Builder::dump() — Method in class Builder

Dump the current SQL and bindings.

Builder::dd() — Method in class Builder

Die and dump the current SQL and bindings.

Grammar::dateBasedWhere() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a date based where clause.

PostgresGrammar::dateBasedWhere() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a date based where clause.

SQLiteGrammar::dateBasedWhere() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a date based where clause.

Blueprint::drop() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the table should be dropped.

Blueprint::dropIfExists() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the table should be dropped if it exists.

Blueprint::dropColumn() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the given columns should be dropped.

Blueprint::dropPrimary() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the given primary key should be dropped.

Blueprint::dropUnique() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the given unique key should be dropped.

Blueprint::dropIndex() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the given index should be dropped.

Blueprint::dropSpatialIndex() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the given spatial index should be dropped.

Blueprint::dropForeign() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the given foreign key should be dropped.

Blueprint::dropTimestamps() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the timestamp columns should be dropped.

Blueprint::dropTimestampsTz() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the timestamp columns should be dropped.

Blueprint::dropSoftDeletes() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the soft delete column should be dropped.

Blueprint::dropSoftDeletesTz() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the soft delete column should be dropped.

Blueprint::dropRememberToken() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the remember token column should be dropped.

Blueprint::dropMorphs() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the polymorphic columns should be dropped.

Blueprint::double() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new double column on the table.

Blueprint::decimal() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new decimal column on the table.

Blueprint::date() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new date column on the table.

Blueprint::dateTime() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new date-time column on the table.

Blueprint::dateTimeTz() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new date-time column (with time zone) on the table.

Blueprint::dropIndexCommand() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new drop index command on the blueprint.

$ Builder#defaultStringLengthProperty in class Builder

The default string length for migrations.

Builder::defaultStringLength() — Method in class Builder

Set the default string length for migrations.

Builder::drop() — Method in class Builder

Drop a table from the schema.

Builder::dropIfExists() — Method in class Builder

Drop a table from the schema if it exists.

Builder::dropAllTables() — Method in class Builder

Drop all tables from the database.

Builder::dropAllViews() — Method in class Builder

Drop all views from the database.

Builder::dropAllTypes() — Method in class Builder

Drop all types from the database.

Builder::disableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class Builder

Disable foreign key constraints.

ColumnDefinition::default() — Method in class ColumnDefinition

Specify a "default" value for the column

ForeignKeyDefinition::deferrable() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition
ChangeColumn::doesntNeedCharacterOptions() — Method in class ChangeColumn

Determine if the given type does not need character / collation options.

MySqlBuilder::dropAllTables() — Method in class MySqlBuilder

Drop all tables from the database.

MySqlBuilder::dropAllViews() — Method in class MySqlBuilder

Drop all views from the database.

PostgresBuilder::dropAllTables() — Method in class PostgresBuilder

Drop all tables from the database.

PostgresBuilder::dropAllViews() — Method in class PostgresBuilder

Drop all views from the database.

PostgresBuilder::dropAllTypes() — Method in class PostgresBuilder

Drop all types from the database.

SQLiteBuilder::dropAllTables() — Method in class SQLiteBuilder

Drop all tables from the database.

SQLiteBuilder::dropAllViews() — Method in class SQLiteBuilder

Drop all views from the database.

SqlServerBuilder::dropAllTables() — Method in class SqlServerBuilder

Drop all tables from the database.

SqlServerBuilder::dropAllViews() — Method in class SqlServerBuilder

Drop all views from the database.

Encrypter::decrypt() — Method in class Encrypter

Decrypt the given value.

Encrypter::decryptString() — Method in class Encrypter

Decrypt the given string without unserialization.

$ CallQueuedListener#dataProperty in class CallQueuedListener

The data to be passed to the listener.

CallQueuedListener::displayName() — Method in class CallQueuedListener

Get the display name for the queued job.

DispatcherClass in namespace Illuminate\Events
Dispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatcher

Fire an event and call the listeners.

$ NullDispatcher#dispatcherProperty in class NullDispatcher

The underlying event dispatcher instance.

NullDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class NullDispatcher

Don't fire an event.

Filesystem::delete() — Method in class Filesystem

Delete the file at a given path.

Filesystem::dirname() — Method in class Filesystem

Extract the parent directory from a file path.

Filesystem::directories() — Method in class Filesystem

Get all of the directories within a given directory.

Filesystem::deleteDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem

Recursively delete a directory.

Filesystem::deleteDirectories() — Method in class Filesystem

Remove all of the directories within a given directory.

$ FilesystemAdapter#driverProperty in class FilesystemAdapter

The Flysystem filesystem implementation.

FilesystemAdapter::download() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Create a streamed download response for a given file.

FilesystemAdapter::delete() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Delete the file at a given path.

FilesystemAdapter::directories() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get all of the directories within a given directory.

FilesystemAdapter::deleteDirectory() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Recursively delete a directory.

$ FilesystemManager#disksProperty in class FilesystemManager

The array of resolved filesystem drivers.

FilesystemManager::drive() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Get a filesystem instance.

FilesystemManager::disk() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Get a filesystem instance.

$ Application#deferredServicesProperty in class Application

The deferred services and their providers.

$ Application#databasePathProperty in class Application

The custom database path defined by the developer.

Application::databasePath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the database directory.

Application::detectEnvironment() — Method in class Application

Detect the application's current environment.

DispatchableClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bus
Dispatchable::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatchable

Dispatch the job with the given arguments.

Dispatchable::dispatchIf() — Method in class Dispatchable

Dispatch the job with the given arguments if the given truth test passes.

Dispatchable::dispatchUnless() — Method in class Dispatchable

Dispatch the job with the given arguments unless the given truth test passes.

Dispatchable::dispatchNow() — Method in class Dispatchable

Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.

Dispatchable::dispatchAfterResponse() — Method in class Dispatchable

Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler after the current process.

DispatchesJobsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bus
DispatchesJobs::dispatch() — Method in class DispatchesJobs

Dispatch a job to its appropriate handler.

DispatchesJobs::dispatchNow() — Method in class DispatchesJobs

Dispatch a job to its appropriate handler in the current process.

PendingChain::dispatch() — Method in class PendingChain

Dispatch the job with the given arguments.

PendingDispatch::delay() — Method in class PendingDispatch

Set the desired delay for the job.

$ CastMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class CastMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ ChannelMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class ChannelMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ ClearCompiledCommand#descriptionProperty in class ClearCompiledCommand

The console command description.

ClosureCommand::describe() — Method in class ClosureCommand

Set the description for the command.

$ ComponentMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class ComponentMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ ConfigCacheCommand#descriptionProperty in class ConfigCacheCommand

The console command description.

$ ConfigClearCommand#descriptionProperty in class ConfigClearCommand

The console command description.

$ ConsoleMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class ConsoleMakeCommand

The console command description.

DownCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
$ DownCommand#descriptionProperty in class DownCommand

The console command description.

$ EnvironmentCommand#descriptionProperty in class EnvironmentCommand

The console command description.

$ EventCacheCommand#descriptionProperty in class EventCacheCommand

The console command description.

$ EventClearCommand#descriptionProperty in class EventClearCommand

The console command description.

$ EventGenerateCommand#descriptionProperty in class EventGenerateCommand

The console command description.

$ EventListCommand#descriptionProperty in class EventListCommand

The console command description.

$ EventMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class EventMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ ExceptionMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class ExceptionMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ JobMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class JobMakeCommand

The console command description.

Kernel::defineConsoleSchedule() — Method in class Kernel

Define the application's command schedule.

$ KeyGenerateCommand#descriptionProperty in class KeyGenerateCommand

The console command description.

$ ListenerMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class ListenerMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ MailMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class MailMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ ModelMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class ModelMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ NotificationMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class NotificationMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ ObserverMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class ObserverMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ OptimizeClearCommand#descriptionProperty in class OptimizeClearCommand

The console command description.

$ OptimizeCommand#descriptionProperty in class OptimizeCommand

The console command description.

$ PackageDiscoverCommand#descriptionProperty in class PackageDiscoverCommand

The console command description.

$ PolicyMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class PolicyMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ ProviderMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class ProviderMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ QueuedCommand#dataProperty in class QueuedCommand

The data to pass to the Artisan command.

$ RequestMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class RequestMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ ResourceMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class ResourceMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ RouteCacheCommand#descriptionProperty in class RouteCacheCommand

The console command description.

$ RouteClearCommand#descriptionProperty in class RouteClearCommand

The console command description.

$ RouteListCommand#descriptionProperty in class RouteListCommand

The console command description.

RouteListCommand::displayRoutes() — Method in class RouteListCommand

Display the route information on the console.

$ RuleMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class RuleMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ ServeCommand#descriptionProperty in class ServeCommand

The console command description.

$ StorageLinkCommand#descriptionProperty in class StorageLinkCommand

The console command description.

$ StubPublishCommand#descriptionProperty in class StubPublishCommand

The console command description.

$ TestMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class TestMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ UpCommand#descriptionProperty in class UpCommand

The console command description.

$ VendorPublishCommand#descriptionProperty in class VendorPublishCommand

The console command description.

VendorPublishCommand::determineWhatShouldBePublished() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand

Determine the provider or tag(s) to publish.

$ ViewCacheCommand#descriptionProperty in class ViewCacheCommand

The console command description.

$ ViewClearCommand#descriptionProperty in class ViewClearCommand

The console command description.

EnvironmentDetector::detect() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector

Detect the application's current environment.

EnvironmentDetector::detectWebEnvironment() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector

Set the application environment for a web request.

EnvironmentDetector::detectConsoleEnvironment() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector

Set the application environment from command-line arguments.

DiscoverEventsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Events
DispatchableClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Events
Dispatchable::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatchable

Dispatch the event with the given arguments.

Dispatchable::dispatchIf() — Method in class Dispatchable

Dispatch the event with the given arguments if the given truth test passes.

Dispatchable::dispatchUnless() — Method in class Dispatchable

Dispatch the event with the given arguments unless the given truth test passes.

$ Handler#dontReportProperty in class Handler

A list of the exception types that are not reported.

$ Handler#dontFlashProperty in class Handler

A list of the inputs that are never flashed for validation exceptions.

WhoopsHandler::directoriesExceptVendor() — Method in class WhoopsHandler

Get the application paths except for the "vendor" directory.

Kernel::dispatchToRouter() — Method in class Kernel

Get the route dispatcher callback.

$ ArtisanServiceProvider#devCommandsProperty in class ArtisanServiceProvider

The commands to be registered.

EventServiceProvider::discoveredEvents() — Method in class EventServiceProvider

Get the discovered events for the application.

EventServiceProvider::discoverEvents() — Method in class EventServiceProvider

Discover the events and listeners for the application.

EventServiceProvider::discoverEventsWithin() — Method in class EventServiceProvider

Get the listener directories that should be used to discover events.

$ MakesHttpRequests#defaultHeadersProperty in class MakesHttpRequests

Additional headers for the request.

$ MakesHttpRequests#defaultCookiesProperty in class MakesHttpRequests

Additional cookies for the request.

$ MocksApplicationServices#dispatchedJobsProperty in class MocksApplicationServices

All of the dispatched jobs.

$ MocksApplicationServices#dispatchedNotificationsProperty in class MocksApplicationServices

All of the dispatched notifications.

MocksApplicationServices::doesntExpectEvents() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices

Specify a list of events that should not be fired for the given operation.

MocksApplicationServices::doesntExpectJobs() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices

Specify a list of jobs that should not be dispatched for the given operation.

DatabaseMigrationsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
DatabaseTransactionsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
WithoutEvents::disableEventsForAllTests() — Method in class WithoutEvents

Prevent all event handles from being executed.

WithoutMiddleware::disableMiddlewareForAllTests() — Method in class WithoutMiddleware

Prevent all middleware from being executed for this test class.

PendingRequest::delete() — Method in class PendingRequest

Issue a DELETE request to the given URL.

$ Request#dataProperty in class Request

The decoded payload for the request.

Request::data() — Method in class Request

Get the request's data (form parameters or JSON).

$ Response#decodedProperty in class Response

The decoded JSON response.

ResponseSequence::dontFailWhenEmpty() — Method in class ResponseSequence

Make the sequence return a default response when it is empty.

Request::decodedPath() — Method in class Request

Get the current decoded path info for the request.

Request::duplicate() — Method in class Request
DelegatesToResourceClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources
$ MergeValue#dataProperty in class MergeValue

The data to be merged.

$ LogManager#dateFormatProperty in class LogManager

The standard date format to use when writing logs.

LogManager::driver() — Method in class LogManager

Get a log driver instance.

LogManager::debug() — Method in class LogManager

Detailed debug information.

$ Logger#dispatcherProperty in class Logger

The event dispatcher instance.

Logger::debug() — Method in class Logger

Log a debug message to the logs.

$ MessageSending#dataProperty in class MessageSending

The message data.

$ MessageSent#dataProperty in class MessageSent

The message data.

MailManager::driver() — Method in class MailManager

Get a mailer driver instance.

$ Mailable#diskAttachmentsProperty in class Mailable

The attachments from a storage disk.

Mailer::dispatchSentEvent() — Method in class Mailer

Dispatch the message sent event.

SendQueuedMailable::displayName() — Method in class SendQueuedMailable

Get the display name for the queued job.

$ MailgunTransport#domainProperty in class MailgunTransport

The Mailgun email domain.

$ ChannelManager#defaultChannelProperty in class ChannelManager

The default channel used to deliver messages.

ChannelManager::deliversVia() — Method in class ChannelManager

Get the default channel driver name.

ChannelManager::deliverVia() — Method in class ChannelManager

Set the default channel driver name.

DatabaseChannelClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Channels
$ NotificationTableCommand#descriptionProperty in class NotificationTableCommand

The console command description.

DatabaseNotificationClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
DatabaseNotificationCollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
$ BroadcastNotificationCreated#dataProperty in class BroadcastNotificationCreated

The notification data.

$ NotificationFailed#dataProperty in class NotificationFailed

The data needed to process this failure.

$ BroadcastMessage#dataProperty in class BroadcastMessage

The data for the notification.

BroadcastMessage::data() — Method in class BroadcastMessage

Set the message data.

DatabaseMessageClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Messages
$ DatabaseMessage#dataProperty in class DatabaseMessage

The data that should be stored with the notification.

MailMessage::data() — Method in class MailMessage

Get the data array for the mail message.

SendQueuedNotifications::displayName() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications

Get the display name for the queued job.

$ AbstractPaginator#defaultViewProperty in class AbstractPaginator

The default pagination view.

$ AbstractPaginator#defaultSimpleViewProperty in class AbstractPaginator

The default "simple" pagination view.

AbstractPaginator::defaultView() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Set the default pagination view.

AbstractPaginator::defaultSimpleView() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Set the default "simple" pagination view.

Hub::defaults() — Method in class Hub

Define the default named pipeline.

$ BeanstalkdQueue#defaultProperty in class BeanstalkdQueue

The name of the default tube.

BeanstalkdQueue::deleteMessage() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue

Delete a message from the Beanstalk queue.

$ CallQueuedClosure#deleteWhenMissingModelsProperty in class CallQueuedClosure

Indicate if the job should be deleted when models are missing.

CallQueuedClosure::displayName() — Method in class CallQueuedClosure

Get the display name for the queued job.

$ CallQueuedHandler#dispatcherProperty in class CallQueuedHandler

The bus dispatcher implementation.

CallQueuedHandler::dispatchThroughMiddleware() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler

Dispatch the given job / command through its specified middleware.

DatabaseConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
$ FailedTableCommand#descriptionProperty in class FailedTableCommand

The console command description.

$ FlushFailedCommand#descriptionProperty in class FlushFailedCommand

The console command description.

$ ForgetFailedCommand#descriptionProperty in class ForgetFailedCommand

The console command description.

$ ListFailedCommand#descriptionProperty in class ListFailedCommand

The console command description.

ListFailedCommand::displayFailedJobs() — Method in class ListFailedCommand

Display the failed jobs in the console.

$ ListenCommand#descriptionProperty in class ListenCommand

The console command description.

$ RestartCommand#descriptionProperty in class RestartCommand

The console command description.

$ RetryCommand#descriptionProperty in class RetryCommand

The console command description.

$ TableCommand#descriptionProperty in class TableCommand

The console command description.

$ WorkCommand#descriptionProperty in class WorkCommand

The console command description.

WorkCommand::downForMaintenance() — Method in class WorkCommand

Determine if the worker should run in maintenance mode.

DatabaseQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
$ DatabaseQueue#databaseProperty in class DatabaseQueue

The database connection instance.

$ DatabaseQueue#defaultProperty in class DatabaseQueue

The name of the default queue.

DatabaseQueue::deleteReserved() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Delete a reserved job from the queue.

DatabaseFailedJobProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Failed
$ DatabaseFailedJobProvider#databaseProperty in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider

The database connection name.

DynamoDbFailedJobProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Failed
$ DynamoDbFailedJobProvider#dynamoProperty in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider

The DynamoDB client instance.

InteractsWithQueue::delete() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue

Delete the job from the queue.

BeanstalkdJob::delete() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob

Delete the job from the queue.

DatabaseJobClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
$ DatabaseJob#databaseProperty in class DatabaseJob

The database queue instance.

DatabaseJob::delete() — Method in class DatabaseJob

Delete the job from the queue.

DatabaseJobRecordClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
$ Job#deletedProperty in class Job

Indicates if the job has been deleted.

Job::delete() — Method in class Job

Delete the job from the queue.

Job::delaySeconds() — Method in class Job

Get the number of seconds to delay a failed job before retrying it.

$ RedisJob#decodedProperty in class RedisJob

The JSON decoded version of "$job".

RedisJob::delete() — Method in class RedisJob

Delete the job from the queue.

SqsJob::delete() — Method in class SqsJob

Delete the job from the queue.

QueueServiceProvider::databaseFailedJobProvider() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider

Create a new database failed job provider.

QueueServiceProvider::dynamoFailedJobProvider() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider

Create a new DynamoDb failed job provider.

$ RedisQueue#defaultProperty in class RedisQueue

The name of the default queue.

RedisQueue::deleteReserved() — Method in class RedisQueue

Delete a reserved job from the queue.

RedisQueue::deleteAndRelease() — Method in class RedisQueue

Delete a reserved job from the reserved queue and release it.

$ SqsQueue#defaultProperty in class SqsQueue

The name of the default queue.

Worker::daemon() — Method in class Worker

Listen to the given queue in a loop.

Worker::daemonShouldRun() — Method in class Worker

Determine if the daemon should process on this iteration.

$ WorkerOptions#delayProperty in class WorkerOptions

The number of seconds before a released job will be available.

PhpRedisConnection::disconnect() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Disconnects from the Redis instance.

DurationLimiterClass in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Limiters
$ DurationLimiter#decaysAtProperty in class DurationLimiter

The timestamp of the end of the current duration.

DurationLimiterBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Limiters
$ DurationLimiterBuilder#decayProperty in class DurationLimiterBuilder

The amount of time the lock window is maintained.

$ RedisManager#driverProperty in class RedisManager

The name of the default driver.

RedisManager::disableEvents() — Method in class RedisManager

Disable the firing of Redis command events.

AbstractRouteCollection::dumper() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection

Return the CompiledUrlMatcherDumper instance for the route collection.

$ ControllerMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class ControllerMakeCommand

The console command description.

$ MiddlewareMakeCommand#descriptionProperty in class MiddlewareMakeCommand

The console command description.

ControllerDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher

Dispatch a request to a given controller and method.

ControllerDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher

Dispatch a request to a given controller and method.

$ ThrottleRequestsWithRedis#decaysAtProperty in class ThrottleRequestsWithRedis

The timestamp of the end of the current duration.

ResponseFactory::download() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new file download response.

$ Route#defaultsProperty in class Route

The default values for the route.

Route::defaults() — Method in class Route

Set a default value for the route.

Route::domain() — Method in class Route

Get or set the domain for the route.

RouteRegistrar::delete() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
RouteRegistrar::domain() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
$ RouteUrlGenerator#defaultParametersProperty in class RouteUrlGenerator

The named parameter defaults.

$ RouteUrlGenerator#dontEncodeProperty in class RouteUrlGenerator

Characters that should not be URL encoded.

RouteUrlGenerator::defaults() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator

Set the default named parameters used by the URL generator.

Router::delete() — Method in class Router

Register a new DELETE route with the router.

Router::dispatch() — Method in class Router

Dispatch the request to the application.

Router::dispatchToRoute() — Method in class Router

Dispatch the request to a route and return the response.

UrlGenerator::defaults() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Set the default named parameters used by the URL generator.

ArraySessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler
CacheBasedSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
$ SessionTableCommand#descriptionProperty in class SessionTableCommand

The console command description.

CookieSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
DatabaseSessionHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
DatabaseSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
FileSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
NullSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
Store::decrement() — Method in class Store

Decrement the value of an item in the session.

Arr::divide() — Method in class Arr

Divide an array into two arrays. One with keys and the other with values.

Arr::dot() — Method in class Arr

Flatten a multi-dimensional associative array with dots.

Collection::diff() — Method in class Collection

Get the items that are not present in the given items.

Collection::diffUsing() — Method in class Collection

Get the items that are not present in the given items, using the callback.

Collection::diffAssoc() — Method in class Collection

Get the items whose keys and values are not present in the given items.

Collection::diffAssocUsing() — Method in class Collection

Get the items whose keys and values are not present in the given items, using the callback.

Collection::diffKeys() — Method in class Collection

Get the items whose keys are not present in the given items.

Collection::diffKeysUsing() — Method in class Collection

Get the items whose keys are not present in the given items, using the callback.

Collection::duplicates() — Method in class Collection

Retrieve duplicate items.

Collection::duplicatesStrict() — Method in class Collection

Retrieve duplicate items using strict comparison.

Collection::duplicateComparator() — Method in class Collection

Get the comparison function to detect duplicates.

Composer::dumpAutoloads() — Method in class Composer

Regenerate the Composer autoloader files.

Composer::dumpOptimized() — Method in class Composer

Regenerate the optimized Composer autoloader files.

$ ConfigurationUrlParser#driverAliasesProperty in class ConfigurationUrlParser

The drivers aliases map.

DateFactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
$ DateFactory#dateClassProperty in class DateFactory

The type (class) of dates that should be created.

DateFactory::disableHumanDiffOption() — Method in class DateFactory
Enumerable::dd() — Method in class Enumerable

Dump the collection and end the script.

Enumerable::dump() — Method in class Enumerable

Dump the collection.

Enumerable::diff() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the items that are not present in the given items.

Enumerable::diffUsing() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the items that are not present in the given items, using the callback.

Enumerable::diffAssoc() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the items whose keys and values are not present in the given items.

Enumerable::diffAssocUsing() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the items whose keys and values are not present in the given items, using the callback.

Enumerable::diffKeys() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the items whose keys are not present in the given items.

Enumerable::diffKeysUsing() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the items whose keys are not present in the given items, using the callback.

Enumerable::duplicates() — Method in class Enumerable

Retrieve duplicate items.

Enumerable::duplicatesStrict() — Method in class Enumerable

Retrieve duplicate items using strict comparison.

Env::disablePutenv() — Method in class Env

Disable the putenv adapter.

App::databasePath() — Method in class App
App::detectEnvironment() — Method in class App
Blade::directive() — Method in class Blade
Bus::dispatchChain() — Method in class Bus

Dispatch the given chain of jobs.

Bus::dispatch() — Method in class Bus
Bus::dispatchNow() — Method in class Bus
Cache::decrement() — Method in class Cache
Crypt::decrypt() — Method in class Crypt
Crypt::decryptString() — Method in class Crypt
DBClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
DB::delete() — Method in class DB
DB::disableQueryLog() — Method in class DB
DateClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Date::disableHumanDiffOption() — Method in class Date
Event::dispatch() — Method in class Event
File::directories() — Method in class File
File::delete() — Method in class File
File::deleteDirectories() — Method in class File
File::deleteDirectory() — Method in class File
File::dirname() — Method in class File
Gate::define() — Method in class Gate
Gate::denies() — Method in class Gate
Http::delete() — Method in class Http
Log::debug() — Method in class Log
Password::deleteToken() — Method in class Password
Request::duplicate() — Method in class Request
Request::decodedPath() — Method in class Request
Response::download() — Method in class Response
Route::delete() — Method in class Route
Route::domain() — Method in class Route
Schema::disableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class Schema
Schema::drop() — Method in class Schema
Schema::dropIfExists() — Method in class Schema
Schema::defaultStringLength() — Method in class Schema
Storage::disk() — Method in class Storage
Storage::directories() — Method in class Storage
Storage::delete() — Method in class Storage
Storage::deleteDirectory() — Method in class Storage
URL::defaults() — Method in class URL
LazyCollection::diff() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get the items that are not present in the given items.

LazyCollection::diffUsing() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get the items that are not present in the given items, using the callback.

LazyCollection::diffAssoc() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get the items whose keys and values are not present in the given items.

LazyCollection::diffAssocUsing() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get the items whose keys and values are not present in the given items, using the callback.

LazyCollection::diffKeys() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get the items whose keys are not present in the given items.

LazyCollection::diffKeysUsing() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get the items whose keys are not present in the given items, using the callback.

LazyCollection::duplicates() — Method in class LazyCollection

Retrieve duplicate items.

LazyCollection::duplicatesStrict() — Method in class LazyCollection

Retrieve duplicate items using strict comparison.

$ Manager#driversProperty in class Manager

The array of created "drivers".

Manager::driver() — Method in class Manager

Get a driver instance.

Stringable::dirname() — Method in class Stringable

Get the parent directory's path.

Stringable::dump() — Method in class Stringable

Dump the string.

Stringable::dd() — Method in class Stringable

Dump the string and end the script.

$ BusFake#dispatcherProperty in class BusFake

The original Bus dispatcher implementation.

BusFake::dispatched() — Method in class BusFake

Get all of the jobs matching a truth-test callback.

BusFake::dispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class BusFake

Get all of the jobs dispatched after the response was sent matching a truth-test callback.

BusFake::dispatch() — Method in class BusFake

Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler.

BusFake::dispatchNow() — Method in class BusFake

Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.

BusFake::dispatchToQueue() — Method in class BusFake

Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler behind a queue.

BusFake::dispatchAfterResponse() — Method in class BusFake

Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler.

$ EventFake#dispatcherProperty in class EventFake

The original event dispatcher.

EventFake::dispatched() — Method in class EventFake

Get all of the events matching a truth-test callback.

EventFake::dispatch() — Method in class EventFake

Fire an event and call the listeners.

EnumeratesValues::dd() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Dump the items and end the script.

EnumeratesValues::dump() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Dump the items.

$ CountInDatabase#databaseProperty in class CountInDatabase

The database connection.

$ HasInDatabase#databaseProperty in class HasInDatabase

The database connection.

$ HasInDatabase#dataProperty in class HasInDatabase

The data that will be used to narrow the search in the database table.

$ SoftDeletedInDatabase#databaseProperty in class SoftDeletedInDatabase

The database connection.

$ SoftDeletedInDatabase#dataProperty in class SoftDeletedInDatabase

The data that will be used to narrow the search in the database table.

$ SoftDeletedInDatabase#deletedAtColumnProperty in class SoftDeletedInDatabase

The name of the column that indicates soft deletion has occurred.

TestResponse::decodeResponseJson() — Method in class TestResponse

Validate and return the decoded response JSON.

TestResponse::dump() — Method in class TestResponse

Dump the content from the response.

TestResponse::dumpHeaders() — Method in class TestResponse

Dump the headers from the response.

TestResponse::dumpSession() — Method in class TestResponse

Dump the session from the response.

DatabasePresenceVerifierClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
$ DatabasePresenceVerifier#dbProperty in class DatabasePresenceVerifier

The database connection instance.

DatabasePresenceVerifierInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
$ Factory#dependentExtensionsProperty in class Factory

All of the custom dependent validator extensions.

Rule::dimensions() — Method in class Rule

Get a dimensions constraint builder instance.

DatabaseRuleClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
DimensionsClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
$ ValidationRuleParser#dataProperty in class ValidationRuleParser

The data being validated.

$ Validator#dataProperty in class Validator

The data under validation.

$ Validator#distinctValuesProperty in class Validator

The cached data for the "distinct" rule.

$ Validator#dependentRulesProperty in class Validator

The validation rules which depend on other fields as parameters.

$ Validator#dotPlaceholderProperty in class Validator

The current placeholder for dots in rule keys.

Validator::dependsOnOtherFields() — Method in class Validator

Determine if the given rule depends on other fields.

$ AnonymousComponent#dataProperty in class AnonymousComponent

The component data.

AnonymousComponent::data() — Method in class AnonymousComponent

Get the data that should be supplied to the view.

BladeCompiler::directive() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Register a handler for custom directives.

Component::data() — Method in class Component

Get the data that should be supplied to the view.

Factory::decrementRender() — Method in class Factory

Decrement the rendering counter.

Factory::doneRendering() — Method in class Factory

Check if there are no active render operations.

$ View#dataProperty in class View

The array of view data.


AuthManager::extend() — Method in class AuthManager

Register a custom driver creator Closure.

EloquentUserProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
EnsureEmailIsVerifiedClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
$ DatabaseTokenRepository#expiresProperty in class DatabaseTokenRepository

The number of seconds a token should last.

DatabaseTokenRepository::exists() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository

Determine if a token record exists and is valid.

TokenRepositoryInterface::exists() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface

Determine if a token record exists and is valid.

$ SessionGuard#eventsProperty in class SessionGuard

The event dispatcher instance.

SessionGuard::ensureRememberTokenIsSet() — Method in class SessionGuard

Create a new "remember me" token for the user if one doesn't already exist.

$ BroadcastEvent#eventProperty in class BroadcastEvent

The event instance.

BroadcastManager::event() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Begin broadcasting an event.

BroadcastManager::extend() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Register a custom driver creator Closure.

Broadcaster::extractAuthParameters() — Method in class Broadcaster

Extract the parameters from the given pattern and channel.

Broadcaster::extractParameters() — Method in class Broadcaster

Extracts the parameters out of what the user passed to handle the channel authentication.

Broadcaster::extractParametersFromClass() — Method in class Broadcaster

Extracts the parameters out of a class channel's "join" method.

Broadcaster::extractChannelKeys() — Method in class Broadcaster

Extract the channel keys from the incoming channel name.

EncryptedPrivateChannelClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
$ PendingBroadcast#eventsProperty in class PendingBroadcast

The event dispatcher implementation.

$ PendingBroadcast#eventProperty in class PendingBroadcast

The event instance.

ArrayLock::exists() — Method in class ArrayLock

Determine if the current lock exists.

CacheManager::extend() — Method in class CacheManager

Register a custom driver creator Closure.

DatabaseLock::expiresAt() — Method in class DatabaseLock

Get the UNIX timestamp indicating when the lock should expire.

$ DynamoDbStore#expirationAttributeProperty in class DynamoDbStore

The name of the attribute that should hold the expiration timestamp.

FileStore::ensureCacheDirectoryExists() — Method in class FileStore

Create the file cache directory if necessary.

FileStore::ensureFileHasCorrectPermissions() — Method in class FileStore

Ensure the cache file has the correct permissions.

FileStore::emptyPayload() — Method in class FileStore

Get a default empty payload for the cache.

FileStore::expiration() — Method in class FileStore

Get the expiration time based on the given seconds.

$ Repository#eventsProperty in class Repository

The event dispatcher implementation.

Repository::event() — Method in class Repository

Fire an event for this cache instance.

TaggedCache::event() — Method in class TaggedCache

Fire an event for this cache instance.

$ Application#eventsProperty in class Application

The Event Dispatcher.

Command::execute() — Method in class Command

Execute the console command.

InteractsWithIO::error() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Write a string as error output.

$ CommandFinished#exitCodeProperty in class CommandFinished

The command exit code.

$ ScheduledTaskFailed#exceptionProperty in class ScheduledTaskFailed

The exception that was thrown.

Parser::extractDescription() — Method in class Parser

Parse the token into its token and description segments.

CacheEventMutex::exists() — Method in class CacheEventMutex

Determine if an event mutex exists for the given event.

CacheSchedulingMutex::exists() — Method in class CacheSchedulingMutex

Determine if a scheduling mutex exists for the given event.

CommandBuilder::ensureCorrectUser() — Method in class CommandBuilder

Finalize the event's command syntax with the correct user.

EventClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
$ Event#expressionProperty in class Event

The cron expression representing the event's frequency.

$ Event#environmentsProperty in class Event

The list of environments the command should run under.

$ Event#evenInMaintenanceModeProperty in class Event

Indicates if the command should run in maintenance mode.

$ Event#expiresAtProperty in class Event

The amount of time the mutex should be valid.

$ Event#exitCodeProperty in class Event

The exit status code of the command.

Event::expressionPasses() — Method in class Event

Determine if the Cron expression passes.

Event::emailOutputTo() — Method in class Event

E-mail the results of the scheduled operation.

Event::emailWrittenOutputTo() — Method in class Event

E-mail the results of the scheduled operation if it produces output.

Event::emailOutputOnFailure() — Method in class Event

E-mail the results of the scheduled operation if it fails.

Event::ensureOutputIsBeingCaptured() — Method in class Event

Ensure that the command output is being captured.

Event::emailOutput() — Method in class Event

E-mail the output of the event to the recipients.

Event::environments() — Method in class Event

Limit the environments the command should run in.

Event::evenInMaintenanceMode() — Method in class Event

State that the command should run even in maintenance mode.

EventMutexClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
EventMutex::exists() — Method in class EventMutex

Determine if an event mutex exists for the given event.

ManagesFrequencies::everyMinute() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run every minute.

ManagesFrequencies::everyTwoMinutes() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run every two minutes.

ManagesFrequencies::everyThreeMinutes() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run every three minutes.

ManagesFrequencies::everyFourMinutes() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run every four minutes.

ManagesFrequencies::everyFiveMinutes() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run every five minutes.

ManagesFrequencies::everyTenMinutes() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run every ten minutes.

ManagesFrequencies::everyFifteenMinutes() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run every fifteen minutes.

ManagesFrequencies::everyThirtyMinutes() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run every thirty minutes.

ManagesFrequencies::everyTwoHours() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run every two hours.

ManagesFrequencies::everyThreeHours() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run every three hours.

ManagesFrequencies::everyFourHours() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run every four hours.

ManagesFrequencies::everySixHours() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run every six hours.

$ Schedule#eventsProperty in class Schedule

All of the events on the schedule.

$ Schedule#eventMutexProperty in class Schedule

The event mutex implementation.

Schedule::exec() — Method in class Schedule

Add a new command event to the schedule.

Schedule::events() — Method in class Schedule

Get all of the events on the schedule.

$ ScheduleRunCommand#eventsRanProperty in class ScheduleRunCommand

Check if any events ran.

SchedulingMutex::exists() — Method in class SchedulingMutex

Determine if a scheduling mutex exists for the given event.

$ Container#extendersProperty in class Container

The extension closures for services.

Container::extend() — Method in class Container

"Extend" an abstract type in the container.

EntryNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Container
Container::extend() — Method in class Container

"Extend" an abstract type in the container.

ExceptionHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Debug
EncryptExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption
EncrypterClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption
Encrypter::encrypt() — Method in class Encrypter

Encrypt the given value.

Filesystem::exists() — Method in class Filesystem

Determine if a file exists.

Application::environment() — Method in class Application

Get or check the current application environment.

EntityNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
EntityResolverClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
Session::exists() — Method in class Session

Checks if a key exists.

Factory::extend() — Method in class Factory

Register a custom validator extension.

Factory::extendImplicit() — Method in class Factory

Register a custom implicit validator extension.

Validator::errors() — Method in class Validator

Get all of the validation error messages.

EngineClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\View
Factory::exists() — Method in class Factory

Determine if a given view exists.

EncryptCookiesClass in namespace Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware
$ EncryptCookies#encrypterProperty in class EncryptCookies

The encrypter instance.

$ EncryptCookies#exceptProperty in class EncryptCookies

The names of the cookies that should not be encrypted.

EncryptCookies::encrypt() — Method in class EncryptCookies

Encrypt the cookies on an outgoing response.

BuildsQueries::each() — Method in class BuildsQueries

Execute a callback over each item while chunking.

BuildsQueries::eachById() — Method in class BuildsQueries

Execute a callback over each item while chunking by ID.

$ Connection#eventsProperty in class Connection

The event dispatcher instance.

Connection::event() — Method in class Connection

Fire the given event if possible.

Connection::enableQueryLog() — Method in class Connection

Enable the query log on the connection.

$ DatabaseManager#extensionsProperty in class DatabaseManager

The custom connection resolvers.

DatabaseManager::extend() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Register an extension connection resolver.

$ Builder#eagerLoadProperty in class Builder

The relationships that should be eager loaded.

Builder::eagerLoadRelations() — Method in class Builder

Eager load the relationships for the models.

Builder::eagerLoadRelation() — Method in class Builder

Eagerly load the relationship on a set of models.

Builder::enforceOrderBy() — Method in class Builder

Add a generic "order by" clause if the query doesn't already have one.

Collection::except() — Method in class Collection

Returns all models in the collection except the models with specified keys.

FactoryBuilder::expandAttributes() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Expand all attributes to their underlying values.

$ Model#existsProperty in class Model

Indicates if the model exists.

BelongsToMany::each() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Execute a callback over each item while chunking.

InteractsWithPivotTable::extractAttachIdAndAttributes() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Get the attach record ID and extra attributes.

HasManyThrough::each() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Execute a callback over each item while chunking.

$ SoftDeletingScope#extensionsProperty in class SoftDeletingScope

All of the extensions to be added to the builder.

SoftDeletingScope::extend() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope

Extend the query builder with the needed functions.

MigrationCreator::ensureMigrationDoesntAlreadyExist() — Method in class MigrationCreator

Ensure that a migration with the given name doesn't already exist.

$ Migrator#eventsProperty in class Migrator

The event dispatcher instance.

Builder::enforceOrderBy() — Method in class Builder

Throw an exception if the query doesn't have an orderBy clause.

Builder::exists() — Method in class Builder

Determine if any rows exist for the current query.

Builder::existsOr() — Method in class Builder

Execute the given callback if no rows exist for the current query.

ExpressionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query
$ Blueprint#engineProperty in class Blueprint

The storage engine that should be used for the table.

Blueprint::ensureCommandsAreValid() — Method in class Blueprint

Ensure the commands on the blueprint are valid for the connection type.

Blueprint::enum() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new enum column on the table.

Builder::enableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class Builder

Enable foreign key constraints.

EncrypterClass in namespace Illuminate\Encryption
Encrypter::encrypt() — Method in class Encrypter

Encrypt the given value.

Encrypter::encryptString() — Method in class Encrypter

Encrypt a string without serialization.

EncryptionServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Encryption
EventServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Events
$ Cache#expireProperty in class Cache

The cache expiration time in seconds.

Filesystem::exists() — Method in class Filesystem

Determine if a file or directory exists.

Filesystem::extension() — Method in class Filesystem

Extract the file extension from a file path.

Filesystem::ensureDirectoryExists() — Method in class Filesystem

Ensure a directory exists.

FilesystemAdapter::exists() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Determine if a file exists.

FilesystemManager::extend() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Register a custom driver creator Closure.

AliasLoader::ensureFacadeExists() — Method in class AliasLoader

Ensure that the given alias has an existing real-time facade class.

$ Application#environmentPathProperty in class Application

The custom environment path defined by the developer.

$ Application#environmentFileProperty in class Application

The environment file to load during bootstrapping.

Application::environmentPath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the environment file directory.

Application::environmentFile() — Method in class Application

Get the environment file the application is using.

Application::environmentFilePath() — Method in class Application

Get the fully qualified path to the environment file.

Application::environment() — Method in class Application

Get or check the current application environment.

Application::eventsAreCached() — Method in class Application

Determine if the application events are cached.

ClosureCommand::execute() — Method in class ClosureCommand

Execute the console command.

EnvironmentCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
EventCacheCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
EventClearCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
EventGenerateCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
EventListCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
EventMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ExceptionMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
$ Kernel#eventsProperty in class Kernel

The event dispatcher implementation.

EnvironmentDetectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
Handler::exceptionContext() — Method in class Handler

Get the default exception context variables for logging.

$ FormRequest#errorBagProperty in class FormRequest

The key to be used for the view error bag.

$ CheckForMaintenanceMode#exceptProperty in class CheckForMaintenanceMode

The URIs that should be accessible while maintenance mode is enabled.

$ TrimStrings#exceptProperty in class TrimStrings

The attributes that should not be trimmed.

$ VerifyCsrfToken#encrypterProperty in class VerifyCsrfToken

The encrypter implementation.

$ VerifyCsrfToken#exceptProperty in class VerifyCsrfToken

The URIs that should be excluded from CSRF verification.

EventServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers
$ InteractsWithConsole#expectedOutputProperty in class InteractsWithConsole

All of the expected output lines.

$ InteractsWithConsole#expectedTablesProperty in class InteractsWithConsole

All of the expected ouput tables.

$ InteractsWithConsole#expectedQuestionsProperty in class InteractsWithConsole

All of the expected questions.

$ InteractsWithConsole#expectedChoicesProperty in class InteractsWithConsole

All of the expected choice questions.

$ InteractsWithExceptionHandling#exceptProperty in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling
$ MakesHttpRequests#encryptCookiesProperty in class MakesHttpRequests

Indicates whether cookies should be encrypted.

MocksApplicationServices::expectsEvents() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices

Specify a list of events that should be fired for the given operation.

MocksApplicationServices::expectsJobs() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices

Specify a list of jobs that should be dispatched for the given operation.

MocksApplicationServices::expectsNotification() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices

Specify a notification that is expected to be dispatched.

Response::effectiveUri() — Method in class Response

Get the effective URI of the response.

$ ResponseSequence#emptyResponseProperty in class ResponseSequence

The response that should be returned when the sequence is empty.

InteractsWithContentTypes::expectsJson() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes

Determine if the current request probably expects a JSON response.

InteractsWithInput::exists() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Determine if the request contains a given input item key.

InteractsWithInput::except() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Get all of the input except for a specified array of items.

FileHelpers::extension() — Method in class FileHelpers

Get the file's extension.

RedirectResponse::exceptInput() — Method in class RedirectResponse

Flash an array of input to the session.

$ ResponseTrait#exceptionProperty in class ResponseTrait

The exception that triggered the error response (if applicable).

LogManager::extend() — Method in class LogManager

Register a custom driver creator Closure.

LogManager::emergency() — Method in class LogManager

System is unusable.

LogManager::error() — Method in class LogManager

Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but should typically be logged and monitored.

Logger::emergency() — Method in class Logger

Log an emergency message to the logs.

Logger::error() — Method in class Logger

Log an error message to the logs.

MailManager::extend() — Method in class MailManager

Register a custom transport creator Closure.

$ Mailer#eventsProperty in class Mailer

The event dispatcher instance.

$ Message#embeddedFilesProperty in class Message

CIDs of files embedded in the message.

Message::embed() — Method in class Message

Embed a file in the message and get the CID.

Message::embedData() — Method in class Message

Embed in-memory data in the message and get the CID.

$ MailgunTransport#endpointProperty in class MailgunTransport

The Mailgun API endpoint.

$ BroadcastChannel#eventsProperty in class BroadcastChannel

The event dispatcher.

SimpleMessage::error() — Method in class SimpleMessage

Indicate that the notification gives information about an error.

$ NotificationSender#eventsProperty in class NotificationSender

The event dispatcher.

LengthAwarePaginator::elements() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator

Get the array of elements to pass to the view.

CallQueuedHandler::ensureNextJobInChainIsDispatched() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler

Ensure the next job in the chain is dispatched if applicable.

$ JobExceptionOccurred#exceptionProperty in class JobExceptionOccurred

The exception instance.

$ JobFailed#exceptionProperty in class JobFailed

The exception that caused the job to fail.

$ Listener#environmentProperty in class Listener

The environment the workers should run under.

$ ListenerOptions#environmentProperty in class ListenerOptions

The environment the worker should run in.

QueueManager::exceptionOccurred() — Method in class QueueManager

Register an event listener for the exception occurred job event.

QueueManager::extend() — Method in class QueueManager

Add a queue connection resolver.

$ Worker#eventsProperty in class Worker

The event dispatcher instance.

$ Worker#exceptionsProperty in class Worker

The exception handler instance.

$ Connection#eventsProperty in class Connection

The event dispatcher instance.

Connection::event() — Method in class Connection

Fire the given event if possible.

PhpRedisConnection::evalsha() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Evaluate a LUA script serverside, from the SHA1 hash of the script instead of the script itself.

PhpRedisConnection::eval() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Evaluate a script and return its result.

PhpRedisConnection::executeRaw() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Execute a raw command.

PhpRedisConnector::establishConnection() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector

Establish a connection with the Redis host.

DurationLimiterBuilder::every() — Method in class DurationLimiterBuilder

Set the amount of time the lock window is maintained.

$ RedisManager#eventsProperty in class RedisManager

Indicates whether event dispatcher is set on connections.

RedisManager::enableEvents() — Method in class RedisManager

Enable the firing of Redis command events.

RedisManager::extend() — Method in class RedisManager

Register a custom driver creator Closure.

ControllerMiddlewareOptions::except() — Method in class ControllerMiddlewareOptions

Set the controller methods the middleware should exclude.

PendingResourceRegistration::except() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration

Set the methods the controller should exclude.

Route::excludedMiddleware() — Method in class Route

Get the middleware should be removed from the route.

$ Router#eventsProperty in class Router

The event dispatcher instance.

UrlGenerator::extractQueryString() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Extract the query string from the given path.

$ DatabaseSessionHandler#existsProperty in class DatabaseSessionHandler

The existence state of the session.

DatabaseSessionHandler::expired() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler

Determine if the session is expired.

EncryptedStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
$ EncryptedStore#encrypterProperty in class EncryptedStore

The encrypter instance.

ExistenceAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
Store::exists() — Method in class Store

Checks if a key exists.

Arr::except() — Method in class Arr

Get all of the given array except for a specified array of keys.

Arr::exists() — Method in class Arr

Determine if the given key exists in the provided array.

Arr::explodePluckParameters() — Method in class Arr

Explode the "value" and "key" arguments passed to "pluck".

Collection::except() — Method in class Collection

Get all items except for those with the specified keys.

DateFactory::enableHumanDiffOption() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::executeWithLocale() — Method in class DateFactory
EnumerableClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
Enumerable::each() — Method in class Enumerable

Execute a callback over each item.

Enumerable::eachSpread() — Method in class Enumerable

Execute a callback over each nested chunk of items.

Enumerable::every() — Method in class Enumerable

Determine if all items pass the given truth test.

Enumerable::except() — Method in class Enumerable

Get all items except for those with the specified keys.

EnvClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
Env::enablePutenv() — Method in class Env

Enable the putenv adapter.

App::environmentFile() — Method in class App
App::environmentFilePath() — Method in class App
App::environmentPath() — Method in class App
App::environment() — Method in class App
Auth::extend() — Method in class Auth
Blade::extend() — Method in class Blade
Crypt::encrypt() — Method in class Crypt
Crypt::encryptString() — Method in class Crypt
DB::enableQueryLog() — Method in class DB
Date::enableHumanDiffOption() — Method in class Date
Date::executeWithLocale() — Method in class Date
EventClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
File::exists() — Method in class File
File::extension() — Method in class File
File::ensureDirectoryExists() — Method in class File
Log::emergency() — Method in class Log
Log::error() — Method in class Log
Request::except() — Method in class Request
Request::exists() — Method in class Request
Request::expectsJson() — Method in class Request
Schema::enableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class Schema
Session::exists() — Method in class Session
Storage::exists() — Method in class Storage
Validator::extend() — Method in class Validator
Validator::extendImplicit() — Method in class Validator
View::exists() — Method in class View
LazyCollection::empty() — Method in class LazyCollection

Create a new instance with no items.

LazyCollection::eager() — Method in class LazyCollection

Eager load all items into a new lazy collection backed by an array.

LazyCollection::except() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get all items except for those with the specified keys.

LazyCollection::explodePluckParameters() — Method in class LazyCollection

Explode the "value" and "key" arguments passed to "pluck".

Manager::extend() — Method in class Manager

Register a custom driver creator Closure.

ProcessUtils::escapeArgument() — Method in class ProcessUtils

Escapes a string to be used as a shell argument.

ServiceProvider::ensurePublishArrayInitialized() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Ensure the publish array for the service provider is initialized.

Str::endsWith() — Method in class Str

Determine if a given string ends with a given substring.

Stringable::endsWith() — Method in class Stringable

Determine if a given string ends with a given substring.

Stringable::exactly() — Method in class Stringable

Determine if the string is an exact match with the given value.

Stringable::explode() — Method in class Stringable

Explode the string into an array.

EventFakeClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
$ EventFake#eventsToFakeProperty in class EventFake

The event types that should be intercepted instead of dispatched.

$ EventFake#eventsProperty in class EventFake

All of the events that have been intercepted keyed by type.

EnumeratesValuesClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
$ EnumeratesValues#eachProperty in class EnumeratesValues
$ EnumeratesValues#everyProperty in class EnumeratesValues
EnumeratesValues::each() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Execute a callback over each item.

EnumeratesValues::eachSpread() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Execute a callback over each nested chunk of items.

EnumeratesValues::every() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Determine if all items pass the given truth test.

EnumeratesValues::equality() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Make a function to check an item's equality.

ArraySubset::evaluate() — Method in class ArraySubset

Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other.

$ CountInDatabase#expectedCountProperty in class CountInDatabase

The expected table entries count that will be checked against the actual count.

$ PendingCommand#expectedExitCodeProperty in class PendingCommand

The expected exit code.

PendingCommand::expectsQuestion() — Method in class PendingCommand

Specify an expected question that will be asked when the command runs.

PendingCommand::expectsConfirmation() — Method in class PendingCommand

Specify an expected confirmation question that will be asked when the command runs.

PendingCommand::expectsChoice() — Method in class PendingCommand

Specify an expected choice question with expected answers that will be asked/shown when the command runs.

PendingCommand::expectsOutput() — Method in class PendingCommand

Specify output that should be printed when the command runs.

PendingCommand::expectsTable() — Method in class PendingCommand

Specify a table that should be printed when the command runs.

PendingCommand::execute() — Method in class PendingCommand

Execute the command.

TestResponse::ensureResponseHasView() — Method in class TestResponse

Ensure that the response has a view as its original content.

ValidatesAttributes::extractDistinctValues() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Extract the distinct values from the data.

$ Factory#extensionsProperty in class Factory

All of the custom validator extensions.

Factory::extend() — Method in class Factory

Register a custom validator extension.

Factory::extendImplicit() — Method in class Factory

Register a custom implicit validator extension.

Factory::extendDependent() — Method in class Factory

Register a custom dependent validator extension.

Rule::exists() — Method in class Rule

Get an exists constraint builder instance.

ExistsClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
ValidationData::extractValuesForWildcards() — Method in class ValidationData

Get all of the exact attribute values for a given wildcard attribute.

ValidationData::extractDataFromPath() — Method in class ValidationData

Extract data based on the given dot-notated path.

$ ValidationException#errorBagProperty in class ValidationException

The name of the error bag.

ValidationException::errors() — Method in class ValidationException

Get all of the validation error messages.

ValidationException::errorBag() — Method in class ValidationException

Set the error bag on the exception.

ValidationRuleParser::explode() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser

Parse the human-friendly rules into a full rules array for the validator.

ValidationRuleParser::explodeRules() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser

Explode the rules into an array of explicit rules.

ValidationRuleParser::explodeExplicitRule() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser

Explode the explicit rule into an array if necessary.

ValidationRuleParser::explodeWildcardRules() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser

Define a set of rules that apply to each element in an array attribute.

$ Validator#excludeAttributesProperty in class Validator

Attributes that should be excluded from the validated data.

$ Validator#extensionsProperty in class Validator

All of the custom validator extensions.

$ Validator#excludeRulesProperty in class Validator

The validation rules that can exclude an attribute.

Validator::excludeAttribute() — Method in class Validator

Add the given attribute to the list of excluded attributes.

Validator::errors() — Method in class Validator

An alternative more semantic shortcut to the message container.

$ BladeCompiler#extensionsProperty in class BladeCompiler

All of the registered extensions.

$ BladeCompiler#escapedTagsProperty in class BladeCompiler

Array of opening and closing tags for escaped echos.

$ BladeCompiler#echoFormatProperty in class BladeCompiler

The "regular" / legacy echo string format.

BladeCompiler::extend() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Register a custom Blade compiler.

ComponentTagCompiler::escapeSingleQuotesOutsideOfPhpBlocks() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Escape the single quotes in the given string that are outside of PHP blocks.

$ Component#exceptProperty in class Component

The properties / methods that should not be exposed to the component.

Component::extractPublicProperties() — Method in class Component

Extract the public properties for the component.

Component::extractPublicMethods() — Method in class Component

Extract the public methods for the component.

ComponentAttributeBag::except() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Exclude the given attribute from the attribute array.

ComponentAttributeBag::exceptProps() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Exclude the given attribute from the attribute array.

ManagesComponents::endSlot() — Method in class ManagesComponents

Save the slot content for rendering.

ManagesLayouts::extendSection() — Method in class ManagesLayouts

Append content to a given section.

ManagesStacks::extendPush() — Method in class ManagesStacks

Append content to a given push section.

ManagesStacks::extendPrepend() — Method in class ManagesStacks

Prepend content to a given stack.

EngineClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
EngineResolverClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
PhpEngine::evaluatePath() — Method in class PhpEngine

Get the evaluated contents of the view at the given path.

$ Factory#enginesProperty in class Factory

The engine implementation.

$ Factory#eventsProperty in class Factory

The event dispatcher instance.

$ Factory#extensionsProperty in class Factory

The extension to engine bindings.

Factory::exists() — Method in class Factory

Determine if a given view exists.

$ FileViewFinder#extensionsProperty in class FileViewFinder

Register a view extension with the finder.

$ View#engineProperty in class View

The engine implementation.


Gate::formatAbilityToMethod() — Method in class Gate

Format the policy ability into a method name.

Gate::forUser() — Method in class Gate

Get a gate instance for the given user.

EloquentUserProvider::firstCredentialKey() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider

Get the first key from the credential array.

FailedClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
SessionGuard::failedBasicResponse() — Method in class SessionGuard

Get the response for basic authentication.

SessionGuard::fireAttemptEvent() — Method in class SessionGuard

Fire the attempt event with the arguments.

SessionGuard::fireValidatedEvent() — Method in class SessionGuard

Fires the validated event if the dispatcher is set.

SessionGuard::fireLoginEvent() — Method in class SessionGuard

Fire the login event if the dispatcher is set.

SessionGuard::fireAuthenticatedEvent() — Method in class SessionGuard

Fire the authenticated event if the dispatcher is set.

SessionGuard::fireOtherDeviceLogoutEvent() — Method in class SessionGuard

Fire the other device logout event if the dispatcher is set.

SessionGuard::fireFailedEvent() — Method in class SessionGuard

Fire the failed authentication attempt event with the given arguments.

BroadcastEvent::formatProperty() — Method in class BroadcastEvent

Format the given value for a property.

Broadcaster::formatChannels() — Method in class Broadcaster

Format the channel array into an array of strings.

RedisBroadcaster::formatChannels() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster

Format the channel array into an array of strings.

ApcStore::forever() — Method in class ApcStore

Store an item in the cache indefinitely.

ApcStore::forget() — Method in class ApcStore

Remove an item from the cache.

ApcStore::flush() — Method in class ApcStore

Remove all items from the cache.

ApcWrapper::flush() — Method in class ApcWrapper

Remove all items from the cache.

ArrayLock::forceRelease() — Method in class ArrayLock

Releases this lock in disregard of ownership.

ArrayStore::forever() — Method in class ArrayStore

Store an item in the cache indefinitely.

ArrayStore::forget() — Method in class ArrayStore

Remove an item from the cache.

ArrayStore::flush() — Method in class ArrayStore

Remove all items from the cache.

CacheManager::forgetDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Unset the given driver instances.

$ CacheTableCommand#filesProperty in class CacheTableCommand

The filesystem instance.

$ ClearCommand#filesProperty in class ClearCommand

The filesystem instance.

ClearCommand::flushFacades() — Method in class ClearCommand

Flush the real-time facades stored in the cache directory.

ForgetCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Console
DatabaseLock::forceRelease() — Method in class DatabaseLock

Releases this lock in disregard of ownership.

DatabaseStore::forever() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Store an item in the cache indefinitely.

DatabaseStore::forget() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Remove an item from the cache.

DatabaseStore::flush() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Remove all items from the cache.

DynamoDbLock::forceRelease() — Method in class DynamoDbLock

Release this lock in disregard of ownership.

DynamoDbStore::forever() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Store an item in the cache indefinitely.

DynamoDbStore::forget() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Remove an item from the cache.

DynamoDbStore::flush() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Remove all items from the cache.

FileStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
$ FileStore#filesProperty in class FileStore

The Illuminate Filesystem instance.

$ FileStore#filePermissionProperty in class FileStore

Octal representation of the cache file permissions.

FileStore::forever() — Method in class FileStore

Store an item in the cache indefinitely.

FileStore::forget() — Method in class FileStore

Remove an item from the cache.

FileStore::flush() — Method in class FileStore

Remove all items from the cache.

MemcachedLock::forceRelease() — Method in class MemcachedLock

Releases this lock in disregard of ownership.

MemcachedStore::forever() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Store an item in the cache indefinitely.

MemcachedStore::forget() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Remove an item from the cache.

MemcachedStore::flush() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Remove all items from the cache.

NullStore::forever() — Method in class NullStore

Store an item in the cache indefinitely.

NullStore::forget() — Method in class NullStore

Remove an item from the cache.

NullStore::flush() — Method in class NullStore

Remove all items from the cache.

RedisLock::forceRelease() — Method in class RedisLock

Releases this lock in disregard of ownership.

RedisStore::forever() — Method in class RedisStore

Store an item in the cache indefinitely.

RedisStore::forget() — Method in class RedisStore

Remove an item from the cache.

RedisStore::flush() — Method in class RedisStore

Remove all items from the cache.

RedisTaggedCache::forever() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache

Store an item in the cache indefinitely.

RedisTaggedCache::flush() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache

Remove all items from the cache.

Repository::forever() — Method in class Repository

Store an item in the cache indefinitely.

Repository::forget() — Method in class Repository

Remove an item from the cache.

TaggedCache::flush() — Method in class TaggedCache

Remove all items from the cache.

Application::formatCommandString() — Method in class Application

Format the given command as a fully-qualified executable command.

Application::forgetBootstrappers() — Method in class Application

Clear the console application bootstrappers.

$ GeneratorCommand#filesProperty in class GeneratorCommand

The filesystem instance.

CacheEventMutex::forget() — Method in class CacheEventMutex

Clear the event mutex for the given event.

$ Event#filtersProperty in class Event

The array of filter callbacks.

Event::filtersPass() — Method in class Event

Determine if the filters pass for the event.

EventMutex::forget() — Method in class EventMutex

Clear the event mutex for the given event.

ManagesFrequencies::fridays() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run only on Fridays.

Container::factory() — Method in class Container

Get a closure to resolve the given type from the container.

Container::findInContextualBindings() — Method in class Container

Find the concrete binding for the given abstract in the contextual binding array.

Container::fireResolvingCallbacks() — Method in class Container

Fire all of the resolving callbacks.

Container::fireAfterResolvingCallbacks() — Method in class Container

Fire all of the after resolving callbacks.

Container::fireCallbackArray() — Method in class Container

Fire an array of callbacks with an object.

Container::forgetExtenders() — Method in class Container

Remove all of the extender callbacks for a given type.

Container::forgetInstance() — Method in class Container

Remove a resolved instance from the instance cache.

Container::forgetInstances() — Method in class Container

Clear all of the instances from the container.

Container::flush() — Method in class Container

Flush the container of all bindings and resolved instances.

Gate::forUser() — Method in class Gate

Get a guard instance for the given user.

FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
Lock::forceRelease() — Method in class Lock

Releases this lock in disregard of ownership.

Repository::forever() — Method in class Repository

Store an item in the cache indefinitely.

Repository::forget() — Method in class Repository

Remove an item from the cache.

Store::forever() — Method in class Store

Store an item in the cache indefinitely.

Store::forget() — Method in class Store

Remove an item from the cache.

Store::flush() — Method in class Store

Remove all items from the cache.

Container::factory() — Method in class Container

Get a closure to resolve the given type from the container.

Container::flush() — Method in class Container

Flush the container of all bindings and resolved instances.

FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cookie
Factory::forever() — Method in class Factory

Create a cookie that lasts "forever" (five years).

Factory::forget() — Method in class Factory

Expire the given cookie.

Dispatcher::flush() — Method in class Dispatcher

Flush a set of pushed events.

Dispatcher::forget() — Method in class Dispatcher

Remove a set of listeners from the dispatcher.

Dispatcher::forgetPushed() — Method in class Dispatcher

Forget all of the queued listeners.

FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
FileExistsExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
FileNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
FilesystemClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
Filesystem::files() — Method in class Filesystem

Get an array of all files in a directory.

FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Mail
Mailer::failures() — Method in class Mailer

Get the array of failed recipients.

FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Notifications
Paginator::fragment() — Method in class Paginator

Get / set the URL fragment to be appended to URLs.

Paginator::firstItem() — Method in class Paginator

Get the "index" of the first item being paginated.

FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
Job::fire() — Method in class Job

Fire the job.

Job::fail() — Method in class Job

Delete the job, call the "failed" method, and raise the failed job event.

Monitor::failing() — Method in class Monitor

Register a callback to be executed when a job fails after the maximum amount of retries.

FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Redis
ResponseFactory::file() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Return the raw contents of a binary file.

Session::forget() — Method in class Session

Remove one or many items from the session.

Session::flush() — Method in class Session

Remove all of the items from the session.

MessageBag::first() — Method in class MessageBag

Get the first message from the bag for a given key.

FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
Validator::fails() — Method in class Validator

Determine if the data fails the validation rules.

Validator::failed() — Method in class Validator

Get the failed validation rules.

FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\View
Factory::file() — Method in class Factory

Get the evaluated view contents for the given path.

CookieJar::forever() — Method in class CookieJar

Create a cookie that lasts "forever" (five years).

CookieJar::forget() — Method in class CookieJar

Expire the given cookie.

BuildsQueries::first() — Method in class BuildsQueries

Execute the query and get the first result.

$ Connection#fetchModeProperty in class Connection

The default fetch mode of the connection.

Connection::fireConnectionEvent() — Method in class Connection

Fire an event for this connection.

Connection::flushQueryLog() — Method in class Connection

Clear the query log.

PostgresConnector::formatSchema() — Method in class PostgresConnector

Format the schema for the DSN.

FactoryMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Factories
FreshCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
$ DatabaseManager#factoryProperty in class DatabaseManager

The database connection factory instance.

$ DatabaseServiceProvider#fakersProperty in class DatabaseServiceProvider

The array of resolved Faker instances.

Builder::firstWhere() — Method in class Builder

Add a basic where clause to the query, and return the first result.

Builder::fromQuery() — Method in class Builder

Create a collection of models from a raw query.

Builder::find() — Method in class Builder

Find a model by its primary key.

Builder::findMany() — Method in class Builder

Find multiple models by their primary keys.

Builder::findOrFail() — Method in class Builder

Find a model by its primary key or throw an exception.

Builder::findOrNew() — Method in class Builder

Find a model by its primary key or return fresh model instance.

Builder::firstOrNew() — Method in class Builder

Get the first record matching the attributes or instantiate it.

Builder::firstOrCreate() — Method in class Builder

Get the first record matching the attributes or create it.

Builder::firstOrFail() — Method in class Builder

Execute the query and get the first result or throw an exception.

Builder::firstOr() — Method in class Builder

Execute the query and get the first result or call a callback.

Builder::forceCreate() — Method in class Builder

Save a new model and return the instance. Allow mass-assignment.

Builder::forceDelete() — Method in class Builder

Run the default delete function on the builder.

Collection::find() — Method in class Collection

Find a model in the collection by key.

Collection::fresh() — Method in class Collection

Reload a fresh model instance from the database for all the entities.

Collection::flatten() — Method in class Collection

Get a flattened array of the items in the collection.

Collection::flip() — Method in class Collection

Flip the items in the collection.

$ GuardsAttributes#fillableProperty in class GuardsAttributes

The attributes that are mass assignable.

GuardsAttributes::fillable() — Method in class GuardsAttributes

Set the fillable attributes for the model.

GuardsAttributes::fillableFromArray() — Method in class GuardsAttributes

Get the fillable attributes of a given array.

HasAttributes::fillJsonAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes

Set a given JSON attribute on the model.

HasAttributes::fromJson() — Method in class HasAttributes

Decode the given JSON back into an array or object.

HasAttributes::fromFloat() — Method in class HasAttributes

Decode the given float.

HasAttributes::fromDateTime() — Method in class HasAttributes

Convert a DateTime to a storable string.

HasEvents::fireModelEvent() — Method in class HasEvents

Fire the given event for the model.

HasEvents::fireCustomModelEvent() — Method in class HasEvents

Fire a custom model event for the given event.

HasEvents::filterModelEventResults() — Method in class HasEvents

Filter the model event results.

HasEvents::flushEventListeners() — Method in class HasEvents

Remove all of the event listeners for the model.

HasTimestamps::freshTimestamp() — Method in class HasTimestamps

Get a fresh timestamp for the model.

HasTimestamps::freshTimestampString() — Method in class HasTimestamps

Get a fresh timestamp for the model.

FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
$ Factory#fakerProperty in class Factory

The Faker instance for the builder.

FactoryBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
$ FactoryBuilder#fakerProperty in class FactoryBuilder

The Faker instance for the builder.

JsonEncodingException::forModel() — Method in class JsonEncodingException

Create a new JSON encoding exception for the model.

JsonEncodingException::forResource() — Method in class JsonEncodingException

Create a new JSON encoding exception for the resource.

JsonEncodingException::forAttribute() — Method in class JsonEncodingException

Create a new JSON encoding exception for an attribute.

Model::fill() — Method in class Model

Fill the model with an array of attributes.

Model::forceFill() — Method in class Model

Fill the model with an array of attributes. Force mass assignment.

Model::finishSave() — Method in class Model

Perform any actions that are necessary after the model is saved.

Model::forceDelete() — Method in class Model

Force a hard delete on a soft deleted model.

Model::fresh() — Method in class Model

Reload a fresh model instance from the database.

$ BelongsTo#foreignKeyProperty in class BelongsTo

The foreign key of the parent model.

$ BelongsToMany#foreignPivotKeyProperty in class BelongsToMany

The foreign key of the parent model.

BelongsToMany::findOrNew() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Find a related model by its primary key or return new instance of the related model.

BelongsToMany::firstOrNew() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the first related model record matching the attributes or instantiate it.

BelongsToMany::firstOrCreate() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the first related record matching the attributes or create it.

BelongsToMany::find() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Find a related model by its primary key.

BelongsToMany::findMany() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Find multiple related models by their primary keys.

BelongsToMany::findOrFail() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Find a related model by its primary key or throw an exception.

BelongsToMany::firstWhere() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Add a basic where clause to the query, and return the first result.

BelongsToMany::first() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Execute the query and get the first result.

BelongsToMany::firstOrFail() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Execute the query and get the first result or throw an exception.

$ AsPivot#foreignKeyProperty in class AsPivot

The name of the foreign key column.

AsPivot::fromAttributes() — Method in class AsPivot

Create a new pivot model instance.

AsPivot::fromRawAttributes() — Method in class AsPivot

Create a new pivot model from raw values returned from a query.

InteractsWithPivotTable::formatRecordsList() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Format the sync / toggle record list so that it is keyed by ID.

InteractsWithPivotTable::formatAttachRecords() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Create an array of records to insert into the pivot table.

InteractsWithPivotTable::formatAttachRecord() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Create a full attachment record payload.

$ HasManyThrough#farParentProperty in class HasManyThrough

The far parent model instance.

$ HasManyThrough#firstKeyProperty in class HasManyThrough

The near key on the relationship.

HasManyThrough::firstOrNew() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Get the first related model record matching the attributes or instantiate it.

HasManyThrough::firstWhere() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Add a basic where clause to the query, and return the first result.

HasManyThrough::first() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Execute the query and get the first related model.

HasManyThrough::firstOrFail() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Execute the query and get the first result or throw an exception.

HasManyThrough::find() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Find a related model by its primary key.

HasManyThrough::findMany() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Find multiple related models by their primary keys.

HasManyThrough::findOrFail() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Find a related model by its primary key or throw an exception.

$ HasOneOrMany#foreignKeyProperty in class HasOneOrMany

The foreign key of the parent model.

HasOneOrMany::findOrNew() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Find a model by its primary key or return new instance of the related model.

HasOneOrMany::firstOrNew() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Get the first related model record matching the attributes or instantiate it.

HasOneOrMany::firstOrCreate() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Get the first related record matching the attributes or create it.

$ SoftDeletes#forceDeletingProperty in class SoftDeletes

Indicates if the model is currently force deleting.

SoftDeletes::forceDelete() — Method in class SoftDeletes

Force a hard delete on a soft deleted model.

SoftDeletes::forceDeleted() — Method in class SoftDeletes

Register a "forceDeleted" model event callback with the dispatcher.

$ MigrationCreator#filesProperty in class MigrationCreator

The filesystem instance.

MigrationCreator::firePostCreateHooks() — Method in class MigrationCreator

Fire the registered post create hooks.

$ Migrator#filesProperty in class Migrator

The filesystem instance.

Migrator::fireMigrationEvent() — Method in class Migrator

Fire the given event for the migration.

QueryException::formatMessage() — Method in class QueryException

Format the SQL error message.

$ Builder#fromProperty in class Builder

The table which the query is targeting.

Builder::fromSub() — Method in class Builder

Makes "from" fetch from a subquery.

Builder::fromRaw() — Method in class Builder

Add a raw from clause to the query.

Builder::from() — Method in class Builder

Set the table which the query is targeting.

Builder::forNestedWhere() — Method in class Builder

Create a new query instance for nested where condition.

Builder::forPage() — Method in class Builder

Set the limit and offset for a given page.

Builder::forPageBeforeId() — Method in class Builder

Constrain the query to the previous "page" of results before a given ID.

Builder::forPageAfterId() — Method in class Builder

Constrain the query to the next "page" of results after a given ID.

Builder::find() — Method in class Builder

Execute a query for a single record by ID.

Builder::forSubQuery() — Method in class Builder

Create a new query instance for a sub-query.

Builder::flattenValue() — Method in class Builder

Get a scalar type value from an unknown type of input.

JoinClause::forSubQuery() — Method in class JoinClause

Create a new query instance for sub-query.

Blueprint::foreign() — Method in class Blueprint

Specify a foreign key for the table.

Blueprint::foreignId() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new unsigned big integer (8-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::float() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new float column on the table.

Blueprint::foreignUuid() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new UUID column on the table with a foreign key constraint.

ColumnDefinition::first() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
ForeignIdColumnDefinitionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
ForeignKeyDefinitionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
$ Grammar#fluentCommandsProperty in class Grammar

The commands to be executed outside of create or alter command.

$ PostgresGrammar#fluentCommandsProperty in class PostgresGrammar

The commands to be executed outside of create or alter command.

CallQueuedListener::failed() — Method in class CallQueuedListener

Call the failed method on the job instance.

Dispatcher::flush() — Method in class Dispatcher

Flush a set of pushed events.

Dispatcher::forget() — Method in class Dispatcher

Remove a set of listeners from the dispatcher.

Dispatcher::forgetPushed() — Method in class Dispatcher

Forget all of the pushed listeners.

NullDispatcher::flush() — Method in class NullDispatcher

Flush a set of pushed events.

NullDispatcher::forget() — Method in class NullDispatcher

Remove a set of listeners from the dispatcher.

NullDispatcher::forgetPushed() — Method in class NullDispatcher

Forget all of the queued listeners.

FilesystemClass in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
Filesystem::files() — Method in class Filesystem

Get an array of all files in a directory.

FilesystemAdapterClass in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
FilesystemAdapter::fallbackName() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Convert the string to ASCII characters that are equivalent to the given name.

FilesystemAdapter::files() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get an array of all files in a directory.

FilesystemAdapter::flushCache() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Flush the Flysystem cache.

FilesystemAdapter::filterContentsByType() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Filter directory contents by type.

FilesystemManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
FilesystemManager::formatS3Config() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Format the given S3 configuration with the default options.

FilesystemManager::forgetDisk() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Unset the given disk instances.

FilesystemServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
$ AliasLoader#facadeNamespaceProperty in class AliasLoader

The namespace for all real-time facades.

AliasLoader::formatFacadeStub() — Method in class AliasLoader

Format the facade stub with the proper namespace and class.

Application::fireAppCallbacks() — Method in class Application

Call the booting callbacks for the application.

Application::flush() — Method in class Application

Flush the container of all bindings and resolved instances.

HandleExceptions::fatalErrorFromPhpError() — Method in class HandleExceptions

Create a new fatal error instance from an error array.

$ ConfigCacheCommand#filesProperty in class ConfigCacheCommand

The filesystem instance.

$ ConfigClearCommand#filesProperty in class ConfigClearCommand

The filesystem instance.

$ EventClearCommand#filesProperty in class EventClearCommand

The filesystem instance.

EventListCommand::filterEvents() — Method in class EventListCommand

Filter the given events using the provided event name filter.

EventListCommand::filteringByEvent() — Method in class EventListCommand

Determine whether the user is filtering by an event name.

$ RouteCacheCommand#filesProperty in class RouteCacheCommand

The filesystem instance.

$ RouteClearCommand#filesProperty in class RouteClearCommand

The filesystem instance.

RouteListCommand::filterRoute() — Method in class RouteListCommand

Filter the route by URI and / or name.

$ VendorPublishCommand#filesProperty in class VendorPublishCommand

The filesystem instance.

$ ViewClearCommand#filesProperty in class ViewClearCommand

The filesystem instance.

WhoopsHandler::forDebug() — Method in class WhoopsHandler

Create a new Whoops handler for debug mode.

FormRequestClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http
FormRequest::failedValidation() — Method in class FormRequest

Handle a failed validation attempt.

FormRequest::failedAuthorization() — Method in class FormRequest

Handle a failed authorization attempt.

$ PackageManifest#filesProperty in class PackageManifest

The filesystem instance.

PackageManifest::format() — Method in class PackageManifest

Format the given package name.

$ ProviderRepository#filesProperty in class ProviderRepository

The filesystem instance.

ProviderRepository::freshManifest() — Method in class ProviderRepository

Create a fresh service manifest data structure.

FormRequestServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
FoundationServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
InteractsWithSession::flushSession() — Method in class InteractsWithSession

Flush all of the current session data.

$ MakesHttpRequests#followRedirectsProperty in class MakesHttpRequests

Indicates whether redirects should be followed.

MakesHttpRequests::flushHeaders() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests

Flush all the configured headers.

$ MocksApplicationServices#firedEventsProperty in class MocksApplicationServices

All of the fired events.

$ MocksApplicationServices#firedModelEventsProperty in class MocksApplicationServices

All of the fired model events.

$ WithFaker#fakerProperty in class WithFaker

The Faker instance.

WithFaker::faker() — Method in class WithFaker

Get the default Faker instance for a given locale.

FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
Factory::fake() — Method in class Factory

Register a stub callable that will intercept requests and be able to return stub responses.

Factory::fakeSequence() — Method in class Factory

Register a response sequence for the given URL pattern.

$ PendingRequest#factoryProperty in class PendingRequest

The factory instance.

Response::failed() — Method in class Response

Determine if the response indicates a client or server error occurred.

$ ResponseSequence#failWhenEmptyProperty in class ResponseSequence

Indicates that invoking this sequence when it is empty should throw an exception.

InteractsWithContentTypes::format() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes

Get the data format expected in the response.

InteractsWithFlashData::flash() — Method in class InteractsWithFlashData

Flash the input for the current request to the session.

InteractsWithFlashData::flashOnly() — Method in class InteractsWithFlashData

Flash only some of the input to the session.

InteractsWithFlashData::flashExcept() — Method in class InteractsWithFlashData

Flash only some of the input to the session.

InteractsWithFlashData::flush() — Method in class InteractsWithFlashData

Flush all of the old input from the session.

InteractsWithInput::filled() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Determine if the request contains a non-empty value for an input item.

InteractsWithInput::file() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Retrieve a file from the request.

FileClass in namespace Illuminate\Http
FileHelpersClass in namespace Illuminate\Http
FrameGuardClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Middleware
Request::fullUrl() — Method in class Request

Get the full URL for the request.

Request::fullUrlWithQuery() — Method in class Request

Get the full URL for the request with the added query string parameters.

Request::fullUrlIs() — Method in class Request

Determine if the current request URL and query string matches a pattern.

Request::filterFiles() — Method in class Request

Filter the given array of files, removing any empty values.

Request::fingerprint() — Method in class Request

Get a unique fingerprint for the request / route / IP address.

ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::filter() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes

Filter the given data, removing any optional values.

FileClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Testing
FileFactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Testing
MimeType::from() — Method in class MimeType

Get the MIME type for a file based on the file's extension.

UploadedFile::fake() — Method in class UploadedFile

Begin creating a new file fake.

LogManager::formatter() — Method in class LogManager

Get a Monolog formatter instance.

LogManager::forgetChannel() — Method in class LogManager

Unset the given channel instance.

Logger::fireLogEvent() — Method in class Logger

Fires a log event.

Logger::formatMessage() — Method in class Logger

Format the parameters for the logger.

$ Mailable#fromProperty in class Mailable

The person the message is from.

Mailable::from() — Method in class Mailable

Set the sender of the message.

$ Mailer#fromProperty in class Mailer

The global from address and name.

$ Mailer#failedRecipientsProperty in class Mailer

Array of failed recipients.

Mailer::forceReconnection() — Method in class Mailer

Force the transport to re-connect.

Mailer::failures() — Method in class Mailer

Get the array of failed recipients.

Message::from() — Method in class Message

Add a "from" address to the message.

PendingMail::fill() — Method in class PendingMail

Populate the mailable with the addresses.

SendQueuedMailable::failed() — Method in class SendQueuedMailable

Call the failed method on the mailable instance.

ArrayTransport::flush() — Method in class ArrayTransport

Clear all of the messages from the local collection.

$ NotificationTableCommand#filesProperty in class NotificationTableCommand

The filesystem instance.

$ MailMessage#fromProperty in class MailMessage

The "from" information for the message.

MailMessage::from() — Method in class MailMessage

Set the from address for the mail message.

SimpleMessage::formatLine() — Method in class SimpleMessage

Format the given line of text.

NotificationSender::formatNotifiables() — Method in class NotificationSender

Format the notifiables into a Collection / array if necessary.

SendQueuedNotifications::failed() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications

Call the failed method on the notification instance.

$ AbstractPaginator#fragmentProperty in class AbstractPaginator

The URL fragment to add to all URLs.

AbstractPaginator::fragment() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Get / set the URL fragment to be appended to URLs.

AbstractPaginator::firstItem() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Get the number of the first item in the slice.

CallQueuedHandler::failed() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler

Call the failed method on the job instance.

FailedTableCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
$ FailedTableCommand#filesProperty in class FailedTableCommand

The filesystem instance.

FlushFailedCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
ForgetFailedCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
$ TableCommand#filesProperty in class TableCommand

The filesystem instance.

DatabaseFailedJobProvider::find() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider

Get a single failed job.

DatabaseFailedJobProvider::forget() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider

Delete a single failed job from storage.

DatabaseFailedJobProvider::flush() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider

Flush all of the failed jobs from storage.

DynamoDbFailedJobProvider::find() — Method in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider

Get a single failed job.

DynamoDbFailedJobProvider::forget() — Method in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider

Delete a single failed job from storage.

DynamoDbFailedJobProvider::flush() — Method in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider

Flush all of the failed jobs from storage.

FailedJobProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Failed
FailedJobProviderInterface::find() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface

Get a single failed job.

FailedJobProviderInterface::forget() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface

Delete a single failed job from storage.

FailedJobProviderInterface::flush() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface

Flush all of the failed jobs from storage.

NullFailedJobProvider::find() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider

Get a single failed job.

NullFailedJobProvider::forget() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider

Delete a single failed job from storage.

NullFailedJobProvider::flush() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider

Flush all of the failed jobs from storage.

InteractsWithQueue::fail() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue

Fail the job from the queue.

$ Job#failedProperty in class Job

Indicates if the job has failed.

Job::fire() — Method in class Job

Fire the job.

Job::fail() — Method in class Job

Delete the job, call the "failed" method, and raise the failed job event.

Job::failed() — Method in class Job

Process an exception that caused the job to fail.

QueueManager::failing() — Method in class QueueManager

Register an event listener for the failed job event.

Worker::failJob() — Method in class Worker

Mark the given job as failed and raise the relevant event.

$ WorkerOptions#forceProperty in class WorkerOptions

Indicates if the worker should run in maintenance mode.

Connection::funnel() — Method in class Connection

Funnel a callback for a maximum number of simultaneous executions.

PhpRedisConnection::flushdb() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Flush the selected Redis database.

PredisConnection::flushdb() — Method in class PredisConnection

Flush the selected Redis database.

PhpRedisConnector::formatHost() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector

Format the host using the scheme if available.

UrlGenerationException::forMissingParameters() — Method in class UrlGenerationException

Create a new exception for missing route parameters.

ResponseFactory::fallbackName() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Convert the string to ASCII characters that are equivalent to the given name.

ResponseFactory::file() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Return the raw contents of a binary file.

Route::forgetParameter() — Method in class Route

Unset a parameter on the route if it is set.

Route::fallback() — Method in class Route

Mark this route as a fallback route.

RouteAction::findCallable() — Method in class RouteAction

Find the callable in an action array.

RouteBinding::forCallback() — Method in class RouteBinding

Create a Route model binding for a given callback.

RouteBinding::forModel() — Method in class RouteBinding

Create a Route model binding for a model.

RouteGroup::formatNamespace() — Method in class RouteGroup

Format the namespace for the new group attributes.

RouteGroup::formatPrefix() — Method in class RouteGroup

Format the prefix for the new group attributes.

RouteGroup::formatWhere() — Method in class RouteGroup

Format the "wheres" for the new group attributes.

RouteGroup::formatAs() — Method in class RouteGroup

Format the "as" clause of the new group attributes.

RouteSignatureParameters::fromAction() — Method in class RouteSignatureParameters

Extract the route action's signature parameters.

RouteSignatureParameters::fromClassMethodString() — Method in class RouteSignatureParameters

Get the parameters for the given class / method by string.

RouteUrlGenerator::formatDomain() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator

Format the domain and port for the route and request.

Router::fallback() — Method in class Router

Register a new Fallback route with the router.

Router::findRoute() — Method in class Router

Find the route matching a given request.

$ UrlGenerator#forcedRootProperty in class UrlGenerator

The forced URL root.

$ UrlGenerator#forceSchemeProperty in class UrlGenerator

The forced scheme for URLs.

$ UrlGenerator#formatHostUsingProperty in class UrlGenerator

The callback to use to format hosts.

$ UrlGenerator#formatPathUsingProperty in class UrlGenerator

The callback to use to format paths.

UrlGenerator::full() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the full URL for the current request.

UrlGenerator::formatScheme() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the default scheme for a raw URL.

UrlGenerator::formatAction() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Format the given controller action.

UrlGenerator::formatParameters() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Format the array of URL parameters.

UrlGenerator::formatRoot() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the base URL for the request.

UrlGenerator::format() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Format the given URL segments into a single URL.

UrlGenerator::forceScheme() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Force the scheme for URLs.

UrlGenerator::forceRootUrl() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Set the forced root URL.

UrlGenerator::formatHostUsing() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Set a callback to be used to format the host of generated URLs.

UrlGenerator::formatPathUsing() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Set a callback to be used to format the path of generated URLs.

$ SessionTableCommand#filesProperty in class SessionTableCommand

The filesystem instance.

FileSessionHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
$ FileSessionHandler#filesProperty in class FileSessionHandler

The filesystem instance.

Store::flash() — Method in class Store

Flash a key / value pair to the session.

Store::flashInput() — Method in class Store

Flash an input array to the session.

Store::forget() — Method in class Store

Remove one or many items from the session.

Store::flush() — Method in class Store

Remove all of the items from the session.

Arr::first() — Method in class Arr

Return the first element in an array passing a given truth test.

Arr::flatten() — Method in class Arr

Flatten a multi-dimensional array into a single level.

Arr::forget() — Method in class Arr

Remove one or many array items from a given array using "dot" notation.

Collection::filter() — Method in class Collection

Run a filter over each of the items.

Collection::first() — Method in class Collection

Get the first item from the enumerable passing the given truth test.

Collection::flatten() — Method in class Collection

Get a flattened array of the items in the collection.

Collection::flip() — Method in class Collection

Flip the values with their keys.

Collection::forget() — Method in class Collection

Remove an item from the collection by key.

$ Composer#filesProperty in class Composer

The filesystem instance.

Composer::findComposer() — Method in class Composer

Get the composer command for the environment.

$ DateFactory#factoryProperty in class DateFactory

The Carbon factory that should be used when creating dates.

DateFactory::fromSerialized() — Method in class DateFactory
Enumerable::filter() — Method in class Enumerable

Run a filter over each of the items.

Enumerable::first() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the first item from the enumerable passing the given truth test.

Enumerable::firstWhere() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the first item by the given key value pair.

Enumerable::flip() — Method in class Enumerable

Flip the values with their keys.

Enumerable::flatMap() — Method in class Enumerable

Map a collection and flatten the result by a single level.

Enumerable::forPage() — Method in class Enumerable

"Paginate" the collection by slicing it into a smaller collection.

Bus::fake() — Method in class Bus

Replace the bound instance with a fake.

Cache::forever() — Method in class Cache
Cache::forget() — Method in class Cache
DB::flushQueryLog() — Method in class DB
Date::fromSerialized() — Method in class Date
Event::fake() — Method in class Event

Replace the bound instance with a fake.

Event::fakeFor() — Method in class Event

Replace the bound instance with a fake during the given callable's execution.

Event::flush() — Method in class Event
Event::forget() — Method in class Event
Event::forgetPushed() — Method in class Event
FacadeClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
FileClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
File::files() — Method in class File
Gate::forUser() — Method in class Gate
Http::fake() — Method in class Http
Http::fakeSequence() — Method in class Http
Mail::fake() — Method in class Mail

Replace the bound instance with a fake.

Mail::failures() — Method in class Mail
Notification::fake() — Method in class Notification

Replace the bound instance with a fake.

Queue::fake() — Method in class Queue

Replace the bound instance with a fake.

Redis::funnel() — Method in class Redis
Request::file() — Method in class Request
Request::filled() — Method in class Request
Request::fullUrlIs() — Method in class Request
Request::filterFiles() — Method in class Request
Request::fingerprint() — Method in class Request
Request::format() — Method in class Request
Request::fullUrl() — Method in class Request
Request::fullUrlWithQuery() — Method in class Request
Request::flash() — Method in class Request
Request::flashExcept() — Method in class Request
Request::flashOnly() — Method in class Request
Request::flush() — Method in class Request
Response::file() — Method in class Response
Route::fallback() — Method in class Route
Session::flush() — Method in class Session
Session::forget() — Method in class Session
Storage::fake() — Method in class Storage

Replace the given disk with a local testing disk.

Storage::files() — Method in class Storage
URL::full() — Method in class URL
URL::forceScheme() — Method in class URL
View::first() — Method in class View
View::file() — Method in class View
FluentClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
LazyCollection::filter() — Method in class LazyCollection

Run a filter over each of the items.

LazyCollection::first() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get the first item from the enumerable passing the given truth test.

LazyCollection::flatten() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get a flattened list of the items in the collection.

LazyCollection::flip() — Method in class LazyCollection

Flip the items in the collection.

$ MessageBag#formatProperty in class MessageBag

Default format for message output.

MessageBag::first() — Method in class MessageBag

Get the first message from the bag for a given key.

Str::finish() — Method in class Str

Cap a string with a single instance of a given value.

Stringable::finish() — Method in class Stringable

Cap a string with a single instance of a given value.

EventFake::flush() — Method in class EventFake

Flush a set of pushed events.

EventFake::forget() — Method in class EventFake

Remove a set of listeners from the dispatcher.

EventFake::forgetPushed() — Method in class EventFake

Forget all of the queued listeners.

MailFake::failures() — Method in class MailFake

Get the array of failed recipients.

$ EnumeratesValues#filterProperty in class EnumeratesValues
$ EnumeratesValues#firstProperty in class EnumeratesValues
$ EnumeratesValues#flatMapProperty in class EnumeratesValues
EnumeratesValues::firstWhere() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Get the first item by the given key value pair.

EnumeratesValues::flatMap() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Map a collection and flatten the result by a single level.

EnumeratesValues::forPage() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

"Paginate" the collection by slicing it into a smaller collection.

ForwardsCallsClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
ForwardsCalls::forwardCallTo() — Method in class ForwardsCalls

Forward a method call to the given object.

ReflectsClosures::firstClosureParameterType() — Method in class ReflectsClosures

Get the class name of the first parameter of the given Closure.

ArraySubset::failureDescription() — Method in class ArraySubset

Returns the description of the failure.

CountInDatabase::failureDescription() — Method in class CountInDatabase

Get the description of the failure.

HasInDatabase::failureDescription() — Method in class HasInDatabase

Get the description of the failure.

$ SeeInOrder#failedValueProperty in class SeeInOrder

The last value that failed to pass validation.

SeeInOrder::failureDescription() — Method in class SeeInOrder

Get the description of the failure.

SoftDeletedInDatabase::failureDescription() — Method in class SoftDeletedInDatabase

Get the description of the failure.

TestResponse::fromBaseResponse() — Method in class TestResponse

Create a new TestResponse from another response.

FileLoaderClass in namespace Illuminate\Translation
$ FileLoader#filesProperty in class FileLoader

The filesystem instance.

$ Translator#fallbackProperty in class Translator

The fallback locale used by the translator.

$ ClosureValidationRule#failedProperty in class ClosureValidationRule

Indicates if the validation callback failed.

FilterEmailValidationClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Concerns
$ FilterEmailValidation#flagsProperty in class FilterEmailValidation

The flags to pass to the filter_var function.

FormatsMessagesClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Concerns
ValidatesAttributes::failsBasicDimensionChecks() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Test if the given width and height fail any conditions.

ValidatesAttributes::failsRatioCheck() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Determine if the given parameters fail a dimension ratio check.

FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
$ Factory#fallbackMessagesProperty in class Factory

All of the fallback messages for custom rules.

DatabaseRule::formatWheres() — Method in class DatabaseRule

Format the where clauses.

ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait::failedValidation() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait

Handle a failed validation attempt.

ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait::failedAuthorization() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait

Handle a failed authorization attempt.

$ Validator#failedRulesProperty in class Validator

The failed validation rules.

$ Validator#fallbackMessagesProperty in class Validator

The array of fallback error messages.

$ Validator#fileRulesProperty in class Validator

The validation rules that may be applied to files.

Validator::fails() — Method in class Validator

Determine if the data fails the validation rules.

Validator::failed() — Method in class Validator

Get the failed validation rules.

$ BladeCompiler#footerProperty in class BladeCompiler

Array of footer lines to be added to template.

$ Compiler#filesProperty in class Compiler

The Filesystem instance.

$ CompilesConditionals#firstCaseInSwitchProperty in class CompilesConditionals

Identifier for the first case in switch statement.

$ CompilesLoops#forElseCounterProperty in class CompilesLoops

Counter to keep track of nested forelse statements.

ComponentAttributeBag::first() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Get the first attribute's value.

ComponentAttributeBag::filter() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Filter the attributes, returning a bag of attributes that pass the filter.

ManagesLayouts::flushSections() — Method in class ManagesLayouts

Flush all of the sections.

ManagesStacks::flushStacks() — Method in class ManagesStacks

Flush all of the stacks.

FileEngineClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
FactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\View
$ Factory#finderProperty in class Factory

The view finder implementation.

Factory::file() — Method in class Factory

Get the evaluated view contents for the given view.

Factory::first() — Method in class Factory

Get the first view that actually exists from the given list.

Factory::flushState() — Method in class Factory

Flush all of the factory state like sections and stacks.

Factory::flushStateIfDoneRendering() — Method in class Factory

Flush all of the section contents if done rendering.

Factory::flushFinderCache() — Method in class Factory

Flush the cache of views located by the finder.

FileViewFinderClass in namespace Illuminate\View
$ FileViewFinder#filesProperty in class FileViewFinder

The filesystem instance.

FileViewFinder::find() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Get the fully qualified location of the view.

FileViewFinder::findNamespacedView() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Get the path to a template with a named path.

FileViewFinder::findInPaths() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Find the given view in the list of paths.

FileViewFinder::flush() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Flush the cache of located views.

$ View#factoryProperty in class View

The view factory instance.

View::formatErrors() — Method in class View

Parse the given errors into an appropriate value.

ViewFinderInterface::find() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface

Get the fully qualified location of the view.

ViewFinderInterface::flush() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface

Flush the cache of located views.


GateClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
$ Gate#guessPolicyNamesUsingCallbackProperty in class Gate

The callback to be used to guess policy names.

Gate::getPolicyFor() — Method in class Gate

Get a policy instance for a given class.

Gate::guessPolicyName() — Method in class Gate

Guess the policy name for the given class.

Gate::guessPolicyNamesUsing() — Method in class Gate

Specify a callback to be used to guess policy names.

$ AuthManager#guardsProperty in class AuthManager

The array of created "drivers".

AuthManager::guard() — Method in class AuthManager

Attempt to get the guard from the local cache.

AuthManager::getConfig() — Method in class AuthManager

Get the guard configuration.

AuthManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class AuthManager

Get the default authentication driver name.

Authenticatable::getAuthIdentifierName() — Method in class Authenticatable

Get the name of the unique identifier for the user.

Authenticatable::getAuthIdentifier() — Method in class Authenticatable

Get the unique identifier for the user.

Authenticatable::getAuthPassword() — Method in class Authenticatable

Get the password for the user.

Authenticatable::getRememberToken() — Method in class Authenticatable

Get the token value for the "remember me" session.

Authenticatable::getRememberTokenName() — Method in class Authenticatable

Get the column name for the "remember me" token.

$ AuthenticationException#guardsProperty in class AuthenticationException

All of the guards that were checked.

AuthenticationException::guards() — Method in class AuthenticationException

Get the guards that were checked.

CreatesUserProviders::getProviderConfiguration() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders

Get the user provider configuration.

CreatesUserProviders::getDefaultUserProvider() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders

Get the default user provider name.

DatabaseUserProvider::getGenericUser() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider

Get the generic user.

EloquentUserProvider::getHasher() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider

Gets the hasher implementation.

EloquentUserProvider::getModel() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider

Gets the name of the Eloquent user model.

$ Attempting#guardProperty in class Attempting

The authentication guard name.

$ Authenticated#guardProperty in class Authenticated

The authentication guard name.

$ CurrentDeviceLogout#guardProperty in class CurrentDeviceLogout

The authentication guard name.

$ Failed#guardProperty in class Failed

The authentication guard name.

$ Login#guardProperty in class Login

The authentication guard name.

$ Logout#guardProperty in class Logout

The authentication guard name.

$ OtherDeviceLogout#guardProperty in class OtherDeviceLogout

The authentication guard name.

$ Validated#guardProperty in class Validated

The authentication guard name.

GenericUserClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
GenericUser::getAuthIdentifierName() — Method in class GenericUser

Get the name of the unique identifier for the user.

GenericUser::getAuthIdentifier() — Method in class GenericUser

Get the unique identifier for the user.

GenericUser::getAuthPassword() — Method in class GenericUser

Get the password for the user.

GenericUser::getRememberToken() — Method in class GenericUser

Get the "remember me" token value.

GenericUser::getRememberTokenName() — Method in class GenericUser

Get the column name for the "remember me" token.

GuardHelpersClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth

These methods are typically the same across all guards.

GuardHelpers::guest() — Method in class GuardHelpers

Determine if the current user is a guest.

GuardHelpers::getProvider() — Method in class GuardHelpers

Get the user provider used by the guard.

$ Authorize#gateProperty in class Authorize

The gate instance.

Authorize::getGateArguments() — Method in class Authorize

Get the arguments parameter for the gate.

Authorize::getModel() — Method in class Authorize

Get the model to authorize.

MustVerifyEmail::getEmailForVerification() — Method in class MustVerifyEmail

Get the email address that should be used for verification.

CanResetPassword::getEmailForPasswordReset() — Method in class CanResetPassword

Get the e-mail address where password reset links are sent.

DatabaseTokenRepository::getPayload() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository

Build the record payload for the table.

DatabaseTokenRepository::getConnection() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository

Get the database connection instance.

DatabaseTokenRepository::getTable() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository

Begin a new database query against the table.

DatabaseTokenRepository::getHasher() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository

Get the hasher instance.

PasswordBroker::getUser() — Method in class PasswordBroker

Get the user for the given credentials.

PasswordBroker::getRepository() — Method in class PasswordBroker

Get the password reset token repository implementation.

PasswordBrokerManager::getConfig() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager

Get the password broker configuration.

PasswordBrokerManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager

Get the default password broker name.

SessionGuard::getLastAttempted() — Method in class SessionGuard

Get the last user we attempted to authenticate.

SessionGuard::getName() — Method in class SessionGuard

Get a unique identifier for the auth session value.

SessionGuard::getRecallerName() — Method in class SessionGuard

Get the name of the cookie used to store the "recaller".

SessionGuard::getCookieJar() — Method in class SessionGuard

Get the cookie creator instance used by the guard.

SessionGuard::getDispatcher() — Method in class SessionGuard

Get the event dispatcher instance.

SessionGuard::getSession() — Method in class SessionGuard

Get the session store used by the guard.

SessionGuard::getUser() — Method in class SessionGuard

Return the currently cached user.

SessionGuard::getRequest() — Method in class SessionGuard

Get the current request instance.

TokenGuard::getTokenForRequest() — Method in class TokenGuard

Get the token for the current request.

BroadcastEvent::getPayloadFromEvent() — Method in class BroadcastEvent

Get the payload for the given event.

BroadcastManager::get() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Attempt to get the connection from the local cache.

BroadcastManager::getConfig() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Get the connection configuration.

BroadcastManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Get the default driver name.

PusherBroadcaster::getPusher() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster

Get the Pusher SDK instance.

Dispatcher::getCommandHandler() — Method in class Dispatcher

Retrieve the handler for a command.

ApcStore::get() — Method in class ApcStore

Retrieve an item from the cache by key.

ApcStore::getPrefix() — Method in class ApcStore

Get the cache key prefix.

ApcWrapper::get() — Method in class ApcWrapper

Get an item from the cache.

ArrayLock::getCurrentOwner() — Method in class ArrayLock

Returns the owner value written into the driver for this lock.

ArrayStore::get() — Method in class ArrayStore

Retrieve an item from the cache by key.

ArrayStore::getPrefix() — Method in class ArrayStore

Get the cache key prefix.

CacheManager::get() — Method in class CacheManager

Attempt to get the store from the local cache.

CacheManager::getPrefix() — Method in class CacheManager

Get the cache prefix.

CacheManager::getConfig() — Method in class CacheManager

Get the cache connection configuration.

CacheManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Get the default cache driver name.

ClearCommand::getArguments() — Method in class ClearCommand

Get the console command arguments.

ClearCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ClearCommand

Get the console command options.

DatabaseLock::getCurrentOwner() — Method in class DatabaseLock

Returns the owner value written into the driver for this lock.

DatabaseStore::get() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Retrieve an item from the cache by key.

DatabaseStore::getTime() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Get the current system time.

DatabaseStore::getConnection() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Get the underlying database connection.

DatabaseStore::getPrefix() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Get the cache key prefix.

DynamoDbLock::getCurrentOwner() — Method in class DynamoDbLock

Returns the owner value written into the driver for this lock.

DynamoDbStore::get() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Retrieve an item from the cache by key.

DynamoDbStore::getPrefix() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Get the cache key prefix.

FileStore::get() — Method in class FileStore

Retrieve an item from the cache by key.

FileStore::getPayload() — Method in class FileStore

Retrieve an item and expiry time from the cache by key.

FileStore::getFilesystem() — Method in class FileStore

Get the Filesystem instance.

FileStore::getDirectory() — Method in class FileStore

Get the working directory of the cache.

FileStore::getPrefix() — Method in class FileStore

Get the cache key prefix.

Lock::getCurrentOwner() — Method in class Lock

Returns the owner value written into the driver for this lock.

Lock::get() — Method in class Lock

Attempt to acquire the lock.

MemcachedConnector::getMemcached() — Method in class MemcachedConnector

Get a new Memcached instance.

MemcachedLock::getCurrentOwner() — Method in class MemcachedLock

Returns the owner value written into the driver for this lock.

MemcachedStore::get() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Retrieve an item from the cache by key.

MemcachedStore::getMemcached() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Get the underlying Memcached connection.

MemcachedStore::getPrefix() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Get the cache key prefix.

NullStore::get() — Method in class NullStore

Retrieve an item from the cache by key.

NullStore::getPrefix() — Method in class NullStore

Get the cache key prefix.

RedisLock::getCurrentOwner() — Method in class RedisLock

Returns the owner value written into the driver for this lock.

RedisStore::get() — Method in class RedisStore

Retrieve an item from the cache by key.

RedisStore::getRedis() — Method in class RedisStore

Get the Redis database instance.

RedisStore::getPrefix() — Method in class RedisStore

Get the cache key prefix.

Repository::get() — Method in class Repository

Retrieve an item from the cache by key.

Repository::getMultiple() — Method in class Repository
Repository::getDefaultCacheTime() — Method in class Repository

Get the default cache time.

Repository::getStore() — Method in class Repository

Get the cache store implementation.

Repository::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Repository

Get the event dispatcher instance.

Repository::getSeconds() — Method in class Repository

Calculate the number of seconds for the given TTL.

TagSet::getNamespace() — Method in class TagSet

Get a unique namespace that changes when any of the tags are flushed.

TagSet::getNames() — Method in class TagSet

Get all of the tag names in the set.

TaggedCache::getTags() — Method in class TaggedCache

Get the tag set instance.

Repository::get() — Method in class Repository

Get the specified configuration value.

Repository::getMany() — Method in class Repository

Get many configuration values.

Application::getDefaultInputDefinition() — Method in class Application

Get the default input definition for the application.

Application::getEnvironmentOption() — Method in class Application

Get the global environment option for the definition.

Application::getLaravel() — Method in class Application

Get the Laravel application instance.

Command::getLaravel() — Method in class Command

Get the Laravel application instance.

HasParameters::getArguments() — Method in class HasParameters

Get the console command arguments.

HasParameters::getOptions() — Method in class HasParameters

Get the console command options.

InteractsWithIO::getOutput() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Get the output implementation.

ConfirmableTrait::getDefaultConfirmCallback() — Method in class ConfirmableTrait

Get the default confirmation callback.

GeneratorCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
GeneratorCommand::getStub() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

GeneratorCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

GeneratorCommand::getPath() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Get the destination class path.

GeneratorCommand::getNamespace() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Get the full namespace for a given class, without the class name.

GeneratorCommand::getNameInput() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Get the desired class name from the input.

GeneratorCommand::getArguments() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Get the console command arguments.

CallbackEvent::getSummaryForDisplay() — Method in class CallbackEvent

Get the summary of the event for display.

Event::getDefaultOutput() — Method in class Event

Get the default output depending on the OS.

Event::getEmailSubject() — Method in class Event

Get the e-mail subject line for output results.

Event::getSummaryForDisplay() — Method in class Event

Get the summary of the event for display.

Event::getExpression() — Method in class Event

Get the Cron expression for the event.

Schedule::getDispatcher() — Method in class Schedule

Get the job dispatcher, if available.

BoundMethod::getMethodDependencies() — Method in class BoundMethod

Get all dependencies for a given method.

BoundMethod::getCallReflector() — Method in class BoundMethod

Get the proper reflection instance for the given callback.

$ Container#globalResolvingCallbacksProperty in class Container

All of the global resolving callbacks.

$ Container#globalAfterResolvingCallbacksProperty in class Container

All of the global after resolving callbacks.

Container::getClosure() — Method in class Container

Get the Closure to be used when building a type.

Container::getReboundCallbacks() — Method in class Container

Get the rebound callbacks for a given type.

Container::get() — Method in class Container
Container::getConcrete() — Method in class Container

Get the concrete type for a given abstract.

Container::getContextualConcrete() — Method in class Container

Get the contextual concrete binding for the given abstract.

Container::getParameterOverride() — Method in class Container

Get a parameter override for a dependency.

Container::getLastParameterOverride() — Method in class Container

Get the last parameter override.

Container::getCallbacksForType() — Method in class Container

Get all callbacks for a given type.

Container::getBindings() — Method in class Container

Get the container's bindings.

Container::getAlias() — Method in class Container

Get the alias for an abstract if available.

Container::getExtenders() — Method in class Container

Get the extender callbacks for a given type.

Container::getInstance() — Method in class Container

Get the globally available instance of the container.

ContextualBindingBuilder::give() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder

Define the implementation for the contextual binding.

ContextualBindingBuilder::giveTagged() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder

Define tagged services to be used as the implementation for the contextual binding.

$ RewindableGenerator#generatorProperty in class RewindableGenerator

The generator callback.

RewindableGenerator::getIterator() — Method in class RewindableGenerator

Get an iterator from the generator.

Util::getParameterClassName() — Method in class Util

Get the class name of the given parameter's type, if possible.

GateClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access
Gate::getPolicyFor() — Method in class Gate

Get a policy instance for a given class.

Authenticatable::getAuthIdentifierName() — Method in class Authenticatable

Get the name of the unique identifier for the user.

Authenticatable::getAuthIdentifier() — Method in class Authenticatable

Get the unique identifier for the user.

Authenticatable::getAuthPassword() — Method in class Authenticatable

Get the password for the user.

Authenticatable::getRememberToken() — Method in class Authenticatable

Get the token value for the "remember me" session.

Authenticatable::getRememberTokenName() — Method in class Authenticatable

Get the column name for the "remember me" token.

CanResetPassword::getEmailForPasswordReset() — Method in class CanResetPassword

Get the e-mail address where password reset links are sent.

Factory::guard() — Method in class Factory

Get a guard instance by name.

GuardClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
Guard::guest() — Method in class Guard

Determine if the current user is a guest.

MustVerifyEmail::getEmailForVerification() — Method in class MustVerifyEmail

Get the email address that should be used for verification.

Dispatcher::getCommandHandler() — Method in class Dispatcher

Retrieve the handler for a command.

Lock::get() — Method in class Lock

Attempt to acquire the lock.

Repository::getStore() — Method in class Repository

Get the cache store implementation.

Store::get() — Method in class Store

Retrieve an item from the cache by key.

Store::getPrefix() — Method in class Store

Get the cache key prefix.

Repository::get() — Method in class Repository

Get the specified configuration value.

ContextualBindingBuilder::give() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder

Define the implementation for the contextual binding.

QueueingFactory::getQueuedCookies() — Method in class QueueingFactory

Get the cookies which have been queued for the next request.

CastsAttributes::get() — Method in class CastsAttributes

Transform the attribute from the underlying model values.

Filesystem::get() — Method in class Filesystem

Get the contents of a file.

Filesystem::getVisibility() — Method in class Filesystem

Get the visibility for the given path.

Application::getLocale() — Method in class Application

Get the current application locale.

Application::getNamespace() — Method in class Application

Get the application namespace.

Application::getProviders() — Method in class Application

Get the registered service provider instances if any exist.

CachesConfiguration::getCachedConfigPath() — Method in class CachesConfiguration

Get the path to the configuration cache file.

CachesConfiguration::getCachedServicesPath() — Method in class CachesConfiguration

Get the path to the cached services.php file.

CachesRoutes::getCachedRoutesPath() — Method in class CachesRoutes

Get the path to the routes cache file.

Kernel::getApplication() — Method in class Kernel

Get the Laravel application instance.

LengthAwarePaginator::getUrlRange() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator

Create a range of pagination URLs.

Job::getJobId() — Method in class Job

Get the job identifier.

Job::getName() — Method in class Job

Get the name of the queued job class.

Job::getConnectionName() — Method in class Job

Get the name of the connection the job belongs to.

Job::getQueue() — Method in class Job

Get the name of the queue the job belongs to.

Job::getRawBody() — Method in class Job

Get the raw body string for the job.

Queue::getConnectionName() — Method in class Queue

Get the connection name for the queue.

QueueableCollection::getQueueableClass() — Method in class QueueableCollection

Get the type of the entities being queued.

QueueableCollection::getQueueableIds() — Method in class QueueableCollection

Get the identifiers for all of the entities.

QueueableCollection::getQueueableRelations() — Method in class QueueableCollection

Get the relationships of the entities being queued.

QueueableCollection::getQueueableConnection() — Method in class QueueableCollection

Get the connection of the entities being queued.

QueueableEntity::getQueueableId() — Method in class QueueableEntity

Get the queueable identity for the entity.

QueueableEntity::getQueueableRelations() — Method in class QueueableEntity

Get the relationships for the entity.

QueueableEntity::getQueueableConnection() — Method in class QueueableEntity

Get the connection of the entity.

BindingRegistrar::getBindingCallback() — Method in class BindingRegistrar

Get the binding callback for a given binding.

Registrar::get() — Method in class Registrar

Register a new GET route with the router.

Registrar::group() — Method in class Registrar

Create a route group with shared attributes.

UrlRoutable::getRouteKey() — Method in class UrlRoutable

Get the value of the model's route key.

UrlRoutable::getRouteKeyName() — Method in class UrlRoutable

Get the route key for the model.

Session::getName() — Method in class Session

Get the name of the session.

Session::getId() — Method in class Session

Get the current session ID.

Session::get() — Method in class Session

Get an item from the session.

Session::getHandler() — Method in class Session

Get the session handler instance.

MessageBag::get() — Method in class MessageBag

Get all of the messages from the bag for a given key.

MessageBag::getMessages() — Method in class MessageBag

Get the raw messages in the container.

MessageBag::getFormat() — Method in class MessageBag

Get the default message format.

MessageProvider::getMessageBag() — Method in class MessageProvider

Get the messages for the instance.

Translator::get() — Method in class Translator

Get the translation for a given key.

Translator::getLocale() — Method in class Translator

Get the default locale being used.

Engine::get() — Method in class Engine

Get the evaluated contents of the view.

View::getData() — Method in class View

Get the array of view data.

CookieJar::getPathAndDomain() — Method in class CookieJar

Get the path and domain, or the default values.

CookieJar::getQueuedCookies() — Method in class CookieJar

Get the cookies which have been queued for the next request.

Manager::getConnection() — Method in class Manager

Get a registered connection instance.

Manager::getDatabaseManager() — Method in class Manager

Get the database manager instance.

Manager::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Manager

Get the current event dispatcher instance.

Connection::getDefaultQueryGrammar() — Method in class Connection

Get the default query grammar instance.

Connection::getDefaultSchemaGrammar() — Method in class Connection

Get the default schema grammar instance.

Connection::getDefaultPostProcessor() — Method in class Connection

Get the default post processor instance.

Connection::getSchemaBuilder() — Method in class Connection

Get a schema builder instance for the connection.

Connection::getPdoForSelect() — Method in class Connection

Get the PDO connection to use for a select query.

Connection::getElapsedTime() — Method in class Connection

Get the elapsed time since a given starting point.

Connection::getDoctrineColumn() — Method in class Connection

Get a Doctrine Schema Column instance.

Connection::getDoctrineSchemaManager() — Method in class Connection

Get the Doctrine DBAL schema manager for the connection.

Connection::getDoctrineConnection() — Method in class Connection

Get the Doctrine DBAL database connection instance.

Connection::getPdo() — Method in class Connection

Get the current PDO connection.

Connection::getRawPdo() — Method in class Connection

Get the current PDO connection parameter without executing any reconnect logic.

Connection::getReadPdo() — Method in class Connection

Get the current PDO connection used for reading.

Connection::getRawReadPdo() — Method in class Connection

Get the current read PDO connection parameter without executing any reconnect logic.

Connection::getName() — Method in class Connection

Get the database connection name.

Connection::getConfig() — Method in class Connection

Get an option from the configuration options.

Connection::getDriverName() — Method in class Connection

Get the PDO driver name.

Connection::getQueryGrammar() — Method in class Connection

Get the query grammar used by the connection.

Connection::getSchemaGrammar() — Method in class Connection

Get the schema grammar used by the connection.

Connection::getPostProcessor() — Method in class Connection

Get the query post processor used by the connection.

Connection::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Connection

Get the event dispatcher used by the connection.

Connection::getQueryLog() — Method in class Connection

Get the connection query log.

Connection::getDatabaseName() — Method in class Connection

Get the name of the connected database.

Connection::getTablePrefix() — Method in class Connection

Get the table prefix for the connection.

Connection::getResolver() — Method in class Connection

Get the connection resolver for the given driver.

ConnectionResolver::getDefaultConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver

Get the default connection name.

ConnectionResolverInterface::getDefaultConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolverInterface

Get the default connection name.

ConnectionFactory::getReadConfig() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Get the read configuration for a read / write connection.

ConnectionFactory::getWriteConfig() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Get the write configuration for a read / write connection.

ConnectionFactory::getReadWriteConfig() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Get a read / write level configuration.

Connector::getOptions() — Method in class Connector

Get the PDO options based on the configuration.

Connector::getDefaultOptions() — Method in class Connector

Get the default PDO connection options.

MySqlConnector::getCollation() — Method in class MySqlConnector

Get the collation for the configuration.

MySqlConnector::getDsn() — Method in class MySqlConnector

Create a DSN string from a configuration.

MySqlConnector::getSocketDsn() — Method in class MySqlConnector

Get the DSN string for a socket configuration.

MySqlConnector::getHostDsn() — Method in class MySqlConnector

Get the DSN string for a host / port configuration.

PostgresConnector::getDsn() — Method in class PostgresConnector

Create a DSN string from a configuration.

SqlServerConnector::getDsn() — Method in class SqlServerConnector

Create a DSN string from a configuration.

SqlServerConnector::getDblibDsn() — Method in class SqlServerConnector

Get the DSN string for a DbLib connection.

SqlServerConnector::getOdbcDsn() — Method in class SqlServerConnector

Get the DSN string for an ODBC connection.

SqlServerConnector::getSqlSrvDsn() — Method in class SqlServerConnector

Get the DSN string for a SqlSrv connection.

SqlServerConnector::getAvailableDrivers() — Method in class SqlServerConnector

Get the available PDO drivers.

FactoryMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class FactoryMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

FactoryMakeCommand::getPath() — Method in class FactoryMakeCommand

Get the destination class path.

FactoryMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class FactoryMakeCommand

Get the console command options.

BaseCommand::getMigrationPaths() — Method in class BaseCommand

Get all of the migration paths.

BaseCommand::getMigrationPath() — Method in class BaseCommand

Get the path to the migration directory.

FreshCommand::getOptions() — Method in class FreshCommand

Get the console command options.

InstallCommand::getOptions() — Method in class InstallCommand

Get the console command options.

MigrateMakeCommand::getMigrationPath() — Method in class MigrateMakeCommand

Get migration path (either specified by '--path' option or default location).

RefreshCommand::getOptions() — Method in class RefreshCommand

Get the console command options.

ResetCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ResetCommand

Get the console command options.

RollbackCommand::getOptions() — Method in class RollbackCommand

Get the console command options.

StatusCommand::getStatusFor() — Method in class StatusCommand

Get the status for the given ran migrations.

StatusCommand::getAllMigrationFiles() — Method in class StatusCommand

Get an array of all of the migration files.

StatusCommand::getOptions() — Method in class StatusCommand

Get the console command options.

TableGuesser::guess() — Method in class TableGuesser

Attempt to guess the table name and "creation" status of the given migration.

SeedCommand::getSeeder() — Method in class SeedCommand

Get a seeder instance from the container.

SeedCommand::getDatabase() — Method in class SeedCommand

Get the name of the database connection to use.

SeedCommand::getOptions() — Method in class SeedCommand

Get the console command options.

SeederMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class SeederMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

SeederMakeCommand::getPath() — Method in class SeederMakeCommand

Get the destination class path.

WipeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class WipeCommand

Get the console command options.

DatabaseManager::getDefaultConnection() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Get the default connection name.

DatabaseManager::getConnections() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Return all of the created connections.

Builder::get() — Method in class Builder

Execute the query as a "select" statement.

Builder::getModels() — Method in class Builder

Get the hydrated models without eager loading.

Builder::getRelation() — Method in class Builder

Get the relation instance for the given relation name.

Builder::groupWhereSliceForScope() — Method in class Builder

Slice where conditions at the given offset and add them to the query as a nested condition.

Builder::getQuery() — Method in class Builder

Get the underlying query builder instance.

Builder::getEagerLoads() — Method in class Builder

Get the relationships being eagerly loaded.

Builder::getModel() — Method in class Builder

Get the model instance being queried.

Builder::getMacro() — Method in class Builder

Get the given macro by name.

Builder::getGlobalMacro() — Method in class Builder

Get the given global macro by name.

Collection::getDictionary() — Method in class Collection

Get a dictionary keyed by primary keys.

Collection::getQueueableClass() — Method in class Collection

Get the type of the entities being queued.

Collection::getQueueableIds() — Method in class Collection

Get the identifiers for all of the entities.

Collection::getQueueableRelations() — Method in class Collection

Get the relationships of the entities being queued.

Collection::getQueueableConnection() — Method in class Collection

Get the connection of the entities being queued.

GuardsAttributesClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
$ GuardsAttributes#guardedProperty in class GuardsAttributes

The attributes that aren't mass assignable.

$ GuardsAttributes#guardableColumnsProperty in class GuardsAttributes

The actual columns that exist on the database and can be guarded.

GuardsAttributes::getFillable() — Method in class GuardsAttributes

Get the fillable attributes for the model.

GuardsAttributes::getGuarded() — Method in class GuardsAttributes

Get the guarded attributes for the model.

GuardsAttributes::guard() — Method in class GuardsAttributes

Set the guarded attributes for the model.

HasAttributes::getArrayableAttributes() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get an attribute array of all arrayable attributes.

HasAttributes::getArrayableAppends() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get all of the appendable values that are arrayable.

HasAttributes::getArrayableRelations() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get an attribute array of all arrayable relations.

HasAttributes::getArrayableItems() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get an attribute array of all arrayable values.

HasAttributes::getAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get an attribute from the model.

HasAttributes::getAttributeValue() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get a plain attribute (not a relationship).

HasAttributes::getAttributeFromArray() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get an attribute from the $attributes array.

HasAttributes::getRelationValue() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get a relationship.

HasAttributes::getRelationshipFromMethod() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get a relationship value from a method.

HasAttributes::getClassCastableAttributeValue() — Method in class HasAttributes

Cast the given attribute using a custom cast class.

HasAttributes::getCastType() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get the type of cast for a model attribute.

HasAttributes::getArrayAttributeWithValue() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get an array attribute with the given key and value set.

HasAttributes::getArrayAttributeByKey() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get an array attribute or return an empty array if it is not set.

HasAttributes::getDates() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get the attributes that should be converted to dates.

HasAttributes::getDateFormat() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get the format for database stored dates.

HasAttributes::getCasts() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get the casts array.

HasAttributes::getAttributes() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get all of the current attributes on the model.

HasAttributes::getOriginal() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get the model's original attribute values.

HasAttributes::getOriginalWithoutRewindingModel() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get the model's original attribute values.

HasAttributes::getRawOriginal() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get the model's raw original attribute values.

HasAttributes::getDirty() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get the attributes that have been changed since last sync.

HasAttributes::getChanges() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get the attributes that were changed.

HasAttributes::getMutatedAttributes() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get the mutated attributes for a given instance.

HasAttributes::getMutatorMethods() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get all of the attribute mutator methods.

HasEvents::getObservableEvents() — Method in class HasEvents

Get the observable event names.

HasEvents::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class HasEvents

Get the event dispatcher instance.

HasGlobalScopes::getGlobalScope() — Method in class HasGlobalScopes

Get a global scope registered with the model.

HasGlobalScopes::getGlobalScopes() — Method in class HasGlobalScopes

Get the global scopes for this class instance.

HasRelationships::getActualClassNameForMorph() — Method in class HasRelationships

Retrieve the actual class name for a given morph class.

HasRelationships::guessBelongsToRelation() — Method in class HasRelationships

Guess the "belongs to" relationship name.

HasRelationships::guessBelongsToManyRelation() — Method in class HasRelationships

Get the relationship name of the belongsToMany relationship.

HasRelationships::getMorphs() — Method in class HasRelationships

Get the polymorphic relationship columns.

HasRelationships::getMorphClass() — Method in class HasRelationships

Get the class name for polymorphic relations.

HasRelationships::getRelations() — Method in class HasRelationships

Get all the loaded relations for the instance.

HasRelationships::getRelation() — Method in class HasRelationships

Get a specified relationship.

HasRelationships::getTouchedRelations() — Method in class HasRelationships

Get the relationships that are touched on save.

HasTimestamps::getCreatedAtColumn() — Method in class HasTimestamps

Get the name of the "created at" column.

HasTimestamps::getUpdatedAtColumn() — Method in class HasTimestamps

Get the name of the "updated at" column.

HasTimestamps::getQualifiedCreatedAtColumn() — Method in class HasTimestamps

Get the fully qualified "created at" column.

HasTimestamps::getQualifiedUpdatedAtColumn() — Method in class HasTimestamps

Get the fully qualified "updated at" column.

HidesAttributes::getHidden() — Method in class HidesAttributes

Get the hidden attributes for the model.

HidesAttributes::getVisible() — Method in class HidesAttributes

Get the visible attributes for the model.

QueriesRelationships::getBelongsToRelation() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Get the BelongsTo relationship for a single polymorphic type.

QueriesRelationships::getRelationWithoutConstraints() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Get the "has relation" base query instance.

FactoryBuilder::getRawAttributes() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Get a raw attributes array for the model.

$ Model#globalScopesProperty in class Model

The array of global scopes on the model.

Model::getKeyForSaveQuery() — Method in class Model

Get the primary key value for a save query.

Model::getConnection() — Method in class Model

Get the database connection for the model.

Model::getConnectionName() — Method in class Model

Get the current connection name for the model.

Model::getConnectionResolver() — Method in class Model

Get the connection resolver instance.

Model::getTable() — Method in class Model

Get the table associated with the model.

Model::getKeyName() — Method in class Model

Get the primary key for the model.

Model::getQualifiedKeyName() — Method in class Model

Get the table qualified key name.

Model::getKeyType() — Method in class Model

Get the auto-incrementing key type.

Model::getIncrementing() — Method in class Model

Get the value indicating whether the IDs are incrementing.

Model::getKey() — Method in class Model

Get the value of the model's primary key.

Model::getQueueableId() — Method in class Model

Get the queueable identity for the entity.

Model::getQueueableRelations() — Method in class Model

Get the relationships for the entity.

Model::getQueueableConnection() — Method in class Model

Get the connection of the entity.

Model::getRouteKey() — Method in class Model

Get the value of the model's route key.

Model::getRouteKeyName() — Method in class Model

Get the route key for the model.

Model::getForeignKey() — Method in class Model

Get the default foreign key name for the model.

Model::getPerPage() — Method in class Model

Get the number of models to return per page.

ModelNotFoundException::getModel() — Method in class ModelNotFoundException

Get the affected Eloquent model.

ModelNotFoundException::getIds() — Method in class ModelNotFoundException

Get the affected Eloquent model IDs.

BelongsTo::getResults() — Method in class BelongsTo

Get the results of the relationship.

BelongsTo::getEagerModelKeys() — Method in class BelongsTo

Gather the keys from an array of related models.

BelongsTo::getRelationExistenceQuery() — Method in class BelongsTo

Add the constraints for a relationship query.

BelongsTo::getRelationExistenceQueryForSelfRelation() — Method in class BelongsTo

Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table.

BelongsTo::getRelationCountHash() — Method in class BelongsTo

Get a relationship join table hash.

BelongsTo::getChild() — Method in class BelongsTo

Get the child of the relationship.

BelongsTo::getForeignKeyName() — Method in class BelongsTo

Get the foreign key of the relationship.

BelongsTo::getQualifiedForeignKeyName() — Method in class BelongsTo

Get the fully qualified foreign key of the relationship.

BelongsTo::getOwnerKeyName() — Method in class BelongsTo

Get the associated key of the relationship.

BelongsTo::getQualifiedOwnerKeyName() — Method in class BelongsTo

Get the fully qualified associated key of the relationship.

BelongsTo::getRelationName() — Method in class BelongsTo

Get the name of the relationship.

BelongsToMany::getPivotClass() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the class being used for pivot models.

BelongsToMany::getResults() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the results of the relationship.

BelongsToMany::get() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Execute the query as a "select" statement.

BelongsToMany::guessInverseRelation() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Attempt to guess the name of the inverse of the relation.

BelongsToMany::getRelationExistenceQuery() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Add the constraints for a relationship query.

BelongsToMany::getRelationExistenceQueryForSelfJoin() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table.

BelongsToMany::getExistenceCompareKey() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the key for comparing against the parent key in "has" query.

BelongsToMany::getRelationCountHash() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get a relationship join table hash.

BelongsToMany::getForeignPivotKeyName() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the foreign key for the relation.

BelongsToMany::getQualifiedForeignPivotKeyName() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the fully qualified foreign key for the relation.

BelongsToMany::getRelatedPivotKeyName() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the "related key" for the relation.

BelongsToMany::getQualifiedRelatedPivotKeyName() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the fully qualified "related key" for the relation.

BelongsToMany::getParentKeyName() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the parent key for the relationship.

BelongsToMany::getQualifiedParentKeyName() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the fully qualified parent key name for the relation.

BelongsToMany::getRelatedKeyName() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the related key for the relationship.

BelongsToMany::getTable() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the intermediate table for the relationship.

BelongsToMany::getRelationName() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the relationship name for the relationship.

BelongsToMany::getPivotAccessor() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the name of the pivot accessor for this relationship.

BelongsToMany::getPivotColumns() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the pivot columns for this relationship.

AsPivot::getDeleteQuery() — Method in class AsPivot

Get the query builder for a delete operation on the pivot.

AsPivot::getTable() — Method in class AsPivot

Get the table associated with the model.

AsPivot::getForeignKey() — Method in class AsPivot

Get the foreign key column name.

AsPivot::getRelatedKey() — Method in class AsPivot

Get the "related key" column name.

AsPivot::getOtherKey() — Method in class AsPivot

Get the "related key" column name.

AsPivot::getCreatedAtColumn() — Method in class AsPivot

Get the name of the "created at" column.

AsPivot::getUpdatedAtColumn() — Method in class AsPivot

Get the name of the "updated at" column.

AsPivot::getQueueableId() — Method in class AsPivot

Get the queueable identity for the entity.

InteractsWithPivotTable::getCurrentlyAttachedPivots() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Get the pivot models that are currently attached.

InteractsWithPivotTable::getTypeSwapValue() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Converts a given value to a given type value.

SupportsDefaultModels::getDefaultFor() — Method in class SupportsDefaultModels

Get the default value for this relation.

HasMany::getResults() — Method in class HasMany

Get the results of the relationship.

HasManyThrough::getQualifiedParentKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Get the fully qualified parent key name.

HasManyThrough::getResults() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Get the results of the relationship.

HasManyThrough::get() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Execute the query as a "select" statement.

HasManyThrough::getRelationExistenceQuery() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Add the constraints for a relationship query.

HasManyThrough::getRelationExistenceQueryForSelfRelation() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table.

HasManyThrough::getRelationExistenceQueryForThroughSelfRelation() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table as the through parent.

HasManyThrough::getRelationCountHash() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Get a relationship join table hash.

HasManyThrough::getQualifiedFarKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Get the qualified foreign key on the related model.

HasManyThrough::getFirstKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Get the foreign key on the "through" model.

HasManyThrough::getQualifiedFirstKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Get the qualified foreign key on the "through" model.

HasManyThrough::getForeignKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Get the foreign key on the related model.

HasManyThrough::getQualifiedForeignKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Get the qualified foreign key on the related model.

HasManyThrough::getLocalKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Get the local key on the far parent model.

HasManyThrough::getQualifiedLocalKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Get the qualified local key on the far parent model.

HasManyThrough::getSecondLocalKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Get the local key on the intermediary model.

HasOne::getResults() — Method in class HasOne

Get the results of the relationship.

HasOneOrMany::getRelationValue() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Get the value of a relationship by one or many type.

HasOneOrMany::getRelationExistenceQuery() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Add the constraints for a relationship query.

HasOneOrMany::getRelationExistenceQueryForSelfRelation() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table.

HasOneOrMany::getRelationCountHash() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Get a relationship join table hash.

HasOneOrMany::getExistenceCompareKey() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Get the key for comparing against the parent key in "has" query.

HasOneOrMany::getParentKey() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Get the key value of the parent's local key.

HasOneOrMany::getQualifiedParentKeyName() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Get the fully qualified parent key name.

HasOneOrMany::getForeignKeyName() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Get the plain foreign key.

HasOneOrMany::getQualifiedForeignKeyName() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Get the foreign key for the relationship.

HasOneOrMany::getLocalKeyName() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Get the local key for the relationship.

HasOneThrough::getResults() — Method in class HasOneThrough

Get the results of the relationship.

MorphMany::getResults() — Method in class MorphMany

Get the results of the relationship.

MorphOne::getResults() — Method in class MorphOne

Get the results of the relationship.

MorphOneOrMany::getRelationExistenceQuery() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany

Get the relationship query.

MorphOneOrMany::getQualifiedMorphType() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany

Get the foreign key "type" name.

MorphOneOrMany::getMorphType() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany

Get the plain morph type name without the table.

MorphOneOrMany::getMorphClass() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany

Get the class name of the parent model.

MorphPivot::getQueueableId() — Method in class MorphPivot

Get the queueable identity for the entity.

MorphTo::getEager() — Method in class MorphTo

Get the results of the relationship.

MorphTo::getResultsByType() — Method in class MorphTo

Get all of the relation results for a type.

MorphTo::gatherKeysByType() — Method in class MorphTo

Gather all of the foreign keys for a given type.

MorphTo::getMorphType() — Method in class MorphTo

Get the foreign key "type" name.

MorphTo::getDictionary() — Method in class MorphTo

Get the dictionary used by the relationship.

MorphToMany::getRelationExistenceQuery() — Method in class MorphToMany

Add the constraints for a relationship count query.

MorphToMany::getCurrentlyAttachedPivots() — Method in class MorphToMany

Get the pivot models that are currently attached.

MorphToMany::getMorphType() — Method in class MorphToMany

Get the foreign key "type" name.

MorphToMany::getMorphClass() — Method in class MorphToMany

Get the class name of the parent model.

MorphToMany::getInverse() — Method in class MorphToMany

Get the indicator for a reverse relationship.

$ Pivot#guardedProperty in class Pivot

The attributes that aren't mass assignable.

Relation::getResults() — Method in class Relation

Get the results of the relationship.

Relation::getEager() — Method in class Relation

Get the relationship for eager loading.

Relation::get() — Method in class Relation

Execute the query as a "select" statement.

Relation::getRelationExistenceCountQuery() — Method in class Relation

Add the constraints for a relationship count query.

Relation::getRelationExistenceQuery() — Method in class Relation

Add the constraints for an internal relationship existence query.

Relation::getKeys() — Method in class Relation

Get all of the primary keys for an array of models.

Relation::getQuery() — Method in class Relation

Get the underlying query for the relation.

Relation::getBaseQuery() — Method in class Relation

Get the base query builder driving the Eloquent builder.

Relation::getParent() — Method in class Relation

Get the parent model of the relation.

Relation::getQualifiedParentKeyName() — Method in class Relation

Get the fully qualified parent key name.

Relation::getRelated() — Method in class Relation

Get the related model of the relation.

Relation::getMorphedModel() — Method in class Relation

Get the model associated with a custom polymorphic type.

SoftDeletes::getDeletedAtColumn() — Method in class SoftDeletes

Get the name of the "deleted at" column.

SoftDeletes::getQualifiedDeletedAtColumn() — Method in class SoftDeletes

Get the fully qualified "deleted at" column.

SoftDeletingScope::getDeletedAtColumn() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope

Get the "deleted at" column for the builder.

GrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
Grammar::getValue() — Method in class Grammar

Get the value of a raw expression.

Grammar::getDateFormat() — Method in class Grammar

Get the format for database stored dates.

Grammar::getTablePrefix() — Method in class Grammar

Get the grammar's table prefix.

DatabaseMigrationRepository::getRan() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

Get the completed migrations.

DatabaseMigrationRepository::getMigrations() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

Get list of migrations.

DatabaseMigrationRepository::getLast() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

Get the last migration batch.

DatabaseMigrationRepository::getMigrationBatches() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

Get the completed migrations with their batch numbers.

DatabaseMigrationRepository::getNextBatchNumber() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

Get the next migration batch number.

DatabaseMigrationRepository::getLastBatchNumber() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

Get the last migration batch number.

DatabaseMigrationRepository::getConnectionResolver() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

Get the connection resolver instance.

DatabaseMigrationRepository::getConnection() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

Resolve the database connection instance.

Migration::getConnection() — Method in class Migration

Get the migration connection name.

MigrationCreator::getStub() — Method in class MigrationCreator

Get the migration stub file.

MigrationCreator::getClassName() — Method in class MigrationCreator

Get the class name of a migration name.

MigrationCreator::getPath() — Method in class MigrationCreator

Get the full path to the migration.

MigrationCreator::getDatePrefix() — Method in class MigrationCreator

Get the date prefix for the migration.

MigrationCreator::getFilesystem() — Method in class MigrationCreator

Get the filesystem instance.

MigrationRepositoryInterface::getRan() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface

Get the completed migrations.

MigrationRepositoryInterface::getMigrations() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface

Get list of migrations.

MigrationRepositoryInterface::getLast() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface

Get the last migration batch.

MigrationRepositoryInterface::getMigrationBatches() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface

Get the completed migrations with their batch numbers.

MigrationRepositoryInterface::getNextBatchNumber() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface

Get the next migration batch number.

Migrator::getMigrationsForRollback() — Method in class Migrator

Get the migrations for a rollback operation.

Migrator::getQueries() — Method in class Migrator

Get all of the queries that would be run for a migration.

Migrator::getMigrationFiles() — Method in class Migrator

Get all of the migration files in a given path.

Migrator::getMigrationName() — Method in class Migrator

Get the name of the migration.

Migrator::getConnection() — Method in class Migrator

Get the default connection name.

Migrator::getSchemaGrammar() — Method in class Migrator

Get the schema grammar out of a migration connection.

Migrator::getRepository() — Method in class Migrator

Get the migration repository instance.

Migrator::getFilesystem() — Method in class Migrator

Get the file system instance.

MySqlConnection::getDefaultQueryGrammar() — Method in class MySqlConnection

Get the default query grammar instance.

MySqlConnection::getSchemaBuilder() — Method in class MySqlConnection

Get a schema builder instance for the connection.

MySqlConnection::getDefaultSchemaGrammar() — Method in class MySqlConnection

Get the default schema grammar instance.

MySqlConnection::getDefaultPostProcessor() — Method in class MySqlConnection

Get the default post processor instance.

MySqlConnection::getDoctrineDriver() — Method in class MySqlConnection

Get the Doctrine DBAL driver.

PostgresConnection::getDefaultQueryGrammar() — Method in class PostgresConnection

Get the default query grammar instance.

PostgresConnection::getSchemaBuilder() — Method in class PostgresConnection

Get a schema builder instance for the connection.

PostgresConnection::getDefaultSchemaGrammar() — Method in class PostgresConnection

Get the default schema grammar instance.

PostgresConnection::getDefaultPostProcessor() — Method in class PostgresConnection

Get the default post processor instance.

PostgresConnection::getDoctrineDriver() — Method in class PostgresConnection

Get the Doctrine DBAL driver.

QueryException::getSql() — Method in class QueryException

Get the SQL for the query.

QueryException::getBindings() — Method in class QueryException

Get the bindings for the query.

$ Builder#grammarProperty in class Builder

The database query grammar instance.

$ Builder#groupsProperty in class Builder

The groupings for the query.

Builder::groupBy() — Method in class Builder

Add a "group by" clause to the query.

Builder::groupByRaw() — Method in class Builder

Add a raw groupBy clause to the query.

Builder::get() — Method in class Builder

Execute the query as a "select" statement.

Builder::getCountForPagination() — Method in class Builder

Get the count of the total records for the paginator.

Builder::getBindings() — Method in class Builder

Get the current query value bindings in a flattened array.

Builder::getRawBindings() — Method in class Builder

Get the raw array of bindings.

Builder::getConnection() — Method in class Builder

Get the database connection instance.

Builder::getProcessor() — Method in class Builder

Get the database query processor instance.

Builder::getGrammar() — Method in class Builder

Get the query grammar instance.

Expression::getValue() — Method in class Expression

Get the value of the expression.

GrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
Grammar::getOperators() — Method in class Grammar

Get the grammar specific operators.

SQLiteGrammar::groupJsonColumnsForUpdate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Group the nested JSON columns.

SqlServerGrammar::getDateFormat() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Get the format for database stored dates.

SQLiteConnection::getDefaultQueryGrammar() — Method in class SQLiteConnection

Get the default query grammar instance.

SQLiteConnection::getSchemaBuilder() — Method in class SQLiteConnection

Get a schema builder instance for the connection.

SQLiteConnection::getDefaultSchemaGrammar() — Method in class SQLiteConnection

Get the default schema grammar instance.

SQLiteConnection::getDefaultPostProcessor() — Method in class SQLiteConnection

Get the default post processor instance.

SQLiteConnection::getDoctrineDriver() — Method in class SQLiteConnection

Get the Doctrine DBAL driver.

SQLiteConnection::getForeignKeyConstraintsConfigurationValue() — Method in class SQLiteConnection

Get the database connection foreign key constraints configuration option.

Blueprint::geometry() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new geometry column on the table.

Blueprint::geometryCollection() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new geometrycollection column on the table.

Blueprint::getTable() — Method in class Blueprint

Get the table the blueprint describes.

Blueprint::getColumns() — Method in class Blueprint

Get the columns on the blueprint.

Blueprint::getCommands() — Method in class Blueprint

Get the commands on the blueprint.

Blueprint::getAddedColumns() — Method in class Blueprint

Get the columns on the blueprint that should be added.

Blueprint::getChangedColumns() — Method in class Blueprint

Get the columns on the blueprint that should be changed.

$ Builder#grammarProperty in class Builder

The schema grammar instance.

Builder::getColumnType() — Method in class Builder

Get the data type for the given column name.

Builder::getColumnListing() — Method in class Builder

Get the column listing for a given table.

Builder::getAllTables() — Method in class Builder

Get all of the table names for the database.

Builder::getConnection() — Method in class Builder

Get the database connection instance.

ColumnDefinition::generatedAs() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
ChangeColumn::getChangedDiff() — Method in class ChangeColumn

Get the Doctrine table difference for the given changes.

ChangeColumn::getTableWithColumnChanges() — Method in class ChangeColumn

Get a copy of the given Doctrine table after making the column changes.

ChangeColumn::getDoctrineColumn() — Method in class ChangeColumn

Get the Doctrine column instance for a column change.

ChangeColumn::getDoctrineColumnChangeOptions() — Method in class ChangeColumn

Get the Doctrine column change options.

ChangeColumn::getDoctrineColumnType() — Method in class ChangeColumn

Get the doctrine column type.

GrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
Grammar::getColumns() — Method in class Grammar

Compile the blueprint's column definitions.

Grammar::getType() — Method in class Grammar

Get the SQL for the column data type.

Grammar::getCommandByName() — Method in class Grammar

Get the primary key command if it exists on the blueprint.

Grammar::getCommandsByName() — Method in class Grammar

Get all of the commands with a given name.

Grammar::getDefaultValue() — Method in class Grammar

Format a value so that it can be used in "default" clauses.

Grammar::getDoctrineTableDiff() — Method in class Grammar

Create an empty Doctrine DBAL TableDiff from the Blueprint.

Grammar::getFluentCommands() — Method in class Grammar

Get the fluent commands for the grammar.

PostgresGrammar::generatableColumn() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a generatable column.

RenameColumn::getRenamedDiff() — Method in class RenameColumn

Get a new column instance with the new column name.

SQLiteGrammar::getForeignKey() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Get the SQL for the foreign key.

MySqlBuilder::getColumnListing() — Method in class MySqlBuilder

Get the column listing for a given table.

MySqlBuilder::getAllTables() — Method in class MySqlBuilder

Get all of the table names for the database.

MySqlBuilder::getAllViews() — Method in class MySqlBuilder

Get all of the view names for the database.

PostgresBuilder::getAllTables() — Method in class PostgresBuilder

Get all of the table names for the database.

PostgresBuilder::getAllViews() — Method in class PostgresBuilder

Get all of the view names for the database.

PostgresBuilder::getAllTypes() — Method in class PostgresBuilder

Get all of the type names for the database.

PostgresBuilder::getColumnListing() — Method in class PostgresBuilder

Get the column listing for a given table.

SqlServerConnection::getDefaultQueryGrammar() — Method in class SqlServerConnection

Get the default query grammar instance.

SqlServerConnection::getSchemaBuilder() — Method in class SqlServerConnection

Get a schema builder instance for the connection.

SqlServerConnection::getDefaultSchemaGrammar() — Method in class SqlServerConnection

Get the default schema grammar instance.

SqlServerConnection::getDefaultPostProcessor() — Method in class SqlServerConnection

Get the default post processor instance.

SqlServerConnection::getDoctrineDriver() — Method in class SqlServerConnection

Get the Doctrine DBAL driver.

Encrypter::generateKey() — Method in class Encrypter

Create a new encryption key for the given cipher.

Encrypter::getJsonPayload() — Method in class Encrypter

Get the JSON array from the given payload.

Encrypter::getKey() — Method in class Encrypter

Get the encryption key.

Dispatcher::getListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher

Get all of the listeners for a given event name.

Dispatcher::getWildcardListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher

Get the wildcard listeners for the event.

Filesystem::get() — Method in class Filesystem

Get the contents of a file.

Filesystem::getRequire() — Method in class Filesystem

Get the returned value of a file.

Filesystem::guessExtension() — Method in class Filesystem

Guess the file extension from the mime-type of a given file.

Filesystem::glob() — Method in class Filesystem

Find path names matching a given pattern.

FilesystemAdapter::get() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get the contents of a file.

FilesystemAdapter::getVisibility() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get the visibility for the given path.

FilesystemAdapter::getAwsUrl() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get the URL for the file at the given path.

FilesystemAdapter::getFtpUrl() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get the URL for the file at the given path.

FilesystemAdapter::getLocalUrl() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get the URL for the file at the given path.

FilesystemAdapter::getAwsTemporaryUrl() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get a temporary URL for the file at the given path.

FilesystemAdapter::getDriver() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get the Flysystem driver.

FilesystemManager::get() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Attempt to get the disk from the local cache.

FilesystemManager::getConfig() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Get the filesystem connection configuration.

FilesystemManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Get the default driver name.

FilesystemManager::getDefaultCloudDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Get the default cloud driver name.

FilesystemServiceProvider::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class FilesystemServiceProvider

Get the default file driver.

FilesystemServiceProvider::getCloudDriver() — Method in class FilesystemServiceProvider

Get the default cloud based file driver.

AliasLoader::getInstance() — Method in class AliasLoader

Get or create the singleton alias loader instance.

AliasLoader::getAliases() — Method in class AliasLoader

Get the registered aliases.

Application::getProvider() — Method in class Application

Get the registered service provider instance if it exists.

Application::getProviders() — Method in class Application

Get the registered service provider instances if any exist.

Application::getCachedServicesPath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the cached services.php file.

Application::getCachedPackagesPath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the cached packages.php file.

Application::getCachedConfigPath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the configuration cache file.

Application::getCachedRoutesPath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the routes cache file.

Application::getCachedEventsPath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the events cache file.

Application::getLoadedProviders() — Method in class Application

Get the service providers that have been loaded.

Application::getDeferredServices() — Method in class Application

Get the application's deferred services.

Application::getLocale() — Method in class Application

Get the current application locale.

Application::getFallbackLocale() — Method in class Application

Get the current application fallback locale.

Application::getNamespace() — Method in class Application

Get the application namespace.

HandleExceptions::getExceptionHandler() — Method in class HandleExceptions

Get an instance of the exception handler.

LoadConfiguration::getConfigurationFiles() — Method in class LoadConfiguration

Get all of the configuration files for the application.

LoadConfiguration::getNestedDirectory() — Method in class LoadConfiguration

Get the configuration file nesting path.

CastMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class CastMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

CastMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class CastMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

ChannelMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ChannelMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

ChannelMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ChannelMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

ComponentMakeCommand::getView() — Method in class ComponentMakeCommand

Get the view name relative to the components directory.

ComponentMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ComponentMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

ComponentMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ComponentMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

ComponentMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ComponentMakeCommand

Get the console command options.

ConfigCacheCommand::getFreshConfiguration() — Method in class ConfigCacheCommand

Boot a fresh copy of the application configuration.

ConsoleMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ConsoleMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

ConsoleMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ConsoleMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

ConsoleMakeCommand::getArguments() — Method in class ConsoleMakeCommand

Get the console command arguments.

ConsoleMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ConsoleMakeCommand

Get the console command options.

DownCommand::getDownFilePayload() — Method in class DownCommand

Get the payload to be placed in the "down" file.

DownCommand::getRetryTime() — Method in class DownCommand

Get the number of seconds the client should wait before retrying their request.

EventCacheCommand::getEvents() — Method in class EventCacheCommand

Get all of the events and listeners configured for the application.

EventListCommand::getEvents() — Method in class EventListCommand

Get all of the events and listeners configured for the application.

EventMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class EventMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

EventMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class EventMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

ExceptionMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ExceptionMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

ExceptionMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ExceptionMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

ExceptionMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ExceptionMakeCommand

Get the console command options.

JobMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class JobMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

JobMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class JobMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

JobMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class JobMakeCommand

Get the console command options.

Kernel::getArtisan() — Method in class Kernel

Get the Artisan application instance.

KeyGenerateCommand::generateRandomKey() — Method in class KeyGenerateCommand

Generate a random key for the application.

ListenerMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

ListenerMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

ListenerMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand

Get the console command options.

MailMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class MailMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

MailMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class MailMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

MailMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class MailMakeCommand

Get the console command options.

ModelMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

ModelMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand

Get the console command options.

NotificationMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class NotificationMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

NotificationMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class NotificationMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

NotificationMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class NotificationMakeCommand

Get the console command options.

ObserverMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ObserverMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

ObserverMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ObserverMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

ObserverMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ObserverMakeCommand

Get the console command arguments.

PolicyMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

PolicyMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

PolicyMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand

Get the console command arguments.

ProviderMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ProviderMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

ProviderMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ProviderMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

RequestMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class RequestMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

RequestMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class RequestMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

ResourceMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ResourceMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

ResourceMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ResourceMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

ResourceMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ResourceMakeCommand

Get the console command options.

RouteCacheCommand::getFreshApplicationRoutes() — Method in class RouteCacheCommand

Boot a fresh copy of the application and get the routes.

RouteCacheCommand::getFreshApplication() — Method in class RouteCacheCommand

Get a fresh application instance.

RouteListCommand::getRoutes() — Method in class RouteListCommand

Compile the routes into a displayable format.

RouteListCommand::getRouteInformation() — Method in class RouteListCommand

Get the route information for a given route.

RouteListCommand::getMiddleware() — Method in class RouteListCommand

Get before filters.

RouteListCommand::getHeaders() — Method in class RouteListCommand

Get the table headers for the visible columns.

RouteListCommand::getColumns() — Method in class RouteListCommand

Get the column names to show (lowercase table headers).

RouteListCommand::getOptions() — Method in class RouteListCommand

Get the console command options.

RuleMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class RuleMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

RuleMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class RuleMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

ServeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ServeCommand

Get the console command options.

StorageLinkCommand::getRelativeTarget() — Method in class StorageLinkCommand

Get the relative path to the target.

TestMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class TestMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

TestMakeCommand::getPath() — Method in class TestMakeCommand

Get the destination class path.

TestMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class TestMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

EnvironmentDetector::getEnvironmentArgument() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector

Get the environment argument from the console.

DiscoverEvents::getListenerEvents() — Method in class DiscoverEvents

Get all of the listeners and their corresponding events.

Handler::getHttpExceptionView() — Method in class Handler

Get the view used to render HTTP exceptions.

FormRequest::getValidatorInstance() — Method in class FormRequest

Get the validator instance for the request.

FormRequest::getRedirectUrl() — Method in class FormRequest

Get the URL to redirect to on a validation error.

Kernel::gatherRouteMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel

Gather the route middleware for the given request.

Kernel::getMiddlewareGroups() — Method in class Kernel

Get the application's route middleware groups.

Kernel::getRouteMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel

Get the application's route middleware.

Kernel::getApplication() — Method in class Kernel

Get the Laravel application instance.

ValidatePostSize::getPostMaxSize() — Method in class ValidatePostSize

Determine the server 'post_max_size' as bytes.

VerifyCsrfToken::getTokenFromRequest() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken

Get the CSRF token from the request.

PackageManifest::getManifest() — Method in class PackageManifest

Get the current package manifest.

EventServiceProvider::getEvents() — Method in class EventServiceProvider

Get the discovered events and listeners for the application.

InteractsWithDatabase::getConnection() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase

Get the database connection.

MocksApplicationServices::getFiredEvents() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices

Filter the given events against the fired events.

MocksApplicationServices::getDispatchedJobs() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices

Filter the given jobs against the dispatched jobs.

MocksApplicationServices::getDispatched() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices

Filter the given classes against an array of dispatched classes.

ValidatesRequests::getValidationFactory() — Method in class ValidatesRequests

Get a validation factory instance.

HashManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class HashManager

Get the default driver name.

PendingRequest::get() — Method in class PendingRequest

Issue a GET request to the given URL.

HttpResponseException::getResponse() — Method in class HttpResponseException

Get the underlying response instance.

JsonResponse::getData() — Method in class JsonResponse

Get the json_decoded data from the response.

RedirectResponse::getOriginalContent() — Method in class RedirectResponse

Get the original response content.

RedirectResponse::getRequest() — Method in class RedirectResponse

Get the request instance.

RedirectResponse::getSession() — Method in class RedirectResponse

Get the session store instance.

Request::get() — Method in class Request

This method belongs to Symfony HttpFoundation and is not usually needed when using Laravel.

Request::getInputSource() — Method in class Request

Get the input source for the request.

Request::getSession() — Method in class Request

Get the session associated with the request.

Request::getUserResolver() — Method in class Request

Get the user resolver callback.

Request::getRouteResolver() — Method in class Request

Get the route resolver callback.

CollectsResources::getIterator() — Method in class CollectsResources

Get an iterator for the resource collection.

DelegatesToResource::getRouteKey() — Method in class DelegatesToResource

Get the value of the resource's route key.

DelegatesToResource::getRouteKeyName() — Method in class DelegatesToResource

Get the route key for the resource.

ResponseTrait::getOriginalContent() — Method in class ResponseTrait

Get the original response content.

ResponseTrait::getCallback() — Method in class ResponseTrait

Get the callback of the response.

File::getSize() — Method in class File

Get the size of the file.

File::getMimeType() — Method in class File

Get the MIME type of the file.

FileFactory::generateImage() — Method in class FileFactory

Generate a dummy image of the given width and height.

MimeType::getMimeTypes() — Method in class MimeType

Get the mime types instance.

MimeType::get() — Method in class MimeType

Get the MIME type for a given extension or return all mimes.

UploadedFile::get() — Method in class UploadedFile

Get the contents of the uploaded file.

LogManager::getChannels() — Method in class LogManager
LogManager::get() — Method in class LogManager

Attempt to get the log from the local cache.

LogManager::getFallbackChannelName() — Method in class LogManager

Get fallback log channel name.

LogManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class LogManager

Get the default log driver name.

Logger::getLogger() — Method in class Logger

Get the underlying logger implementation.

Logger::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Logger

Get the event dispatcher instance.

ParsesLogConfiguration::getFallbackChannelName() — Method in class ParsesLogConfiguration

Get fallback log channel name.

MailManager::get() — Method in class MailManager

Attempt to get the mailer from the local cache.

MailManager::guzzle() — Method in class MailManager

Get a fresh Guzzle HTTP client instance.

MailManager::getConfig() — Method in class MailManager

Get the mail connection configuration.

MailManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class MailManager

Get the default mail driver name.

Mailer::getSwiftMailer() — Method in class Mailer

Get the Swift Mailer instance.

Mailer::getViewFactory() — Method in class Mailer

Get the view factory instance.

Message::getSwiftMessage() — Method in class Message

Get the underlying Swift Message instance.

LogTransport::getMimeEntityString() — Method in class LogTransport

Get a loggable string out of a Swiftmailer entity.

MailgunTransport::getTo() — Method in class MailgunTransport

Get the "to" payload field for the API request.

MailgunTransport::getMessageId() — Method in class MailgunTransport

Get the message ID from the response.

MailgunTransport::getKey() — Method in class MailgunTransport

Get the API key being used by the transport.

MailgunTransport::getDomain() — Method in class MailgunTransport

Get the domain being used by the transport.

MailgunTransport::getEndpoint() — Method in class MailgunTransport

Get the API endpoint being used by the transport.

SesTransport::getOptions() — Method in class SesTransport

Get the transmission options being used by the transport.

AnonymousNotifiable::getKey() — Method in class AnonymousNotifiable

Get the value of the notifiable's primary key.

ChannelManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class ChannelManager

Get the default channel driver name.

BroadcastChannel::getData() — Method in class BroadcastChannel

Get the data for the notification.

DatabaseChannel::getData() — Method in class DatabaseChannel

Get the data for the notification.

MailChannel::getRecipients() — Method in class MailChannel

Get the recipients of the given message.

$ DatabaseNotification#guardedProperty in class DatabaseNotification

The guarded attributes on the model.

$ SimpleMessage#greetingProperty in class SimpleMessage

The notification's greeting.

SimpleMessage::greeting() — Method in class SimpleMessage

Set the greeting of the notification.

AbstractPaginator::getUrlRange() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Create a range of pagination URLs.

AbstractPaginator::getPageName() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Get the query string variable used to store the page.

AbstractPaginator::getIterator() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Get an iterator for the items.

AbstractPaginator::getCollection() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Get the paginator's underlying collection.

AbstractPaginator::getOptions() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Get the paginator options.

UrlWindow::get() — Method in class UrlWindow

Get the window of URLs to be shown.

UrlWindow::getSmallSlider() — Method in class UrlWindow

Get the slider of URLs there are not enough pages to slide.

UrlWindow::getUrlSlider() — Method in class UrlWindow

Create a URL slider links.

UrlWindow::getSliderTooCloseToBeginning() — Method in class UrlWindow

Get the slider of URLs when too close to beginning of window.

UrlWindow::getSliderTooCloseToEnding() — Method in class UrlWindow

Get the slider of URLs when too close to ending of window.

UrlWindow::getFullSlider() — Method in class UrlWindow

Get the slider of URLs when a full slider can be made.

UrlWindow::getAdjacentUrlRange() — Method in class UrlWindow

Get the page range for the current page window.

UrlWindow::getStart() — Method in class UrlWindow

Get the starting URLs of a pagination slider.

UrlWindow::getFinish() — Method in class UrlWindow

Get the ending URLs of a pagination slider.

Pipeline::getContainer() — Method in class Pipeline

Get the container instance.

BeanstalkdQueue::getQueue() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue

Get the queue or return the default.

BeanstalkdQueue::getPheanstalk() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue

Get the underlying Pheanstalk instance.

Manager::getConnection() — Method in class Manager

Get a registered connection instance.

Manager::getQueueManager() — Method in class Manager

Get the queue manager instance.

SqsConnector::getDefaultConfiguration() — Method in class SqsConnector

Get the default configuration for SQS.

ListFailedCommand::getFailedJobs() — Method in class ListFailedCommand

Compile the failed jobs into a displayable format.

ListenCommand::getQueue() — Method in class ListenCommand

Get the name of the queue connection to listen on.

ListenCommand::gatherOptions() — Method in class ListenCommand

Get the listener options for the command.

RetryCommand::getJobIds() — Method in class RetryCommand

Get the job IDs to be retried.

RetryCommand::getJobIdsByRanges() — Method in class RetryCommand

Get the job IDs ranges, if applicable.

WorkCommand::gatherWorkerOptions() — Method in class WorkCommand

Gather all of the queue worker options as a single object.

WorkCommand::getQueue() — Method in class WorkCommand

Get the queue name for the worker.

DatabaseQueue::getNextAvailableJob() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Get the next available job for the queue.

DatabaseQueue::getLockForPopping() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Get the lock required for popping the next job.

DatabaseQueue::getQueue() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Get the queue or return the default.

DatabaseQueue::getDatabase() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Get the underlying database instance.

DatabaseFailedJobProvider::getTable() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider

Get a new query builder instance for the table.

BeanstalkdJob::getJobId() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob

Get the job identifier.

BeanstalkdJob::getRawBody() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob

Get the raw body string for the job.

BeanstalkdJob::getPheanstalk() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob

Get the underlying Pheanstalk instance.

BeanstalkdJob::getPheanstalkJob() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob

Get the underlying Pheanstalk job.

DatabaseJob::getJobId() — Method in class DatabaseJob

Get the job identifier.

DatabaseJob::getRawBody() — Method in class DatabaseJob

Get the raw body string for the job.

Job::getJobId() — Method in class Job

Get the job identifier.

Job::getRawBody() — Method in class Job

Get the raw body of the job.

Job::getResolvedJob() — Method in class Job

Get the resolved job handler instance.

Job::getName() — Method in class Job

Get the name of the queued job class.

Job::getConnectionName() — Method in class Job

Get the name of the connection the job belongs to.

Job::getQueue() — Method in class Job

Get the name of the queue the job belongs to.

Job::getContainer() — Method in class Job

Get the service container instance.

RedisJob::getRawBody() — Method in class RedisJob

Get the raw body string for the job.

RedisJob::getJobId() — Method in class RedisJob

Get the job identifier.

RedisJob::getRedisQueue() — Method in class RedisJob

Get the underlying Redis factory implementation.

RedisJob::getReservedJob() — Method in class RedisJob

Get the underlying reserved Redis job.

SqsJob::getJobId() — Method in class SqsJob

Get the job identifier.

SqsJob::getRawBody() — Method in class SqsJob

Get the raw body string for the job.

SqsJob::getSqs() — Method in class SqsJob

Get the underlying SQS client instance.

SqsJob::getSqsJob() — Method in class SqsJob

Get the underlying raw SQS job.

SyncJob::getJobId() — Method in class SyncJob

Get the job identifier.

SyncJob::getRawBody() — Method in class SyncJob

Get the raw body string for the job.

SyncJob::getQueue() — Method in class SyncJob

Get the name of the queue the job belongs to.

Queue::getDisplayName() — Method in class Queue

Get the display name for the given job.

Queue::getJobRetryDelay() — Method in class Queue

Get the retry delay for an object-based queue handler.

Queue::getJobExpiration() — Method in class Queue

Get the expiration timestamp for an object-based queue handler.

Queue::getConnectionName() — Method in class Queue

Get the connection name for the queue.

QueueManager::getConnector() — Method in class QueueManager

Get the connector for a given driver.

QueueManager::getConfig() — Method in class QueueManager

Get the queue connection configuration.

QueueManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class QueueManager

Get the name of the default queue connection.

QueueManager::getName() — Method in class QueueManager

Get the full name for the given connection.

RedisQueue::getRandomId() — Method in class RedisQueue

Get a random ID string.

RedisQueue::getQueue() — Method in class RedisQueue

Get the queue or return the default.

RedisQueue::getConnection() — Method in class RedisQueue

Get the connection for the queue.

RedisQueue::getRedis() — Method in class RedisQueue

Get the underlying Redis instance.

SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers::getSerializedPropertyValue() — Method in class SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers

Get the property value prepared for serialization.

SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers::getRestoredPropertyValue() — Method in class SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers

Get the restored property value after deserialization.

SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers::getQueryForModelRestoration() — Method in class SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers

Get the query for model restoration.

SerializesModels::getPropertyValue() — Method in class SerializesModels

Get the property value for the given property.

SqsQueue::getQueue() — Method in class SqsQueue

Get the queue or return the default.

SqsQueue::getSqs() — Method in class SqsQueue

Get the underlying SQS instance.

Worker::getNextJob() — Method in class Worker

Get the next job from the queue connection.

Worker::getTimestampOfLastQueueRestart() — Method in class Worker

Get the last queue restart timestamp, or null.

Worker::getManager() — Method in class Worker

Get the queue manager instance.

Connection::getName() — Method in class Connection

Get the connection name.

Connection::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Connection

Get the event dispatcher used by the connection.

PhpRedisConnection::get() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Returns the value of the given key.

AbstractRouteCollection::getRouteForMethods() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection

Get a route (if necessary) that responds when other available methods are present.

AbstractRouteCollection::generateRouteName() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection

Get a randomly generated route name.

AbstractRouteCollection::getIterator() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection

Get an iterator for the items.

CompiledRouteCollection::get() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection

Get routes from the collection by method.

CompiledRouteCollection::getByName() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection

Get a route instance by its name.

CompiledRouteCollection::getByAction() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection

Get a route instance by its controller action.

CompiledRouteCollection::getRoutes() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection

Get all of the routes in the collection.

CompiledRouteCollection::getRoutesByMethod() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection

Get all of the routes keyed by their HTTP verb / method.

CompiledRouteCollection::getRoutesByName() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection

Get all of the routes keyed by their name.

ControllerMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

ControllerMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

ControllerMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand

Get the console command options.

MiddlewareMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class MiddlewareMakeCommand

Get the stub file for the generator.

MiddlewareMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class MiddlewareMakeCommand

Get the default namespace for the class.

ControllerDispatcher::getMiddleware() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher

Get the middleware for the controller instance.

Controller::getMiddleware() — Method in class Controller

Get the middleware assigned to the controller.

ControllerDispatcher::getMiddleware() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher

Get the middleware for the controller instance.

ImplicitRouteBinding::getParameterName() — Method in class ImplicitRouteBinding

Return the parameter name if it exists in the given parameters.

ThrottleRequests::getTimeUntilNextRetry() — Method in class ThrottleRequests

Get the number of seconds until the next retry.

ThrottleRequests::getHeaders() — Method in class ThrottleRequests

Get the limit headers information.

ThrottleRequestsWithRedis::getTimeUntilNextRetry() — Method in class ThrottleRequestsWithRedis

Get the number of seconds until the lock is released.

$ Redirector#generatorProperty in class Redirector

The URL generator instance.

Redirector::guest() — Method in class Redirector

Create a new redirect response, while putting the current URL in the session.

Redirector::getUrlGenerator() — Method in class Redirector

Get the URL generator instance.

ResourceRegistrar::getResourcePrefix() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Extract the resource and prefix from a resource name.

ResourceRegistrar::getResourceMethods() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Get the applicable resource methods.

ResourceRegistrar::getShallowName() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Get the name for a given resource with shallowness applied when applicable.

ResourceRegistrar::getResourceUri() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Get the base resource URI for a given resource.

ResourceRegistrar::getNestedResourceUri() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Get the URI for a nested resource segment array.

ResourceRegistrar::getResourceWildcard() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Format a resource parameter for usage.

ResourceRegistrar::getResourceAction() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Get the action array for a resource route.

ResourceRegistrar::getResourceRouteName() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Get the name for a given resource.

ResourceRegistrar::getParameters() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Get the global parameter map.

Route::getController() — Method in class Route

Get the controller instance for the route.

Route::getControllerMethod() — Method in class Route

Get the controller method used for the route.

Route::getDomain() — Method in class Route

Get the domain defined for the route.

Route::getPrefix() — Method in class Route

Get the prefix of the route instance.

Route::getName() — Method in class Route

Get the name of the route instance.

Route::getActionName() — Method in class Route

Get the action name for the route.

Route::getActionMethod() — Method in class Route

Get the method name of the route action.

Route::getAction() — Method in class Route

Get the action array or one of its properties for the route.

Route::gatherMiddleware() — Method in class Route

Get all middleware, including the ones from the controller.

Route::getValidators() — Method in class Route

Get the route validators for the instance.

Route::getOptionalParameterNames() — Method in class Route

Get the optional parameter names for the route.

Route::getCompiled() — Method in class Route

Get the compiled version of the route.

RouteCollection::get() — Method in class RouteCollection

Get routes from the collection by method.

RouteCollection::getByName() — Method in class RouteCollection

Get a route instance by its name.

RouteCollection::getByAction() — Method in class RouteCollection

Get a route instance by its controller action.

RouteCollection::getRoutes() — Method in class RouteCollection

Get all of the routes in the collection.

RouteCollection::getRoutesByMethod() — Method in class RouteCollection

Get all of the routes keyed by their HTTP verb / method.

RouteCollection::getRoutesByName() — Method in class RouteCollection

Get all of the routes keyed by their name.

RouteCollectionInterface::get() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface

Get routes from the collection by method.

RouteCollectionInterface::getByName() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface

Get a route instance by its name.

RouteCollectionInterface::getByAction() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface

Get a route instance by its controller action.

RouteCollectionInterface::getRoutes() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface

Get all of the routes in the collection.

RouteCollectionInterface::getRoutesByMethod() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface

Get all of the routes keyed by their HTTP verb / method.

RouteCollectionInterface::getRoutesByName() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface

Get all of the routes keyed by their name.

RouteRegistrar::group() — Method in class RouteRegistrar

Create a route group with shared attributes.

RouteRegistrar::get() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
RouteUrlGenerator::getRouteDomain() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator

Get the formatted domain for a given route.

RouteUrlGenerator::getRouteScheme() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator

Get the scheme for the given route.

RouteUrlGenerator::getRouteQueryString() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator

Get the query string for a given route.

RouteUrlGenerator::getStringParameters() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator

Get the string parameters from a given list.

RouteUrlGenerator::getNumericParameters() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator

Get the numeric parameters from a given list.

$ Router#groupStackProperty in class Router

The route group attribute stack.

Router::get() — Method in class Router

Register a new GET route with the router.

Router::group() — Method in class Router

Create a route group with shared attributes.

Router::getLastGroupPrefix() — Method in class Router

Get the prefix from the last group on the stack.

Router::gatherRouteMiddleware() — Method in class Router

Gather the middleware for the given route with resolved class names.

Router::getMiddleware() — Method in class Router

Get all of the defined middleware short-hand names.

Router::getMiddlewareGroups() — Method in class Router

Get all of the defined middleware groups.

Router::getBindingCallback() — Method in class Router

Get the binding callback for a given binding.

Router::getPatterns() — Method in class Router

Get the global "where" patterns.

Router::getGroupStack() — Method in class Router

Get the current group stack for the router.

Router::getCurrentRequest() — Method in class Router

Get the request currently being dispatched.

Router::getCurrentRoute() — Method in class Router

Get the currently dispatched route instance.

Router::getRoutes() — Method in class Router

Get the underlying route collection.

UrlGenerator::getPreviousUrlFromSession() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the previous URL from the session if possible.

UrlGenerator::getDefaultParameters() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the default named parameters used by the URL generator.

UrlGenerator::getRequest() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the request instance.

UrlGenerator::getSession() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the session implementation from the resolver.

ArraySessionHandler::gc() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler
CacheBasedSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
CacheBasedSessionHandler::getCache() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler

Get the underlying cache repository.

CookieSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
DatabaseSessionHandler::getDefaultPayload() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler

Get the default payload for the session.

DatabaseSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
DatabaseSessionHandler::getQuery() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler

Get a fresh query builder instance for the table.

EncryptedStore::getEncrypter() — Method in class EncryptedStore

Get the encrypter instance.

FileSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
StartSession::getSession() — Method in class StartSession

Get the session implementation from the manager.

StartSession::getSessionLifetimeInSeconds() — Method in class StartSession

Get the session lifetime in seconds.

StartSession::getCookieExpirationDate() — Method in class StartSession

Get the cookie lifetime in seconds.

NullSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
SessionManager::getDatabaseConnection() — Method in class SessionManager

Get the database connection for the database driver.

SessionManager::getSessionConfig() — Method in class SessionManager

Get the session configuration.

SessionManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class SessionManager

Get the default session driver name.

Store::get() — Method in class Store

Get an item from the session.

Store::getOldInput() — Method in class Store

Get the requested item from the flashed input array.

Store::getName() — Method in class Store

Get the name of the session.

Store::getId() — Method in class Store

Get the current session ID.

Store::generateSessionId() — Method in class Store

Get a new, random session ID.

Store::getHandler() — Method in class Store

Get the underlying session handler implementation.

Arr::get() — Method in class Arr

Get an item from an array using "dot" notation.

Collection::get() — Method in class Collection

Get an item from the collection by key.

Collection::groupBy() — Method in class Collection

Group an associative array by a field or using a callback.

Collection::getIterator() — Method in class Collection

Get an iterator for the items.

Composer::getProcess() — Method in class Composer

Get a new Symfony process instance.

ConfigurationUrlParser::getPrimaryOptions() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser

Get the primary database connection options.

ConfigurationUrlParser::getDriver() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser

Get the database driver from the URL.

ConfigurationUrlParser::getDatabase() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser

Get the database name from the URL.

ConfigurationUrlParser::getQueryOptions() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser

Get all of the additional database options from the query string.

ConfigurationUrlParser::getDriverAliases() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser

Get all of the current drivers aliases.

DateFactory::getAvailableLocales() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::getDays() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::getHumanDiffOptions() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::getIsoUnits() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::getLastErrors() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::getLocale() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::getMidDayAt() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::getTestNow() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::getTranslator() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::getWeekEndsAt() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::getWeekStartsAt() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::getWeekendDays() — Method in class DateFactory
Enumerable::get() — Method in class Enumerable

Get an item from the collection by key.

Enumerable::groupBy() — Method in class Enumerable

Group an associative array by a field or using a callback.

Env::getRepository() — Method in class Env

Get the environment repository instance.

Env::get() — Method in class Env

Gets the value of an environment variable.

App::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class App

Get the registered name of the component.

App::getProviders() — Method in class App
App::getCachedConfigPath() — Method in class App
App::getCachedPackagesPath() — Method in class App
App::getCachedRoutesPath() — Method in class App
App::getCachedServicesPath() — Method in class App
App::getLocale() — Method in class App
App::getNamespace() — Method in class App
Artisan::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Artisan

Get the registered name of the component.

Auth::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Auth

Get the registered name of the component.

Auth::guard() — Method in class Auth
Auth::guest() — Method in class Auth
Blade::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Blade

Get the registered name of the component.

Blade::getClassComponentAliases() — Method in class Blade
Blade::getCustomDirectives() — Method in class Blade
Blade::getExtensions() — Method in class Blade
Blade::getPath() — Method in class Blade
Broadcast::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Broadcast

Get the registered name of the component.

Bus::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Bus

Get the registered name of the component.

Bus::getCommandHandler() — Method in class Bus
Cache::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Cache

Get the registered name of the component.

Cache::getStore() — Method in class Cache
Cache::get() — Method in class Cache
Config::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Config

Get the registered name of the component.

Config::get() — Method in class Config
Cookie::get() — Method in class Cookie

Retrieve a cookie from the request.

Cookie::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Cookie

Get the registered name of the component.

Cookie::getQueuedCookies() — Method in class Cookie
Crypt::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Crypt

Get the registered name of the component.

Crypt::generateKey() — Method in class Crypt
Crypt::getKey() — Method in class Crypt
DB::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class DB

Get the registered name of the component.

DB::getQueryLog() — Method in class DB
DB::getDefaultConnection() — Method in class DB
Date::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Date

Get the registered name of the component.

Date::getLastErrors() — Method in class Date
Date::getTestNow() — Method in class Date
Date::getTranslator() — Method in class Date
Date::getAvailableLocales() — Method in class Date
Date::getDays() — Method in class Date
Date::getIsoUnits() — Method in class Date
Date::getWeekendDays() — Method in class Date
Date::getHumanDiffOptions() — Method in class Date
Date::getMidDayAt() — Method in class Date
Date::getWeekEndsAt() — Method in class Date
Date::getWeekStartsAt() — Method in class Date
Date::getLocale() — Method in class Date
Event::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Event

Get the registered name of the component.

Event::getListeners() — Method in class Event
Facade::getMockableClass() — Method in class Facade

Get the mockable class for the bound instance.

Facade::getFacadeRoot() — Method in class Facade

Get the root object behind the facade.

Facade::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Facade

Get the registered name of the component.

Facade::getFacadeApplication() — Method in class Facade

Get the application instance behind the facade.

File::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class File

Get the registered name of the component.

File::glob() — Method in class File
File::getRequire() — Method in class File
File::get() — Method in class File
GateClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Gate::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Gate

Get the registered name of the component.

Gate::guessPolicyNamesUsing() — Method in class Gate
Gate::getPolicyFor() — Method in class Gate
Hash::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Hash

Get the registered name of the component.

Http::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Http

Get the registered name of the component.

Http::get() — Method in class Http
Lang::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Lang

Get the registered name of the component.

Lang::get() — Method in class Lang
Lang::getLocale() — Method in class Lang
Log::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Log

Get the registered name of the component.

Mail::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Mail

Get the registered name of the component.

Notification::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Notification

Get the registered name of the component.

Password::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Password

Get the registered name of the component.

Password::getUser() — Method in class Password
Password::getRepository() — Method in class Password
Queue::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Queue

Get the registered name of the component.

Queue::getConnectionName() — Method in class Queue
Redirect::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Redirect

Get the registered name of the component.

Redirect::guest() — Method in class Redirect
Redirect::getUrlGenerator() — Method in class Redirect
Redis::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Redis

Get the registered name of the component.

Request::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Request

Get the registered name of the component.

Request::getRouteResolver() — Method in class Request
Request::getUserResolver() — Method in class Request
Request::getSession() — Method in class Request
Response::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Response

Get the registered name of the component.

Route::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Route

Get the registered name of the component.

Route::get() — Method in class Route
Route::getCurrentRoute() — Method in class Route
Route::group() — Method in class Route
Schema::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Schema

Get a schema builder instance for the default connection.

Session::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Session

Get the registered name of the component.

Session::getHandler() — Method in class Session
Session::get() — Method in class Session
Session::getId() — Method in class Session
Session::getName() — Method in class Session
Storage::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Storage

Get the registered name of the component.

Storage::get() — Method in class Storage
Storage::getVisibility() — Method in class Storage
URL::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class URL

Get the registered name of the component.

Validator::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Validator

Get the registered name of the component.

View::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class View

Get the registered name of the component.

Fluent::get() — Method in class Fluent

Get an attribute from the fluent instance.

Fluent::getAttributes() — Method in class Fluent

Get the attributes from the fluent instance.

LazyCollection::get() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get an item by key.

LazyCollection::groupBy() — Method in class LazyCollection

Group an associative array by a field or using a callback.

LazyCollection::getIterator() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get the values iterator.

Manager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class Manager

Get the default driver name.

Manager::getDrivers() — Method in class Manager

Get all of the created "drivers".

MessageBag::get() — Method in class MessageBag

Get all of the messages from the bag for a given key.

MessageBag::getMessagesForWildcardKey() — Method in class MessageBag

Get the messages for a wildcard key.

MessageBag::getMessages() — Method in class MessageBag

Get the raw messages in the container.

MessageBag::getMessageBag() — Method in class MessageBag

Get the messages for the instance.

MessageBag::getFormat() — Method in class MessageBag

Get the default message format.

Reflector::getParameterClassName() — Method in class Reflector

Get the class name of the given parameter's type, if possible.

BusFake::getCommandHandler() — Method in class BusFake

Retrieve the handler for a command.

QueueFake::getConnectionName() — Method in class QueueFake

Get the connection name for the queue.

CapsuleManagerTrait::getContainer() — Method in class CapsuleManagerTrait

Get the IoC container instance.

$ EnumeratesValues#groupByProperty in class EnumeratesValues
EnumeratesValues::getCachingIterator() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Get a CachingIterator instance.

EnumeratesValues::getArrayableItems() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Results array of items from Collection or Arrayable.

ViewErrorBag::getBag() — Method in class ViewErrorBag

Get a MessageBag instance from the bags.

ViewErrorBag::getBags() — Method in class ViewErrorBag

Get all the bags.

HasInDatabase::getAdditionalInfo() — Method in class HasInDatabase

Get additional info about the records found in the database table.

SoftDeletedInDatabase::getAdditionalInfo() — Method in class SoftDeletedInDatabase

Get additional info about the records found in the database table.

TestResponse::getCookie() — Method in class TestResponse

Get the given cookie from the response.

MessageSelector::getPluralIndex() — Method in class MessageSelector

Get the index to use for pluralization.

Translator::get() — Method in class Translator

Get the translation for the given key.

Translator::getLine() — Method in class Translator

Retrieve a language line out the loaded array.

Translator::getSelector() — Method in class Translator

Get the message selector instance.

Translator::getLoader() — Method in class Translator

Get the language line loader implementation.

Translator::getLocale() — Method in class Translator

Get the default locale being used.

Translator::getFallback() — Method in class Translator

Get the fallback locale being used.

FilterEmailValidation::getError() — Method in class FilterEmailValidation

Returns the validation error.

FilterEmailValidation::getWarnings() — Method in class FilterEmailValidation

Returns the validation warnings.

FormatsMessages::getMessage() — Method in class FormatsMessages

Get the validation message for an attribute and rule.

FormatsMessages::getInlineMessage() — Method in class FormatsMessages

Get the proper inline error message for standard and size rules.

FormatsMessages::getFromLocalArray() — Method in class FormatsMessages

Get the inline message for a rule if it exists.

FormatsMessages::getCustomMessageFromTranslator() — Method in class FormatsMessages

Get the custom error message from translator.

FormatsMessages::getWildcardCustomMessages() — Method in class FormatsMessages

Check the given messages for a wildcard key.

FormatsMessages::getSizeMessage() — Method in class FormatsMessages

Get the proper error message for an attribute and size rule.

FormatsMessages::getAttributeType() — Method in class FormatsMessages

Get the data type of the given attribute.

FormatsMessages::getDisplayableAttribute() — Method in class FormatsMessages

Get the displayable name of the attribute.

FormatsMessages::getAttributeFromTranslations() — Method in class FormatsMessages

Get the given attribute from the attribute translations.

FormatsMessages::getDisplayableValue() — Method in class FormatsMessages

Get the displayable name of the value.

FormatsMessages::getAttributeList() — Method in class FormatsMessages

Transform an array of attributes to their displayable form.

ValidatesAttributes::getDateFormat() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Get the date format for an attribute if it has one.

ValidatesAttributes::getDateTimestamp() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Get the date timestamp.

ValidatesAttributes::getDateTimeWithOptionalFormat() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Get a DateTime instance from a string.

ValidatesAttributes::getDateTime() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Get a DateTime instance from a string with no format.

ValidatesAttributes::getDistinctValues() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Get the values to distinct between.

ValidatesAttributes::getExistCount() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Get the number of records that exist in storage.

ValidatesAttributes::getUniqueIds() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Get the excluded ID column and value for the unique rule.

ValidatesAttributes::getUniqueExtra() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Get the extra conditions for a unique rule.

ValidatesAttributes::getQueryColumn() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Get the column name for an exists / unique query.

ValidatesAttributes::guessColumnForQuery() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Guess the database column from the given attribute name.

ValidatesAttributes::getExtraConditions() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Get the extra conditions for a unique / exists rule.

ValidatesAttributes::getSize() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Get the size of an attribute.

DatabasePresenceVerifier::getCount() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier

Count the number of objects in a collection having the given value.

DatabasePresenceVerifier::getMultiCount() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier

Count the number of objects in a collection with the given values.

Factory::getTranslator() — Method in class Factory

Get the Translator implementation.

Factory::getPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Factory

Get the Presence Verifier implementation.

PresenceVerifierInterface::getCount() — Method in class PresenceVerifierInterface

Count the number of objects in a collection having the given value.

PresenceVerifierInterface::getMultiCount() — Method in class PresenceVerifierInterface

Count the number of objects in a collection with the given values.

ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait::getValidatorInstance() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait

Get the validator instance for the request.

ValidationData::getLeadingExplicitAttributePath() — Method in class ValidationData

Get the explicit part of the attribute name.

ValidationException::getResponse() — Method in class ValidationException

Get the underlying response instance.

Validator::getExplicitKeys() — Method in class Validator

Get the explicit keys from an attribute flattened with dot notation.

Validator::getPrimaryAttribute() — Method in class Validator

Get the primary attribute name.

Validator::getMessageBag() — Method in class Validator

Get the messages for the instance.

Validator::getRule() — Method in class Validator

Get a rule and its parameters for a given attribute.

Validator::getData() — Method in class Validator

Get the data under validation.

Validator::getValue() — Method in class Validator

Get the value of a given attribute.

Validator::getRules() — Method in class Validator

Get the validation rules.

Validator::getPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Validator

Get the Presence Verifier implementation.

Validator::getTranslator() — Method in class Validator

Get the Translator implementation.

BladeCompiler::getOpenAndClosingPhpTokens() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Get the open and closing PHP tag tokens from the given string.

BladeCompiler::getPath() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Get the path currently being compiled.

BladeCompiler::getRawPlaceholder() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Get a placeholder to temporary mark the position of raw blocks.

BladeCompiler::getExtensions() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Get the extensions used by the compiler.

BladeCompiler::getClassComponentAliases() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Get the registered class component aliases.

BladeCompiler::getCustomDirectives() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Get the list of custom directives.

Compiler::getCompiledPath() — Method in class Compiler

Get the path to the compiled version of a view.

CompilerInterface::getCompiledPath() — Method in class CompilerInterface

Get the path to the compiled version of a view.

ComponentTagCompiler::guessClassName() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Guess the class name for the given component.

ComponentTagCompiler::guessViewName() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Guess the view name for the given component.

ComponentTagCompiler::getAttributesFromAttributeString() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Get an array of attributes from the given attribute string.

CompilesEchos::getEchoMethods() — Method in class CompilesEchos

Get the echo methods in the proper order for compilation.

ComponentAttributeBag::get() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Get a given attribute from the attribute array.

ComponentAttributeBag::getIterator() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Get an iterator for the items.

ManagesLayouts::getSection() — Method in class ManagesLayouts

Get the contents of a section.

ManagesLayouts::getSections() — Method in class ManagesLayouts

Get the entire array of sections.

ManagesLoops::getLastLoop() — Method in class ManagesLoops

Get an instance of the last loop in the stack.

ManagesLoops::getLoopStack() — Method in class ManagesLoops

Get the entire loop stack.

CompilerEngine::get() — Method in class CompilerEngine

Get the evaluated contents of the view.

CompilerEngine::getMessage() — Method in class CompilerEngine

Get the exception message for an exception.

CompilerEngine::getCompiler() — Method in class CompilerEngine

Get the compiler implementation.

Engine::getLastRendered() — Method in class Engine

Get the last view that was rendered.

FileEngine::get() — Method in class FileEngine

Get the evaluated contents of the view.

PhpEngine::get() — Method in class PhpEngine

Get the evaluated contents of the view.

Factory::getEngineFromPath() — Method in class Factory

Get the appropriate view engine for the given path.

Factory::getExtension() — Method in class Factory

Get the extension used by the view file.

Factory::getExtensions() — Method in class Factory

Get the extension to engine bindings.

Factory::getEngineResolver() — Method in class Factory

Get the engine resolver instance.

Factory::getFinder() — Method in class Factory

Get the view finder instance.

Factory::getDispatcher() — Method in class Factory

Get the event dispatcher instance.

Factory::getContainer() — Method in class Factory

Get the IoC container instance.

Factory::getShared() — Method in class Factory

Get all of the shared data for the environment.

FileViewFinder::getPossibleViewFiles() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Get an array of possible view files.

FileViewFinder::getFilesystem() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Get the filesystem instance.

FileViewFinder::getPaths() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Get the active view paths.

FileViewFinder::getViews() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Get the views that have been located.

FileViewFinder::getHints() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Get the namespace to file path hints.

FileViewFinder::getExtensions() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Get registered extensions.

InvokableComponentVariable::getIterator() — Method in class InvokableComponentVariable

Get an interator instance for the variable.

View::getContents() — Method in class View

Get the evaluated contents of the view.

View::gatherData() — Method in class View

Get the data bound to the view instance.

View::getName() — Method in class View

Get the name of the view.

View::getData() — Method in class View

Get the array of view data.

View::getPath() — Method in class View

Get the path to the view file.

View::getFactory() — Method in class View

Get the view factory instance.

View::getEngine() — Method in class View

Get the view's rendering engine.


Gate::has() — Method in class Gate

Determine if a given ability has been defined.

HandlesAuthorizationClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
AuthManager::hasResolvedGuards() — Method in class AuthManager

Determines if any guards have already been resolved.

ClearResetsCommand::handle() — Method in class ClearResetsCommand

Execute the console command.

$ DatabaseUserProvider#hasherProperty in class DatabaseUserProvider

The hasher implementation.

$ EloquentUserProvider#hasherProperty in class EloquentUserProvider

The hasher implementation.

GuardHelpers::hasUser() — Method in class GuardHelpers

Determine if the guard has a user instance.

SendEmailVerificationNotification::handle() — Method in class SendEmailVerificationNotification

Handle the event.

Authenticate::handle() — Method in class Authenticate

Handle an incoming request.

AuthenticateWithBasicAuth::handle() — Method in class AuthenticateWithBasicAuth

Handle an incoming request.

Authorize::handle() — Method in class Authorize

Handle an incoming request.

EnsureEmailIsVerified::handle() — Method in class EnsureEmailIsVerified

Handle an incoming request.

RequirePassword::handle() — Method in class RequirePassword

Handle an incoming request.

MustVerifyEmail::hasVerifiedEmail() — Method in class MustVerifyEmail

Determine if the user has verified their email address.

$ DatabaseTokenRepository#hasherProperty in class DatabaseTokenRepository

The Hasher implementation.

$ DatabaseTokenRepository#hashKeyProperty in class DatabaseTokenRepository

The hashing key.

Recaller::hash() — Method in class Recaller

Get the password from the recaller.

Recaller::hasAllSegments() — Method in class Recaller

Determine if the recaller has all segments.

SessionGuard::hasValidCredentials() — Method in class SessionGuard

Determine if the user matches the credentials.

$ TokenGuard#hashProperty in class TokenGuard

Indicates if the API token is hashed in storage.

BroadcastEvent::handle() — Method in class BroadcastEvent

Handle the queued job.

$ Dispatcher#handlersProperty in class Dispatcher

The command to handler mapping for non-self-handling events.

Dispatcher::hasCommandHandler() — Method in class Dispatcher

Determine if the given command has a handler.

CacheTableCommand::handle() — Method in class CacheTableCommand

Execute the console command.

ClearCommand::handle() — Method in class ClearCommand

Execute the console command.

ForgetCommand::handle() — Method in class ForgetCommand

Execute the console command.

RateLimiter::hit() — Method in class RateLimiter

Increment the counter for a given key for a given decay time.

Repository::has() — Method in class Repository

Determine if an item exists in the cache.

Repository::handleManyResult() — Method in class Repository

Handle a result for the "many" method.

Repository::has() — Method in class Repository

Determine if the given configuration value exists.

$ Command#helpProperty in class Command

The console command help text.

$ Command#hiddenProperty in class Command

Indicates whether the command should be shown in the Artisan command list.

HasParametersClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Concerns
InteractsWithIO::hasArgument() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Determine if the given argument is present.

InteractsWithIO::hasOption() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Determine if the given option is present.

GeneratorCommand::handle() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Execute the console command.

ManagesFrequencies::hourly() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run hourly.

ManagesFrequencies::hourlyAt() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run hourly at a given offset in the hour.

$ ScheduleFinishCommand#hiddenProperty in class ScheduleFinishCommand

Indicates whether the command should be shown in the Artisan command list.

ScheduleFinishCommand::handle() — Method in class ScheduleFinishCommand

Execute the console command.

$ ScheduleRunCommand#handlerProperty in class ScheduleRunCommand

The exception handler.

ScheduleRunCommand::handle() — Method in class ScheduleRunCommand

Execute the console command.

Container::has() — Method in class Container
Container::hasMethodBinding() — Method in class Container

Determine if the container has a method binding.

Container::hasParameterOverride() — Method in class Container

Determine if the given dependency has a parameter override.

Gate::has() — Method in class Gate

Determine if a given ability has been defined.

MustVerifyEmail::hasVerifiedEmail() — Method in class MustVerifyEmail

Determine if the user has verified their email address.

Dispatcher::hasCommandHandler() — Method in class Dispatcher

Determine if the given command has a handler.

Repository::has() — Method in class Repository

Determine if the given configuration value exists.

Kernel::handle() — Method in class Kernel

Handle an incoming console command.

Dispatcher::hasListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher

Determine if a given event has listeners.

Application::hasBeenBootstrapped() — Method in class Application

Determine if the application has been bootstrapped before.

HasherClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Hashing
Kernel::handle() — Method in class Kernel

Handle an incoming HTTP request.

Paginator::hasPages() — Method in class Paginator

Determine if there are enough items to split into multiple pages.

Paginator::hasMorePages() — Method in class Paginator

Determine if there are more items in the data store.

HubClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pipeline
Job::hasFailed() — Method in class Job

Determine if the job has been marked as a failure.

Session::has() — Method in class Session

Checks if a key is present and not null.

Session::handlerNeedsRequest() — Method in class Session

Determine if the session handler needs a request.

HtmlableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
MessageBag::has() — Method in class MessageBag

Determine if messages exist for a given key.

HasLocalePreferenceClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Translation
CookieJar::hasQueued() — Method in class CookieJar

Determine if a cookie has been queued.

AddQueuedCookiesToResponse::handle() — Method in class AddQueuedCookiesToResponse

Handle an incoming request.

EncryptCookies::handle() — Method in class EncryptCookies

Handle an incoming request.

ManagesTransactions::handleTransactionException() — Method in class ManagesTransactions

Handle an exception encountered when running a transacted statement.

ManagesTransactions::handleBeginTransactionException() — Method in class ManagesTransactions

Handle an exception from a transaction beginning.

ManagesTransactions::handleCommitTransactionException() — Method in class ManagesTransactions

Handle an exception encountered when committing a transaction.

ManagesTransactions::handleRollBackException() — Method in class ManagesTransactions

Handle an exception from a rollback.

Connection::handleQueryException() — Method in class Connection

Handle a query exception.

ConnectionResolver::hasConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver

Check if a connection has been registered.

MySqlConnector::hasSocket() — Method in class MySqlConnector

Determine if the given configuration array has a UNIX socket value.

FreshCommand::handle() — Method in class FreshCommand

Execute the console command.

InstallCommand::handle() — Method in class InstallCommand

Execute the console command.

MigrateCommand::handle() — Method in class MigrateCommand

Execute the console command.

MigrateMakeCommand::handle() — Method in class MigrateMakeCommand

Execute the console command.

RefreshCommand::handle() — Method in class RefreshCommand

Execute the console command.

ResetCommand::handle() — Method in class ResetCommand

Execute the console command.

RollbackCommand::handle() — Method in class RollbackCommand

Execute the console command.

StatusCommand::handle() — Method in class StatusCommand

Execute the console command.

SeedCommand::handle() — Method in class SeedCommand

Execute the console command.

SeederMakeCommand::handle() — Method in class SeederMakeCommand

Execute the console command.

WipeCommand::handle() — Method in class WipeCommand

Execute the console command.

Builder::hydrate() — Method in class Builder

Create a collection of models from plain arrays.

Builder::hasNamedScope() — Method in class Builder

Determine if the given model has a scope.

Builder::hasMacro() — Method in class Builder

Checks if a macro is registered.

Builder::hasGlobalMacro() — Method in class Builder

Checks if a global macro is registered.

HasAttributesClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
HasAttributes::hasGetMutator() — Method in class HasAttributes

Determine if a get mutator exists for an attribute.

HasAttributes::hasSetMutator() — Method in class HasAttributes

Determine if a set mutator exists for an attribute.

HasAttributes::hasCast() — Method in class HasAttributes

Determine whether an attribute should be cast to a native type.

HasAttributes::hasChanges() — Method in class HasAttributes

Determine if any of the given attributes were changed.

HasAttributes::hasAppended() — Method in class HasAttributes

Return whether the accessor attribute has been appended.

HasEventsClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
HasGlobalScopesClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
HasGlobalScopes::hasGlobalScope() — Method in class HasGlobalScopes

Determine if a model has a global scope.

HasRelationshipsClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
HasRelationships::hasOne() — Method in class HasRelationships

Define a one-to-one relationship.

HasRelationships::hasOneThrough() — Method in class HasRelationships

Define a has-one-through relationship.

HasRelationships::hasMany() — Method in class HasRelationships

Define a one-to-many relationship.

HasRelationships::hasManyThrough() — Method in class HasRelationships

Define a has-many-through relationship.

HasTimestampsClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
HidesAttributesClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
$ HidesAttributes#hiddenProperty in class HidesAttributes

The attributes that should be hidden for serialization.

QueriesRelationships::has() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query.

QueriesRelationships::hasNested() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add nested relationship count / exists conditions to the query.

QueriesRelationships::hasMorph() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a polymorphic relationship count / exists condition to the query.

HigherOrderBuilderProxyClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
Model::hasNamedScope() — Method in class Model

Determine if the model has a given scope.

BelongsToMany::hydratePivotRelation() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Hydrate the pivot table relationship on the models.

AsPivot::hasTimestampAttributes() — Method in class AsPivot

Determine if the pivot model or given attributes has timestamp attributes.

InteractsWithPivotTable::hasPivotColumn() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Determine whether the given column is defined as a pivot column.

HasManyClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
HasManyThroughClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
HasOneClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
HasOneOrManyClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
HasOneThroughClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
$ Builder#havingsProperty in class Builder

The having constraints for the query.

Builder::having() — Method in class Builder

Add a "having" clause to the query.

Builder::havingBetween() — Method in class Builder

Add a "having between " clause to the query.

Builder::havingRaw() — Method in class Builder

Add a raw having clause to the query.

Builder::hasTable() — Method in class Builder

Determine if the given table exists.

Builder::hasColumn() — Method in class Builder

Determine if the given table has a given column.

Builder::hasColumns() — Method in class Builder

Determine if the given table has given columns.

MySqlBuilder::hasTable() — Method in class MySqlBuilder

Determine if the given table exists.

PostgresBuilder::hasTable() — Method in class PostgresBuilder

Determine if the given table exists.

Encrypter::hash() — Method in class Encrypter

Create a MAC for the given value.

CallQueuedListener::handle() — Method in class CallQueuedListener

Handle the queued job.

Dispatcher::hasListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher

Determine if a given event has listeners.

Dispatcher::hasWildcardListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher

Determine if the given event has any wildcard listeners.

Dispatcher::handlerShouldBeQueued() — Method in class Dispatcher

Determine if the event handler class should be queued.

Dispatcher::handlerWantsToBeQueued() — Method in class Dispatcher

Determine if the event handler wants to be queued.

NullDispatcher::hasListeners() — Method in class NullDispatcher

Determine if a given event has listeners.

Filesystem::hash() — Method in class Filesystem

Get the MD5 hash of the file at the given path.

$ Application#hasBeenBootstrappedProperty in class Application

Indicates if the application has been bootstrapped before.

Application::hasBeenBootstrapped() — Method in class Application

Determine if the application has been bootstrapped before.

Application::handle() — Method in class Application
HandleExceptionsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
HandleExceptions::handleError() — Method in class HandleExceptions

Convert PHP errors to ErrorException instances.

HandleExceptions::handleException() — Method in class HandleExceptions

Handle an uncaught exception from the application.

HandleExceptions::handleShutdown() — Method in class HandleExceptions

Handle the PHP shutdown event.

ClearCompiledCommand::handle() — Method in class ClearCompiledCommand

Execute the console command.

ComponentMakeCommand::handle() — Method in class ComponentMakeCommand

Execute the console command.

ConfigCacheCommand::handle() — Method in class ConfigCacheCommand

Execute the console command.

ConfigClearCommand::handle() — Method in class ConfigClearCommand

Execute the console command.

DownCommand::handle() — Method in class DownCommand

Execute the console command.

EnvironmentCommand::handle() — Method in class EnvironmentCommand

Execute the console command.

EventCacheCommand::handle() — Method in class EventCacheCommand

Execute the console command.

EventClearCommand::handle() — Method in class EventClearCommand

Execute the console command.

EventGenerateCommand::handle() — Method in class EventGenerateCommand

Execute the console command.

EventListCommand::handle() — Method in class EventListCommand

Execute the console command.

Kernel::handle() — Method in class Kernel

Run the console application.

KeyGenerateCommand::handle() — Method in class KeyGenerateCommand

Execute the console command.

MailMakeCommand::handle() — Method in class MailMakeCommand

Execute the console command.

ModelMakeCommand::handle() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand

Execute the console command.

NotificationMakeCommand::handle() — Method in class NotificationMakeCommand

Execute the console command.

OptimizeClearCommand::handle() — Method in class OptimizeClearCommand

Execute the console command.

OptimizeCommand::handle() — Method in class OptimizeCommand

Execute the console command.

PackageDiscoverCommand::handle() — Method in class PackageDiscoverCommand

Execute the console command.

QueuedCommand::handle() — Method in class QueuedCommand

Handle the job.

ResourceMakeCommand::handle() — Method in class ResourceMakeCommand

Execute the console command.

RouteCacheCommand::handle() — Method in class RouteCacheCommand

Execute the console command.

RouteClearCommand::handle() — Method in class RouteClearCommand

Execute the console command.

$ RouteListCommand#headersProperty in class RouteListCommand

The table headers for the command.

RouteListCommand::handle() — Method in class RouteListCommand

Execute the console command.

ServeCommand::handle() — Method in class ServeCommand

Execute the console command.

ServeCommand::host() — Method in class ServeCommand

Get the host for the command.

StorageLinkCommand::handle() — Method in class StorageLinkCommand

Execute the console command.

StubPublishCommand::handle() — Method in class StubPublishCommand

Execute the console command.

UpCommand::handle() — Method in class UpCommand

Execute the console command.

VendorPublishCommand::handle() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand

Execute the console command.

ViewCacheCommand::handle() — Method in class ViewCacheCommand

Execute the console command.

ViewClearCommand::handle() — Method in class ViewClearCommand

Execute the console command.

HandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions
Kernel::handle() — Method in class Kernel

Handle an incoming HTTP request.

Kernel::hasMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel

Determine if the kernel has a given middleware.

CheckForMaintenanceMode::handle() — Method in class CheckForMaintenanceMode

Handle an incoming request.

TransformsRequest::handle() — Method in class TransformsRequest

Handle an incoming request.

ValidatePostSize::handle() — Method in class ValidatePostSize

Handle an incoming request.

VerifyCsrfToken::handle() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken

Handle an incoming request.

InteractsWithAuthentication::hasCredentials() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication

Return true if the credentials are valid, false otherwise.

InteractsWithExceptionHandling::handleExceptions() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling

Only handle the given exceptions via the exception handler.

InteractsWithExceptionHandling::handleValidationExceptions() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling

Only handle validation exceptions via the exception handler.

MakesHttpRequests::handle() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
HashManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
HashServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
HttpClientExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
PendingRequest::head() — Method in class PendingRequest

Issue a HEAD request to the given URL.

Request::hasHeader() — Method in class Request

Determine if the request has a given header.

Request::hasHeaders() — Method in class Request

Determine if the request has the given headers.

Request::header() — Method in class Request

Get the values for the header with the given name.

Request::headers() — Method in class Request

Get the request headers.

Request::hasFile() — Method in class Request

Determine if the request contains the given file.

Response::header() — Method in class Response

Get a header from the response.

Response::headers() — Method in class Response

Get the headers from the response.

InteractsWithInput::hasHeader() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Determine if a header is set on the request.

InteractsWithInput::header() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Retrieve a header from the request.

InteractsWithInput::has() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Determine if the request contains a given input item key.

InteractsWithInput::hasAny() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Determine if the request contains any of the given inputs.

InteractsWithInput::hasCookie() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Determine if a cookie is set on the request.

InteractsWithInput::hasFile() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Determine if the uploaded data contains a file.

HttpResponseExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Exceptions
$ FileHelpers#hashNameProperty in class FileHelpers

The cache copy of the file's hash name.

FileHelpers::hashName() — Method in class FileHelpers

Get a filename for the file.

JsonResponse::hasValidJson() — Method in class JsonResponse

Determine if an error occurred during JSON encoding.

JsonResponse::hasEncodingOption() — Method in class JsonResponse

Determine if a JSON encoding option is set.

CheckResponseForModifications::handle() — Method in class CheckResponseForModifications

Handle an incoming request.

FrameGuard::handle() — Method in class FrameGuard

Handle the given request and get the response.

SetCacheHeaders::handle() — Method in class SetCacheHeaders

Add cache related HTTP headers.

TrustHosts::hosts() — Method in class TrustHosts

Get the host patterns that should be trusted.

TrustHosts::handle() — Method in class TrustHosts

Handle the incoming request.

Request::hasValidSignature() — Method in class Request
ResourceResponse::haveDefaultWrapperAndDataIsUnwrapped() — Method in class ResourceResponse

Determine if we have a default wrapper and the given data is unwrapped.

ResourceResponse::haveAdditionalInformationAndDataIsUnwrapped() — Method in class ResourceResponse

Determine if "with" data has been added and our data is unwrapped.

ResponseTrait::header() — Method in class ResponseTrait

Set a header on the Response.

$ Mailable#htmlProperty in class Mailable

The HTML to use for the message.

Mailable::hasFrom() — Method in class Mailable

Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.

Mailable::hasTo() — Method in class Mailable

Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.

Mailable::hasCc() — Method in class Mailable

Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.

Mailable::hasBcc() — Method in class Mailable

Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.

Mailable::hasReplyTo() — Method in class Mailable

Determine if the given replyTo is set on the mailable.

Mailable::hasRecipient() — Method in class Mailable

Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.

Mailable::html() — Method in class Mailable

Set the rendered HTML content for the message.

Mailer::html() — Method in class Mailer

Send a new message with only an HTML part.

Markdown::htmlComponentPaths() — Method in class Markdown

Get the HTML component paths.

SendQueuedMailable::handle() — Method in class SendQueuedMailable

Handle the queued job.

NotificationTableCommand::handle() — Method in class NotificationTableCommand

Execute the console command.

HasDatabaseNotificationsClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
SendQueuedNotifications::handle() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications

Send the notifications.

AbstractPaginator::hasPages() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Determine if there are enough items to split into multiple pages.

LengthAwarePaginator::hasMorePages() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator

Determine if there are more items in the data store.

$ Paginator#hasMoreProperty in class Paginator

Determine if there are more items in the data source.

Paginator::hasMorePagesWhen() — Method in class Paginator

Manually indicate that the paginator does have more pages.

Paginator::hasMorePages() — Method in class Paginator

Determine if there are more items in the data store.

UrlWindow::hasPages() — Method in class UrlWindow

Determine if the underlying paginator being presented has pages to show.

HubClass in namespace Illuminate\Pipeline
Pipeline::handleCarry() — Method in class Pipeline

Handle the value returned from each pipe before passing it to the next.

Pipeline::handleException() — Method in class Pipeline

Handle the given exception.

CallQueuedClosure::handle() — Method in class CallQueuedClosure

Execute the job.

CallQueuedHandler::handleModelNotFound() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler

Handle a model not found exception.

FailedTableCommand::handle() — Method in class FailedTableCommand

Execute the console command.

FlushFailedCommand::handle() — Method in class FlushFailedCommand

Execute the console command.

ForgetFailedCommand::handle() — Method in class ForgetFailedCommand

Execute the console command.

$ ListFailedCommand#headersProperty in class ListFailedCommand

The table headers for the command.

ListFailedCommand::handle() — Method in class ListFailedCommand

Execute the console command.

ListenCommand::handle() — Method in class ListenCommand

Execute the console command.

RestartCommand::handle() — Method in class RestartCommand

Execute the console command.

RetryCommand::handle() — Method in class RetryCommand

Execute the console command.

TableCommand::handle() — Method in class TableCommand

Execute the console command.

WorkCommand::handle() — Method in class WorkCommand

Execute the console command.

Job::hasFailed() — Method in class Job

Determine if the job has been marked as a failure.

Listener::handleWorkerOutput() — Method in class Listener

Handle output from the worker process.

SyncQueue::handleException() — Method in class SyncQueue

Handle an exception that occurred while processing a job.

Worker::handleJobException() — Method in class Worker

Handle an exception that occurred while the job was running.

PhpRedisConnection::hmget() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Get the value of the given hash fields.

PhpRedisConnection::hmset() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Set the given hash fields to their respective values.

PhpRedisConnection::hsetnx() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Set the given hash field if it doesn't exist.

PhpRedisConnection::hscan() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Scans the given hash for all values based on options.

AbstractRouteCollection::handleMatchedRoute() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection

Handle the matched route.

CompiledRouteCollection::hasNamedRoute() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection

Determine if the route collection contains a given named route.

HostValidatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
SubstituteBindings::handle() — Method in class SubstituteBindings

Handle an incoming request.

ThrottleRequests::handle() — Method in class ThrottleRequests

Handle an incoming request.

ThrottleRequestsWithRedis::handle() — Method in class ThrottleRequestsWithRedis

Handle an incoming request.

ValidateSignature::handle() — Method in class ValidateSignature

Handle an incoming request.

Pipeline::handleCarry() — Method in class Pipeline

Handles the value returned from each pipe before passing it to the next.

Pipeline::handleException() — Method in class Pipeline

Handle the given exception.

Redirector::home() — Method in class Redirector

Create a new redirect response to the "home" route.

Route::hasParameters() — Method in class Route

Determine if the route has parameters.

Route::hasParameter() — Method in class Route

Determine a given parameter exists from the route.

Route::httpOnly() — Method in class Route

Determine if the route only responds to HTTP requests.

Route::httpsOnly() — Method in class Route

Determine if the route only responds to HTTPS requests.

RouteCollection::hasNamedRoute() — Method in class RouteCollection

Determine if the route collection contains a given named route.

RouteCollectionInterface::hasNamedRoute() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface

Determine if the route collection contains a given named route.

Router::hasMiddlewareGroup() — Method in class Router

Check if a middlewareGroup with the given name exists.

Router::hasGroupStack() — Method in class Router

Determine if the router currently has a group stack.

Router::has() — Method in class Router

Check if a route with the given name exists.

UrlGenerator::hasValidSignature() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Determine if the given request has a valid signature.

UrlGenerator::hasCorrectSignature() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Determine if the signature from the given request matches the URL.

SessionTableCommand::handle() — Method in class SessionTableCommand

Execute the console command.

AuthenticateSession::handle() — Method in class AuthenticateSession

Handle an incoming request.

StartSession::handle() — Method in class StartSession

Handle an incoming request.

StartSession::handleRequestWhileBlocking() — Method in class StartSession

Handle the given request within session state.

StartSession::handleStatefulRequest() — Method in class StartSession

Handle the given request within session state.

$ Store#handlerProperty in class Store

The session handler implementation.

Store::has() — Method in class Store

Checks if a key is present and not null.

Store::hasOldInput() — Method in class Store

Determine if the session contains old input.

Store::handlerNeedsRequest() — Method in class Store

Determine if the session handler needs a request.

Arr::has() — Method in class Arr

Check if an item or items exist in an array using "dot" notation.

Arr::hasAny() — Method in class Arr

Determine if any of the keys exist in an array using "dot" notation.

Collection::has() — Method in class Collection

Determine if an item exists in the collection by key.

DateFactory::hasFormat() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::hasMacro() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::hasRelativeKeywords() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::hasTestNow() — Method in class DateFactory
Enumerable::has() — Method in class Enumerable

Determine if an item exists in the collection by key.

App::hasBeenBootstrapped() — Method in class App
Artisan::handle() — Method in class Artisan
Bus::hasCommandHandler() — Method in class Bus
Cache::has() — Method in class Cache
Config::has() — Method in class Config
Cookie::has() — Method in class Cookie

Determine if a cookie exists on the request.

Date::hasFormat() — Method in class Date
Date::hasMacro() — Method in class Date
Date::hasRelativeKeywords() — Method in class Date
Date::hasTestNow() — Method in class Date
Event::hasListeners() — Method in class Event
File::hash() — Method in class File
Gate::has() — Method in class Gate
HashClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
HttpClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Http::head() — Method in class Http
Lang::has() — Method in class Lang
Mail::hasQueued() — Method in class Mail
Mail::hasSent() — Method in class Mail
Notification::hasSent() — Method in class Notification
Redirect::home() — Method in class Redirect
Request::has() — Method in class Request
Request::hasAny() — Method in class Request
Request::hasCookie() — Method in class Request
Request::hasFile() — Method in class Request
Request::hasHeader() — Method in class Request
Request::hasValidSignature() — Method in class Request
Request::header() — Method in class Request
Schema::hasColumn() — Method in class Schema
Schema::hasColumns() — Method in class Schema
Schema::hasTable() — Method in class Schema
Session::handlerNeedsRequest() — Method in class Session
Session::has() — Method in class Session
URL::hasValidSignature() — Method in class URL
HigherOrderCollectionProxyClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
HigherOrderTapProxyClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
HigherOrderWhenProxyClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
HtmlStringClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
$ HtmlString#htmlProperty in class HtmlString

The HTML string.

LazyCollection::has() — Method in class LazyCollection

Determine if an item exists in the collection by key.

MessageBag::has() — Method in class MessageBag

Determine if messages exist for a given key.

MessageBag::hasAny() — Method in class MessageBag

Determine if messages exist for any of the given keys.

BusFake::hasDispatched() — Method in class BusFake

Determine if there are any stored commands for a given class.

BusFake::hasDispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class BusFake

Determine if there are any stored commands for a given class.

BusFake::hasCommandHandler() — Method in class BusFake

Determine if the given command has a handler.

EventFake::hasDispatched() — Method in class EventFake

Determine if the given event has been dispatched.

EventFake::hasListeners() — Method in class EventFake

Determine if a given event has listeners.

MailFake::hasSent() — Method in class MailFake

Determine if the given mailable has been sent.

MailFake::hasQueued() — Method in class MailFake

Determine if the given mailable has been queued.

NotificationFake::hasSent() — Method in class NotificationFake

Determine if there are more notifications left to inspect.

QueueFake::hasPushed() — Method in class QueueFake

Determine if there are any stored jobs for a given class.

Macroable::hasMacro() — Method in class Macroable

Checks if macro is registered.

ViewErrorBag::hasBag() — Method in class ViewErrorBag

Checks if a named MessageBag exists in the bags.

HasInDatabaseClass in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Constraints
$ PendingCommand#hasExecutedProperty in class PendingCommand

Determine if command has executed.

$ FileLoader#hintsProperty in class FileLoader

All of the namespace hints.

Translator::hasForLocale() — Method in class Translator

Determine if a translation exists for a given locale.

Translator::has() — Method in class Translator

Determine if a translation exists.

Dimensions::height() — Method in class Dimensions

Set the "height" constraint.

Validator::hasNotFailedPreviousRuleIfPresenceRule() — Method in class Validator

Determine if it's a necessary presence validation.

Validator::hasRule() — Method in class Validator

Determine if the given attribute has a rule in the given set.

ManagesLayouts::hasSection() — Method in class ManagesLayouts

Check if section exists.

CompilerEngine::handleViewException() — Method in class CompilerEngine

Handle a view exception.

PhpEngine::handleViewException() — Method in class PhpEngine

Handle a view exception.

Factory::hasRenderedOnce() — Method in class Factory

Determine if the given once token has been rendered.

$ FileViewFinder#hintsProperty in class FileViewFinder

The namespace to file path hints.

FileViewFinder::hasHintInformation() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Returns whether or not the view name has any hint information.

ShareErrorsFromSession::handle() — Method in class ShareErrorsFromSession

Handle an incoming request.


Gate::inspect() — Method in class Gate

Inspect the user for the given ability.

GuardHelpers::id() — Method in class GuardHelpers

Get the ID for the currently authenticated user.

Authorize::isClassName() — Method in class Authorize

Checks if the given string looks like a fully qualified class name.

Recaller::id() — Method in class Recaller

Get the user ID from the recaller.

SessionGuard::id() — Method in class SessionGuard

Get the ID for the currently authenticated user.

$ TokenGuard#inputKeyProperty in class TokenGuard

The name of the query string item from the request containing the API token.

Broadcaster::isImplicitlyBindable() — Method in class Broadcaster

Determine if a given key and parameter is implicitly bindable.

UsePusherChannelConventions::isGuardedChannel() — Method in class UsePusherChannelConventions

Return true if channel is protected by authentication.

InteractsWithSocketsClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
ApcStore::increment() — Method in class ApcStore

Increment the value of an item in the cache.

ApcWrapper::increment() — Method in class ApcWrapper

Increment the value of an item in the cache.

ArrayStore::increment() — Method in class ArrayStore

Increment the value of an item in the cache.

DatabaseStore::increment() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Increment the value of an item in the cache.

DatabaseStore::incrementOrDecrement() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Increment or decrement an item in the cache.

DynamoDbStore::isExpired() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Determine if the given item is expired.

DynamoDbStore::increment() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Increment the value of an item in the cache.

FileStore::increment() — Method in class FileStore

Increment the value of an item in the cache.

Lock::isOwnedByCurrentProcess() — Method in class Lock

Determines whether this lock is allowed to release the lock in the driver.

MemcachedStore::increment() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Increment the value of an item in the cache.

NullStore::increment() — Method in class NullStore

Increment the value of an item in the cache.

RedisStore::increment() — Method in class RedisStore

Increment the value of an item in the cache.

RedisTaggedCache::increment() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache

Increment the value of an item in the cache.

Repository::increment() — Method in class Repository

Increment the value of an item in the cache.

Repository::itemKey() — Method in class Repository

Format the key for a cache item.

TaggedCache::increment() — Method in class TaggedCache

Increment the value of an item in the cache.

TaggedCache::itemKey() — Method in class TaggedCache

Format the key for a cache item.

$ Repository#itemsProperty in class Repository

All of the configuration items.

Command::isHidden() — Method in class Command
InteractsWithIOClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Concerns
$ InteractsWithIO#inputProperty in class InteractsWithIO

The input interface implementation.

InteractsWithIO::info() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Write a string as information output.

$ CommandFinished#inputProperty in class CommandFinished

The console input implementation.

$ CommandStarting#inputProperty in class CommandStarting

The console input implementation.

GeneratorCommand::isReservedName() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Checks whether the given name is reserved.

OutputStyle::isQuiet() — Method in class OutputStyle

Returns whether verbosity is quiet (-q).

OutputStyle::isVerbose() — Method in class OutputStyle

Returns whether verbosity is verbose (-v).

OutputStyle::isVeryVerbose() — Method in class OutputStyle

Returns whether verbosity is very verbose (-vv).

OutputStyle::isDebug() — Method in class OutputStyle

Returns whether verbosity is debug (-vvv).

Event::isDue() — Method in class Event

Determine if the given event should run based on the Cron expression.

BoundMethod::isCallableWithAtSign() — Method in class BoundMethod

Determine if the given string is in Class@method syntax.

$ Container#instanceProperty in class Container

The current globally available container (if any).

$ Container#instancesProperty in class Container

The container's shared instances.

Container::isShared() — Method in class Container

Determine if a given type is shared.

Container::isAlias() — Method in class Container

Determine if a given string is an alias.

Container::instance() — Method in class Container

Register an existing instance as shared in the container.

Container::isBuildable() — Method in class Container

Determine if the given concrete is buildable.

Gate::inspect() — Method in class Gate

Inspect the user for the given ability.

Guard::id() — Method in class Guard

Get the ID for the currently authenticated user.

Repository::increment() — Method in class Repository

Increment the value of an item in the cache.

Store::increment() — Method in class Store

Increment the value of an item in the cache.

Container::instance() — Method in class Container

Register an existing instance as shared in the container.

$ ModelIdentifier#idProperty in class ModelIdentifier

The unique identifier of the model.

Application::isDownForMaintenance() — Method in class Application

Determine if the application is currently down for maintenance.

Hasher::info() — Method in class Hasher

Get information about the given hashed value.

Paginator::items() — Method in class Paginator

Get all of the items being paginated.

Paginator::isEmpty() — Method in class Paginator

Determine if the list of items is empty or not.

Paginator::isNotEmpty() — Method in class Paginator

Determine if the list of items is not empty.

Job::isReleased() — Method in class Job

Determine if the job was released back into the queue.

Job::isDeleted() — Method in class Job

Determine if the job has been deleted.

Job::isDeletedOrReleased() — Method in class Job

Determine if the job has been deleted or released.

Session::isStarted() — Method in class Session

Determine if the session has been started.

MessageBag::isEmpty() — Method in class MessageBag

Determine if the message bag has any messages.

MessageBag::isNotEmpty() — Method in class MessageBag

Determine if the message bag has any messages.

ImplicitRuleClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
EncryptCookies::isDisabled() — Method in class EncryptCookies

Determine whether encryption has been disabled for the given cookie.

Connection::insert() — Method in class Connection

Run an insert statement against the database.

Connection::isDoctrineAvailable() — Method in class Connection

Is Doctrine available?

ConnectionInterface::insert() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Run an insert statement against the database.

Connector::isPersistentConnection() — Method in class Connector

Determine if the connection is persistent.

InstallCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
Builder::isNestedUnder() — Method in class Builder

Determine if the relationship is nested.

Builder::increment() — Method in class Builder

Increment a column's value by a given amount.

Collection::intersect() — Method in class Collection

Intersect the collection with the given items.

GuardsAttributes::isUnguarded() — Method in class GuardsAttributes

Determine if current state is "unguarded".

GuardsAttributes::isFillable() — Method in class GuardsAttributes

Determine if the given attribute may be mass assigned.

GuardsAttributes::isGuarded() — Method in class GuardsAttributes

Determine if the given key is guarded.

GuardsAttributes::isGuardableColumn() — Method in class GuardsAttributes

Determine if the given column is a valid, guardable column.

HasAttributes::isCustomDateTimeCast() — Method in class HasAttributes

Determine if the cast type is a custom date time cast.

HasAttributes::isDecimalCast() — Method in class HasAttributes

Determine if the cast type is a decimal cast.

HasAttributes::isDateAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes

Determine if the given attribute is a date or date castable.

HasAttributes::isStandardDateFormat() — Method in class HasAttributes

Determine if the given value is a standard date format.

HasAttributes::isDateCastable() — Method in class HasAttributes

Determine whether a value is Date / DateTime castable for inbound manipulation.

HasAttributes::isJsonCastable() — Method in class HasAttributes

Determine whether a value is JSON castable for inbound manipulation.

HasAttributes::isClassCastable() — Method in class HasAttributes

Determine if the given key is cast using a custom class.

HasAttributes::isDirty() — Method in class HasAttributes

Determine if the model or any of the given attribute(s) have been modified.

HasAttributes::isClean() — Method in class HasAttributes

Determine if the model and all the given attribute(s) have remained the same.

$ Model#incrementingProperty in class Model

Indicates if the IDs are auto-incrementing.

$ Model#ignoreOnTouchProperty in class Model

The list of models classes that should not be affected with touch.

Model::initializeTraits() — Method in class Model

Initialize any initializable traits on the model.

Model::isIgnoringTouch() — Method in class Model

Determine if the given model is ignoring touches.

Model::increment() — Method in class Model

Increment a column's value by a given amount.

Model::incrementOrDecrement() — Method in class Model

Run the increment or decrement method on the model.

Model::incrementOrDecrementAttributeValue() — Method in class Model

Increment the underlying attribute value and sync with original.

Model::insertAndSetId() — Method in class Model

Insert the given attributes and set the ID on the model.

Model::is() — Method in class Model

Determine if two models have the same ID and belong to the same table.

Model::isNot() — Method in class Model

Determine if two models are not the same.

$ ModelNotFoundException#idsProperty in class ModelNotFoundException

The affected model IDs.

BelongsTo::initRelation() — Method in class BelongsTo

Initialize the relation on a set of models.

BelongsToMany::initRelation() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Initialize the relation on a set of models.

InteractsWithPivotTableClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Concerns
HasMany::initRelation() — Method in class HasMany

Initialize the relation on a set of models.

HasManyThrough::initRelation() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Initialize the relation on a set of models.

HasOne::initRelation() — Method in class HasOne

Initialize the relation on a set of models.

HasOneThrough::initRelation() — Method in class HasOneThrough

Initialize the relation on a set of models.

MorphMany::initRelation() — Method in class MorphMany

Initialize the relation on a set of models.

MorphOne::initRelation() — Method in class MorphOne

Initialize the relation on a set of models.

$ MorphToMany#inverseProperty in class MorphToMany

Indicates if we are connecting the inverse of the relation.

$ Pivot#incrementingProperty in class Pivot

Indicates if the IDs are auto-incrementing.

Relation::initRelation() — Method in class Relation

Initialize the relation on a set of models.

SoftDeletes::initializeSoftDeletes() — Method in class SoftDeletes

Initialize the soft deleting trait for an instance.

SoftDeletes::isForceDeleting() — Method in class SoftDeletes

Determine if the model is currently force deleting.

Grammar::isExpression() — Method in class Grammar

Determine if the given value is a raw expression.

Builder::invalidOperatorAndValue() — Method in class Builder

Determine if the given operator and value combination is legal.

Builder::invalidOperator() — Method in class Builder

Determine if the given operator is supported.

Builder::inRandomOrder() — Method in class Builder

Put the query's results in random order.

Builder::implode() — Method in class Builder

Concatenate values of a given column as a string.

Builder::insert() — Method in class Builder

Insert a new record into the database.

Builder::insertOrIgnore() — Method in class Builder

Insert a new record into the database while ignoring errors.

Builder::insertGetId() — Method in class Builder

Insert a new record and get the value of the primary key.

Builder::insertUsing() — Method in class Builder

Insert new records into the table using a subquery.

Builder::increment() — Method in class Builder

Increment a column's value by a given amount.

Builder::isQueryable() — Method in class Builder

Determine if the value is a query builder instance or a Closure.

Grammar::isJsonSelector() — Method in class Grammar

Determine if the given string is a JSON selector.

Blueprint::index() — Method in class Blueprint

Specify an index for the table.

Blueprint::id() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new auto-incrementing big integer (8-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::increments() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new auto-incrementing integer (4-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::integerIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new auto-incrementing integer (4-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::integer() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new integer (4-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::ipAddress() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new IP address column on the table.

Blueprint::indexCommand() — Method in class Blueprint

Add a new index command to the blueprint.

ColumnDefinition::index() — Method in class ColumnDefinition

Add an index

ForeignKeyDefinition::initiallyImmediate() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition
Filesystem::isDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem

Determine if the given path is a directory.

Filesystem::isReadable() — Method in class Filesystem

Determine if the given path is readable.

Filesystem::isWritable() — Method in class Filesystem

Determine if the given path is writable.

Filesystem::isFile() — Method in class Filesystem

Determine if the given path is a file.

$ AliasLoader#instanceProperty in class AliasLoader

The singleton instance of the loader.

AliasLoader::isRegistered() — Method in class AliasLoader

Indicates if the loader has been registered.

$ Application#isRunningInConsoleProperty in class Application

Indicates if the application is running in the console.

Application::isLocal() — Method in class Application

Determine if application is in local environment.

Application::isProduction() — Method in class Application

Determine if application is in production environment.

Application::isBooted() — Method in class Application

Determine if the application has booted.

Application::isDownForMaintenance() — Method in class Application

Determine if the application is currently down for maintenance.

Application::isDeferredService() — Method in class Application

Determine if the given service is a deferred service.

Application::isLocale() — Method in class Application

Determine if application locale is the given locale.

HandleExceptions::isFatal() — Method in class HandleExceptions

Determine if the error type is fatal.

$ Handler#internalDontReportProperty in class Handler

A list of the internal exception types that should not be reported.

Handler::invalid() — Method in class Handler

Convert a validation exception into a response.

Handler::invalidJson() — Method in class Handler

Convert a validation exception into a JSON response.

Handler::isHttpException() — Method in class Handler

Determine if the given exception is an HTTP exception.

CheckForMaintenanceMode::inExceptArray() — Method in class CheckForMaintenanceMode

Determine if the request has a URI that should be accessible in maintenance mode.

VerifyCsrfToken::isReading() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken

Determine if the HTTP request uses a ‘read’ verb.

VerifyCsrfToken::inExceptArray() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken

Determine if the request has a URI that should pass through CSRF verification.

InspiringClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
InteractsWithAuthenticationClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
InteractsWithAuthentication::isAuthenticated() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication

Return true if the user is authenticated, false otherwise.

InteractsWithConsoleClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
InteractsWithContainerClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
InteractsWithContainer::instance() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer

Register an instance of an object in the container.

InteractsWithDatabaseClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
InteractsWithDatabase::isSoftDeletableModel() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase

Determine if the argument is a soft deletable model.

InteractsWithExceptionHandlingClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
InteractsWithRedisClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
InteractsWithRedis::ifRedisAvailable() — Method in class InteractsWithRedis

Run test if redis is available.

InteractsWithSessionClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
AbstractHasher::info() — Method in class AbstractHasher

Get information about the given hashed value.

HashManager::info() — Method in class HashManager

Get information about the given hashed value.

Request::isForm() — Method in class Request

Determine if the request is simple form data.

Request::isJson() — Method in class Request

Determine if the request is JSON.

Request::isMultipart() — Method in class Request

Determine if the request is multipart.

ResponseSequence::isEmpty() — Method in class ResponseSequence

Indicate that this sequence has depleted all of its responses.

InteractsWithContentTypesClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Concerns
InteractsWithContentTypes::isJson() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes

Determine if the request is sending JSON.

InteractsWithFlashDataClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Concerns
InteractsWithInputClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Concerns
InteractsWithInput::isNotFilled() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Determine if the request contains an empty value for an input item.

InteractsWithInput::isEmptyString() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Determine if the given input key is an empty string for "has".

InteractsWithInput::input() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Retrieve an input item from the request.

InteractsWithInput::isValidFile() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Check that the given file is a valid file instance.

Request::instance() — Method in class Request

Return the Request instance.

Request::is() — Method in class Request

Determine if the current request URI matches a pattern.

Request::ip() — Method in class Request

Get the client IP address.

Request::ips() — Method in class Request

Get the client IP addresses.

MissingValue::isMissing() — Method in class MissingValue

Determine if the object should be considered "missing".

PotentiallyMissing::isMissing() — Method in class PotentiallyMissing

Determine if the object should be considered "missing".

File::image() — Method in class File

Create a new fake image.

FileFactory::image() — Method in class FileFactory

Create a new fake image.

LogManager::info() — Method in class LogManager

Interesting events.

Logger::info() — Method in class Logger

Log an informational message to the logs.

Transport::isStarted() — Method in class Transport
$ DatabaseNotification#incrementingProperty in class DatabaseNotification

Indicates if the IDs are auto-incrementing.

$ SimpleMessage#introLinesProperty in class SimpleMessage

The "intro" lines of the notification.

$ Notification#idProperty in class Notification

The unique identifier for the notification.

$ AbstractPaginator#itemsProperty in class AbstractPaginator

All of the items being paginated.

AbstractPaginator::isValidPageNumber() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Determine if the given value is a valid page number.

AbstractPaginator::items() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Get the slice of items being paginated.

AbstractPaginator::isEmpty() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Determine if the list of items is empty.

AbstractPaginator::isNotEmpty() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Determine if the list of items is not empty.

DatabaseQueue::isAvailable() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Modify the query to check for available jobs.

DatabaseQueue::isReservedButExpired() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Modify the query to check for jobs that are reserved but have expired.

InteractsWithQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
InvalidPayloadExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
DatabaseJobRecord::increment() — Method in class DatabaseJobRecord

Increment the number of times the job has been attempted.

$ Job#instanceProperty in class Job

The job handler instance.

Job::isDeleted() — Method in class Job

Determine if the job has been deleted.

Job::isReleased() — Method in class Job

Determine if the job was released back into the queue.

Job::isDeletedOrReleased() — Method in class Job

Determine if the job has been deleted or released.

$ Worker#isDownForMaintenanceProperty in class Worker

The callback used to determine if the application is in maintenance mode.

InvalidSignatureExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Exceptions
ImplicitRouteBindingClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
Redirector::intended() — Method in class Redirector

Create a new redirect response to the previously intended location.

$ Route#isFallbackProperty in class Route

Indicates whether the route is a fallback route.

Route::isControllerAction() — Method in class Route

Checks whether the route's action is a controller.

Router::input() — Method in class Router

Get a route parameter for the current route.

Router::is() — Method in class Router

Alias for the "currentRouteNamed" method.

UrlGenerator::isValidUrl() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Determine if the given path is a valid URL.

DatabaseSessionHandler::ipAddress() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler

Get the IP address for the current request.

$ Store#idProperty in class Store

The session ID.

Store::increment() — Method in class Store

Increment the value of an item in the session.

Store::invalidate() — Method in class Store

Flush the session data and regenerate the ID.

Store::isStarted() — Method in class Store

Determine if the session has been started.

Store::isValidId() — Method in class Store

Determine if this is a valid session ID.

$ AggregateServiceProvider#instancesProperty in class AggregateServiceProvider

An array of the service provider instances.

Arr::isAssoc() — Method in class Arr

Determines if an array is associative.

$ Collection#itemsProperty in class Collection

The items contained in the collection.

Collection::implode() — Method in class Collection

Concatenate values of a given key as a string.

Collection::intersect() — Method in class Collection

Intersect the collection with the given items.

Collection::intersectByKeys() — Method in class Collection

Intersect the collection with the given items by key.

Collection::isEmpty() — Method in class Collection

Determine if the collection is empty or not.

DateFactory::instance() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::isImmutable() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::isModifiableUnit() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::isMutable() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::isStrictModeEnabled() — Method in class DateFactory
Enumerable::implode() — Method in class Enumerable

Concatenate values of a given key as a string.

Enumerable::intersect() — Method in class Enumerable

Intersect the collection with the given items.

Enumerable::intersectByKeys() — Method in class Enumerable

Intersect the collection with the given items by key.

Enumerable::isEmpty() — Method in class Enumerable

Determine if the collection is empty or not.

Enumerable::isNotEmpty() — Method in class Enumerable

Determine if the collection is not empty.

App::isDownForMaintenance() — Method in class App
Auth::id() — Method in class Auth
Blade::if() — Method in class Blade
Blade::include() — Method in class Blade
Cache::increment() — Method in class Cache
DB::insert() — Method in class DB
Date::instance() — Method in class Date
Date::isMutable() — Method in class Date
Date::isImmutable() — Method in class Date
Date::isModifiableUnit() — Method in class Date
Date::isStrictModeEnabled() — Method in class Date
Facade::isMock() — Method in class Facade

Determines whether a mock is set as the instance of the facade.

File::isDirectory() — Method in class File
File::isFile() — Method in class File
File::isReadable() — Method in class File
File::isWritable() — Method in class File
Gate::inspect() — Method in class Gate
Hash::info() — Method in class Hash
Log::info() — Method in class Log
Redirect::intended() — Method in class Redirect
Request::instance() — Method in class Request
Request::ips() — Method in class Request
Request::is() — Method in class Request
Request::isJson() — Method in class Request
Request::input() — Method in class Request
Request::ip() — Method in class Request
Session::isStarted() — Method in class Session
HtmlString::isEmpty() — Method in class HtmlString

Determine if the given HTML string is empty.

InteractsWithTimeClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
LazyCollection::implode() — Method in class LazyCollection

Concatenate values of a given key as a string.

LazyCollection::intersect() — Method in class LazyCollection

Intersect the collection with the given items.

LazyCollection::intersectByKeys() — Method in class LazyCollection

Intersect the collection with the given items by key.

LazyCollection::isEmpty() — Method in class LazyCollection

Determine if the items is empty or not.

MessageBag::isUnique() — Method in class MessageBag

Determine if a key and message combination already exists.

MessageBag::isEmpty() — Method in class MessageBag

Determine if the message bag has any messages.

MessageBag::isNotEmpty() — Method in class MessageBag

Determine if the message bag has any messages.

Pluralizer::inflector() — Method in class Pluralizer

Get the inflector instance.

ProcessUtils::isSurroundedBy() — Method in class ProcessUtils

Is the given string surrounded by the given character?

Reflector::isCallable() — Method in class Reflector

This is a PHP 7.4 compatible implementation of is_callable.

Reflector::isParameterSubclassOf() — Method in class Reflector

Determine if the parameter's type is a subclass of the given type.

ServiceProvider::isDeferred() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Determine if the provider is deferred.

Str::is() — Method in class Str

Determine if a given string matches a given pattern.

Str::isAscii() — Method in class Str

Determine if a given string is 7 bit ASCII.

Str::isUuid() — Method in class Str

Determine if a given string is a valid UUID.

Stringable::is() — Method in class Stringable

Determine if a given string matches a given pattern.

Stringable::isAscii() — Method in class Stringable

Determine if a given string is 7 bit ASCII.

Stringable::isEmpty() — Method in class Stringable

Determine if the given string is empty.

Stringable::isNotEmpty() — Method in class Stringable

Determine if the given string is not empty.

QueueFake::isChainOfObjects() — Method in class QueueFake

Determine if the given chain is entirely composed of objects.

$ CapsuleManagerTrait#instanceProperty in class CapsuleManagerTrait

The current globally used instance.

EnumeratesValues::isNotEmpty() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Determine if the collection is not empty.

EnumeratesValues::identity() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Make a function that returns what's passed to it.

Translator::isLoaded() — Method in class Translator

Determine if the given group has been loaded.

FilterEmailValidation::isValid() — Method in class FilterEmailValidation

Returns true if the given email is valid.

ValidatesAttributes::isTestingRelativeDateTime() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Check if the given value should be adjusted to Carbon::getTestNow().

ValidatesAttributes::isValidFileInstance() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Check that the given value is a valid file instance.

ValidatesAttributes::isSameType() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Check if the parameters are of the same type.

$ Factory#implicitExtensionsProperty in class Factory

All of the custom implicit validator extensions.

Rule::in() — Method in class Rule

Get an in constraint builder instance.

InClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
$ Unique#ignoreProperty in class Unique

The ID that should be ignored.

$ Unique#idColumnProperty in class Unique

The name of the ID column.

Unique::ignore() — Method in class Unique

Ignore the given ID during the unique check.

Unique::ignoreModel() — Method in class Unique

Ignore the given model during the unique check.

ValidationData::initializeAndGatherData() — Method in class ValidationData

Initialize and gather data for given attribute.

ValidationData::initializeAttributeOnData() — Method in class ValidationData

Gather a copy of the attribute data filled with any missing attributes.

$ ValidationRuleParser#implicitAttributesProperty in class ValidationRuleParser

The implicit attributes.

$ Validator#initialRulesProperty in class Validator

The initial rules provided.

$ Validator#implicitAttributesProperty in class Validator

The array of wildcard attributes with their asterisks expanded.

$ Validator#implicitAttributesFormatterProperty in class Validator

The callback that should be used to format the attribute.

$ Validator#implicitRulesProperty in class Validator

The validation rules that imply the field is required.

Validator::isValidatable() — Method in class Validator

Determine if the attribute is validatable.

Validator::isImplicit() — Method in class Validator

Determine if a given rule implies the attribute is required.

Validator::isNotNullIfMarkedAsNullable() — Method in class Validator

Determine if the attribute fails the nullable check.

Validator::invalid() — Method in class Validator

Returns the data which was invalid.

BladeCompiler::if() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Register an "if" statement directive.

BladeCompiler::include() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Register an include alias directive.

Compiler::isExpired() — Method in class Compiler

Determine if the view at the given path is expired.

CompilerInterface::isExpired() — Method in class CompilerInterface

Determine if the given view is expired.

Component::ignoredMethods() — Method in class Component

Get the methods that should be ignored.

ManagesLayouts::inject() — Method in class ManagesLayouts

Inject inline content into a section.

ManagesLoops::incrementLoopIndices() — Method in class ManagesLoops

Increment the top loop's indices.

Factory::incrementRender() — Method in class Factory

Increment the rendering counter.

InvokableComponentVariableClass in namespace Illuminate\View


Schedule::job() — Method in class Schedule

Add a new job callback event to the schedule.

JobClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
ResponseFactory::json() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new JSON response instance.

ResponseFactory::jsonp() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new JSONP response instance.

JsonableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
HasRelationships::joiningTable() — Method in class HasRelationships

Get the joining table name for a many-to-many relation.

HasRelationships::joiningTableSegment() — Method in class HasRelationships

Get this model's half of the intermediate table name for belongsToMany relationships.

JsonEncodingExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
Model::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Model

Convert the object into something JSON serializable.

$ Builder#joinsProperty in class Builder

The table joins for the query.

Builder::join() — Method in class Builder

Add a join clause to the query.

Builder::joinWhere() — Method in class Builder

Add a "join where" clause to the query.

Builder::joinSub() — Method in class Builder

Add a subquery join clause to the query.

JoinClauseClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query
Blueprint::json() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new json column on the table.

Blueprint::jsonb() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new jsonb column on the table.

$ PendingChain#jobProperty in class PendingChain

The class name of the job being dispatched.

$ PendingDispatch#jobProperty in class PendingDispatch

The job.

JobMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
Request::json() — Method in class Request

Get the JSON decoded body of the request.

Response::json() — Method in class Response

Get the JSON decoded body of the response as an array or scalar value.

JsonResponseClass in namespace Illuminate\Http
$ Request#jsonProperty in class Request

The decoded JSON content for the request.

Request::json() — Method in class Request

Get the JSON payload for the request.

JsonResourceClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json
JsonResource::jsonSerialize() — Method in class JsonResource

Prepare the resource for JSON serialization.

LengthAwarePaginator::jsonSerialize() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator

Convert the object into something JSON serializable.

Paginator::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Paginator

Convert the object into something JSON serializable.

JobExceptionOccurredClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
$ JobExceptionOccurred#jobProperty in class JobExceptionOccurred

The job instance.

JobFailedClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
$ JobFailed#jobProperty in class JobFailed

The job instance.

JobProcessedClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
$ JobProcessed#jobProperty in class JobProcessed

The job instance.

JobProcessingClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
$ JobProcessing#jobProperty in class JobProcessing

The job instance.

$ InteractsWithQueue#jobProperty in class InteractsWithQueue

The underlying queue job instance.

$ BeanstalkdJob#jobProperty in class BeanstalkdJob

The Pheanstalk job instance.

$ DatabaseJob#jobProperty in class DatabaseJob

The database job payload.

JobClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
JobNameClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
$ RedisJob#jobProperty in class RedisJob

The Redis raw job payload.

$ SqsJob#jobProperty in class SqsJob

The Amazon SQS job instance.

$ SyncJob#jobProperty in class SyncJob

The class name of the job.

ResponseFactory::json() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new JSON response instance.

ResponseFactory::jsonp() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new JSONP response instance.

Collection::join() — Method in class Collection

Join all items from the collection using a string. The final items can use a separate glue string.

Enumerable::join() — Method in class Enumerable

Join all items from the collection using a string. The final items can use a separate glue string.

Request::json() — Method in class Request
Response::json() — Method in class Response
Response::jsonp() — Method in class Response
Fluent::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Fluent

Convert the object into something JSON serializable.

LazyCollection::join() — Method in class LazyCollection

Join all items from the collection using a string. The final items can use a separate glue string.

MessageBag::jsonSerialize() — Method in class MessageBag

Convert the object into something JSON serializable.

$ BusFake#jobsToFakeProperty in class BusFake

The job types that should be intercepted instead of dispatched.

$ QueueFake#jobsProperty in class QueueFake

All of the jobs that have been pushed.

EnumeratesValues::jsonSerialize() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Convert the object into something JSON serializable.

TestResponse::jsonSearchStrings() — Method in class TestResponse

Get the strings we need to search for when examining the JSON.

TestResponse::json() — Method in class TestResponse

Validate and return the decoded response JSON.

$ FileLoader#jsonPathsProperty in class FileLoader

All of the registered paths to JSON translation files.


$ DynamoDbStore#keyAttributeProperty in class DynamoDbStore

The name of the attribute that should hold the key.

$ CacheEvent#keyProperty in class CacheEvent

The key of the event.

KeyForgottenClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
KeyWrittenClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
KernelClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Console
KernelClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Http
MessageBag::keys() — Method in class MessageBag

Get the keys present in the message bag.

Collection::keys() — Method in class Collection

Get the keys of the collection items.

$ Model#keyTypeProperty in class Model

The "type" of the primary key ID.

$ Encrypter#keyProperty in class Encrypter

The encryption key.

EncryptionServiceProvider::key() — Method in class EncryptionServiceProvider

Extract the encryption key from the given configuration.

$ Cache#keyProperty in class Cache

The cache key.

KernelClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
KeyGenerateCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
KeyGenerateCommand::keyReplacementPattern() — Method in class KeyGenerateCommand

Get a regex pattern that will match env APP_KEY with any random key.

KernelClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http
InteractsWithInput::keys() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Get the keys for all of the input and files.

$ MailgunTransport#keyProperty in class MailgunTransport

The Mailgun API key.

$ DatabaseNotification#keyTypeProperty in class DatabaseNotification

The "type" of the primary key ID.

Worker::kill() — Method in class Worker

Kill the process.

$ UrlGenerator#keyResolverProperty in class UrlGenerator

The encryption key resolver callable.

Store::keep() — Method in class Store

Reflash a subset of the current flash data.

Collection::keyBy() — Method in class Collection

Key an associative array by a field or using a callback.

Collection::keys() — Method in class Collection

Get the keys of the collection items.

Enumerable::keyBy() — Method in class Enumerable

Key an associative array by a field or using a callback.

Enumerable::keys() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the keys of the collection items.

Request::keys() — Method in class Request
LazyCollection::keyBy() — Method in class LazyCollection

Key an associative array by a field or using a callback.

LazyCollection::keys() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get the keys of the collection items.

MessageBag::keys() — Method in class MessageBag

Get the keys present in the message bag.

Str::kebab() — Method in class Str

Convert a string to kebab case.

Stringable::kebab() — Method in class Stringable

Convert a string to kebab case.

$ EnumeratesValues#keyByProperty in class EnumeratesValues


LockoutClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
LoginClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
LogoutClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
$ SessionGuard#lastAttemptedProperty in class SessionGuard

The user we last attempted to retrieve.

$ SessionGuard#loggedOutProperty in class SessionGuard

Indicates if the logout method has been called.

SessionGuard::loginUsingId() — Method in class SessionGuard

Log the given user ID into the application.

SessionGuard::login() — Method in class SessionGuard

Log a user into the application.

SessionGuard::logout() — Method in class SessionGuard

Log the user out of the application.

SessionGuard::logoutCurrentDevice() — Method in class SessionGuard

Log the user out of the application on their current device only.

SessionGuard::logoutOtherDevices() — Method in class SessionGuard

Invalidate other sessions for the current user.

LogBroadcasterClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
$ LogBroadcaster#loggerProperty in class LogBroadcaster

The logger implementation.

$ ArrayStore#locksProperty in class ArrayStore

The array of locks.

ArrayStore::lock() — Method in class ArrayStore

Get a lock instance.

$ DatabaseLock#lotteryProperty in class DatabaseLock

The prune probability odds.

$ DatabaseStore#lockTableProperty in class DatabaseStore

The name of the cache locks table.

$ DatabaseStore#lockLotteryProperty in class DatabaseStore

An array representation of the lock lottery odds.

DatabaseStore::lock() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Get a lock instance.

DynamoDbStore::lock() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Get a lock instance.

LockClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
LuaScriptsClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
MemcachedStore::lock() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Get a lock instance.

RedisStore::lock() — Method in class RedisStore

Get a lock instance.

$ Application#laravelProperty in class Application

The Laravel application instance.

$ Application#lastOutputProperty in class Application

The output from the previous command.

$ Command#laravelProperty in class Command

The Laravel application instance.

InteractsWithIO::line() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Write a string as standard output.

ManagesFrequencies::lastDayOfMonth() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run on the last day of the month.

StatefulGuard::login() — Method in class StatefulGuard

Log a user into the application.

StatefulGuard::loginUsingId() — Method in class StatefulGuard

Log the given user ID into the application.

StatefulGuard::logout() — Method in class StatefulGuard

Log the user out of the application.

LockClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
LockProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
LockProvider::lock() — Method in class LockProvider

Get a lock instance.

LockTimeoutExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
Dispatcher::listen() — Method in class Dispatcher

Register an event listener with the dispatcher.

Filesystem::lastModified() — Method in class Filesystem

Get the file's last modification time.

Application::loadDeferredProviders() — Method in class Application

Load and boot all of the remaining deferred providers.

MailQueue::later() — Method in class MailQueue

Queue a new e-mail message for sending after (n) seconds.

Mailable::later() — Method in class Mailable

Deliver the queued message after the given delay.

Mailable::locale() — Method in class Mailable

Set the locale of the message.

LengthAwarePaginatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination
LengthAwarePaginator::lastPage() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator

Get the page number of the last available page.

Paginator::lastItem() — Method in class Paginator

Get the "index" of the last item being paginated.

Monitor::looping() — Method in class Monitor

Register a callback to be executed on every iteration through the queue loop.

Queue::later() — Method in class Queue

Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.

Queue::laterOn() — Method in class Queue

Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.

LimiterTimeoutExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Redis
LoaderClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Translation
Loader::load() — Method in class Loader

Load the messages for the given locale.

$ Connection#loggingQueriesProperty in class Connection

Indicates whether queries are being logged.

Connection::logQuery() — Method in class Connection

Log a query in the connection's query log.

Connection::listen() — Method in class Connection

Register a database query listener with the connection.

Connection::logging() — Method in class Connection

Determine whether we're logging queries.

$ Builder#localMacrosProperty in class Builder

All of the locally registered builder macros.

Builder::latest() — Method in class Builder

Add an "order by" clause for a timestamp to the query.

Collection::load() — Method in class Collection

Load a set of relationships onto the collection.

Collection::loadCount() — Method in class Collection

Load a set of relationship counts onto the collection.

Collection::loadMissing() — Method in class Collection

Load a set of relationships onto the collection if they are not already eager loaded.

Collection::loadMissingRelation() — Method in class Collection

Load a relationship path if it is not already eager loaded.

Collection::loadMorph() — Method in class Collection

Load a set of relationships onto the mixed relationship collection.

Collection::loadMorphCount() — Method in class Collection

Load a set of relationship counts onto the mixed relationship collection.

Factory::load() — Method in class Factory

Load factories from path.

FactoryBuilder::lazy() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Create a model and persist it in the database if requested.

Model::load() — Method in class Model

Eager load relations on the model.

Model::loadMorph() — Method in class Model

Eager load relationships on the polymorphic relation of a model.

Model::loadMissing() — Method in class Model

Eager load relations on the model if they are not already eager loaded.

Model::loadCount() — Method in class Model

Eager load relation counts on the model.

Model::loadMorphCount() — Method in class Model

Eager load relationship counts on the polymorphic relation of a model.

$ HasManyThrough#localKeyProperty in class HasManyThrough

The local key on the relationship.

$ HasOneOrMany#localKeyProperty in class HasOneOrMany

The local key of the parent model.

DatabaseMigrationRepository::log() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

Log that a migration was run.

MigrationRepositoryInterface::log() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface

Log that a migration was run.

$ Builder#limitProperty in class Builder

The maximum number of records to return.

$ Builder#lockProperty in class Builder

Indicates whether row locking is being used.

Builder::leftJoin() — Method in class Builder

Add a left join to the query.

Builder::leftJoinWhere() — Method in class Builder

Add a "join where" clause to the query.

Builder::leftJoinSub() — Method in class Builder

Add a subquery left join to the query.

Builder::latest() — Method in class Builder

Add an "order by" clause for a timestamp to the query.

Builder::limit() — Method in class Builder

Set the "limit" value of the query.

Builder::lock() — Method in class Builder

Lock the selected rows in the table.

Builder::lockForUpdate() — Method in class Builder

Lock the selected rows in the table for updating.

Blueprint::longText() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new long text column on the table.

Blueprint::lineString() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new linestring column on the table.

$ Dispatcher#listenersProperty in class Dispatcher

The registered event listeners.

Dispatcher::listen() — Method in class Dispatcher

Register an event listener with the dispatcher.

NullDispatcher::listen() — Method in class NullDispatcher

Register an event listener with the dispatcher.

Cache::load() — Method in class Cache

Load the cache.

Filesystem::link() — Method in class Filesystem

Create a symlink to the target file or directory. On Windows, a hard link is created if the target is a file.

Filesystem::lastModified() — Method in class Filesystem

Get the file's last modification time.

FilesystemAdapter::lastModified() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get the file's last modification time.

AliasLoader::load() — Method in class AliasLoader

Load a class alias if it is registered.

AliasLoader::loadFacade() — Method in class AliasLoader

Load a real-time facade for the given alias.

$ Application#loadedProvidersProperty in class Application

The names of the loaded service providers.

Application::langPath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the language files.

Application::loadEnvironmentFrom() — Method in class Application

Set the environment file to be loaded during bootstrapping.

Application::loadDeferredProviders() — Method in class Application

Load and boot all of the remaining deferred providers.

Application::loadDeferredProvider() — Method in class Application

Load the provider for a deferred service.

Application::loadDeferredProviderIfNeeded() — Method in class Application

Load the deferred provider if the given type is a deferred service and the instance has not been loaded.

LoadConfigurationClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
LoadConfiguration::loadConfigurationFiles() — Method in class LoadConfiguration

Load the configuration items from all of the files.

LoadEnvironmentVariablesClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
Kernel::load() — Method in class Kernel

Register all of the commands in the given directory.

ListenerMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
StorageLinkCommand::links() — Method in class StorageLinkCommand

Get the symbolic links that are configured for the application.

LocaleUpdatedClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Events
$ LocaleUpdated#localeProperty in class LocaleUpdated

The new locale.

ProviderRepository::load() — Method in class ProviderRepository

Register the application service providers.

ProviderRepository::loadManifest() — Method in class ProviderRepository

Load the service provider manifest JSON file.

$ EventServiceProvider#listenProperty in class EventServiceProvider

The event handler mappings for the application.

EventServiceProvider::listens() — Method in class EventServiceProvider

Get the events and handlers.

RouteServiceProvider::loadCachedRoutes() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider

Load the cached routes for the application.

RouteServiceProvider::loadRoutes() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider

Load the application routes.

$ MessageLogged#levelProperty in class MessageLogged

The log "level".

LogManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Log
LogManager::log() — Method in class LogManager

Logs with an arbitrary level.

LogServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Log
LoggerClass in namespace Illuminate\Log
$ Logger#loggerProperty in class Logger

The underlying logger implementation.

Logger::log() — Method in class Logger

Log a message to the logs.

Logger::listen() — Method in class Logger

Register a new callback handler for when a log event is triggered.

$ ParsesLogConfiguration#levelsProperty in class ParsesLogConfiguration

The Log levels.

ParsesLogConfiguration::level() — Method in class ParsesLogConfiguration

Parse the string level into a Monolog constant.

$ Mailable#localeProperty in class Mailable

The locale of the message.

Mailable::later() — Method in class Mailable

Deliver the queued message after the given delay.

Mailable::locale() — Method in class Mailable

Set the locale of the message.

Mailer::later() — Method in class Mailer

Queue a new e-mail message for sending after (n) seconds.

Mailer::laterOn() — Method in class Mailer

Queue a new e-mail message for sending after (n) seconds on the given queue.

Markdown::loadComponentsFrom() — Method in class Markdown

Register new mail component paths.

$ PendingMail#localeProperty in class PendingMail

The locale of the message.

PendingMail::locale() — Method in class PendingMail

Set the locale of the message.

PendingMail::later() — Method in class PendingMail

Deliver the queued message after the given delay.

LogTransportClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
$ LogTransport#loggerProperty in class LogTransport

The Logger instance.

LogTransport::logger() — Method in class LogTransport

Get the logger for the LogTransport instance.

$ ChannelManager#localeProperty in class ChannelManager

The locale used when sending notifications.

ChannelManager::locale() — Method in class ChannelManager

Set the locale of notifications.

$ SimpleMessage#levelProperty in class SimpleMessage

The "level" of the notification (info, success, error).

SimpleMessage::level() — Method in class SimpleMessage

Set the "level" of the notification (success, error, etc.).

SimpleMessage::line() — Method in class SimpleMessage

Add a line of text to the notification.

$ Notification#localeProperty in class Notification

The locale to be used when sending the notification.

Notification::locale() — Method in class Notification

Set the locale to send this notification in.

$ NotificationSender#localeProperty in class NotificationSender

The locale to be used when sending notifications.

AbstractPaginator::loadMorph() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Load a set of relationships onto the mixed relationship collection.

AbstractPaginator::loadMorphCount() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Load a set of relationship counts onto the mixed relationship collection.

AbstractPaginator::lastItem() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Get the number of the last item in the slice.

LengthAwarePaginatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
$ LengthAwarePaginator#lastPageProperty in class LengthAwarePaginator

The last available page.

LengthAwarePaginator::links() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator

Render the paginator using the given view.

LengthAwarePaginator::lastPage() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator

Get the page number of the last available page.

Paginator::links() — Method in class Paginator

Render the paginator using the given view.

UrlWindow::lastPage() — Method in class UrlWindow

Get the last page from the paginator.

BeanstalkdQueue::later() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue

Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.

Manager::later() — Method in class Manager

Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.

ListFailedCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
ListenCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
$ ListenCommand#listenerProperty in class ListenCommand

The queue listener instance.

WorkCommand::listenForEvents() — Method in class WorkCommand

Listen for the queue events in order to update the console output.

WorkCommand::logFailedJob() — Method in class WorkCommand

Store a failed job event.

DatabaseQueue::later() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.

LoopingClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
DatabaseFailedJobProvider::log() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider

Log a failed job into storage.

DynamoDbFailedJobProvider::log() — Method in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider

Log a failed job into storage.

FailedJobProviderInterface::log() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface

Log a failed job into storage.

NullFailedJobProvider::log() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider

Log a failed job into storage.

ListenerClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
Listener::listen() — Method in class Listener

Listen to the given queue connection.

ListenerOptionsClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
LuaScriptsClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
NullQueue::later() — Method in class NullQueue

Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.

Queue::laterOn() — Method in class Queue

Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.

QueueManager::looping() — Method in class QueueManager

Register an event listener for the daemon queue loop.

RedisQueue::later() — Method in class RedisQueue

Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.

RedisQueue::laterRaw() — Method in class RedisQueue

Push a raw job onto the queue after a delay.

SqsQueue::later() — Method in class SqsQueue

Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.

SyncQueue::later() — Method in class SyncQueue

Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.

Worker::listenForSignals() — Method in class Worker

Enable async signals for the process.

Connection::listen() — Method in class Connection

Register a Redis command listener with the connection.

PhpRedisConnection::lrem() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Removes the first count occurrences of the value element from the list.

ConcurrencyLimiter::lockScript() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiter

Get the Lua script for acquiring a lock.

ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder::limit() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder

Set the maximum number of locks that can obtained per time window.

DurationLimiter::luaScript() — Method in class DurationLimiter

Get the Lua script for acquiring a lock.

$ ThrottleRequests#limiterProperty in class ThrottleRequests

The rate limiter instance.

$ Route#lockSecondsProperty in class Route

Indicates the maximum number of seconds the route should acquire a session lock for.

Route::locksFor() — Method in class Route

Get the maximum number of seconds the route's session lock should be held for.

Router::loadRoutes() — Method in class Router

Load the provided routes.

AuthenticateSession::logout() — Method in class AuthenticateSession

Log the user out of the application.

Store::loadSession() — Method in class Store

Load the session data from the handler.

Arr::last() — Method in class Arr

Return the last element in an array passing a given truth test.

Collection::lazy() — Method in class Collection

Get a lazy collection for the items in this collection.

Collection::last() — Method in class Collection

Get the last item from the collection.

DateFactory::localeHasDiffOneDayWords() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::localeHasDiffSyntax() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::localeHasDiffTwoDayWords() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::localeHasPeriodSyntax() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::localeHasShortUnits() — Method in class DateFactory
Enumerable::last() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the last item from the collection.

App::loadEnvironmentFrom() — Method in class App
App::loadDeferredProviders() — Method in class App
Auth::loginUsingId() — Method in class Auth
Auth::logoutOtherDevices() — Method in class Auth
Auth::login() — Method in class Auth
Auth::logout() — Method in class Auth
Cache::lock() — Method in class Cache
DB::logging() — Method in class DB
DB::listen() — Method in class DB
Date::localeHasDiffOneDayWords() — Method in class Date
Date::localeHasDiffSyntax() — Method in class Date
Date::localeHasDiffTwoDayWords() — Method in class Date
Date::localeHasPeriodSyntax() — Method in class Date
Date::localeHasShortUnits() — Method in class Date
Event::listen() — Method in class Event
File::lastModified() — Method in class File
File::link() — Method in class File
LangClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
LogClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Log::log() — Method in class Log
Mail::later() — Method in class Mail
Notification::locale() — Method in class Notification
Queue::later() — Method in class Queue
Queue::laterOn() — Method in class Queue
Storage::lastModified() — Method in class Storage
LazyCollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
LazyCollection::last() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get the last item from the collection.

ServiceProvider::loadRoutesFrom() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Load the given routes file if routes are not already cached.

ServiceProvider::loadViewsFrom() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Register a view file namespace.

ServiceProvider::loadViewComponentsAs() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Register the given view components with a custom prefix.

ServiceProvider::loadTranslationsFrom() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Register a translation file namespace.

ServiceProvider::loadJsonTranslationsFrom() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Register a JSON translation file path.

ServiceProvider::loadMigrationsFrom() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Register database migration paths.

ServiceProvider::loadFactoriesFrom() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Register Eloquent model factory paths.

Str::length() — Method in class Str

Return the length of the given string.

Str::limit() — Method in class Str

Limit the number of characters in a string.

Str::lower() — Method in class Str

Convert the given string to lower-case.

Stringable::length() — Method in class Stringable

Return the length of the given string.

Stringable::limit() — Method in class Stringable

Limit the number of characters in a string.

Stringable::lower() — Method in class Stringable

Convert the given string to lower-case.

Stringable::ltrim() — Method in class Stringable

Left trim the string of the given characters.

EventFake::listen() — Method in class EventFake

Register an event listener with the dispatcher.

MailFake::later() — Method in class MailFake

Queue a new e-mail message for sending after (n) seconds.

$ NotificationFake#localeProperty in class NotificationFake

Locale used when sending notifications.

NotificationFake::locale() — Method in class NotificationFake

Set the locale of notifications.

QueueFake::later() — Method in class QueueFake

Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.

QueueFake::laterOn() — Method in class QueueFake

Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.

LocalizableClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
ArrayLoader::load() — Method in class ArrayLoader

Load the messages for the given locale.

FileLoader::load() — Method in class FileLoader

Load the messages for the given locale.

FileLoader::loadNamespaced() — Method in class FileLoader

Load a namespaced translation group.

FileLoader::loadNamespaceOverrides() — Method in class FileLoader

Load a local namespaced translation group for overrides.

FileLoader::loadPath() — Method in class FileLoader

Load a locale from a given path.

FileLoader::loadJsonPaths() — Method in class FileLoader

Load a locale from the given JSON file path.

$ Translator#loaderProperty in class Translator

The loader implementation.

$ Translator#localeProperty in class Translator

The default locale being used by the translator.

$ Translator#loadedProperty in class Translator

The array of loaded translation groups.

Translator::localeForChoice() — Method in class Translator

Get the proper locale for a choice operation.

Translator::load() — Method in class Translator

Load the specified language group.

Translator::localeArray() — Method in class Translator

Get the array of locales to be checked.

Translator::locale() — Method in class Translator

Get the default locale being used.

$ CompilesLayouts#lastSectionProperty in class CompilesLayouts

The name of the last section that was started.

$ ManagesLoops#loopsStackProperty in class ManagesLoops

The stack of in-progress loops.

$ CompilerEngine#lastCompiledProperty in class CompilerEngine

A stack of the last compiled templates.

$ Engine#lastRenderedProperty in class Engine

The view that was last to be rendered.


Gate::methodAllowsGuests() — Method in class Gate

Determine if the given class method allows guests.

$ Response#messageProperty in class Response

The response message.

Response::message() — Method in class Response

Get the response message.

$ EloquentUserProvider#modelProperty in class EloquentUserProvider

The Eloquent user model.

MustVerifyEmailClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
MustVerifyEmail::markEmailAsVerified() — Method in class MustVerifyEmail

Mark the given user's email as verified.

Dispatcher::map() — Method in class Dispatcher

Map a command to a handler.

$ Queueable#middlewareProperty in class Queueable

The middleware the job should be dispatched through.

DynamoDbStore::many() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.

MemcachedConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
MemcachedLockClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
$ MemcachedLock#memcachedProperty in class MemcachedLock

The Memcached instance.

MemcachedStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
$ MemcachedStore#memcachedProperty in class MemcachedStore

The Memcached instance.

MemcachedStore::many() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.

RedisStore::many() — Method in class RedisStore

Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.

Repository::missing() — Method in class Repository

Determine if an item doesn't exist in the cache.

Repository::many() — Method in class Repository

Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.

RetrievesMultipleKeys::many() — Method in class RetrievesMultipleKeys

Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.

GeneratorCommand::makeDirectory() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Build the directory for the class if necessary.

CallbackEvent::mutexName() — Method in class CallbackEvent

Get the mutex name for the scheduled command.

$ Event#mutexProperty in class Event

The event mutex implementation.

Event::mutexName() — Method in class Event

Get the mutex name for the scheduled command.

ManagesFrequenciesClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
ManagesFrequencies::mondays() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run only on Mondays.

ManagesFrequencies::monthly() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run monthly.

ManagesFrequencies::monthlyOn() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run monthly on a given day and time.

$ Container#methodBindingsProperty in class Container

The container's method bindings.

Container::makeWith() — Method in class Container

An alias function name for make().

Container::make() — Method in class Container

Resolve the given type from the container.

MustVerifyEmailClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
MustVerifyEmail::markEmailAsVerified() — Method in class MustVerifyEmail

Mark the given user's email as verified.

Dispatcher::map() — Method in class Dispatcher

Map a command to a handler.

Store::many() — Method in class Store

Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.

Container::make() — Method in class Container

Resolve the given type from the container.

Factory::make() — Method in class Factory

Create a new cookie instance.

MigrationEventClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Events
ModelIdentifierClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database
Filesystem::move() — Method in class Filesystem

Move a file to a new location.

Filesystem::makeDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem

Create a directory.

Hasher::make() — Method in class Hasher

Hash the given value.

Factory::mailer() — Method in class Factory

Get a mailer instance by name.

MailQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Mail
MailableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Mail
Mailable::mailer() — Method in class Mailable

Set the name of the mailer that should be used to send the message.

MailerClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Mail
Job::markAsFailed() — Method in class Job

Mark the job as "failed".

Job::maxTries() — Method in class Job

Get the number of times to attempt a job.

Job::maxExceptions() — Method in class Job

Get the maximum number of exceptions allowed, regardless of attempts.

MonitorClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
Registrar::match() — Method in class Registrar

Register a new route with the given verbs.

ResponseFactory::make() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new response instance.

Session::migrate() — Method in class Session

Generate a new session ID for the session.

MessageBagClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
MessageBag::merge() — Method in class MessageBag

Merge a new array of messages into the bag.

MessageProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
Factory::make() — Method in class Factory

Create a new Validator instance.

Rule::message() — Method in class Rule

Get the validation error message.

Factory::make() — Method in class Factory

Get the evaluated view contents for the given view.

CookieJar::make() — Method in class CookieJar

Create a new cookie instance.

ManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Capsule
$ Manager#managerProperty in class Manager

The database manager instance.

ManagesTransactionsClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Concerns
ConnectionFactory::make() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Establish a PDO connection based on the configuration.

ConnectionFactory::mergeReadWriteConfig() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Merge a configuration for a read / write connection.

MySqlConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
MigrateCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
$ MigrateCommand#migratorProperty in class MigrateCommand

The migrator instance.

MigrateMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
$ ResetCommand#migratorProperty in class ResetCommand

The migrator instance.

$ RollbackCommand#migratorProperty in class RollbackCommand

The migrator instance.

$ StatusCommand#migratorProperty in class StatusCommand

The migrator instance.

DatabaseManager::makeConnection() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Make the database connection instance.

$ Builder#modelProperty in class Builder

The model being queried.

$ Builder#macrosProperty in class Builder

All of the globally registered builder macros.

Builder::make() — Method in class Builder

Create and return an un-saved model instance.

Collection::modelKeys() — Method in class Collection

Get the array of primary keys.

Collection::merge() — Method in class Collection

Merge the collection with the given items.

Collection::map() — Method in class Collection

Run a map over each of the items.

Collection::mapWithKeys() — Method in class Collection

Run an associative map over each of the items.

Collection::makeHidden() — Method in class Collection

Make the given, typically visible, attributes hidden across the entire collection.

Collection::makeVisible() — Method in class Collection

Make the given, typically hidden, attributes visible across the entire collection.

GuardsAttributes::mergeFillable() — Method in class GuardsAttributes

Merge new fillable attributes with existing fillable attributes on the model.

GuardsAttributes::mergeGuarded() — Method in class GuardsAttributes

Merge new guarded attributes with existing guarded attributes on the model.

$ HasAttributes#mutatorCacheProperty in class HasAttributes

The cache of the mutated attributes for each class.

HasAttributes::mutateAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get the value of an attribute using its mutator.

HasAttributes::mutateAttributeForArray() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get the value of an attribute using its mutator for array conversion.

HasAttributes::mergeCasts() — Method in class HasAttributes

Merge new casts with existing casts on the model.

HasAttributes::mergeAttributesFromClassCasts() — Method in class HasAttributes

Merge the cast class attributes back into the model.

$ HasRelationships#manyMethodsProperty in class HasRelationships

The many to many relationship methods.

HasRelationships::morphOne() — Method in class HasRelationships

Define a polymorphic one-to-one relationship.

HasRelationships::morphTo() — Method in class HasRelationships

Define a polymorphic, inverse one-to-one or many relationship.

HasRelationships::morphEagerTo() — Method in class HasRelationships

Define a polymorphic, inverse one-to-one or many relationship.

HasRelationships::morphInstanceTo() — Method in class HasRelationships

Define a polymorphic, inverse one-to-one or many relationship.

HasRelationships::morphMany() — Method in class HasRelationships

Define a polymorphic one-to-many relationship.

HasRelationships::morphToMany() — Method in class HasRelationships

Define a polymorphic many-to-many relationship.

HasRelationships::morphedByMany() — Method in class HasRelationships

Define a polymorphic, inverse many-to-many relationship.

HidesAttributes::makeVisible() — Method in class HidesAttributes

Make the given, typically hidden, attributes visible.

HidesAttributes::makeVisibleIf() — Method in class HidesAttributes

Make the given, typically hidden, attributes visible if the given truth test passes.

HidesAttributes::makeHidden() — Method in class HidesAttributes

Make the given, typically visible, attributes hidden.

HidesAttributes::makeHiddenIf() — Method in class HidesAttributes

Make the given, typically visible, attributes hidden if the given truth test passes.

QueriesRelationships::mergeConstraintsFrom() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Merge the where constraints from another query to the current query.

Factory::make() — Method in class Factory

Create an instance of the given model.

FactoryBuilder::make() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Create a collection of models.

FactoryBuilder::makeInstance() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Make an instance of the model with the given attributes.

$ HigherOrderBuilderProxy#methodProperty in class HigherOrderBuilderProxy

The method being proxied.

MassAssignmentExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
ModelClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
ModelNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
$ ModelNotFoundException#modelProperty in class ModelNotFoundException

Name of the affected Eloquent model.

$ RelationNotFoundException#modelProperty in class RelationNotFoundException

The name of the affected Eloquent model.

RelationNotFoundException::make() — Method in class RelationNotFoundException

Create a new exception instance.

BelongsTo::match() — Method in class BelongsTo

Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.

BelongsToMany::match() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.

BelongsToMany::migratePivotAttributes() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the pivot attributes from a model.

HasMany::match() — Method in class HasMany

Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.

HasManyThrough::match() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.

HasOne::match() — Method in class HasOne

Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.

HasOneOrMany::make() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Create and return an un-saved instance of the related model.

HasOneOrMany::makeMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Create and return an un-saved instances of the related models.

HasOneOrMany::matchOne() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Match the eagerly loaded results to their single parents.

HasOneOrMany::matchMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Match the eagerly loaded results to their many parents.

HasOneOrMany::matchOneOrMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Match the eagerly loaded results to their many parents.

HasOneThrough::match() — Method in class HasOneThrough

Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.

MorphManyClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
MorphMany::match() — Method in class MorphMany

Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.

MorphOneClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
MorphOne::match() — Method in class MorphOne

Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.

MorphOneOrManyClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
$ MorphOneOrMany#morphTypeProperty in class MorphOneOrMany

The foreign key type for the relationship.

$ MorphOneOrMany#morphClassProperty in class MorphOneOrMany

The class name of the parent model.

MorphPivotClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
$ MorphPivot#morphTypeProperty in class MorphPivot

The type of the polymorphic relation.

$ MorphPivot#morphClassProperty in class MorphPivot

The value of the polymorphic relation.

MorphToClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
$ MorphTo#morphTypeProperty in class MorphTo

The type of the polymorphic relation.

$ MorphTo#modelsProperty in class MorphTo

The models whose relations are being eager loaded.

$ MorphTo#macroBufferProperty in class MorphTo

A buffer of dynamic calls to query macros.

$ MorphTo#morphableEagerLoadsProperty in class MorphTo

A map of relations to load for each individual morph type.

$ MorphTo#morphableEagerLoadCountsProperty in class MorphTo

A map of relationship counts to load for each individual morph type.

MorphTo::match() — Method in class MorphTo

Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.

MorphTo::matchToMorphParents() — Method in class MorphTo

Match the results for a given type to their parents.

MorphTo::morphWith() — Method in class MorphTo

Specify which relations to load for a given morph type.

MorphTo::morphWithCount() — Method in class MorphTo

Specify which relationship counts to load for a given morph type.

MorphToManyClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
$ MorphToMany#morphTypeProperty in class MorphToMany

The type of the polymorphic relation.

$ MorphToMany#morphClassProperty in class MorphToMany

The class name of the morph type constraint.

$ Relation#morphMapProperty in class Relation

An array to map class names to their morph names in database.

Relation::match() — Method in class Relation

Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.

Relation::morphMap() — Method in class Relation

Set or get the morph map for polymorphic relations.

MigrationEndedClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
MigrationEventClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
$ MigrationEvent#migrationProperty in class MigrationEvent

An migration instance.

$ MigrationEvent#methodProperty in class MigrationEvent

The migration method that was called.

MigrationStartedClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
MigrationsEndedClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
MigrationsStartedClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
$ NoPendingMigrations#methodProperty in class NoPendingMigrations

The migration method that was called.

MigrationServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
MigrationClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
MigrationCreatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
MigrationRepositoryInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
MigratorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
MySqlConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
Builder::mergeWheres() — Method in class Builder

Merge an array of where clauses and bindings.

Builder::min() — Method in class Builder

Retrieve the minimum value of a given column.

Builder::max() — Method in class Builder

Retrieve the maximum value of a given column.

Builder::mergeBindings() — Method in class Builder

Merge an array of bindings into our bindings.

MySqlGrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
MySqlProcessorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
Blueprint::mediumIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new auto-incrementing medium integer (3-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::mediumText() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new medium text column on the table.

Blueprint::mediumInteger() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new medium integer (3-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::macAddress() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new MAC address column on the table.

Blueprint::multiPoint() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new multipoint column on the table.

Blueprint::multiLineString() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new multilinestring column on the table.

Blueprint::multiPolygon() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new multipolygon column on the table.

Blueprint::multiPolygonZ() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new multipolygon column on the table.

Blueprint::morphs() — Method in class Blueprint

Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table.

ChangeColumn::mapFluentOptionToDoctrine() — Method in class ChangeColumn

Get the matching Doctrine option for a given Fluent attribute name.

ChangeColumn::mapFluentValueToDoctrine() — Method in class ChangeColumn

Get the matching Doctrine value for a given Fluent attribute.

MySqlGrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
$ MySqlGrammar#modifiersProperty in class MySqlGrammar

The possible column modifiers.

MySqlGrammar::modifyVirtualAs() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Get the SQL for a generated virtual column modifier.

MySqlGrammar::modifyStoredAs() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Get the SQL for a generated stored column modifier.

MySqlGrammar::modifyUnsigned() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Get the SQL for an unsigned column modifier.

MySqlGrammar::modifyCharset() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Get the SQL for a character set column modifier.

MySqlGrammar::modifyCollate() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Get the SQL for a collation column modifier.

MySqlGrammar::modifyNullable() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Get the SQL for a nullable column modifier.

MySqlGrammar::modifyDefault() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Get the SQL for a default column modifier.

MySqlGrammar::modifyIncrement() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Get the SQL for an auto-increment column modifier.

MySqlGrammar::modifyFirst() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Get the SQL for a "first" column modifier.

MySqlGrammar::modifyAfter() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Get the SQL for an "after" column modifier.

MySqlGrammar::modifyComment() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Get the SQL for a "comment" column modifier.

MySqlGrammar::modifySrid() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Get the SQL for a SRID column modifier.

$ PostgresGrammar#modifiersProperty in class PostgresGrammar

The possible column modifiers.

PostgresGrammar::modifyCollate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Get the SQL for a collation column modifier.

PostgresGrammar::modifyNullable() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Get the SQL for a nullable column modifier.

PostgresGrammar::modifyDefault() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Get the SQL for a default column modifier.

PostgresGrammar::modifyIncrement() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Get the SQL for an auto-increment column modifier.

PostgresGrammar::modifyVirtualAs() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Get the SQL for a generated virtual column modifier.

PostgresGrammar::modifyStoredAs() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Get the SQL for a generated stored column modifier.

$ SQLiteGrammar#modifiersProperty in class SQLiteGrammar

The possible column modifiers.

SQLiteGrammar::modifyNullable() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Get the SQL for a nullable column modifier.

SQLiteGrammar::modifyDefault() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Get the SQL for a default column modifier.

SQLiteGrammar::modifyIncrement() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Get the SQL for an auto-increment column modifier.

$ SqlServerGrammar#modifiersProperty in class SqlServerGrammar

The possible column modifiers.

SqlServerGrammar::modifyCollate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Get the SQL for a collation column modifier.

SqlServerGrammar::modifyNullable() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Get the SQL for a nullable column modifier.

SqlServerGrammar::modifyDefault() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Get the SQL for a default column modifier.

SqlServerGrammar::modifyIncrement() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Get the SQL for an auto-increment column modifier.

SqlServerGrammar::modifyPersisted() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Get the SQL for a generated stored column modifier.

MySqlBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
$ CallQueuedListener#methodProperty in class CallQueuedListener

The listener method.

Dispatcher::makeListener() — Method in class Dispatcher

Register an event listener with the dispatcher.

Filesystem::missing() — Method in class Filesystem

Determine if a file or directory is missing.

Filesystem::move() — Method in class Filesystem

Move a file to a new location.

Filesystem::mimeType() — Method in class Filesystem

Get the mime-type of a given file.

Filesystem::makeDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem

Create a directory.

Filesystem::moveDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem

Move a directory.

FilesystemAdapter::missing() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Determine if a file or directory is missing.

FilesystemAdapter::move() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Move a file to a new location.

FilesystemAdapter::mimeType() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get the mime-type of a given file.

FilesystemAdapter::makeDirectory() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Create a directory.

Application::markAsRegistered() — Method in class Application

Mark the given provider as registered.

Application::make() — Method in class Application

Resolve the given type from the container.

EventGenerateCommand::makeEventAndListeners() — Method in class EventGenerateCommand

Make the event and listeners for the given event.

EventGenerateCommand::makeListeners() — Method in class EventGenerateCommand

Make the listeners for the given event.

MailMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ModelMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
VendorPublishCommand::moveManagedFiles() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand

Move all the files in the given MountManager.

MaintenanceModeExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Exceptions
FormRequest::messages() — Method in class FormRequest

Get custom messages for validator errors.

$ Kernel#middlewareProperty in class Kernel

The application's middleware stack.

$ Kernel#middlewareGroupsProperty in class Kernel

The application's route middleware groups.

$ Kernel#middlewarePriorityProperty in class Kernel

The priority-sorted list of middleware.

MixClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
$ PackageManifest#manifestPathProperty in class PackageManifest

The manifest path.

$ PackageManifest#manifestProperty in class PackageManifest

The loaded manifest array.

$ ProviderRepository#manifestPathProperty in class ProviderRepository

The path to the manifest file.

$ InteractsWithConsole#mockConsoleOutputProperty in class InteractsWithConsole

Indicates if the console output should be mocked.

InteractsWithContainer::mock() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer

Mock an instance of an object in the container.

MakesHttpRequestsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
MocksApplicationServicesClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
RefreshDatabase::migrateUsing() — Method in class RefreshDatabase

The parameters that should be used when running "migrate".

RefreshDatabase::migrateFreshUsing() — Method in class RefreshDatabase

The parameters that should be used when running "migrate:fresh".

$ RefreshDatabaseState#migratedProperty in class RefreshDatabaseState

Indicates if the test database has been migrated.

WithFaker::makeFaker() — Method in class WithFaker

Create a Faker instance for the given locale.

$ ArgonHasher#memoryProperty in class ArgonHasher

The default memory cost factor.

ArgonHasher::make() — Method in class ArgonHasher

Hash the given value.

ArgonHasher::memory() — Method in class ArgonHasher

Extract the memory cost value from the options array.

BcryptHasher::make() — Method in class BcryptHasher

Hash the given value.

HashManager::make() — Method in class HashManager

Hash the given value.

$ PendingRequest#middlewareProperty in class PendingRequest

The middleware callables added by users that will handle requests.

PendingRequest::mergeOptions() — Method in class PendingRequest

Merge the given options with the current request options.

Request::method() — Method in class Request

Get the request method.

InteractsWithContentTypes::matchesType() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes

Determine if the given content types match.

InteractsWithInput::missing() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Determine if the request is missing a given input item key.

Request::method() — Method in class Request

Get the request method.

Request::merge() — Method in class Request

Merge new input into the current request's input array.

ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::mergeData() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes

Merge the given data in at the given index.

ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::merge() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes

Merge a value into the array.

ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::mergeWhen() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes

Merge a value based on a given condition.

JsonResource::make() — Method in class JsonResource

Create a new resource instance.

PaginatedResourceResponse::meta() — Method in class PaginatedResourceResponse

Gather the meta data for the response.

MergeValueClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources
MissingValueClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources
Response::morphToJson() — Method in class Response

Morph the given content into JSON.

$ File#mimeTypeToReportProperty in class File

The MIME type to report.

File::mimeType() — Method in class File

Set the "MIME type" for the file.

MimeTypeClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Testing
MessageLoggedClass in namespace Illuminate\Log\Events
$ MessageLogged#messageProperty in class MessageLogged

The log message.

MessageSendingClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Events
$ MessageSending#messageProperty in class MessageSending

The Swift message instance.

MessageSentClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Events
$ MessageSent#messageProperty in class MessageSent

The Swift message instance.

MailManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail
$ MailManager#mailersProperty in class MailManager

The array of resolved mailers.

MailManager::mailer() — Method in class MailManager

Get a mailer instance by name.

MailServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail
MailableClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail
$ Mailable#markdownProperty in class Mailable

The Markdown template for the message (if applicable).

$ Mailable#mailerProperty in class Mailable

The name of the mailer that should send the message.

Mailable::markdown() — Method in class Mailable

Set the Markdown template for the message.

Mailable::mailer() — Method in class Mailable

Set the name of the mailer that should send the message.

MailerClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail
MarkdownClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail
MessageClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail
$ PendingMail#mailerProperty in class PendingMail

The mailer instance.

$ SendQueuedMailable#mailableProperty in class SendQueuedMailable

The mailable message instance.

$ ArrayTransport#messagesProperty in class ArrayTransport

The collection of Swift Messages.

ArrayTransport::messages() — Method in class ArrayTransport

Retrieve the collection of messages.

MailgunTransportClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
MailChannelClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Channels
$ MailChannel#mailerProperty in class MailChannel

The mailer implementation.

$ MailChannel#markdownProperty in class MailChannel

The markdown implementation.

MailChannel::messageBuilder() — Method in class MailChannel

Get the mailer Closure for the message.

DatabaseNotification::markAsRead() — Method in class DatabaseNotification

Mark the notification as read.

DatabaseNotification::markAsUnread() — Method in class DatabaseNotification

Mark the notification as unread.

DatabaseNotificationCollection::markAsRead() — Method in class DatabaseNotificationCollection

Mark all notifications as read.

DatabaseNotificationCollection::markAsUnread() — Method in class DatabaseNotificationCollection

Mark all notifications as unread.

MailMessageClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Messages
$ MailMessage#markdownProperty in class MailMessage

The Markdown template to render (if applicable).

MailMessage::markdown() — Method in class MailMessage

Set the Markdown template for the notification.

$ SimpleMessage#mailerProperty in class SimpleMessage

The name of the mailer that should send the notification.

SimpleMessage::mailer() — Method in class SimpleMessage

Set the name of the mailer that should send the notification.

$ NotificationSender#managerProperty in class NotificationSender

The notification manager instance.

UrlWindow::make() — Method in class UrlWindow

Create a new URL window instance.

$ Pipeline#methodProperty in class Pipeline

The method to call on each pipe.

ManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Capsule
$ Manager#managerProperty in class Manager

The queue manager instance.

ListFailedCommand::matchJobName() — Method in class ListFailedCommand

Match the job name from the payload.

DatabaseQueue::marshalJob() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Marshal the reserved job into a DatabaseJob instance.

DatabaseQueue::markJobAsReserved() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Mark the given job ID as reserved.

Job::markAsFailed() — Method in class Job

Mark the job as "failed".

Job::maxTries() — Method in class Job

Get the number of times to attempt a job.

Job::maxExceptions() — Method in class Job

Get the number of times to attempt a job after an exception.

$ Listener#maxTriesProperty in class Listener

The amount of times to try a job before logging it failed.

Listener::makeProcess() — Method in class Listener

Create a new Symfony process for the worker.

Listener::memoryExceeded() — Method in class Listener

Determine if the memory limit has been exceeded.

LuaScripts::migrateExpiredJobs() — Method in class LuaScripts

Get the Lua script to migrate expired jobs back onto the queue.

ManuallyFailedExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
MaxAttemptsExceededExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
RedisQueue::migrate() — Method in class RedisQueue

Migrate any delayed or expired jobs onto the primary queue.

RedisQueue::migrateExpiredJobs() — Method in class RedisQueue

Migrate the delayed jobs that are ready to the regular queue.

$ Worker#managerProperty in class Worker

The queue manager instance.

Worker::markJobAsFailedIfAlreadyExceedsMaxAttempts() — Method in class Worker

Mark the given job as failed if it has exceeded the maximum allowed attempts.

Worker::markJobAsFailedIfWillExceedMaxAttempts() — Method in class Worker

Mark the given job as failed if it has exceeded the maximum allowed attempts.

Worker::markJobAsFailedIfWillExceedMaxExceptions() — Method in class Worker

Mark the given job as failed if it has exceeded the maximum allowed attempts.

Worker::memoryExceeded() — Method in class Worker

Determine if the memory limit has been exceeded.

Worker::maxAttemptsExceededException() — Method in class Worker

Create an instance of MaxAttemptsExceededException.

$ WorkerOptions#memoryProperty in class WorkerOptions

The maximum amount of RAM the worker may consume.

$ WorkerOptions#maxTriesProperty in class WorkerOptions

The maximum amount of times a job may be attempted.

PhpRedisConnection::mget() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Get the values of all the given keys.

$ ConcurrencyLimiter#maxLocksProperty in class ConcurrencyLimiter

The allowed number of concurrent tasks.

$ ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder#maxLocksProperty in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder

The maximum number of entities that can hold the lock at the same time.

$ DurationLimiterBuilder#maxLocksProperty in class DurationLimiterBuilder

The maximum number of locks that can obtained per time window.

AbstractRouteCollection::matchAgainstRoutes() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection

Determine if a route in the array matches the request.

AbstractRouteCollection::methodNotAllowed() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection

Throw a method not allowed HTTP exception.

CompiledRouteCollection::match() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection

Find the first route matching a given request.

MiddlewareMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Console
$ Controller#middlewareProperty in class Controller

The middleware registered on the controller.

Controller::middleware() — Method in class Controller

Register middleware on the controller.

ControllerDispatcher::methodExcludedByOptions() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher

Determine if the given options exclude a particular method.

HostValidator::matches() — Method in class HostValidator

Validate a given rule against a route and request.

MethodValidatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
MethodValidator::matches() — Method in class MethodValidator

Validate a given rule against a route and request.

SchemeValidator::matches() — Method in class SchemeValidator

Validate a given rule against a route and request.

UriValidator::matches() — Method in class UriValidator

Validate a given rule against a route and request.

ValidatorInterface::matches() — Method in class ValidatorInterface

Validate a given rule against a route and request.

MiddlewareNameResolverClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
PendingResourceRegistration::middleware() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration

Add middleware to the resource routes.

ResponseFactory::make() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new response instance.

$ Route#methodsProperty in class Route

The HTTP methods the route responds to.

Route::matches() — Method in class Route

Determine if the route matches a given request.

Route::methods() — Method in class Route

Get the HTTP verbs the route responds to.

Route::middleware() — Method in class Route

Get or set the middlewares attached to the route.

RouteAction::missingAction() — Method in class RouteAction

Get an action for a route that has no action.

RouteAction::makeInvokable() — Method in class RouteAction

Make an action for an invokable controller.

RouteCollection::match() — Method in class RouteCollection

Find the first route matching a given request.

RouteCollectionInterface::match() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface

Find the first route matching a given request.

RouteGroup::merge() — Method in class RouteGroup

Merge route groups into a new array.

RouteParameterBinder::matchToKeys() — Method in class RouteParameterBinder

Combine a set of parameter matches with the route's keys.

RouteRegistrar::match() — Method in class RouteRegistrar

Register a new route with the given verbs.

RouteRegistrar::middleware() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
$ Router#middlewareProperty in class Router

All of the short-hand keys for middlewares.

$ Router#middlewareGroupsProperty in class Router

All of the middleware groups.

$ Router#middlewarePriorityProperty in class Router

The priority-sorted list of middleware.

Router::match() — Method in class Router

Register a new route with the given verbs.

Router::mergeWithLastGroup() — Method in class Router

Merge the given array with the last group stack.

Router::mergeGroupAttributesIntoRoute() — Method in class Router

Merge the group stack with the controller action.

Router::matched() — Method in class Router

Register a route matched event listener.

Router::middlewareGroup() — Method in class Router

Register a group of middleware.

Router::model() — Method in class Router

Register a model binder for a wildcard.

SortedMiddleware::middlewareNames() — Method in class SortedMiddleware

Resolve the middleware names to look for in the priority array.

SortedMiddleware::moveMiddleware() — Method in class SortedMiddleware

Splice a middleware into a new position and remove the old entry.

$ ArraySessionHandler#minutesProperty in class ArraySessionHandler

The number of minutes the session should be valid.

$ CacheBasedSessionHandler#minutesProperty in class CacheBasedSessionHandler

The number of minutes to store the data in the cache.

$ CookieSessionHandler#minutesProperty in class CookieSessionHandler

The number of minutes the session should be valid.

$ DatabaseSessionHandler#minutesProperty in class DatabaseSessionHandler

The number of minutes the session should be valid.

$ FileSessionHandler#minutesProperty in class FileSessionHandler

The number of minutes the session should be valid.

$ StartSession#managerProperty in class StartSession

The session manager.

Store::mergeNewFlashes() — Method in class Store

Merge new flash keys into the new flash array.

Store::migrate() — Method in class Store

Generate a new session ID for the session.

Collection::median() — Method in class Collection

Get the median of a given key.

Collection::mode() — Method in class Collection

Get the mode of a given key.

Collection::map() — Method in class Collection

Run a map over each of the items.

Collection::mapToDictionary() — Method in class Collection

Run a dictionary map over the items.

Collection::mapWithKeys() — Method in class Collection

Run an associative map over each of the items.

Collection::merge() — Method in class Collection

Merge the collection with the given items.

Collection::mergeRecursive() — Method in class Collection

Recursively merge the collection with the given items.

DateFactory::macro() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::make() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::maxValue() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::minValue() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::mixin() — Method in class DateFactory
Enumerable::make() — Method in class Enumerable

Create a new collection instance if the value isn't one already.

Enumerable::median() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the median of a given key.

Enumerable::mode() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the mode of a given key.

Enumerable::map() — Method in class Enumerable

Run a map over each of the items.

Enumerable::mapSpread() — Method in class Enumerable

Run a map over each nested chunk of items.

Enumerable::mapToDictionary() — Method in class Enumerable

Run a dictionary map over the items.

Enumerable::mapToGroups() — Method in class Enumerable

Run a grouping map over the items.

Enumerable::mapWithKeys() — Method in class Enumerable

Run an associative map over each of the items.

Enumerable::mapInto() — Method in class Enumerable

Map the values into a new class.

Enumerable::merge() — Method in class Enumerable

Merge the collection with the given items.

Enumerable::mergeRecursive() — Method in class Enumerable

Recursively merge the collection with the given items.

Enumerable::min() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the min value of a given key.

Enumerable::max() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the max value of a given key.

Bus::map() — Method in class Bus
Cache::missing() — Method in class Cache
Date::maxValue() — Method in class Date
Date::minValue() — Method in class Date
Date::make() — Method in class Date
Date::macro() — Method in class Date
Date::mixin() — Method in class Date
Event::makeListener() — Method in class Event
File::makeDirectory() — Method in class File
File::move() — Method in class File
File::moveDirectory() — Method in class File
File::mimeType() — Method in class File
Hash::make() — Method in class Hash
MailClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Request::merge() — Method in class Request
Request::matchesType() — Method in class Request
Request::method() — Method in class Request
Response::make() — Method in class Response
Route::match() — Method in class Route
Route::middleware() — Method in class Route
Route::model() — Method in class Route
Session::migrate() — Method in class Session
Storage::makeDirectory() — Method in class Storage
Storage::move() — Method in class Storage
Validator::make() — Method in class Validator
View::make() — Method in class View
$ HigherOrderCollectionProxy#methodProperty in class HigherOrderCollectionProxy

The method being proxied.

LazyCollection::median() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get the median of a given key.

LazyCollection::mode() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get the mode of a given key.

LazyCollection::map() — Method in class LazyCollection

Run a map over each of the items.

LazyCollection::mapToDictionary() — Method in class LazyCollection

Run a dictionary map over the items.

LazyCollection::mapWithKeys() — Method in class LazyCollection

Run an associative map over each of the items.

LazyCollection::merge() — Method in class LazyCollection

Merge the collection with the given items.

LazyCollection::mergeRecursive() — Method in class LazyCollection

Recursively merge the collection with the given items.

LazyCollection::makeIterator() — Method in class LazyCollection

Make an iterator from the given source.

ManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
MessageBagClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
$ MessageBag#messagesProperty in class MessageBag

All of the registered messages.

MessageBag::merge() — Method in class MessageBag

Merge a new array of messages into the bag.

MessageBag::messages() — Method in class MessageBag

Get the raw messages in the message bag.

Pluralizer::matchCase() — Method in class Pluralizer

Attempt to match the case on two strings.

ServiceProvider::mergeConfigFrom() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Merge the given configuration with the existing configuration.

Stringable::match() — Method in class Stringable

Get the string matching the given pattern.

Stringable::matchAll() — Method in class Stringable

Get the string matching the given pattern.

BusFake::map() — Method in class BusFake

Map a command to a handler.

MailFakeClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
$ MailFake#mailablesProperty in class MailFake

All of the mailables that have been sent.

MailFake::mailablesOf() — Method in class MailFake

Get all of the mailed mailables for a given type.

MailFake::mailer() — Method in class MailFake

Get a mailer instance by name.

$ EnumeratesValues#mapProperty in class EnumeratesValues
$ EnumeratesValues#maxProperty in class EnumeratesValues
$ EnumeratesValues#minProperty in class EnumeratesValues
EnumeratesValues::make() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Create a new collection instance if the value isn't one already.

EnumeratesValues::mapSpread() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Run a map over each nested chunk of items.

EnumeratesValues::mapToGroups() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Run a grouping map over the items.

EnumeratesValues::mapInto() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Map the values into a new class.

EnumeratesValues::min() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Get the min value of a given key.

EnumeratesValues::max() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Get the max value of a given key.

MacroableClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
$ Macroable#macrosProperty in class Macroable

The registered string macros.

Macroable::macro() — Method in class Macroable

Register a custom macro.

Macroable::mixin() — Method in class Macroable

Mix another object into the class.

CountInDatabase::matches() — Method in class CountInDatabase

Check if the expected and actual count are equal.

HasInDatabase::matches() — Method in class HasInDatabase

Check if the data is found in the given table.

SeeInOrder::matches() — Method in class SeeInOrder

Determine if the rule passes validation.

SoftDeletedInDatabase::matches() — Method in class SoftDeletedInDatabase

Check if the data is found in the given table.

PendingCommand::mockConsoleOutput() — Method in class PendingCommand

Mock the application's console output.

$ ArrayLoader#messagesProperty in class ArrayLoader

All of the translation messages.

MessageSelectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Translation
Translator::makeReplacements() — Method in class Translator

Make the place-holder replacements on a line.

$ ClosureValidationRule#messageProperty in class ClosureValidationRule

The validation error message.

ClosureValidationRule::message() — Method in class ClosureValidationRule

Get the validation error message.

FormatsMessages::makeReplacements() — Method in class FormatsMessages

Replace all error message place-holders with actual values.

Factory::make() — Method in class Factory

Create a new Validator instance.

Dimensions::minWidth() — Method in class Dimensions

Set the "min width" constraint.

Dimensions::minHeight() — Method in class Dimensions

Set the "min height" constraint.

Dimensions::maxWidth() — Method in class Dimensions

Set the "max width" constraint.

Dimensions::maxHeight() — Method in class Dimensions

Set the "max height" constraint.

ValidationRuleParser::mergeRules() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser

Merge additional rules into a given attribute(s).

ValidationRuleParser::mergeRulesForAttribute() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser

Merge additional rules into a given attribute.

$ Validator#messagesProperty in class Validator

The message bag instance.

Validator::messages() — Method in class Validator

Get the message container for the validator.

$ Component#methodCacheProperty in class Component

The cache of public method names, keyed by class.

ComponentAttributeBag::merge() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Merge additional attributes / values into the attribute bag.

ManagesComponentsClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Concerns
ManagesEventsClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Concerns
ManagesLayoutsClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Concerns
ManagesLoopsClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Concerns
ManagesStacksClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Concerns
ManagesTranslationsClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Concerns
Factory::make() — Method in class Factory

Get the evaluated view contents for the given view.

Factory::markAsRenderedOnce() — Method in class Factory

Mark the given once token as having been rendered.


Gate::none() — Method in class Gate

Determine if all of the given abilities should be denied for the current user.

EloquentUserProvider::newModelQuery() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider

Get a new query builder for the model instance.

$ SessionGuard#nameProperty in class SessionGuard

The name of the Guard. Typically "session".

Broadcaster::normalizeChannelHandlerToCallable() — Method in class Broadcaster

Normalize the given callback into a callable.

NullBroadcasterClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
UsePusherChannelConventions::normalizeChannelName() — Method in class UsePusherChannelConventions

Remove prefix from channel name.

$ Channel#nameProperty in class Channel

The channel's name.

$ CacheTableCommand#nameProperty in class CacheTableCommand

The console command name.

$ ClearCommand#nameProperty in class ClearCommand

The console command name.

$ Lock#nameProperty in class Lock

The name of the lock.

NullStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
$ TagSet#namesProperty in class TagSet

The tag names.

$ Command#nameProperty in class Command

The console command name.

Parser::name() — Method in class Parser

Extract the name of the command from the expression.

Event::name() — Method in class Event

Set the human-friendly description of the event.

Event::nextRunDate() — Method in class Event

Determine the next due date for an event.

$ ScheduleRunCommand#nameProperty in class ScheduleRunCommand

The console command name.

BoundMethod::normalizeMethod() — Method in class BoundMethod

Normalize the given callback into a Class@method string.

Container::notInstantiable() — Method in class Container

Throw an exception that the concrete is not instantiable.

$ ContextualBindingBuilder#needsProperty in class ContextualBindingBuilder

The abstract target.

ContextualBindingBuilder::needs() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder

Define the abstract target that depends on the context.

ContextualBindingBuilder::needs() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder

Define the abstract target that depends on the context.

Hasher::needsRehash() — Method in class Hasher

Check if the given hash has been hashed using the given options.

Paginator::nextPageUrl() — Method in class Paginator

The URL for the next page, or null.

ResponseFactory::noContent() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new "no content" response.

Loader::namespaces() — Method in class Loader

Get an array of all the registered namespaces.

View::name() — Method in class View

Get the name of the view.

$ FactoryMakeCommand#nameProperty in class FactoryMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ FreshCommand#nameProperty in class FreshCommand

The console command name.

FreshCommand::needsSeeding() — Method in class FreshCommand

Determine if the developer has requested database seeding.

$ InstallCommand#nameProperty in class InstallCommand

The console command name.

$ RefreshCommand#nameProperty in class RefreshCommand

The console command name.

RefreshCommand::needsSeeding() — Method in class RefreshCommand

Determine if the developer has requested database seeding.

$ ResetCommand#nameProperty in class ResetCommand

The console command name.

$ RollbackCommand#nameProperty in class RollbackCommand

The console command name.

$ StatusCommand#nameProperty in class StatusCommand

The console command name.

$ SeedCommand#nameProperty in class SeedCommand

The console command name.

$ SeederMakeCommand#nameProperty in class SeederMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ WipeCommand#nameProperty in class WipeCommand

The console command name.

Builder::newModelInstance() — Method in class Builder

Create a new instance of the model being queried.

HasAttributes::normalizeCastClassResponse() — Method in class HasAttributes

Normalize the response from a custom class caster.

HasRelationships::newHasOne() — Method in class HasRelationships

Instantiate a new HasOne relationship.

HasRelationships::newHasOneThrough() — Method in class HasRelationships

Instantiate a new HasOneThrough relationship.

HasRelationships::newMorphOne() — Method in class HasRelationships

Instantiate a new MorphOne relationship.

HasRelationships::newBelongsTo() — Method in class HasRelationships

Instantiate a new BelongsTo relationship.

HasRelationships::newMorphTo() — Method in class HasRelationships

Instantiate a new MorphTo relationship.

HasRelationships::newHasMany() — Method in class HasRelationships

Instantiate a new HasMany relationship.

HasRelationships::newHasManyThrough() — Method in class HasRelationships

Instantiate a new HasManyThrough relationship.

HasRelationships::newMorphMany() — Method in class HasRelationships

Instantiate a new MorphMany relationship.

HasRelationships::newBelongsToMany() — Method in class HasRelationships

Instantiate a new BelongsToMany relationship.

HasRelationships::newMorphToMany() — Method in class HasRelationships

Instantiate a new MorphToMany relationship.

HasRelationships::newRelatedInstance() — Method in class HasRelationships

Create a new model instance for a related model.

Model::newInstance() — Method in class Model

Create a new instance of the given model.

Model::newFromBuilder() — Method in class Model

Create a new model instance that is existing.

Model::newQuery() — Method in class Model

Get a new query builder for the model's table.

Model::newModelQuery() — Method in class Model

Get a new query builder that doesn't have any global scopes or eager loading.

Model::newQueryWithoutRelationships() — Method in class Model

Get a new query builder with no relationships loaded.

Model::newQueryWithoutScopes() — Method in class Model

Get a new query builder that doesn't have any global scopes.

Model::newQueryWithoutScope() — Method in class Model

Get a new query instance without a given scope.

Model::newQueryForRestoration() — Method in class Model

Get a new query to restore one or more models by their queueable IDs.

Model::newEloquentBuilder() — Method in class Model

Create a new Eloquent query builder for the model.

Model::newBaseQueryBuilder() — Method in class Model

Get a new query builder instance for the connection.

Model::newCollection() — Method in class Model

Create a new Eloquent Collection instance.

Model::newPivot() — Method in class Model

Create a new pivot model instance.

BelongsTo::newRelatedInstanceFor() — Method in class BelongsTo

Make a new related instance for the given model.

AsPivot::newQueryForRestoration() — Method in class AsPivot

Get a new query to restore one or more models by their queueable IDs.

AsPivot::newQueryForCollectionRestoration() — Method in class AsPivot

Get a new query to restore multiple models by their queueable IDs.

InteractsWithPivotTable::newPivot() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Create a new pivot model instance.

InteractsWithPivotTable::newExistingPivot() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Create a new existing pivot model instance.

InteractsWithPivotTable::newPivotStatement() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Get a new plain query builder for the pivot table.

InteractsWithPivotTable::newPivotStatementForId() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Get a new pivot statement for a given "other" ID.

InteractsWithPivotTable::newPivotQuery() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Create a new query builder for the pivot table.

SupportsDefaultModels::newRelatedInstanceFor() — Method in class SupportsDefaultModels

Make a new related instance for the given model.

HasOne::newRelatedInstanceFor() — Method in class HasOne

Make a new related instance for the given model.

HasOneThrough::newRelatedInstanceFor() — Method in class HasOneThrough

Make a new related instance for the given model.

MorphOne::newRelatedInstanceFor() — Method in class MorphOne

Make a new related instance for the given model.

MorphPivot::newQueryForRestoration() — Method in class MorphPivot

Get a new query to restore one or more models by their queueable IDs.

MorphPivot::newQueryForCollectionRestoration() — Method in class MorphPivot

Get a new query to restore multiple models by their queueable IDs.

MorphTo::newRelatedInstanceFor() — Method in class MorphTo

Make a new related instance for the given model.

MorphToMany::newPivotQuery() — Method in class MorphToMany

Create a new query builder for the pivot table.

MorphToMany::newPivot() — Method in class MorphToMany

Create a new pivot model instance.

Relation::noConstraints() — Method in class Relation

Run a callback with constraints disabled on the relation.

NoPendingMigrationsClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
Migrator::note() — Method in class Migrator

Write a note to the console's output.

Builder::newJoinClause() — Method in class Builder

Get a new join clause.

Builder::numericAggregate() — Method in class Builder

Execute a numeric aggregate function on the database.

Builder::newQuery() — Method in class Builder

Get a new instance of the query builder.

JoinClause::newQuery() — Method in class JoinClause

Get a new instance of the join clause builder.

JoinClause::newParentQuery() — Method in class JoinClause

Create a new parent query instance.

Blueprint::nullableTimestamps() — Method in class Blueprint

Add nullable creation and update timestamps to the table.

Blueprint::nullableMorphs() — Method in class Blueprint

Add nullable columns for a polymorphic table.

Blueprint::nullableUuidMorphs() — Method in class Blueprint

Add nullable columns for a polymorphic table using UUIDs.

ColumnDefinition::nullable() — Method in class ColumnDefinition

Allow NULL values to be inserted into the column

ForeignKeyDefinition::nullOnDelete() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition

Indicate that deletes should set the foreign key value to null.

NullDispatcherClass in namespace Illuminate\Events
Filesystem::name() — Method in class Filesystem

Extract the file name from a file path.

$ Application#namespaceProperty in class Application

The application namespace.

Application::normalizeCachePath() — Method in class Application

Normalize a relative or absolute path to a cache file.

AuthorizesRequests::normalizeGuessedAbilityName() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests

Normalize the ability name that has been guessed from the method name.

$ CastMakeCommand#nameProperty in class CastMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ ChannelMakeCommand#nameProperty in class ChannelMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ ClearCompiledCommand#nameProperty in class ClearCompiledCommand

The console command name.

$ ComponentMakeCommand#nameProperty in class ComponentMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ ConfigCacheCommand#nameProperty in class ConfigCacheCommand

The console command name.

$ ConfigClearCommand#nameProperty in class ConfigClearCommand

The console command name.

$ ConsoleMakeCommand#nameProperty in class ConsoleMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ EnvironmentCommand#nameProperty in class EnvironmentCommand

The console command name.

$ EventClearCommand#nameProperty in class EventClearCommand

The console command name.

$ EventGenerateCommand#nameProperty in class EventGenerateCommand

The console command name.

$ EventMakeCommand#nameProperty in class EventMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ ExceptionMakeCommand#nameProperty in class ExceptionMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ JobMakeCommand#nameProperty in class JobMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ ListenerMakeCommand#nameProperty in class ListenerMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ MailMakeCommand#nameProperty in class MailMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ ModelMakeCommand#nameProperty in class ModelMakeCommand

The console command name.

NotificationMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
$ NotificationMakeCommand#nameProperty in class NotificationMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ ObserverMakeCommand#nameProperty in class ObserverMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ OptimizeClearCommand#nameProperty in class OptimizeClearCommand

The console command name.

$ OptimizeCommand#nameProperty in class OptimizeCommand

The console command name.

$ PolicyMakeCommand#nameProperty in class PolicyMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ ProviderMakeCommand#nameProperty in class ProviderMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ RequestMakeCommand#nameProperty in class RequestMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ ResourceMakeCommand#nameProperty in class ResourceMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ RouteCacheCommand#nameProperty in class RouteCacheCommand

The console command name.

$ RouteClearCommand#nameProperty in class RouteClearCommand

The console command name.

$ RouteListCommand#nameProperty in class RouteListCommand

The console command name.

$ RuleMakeCommand#nameProperty in class RuleMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ ServeCommand#nameProperty in class ServeCommand

The console command name.

$ UpCommand#nameProperty in class UpCommand

The console command name.

$ ViewClearCommand#nameProperty in class ViewClearCommand

The console command name.

$ RouteServiceProvider#namespaceProperty in class RouteServiceProvider

The controller namespace for the application.

ArgonHasher::needsRehash() — Method in class ArgonHasher

Check if the given hash has been hashed using the given options.

BcryptHasher::needsRehash() — Method in class BcryptHasher

Check if the given hash has been hashed using the given options.

HashManager::needsRehash() — Method in class HashManager

Check if the given hash has been hashed using the given options.

$ File#nameProperty in class File

The name of the file.

LogManager::notice() — Method in class LogManager

Normal but significant events.

Logger::notice() — Method in class Logger

Log a notice to the logs.

Mailable::newQueuedJob() — Method in class Mailable

Make the queued mailable job instance.

Mailable::normalizeRecipient() — Method in class Mailable

Convert the given recipient into an object.

$ Mailer#nameProperty in class Mailer

The name that is configured for the mailer.

Transport::numberOfRecipients() — Method in class Transport

Get the number of recipients.

AnonymousNotifiable::notify() — Method in class AnonymousNotifiable

Send the given notification.

AnonymousNotifiable::notifyNow() — Method in class AnonymousNotifiable

Send the given notification immediately.

NotificationTableCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Console
$ NotificationTableCommand#nameProperty in class NotificationTableCommand

The console command name.

DatabaseNotification::notifiable() — Method in class DatabaseNotification

Get the notifiable entity that the notification belongs to.

DatabaseNotification::newCollection() — Method in class DatabaseNotification

Create a new database notification collection instance.

$ BroadcastNotificationCreated#notifiableProperty in class BroadcastNotificationCreated

The notifiable entity who received the notification.

$ BroadcastNotificationCreated#notificationProperty in class BroadcastNotificationCreated

The notification instance.

NotificationFailedClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Events
$ NotificationFailed#notifiableProperty in class NotificationFailed

The notifiable entity who received the notification.

$ NotificationFailed#notificationProperty in class NotificationFailed

The notification instance.

NotificationSendingClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Events
$ NotificationSending#notifiableProperty in class NotificationSending

The notifiable entity who received the notification.

$ NotificationSending#notificationProperty in class NotificationSending

The notification instance.

NotificationSentClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Events
$ NotificationSent#notifiableProperty in class NotificationSent

The notifiable entity who received the notification.

$ NotificationSent#notificationProperty in class NotificationSent

The notification instance.

HasDatabaseNotifications::notifications() — Method in class HasDatabaseNotifications

Get the entity's notifications.

NotifiableClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
NotificationClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
NotificationSenderClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
NotificationServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
RoutesNotifications::notify() — Method in class RoutesNotifications

Send the given notification.

RoutesNotifications::notifyNow() — Method in class RoutesNotifications

Send the given notification immediately.

$ SendQueuedNotifications#notifiablesProperty in class SendQueuedNotifications

The notifiable entities that should receive the notification.

$ SendQueuedNotifications#notificationProperty in class SendQueuedNotifications

The notification to be sent.

LengthAwarePaginator::nextPageUrl() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator

The URL for the next page, or null.

Paginator::nextPageUrl() — Method in class Paginator

The URL for the next page, or null.

NullConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
$ FailedTableCommand#nameProperty in class FailedTableCommand

The console command name.

$ FlushFailedCommand#nameProperty in class FlushFailedCommand

The console command name.

$ ListFailedCommand#nameProperty in class ListFailedCommand

The console command name.

$ RestartCommand#nameProperty in class RestartCommand

The console command name.

$ TableCommand#nameProperty in class TableCommand

The console command name.

NullFailedJobProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Failed
NullQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
$ Connection#nameProperty in class Connection

The Redis connection name.

$ ConcurrencyLimiter#nameProperty in class ConcurrencyLimiter

The name of the limiter.

$ ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder#nameProperty in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder

The name of the lock.

$ DurationLimiterBuilder#nameProperty in class DurationLimiterBuilder

The name of the lock.

CompiledRouteCollection::newRoute() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection

Resolve an array of attributes to a Route instance.

$ ControllerMakeCommand#nameProperty in class ControllerMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ MiddlewareMakeCommand#nameProperty in class MiddlewareMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ PendingResourceRegistration#nameProperty in class PendingResourceRegistration

The resource name.

PendingResourceRegistration::names() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration

Set the route names for controller actions.

PendingResourceRegistration::name() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration

Set the route name for a controller action.

ResponseFactory::noContent() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new "no content" response.

Route::name() — Method in class Route

Add or change the route name.

Route::named() — Method in class Route

Determine whether the route's name matches the given patterns.

$ RouteCollection#nameListProperty in class RouteCollection

A look-up table of routes by their names.

RouteRegistrar::name() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
RouteRegistrar::namespace() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
Router::newRoute() — Method in class Router

Create a new Route object.

$ SessionTableCommand#nameProperty in class SessionTableCommand

The console command name.

NullSessionHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
$ Store#nameProperty in class Store

The session name.

Store::now() — Method in class Store

Flash a key / value pair to the session for immediate use.

Collection::nth() — Method in class Collection

Create a new collection consisting of every n-th element.

DateFactory::now() — Method in class DateFactory
Enumerable::nth() — Method in class Enumerable

Create a new collection consisting of every n-th element.

Date::now() — Method in class Date
File::name() — Method in class File
Hash::needsRehash() — Method in class Hash
Log::notice() — Method in class Log
NotificationClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Response::noContent() — Method in class Response
Route::name() — Method in class Route
Route::namespace() — Method in class Route
LazyCollection::nth() — Method in class LazyCollection

Create a new collection consisting of every n-th element.

NamespacedItemResolverClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
NotificationFakeClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
$ NotificationFake#notificationsProperty in class NotificationFake

All of the notifications that have been sent.

NotificationFake::notificationsFor() — Method in class NotificationFake

Get all of the notifications for a notifiable entity by type.

EnumeratesValues::negate() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Make a function using another function, by negating its result.

ArrayLoader::namespaces() — Method in class ArrayLoader

Get an array of all the registered namespaces.

FileLoader::namespaces() — Method in class FileLoader

Get an array of all the registered namespaces.

Rule::notIn() — Method in class Rule

Get a not_in constraint builder instance.

NotInClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
ValidationRuleParser::normalizeRule() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser

Normalizes a rule so that we can accept short types.

$ Validator#numericRulesProperty in class Validator

The numeric related validation rules.

CompilesComponents::newComponentHash() — Method in class CompilesComponents

Get a new component hash for a component name.

Factory::normalizeName() — Method in class Factory

Normalize a view name.

View::nest() — Method in class View

Add a view instance to the view data.

View::name() — Method in class View

Get the name of the view.

ViewName::normalize() — Method in class ViewName

Normalize the given view name.


OtherDeviceLogoutClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
SessionGuard::once() — Method in class SessionGuard

Log a user into the application without sessions or cookies.

SessionGuard::onceUsingId() — Method in class SessionGuard

Log the given user ID into the application without sessions or cookies.

SessionGuard::onceBasic() — Method in class SessionGuard

Perform a stateless HTTP Basic login attempt.

Queueable::onConnection() — Method in class Queueable

Set the desired connection for the job.

Queueable::onQueue() — Method in class Queueable

Set the desired queue for the job.

$ Lock#ownerProperty in class Lock

The scope identifier of this lock.

Lock::owner() — Method in class Lock

Returns the current owner of the lock.

$ MemcachedStore#onVersionThreeProperty in class MemcachedStore

Indicates whether we are using Memcached version >= 3.0.0.

Repository::offsetExists() — Method in class Repository

Determine if a cached value exists.

Repository::offsetGet() — Method in class Repository

Retrieve an item from the cache by key.

Repository::offsetSet() — Method in class Repository

Store an item in the cache for the default time.

Repository::offsetUnset() — Method in class Repository

Remove an item from the cache.

Repository::offsetExists() — Method in class Repository

Determine if the given configuration option exists.

Repository::offsetGet() — Method in class Repository

Get a configuration option.

Repository::offsetSet() — Method in class Repository

Set a configuration option.

Repository::offsetUnset() — Method in class Repository

Unset a configuration option.

Application::output() — Method in class Application

Get the output from the last command.

$ InteractsWithIO#outputProperty in class InteractsWithIO

The output interface implementation.

InteractsWithIO::option() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Get the value of a command option.

InteractsWithIO::options() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Get all of the options passed to the command.

$ CommandFinished#outputProperty in class CommandFinished

The command output implementation.

$ CommandStarting#outputProperty in class CommandStarting

The command output implementation.

OutputStyleClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
CallbackEvent::onOneServer() — Method in class CallbackEvent

Allow the event to only run on one server for each cron expression.

$ Event#onOneServerProperty in class Event

Indicates if the command should only be allowed to run on one server for each cron expression.

$ Event#outputProperty in class Event

The location that output should be sent to.

Event::onOneServer() — Method in class Event

Allow the event to only run on one server for each cron expression.

Event::onSuccess() — Method in class Event

Register a callback to be called if the operation succeeds.

Event::onSuccessWithOutput() — Method in class Event

Register a callback that uses the output if the operation succeeds.

Event::onFailure() — Method in class Event

Register a callback to be called if the operation fails.

Event::onFailureWithOutput() — Method in class Event

Register a callback that uses the output if the operation fails.

Container::offsetExists() — Method in class Container

Determine if a given offset exists.

Container::offsetGet() — Method in class Container

Get the value at a given offset.

Container::offsetSet() — Method in class Container

Set the value at a given offset.

Container::offsetUnset() — Method in class Container

Unset the value at a given offset.

StatefulGuard::once() — Method in class StatefulGuard

Log a user into the application without sessions or cookies.

StatefulGuard::onceUsingId() — Method in class StatefulGuard

Log the given user ID into the application without sessions or cookies.

SupportsBasicAuth::onceBasic() — Method in class SupportsBasicAuth

Perform a stateless HTTP Basic login attempt.

Lock::owner() — Method in class Lock

Returns the current owner of the lock.

Application::output() — Method in class Application

Get the output from the last command.

Kernel::output() — Method in class Kernel

Get the output for the last run command.

Registrar::options() — Method in class Registrar

Register a new OPTIONS route with the router.

$ Connector#optionsProperty in class Connector

The default PDO connection options.

$ PostgresConnector#optionsProperty in class PostgresConnector

The default PDO connection options.

$ SqlServerConnector#optionsProperty in class SqlServerConnector

The PDO connection options.

$ Builder#onDeleteProperty in class Builder

A replacement for the typical delete function.

$ Builder#orWhereProperty in class Builder
Builder::orWhere() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or where" clause to the query.

Builder::oldest() — Method in class Builder

Add an "order by" clause for a timestamp to the query.

Builder::onDelete() — Method in class Builder

Register a replacement for the default delete function.

Collection::only() — Method in class Collection

Returns only the models from the collection with the specified keys.

$ HasAttributes#originalProperty in class HasAttributes

The model attribute's original state.

HasAttributes::only() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get a subset of the model's attributes.

HasAttributes::originalIsEquivalent() — Method in class HasAttributes

Determine if the new and old values for a given key are equivalent.

$ HasEvents#observablesProperty in class HasEvents

User exposed observable events.

HasEvents::observe() — Method in class HasEvents

Register observers with the model.

QueriesRelationships::orHas() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with an "or".

QueriesRelationships::orDoesntHave() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with an "or".

QueriesRelationships::orWhereHas() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses and an "or".

QueriesRelationships::orWhereDoesntHave() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses and an "or".

QueriesRelationships::orHasMorph() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a polymorphic relationship count / exists condition to the query with an "or".

QueriesRelationships::orDoesntHaveMorph() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a polymorphic relationship count / exists condition to the query with an "or".

QueriesRelationships::orWhereHasMorph() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a polymorphic relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses and an "or".

QueriesRelationships::orWhereDoesntHaveMorph() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a polymorphic relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses and an "or".

Factory::of() — Method in class Factory

Create a builder for the given model.

Factory::offsetExists() — Method in class Factory

Determine if the given offset exists.

Factory::offsetGet() — Method in class Factory

Get the value of the given offset.

Factory::offsetSet() — Method in class Factory

Set the given offset to the given value.

Factory::offsetUnset() — Method in class Factory

Unset the value at the given offset.

Model::on() — Method in class Model

Begin querying the model on a given connection.

Model::onWriteConnection() — Method in class Model

Begin querying the model on the write connection.

Model::offsetExists() — Method in class Model

Determine if the given attribute exists.

Model::offsetGet() — Method in class Model

Get the value for a given offset.

Model::offsetSet() — Method in class Model

Set the value for a given offset.

Model::offsetUnset() — Method in class Model

Unset the value for a given offset.

$ BelongsTo#ownerKeyProperty in class BelongsTo

The associated key on the parent model.

BelongsToMany::orWherePivotBetween() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set a "or where between" clause for a pivot table column.

BelongsToMany::orWherePivotNotBetween() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set a "or where not between" clause for a pivot table column.

BelongsToMany::orWherePivot() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set an "or where" clause for a pivot table column.

BelongsToMany::orWherePivotIn() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set an "or where in" clause for a pivot table column.

BelongsToMany::orWherePivotNotIn() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set an "or where not in" clause for a pivot table column.

BelongsToMany::orWherePivotNull() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set a "or where null" clause for a pivot table column.

BelongsToMany::orWherePivotNotNull() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set a "or where not null" clause for a pivot table column.

SoftDeletes::onlyTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletes
$ Migrator#outputProperty in class Migrator

The output interface implementation.

$ Builder#ordersProperty in class Builder

The orderings for the query.

$ Builder#offsetProperty in class Builder

The number of records to skip.

$ Builder#operatorsProperty in class Builder

All of the available clause operators.

Builder::orWhere() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or where" clause to the query.

Builder::orWhereColumn() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or where" clause comparing two columns to the query.

Builder::orWhereRaw() — Method in class Builder

Add a raw or where clause to the query.

Builder::orWhereIn() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or where in" clause to the query.

Builder::orWhereNotIn() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or where not in" clause to the query.

Builder::orWhereIntegerInRaw() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or where in raw" clause for integer values to the query.

Builder::orWhereIntegerNotInRaw() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or where not in raw" clause for integer values to the query.

Builder::orWhereNull() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or where null" clause to the query.

Builder::orWhereBetween() — Method in class Builder

Add an or where between statement to the query.

Builder::orWhereBetweenColumns() — Method in class Builder

Add an or where between statement using columns to the query.

Builder::orWhereNotBetween() — Method in class Builder

Add an or where not between statement to the query.

Builder::orWhereNotBetweenColumns() — Method in class Builder

Add an or where not between statement using columns to the query.

Builder::orWhereNotNull() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or where not null" clause to the query.

Builder::orWhereDate() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or where date" statement to the query.

Builder::orWhereTime() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or where time" statement to the query.

Builder::orWhereDay() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or where day" statement to the query.

Builder::orWhereMonth() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or where month" statement to the query.

Builder::orWhereYear() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or where year" statement to the query.

Builder::orWhereExists() — Method in class Builder

Add an or exists clause to the query.

Builder::orWhereNotExists() — Method in class Builder

Add a where not exists clause to the query.

Builder::orWhereRowValues() — Method in class Builder

Adds an or where condition using row values.

Builder::orWhereJsonContains() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or where JSON contains" clause to the query.

Builder::orWhereJsonDoesntContain() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or where JSON not contains" clause to the query.

Builder::orWhereJsonLength() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or where JSON length" clause to the query.

Builder::orHaving() — Method in class Builder

Add an "or having" clause to the query.

Builder::orHavingRaw() — Method in class Builder

Add a raw or having clause to the query.

Builder::orderBy() — Method in class Builder

Add an "order by" clause to the query.

Builder::orderByDesc() — Method in class Builder

Add a descending "order by" clause to the query.

Builder::oldest() — Method in class Builder

Add an "order by" clause for a timestamp to the query.

Builder::orderByRaw() — Method in class Builder

Add a raw "order by" clause to the query.

Builder::offset() — Method in class Builder

Set the "offset" value of the query.

Builder::onceWithColumns() — Method in class Builder

Execute the given callback while selecting the given columns.

$ Grammar#operatorsProperty in class Grammar

The grammar specific operators.

$ MySqlGrammar#operatorsProperty in class MySqlGrammar

The grammar specific operators.

$ PostgresGrammar#operatorsProperty in class PostgresGrammar

All of the available clause operators.

$ SQLiteGrammar#operatorsProperty in class SQLiteGrammar

All of the available clause operators.

$ SqlServerGrammar#operatorsProperty in class SqlServerGrammar

All of the available clause operators.

JoinClause::on() — Method in class JoinClause

Add an "on" clause to the join.

JoinClause::orOn() — Method in class JoinClause

Add an "or on" clause to the join.

ForeignKeyDefinition::on() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition

Specify the referenced table

ForeignKeyDefinition::onDelete() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition

Add an ON DELETE action

ForeignKeyDefinition::onUpdate() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition

Add an ON UPDATE action

PendingDispatch::onConnection() — Method in class PendingDispatch

Set the desired connection for the job.

PendingDispatch::onQueue() — Method in class PendingDispatch

Set the desired queue for the job.

Kernel::output() — Method in class Kernel

Get the output for the last run command.

ObserverMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
OptimizeClearCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
OptimizeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
$ InteractsWithContainer#originalMixProperty in class InteractsWithContainer

The original Laravel Mix handler.

$ InteractsWithExceptionHandling#originalExceptionHandlerProperty in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling

The original exception handler.

$ InteractsWithExceptionHandling#originalHandlerProperty in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling
$ PendingRequest#optionsProperty in class PendingRequest

The request options.

Request::offsetExists() — Method in class Request

Determine if the given offset exists.

Request::offsetGet() — Method in class Request

Get the value for a given offset.

Request::offsetSet() — Method in class Request

Set the value at the given offset.

Request::offsetUnset() — Method in class Request

Unset the value at the given offset.

Response::object() — Method in class Response

Get the JSON decoded body of the response as an object.

Response::ok() — Method in class Response

Determine if the response code was "OK".

Response::offsetExists() — Method in class Response

Determine if the given offset exists.

Response::offsetGet() — Method in class Response

Get the value for a given offset.

Response::offsetSet() — Method in class Response

Set the value at the given offset.

Response::offsetUnset() — Method in class Response

Unset the value at the given offset.

InteractsWithFlashData::old() — Method in class InteractsWithFlashData

Retrieve an old input item.

InteractsWithInput::only() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Get a subset containing the provided keys with values from the input data.

RedirectResponse::onlyInput() — Method in class RedirectResponse

Flash an array of input to the session.

Request::offsetExists() — Method in class Request

Determine if the given offset exists.

Request::offsetGet() — Method in class Request

Get the value at the given offset.

Request::offsetSet() — Method in class Request

Set the value at the given offset.

Request::offsetUnset() — Method in class Request

Remove the value at the given offset.

DelegatesToResource::offsetExists() — Method in class DelegatesToResource

Determine if the given attribute exists.

DelegatesToResource::offsetGet() — Method in class DelegatesToResource

Get the value for a given offset.

DelegatesToResource::offsetSet() — Method in class DelegatesToResource

Set the value for a given offset.

DelegatesToResource::offsetUnset() — Method in class DelegatesToResource

Unset the value for a given offset.

$ ResponseTrait#originalProperty in class ResponseTrait

The original content of the response.

Mailer::onQueue() — Method in class Mailer

Queue a new e-mail message for sending on the given queue.

$ SesTransport#optionsProperty in class SesTransport

The Amazon SES transmission options.

$ SimpleMessage#outroLinesProperty in class SimpleMessage

The "outro" lines of the notification.

$ AbstractPaginator#onEachSideProperty in class AbstractPaginator

The number of links to display on each side of current page link.

$ AbstractPaginator#optionsProperty in class AbstractPaginator

The paginator options.

AbstractPaginator::onFirstPage() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Determine if the paginator is on the first page.

AbstractPaginator::onEachSide() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Set the number of links to display on each side of current page link.

AbstractPaginator::offsetExists() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Determine if the given item exists.

AbstractPaginator::offsetGet() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Get the item at the given offset.

AbstractPaginator::offsetSet() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Set the item at the given offset.

AbstractPaginator::offsetUnset() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Unset the item at the given key.

$ Listener#outputHandlerProperty in class Listener

The output handler callback.

$ ControllerMiddlewareOptions#optionsProperty in class ControllerMiddlewareOptions

The middleware options.

ControllerMiddlewareOptions::only() — Method in class ControllerMiddlewareOptions

Set the controller methods the middleware should apply to.

$ PendingResourceRegistration#optionsProperty in class PendingResourceRegistration

The resource options.

PendingResourceRegistration::only() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration

Set the methods the controller should apply to.

$ Route#originalParametersProperty in class Route

The array of the matched parameters' original values.

Route::originalParameter() — Method in class Route

Get original value of a given parameter from the route.

Route::originalParameters() — Method in class Route

Get the key / value list of original parameters for the route.

RouteRegistrar::options() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
Router::options() — Method in class Router

Register a new OPTIONS route with the router.

ArraySessionHandler::open() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler
CacheBasedSessionHandler::open() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
CookieSessionHandler::open() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
DatabaseSessionHandler::open() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
FileSessionHandler::open() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
NullSessionHandler::open() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
Store::only() — Method in class Store

Get a subset of the session data.

Arr::only() — Method in class Arr

Get a subset of the items from the given array.

Collection::only() — Method in class Collection

Get the items with the specified keys.

Collection::offsetExists() — Method in class Collection

Determine if an item exists at an offset.

Collection::offsetGet() — Method in class Collection

Get an item at a given offset.

Collection::offsetSet() — Method in class Collection

Set the item at a given offset.

Collection::offsetUnset() — Method in class Collection

Unset the item at a given offset.

Enumerable::only() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the items with the specified keys.

Artisan::output() — Method in class Artisan
Auth::onceBasic() — Method in class Auth
Auth::once() — Method in class Auth
Auth::onceUsingId() — Method in class Auth
Request::only() — Method in class Request
Request::offsetExists() — Method in class Request
Request::offsetGet() — Method in class Request
Request::old() — Method in class Request
Request::offsetSet() — Method in class Request
Request::offsetUnset() — Method in class Request
Route::options() — Method in class Route
Fluent::offsetExists() — Method in class Fluent

Determine if the given offset exists.

Fluent::offsetGet() — Method in class Fluent

Get the value for a given offset.

Fluent::offsetSet() — Method in class Fluent

Set the value at the given offset.

Fluent::offsetUnset() — Method in class Fluent

Unset the value at the given offset.

LazyCollection::only() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get the items with the specified keys.

OptionalClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
Optional::offsetExists() — Method in class Optional

Determine if an item exists at an offset.

Optional::offsetGet() — Method in class Optional

Get an item at a given offset.

Optional::offsetSet() — Method in class Optional

Set the item at a given offset.

Optional::offsetUnset() — Method in class Optional

Unset the item at a given offset.

Str::of() — Method in class Str

Get a new stringable object from the given string.

Str::orderedUuid() — Method in class Str

Generate a time-ordered UUID (version 4).

EnumeratesValues::operatorForWhere() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Get an operator checker callback.

TestResponse::offsetExists() — Method in class TestResponse

Determine if the given offset exists.

TestResponse::offsetGet() — Method in class TestResponse

Get the value for a given offset.

TestResponse::offsetSet() — Method in class TestResponse

Set the value at the given offset.

TestResponse::offsetUnset() — Method in class TestResponse

Unset the value at the given offset.

ComponentAttributeBag::only() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Only include the given attribute from the attribute array.

ComponentAttributeBag::offsetExists() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Determine if the given offset exists.

ComponentAttributeBag::offsetGet() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Get the value at the given offset.

ComponentAttributeBag::offsetSet() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Set the value at a given offset.

ComponentAttributeBag::offsetUnset() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Remove the value at the given offset.

View::offsetExists() — Method in class View

Determine if a piece of data is bound.

View::offsetGet() — Method in class View

Get a piece of bound data to the view.

View::offsetSet() — Method in class View

Set a piece of data on the view.

View::offsetUnset() — Method in class View

Unset a piece of data from the view.


$ Gate#policiesProperty in class Gate

All of the defined policies.

Gate::policy() — Method in class Gate

Define a policy class for a given class type.

Gate::parameterAllowsGuests() — Method in class Gate

Determine if the given parameter allows guests.

Gate::policies() — Method in class Gate

Get all of the defined policies.

AuthManager::provider() — Method in class AuthManager

Register a custom provider creator Closure.

PasswordResetClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
$ GuardHelpers#providerProperty in class GuardHelpers

The user provider implementation.

$ RequirePassword#passwordTimeoutProperty in class RequirePassword

The password timeout.

PasswordBrokerClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
PasswordBrokerManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
PasswordResetServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
PasswordResetServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class PasswordResetServiceProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.

Recaller::properString() — Method in class Recaller

Determine if the recaller is an invalid string.

BroadcastServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class BroadcastServiceProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.

PusherBroadcasterClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
$ PusherBroadcaster#pusherProperty in class PusherBroadcaster

The Pusher SDK instance.

$ RedisBroadcaster#prefixProperty in class RedisBroadcaster

The Redis key prefix.

PendingBroadcastClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
PresenceChannelClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
PrivateChannelClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
BusServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class BusServiceProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.

$ Dispatcher#pipelineProperty in class Dispatcher

The pipeline instance for the bus.

$ Dispatcher#pipesProperty in class Dispatcher

The pipes to send commands through before dispatching.

Dispatcher::pushCommandToQueue() — Method in class Dispatcher

Push the command onto the given queue instance.

Dispatcher::pipeThrough() — Method in class Dispatcher

Set the pipes through which commands should be piped before dispatching.

$ ApcStore#prefixProperty in class ApcStore

A string that should be prepended to keys.

ApcStore::put() — Method in class ApcStore

Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.

ApcWrapper::put() — Method in class ApcWrapper

Store an item in the cache.

ArrayStore::put() — Method in class ArrayStore

Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.

CacheServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class CacheServiceProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.

$ DatabaseStore#prefixProperty in class DatabaseStore

A string that should be prepended to keys.

DatabaseStore::put() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.

$ DynamoDbStore#prefixProperty in class DynamoDbStore

A string that should be prepended to keys.

DynamoDbStore::put() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.

DynamoDbStore::putMany() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of $seconds.

FileStore::put() — Method in class FileStore

Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.

FileStore::path() — Method in class FileStore

Get the full path for the given cache key.

$ MemcachedStore#prefixProperty in class MemcachedStore

A string that should be prepended to keys.

MemcachedStore::put() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.

MemcachedStore::putMany() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of seconds.

NullStore::put() — Method in class NullStore

Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.

$ RedisStore#prefixProperty in class RedisStore

A string that should be prepended to keys.

RedisStore::put() — Method in class RedisStore

Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.

RedisStore::putMany() — Method in class RedisStore

Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of seconds.

RedisTaggedCache::put() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache

Store an item in the cache.

RedisTaggedCache::pushStandardKeys() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache

Store standard key references into store.

RedisTaggedCache::pushForeverKeys() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache

Store forever key references into store.

RedisTaggedCache::pushKeys() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache

Store a reference to the cache key against the reference key.

Repository::pull() — Method in class Repository

Retrieve an item from the cache and delete it.

Repository::put() — Method in class Repository

Store an item in the cache.

Repository::putMany() — Method in class Repository

Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of seconds.

Repository::putManyForever() — Method in class Repository

Store multiple items in the cache indefinitely.

RetrievesMultipleKeys::putMany() — Method in class RetrievesMultipleKeys

Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of seconds.

TaggedCache::putMany() — Method in class TaggedCache

Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of seconds.

Repository::prepend() — Method in class Repository

Prepend a value onto an array configuration value.

Repository::push() — Method in class Repository

Push a value onto an array configuration value.

Application::phpBinary() — Method in class Application

Determine the proper PHP executable.

Application::parseCommand() — Method in class Application

Parse the incoming Artisan command and its input.

InteractsWithIO::parseVerbosity() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Get the verbosity level in terms of Symfony's OutputInterface level.

ParserClass in namespace Illuminate\Console
Parser::parse() — Method in class Parser

Parse the given console command definition into an array.

Parser::parameters() — Method in class Parser

Extract all of the parameters from the tokens.

Parser::parseArgument() — Method in class Parser

Parse an argument expression.

Parser::parseOption() — Method in class Parser

Parse an option expression.

$ CallbackEvent#parametersProperty in class CallbackEvent

The parameters to pass to the method.

Event::pingBefore() — Method in class Event

Register a callback to ping a given URL before the job runs.

Event::pingBeforeIf() — Method in class Event

Register a callback to ping a given URL before the job runs if the given condition is true.

Event::pingOnSuccess() — Method in class Event

Register a callback to ping a given URL if the operation succeeds.

Event::pingOnFailure() — Method in class Event

Register a callback to ping a given URL if the operation fails.

Event::pingCallback() — Method in class Event

Get the callback that pings the given URL.

Event::preventOverlapsUsing() — Method in class Event

Set the event mutex implementation to be used.

Container::parseBindMethod() — Method in class Container

Get the method to be bound in class@method format.

Gate::policy() — Method in class Gate

Define a policy class for a given class type.

PasswordBrokerClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
PasswordBrokerFactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
Dispatcher::pipeThrough() — Method in class Dispatcher

Set the pipes commands should be piped through before dispatching.

Repository::pull() — Method in class Repository

Retrieve an item from the cache and delete it.

Repository::put() — Method in class Repository

Store an item in the cache.

Store::put() — Method in class Store

Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.

Store::putMany() — Method in class Store

Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of seconds.

Repository::prepend() — Method in class Repository

Prepend a value onto an array configuration value.

Repository::push() — Method in class Repository

Push a value onto an array configuration value.

Dispatcher::push() — Method in class Dispatcher

Register an event and payload to be fired later.

Filesystem::put() — Method in class Filesystem

Write the contents of a file.

Filesystem::prepend() — Method in class Filesystem

Prepend to a file.

PaginatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination
Paginator::previousPageUrl() — Method in class Paginator

Get the URL for the previous page, or null.

Paginator::perPage() — Method in class Paginator

Determine how many items are being shown per page.

Paginator::path() — Method in class Paginator

Get the base path for paginator generated URLs.

Hub::pipe() — Method in class Hub

Send an object through one of the available pipelines.

PipelineClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pipeline
Job::payload() — Method in class Job

Get the decoded body of the job.

Queue::push() — Method in class Queue

Push a new job onto the queue.

Queue::pushOn() — Method in class Queue

Push a new job onto the queue.

Queue::pushRaw() — Method in class Queue

Push a raw payload onto the queue.

Queue::pop() — Method in class Queue

Pop the next job off of the queue.

Connection::psubscribe() — Method in class Connection

Subscribe to a set of given channels with wildcards.

Registrar::post() — Method in class Registrar

Register a new POST route with the router.

Registrar::put() — Method in class Registrar

Register a new PUT route with the router.

Registrar::patch() — Method in class Registrar

Register a new PATCH route with the router.

UrlGenerator::previous() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the URL for the previous request.

Session::put() — Method in class Session

Put a key / value pair or array of key / value pairs in the session.

Session::previousUrl() — Method in class Session

Get the previous URL from the session.

DeferrableProvider::provides() — Method in class DeferrableProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.

HasLocalePreference::preferredLocale() — Method in class HasLocalePreference

Get the preferred locale of the entity.

Rule::passes() — Method in class Rule

Determine if the validation rule passes.

$ CookieJar#pathProperty in class CookieJar

The default path (if specified).

BuildsQueries::paginator() — Method in class BuildsQueries

Create a new length-aware paginator instance.

ManagesTransactions::performRollBack() — Method in class ManagesTransactions

Perform a rollback within the database.

$ Connection#pdoProperty in class Connection

The active PDO connection.

$ Connection#postProcessorProperty in class Connection

The query post processor implementation.

$ Connection#pretendingProperty in class Connection

Indicates if the connection is in a "dry run".

Connection::prepared() — Method in class Connection

Configure the PDO prepared statement.

Connection::pretend() — Method in class Connection

Execute the given callback in "dry run" mode.

Connection::prepareBindings() — Method in class Connection

Prepare the query bindings for execution.

Connection::pretending() — Method in class Connection

Determine if the connection is in a "dry run".

ConnectionInterface::prepareBindings() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Prepare the query bindings for execution.

ConnectionInterface::pretend() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Execute the given callback in "dry run" mode.

ConnectionFactory::parseConfig() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Parse and prepare the database configuration.

ConnectionFactory::parseHosts() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Parse the hosts configuration item into an array.

PostgresConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
SqlServerConnector::prefersOdbc() — Method in class SqlServerConnector

Determine if the database configuration prefers ODBC.

MigrateCommand::prepareDatabase() — Method in class MigrateCommand

Prepare the migration database for running.

DatabaseManager::parseConnectionName() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Parse the connection into an array of the name and read / write type.

DatabaseManager::purge() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Disconnect from the given database and remove from local cache.

$ Builder#passthruProperty in class Builder

The methods that should be returned from query builder.

Builder::pluck() — Method in class Builder

Get an array with the values of a given column.

Builder::paginate() — Method in class Builder

Paginate the given query.

Builder::parseWithRelations() — Method in class Builder

Parse a list of relations into individuals.

Collection::pluck() — Method in class Collection

Get an array with the values of a given key.

Collection::pad() — Method in class Collection

Pad collection to the specified length with a value.

$ HasAttributes#primitiveCastTypesProperty in class HasAttributes

The built-in, primitive cast types supported by Eloquent.

HasAttributes::parseCasterClass() — Method in class HasAttributes

Parse the given caster class, removing any arguments.

$ Model#primaryKeyProperty in class Model

The primary key for the model.

$ Model#perPageProperty in class Model

The number of models to return for pagination.

Model::push() — Method in class Model

Save the model and all of its relationships.

Model::performUpdate() — Method in class Model

Perform a model update operation.

Model::performInsert() — Method in class Model

Perform a model insert operation.

Model::performDeleteOnModel() — Method in class Model

Perform the actual delete query on this model instance.

$ BelongsToMany#parentKeyProperty in class BelongsToMany

The key name of the parent model.

$ BelongsToMany#pivotColumnsProperty in class BelongsToMany

The pivot table columns to retrieve.

$ BelongsToMany#pivotWheresProperty in class BelongsToMany

Any pivot table restrictions for where clauses.

$ BelongsToMany#pivotWhereInsProperty in class BelongsToMany

Any pivot table restrictions for whereIn clauses.

$ BelongsToMany#pivotWhereNullsProperty in class BelongsToMany

Any pivot table restrictions for whereNull clauses.

$ BelongsToMany#pivotValuesProperty in class BelongsToMany

The default values for the pivot columns.

$ BelongsToMany#pivotCreatedAtProperty in class BelongsToMany

The custom pivot table column for the created_at timestamp.

$ BelongsToMany#pivotUpdatedAtProperty in class BelongsToMany

The custom pivot table column for the updated_at timestamp.

BelongsToMany::performJoin() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set the join clause for the relation query.

BelongsToMany::paginate() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get a paginator for the "select" statement.

$ AsPivot#pivotParentProperty in class AsPivot

The parent model of the relationship.

InteractsWithPivotTable::parseIds() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Get all of the IDs from the given mixed value.

InteractsWithPivotTable::parseId() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Get the ID from the given mixed value.

HasManyThrough::performJoin() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Set the join clause on the query.

HasManyThrough::paginate() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Get a paginator for the "select" statement.

HasManyThrough::prepareQueryBuilder() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Prepare the query builder for query execution.

PivotClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
$ Relation#parentProperty in class Relation

The parent model instance.

SoftDeletes::performDeleteOnModel() — Method in class SoftDeletes

Perform the actual delete query on this model instance.

Grammar::parameterize() — Method in class Grammar

Create query parameter place-holders for an array.

Grammar::parameter() — Method in class Grammar

Get the appropriate query parameter place-holder for a value.

MigrationServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.

$ MigrationCreator#postCreateProperty in class MigrationCreator

The registered post create hooks.

MigrationCreator::populateStub() — Method in class MigrationCreator

Populate the place-holders in the migration stub.

$ Migrator#pathsProperty in class Migrator

The paths to all of the migration files.

Migrator::pendingMigrations() — Method in class Migrator

Get the migration files that have not yet run.

Migrator::pretendToRun() — Method in class Migrator

Pretend to run the migrations.

Migrator::path() — Method in class Migrator

Register a custom migration path.

Migrator::paths() — Method in class Migrator

Get all of the custom migration paths.

PostgresConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
$ Builder#processorProperty in class Builder

The database query post processor instance.

Builder::parseSub() — Method in class Builder

Parse the subquery into SQL and bindings.

Builder::prepareValueAndOperator() — Method in class Builder

Prepare the value and operator for a where clause.

Builder::paginate() — Method in class Builder

Paginate the given query into a simple paginator.

Builder::pluck() — Method in class Builder

Get an array with the values of a given column.

Builder::pluckFromObjectColumn() — Method in class Builder

Retrieve column values from rows represented as objects.

Builder::pluckFromArrayColumn() — Method in class Builder

Retrieve column values from rows represented as arrays.

Grammar::prepareBindingForJsonContains() — Method in class Grammar

Prepare the binding for a "JSON contains" statement.

Grammar::prepareBindingsForUpdate() — Method in class Grammar

Prepare the bindings for an update statement.

Grammar::prepareBindingsForDelete() — Method in class Grammar

Prepare the bindings for a delete statement.

MySqlGrammar::prepareBindingsForUpdate() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Prepare the bindings for an update statement.

PostgresGrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
PostgresGrammar::prepareBindingsForUpdate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Prepare the bindings for an update statement.

SQLiteGrammar::prepareBindingsForUpdate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Prepare the bindings for an update statement.

SqlServerGrammar::prepareBindingForJsonContains() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Prepare the binding for a "JSON contains" statement.

SqlServerGrammar::prepareBindingsForUpdate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Prepare the bindings for an update statement.

$ JoinClause#parentConnectionProperty in class JoinClause

The connection of the parent query builder.

$ JoinClause#parentGrammarProperty in class JoinClause

The grammar of the parent query builder.

$ JoinClause#parentProcessorProperty in class JoinClause

The processor of the parent query builder.

$ JoinClause#parentClassProperty in class JoinClause

The class name of the parent query builder.

MySqlProcessor::processColumnListing() — Method in class MySqlProcessor

Process the results of a column listing query.

PostgresProcessorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
PostgresProcessor::processInsertGetId() — Method in class PostgresProcessor

Process an "insert get ID" query.

PostgresProcessor::processColumnListing() — Method in class PostgresProcessor

Process the results of a column listing query.

ProcessorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
Processor::processSelect() — Method in class Processor

Process the results of a "select" query.

Processor::processInsertGetId() — Method in class Processor

Process an "insert get ID" query.

Processor::processColumnListing() — Method in class Processor

Process the results of a column listing query.

SQLiteProcessor::processColumnListing() — Method in class SQLiteProcessor

Process the results of a column listing query.

SqlServerProcessor::processInsertGetId() — Method in class SqlServerProcessor

Process an "insert get ID" query.

SqlServerProcessor::processInsertGetIdForOdbc() — Method in class SqlServerProcessor

Process an "insert get ID" query for ODBC.

SqlServerProcessor::processColumnListing() — Method in class SqlServerProcessor

Process the results of a column listing query.

$ Blueprint#prefixProperty in class Blueprint

The prefix of the table.

Blueprint::primary() — Method in class Blueprint

Specify the primary key(s) for the table.

Blueprint::point() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new point column on the table.

Blueprint::polygon() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new polygon column on the table.

ColumnDefinition::persisted() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
ColumnDefinition::primary() — Method in class ColumnDefinition

Add a primary index

Grammar::prefixArray() — Method in class Grammar

Add a prefix to an array of values.

PostgresGrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
PostgresBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
PostgresBuilder::parseSchemaAndTable() — Method in class PostgresBuilder

Parse the table name and extract the schema and table.

EncryptionServiceProvider::parseKey() — Method in class EncryptionServiceProvider

Parse the encryption key.

CallQueuedListener::prepareData() — Method in class CallQueuedListener

Unserialize the data if needed.

Dispatcher::push() — Method in class Dispatcher

Register an event and payload to be fired later.

Dispatcher::parseEventAndPayload() — Method in class Dispatcher

Parse the given event and payload and prepare them for dispatching.

Dispatcher::parseClassCallable() — Method in class Dispatcher

Parse the class listener into class and method.

Dispatcher::propagateListenerOptions() — Method in class Dispatcher

Propagate listener options to the job.

NullDispatcher::push() — Method in class NullDispatcher

Don't register an event and payload to be fired later.

Filesystem::put() — Method in class Filesystem

Write the contents of a file.

Filesystem::prepend() — Method in class Filesystem

Prepend to a file.

FilesystemAdapter::path() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get the full path for the file at the given "short" path.

FilesystemAdapter::put() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Write the contents of a file.

FilesystemAdapter::putFile() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Store the uploaded file on the disk.

FilesystemAdapter::putFileAs() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Store the uploaded file on the disk with a given name.

FilesystemAdapter::prepend() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Prepend to a file.

FilesystemAdapter::parseVisibility() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Parse the given visibility value.

AliasLoader::prependToLoaderStack() — Method in class AliasLoader

Prepend the load method to the auto-loader stack.

Application::path() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the application "app" directory.

Application::publicPath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the public / web directory.

Application::providerIsLoaded() — Method in class Application

Determine if the given service provider is loaded.

Application::provideFacades() — Method in class Application

Configure the real-time facade namespace.

AuthorizesRequests::parseAbilityAndArguments() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests

Guesses the ability's name if it wasn't provided.

PendingChainClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bus
PendingDispatchClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bus
ComposerScripts::postInstall() — Method in class ComposerScripts

Handle the post-install Composer event.

ComposerScripts::postUpdate() — Method in class ComposerScripts

Handle the post-update Composer event.

ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump() — Method in class ComposerScripts

Handle the post-autoload-dump Composer event.

PackageDiscoverCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
PolicyMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ProviderMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
RouteListCommand::pluckColumns() — Method in class RouteListCommand

Remove unnecessary columns from the routes.

RouteListCommand::parseColumns() — Method in class RouteListCommand

Parse the column list.

$ ServeCommand#portOffsetProperty in class ServeCommand

The current port offset.

ServeCommand::port() — Method in class ServeCommand

Get the port for the command.

$ VendorPublishCommand#providerProperty in class VendorPublishCommand

The provider to publish.

VendorPublishCommand::promptForProviderOrTag() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand

Prompt for which provider or tag to publish.

VendorPublishCommand::publishableChoices() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand

The choices available via the prompt.

VendorPublishCommand::parseChoice() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand

Parse the answer that was given via the prompt.

VendorPublishCommand::publishTag() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand

Publishes the assets for a tag.

VendorPublishCommand::pathsToPublish() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand

Get all of the paths to publish.

VendorPublishCommand::publishItem() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand

Publish the given item from and to the given location.

VendorPublishCommand::publishFile() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand

Publish the file to the given path.

VendorPublishCommand::publishDirectory() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand

Publish the directory to the given directory.

ViewCacheCommand::paths() — Method in class ViewCacheCommand

Get all of the possible view paths.

Handler::prepareException() — Method in class Handler

Prepare exception for rendering.

Handler::prepareResponse() — Method in class Handler

Prepare a response for the given exception.

Handler::prepareJsonResponse() — Method in class Handler

Prepare a JSON response for the given exception.

FormRequest::passesAuthorization() — Method in class FormRequest

Determine if the request passes the authorization check.

Kernel::parseMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel

Parse a middleware string to get the name and parameters.

Kernel::prependMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel

Add a new middleware to beginning of the stack if it does not already exist.

Kernel::pushMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel

Add a new middleware to end of the stack if it does not already exist.

Kernel::prependMiddlewareToGroup() — Method in class Kernel

Prepend the given middleware to the given middleware group.

Kernel::prependToMiddlewarePriority() — Method in class Kernel

Prepend the given middleware to the middleware priority list.

PackageManifestClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
PackageManifest::providers() — Method in class PackageManifest

Get all of the service provider class names for all packages.

PackageManifest::packagesToIgnore() — Method in class PackageManifest

Get all of the package names that should be ignored.

ProviderRepositoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
ArtisanServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.

ComposerServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ComposerServiceProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.

$ ConsoleSupportServiceProvider#providersProperty in class ConsoleSupportServiceProvider

The provider class names.

$ FoundationServiceProvider#providersProperty in class FoundationServiceProvider

The provider class names.

$ AuthServiceProvider#policiesProperty in class AuthServiceProvider

The policy mappings for the application.

AuthServiceProvider::policies() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider

Get the policies defined on the provider.

InteractsWithContainer::partialMock() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer

Mock a partial instance of an object in the container.

HashServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class HashServiceProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.

PendingRequestClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
$ PendingRequest#pendingBodyProperty in class PendingRequest

The raw body for the request.

$ PendingRequest#pendingFilesProperty in class PendingRequest

The pending files for the request.

PendingRequest::post() — Method in class PendingRequest

Issue a POST request to the given URL.

PendingRequest::patch() — Method in class PendingRequest

Issue a PATCH request to the given URL.

PendingRequest::put() — Method in class PendingRequest

Issue a PUT request to the given URL.

PendingRequest::parseMultipartBodyFormat() — Method in class PendingRequest

Parse multi-part form data.

PendingRequest::parseRequestData() — Method in class PendingRequest

Get the request data as an array so that we can attach it to the request for convenient assertions.

Request::parameters() — Method in class Request

Get the request's form parameters.

ResponseSequence::push() — Method in class ResponseSequence

Push a response to the sequence.

ResponseSequence::pushStatus() — Method in class ResponseSequence

Push a response with the given status code to the sequence.

ResponseSequence::pushFile() — Method in class ResponseSequence

Push response with the contents of a file as the body to the sequence.

ResponseSequence::pushResponse() — Method in class ResponseSequence

Push a response to the sequence.

InteractsWithContentTypes::prefers() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes

Return the most suitable content type from the given array based on content negotiation.

InteractsWithInput::post() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Retrieve a request payload item from the request.

PostTooLargeExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Exceptions
FileHelpers::path() — Method in class FileHelpers

Get the fully qualified path to the file.

SetCacheHeaders::parseOptions() — Method in class SetCacheHeaders

Parse the given header options.

RedirectResponse::parseErrors() — Method in class RedirectResponse

Parse the given errors into an appropriate value.

Request::path() — Method in class Request

Get the current path info for the request.

Request::pjax() — Method in class Request

Determine if the request is the result of an PJAX call.

Request::prefetch() — Method in class Request

Determine if the request is the result of an prefetch call.

PaginatedResourceResponseClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json
PaginatedResourceResponse::paginationInformation() — Method in class PaginatedResourceResponse

Add the pagination information to the response.

PaginatedResourceResponse::paginationLinks() — Method in class PaginatedResourceResponse

Get the pagination links for the response.

$ ResourceCollection#preserveAllQueryParametersProperty in class ResourceCollection

Indicates if all existing request query parameters should be added to pagination links.

ResourceCollection::preserveQuery() — Method in class ResourceCollection

Indicate that all current query parameters should be appended to pagination links.

ResourceCollection::preparePaginatedResponse() — Method in class ResourceCollection

Create a paginate-aware HTTP response.

PotentiallyMissingClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources
UploadedFile::parseOptions() — Method in class UploadedFile

Parse and format the given options.

LogManager::parseTap() — Method in class LogManager

Parse the given tap class string into a class name and arguments string.

LogManager::prepareHandlers() — Method in class LogManager

Prepare the handlers for usage by Monolog.

LogManager::prepareHandler() — Method in class LogManager

Prepare the handler for usage by Monolog.

ParsesLogConfigurationClass in namespace Illuminate\Log
ParsesLogConfiguration::parseChannel() — Method in class ParsesLogConfiguration

Extract the log channel from the given configuration.

MailServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class MailServiceProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.

Mailable::priority() — Method in class Mailable

Set the priority of this message.

Mailer::plain() — Method in class Mailer

Send a new message with only a plain part.

Mailer::parseView() — Method in class Mailer

Parse the given view name or array.

Markdown::parse() — Method in class Markdown

Parse the given Markdown text into HTML.

Message::priority() — Method in class Message

Set the message priority level.

Message::prepAttachment() — Method in class Message

Prepare and attach the given attachment.

PendingMailClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail
MailgunTransport::payload() — Method in class MailgunTransport

Get the HTTP payload for sending the Mailgun message.

$ Transport#pluginsProperty in class Transport

The plug-ins registered with the transport.

Transport::ping() — Method in class Transport
$ MailMessage#priorityProperty in class MailMessage

Priority level of the message.

MailMessage::priority() — Method in class MailMessage

Set the priority of this message.

MailMessage::parseAddresses() — Method in class MailMessage

Parse the multi-address array into the necessary format.

NotificationSender::preferredLocale() — Method in class NotificationSender

Get the notifiable's preferred locale for the notification.

$ AbstractPaginator#perPageProperty in class AbstractPaginator

The number of items to be shown per page.

$ AbstractPaginator#pathProperty in class AbstractPaginator

The base path to assign to all URLs.

$ AbstractPaginator#pageNameProperty in class AbstractPaginator

The query string variable used to store the page.

AbstractPaginator::previousPageUrl() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Get the URL for the previous page.

AbstractPaginator::perPage() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Get the number of items shown per page.

AbstractPaginator::path() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Get the base path for paginator generated URLs.

PaginationServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
PaginatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
$ UrlWindow#paginatorProperty in class UrlWindow

The paginator implementation.

$ Hub#pipelinesProperty in class Hub

All of the available pipelines.

Hub::pipeline() — Method in class Hub

Define a new named pipeline.

Hub::pipe() — Method in class Hub

Send an object through one of the available pipelines.

PipelineClass in namespace Illuminate\Pipeline
$ Pipeline#passableProperty in class Pipeline

The object being passed through the pipeline.

$ Pipeline#pipesProperty in class Pipeline

The array of class pipes.

Pipeline::prepareDestination() — Method in class Pipeline

Get the final piece of the Closure onion.

Pipeline::parsePipeString() — Method in class Pipeline

Parse full pipe string to get name and parameters.

Pipeline::pipes() — Method in class Pipeline

Get the array of configured pipes.

PipelineServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Pipeline
PipelineServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class PipelineServiceProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.

$ BeanstalkdQueue#pheanstalkProperty in class BeanstalkdQueue

The Pheanstalk instance.

BeanstalkdQueue::push() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue

Push a new job onto the queue.

BeanstalkdQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue

Push a raw payload onto the queue.

BeanstalkdQueue::pop() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue

Pop the next job off of the queue.

Manager::push() — Method in class Manager

Push a new job onto the queue.

BeanstalkdConnector::pheanstalk() — Method in class BeanstalkdConnector

Create a Pheanstalk instance.

ListFailedCommand::parseFailedJob() — Method in class ListFailedCommand

Parse the failed job row.

DatabaseQueue::push() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Push a new job onto the queue.

DatabaseQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Push a raw payload onto the queue.

DatabaseQueue::pushToDatabase() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Push a raw payload to the database with a given delay.

DatabaseQueue::pop() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Pop the next job off of the queue.

$ BeanstalkdJob#pheanstalkProperty in class BeanstalkdJob

The Pheanstalk instance.

Job::payload() — Method in class Job

Get the decoded body of the job.

JobName::parse() — Method in class JobName

Parse the given job name into a class / method array.

$ SyncJob#payloadProperty in class SyncJob

The queue message data.

Listener::phpBinary() — Method in class Listener

Get the PHP binary.

LuaScripts::push() — Method in class LuaScripts

Get the Lua script for pushing jobs onto the queue.

LuaScripts::pop() — Method in class LuaScripts

Get the Lua script for popping the next job off of the queue.

NullQueue::push() — Method in class NullQueue

Push a new job onto the queue.

NullQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class NullQueue

Push a raw payload onto the queue.

NullQueue::pop() — Method in class NullQueue

Pop the next job off of the queue.

Queue::pushOn() — Method in class Queue

Push a new job onto the queue.

QueueServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.

RedisQueue::push() — Method in class RedisQueue

Push a new job onto the queue.

RedisQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class RedisQueue

Push a raw payload onto the queue.

RedisQueue::pop() — Method in class RedisQueue

Pop the next job off of the queue.

$ SqsQueue#prefixProperty in class SqsQueue

The queue URL prefix.

SqsQueue::push() — Method in class SqsQueue

Push a new job onto the queue.

SqsQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class SqsQueue

Push a raw payload onto the queue.

SqsQueue::pop() — Method in class SqsQueue

Pop the next job off of the queue.

SyncQueue::push() — Method in class SyncQueue

Push a new job onto the queue.

SyncQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class SyncQueue

Push a raw payload onto the queue.

SyncQueue::pop() — Method in class SyncQueue

Pop the next job off of the queue.

$ Worker#pausedProperty in class Worker

Indicates if the worker is paused.

Worker::pauseWorker() — Method in class Worker

Pause the worker for the current loop.

Worker::process() — Method in class Worker

Process the given job from the queue.

Connection::psubscribe() — Method in class Connection

Subscribe to a set of given channels with wildcards.

PhpRedisClusterConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Connections
PhpRedisConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Connections
PhpRedisConnection::pipeline() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Execute commands in a pipeline.

PhpRedisConnection::psubscribe() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Subscribe to a set of given channels with wildcards.

PredisClusterConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Connections
PredisConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Connections
PhpRedisConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Connectors
PredisConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Connectors
$ CommandExecuted#parametersProperty in class CommandExecuted

The array of command parameters.

RedisManager::parseConnectionConfiguration() — Method in class RedisManager

Parse the Redis connection configuration.

RedisServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class RedisServiceProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.

ControllerMakeCommand::parseModel() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand

Get the fully-qualified model class name.

MiddlewareNameResolver::parseMiddlewareGroup() — Method in class MiddlewareNameResolver

Parse the middleware group and format it for usage.

PendingResourceRegistrationClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
PendingResourceRegistration::parameters() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration

Override the route parameter names.

PendingResourceRegistration::parameter() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration

Override a route parameter's name.

PipelineClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing

This extended pipeline catches any exceptions that occur during each slice.

$ ResourceRegistrar#parametersProperty in class ResourceRegistrar

The parameters set for this resource instance.

$ ResourceRegistrar#parameterMapProperty in class ResourceRegistrar

The global parameter mapping.

ResourceRegistrar::prefixedResource() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Build a set of prefixed resource routes.

$ Route#parametersProperty in class Route

The array of matched parameters.

$ Route#parameterNamesProperty in class Route

The parameter names for the route.

Route::parseAction() — Method in class Route

Parse the route action into a standard array.

Route::parseControllerCallback() — Method in class Route

Parse the controller.

Route::parameter() — Method in class Route

Get a given parameter from the route.

Route::parameters() — Method in class Route

Get the key / value list of parameters for the route.

Route::parametersWithoutNulls() — Method in class Route

Get the key / value list of parameters without null values.

Route::parameterNames() — Method in class Route

Get all of the parameter names for the route.

Route::parentOfParameter() — Method in class Route

Get the parent parameter of the given parameter.

Route::parseWhere() — Method in class Route

Parse arguments to the where method into an array.

Route::prefix() — Method in class Route

Add a prefix to the route URI.

Route::parseUri() — Method in class Route

Parse the route URI and normalize / store any implicit binding fields.

Route::prepareForSerialization() — Method in class Route

Prepare the route instance for serialization.

RouteAction::parse() — Method in class RouteAction

Parse the given action into an array.

RouteParameterBinder::parameters() — Method in class RouteParameterBinder

Get the parameters for the route.

$ RouteRegistrar#passthruProperty in class RouteRegistrar

The methods to dynamically pass through to the router.

RouteRegistrar::post() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
RouteRegistrar::put() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
RouteRegistrar::patch() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
RouteRegistrar::prefix() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
RouteUri::parse() — Method in class RouteUri

Parse the given URI.

$ Router#patternsProperty in class Router

The globally available parameter patterns.

Router::post() — Method in class Router

Register a new POST route with the router.

Router::put() — Method in class Router

Register a new PUT route with the router.

Router::patch() — Method in class Router

Register a new PATCH route with the router.

Router::permanentRedirect() — Method in class Router

Create a permanent redirect from one URI to another.

Router::prependGroupNamespace() — Method in class Router

Prepend the last group namespace onto the use clause.

Router::prefix() — Method in class Router

Prefix the given URI with the last prefix.

Router::prepareResponse() — Method in class Router

Create a response instance from the given value.

Router::performBinding() — Method in class Router

Call the binding callback for the given key.

Router::prependMiddlewareToGroup() — Method in class Router

Add a middleware to the beginning of a middleware group.

Router::pushMiddlewareToGroup() — Method in class Router

Add a middleware to the end of a middleware group.

Router::pattern() — Method in class Router

Set a global where pattern on all routes.

Router::patterns() — Method in class Router

Set a group of global where patterns on all routes.

SortedMiddleware::priorityMapIndex() — Method in class SortedMiddleware

Calculate the priority map index of the middleware.

UrlGenerator::previous() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the URL for the previous request.

UrlGenerator::pathFormatter() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the path formatter being used by the URL generator.

DatabaseSessionHandler::performInsert() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler

Perform an insert operation on the session ID.

DatabaseSessionHandler::performUpdate() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler

Perform an update operation on the session ID.

EncryptedStore::prepareForUnserialize() — Method in class EncryptedStore

Prepare the raw string data from the session for unserialization.

EncryptedStore::prepareForStorage() — Method in class EncryptedStore

Prepare the serialized session data for storage.

$ FileSessionHandler#pathProperty in class FileSessionHandler

The path where sessions should be stored.

Store::prepareForUnserialize() — Method in class Store

Prepare the raw string data from the session for unserialization.

Store::prepareForStorage() — Method in class Store

Prepare the serialized session data for storage.

Store::pull() — Method in class Store

Get the value of a given key and then forget it.

Store::put() — Method in class Store

Put a key / value pair or array of key / value pairs in the session.

Store::push() — Method in class Store

Push a value onto a session array.

Store::previousUrl() — Method in class Store

Get the previous URL from the session.

$ AggregateServiceProvider#providersProperty in class AggregateServiceProvider

The provider class names.

AggregateServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class AggregateServiceProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.

Arr::pluck() — Method in class Arr

Pluck an array of values from an array.

Arr::prepend() — Method in class Arr

Push an item onto the beginning of an array.

Arr::pull() — Method in class Arr

Get a value from the array, and remove it.

Collection::pluck() — Method in class Collection

Get the values of a given key.

Collection::pop() — Method in class Collection

Get and remove the last item from the collection.

Collection::prepend() — Method in class Collection

Push an item onto the beginning of the collection.

Collection::push() — Method in class Collection

Push one or more items onto the end of the collection.

Collection::pull() — Method in class Collection

Get and remove an item from the collection.

Collection::put() — Method in class Collection

Put an item in the collection by key.

Collection::pad() — Method in class Collection

Pad collection to the specified length with a value.

Composer::phpBinary() — Method in class Composer

Get the PHP binary.

ConfigurationUrlParser::parseConfiguration() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser

Parse the database configuration, hydrating options using a database configuration URL if possible.

ConfigurationUrlParser::parseUrl() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser

Parse the string URL to an array of components.

ConfigurationUrlParser::parseStringsToNativeTypes() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser

Convert string casted values to their native types.

DateFactory::parse() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::pluralUnit() — Method in class DateFactory
Enumerable::partition() — Method in class Enumerable

Partition the collection into two arrays using the given callback or key.

Enumerable::pipe() — Method in class Enumerable

Pass the enumerable to the given callback and return the result.

Enumerable::pluck() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the values of a given key.

Enumerable::pad() — Method in class Enumerable

Pad collection to the specified length with a value.

Enumerable::proxy() — Method in class Enumerable

Add a method to the list of proxied methods.

$ Env#putenvProperty in class Env

Indicates if the putenv adapter is enabled.

Auth::provider() — Method in class Auth
Blade::precompiler() — Method in class Blade
Bus::pipeThrough() — Method in class Bus
Cache::put() — Method in class Cache
Cache::pull() — Method in class Cache
Config::prepend() — Method in class Config
Config::push() — Method in class Config
DB::prepareBindings() — Method in class DB
DB::pretend() — Method in class DB
Date::parse() — Method in class Date
Date::pluralUnit() — Method in class Date
Event::push() — Method in class Event
Facade::partialMock() — Method in class Facade

Initiate a partial mock on the facade.

File::prepend() — Method in class File
File::put() — Method in class File
Gate::policy() — Method in class Gate
Http::patch() — Method in class Http
Http::post() — Method in class Http
Http::put() — Method in class Http
PasswordClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Queue::pop() — Method in class Queue
Queue::push() — Method in class Queue
Queue::pushOn() — Method in class Queue
Queue::pushRaw() — Method in class Queue
Request::pjax() — Method in class Request
Request::prefers() — Method in class Request
Request::prefetch() — Method in class Request
Request::path() — Method in class Request
Request::post() — Method in class Request
Route::patch() — Method in class Route
Route::permanentRedirect() — Method in class Route
Route::post() — Method in class Route
Route::put() — Method in class Route
Route::prefix() — Method in class Route
Route::pattern() — Method in class Route
Session::pull() — Method in class Session
Session::previousUrl() — Method in class Session
Session::push() — Method in class Session
Session::put() — Method in class Session
Storage::persistentFake() — Method in class Storage

Replace the given disk with a persistent local testing disk.

Storage::prepend() — Method in class Storage
Storage::put() — Method in class Storage
Storage::putFile() — Method in class Storage
Storage::putFileAs() — Method in class Storage
URL::previous() — Method in class URL
InteractsWithTime::parseDateInterval() — Method in class InteractsWithTime

If the given value is an interval, convert it to a DateTime instance.

LazyCollection::pluck() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get the values of a given key.

LazyCollection::pad() — Method in class LazyCollection

Pad collection to the specified length with a value.

LazyCollection::passthru() — Method in class LazyCollection

Pass this lazy collection through a method on the collection class.

$ NamespacedItemResolver#parsedProperty in class NamespacedItemResolver

A cache of the parsed items.

NamespacedItemResolver::parseKey() — Method in class NamespacedItemResolver

Parse a key into namespace, group, and item.

NamespacedItemResolver::parseBasicSegments() — Method in class NamespacedItemResolver

Parse an array of basic segments.

NamespacedItemResolver::parseNamespacedSegments() — Method in class NamespacedItemResolver

Parse an array of namespaced segments.

PluralizerClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
Pluralizer::plural() — Method in class Pluralizer

Get the plural form of an English word.

ProcessUtilsClass in namespace Illuminate\Support

ProcessUtils is a bunch of utility methods.

$ ServiceProvider#publishesProperty in class ServiceProvider

The paths that should be published.

$ ServiceProvider#publishGroupsProperty in class ServiceProvider

The paths that should be published by group.

ServiceProvider::publishes() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Register paths to be published by the publish command.

ServiceProvider::pathsToPublish() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Get the paths to publish.

ServiceProvider::pathsForProviderOrGroup() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Get the paths for the provider or group (or both).

ServiceProvider::pathsForProviderAndGroup() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Get the paths for the provider and group.

ServiceProvider::publishableProviders() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Get the service providers available for publishing.

ServiceProvider::publishableGroups() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Get the groups available for publishing.

ServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.

Str::padBoth() — Method in class Str

Pad both sides of a string with another.

Str::padLeft() — Method in class Str

Pad the left side of a string with another.

Str::padRight() — Method in class Str

Pad the right side of a string with another.

Str::parseCallback() — Method in class Str

Parse a Class[@]method style callback into class and method.

Str::plural() — Method in class Str

Get the plural form of an English word.

Str::pluralStudly() — Method in class Str

Pluralize the last word of an English, studly caps case string.

Stringable::padBoth() — Method in class Stringable

Pad both sides of the string with another.

Stringable::padLeft() — Method in class Stringable

Pad the left side of the string with another.

Stringable::padRight() — Method in class Stringable

Pad the right side of the string with another.

Stringable::parseCallback() — Method in class Stringable

Parse a Class@method style callback into class and method.

Stringable::plural() — Method in class Stringable

Get the plural form of an English word.

Stringable::pluralStudly() — Method in class Stringable

Pluralize the last word of an English, studly caps case string.

Stringable::prepend() — Method in class Stringable

Prepend the given values to the string.

BusFake::pipeThrough() — Method in class BusFake

Set the pipes commands should be piped through before dispatching.

EventFake::push() — Method in class EventFake

Register an event and payload to be dispatched later.

PendingMailFakeClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
QueueFake::pushed() — Method in class QueueFake

Get all of the jobs matching a truth-test callback.

QueueFake::push() — Method in class QueueFake

Push a new job onto the queue.

QueueFake::pushRaw() — Method in class QueueFake

Push a raw payload onto the queue.

QueueFake::pushOn() — Method in class QueueFake

Push a new job onto the queue.

QueueFake::pop() — Method in class QueueFake

Pop the next job off of the queue.

QueueFake::pushedJobs() — Method in class QueueFake

Get the jobs that have been pushed.

$ EnumeratesValues#proxiesProperty in class EnumeratesValues

The methods that can be proxied.

$ EnumeratesValues#partitionProperty in class EnumeratesValues
EnumeratesValues::partition() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Partition the collection into two arrays using the given callback or key.

EnumeratesValues::pipe() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Pass the collection to the given callback and return the result.

EnumeratesValues::proxy() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Add a method to the list of proxied methods.

ViewErrorBag::put() — Method in class ViewErrorBag

Add a new MessageBag instance to the bags.

PendingCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Testing
$ PendingCommand#parametersProperty in class PendingCommand

The parameters to pass to the command.

$ FileLoader#pathProperty in class FileLoader

The default path for the loader.

TranslationServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class TranslationServiceProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.

Translator::parseKey() — Method in class Translator

Parse a key into namespace, group, and item.

ClosureValidationRule::passes() — Method in class ClosureValidationRule

Determine if the validation rule passes.

ValidatesAttributes::prepareUniqueId() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Prepare the given ID for querying.

ValidatesAttributes::parseTable() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Parse the connection / table for the unique / exists rules.

ValidatesAttributes::prepareValuesAndOther() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Prepare the values and the other value for validation.

ValidatesAttributes::parseNamedParameters() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Parse named parameters to $key => $value items.

PresenceVerifierInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait::prepareForValidation() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait

Prepare the data for validation.

ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait::passedValidation() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait

Handle a passed validation attempt.

ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait::passesAuthorization() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait

Determine if the request passes the authorization check.

ValidationRuleParser::prepareRule() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser

Prepare the given rule for the Validator.

ValidationRuleParser::parse() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser

Extract the rule name and parameters from a rule.

ValidationRuleParser::parseArrayRule() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser

Parse an array based rule.

ValidationRuleParser::parseStringRule() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser

Parse a string based rule.

ValidationRuleParser::parseParameters() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser

Parse a parameter list.

ValidationServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ValidationServiceProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.

$ Validator#presenceVerifierProperty in class Validator

The Presence Verifier implementation.

Validator::parseData() — Method in class Validator

Parse the data array, converting dots and asterisks.

Validator::passes() — Method in class Validator

Determine if the data passes the validation rules.

Validator::presentOrRuleIsImplicit() — Method in class Validator

Determine if the field is present, or the rule implies required.

Validator::passesOptionalCheck() — Method in class Validator

Determine if the attribute passes any optional check.

$ BladeCompiler#precompilersProperty in class BladeCompiler

All of the registered precompilers.

$ BladeCompiler#pathProperty in class BladeCompiler

The file currently being compiled.

BladeCompiler::parseToken() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Parse the tokens from the template.

BladeCompiler::precompiler() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Register a new precompiler.

ComponentTagCompiler::partitionDataAndAttributes() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Partition the data and extra attributes from the given array of attributes.

ComponentTagCompiler::parseBindAttributes() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Parse the "bind" attributes in a given attribute string into their fully-qualified syntax.

$ Component#propertyCacheProperty in class Component

The cache of public property names, keyed by class.

ManagesEvents::parseClassEvent() — Method in class ManagesEvents

Parse a class based composer name.

$ ManagesLayouts#parentPlaceholderProperty in class ManagesLayouts

The parent placeholder for the request.

$ ManagesLayouts#parentPlaceholderSaltProperty in class ManagesLayouts

The parent placeholder salt for the request.

ManagesLayouts::parentPlaceholder() — Method in class ManagesLayouts

Get the parent placeholder for the current request.

ManagesLayouts::parentPlaceholderSalt() — Method in class ManagesLayouts

Get the parent placeholder salt.

ManagesLoops::popLoop() — Method in class ManagesLoops

Pop a loop from the top of the loop stack.

$ ManagesStacks#pushesProperty in class ManagesStacks

All of the finished, captured push sections.

$ ManagesStacks#prependsProperty in class ManagesStacks

All of the finished, captured prepend sections.

$ ManagesStacks#pushStackProperty in class ManagesStacks

The stack of in-progress push sections.

PhpEngineClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
Factory::parseData() — Method in class Factory

Parse the given data into a raw array.

Factory::prependNamespace() — Method in class Factory

Prepend a new namespace to the loader.

$ FileViewFinder#pathsProperty in class FileViewFinder

The array of active view paths.

FileViewFinder::parseNamespaceSegments() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Get the segments of a template with a named path.

FileViewFinder::prependLocation() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Prepend a location to the finder.

FileViewFinder::prependNamespace() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Prepend a namespace hint to the finder.

$ View#pathProperty in class View

The path to the view file.

ViewFinderInterface::prependNamespace() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface

Prepend a namespace hint to the finder.


SessionGuard::queueRecallerCookie() — Method in class SessionGuard

Queue the recaller cookie into the cookie jar.

BroadcastManager::queue() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Queue the given event for broadcast.

$ Dispatcher#queueResolverProperty in class Dispatcher

The queue resolver callback.

QueueableClass in namespace Illuminate\Bus
$ Queueable#queueProperty in class Queueable

The name of the queue the job should be sent to.

InteractsWithIO::question() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Write a string as question output.

GeneratorCommand::qualifyClass() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Parse the class name and format according to the root namespace.

ManagesFrequencies::quarterly() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run quarterly.

QueueingDispatcherClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Bus
Kernel::queue() — Method in class Kernel

Queue an Artisan console command by name.

QueueingFactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cookie
QueueingFactory::queue() — Method in class QueueingFactory

Queue a cookie to send with the next response.

MailQueue::queue() — Method in class MailQueue

Queue a new e-mail message for sending.

Mailable::queue() — Method in class Mailable

Queue the given message.

QueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
QueueableCollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
QueueableEntityClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
$ CookieJar#queuedProperty in class CookieJar

All of the cookies queued for sending.

CookieJar::queued() — Method in class CookieJar

Get a queued cookie instance.

CookieJar::queue() — Method in class CookieJar

Queue a cookie to send with the next response.

$ Connection#queryGrammarProperty in class Connection

The query grammar implementation.

$ Connection#queryLogProperty in class Connection

All of the queries run against the connection.

Connection::query() — Method in class Connection

Get a new query builder instance.

SeederMakeCommand::qualifyClass() — Method in class SeederMakeCommand

Parse the class name and format according to the root namespace.

$ Builder#queryProperty in class Builder

The base query builder instance.

Builder::qualifyColumn() — Method in class Builder

Qualify the given column name by the model's table.

QueriesRelationshipsClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
Model::qualifyColumn() — Method in class Model

Qualify the given column name by the model's table.

Model::query() — Method in class Model

Begin querying the model.

QueueEntityResolverClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
$ Relation#queryProperty in class Relation

The Eloquent query builder instance.

QueryExecutedClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
Grammar::quoteString() — Method in class Grammar

Quote the given string literal.

QueryExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
SqlServerGrammar::quoteString() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Quote the given string literal.

$ Dispatcher#queueResolverProperty in class Dispatcher

The queue resolver instance.

Dispatcher::queueHandler() — Method in class Dispatcher

Queue the handler class.

Kernel::queue() — Method in class Kernel

Queue the given console command.

QueuedCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
Inspiring::quote() — Method in class Inspiring

Get an inspiring quote.

InteractsWithInput::query() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Retrieve a query string item from the request.

$ ResourceCollection#queryParametersProperty in class ResourceCollection

The query parameters that should be added to the pagination links.

Mailable::queue() — Method in class Mailable

Queue the message for sending.

$ Mailer#queueProperty in class Mailer

The queue factory implementation.

Mailer::queue() — Method in class Mailer

Queue a new e-mail message for sending.

Mailer::queueOn() — Method in class Mailer

Queue a new e-mail message for sending on the given queue.

PendingMail::queue() — Method in class PendingMail

Push the given mailable onto the queue.

NotificationSender::queueNotification() — Method in class NotificationSender

Queue the given notification instances.

$ AbstractPaginator#queryProperty in class AbstractPaginator

The query parameters to add to all URLs.

$ AbstractPaginator#queryStringResolverProperty in class AbstractPaginator

The query string resolver callback.

AbstractPaginator::queryStringResolver() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Set with query string resolver callback.

$ Looping#queueProperty in class Looping

The queue name.

$ Job#queueProperty in class Job

The name of the queue the job belongs to.

QueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
QueueManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
QueueServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
Worker::queueShouldRestart() — Method in class Worker

Determine if the queue worker should restart.

Arr::query() — Method in class Arr

Convert the array into a query string.

Artisan::queue() — Method in class Artisan
Cookie::queue() — Method in class Cookie
Mail::queued() — Method in class Mail
Mail::queue() — Method in class Mail
QueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Request::query() — Method in class Request
$ MailFake#queuedMailablesProperty in class MailFake

All of the mailables that have been queued.

MailFake::queued() — Method in class MailFake

Get all of the queued mailables matching a truth-test callback.

MailFake::queuedMailablesOf() — Method in class MailFake

Get all of the mailed mailables for a given type.

MailFake::queue() — Method in class MailFake

Queue a new e-mail message for sending.

PendingMailFake::queue() — Method in class PendingMailFake

Push the given mailable onto the queue.

QueueFakeClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
DatabaseRule::queryCallbacks() — Method in class DatabaseRule

Get the custom query callbacks for the rule.


$ AuthorizationException#responseProperty in class AuthorizationException

The response from the gate.

AuthorizationException::response() — Method in class AuthorizationException

Get the response from the gate.

Gate::resource() — Method in class Gate

Define abilities for a resource.

Gate::raw() — Method in class Gate

Get the raw result from the authorization callback.

Gate::resolveAuthCallback() — Method in class Gate

Resolve the callable for the given ability and arguments.

Gate::resolvePolicy() — Method in class Gate

Build a policy class instance of the given type.

Gate::resolvePolicyCallback() — Method in class Gate

Resolve the callback for a policy check.

Gate::resolveUser() — Method in class Gate

Resolve the user from the user resolver.

ResponseClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
AuthManager::resolve() — Method in class AuthManager

Resolve the given guard.

AuthManager::resolveUsersUsing() — Method in class AuthManager

Set the callback to be used to resolve users.

AuthServiceProvider::register() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

AuthServiceProvider::registerAuthenticator() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider

Register the authenticator services.

AuthServiceProvider::registerUserResolver() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider

Register a resolver for the authenticated user.

AuthServiceProvider::registerAccessGate() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider

Register the access gate service.

AuthServiceProvider::registerRequirePassword() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider

Register a resolver for the authenticated user.

AuthServiceProvider::registerRequestRebindHandler() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider

Handle the re-binding of the request binding.

AuthServiceProvider::registerEventRebindHandler() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider

Handle the re-binding of the event dispatcher binding.

$ Authenticatable#rememberTokenNameProperty in class Authenticatable

The column name of the "remember me" token.

$ AuthenticationException#redirectToProperty in class AuthenticationException

The path the user should be redirected to.

AuthenticationException::redirectTo() — Method in class AuthenticationException

Get the path the user should be redirected to.

DatabaseUserProvider::retrieveById() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider

Retrieve a user by their unique identifier.

DatabaseUserProvider::retrieveByToken() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider

Retrieve a user by their unique identifier and "remember me" token.

DatabaseUserProvider::retrieveByCredentials() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider

Retrieve a user by the given credentials.

EloquentUserProvider::retrieveById() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider

Retrieve a user by their unique identifier.

EloquentUserProvider::retrieveByToken() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider

Retrieve a user by their unique identifier and "remember me" token.

EloquentUserProvider::retrieveByCredentials() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider

Retrieve a user by the given credentials.

$ Attempting#rememberProperty in class Attempting

Indicates if the user should be "remembered".

$ Lockout#requestProperty in class Lockout

The throttled request.

$ Login#rememberProperty in class Login

Indicates if the user should be "remembered".

RegisteredClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
Authenticate::redirectTo() — Method in class Authenticate

Get the path the user should be redirected to when they are not authenticated.

RequirePasswordClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
$ RequirePassword#responseFactoryProperty in class RequirePassword

The response factory instance.

ResetPasswordClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Notifications
DatabaseTokenRepository::recentlyCreatedToken() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository

Determine if the given user recently created a password reset token.

PasswordBroker::reset() — Method in class PasswordBroker

Reset the password for the given token.

PasswordBrokerManager::resolve() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager

Resolve the given broker.

PasswordResetServiceProvider::register() — Method in class PasswordResetServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

PasswordResetServiceProvider::registerPasswordBroker() — Method in class PasswordResetServiceProvider

Register the password broker instance.

TokenRepositoryInterface::recentlyCreatedToken() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface

Determine if the given user recently created a password reset token.

RecallerClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
$ Recaller#recallerProperty in class Recaller

The "recaller" / "remember me" cookie string.

RequestGuardClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
$ RequestGuard#requestProperty in class RequestGuard

The request instance.

$ SessionGuard#requestProperty in class SessionGuard

The request instance.

$ SessionGuard#recallAttemptedProperty in class SessionGuard

Indicates if a token user retrieval has been attempted.

SessionGuard::recaller() — Method in class SessionGuard

Get the decrypted recaller cookie for the request.

$ TokenGuard#requestProperty in class TokenGuard

The request instance.

BroadcastManager::routes() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Register the routes for handling broadcast authentication and sockets.

BroadcastManager::resolve() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Resolve the given broadcaster.

BroadcastServiceProvider::register() — Method in class BroadcastServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

Broadcaster::resolveBinding() — Method in class Broadcaster

Resolve the given parameter binding.

Broadcaster::resolveExplicitBindingIfPossible() — Method in class Broadcaster

Resolve an explicit parameter binding if applicable.

Broadcaster::resolveImplicitBindingIfPossible() — Method in class Broadcaster

Resolve an implicit parameter binding if applicable.

Broadcaster::retrieveUser() — Method in class Broadcaster

Retrieve the authenticated user using the configured guard (if any).

Broadcaster::retrieveChannelOptions() — Method in class Broadcaster

Retrieve options for a certain channel.

RedisBroadcasterClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
$ RedisBroadcaster#redisProperty in class RedisBroadcaster

The Redis instance.

BusServiceProvider::register() — Method in class BusServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

ArrayLock::release() — Method in class ArrayLock

Release the lock.

ArrayStore::restoreLock() — Method in class ArrayStore

Restore a lock instance using the owner identifier.

CacheManager::resolve() — Method in class CacheManager

Resolve the given store.

CacheManager::repository() — Method in class CacheManager

Create a new cache repository with the given implementation.

CacheManager::refreshEventDispatcher() — Method in class CacheManager

Re-set the event dispatcher on all resolved cache repositories.

CacheServiceProvider::register() — Method in class CacheServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

DatabaseLock::release() — Method in class DatabaseLock

Release the lock.

DatabaseStore::restoreLock() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Restore a lock instance using the owner identifier.

DynamoDbLock::release() — Method in class DynamoDbLock

Release the lock.

DynamoDbStore::restoreLock() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Restore a lock instance using the owner identifier.

Lock::release() — Method in class Lock

Release the lock.

LuaScripts::releaseLock() — Method in class LuaScripts

Get the Lua script to atomically release a lock.

MemcachedLock::release() — Method in class MemcachedLock

Release the lock.

MemcachedStore::restoreLock() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Restore a lock instance using the owner identifier.

RateLimiterClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
RateLimiter::resetAttempts() — Method in class RateLimiter

Reset the number of attempts for the given key.

RateLimiter::retriesLeft() — Method in class RateLimiter

Get the number of retries left for the given key.

RedisLockClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
$ RedisLock#redisProperty in class RedisLock

The Redis factory implementation.

RedisLock::release() — Method in class RedisLock

Release the lock.

RedisStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
$ RedisStore#redisProperty in class RedisStore

The Redis factory implementation.

RedisStore::restoreLock() — Method in class RedisStore

Restore a lock instance using the owner identifier.

RedisTaggedCacheClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
RedisTaggedCache::referenceKey() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache

Get the reference key for the segment.

RepositoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
Repository::remember() — Method in class Repository

Get an item from the cache, or execute the given Closure and store the result.

Repository::rememberForever() — Method in class Repository

Get an item from the cache, or execute the given Closure and store the result forever.

RetrievesMultipleKeysClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
TagSet::reset() — Method in class TagSet

Reset all tags in the set.

TagSet::resetTag() — Method in class TagSet

Reset the tag and return the new tag identifier.

RepositoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Config
Application::run() — Method in class Application
Application::resolve() — Method in class Application

Add a command, resolving through the application.

Application::resolveCommands() — Method in class Application

Resolve an array of commands through the application.

Command::run() — Method in class Command

Run the console command.

Command::resolveCommand() — Method in class Command

Resolve the console command instance for the given command.

CallsCommands::resolveCommand() — Method in class CallsCommands

Resolve the console command instance for the given command.

CallsCommands::runCommand() — Method in class CallsCommands

Run the given the console command.

$ ScheduledTaskFinished#runtimeProperty in class ScheduledTaskFinished

The runtime of the scheduled event.

$ GeneratorCommand#reservedNamesProperty in class GeneratorCommand

Reserved names that cannot be used for generation.

GeneratorCommand::replaceNamespace() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Replace the namespace for the given stub.

GeneratorCommand::replaceClass() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Replace the class name for the given stub.

GeneratorCommand::rootNamespace() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Get the root namespace for the class.

CallbackEvent::run() — Method in class CallbackEvent

Run the given event.

CallbackEvent::removeMutex() — Method in class CallbackEvent

Clear the mutex for the event.

$ Event#runInBackgroundProperty in class Event

Indicates if the command should run in background.

$ Event#rejectsProperty in class Event

The array of reject callbacks.

Event::run() — Method in class Event

Run the given event.

Event::runCommandInForeground() — Method in class Event

Run the command in the foreground.

Event::runCommandInBackground() — Method in class Event

Run the command in the background.

Event::runsInMaintenanceMode() — Method in class Event

Determine if the event runs in maintenance mode.

Event::runsInEnvironment() — Method in class Event

Determine if the event runs in the given environment.

Event::runInBackground() — Method in class Event

State that the command should run in background.

ScheduleRunCommand::runSingleServerEvent() — Method in class ScheduleRunCommand

Run the given single server event.

ScheduleRunCommand::runEvent() — Method in class ScheduleRunCommand

Run the given event.

$ Container#resolvedProperty in class Container

An array of the types that have been resolved.

$ Container#reboundCallbacksProperty in class Container

All of the registered rebound callbacks.

$ Container#resolvingCallbacksProperty in class Container

All of the resolving callbacks by class type.

Container::resolved() — Method in class Container

Determine if the given abstract type has been resolved.

Container::removeAbstractAlias() — Method in class Container

Remove an alias from the contextual binding alias cache.

Container::rebinding() — Method in class Container

Bind a new callback to an abstract's rebind event.

Container::refresh() — Method in class Container

Refresh an instance on the given target and method.

Container::rebound() — Method in class Container

Fire the "rebound" callbacks for the given abstract type.

Container::resolve() — Method in class Container

Resolve the given type from the container.

Container::resolveDependencies() — Method in class Container

Resolve all of the dependencies from the ReflectionParameters.

Container::resolvePrimitive() — Method in class Container

Resolve a non-class hinted primitive dependency.

Container::resolveClass() — Method in class Container

Resolve a class based dependency from the container.

Container::resolveVariadicClass() — Method in class Container

Resolve a class based variadic dependency from the container.

Container::resolving() — Method in class Container

Register a new resolving callback.

RewindableGeneratorClass in namespace Illuminate\Container
Gate::resource() — Method in class Gate

Define abilities for a resource.

Gate::raw() — Method in class Gate

Get the raw result from the authorization callback.

PasswordBroker::reset() — Method in class PasswordBroker

Reset the password for the given token.

UserProvider::retrieveById() — Method in class UserProvider

Retrieve a user by their unique identifier.

UserProvider::retrieveByToken() — Method in class UserProvider

Retrieve a user by their unique identifier and "remember me" token.

UserProvider::retrieveByCredentials() — Method in class UserProvider

Retrieve a user by the given credentials.

Lock::release() — Method in class Lock

Release the lock.

LockProvider::restoreLock() — Method in class LockProvider

Restore a lock instance using the owner identifier.

RepositoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
Repository::remember() — Method in class Repository

Get an item from the cache, or execute the given Closure and store the result.

Repository::rememberForever() — Method in class Repository

Get an item from the cache, or execute the given Closure and store the result forever.

RepositoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Config
Container::resolved() — Method in class Container

Determine if the given abstract type has been resolved.

Container::resolving() — Method in class Container

Register a new resolving callback.

$ ModelIdentifier#relationsProperty in class ModelIdentifier

The relationships loaded on the model.

ExceptionHandler::report() — Method in class ExceptionHandler

Report or log an exception.

ExceptionHandler::render() — Method in class ExceptionHandler

Render an exception into an HTTP response.

ExceptionHandler::renderForConsole() — Method in class ExceptionHandler

Render an exception to the console.

Filesystem::readStream() — Method in class Filesystem

Get a resource to read the file.

Application::resourcePath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the resources directory.

Application::runningInConsole() — Method in class Application

Determine if the application is running in the console.

Application::runningUnitTests() — Method in class Application

Determine if the application is running unit tests.

Application::registerConfiguredProviders() — Method in class Application

Register all of the configured providers.

Application::register() — Method in class Application

Register a service provider with the application.

Application::registerDeferredProvider() — Method in class Application

Register a deferred provider and service.

Application::resolveProvider() — Method in class Application

Resolve a service provider instance from the class name.

CachesRoutes::routesAreCached() — Method in class CachesRoutes

Determine if the application routes are cached.

Mailer::raw() — Method in class Mailer

Send a new message with only a raw text part.

Paginator::render() — Method in class Paginator

Render the paginator using a given view.

EntityResolver::resolve() — Method in class EntityResolver

Resolve the entity for the given ID.

Job::release() — Method in class Job

Release the job back into the queue.

Job::resolveName() — Method in class Job

Get the resolved name of the queued job class.

RegistrarClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
Registrar::resource() — Method in class Registrar

Route a resource to a controller.

ResponseFactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
ResponseFactory::redirectTo() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new redirect response to the given path.

ResponseFactory::redirectToRoute() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new redirect response to a named route.

ResponseFactory::redirectToAction() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new redirect response to a controller action.

ResponseFactory::redirectGuest() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new redirect response, while putting the current URL in the session.

ResponseFactory::redirectToIntended() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new redirect response to the previously intended location.

UrlGenerator::route() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the URL to a named route.

UrlRoutable::resolveRouteBinding() — Method in class UrlRoutable

Retrieve the model for a bound value.

UrlRoutable::resolveChildRouteBinding() — Method in class UrlRoutable

Retrieve the child model for a bound value.

Session::remove() — Method in class Session

Remove an item from the session, returning its value.

DeferringDisplayableValue::resolveDisplayableValue() — Method in class DeferringDisplayableValue

Resolve the displayable value that the class is deferring.

RenderableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
Renderable::render() — Method in class Renderable

Get the evaluated contents of the object.

ResponsableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
Factory::replacer() — Method in class Factory

Register a custom implicit validator message replacer.

RuleClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
Factory::replaceNamespace() — Method in class Factory

Replace the namespace hints for the given namespace.

CookieServiceProvider::register() — Method in class CookieServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

CookieValuePrefix::remove() — Method in class CookieValuePrefix

Remove the cookie value prefix.

ManagesTransactions::rollBack() — Method in class ManagesTransactions

Rollback the active database transaction.

$ Connection#readPdoProperty in class Connection

The active PDO connection used for reads.

$ Connection#reconnectorProperty in class Connection

The reconnector instance for the connection.

$ Connection#recordsModifiedProperty in class Connection

Indicates if changes have been made to the database.

$ Connection#resolversProperty in class Connection

The connection resolvers.

Connection::run() — Method in class Connection

Run a SQL statement and log its execution context.

Connection::runQueryCallback() — Method in class Connection

Run a SQL statement.

Connection::reconnect() — Method in class Connection

Reconnect to the database.

Connection::reconnectIfMissingConnection() — Method in class Connection

Reconnect to the database if a PDO connection is missing.

Connection::raw() — Method in class Connection

Get a new raw query expression.

Connection::recordsHaveBeenModified() — Method in class Connection

Indicate if any records have been modified.

Connection::resolverFor() — Method in class Connection

Register a connection resolver.

ConnectionInterface::raw() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Get a new raw query expression.

ConnectionInterface::rollBack() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Rollback the active database transaction.

FactoryMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class FactoryMakeCommand

Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.

FreshCommand::runSeeder() — Method in class FreshCommand

Run the database seeder command.

$ InstallCommand#repositoryProperty in class InstallCommand

The repository instance.

RefreshCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
RefreshCommand::runRollback() — Method in class RefreshCommand

Run the rollback command.

RefreshCommand::runReset() — Method in class RefreshCommand

Run the reset command.

RefreshCommand::runSeeder() — Method in class RefreshCommand

Run the database seeder command.

ResetCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
RollbackCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
$ SeedCommand#resolverProperty in class SeedCommand

The connection resolver instance.

SeederMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class SeederMakeCommand

Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.

$ DatabaseManager#reconnectorProperty in class DatabaseManager

The callback to be executed to reconnect to a database.

DatabaseManager::reconnect() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Reconnect to the given database.

DatabaseManager::refreshPdoConnections() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Refresh the PDO connections on a given connection.

DatabaseServiceProvider::register() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

DatabaseServiceProvider::registerConnectionServices() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider

Register the primary database bindings.

DatabaseServiceProvider::registerEloquentFactory() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider

Register the Eloquent factory instance in the container.

DatabaseServiceProvider::registerQueueableEntityResolver() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider

Register the queueable entity resolver implementation.

$ Builder#removedScopesProperty in class Builder

Removed global scopes.

Builder::removedScopes() — Method in class Builder

Get an array of global scopes that were removed from the query.

Builder::relationsNestedUnder() — Method in class Builder

Get the deeply nested relations for a given top-level relation.

Builder::registerMixin() — Method in class Builder

Register the given mixin with the builder.

GuardsAttributes::reguard() — Method in class GuardsAttributes

Enable the mass assignment restrictions.

HasAttributes::relationsToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes

Get the model's relationships in array form.

HasAttributes::resolveCasterClass() — Method in class HasAttributes

Resolve the custom caster class for a given key.

HasEvents::registerObserver() — Method in class HasEvents

Register a single observer with the model.

HasEvents::removeObservableEvents() — Method in class HasEvents

Remove an observable event name.

HasEvents::registerModelEvent() — Method in class HasEvents

Register a model event with the dispatcher.

HasEvents::retrieved() — Method in class HasEvents

Register a retrieved model event with the dispatcher.

HasEvents::replicating() — Method in class HasEvents

Register a replicating model event with the dispatcher.

$ HasRelationships#relationsProperty in class HasRelationships

The loaded relationships for the model.

$ HasRelationships#relationResolversProperty in class HasRelationships

The relation resolver callbacks.

HasRelationships::resolveRelationUsing() — Method in class HasRelationships

Define a dynamic relation resolver.

HasRelationships::relationLoaded() — Method in class HasRelationships

Determine if the given relation is loaded.

Factory::raw() — Method in class Factory

Get the raw attribute array for a given model.

FactoryBuilder::raw() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Create an array of raw attribute arrays.

$ Model#resolverProperty in class Model

The connection resolver instance.

Model::removeTableFromKey() — Method in class Model

Remove the table name from a given key.

Model::registerGlobalScopes() — Method in class Model

Register the global scopes for this builder instance.

Model::refresh() — Method in class Model

Reload the current model instance with fresh attributes from the database.

Model::replicate() — Method in class Model

Clone the model into a new, non-existing instance.

Model::resolveConnection() — Method in class Model

Resolve a connection instance.

Model::resolveRouteBinding() — Method in class Model

Retrieve the model for a bound value.

Model::resolveChildRouteBinding() — Method in class Model

Retrieve the child model for a bound value.

QueueEntityResolver::resolve() — Method in class QueueEntityResolver

Resolve the entity for the given ID.

RelationNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
$ RelationNotFoundException#relationProperty in class RelationNotFoundException

The name of the relation.

$ BelongsTo#relationNameProperty in class BelongsTo

The name of the relationship.

BelongsTo::relationHasIncrementingId() — Method in class BelongsTo

Determine if the related model has an auto-incrementing ID.

$ BelongsToMany#relatedPivotKeyProperty in class BelongsToMany

The associated key of the relation.

$ BelongsToMany#relatedKeyProperty in class BelongsToMany

The key name of the related model.

$ BelongsToMany#relationNameProperty in class BelongsToMany

The "name" of the relationship.

BelongsToMany::resolveTableName() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Attempt to resolve the intermediate table name from the given string.

$ AsPivot#relatedKeyProperty in class AsPivot

The name of the "other key" column.

MorphTo::replayMacros() — Method in class MorphTo

Replay stored macro calls on the actual related instance.

RelationClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
$ Relation#relatedProperty in class Relation

The related model instance.

Relation::rawUpdate() — Method in class Relation

Run a raw update against the base query.

Relation::relatedUpdatedAt() — Method in class Relation

Get the name of the related model's "updated at" column.

SoftDeletes::runSoftDelete() — Method in class SoftDeletes

Perform the actual delete query on this model instance.

SoftDeletes::restore() — Method in class SoftDeletes

Restore a soft-deleted model instance.

SoftDeletes::restoring() — Method in class SoftDeletes

Register a "restoring" model event callback with the dispatcher.

SoftDeletes::restored() — Method in class SoftDeletes

Register a "restored" model event callback with the dispatcher.

MigrationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

MigrationServiceProvider::registerRepository() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider

Register the migration repository service.

MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrator() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider

Register the migrator service.

MigrationServiceProvider::registerCreator() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider

Register the migration creator.

MigrationServiceProvider::registerCommands() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider

Register the given commands.

MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrateCommand() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider

Register the command.

MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrateFreshCommand() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider

Register the command.

MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrateInstallCommand() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider

Register the command.

MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrateMakeCommand() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider

Register the command.

MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrateRefreshCommand() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider

Register the command.

MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrateResetCommand() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider

Register the command.

MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrateRollbackCommand() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider

Register the command.

MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrateStatusCommand() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider

Register the command.

$ DatabaseMigrationRepository#resolverProperty in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

The database connection resolver instance.

DatabaseMigrationRepository::repositoryExists() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

Determine if the migration repository exists.

MigrationRepositoryInterface::repositoryExists() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface

Determine if the migration repository exists.

$ Migrator#repositoryProperty in class Migrator

The migration repository implementation.

$ Migrator#resolverProperty in class Migrator

The connection resolver instance.

Migrator::run() — Method in class Migrator

Run the pending migrations at a given path.

Migrator::runPending() — Method in class Migrator

Run an array of migrations.

Migrator::runUp() — Method in class Migrator

Run "up" a migration instance.

Migrator::rollback() — Method in class Migrator

Rollback the last migration operation.

Migrator::rollbackMigrations() — Method in class Migrator

Rollback the given migrations.

Migrator::reset() — Method in class Migrator

Rolls all of the currently applied migrations back.

Migrator::resetMigrations() — Method in class Migrator

Reset the given migrations.

Migrator::runDown() — Method in class Migrator

Run "down" a migration instance.

Migrator::runMigration() — Method in class Migrator

Run a migration inside a transaction if the database supports it.

Migrator::resolve() — Method in class Migrator

Resolve a migration instance from a file.

Migrator::requireFiles() — Method in class Migrator

Require in all the migration files in a given path.

Migrator::resolveConnection() — Method in class Migrator

Resolve the database connection instance.

Migrator::repositoryExists() — Method in class Migrator

Determine if the migration repository exists.

Builder::rightJoin() — Method in class Builder

Add a right join to the query.

Builder::rightJoinWhere() — Method in class Builder

Add a "right join where" clause to the query.

Builder::rightJoinSub() — Method in class Builder

Add a subquery right join to the query.

Builder::reorder() — Method in class Builder

Remove all existing orders and optionally add a new order.

Builder::removeExistingOrdersFor() — Method in class Builder

Get an array with all orders with a given column removed.

Builder::runSelect() — Method in class Builder

Run the query as a "select" statement against the connection.

Builder::runPaginationCountQuery() — Method in class Builder

Run a pagination count query.

Builder::raw() — Method in class Builder

Create a raw database expression.

Grammar::removeLeadingBoolean() — Method in class Grammar

Remove the leading boolean from a statement.

Blueprint::renameColumn() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the given columns should be renamed.

Blueprint::renameIndex() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the given indexes should be renamed.

Blueprint::rename() — Method in class Blueprint

Rename the table to a given name.

Blueprint::rawIndex() — Method in class Blueprint

Specify a raw index for the table.

Blueprint::rememberToken() — Method in class Blueprint

Adds the remember_token column to the table.

Blueprint::removeColumn() — Method in class Blueprint

Remove a column from the schema blueprint.

$ Builder#resolverProperty in class Builder

The Blueprint resolver callback.

Builder::rename() — Method in class Builder

Rename a table on the schema.

Builder::registerCustomDoctrineType() — Method in class Builder

Register a custom Doctrine mapping type.

ForeignIdColumnDefinition::references() — Method in class ForeignIdColumnDefinition

Specify which column this foreign ID references on another table.

ForeignKeyDefinition::references() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition
RenameColumnClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
SQLiteBuilder::refreshDatabaseFile() — Method in class SQLiteBuilder

Empty the database file.

Seeder::resolve() — Method in class Seeder

Resolve an instance of the given seeder class.

EncryptionServiceProvider::register() — Method in class EncryptionServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

EncryptionServiceProvider::registerEncrypter() — Method in class EncryptionServiceProvider

Register the encrypter.

EncryptionServiceProvider::registerOpisSecurityKey() — Method in class EncryptionServiceProvider

Configure Opis Closure signing for security.

$ CallQueuedListener#retryAfterProperty in class CallQueuedListener

The number of seconds to wait before retrying the job.

Dispatcher::resolveSubscriber() — Method in class Dispatcher

Resolve the subscriber instance.

Dispatcher::resolveQueue() — Method in class Dispatcher

Get the queue implementation from the resolver.

EventServiceProvider::register() — Method in class EventServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

$ Cache#repositoryProperty in class Cache

The cache repository implementation.

Filesystem::requireOnce() — Method in class Filesystem

Require the given file once.

Filesystem::replace() — Method in class Filesystem

Write the contents of a file, replacing it atomically if it already exists.

FilesystemAdapter::response() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Create a streamed response for a given file.

FilesystemAdapter::readStream() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get a resource to read the file.

FilesystemManager::resolve() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Resolve the given disk.

FilesystemServiceProvider::register() — Method in class FilesystemServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

FilesystemServiceProvider::registerNativeFilesystem() — Method in class FilesystemServiceProvider

Register the native filesystem implementation.

FilesystemServiceProvider::registerFlysystem() — Method in class FilesystemServiceProvider

Register the driver based filesystem.

FilesystemServiceProvider::registerManager() — Method in class FilesystemServiceProvider

Register the filesystem manager.

$ AliasLoader#registeredProperty in class AliasLoader

Indicates if a loader has been registered.

AliasLoader::register() — Method in class AliasLoader

Register the loader on the auto-loader stack.

Application::registerBaseBindings() — Method in class Application

Register the basic bindings into the container.

Application::registerBaseServiceProviders() — Method in class Application

Register all of the base service providers.

Application::resourcePath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the resources directory.

Application::runningInConsole() — Method in class Application

Determine if the application is running in the console.

Application::runningUnitTests() — Method in class Application

Determine if the application is running unit tests.

Application::registerConfiguredProviders() — Method in class Application

Register all of the configured providers.

Application::register() — Method in class Application

Register a service provider with the application.

Application::resolveProvider() — Method in class Application

Resolve a service provider instance from the class name.

Application::registerDeferredProvider() — Method in class Application

Register a deferred provider and service.

Application::resolve() — Method in class Application

Resolve the given type from the container.

Application::routesAreCached() — Method in class Application

Determine if the application routes are cached.

Application::registerCoreContainerAliases() — Method in class Application

Register the core class aliases in the container.

AuthorizesRequests::resourceAbilityMap() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests

Get the map of resource methods to ability names.

AuthorizesRequests::resourceMethodsWithoutModels() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests

Get the list of resource methods which do not have model parameters.

$ HandleExceptions#reservedMemoryProperty in class HandleExceptions

Reserved memory so that errors can be displayed properly on memory exhaustion.

HandleExceptions::renderForConsole() — Method in class HandleExceptions

Render an exception to the console.

HandleExceptions::renderHttpResponse() — Method in class HandleExceptions

Render an exception as an HTTP response and send it.

RegisterFacadesClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
RegisterProvidersClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
ConsoleMakeCommand::replaceClass() — Method in class ConsoleMakeCommand

Replace the class name for the given stub.

JobMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class JobMakeCommand

Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.

Kernel::registerCommand() — Method in class Kernel

Register the given command with the console application.

Kernel::reportException() — Method in class Kernel

Report the exception to the exception handler.

Kernel::renderException() — Method in class Kernel

Render the given exception.

ModelMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand

Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.

ObserverMakeCommand::replaceModel() — Method in class ObserverMakeCommand

Replace the model for the given stub.

PolicyMakeCommand::replaceUserNamespace() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand

Replace the User model namespace.

PolicyMakeCommand::replaceModel() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand

Replace the model for the given stub.

PolicyMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand

Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.

RequestMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
RequestMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class RequestMakeCommand

Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.

ResourceMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ResourceMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class ResourceMakeCommand

Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.

RouteCacheCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
RouteClearCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
RouteListCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
$ RouteListCommand#routerProperty in class RouteListCommand

The router instance.

RuleMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
TestMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class TestMakeCommand

Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.

TestMakeCommand::rootNamespace() — Method in class TestMakeCommand

Get the root namespace for the class.

Handler::report() — Method in class Handler

Report or log an exception.

Handler::render() — Method in class Handler

Render an exception into an HTTP response.

Handler::renderExceptionContent() — Method in class Handler

Get the response content for the given exception.

Handler::renderExceptionWithWhoops() — Method in class Handler

Render an exception to a string using "Whoops".

Handler::renderExceptionWithSymfony() — Method in class Handler

Render an exception to a string using Symfony.

Handler::renderHttpException() — Method in class Handler

Render the given HttpException.

Handler::registerErrorViewPaths() — Method in class Handler

Register the error template hint paths.

Handler::renderForConsole() — Method in class Handler

Render an exception to the console.

WhoopsHandler::registerApplicationPaths() — Method in class WhoopsHandler

Register the application paths with the handler.

WhoopsHandler::registerBlacklist() — Method in class WhoopsHandler

Register the blacklist with the handler.

WhoopsHandler::registerEditor() — Method in class WhoopsHandler

Register the editor with the handler.

RequestHandledClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Events
$ RequestHandled#requestProperty in class RequestHandled

The request instance.

$ RequestHandled#responseProperty in class RequestHandled

The response instance.

$ MaintenanceModeException#retryAfterProperty in class MaintenanceModeException

The number of seconds to wait before retrying.

$ FormRequest#redirectorProperty in class FormRequest

The redirector instance.

$ FormRequest#redirectProperty in class FormRequest

The URI to redirect to if validation fails.

$ FormRequest#redirectRouteProperty in class FormRequest

The route to redirect to if validation fails.

$ FormRequest#redirectActionProperty in class FormRequest

The controller action to redirect to if validation fails.

$ Kernel#routerProperty in class Kernel

The router instance.

$ Kernel#routeMiddlewareProperty in class Kernel

The application's route middleware.

Kernel::reportException() — Method in class Kernel

Report the exception to the exception handler.

Kernel::renderException() — Method in class Kernel

Render the exception to a response.

VerifyCsrfToken::runningUnitTests() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken

Determine if the application is running unit tests.

ProviderRepository::registerLoadEvents() — Method in class ProviderRepository

Register the load events for the given provider.

ArtisanServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerCommands() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the given commands.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerCacheClearCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerCacheForgetCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerCacheTableCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerCastMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerChannelMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerClearCompiledCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerClearResetsCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerComponentMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerConfigCacheCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerConfigClearCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerConsoleMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerControllerMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerDbWipeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerEventGenerateCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerEventMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerExceptionMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerFactoryMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerDownCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerEnvironmentCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerEventCacheCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerEventClearCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerEventListCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerJobMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerKeyGenerateCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerListenerMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerMailMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerMiddlewareMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerModelMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerNotificationMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerNotificationTableCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerOptimizeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerObserverMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerOptimizeClearCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerPackageDiscoverCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerPolicyMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerProviderMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueueFailedCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueueForgetCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueueFlushCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueueListenCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueueRestartCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueueRetryCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueueWorkCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueueFailedTableCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueueTableCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerRequestMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerResourceMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerRuleMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerSeederMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerSessionTableCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerStorageLinkCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerRouteCacheCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerRouteClearCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerRouteListCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerSeedCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerScheduleFinishCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerScheduleRunCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerServeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerStubPublishCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerTestMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerUpCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerVendorPublishCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerViewCacheCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ArtisanServiceProvider::registerViewClearCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider

Register the command.

ComposerServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ComposerServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

FormRequestServiceProvider::register() — Method in class FormRequestServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

FoundationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class FoundationServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

FoundationServiceProvider::registerRequestValidation() — Method in class FoundationServiceProvider

Register the "validate" macro on the request.

FoundationServiceProvider::registerRequestSignatureValidation() — Method in class FoundationServiceProvider

Register the "hasValidSignature" macro on the request.

AuthServiceProvider::registerPolicies() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider

Register the application's policies.

RouteServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers
RouteServiceProvider::routesAreCached() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider

Determine if the application routes are cached.

InteractsWithExceptionHandling::report() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling

Report or log an exception.

InteractsWithExceptionHandling::render() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling

Render an exception into an HTTP response.

InteractsWithExceptionHandling::renderForConsole() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling

Render an exception to the console.

InteractsWithRedis::redisDriverProvider() — Method in class InteractsWithRedis

Get redis driver provider.

DatabaseMigrations::runDatabaseMigrations() — Method in class DatabaseMigrations

Define hooks to migrate the database before and after each test.

RefreshDatabaseClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
RefreshDatabase::refreshDatabase() — Method in class RefreshDatabase

Define hooks to migrate the database before and after each test.

RefreshDatabase::refreshInMemoryDatabase() — Method in class RefreshDatabase

Refresh the in-memory database.

RefreshDatabase::refreshTestDatabase() — Method in class RefreshDatabase

Refresh a conventional test database.

RefreshDatabaseStateClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
TestCase::refreshApplication() — Method in class TestCase

Refresh the application instance.

$ BcryptHasher#roundsProperty in class BcryptHasher

The default cost factor.

HashServiceProvider::register() — Method in class HashServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

$ Factory#recordingProperty in class Factory

Indicates if the factory is recording requests and responses.

$ Factory#recordedProperty in class Factory

The recorded response array.

$ Factory#responseSequencesProperty in class Factory

All created response sequences.

Factory::response() — Method in class Factory

Create a new response instance for use during stubbing.

Factory::record() — Method in class Factory

Begin recording request / response pairs.

Factory::recordRequestResponsePair() — Method in class Factory

Record a request response pair.

Factory::recorded() — Method in class Factory

Get a collection of the request / response pairs matching the given truth test.

$ PendingRequest#retryDelayProperty in class PendingRequest

The number of milliseconds to wait between retries.

PendingRequest::retry() — Method in class PendingRequest

Specify the number of times the request should be attempted.

PendingRequest::runBeforeSendingCallbacks() — Method in class PendingRequest

Execute the "before sending" callbacks.

RequestClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
$ Request#requestProperty in class Request

The underlying PSR request.

RequestExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
$ RequestException#responseProperty in class RequestException

The response instance.

ResponseClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
$ Response#responseProperty in class Response

The underlying PSR response.

Response::redirect() — Method in class Response

Determine if the response was a redirect.

ResponseSequenceClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
$ ResponseSequence#responsesProperty in class ResponseSequence

The responses in the sequence.

InteractsWithInput::retrieveItem() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Retrieve a parameter item from a given source.

$ HttpResponseException#responseProperty in class HttpResponseException

The underlying response instance.

RedirectResponseClass in namespace Illuminate\Http
$ RedirectResponse#requestProperty in class RedirectResponse

The request instance.

RedirectResponse::removeFilesFromInput() — Method in class RedirectResponse

Remove all uploaded files form the given input array.

RequestClass in namespace Illuminate\Http
$ Request#routeResolverProperty in class Request

The route resolver callback.

Request::root() — Method in class Request

Get the root URL for the application.

Request::routeIs() — Method in class Request

Determine if the route name matches a given pattern.

Request::replace() — Method in class Request

Replace the input for the current request.

Request::route() — Method in class Request

Get the route handling the request.

ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::removeMissingValues() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes

Remove the missing values from the filtered data.

DelegatesToResource::resolveRouteBinding() — Method in class DelegatesToResource

Retrieve the model for a bound value.

DelegatesToResource::resolveChildRouteBinding() — Method in class DelegatesToResource

Retrieve the model for a bound value.

$ JsonResource#resourceProperty in class JsonResource

The resource instance.

JsonResource::resolve() — Method in class JsonResource

Resolve the resource to an array.

JsonResource::response() — Method in class JsonResource

Transform the resource into an HTTP response.

ResourceCollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json
ResourceResponseClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json
$ ResourceResponse#resourceProperty in class ResourceResponse

The underlying resource.

ResponseClass in namespace Illuminate\Http
ResponseTraitClass in namespace Illuminate\Http
LogManager::resolve() — Method in class LogManager

Resolve the given log instance by name.

LogServiceProvider::register() — Method in class LogServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

MailManager::resolve() — Method in class MailManager

Resolve the given mailer.

MailServiceProvider::register() — Method in class MailServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

MailServiceProvider::registerIlluminateMailer() — Method in class MailServiceProvider

Register the Illuminate mailer instance.

MailServiceProvider::registerMarkdownRenderer() — Method in class MailServiceProvider

Register the Markdown renderer instance.

$ Mailable#replyToProperty in class Mailable

The "reply to" recipients of the message.

$ Mailable#rawAttachmentsProperty in class Mailable

The raw attachments for the message.

Mailable::render() — Method in class Mailable

Render the mailable into a view.

Mailable::runCallbacks() — Method in class Mailable

Run the callbacks for the message.

Mailable::replyTo() — Method in class Mailable

Set the "reply to" address of the message.

$ Mailer#replyToProperty in class Mailer

The global reply-to address and name.

$ Mailer#returnPathProperty in class Mailer

The global return path address.

Mailer::raw() — Method in class Mailer

Send a new message with only a raw text part.

Mailer::render() — Method in class Mailer

Render the given message as a view.

Mailer::renderView() — Method in class Mailer

Render the given view.

Markdown::render() — Method in class Markdown

Render the Markdown template into HTML.

Markdown::renderText() — Method in class Markdown

Render the Markdown template into text.

Message::returnPath() — Method in class Message

Set the "return path" of the message.

Message::replyTo() — Method in class Message

Add a reply to address to the message.

SendQueuedMailable::retryAfter() — Method in class SendQueuedMailable

Get the retry delay for the mailable object.

Transport::registerPlugin() — Method in class Transport

Register a plug-in with the transport.

$ AnonymousNotifiable#routesProperty in class AnonymousNotifiable

All of the notification routing information.

AnonymousNotifiable::route() — Method in class AnonymousNotifiable

Add routing information to the target.

AnonymousNotifiable::routeNotificationFor() — Method in class AnonymousNotifiable

Get the notification routing information for the given driver.

MailChannel::runCallbacks() — Method in class MailChannel

Run the callbacks for the message.

DatabaseNotification::read() — Method in class DatabaseNotification

Determine if a notification has been read.

$ NotificationSent#responseProperty in class NotificationSent

The channel's response.

HasDatabaseNotifications::readNotifications() — Method in class HasDatabaseNotifications

Get the entity's read notifications.

$ MailMessage#replyToProperty in class MailMessage

The "reply to" information for the message.

$ MailMessage#rawAttachmentsProperty in class MailMessage

The raw attachments for the message.

MailMessage::replyTo() — Method in class MailMessage

Set the "reply to" address of the message.

MailMessage::render() — Method in class MailMessage

Render the mail notification message into an HTML string.

NotificationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class NotificationServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

RoutesNotificationsClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
RoutesNotifications::routeNotificationFor() — Method in class RoutesNotifications

Get the notification routing information for the given driver.

SendQueuedNotifications::retryAfter() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications

Get the retry delay for the notification.

SendQueuedNotifications::retryUntil() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications

Get the expiration for the notification.

AbstractPaginator::resolveCurrentPath() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Resolve the current request path or return the default value.

AbstractPaginator::resolveCurrentPage() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Resolve the current page or return the default value.

LengthAwarePaginator::render() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator

Render the paginator using a given view.

PaginationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class PaginationServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

Paginator::render() — Method in class Paginator

Render the paginator using a given view.

PipelineServiceProvider::register() — Method in class PipelineServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

CallQueuedHandler::resolveHandler() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler

Resolve the handler for the given command.

Manager::registerConnectors() — Method in class Manager

Register the default connectors that the component ships with.

RedisConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
$ RedisConnector#redisProperty in class RedisConnector

The Redis database instance.

FailedTableCommand::replaceMigration() — Method in class FailedTableCommand

Replace the generated migration with the failed job table stub.

RestartCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
RetryCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
RetryCommand::retryJob() — Method in class RetryCommand

Retry the queue job.

RetryCommand::resetAttempts() — Method in class RetryCommand

Reset the payload attempts.

TableCommand::replaceMigration() — Method in class TableCommand

Replace the generated migration with the job table stub.

WorkCommand::runWorker() — Method in class WorkCommand

Run the worker instance.

$ DatabaseQueue#retryAfterProperty in class DatabaseQueue

The expiration time of a job.

DatabaseQueue::release() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Release a reserved job back onto the queue.

$ DatabaseFailedJobProvider#resolverProperty in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider

The connection resolver implementation.

InteractsWithQueue::release() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue

Release the job back into the queue.

BeanstalkdJob::release() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob

Release the job back into the queue.

DatabaseJob::release() — Method in class DatabaseJob

Release the job back into the queue.

$ DatabaseJobRecord#recordProperty in class DatabaseJobRecord

The underlying job record.

$ Job#releasedProperty in class Job

Indicates if the job has been released.

Job::release() — Method in class Job

Release the job back into the queue.

Job::resolve() — Method in class Job

Resolve the given class.

Job::resolveName() — Method in class Job

Get the resolved name of the queued job class.

JobName::resolve() — Method in class JobName

Get the resolved name of the queued job class.

RedisJobClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
$ RedisJob#redisProperty in class RedisJob

The Redis queue instance.

$ RedisJob#reservedProperty in class RedisJob

The Redis job payload inside the reserved queue.

RedisJob::release() — Method in class RedisJob

Release the job back into the queue.

SqsJob::release() — Method in class SqsJob

Release the job back into the queue.

SyncJob::release() — Method in class SyncJob

Release the job back into the queue.

Listener::runProcess() — Method in class Listener

Run the given process.

LuaScripts::release() — Method in class LuaScripts

Get the Lua script for releasing reserved jobs.

QueueManager::resolve() — Method in class QueueManager

Resolve a queue connection.

QueueServiceProvider::register() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

QueueServiceProvider::registerManager() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider

Register the queue manager.

QueueServiceProvider::registerConnection() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider

Register the default queue connection binding.

QueueServiceProvider::registerConnectors() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider

Register the connectors on the queue manager.

QueueServiceProvider::registerNullConnector() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider

Register the Null queue connector.

QueueServiceProvider::registerSyncConnector() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider

Register the Sync queue connector.

QueueServiceProvider::registerDatabaseConnector() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider

Register the database queue connector.

QueueServiceProvider::registerRedisConnector() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider

Register the Redis queue connector.

QueueServiceProvider::registerBeanstalkdConnector() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider

Register the Beanstalkd queue connector.

QueueServiceProvider::registerSqsConnector() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider

Register the Amazon SQS queue connector.

QueueServiceProvider::registerWorker() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider

Register the queue worker.

QueueServiceProvider::registerListener() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider

Register the queue listener.

QueueServiceProvider::registerFailedJobServices() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider

Register the failed job services.

QueueServiceProvider::registerOpisSecurityKey() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider

Configure Opis Closure signing for security.

RedisQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
$ RedisQueue#redisProperty in class RedisQueue

The Redis factory implementation.

$ RedisQueue#retryAfterProperty in class RedisQueue

The expiration time of a job.

RedisQueue::retrieveNextJob() — Method in class RedisQueue

Retrieve the next job from the queue.

SerializableClosure::resolveUseVariables() — Method in class SerializableClosure

Resolve the use variables after unserialization.

SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers::restoreCollection() — Method in class SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers

Restore a queueable collection instance.

SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers::restoreModel() — Method in class SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers

Restore the model from the model identifier instance.

SyncQueue::resolveJob() — Method in class SyncQueue

Resolve a Sync job instance.

SyncQueue::raiseBeforeJobEvent() — Method in class SyncQueue

Raise the before queue job event.

SyncQueue::raiseAfterJobEvent() — Method in class SyncQueue

Raise the after queue job event.

SyncQueue::raiseExceptionOccurredJobEvent() — Method in class SyncQueue

Raise the exception occurred queue job event.

Worker::registerTimeoutHandler() — Method in class Worker

Register the worker timeout handler.

Worker::resetTimeoutHandler() — Method in class Worker

Reset the worker timeout handler.

Worker::runNextJob() — Method in class Worker

Process the next job on the queue.

Worker::runJob() — Method in class Worker

Process the given job.

Worker::raiseBeforeJobEvent() — Method in class Worker

Raise the before queue job event.

Worker::raiseAfterJobEvent() — Method in class Worker

Raise the after queue job event.

Worker::raiseExceptionOccurredJobEvent() — Method in class Worker

Raise the exception occurred queue job event.

$ ConcurrencyLimiter#redisProperty in class ConcurrencyLimiter

The Redis factory implementation.

$ ConcurrencyLimiter#releaseAfterProperty in class ConcurrencyLimiter

The number of seconds a slot should be maintained.

ConcurrencyLimiter::release() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiter

Release the lock.

ConcurrencyLimiter::releaseScript() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiter

Get the Lua script to atomically release a lock.

$ ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder#releaseAfterProperty in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder

The number of seconds to maintain the lock until it is automatically released.

ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder::releaseAfter() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder

Set the number of seconds until the lock will be released.

$ DurationLimiter#remainingProperty in class DurationLimiter

The number of remaining slots.

RedisManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Redis
RedisManager::resolve() — Method in class RedisManager

Resolve the given connection by name.

RedisManager::resolveCluster() — Method in class RedisManager

Resolve the given cluster connection by name.

RedisServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Redis
RedisServiceProvider::register() — Method in class RedisServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

$ CompiledRouteCollection#routesProperty in class CompiledRouteCollection

The dynamically added routes that were added after loading the cached, compiled routes.

$ CompiledRouteCollection#routerProperty in class CompiledRouteCollection

The router instance used by the route.

CompiledRouteCollection::refreshNameLookups() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection

Refresh the name look-up table.

CompiledRouteCollection::refreshActionLookups() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection

Refresh the action look-up table.

CompiledRouteCollection::requestWithoutTrailingSlash() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection

Get a cloned instance of the given request without any trailing slash on the URI.

ControllerMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand

Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.

MiddlewareMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class MiddlewareMakeCommand

Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.

RouteMatchedClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Events
$ RouteMatched#routeProperty in class RouteMatched

The route instance.

$ RouteMatched#requestProperty in class RouteMatched

The request instance.

ImplicitRouteBinding::resolveForRoute() — Method in class ImplicitRouteBinding

Resolve the implicit route bindings for the given route.

MiddlewareNameResolver::resolve() — Method in class MiddlewareNameResolver

Resolve the middleware name to a class name(s) preserving passed parameters.

$ SubstituteBindings#routerProperty in class SubstituteBindings

The router instance.

ThrottleRequests::resolveMaxAttempts() — Method in class ThrottleRequests

Resolve the number of attempts if the user is authenticated or not.

ThrottleRequests::resolveRequestSignature() — Method in class ThrottleRequests

Resolve request signature.

$ ThrottleRequestsWithRedis#redisProperty in class ThrottleRequestsWithRedis

The Redis factory implementation.

$ ThrottleRequestsWithRedis#remainingProperty in class ThrottleRequestsWithRedis

The number of remaining slots.

$ PendingResourceRegistration#registrarProperty in class PendingResourceRegistration

The resource registrar.

$ PendingResourceRegistration#registeredProperty in class PendingResourceRegistration

The resource's registration status.

PendingResourceRegistration::register() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration

Register the resource route.

RedirectControllerClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
RedirectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
Redirector::refresh() — Method in class Redirector

Create a new redirect response to the current URI.

Redirector::route() — Method in class Redirector

Create a new redirect response to a named route.

ResourceRegistrarClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
$ ResourceRegistrar#routerProperty in class ResourceRegistrar

The router instance.

$ ResourceRegistrar#resourceDefaultsProperty in class ResourceRegistrar

The default actions for a resourceful controller.

ResourceRegistrar::register() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Route a resource to a controller.

ResponseFactoryClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
$ ResponseFactory#redirectorProperty in class ResponseFactory

The redirector instance.

ResponseFactory::redirectTo() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new redirect response to the given path.

ResponseFactory::redirectToRoute() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new redirect response to a named route.

ResponseFactory::redirectToAction() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new redirect response to a controller action.

ResponseFactory::redirectGuest() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new redirect response, while putting the current URL in the session.

ResponseFactory::redirectToIntended() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new redirect response to the previously intended location.

RouteClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
$ Route#routerProperty in class Route

The router instance used by the route.

Route::run() — Method in class Route

Run the route action and return the response.

Route::runCallable() — Method in class Route

Run the route action and return the response.

Route::runController() — Method in class Route

Run the route action and return the response.

RouteActionClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
RouteBindingClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
RouteCollectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
$ RouteCollection#routesProperty in class RouteCollection

An array of the routes keyed by method.

RouteCollection::refreshNameLookups() — Method in class RouteCollection

Refresh the name look-up table.

RouteCollection::refreshActionLookups() — Method in class RouteCollection

Refresh the action look-up table.

RouteCollectionInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
RouteCollectionInterface::refreshNameLookups() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface

Refresh the name look-up table.

RouteCollectionInterface::refreshActionLookups() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface

Refresh the action look-up table.

RouteDependencyResolverTraitClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
RouteDependencyResolverTrait::resolveClassMethodDependencies() — Method in class RouteDependencyResolverTrait

Resolve the object method's type-hinted dependencies.

RouteDependencyResolverTrait::resolveMethodDependencies() — Method in class RouteDependencyResolverTrait

Resolve the given method's type-hinted dependencies.

RouteFileRegistrarClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
$ RouteFileRegistrar#routerProperty in class RouteFileRegistrar

The router instance.

RouteFileRegistrar::register() — Method in class RouteFileRegistrar

Require the given routes file.

RouteGroupClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
RouteParameterBinderClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
$ RouteParameterBinder#routeProperty in class RouteParameterBinder

The route instance.

RouteParameterBinder::replaceDefaults() — Method in class RouteParameterBinder

Replace null parameters with their defaults.

RouteRegistrarClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
$ RouteRegistrar#routerProperty in class RouteRegistrar

The router instance.

RouteRegistrar::resource() — Method in class RouteRegistrar

Route a resource to a controller.

RouteRegistrar::registerRoute() — Method in class RouteRegistrar

Register a new route with the router.

RouteSignatureParametersClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
RouteUriClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
RouteUrlGeneratorClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
$ RouteUrlGenerator#requestProperty in class RouteUrlGenerator

The request instance.

RouteUrlGenerator::replaceRootParameters() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator

Replace the parameters on the root path.

RouteUrlGenerator::replaceRouteParameters() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator

Replace all of the wildcard parameters for a route path.

RouteUrlGenerator::replaceNamedParameters() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator

Replace all of the named parameters in the path.

RouterClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
$ Router#routesProperty in class Router

The route collection instance.

Router::redirect() — Method in class Router

Create a redirect from one URI to another.

Router::resources() — Method in class Router

Register an array of resource controllers.

Router::resource() — Method in class Router

Route a resource to a controller.

Router::respondWithRoute() — Method in class Router

Return the response returned by the given route.

Router::runRoute() — Method in class Router

Return the response for the given route.

Router::runRouteWithinStack() — Method in class Router

Run the given route within a Stack "onion" instance.

Router::resourceParameters() — Method in class Router

Set the global resource parameter mapping.

Router::resourceVerbs() — Method in class Router

Get or set the verbs used in the resource URIs.

RoutingServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
RoutingServiceProvider::register() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

RoutingServiceProvider::registerRouter() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider

Register the router instance.

RoutingServiceProvider::registerUrlGenerator() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider

Register the URL generator service.

RoutingServiceProvider::requestRebinder() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider

Get the URL generator request rebinder.

RoutingServiceProvider::registerRedirector() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider

Register the Redirector service.

RoutingServiceProvider::registerPsrRequest() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider

Register a binding for the PSR-7 request implementation.

RoutingServiceProvider::registerPsrResponse() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider

Register a binding for the PSR-7 response implementation.

RoutingServiceProvider::registerResponseFactory() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider

Register the response factory implementation.

RoutingServiceProvider::registerControllerDispatcher() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider

Register the controller dispatcher.

$ UrlGenerator#routesProperty in class UrlGenerator

The route collection.

$ UrlGenerator#requestProperty in class UrlGenerator

The request instance.

$ UrlGenerator#rootNamespaceProperty in class UrlGenerator

The root namespace being applied to controller actions.

$ UrlGenerator#routeGeneratorProperty in class UrlGenerator

The route URL generator instance.

UrlGenerator::removeIndex() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Remove the index.php file from a path.

UrlGenerator::route() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the URL to a named route.

UrlGenerator::routeUrl() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the Route URL generator instance.

ArraySessionHandler::read() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler
CacheBasedSessionHandler::read() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
$ CookieSessionHandler#requestProperty in class CookieSessionHandler

The request instance.

CookieSessionHandler::read() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
DatabaseSessionHandler::read() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
FileSessionHandler::read() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
NullSessionHandler::read() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
SessionServiceProvider::register() — Method in class SessionServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

SessionServiceProvider::registerSessionManager() — Method in class SessionServiceProvider

Register the session manager instance.

SessionServiceProvider::registerSessionDriver() — Method in class SessionServiceProvider

Register the session driver instance.

Store::readFromHandler() — Method in class Store

Read the session data from the handler.

Store::replace() — Method in class Store

Replace the given session attributes entirely.

Store::remember() — Method in class Store

Get an item from the session, or store the default value.

Store::reflash() — Method in class Store

Reflash all of the session flash data.

Store::removeFromOldFlashData() — Method in class Store

Remove the given keys from the old flash data.

Store::remove() — Method in class Store

Remove an item from the session, returning its value.

Store::regenerate() — Method in class Store

Generate a new session identifier.

Store::regenerateToken() — Method in class Store

Regenerate the CSRF token value.

AggregateServiceProvider::register() — Method in class AggregateServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

Arr::random() — Method in class Arr

Get one or a specified number of random values from an array.

Collection::random() — Method in class Collection

Get one or a specified number of items randomly from the collection.

Collection::reduce() — Method in class Collection

Reduce the collection to a single value.

Collection::replace() — Method in class Collection

Replace the collection items with the given items.

Collection::replaceRecursive() — Method in class Collection

Recursively replace the collection items with the given items.

Collection::reverse() — Method in class Collection

Reverse items order.

DateFactory::resetMonthsOverflow() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::resetToStringFormat() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::resetYearsOverflow() — Method in class DateFactory
Enumerable::random() — Method in class Enumerable

Get one or a specified number of items randomly from the collection.

Enumerable::reduce() — Method in class Enumerable

Reduce the collection to a single value.

Enumerable::replace() — Method in class Enumerable

Replace the collection items with the given items.

Enumerable::replaceRecursive() — Method in class Enumerable

Recursively replace the collection items with the given items.

Enumerable::reverse() — Method in class Enumerable

Reverse items order.

Enumerable::reject() — Method in class Enumerable

Create a collection of all elements that do not pass a given truth test.

$ Env#repositoryProperty in class Env

The environment repository instance.

App::register() — Method in class App
App::resolveProvider() — Method in class App
App::routesAreCached() — Method in class App
App::runningInConsole() — Method in class App
App::runningUnitTests() — Method in class App
App::resourcePath() — Method in class App
App::registerConfiguredProviders() — Method in class App
App::registerDeferredProvider() — Method in class App
Auth::routes() — Method in class Auth

Register the typical authentication routes for an application.

Broadcast::routes() — Method in class Broadcast
Cache::restoreLock() — Method in class Cache
Cache::remember() — Method in class Cache
Cache::rememberForever() — Method in class Cache
DB::raw() — Method in class DB
DB::rollBack() — Method in class DB
Date::resolveFacadeInstance() — Method in class Date

Resolve the facade root instance from the container.

Date::resetMonthsOverflow() — Method in class Date
Date::resetToStringFormat() — Method in class Date
Date::resetYearsOverflow() — Method in class Date
$ Facade#resolvedInstanceProperty in class Facade

The resolved object instances.

Facade::resolved() — Method in class Facade

Run a Closure when the facade has been resolved.

Facade::resolveFacadeInstance() — Method in class Facade

Resolve the facade root instance from the container.

File::requireOnce() — Method in class File
File::replace() — Method in class File
Gate::raw() — Method in class Gate
Http::response() — Method in class Http
Http::retry() — Method in class Http
Mail::raw() — Method in class Mail
Notification::route() — Method in class Notification

Begin sending a notification to an anonymous notifiable.

Password::reset() — Method in class Password
RedirectClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Redirect::refresh() — Method in class Redirect
Redirect::route() — Method in class Redirect
RedisClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
RequestClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Request::replace() — Method in class Request
Request::route() — Method in class Request
Request::routeIs() — Method in class Request
Request::root() — Method in class Request
ResponseClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Response::redirectGuest() — Method in class Response
Response::redirectTo() — Method in class Response
Response::redirectToAction() — Method in class Response
Response::redirectToIntended() — Method in class Response
Response::redirectToRoute() — Method in class Response
RouteClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Route::resource() — Method in class Route
Route::redirect() — Method in class Route
Route::resources() — Method in class Route
Schema::rename() — Method in class Schema
Schema::registerCustomDoctrineType() — Method in class Schema
Session::remove() — Method in class Session
Storage::readStream() — Method in class Storage
URL::route() — Method in class URL
Validator::replacer() — Method in class Validator
View::replaceNamespace() — Method in class View
LazyCollection::range() — Method in class LazyCollection

Create an enumerable with the given range.

LazyCollection::remember() — Method in class LazyCollection

Cache values as they're enumerated.

LazyCollection::random() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get one or a specified number of items randomly from the collection.

LazyCollection::reduce() — Method in class LazyCollection

Reduce the collection to a single value.

LazyCollection::replace() — Method in class LazyCollection

Replace the collection items with the given items.

LazyCollection::replaceRecursive() — Method in class LazyCollection

Recursively replace the collection items with the given items.

LazyCollection::reverse() — Method in class LazyCollection

Reverse items order.

ReflectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
ServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Register any application services.

Str::random() — Method in class Str

Generate a more truly "random" alpha-numeric string.

Str::replaceArray() — Method in class Str

Replace a given value in the string sequentially with an array.

Str::replaceFirst() — Method in class Str

Replace the first occurrence of a given value in the string.

Str::replaceLast() — Method in class Str

Replace the last occurrence of a given value in the string.

Stringable::replace() — Method in class Stringable

Replace the given value in the given string.

Stringable::replaceArray() — Method in class Stringable

Replace a given value in the string sequentially with an array.

Stringable::replaceFirst() — Method in class Stringable

Replace the first occurrence of a given value in the string.

Stringable::replaceLast() — Method in class Stringable

Replace the last occurrence of a given value in the string.

Stringable::replaceMatches() — Method in class Stringable

Replace the patterns matching the given regular expression.

Stringable::rtrim() — Method in class Stringable

Right trim the string of the given characters.

MailFake::raw() — Method in class MailFake

Send a new message with only a raw text part.

$ EnumeratesValues#rejectProperty in class EnumeratesValues
EnumeratesValues::reject() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Create a collection of all elements that do not pass a given truth test.

ReflectsClosuresClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
PendingCommand::run() — Method in class PendingCommand

Execute the command.

TestResponse::responseHasView() — Method in class TestResponse

Determine if the original response is a view.

TranslationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class TranslationServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

TranslationServiceProvider::registerLoader() — Method in class TranslationServiceProvider

Register the translation line loader.

FormatsMessages::replaceAttributePlaceholder() — Method in class FormatsMessages

Replace the :attribute placeholder in the given message.

FormatsMessages::replaceInputPlaceholder() — Method in class FormatsMessages

Replace the :input placeholder in the given message.

ReplacesAttributesClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Concerns
ReplacesAttributes::replaceBetween() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the between rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceDateFormat() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the date_format rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceDifferent() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the different rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceDigits() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the digits rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceDigitsBetween() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the digits (between) rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceMin() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the min rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceMax() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the max rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceIn() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the in rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceNotIn() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the not_in rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceInArray() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the in_array rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceMimetypes() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the mimetypes rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceMimes() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the mimes rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceRequiredWith() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the required_with rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceRequiredWithAll() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the required_with_all rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceRequiredWithout() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the required_without rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceRequiredWithoutAll() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the required_without_all rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceSize() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the size rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceGt() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the gt rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceLt() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the lt rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceGte() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the gte rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceLte() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the lte rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceRequiredIf() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the required_if rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceRequiredUnless() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the required_unless rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceSame() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the same rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceBefore() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the before rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceBeforeOrEqual() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the before_or_equal rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceAfter() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the after rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceAfterOrEqual() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the after_or_equal rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceDateEquals() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the date_equals rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceDimensions() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the dimensions rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceEndsWith() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the ends_with rule.

ReplacesAttributes::replaceStartsWith() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes

Replace all place-holders for the starts_with rule.

ValidatesAttributes::requireParameterCount() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Require a certain number of parameters to be present.

$ Factory#replacersProperty in class Factory

All of the custom validator message replacers.

$ Factory#resolverProperty in class Factory

The Validator resolver instance.

Factory::resolve() — Method in class Factory

Resolve a new Validator instance.

Factory::replacer() — Method in class Factory

Register a custom validator message replacer.

Factory::resolver() — Method in class Factory

Set the Validator instance resolver.

RuleClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
Rule::requiredIf() — Method in class Rule

Get a required_if constraint builder instance.

DatabaseRule::resolveTableName() — Method in class DatabaseRule

Resolves the name of the table from the given string.

Dimensions::ratio() — Method in class Dimensions

Set the "ratio" constraint.

$ In#ruleProperty in class In

The name of the rule.

$ NotIn#ruleProperty in class NotIn

The name of the rule.

RequiredIfClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
$ ValidationException#responseProperty in class ValidationException

The recommended response to send to the client.

$ ValidationException#redirectToProperty in class ValidationException

The path the client should be redirected to.

ValidationException::redirectTo() — Method in class ValidationException

Set the URL to redirect to on a validation error.

ValidationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ValidationServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

ValidationServiceProvider::registerValidationFactory() — Method in class ValidationServiceProvider

Register the validation factory.

ValidationServiceProvider::registerPresenceVerifier() — Method in class ValidationServiceProvider

Register the database presence verifier.

$ Validator#rulesProperty in class Validator

The rules to be applied to the data.

$ Validator#replacersProperty in class Validator

All of the custom replacer extensions.

Validator::replacePlaceholders() — Method in class Validator

Replace the placeholders used in data keys.

Validator::replacePlaceholderInString() — Method in class Validator

Replace the placeholders in the given string.

Validator::removeAttribute() — Method in class Validator

Remove the given attribute.

Validator::replaceAsterisksInParameters() — Method in class Validator

Replace each field parameter which has asterisks with the given keys.

AnonymousComponent::render() — Method in class AnonymousComponent

Get the view / view contents that represent the component.

$ BladeCompiler#rawTagsProperty in class BladeCompiler

Array of opening and closing tags for raw echos.

$ BladeCompiler#rawBlocksProperty in class BladeCompiler

Array to temporary store the raw blocks found in the template.

BladeCompiler::restoreRawContent() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Replace the raw placeholders with the original code stored in the raw blocks.

Component::render() — Method in class Component

Get the view / view contents that represent the component.

Component::resolveView() — Method in class Component

Resolve the Blade view or view file that should be used when rendering the component.

ManagesComponents::renderComponent() — Method in class ManagesComponents

Render the current component.

ManagesTranslations::renderTranslation() — Method in class ManagesTranslations

Render the current translation.

$ EngineResolver#resolversProperty in class EngineResolver

The array of engine resolvers.

$ EngineResolver#resolvedProperty in class EngineResolver

The resolved engine instances.

EngineResolver::register() — Method in class EngineResolver

Register a new engine resolver.

EngineResolver::resolve() — Method in class EngineResolver

Resolve an engine instance by name.

$ Factory#renderCountProperty in class Factory

The number of active rendering operations.

$ Factory#renderedOnceProperty in class Factory

The "once" block IDs that have been rendered.

Factory::renderWhen() — Method in class Factory

Get the rendered content of the view based on a given condition.

Factory::renderEach() — Method in class Factory

Get the rendered contents of a partial from a loop.

Factory::replaceNamespace() — Method in class Factory

Replace the namespace hints for the given namespace.

FileViewFinder::resolvePath() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Resolve the path.

FileViewFinder::replaceNamespace() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Replace the namespace hints for the given namespace.

InvokableComponentVariable::resolveDisplayableValue() — Method in class InvokableComponentVariable

Resolve the displayable value that the class is deferring.

View::render() — Method in class View

Get the evaluated contents of the object.

View::renderContents() — Method in class View

Get the contents of the view instance.

View::renderSections() — Method in class View

Get the sections of the rendered view.

ViewException::report() — Method in class ViewException

Report the exception.

ViewException::render() — Method in class ViewException

Render the exception into an HTTP response.

ViewFinderInterface::replaceNamespace() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface

Replace the namespace hints for the given namespace.

ViewServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider

Register the service provider.

ViewServiceProvider::registerFactory() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider

Register the view environment.

ViewServiceProvider::registerViewFinder() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider

Register the view finder implementation.

ViewServiceProvider::registerBladeCompiler() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider

Register the Blade compiler implementation.

ViewServiceProvider::registerEngineResolver() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider

Register the engine resolver instance.

ViewServiceProvider::registerFileEngine() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider

Register the file engine implementation.

ViewServiceProvider::registerPhpEngine() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider

Register the PHP engine implementation.

ViewServiceProvider::registerBladeEngine() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider

Register the Blade engine implementation.


AuthorizationException::setResponse() — Method in class AuthorizationException

Set the response from the gate.

$ Gate#stringCallbacksProperty in class Gate

All of the defined abilities using class@method notation.

AuthManager::shouldUse() — Method in class AuthManager

Set the default guard driver the factory should serve.

AuthManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class AuthManager

Set the default authentication driver name.

Authenticatable::setRememberToken() — Method in class Authenticatable

Set the token value for the "remember me" session.

$ ClearResetsCommand#signatureProperty in class ClearResetsCommand

The name and signature of the console command.

EloquentUserProvider::setHasher() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider

Sets the hasher implementation.

EloquentUserProvider::setModel() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider

Sets the name of the Eloquent user model.

GenericUser::setRememberToken() — Method in class GenericUser

Set the "remember me" token value.

GuardHelpers::setUser() — Method in class GuardHelpers

Set the current user.

GuardHelpers::setProvider() — Method in class GuardHelpers

Set the user provider used by the guard.

SendEmailVerificationNotificationClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Listeners
RequirePassword::shouldConfirmPassword() — Method in class RequirePassword

Determine if the confirmation timeout has expired.

MustVerifyEmail::sendEmailVerificationNotification() — Method in class MustVerifyEmail

Send the email verification notification.

CanResetPassword::sendPasswordResetNotification() — Method in class CanResetPassword

Send the password reset notification.

PasswordBroker::sendResetLink() — Method in class PasswordBroker

Send a password reset link to a user.

PasswordBrokerManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager

Set the default password broker name.

RequestGuard::setRequest() — Method in class RequestGuard

Set the current request instance.

SessionGuardClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
$ SessionGuard#sessionProperty in class SessionGuard

The session used by the guard.

SessionGuard::setCookieJar() — Method in class SessionGuard

Set the cookie creator instance used by the guard.

SessionGuard::setDispatcher() — Method in class SessionGuard

Set the event dispatcher instance.

SessionGuard::setUser() — Method in class SessionGuard

Set the current user.

SessionGuard::setRequest() — Method in class SessionGuard

Set the current request instance.

$ TokenGuard#storageKeyProperty in class TokenGuard

The name of the token "column" in persistent storage.

TokenGuard::setRequest() — Method in class TokenGuard

Set the current request instance.

BroadcastManager::socket() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Get the socket ID for the given request.

BroadcastManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Set the default driver name.

$ InteractsWithSockets#socketProperty in class InteractsWithSockets

The socket ID for the user that raised the event.

Queueable::serializeJob() — Method in class Queueable

Serialize a job for queuing.

$ ArrayLock#storeProperty in class ArrayLock

The parent array cache store.

$ ArrayStore#storageProperty in class ArrayStore

The array of stored values.

$ ArrayStore#serializesValuesProperty in class ArrayStore

Indicates if values are serialized within the store.

$ CacheManager#storesProperty in class CacheManager

The array of resolved cache stores.

CacheManager::store() — Method in class CacheManager

Get a cache store instance by name, wrapped in a repository.

CacheManager::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class CacheManager

Set the event dispatcher on the given repository instance.

CacheManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class CacheManager

Set the default cache driver name.

$ ForgetCommand#signatureProperty in class ForgetCommand

The console command name.

DatabaseStore::serialize() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Serialize the given value.

DynamoDbStore::serialize() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Serialize the value.

DynamoDbStore::setPrefix() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Set the cache key prefix.

CacheEvent::setTags() — Method in class CacheEvent

Set the tags for the cache event.

$ KeyWritten#secondsProperty in class KeyWritten

The number of seconds the key should be valid.

$ Lock#secondsProperty in class Lock

The number of seconds the lock should be maintained.

$ Lock#sleepMillisecondsProperty in class Lock

The number of milliseconds to wait before re-attempting to acquire a lock while blocking.

MemcachedConnector::setCredentials() — Method in class MemcachedConnector

Set the SASL credentials on the Memcached connection.

MemcachedStore::setPrefix() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Set the cache key prefix.

RedisStore::setConnection() — Method in class RedisStore

Set the connection name to be used.

RedisStore::setPrefix() — Method in class RedisStore

Set the cache key prefix.

RedisStore::serialize() — Method in class RedisStore

Serialize the value.

$ Repository#storeProperty in class Repository

The cache store implementation.

Repository::set() — Method in class Repository
Repository::setMultiple() — Method in class Repository
Repository::sear() — Method in class Repository

Get an item from the cache, or execute the given Closure and store the result forever.

Repository::setDefaultCacheTime() — Method in class Repository

Set the default cache time in seconds.

Repository::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Repository

Set the event dispatcher instance.

$ TagSet#storeProperty in class TagSet

The cache store implementation.

Repository::set() — Method in class Repository

Set a given configuration value.

Application::starting() — Method in class Application

Register a console "starting" bootstrapper.

$ Command#signatureProperty in class Command

The name and signature of the console command.

Command::setHidden() — Method in class Command
Command::setLaravel() — Method in class Command

Set the Laravel application instance.

HasParameters::specifyParameters() — Method in class HasParameters

Specify the arguments and options on the command.

InteractsWithIO::secret() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Prompt the user for input but hide the answer from the console.

InteractsWithIO::setInput() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Set the input interface implementation.

InteractsWithIO::setOutput() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Set the output interface implementation.

InteractsWithIO::setVerbosity() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Set the verbosity level.

ScheduledTaskFailedClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
ScheduledTaskFinishedClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
ScheduledTaskSkippedClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
ScheduledTaskStartingClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
GeneratorCommand::sortImports() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Alphabetically sorts the imports for the given stub.

$ CacheEventMutex#storeProperty in class CacheEventMutex

The cache store that should be used.

$ CacheSchedulingMutex#storeProperty in class CacheSchedulingMutex

The cache store that should be used.

$ Event#shouldAppendOutputProperty in class Event

Indicates whether output should be appended.

Event::storeOutput() — Method in class Event

Ensure that the output is stored on disk in a log file.

Event::sendOutputTo() — Method in class Event

Send the output of the command to a given location.

Event::skip() — Method in class Event

Register a callback to further filter the schedule.

ManagesFrequencies::saturdays() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run only on Saturdays.

ManagesFrequencies::sundays() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run only on Sundays.

ManagesFrequencies::spliceIntoPosition() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Splice the given value into the given position of the expression.

ScheduleClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
$ Schedule#schedulingMutexProperty in class Schedule

The scheduling mutex implementation.

Schedule::serverShouldRun() — Method in class Schedule

Determine if the server is allowed to run this event.

ScheduleFinishCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
$ ScheduleFinishCommand#signatureProperty in class ScheduleFinishCommand

The console command name.

ScheduleRunCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
$ ScheduleRunCommand#scheduleProperty in class ScheduleRunCommand

The schedule instance.

$ ScheduleRunCommand#startedAtProperty in class ScheduleRunCommand

The 24 hour timestamp this scheduler command started running.

SchedulingMutexClass in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
Container::singleton() — Method in class Container

Register a shared binding in the container.

Container::singletonIf() — Method in class Container

Register a shared binding if it hasn't already been registered.

Container::setInstance() — Method in class Container

Set the shared instance of the container.

Authenticatable::setRememberToken() — Method in class Authenticatable

Set the token value for the "remember me" session.

CanResetPassword::sendPasswordResetNotification() — Method in class CanResetPassword

Send the password reset notification.

Factory::shouldUse() — Method in class Factory

Set the default guard the factory should serve.

Guard::setUser() — Method in class Guard

Set the current user.

MustVerifyEmail::sendEmailVerificationNotification() — Method in class MustVerifyEmail

Send the email verification notification.

PasswordBroker::sendResetLink() — Method in class PasswordBroker

Send a password reset link to a user.

StatefulGuardClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
SupportsBasicAuthClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
ShouldBroadcastClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
ShouldBroadcastNowClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
Factory::store() — Method in class Factory

Get a cache store instance by name.

Repository::sear() — Method in class Repository

Get an item from the cache, or execute the given Closure and store the result forever.

StoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
Repository::set() — Method in class Repository

Set a given configuration value.

Container::singleton() — Method in class Container

Register a shared binding in the container.

Container::singletonIf() — Method in class Container

Register a shared binding if it hasn't already been registered.

CastsAttributes::set() — Method in class CastsAttributes

Transform the attribute to its underlying model values.

CastsInboundAttributes::set() — Method in class CastsInboundAttributes

Transform the attribute to its underlying model values.

ExceptionHandler::shouldReport() — Method in class ExceptionHandler

Determine if the exception should be reported.

Dispatcher::subscribe() — Method in class Dispatcher

Register an event subscriber with the dispatcher.

Filesystem::setVisibility() — Method in class Filesystem

Set the visibility for the given path.

Filesystem::size() — Method in class Filesystem

Get the file size of a given file.

Application::storagePath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the storage directory.

Application::setLocale() — Method in class Application

Set the current application locale.

Application::shouldSkipMiddleware() — Method in class Application

Determine if middleware has been disabled for the application.

Mailable::send() — Method in class Mailable

Send the message using the given mailer.

Mailer::send() — Method in class Mailer

Send a new message using a view.

Dispatcher::send() — Method in class Dispatcher

Send the given notification to the given notifiable entities.

Dispatcher::sendNow() — Method in class Dispatcher

Send the given notification immediately.

Factory::send() — Method in class Factory

Send the given notification to the given notifiable entities.

Factory::sendNow() — Method in class Factory

Send the given notification immediately.

Pipeline::send() — Method in class Pipeline

Set the traveler object being sent on the pipeline.

Monitor::stopping() — Method in class Monitor

Register a callback to be executed when a daemon queue is stopping.

Queue::size() — Method in class Queue

Get the size of the queue.

Queue::setConnectionName() — Method in class Queue

Set the connection name for the queue.

ShouldQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
Connection::subscribe() — Method in class Connection

Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.

Registrar::substituteBindings() — Method in class Registrar

Substitute the route bindings onto the route.

Registrar::substituteImplicitBindings() — Method in class Registrar

Substitute the implicit Eloquent model bindings for the route.

ResponseFactory::stream() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new streamed response instance.

ResponseFactory::streamDownload() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new streamed response instance as a file download.

UrlGenerator::secure() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Generate a secure, absolute URL to the given path.

UrlGenerator::setRootControllerNamespace() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Set the root controller namespace.

SessionClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Session
Session::setId() — Method in class Session

Set the session ID.

Session::start() — Method in class Session

Start the session, reading the data from a handler.

Session::save() — Method in class Session

Save the session data to storage.

Session::setPreviousUrl() — Method in class Session

Set the "previous" URL in the session.

Session::setRequestOnHandler() — Method in class Session

Set the request on the handler instance.

MessageBag::setFormat() — Method in class MessageBag

Set the default message format.

Translator::setLocale() — Method in class Translator

Set the default locale.

Validator::sometimes() — Method in class Validator

Add conditions to a given field based on a Closure.

Factory::share() — Method in class Factory

Add a piece of shared data to the environment.

$ CookieJar#secureProperty in class CookieJar

The default secure setting (defaults to null).

$ CookieJar#sameSiteProperty in class CookieJar

The default SameSite option (defaults to lax).

CookieJar::setDefaultPathAndDomain() — Method in class CookieJar

Set the default path and domain for the jar.

$ EncryptCookies#serializeProperty in class EncryptCookies

Indicates if cookies should be serialized.

EncryptCookies::serialized() — Method in class EncryptCookies

Determine if the cookie contents should be serialized.

Manager::setupDefaultConfiguration() — Method in class Manager

Setup the default database configuration options.

Manager::setupManager() — Method in class Manager

Build the database manager instance.

Manager::schema() — Method in class Manager

Get a schema builder instance.

Manager::setFetchMode() — Method in class Manager

Set the fetch mode for the database connections.

Manager::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Manager

Set the event dispatcher instance to be used by connections.

BuildsQueries::simplePaginator() — Method in class BuildsQueries

Create a new simple paginator instance.

$ Connection#schemaGrammarProperty in class Connection

The schema grammar implementation.

Connection::selectOne() — Method in class Connection

Run a select statement and return a single result.

Connection::selectFromWriteConnection() — Method in class Connection

Run a select statement against the database.

Connection::select() — Method in class Connection

Run a select statement against the database.

Connection::statement() — Method in class Connection

Execute an SQL statement and return the boolean result.

Connection::setPdo() — Method in class Connection

Set the PDO connection.

Connection::setReadPdo() — Method in class Connection

Set the PDO connection used for reading.

Connection::setReconnector() — Method in class Connection

Set the reconnect instance on the connection.

Connection::setQueryGrammar() — Method in class Connection

Set the query grammar used by the connection.

Connection::setSchemaGrammar() — Method in class Connection

Set the schema grammar used by the connection.

Connection::setPostProcessor() — Method in class Connection

Set the query post processor used by the connection.

Connection::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Connection

Set the event dispatcher instance on the connection.

Connection::setDatabaseName() — Method in class Connection

Set the name of the connected database.

Connection::setTablePrefix() — Method in class Connection

Set the table prefix in use by the connection.

ConnectionInterface::selectOne() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Run a select statement and return a single result.

ConnectionInterface::select() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Run a select statement against the database.

ConnectionInterface::statement() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Execute an SQL statement and return the boolean result.

ConnectionResolver::setDefaultConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver

Set the default connection name.

ConnectionResolverInterface::setDefaultConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolverInterface

Set the default connection name.

Connector::setDefaultOptions() — Method in class Connector

Set the default PDO connection options.

MySqlConnector::setModes() — Method in class MySqlConnector

Set the modes for the connection.

MySqlConnector::setCustomModes() — Method in class MySqlConnector

Set the custom modes on the connection.

MySqlConnector::strictMode() — Method in class MySqlConnector

Get the query to enable strict mode.

SQLiteConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
SqlServerConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
$ MigrateCommand#signatureProperty in class MigrateCommand

The name and signature of the console command.

$ MigrateMakeCommand#signatureProperty in class MigrateMakeCommand

The console command signature.

StatusCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
SeedCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Seeds
SeederMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Seeds
DatabaseManager::setPdoForType() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Prepare the read / write mode for database connection instance.

DatabaseManager::setDefaultConnection() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Set the default connection name.

DatabaseManager::supportedDrivers() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Get all of the support drivers.

DatabaseManager::setReconnector() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Set the database reconnector callback.

$ Builder#scopesProperty in class Builder

Applied global scopes.

Builder::simplePaginate() — Method in class Builder

Paginate the given query into a simple paginator.

Builder::scopes() — Method in class Builder

Call the given local model scopes.

Builder::setQuery() — Method in class Builder

Set the underlying query builder instance.

Builder::setEagerLoads() — Method in class Builder

Set the relationships being eagerly loaded.

Builder::setModel() — Method in class Builder

Set a model instance for the model being queried.

$ HasAttributes#snakeAttributesProperty in class HasAttributes

Indicates whether attributes are snake cased on arrays.

HasAttributes::setAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes

Set a given attribute on the model.

HasAttributes::setMutatedAttributeValue() — Method in class HasAttributes

Set the value of an attribute using its mutator.

HasAttributes::setClassCastableAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes

Set the value of a class castable attribute.

HasAttributes::serializeDate() — Method in class HasAttributes

Prepare a date for array / JSON serialization.

HasAttributes::setDateFormat() — Method in class HasAttributes

Set the date format used by the model.

HasAttributes::setRawAttributes() — Method in class HasAttributes

Set the array of model attributes. No checking is done.

HasAttributes::syncOriginal() — Method in class HasAttributes

Sync the original attributes with the current.

HasAttributes::syncOriginalAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes

Sync a single original attribute with its current value.

HasAttributes::syncOriginalAttributes() — Method in class HasAttributes

Sync multiple original attribute with their current values.

HasAttributes::syncChanges() — Method in class HasAttributes

Sync the changed attributes.

HasAttributes::setAppends() — Method in class HasAttributes

Set the accessors to append to model arrays.

HasEvents::setObservableEvents() — Method in class HasEvents

Set the observable event names.

HasEvents::saving() — Method in class HasEvents

Register a saving model event with the dispatcher.

HasEvents::saved() — Method in class HasEvents

Register a saved model event with the dispatcher.

HasEvents::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class HasEvents

Set the event dispatcher instance.

HasRelationships::setRelation() — Method in class HasRelationships

Set the given relationship on the model.

HasRelationships::setRelations() — Method in class HasRelationships

Set the entire relations array on the model.

HasRelationships::setTouchedRelations() — Method in class HasRelationships

Set the relationships that are touched on save.

HasTimestamps::setCreatedAt() — Method in class HasTimestamps

Set the value of the "created at" attribute.

HasTimestamps::setUpdatedAt() — Method in class HasTimestamps

Set the value of the "updated at" attribute.

HidesAttributes::setHidden() — Method in class HidesAttributes

Set the hidden attributes for the model.

HidesAttributes::setVisible() — Method in class HidesAttributes

Set the visible attributes for the model.

$ Factory#statesProperty in class Factory

The registered model states.

Factory::state() — Method in class Factory

Define a state with a given set of attributes.

$ FactoryBuilder#statesProperty in class FactoryBuilder

The model states.

FactoryBuilder::state() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Set the state to be applied to the model.

FactoryBuilder::states() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Set the states to be applied to the model.

FactoryBuilder::store() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Set the connection name on the results and store them.

FactoryBuilder::stateAttributes() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Get the state attributes.

FactoryBuilder::stateHasAfterCallback() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Determine if the given state has an "after" callback.

Model::save() — Method in class Model

Save the model to the database.

Model::saveOrFail() — Method in class Model

Save the model to the database using transaction.

Model::setKeysForSaveQuery() — Method in class Model

Set the keys for a save update query.

Model::setConnection() — Method in class Model

Set the connection associated with the model.

Model::setConnectionResolver() — Method in class Model

Set the connection resolver instance.

Model::setTable() — Method in class Model

Set the table associated with the model.

Model::setKeyName() — Method in class Model

Set the primary key for the model.

Model::setKeyType() — Method in class Model

Set the data type for the primary key.

Model::setIncrementing() — Method in class Model

Set whether IDs are incrementing.

Model::setPerPage() — Method in class Model

Set the number of models to return per page.

ModelNotFoundException::setModel() — Method in class ModelNotFoundException

Set the affected Eloquent model and instance ids.

$ BelongsTo#selfJoinCountProperty in class BelongsTo

The count of self joins.

$ BelongsToMany#selfJoinCountProperty in class BelongsToMany

The count of self joins.

BelongsToMany::shouldSelect() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the select columns for the relation query.

BelongsToMany::simplePaginate() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Paginate the given query into a simple paginator.

BelongsToMany::save() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Save a new model and attach it to the parent model.

BelongsToMany::saveMany() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Save an array of new models and attach them to the parent model.

AsPivot::setKeysForSaveQuery() — Method in class AsPivot

Set the keys for a save update query.

AsPivot::setPivotKeys() — Method in class AsPivot

Set the key names for the pivot model instance.

InteractsWithPivotTable::syncWithoutDetaching() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Sync the intermediate tables with a list of IDs without detaching.

InteractsWithPivotTable::sync() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Sync the intermediate tables with a list of IDs or collection of models.

SupportsDefaultModelsClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Concerns
$ HasManyThrough#secondKeyProperty in class HasManyThrough

The far key on the relationship.

$ HasManyThrough#secondLocalKeyProperty in class HasManyThrough

The local key on the intermediary model.

$ HasManyThrough#selfJoinCountProperty in class HasManyThrough

The count of self joins.

HasManyThrough::simplePaginate() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Paginate the given query into a simple paginator.

HasManyThrough::shouldSelect() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Set the select clause for the relation query.

$ HasOneOrMany#selfJoinCountProperty in class HasOneOrMany

The count of self joins.

HasOneOrMany::save() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Attach a model instance to the parent model.

HasOneOrMany::saveMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Attach a collection of models to the parent instance.

HasOneOrMany::setForeignAttributesForCreate() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Set the foreign ID for creating a related model.

MorphOneOrMany::setForeignAttributesForCreate() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany

Set the foreign ID and type for creating a related model.

MorphPivot::setKeysForSaveQuery() — Method in class MorphPivot

Set the keys for a save update query.

MorphPivot::setMorphType() — Method in class MorphPivot

Set the morph type for the pivot.

MorphPivot::setMorphClass() — Method in class MorphPivot

Set the morph class for the pivot.

ScopeClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
SoftDeletesClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
SoftDeletingScopeClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
$ QueryExecuted#sqlProperty in class QueryExecuted

The SQL query that was executed.

StatementPreparedClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
$ StatementPrepared#statementProperty in class StatementPrepared

The PDO statement.

Grammar::setTablePrefix() — Method in class Grammar

Set the grammar's table prefix.

DatabaseMigrationRepository::setSource() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

Set the information source to gather data.

MigrationCreator::stubPath() — Method in class MigrationCreator

Get the path to the stubs.

MigrationRepositoryInterface::setSource() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface

Set the information source to gather data.

Migrator::setConnection() — Method in class Migrator

Set the default connection name.

Migrator::setOutput() — Method in class Migrator

Set the output implementation that should be used by the console.

$ QueryException#sqlProperty in class QueryException

The SQL for the query.

Builder::select() — Method in class Builder

Set the columns to be selected.

Builder::selectSub() — Method in class Builder

Add a subselect expression to the query.

Builder::selectRaw() — Method in class Builder

Add a new "raw" select expression to the query.

Builder::skip() — Method in class Builder

Alias to set the "offset" value of the query.

Builder::sharedLock() — Method in class Builder

Share lock the selected rows in the table.

Builder::simplePaginate() — Method in class Builder

Get a paginator only supporting simple next and previous links.

Builder::stripTableForPluck() — Method in class Builder

Strip off the table name or alias from a column identifier.

Builder::sum() — Method in class Builder

Retrieve the sum of the values of a given column.

Builder::setAggregate() — Method in class Builder

Set the aggregate property without running the query.

Builder::setBindings() — Method in class Builder

Set the bindings on the query builder.

$ Grammar#selectComponentsProperty in class Grammar

The components that make up a select clause.

Grammar::supportsSavepoints() — Method in class Grammar

Determine if the grammar supports savepoints.

SQLiteGrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
SqlServerGrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
SQLiteProcessorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
SqlServerProcessorClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
SQLiteConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
Blueprint::spatialIndex() — Method in class Blueprint

Specify a spatial index for the table.

Blueprint::smallIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new auto-incrementing small integer (2-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::string() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new string column on the table.

Blueprint::smallInteger() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new small integer (2-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::set() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new set column on the table.

Blueprint::softDeletes() — Method in class Blueprint

Add a "deleted at" timestamp for the table.

Blueprint::softDeletesTz() — Method in class Blueprint

Add a "deleted at" timestampTz for the table.

Builder::setConnection() — Method in class Builder

Set the database connection instance.

ColumnDefinition::spatialIndex() — Method in class ColumnDefinition

Add a spatial index

ColumnDefinition::storedAs() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
Grammar::supportsSchemaTransactions() — Method in class Grammar

Check if this Grammar supports schema changes wrapped in a transaction.

$ MySqlGrammar#serialsProperty in class MySqlGrammar

The possible column serials.

$ PostgresGrammar#serialsProperty in class PostgresGrammar

The columns available as serials.

RenameColumn::setRenamedColumns() — Method in class RenameColumn

Set the renamed columns on the table diff.

SQLiteGrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
$ SQLiteGrammar#serialsProperty in class SQLiteGrammar

The columns available as serials.

SqlServerGrammarClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
$ SqlServerGrammar#serialsProperty in class SqlServerGrammar

The columns available as serials.

SQLiteBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
SqlServerBuilderClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
SeederClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
Seeder::setContainer() — Method in class Seeder

Set the IoC container instance.

Seeder::setCommand() — Method in class Seeder

Set the console command instance.

SqlServerConnectionClass in namespace Illuminate\Database
Encrypter::supported() — Method in class Encrypter

Determine if the given key and cipher combination is valid.

CallQueuedListener::setJobInstanceIfNecessary() — Method in class CallQueuedListener

Set the job instance of the given class if necessary.

Dispatcher::setupWildcardListen() — Method in class Dispatcher

Setup a wildcard listener callback.

Dispatcher::subscribe() — Method in class Dispatcher

Register an event subscriber with the dispatcher.

Dispatcher::shouldBroadcast() — Method in class Dispatcher

Determine if the payload has a broadcastable event.

Dispatcher::setQueueResolver() — Method in class Dispatcher

Set the queue resolver implementation.

NullDispatcher::subscribe() — Method in class NullDispatcher

Register an event subscriber with the dispatcher.

Cache::save() — Method in class Cache

Persist the cache.

Filesystem::sharedGet() — Method in class Filesystem

Get contents of a file with shared access.

Filesystem::size() — Method in class Filesystem

Get the file size of a given file.

FilesystemAdapter::setVisibility() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Set the visibility for the given path.

FilesystemAdapter::size() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get the file size of a given file.

FilesystemManager::set() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Set the given disk instance.

AliasLoader::setAliases() — Method in class AliasLoader

Set the registered aliases.

AliasLoader::setRegistered() — Method in class AliasLoader

Set the "registered" state of the loader.

AliasLoader::setFacadeNamespace() — Method in class AliasLoader

Set the real-time facade namespace.

AliasLoader::setInstance() — Method in class AliasLoader

Set the value of the singleton alias loader.

$ Application#serviceProvidersProperty in class Application

All of the registered service providers.

$ Application#storagePathProperty in class Application

The custom storage path defined by the developer.

Application::setBasePath() — Method in class Application

Set the base path for the application.

Application::storagePath() — Method in class Application

Get the path to the storage directory.

Application::shouldSkipMiddleware() — Method in class Application

Determine if middleware has been disabled for the application.

Application::setDeferredServices() — Method in class Application

Set the application's deferred services.

Application::setLocale() — Method in class Application

Set the current application locale.

Application::setFallbackLocale() — Method in class Application

Set the current application fallback locale.

LoadEnvironmentVariables::setEnvironmentFilePath() — Method in class LoadEnvironmentVariables

Load a custom environment file.

SetRequestForConsoleClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
$ DownCommand#signatureProperty in class DownCommand

The console command signature.

$ EventCacheCommand#signatureProperty in class EventCacheCommand

The name and signature of the console command.

$ EventListCommand#signatureProperty in class EventListCommand

The name and signature of the console command.

Kernel::scheduleCache() — Method in class Kernel

Get the name of the cache store that should manage scheduling mutexes.

Kernel::schedule() — Method in class Kernel

Define the application's command schedule.

Kernel::scheduleTimezone() — Method in class Kernel

Get the timezone that should be used by default for scheduled events.

Kernel::setArtisan() — Method in class Kernel

Set the Artisan application instance.

$ KeyGenerateCommand#signatureProperty in class KeyGenerateCommand

The name and signature of the console command.

KeyGenerateCommand::setKeyInEnvironmentFile() — Method in class KeyGenerateCommand

Set the application key in the environment file.

$ PackageDiscoverCommand#signatureProperty in class PackageDiscoverCommand

The console command signature.

RouteListCommand::sortRoutes() — Method in class RouteListCommand

Sort the routes by a given element.

ServeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ServeCommand::serverCommand() — Method in class ServeCommand

Get the full server command.

StorageLinkCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
$ StorageLinkCommand#signatureProperty in class StorageLinkCommand

The console command signature.

StubPublishCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
$ StubPublishCommand#signatureProperty in class StubPublishCommand

The name and signature of the console command.

$ TestMakeCommand#signatureProperty in class TestMakeCommand

The console command name.

$ VendorPublishCommand#signatureProperty in class VendorPublishCommand

The console command signature.

VendorPublishCommand::status() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand

Write a status message to the console.

$ ViewCacheCommand#signatureProperty in class ViewCacheCommand

The name and signature of the console command.

Handler::shouldReport() — Method in class Handler

Determine if the exception should be reported.

Handler::shouldntReport() — Method in class Handler

Determine if the exception is in the "do not report" list.

FormRequest::setValidator() — Method in class FormRequest

Set the Validator instance.

FormRequest::setRedirector() — Method in class FormRequest

Set the Redirector instance.

FormRequest::setContainer() — Method in class FormRequest

Set the container implementation.

Kernel::sendRequestThroughRouter() — Method in class Kernel

Send the given request through the middleware / router.

Kernel::syncMiddlewareToRouter() — Method in class Kernel

Sync the current state of the middleware to the router.

VerifyCsrfToken::shouldAddXsrfTokenCookie() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken

Determine if the cookie should be added to the response.

VerifyCsrfToken::serialized() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken

Determine if the cookie contents should be serialized.

ProviderRepository::shouldRecompile() — Method in class ProviderRepository

Determine if the manifest should be compiled.

$ EventServiceProvider#subscribeProperty in class EventServiceProvider

The subscriber classes to register.

EventServiceProvider::shouldDiscoverEvents() — Method in class EventServiceProvider

Determine if events and listeners should be automatically discovered.

RouteServiceProvider::setRootControllerNamespace() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider

Set the root controller namespace for the application.

InteractsWithContainer::swap() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer

Register an instance of an object in the container.

InteractsWithContainer::spy() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer

Spy an instance of an object in the container.

InteractsWithDatabase::seed() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase

Seed a given database connection.

InteractsWithExceptionHandling::shouldReport() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling

Determine if the exception should be reported.

InteractsWithRedis::setUpRedis() — Method in class InteractsWithRedis

Setup redis connection.

InteractsWithSession::session() — Method in class InteractsWithSession

Set the session to the given array.

InteractsWithSession::startSession() — Method in class InteractsWithSession

Start the session for the application.

$ MakesHttpRequests#serverVariablesProperty in class MakesHttpRequests

Additional server variables for the request.

RefreshDatabase::shouldDropViews() — Method in class RefreshDatabase

Determine if views should be dropped when refreshing the database.

RefreshDatabase::shouldDropTypes() — Method in class RefreshDatabase

Determine if types should be dropped when refreshing the database.

$ TestCase#setUpHasRunProperty in class TestCase

Indicates if we have made it through the base setUp function.

TestCase::setUp() — Method in class TestCase

Setup the test environment.

TestCase::setUpTraits() — Method in class TestCase

Boot the testing helper traits.

WithFaker::setUpFaker() — Method in class WithFaker

Setup up the Faker instance.

ArgonHasher::setMemory() — Method in class ArgonHasher

Set the default password memory factor.

ArgonHasher::setTime() — Method in class ArgonHasher

Set the default password timing factor.

ArgonHasher::setThreads() — Method in class ArgonHasher

Set the default password threads factor.

BcryptHasher::setRounds() — Method in class BcryptHasher

Set the default password work factor.

$ Factory#stubCallbacksProperty in class Factory

The stub callables that will handle requests.

Factory::sequence() — Method in class Factory

Get an invokable object that returns a sequence of responses in order for use during stubbing.

Factory::stubUrl() — Method in class Factory

Stub the given URL using the given callback.

$ PendingRequest#stubCallbacksProperty in class PendingRequest

The stub callables that will handle requests.

PendingRequest::sink() — Method in class PendingRequest

Specify the path where the body of the response should be stored.

PendingRequest::send() — Method in class PendingRequest

Send the request to the given URL.

PendingRequest::sinkStubHandler() — Method in class PendingRequest

Get the sink stub handler callback.

PendingRequest::stub() — Method in class PendingRequest

Register a stub callable that will intercept requests and be able to return stub responses.

Response::status() — Method in class Response

Get the status code of the response.

Response::successful() — Method in class Response

Determine if the request was successful.

Response::serverError() — Method in class Response

Determine if the response indicates a server error occurred.

InteractsWithInput::server() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Retrieve a server variable from the request.

JsonResponse::setData() — Method in class JsonResponse
JsonResponse::setEncodingOptions() — Method in class JsonResponse
SetCacheHeadersClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Middleware
TrustHosts::shouldSpecifyTrustedHosts() — Method in class TrustHosts

Determine if the application should specify trusted hosts.

$ RedirectResponse#sessionProperty in class RedirectResponse

The session store instance.

RedirectResponse::setRequest() — Method in class RedirectResponse

Set the request instance.

RedirectResponse::setSession() — Method in class RedirectResponse

Set the session store instance.

Request::segment() — Method in class Request

Get a segment from the URI (1 based index).

Request::segments() — Method in class Request

Get all of the segments for the request path.

Request::secure() — Method in class Request

Determine if the request is over HTTPS.

Request::session() — Method in class Request

Get the session associated with the request.

Request::setLaravelSession() — Method in class Request

Set the session instance on the request.

Request::setJson() — Method in class Request

Set the JSON payload for the request.

Request::setUserResolver() — Method in class Request

Set the user resolver callback.

Request::setRouteResolver() — Method in class Request

Set the route resolver callback.

Response::setContent() — Method in class Response

Set the content on the response.

Response::shouldBeJson() — Method in class Response

Determine if the given content should be turned into JSON.

ResponseTrait::status() — Method in class ResponseTrait

Get the status code for the response.

$ File#sizeToReportProperty in class File

The "size" to report.

File::size() — Method in class File

Set the "size" of the file in kilobytes.

MimeType::search() — Method in class MimeType

Search for the extension of a given MIME type.

UploadedFile::store() — Method in class UploadedFile

Store the uploaded file on a filesystem disk.

UploadedFile::storePublicly() — Method in class UploadedFile

Store the uploaded file on a filesystem disk with public visibility.

UploadedFile::storePubliclyAs() — Method in class UploadedFile

Store the uploaded file on a filesystem disk with public visibility.

UploadedFile::storeAs() — Method in class UploadedFile

Store the uploaded file on a filesystem disk.

LogManager::stack() — Method in class LogManager

Create a new, on-demand aggregate logger instance.

LogManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class LogManager

Set the default log driver name.

Logger::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Logger

Set the event dispatcher instance.

MailManager::setGlobalAddress() — Method in class MailManager

Set a global address on the mailer by type.

MailManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class MailManager

Set the default mail driver name.

$ Mailable#subjectProperty in class Mailable

The subject of the message.

Mailable::send() — Method in class Mailable

Send the message using the given mailer.

Mailable::setAddress() — Method in class Mailable

Set the recipients of the message.

Mailable::subject() — Method in class Mailable

Set the subject of the message.

$ Mailer#swiftProperty in class Mailer

The Swift Mailer instance.

Mailer::send() — Method in class Mailer

Send a new message using a view.

Mailer::sendMailable() — Method in class Mailer

Send the given mailable.

Mailer::setGlobalToAndRemoveCcAndBcc() — Method in class Mailer

Set the global "to" address on the given message.

Mailer::sendSwiftMessage() — Method in class Mailer

Send a Swift Message instance.

Mailer::shouldSendMessage() — Method in class Mailer

Determines if the message can be sent.

Mailer::setSwiftMailer() — Method in class Mailer

Set the Swift Mailer instance.

Mailer::setQueue() — Method in class Mailer

Set the queue manager instance.

$ Message#swiftProperty in class Message

The Swift Message instance.

Message::sender() — Method in class Message

Set the "sender" of the message.

Message::subject() — Method in class Message

Set the subject of the message.

PendingMail::send() — Method in class PendingMail

Send a new mailable message instance.

PendingMail::sendNow() — Method in class PendingMail

Send a mailable message immediately.

SendQueuedMailableClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail
ArrayTransport::send() — Method in class ArrayTransport
LogTransport::send() — Method in class LogTransport
MailgunTransport::send() — Method in class MailgunTransport
MailgunTransport::setKey() — Method in class MailgunTransport

Set the API key being used by the transport.

MailgunTransport::setDomain() — Method in class MailgunTransport

Set the domain being used by the transport.

MailgunTransport::setEndpoint() — Method in class MailgunTransport

Set the API endpoint being used by the transport.

SesTransportClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
$ SesTransport#sesProperty in class SesTransport

The Amazon SES instance.

SesTransport::send() — Method in class SesTransport
SesTransport::ses() — Method in class SesTransport

Get the Amazon SES client for the SesTransport instance.

SesTransport::setOptions() — Method in class SesTransport

Set the transmission options being used by the transport.

Transport::start() — Method in class Transport
Transport::stop() — Method in class Transport
Transport::sendPerformed() — Method in class Transport

Iterate through registered plugins and execute plugins' methods.

ChannelManager::send() — Method in class ChannelManager

Send the given notification to the given notifiable entities.

ChannelManager::sendNow() — Method in class ChannelManager

Send the given notification immediately.

BroadcastChannel::send() — Method in class BroadcastChannel

Send the given notification.

DatabaseChannel::send() — Method in class DatabaseChannel

Send the given notification.

MailChannel::send() — Method in class MailChannel

Send the given notification.

SimpleMessageClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Messages
$ SimpleMessage#subjectProperty in class SimpleMessage

The subject of the notification.

$ SimpleMessage#salutationProperty in class SimpleMessage

The notification's salutation.

SimpleMessage::success() — Method in class SimpleMessage

Indicate that the notification gives information about a successful operation.

SimpleMessage::subject() — Method in class SimpleMessage

Set the subject of the notification.

SimpleMessage::salutation() — Method in class SimpleMessage

Set the salutation of the notification.

NotificationSender::send() — Method in class NotificationSender

Send the given notification to the given notifiable entities.

NotificationSender::sendNow() — Method in class NotificationSender

Send the given notification immediately.

NotificationSender::sendToNotifiable() — Method in class NotificationSender

Send the given notification to the given notifiable via a channel.

NotificationSender::shouldSendNotification() — Method in class NotificationSender

Determines if the notification can be sent.

SendQueuedNotificationsClass in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
AbstractPaginator::setPageName() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Set the query string variable used to store the page.

AbstractPaginator::setPath() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Set the base path to assign to all URLs.

AbstractPaginator::setCollection() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Set the paginator's underlying collection.

LengthAwarePaginator::setCurrentPage() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator

Get the current page for the request.

Paginator::setCurrentPage() — Method in class Paginator

Get the current page for the request.

Paginator::setItems() — Method in class Paginator

Set the items for the paginator.

Pipeline::send() — Method in class Pipeline

Set the object being sent through the pipeline.

BeanstalkdQueue::size() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue

Get the size of the queue.

CallQueuedHandler::setJobInstanceIfNecessary() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler

Set the job instance of the given class if necessary.

Manager::setupDefaultConfiguration() — Method in class Manager

Setup the default queue configuration options.

Manager::setupManager() — Method in class Manager

Build the queue manager instance.

SqsConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
SyncConnectorClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
$ ForgetFailedCommand#signatureProperty in class ForgetFailedCommand

The console command signature.

$ ListenCommand#signatureProperty in class ListenCommand

The console command name.

ListenCommand::setOutputHandler() — Method in class ListenCommand

Set the options on the queue listener.

$ RetryCommand#signatureProperty in class RetryCommand

The console command signature.

$ WorkCommand#signatureProperty in class WorkCommand

The console command name.

DatabaseQueue::size() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Get the size of the queue.

$ WorkerStopping#statusProperty in class WorkerStopping

The exit status.

InteractsWithQueue::setJob() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue

Set the base queue job instance.

SqsJobClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
$ SqsJob#sqsProperty in class SqsJob

The Amazon SQS client instance.

SyncJobClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
$ Listener#sleepProperty in class Listener

The amount of seconds to wait before polling the queue.

Listener::stop() — Method in class Listener

Stop listening and bail out of the script.

Listener::setOutputHandler() — Method in class Listener

Set the output handler callback.

LuaScripts::size() — Method in class LuaScripts

Get the Lua script for computing the size of queue.

NullQueue::size() — Method in class NullQueue

Get the size of the queue.

Queue::setConnectionName() — Method in class Queue

Set the connection name for the queue.

Queue::setContainer() — Method in class Queue

Set the IoC container instance.

QueueManager::stopping() — Method in class QueueManager

Register an event listener for the daemon queue stopping.

QueueManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class QueueManager

Set the name of the default queue connection.

RedisQueue::size() — Method in class RedisQueue

Get the size of the queue.

SerializableClosureClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiersClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
SerializesModelsClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
SqsQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
$ SqsQueue#sqsProperty in class SqsQueue

The Amazon SQS instance.

SqsQueue::size() — Method in class SqsQueue

Get the size of the queue.

SyncQueueClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
SyncQueue::size() — Method in class SyncQueue

Get the size of the queue.

$ Worker#shouldQuitProperty in class Worker

Indicates if the worker should exit.

Worker::stopIfNecessary() — Method in class Worker

Stop the process if necessary.

Worker::stopWorkerIfLostConnection() — Method in class Worker

Stop the worker if we have lost connection to a database.

Worker::supportsAsyncSignals() — Method in class Worker

Determine if "async" signals are supported.

Worker::stop() — Method in class Worker

Stop listening and bail out of the script.

Worker::sleep() — Method in class Worker

Sleep the script for a given number of seconds.

Worker::setCache() — Method in class Worker

Set the cache repository implementation.

Worker::setManager() — Method in class Worker

Set the queue manager instance.

$ WorkerOptions#sleepProperty in class WorkerOptions

The number of seconds to wait in between polling the queue.

$ WorkerOptions#stopWhenEmptyProperty in class WorkerOptions

Indicates if the worker should stop when queue is empty.

Connection::subscribe() — Method in class Connection

Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.

Connection::setName() — Method in class Connection

Set the connections name.

Connection::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Connection

Set the event dispatcher instance on the connection.

PhpRedisConnection::set() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Set the string value in argument as value of the key.

PhpRedisConnection::setnx() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Set the given key if it doesn't exist.

PhpRedisConnection::spop() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Removes and returns a random element from the set value at key.

PhpRedisConnection::scan() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Scans all keys based on options.

PhpRedisConnection::sscan() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Scans the given set for all values based on options.

PhpRedisConnection::subscribe() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.

RedisManager::setDriver() — Method in class RedisManager

Set the default driver.

CompiledRouteCollection::setRouter() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection

Set the router instance on the route.

CompiledRouteCollection::setContainer() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection

Set the container instance on the route.

SchemeValidatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
SubstituteBindingsClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Middleware
PendingResourceRegistration::shallow() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration

Indicate that the resource routes should have "shallow" nesting.

PendingResourceRegistration::scoped() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration

Indicate that the resource routes should be scoped using the given binding fields.

$ Redirector#sessionProperty in class Redirector

The session store instance.

Redirector::setIntendedUrl() — Method in class Redirector

Set the intended url.

Redirector::secure() — Method in class Redirector

Create a new redirect response to the given HTTPS path.

Redirector::signedRoute() — Method in class Redirector

Create a new redirect response to a signed named route.

Redirector::setSession() — Method in class Redirector

Set the active session store.

$ ResourceRegistrar#singularParametersProperty in class ResourceRegistrar

Singular global parameters.

ResourceRegistrar::setResourceBindingFields() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Set the route's binding fields if the resource is scoped.

ResourceRegistrar::singularParameters() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Set or unset the unmapped global parameters to singular.

ResourceRegistrar::setParameters() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Set the global parameter mapping.

ResponseFactory::stream() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new streamed response instance.

ResponseFactory::streamDownload() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new streamed response instance as a file download.

Route::setParameter() — Method in class Route

Set a parameter to the given value.

Route::signatureParameters() — Method in class Route

Get the parameters that are listed in the route / controller signature.

Route::setBindingFields() — Method in class Route

Set the binding fields for the route.

Route::setDefaults() — Method in class Route

Set the default values for the route.

Route::setWheres() — Method in class Route

Set a list of regular expression requirements on the route.

Route::setFallback() — Method in class Route

Set the fallback value.

Route::secure() — Method in class Route

Determine if the route only responds to HTTPS requests.

Route::setUri() — Method in class Route

Set the URI that the route responds to.

Route::setAction() — Method in class Route

Set the action array for the route.

Route::setRouter() — Method in class Route

Set the router instance on the route.

Route::setContainer() — Method in class Route

Set the container instance on the route.

RouteDependencyResolverTrait::spliceIntoParameters() — Method in class RouteDependencyResolverTrait

Splice the given value into the parameter list.

Router::sortMiddleware() — Method in class Router

Sort the given middleware by priority.

Router::substituteBindings() — Method in class Router

Substitute the route bindings onto the route.

Router::substituteImplicitBindings() — Method in class Router

Substitute the implicit Eloquent model bindings for the route.

Router::singularResourceParameters() — Method in class Router

Set the unmapped global resource parameters to singular.

Router::setRoutes() — Method in class Router

Set the route collection instance.

Router::setCompiledRoutes() — Method in class Router

Set the compiled route collection instance.

SortedMiddlewareClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
SortedMiddleware::sortMiddleware() — Method in class SortedMiddleware

Sort the middlewares by the given priority map.

$ UrlGenerator#sessionResolverProperty in class UrlGenerator

The session resolver callable.

UrlGenerator::secure() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Generate a secure, absolute URL to the given path.

UrlGenerator::secureAsset() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Generate the URL to a secure asset.

UrlGenerator::signedRoute() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Create a signed route URL for a named route.

UrlGenerator::signatureHasNotExpired() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Determine if the expires timestamp from the given request is not from the past.

UrlGenerator::setRequest() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Set the current request instance.

UrlGenerator::setRoutes() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Set the route collection.

UrlGenerator::setSessionResolver() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Set the session resolver for the generator.

UrlGenerator::setKeyResolver() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Set the encryption key resolver.

UrlGenerator::setRootControllerNamespace() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Set the root controller namespace.

$ ArraySessionHandler#storageProperty in class ArraySessionHandler

The array of stored values.

SessionTableCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Session\Console
CookieSessionHandler::setRequest() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler

Set the request instance.

DatabaseSessionHandler::setExists() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler

Set the existence state for the session.

ExistenceAwareInterface::setExists() — Method in class ExistenceAwareInterface

Set the existence state for the session.

AuthenticateSession::storePasswordHashInSession() — Method in class AuthenticateSession

Store the user's current password hash in the session.

StartSessionClass in namespace Illuminate\Session\Middleware
StartSession::startSession() — Method in class StartSession

Start the session for the given request.

StartSession::storeCurrentUrl() — Method in class StartSession

Store the current URL for the request if necessary.

StartSession::saveSession() — Method in class StartSession

Save the session data to storage.

StartSession::sessionConfigured() — Method in class StartSession

Determine if a session driver has been configured.

StartSession::sessionIsPersistent() — Method in class StartSession

Determine if the configured session driver is persistent.

SessionManagerClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
SessionManager::shouldBlock() — Method in class SessionManager

Determine if requests for the same session should wait for each to finish before executing.

SessionManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class SessionManager

Set the default session driver name.

SessionServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
StoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
$ Store#startedProperty in class Store

Session store started status.

Store::start() — Method in class Store

Start the session, reading the data from a handler.

Store::save() — Method in class Store

Save the session data to storage.

Store::setName() — Method in class Store

Set the name of the session.

Store::setId() — Method in class Store

Set the session ID.

Store::setExists() — Method in class Store

Set the existence of the session on the handler if applicable.

Store::setPreviousUrl() — Method in class Store

Set the "previous" URL in the session.

Store::setRequestOnHandler() — Method in class Store

Set the request on the handler instance.

Arr::set() — Method in class Arr

Set an array item to a given value using "dot" notation.

Arr::shuffle() — Method in class Arr

Shuffle the given array and return the result.

Arr::sort() — Method in class Arr

Sort the array using the given callback or "dot" notation.

Arr::sortRecursive() — Method in class Arr

Recursively sort an array by keys and values.

Collection::search() — Method in class Collection

Search the collection for a given value and return the corresponding key if successful.

Collection::shift() — Method in class Collection

Get and remove the first item from the collection.

Collection::shuffle() — Method in class Collection

Shuffle the items in the collection.

Collection::skip() — Method in class Collection

Skip the first {$count} items.

Collection::skipUntil() — Method in class Collection

Skip items in the collection until the given condition is met.

Collection::skipWhile() — Method in class Collection

Skip items in the collection while the given condition is met.

Collection::slice() — Method in class Collection

Get a slice of items from the enumerable.

Collection::split() — Method in class Collection

Split a collection into a certain number of groups.

Collection::sort() — Method in class Collection

Sort through each item with a callback.

Collection::sortDesc() — Method in class Collection

Sort items in descending order.

Collection::sortBy() — Method in class Collection

Sort the collection using the given callback.

Collection::sortByDesc() — Method in class Collection

Sort the collection in descending order using the given callback.

Collection::sortKeys() — Method in class Collection

Sort the collection keys.

Collection::sortKeysDesc() — Method in class Collection

Sort the collection keys in descending order.

Collection::splice() — Method in class Collection

Splice a portion of the underlying collection array.

Composer::setWorkingPath() — Method in class Composer

Set the working path used by the class.

DateFactory::serializeUsing() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::setHumanDiffOptions() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::setLocale() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::setMidDayAt() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::setTestNow() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::setToStringFormat() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::setTranslator() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::setUtf8() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::setWeekEndsAt() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::setWeekStartsAt() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::setWeekendDays() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::shouldOverflowMonths() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::shouldOverflowYears() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::singularUnit() — Method in class DateFactory
Enumerable::some() — Method in class Enumerable

Alias for the "contains" method.

Enumerable::search() — Method in class Enumerable

Search the collection for a given value and return the corresponding key if successful.

Enumerable::shuffle() — Method in class Enumerable

Shuffle the items in the collection.

Enumerable::skip() — Method in class Enumerable

Skip the first {$count} items.

Enumerable::slice() — Method in class Enumerable

Get a slice of items from the enumerable.

Enumerable::split() — Method in class Enumerable

Split a collection into a certain number of groups.

Enumerable::sort() — Method in class Enumerable

Sort through each item with a callback.

Enumerable::sortDesc() — Method in class Enumerable

Sort items in descending order.

Enumerable::sortBy() — Method in class Enumerable

Sort the collection using the given callback.

Enumerable::sortByDesc() — Method in class Enumerable

Sort the collection in descending order using the given callback.

Enumerable::sortKeys() — Method in class Enumerable

Sort the collection keys.

Enumerable::sortKeysDesc() — Method in class Enumerable

Sort the collection keys in descending order.

Enumerable::sum() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the sum of the given values.

App::shouldSkipMiddleware() — Method in class App
App::storagePath() — Method in class App
App::setLocale() — Method in class App
Auth::setUser() — Method in class Auth
Auth::shouldUse() — Method in class Auth
Blade::stripParentheses() — Method in class Blade
Blade::setEchoFormat() — Method in class Blade
Blade::setPath() — Method in class Blade
Cache::store() — Method in class Cache
Cache::sear() — Method in class Cache
Config::set() — Method in class Config
Crypt::supported() — Method in class Crypt
DB::select() — Method in class DB
DB::statement() — Method in class DB
DB::selectOne() — Method in class DB
DB::setDefaultConnection() — Method in class DB
Date::setHumanDiffOptions() — Method in class Date
Date::setTestNow() — Method in class Date
Date::setUtf8() — Method in class Date
Date::setLocale() — Method in class Date
Date::shouldOverflowMonths() — Method in class Date
Date::shouldOverflowYears() — Method in class Date
Date::singularUnit() — Method in class Date
Date::serializeUsing() — Method in class Date
Date::setMidDayAt() — Method in class Date
Date::setToStringFormat() — Method in class Date
Date::setTranslator() — Method in class Date
Date::setWeekEndsAt() — Method in class Date
Date::setWeekStartsAt() — Method in class Date
Date::setWeekendDays() — Method in class Date
Event::setQueueResolver() — Method in class Event
Event::subscribe() — Method in class Event
Facade::spy() — Method in class Facade

Convert the facade into a Mockery spy.

Facade::shouldReceive() — Method in class Facade

Initiate a mock expectation on the facade.

Facade::swap() — Method in class Facade

Hotswap the underlying instance behind the facade.

Facade::setFacadeApplication() — Method in class Facade

Set the application instance.

File::size() — Method in class File
File::sharedGet() — Method in class File
Http::stub() — Method in class Http
Http::send() — Method in class Http
Lang::setLocale() — Method in class Lang
Log::stack() — Method in class Log
Mail::sent() — Method in class Mail
Mail::send() — Method in class Mail
Notification::sent() — Method in class Notification
Notification::send() — Method in class Notification
Notification::sendNow() — Method in class Notification
Password::sendResetLink() — Method in class Password
Queue::setConnectionName() — Method in class Queue
Queue::size() — Method in class Queue
Redirect::secure() — Method in class Redirect
Redirect::signedRoute() — Method in class Redirect
Redirect::setSession() — Method in class Redirect
Request::setJson() — Method in class Request
Request::setRouteResolver() — Method in class Request
Request::setUserResolver() — Method in class Request
Request::session() — Method in class Request
Request::segments() — Method in class Request
Request::secure() — Method in class Request
Request::server() — Method in class Request
Request::segment() — Method in class Request
Request::setLaravelSession() — Method in class Request
Response::stream() — Method in class Response
Response::streamDownload() — Method in class Response
Route::substituteBindings() — Method in class Route
Route::substituteImplicitBindings() — Method in class Route
SchemaClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
SessionClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Session::save() — Method in class Session
Session::start() — Method in class Session
Session::setId() — Method in class Session
Session::setPreviousUrl() — Method in class Session
Session::setRequestOnHandler() — Method in class Session
StorageClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
Storage::setVisibility() — Method in class Storage
Storage::size() — Method in class Storage
URL::setRootControllerNamespace() — Method in class URL
URL::secure() — Method in class URL
URL::signedRoute() — Method in class URL
View::share() — Method in class View
InteractsWithTime::secondsUntil() — Method in class InteractsWithTime

Get the number of seconds until the given DateTime.

$ LazyCollection#sourceProperty in class LazyCollection

The source from which to generate items.

LazyCollection::search() — Method in class LazyCollection

Search the collection for a given value and return the corresponding key if successful.

LazyCollection::shuffle() — Method in class LazyCollection

Shuffle the items in the collection.

LazyCollection::skip() — Method in class LazyCollection

Skip the first {$count} items.

LazyCollection::skipUntil() — Method in class LazyCollection

Skip items in the collection until the given condition is met.

LazyCollection::skipWhile() — Method in class LazyCollection

Skip items in the collection while the given condition is met.

LazyCollection::slice() — Method in class LazyCollection

Get a slice of items from the enumerable.

LazyCollection::split() — Method in class LazyCollection

Split a collection into a certain number of groups.

LazyCollection::sort() — Method in class LazyCollection

Sort through each item with a callback.

LazyCollection::sortDesc() — Method in class LazyCollection

Sort items in descending order.

LazyCollection::sortBy() — Method in class LazyCollection

Sort the collection using the given callback.

LazyCollection::sortByDesc() — Method in class LazyCollection

Sort the collection in descending order using the given callback.

LazyCollection::sortKeys() — Method in class LazyCollection

Sort the collection keys.

LazyCollection::sortKeysDesc() — Method in class LazyCollection

Sort the collection keys in descending order.

MessageBag::setFormat() — Method in class MessageBag

Set the default message format.

NamespacedItemResolver::setParsedKey() — Method in class NamespacedItemResolver

Set the parsed value of a key.

Pluralizer::singular() — Method in class Pluralizer

Get the singular form of an English word.

ServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
StrClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
$ Str#snakeCacheProperty in class Str

The cache of snake-cased words.

$ Str#studlyCacheProperty in class Str

The cache of studly-cased words.

Str::start() — Method in class Str

Begin a string with a single instance of a given value.

Str::singular() — Method in class Str

Get the singular form of an English word.

Str::slug() — Method in class Str

Generate a URL friendly "slug" from a given string.

Str::snake() — Method in class Str

Convert a string to snake case.

Str::startsWith() — Method in class Str

Determine if a given string starts with a given substring.

Str::studly() — Method in class Str

Convert a value to studly caps case.

Str::substr() — Method in class Str

Returns the portion of string specified by the start and length parameters.

Str::substrCount() — Method in class Str

Returns the number of substring occurrences.

StringableClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
Stringable::split() — Method in class Stringable

Split a string using a regular expression.

Stringable::start() — Method in class Stringable

Begin a string with a single instance of a given value.

Stringable::singular() — Method in class Stringable

Get the singular form of an English word.

Stringable::slug() — Method in class Stringable

Generate a URL friendly "slug" from a given string.

Stringable::snake() — Method in class Stringable

Convert a string to snake case.

Stringable::startsWith() — Method in class Stringable

Determine if a given string starts with a given substring.

Stringable::studly() — Method in class Stringable

Convert a value to studly caps case.

Stringable::substr() — Method in class Stringable

Returns the portion of string specified by the start and length parameters.

Stringable::substrCount() — Method in class Stringable

Returns the number of substring occurrences.

BusFake::shouldFakeJob() — Method in class BusFake

Determine if an command should be faked or actually dispatched.

EventFake::subscribe() — Method in class EventFake

Register an event subscriber with the dispatcher.

EventFake::shouldFakeEvent() — Method in class EventFake

Determine if an event should be faked or actually dispatched.

MailFake::sent() — Method in class MailFake

Get all of the mailables matching a truth-test callback.

MailFake::send() — Method in class MailFake

Send a new message using a view.

NotificationFake::sent() — Method in class NotificationFake

Get all of the notifications matching a truth-test callback.

NotificationFake::send() — Method in class NotificationFake

Send the given notification to the given notifiable entities.

NotificationFake::sendNow() — Method in class NotificationFake

Send the given notification immediately.

PendingMailFake::send() — Method in class PendingMailFake

Send a new mailable message instance.

PendingMailFake::sendNow() — Method in class PendingMailFake

Send a mailable message immediately.

QueueFake::size() — Method in class QueueFake

Get the size of the queue.

QueueFake::setConnectionName() — Method in class QueueFake

Set the connection name for the queue.

CapsuleManagerTrait::setupContainer() — Method in class CapsuleManagerTrait

Setup the IoC container instance.

CapsuleManagerTrait::setAsGlobal() — Method in class CapsuleManagerTrait

Make this capsule instance available globally.

CapsuleManagerTrait::setContainer() — Method in class CapsuleManagerTrait

Set the IoC container instance.

$ EnumeratesValues#someProperty in class EnumeratesValues
$ EnumeratesValues#sortByProperty in class EnumeratesValues
$ EnumeratesValues#sortByDescProperty in class EnumeratesValues
$ EnumeratesValues#sumProperty in class EnumeratesValues
EnumeratesValues::some() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Alias for the "contains" method.

EnumeratesValues::sum() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Get the sum of the given values.

$ HasInDatabase#showProperty in class HasInDatabase

Number of records that will be shown in the console in case of failure.

SeeInOrderClass in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Constraints
SoftDeletedInDatabaseClass in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Constraints
$ SoftDeletedInDatabase#showProperty in class SoftDeletedInDatabase

Number of records that will be shown in the console in case of failure.

$ TestResponse#streamedContentProperty in class TestResponse

The streamed content of the response.

TestResponse::session() — Method in class TestResponse

Get the current session store.

TestResponse::streamedContent() — Method in class TestResponse

Get the streamed content from the response.

$ Translator#selectorProperty in class Translator

The message selector.

Translator::sortReplacements() — Method in class Translator

Sort the replacements array.

Translator::setSelector() — Method in class Translator

Set the message selector instance.

Translator::setLocale() — Method in class Translator

Set the default locale.

Translator::setFallback() — Method in class Translator

Set the fallback locale being used.

Translator::setLoaded() — Method in class Translator

Set the loaded translation groups.

ValidatesAttributes::shouldBlockPhpUpload() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Check if PHP uploads are explicitly allowed.

ValidatesAttributes::shouldBeNumeric() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Adds the existing rule to the numericRules array if the attribute's value is numeric.

DatabasePresenceVerifier::setConnection() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier

Set the connection to be used.

DatabasePresenceVerifierInterface::setConnection() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifierInterface

Set the connection to be used.

Factory::setPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Factory

Set the Presence Verifier implementation.

$ ValidationException#statusProperty in class ValidationException

The status code to use for the response.

ValidationException::status() — Method in class ValidationException

Set the HTTP status code to be used for the response.

$ Validator#sizeRulesProperty in class Validator

The size related validation rules.

Validator::shouldBeExcluded() — Method in class Validator

Determine if the attribute should be excluded.

Validator::shouldStopValidating() — Method in class Validator

Check if we should stop further validations on a given attribute.

Validator::setData() — Method in class Validator

Set the data under validation.

Validator::setRules() — Method in class Validator

Set the validation rules.

Validator::sometimes() — Method in class Validator

Add conditions to a given field based on a Closure.

Validator::setCustomMessages() — Method in class Validator

Set the custom messages for the validator.

Validator::setAttributeNames() — Method in class Validator

Set the custom attributes on the validator.

Validator::setImplicitAttributesFormatter() — Method in class Validator

Set the callback that used to format an implicit attribute.

Validator::setValueNames() — Method in class Validator

Set the custom values on the validator.

Validator::setFallbackMessages() — Method in class Validator

Set the fallback messages for the validator.

Validator::setPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Validator

Set the Presence Verifier implementation.

Validator::setTranslator() — Method in class Validator

Set the Translator implementation.

Validator::setContainer() — Method in class Validator

Set the IoC container instance.

BladeCompiler::setPath() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Set the path currently being compiled.

BladeCompiler::storeUncompiledBlocks() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Store the blocks that do not receive compilation.

BladeCompiler::storeVerbatimBlocks() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Store the verbatim blocks and replace them with a temporary placeholder.

BladeCompiler::storePhpBlocks() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Store the PHP blocks and replace them with a temporary placeholder.

BladeCompiler::storeRawBlock() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Store a raw block and return a unique raw placeholder.

BladeCompiler::stripParentheses() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Strip the parentheses from the given expression.

BladeCompiler::setEchoFormat() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Set the echo format to be used by the compiler.

ComponentTagCompiler::stripQuotes() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Strip any quotes from the given string.

CompilesComponents::sanitizeComponentAttribute() — Method in class CompilesComponents

Sanitize the given component attribute value.

Component::shouldIgnore() — Method in class Component

Determine if the given property / method should be ignored.

Component::shouldRender() — Method in class Component

Determine if the component should be rendered.

ComponentAttributeBag::setAttributes() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Set the underlying attributes.

$ ManagesComponents#slotsProperty in class ManagesComponents

The slot contents for the component.

$ ManagesComponents#slotStackProperty in class ManagesComponents

The names of the slots being rendered.

ManagesComponents::startComponent() — Method in class ManagesComponents

Start a component rendering process.

ManagesComponents::startComponentFirst() — Method in class ManagesComponents

Get the first view that actually exists from the given list, and start a component.

ManagesComponents::slot() — Method in class ManagesComponents

Start the slot rendering process.

$ ManagesLayouts#sectionsProperty in class ManagesLayouts

All of the finished, captured sections.

$ ManagesLayouts#sectionStackProperty in class ManagesLayouts

The stack of in-progress sections.

ManagesLayouts::startSection() — Method in class ManagesLayouts

Start injecting content into a section.

ManagesLayouts::stopSection() — Method in class ManagesLayouts

Stop injecting content into a section.

ManagesLayouts::sectionMissing() — Method in class ManagesLayouts

Check if section does not exist.

ManagesStacks::startPush() — Method in class ManagesStacks

Start injecting content into a push section.

ManagesStacks::stopPush() — Method in class ManagesStacks

Stop injecting content into a push section.

ManagesStacks::startPrepend() — Method in class ManagesStacks

Start prepending content into a push section.

ManagesStacks::stopPrepend() — Method in class ManagesStacks

Stop prepending content into a push section.

ManagesTranslations::startTranslation() — Method in class ManagesTranslations

Start a translation block.

$ Factory#sharedProperty in class Factory

Data that should be available to all templates.

Factory::share() — Method in class Factory

Add a piece of shared data to the environment.

Factory::setFinder() — Method in class Factory

Set the view finder instance.

Factory::setDispatcher() — Method in class Factory

Set the event dispatcher instance.

Factory::setContainer() — Method in class Factory

Set the IoC container instance.

Factory::shared() — Method in class Factory

Get an item from the shared data.

FileViewFinder::setPaths() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Set the active view paths.

ShareErrorsFromSessionClass in namespace Illuminate\View\Middleware
View::setPath() — Method in class View

Set the path to the view.


AuthorizationException::toResponse() — Method in class AuthorizationException

Create a deny response object from this exception.

Response::toArray() — Method in class Response

Convert the response to an array.

$ DatabaseUserProvider#tableProperty in class DatabaseUserProvider

The table containing the users.

$ ResetPassword#tokenProperty in class ResetPassword

The password reset token.

$ ResetPassword#toMailCallbackProperty in class ResetPassword

The callback that should be used to build the mail message.

ResetPassword::toMail() — Method in class ResetPassword

Build the mail representation of the notification.

ResetPassword::toMailUsing() — Method in class ResetPassword

Set a callback that should be used when building the notification mail message.

$ VerifyEmail#toMailCallbackProperty in class VerifyEmail

The callback that should be used to build the mail message.

VerifyEmail::toMail() — Method in class VerifyEmail

Build the mail representation of the notification.

VerifyEmail::toMailUsing() — Method in class VerifyEmail

Set a callback that should be used when building the notification mail message.

$ DatabaseTokenRepository#tableProperty in class DatabaseTokenRepository

The token database table.

$ DatabaseTokenRepository#throttleProperty in class DatabaseTokenRepository

Minimum number of seconds before re-redefining the token.

DatabaseTokenRepository::tokenExpired() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository

Determine if the token has expired.

DatabaseTokenRepository::tokenRecentlyCreated() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository

Determine if the token was recently created.

$ PasswordBroker#tokensProperty in class PasswordBroker

The password token repository.

PasswordBroker::tokenExists() — Method in class PasswordBroker

Validate the given password reset token.

TokenRepositoryInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
Recaller::token() — Method in class Recaller

Get the "remember token" token from the recaller.

TokenGuardClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth
$ BroadcastEvent#triesProperty in class BroadcastEvent

The number of times the job may be attempted.

$ BroadcastEvent#timeoutProperty in class BroadcastEvent

The number of seconds the job can run before timing out.

PendingBroadcast::toOthers() — Method in class PendingBroadcast

Broadcast the event to everyone except the current user.

Queueable::through() — Method in class Queueable

Specify the middleware the job should be dispatched through.

ArrayStore::toTimestamp() — Method in class ArrayStore

Get the UNIX timestamp for the given number of seconds.

ClearCommand::tags() — Method in class ClearCommand

Get the tags passed to the command.

$ DatabaseLock#tableProperty in class DatabaseLock

The database table name.

$ DatabaseStore#tableProperty in class DatabaseStore

The name of the cache table.

DatabaseStore::table() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Get a query builder for the cache table.

$ DynamoDbStore#tableProperty in class DynamoDbStore

The table name.

DynamoDbStore::toTimestamp() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Get the UNIX timestamp for the given number of seconds.

DynamoDbStore::type() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Get the DynamoDB type for the given value.

$ CacheEvent#tagsProperty in class CacheEvent

The tags that were assigned to the key.

MemcachedStore::toTimestamp() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Get the UNIX timestamp for the given number of seconds.

RateLimiter::tooManyAttempts() — Method in class RateLimiter

Determine if the given key has been "accessed" too many times.

RedisStore::tags() — Method in class RedisStore

Begin executing a new tags operation.

Repository::tags() — Method in class Repository

Begin executing a new tags operation if the store supports it.

TagSetClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
TagSet::tagIds() — Method in class TagSet

Get an array of tag identifiers for all of the tags in the set.

TagSet::tagId() — Method in class TagSet

Get the unique tag identifier for a given tag.

TagSet::tagKey() — Method in class TagSet

Get the tag identifier key for a given tag.

TaggableStoreClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
TaggableStore::tags() — Method in class TaggableStore

Begin executing a new tags operation.

TaggedCacheClass in namespace Illuminate\Cache
$ TaggedCache#tagsProperty in class TaggedCache

The tag set instance.

TaggedCache::taggedItemKey() — Method in class TaggedCache

Get a fully qualified key for a tagged item.

InteractsWithIO::table() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Format input to textual table.

$ ScheduledTaskFailed#taskProperty in class ScheduledTaskFailed

The scheduled event that failed.

$ ScheduledTaskFinished#taskProperty in class ScheduledTaskFinished

The scheduled event that ran.

$ ScheduledTaskSkipped#taskProperty in class ScheduledTaskSkipped

The scheduled event being run.

$ ScheduledTaskStarting#taskProperty in class ScheduledTaskStarting

The scheduled event being run.

$ GeneratorCommand#typeProperty in class GeneratorCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ Event#timezoneProperty in class Event

The timezone the date should be evaluated on.

Event::thenPing() — Method in class Event

Register a callback to ping a given URL after the job runs.

Event::thenPingIf() — Method in class Event

Register a callback to ping a given URL after the job runs if the given condition is true.

Event::then() — Method in class Event

Register a callback to be called after the operation.

Event::thenWithOutput() — Method in class Event

Register a callback that uses the output after the job runs.

ManagesFrequencies::twiceDaily() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run twice daily.

ManagesFrequencies::tuesdays() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run only on Tuesdays.

ManagesFrequencies::thursdays() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run only on Thursdays.

ManagesFrequencies::twiceMonthly() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run twice monthly at a given time.

ManagesFrequencies::timezone() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Set the timezone the date should be evaluated on.

$ Schedule#timezoneProperty in class Schedule

The timezone the date should be evaluated on.

$ Container#tagsProperty in class Container

All of the registered tags.

Container::tag() — Method in class Container

Assign a set of tags to a given binding.

Container::tagged() — Method in class Container

Resolve all of the bindings for a given tag.

Kernel::terminate() — Method in class Kernel

Terminate the application.

Container::tag() — Method in class Container

Assign a set of tags to a given binding.

Container::tagged() — Method in class Container

Resolve all of the bindings for a given tag.

Application::terminate() — Method in class Application

Terminate the application.

Kernel::terminate() — Method in class Kernel

Perform any final actions for the request lifecycle.

Mailable::to() — Method in class Mailable

Set the recipients of the message.

Mailer::to() — Method in class Mailer

Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.

LengthAwarePaginator::total() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator

Determine the total number of items in the data store.

Pipeline::through() — Method in class Pipeline

Set the stops of the pipeline.

Pipeline::then() — Method in class Pipeline

Run the pipeline with a final destination callback.

Job::timeout() — Method in class Job

Get the number of seconds the job can run.

Job::timeoutAt() — Method in class Job

Get the timestamp indicating when the job should timeout.

UrlGenerator::to() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Generate an absolute URL to the given path.

Session::token() — Method in class Session

Get the CSRF token value.

Arrayable::toArray() — Method in class Arrayable

Get the instance as an array.

Htmlable::toHtml() — Method in class Htmlable

Get content as a string of HTML.

Jsonable::toJson() — Method in class Jsonable

Convert the object to its JSON representation.

Responsable::toResponse() — Method in class Responsable

Create an HTTP response that represents the object.

TranslatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Translation
Manager::table() — Method in class Manager

Get a fluent query builder instance.

BuildsQueries::tap() — Method in class BuildsQueries

Pass the query to a given callback.

ManagesTransactions::transaction() — Method in class ManagesTransactions

Execute a Closure within a transaction.

ManagesTransactions::transactionLevel() — Method in class ManagesTransactions

Get the number of active transactions.

$ Connection#tablePrefixProperty in class Connection

The table prefix for the connection.

$ Connection#transactionsProperty in class Connection

The number of active transactions.

Connection::table() — Method in class Connection

Begin a fluent query against a database table.

Connection::tryAgainIfCausedByLostConnection() — Method in class Connection

Handle a query exception that occurred during query execution.

ConnectionInterface::table() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Begin a fluent query against a database table.

ConnectionInterface::transaction() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Execute a Closure within a transaction.

ConnectionInterface::transactionLevel() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Get the number of active transactions.

Connector::tryAgainIfCausedByLostConnection() — Method in class Connector

Handle an exception that occurred during connect execution.

$ FactoryMakeCommand#typeProperty in class FactoryMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

TableGuesserClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
$ SeederMakeCommand#typeProperty in class SeederMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

Builder::toBase() — Method in class Builder

Get a base query builder instance.

Collection::toQuery() — Method in class Collection

Get the Eloquent query builder from the collection.

GuardsAttributes::totallyGuarded() — Method in class GuardsAttributes

Determine if the model is totally guarded.

HasAttributes::transformModelValue() — Method in class HasAttributes

Transform a raw model value using mutators, casts, etc.

$ HasRelationships#touchesProperty in class HasRelationships

The relationships that should be touched on save.

HasRelationships::touches() — Method in class HasRelationships

Determine if the model touches a given relation.

HasRelationships::touchOwners() — Method in class HasRelationships

Touch the owning relations of the model.

$ HasTimestamps#timestampsProperty in class HasTimestamps

Indicates if the model should be timestamped.

HasTimestamps::touch() — Method in class HasTimestamps

Update the model's update timestamp.

FactoryBuilder::times() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Set the amount of models you wish to create / make.

$ Model#tableProperty in class Model

The table associated with the model.

$ Model#traitInitializersProperty in class Model

The array of trait initializers that will be called on each new instance.

Model::toArray() — Method in class Model

Get the instance as an array.

Model::toJson() — Method in class Model

Convert the object to its JSON representation.

$ BelongsToMany#tableProperty in class BelongsToMany

The intermediate table for the relation.

BelongsToMany::touchIfTouching() — Method in class BelongsToMany

If we're touching the parent model, touch.

BelongsToMany::touchingParent() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Determine if we should touch the parent on sync.

BelongsToMany::touch() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Touch all of the related models for the relationship.

InteractsWithPivotTable::toggle() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Toggles a model (or models) from the parent.

$ HasManyThrough#throughParentProperty in class HasManyThrough

The "through" parent model instance.

HasManyThrough::throughParentSoftDeletes() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Determine whether "through" parent of the relation uses Soft Deletes.

MorphTo::touch() — Method in class MorphTo

Touch all of the related models for the relationship.

Relation::touch() — Method in class Relation

Touch all of the related models for the relationship.

SoftDeletes::trashed() — Method in class SoftDeletes

Determine if the model instance has been soft-deleted.

$ QueryExecuted#timeProperty in class QueryExecuted

The number of milliseconds it took to execute the query.

TransactionBeginningClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
TransactionCommittedClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
TransactionRolledBackClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
$ Grammar#tablePrefixProperty in class Grammar

The grammar table prefix.

$ DatabaseMigrationRepository#tableProperty in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

The name of the migration table.

DatabaseMigrationRepository::table() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

Get a query builder for the migration table.

Builder::take() — Method in class Builder

Alias to set the "limit" value of the query.

Builder::toSql() — Method in class Builder

Get the SQL representation of the query.

Builder::truncate() — Method in class Builder

Run a truncate statement on the table.

$ JoinClause#typeProperty in class JoinClause

The type of join being performed.

$ JoinClause#tableProperty in class JoinClause

The table the join clause is joining to.

$ Blueprint#tableProperty in class Blueprint

The table the blueprint describes.

$ Blueprint#temporaryProperty in class Blueprint

Whether to make the table temporary.

Blueprint::toSql() — Method in class Blueprint

Get the raw SQL statements for the blueprint.

Blueprint::temporary() — Method in class Blueprint

Indicate that the table needs to be temporary.

Blueprint::tinyIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new auto-incrementing tiny integer (1-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::text() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new text column on the table.

Blueprint::tinyInteger() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new tiny integer (1-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::time() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new time column on the table.

Blueprint::timeTz() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new time column (with time zone) on the table.

Blueprint::timestamp() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new timestamp column on the table.

Blueprint::timestampTz() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new timestamp (with time zone) column on the table.

Blueprint::timestamps() — Method in class Blueprint

Add nullable creation and update timestamps to the table.

Blueprint::timestampsTz() — Method in class Blueprint

Add creation and update timestampTz columns to the table.

Builder::table() — Method in class Builder

Modify a table on the schema.

ColumnDefinition::type() — Method in class ColumnDefinition

Specify a type for the column

$ Grammar#transactionsProperty in class Grammar

If this Grammar supports schema changes wrapped in a transaction.

Grammar::typeComputed() — Method in class Grammar

Create the column definition for a generated, computed column type.

MySqlGrammar::typeChar() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a char type.

MySqlGrammar::typeString() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a string type.

MySqlGrammar::typeText() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a text type.

MySqlGrammar::typeMediumText() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a medium text type.

MySqlGrammar::typeLongText() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a long text type.

MySqlGrammar::typeBigInteger() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a big integer type.

MySqlGrammar::typeInteger() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for an integer type.

MySqlGrammar::typeMediumInteger() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a medium integer type.

MySqlGrammar::typeTinyInteger() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a tiny integer type.

MySqlGrammar::typeSmallInteger() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a small integer type.

MySqlGrammar::typeFloat() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a float type.

MySqlGrammar::typeDouble() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a double type.

MySqlGrammar::typeDecimal() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a decimal type.

MySqlGrammar::typeBoolean() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a boolean type.

MySqlGrammar::typeEnum() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for an enumeration type.

MySqlGrammar::typeSet() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a set enumeration type.

MySqlGrammar::typeJson() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a json type.

MySqlGrammar::typeJsonb() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a jsonb type.

MySqlGrammar::typeDate() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a date type.

MySqlGrammar::typeDateTime() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a date-time type.

MySqlGrammar::typeDateTimeTz() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a date-time (with time zone) type.

MySqlGrammar::typeTime() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a time type.

MySqlGrammar::typeTimeTz() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a time (with time zone) type.

MySqlGrammar::typeTimestamp() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a timestamp type.

MySqlGrammar::typeTimestampTz() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a timestamp (with time zone) type.

MySqlGrammar::typeYear() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a year type.

MySqlGrammar::typeBinary() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a binary type.

MySqlGrammar::typeUuid() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a uuid type.

MySqlGrammar::typeIpAddress() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for an IP address type.

MySqlGrammar::typeMacAddress() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a MAC address type.

MySqlGrammar::typeGeometry() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial Geometry type.

MySqlGrammar::typePoint() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial Point type.

MySqlGrammar::typeLineString() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial LineString type.

MySqlGrammar::typePolygon() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial Polygon type.

MySqlGrammar::typeGeometryCollection() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial GeometryCollection type.

MySqlGrammar::typeMultiPoint() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPoint type.

MySqlGrammar::typeMultiLineString() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial MultiLineString type.

MySqlGrammar::typeMultiPolygon() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPolygon type.

MySqlGrammar::typeComputed() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Create the column definition for a generated, computed column type.

$ PostgresGrammar#transactionsProperty in class PostgresGrammar

If this Grammar supports schema changes wrapped in a transaction.

PostgresGrammar::typeChar() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a char type.

PostgresGrammar::typeString() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a string type.

PostgresGrammar::typeText() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a text type.

PostgresGrammar::typeMediumText() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a medium text type.

PostgresGrammar::typeLongText() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a long text type.

PostgresGrammar::typeInteger() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for an integer type.

PostgresGrammar::typeBigInteger() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a big integer type.

PostgresGrammar::typeMediumInteger() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a medium integer type.

PostgresGrammar::typeTinyInteger() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a tiny integer type.

PostgresGrammar::typeSmallInteger() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a small integer type.

PostgresGrammar::typeFloat() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a float type.

PostgresGrammar::typeDouble() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a double type.

PostgresGrammar::typeReal() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a real type.

PostgresGrammar::typeDecimal() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a decimal type.

PostgresGrammar::typeBoolean() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a boolean type.

PostgresGrammar::typeEnum() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for an enumeration type.

PostgresGrammar::typeJson() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a json type.

PostgresGrammar::typeJsonb() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a jsonb type.

PostgresGrammar::typeDate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a date type.

PostgresGrammar::typeDateTime() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a date-time type.

PostgresGrammar::typeDateTimeTz() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a date-time (with time zone) type.

PostgresGrammar::typeTime() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a time type.

PostgresGrammar::typeTimeTz() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a time (with time zone) type.

PostgresGrammar::typeTimestamp() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a timestamp type.

PostgresGrammar::typeTimestampTz() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a timestamp (with time zone) type.

PostgresGrammar::typeYear() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a year type.

PostgresGrammar::typeBinary() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a binary type.

PostgresGrammar::typeUuid() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a uuid type.

PostgresGrammar::typeIpAddress() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for an IP address type.

PostgresGrammar::typeMacAddress() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a MAC address type.

PostgresGrammar::typeGeometry() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial Geometry type.

PostgresGrammar::typePoint() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial Point type.

PostgresGrammar::typeLineString() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial LineString type.

PostgresGrammar::typePolygon() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial Polygon type.

PostgresGrammar::typeGeometryCollection() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial GeometryCollection type.

PostgresGrammar::typeMultiPoint() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPoint type.

PostgresGrammar::typeMultiLineString() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial MultiLineString type.

PostgresGrammar::typeMultiPolygon() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPolygon type.

PostgresGrammar::typeMultiPolygonZ() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPolygonZ type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeChar() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a char type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeString() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a string type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeText() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a text type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeMediumText() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a medium text type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeLongText() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a long text type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeInteger() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for an integer type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeBigInteger() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a big integer type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeMediumInteger() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a medium integer type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeTinyInteger() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a tiny integer type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeSmallInteger() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a small integer type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeFloat() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a float type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeDouble() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a double type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeDecimal() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a decimal type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeBoolean() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a boolean type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeEnum() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for an enumeration type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeJson() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a json type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeJsonb() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a jsonb type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeDate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a date type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeDateTime() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a date-time type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeDateTimeTz() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a date-time (with time zone) type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeTime() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a time type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeTimeTz() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a time (with time zone) type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeTimestamp() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a timestamp type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeTimestampTz() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a timestamp (with time zone) type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeYear() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a year type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeBinary() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a binary type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeUuid() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a uuid type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeIpAddress() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for an IP address type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeMacAddress() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a MAC address type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeGeometry() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial Geometry type.

SQLiteGrammar::typePoint() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial Point type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeLineString() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial LineString type.

SQLiteGrammar::typePolygon() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial Polygon type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeGeometryCollection() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial GeometryCollection type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeMultiPoint() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPoint type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeMultiLineString() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial MultiLineString type.

SQLiteGrammar::typeMultiPolygon() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPolygon type.

$ SqlServerGrammar#transactionsProperty in class SqlServerGrammar

If this Grammar supports schema changes wrapped in a transaction.

SqlServerGrammar::typeChar() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a char type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeString() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a string type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeText() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a text type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeMediumText() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a medium text type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeLongText() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a long text type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeInteger() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for an integer type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeBigInteger() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a big integer type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeMediumInteger() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a medium integer type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeTinyInteger() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a tiny integer type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeSmallInteger() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a small integer type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeFloat() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a float type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeDouble() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a double type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeDecimal() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a decimal type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeBoolean() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a boolean type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeEnum() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for an enumeration type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeJson() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a json type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeJsonb() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a jsonb type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeDate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a date type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeDateTime() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a date-time type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeDateTimeTz() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a date-time (with time zone) type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeTime() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a time type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeTimeTz() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a time (with time zone) type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeTimestamp() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a timestamp type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeTimestampTz() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a timestamp (with time zone) type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeYear() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a year type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeBinary() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a binary type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeUuid() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a uuid type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeIpAddress() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for an IP address type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeMacAddress() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a MAC address type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeGeometry() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial Geometry type.

SqlServerGrammar::typePoint() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial Point type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeLineString() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial LineString type.

SqlServerGrammar::typePolygon() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial Polygon type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeGeometryCollection() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial GeometryCollection type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeMultiPoint() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPoint type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeMultiLineString() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial MultiLineString type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeMultiPolygon() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPolygon type.

SqlServerGrammar::typeComputed() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Create the column definition for a generated, computed column type.

SqlServerConnection::transaction() — Method in class SqlServerConnection

Execute a Closure within a transaction.

$ CallQueuedListener#triesProperty in class CallQueuedListener

The number of times the job may be attempted.

$ CallQueuedListener#timeoutAtProperty in class CallQueuedListener

The timestamp indicating when the job should timeout.

$ CallQueuedListener#timeoutProperty in class CallQueuedListener

The number of seconds the job can run before timing out.

Filesystem::type() — Method in class Filesystem

Get the file type of a given file.

FilesystemAdapter::temporaryUrl() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get a temporary URL for the file at the given path.

$ Application#terminatingCallbacksProperty in class Application

The array of terminating callbacks.

Application::terminating() — Method in class Application

Register a terminating callback with the application.

Application::terminate() — Method in class Application

Terminate the application.

$ CastMakeCommand#typeProperty in class CastMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ ChannelMakeCommand#typeProperty in class ChannelMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ ComponentMakeCommand#typeProperty in class ComponentMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ ConsoleMakeCommand#typeProperty in class ConsoleMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ EventMakeCommand#typeProperty in class EventMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ ExceptionMakeCommand#typeProperty in class ExceptionMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ JobMakeCommand#typeProperty in class JobMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

Kernel::terminate() — Method in class Kernel

Terminate the application.

$ ListenerMakeCommand#typeProperty in class ListenerMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ MailMakeCommand#typeProperty in class MailMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ ModelMakeCommand#typeProperty in class ModelMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ NotificationMakeCommand#typeProperty in class NotificationMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ ObserverMakeCommand#typeProperty in class ObserverMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ PolicyMakeCommand#typeProperty in class PolicyMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ ProviderMakeCommand#typeProperty in class ProviderMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ RequestMakeCommand#typeProperty in class RequestMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ ResourceMakeCommand#typeProperty in class ResourceMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ RuleMakeCommand#typeProperty in class RuleMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

TestMakeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
$ TestMakeCommand#typeProperty in class TestMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ VendorPublishCommand#tagsProperty in class VendorPublishCommand

The tags to publish.

Handler::toIlluminateResponse() — Method in class Handler

Map the given exception into an Illuminate response.

Kernel::terminate() — Method in class Kernel

Call the terminate method on any terminable middleware.

Kernel::terminateMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel

Call the terminate method on any terminable middleware.

ConvertEmptyStringsToNull::transform() — Method in class ConvertEmptyStringsToNull

Transform the given value.

TransformsRequestClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
TransformsRequest::transform() — Method in class TransformsRequest

Transform the given value.

TrimStringsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
TrimStrings::transform() — Method in class TrimStrings

Transform the given value.

VerifyCsrfToken::tokensMatch() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken

Determine if the session and input CSRF tokens match.

InteractsWithRedis::tearDownRedis() — Method in class InteractsWithRedis

Teardown redis connection.

TestCaseClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
TestCase::tearDown() — Method in class TestCase

Clean up the testing environment before the next test.

$ ArgonHasher#timeProperty in class ArgonHasher

The default time cost factor.

$ ArgonHasher#threadsProperty in class ArgonHasher

The default threads factor.

ArgonHasher::time() — Method in class ArgonHasher

Extract the time cost value from the options array.

ArgonHasher::threads() — Method in class ArgonHasher

Extract the threads value from the options array.

$ PendingRequest#transferStatsProperty in class PendingRequest

The transfer stats for the request.

$ PendingRequest#triesProperty in class PendingRequest

The number of times to try the request.

PendingRequest::timeout() — Method in class PendingRequest

Specify the timeout (in seconds) for the request.

Request::toPsrRequest() — Method in class Request

Get the underlying PSR compliant request instance.

Response::toPsrResponse() — Method in class Response

Get the underlying PSR response for the response.

Response::throw() — Method in class Response

Throw an exception if a server or client error occurred.

ThrottleRequestsExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Exceptions
TrustHostsClass in namespace Illuminate\Http\Middleware
Request::toArray() — Method in class Request

Get the instance as an array.

ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::transform() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes

Transform the given value if it is present.

JsonResource::toArray() — Method in class JsonResource

Transform the resource into an array.

JsonResource::toJson() — Method in class JsonResource

Convert the model instance to JSON.

JsonResource::toResponse() — Method in class JsonResource

Create an HTTP response that represents the object.

PaginatedResourceResponse::toResponse() — Method in class PaginatedResourceResponse

Create an HTTP response that represents the object.

ResourceCollection::toArray() — Method in class ResourceCollection

Transform the resource into an array.

ResourceCollection::toResponse() — Method in class ResourceCollection

Create an HTTP response that represents the object.

ResourceResponse::toResponse() — Method in class ResourceResponse

Create an HTTP response that represents the object.

ResponseTrait::throwResponse() — Method in class ResponseTrait

Throws the response in a HttpResponseException instance.

$ File#tempFileProperty in class File

The temporary file resource.

File::tempFilePath() — Method in class File

Get the path to the temporary file.

LogManager::tap() — Method in class LogManager

Apply the configured taps for the logger.

$ Mailable#toProperty in class Mailable

The "to" recipients of the message.

$ Mailable#textViewProperty in class Mailable

The plain text view to use for the message.

$ Mailable#themeProperty in class Mailable

The name of the theme that should be used when formatting the message.

Mailable::to() — Method in class Mailable

Set the recipients of the message.

Mailable::text() — Method in class Mailable

Set the plain text view for the message.

$ Mailer#toProperty in class Mailer

The global to address and name.

Mailer::to() — Method in class Mailer

Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.

$ Markdown#themeProperty in class Markdown

The current theme being used when generating emails.

Markdown::textComponentPaths() — Method in class Markdown

Get the text component paths.

Markdown::theme() — Method in class Markdown

Set the default theme to be used.

Message::to() — Method in class Message

Add a recipient to the message.

$ PendingMail#toProperty in class PendingMail

The "to" recipients of the message.

PendingMail::to() — Method in class PendingMail

Set the recipients of the message.

$ SendQueuedMailable#triesProperty in class SendQueuedMailable

The number of times the job may be attempted.

$ SendQueuedMailable#timeoutProperty in class SendQueuedMailable

The number of seconds the job can run before timing out.

TransportClass in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
$ Action#textProperty in class Action

The action text.

$ DatabaseNotification#tableProperty in class DatabaseNotification

The table associated with the model.

$ MailMessage#themeProperty in class MailMessage

The current theme being used when generating emails.

MailMessage::template() — Method in class MailMessage

Set the default markdown template.

MailMessage::theme() — Method in class MailMessage

Set the theme to use with the Markdown template.

SimpleMessage::toArray() — Method in class SimpleMessage

Get an array representation of the message.

$ SendQueuedNotifications#triesProperty in class SendQueuedNotifications

The number of times the job may be attempted.

$ SendQueuedNotifications#timeoutProperty in class SendQueuedNotifications

The number of seconds the job can run before timing out.

AbstractPaginator::toHtml() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Render the contents of the paginator to HTML.

$ LengthAwarePaginator#totalProperty in class LengthAwarePaginator

The total number of items before slicing.

LengthAwarePaginator::total() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator

Determine the total number of items in the data store.

LengthAwarePaginator::toArray() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator

Get the instance as an array.

LengthAwarePaginator::toJson() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator

Convert the object to its JSON representation.

Paginator::toArray() — Method in class Paginator

Get the instance as an array.

Paginator::toJson() — Method in class Paginator

Convert the object to its JSON representation.

Pipeline::through() — Method in class Pipeline

Set the array of pipes.

Pipeline::then() — Method in class Pipeline

Run the pipeline with a final destination callback.

Pipeline::thenReturn() — Method in class Pipeline

Run the pipeline and return the result.

$ BeanstalkdQueue#timeToRunProperty in class BeanstalkdQueue

The "time to run" for all pushed jobs.

TableCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
$ DatabaseQueue#tableProperty in class DatabaseQueue

The database table that holds the jobs.

$ DatabaseFailedJobProvider#tableProperty in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider

The database table.

$ DynamoDbFailedJobProvider#tableProperty in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider

The table name.

DatabaseJobRecord::touch() — Method in class DatabaseJobRecord

Update the "reserved at" timestamp of the job.

Job::timeout() — Method in class Job

Get the number of seconds the job can run.

Job::timeoutAt() — Method in class Job

Get the timestamp indicating when the job should timeout.

SerializableClosure::transformUseVariables() — Method in class SerializableClosure

Transform the use variables before serialization.

Worker::timeoutForJob() — Method in class Worker

Get the appropriate timeout for the given job.

$ WorkerOptions#timeoutProperty in class WorkerOptions

The maximum number of seconds a child worker may run.

Connection::throttle() — Method in class Connection

Throttle a callback for a maximum number of executions over a given duration.

PhpRedisConnection::transaction() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Execute commands in a transaction.

$ CommandExecuted#timeProperty in class CommandExecuted

The number of milliseconds it took to execute the command.

$ ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder#timeoutProperty in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder

The amount of time to block until a lock is available.

ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder::then() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder

Execute the given callback if a lock is obtained, otherwise call the failure callback.

$ DurationLimiterBuilder#timeoutProperty in class DurationLimiterBuilder

The amount of time to block until a lock is available.

DurationLimiterBuilder::then() — Method in class DurationLimiterBuilder

Execute the given callback if a lock is obtained, otherwise call the failure callback.

AbstractRouteCollection::toSymfonyRouteCollection() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection

Convert the collection to a Symfony RouteCollection instance.

$ ControllerMakeCommand#typeProperty in class ControllerMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

$ MiddlewareMakeCommand#typeProperty in class MiddlewareMakeCommand

The type of class being generated.

ThrottleRequestsClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Middleware
ThrottleRequestsWithRedisClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Middleware
ThrottleRequestsWithRedis::tooManyAttempts() — Method in class ThrottleRequestsWithRedis

Determine if the given key has been "accessed" too many times.

Redirector::to() — Method in class Redirector

Create a new redirect response to the given path.

Redirector::temporarySignedRoute() — Method in class Redirector

Create a new redirect response to a signed named route.

Route::toSymfonyRoute() — Method in class Route

Convert the route to a Symfony route.

RouteCollection::toSymfonyRouteCollection() — Method in class RouteCollection

Convert the collection to a Symfony RouteCollection instance.

RouteCollection::toCompiledRouteCollection() — Method in class RouteCollection

Convert the collection to a CompiledRouteCollection instance.

RouteDependencyResolverTrait::transformDependency() — Method in class RouteDependencyResolverTrait

Attempt to transform the given parameter into a class instance.

RouteUrlGenerator::to() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator

Generate a URL for the given route.

Router::toResponse() — Method in class Router

Static version of prepareResponse.

UrlGenerator::to() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Generate an absolute URL to the given path.

UrlGenerator::temporarySignedRoute() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Create a temporary signed route URL for a named route.

UrlGenerator::toRoute() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Get the URL for a given route instance.

$ DatabaseSessionHandler#tableProperty in class DatabaseSessionHandler

The name of the session table.

Store::token() — Method in class Store

Get the CSRF token value.

TokenMismatchExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Session
Collection::times() — Method in class Collection

Create a new instance by invoking the callback a given amount of times.

Collection::take() — Method in class Collection

Take the first or last {$limit} items.

Collection::takeUntil() — Method in class Collection

Take items in the collection until the given condition is met.

Collection::takeWhile() — Method in class Collection

Take items in the collection while the given condition is met.

Collection::transform() — Method in class Collection

Transform each item in the collection using a callback.

Collection::toBase() — Method in class Collection

Get a base Support collection instance from this collection.

DateFactory::today() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::tomorrow() — Method in class DateFactory
Enumerable::times() — Method in class Enumerable

Create a new instance by invoking the callback a given amount of times.

Enumerable::take() — Method in class Enumerable

Take the first or last {$limit} items.

Enumerable::tap() — Method in class Enumerable

Pass the collection to the given callback and then return it.

App::terminate() — Method in class App
Artisan::terminate() — Method in class Artisan
Cache::tags() — Method in class Cache
DB::table() — Method in class DB
DB::transactionLevel() — Method in class DB
DB::transaction() — Method in class DB
Date::today() — Method in class Date
Date::tomorrow() — Method in class Date
File::type() — Method in class File
Http::timeout() — Method in class Http
Mail::to() — Method in class Mail
Password::tokenExists() — Method in class Password
Redirect::temporarySignedRoute() — Method in class Redirect
Redirect::to() — Method in class Redirect
Redis::throttle() — Method in class Redis
Request::toArray() — Method in class Request
Schema::table() — Method in class Schema
Session::token() — Method in class Session
Storage::temporaryUrl() — Method in class Storage
URL::temporarySignedRoute() — Method in class URL
URL::to() — Method in class URL
Fluent::toArray() — Method in class Fluent

Get the instance as an array.

Fluent::toJson() — Method in class Fluent

Convert the object to its JSON representation.

$ HigherOrderTapProxy#targetProperty in class HigherOrderTapProxy

The target being tapped.

HtmlString::toHtml() — Method in class HtmlString

Get the HTML string.

LazyCollection::times() — Method in class LazyCollection

Create a new instance by invoking the callback a given amount of times.

LazyCollection::take() — Method in class LazyCollection

Take the first or last {$limit} items.

LazyCollection::takeUntil() — Method in class LazyCollection

Take items in the collection until the given condition is met.

LazyCollection::takeWhile() — Method in class LazyCollection

Take items in the collection while the given condition is met.

LazyCollection::tapEach() — Method in class LazyCollection

Pass each item in the collection to the given callback, lazily.

MessageBag::transform() — Method in class MessageBag

Format an array of messages.

MessageBag::toArray() — Method in class MessageBag

Get the instance as an array.

MessageBag::toJson() — Method in class MessageBag

Convert the object to its JSON representation.

Str::title() — Method in class Str

Convert the given string to title case.

Stringable::title() — Method in class Stringable

Convert the given string to title case.

Stringable::trim() — Method in class Stringable

Trim the string of the given characters.

MailFake::to() — Method in class MailFake

Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.

EnumeratesValues::tap() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Pass the collection to the given callback and then return it.

EnumeratesValues::toArray() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Get the collection of items as a plain array.

EnumeratesValues::toJson() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Get the collection of items as JSON.

ForwardsCalls::throwBadMethodCallException() — Method in class ForwardsCalls

Throw a bad method call exception for the given method.

TappableClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
Tappable::tap() — Method in class Tappable

Call the given Closure with this instance then return the instance.

ArraySubset::toString() — Method in class ArraySubset

Returns a string representation of the constraint.

CountInDatabase::toString() — Method in class CountInDatabase

Get a string representation of the object.

HasInDatabase::toString() — Method in class HasInDatabase

Get a string representation of the object.

SeeInOrder::toString() — Method in class SeeInOrder

Get a string representation of the object.

SoftDeletedInDatabase::toString() — Method in class SoftDeletedInDatabase

Get a string representation of the object.

$ PendingCommand#testProperty in class PendingCommand

The test being run.

TestResponseClass in namespace Illuminate\Testing
TranslationServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Translation
TranslatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Translation
DatabasePresenceVerifier::table() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier

Get a query builder for the given table.

$ Factory#translatorProperty in class Factory

The Translator implementation.

$ DatabaseRule#tableProperty in class DatabaseRule

The table to run the query against.

$ Validator#translatorProperty in class Validator

The Translator implementation.

ComponentAttributeBag::thatStartWith() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Return a bag of attributes that have keys starting with the given value / pattern.

ComponentAttributeBag::toHtml() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Get content as a string of HTML.

$ ManagesTranslations#translationReplacementsProperty in class ManagesTranslations

The translation replacements for the translation being rendered.

View::toHtml() — Method in class View

Get content as a string of HTML.


$ Gate#userResolverProperty in class Gate

The user resolver callable.

$ AuthManager#userResolverProperty in class AuthManager

The user resolver shared by various services.

AuthManager::userResolver() — Method in class AuthManager

Get the user resolver callback.

DatabaseUserProvider::updateRememberToken() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider

Update the "remember me" token for the given user in storage.

EloquentUserProvider::updateRememberToken() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider

Update the "remember me" token for the given user in storage.

$ Authenticated#userProperty in class Authenticated

The authenticated user.

$ CurrentDeviceLogout#userProperty in class CurrentDeviceLogout

The authenticated user.

$ Failed#userProperty in class Failed

The user the attempter was trying to authenticate as.

$ Login#userProperty in class Login

The authenticated user.

$ Logout#userProperty in class Logout

The authenticated user.

$ OtherDeviceLogout#userProperty in class OtherDeviceLogout

The authenticated user.

$ PasswordReset#userProperty in class PasswordReset

The user.

$ Registered#userProperty in class Registered

The authenticated user.

$ Validated#userProperty in class Validated

The user retrieved and validated from the User Provider.

$ Verified#userProperty in class Verified

The verified user.

$ GuardHelpers#userProperty in class GuardHelpers

The currently authenticated user.

Authenticate::unauthenticated() — Method in class Authenticate

Handle an unauthenticated user.

$ RequirePassword#urlGeneratorProperty in class RequirePassword

The URL generator instance.

$ PasswordBroker#usersProperty in class PasswordBroker

The user provider implementation.

RequestGuard::user() — Method in class RequestGuard

Get the currently authenticated user.

SessionGuard::user() — Method in class SessionGuard

Get the currently authenticated user.

SessionGuard::userFromRecaller() — Method in class SessionGuard

Pull a user from the repository by its "remember me" cookie token.

SessionGuard::updateSession() — Method in class SessionGuard

Update the session with the given ID.

TokenGuard::user() — Method in class TokenGuard

Get the currently authenticated user.

UsePusherChannelConventionsClass in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
DatabaseStore::unserialize() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Unserialize the given value.

DynamoDbStore::unserialize() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Unserialize the value.

RedisStore::unserialize() — Method in class RedisStore

Unserialize the value.

GeneratorCommand::userProviderModel() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Get the model for the default guard's user provider.

CacheAware::useStore() — Method in class CacheAware

Specify the cache store that should be used.

CacheEventMutex::useStore() — Method in class CacheEventMutex

Specify the cache store that should be used.

CacheSchedulingMutex::useStore() — Method in class CacheSchedulingMutex

Specify the cache store that should be used.

$ Event#userProperty in class Event

The user the command should run as.

Event::user() — Method in class Event

Set which user the command should run as.

ManagesFrequencies::unlessBetween() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to not run between start and end time.

Schedule::useCache() — Method in class Schedule

Specify the cache store that should be used to store mutexes.

Container::unresolvablePrimitive() — Method in class Container

Throw an exception for an unresolvable primitive.

UtilClass in namespace Illuminate\Container
Util::unwrapIfClosure() — Method in class Util

Return the default value of the given value.

Guard::user() — Method in class Guard

Get the currently authenticated user.

UserProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
UserProvider::updateRememberToken() — Method in class UserProvider

Update the "remember me" token for the given user in storage.

QueueingFactory::unqueue() — Method in class QueueingFactory

Remove a cookie from the queue.

Dispatcher::until() — Method in class Dispatcher

Dispatch an event until the first non-null response is returned.

Cloud::url() — Method in class Cloud

Get the URL for the file at the given path.

Paginator::url() — Method in class Paginator

Get the URL for a given page.

Job::uuid() — Method in class Job

Get the UUID of the job.

UrlGeneratorClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
UrlRoutableClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
CookieJar::unqueue() — Method in class CookieJar

Remove a cookie from the queue.

BuildsQueries::unless() — Method in class BuildsQueries

Apply the callback's query changes if the given "value" is false.

Connection::useDefaultQueryGrammar() — Method in class Connection

Set the query grammar to the default implementation.

Connection::useDefaultSchemaGrammar() — Method in class Connection

Set the schema grammar to the default implementation.

Connection::useDefaultPostProcessor() — Method in class Connection

Set the query post processor to the default implementation.

Connection::update() — Method in class Connection

Run an update statement against the database.

Connection::unprepared() — Method in class Connection

Run a raw, unprepared query against the PDO connection.

Connection::unsetEventDispatcher() — Method in class Connection

Unset the event dispatcher for this connection.

ConnectionInterface::update() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Run an update statement against the database.

ConnectionInterface::unprepared() — Method in class ConnectionInterface

Run a raw, unprepared query against the PDO connection.

BaseCommand::usingRealPath() — Method in class BaseCommand

Determine if the given path(s) are pre-resolved "real" paths.

MigrateMakeCommand::usingRealPath() — Method in class MigrateMakeCommand

Determine if the given path(s) are pre-resolved "real" paths.

DatabaseManager::usingConnection() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Set the default database connection for the callback execution.

Builder::updateOrCreate() — Method in class Builder

Create or update a record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.

Builder::update() — Method in class Builder

Update a record in the database.

Collection::unique() — Method in class Collection

Return only unique items from the collection.

$ GuardsAttributes#unguardedProperty in class GuardsAttributes

Indicates if all mass assignment is enabled.

GuardsAttributes::unguard() — Method in class GuardsAttributes

Disable all mass assignable restrictions.

GuardsAttributes::unguarded() — Method in class GuardsAttributes

Run the given callable while being unguarded.

HasEvents::updating() — Method in class HasEvents

Register an updating model event with the dispatcher.

HasEvents::updated() — Method in class HasEvents

Register an updated model event with the dispatcher.

HasEvents::unsetEventDispatcher() — Method in class HasEvents

Unset the event dispatcher for models.

HasRelationships::unsetRelation() — Method in class HasRelationships

Unset a loaded relationship.

HasRelationships::unsetRelations() — Method in class HasRelationships

Unset all the loaded relations for the instance.

HasTimestamps::updateTimestamps() — Method in class HasTimestamps

Update the creation and update timestamps.

HasTimestamps::usesTimestamps() — Method in class HasTimestamps

Determine if the model uses timestamps.

Model::update() — Method in class Model

Update the model in the database.

Model::unsetConnectionResolver() — Method in class Model

Unset the connection resolver for models.

$ BelongsToMany#usingProperty in class BelongsToMany

The class name of the custom pivot model to use for the relationship.

BelongsToMany::using() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Specify the custom pivot model to use for the relationship.

BelongsToMany::updateOrCreate() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Create or update a related record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.

BelongsToMany::updatedAt() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Get the name of the "updated at" column.

AsPivot::unsetRelations() — Method in class AsPivot

Unset all the loaded relations for the instance.

InteractsWithPivotTable::updateExistingPivot() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Update an existing pivot record on the table.

InteractsWithPivotTable::updateExistingPivotUsingCustomClass() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Update an existing pivot record on the table via a custom class.

HasManyThrough::updateOrCreate() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Create or update a related record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.

HasOneOrMany::updateOrCreate() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Create or update a related record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.

Relation::updatedAt() — Method in class Relation

Get the name of the "updated at" column.

Migrator::usingConnection() — Method in class Migrator

Execute the given callback using the given connection as the default connection.

$ Builder#unionsProperty in class Builder

The query union statements.

$ Builder#unionLimitProperty in class Builder

The maximum number of union records to return.

$ Builder#unionOffsetProperty in class Builder

The number of union records to skip.

$ Builder#unionOrdersProperty in class Builder

The orderings for the union query.

$ Builder#useWritePdoProperty in class Builder

Whether use write pdo for select.

Builder::union() — Method in class Builder

Add a union statement to the query.

Builder::unionAll() — Method in class Builder

Add a union all statement to the query.

Builder::update() — Method in class Builder

Update a record in the database.

Builder::updateOrInsert() — Method in class Builder

Insert or update a record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.

Builder::useWritePdo() — Method in class Builder

Use the write pdo for query.

Blueprint::unique() — Method in class Blueprint

Specify a unique index for the table.

Blueprint::unsignedInteger() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new unsigned integer (4-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::unsignedTinyInteger() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new unsigned tiny integer (1-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::unsignedSmallInteger() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new unsigned small integer (2-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::unsignedMediumInteger() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new unsigned medium integer (3-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::unsignedBigInteger() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new unsigned big integer (8-byte) column on the table.

Blueprint::unsignedFloat() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new unsigned float column on the table.

Blueprint::unsignedDouble() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new unsigned double column on the table.

Blueprint::unsignedDecimal() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new unsigned decimal column on the table.

Blueprint::uuid() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new uuid column on the table.

Blueprint::uuidMorphs() — Method in class Blueprint

Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table using UUIDs.

ColumnDefinition::unique() — Method in class ColumnDefinition

Add a unique index

ColumnDefinition::unsigned() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
ColumnDefinition::useCurrent() — Method in class ColumnDefinition

Set the TIMESTAMP column to use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as default value

Dispatcher::until() — Method in class Dispatcher

Fire an event until the first non-null response is returned.

NullDispatcher::until() — Method in class NullDispatcher

Don't dispatch an event.

FilesystemAdapter::url() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Get the URL for the file at the given path.

Application::useAppPath() — Method in class Application

Set the application directory.

Application::useDatabasePath() — Method in class Application

Set the database directory.

Application::useStoragePath() — Method in class Application

Set the storage directory.

Application::useEnvironmentPath() — Method in class Application

Set the directory for the environment file.

UserClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth
PolicyMakeCommand::userProviderModel() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand

Get the model for the guard's user provider.

UpCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
Handler::unauthenticated() — Method in class Handler

Convert an authentication exception into a response.

$ MakesHttpRequests#unencryptedCookiesProperty in class MakesHttpRequests

Additional cookies will not be encrypted for the request.

RefreshDatabase::usingInMemoryDatabase() — Method in class RefreshDatabase

Determine if an in-memory database is being used.

Request::url() — Method in class Request

Get the URL of the request.

$ Request#userResolverProperty in class Request

The user resolver callback.

Request::url() — Method in class Request

Get the URL (no query string) for the request.

Request::userAgent() — Method in class Request

Get the client user agent.

Request::user() — Method in class Request

Get the user making the request.

UploadedFileClass in namespace Illuminate\Http
$ Action#urlProperty in class Action

The action URL.

DatabaseNotification::unread() — Method in class DatabaseNotification

Determine if a notification has not been read.

HasDatabaseNotifications::unreadNotifications() — Method in class HasDatabaseNotifications

Get the entity's unread notifications.

AbstractPaginator::url() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Get the URL for a given page number.

AbstractPaginator::useTailwind() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Indicate that Tailwind styling should be used for generated links.

AbstractPaginator::useBootstrapThree() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Indicate that Bootstrap 3 styling should be used for generated links.

UrlWindowClass in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
Job::uuid() — Method in class Job

Get the UUID of the job.

Connection::unsetEventDispatcher() — Method in class Connection

Unset the event dispatcher instance on the connection.

UrlGenerationExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Exceptions
UriValidatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
$ Route#uriProperty in class Route

The URI pattern the route responds to.

Route::updatePrefixOnAction() — Method in class Route

Update the "prefix" attribute on the action array.

Route::uri() — Method in class Route

Get the URI associated with the route.

Route::uses() — Method in class Route

Set the handler for the route.

$ RouteUri#uriProperty in class RouteUri

The route URI.

$ RouteUrlGenerator#urlProperty in class RouteUrlGenerator

The URL generator instance.

Router::updateGroupStack() — Method in class Router

Update the group stack with the given attributes.

Router::uses() — Method in class Router

Alias for the "currentRouteUses" method.

Router::uniqueMiddleware() — Method in class Router

Remove any duplicate middleware from the given array.

UrlGeneratorClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
DatabaseSessionHandler::userId() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler

Get the currently authenticated user's ID.

DatabaseSessionHandler::userAgent() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler

Get the user agent for the current request.

Collection::union() — Method in class Collection

Union the collection with the given items.

DateFactory::use() — Method in class DateFactory

Use the given handler when generating dates (class name, callable, or factory).

DateFactory::useDefault() — Method in class DateFactory

Use the default date class when generating dates.

DateFactory::useCallable() — Method in class DateFactory

Execute the given callable on each date creation.

DateFactory::useClass() — Method in class DateFactory

Use the given date type (class) when generating dates.

DateFactory::useFactory() — Method in class DateFactory

Use the given Carbon factory when generating dates.

DateFactory::useMonthsOverflow() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::useStrictMode() — Method in class DateFactory
DateFactory::useYearsOverflow() — Method in class DateFactory
Enumerable::unwrap() — Method in class Enumerable

Get the underlying items from the given collection if applicable.

Enumerable::unless() — Method in class Enumerable

Apply the callback if the value is falsy.

Enumerable::unlessEmpty() — Method in class Enumerable

Apply the callback unless the collection is empty.

Enumerable::unlessNotEmpty() — Method in class Enumerable

Apply the callback unless the collection is not empty.

Enumerable::union() — Method in class Enumerable

Union the collection with the given items.

Enumerable::unique() — Method in class Enumerable

Return only unique items from the collection array.

Enumerable::uniqueStrict() — Method in class Enumerable

Return only unique items from the collection array using strict comparison.

Auth::user() — Method in class Auth
Cookie::unqueue() — Method in class Cookie
DB::unprepared() — Method in class DB
DB::update() — Method in class DB
Date::useStrictMode() — Method in class Date
Date::use() — Method in class Date
Date::useCallable() — Method in class Date
Date::useClass() — Method in class Date
Date::useDefault() — Method in class Date
Date::useFactory() — Method in class Date
Date::useMonthsOverflow() — Method in class Date
Date::useYearsOverflow() — Method in class Date
Event::until() — Method in class Event
Request::user() — Method in class Request
Request::url() — Method in class Request
Request::userAgent() — Method in class Request
Storage::url() — Method in class Storage
URLClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
LazyCollection::union() — Method in class LazyCollection

Union the collection with the given items.

MessageBag::unique() — Method in class MessageBag

Get all of the unique messages for every key in the message bag.

$ Pluralizer#uncountableProperty in class Pluralizer

Uncountable word forms.

Pluralizer::uncountable() — Method in class Pluralizer

Determine if the given value is uncountable.

$ Str#uuidFactoryProperty in class Str

The callback that should be used to generate UUIDs.

Str::upper() — Method in class Str

Convert the given string to upper-case.

Str::ucfirst() — Method in class Str

Make a string's first character uppercase.

Str::uuid() — Method in class Str

Generate a UUID (version 4).

Stringable::upper() — Method in class Stringable

Convert the given string to upper-case.

Stringable::ucfirst() — Method in class Stringable

Make a string's first character uppercase.

EventFake::until() — Method in class EventFake

Dispatch an event and call the listeners.

$ EnumeratesValues#uniqueProperty in class EnumeratesValues
$ EnumeratesValues#untilProperty in class EnumeratesValues
EnumeratesValues::unwrap() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Get the underlying items from the given collection if applicable.

EnumeratesValues::unless() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Apply the callback if the value is falsy.

EnumeratesValues::unlessEmpty() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Apply the callback unless the collection is empty.

EnumeratesValues::unlessNotEmpty() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Apply the callback unless the collection is not empty.

EnumeratesValues::unique() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Return only unique items from the collection array.

EnumeratesValues::uniqueStrict() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Return only unique items from the collection array using strict comparison.

EnumeratesValues::until() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Take items in the collection until the given condition is met.

EnumeratesValues::useAsCallable() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Determine if the given value is callable, but not a string.

FilterEmailValidation::unicode() — Method in class FilterEmailValidation

Create a new instance which allows any unicode characters in local-part.

Rule::unique() — Method in class Rule

Get a unique constraint builder instance.

$ DatabaseRule#usingProperty in class DatabaseRule

The array of custom query callbacks.

DatabaseRule::using() — Method in class DatabaseRule

Register a custom query callback.

UniqueClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
UnauthorizedExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation


AuthManager::viaRequest() — Method in class AuthManager

Register a new callback based request guard.

DatabaseUserProvider::validateCredentials() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider

Validate a user against the given credentials.

EloquentUserProvider::validateCredentials() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider

Validate a user against the given credentials.

ValidatedClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
VerifiedClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
ResetPassword::via() — Method in class ResetPassword

Get the notification's channels.

VerifyEmailClass in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Notifications
VerifyEmail::via() — Method in class VerifyEmail

Get the notification's channels.

VerifyEmail::verificationUrl() — Method in class VerifyEmail

Get the verification URL for the given notifiable.

PasswordBroker::validateReset() — Method in class PasswordBroker

Validate a password reset for the given credentials.

Recaller::valid() — Method in class Recaller

Determine if the recaller is valid.

RequestGuard::validate() — Method in class RequestGuard

Validate a user's credentials.

$ SessionGuard#viaRememberProperty in class SessionGuard

Indicates if the user was authenticated via a recaller cookie.

SessionGuard::validate() — Method in class SessionGuard

Validate a user's credentials.

SessionGuard::viaRemember() — Method in class SessionGuard

Determine if the user was authenticated via "remember me" cookie.

TokenGuard::validate() — Method in class TokenGuard

Validate a user's credentials.

Broadcaster::verifyUserCanAccessChannel() — Method in class Broadcaster

Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.

LogBroadcaster::validAuthenticationResponse() — Method in class LogBroadcaster

Return the valid authentication response.

NullBroadcaster::validAuthenticationResponse() — Method in class NullBroadcaster

Return the valid authentication response.

PusherBroadcaster::validAuthenticationResponse() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster

Return the valid authentication response.

RedisBroadcaster::validAuthenticationResponse() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster

Return the valid authentication response.

$ DynamoDbStore#valueAttributeProperty in class DynamoDbStore

The name of the attribute that should hold the value.

$ CacheHit#valueProperty in class CacheHit

The value that was retrieved.

$ KeyWritten#valueProperty in class KeyWritten

The value that was written.

$ InteractsWithIO#verbosityProperty in class InteractsWithIO

The default verbosity of output commands.

$ InteractsWithIO#verbosityMapProperty in class InteractsWithIO

The mapping between human readable verbosity levels and Symfony's OutputInterface.

GeneratorCommand::viewPath() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Get the first view directory path from the application configuration.

Guard::validate() — Method in class Guard

Validate a user's credentials.

StatefulGuard::viaRemember() — Method in class StatefulGuard

Determine if the user was authenticated via "remember me" cookie.

UserProvider::validateCredentials() — Method in class UserProvider

Validate a user against the given credentials.

Broadcaster::validAuthenticationResponse() — Method in class Broadcaster

Return the valid authentication response.

Application::version() — Method in class Application

Get the version number of the application.

Pipeline::via() — Method in class Pipeline

Set the method to call on the stops.

ResponseFactory::view() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new response for a given view.

ValidatesWhenResolvedClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
ValidatesWhenResolved::validateResolved() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolved

Validate the given class instance.

ValidatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
Validator::validate() — Method in class Validator

Run the validator's rules against its data.

Validator::validated() — Method in class Validator

Get the attributes and values that were validated.

ViewClass in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\View
Builder::value() — Method in class Builder

Get a single column's value from the first result of a query.

$ HidesAttributes#visibleProperty in class HidesAttributes

The attributes that should be visible in serialization.

Builder::value() — Method in class Builder

Get a single column's value from the first result of a query.

$ Expression#valueProperty in class Expression

The value of the expression.

ColumnDefinition::virtualAs() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
Encrypter::validPayload() — Method in class Encrypter

Verify that the encryption payload is valid.

Encrypter::validMac() — Method in class Encrypter

Determine if the MAC for the given payload is valid.

Application::version() — Method in class Application

Get the version number of the application.

VendorPublishCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ViewCacheCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
ViewClearCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
$ FormRequest#validatorProperty in class FormRequest

The validator instance.

FormRequest::validationData() — Method in class FormRequest

Get data to be validated from the request.

FormRequest::validated() — Method in class FormRequest

Get the validated data from the request.

ValidatePostSizeClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
VerifyCsrfTokenClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
$ PackageManifest#vendorPathProperty in class PackageManifest

The vendor path.

ValidatesRequestsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Validation
ValidatesRequests::validateWith() — Method in class ValidatesRequests

Run the validation routine against the given validator.

ValidatesRequests::validate() — Method in class ValidatesRequests

Validate the given request with the given rules.

ValidatesRequests::validateWithBag() — Method in class ValidatesRequests

Validate the given request with the given rules.

$ ArgonHasher#verifyAlgorithmProperty in class ArgonHasher

Indicates whether to perform an algorithm check.

$ BcryptHasher#verifyAlgorithmProperty in class BcryptHasher

Indicates whether to perform an algorithm check.

Request::validate() — Method in class Request
Request::validateWithBag() — Method in class Request
$ Mailable#viewProperty in class Mailable

The view to use for the message.

$ Mailable#viewDataProperty in class Mailable

The view data for the message.

$ Mailable#viewDataCallbackProperty in class Mailable

The callback that should be invoked while building the view data.

Mailable::view() — Method in class Mailable

Set the view and view data for the message.

$ Mailer#viewsProperty in class Mailer

The view factory instance.

$ Markdown#viewProperty in class Markdown

The view factory implementation.

$ MailMessage#viewProperty in class MailMessage

The view to be rendered.

$ MailMessage#viewDataProperty in class MailMessage

The view data for the message.

MailMessage::view() — Method in class MailMessage

Set the view for the mail message.

$ AbstractPaginator#viewFactoryResolverProperty in class AbstractPaginator

The view factory resolver callback.

AbstractPaginator::viewFactory() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Get an instance of the view factory from the resolver.

AbstractPaginator::viewFactoryResolver() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Set the view factory resolver callback.

Pipeline::via() — Method in class Pipeline

Set the method to call on the pipes.

ValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
ValidateSignatureClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Middleware
$ ResourceRegistrar#verbsProperty in class ResourceRegistrar

The verbs used in the resource URIs.

ResourceRegistrar::verbs() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Get or set the action verbs used in the resource URIs.

$ ResponseFactory#viewProperty in class ResponseFactory

The view factory instance.

ResponseFactory::view() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new response for a given view.

$ Route#validatorsProperty in class Route

The validators used by the routes.

$ Router#verbsProperty in class Router

All of the verbs supported by the router.

Router::view() — Method in class Router

Register a new route that returns a view.

ViewControllerClass in namespace Illuminate\Routing
$ ViewController#viewProperty in class ViewController

The view factory implementation.

Collection::values() — Method in class Collection

Reset the keys on the underlying array.

Enumerable::values() — Method in class Enumerable

Reset the keys on the underlying array.

App::version() — Method in class App
Auth::validate() — Method in class Auth
Auth::viaRemember() — Method in class Auth
Request::validate() — Method in class Request
Request::validateWithBag() — Method in class Request
Response::view() — Method in class Response
Route::view() — Method in class Route
ValidatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
ViewClass in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
LazyCollection::values() — Method in class LazyCollection

Reset the keys on the underlying array.

$ Optional#valueProperty in class Optional

The underlying object.

$ Stringable#valueProperty in class Stringable

The underlying string value.

EnumeratesValues::valueRetriever() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Get a value retrieving callback.

ViewErrorBagClass in namespace Illuminate\Support
PendingCommand::verifyExpectations() — Method in class PendingCommand

Determine if expected questions / choices / outputs are fulfilled.

TestResponse::viewData() — Method in class TestResponse

Get a piece of data from the original view.

ValidatesAttributesClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Concerns
ValidatesAttributes::validateAccepted() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute was "accepted".

ValidatesAttributes::validateActiveUrl() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is an active URL.

ValidatesAttributes::validateBail() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

"Break" on first validation fail.

ValidatesAttributes::validateBefore() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the date is before a given date.

ValidatesAttributes::validateBeforeOrEqual() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the date is before or equal a given date.

ValidatesAttributes::validateAfter() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the date is after a given date.

ValidatesAttributes::validateAfterOrEqual() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the date is equal or after a given date.

ValidatesAttributes::validateAlpha() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute contains only alphabetic characters.

ValidatesAttributes::validateAlphaDash() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute contains only alpha-numeric characters, dashes, and underscores.

ValidatesAttributes::validateAlphaNum() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute contains only alpha-numeric characters.

ValidatesAttributes::validateArray() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is an array.

ValidatesAttributes::validateBetween() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the size of an attribute is between a set of values.

ValidatesAttributes::validateBoolean() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is a boolean.

ValidatesAttributes::validateConfirmed() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute has a matching confirmation.

ValidatesAttributes::validateDate() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is a valid date.

ValidatesAttributes::validateDateFormat() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute matches a date format.

ValidatesAttributes::validateDateEquals() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is equal to another date.

ValidatesAttributes::validateDifferent() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is different from another attribute.

ValidatesAttributes::validateDigits() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute has a given number of digits.

ValidatesAttributes::validateDigitsBetween() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is between a given number of digits.

ValidatesAttributes::validateDimensions() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the dimensions of an image matches the given values.

ValidatesAttributes::validateDistinct() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate an attribute is unique among other values.

ValidatesAttributes::validateEmail() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is a valid e-mail address.

ValidatesAttributes::validateExists() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the existence of an attribute value in a database table.

ValidatesAttributes::validateUnique() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the uniqueness of an attribute value on a given database table.

ValidatesAttributes::validateFile() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the given value is a valid file.

ValidatesAttributes::validateFilled() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the given attribute is filled if it is present.

ValidatesAttributes::validateGt() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is greater than another attribute.

ValidatesAttributes::validateLt() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is less than another attribute.

ValidatesAttributes::validateGte() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is greater than or equal another attribute.

ValidatesAttributes::validateLte() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is less than or equal another attribute.

ValidatesAttributes::validateImage() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the MIME type of a file is an image MIME type.

ValidatesAttributes::validateIn() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate an attribute is contained within a list of values.

ValidatesAttributes::validateInArray() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that the values of an attribute is in another attribute.

ValidatesAttributes::validateInteger() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is an integer.

ValidatesAttributes::validateIp() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is a valid IP.

ValidatesAttributes::validateIpv4() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is a valid IPv4.

ValidatesAttributes::validateIpv6() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is a valid IPv6.

ValidatesAttributes::validateJson() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the attribute is a valid JSON string.

ValidatesAttributes::validateMax() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the size of an attribute is less than a maximum value.

ValidatesAttributes::validateMimes() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the guessed extension of a file upload is in a set of file extensions.

ValidatesAttributes::validateMimetypes() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the MIME type of a file upload attribute is in a set of MIME types.

ValidatesAttributes::validateMin() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the size of an attribute is greater than a minimum value.

ValidatesAttributes::validateNullable() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

"Indicate" validation should pass if value is null.

ValidatesAttributes::validateNotIn() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate an attribute is not contained within a list of values.

ValidatesAttributes::validateNumeric() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is numeric.

ValidatesAttributes::validatePassword() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that the current logged in user's password matches the given value.

ValidatesAttributes::validatePresent() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute exists even if not filled.

ValidatesAttributes::validateRegex() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute passes a regular expression check.

ValidatesAttributes::validateNotRegex() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute does not pass a regular expression check.

ValidatesAttributes::validateRequired() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that a required attribute exists.

ValidatesAttributes::validateRequiredIf() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute exists when another attribute has a given value.

ValidatesAttributes::validateExcludeIf() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Indicate that an attribute should be excluded when another attribute has a given value.

ValidatesAttributes::validateExcludeUnless() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Indicate that an attribute should be excluded when another attribute does not have a given value.

ValidatesAttributes::validateExcludeWithout() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Indicate that an attribute should be excluded when another attribute is missing.

ValidatesAttributes::validateRequiredUnless() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute exists when another attribute does not have a given value.

ValidatesAttributes::validateRequiredWith() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute exists when any other attribute exists.

ValidatesAttributes::validateRequiredWithAll() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute exists when all other attributes exists.

ValidatesAttributes::validateRequiredWithout() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute exists when another attribute does not.

ValidatesAttributes::validateRequiredWithoutAll() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute exists when all other attributes do not.

ValidatesAttributes::validateSame() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that two attributes match.

ValidatesAttributes::validateSize() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the size of an attribute.

ValidatesAttributes::validateSometimes() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

"Validate" optional attributes.

ValidatesAttributes::validateStartsWith() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the attribute starts with a given substring.

ValidatesAttributes::validateEndsWith() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate the attribute ends with a given substring.

ValidatesAttributes::validateString() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is a string.

ValidatesAttributes::validateTimezone() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is a valid timezone.

ValidatesAttributes::validateUrl() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is a valid URL.

ValidatesAttributes::validateUuid() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes

Validate that an attribute is a valid UUID.

$ Factory#verifierProperty in class Factory

The Presence Verifier implementation.

Factory::validate() — Method in class Factory

Validate the given data against the provided rules.

$ In#valuesProperty in class In

The accepted values.

$ NotIn#valuesProperty in class NotIn

The accepted values.

ValidatesWhenResolvedTraitClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation

Provides default implementation of ValidatesWhenResolved contract.

ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait::validateResolved() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait

Validate the class instance.

ValidationDataClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
ValidationExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
$ ValidationException#validatorProperty in class ValidationException

The validator instance.

ValidationRuleParserClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
ValidationServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
ValidatorClass in namespace Illuminate\Validation
Validator::validate() — Method in class Validator

Run the validator's rules against its data.

Validator::validateWithBag() — Method in class Validator

Run the validator's rules against its data.

Validator::validated() — Method in class Validator

Get the attributes and values that were validated.

Validator::validateAttribute() — Method in class Validator

Validate a given attribute against a rule.

Validator::validateUsingCustomRule() — Method in class Validator

Validate an attribute using a custom rule object.

Validator::valid() — Method in class Validator

Returns the data which was valid.

$ AnonymousComponent#viewProperty in class AnonymousComponent

The component view.

Factory::viewInstance() — Method in class Factory

Create a new view instance from the given arguments.

$ FileViewFinder#viewsProperty in class FileViewFinder

The array of views that have been located.

$ ShareErrorsFromSession#viewProperty in class ShareErrorsFromSession

The view factory implementation.

ViewClass in namespace Illuminate\View
$ View#viewProperty in class View

The name of the view.

ViewExceptionClass in namespace Illuminate\View
ViewFinderInterfaceClass in namespace Illuminate\View
ViewNameClass in namespace Illuminate\View
ViewServiceProviderClass in namespace Illuminate\View


InteractsWithIO::warn() — Method in class InteractsWithIO

Write a string as warning output.

CallbackEvent::withoutOverlapping() — Method in class CallbackEvent

Do not allow the event to overlap each other.

$ Event#withoutOverlappingProperty in class Event

Indicates if the command should not overlap itself.

Event::withoutOverlapping() — Method in class Event

Do not allow the event to overlap each other.

Event::when() — Method in class Event

Register a callback to further filter the schedule.

Event::withOutputCallback() — Method in class Event

Get a callback that provides output.

ManagesFrequencies::weekdays() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run only on weekdays.

ManagesFrequencies::weekends() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run only on weekends.

ManagesFrequencies::wednesdays() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run only on Wednesdays.

ManagesFrequencies::weekly() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run weekly.

ManagesFrequencies::weeklyOn() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run weekly on a given day and time.

$ Container#withProperty in class Container

The parameter override stack.

Container::when() — Method in class Container

Define a contextual binding.

Container::wrap() — Method in class Container

Wrap the given closure such that its dependencies will be injected when executed.

Container::when() — Method in class Container

Define a contextual binding.

Filesystem::writeStream() — Method in class Filesystem

Write a new file using a stream.

View::with() — Method in class View

Add a piece of data to the view.

BuildsQueries::when() — Method in class BuildsQueries

Apply the callback's query changes if the given "value" is true.

Connection::withFreshQueryLog() — Method in class Connection

Execute the given callback in "dry run" mode.

Connection::withTablePrefix() — Method in class Connection

Set the table prefix and return the grammar.

MigrateMakeCommand::writeMigration() — Method in class MigrateMakeCommand

Write the migration file to disk.

WipeCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console
Builder::withGlobalScope() — Method in class Builder

Register a new global scope.

Builder::withoutGlobalScope() — Method in class Builder

Remove a registered global scope.

Builder::withoutGlobalScopes() — Method in class Builder

Remove all or passed registered global scopes.

Builder::whereKey() — Method in class Builder

Add a where clause on the primary key to the query.

Builder::whereKeyNot() — Method in class Builder

Add a where clause on the primary key to the query.

Builder::where() — Method in class Builder

Add a basic where clause to the query.

Builder::with() — Method in class Builder

Set the relationships that should be eager loaded.

Builder::without() — Method in class Builder

Prevent the specified relations from being eager loaded.

Builder::withCasts() — Method in class Builder

Apply query-time casts to the model instance.

HasAttributes::wasChanged() — Method in class HasAttributes

Determine if the model or any of the given attribute(s) have been modified.

HasEvents::withoutEvents() — Method in class HasEvents

Execute a callback without firing any model events for any model type.

HasRelationships::withoutRelations() — Method in class HasRelationships

Duplicate the instance and unset all the loaded relations.

QueriesRelationships::whereHas() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses.

QueriesRelationships::whereDoesntHave() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses.

QueriesRelationships::whereHasMorph() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a polymorphic relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses.

QueriesRelationships::whereDoesntHaveMorph() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add a polymorphic relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses.

QueriesRelationships::withCount() — Method in class QueriesRelationships

Add subselect queries to count the relations.

$ Model#withProperty in class Model

The relations to eager load on every query.

$ Model#withCountProperty in class Model

The relationship counts that should be eager loaded on every query.

$ Model#wasRecentlyCreatedProperty in class Model

Indicates if the model was inserted during the current request lifecycle.

Model::withoutTouching() — Method in class Model

Disables relationship model touching for the current class during given callback scope.

Model::withoutTouchingOn() — Method in class Model

Disables relationship model touching for the given model classes during given callback scope.

Model::with() — Method in class Model

Begin querying a model with eager loading.

$ BelongsToMany#withTimestampsProperty in class BelongsToMany

Indicates if timestamps are available on the pivot table.

BelongsToMany::wherePivot() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set a where clause for a pivot table column.

BelongsToMany::wherePivotBetween() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set a "where between" clause for a pivot table column.

BelongsToMany::wherePivotNotBetween() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set a "where pivot not between" clause for a pivot table column.

BelongsToMany::wherePivotIn() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set a "where in" clause for a pivot table column.

BelongsToMany::withPivotValue() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set a where clause for a pivot table column.

BelongsToMany::wherePivotNotIn() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set a "where not in" clause for a pivot table column.

BelongsToMany::wherePivotNull() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set a "where null" clause for a pivot table column.

BelongsToMany::wherePivotNotNull() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Set a "where not null" clause for a pivot table column.

BelongsToMany::withTimestamps() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Specify that the pivot table has creation and update timestamps.

InteractsWithPivotTable::withPivot() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable

Set the columns on the pivot table to retrieve.

$ SupportsDefaultModels#withDefaultProperty in class SupportsDefaultModels

Indicates if a default model instance should be used.

SupportsDefaultModels::withDefault() — Method in class SupportsDefaultModels

Return a new model instance in case the relationship does not exist.

HasManyThrough::withTrashedParents() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Indicate that trashed "through" parents should be included in the query.

Relation::whereInMethod() — Method in class Relation

Get the name of the "where in" method for eager loading.

SoftDeletes::withTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletes
SoftDeletes::withoutTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Grammar::wrapArray() — Method in class Grammar

Wrap an array of values.

Grammar::wrapTable() — Method in class Grammar

Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.

Grammar::wrap() — Method in class Grammar

Wrap a value in keyword identifiers.

Grammar::wrapAliasedValue() — Method in class Grammar

Wrap a value that has an alias.

Grammar::wrapSegments() — Method in class Grammar

Wrap the given value segments.

Grammar::wrapValue() — Method in class Grammar

Wrap a single string in keyword identifiers.

$ Migration#withinTransactionProperty in class Migration

Enables, if supported, wrapping the migration within a transaction.

$ Builder#wheresProperty in class Builder

The where constraints for the query.

Builder::where() — Method in class Builder

Add a basic where clause to the query.

Builder::whereColumn() — Method in class Builder

Add a "where" clause comparing two columns to the query.

Builder::whereRaw() — Method in class Builder

Add a raw where clause to the query.

Builder::whereIn() — Method in class Builder

Add a "where in" clause to the query.

Builder::whereNotIn() — Method in class Builder

Add a "where not in" clause to the query.

Builder::whereIntegerInRaw() — Method in class Builder

Add a "where in raw" clause for integer values to the query.

Builder::whereIntegerNotInRaw() — Method in class Builder

Add a "where not in raw" clause for integer values to the query.

Builder::whereNull() — Method in class Builder

Add a "where null" clause to the query.

Builder::whereNotNull() — Method in class Builder

Add a "where not null" clause to the query.

Builder::whereBetween() — Method in class Builder

Add a where between statement to the query.

Builder::whereBetweenColumns() — Method in class Builder

Add a where between statement using columns to the query.

Builder::whereNotBetween() — Method in class Builder

Add a where not between statement to the query.

Builder::whereNotBetweenColumns() — Method in class Builder

Add a where not between statement using columns to the query.

Builder::whereDate() — Method in class Builder

Add a "where date" statement to the query.

Builder::whereTime() — Method in class Builder

Add a "where time" statement to the query.

Builder::whereDay() — Method in class Builder

Add a "where day" statement to the query.

Builder::whereMonth() — Method in class Builder

Add a "where month" statement to the query.

Builder::whereYear() — Method in class Builder

Add a "where year" statement to the query.

Builder::whereNested() — Method in class Builder

Add a nested where statement to the query.

Builder::whereSub() — Method in class Builder

Add a full sub-select to the query.

Builder::whereExists() — Method in class Builder

Add an exists clause to the query.

Builder::whereNotExists() — Method in class Builder

Add a where not exists clause to the query.

Builder::whereRowValues() — Method in class Builder

Adds a where condition using row values.

Builder::whereJsonContains() — Method in class Builder

Add a "where JSON contains" clause to the query.

Builder::whereJsonDoesntContain() — Method in class Builder

Add a "where JSON not contains" clause to the query.

Builder::whereJsonLength() — Method in class Builder

Add a "where JSON length" clause to the query.

Builder::withoutSelectAliases() — Method in class Builder

Remove the column aliases since they will break count queries.

Grammar::whereRaw() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a raw where clause.

Grammar::whereBasic() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a basic where clause.

Grammar::whereIn() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "where in" clause.

Grammar::whereNotIn() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "where not in" clause.

Grammar::whereNotInRaw() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "where not in raw" clause.

Grammar::whereInRaw() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "where in raw" clause.

Grammar::whereNull() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "where null" clause.

Grammar::whereNotNull() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "where not null" clause.

Grammar::whereBetween() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "between" where clause.

Grammar::whereBetweenColumns() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "between" where clause.

Grammar::whereDate() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "where date" clause.

Grammar::whereTime() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "where time" clause.

Grammar::whereDay() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "where day" clause.

Grammar::whereMonth() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "where month" clause.

Grammar::whereYear() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "where year" clause.

Grammar::whereColumn() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a where clause comparing two columns.

Grammar::whereNested() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a nested where clause.

Grammar::whereSub() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a where condition with a sub-select.

Grammar::whereExists() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a where exists clause.

Grammar::whereNotExists() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a where exists clause.

Grammar::whereRowValues() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a where row values condition.

Grammar::whereJsonBoolean() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "where JSON boolean" clause.

Grammar::whereJsonContains() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "where JSON contains" clause.

Grammar::whereJsonLength() — Method in class Grammar

Compile a "where JSON length" clause.

Grammar::wrapUnion() — Method in class Grammar

Wrap a union subquery in parentheses.

Grammar::wrap() — Method in class Grammar

Wrap a value in keyword identifiers.

Grammar::wrapJsonSelector() — Method in class Grammar

Wrap the given JSON selector.

Grammar::wrapJsonBooleanSelector() — Method in class Grammar

Wrap the given JSON selector for boolean values.

Grammar::wrapJsonBooleanValue() — Method in class Grammar

Wrap the given JSON boolean value.

Grammar::wrapJsonFieldAndPath() — Method in class Grammar

Split the given JSON selector into the field and the optional path and wrap them separately.

Grammar::wrapJsonPath() — Method in class Grammar

Wrap the given JSON path.

MySqlGrammar::whereNull() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Add a "where null" clause to the query.

MySqlGrammar::whereNotNull() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Add a "where not null" clause to the query.

MySqlGrammar::wrapValue() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Wrap a single string in keyword identifiers.

MySqlGrammar::wrapJsonSelector() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Wrap the given JSON selector.

MySqlGrammar::wrapJsonBooleanSelector() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Wrap the given JSON selector for boolean values.

PostgresGrammar::whereBasic() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a basic where clause.

PostgresGrammar::whereDate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a "where date" clause.

PostgresGrammar::whereTime() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Compile a "where time" clause.

PostgresGrammar::wrapJsonSelector() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Wrap the given JSON selector.

PostgresGrammar::wrapJsonBooleanSelector() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Wrap the given JSON selector for boolean values.

PostgresGrammar::wrapJsonBooleanValue() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Wrap the given JSON boolean value.

PostgresGrammar::wrapJsonPathAttributes() — Method in class PostgresGrammar

Wrap the attributes of the give JSON path.

SQLiteGrammar::wrapUnion() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Wrap a union subquery in parentheses.

SQLiteGrammar::whereDate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a "where date" clause.

SQLiteGrammar::whereDay() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a "where day" clause.

SQLiteGrammar::whereMonth() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a "where month" clause.

SQLiteGrammar::whereYear() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a "where year" clause.

SQLiteGrammar::whereTime() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Compile a "where time" clause.

SQLiteGrammar::wrapJsonSelector() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar

Wrap the given JSON selector.

SqlServerGrammar::whereDate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a "where date" clause.

SqlServerGrammar::whereTime() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Compile a "where time" clause.

SqlServerGrammar::wrapUnion() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Wrap a union subquery in parentheses.

SqlServerGrammar::wrapValue() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Wrap a single string in keyword identifiers.

SqlServerGrammar::wrapJsonSelector() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Wrap the given JSON selector.

SqlServerGrammar::wrapJsonBooleanValue() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Wrap the given JSON boolean value.

SqlServerGrammar::wrapTable() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.

SqlServerGrammar::wrapTableValuedFunction() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.

Grammar::wrapTable() — Method in class Grammar

Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.

Grammar::wrap() — Method in class Grammar

Wrap a value in keyword identifiers.

MySqlGrammar::wrapValue() — Method in class MySqlGrammar

Wrap a single string in keyword identifiers.

SqlServerGrammar::wrapTable() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar

Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.

$ Dispatcher#wildcardsProperty in class Dispatcher

The wildcard listeners.

$ Dispatcher#wildcardsCacheProperty in class Dispatcher

The cached wildcard listeners.

FilesystemAdapter::writeStream() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Write a new file using a stream.

LoadEnvironmentVariables::writeErrorAndDie() — Method in class LoadEnvironmentVariables

Write the error information to the screen and exit.

Dispatchable::withChain() — Method in class Dispatchable

Set the jobs that should run if this job is successful.

ComponentMakeCommand::writeView() — Method in class ComponentMakeCommand

Write the view for the component.

KeyGenerateCommand::writeNewEnvironmentFileWith() — Method in class KeyGenerateCommand

Write a new environment file with the given key.

MailMakeCommand::writeMarkdownTemplate() — Method in class MailMakeCommand

Write the Markdown template for the mailable.

NotificationMakeCommand::writeMarkdownTemplate() — Method in class NotificationMakeCommand

Write the Markdown template for the mailable.

DiscoverEvents::within() — Method in class DiscoverEvents

Get all of the events and listeners by searching the given listener directory.

Handler::whoopsHandler() — Method in class Handler

Get the Whoops handler for the application.

WhoopsHandlerClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions
$ MaintenanceModeException#wentDownAtProperty in class MaintenanceModeException

When the application was put in maintenance mode.

$ MaintenanceModeException#willBeAvailableAtProperty in class MaintenanceModeException

When the application should next be available.

PackageManifest::write() — Method in class PackageManifest

Write the given manifest array to disk.

ProviderRepository::writeManifest() — Method in class ProviderRepository

Write the service manifest file to disk.

InteractsWithConsole::withoutMockingConsoleOutput() — Method in class InteractsWithConsole

Disable mocking the console output.

InteractsWithContainer::withoutMix() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer

Register an empty handler for Laravel Mix in the container.

InteractsWithContainer::withMix() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer

Register an empty handler for Laravel Mix in the container.

InteractsWithExceptionHandling::withExceptionHandling() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling

Restore exception handling.

InteractsWithExceptionHandling::withoutExceptionHandling() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling

Disable exception handling for the test.

InteractsWithSession::withSession() — Method in class InteractsWithSession

Set the session to the given array.

$ MakesHttpRequests#withCredentialsProperty in class MakesHttpRequests

Indicated whether JSON requests should be performed "with credentials" (cookies).

MakesHttpRequests::withHeaders() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests

Define additional headers to be sent with the request.

MakesHttpRequests::withHeader() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests

Add a header to be sent with the request.

MakesHttpRequests::withToken() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests

Add an authorization token for the request.

MakesHttpRequests::withServerVariables() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests

Define a set of server variables to be sent with the requests.

MakesHttpRequests::withoutMiddleware() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests

Disable middleware for the test.

MocksApplicationServices::withoutEvents() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices

Mock the event dispatcher so all events are silenced and collected.

MocksApplicationServices::withoutJobs() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices

Mock the job dispatcher so all jobs are silenced and collected.

MocksApplicationServices::wasDispatched() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices

Check if the given class exists in an array of dispatched classes.

MocksApplicationServices::withoutNotifications() — Method in class MocksApplicationServices

Mock the notification dispatcher so all notifications are silenced.

WithFakerClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
WithoutEventsClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
WithoutMiddlewareClass in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
PendingRequest::withBody() — Method in class PendingRequest

Attach a raw body to the request.

PendingRequest::withHeaders() — Method in class PendingRequest

Add the given headers to the request.

PendingRequest::withBasicAuth() — Method in class PendingRequest

Specify the basic authentication username and password for the request.

PendingRequest::withDigestAuth() — Method in class PendingRequest

Specify the digest authentication username and password for the request.

PendingRequest::withToken() — Method in class PendingRequest

Specify an authorization token for the request.

PendingRequest::withCookies() — Method in class PendingRequest

Specify the cookies that should be included with the request.

PendingRequest::withoutRedirecting() — Method in class PendingRequest

Indicate that redirects should not be followed.

PendingRequest::withoutVerifying() — Method in class PendingRequest

Indicate that TLS certificates should not be verified.

PendingRequest::withOptions() — Method in class PendingRequest

Merge new options into the client.

PendingRequest::withMiddleware() — Method in class PendingRequest

Add new middleware the client handler stack.

Request::withData() — Method in class Request

Set the decoded data on the request.

ResponseSequence::whenEmpty() — Method in class ResponseSequence

Make the sequence return a default response when it is empty.

InteractsWithContentTypes::wantsJson() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes

Determine if the current request is asking for JSON.

InteractsWithInput::whenHas() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Apply the callback if the request contains the given input item key.

InteractsWithInput::whenFilled() — Method in class InteractsWithInput

Apply the callback if the request contains a non-empty value for the given input item key.

JsonResponse::withCallback() — Method in class JsonResponse

Sets the JSONP callback.

RedirectResponse::with() — Method in class RedirectResponse

Flash a piece of data to the session.

RedirectResponse::withCookies() — Method in class RedirectResponse

Add multiple cookies to the response.

RedirectResponse::withInput() — Method in class RedirectResponse

Flash an array of input to the session.

RedirectResponse::withErrors() — Method in class RedirectResponse

Flash a container of errors to the session.

RedirectResponse::withFragment() — Method in class RedirectResponse

Add a fragment identifier to the URL.

RedirectResponse::withoutFragment() — Method in class RedirectResponse

Remove any fragment identifier from the response URL.

ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::when() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes

Retrieve a value based on a given condition.

ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::whenAppended() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes

Retrieve an accessor when it has been appended.

ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::whenLoaded() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes

Retrieve a relationship if it has been loaded.

ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::whenPivotLoaded() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes

Execute a callback if the given pivot table has been loaded.

ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::whenPivotLoadedAs() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes

Execute a callback if the given pivot table with a custom accessor has been loaded.

$ JsonResource#withProperty in class JsonResource

The additional data that should be added to the top-level resource array.

$ JsonResource#wrapProperty in class JsonResource

The "data" wrapper that should be applied.

JsonResource::with() — Method in class JsonResource

Get any additional data that should be returned with the resource array.

JsonResource::withResponse() — Method in class JsonResource

Customize the response for a request.

JsonResource::wrap() — Method in class JsonResource

Set the string that should wrap the outer-most resource array.

JsonResource::withoutWrapping() — Method in class JsonResource

Disable wrapping of the outer-most resource array.

ResourceCollection::withQuery() — Method in class ResourceCollection

Specify the query string parameters that should be present on pagination links.

ResourceResponse::wrap() — Method in class ResourceResponse

Wrap the given data if necessary.

ResourceResponse::wrapper() — Method in class ResourceResponse

Get the default data wrapper for the resource.

ResponseTrait::withHeaders() — Method in class ResponseTrait

Add an array of headers to the response.

ResponseTrait::withCookie() — Method in class ResponseTrait

Add a cookie to the response.

ResponseTrait::withException() — Method in class ResponseTrait

Set the exception to attach to the response.

LogManager::warning() — Method in class LogManager

Exceptional occurrences that are not errors.

Logger::warning() — Method in class Logger

Log a warning message to the logs.

Logger::write() — Method in class Logger

Dynamically pass log calls into the writer.

Logger::writeLog() — Method in class Logger

Write a message to the log.

Mailable::with() — Method in class Mailable

Set the view data for the message.

Mailable::withSwiftMessage() — Method in class Mailable

Register a callback to be called with the Swift message instance.

Mailable::when() — Method in class Mailable

Apply the callback's message changes if the given "value" is true.

MailMessage::withSwiftMessage() — Method in class MailMessage

Register a callback to be called with the Swift message instance.

SimpleMessage::with() — Method in class SimpleMessage

Add a line of text to the notification.

SendQueuedNotifications::wrapNotifiables() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications

Wrap the notifiable(s) in a collection.

AbstractPaginator::withQueryString() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Add all current query string values to the paginator.

AbstractPaginator::withPath() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Set the base path to assign to all URLs.

WorkCommandClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
$ WorkCommand#workerProperty in class WorkCommand

The queue worker instance.

WorkCommand::writeOutput() — Method in class WorkCommand

Write the status output for the queue worker.

WorkCommand::writeStatus() — Method in class WorkCommand

Format the status output for the queue worker.

WorkerStoppingClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
Queue::withCreatePayloadHooks() — Method in class Queue

Create the given payload using any registered payload hooks.

WorkerClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
WorkerOptionsClass in namespace Illuminate\Queue
PendingResourceRegistration::withoutMiddleware() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration

Specify middleware that should be removed from the resource routes.

PendingResourceRegistration::where() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration

Add "where" constraints to the resource routes.

$ Route#wheresProperty in class Route

The regular expression requirements.

$ Route#waitSecondsProperty in class Route

Indicates the maximum number of seconds the route should wait while attempting to acquire a session lock.

Route::where() — Method in class Route

Set a regular expression requirement on the route.

Route::withoutMiddleware() — Method in class Route

Specify middleware that should be removed from the given route.

Route::withoutBlocking() — Method in class Route

Specify that the route should allow concurrent requests from the same session.

Route::waitsFor() — Method in class Route

Get the maximum number of seconds to wait while attempting to acquire a session lock.

RouteRegistrar::where() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
ArraySessionHandler::write() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler
CacheBasedSessionHandler::write() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
CookieSessionHandler::write() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
DatabaseSessionHandler::write() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
FileSessionHandler::write() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
NullSessionHandler::write() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
Arr::where() — Method in class Arr

Filter the array using the given callback.

Arr::wrap() — Method in class Arr

If the given value is not an array and not null, wrap it in one.

$ Composer#workingPathProperty in class Composer

The working path to regenerate from.

Enumerable::wrap() — Method in class Enumerable

Wrap the given value in a collection if applicable.

Enumerable::when() — Method in class Enumerable

Apply the callback if the value is truthy.

Enumerable::whenEmpty() — Method in class Enumerable

Apply the callback if the collection is empty.

Enumerable::whenNotEmpty() — Method in class Enumerable

Apply the callback if the collection is not empty.

Enumerable::where() — Method in class Enumerable

Filter items by the given key value pair.

Enumerable::whereStrict() — Method in class Enumerable

Filter items by the given key value pair using strict comparison.

Enumerable::whereIn() — Method in class Enumerable

Filter items by the given key value pair.

Enumerable::whereInStrict() — Method in class Enumerable

Filter items by the given key value pair using strict comparison.

Enumerable::whereBetween() — Method in class Enumerable

Filter items such that the value of the given key is between the given values.

Enumerable::whereNotBetween() — Method in class Enumerable

Filter items such that the value of the given key is not between the given values.

Enumerable::whereNotIn() — Method in class Enumerable

Filter items by the given key value pair.

Enumerable::whereNotInStrict() — Method in class Enumerable

Filter items by the given key value pair using strict comparison.

Enumerable::whereInstanceOf() — Method in class Enumerable

Filter the items, removing any items that don't match the given type.

Blade::withDoubleEncoding() — Method in class Blade
Blade::withoutComponentTags() — Method in class Blade
Blade::withoutDoubleEncoding() — Method in class Blade
Http::withBasicAuth() — Method in class Http
Http::withBody() — Method in class Http
Http::withCookies() — Method in class Http
Http::withDigestAuth() — Method in class Http
Http::withHeaders() — Method in class Http
Http::withOptions() — Method in class Http
Http::withToken() — Method in class Http
Http::withoutRedirecting() — Method in class Http
Http::withoutVerifying() — Method in class Http
Log::warning() — Method in class Log
Request::wantsJson() — Method in class Request
Route::where() — Method in class Route
Storage::writeStream() — Method in class Storage
ServiceProvider::when() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Get the events that trigger this service provider to register.

Str::words() — Method in class Str

Limit the number of words in a string.

Stringable::when() — Method in class Stringable

Apply the callback's string changes if the given "value" is true.

Stringable::whenEmpty() — Method in class Stringable

Execute the given callback if the string is empty.

Stringable::words() — Method in class Stringable

Limit the number of words in a string.

EnumeratesValues::wrap() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Wrap the given value in a collection if applicable.

EnumeratesValues::when() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Apply the callback if the value is truthy.

EnumeratesValues::whenEmpty() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Apply the callback if the collection is empty.

EnumeratesValues::whenNotEmpty() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Apply the callback if the collection is not empty.

EnumeratesValues::where() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Filter items by the given key value pair.

EnumeratesValues::whereNull() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Filter items where the given key is not null.

EnumeratesValues::whereNotNull() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Filter items where the given key is null.

EnumeratesValues::whereStrict() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Filter items by the given key value pair using strict comparison.

EnumeratesValues::whereIn() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Filter items by the given key value pair.

EnumeratesValues::whereInStrict() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Filter items by the given key value pair using strict comparison.

EnumeratesValues::whereBetween() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Filter items such that the value of the given key is between the given values.

EnumeratesValues::whereNotBetween() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Filter items such that the value of the given key is not between the given values.

EnumeratesValues::whereNotIn() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Filter items by the given key value pair.

EnumeratesValues::whereNotInStrict() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Filter items by the given key value pair using strict comparison.

EnumeratesValues::whereInstanceOf() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Filter the items, removing any items that don't match the given type.

Localizable::withLocale() — Method in class Localizable

Run the callback with the given locale.

$ DatabaseRule#wheresProperty in class DatabaseRule

The extra where clauses for the query.

DatabaseRule::where() — Method in class DatabaseRule

Set a "where" constraint on the query.

DatabaseRule::whereNot() — Method in class DatabaseRule

Set a "where not" constraint on the query.

DatabaseRule::whereNull() — Method in class DatabaseRule

Set a "where null" constraint on the query.

DatabaseRule::whereNotNull() — Method in class DatabaseRule

Set a "where not null" constraint on the query.

DatabaseRule::whereIn() — Method in class DatabaseRule

Set a "where in" constraint on the query.

DatabaseRule::whereNotIn() — Method in class DatabaseRule

Set a "where not in" constraint on the query.

Dimensions::width() — Method in class Dimensions

Set the "width" constraint.

ValidationException::withMessages() — Method in class ValidationException

Create a new validation exception from a plain array of messages.

BladeCompiler::withDoubleEncoding() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Set the "echo" format to double encode entities.

BladeCompiler::withoutDoubleEncoding() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Set the "echo" format to not double encode entities.

BladeCompiler::withoutComponentTags() — Method in class BladeCompiler

Indicate that component tags should not be compiled.

Component::withName() — Method in class Component

Set the component alias name.

Component::withAttributes() — Method in class Component

Set the extra attributes that the component should make available.

ComponentAttributeBag::whereStartsWith() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Return a bag of attributes that have keys starting with the given value / pattern.

ComponentAttributeBag::whereDoesntStartWith() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Return a bag of attributes with keys that do not start with the given value / pattern.

View::with() — Method in class View

Add a piece of data to the view.

View::withErrors() — Method in class View

Add validation errors to the view.


ManagesFrequencies::yearly() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies

Schedule the event to run yearly.

Blueprint::year() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new year column on the table.

DateFactory::yesterday() — Method in class DateFactory
Date::yesterday() — Method in class Date
ManagesLayouts::yieldSection() — Method in class ManagesLayouts

Stop injecting content into a section and return its contents.

ManagesLayouts::yieldContent() — Method in class ManagesLayouts

Get the string contents of a section.

ManagesStacks::yieldPushContent() — Method in class ManagesStacks

Get the string contents of a push section.


Collection::zip() — Method in class Collection

Zip the collection together with one or more arrays.

PhpRedisConnection::zadd() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Add one or more members to a sorted set or update its score if it already exists.

PhpRedisConnection::zrangebyscore() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Return elements with score between $min and $max.

PhpRedisConnection::zrevrangebyscore() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Return elements with score between $min and $max.

PhpRedisConnection::zinterstore() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Find the intersection between sets and store in a new set.

PhpRedisConnection::zunionstore() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Find the union between sets and store in a new set.

PhpRedisConnection::zscan() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Scans the given set for all values based on options.

Collection::zip() — Method in class Collection

Zip the collection together with one or more arrays.

LazyCollection::zip() — Method in class LazyCollection

Zip the collection together with one or more arrays.


AuthorizationException::__construct() — Method in class AuthorizationException

Create a new authorization exception instance.

Gate::__construct() — Method in class Gate

Create a new gate instance.

Response::__construct() — Method in class Response

Create a new response.

Response::__toString() — Method in class Response

Get the string representation of the message.

AuthManager::__construct() — Method in class AuthManager

Create a new Auth manager instance.

AuthManager::__call() — Method in class AuthManager

Dynamically call the default driver instance.

AuthenticationException::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticationException

Create a new authentication exception.

DatabaseUserProvider::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider

Create a new database user provider.

EloquentUserProvider::__construct() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider

Create a new database user provider.

Attempting::__construct() — Method in class Attempting

Create a new event instance.

Authenticated::__construct() — Method in class Authenticated

Create a new event instance.

CurrentDeviceLogout::__construct() — Method in class CurrentDeviceLogout

Create a new event instance.

Failed::__construct() — Method in class Failed

Create a new event instance.

Lockout::__construct() — Method in class Lockout

Create a new event instance.

Login::__construct() — Method in class Login

Create a new event instance.

Logout::__construct() — Method in class Logout

Create a new event instance.

OtherDeviceLogout::__construct() — Method in class OtherDeviceLogout

Create a new event instance.

PasswordReset::__construct() — Method in class PasswordReset

Create a new event instance.

Registered::__construct() — Method in class Registered

Create a new event instance.

Validated::__construct() — Method in class Validated

Create a new event instance.

Verified::__construct() — Method in class Verified

Create a new event instance.

GenericUser::__construct() — Method in class GenericUser

Create a new generic User object.

GenericUser::__get() — Method in class GenericUser

Dynamically access the user's attributes.

GenericUser::__set() — Method in class GenericUser

Dynamically set an attribute on the user.

GenericUser::__isset() — Method in class GenericUser

Dynamically check if a value is set on the user.

GenericUser::__unset() — Method in class GenericUser

Dynamically unset a value on the user.

Authenticate::__construct() — Method in class Authenticate

Create a new middleware instance.

AuthenticateWithBasicAuth::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticateWithBasicAuth

Create a new middleware instance.

Authorize::__construct() — Method in class Authorize

Create a new middleware instance.

RequirePassword::__construct() — Method in class RequirePassword

Create a new middleware instance.

ResetPassword::__construct() — Method in class ResetPassword

Create a notification instance.

DatabaseTokenRepository::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository

Create a new token repository instance.

PasswordBroker::__construct() — Method in class PasswordBroker

Create a new password broker instance.

PasswordBrokerManager::__construct() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager

Create a new PasswordBroker manager instance.

PasswordBrokerManager::__call() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager

Dynamically call the default driver instance.

Recaller::__construct() — Method in class Recaller

Create a new recaller instance.

RequestGuard::__construct() — Method in class RequestGuard

Create a new authentication guard.

SessionGuard::__construct() — Method in class SessionGuard

Create a new authentication guard.

TokenGuard::__construct() — Method in class TokenGuard

Create a new authentication guard.

BroadcastEvent::__construct() — Method in class BroadcastEvent

Create a new job handler instance.

BroadcastEvent::__clone() — Method in class BroadcastEvent

Prepare the instance for cloning.

BroadcastManager::__construct() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Create a new manager instance.

BroadcastManager::__call() — Method in class BroadcastManager

Dynamically call the default driver instance.

LogBroadcaster::__construct() — Method in class LogBroadcaster

Create a new broadcaster instance.

PusherBroadcaster::__construct() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster

Create a new broadcaster instance.

RedisBroadcaster::__construct() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster

Create a new broadcaster instance.

Channel::__construct() — Method in class Channel

Create a new channel instance.

Channel::__toString() — Method in class Channel

Convert the channel instance to a string.

EncryptedPrivateChannel::__construct() — Method in class EncryptedPrivateChannel

Create a new channel instance.

PendingBroadcast::__construct() — Method in class PendingBroadcast

Create a new pending broadcast instance.

PendingBroadcast::__destruct() — Method in class PendingBroadcast

Handle the object's destruction.

PresenceChannel::__construct() — Method in class PresenceChannel

Create a new channel instance.

PrivateChannel::__construct() — Method in class PrivateChannel

Create a new channel instance.

Dispatcher::__construct() — Method in class Dispatcher

Create a new command dispatcher instance.

ApcStore::__construct() — Method in class ApcStore

Create a new APC store.

ApcWrapper::__construct() — Method in class ApcWrapper

Create a new APC wrapper instance.

ArrayLock::__construct() — Method in class ArrayLock

Create a new lock instance.

ArrayStore::__construct() — Method in class ArrayStore

Create a new Array store.

CacheManager::__construct() — Method in class CacheManager

Create a new Cache manager instance.

CacheManager::__call() — Method in class CacheManager

Dynamically call the default driver instance.

CacheTableCommand::__construct() — Method in class CacheTableCommand

Create a new cache table command instance.

ClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class ClearCommand

Create a new cache clear command instance.

ForgetCommand::__construct() — Method in class ForgetCommand

Create a new cache clear command instance.

DatabaseLock::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseLock

Create a new lock instance.

DatabaseStore::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Create a new database store.

DynamoDbLock::__construct() — Method in class DynamoDbLock

Create a new lock instance.

DynamoDbStore::__construct() — Method in class DynamoDbStore

Create a new store instance.

CacheEvent::__construct() — Method in class CacheEvent

Create a new event instance.

CacheHit::__construct() — Method in class CacheHit

Create a new event instance.

KeyWritten::__construct() — Method in class KeyWritten

Create a new event instance.

FileStore::__construct() — Method in class FileStore

Create a new file cache store instance.

Lock::__construct() — Method in class Lock

Create a new lock instance.

MemcachedLock::__construct() — Method in class MemcachedLock

Create a new lock instance.

MemcachedStore::__construct() — Method in class MemcachedStore

Create a new Memcached store.

RateLimiter::__construct() — Method in class RateLimiter

Create a new rate limiter instance.

RedisLock::__construct() — Method in class RedisLock

Create a new lock instance.

RedisStore::__construct() — Method in class RedisStore

Create a new Redis store.

Repository::__construct() — Method in class Repository

Create a new cache repository instance.

Repository::__call() — Method in class Repository

Handle dynamic calls into macros or pass missing methods to the store.

Repository::__clone() — Method in class Repository

Clone cache repository instance.

TagSet::__construct() — Method in class TagSet

Create a new TagSet instance.

TaggedCache::__construct() — Method in class TaggedCache

Create a new tagged cache instance.

Repository::__construct() — Method in class Repository

Create a new configuration repository.

Application::__construct() — Method in class Application

Create a new Artisan console application.

Command::__construct() — Method in class Command

Create a new console command instance.

ArtisanStarting::__construct() — Method in class ArtisanStarting

Create a new event instance.

CommandFinished::__construct() — Method in class CommandFinished

Create a new event instance.

CommandStarting::__construct() — Method in class CommandStarting

Create a new event instance.

ScheduledTaskFailed::__construct() — Method in class ScheduledTaskFailed

Create a new event instance.

ScheduledTaskFinished::__construct() — Method in class ScheduledTaskFinished

Create a new event instance.

ScheduledTaskSkipped::__construct() — Method in class ScheduledTaskSkipped

Create a new event instance.

ScheduledTaskStarting::__construct() — Method in class ScheduledTaskStarting

Create a new event instance.

GeneratorCommand::__construct() — Method in class GeneratorCommand

Create a new controller creator command instance.

OutputStyle::__construct() — Method in class OutputStyle

Create a new Console OutputStyle instance.

CacheEventMutex::__construct() — Method in class CacheEventMutex

Create a new overlapping strategy.

CacheSchedulingMutex::__construct() — Method in class CacheSchedulingMutex

Create a new scheduling strategy.

CallbackEvent::__construct() — Method in class CallbackEvent

Create a new event instance.

Event::__construct() — Method in class Event

Create a new event instance.

Schedule::__construct() — Method in class Schedule

Create a new schedule instance.

ScheduleRunCommand::__construct() — Method in class ScheduleRunCommand

Create a new command instance.

Container::__get() — Method in class Container

Dynamically access container services.

Container::__set() — Method in class Container

Dynamically set container services.

ContextualBindingBuilder::__construct() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder

Create a new contextual binding builder.

RewindableGenerator::__construct() — Method in class RewindableGenerator

Create a new generator instance.

ModelIdentifier::__construct() — Method in class ModelIdentifier

Create a new model identifier.

EntityNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class EntityNotFoundException

Create a new exception instance.

AddQueuedCookiesToResponse::__construct() — Method in class AddQueuedCookiesToResponse

Create a new CookieQueue instance.

EncryptCookies::__construct() — Method in class EncryptCookies

Create a new CookieGuard instance.

Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager

Create a new database capsule manager.

Manager::__callStatic() — Method in class Manager

Dynamically pass methods to the default connection.

Connection::__construct() — Method in class Connection

Create a new database connection instance.

ConnectionResolver::__construct() — Method in class ConnectionResolver

Create a new connection resolver instance.

ConnectionFactory::__construct() — Method in class ConnectionFactory

Create a new connection factory instance.

InstallCommand::__construct() — Method in class InstallCommand

Create a new migration install command instance.

MigrateCommand::__construct() — Method in class MigrateCommand

Create a new migration command instance.

MigrateMakeCommand::__construct() — Method in class MigrateMakeCommand

Create a new migration install command instance.

ResetCommand::__construct() — Method in class ResetCommand

Create a new migration rollback command instance.

RollbackCommand::__construct() — Method in class RollbackCommand

Create a new migration rollback command instance.

StatusCommand::__construct() — Method in class StatusCommand

Create a new migration rollback command instance.

SeedCommand::__construct() — Method in class SeedCommand

Create a new database seed command instance.

SeederMakeCommand::__construct() — Method in class SeederMakeCommand

Create a new command instance.

DatabaseManager::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Create a new database manager instance.

DatabaseManager::__call() — Method in class DatabaseManager

Dynamically pass methods to the default connection.

Builder::__construct() — Method in class Builder

Create a new Eloquent query builder instance.

Builder::__get() — Method in class Builder

Dynamically access builder proxies.

Builder::__call() — Method in class Builder

Dynamically handle calls into the query instance.

Builder::__callStatic() — Method in class Builder

Dynamically handle calls into the query instance.

Builder::__clone() — Method in class Builder

Force a clone of the underlying query builder when cloning.

Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory

Create a new factory instance.

FactoryBuilder::__construct() — Method in class FactoryBuilder

Create an new builder instance.

HigherOrderBuilderProxy::__construct() — Method in class HigherOrderBuilderProxy

Create a new proxy instance.

HigherOrderBuilderProxy::__call() — Method in class HigherOrderBuilderProxy

Proxy a scope call onto the query builder.

Model::__construct() — Method in class Model

Create a new Eloquent model instance.

Model::__get() — Method in class Model

Dynamically retrieve attributes on the model.

Model::__set() — Method in class Model

Dynamically set attributes on the model.

Model::__isset() — Method in class Model

Determine if an attribute or relation exists on the model.

Model::__unset() — Method in class Model

Unset an attribute on the model.

Model::__call() — Method in class Model

Handle dynamic method calls into the model.

Model::__callStatic() — Method in class Model

Handle dynamic static method calls into the model.

Model::__toString() — Method in class Model

Convert the model to its string representation.

Model::__sleep() — Method in class Model

Prepare the object for serialization.

Model::__wakeup() — Method in class Model

When a model is being unserialized, check if it needs to be booted.

BelongsTo::__construct() — Method in class BelongsTo

Create a new belongs to relationship instance.

BelongsToMany::__construct() — Method in class BelongsToMany

Create a new belongs to many relationship instance.

HasManyThrough::__construct() — Method in class HasManyThrough

Create a new has many through relationship instance.

HasOneOrMany::__construct() — Method in class HasOneOrMany

Create a new has one or many relationship instance.

MorphOneOrMany::__construct() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany

Create a new morph one or many relationship instance.

MorphTo::__construct() — Method in class MorphTo

Create a new morph to relationship instance.

MorphTo::__call() — Method in class MorphTo

Handle dynamic method calls to the relationship.

MorphToMany::__construct() — Method in class MorphToMany

Create a new morph to many relationship instance.

Relation::__construct() — Method in class Relation

Create a new relation instance.

Relation::__call() — Method in class Relation

Handle dynamic method calls to the relationship.

Relation::__clone() — Method in class Relation

Force a clone of the underlying query builder when cloning.

ConnectionEvent::__construct() — Method in class ConnectionEvent

Create a new event instance.

MigrationEvent::__construct() — Method in class MigrationEvent

Create a new event instance.

NoPendingMigrations::__construct() — Method in class NoPendingMigrations

Create a new event instance.

QueryExecuted::__construct() — Method in class QueryExecuted

Create a new event instance.

StatementPrepared::__construct() — Method in class StatementPrepared

Create a new event instance.

DatabaseMigrationRepository::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository

Create a new database migration repository instance.

MigrationCreator::__construct() — Method in class MigrationCreator

Create a new migration creator instance.

Migrator::__construct() — Method in class Migrator

Create a new migrator instance.

QueryException::__construct() — Method in class QueryException

Create a new query exception instance.

Builder::__construct() — Method in class Builder

Create a new query builder instance.

Builder::__call() — Method in class Builder

Handle dynamic method calls into the method.

Expression::__construct() — Method in class Expression

Create a new raw query expression.

Expression::__toString() — Method in class Expression

Get the value of the expression.

JoinClause::__construct() — Method in class JoinClause

Create a new join clause instance.

SQLiteConnection::__construct() — Method in class SQLiteConnection

Create a new database connection instance.

Blueprint::__construct() — Method in class Blueprint

Create a new schema blueprint.

Builder::__construct() — Method in class Builder

Create a new database Schema manager.

ForeignIdColumnDefinition::__construct() — Method in class ForeignIdColumnDefinition

Create a new foreign ID column definition.

Seeder::__invoke() — Method in class Seeder

Run the database seeds.

Encrypter::__construct() — Method in class Encrypter

Create a new encrypter instance.

CallQueuedListener::__construct() — Method in class CallQueuedListener

Create a new job instance.

CallQueuedListener::__clone() — Method in class CallQueuedListener

Prepare the instance for cloning.

Dispatcher::__construct() — Method in class Dispatcher

Create a new event dispatcher instance.

NullDispatcher::__construct() — Method in class NullDispatcher

Create a new event dispatcher instance that does not fire.

NullDispatcher::__call() — Method in class NullDispatcher

Dynamically pass method calls to the underlying dispatcher.

Cache::__construct() — Method in class Cache

Create a new cache instance.

FilesystemAdapter::__construct() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Create a new filesystem adapter instance.

FilesystemAdapter::__call() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter

Pass dynamic methods call onto Flysystem.

FilesystemManager::__construct() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Create a new filesystem manager instance.

FilesystemManager::__call() — Method in class FilesystemManager

Dynamically call the default driver instance.

Application::__construct() — Method in class Application

Create a new Illuminate application instance.

PendingChain::__construct() — Method in class PendingChain

Create a new PendingChain instance.

PendingDispatch::__construct() — Method in class PendingDispatch

Create a new pending job dispatch.

PendingDispatch::__destruct() — Method in class PendingDispatch

Handle the object's destruction.

ClosureCommand::__construct() — Method in class ClosureCommand

Create a new command instance.

ConfigCacheCommand::__construct() — Method in class ConfigCacheCommand

Create a new config cache command instance.

ConfigClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class ConfigClearCommand

Create a new config clear command instance.

EventClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class EventClearCommand

Create a new config clear command instance.

Kernel::__construct() — Method in class Kernel

Create a new console kernel instance.

QueuedCommand::__construct() — Method in class QueuedCommand

Create a new job instance.

RouteCacheCommand::__construct() — Method in class RouteCacheCommand

Create a new route command instance.

RouteClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class RouteClearCommand

Create a new route clear command instance.

RouteListCommand::__construct() — Method in class RouteListCommand

Create a new route command instance.

VendorPublishCommand::__construct() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand

Create a new command instance.

ViewClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class ViewClearCommand

Create a new config clear command instance.

LocaleUpdated::__construct() — Method in class LocaleUpdated

Create a new event instance.

Handler::__construct() — Method in class Handler

Create a new exception handler instance.

RequestHandled::__construct() — Method in class RequestHandled

Create a new event instance.

MaintenanceModeException::__construct() — Method in class MaintenanceModeException

Create a new exception instance.

Kernel::__construct() — Method in class Kernel

Create a new HTTP kernel instance.

CheckForMaintenanceMode::__construct() — Method in class CheckForMaintenanceMode

Create a new middleware instance.

VerifyCsrfToken::__construct() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken

Create a new middleware instance.

Mix::__invoke() — Method in class Mix

Get the path to a versioned Mix file.

PackageManifest::__construct() — Method in class PackageManifest

Create a new package manifest instance.

ProviderRepository::__construct() — Method in class ProviderRepository

Create a new service repository instance.

RouteServiceProvider::__call() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider

Pass dynamic methods onto the router instance.

InteractsWithExceptionHandling::__construct() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling

Create a new class instance.

ArgonHasher::__construct() — Method in class ArgonHasher

Create a new hasher instance.

BcryptHasher::__construct() — Method in class BcryptHasher

Create a new hasher instance.

Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory

Create a new factory instance.

Factory::__call() — Method in class Factory

Execute a method against a new pending request instance.

PendingRequest::__construct() — Method in class PendingRequest

Create a new HTTP Client instance.

Request::__construct() — Method in class Request

Create a new request instance.

RequestException::__construct() — Method in class RequestException

Create a new exception instance.

Response::__construct() — Method in class Response

Create a new response instance.

Response::__toString() — Method in class Response

Get the body of the response.

Response::__call() — Method in class Response

Dynamically proxy other methods to the underlying response.

ResponseSequence::__construct() — Method in class ResponseSequence

Create a new response sequence.

ResponseSequence::__invoke() — Method in class ResponseSequence

Get the next response in the sequence.

HttpResponseException::__construct() — Method in class HttpResponseException

Create a new HTTP response exception instance.

PostTooLargeException::__construct() — Method in class PostTooLargeException

Create a new "post too large" exception instance.

ThrottleRequestsException::__construct() — Method in class ThrottleRequestsException

Create a new throttle requests exception instance.

JsonResponse::__construct() — Method in class JsonResponse
TrustHosts::__construct() — Method in class TrustHosts

Create a new middleware instance.

RedirectResponse::__call() — Method in class RedirectResponse

Dynamically bind flash data in the session.

Request::__isset() — Method in class Request

Check if an input element is set on the request.

Request::__get() — Method in class Request

Get an input element from the request.

DelegatesToResource::__isset() — Method in class DelegatesToResource

Determine if an attribute exists on the resource.

DelegatesToResource::__unset() — Method in class DelegatesToResource

Unset an attribute on the resource.

DelegatesToResource::__get() — Method in class DelegatesToResource

Dynamically get properties from the underlying resource.

DelegatesToResource::__call() — Method in class DelegatesToResource

Dynamically pass method calls to the underlying resource.

AnonymousResourceCollection::__construct() — Method in class AnonymousResourceCollection

Create a new anonymous resource collection.

JsonResource::__construct() — Method in class JsonResource

Create a new resource instance.

ResourceCollection::__construct() — Method in class ResourceCollection

Create a new resource instance.

ResourceResponse::__construct() — Method in class ResourceResponse

Create a new resource response.

MergeValue::__construct() — Method in class MergeValue

Create new merge value instance.

Response::__construct() — Method in class Response

Create a new HTTP response.

File::__construct() — Method in class File

Create a new file instance.

MessageLogged::__construct() — Method in class MessageLogged

Create a new event instance.

LogManager::__construct() — Method in class LogManager

Create a new Log manager instance.

LogManager::__call() — Method in class LogManager

Dynamically call the default driver instance.

Logger::__construct() — Method in class Logger

Create a new log writer instance.

Logger::__call() — Method in class Logger

Dynamically proxy method calls to the underlying logger.

MessageSending::__construct() — Method in class MessageSending

Create a new event instance.

MessageSent::__construct() — Method in class MessageSent

Create a new event instance.

MessageSent::__serialize() — Method in class MessageSent

Get the serializable representation of the object.

MessageSent::__unserialize() — Method in class MessageSent

Marshal the object from its serialized data.

MailManager::__construct() — Method in class MailManager

Create a new Mail manager instance.

MailManager::__call() — Method in class MailManager

Dynamically call the default driver instance.

Mailable::__call() — Method in class Mailable

Dynamically bind parameters to the message.

Mailer::__construct() — Method in class Mailer

Create a new Mailer instance.

Markdown::__construct() — Method in class Markdown

Create a new Markdown renderer instance.

Message::__construct() — Method in class Message

Create a new message instance.

Message::__call() — Method in class Message

Dynamically pass missing methods to the Swift instance.

PendingMail::__construct() — Method in class PendingMail

Create a new mailable mailer instance.

SendQueuedMailable::__construct() — Method in class SendQueuedMailable

Create a new job instance.

SendQueuedMailable::__clone() — Method in class SendQueuedMailable

Prepare the instance for cloning.

ArrayTransport::__construct() — Method in class ArrayTransport

Create a new array transport instance.

LogTransport::__construct() — Method in class LogTransport

Create a new log transport instance.

MailgunTransport::__construct() — Method in class MailgunTransport

Create a new Mailgun transport instance.

SesTransport::__construct() — Method in class SesTransport

Create a new SES transport instance.

Action::__construct() — Method in class Action

Create a new action instance.

BroadcastChannel::__construct() — Method in class BroadcastChannel

Create a new database channel.

MailChannel::__construct() — Method in class MailChannel

Create a new mail channel instance.

NotificationTableCommand::__construct() — Method in class NotificationTableCommand

Create a new notifications table command instance.

BroadcastNotificationCreated::__construct() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated

Create a new event instance.

NotificationFailed::__construct() — Method in class NotificationFailed

Create a new event instance.

NotificationSending::__construct() — Method in class NotificationSending

Create a new event instance.

NotificationSent::__construct() — Method in class NotificationSent

Create a new event instance.

BroadcastMessage::__construct() — Method in class BroadcastMessage

Create a new message instance.

DatabaseMessage::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseMessage

Create a new database message.

NotificationSender::__construct() — Method in class NotificationSender

Create a new notification sender instance.

SendQueuedNotifications::__construct() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications

Create a new job instance.

SendQueuedNotifications::__clone() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications

Prepare the instance for cloning.

AbstractPaginator::__call() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Make dynamic calls into the collection.

AbstractPaginator::__toString() — Method in class AbstractPaginator

Render the contents of the paginator when casting to string.

LengthAwarePaginator::__construct() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator

Create a new paginator instance.

Paginator::__construct() — Method in class Paginator

Create a new paginator instance.

UrlWindow::__construct() — Method in class UrlWindow

Create a new URL window instance.

Hub::__construct() — Method in class Hub

Create a new Hub instance.

Pipeline::__construct() — Method in class Pipeline

Create a new class instance.

BeanstalkdQueue::__construct() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue

Create a new Beanstalkd queue instance.

CallQueuedClosure::__construct() — Method in class CallQueuedClosure

Create a new job instance.

CallQueuedHandler::__construct() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler

Create a new handler instance.

Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager

Create a new queue capsule manager.

Manager::__call() — Method in class Manager

Pass dynamic instance methods to the manager.

Manager::__callStatic() — Method in class Manager

Dynamically pass methods to the default connection.

DatabaseConnector::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseConnector

Create a new connector instance.

RedisConnector::__construct() — Method in class RedisConnector

Create a new Redis queue connector instance.

FailedTableCommand::__construct() — Method in class FailedTableCommand

Create a new failed queue jobs table command instance.

ListenCommand::__construct() — Method in class ListenCommand

Create a new queue listen command.

RestartCommand::__construct() — Method in class RestartCommand

Create a new queue restart command.

TableCommand::__construct() — Method in class TableCommand

Create a new queue job table command instance.

WorkCommand::__construct() — Method in class WorkCommand

Create a new queue work command.

DatabaseQueue::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseQueue

Create a new database queue instance.

JobExceptionOccurred::__construct() — Method in class JobExceptionOccurred

Create a new event instance.

JobFailed::__construct() — Method in class JobFailed

Create a new event instance.

JobProcessed::__construct() — Method in class JobProcessed

Create a new event instance.

JobProcessing::__construct() — Method in class JobProcessing

Create a new event instance.

Looping::__construct() — Method in class Looping

Create a new event instance.

WorkerStopping::__construct() — Method in class WorkerStopping

Create a new event instance.

DatabaseFailedJobProvider::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider

Create a new database failed job provider.

DynamoDbFailedJobProvider::__construct() — Method in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider

Create a new DynamoDb failed job provider.

InvalidPayloadException::__construct() — Method in class InvalidPayloadException

Create a new exception instance.

BeanstalkdJob::__construct() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob

Create a new job instance.

DatabaseJob::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseJob

Create a new job instance.

DatabaseJobRecord::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseJobRecord

Create a new job record instance.

DatabaseJobRecord::__get() — Method in class DatabaseJobRecord

Dynamically access the underlying job information.

RedisJob::__construct() — Method in class RedisJob

Create a new job instance.

SqsJob::__construct() — Method in class SqsJob

Create a new job instance.

SyncJob::__construct() — Method in class SyncJob

Create a new job instance.

Listener::__construct() — Method in class Listener

Create a new queue listener.

ListenerOptions::__construct() — Method in class ListenerOptions

Create a new listener options instance.

QueueManager::__construct() — Method in class QueueManager

Create a new queue manager instance.

QueueManager::__call() — Method in class QueueManager

Dynamically pass calls to the default connection.

RedisQueue::__construct() — Method in class RedisQueue

Create a new Redis queue instance.

SerializesModels::__sleep() — Method in class SerializesModels

Prepare the instance for serialization.

SerializesModels::__wakeup() — Method in class SerializesModels

Restore the model after serialization.

SerializesModels::__serialize() — Method in class SerializesModels

Prepare the instance values for serialization.

SerializesModels::__unserialize() — Method in class SerializesModels

Restore the model after serialization.

SqsQueue::__construct() — Method in class SqsQueue

Create a new Amazon SQS queue instance.

Worker::__construct() — Method in class Worker

Create a new queue worker.

WorkerOptions::__construct() — Method in class WorkerOptions

Create a new worker options instance.

Connection::__call() — Method in class Connection

Pass other method calls down to the underlying client.

PhpRedisConnection::__construct() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Create a new PhpRedis connection.

PhpRedisConnection::__call() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection

Pass other method calls down to the underlying client.

PredisConnection::__construct() — Method in class PredisConnection

Create a new Predis connection.

CommandExecuted::__construct() — Method in class CommandExecuted

Create a new event instance.

ConcurrencyLimiter::__construct() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiter

Create a new concurrency limiter instance.

ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder::__construct() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder

Create a new builder instance.

DurationLimiter::__construct() — Method in class DurationLimiter

Create a new duration limiter instance.

DurationLimiterBuilder::__construct() — Method in class DurationLimiterBuilder

Create a new builder instance.

RedisManager::__construct() — Method in class RedisManager

Create a new Redis manager instance.

RedisManager::__call() — Method in class RedisManager

Pass methods onto the default Redis connection.

CompiledRouteCollection::__construct() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection

Create a new CompiledRouteCollection instance.

Controller::__call() — Method in class Controller

Handle calls to missing methods on the controller.

ControllerDispatcher::__construct() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher

Create a new controller dispatcher instance.

ControllerMiddlewareOptions::__construct() — Method in class ControllerMiddlewareOptions

Create a new middleware option instance.

RouteMatched::__construct() — Method in class RouteMatched

Create a new event instance.

InvalidSignatureException::__construct() — Method in class InvalidSignatureException

Create a new exception instance.

SubstituteBindings::__construct() — Method in class SubstituteBindings

Create a new bindings substitutor.

ThrottleRequests::__construct() — Method in class ThrottleRequests

Create a new request throttler.

ThrottleRequestsWithRedis::__construct() — Method in class ThrottleRequestsWithRedis

Create a new request throttler.

PendingResourceRegistration::__construct() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration

Create a new pending resource registration instance.

PendingResourceRegistration::__destruct() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration

Handle the object's destruction.

RedirectController::__invoke() — Method in class RedirectController

Invoke the controller method.

Redirector::__construct() — Method in class Redirector

Create a new Redirector instance.

ResourceRegistrar::__construct() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar

Create a new resource registrar instance.

ResponseFactory::__construct() — Method in class ResponseFactory

Create a new response factory instance.

Route::__construct() — Method in class Route

Create a new Route instance.

Route::__get() — Method in class Route

Dynamically access route parameters.

RouteFileRegistrar::__construct() — Method in class RouteFileRegistrar

Create a new route file registrar instance.

RouteParameterBinder::__construct() — Method in class RouteParameterBinder

Create a new Route parameter binder instance.

RouteRegistrar::__construct() — Method in class RouteRegistrar

Create a new route registrar instance.

RouteRegistrar::__call() — Method in class RouteRegistrar

Dynamically handle calls into the route registrar.

RouteUri::__construct() — Method in class RouteUri

Create a new route URI instance.

RouteUrlGenerator::__construct() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator

Create a new Route URL generator.

Router::__construct() — Method in class Router

Create a new Router instance.

Router::__call() — Method in class Router

Dynamically handle calls into the router instance.

SortedMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class SortedMiddleware

Create a new Sorted Middleware container.

UrlGenerator::__construct() — Method in class UrlGenerator

Create a new URL Generator instance.

ViewController::__construct() — Method in class ViewController

Create a new controller instance.

ViewController::__invoke() — Method in class ViewController

Invoke the controller method.

ArraySessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler

Create a new array driven handler instance.

CacheBasedSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler

Create a new cache driven handler instance.

SessionTableCommand::__construct() — Method in class SessionTableCommand

Create a new session table command instance.

CookieSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler

Create a new cookie driven handler instance.

DatabaseSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler

Create a new database session handler instance.

EncryptedStore::__construct() — Method in class EncryptedStore

Create a new session instance.

FileSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class FileSessionHandler

Create a new file driven handler instance.

AuthenticateSession::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticateSession

Create a new middleware instance.

StartSession::__construct() — Method in class StartSession

Create a new session middleware.

Store::__construct() — Method in class Store

Create a new session instance.

Collection::__construct() — Method in class Collection

Create a new collection.

Composer::__construct() — Method in class Composer

Create a new Composer manager instance.

DateFactory::__call() — Method in class DateFactory

Handle dynamic calls to generate dates.

Enumerable::__toString() — Method in class Enumerable

Convert the collection to its string representation.

Enumerable::__get() — Method in class Enumerable

Dynamically access collection proxies.

Facade::__callStatic() — Method in class Facade

Handle dynamic, static calls to the object.

Fluent::__construct() — Method in class Fluent

Create a new fluent instance.

Fluent::__call() — Method in class Fluent

Handle dynamic calls to the fluent instance to set attributes.

Fluent::__get() — Method in class Fluent

Dynamically retrieve the value of an attribute.

Fluent::__set() — Method in class Fluent

Dynamically set the value of an attribute.

Fluent::__isset() — Method in class Fluent

Dynamically check if an attribute is set.

Fluent::__unset() — Method in class Fluent

Dynamically unset an attribute.

HigherOrderCollectionProxy::__construct() — Method in class HigherOrderCollectionProxy

Create a new proxy instance.

HigherOrderCollectionProxy::__get() — Method in class HigherOrderCollectionProxy

Proxy accessing an attribute onto the collection items.

HigherOrderCollectionProxy::__call() — Method in class HigherOrderCollectionProxy

Proxy a method call onto the collection items.

HigherOrderTapProxy::__construct() — Method in class HigherOrderTapProxy

Create a new tap proxy instance.

HigherOrderTapProxy::__call() — Method in class HigherOrderTapProxy

Dynamically pass method calls to the target.

HigherOrderWhenProxy::__construct() — Method in class HigherOrderWhenProxy

Create a new proxy instance.

HigherOrderWhenProxy::__get() — Method in class HigherOrderWhenProxy

Proxy accessing an attribute onto the collection.

HigherOrderWhenProxy::__call() — Method in class HigherOrderWhenProxy

Proxy a method call onto the collection.

HtmlString::__construct() — Method in class HtmlString

Create a new HTML string instance.

HtmlString::__toString() — Method in class HtmlString

Get the HTML string.

LazyCollection::__construct() — Method in class LazyCollection

Create a new lazy collection instance.

Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager

Create a new manager instance.

Manager::__call() — Method in class Manager

Dynamically call the default driver instance.

MessageBag::__construct() — Method in class MessageBag

Create a new message bag instance.

MessageBag::__toString() — Method in class MessageBag

Convert the message bag to its string representation.

Optional::__construct() — Method in class Optional

Create a new optional instance.

Optional::__get() — Method in class Optional

Dynamically access a property on the underlying object.

Optional::__isset() — Method in class Optional

Dynamically check a property exists on the underlying object.

Optional::__call() — Method in class Optional

Dynamically pass a method to the underlying object.

ServiceProvider::__construct() — Method in class ServiceProvider

Create a new service provider instance.

Stringable::__construct() — Method in class Stringable

Create a new instance of the class.

Stringable::__get() — Method in class Stringable

Proxy dynamic properties onto methods.

Stringable::__toString() — Method in class Stringable

Get the raw string value.

BusFake::__construct() — Method in class BusFake

Create a new bus fake instance.

EventFake::__construct() — Method in class EventFake

Create a new event fake instance.

PendingMailFake::__construct() — Method in class PendingMailFake

Create a new instance.

QueueFake::__call() — Method in class QueueFake

Override the QueueManager to prevent circular dependency.

EnumeratesValues::__toString() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Convert the collection to its string representation.

EnumeratesValues::__get() — Method in class EnumeratesValues

Dynamically access collection proxies.

Macroable::__callStatic() — Method in class Macroable

Dynamically handle calls to the class.

Macroable::__call() — Method in class Macroable

Dynamically handle calls to the class.

ViewErrorBag::__call() — Method in class ViewErrorBag

Dynamically call methods on the default bag.

ViewErrorBag::__get() — Method in class ViewErrorBag

Dynamically access a view error bag.

ViewErrorBag::__set() — Method in class ViewErrorBag

Dynamically set a view error bag.

ViewErrorBag::__toString() — Method in class ViewErrorBag

Convert the default bag to its string representation.

ArraySubset::__construct() — Method in class ArraySubset

Create a new array subset constraint instance.

CountInDatabase::__construct() — Method in class CountInDatabase

Create a new constraint instance.

HasInDatabase::__construct() — Method in class HasInDatabase

Create a new constraint instance.

SeeInOrder::__construct() — Method in class SeeInOrder

Create a new constraint instance.

SoftDeletedInDatabase::__construct() — Method in class SoftDeletedInDatabase

Create a new constraint instance.

PendingCommand::__construct() — Method in class PendingCommand

Create a new pending console command run.

PendingCommand::__destruct() — Method in class PendingCommand

Handle the object's destruction.

TestResponse::__construct() — Method in class TestResponse

Create a new test response instance.

TestResponse::__get() — Method in class TestResponse

Dynamically access base response parameters.

TestResponse::__isset() — Method in class TestResponse

Proxy isset() checks to the underlying base response.

TestResponse::__call() — Method in class TestResponse

Handle dynamic calls into macros or pass missing methods to the base response.

FileLoader::__construct() — Method in class FileLoader

Create a new file loader instance.

Translator::__construct() — Method in class Translator

Create a new translator instance.

ClosureValidationRule::__construct() — Method in class ClosureValidationRule

Create a new Closure based validation rule.

FilterEmailValidation::__construct() — Method in class FilterEmailValidation

Create a new validation instance.

DatabasePresenceVerifier::__construct() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier

Create a new database presence verifier.

Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory

Create a new Validator factory instance.

DatabaseRule::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseRule

Create a new rule instance.

Dimensions::__construct() — Method in class Dimensions

Create a new dimensions rule instance.

Dimensions::__toString() — Method in class Dimensions

Convert the rule to a validation string.

Exists::__toString() — Method in class Exists

Convert the rule to a validation string.

In::__construct() — Method in class In

Create a new in rule instance.

In::__toString() — Method in class In

Convert the rule to a validation string.

NotIn::__construct() — Method in class NotIn

Create a new "not in" rule instance.

NotIn::__toString() — Method in class NotIn

Convert the rule to a validation string.

RequiredIf::__construct() — Method in class RequiredIf

Create a new required validation rule based on a condition.

RequiredIf::__toString() — Method in class RequiredIf

Convert the rule to a validation string.

Unique::__toString() — Method in class Unique

Convert the rule to a validation string.

ValidationException::__construct() — Method in class ValidationException

Create a new exception instance.

ValidationRuleParser::__construct() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser

Create a new validation rule parser.

Validator::__construct() — Method in class Validator

Create a new Validator instance.

Validator::__call() — Method in class Validator

Handle dynamic calls to class methods.

AnonymousComponent::__construct() — Method in class AnonymousComponent

Create a new anonymous component instance.

Compiler::__construct() — Method in class Compiler

Create a new compiler instance.

ComponentTagCompiler::__construct() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler

Create new component tag compiler.

ComponentAttributeBag::__construct() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Create a new component attribute bag instance.

ComponentAttributeBag::__invoke() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Merge additional attributes / values into the attribute bag.

ComponentAttributeBag::__toString() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag

Implode the attributes into a single HTML ready string.

CompilerEngine::__construct() — Method in class CompilerEngine

Create a new Blade view engine instance.

Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory

Create a new view factory instance.

FileViewFinder::__construct() — Method in class FileViewFinder

Create a new file view loader instance.

InvokableComponentVariable::__construct() — Method in class InvokableComponentVariable

Create a new variable instance.

InvokableComponentVariable::__get() — Method in class InvokableComponentVariable

Dynamically proxy attribute access to the variable.

InvokableComponentVariable::__call() — Method in class InvokableComponentVariable

Dynamically proxy method access to the variable.

InvokableComponentVariable::__invoke() — Method in class InvokableComponentVariable

Resolve the variable.

InvokableComponentVariable::__toString() — Method in class InvokableComponentVariable

Resolve the variable as a string.

ShareErrorsFromSession::__construct() — Method in class ShareErrorsFromSession

Create a new error binder instance.

View::__construct() — Method in class View

Create a new view instance.

View::__get() — Method in class View

Get a piece of data from the view.

View::__set() — Method in class View

Set a piece of data on the view.

View::__isset() — Method in class View

Check if a piece of data is bound to the view.

View::__unset() — Method in class View

Remove a piece of bound data from the view.

View::__call() — Method in class View

Dynamically bind parameters to the view.

View::__toString() — Method in class View

Get the string contents of the view.