- AuthorizationException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
- AuthorizationException::asNotFound() — Method in class AuthorizationException
Set the HTTP response status code to 404.
- $ GateEvaluated#ability — Property in class GateEvaluated
The ability being evaluated.
- $ GateEvaluated#arguments — Property in class GateEvaluated
The arguments given during evaluation.
- $ Gate#abilities — Property in class Gate
All of the defined abilities.
- $ Gate#afterCallbacks — Property in class Gate
All of the registered after callbacks.
- Gate::allowIf() — Method in class Gate
Perform an on-demand authorization check. Throw an authorization exception if the condition or callback is false.
- Gate::authorizeOnDemand() — Method in class Gate
Authorize a given condition or callback.
- Gate::after() — Method in class Gate
Register a callback to run after all Gate checks.
- Gate::allows() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
- Gate::any() — Method in class Gate
Determine if any one of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.
- Gate::authorize() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
- Gate::abilities() — Method in class Gate
Get all of the defined abilities.
- HandlesAuthorization::allow() — Method in class HandlesAuthorization
Create a new access response.
- $ Response#allowed — Property in class Response
Indicates whether the response was allowed.
- Response::allow() — Method in class Response
Create a new "allow" Response.
- Response::allowed() — Method in class Response
Determine if the response was allowed.
- Response::authorize() — Method in class Response
Throw authorization exception if response was denied.
- Response::asNotFound() — Method in class Response
Set the HTTP response status code to 404.
- AuthManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- $ AuthManager#app — Property in class AuthManager
The application instance.
- AuthServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- Authenticatable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- AuthenticationException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- Attempting — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- Authenticated — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- $ GenericUser#attributes — Property in class GenericUser
All of the user's attributes.
- GuardHelpers::authenticate() — Method in class GuardHelpers
Determine if the current user is authenticated. If not, throw an exception.
- Authenticate — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
- $ Authenticate#auth — Property in class Authenticate
The authentication factory instance.
- Authenticate::authenticate() — Method in class Authenticate
Determine if the user is logged in to any of the given guards.
- AuthenticateWithBasicAuth — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
- $ AuthenticateWithBasicAuth#auth — Property in class AuthenticateWithBasicAuth
The guard factory instance.
- Authorize — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
- $ PasswordBrokerManager#app — Property in class PasswordBrokerManager
The application instance.
- SessionGuard::attemptBasic() — Method in class SessionGuard
Attempt to authenticate using basic authentication.
- SessionGuard::attempt() — Method in class SessionGuard
Attempt to authenticate a user using the given credentials.
- SessionGuard::attemptWhen() — Method in class SessionGuard
Attempt to authenticate a user with credentials and additional callbacks.
- SessionGuard::attempting() — Method in class SessionGuard
Register an authentication attempt event listener.
- BroadcastController::authenticate() — Method in class BroadcastController
Authenticate the request for channel access.
- BroadcastController::authenticateUser() — Method in class BroadcastController
Authenticate the current user.
- $ BroadcastManager#app — Property in class BroadcastManager
The application instance.
- BroadcastManager::ably() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Get an Ably instance for the given configuration.
- AblyBroadcaster — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
- $ AblyBroadcaster#ably — Property in class AblyBroadcaster
The AblyRest SDK instance.
- AblyBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster
Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.
- $ Broadcaster#authenticatedUserCallback — Property in class Broadcaster
The callback to resolve the authenticated user information.
- LogBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class LogBroadcaster
Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.
- NullBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class NullBroadcaster
Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.
- PusherBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster
Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.
- RedisBroadcaster::auth() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster
Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.
- Batch::add() — Method in class Batch
Add additional jobs to the batch.
- Batch::allowsFailures() — Method in class Batch
Determine if the batch allows jobs to fail without cancelling the batch.
- PendingBatch::add() — Method in class PendingBatch
Add jobs to the batch.
- PendingBatch::allowFailures() — Method in class PendingBatch
Indicate that the batch should not be cancelled when a job within the batch fails.
- PendingBatch::allowsFailures() — Method in class PendingBatch
Determine if the pending batch allows jobs to fail without cancelling the batch.
- $ Queueable#afterCommit — Property in class Queueable
Indicates whether the job should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed.
- Queueable::allOnConnection() — Method in class Queueable
Set the desired connection for the chain.
- Queueable::allOnQueue() — Method in class Queueable
Set the desired queue for the chain.
- Queueable::afterCommit() — Method in class Queueable
Indicate that the job should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed.
- Queueable::appendToChain() — Method in class Queueable
Append a job to the end of the current chain.
- UniqueLock::acquire() — Method in class UniqueLock
Attempt to acquire a lock for the given job.
- UpdatedBatchJobCounts::allJobsHaveRanExactlyOnce() — Method in class UpdatedBatchJobCounts
Determine if all jobs have run exactly once.
- ApcStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- $ ApcStore#apc — Property in class ApcStore
The APC wrapper instance.
- ApcWrapper — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- $ ApcWrapper#apcu — Property in class ApcWrapper
Indicates if APCu is supported.
- ArrayLock — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- ArrayLock::acquire() — Method in class ArrayLock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- ArrayStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- CacheLock::acquire() — Method in class CacheLock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- $ CacheManager#app — Property in class CacheManager
The application instance.
- DatabaseLock::acquire() — Method in class DatabaseLock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- DatabaseStore::add() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.
- DynamoDbLock::acquire() — Method in class DynamoDbLock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- DynamoDbStore::add() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.
- FileLock::acquire() — Method in class FileLock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- FileStore::add() — Method in class FileStore
Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.
- Lock::acquire() — Method in class Lock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- MemcachedLock::acquire() — Method in class MemcachedLock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- MemcachedStore::add() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.
- NoLock::acquire() — Method in class NoLock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- RateLimiter::attempt() — Method in class RateLimiter
Attempts to execute a callback if it's not limited.
- RateLimiter::attempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
Get the number of attempts for the given key.
- RateLimiter::availableIn() — Method in class RateLimiter
Get the number of seconds until the "key" is accessible again.
- RedisLock::acquire() — Method in class RedisLock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- RedisStore::add() — Method in class RedisStore
Store an item in the cache if the key doesn't exist.
- RedisTagSet::addEntry() — Method in class RedisTagSet
Add a reference entry to the tag set's underlying sorted set.
- RedisTaggedCache::add() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache
Store an item in the cache if the key does not exist.
- Repository::add() — Method in class Repository
Store an item in the cache if the key does not exist.
- Repository::all() — Method in class Repository
Get all of the configuration items for the application.
- Application — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- Application::artisanBinary() — Method in class Application
Determine the proper Artisan executable.
- Application::add() — Method in class Application
Add a command to the console.
- Application::addToParent() — Method in class Application
Add the command to the parent instance.
- $ Command#aliases — Property in class Command
The console command name aliases.
- CreatesMatchingTest::addTestOptions() — Method in class CreatesMatchingTest
Add the standard command options for generating matching tests.
- InteractsWithIO::argument() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Get the value of a command argument.
- InteractsWithIO::arguments() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Get all of the arguments passed to the command.
- InteractsWithIO::ask() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Prompt the user for input.
- InteractsWithIO::anticipate() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Prompt the user for input with auto completion.
- InteractsWithIO::askWithCompletion() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Prompt the user for input with auto completion.
- InteractsWithIO::alert() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Write a string in an alert box.
- PromptsForMissingInput::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class PromptsForMissingInput
Perform actions after the user was prompted for missing arguments.
- ArtisanStarting — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
- $ ArtisanStarting#artisan — Property in class ArtisanStarting
The Artisan application instance.
- GeneratorCommand::alreadyExists() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Determine if the class already exists.
- $ Event#afterCallbacks — Property in class Event
The array of callbacks to be run after the event is finished.
- Event::appendOutputTo() — Method in class Event
Append the output of the command to a given location.
- Event::after() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to be called after the operation.
- ManagesFrequencies::at() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the command at a given time.
- $ Signals#availabilityResolver — Property in class Signals
- Alert — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
- Ask — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
- AskWithCompletion — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
- Factory::alert() — Method in class Factory
- Factory::ask() — Method in class Factory
- Factory::askWithCompletion() — Method in class Factory
- BoundMethod::addDependencyForCallParameter() — Method in class BoundMethod
Get the dependency for the given call parameter.
- $ Container#aliases — Property in class Container
The registered type aliases.
- $ Container#abstractAliases — Property in class Container
The registered aliases keyed by the abstract name.
- $ Container#afterResolvingCallbacks — Property in class Container
All of the after resolving callbacks by class type.
- Container::addContextualBinding() — Method in class Container
Add a contextual binding to the container.
- Container::alias() — Method in class Container
Alias a type to a different name.
- Container::afterResolving() — Method in class Container
Register a new after resolving callback.
- Util::arrayWrap() — Method in class Util
If the given value is not an array and not null, wrap it in one.
- Authorizable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access
- Gate::after() — Method in class Gate
Register a callback to run after all Gate checks.
- Gate::allows() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
- Gate::any() — Method in class Gate
Determine if any one of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.
- Gate::authorize() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
- Gate::abilities() — Method in class Gate
Get all of the defined abilities.
- Authenticatable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- AuthenticatesRequests — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Middleware
- StatefulGuard::attempt() — Method in class StatefulGuard
Attempt to authenticate a user using the given credentials.
- Broadcaster::auth() — Method in class Broadcaster
Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.
- Repository::add() — Method in class Repository
Store an item in the cache if the key does not exist.
- Repository::all() — Method in class Repository
Get all of the configuration items for the application.
- Application — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Console
- Kernel::all() — Method in class Kernel
Get all of the commands registered with the console.
- Container::alias() — Method in class Container
Alias a type to a different name.
- Container::addContextualBinding() — Method in class Container
Add a contextual binding to the container.
- Container::afterResolving() — Method in class Container
Register a new after resolving callback.
- Filesystem::append() — Method in class Filesystem
Append to a file.
- Filesystem::allFiles() — Method in class Filesystem
Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).
- Filesystem::allDirectories() — Method in class Filesystem
Get all (recursive) of the directories within a given directory.
- Application — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation
- MaintenanceMode::activate() — Method in class MaintenanceMode
Take the application down for maintenance.
- MaintenanceMode::active() — Method in class MaintenanceMode
Determine if the application is currently down for maintenance.
- Attachable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Mail
- CursorPaginator::appends() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Add a set of query string values to the paginator.
- Paginator::appends() — Method in class Paginator
Add a set of query string values to the paginator.
- Job::attempts() — Method in class Job
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- UrlGenerator::asset() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate the URL to an application asset.
- UrlGenerator::action() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the URL to a controller action.
- AuthenticatesSessions — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Session\Middleware
- Session::all() — Method in class Session
Get all of the session data.
- Arrayable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- MessageBag::add() — Method in class MessageBag
Add a message to the bag.
- MessageBag::all() — Method in class MessageBag
Get all of the messages for every key in the bag.
- Loader::addNamespace() — Method in class Loader
Add a new namespace to the loader.
- Loader::addJsonPath() — Method in class Loader
Add a new JSON path to the loader.
- Validator::after() — Method in class Validator
Add an after validation callback.
- Factory::addNamespace() — Method in class Factory
Add a new namespace to the loader.
- AddQueuedCookiesToResponse — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware
- Manager::addConnection() — Method in class Manager
Register a connection with the manager.
- ManagesTransactions::afterCommitCallbacksShouldBeExecuted() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Determine if after commit callbacks should be executed.
- ManagesTransactions::afterCommit() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Execute the callback after a transaction commits.
- Connection::affectingStatement() — Method in class Connection
Run an SQL statement and get the number of rows affected.
- Connection::allowQueryDurationHandlersToRunAgain() — Method in class Connection
Allow all the query duration handlers to run again, even if they have already run.
- ConnectionInterface::affectingStatement() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Run an SQL statement and get the number of rows affected.
- ConnectionResolver::addConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
Add a connection to the resolver.
- PostgresConnector::addSslOptions() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Add the SSL options to the DSN.
- ShowModelCommand::attributeIsHidden() — Method in class ShowModelCommand
Determine if the given attribute is hidden.
- $ DatabaseManager#app — Property in class DatabaseManager
The application instance.
- DatabaseManager::availableDrivers() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Get all of the drivers that are actually available.
- DatabaseTransactionRecord::addCallback() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionRecord
Register a callback to be executed after committing.
- DatabaseTransactionsManager::addCallback() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager
Register a transaction callback.
- $ BroadcastableModelEventOccurred#afterCommit — Property in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
Indicates whether the job should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed.
- Builder::addUpdatedAtColumn() — Method in class Builder
Add the "updated at" column to an array of values.
- Builder::addTimestampsToUpsertValues() — Method in class Builder
Add timestamps to the inserted values.
- Builder::addUpdatedAtToUpsertColumns() — Method in class Builder
Add the "updated at" column to the updated columns.
- Builder::applyScopes() — Method in class Builder
Apply the scopes to the Eloquent builder instance and return it.
- Builder::addNewWheresWithinGroup() — Method in class Builder
Nest where conditions by slicing them at the given where count.
- Builder::addNestedWiths() — Method in class Builder
Parse the nested relationships in a relation.
- ArrayObject — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
- AsArrayObject — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
- AsCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
- AsEncryptedArrayObject — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
- AsEncryptedCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
- AsEnumArrayObject — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
- $ AsEnumArrayObject#arguments — Property in class AsEnumArrayObject
- AsEnumCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
- $ AsEnumCollection#arguments — Property in class AsEnumCollection
- AsStringable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
- Attribute — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts
- Collection::append() — Method in class Collection
Append an attribute across the entire collection.
- $ HasAttributes#attributes — Property in class HasAttributes
The model's attributes.
- $ HasAttributes#attributeCastCache — Property in class HasAttributes
The attributes that have been cast using "Attribute" return type mutators.
- $ HasAttributes#appends — Property in class HasAttributes
The accessors to append to the model's array form.
- $ HasAttributes#attributeMutatorCache — Property in class HasAttributes
The cache of the "Attribute" return type marked mutated attributes for each class.
- HasAttributes::attributesToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes
Convert the model's attributes to an array.
- HasAttributes::addDateAttributesToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes
Add the date attributes to the attributes array.
- HasAttributes::addMutatedAttributesToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes
Add the mutated attributes to the attributes array.
- HasAttributes::addCastAttributesToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes
Add the casted attributes to the attributes array.
- HasAttributes::asJson() — Method in class HasAttributes
Encode the given value as JSON.
- HasAttributes::asDecimal() — Method in class HasAttributes
Return a decimal as string.
- HasAttributes::asDate() — Method in class HasAttributes
Return a timestamp as DateTime object with time set to 00:00:00.
- HasAttributes::asDateTime() — Method in class HasAttributes
Return a timestamp as DateTime object.
- HasAttributes::asTimestamp() — Method in class HasAttributes
Return a timestamp as unix timestamp.
- HasAttributes::append() — Method in class HasAttributes
Append attributes to query when building a query.
- HasEvents::addObservableEvents() — Method in class HasEvents
Add an observable event name.
- HasGlobalScopes::addGlobalScope() — Method in class HasGlobalScopes
Register a new global scope on the model.
- QueriesRelationships::addHasWhere() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add the "has" condition where clause to the query.
- QueriesRelationships::addWhereCountQuery() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a sub-query count clause to this query.
- BelongsToRelationship::attributesFor() — Method in class BelongsToRelationship
Get the parent model attributes and resolvers for the given child model.
- $ Factory#afterMaking — Property in class Factory
The "after making" callbacks that will be applied to the model.
- $ Factory#afterCreating — Property in class Factory
The "after creating" callbacks that will be applied to the model.
- Factory::afterMaking() — Method in class Factory
Add a new "after making" callback to the model definition.
- Factory::afterCreating() — Method in class Factory
Add a new "after creating" callback to the model definition.
- Factory::appNamespace() — Method in class Factory
Get the application namespace for the application.
- Model::all() — Method in class Model
Get all of the models from the database.
- BelongsTo::addConstraints() — Method in class BelongsTo
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- BelongsTo::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class BelongsTo
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- BelongsTo::associate() — Method in class BelongsTo
Associate the model instance to the given parent.
- $ BelongsToMany#accessor — Property in class BelongsToMany
The name of the accessor to use for the "pivot" relationship.
- BelongsToMany::addConstraints() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- BelongsToMany::addWhereConstraints() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set the where clause for the relation query.
- BelongsToMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- BelongsToMany::as() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Specify the custom pivot accessor to use for the relationship.
- BelongsToMany::aliasedPivotColumns() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the pivot columns for the relation.
- BelongsToMany::allRelatedIds() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get all of the IDs for the related models.
- AsPivot — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Concerns
- CanBeOneOfMany::addOneOfManySubQueryConstraints() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Add constraints for inner join subselect for one of many relationships.
- CanBeOneOfMany::addOneOfManyJoinSubQueryConstraints() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Add join query constraints for one of many relationships.
- CanBeOneOfMany::addOneOfManyJoinSubQuery() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Add the join subquery to the given query on the given column and the relationship's foreign key.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::attachNew() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Attach all of the records that aren't in the given current records.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::attach() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Attach a model to the parent.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::attachUsingCustomClass() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Attach a model to the parent using a custom class.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::addTimestampsToAttachment() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Set the creation and update timestamps on an attach record.
- HasManyThrough::addConstraints() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- HasManyThrough::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- HasOne::addOneOfManySubQueryConstraints() — Method in class HasOne
Add constraints for inner join subselect for one of many relationships.
- HasOne::addOneOfManyJoinSubQueryConstraints() — Method in class HasOne
Add join query constraints for one of many relationships.
- HasOneOrMany::addConstraints() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- HasOneOrMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- MorphOne::addOneOfManySubQueryConstraints() — Method in class MorphOne
Add constraints for inner join subselect for one of many relationships.
- MorphOne::addOneOfManyJoinSubQueryConstraints() — Method in class MorphOne
Add join query constraints for one of many relationships.
- MorphOneOrMany::addConstraints() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- MorphOneOrMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- MorphTo::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphTo
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- MorphTo::associate() — Method in class MorphTo
Associate the model instance to the given parent.
- MorphToMany::addWhereConstraints() — Method in class MorphToMany
Set the where clause for the relation query.
- MorphToMany::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class MorphToMany
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- MorphToMany::aliasedPivotColumns() — Method in class MorphToMany
Get the pivot columns for the relation.
- Relation::addConstraints() — Method in class Relation
Set the base constraints on the relation query.
- Relation::addEagerConstraints() — Method in class Relation
Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.
- Scope::apply() — Method in class Scope
Apply the scope to a given Eloquent query builder.
- SoftDeletingScope::apply() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope
Apply the scope to a given Eloquent query builder.
- SoftDeletingScope::addRestore() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope
Add the restore extension to the builder.
- SoftDeletingScope::addRestoreOrCreate() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope
Add the restore-or-create extension to the builder.
- SoftDeletingScope::addWithTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope
Add the with-trashed extension to the builder.
- SoftDeletingScope::addWithoutTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope
Add the without-trashed extension to the builder.
- SoftDeletingScope::addOnlyTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope
Add the only-trashed extension to the builder.
- MigrationCreator::afterCreate() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Register a post migration create hook.
- $ Builder#aggregate — Property in class Builder
An aggregate function and column to be run.
- Builder::addSelect() — Method in class Builder
Add a new select column to the query.
- Builder::addArrayOfWheres() — Method in class Builder
Add an array of where clauses to the query.
- Builder::addDateBasedWhere() — Method in class Builder
Add a date based (year, month, day, time) statement to the query.
- Builder::addNestedWhereQuery() — Method in class Builder
Add another query builder as a nested where to the query builder.
- Builder::addWhereExistsQuery() — Method in class Builder
Add an exists clause to the query.
- Builder::addDynamic() — Method in class Builder
Add a single dynamic where clause statement to the query.
- Builder::addNestedHavingQuery() — Method in class Builder
Add another query builder as a nested having to the query builder.
- Builder::applyBeforeQueryCallbacks() — Method in class Builder
Invoke the "before query" modification callbacks.
- Builder::avg() — Method in class Builder
Retrieve the average of the values of a given column.
- Builder::average() — Method in class Builder
Alias for the "avg" method.
- Builder::aggregate() — Method in class Builder
Execute an aggregate function on the database.
- Builder::addBinding() — Method in class Builder
Add a binding to the query.
- $ Blueprint#after — Property in class Blueprint
The column to add new columns after.
- Blueprint::addImpliedCommands() — Method in class Blueprint
Add the commands that are implied by the blueprint's state.
- Blueprint::addFluentIndexes() — Method in class Blueprint
Add the index commands fluently specified on columns.
- Blueprint::addFluentCommands() — Method in class Blueprint
Add the fluent commands specified on any columns.
- Blueprint::addColumn() — Method in class Blueprint
Add a new column to the blueprint.
- Blueprint::addColumnDefinition() — Method in class Blueprint
Add a new column definition to the blueprint.
- Blueprint::after() — Method in class Blueprint
Add the columns from the callback after the given column.
- Blueprint::addCommand() — Method in class Blueprint
Add a new command to the blueprint.
- $ Builder#alwaysUsesNativeSchemaOperationsIfPossible — Property in class Builder
Indicates whether Doctrine DBAL usage will be prevented if possible when dropping, renaming, and modifying columns.
- ColumnDefinition::after() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- ColumnDefinition::always() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- ColumnDefinition::autoIncrement() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- Grammar::addModifiers() — Method in class Grammar
Add the column modifiers to the definition.
- SQLiteGrammar::addForeignKeys() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Get the foreign key syntax for a table creation statement.
- SQLiteGrammar::addPrimaryKeys() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Get the primary key syntax for a table creation statement.
- IndexDefinition::algorithm() — Method in class IndexDefinition
- MySqlSchemaState::appendMigrationData() — Method in class MySqlSchemaState
Append the migration data to the schema dump.
- SqliteSchemaState::appendMigrationData() — Method in class SqliteSchemaState
Append the migration data to the schema dump.
- Dispatcher::addInterfaceListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher
Add the listeners for the event's interfaces to the given array.
- AwsS3V3Adapter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
- Filesystem::append() — Method in class Filesystem
Append to a file.
- Filesystem::allFiles() — Method in class Filesystem
Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).
- $ FilesystemAdapter#adapter — Property in class FilesystemAdapter
The Flysystem adapter implementation.
- FilesystemAdapter::assertExists() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Assert that the given file or directory exists.
- FilesystemAdapter::assertMissing() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Assert that the given file or directory does not exist.
- FilesystemAdapter::assertDirectoryEmpty() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Assert that the given directory is empty.
- FilesystemAdapter::append() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Append to a file.
- FilesystemAdapter::allFiles() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).
- FilesystemAdapter::allDirectories() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get all the directories within a given directory (recursive).
- $ FilesystemManager#app — Property in class FilesystemManager
The application instance.
- AliasLoader — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- $ AliasLoader#aliases — Property in class AliasLoader
The array of class aliases.
- AliasLoader::alias() — Method in class AliasLoader
Add an alias to the loader.
- Application — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- $ Application#appPath — Property in class Application
The custom application path defined by the developer.
- $ Application#absoluteCachePathPrefixes — Property in class Application
The prefixes of absolute cache paths for use during normalization.
- Application::afterLoadingEnvironment() — Method in class Application
Register a callback to run after loading the environment.
- Application::afterBootstrapping() — Method in class Application
Register a callback to run after a bootstrapper.
- Application::addAbsoluteCachePathPrefix() — Method in class Application
Add new prefix to list of absolute path prefixes.
- Application::abort() — Method in class Application
Throw an HttpException with the given data.
- Application::addDeferredServices() — Method in class Application
Add an array of services to the application's deferred services.
- Authorizable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access
- AuthorizesRequests — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access
- AuthorizesRequests::authorize() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests
Authorize a given action for the current user.
- AuthorizesRequests::authorizeForUser() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests
Authorize a given action for a user.
- AuthorizesRequests::authorizeResource() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests
Authorize a resource action based on the incoming request.
- EmailVerificationRequest::authorize() — Method in class EmailVerificationRequest
Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
- $ HandleExceptions#app — Property in class HandleExceptions
The application instance.
- $ PendingDispatch#afterResponse — Property in class PendingDispatch
Indicates if the job should be dispatched immediately after sending the response.
- PendingDispatch::allOnConnection() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Set the desired connection for the chain.
- PendingDispatch::allOnQueue() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Set the desired queue for the chain.
- PendingDispatch::afterCommit() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Indicate that the job should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed.
- PendingDispatch::afterResponse() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Indicate that the job should be dispatched after the response is sent to the browser.
- CacheBasedMaintenanceMode::activate() — Method in class CacheBasedMaintenanceMode
Take the application down for maintenance.
- CacheBasedMaintenanceMode::active() — Method in class CacheBasedMaintenanceMode
Determine if the application is currently down for maintenance.
- $ ResolvesDumpSource#adjustableTraces — Property in class ResolvesDumpSource
Files that require special trace handling and their levels.
- AboutCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- AboutCommand::add() — Method in class AboutCommand
Add additional data to the output of the "about" command.
- AboutCommand::addToSection() — Method in class AboutCommand
Add additional data to the output of the "about" command.
- DocsCommand::askForPage() — Method in class DocsCommand
Ask the user which page they would like to open.
- DocsCommand::askForPageViaCustomStrategy() — Method in class DocsCommand
Ask the user which page they would like to open via a custom strategy.
- DocsCommand::askForPageViaAutocomplete() — Method in class DocsCommand
Ask the user which page they would like to open using autocomplete.
- EventListCommand::appendEventInterfaces() — Method in class EventListCommand
Add the event implemented interfaces to the output.
- EventListCommand::appendListenerInterfaces() — Method in class EventListCommand
Add the listener implemented interfaces to the output.
- EventMakeCommand::alreadyExists() — Method in class EventMakeCommand
Determine if the class already exists.
- ExceptionMakeCommand::alreadyExists() — Method in class ExceptionMakeCommand
Determine if the class already exists.
- $ Kernel#app — Property in class Kernel
The application implementation.
- $ Kernel#artisan — Property in class Kernel
The Artisan application instance.
- Kernel::all() — Method in class Kernel
Get all of the commands registered with the console.
- ListenerMakeCommand::alreadyExists() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand
Determine if the class already exists.
- ListenerMakeCommand::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand
Interact further with the user if they were prompted for missing arguments.
- ModelMakeCommand::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
Interact further with the user if they were prompted for missing arguments.
- ObserverMakeCommand::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class ObserverMakeCommand
Interact further with the user if they were prompted for missing arguments.
- PolicyMakeCommand::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand
Interact further with the user if they were prompted for missing arguments.
- RouteListCommand::asJson() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Convert the given routes to JSON.
- TestMakeCommand::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class TestMakeCommand
Interact further with the user if they were prompted for missing arguments.
- PublishingStubs::add() — Method in class PublishingStubs
Add a new stub to be published.
- FileBasedMaintenanceMode::activate() — Method in class FileBasedMaintenanceMode
Take the application down for maintenance.
- FileBasedMaintenanceMode::active() — Method in class FileBasedMaintenanceMode
Determine if the application is currently down for maintenance.
- FormRequest::attributes() — Method in class FormRequest
Get custom attributes for validator errors.
- $ Kernel#app — Property in class Kernel
The application implementation.
- Kernel::appendMiddlewareToGroup() — Method in class Kernel
Append the given middleware to the given middleware group.
- Kernel::appendToMiddlewarePriority() — Method in class Kernel
Append the given middleware to the middleware priority list.
- HandlePrecognitiveRequests::appendVaryHeader() — Method in class HandlePrecognitiveRequests
Append the appropriate "Vary" header to the given response.
- $ PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance#app — Property in class PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance
The application implementation.
- $ VerifyCsrfToken#app — Property in class VerifyCsrfToken
The application instance.
- $ VerifyCsrfToken#addHttpCookie — Property in class VerifyCsrfToken
Indicates whether the XSRF-TOKEN cookie should be set on the response.
- VerifyCsrfToken::addCookieToResponse() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken
Add the CSRF token to the response cookies.
- PackageManifest::aliases() — Method in class PackageManifest
Get all of the aliases for all packages.
- Precognition::afterValidationHook() — Method in class Precognition
Get the "after" validation hook that can be used for precognition requests.
- $ ProviderRepository#app — Property in class ProviderRepository
The application implementation.
- ArtisanServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
- AuthServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers
- InteractsWithAuthentication::actingAs() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Set the currently logged in user for the application.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::assertAuthenticated() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Assert that the user is authenticated.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::assertGuest() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Assert that the user is not authenticated.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::assertAuthenticatedAs() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Assert that the user is authenticated as the given user.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::assertCredentials() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Assert that the given credentials are valid.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::assertInvalidCredentials() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Assert that the given credentials are invalid.
- InteractsWithConsole::artisan() — Method in class InteractsWithConsole
Call artisan command and return code.
- InteractsWithDatabase::assertDatabaseHas() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Assert that a given where condition exists in the database.
- InteractsWithDatabase::assertDatabaseMissing() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Assert that a given where condition does not exist in the database.
- InteractsWithDatabase::assertDatabaseCount() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Assert the count of table entries.
- InteractsWithDatabase::assertDatabaseEmpty() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Assert that the given table has no entries.
- InteractsWithDatabase::assertSoftDeleted() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Assert the given record has been "soft deleted".
- InteractsWithDatabase::assertNotSoftDeleted() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Assert the given record has not been "soft deleted".
- InteractsWithDatabase::assertModelExists() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Assert the given model exists in the database.
- InteractsWithDatabase::assertModelMissing() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Assert the given model does not exist in the database.
- $ DatabaseTruncation#allTables — Property in class DatabaseTruncation
The cached names of the database tables for each connection.
- RefreshDatabase::afterRefreshingDatabase() — Method in class RefreshDatabase
Perform any work that should take place once the database has finished refreshing.
- $ TestCase#app — Property in class TestCase
The Illuminate application instance.
- $ TestCase#afterApplicationCreatedCallbacks — Property in class TestCase
The callbacks that should be run after the application is created.
- TestCase::afterApplicationCreated() — Method in class TestCase
Register a callback to be run after the application is created.
- Vite::asset() — Method in class Vite
Get the URL for an asset.
- Vite::assetPath() — Method in class Vite
Generate an asset path for the application.
- AbstractHasher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
- Argon2IdHasher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
- Argon2IdHasher::algorithm() — Method in class Argon2IdHasher
Get the algorithm that should be used for hashing.
- ArgonHasher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
- ArgonHasher::algorithm() — Method in class ArgonHasher
Get the algorithm that should be used for hashing.
- DeterminesStatusCode::accepted() — Method in class DeterminesStatusCode
Determine if the response code was 202 "Accepted" response.
- Factory::allowStrayRequests() — Method in class Factory
Indicate that an exception should not be thrown if any request is not faked.
- Factory::assertSent() — Method in class Factory
Assert that a request / response pair was recorded matching a given truth test.
- Factory::assertSentInOrder() — Method in class Factory
Assert that the given request was sent in the given order.
- Factory::assertNotSent() — Method in class Factory
Assert that a request / response pair was not recorded matching a given truth test.
- Factory::assertNothingSent() — Method in class Factory
Assert that no request / response pair was recorded.
- Factory::assertSentCount() — Method in class Factory
Assert how many requests have been recorded.
- Factory::assertSequencesAreEmpty() — Method in class Factory
Assert that every created response sequence is empty.
- $ PendingRequest#async — Property in class PendingRequest
Whether the requests should be asynchronous.
- PendingRequest::asJson() — Method in class PendingRequest
Indicate the request contains JSON.
- PendingRequest::asForm() — Method in class PendingRequest
Indicate the request contains form parameters.
- PendingRequest::attach() — Method in class PendingRequest
Attach a file to the request.
- PendingRequest::asMultipart() — Method in class PendingRequest
Indicate the request is a multi-part form request.
- PendingRequest::acceptJson() — Method in class PendingRequest
Indicate that JSON should be returned by the server.
- PendingRequest::accept() — Method in class PendingRequest
Indicate the type of content that should be returned by the server.
- PendingRequest::async() — Method in class PendingRequest
Toggle asynchronicity in requests.
- Pool::as() — Method in class Pool
Add a request to the pool with a key.
- Pool::asyncRequest() — Method in class Pool
Retrieve a new async pending request.
- InteractsWithContentTypes::accepts() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes
Determines whether the current requests accepts a given content type.
- InteractsWithContentTypes::acceptsAnyContentType() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes
Determine if the current request accepts any content type.
- InteractsWithContentTypes::acceptsJson() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes
Determines whether a request accepts JSON.
- InteractsWithContentTypes::acceptsHtml() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes
Determines whether a request accepts HTML.
- InteractsWithInput::anyFilled() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Determine if the request contains a non-empty value for any of the given inputs.
- InteractsWithInput::all() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Get all of the input and files for the request.
- InteractsWithInput::allFiles() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Get an array of all of the files on the request.
- AddLinkHeadersForPreloadedAssets — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Middleware
- $ TrustHosts#app — Property in class TrustHosts
The application instance.
- TrustHosts::allSubdomainsOfApplicationUrl() — Method in class TrustHosts
Get a regular expression matching the application URL and all of its subdomains.
- Request::ajax() — Method in class Request
Determine if the request is the result of an AJAX call.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::attributes() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Merge the given attributes.
- AnonymousResourceCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json
- $ JsonResource#additional — Property in class JsonResource
The additional meta data that should be added to the resource response.
- JsonResource::additional() — Method in class JsonResource
Add additional meta data to the resource response.
- $ LogManager#app — Property in class LogManager
The application instance.
- LogManager::alert() — Method in class LogManager
Action must be taken immediately.
- Logger::alert() — Method in class Logger
Log an alert message to the logs.
- ParsesLogConfiguration::actionLevel() — Method in class ParsesLogConfiguration
Parse the action level from the given configuration.
- Attachment — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail
- $ Attachment#as — Property in class Attachment
The attached file's filename.
- Attachment::as() — Method in class Attachment
Set the attached file's filename.
- Attachment::attachWith() — Method in class Attachment
Attach the attachment with the given strategies.
- Attachment::attachTo() — Method in class Attachment
Attach the attachment to a built-in mail type.
- $ MailManager#app — Property in class MailManager
The application instance.
- MailManager::addSesCredentials() — Method in class MailManager
Add the SES credentials to the configuration array.
- $ Mailable#attachments — Property in class Mailable
The attachments for the message.
- $ Mailable#assertionableRenderStrings — Property in class Mailable
The rendered mailable views for testing / assertions.
- Mailable::addressesToArray() — Method in class Mailable
Convert the given recipient arguments to an array.
- Mailable::attach() — Method in class Mailable
Attach a file to the message.
- Mailable::attachMany() — Method in class Mailable
Attach multiple files to the message.
- Mailable::attachFromStorage() — Method in class Mailable
Attach a file to the message from storage.
- Mailable::attachFromStorageDisk() — Method in class Mailable
Attach a file to the message from storage.
- Mailable::attachData() — Method in class Mailable
Attach in-memory data as an attachment.
- Mailable::assertFrom() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the mailable is from the given address.
- Mailable::assertTo() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the mailable has the given recipient.
- Mailable::assertHasTo() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the mailable has the given recipient.
- Mailable::assertHasCc() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the mailable has the given recipient.
- Mailable::assertHasBcc() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the mailable has the given recipient.
- Mailable::assertHasReplyTo() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the mailable has the given "reply to" address.
- Mailable::assertHasSubject() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the mailable has the given subject.
- Mailable::assertSeeInHtml() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the given text is present in the HTML email body.
- Mailable::assertDontSeeInHtml() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the given text is not present in the HTML email body.
- Mailable::assertSeeInOrderInHtml() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the given text strings are present in order in the HTML email body.
- Mailable::assertSeeInText() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the given text is present in the plain-text email body.
- Mailable::assertDontSeeInText() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the given text is not present in the plain-text email body.
- Mailable::assertSeeInOrderInText() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the given text strings are present in order in the plain-text email body.
- Mailable::assertHasAttachment() — Method in class Mailable
Assert the mailable has the given attachment.
- Mailable::assertHasAttachedData() — Method in class Mailable
Assert the mailable has the given data as an attachment.
- Mailable::assertHasAttachmentFromStorage() — Method in class Mailable
Assert the mailable has the given attachment from storage.
- Mailable::assertHasAttachmentFromStorageDisk() — Method in class Mailable
Assert the mailable has the given attachment from a specific storage disk.
- Mailable::assertHasTag() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the mailable has the given tag.
- Mailable::assertHasMetadata() — Method in class Mailable
Assert that the mailable has the given metadata.
- Address — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Mailables
- $ Address#address — Property in class Address
The recipient's email address.
- Attachment — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Mailables
- Mailer::alwaysFrom() — Method in class Mailer
Set the global from address and name.
- Mailer::alwaysReplyTo() — Method in class Mailer
Set the global reply-to address and name.
- Mailer::alwaysReturnPath() — Method in class Mailer
Set the global return path address.
- Mailer::alwaysTo() — Method in class Mailer
Set the global to address and name.
- Mailer::addContent() — Method in class Mailer
Add the content to a given message.
- Message::addAddresses() — Method in class Message
Add a recipient to the message.
- Message::addAddressDebugHeader() — Method in class Message
Add an address debug header for a list of recipients.
- Message::attach() — Method in class Message
Attach a file to the message.
- Message::attachData() — Method in class Message
Attach in-memory data as an attachment.
- ArrayTransport — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
- Action — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
- AnonymousNotifiable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
- MailChannel::additionalMessageData() — Method in class MailChannel
Get additional meta-data to pass along with the view data.
- MailChannel::addressMessage() — Method in class MailChannel
Address the mail message.
- MailChannel::addSender() — Method in class MailChannel
Add the "from" and "reply to" addresses to the message.
- MailChannel::addAttachments() — Method in class MailChannel
Add the attachments to the message.
- $ MailMessage#attachments — Property in class MailMessage
The attachments for the message.
- MailMessage::attach() — Method in class MailMessage
Attach a file to the message.
- MailMessage::attachData() — Method in class MailMessage
Attach in-memory data as an attachment.
- MailMessage::arrayOfAddresses() — Method in class MailMessage
Determine if the given "address" is actually an array of addresses.
- $ SimpleMessage#actionText — Property in class SimpleMessage
The text / label for the action.
- $ SimpleMessage#actionUrl — Property in class SimpleMessage
The action URL.
- SimpleMessage::action() — Method in class SimpleMessage
Configure the "call to action" button.
- AbstractCursorPaginator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- AbstractCursorPaginator::appends() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Add a set of query string values to the paginator.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::appendArray() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Add an array of query string values.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::addQuery() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Add a query string value to the paginator.
- AbstractPaginator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- AbstractPaginator::appends() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Add a set of query string values to the paginator.
- AbstractPaginator::appendArray() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Add an array of query string values.
- AbstractPaginator::addQuery() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Add a query string value to the paginator.
- Factory::assertRan() — Method in class Factory
Assert that a process was recorded matching a given truth test.
- Factory::assertRanTimes() — Method in class Factory
Assert that a process was recorded a given number of times matching a given truth test.
- Factory::assertNotRan() — Method in class Factory
Assert that a process was not recorded matching a given truth test.
- Factory::assertDidntRun() — Method in class Factory
Assert that a process was not recorded matching a given truth test.
- Factory::assertNothingRan() — Method in class Factory
Assert that no processes were recorded.
- Pool::as() — Method in class Pool
Add a process to the pool with a key.
- Manager::addConnection() — Method in class Manager
Register a connection with the manager.
- DatabaseFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
Get a list of all of the failed jobs.
- DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider
Get a list of all of the failed jobs.
- $ DynamoDbFailedJobProvider#applicationName — Property in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider
The application name.
- DynamoDbFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider
Get a list of all of the failed jobs.
- FailedJobProviderInterface::all() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface
Get a list of all of the failed jobs.
- NullFailedJobProvider::all() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider
Get a list of all of the failed jobs.
- InteractsWithQueue::attempts() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- BeanstalkdJob::attempts() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- DatabaseJob::attempts() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- RedisJob::attempts() — Method in class RedisJob
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- SqsJob::attempts() — Method in class SqsJob
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- SyncJob::attempts() — Method in class SyncJob
Get the number of times the job has been attempted.
- Listener::artisanBinary() — Method in class Listener
Get the Artisan binary.
- Listener::addEnvironment() — Method in class Listener
Add the environment option to the given command.
- $ QueueManager#app — Property in class QueueManager
The application instance.
- QueueManager::after() — Method in class QueueManager
Register an event listener for the after job event.
- QueueManager::addConnector() — Method in class QueueManager
Add a queue connection resolver.
- ConcurrencyLimiter::acquire() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiter
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- DurationLimiter::acquire() — Method in class DurationLimiter
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- DurationLimiterBuilder::allow() — Method in class DurationLimiterBuilder
Set the maximum number of locks that can be obtained per time window.
- $ RedisManager#app — Property in class RedisManager
The application instance.
- AbstractRouteCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- AbstractRouteCollection::addToSymfonyRoutesCollection() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection
Add a route to the SymfonyRouteCollection instance.
- $ CompiledRouteCollection#attributes — Property in class CompiledRouteCollection
An array of the route attributes keyed by name.
- CompiledRouteCollection::add() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection
Add a Route instance to the collection.
- ControllerMakeCommand::afterPromptingForMissingArguments() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand
Interact further with the user if they were prompted for missing arguments.
- CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints::assignExpressionToParameters() — Method in class CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints
Apply the given regular expression to the given parameters.
- ThrottleRequests::addHeaders() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
Add the limit header information to the given response.
- Redirector::away() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to an external URL (no validation).
- Redirector::action() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to a controller action.
- ResourceRegistrar::addResourceIndex() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the index method for a resourceful route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addResourceCreate() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the create method for a resourceful route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addResourceStore() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the store method for a resourceful route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addResourceShow() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the show method for a resourceful route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addResourceEdit() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the edit method for a resourceful route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addResourceUpdate() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the update method for a resourceful route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addResourceDestroy() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the destroy method for a resourceful route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addSingletonCreate() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the create method for a singleton route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addSingletonStore() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the store method for a singleton route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addSingletonShow() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the show method for a singleton route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addSingletonEdit() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the edit method for a singleton route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addSingletonUpdate() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the update method for a singleton route.
- ResourceRegistrar::addSingletonDestroy() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Add the destroy method for a singleton route.
- $ Route#action — Property in class Route
The route action array.
- Route::allowsTrashedBindings() — Method in class Route
Determines if the route allows "trashed" models to be retrieved when resolving implicit model bindings.
- Route::addGroupNamespaceToStringUses() — Method in class Route
Parse a string based action for the "uses" fluent method.
- $ RouteCollection#allRoutes — Property in class RouteCollection
A flattened array of all of the routes.
- $ RouteCollection#actionList — Property in class RouteCollection
A look-up table of routes by controller action.
- RouteCollection::add() — Method in class RouteCollection
Add a Route instance to the collection.
- RouteCollection::addToCollections() — Method in class RouteCollection
Add the given route to the arrays of routes.
- RouteCollection::addLookups() — Method in class RouteCollection
Add the route to any look-up tables if necessary.
- RouteCollection::addToActionList() — Method in class RouteCollection
Add a route to the controller action dictionary.
- RouteCollectionInterface::add() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface
Add a Route instance to the collection.
- RouteDependencyResolverTrait::alreadyInParameters() — Method in class RouteDependencyResolverTrait
Determine if an object of the given class is in a list of parameters.
- $ RouteRegistrar#attributes — Property in class RouteRegistrar
The attributes to pass on to the router.
- $ RouteRegistrar#allowedAttributes — Property in class RouteRegistrar
The attributes that can be set through this class.
- $ RouteRegistrar#aliases — Property in class RouteRegistrar
The attributes that are aliased.
- RouteRegistrar::attribute() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
Set the value for a given attribute.
- RouteRegistrar::apiResource() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
Route an API resource to a controller.
- RouteRegistrar::apiSingleton() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
Route an API singleton resource to a controller.
- RouteRegistrar::any() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- RouteRegistrar::as() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- RouteUrlGenerator::addPortToDomain() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator
Add the port to the domain if necessary.
- RouteUrlGenerator::addQueryString() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator
Add a query string to the URI.
- Router::any() — Method in class Router
Register a new route responding to all verbs.
- Router::apiResources() — Method in class Router
Register an array of API resource controllers.
- Router::apiResource() — Method in class Router
Route an API resource to a controller.
- Router::apiSingletons() — Method in class Router
Register an array of API singleton resource controllers.
- Router::apiSingleton() — Method in class Router
Route an API singleton resource to a controller.
- Router::addRoute() — Method in class Router
Add a route to the underlying route collection.
- Router::actionReferencesController() — Method in class Router
Determine if the action is routing to a controller.
- Router::addWhereClausesToRoute() — Method in class Router
Add the necessary where clauses to the route based on its initial registration.
- Router::aliasMiddleware() — Method in class Router
Register a short-hand name for a middleware.
- $ UrlGenerator#assetRoot — Property in class UrlGenerator
The asset root URL.
- UrlGenerator::asset() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate the URL to an application asset.
- UrlGenerator::assetFrom() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate the URL to an asset from a custom root domain such as CDN, etc.
- UrlGenerator::action() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the URL to a controller action.
- ArraySessionHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- DatabaseSessionHandler::addUserInformation() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
Add the user information to the session payload.
- DatabaseSessionHandler::addRequestInformation() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
Add the request information to the session payload.
- AuthenticateSession — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session\Middleware
- $ AuthenticateSession#auth — Property in class AuthenticateSession
The authentication factory implementation.
- StartSession::addCookieToResponse() — Method in class StartSession
Add the session cookie to the application response.
- $ Store#attributes — Property in class Store
The session attributes.
- Store::ageFlashData() — Method in class Store
Age the flash data for the session.
- Store::all() — Method in class Store
Get all of the session data.
- SymfonySessionDecorator::all() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- AggregateServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Arr — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Arr::accessible() — Method in class Arr
Determine whether the given value is array accessible.
- Arr::add() — Method in class Arr
Add an element to an array using "dot" notation if it doesn't exist.
- Collection::all() — Method in class Collection
Get all items in the enumerable.
- Collection::avg() — Method in class Collection
Get the average value of a given key.
- Collection::add() — Method in class Collection
Add an item to the collection.
- ConfigurationUrlParser::addDriverAlias() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser
Add the given driver alias to the driver aliases array.
- Enumerable::all() — Method in class Enumerable
Get all items in the enumerable.
- Enumerable::average() — Method in class Enumerable
Alias for the "avg" method.
- Enumerable::avg() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the average value of a given key.
- App — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- App::afterLoadingEnvironment() — Method in class App
- App::afterBootstrapping() — Method in class App
- App::addAbsoluteCachePathPrefix() — Method in class App
- App::abort() — Method in class App
- App::addDeferredServices() — Method in class App
- App::addContextualBinding() — Method in class App
- App::alias() — Method in class App
- App::afterResolving() — Method in class App
- Artisan — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Artisan::all() — Method in class Artisan
- Auth — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Auth::attempt() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::attemptWhen() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::attempting() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::authenticate() — Method in class Auth
- Blade::anonymousComponentPath() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::anonymousComponentNamespace() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::aliasComponent() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::aliasInclude() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::applyEchoHandler() — Method in class Blade
- Broadcast::ably() — Method in class Broadcast
- Broadcast::auth() — Method in class Broadcast
- Bus::assertDispatched() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertDispatchedTimes() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertNotDispatched() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertNothingDispatched() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertDispatchedSync() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertDispatchedSyncTimes() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertNotDispatchedSync() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertDispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertDispatchedAfterResponseTimes() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertNotDispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertChained() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertDispatchedWithoutChain() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertBatched() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertBatchCount() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::assertNothingBatched() — Method in class Bus
- Cache::add() — Method in class Cache
- Config::all() — Method in class Config
- DB::availableDrivers() — Method in class DB
- DB::affectingStatement() — Method in class DB
- DB::allowQueryDurationHandlersToRunAgain() — Method in class DB
- DB::afterCommit() — Method in class DB
- Event::assertListening() — Method in class Event
- Event::assertDispatched() — Method in class Event
- Event::assertDispatchedTimes() — Method in class Event
- Event::assertNotDispatched() — Method in class Event
- Event::assertNothingDispatched() — Method in class Event
- $ Facade#app — Property in class Facade
The application instance being facaded.
- File::append() — Method in class File
- File::allFiles() — Method in class File
- Gate::allowIf() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::after() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::allows() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::any() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::authorize() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::abilities() — Method in class Gate
- Http::allowStrayRequests() — Method in class Http
- Http::assertSent() — Method in class Http
- Http::assertSentInOrder() — Method in class Http
- Http::assertNotSent() — Method in class Http
- Http::assertNothingSent() — Method in class Http
- Http::assertSentCount() — Method in class Http
- Http::assertSequencesAreEmpty() — Method in class Http
- Http::asJson() — Method in class Http
- Http::asForm() — Method in class Http
- Http::attach() — Method in class Http
- Http::asMultipart() — Method in class Http
- Http::acceptJson() — Method in class Http
- Http::accept() — Method in class Http
- Http::async() — Method in class Http
- Lang::addLines() — Method in class Lang
- Lang::addNamespace() — Method in class Lang
- Lang::addJsonPath() — Method in class Lang
- Log::alert() — Method in class Log
- Mail::alwaysFrom() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::alwaysReplyTo() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::alwaysReturnPath() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::alwaysTo() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::assertSent() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::assertNotOutgoing() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::assertNotSent() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::assertNothingOutgoing() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::assertNothingSent() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::assertQueued() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::assertNotQueued() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::assertNothingQueued() — Method in class Mail
- Notification::assertSentOnDemand() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::assertSentTo() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::assertSentOnDemandTimes() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::assertSentToTimes() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::assertNotSentTo() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::assertNothingSent() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::assertNothingSentTo() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::assertSentTimes() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::assertCount() — Method in class Notification
- Process::assertRan() — Method in class Process
- Process::assertRanTimes() — Method in class Process
- Process::assertNotRan() — Method in class Process
- Process::assertDidntRun() — Method in class Process
- Process::assertNothingRan() — Method in class Process
- Queue::after() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::addConnector() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::assertPushed() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::assertPushedOn() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::assertPushedWithChain() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::assertPushedWithoutChain() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::assertClosurePushed() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::assertClosureNotPushed() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::assertNotPushed() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::assertNothingPushed() — Method in class Queue
- RateLimiter::attempt() — Method in class RateLimiter
- RateLimiter::attempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
- RateLimiter::availableIn() — Method in class RateLimiter
- Redirect::away() — Method in class Redirect
- Redirect::action() — Method in class Redirect
- Request::ajax() — Method in class Request
- Request::accepts() — Method in class Request
- Request::acceptsAnyContentType() — Method in class Request
- Request::acceptsJson() — Method in class Request
- Request::acceptsHtml() — Method in class Request
- Request::anyFilled() — Method in class Request
- Request::all() — Method in class Request
- Request::allFiles() — Method in class Request
- Route::any() — Method in class Route
- Route::apiResources() — Method in class Route
- Route::apiResource() — Method in class Route
- Route::apiSingletons() — Method in class Route
- Route::apiSingleton() — Method in class Route
- Route::addRoute() — Method in class Route
- Route::aliasMiddleware() — Method in class Route
- Route::attribute() — Method in class Route
- Route::as() — Method in class Route
- Session::ageFlashData() — Method in class Session
- Session::all() — Method in class Session
- Storage::append() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::allFiles() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::allDirectories() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::assertExists() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::assertMissing() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::assertDirectoryEmpty() — Method in class Storage
- URL::asset() — Method in class URL
- URL::assetFrom() — Method in class URL
- URL::action() — Method in class URL
- View::addLocation() — Method in class View
- View::addNamespace() — Method in class View
- View::addExtension() — Method in class View
- View::appendSection() — Method in class View
- View::addLoop() — Method in class View
- Vite::asset() — Method in class Vite
- $ Fluent#attributes — Property in class Fluent
- InteractsWithTime::availableAt() — Method in class InteractsWithTime
Get the "available at" UNIX timestamp.
- LazyCollection::all() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::avg() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get the average value of a given key.
- Lottery::alwaysWin() — Method in class Lottery
Force the lottery to always result in a win.
- Lottery::alwaysLose() — Method in class Lottery
Force the lottery to always result in a lose.
- MessageBag::add() — Method in class MessageBag
Add a message to the bag.
- MessageBag::addIf() — Method in class MessageBag
Add a message to the message bag if the given conditional is "true".
- MessageBag::all() — Method in class MessageBag
Get all of the messages for every key in the bag.
- MessageBag::any() — Method in class MessageBag
Determine if the message bag has any messages.
- $ MultipleInstanceManager#app — Property in class MultipleInstanceManager
The application instance.
- $ ServiceProvider#app — Property in class ServiceProvider
The application instance.
- ServiceProvider::addPublishGroup() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Add a publish group / tag to the service provider.
- Str::after() — Method in class Str
Return the remainder of a string after the first occurrence of a given value.
- Str::afterLast() — Method in class Str
Return the remainder of a string after the last occurrence of a given value.
- Str::ascii() — Method in class Str
Transliterate a UTF-8 value to ASCII.
- Stringable::after() — Method in class Stringable
Return the remainder of a string after the first occurrence of a given value.
- Stringable::afterLast() — Method in class Stringable
Return the remainder of a string after the last occurrence of a given value.
- Stringable::append() — Method in class Stringable
Append the given values to the string.
- Stringable::ascii() — Method in class Stringable
Transliterate a UTF-8 value to ASCII.
- $ BatchFake#added — Property in class BatchFake
The jobs that have been added to the batch.
- BatchFake::add() — Method in class BatchFake
Add additional jobs to the batch.
- BusFake::assertDispatched() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertDispatchedTimes() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was pushed a number of times.
- BusFake::assertNotDispatched() — Method in class BusFake
Determine if a job was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertNothingDispatched() — Method in class BusFake
Assert that no jobs were dispatched.
- BusFake::assertDispatchedSync() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was explicitly dispatched synchronously based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertDispatchedSyncTimes() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was pushed synchronously a number of times.
- BusFake::assertNotDispatchedSync() — Method in class BusFake
Determine if a job was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertDispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was dispatched after the response was sent based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertDispatchedAfterResponseTimes() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was pushed after the response was sent a number of times.
- BusFake::assertNotDispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class BusFake
Determine if a job was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertChained() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a chain of jobs was dispatched.
- BusFake::assertDispatchedWithoutChain() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was dispatched with an empty chain based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertDispatchedWithChainOfObjects() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was dispatched with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertDispatchedWithChainOfClasses() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a job was dispatched with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertBatched() — Method in class BusFake
Assert if a batch was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::assertBatchCount() — Method in class BusFake
Assert the number of batches that have been dispatched.
- BusFake::assertNothingBatched() — Method in class BusFake
Assert that no batched jobs were dispatched.
- EventFake::assertListening() — Method in class EventFake
Assert if an event has a listener attached to it.
- EventFake::assertDispatched() — Method in class EventFake
Assert if an event was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.
- EventFake::assertDispatchedTimes() — Method in class EventFake
Assert if an event was dispatched a number of times.
- EventFake::assertNotDispatched() — Method in class EventFake
Determine if an event was dispatched based on a truth-test callback.
- EventFake::assertNothingDispatched() — Method in class EventFake
Assert that no events were dispatched.
- MailFake::assertSent() — Method in class MailFake
Assert if a mailable was sent based on a truth-test callback.
- MailFake::assertSentTimes() — Method in class MailFake
Assert if a mailable was sent a number of times.
- MailFake::assertNotOutgoing() — Method in class MailFake
Determine if a mailable was not sent or queued to be sent based on a truth-test callback.
- MailFake::assertNotSent() — Method in class MailFake
Determine if a mailable was not sent based on a truth-test callback.
- MailFake::assertNothingOutgoing() — Method in class MailFake
Assert that no mailables were sent or queued to be sent.
- MailFake::assertNothingSent() — Method in class MailFake
Assert that no mailables were sent.
- MailFake::assertQueued() — Method in class MailFake
Assert if a mailable was queued based on a truth-test callback.
- MailFake::assertQueuedTimes() — Method in class MailFake
Assert if a mailable was queued a number of times.
- MailFake::assertNotQueued() — Method in class MailFake
Determine if a mailable was not queued based on a truth-test callback.
- MailFake::assertNothingQueued() — Method in class MailFake
Assert that no mailables were queued.
- NotificationFake::assertSentOnDemand() — Method in class NotificationFake
Assert if a notification was sent on-demand based on a truth-test callback.
- NotificationFake::assertSentTo() — Method in class NotificationFake
Assert if a notification was sent based on a truth-test callback.
- NotificationFake::assertSentOnDemandTimes() — Method in class NotificationFake
Assert if a notification was sent on-demand a number of times.
- NotificationFake::assertSentToTimes() — Method in class NotificationFake
Assert if a notification was sent a number of times.
- NotificationFake::assertNotSentTo() — Method in class NotificationFake
Determine if a notification was sent based on a truth-test callback.
- NotificationFake::assertNothingSent() — Method in class NotificationFake
Assert that no notifications were sent.
- NotificationFake::assertNothingSentTo() — Method in class NotificationFake
Assert that no notifications were sent to the given notifiable.
- NotificationFake::assertSentTimes() — Method in class NotificationFake
Assert the total amount of times a notification was sent.
- NotificationFake::assertCount() — Method in class NotificationFake
Assert the total count of notification that were sent.
- QueueFake::assertPushed() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.
- QueueFake::assertPushedTimes() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert if a job was pushed a number of times.
- QueueFake::assertPushedOn() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.
- QueueFake::assertPushedWithChain() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.
- QueueFake::assertPushedWithoutChain() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert if a job was pushed with an empty chain based on a truth-test callback.
- QueueFake::assertPushedWithChainOfObjects() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.
- QueueFake::assertPushedWithChainOfClasses() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert if a job was pushed with chained jobs based on a truth-test callback.
- QueueFake::assertClosurePushed() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert if a closure was pushed based on a truth-test callback.
- QueueFake::assertClosureNotPushed() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert that a closure was not pushed based on a truth-test callback.
- QueueFake::assertNotPushed() — Method in class QueueFake
Determine if a job was pushed based on a truth-test callback.
- QueueFake::assertNothingPushed() — Method in class QueueFake
Assert that no jobs were pushed.
- $ EnumeratesValues#average — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- $ EnumeratesValues#avg — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::average() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Alias for the "avg" method.
- ValidatedInput::all() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Get the raw, underlying input array.
- ViewErrorBag::any() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Determine if the default message bag has any messages.
- Assert — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing
- Assert::assertArraySubset() — Method in class Assert
Asserts that an array has a specified subset.
- AssertableJsonString — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing
- AssertableJsonString::assertCount() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the response JSON has the expected count of items at the given key.
- AssertableJsonString::assertExact() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the response has the exact given JSON.
- AssertableJsonString::assertSimilar() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the response has the similar JSON as given.
- AssertableJsonString::assertFragment() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the response contains the given JSON fragment.
- AssertableJsonString::assertMissing() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the response does not contain the given JSON fragment.
- AssertableJsonString::assertMissingExact() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the response does not contain the exact JSON fragment.
- AssertableJsonString::assertMissingPath() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the response does not contain the given path.
- AssertableJsonString::assertPath() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the expected value and type exists at the given path in the response.
- AssertableJsonString::assertStructure() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the response has a given JSON structure.
- AssertableJsonString::assertSubset() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Assert that the response is a superset of the given JSON.
- AssertableJsonString::assertJsonMessage() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Get the assertion message for assertJson.
- AssertsStatusCodes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Concerns
- AssertsStatusCodes::assertOk() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes
Assert that the response has a 200 "OK" status code.
- AssertsStatusCodes::assertCreated() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes
Assert that the response has a 201 "Created" status code.
- AssertsStatusCodes::assertAccepted() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes
Assert that the response has a 202 "Accepted" status code.
- AssertsStatusCodes::assertNoContent() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes
Assert that the response has the given status code and no content.
- AssertsStatusCodes::assertMovedPermanently() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes
Assert that the response has a 301 "Moved Permanently" status code.
- AssertsStatusCodes::assertFound() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes
Assert that the response has a 302 "Found" status code.
- AssertsStatusCodes::assertBadRequest() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes
Assert that the response has a 400 "Bad Request" status code.
- AssertsStatusCodes::assertUnauthorized() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes
Assert that the response has a 401 "Unauthorized" status code.
- AssertsStatusCodes::assertPaymentRequired() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes
Assert that the response has a 402 "Payment Required" status code.
- AssertsStatusCodes::assertForbidden() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes
Assert that the response has a 403 "Forbidden" status code.
- AssertsStatusCodes::assertNotFound() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes
Assert that the response has a 404 "Not Found" status code.
- AssertsStatusCodes::assertRequestTimeout() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes
Assert that the response has a 408 "Request Timeout" status code.
- AssertsStatusCodes::assertConflict() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes
Assert that the response has a 409 "Conflict" status code.
- AssertsStatusCodes::assertUnprocessable() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes
Assert that the response has a 422 "Unprocessable Entity" status code.
- AssertsStatusCodes::assertTooManyRequests() — Method in class AssertsStatusCodes
Assert that the response has a 429 "Too Many Requests" status code.
- $ RunsInParallel#applicationResolver — Property in class RunsInParallel
The application resolver callback.
- ArraySubset — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Constraints
- $ CountInDatabase#actualCount — Property in class CountInDatabase
The actual table entries count that will be checked against the expected count.
- AssertableJson — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Fluent
- $ PendingCommand#app — Property in class PendingCommand
The application instance.
- PendingCommand::assertExitCode() — Method in class PendingCommand
Assert that the command has the given exit code.
- PendingCommand::assertNotExitCode() — Method in class PendingCommand
Assert that the command does not have the given exit code.
- PendingCommand::assertSuccessful() — Method in class PendingCommand
Assert that the command has the success exit code.
- PendingCommand::assertOk() — Method in class PendingCommand
Assert that the command has the success exit code.
- PendingCommand::assertFailed() — Method in class PendingCommand
Assert that the command does not have the success exit code.
- TestComponent::assertSee() — Method in class TestComponent
Assert that the given string is contained within the rendered component.
- TestComponent::assertSeeInOrder() — Method in class TestComponent
Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the rendered component.
- TestComponent::assertSeeText() — Method in class TestComponent
Assert that the given string is contained within the rendered component text.
- TestComponent::assertSeeTextInOrder() — Method in class TestComponent
Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the rendered component text.
- TestComponent::assertDontSee() — Method in class TestComponent
Assert that the given string is not contained within the rendered component.
- TestComponent::assertDontSeeText() — Method in class TestComponent
Assert that the given string is not contained within the rendered component text.
- TestResponse::assertSuccessful() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has a successful status code.
- TestResponse::assertServerError() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response is a server error.
- TestResponse::assertStatus() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has the given status code.
- TestResponse::assertRedirect() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert whether the response is redirecting to a given URI.
- TestResponse::assertRedirectContains() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert whether the response is redirecting to a URI that contains the given URI.
- TestResponse::assertRedirectToRoute() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert whether the response is redirecting to a given route.
- TestResponse::assertRedirectToSignedRoute() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert whether the response is redirecting to a given signed route.
- TestResponse::assertHeader() — Method in class TestResponse
Asserts that the response contains the given header and equals the optional value.
- TestResponse::assertHeaderMissing() — Method in class TestResponse
Asserts that the response does not contain the given header.
- TestResponse::assertLocation() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the current location header matches the given URI.
- TestResponse::assertDownload() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response offers a file download.
- TestResponse::assertPlainCookie() — Method in class TestResponse
Asserts that the response contains the given cookie and equals the optional value.
- TestResponse::assertCookie() — Method in class TestResponse
Asserts that the response contains the given cookie and equals the optional value.
- TestResponse::assertCookieExpired() — Method in class TestResponse
Asserts that the response contains the given cookie and is expired.
- TestResponse::assertCookieNotExpired() — Method in class TestResponse
Asserts that the response contains the given cookie and is not expired.
- TestResponse::assertCookieMissing() — Method in class TestResponse
Asserts that the response does not contain the given cookie.
- TestResponse::assertContent() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given string matches the response content.
- TestResponse::assertStreamedContent() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given string matches the streamed response content.
- TestResponse::assertSee() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given string or array of strings are contained within the response.
- TestResponse::assertSeeInOrder() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the response.
- TestResponse::assertSeeText() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given string or array of strings are contained within the response text.
- TestResponse::assertSeeTextInOrder() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the response text.
- TestResponse::assertDontSee() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given string or array of strings are not contained within the response.
- TestResponse::assertDontSeeText() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given string or array of strings are not contained within the response text.
- TestResponse::assertJson() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response is a superset of the given JSON.
- TestResponse::assertJsonPath() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the expected value and type exists at the given path in the response.
- TestResponse::assertExactJson() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has the exact given JSON.
- TestResponse::assertSimilarJson() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has the similar JSON as given.
- TestResponse::assertJsonFragment() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response contains the given JSON fragment.
- TestResponse::assertJsonMissing() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response does not contain the given JSON fragment.
- TestResponse::assertJsonMissingExact() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response does not contain the exact JSON fragment.
- TestResponse::assertJsonMissingPath() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response does not contain the given path.
- TestResponse::assertJsonStructure() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has a given JSON structure.
- TestResponse::assertJsonCount() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response JSON has the expected count of items at the given key.
- TestResponse::assertJsonValidationErrors() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has the given JSON validation errors.
- TestResponse::assertJsonValidationErrorFor() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert the response has any JSON validation errors for the given key.
- TestResponse::assertJsonMissingValidationErrors() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has no JSON validation errors for the given keys.
- TestResponse::assertJsonIsArray() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given key is a JSON array.
- TestResponse::assertJsonIsObject() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given key is a JSON object.
- TestResponse::assertViewIs() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response view equals the given value.
- TestResponse::assertViewHas() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response view has a given piece of bound data.
- TestResponse::assertViewHasAll() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response view has a given list of bound data.
- TestResponse::assertViewMissing() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response view is missing a piece of bound data.
- TestResponse::assertValid() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the given keys do not have validation errors.
- TestResponse::assertInvalid() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the response has the given validation errors.
- TestResponse::assertSessionHas() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the session has a given value.
- TestResponse::assertSessionHasAll() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the session has a given list of values.
- TestResponse::assertSessionHasInput() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the session has a given value in the flashed input array.
- TestResponse::assertSessionHasErrors() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the session has the given errors.
- TestResponse::assertSessionDoesntHaveErrors() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the session is missing the given errors.
- TestResponse::assertSessionHasNoErrors() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the session has no errors.
- TestResponse::assertSessionHasErrorsIn() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the session has the given errors.
- TestResponse::assertSessionMissing() — Method in class TestResponse
Assert that the session does not have a given key.
- TestResponse::appendExceptionToException() — Method in class TestResponse
Append an exception to the message of another exception.
- TestResponse::appendErrorsToException() — Method in class TestResponse
Append errors to an exception message.
- TestResponse::appendMessageToException() — Method in class TestResponse
Append a message to an exception.
- TestView::assertViewHas() — Method in class TestView
Assert that the response view has a given piece of bound data.
- TestView::assertViewHasAll() — Method in class TestView
Assert that the response view has a given list of bound data.
- TestView::assertViewMissing() — Method in class TestView
Assert that the response view is missing a piece of bound data.
- TestView::assertSee() — Method in class TestView
Assert that the given string is contained within the view.
- TestView::assertSeeInOrder() — Method in class TestView
Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the view.
- TestView::assertSeeText() — Method in class TestView
Assert that the given string is contained within the view text.
- TestView::assertSeeTextInOrder() — Method in class TestView
Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the view text.
- TestView::assertDontSee() — Method in class TestView
Assert that the given string is not contained within the view.
- TestView::assertDontSeeText() — Method in class TestView
Assert that the given string is not contained within the view text.
- ArrayLoader — Class in namespace Illuminate\Translation
- ArrayLoader::addNamespace() — Method in class ArrayLoader
Add a new namespace to the loader.
- ArrayLoader::addJsonPath() — Method in class ArrayLoader
Add a new JSON path to the loader.
- ArrayLoader::addMessages() — Method in class ArrayLoader
Add messages to the loader.
- FileLoader::addNamespace() — Method in class FileLoader
Add a new namespace to the loader.
- FileLoader::addJsonPath() — Method in class FileLoader
Add a new JSON path to the loader.
- Translator::addLines() — Method in class Translator
Add translation lines to the given locale.
- Translator::addNamespace() — Method in class Translator
Add a new namespace to the loader.
- Translator::addJsonPath() — Method in class Translator
Add a new JSON path to the loader.
- ValidatesAttributes::anyFailingRequired() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Determine if any of the given attributes fail the required test.
- ValidatesAttributes::allFailingRequired() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Determine if all of the given attributes fail the required test.
- DatabasePresenceVerifier::addConditions() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
Add the given conditions to the query.
- DatabasePresenceVerifier::addWhere() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
Add a "where" clause to the given query.
- Factory::addExtensions() — Method in class Factory
Add the extensions to a validator instance.
- $ File#allowedMimetypes — Property in class File
The MIME types that the given file should match. This array may also contain file extensions.
- $ Validator#after — Property in class Validator
All of the registered "after" callbacks.
- Validator::after() — Method in class Validator
Add an after validation callback.
- Validator::addFailure() — Method in class Validator
Add a failed rule and error message to the collection.
- Validator::attributesThatHaveMessages() — Method in class Validator
Generate an array of all attributes that have messages.
- Validator::attributes() — Method in class Validator
Get the data under validation.
- Validator::addRules() — Method in class Validator
Parse the given rules and merge them into current rules.
- Validator::addExtensions() — Method in class Validator
Register an array of custom validator extensions.
- Validator::addImplicitExtensions() — Method in class Validator
Register an array of custom implicit validator extensions.
- Validator::addDependentExtensions() — Method in class Validator
Register an array of custom dependent validator extensions.
- Validator::addExtension() — Method in class Validator
Register a custom validator extension.
- Validator::addImplicitExtension() — Method in class Validator
Register a custom implicit validator extension.
- Validator::addDependentExtension() — Method in class Validator
Register a custom dependent validator extension.
- Validator::addReplacers() — Method in class Validator
Register an array of custom validator message replacers.
- Validator::addReplacer() — Method in class Validator
Register a custom validator message replacer.
- Validator::addCustomAttributes() — Method in class Validator
Add custom attributes to the validator.
- Validator::addCustomValues() — Method in class Validator
Add the custom values for the validator.
- AnonymousComponent — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- AppendableAttributeValue — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- $ BladeCompiler#anonymousComponentPaths — Property in class BladeCompiler
The array of anonymous component paths to search for components in.
- $ BladeCompiler#anonymousComponentNamespaces — Property in class BladeCompiler
The array of anonymous component namespaces to autoload from.
- BladeCompiler::appendFilePath() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Append the file path to the compiled string.
- $ ComponentTagCompiler#aliases — Property in class ComponentTagCompiler
The component class aliases.
- ComponentTagCompiler::attributesToString() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Convert an array of attributes to a string.
- CompilesEchos::addBladeCompilerVariable() — Method in class CompilesEchos
Add an instance of the blade echo handler to the start of the compiled string.
- CompilesEchos::applyEchoHandler() — Method in class CompilesEchos
Apply the echo handler for the value if it exists.
- $ Component#attributes — Property in class Component
The component attributes.
- $ ComponentAttributeBag#attributes — Property in class ComponentAttributeBag
The raw array of attributes.
- $ ComponentSlot#attributes — Property in class ComponentSlot
The slot attribute bag.
- ManagesEvents::addViewEvent() — Method in class ManagesEvents
Add an event for a given view.
- ManagesEvents::addClassEvent() — Method in class ManagesEvents
Register a class based view composer.
- ManagesEvents::addEventListener() — Method in class ManagesEvents
Add a listener to the event dispatcher.
- ManagesLayouts::appendSection() — Method in class ManagesLayouts
Stop injecting content into a section and append it.
- ManagesLoops::addLoop() — Method in class ManagesLoops
Add new loop to the stack.
- Factory::addLocation() — Method in class Factory
Add a location to the array of view locations.
- Factory::addNamespace() — Method in class Factory
Add a new namespace to the loader.
- Factory::addExtension() — Method in class Factory
Register a valid view extension and its engine.
- FileViewFinder::addLocation() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Add a location to the finder.
- FileViewFinder::addNamespace() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Add a namespace hint to the finder.
- FileViewFinder::addExtension() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Register an extension with the view finder.
- ViewFinderInterface::addLocation() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
Add a location to the finder.
- ViewFinderInterface::addNamespace() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
Add a namespace hint to the finder.
- ViewFinderInterface::addExtension() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
Add a valid view extension to the finder.
- $ Gate#beforeCallbacks — Property in class Gate
All of the registered before callbacks.
- Gate::buildAbilityCallback() — Method in class Gate
Create the ability callback for a callback string.
- Gate::before() — Method in class Gate
Register a callback to run before all Gate checks.
- ResetPassword::buildMailMessage() — Method in class ResetPassword
Get the reset password notification mail message for the given URL.
- VerifyEmail::buildMailMessage() — Method in class VerifyEmail
Get the verify email notification mail message for the given URL.
- $ PasswordBrokerManager#brokers — Property in class PasswordBrokerManager
The array of created "drivers".
- PasswordBrokerManager::broker() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
Attempt to get the broker from the local cache.
- SessionGuard::basic() — Method in class SessionGuard
Attempt to authenticate using HTTP Basic Auth.
- SessionGuard::basicCredentials() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the credential array for an HTTP Basic request.
- BroadcastController — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- BroadcastEvent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- $ BroadcastEvent#backoff — Property in class BroadcastEvent
The number of seconds to wait before retrying the job when encountering an uncaught exception.
- BroadcastException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- BroadcastManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- BroadcastServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- AblyBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster
Broadcast the given event.
- AblyBroadcaster::buildAblyMessage() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster
Build an Ably message object for broadcasting.
- Broadcaster — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
- $ Broadcaster#bindingRegistrar — Property in class Broadcaster
The binding registrar instance.
- Broadcaster::binder() — Method in class Broadcaster
Get the model binding registrar instance.
- LogBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class LogBroadcaster
Broadcast the given event.
- NullBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class NullBroadcaster
Broadcast the given event.
- PusherBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster
Broadcast the given event.
- RedisBroadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster
Broadcast the given event.
- RedisBroadcaster::broadcastMultipleChannelsScript() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster
Get the Lua script for broadcasting to multiple channels.
- $ InteractsWithBroadcasting#broadcastConnection — Property in class InteractsWithBroadcasting
The broadcaster connection to use to broadcast the event.
- InteractsWithBroadcasting::broadcastVia() — Method in class InteractsWithBroadcasting
Broadcast the event using a specific broadcaster.
- InteractsWithBroadcasting::broadcastConnections() — Method in class InteractsWithBroadcasting
Get the broadcaster connections the event should be broadcast on.
- InteractsWithSockets::broadcastToEveryone() — Method in class InteractsWithSockets
Broadcast the event to everyone.
- Batch — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- BatchFactory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- BatchRepository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- Batchable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- $ Batchable#batchId — Property in class Batchable
The batch ID (if applicable).
- Batchable::batch() — Method in class Batchable
Get the batch instance for the job, if applicable.
- Batchable::batching() — Method in class Batchable
Determine if the batch is still active and processing.
- BusServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- Dispatcher::batch() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create a new batch of queueable jobs.
- BatchDispatched — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus\Events
- $ BatchDispatched#batch — Property in class BatchDispatched
The batch instance.
- Queueable::beforeCommit() — Method in class Queueable
Indicate that the job should not wait until database transactions have been committed before dispatching.
- Lock::block() — Method in class Lock
Attempt to acquire the lock for the given number of seconds.
- Lock::betweenBlockedAttemptsSleepFor() — Method in class Lock
Specify the number of milliseconds to sleep in between blocked lock acquisition attempts.
- Limit::by() — Method in class Limit
Set the key of the rate limit.
- $ Application#bootstrappers — Property in class Application
The console application bootstrappers.
- Application::bootstrap() — Method in class Application
Bootstrap the console application.
- BufferedConsoleOutput — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- $ BufferedConsoleOutput#buffer — Property in class BufferedConsoleOutput
The current buffer.
- GeneratorCommand::buildClass() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- CommandBuilder::buildCommand() — Method in class CommandBuilder
Build the command for the given event.
- CommandBuilder::buildForegroundCommand() — Method in class CommandBuilder
Build the command for running the event in the foreground.
- CommandBuilder::buildBackgroundCommand() — Method in class CommandBuilder
Build the command for running the event in the background.
- $ Event#beforeCallbacks — Property in class Event
The array of callbacks to be run before the event is started.
- Event::buildCommand() — Method in class Event
Build the command string.
- Event::before() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to be called before the operation.
- ManagesFrequencies::between() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run between start and end time.
- BulletList — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
- Factory::bulletList() — Method in class Factory
- BoundMethod — Class in namespace Illuminate\Container
- $ Container#bindings — Property in class Container
The container's bindings.
- $ Container#buildStack — Property in class Container
The stack of concretions currently being built.
- $ Container#beforeResolvingCallbacks — Property in class Container
All of the before resolving callbacks by class type.
- Container::bound() — Method in class Container
Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.
- Container::bind() — Method in class Container
Register a binding with the container.
- Container::bindMethod() — Method in class Container
Bind a callback to resolve with Container::call.
- Container::bindIf() — Method in class Container
Register a binding if it hasn't already been registered.
- Container::build() — Method in class Container
Instantiate a concrete instance of the given type.
- Container::beforeResolving() — Method in class Container
Register a new before resolving callback.
- Gate::before() — Method in class Gate
Register a callback to run before all Gate checks.
- PasswordBrokerFactory::broker() — Method in class PasswordBrokerFactory
Get a password broker instance by name.
- SupportsBasicAuth::basic() — Method in class SupportsBasicAuth
Attempt to authenticate using HTTP Basic Auth.
- Broadcaster — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
- Broadcaster::broadcast() — Method in class Broadcaster
Broadcast the given event.
- HasBroadcastChannel::broadcastChannelRoute() — Method in class HasBroadcastChannel
Get the broadcast channel route definition that is associated with the given entity.
- HasBroadcastChannel::broadcastChannel() — Method in class HasBroadcastChannel
Get the broadcast channel name that is associated with the given entity.
- ShouldBroadcast::broadcastOn() — Method in class ShouldBroadcast
Get the channels the event should broadcast on.
- QueueingDispatcher::batch() — Method in class QueueingDispatcher
Create a new batch of queueable jobs.
- Lock::block() — Method in class Lock
Attempt to acquire the lock for the given number of seconds.
- Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel
Bootstrap the application for artisan commands.
- BindingResolutionException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
- Container::bound() — Method in class Container
Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.
- Container::bind() — Method in class Container
Register a binding with the container.
- Container::bindMethod() — Method in class Container
Bind a callback to resolve with Container::call.
- Container::bindIf() — Method in class Container
Register a binding if it hasn't already been registered.
- Container::beforeResolving() — Method in class Container
Register a new before resolving callback.
- Builder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent
This interface is intentionally empty and exists to improve IDE support.
- Builder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Query
This interface is intentionally empty and exists to improve IDE support.
- Application::basePath() — Method in class Application
Get the base path of the Laravel installation.
- Application::bootstrapPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the bootstrap directory.
- Application::boot() — Method in class Application
Boot the application's service providers.
- Application::booting() — Method in class Application
Register a new boot listener.
- Application::booted() — Method in class Application
Register a new "booted" listener.
- Application::bootstrapWith() — Method in class Application
Run the given array of bootstrap classes.
- Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel
Bootstrap the application for HTTP requests.
- Mailable::bcc() — Method in class Mailable
Set the recipients of the message.
- Mailer::bcc() — Method in class Mailer
Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.
- Queue::bulk() — Method in class Queue
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
- BindingRegistrar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
- BindingRegistrar::bind() — Method in class BindingRegistrar
Add a new route parameter binder.
- Manager::bootEloquent() — Method in class Manager
Bootstrap Eloquent so it is ready for usage.
- BuildsQueries — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Concerns
- ManagesTransactions::beginTransaction() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Start a new database transaction.
- $ Connection#beforeExecutingCallbacks — Property in class Connection
All of the callbacks that should be invoked before a query is executed.
- Connection::bindValues() — Method in class Connection
Bind values to their parameters in the given statement.
- Connection::beforeExecuting() — Method in class Connection
Register a hook to be run just before a database query is executed.
- ConnectionInterface::beginTransaction() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Start a new database transaction.
- SqlServerConnector::buildConnectString() — Method in class SqlServerConnector
Build a connection string from the given arguments.
- SqlServerConnector::buildHostString() — Method in class SqlServerConnector
Build a host string from the given configuration.
- FactoryMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class FactoryMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- BaseCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- DatabaseServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application events.
- DatabaseTransactionsManager::begin() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager
Start a new database transaction.
- BroadcastableModelEventOccurred — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- BroadcastableModelEventOccurred::broadcastOn() — Method in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
The channels the event should broadcast on.
- BroadcastableModelEventOccurred::broadcastAs() — Method in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
The name the event should broadcast as.
- BroadcastableModelEventOccurred::broadcastWith() — Method in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
Get the data that should be sent with the broadcasted event.
- BroadcastsEvents — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- BroadcastsEvents::bootBroadcastsEvents() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Boot the event broadcasting trait.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastCreated() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Broadcast that the model was created.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastUpdated() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Broadcast that the model was updated.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastTrashed() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Broadcast that the model was trashed.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastRestored() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Broadcast that the model was restored.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastDeleted() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Broadcast that the model was deleted.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastIfBroadcastChannelsExistForEvent() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Broadcast the given event instance if channels are configured for the model event.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastOn() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Get the channels that model events should broadcast on.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastConnection() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Get the queue connection that should be used to broadcast model events.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastQueue() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Get the queue that should be used to broadcast model events.
- BroadcastsEvents::broadcastAfterCommit() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Determine if the model event broadcast queued job should be dispatched after all transactions are committed.
- Builder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- HasRelationships::belongsTo() — Method in class HasRelationships
Define an inverse one-to-one or many relationship.
- HasRelationships::belongsToMany() — Method in class HasRelationships
Define a many-to-many relationship.
- HasUlids::bootHasUlids() — Method in class HasUlids
Boot the trait.
- HasUuids::bootHasUuids() — Method in class HasUuids
Generate a primary UUID for the model.
- BelongsToManyRelationship — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories
- BelongsToRelationship — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories
- $ HigherOrderBuilderProxy#builder — Property in class HigherOrderBuilderProxy
The collection being operated on.
- $ Model#booted — Property in class Model
The array of booted models.
- Model::bootIfNotBooted() — Method in class Model
Check if the model needs to be booted and if so, do it.
- Model::booting() — Method in class Model
Perform any actions required before the model boots.
- Model::boot() — Method in class Model
Bootstrap the model and its traits.
- Model::bootTraits() — Method in class Model
Boot all of the bootable traits on the model.
- Model::booted() — Method in class Model
Perform any actions required after the model boots.
- Model::broadcastChannelRoute() — Method in class Model
Get the broadcast channel route definition that is associated with the given entity.
- Model::broadcastChannel() — Method in class Model
Get the broadcast channel name that is associated with the given entity.
- BelongsTo — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- BelongsToMany — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- BelongsToMany::buildDictionary() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Build model dictionary keyed by the relation's foreign key.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::baseAttachRecord() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Create a new pivot attachment record.
- HasManyThrough::buildDictionary() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Build model dictionary keyed by the relation's foreign key.
- HasOneOrMany::buildDictionary() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Build model dictionary keyed by the relation's foreign key.
- MorphTo::buildDictionary() — Method in class MorphTo
Build a dictionary with the models.
- MorphToMany::baseAttachRecord() — Method in class MorphToMany
Create a new pivot attachment record.
- Relation::buildMorphMapFromModels() — Method in class Relation
Builds a table-keyed array from model class names.
- SoftDeletes::bootSoftDeletes() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Boot the soft deleting trait for a model.
- $ QueryExecuted#bindings — Property in class QueryExecuted
The array of query bindings.
- Connection::beginTransaction() — Method in class Connection
Begin a new database transaction.
- SqlServerConnection::beginTransaction() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Begin a new database transaction.
- $ QueryException#bindings — Property in class QueryException
The bindings for the query.
- Builder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query
- $ Builder#bindings — Property in class Builder
The current query value bindings.
- $ Builder#beforeQueryCallbacks — Property in class Builder
The callbacks that should be invoked before the query is executed.
- $ Builder#bitwiseOperators — Property in class Builder
All of the available bitwise operators.
- Builder::beforeQuery() — Method in class Builder
Register a closure to be invoked before the query is executed.
- $ Grammar#bitwiseOperators — Property in class Grammar
The grammar specific bitwise operators.
- $ PostgresGrammar#bitwiseOperators — Property in class PostgresGrammar
The grammar specific bitwise operators.
- Blueprint — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- Blueprint::build() — Method in class Blueprint
Execute the blueprint against the database.
- Blueprint::bigIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new auto-incrementing big integer (8-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::bigInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new big integer (8-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::boolean() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new boolean column on the table.
- Blueprint::binary() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new binary column on the table.
- Builder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- Builder::build() — Method in class Builder
Execute the blueprint to build / modify the table.
- Builder::blueprintResolver() — Method in class Builder
Set the Schema Blueprint resolver callback.
- $ ForeignIdColumnDefinition#blueprint — Property in class ForeignIdColumnDefinition
The schema builder blueprint instance.
- MySqlSchemaState::baseDumpCommand() — Method in class MySqlSchemaState
Get the base dump command arguments for MySQL as a string.
- MySqlSchemaState::baseVariables() — Method in class MySqlSchemaState
Get the base variables for a dump / load command.
- PostgresSchemaState::baseDumpCommand() — Method in class PostgresSchemaState
Get the base dump command arguments for PostgreSQL as a string.
- PostgresSchemaState::baseVariables() — Method in class PostgresSchemaState
Get the base variables for a dump / load command.
- SqliteSchemaState::baseCommand() — Method in class SqliteSchemaState
Get the base sqlite command arguments as a string.
- SqliteSchemaState::baseVariables() — Method in class SqliteSchemaState
Get the base variables for a dump / load command.
- $ CallQueuedListener#backoff — Property in class CallQueuedListener
The number of seconds to wait before retrying a job that encountered an uncaught exception.
- Dispatcher::broadcastWhen() — Method in class Dispatcher
Check if the event should be broadcasted by the condition.
- Dispatcher::broadcastEvent() — Method in class Dispatcher
Broadcast the given event class.
- Filesystem::basename() — Method in class Filesystem
Extract the trailing name component from a file path.
- FilesystemAdapter::buildTemporaryUrlsUsing() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Define a custom temporary URL builder callback.
- FilesystemManager::build() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Build an on-demand disk.
- $ Application#basePath — Property in class Application
The base path for the Laravel installation.
- $ Application#booted — Property in class Application
Indicates if the application has "booted".
- $ Application#bootingCallbacks — Property in class Application
The array of booting callbacks.
- $ Application#bootedCallbacks — Property in class Application
The array of booted callbacks.
- $ Application#bootstrapPath — Property in class Application
The custom bootstrap path defined by the developer.
- Application::bootstrapWith() — Method in class Application
Run the given array of bootstrap classes.
- Application::beforeBootstrapping() — Method in class Application
Register a callback to run before a bootstrapper.
- Application::bindPathsInContainer() — Method in class Application
Bind all of the application paths in the container.
- Application::basePath() — Method in class Application
Get the base path of the Laravel installation.
- Application::bootstrapPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the bootstrap directory.
- Application::bound() — Method in class Application
Determine if the given abstract type has been bound.
- Application::boot() — Method in class Application
Boot the application's service providers.
- Application::bootProvider() — Method in class Application
Boot the given service provider.
- Application::booting() — Method in class Application
Register a new boot listener.
- Application::booted() — Method in class Application
Register a new "booted" listener.
- BootProviders — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
- BootProviders::bootstrap() — Method in class BootProviders
Bootstrap the given application.
- HandleExceptions::bootstrap() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Bootstrap the given application.
- LoadConfiguration::bootstrap() — Method in class LoadConfiguration
Bootstrap the given application.
- LoadEnvironmentVariables::bootstrap() — Method in class LoadEnvironmentVariables
Bootstrap the given application.
- RegisterFacades::bootstrap() — Method in class RegisterFacades
Bootstrap the given application.
- RegisterProviders::bootstrap() — Method in class RegisterProviders
Bootstrap the given application.
- SetRequestForConsole::bootstrap() — Method in class SetRequestForConsole
Bootstrap the given application.
- PendingDispatch::beforeCommit() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Indicate that the job should not wait until database transactions have been committed before dispatching.
- ChannelMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ChannelMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- $ CliDumper#basePath — Property in class CliDumper
The base path of the application.
- ComponentMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ComponentMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- $ Kernel#bootstrappers — Property in class Kernel
The bootstrap classes for the application.
- Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel
Bootstrap the application for artisan commands.
- Kernel::bootstrapWithoutBootingProviders() — Method in class Kernel
Bootstrap the application without booting service providers.
- Kernel::bootstrappers() — Method in class Kernel
Get the bootstrap classes for the application.
- ListenerMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- MailMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class MailMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- NotificationMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class NotificationMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- ObserverMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ObserverMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- PolicyMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- RouteCacheCommand::buildRouteCacheFile() — Method in class RouteCacheCommand
Build the route cache file.
- RuleMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class RuleMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- ViewCacheCommand::bladeFilesIn() — Method in class ViewCacheCommand
Get the Blade files in the given path.
- Dispatchable::broadcast() — Method in class Dispatchable
Broadcast the event with the given arguments.
- Handler::buildExceptionContext() — Method in class Handler
Create the context array for logging the given exception.
- $ HtmlDumper#basePath — Property in class HtmlDumper
The base path of the application.
- $ Kernel#bootstrappers — Property in class Kernel
The bootstrap classes for the application.
- Kernel::bootstrap() — Method in class Kernel
Bootstrap the application for HTTP requests.
- Kernel::bootstrappers() — Method in class Kernel
Get the bootstrap classes for the application.
- PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance::bypassResponse() — Method in class PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance
Redirect the user back to the root of the application with a maintenance mode bypass cookie.
- $ PackageManifest#basePath — Property in class PackageManifest
The base path.
- PackageManifest::build() — Method in class PackageManifest
Build the manifest and write it to disk.
- FormRequestServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class FormRequestServiceProvider
Bootstrap the application services.
- FoundationServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class FoundationServiceProvider
Boot the service provider.
- EventServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
Boot any application services.
- RouteServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider
Bootstrap any application services.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::be() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Set the currently logged in user for the application.
- InteractsWithViews::blade() — Method in class InteractsWithViews
Render the contents of the given Blade template string.
- DatabaseTransactions::beginDatabaseTransaction() — Method in class DatabaseTransactions
Handle database transactions on the specified connections.
- RefreshDatabase::beginDatabaseTransaction() — Method in class RefreshDatabase
Begin a database transaction on the testing database.
- RefreshDatabase::beforeRefreshingDatabase() — Method in class RefreshDatabase
Perform any work that should take place before the database has started refreshing.
- $ TestCase#beforeApplicationDestroyedCallbacks — Property in class TestCase
The callbacks that should be run before the application is destroyed.
- TestCase::beforeApplicationDestroyed() — Method in class TestCase
Register a callback to be run before the application is destroyed.
- Wormhole::back() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel back to the current time.
- $ Vite#buildDirectory — Property in class Vite
The path to the build directory.
- BcryptHasher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
- DeterminesStatusCode::badRequest() — Method in class DeterminesStatusCode
Determine if the response was a 400 "Bad Request" response.
- $ PendingRequest#baseUrl — Property in class PendingRequest
The base URL for the request.
- $ PendingRequest#bodyFormat — Property in class PendingRequest
The request body format.
- $ PendingRequest#beforeSendingCallbacks — Property in class PendingRequest
The callbacks that should execute before the request is sent.
- PendingRequest::baseUrl() — Method in class PendingRequest
Set the base URL for the pending request.
- PendingRequest::bodyFormat() — Method in class PendingRequest
Specify the body format of the request.
- PendingRequest::beforeSending() — Method in class PendingRequest
Add a new "before sending" callback to the request.
- PendingRequest::buildClient() — Method in class PendingRequest
Build the Guzzle client.
- PendingRequest::buildHandlerStack() — Method in class PendingRequest
Build the Guzzle client handler stack.
- PendingRequest::buildBeforeSendingHandler() — Method in class PendingRequest
Build the before sending handler.
- PendingRequest::buildRecorderHandler() — Method in class PendingRequest
Build the recorder handler.
- PendingRequest::buildStubHandler() — Method in class PendingRequest
Build the stub handler.
- Request::body() — Method in class Request
Get the body of the request.
- Response::body() — Method in class Response
Get the body of the response.
- InteractsWithInput::bearerToken() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Get the bearer token from the request headers.
- InteractsWithInput::boolean() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve input as a boolean value.
- LogManager::build() — Method in class LogManager
Build an on-demand log channel.
- $ Mailable#bcc — Property in class Mailable
The "bcc" recipients of the message.
- Mailable::buildView() — Method in class Mailable
Build the view for the message.
- Mailable::buildMarkdownView() — Method in class Mailable
Build the Markdown view for the message.
- Mailable::buildViewData() — Method in class Mailable
Build the view data for the message.
- Mailable::buildMarkdownText() — Method in class Mailable
Build the text view for a Markdown message.
- Mailable::buildFrom() — Method in class Mailable
Add the sender to the message.
- Mailable::buildRecipients() — Method in class Mailable
Add all of the recipients to the message.
- Mailable::buildSubject() — Method in class Mailable
Set the subject for the message.
- Mailable::buildAttachments() — Method in class Mailable
Add all of the attachments to the message.
- Mailable::buildDiskAttachments() — Method in class Mailable
Add all of the disk attachments to the message.
- Mailable::buildTags() — Method in class Mailable
Add all defined tags to the message.
- Mailable::buildMetadata() — Method in class Mailable
Add all defined metadata to the message.
- Mailable::bcc() — Method in class Mailable
Set the recipients of the message.
- Mailable::buildViewDataUsing() — Method in class Mailable
Register a callback to be called while building the view data.
- $ Envelope#bcc — Property in class Envelope
The recipients receiving a blind copy of the message.
- Envelope::bcc() — Method in class Envelope
Add a "bcc" recipient to the message envelope.
- Mailer::bcc() — Method in class Mailer
Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.
- Message::bcc() — Method in class Message
Add a blind carbon copy to the message.
- $ PendingMail#bcc — Property in class PendingMail
The "bcc" recipients of the message.
- PendingMail::bcc() — Method in class PendingMail
Set the recipients of the message.
- SendQueuedMailable::backoff() — Method in class SendQueuedMailable
Get the number of seconds before a released mailable will be available.
- BroadcastChannel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Channels
- DatabaseChannel::buildPayload() — Method in class DatabaseChannel
Build an array payload for the DatabaseNotification Model.
- MailChannel::buildView() — Method in class MailChannel
Build the notification's view.
- MailChannel::buildMessage() — Method in class MailChannel
Build the mail message.
- BroadcastNotificationCreated — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Events
- BroadcastNotificationCreated::broadcastOn() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated
Get the channels the event should broadcast on.
- BroadcastNotificationCreated::broadcastWith() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated
Get the data that should be sent with the broadcasted event.
- BroadcastNotificationCreated::broadcastType() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated
Get the type of the notification being broadcast.
- BroadcastMessage — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Messages
- $ MailMessage#bcc — Property in class MailMessage
The "bcc" information for the message.
- MailMessage::bcc() — Method in class MailMessage
Set the bcc address for the mail message.
- Notification::broadcastOn() — Method in class Notification
Get the channels the event should broadcast on.
- $ NotificationSender#bus — Property in class NotificationSender
The Bus dispatcher instance.
- NotificationServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class NotificationServiceProvider
Boot the application services.
- SendQueuedNotifications::backoff() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications
Get the number of seconds before a released notification will be available.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::buildFragment() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Build the full fragment portion of a URL.
- AbstractPaginator::buildFragment() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Build the full fragment portion of a URL.
- PaginationServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class PaginationServiceProvider
Bootstrap any application services.
- BeanstalkdQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- $ BeanstalkdQueue#blockFor — Property in class BeanstalkdQueue
The maximum number of seconds to block for a job.
- BeanstalkdQueue::bulk() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
- Manager::bulk() — Method in class Manager
Push a new an array of jobs onto the queue.
- BeanstalkdConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
- BatchesTableCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- DatabaseQueue::bulk() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
- DatabaseQueue::buildDatabaseRecord() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Create an array to insert for the given job.
- BeanstalkdJob — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
- BeanstalkdJob::bury() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Bury the job in the queue.
- Job::backoff() — Method in class Job
The number of seconds to wait before retrying a job that encountered an uncaught exception.
- $ ThrottlesExceptions#byJob — Property in class ThrottlesExceptions
Indicates whether the throttle key should use the job's UUID.
- ThrottlesExceptions::backoff() — Method in class ThrottlesExceptions
Specify the number of minutes a job should be delayed when it is released (before it has reached its max exceptions).
- ThrottlesExceptions::by() — Method in class ThrottlesExceptions
Set the value that the rate limiter should be keyed by.
- ThrottlesExceptions::byJob() — Method in class ThrottlesExceptions
Indicate that the throttle key should use the job's UUID.
- Queue::bulk() — Method in class Queue
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
- QueueManager::before() — Method in class QueueManager
Register an event listener for the before job event.
- $ RedisQueue#blockFor — Property in class RedisQueue
The maximum number of seconds to block for a job.
- RedisQueue::bulk() — Method in class RedisQueue
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
- SqsQueue::bulk() — Method in class SqsQueue
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
- $ WorkerOptions#backoff — Property in class WorkerOptions
The number of seconds to wait before retrying a job that encountered an uncaught exception.
- PhpRedisConnection::blpop() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Removes and returns the first element of the list stored at key.
- PhpRedisConnection::brpop() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Removes and returns the last element of the list stored at key.
- PhpRedisConnector::buildClusterConnectionString() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector
Build a single cluster seed string from an array.
- ConcurrencyLimiter::block() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiter
Attempt to acquire the lock for the given number of seconds.
- ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder::block() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder
Set the amount of time to block until a lock is available.
- DurationLimiter::block() — Method in class DurationLimiter
Attempt to acquire the lock for the given number of seconds.
- DurationLimiterBuilder::block() — Method in class DurationLimiterBuilder
Set the amount of time to block until a lock is available.
- ControllerMakeCommand::buildClass() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand
Build the class with the given name.
- ControllerMakeCommand::buildParentReplacements() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand
Build the replacements for a parent controller.
- ControllerMakeCommand::buildModelReplacements() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand
Build the model replacement values.
- ControllerMakeCommand::buildFormRequestReplacements() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand
Build the model replacement values.
- BackedEnumCaseNotFoundException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Exceptions
- ThrottleRequests::buildException() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
Create a 'too many attempts' exception.
- Redirector::back() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to the previous location.
- $ Route#bindingFields — Property in class Route
The fields that implicit binding should use for a given parameter.
- Route::bind() — Method in class Route
Bind the route to a given request for execution.
- Route::bindingFieldFor() — Method in class Route
Get the binding field for the given parameter.
- Route::bindingFields() — Method in class Route
Get the binding fields for the route.
- Route::block() — Method in class Route
Specify that the route should not allow concurrent requests from the same session.
- RouteParameterBinder::bindPathParameters() — Method in class RouteParameterBinder
Get the parameter matches for the path portion of the URI.
- RouteParameterBinder::bindHostParameters() — Method in class RouteParameterBinder
Extract the parameter list from the host part of the request.
- $ RouteUri#bindingFields — Property in class RouteUri
The fields that should be used when resolving bindings.
- $ Router#binders — Property in class Router
The registered route value binders.
- Router::bind() — Method in class Router
Add a new route parameter binder.
- SessionManager::buildSession() — Method in class SessionManager
Build the session instance.
- SessionManager::buildEncryptedSession() — Method in class SessionManager
Build the encrypted session instance.
- SessionManager::blockDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Get the name of the cache store / driver that should be used to acquire session locks.
- Benchmark — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- App::bootstrapWith() — Method in class App
- App::beforeBootstrapping() — Method in class App
- App::basePath() — Method in class App
- App::bootstrapPath() — Method in class App
- App::bound() — Method in class App
- App::boot() — Method in class App
- App::booting() — Method in class App
- App::booted() — Method in class App
- App::bind() — Method in class App
- App::bindMethod() — Method in class App
- App::bindIf() — Method in class App
- App::build() — Method in class App
- App::beforeResolving() — Method in class App
- Artisan::bootstrap() — Method in class Artisan
- Artisan::bootstrapWithoutBootingProviders() — Method in class Artisan
- Auth::basic() — Method in class Auth
- Blade — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Broadcast — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Broadcast::broadcast() — Method in class Broadcast
- Bus — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Bus::batch() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::batched() — Method in class Bus
- DB::bindValues() — Method in class DB
- DB::beforeExecuting() — Method in class DB
- DB::beginTransaction() — Method in class DB
- File::basename() — Method in class File
- Gate::before() — Method in class Gate
- Http::baseUrl() — Method in class Http
- Http::bodyFormat() — Method in class Http
- Http::beforeSending() — Method in class Http
- Http::buildClient() — Method in class Http
- Http::buildHandlerStack() — Method in class Http
- Http::buildBeforeSendingHandler() — Method in class Http
- Http::buildRecorderHandler() — Method in class Http
- Http::buildStubHandler() — Method in class Http
- Log::build() — Method in class Log
- Mail::bcc() — Method in class Mail
- Password::broker() — Method in class Password
- Queue::before() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::bulk() — Method in class Queue
- Redirect::back() — Method in class Redirect
- Request::bearerToken() — Method in class Request
- Request::boolean() — Method in class Request
- Route::bind() — Method in class Route
- Schema::blueprintResolver() — Method in class Schema
- Session::blockDriver() — Method in class Session
- Storage::build() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::buildTemporaryUrlsUsing() — Method in class Storage
- $ ServiceProvider#bootingCallbacks — Property in class ServiceProvider
All of the registered booting callbacks.
- $ ServiceProvider#bootedCallbacks — Property in class ServiceProvider
All of the registered booted callbacks.
- ServiceProvider::booting() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Register a booting callback to be run before the "boot" method is called.
- ServiceProvider::booted() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Register a booted callback to be run after the "boot" method is called.
- Str::before() — Method in class Str
Get the portion of a string before the first occurrence of a given value.
- Str::beforeLast() — Method in class Str
Get the portion of a string before the last occurrence of a given value.
- Str::between() — Method in class Str
Get the portion of a string between two given values.
- Str::betweenFirst() — Method in class Str
Get the smallest possible portion of a string between two given values.
- Stringable::basename() — Method in class Stringable
Get the trailing name component of the path.
- Stringable::before() — Method in class Stringable
Get the portion of a string before the first occurrence of a given value.
- Stringable::beforeLast() — Method in class Stringable
Get the portion of a string before the last occurrence of a given value.
- Stringable::between() — Method in class Stringable
Get the portion of a string between two given values.
- Stringable::betweenFirst() — Method in class Stringable
Get the smallest possible portion of a string between two given values.
- BatchFake — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
- BatchRepositoryFake — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
- $ BatchRepositoryFake#batches — Property in class BatchRepositoryFake
The batches stored in the repository.
- BusFake — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
- $ BusFake#batchRepository — Property in class BusFake
The fake repository to track batched jobs.
- $ BusFake#batches — Property in class BusFake
The batches that have been dispatched.
- BusFake::batched() — Method in class BusFake
Get all of the pending batches matching a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::batch() — Method in class BusFake
Create a new batch of queueable jobs.
- MailFake::bcc() — Method in class MailFake
Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.
- $ PendingBatchFake#bus — Property in class PendingBatchFake
The fake bus instance.
- $ PendingChainFake#bus — Property in class PendingChainFake
The fake bus instance.
- QueueFake::bulk() — Method in class QueueFake
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
- $ ViewErrorBag#bags — Property in class ViewErrorBag
The array of the view error bags.
- TestDatabases::bootTestDatabase() — Method in class TestDatabases
Boot a test database.
- ParallelTestingServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class ParallelTestingServiceProvider
Boot the application's service providers.
- $ TestResponse#baseResponse — Property in class TestResponse
The response to delegate to.
- File::between() — Method in class File
Indicate that the uploaded file should be between a minimum and maximum size in kilobytes.
- File::buildValidationRules() — Method in class File
Build the array of underlying validation rules based on the current state.
- File::buildMimetypes() — Method in class File
Separate the given mimetypes from extensions and return an array of correct rules to validate against.
- BladeCompiler — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
- $ Compiler#basePath — Property in class Compiler
The base path that should be removed from paths before hashing.
- $ ComponentTagCompiler#blade — Property in class ComponentTagCompiler
The Blade compiler instance.
- $ ComponentTagCompiler#boundAttributes — Property in class ComponentTagCompiler
The "bind:" attributes that have been compiled for the current component.
- $ Component#bladeViewCache — Property in class Component
The cache of blade view names, keyed by contents.
- ManagesEvents::buildClassEventCallback() — Method in class ManagesEvents
Build a class based container callback Closure.
- DynamicComponent::bindings() — Method in class DynamicComponent
Get the names of the variables that should be bound to the component.
- $ Gate#container — Property in class Gate
The container instance.
- Gate::check() — Method in class Gate
Determine if all of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.
- Gate::canBeCalledWithUser() — Method in class Gate
Determine whether the callback/method can be called with the given user.
- Gate::callbackAllowsGuests() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the callback allows guests.
- Gate::callAuthCallback() — Method in class Gate
Resolve and call the appropriate authorization callback.
- Gate::callBeforeCallbacks() — Method in class Gate
Call all of the before callbacks and return if a result is given.
- Gate::callAfterCallbacks() — Method in class Gate
Call all of the after callbacks with check result.
- Gate::callPolicyBefore() — Method in class Gate
Call the "before" method on the given policy, if applicable.
- Gate::callPolicyMethod() — Method in class Gate
Call the appropriate method on the given policy.
- $ Response#code — Property in class Response
The response code.
- Response::code() — Method in class Response
Get the response code / reason.
- $ AuthManager#customCreators — Property in class AuthManager
The registered custom driver creators.
- AuthManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class AuthManager
Call a custom driver creator.
- AuthManager::createSessionDriver() — Method in class AuthManager
Create a session based authentication guard.
- AuthManager::createTokenDriver() — Method in class AuthManager
Create a token based authentication guard.
- ClearResetsCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Console
- CreatesUserProviders — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- $ CreatesUserProviders#customProviderCreators — Property in class CreatesUserProviders
The registered custom provider creators.
- CreatesUserProviders::createUserProvider() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders
Create the user provider implementation for the driver.
- CreatesUserProviders::createDatabaseProvider() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders
Create an instance of the database user provider.
- CreatesUserProviders::createEloquentProvider() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders
Create an instance of the Eloquent user provider.
- $ DatabaseUserProvider#connection — Property in class DatabaseUserProvider
The active database connection.
- EloquentUserProvider::createModel() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Create a new instance of the model.
- $ Attempting#credentials — Property in class Attempting
The credentials for the user.
- CurrentDeviceLogout — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- $ Failed#credentials — Property in class Failed
The credentials provided by the attempter.
- GuardHelpers::check() — Method in class GuardHelpers
Determine if the current user is authenticated.
- $ ResetPassword#createUrlCallback — Property in class ResetPassword
The callback that should be used to create the reset password URL.
- ResetPassword::createUrlUsing() — Method in class ResetPassword
Set a callback that should be used when creating the reset password button URL.
- $ VerifyEmail#createUrlCallback — Property in class VerifyEmail
The callback that should be used to create the verify email URL.
- VerifyEmail::createUrlUsing() — Method in class VerifyEmail
Set a callback that should be used when creating the email verification URL.
- CanResetPassword — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
- $ DatabaseTokenRepository#connection — Property in class DatabaseTokenRepository
The database connection instance.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::create() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Create a new token record.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::createNewToken() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Create a new token for the user.
- PasswordBroker::createToken() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Create a new password reset token for the given user.
- PasswordBrokerManager::createTokenRepository() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
Create a token repository instance based on the given configuration.
- TokenRepositoryInterface::create() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
Create a new token.
- $ RequestGuard#callback — Property in class RequestGuard
The guard callback.
- $ SessionGuard#cookie — Property in class SessionGuard
The Illuminate cookie creator service.
- SessionGuard::createRecaller() — Method in class SessionGuard
Create a "remember me" cookie for a given ID.
- SessionGuard::clearUserDataFromStorage() — Method in class SessionGuard
Remove the user data from the session and cookies.
- SessionGuard::cycleRememberToken() — Method in class SessionGuard
Refresh the "remember me" token for the user.
- $ BroadcastManager#customCreators — Property in class BroadcastManager
The registered custom driver creators.
- BroadcastManager::channelRoutes() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Register the routes for handling broadcast authentication and sockets.
- BroadcastManager::connection() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Get a driver instance.
- BroadcastManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Call a custom driver creator.
- BroadcastManager::createPusherDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Create an instance of the driver.
- BroadcastManager::createAblyDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Create an instance of the driver.
- BroadcastManager::createRedisDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Create an instance of the driver.
- BroadcastManager::createLogDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Create an instance of the driver.
- BroadcastManager::createNullDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Create an instance of the driver.
- $ Broadcaster#channels — Property in class Broadcaster
The registered channel authenticators.
- $ Broadcaster#channelOptions — Property in class Broadcaster
The registered channel options.
- Broadcaster::channel() — Method in class Broadcaster
Register a channel authenticator.
- Broadcaster::channelNameMatchesPattern() — Method in class Broadcaster
Check if the channel name from the request matches a pattern from registered channels.
- $ RedisBroadcaster#connection — Property in class RedisBroadcaster
The Redis connection to use for broadcasting.
- Channel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- $ Batch#createdAt — Property in class Batch
The date indicating when the batch was created.
- $ Batch#cancelledAt — Property in class Batch
The date indicating when the batch was cancelled.
- Batch::cancel() — Method in class Batch
Cancel the batch.
- Batch::canceled() — Method in class Batch
Determine if the batch has been cancelled.
- Batch::cancelled() — Method in class Batch
Determine if the batch has been cancelled.
- BatchRepository::cancel() — Method in class BatchRepository
Cancel the batch that has the given ID.
- $ DatabaseBatchRepository#connection — Property in class DatabaseBatchRepository
The database connection instance.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::cancel() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Cancel the batch that has the given ID.
- $ Dispatcher#container — Property in class Dispatcher
The container implementation.
- Dispatcher::chain() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create a new chain of queueable jobs.
- Dispatcher::commandShouldBeQueued() — Method in class Dispatcher
Determine if the given command should be queued.
- $ PendingBatch#container — Property in class PendingBatch
The IoC container instance.
- PendingBatch::catch() — Method in class PendingBatch
Add a callback to be executed after the first failing job in the batch.
- PendingBatch::catchCallbacks() — Method in class PendingBatch
Get the "catch" callbacks that have been registered with the pending batch.
- PendingBatch::connection() — Method in class PendingBatch
Get the connection used by the pending batch.
- $ Queueable#connection — Property in class Queueable
The name of the connection the job should be sent to.
- $ Queueable#chainConnection — Property in class Queueable
The name of the connection the chain should be sent to.
- $ Queueable#chainQueue — Property in class Queueable
The name of the queue the chain should be sent to.
- $ Queueable#chainCatchCallbacks — Property in class Queueable
The callbacks to be executed on chain failure.
- $ Queueable#chained — Property in class Queueable
The jobs that should run if this job is successful.
- Queueable::chain() — Method in class Queueable
Set the jobs that should run if this job is successful.
- $ UniqueLock#cache — Property in class UniqueLock
The cache repository implementation.
- ArrayStore::calculateExpiration() — Method in class ArrayStore
Get the expiration time of the key.
- CacheLock — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- CacheManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- $ CacheManager#customCreators — Property in class CacheManager
The registered custom driver creators.
- CacheManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class CacheManager
Call a custom driver creator.
- CacheManager::createApcDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Create an instance of the APC cache driver.
- CacheManager::createArrayDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Create an instance of the array cache driver.
- CacheManager::createFileDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Create an instance of the file cache driver.
- CacheManager::createMemcachedDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Create an instance of the Memcached cache driver.
- CacheManager::createNullDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Create an instance of the Null cache driver.
- CacheManager::createRedisDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Create an instance of the Redis cache driver.
- CacheManager::createDatabaseDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Create an instance of the database cache driver.
- CacheManager::createDynamodbDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Create an instance of the DynamoDB cache driver.
- CacheServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- CacheTableCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Console
- $ CacheTableCommand#composer — Property in class CacheTableCommand
- CacheTableCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class CacheTableCommand
Create a base migration file for the table.
- ClearCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Console
- $ ClearCommand#cache — Property in class ClearCommand
The cache manager instance.
- ClearCommand::cache() — Method in class ClearCommand
Get the cache instance for the command.
- $ ForgetCommand#cache — Property in class ForgetCommand
The cache manager instance.
- $ DatabaseLock#connection — Property in class DatabaseLock
The database connection instance.
- $ DatabaseStore#connection — Property in class DatabaseStore
The database connection instance.
- CacheEvent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
- CacheHit — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
- CacheMissed — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
- MemcachedConnector::connect() — Method in class MemcachedConnector
Create a new Memcached connection.
- MemcachedConnector::createMemcachedInstance() — Method in class MemcachedConnector
Create the Memcached instance.
- MemcachedStore::calculateExpiration() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Get the expiration time of the key.
- $ RateLimiter#cache — Property in class RateLimiter
The cache store implementation.
- RateLimiter::clear() — Method in class RateLimiter
Clear the hits and lockout timer for the given key.
- RateLimiter::cleanRateLimiterKey() — Method in class RateLimiter
Clean the rate limiter key from unicode characters.
- $ RedisStore#connection — Property in class RedisStore
The Redis connection instance that should be used to manage locks.
- RedisStore::currentTags() — Method in class RedisStore
Get a collection of all of the cache tags currently being used.
- RedisStore::connection() — Method in class RedisStore
Get the Redis connection instance.
- Repository::clear() — Method in class Repository
- {@inheritdoc}
- $ Application#commandMap — Property in class Application
A map of command names to classes.
- Application::call() — Method in class Application
Run an Artisan console command by name.
- CacheCommandMutex — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- $ CacheCommandMutex#cache — Property in class CacheCommandMutex
The cache factory implementation.
- CacheCommandMutex::create() — Method in class CacheCommandMutex
Attempt to obtain a command mutex for the given command.
- CacheCommandMutex::commandMutexName() — Method in class CacheCommandMutex
- Command — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- Command::configureUsingFluentDefinition() — Method in class Command
Configure the console command using a fluent definition.
- Command::configureIsolation() — Method in class Command
Configure the console command for isolation.
- Command::commandIsolationMutex() — Method in class Command
Get a command isolation mutex instance for the command.
- CommandMutex — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- CommandMutex::create() — Method in class CommandMutex
Attempt to obtain a command mutex for the given command.
- CallsCommands — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Concerns
- CallsCommands::call() — Method in class CallsCommands
Call another console command.
- CallsCommands::callSilent() — Method in class CallsCommands
Call another console command without output.
- CallsCommands::callSilently() — Method in class CallsCommands
Call another console command without output.
- CallsCommands::createInputFromArguments() — Method in class CallsCommands
Create an input instance from the given arguments.
- CallsCommands::context() — Method in class CallsCommands
Get all of the context passed to the command.
- CreatesMatchingTest — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Concerns
- $ InteractsWithIO#components — Property in class InteractsWithIO
The console components factory.
- InteractsWithIO::confirm() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Confirm a question with the user.
- InteractsWithIO::choice() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Give the user a single choice from an array of answers.
- InteractsWithIO::comment() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Write a string as comment output.
- ConfirmableTrait — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- ConfirmableTrait::confirmToProceed() — Method in class ConfirmableTrait
Confirm before proceeding with the action.
- ContainerCommandLoader — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- $ ContainerCommandLoader#container — Property in class ContainerCommandLoader
The container instance.
- $ ContainerCommandLoader#commandMap — Property in class ContainerCommandLoader
A map of command names to classes.
- CommandFinished — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
- $ CommandFinished#command — Property in class CommandFinished
The command name.
- CommandStarting — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
- $ CommandStarting#command — Property in class CommandStarting
The command name.
- CacheAware — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- CacheEventMutex — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- $ CacheEventMutex#cache — Property in class CacheEventMutex
The cache repository implementation.
- CacheEventMutex::create() — Method in class CacheEventMutex
Attempt to obtain an event mutex for the given event.
- CacheSchedulingMutex — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- $ CacheSchedulingMutex#cache — Property in class CacheSchedulingMutex
The cache factory implementation.
- CacheSchedulingMutex::create() — Method in class CacheSchedulingMutex
Attempt to obtain a scheduling mutex for the given event.
- CallbackEvent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- $ CallbackEvent#callback — Property in class CallbackEvent
The callback to call.
- CommandBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- $ Event#command — Property in class Event
The command string.
- Event::callBeforeCallbacks() — Method in class Event
Call all of the "before" callbacks for the event.
- Event::callAfterCallbacks() — Method in class Event
Call all of the "after" callbacks for the event.
- Event::createMutexNameUsing() — Method in class Event
Set the mutex name or name resolver callback.
- EventMutex::create() — Method in class EventMutex
Attempt to obtain an event mutex for the given event.
- ManagesFrequencies::cron() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
The Cron expression representing the event's frequency.
- Schedule::call() — Method in class Schedule
Add a new callback event to the schedule.
- Schedule::command() — Method in class Schedule
Add a new Artisan command event to the schedule.
- Schedule::compileParameters() — Method in class Schedule
Compile parameters for a command.
- Schedule::compileArrayInput() — Method in class Schedule
Compile array input for a command.
- SchedulingMutex::create() — Method in class SchedulingMutex
Attempt to obtain a scheduling mutex for the given event.
- Choice — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
- Component — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
- Component::compile() — Method in class Component
Compile the given view contents.
- Confirm — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
- Factory::choice() — Method in class Factory
- Factory::confirm() — Method in class Factory
- BoundMethod::call() — Method in class BoundMethod
Call the given Closure / class@method and inject its dependencies.
- BoundMethod::callClass() — Method in class BoundMethod
Call a string reference to a class using Class@method syntax.
- BoundMethod::callBoundMethod() — Method in class BoundMethod
Call a method that has been bound to the container.
- Container — Class in namespace Illuminate\Container
- $ Container#contextual — Property in class Container
The contextual binding map.
- Container::callMethodBinding() — Method in class Container
Get the method binding for the given method.
- Container::call() — Method in class Container
Call the given Closure / class@method and inject its dependencies.
- ContextualBindingBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Container
- $ ContextualBindingBuilder#container — Property in class ContextualBindingBuilder
The underlying container instance.
- $ ContextualBindingBuilder#concrete — Property in class ContextualBindingBuilder
The concrete instance.
- $ RewindableGenerator#count — Property in class RewindableGenerator
The number of tagged services.
- RewindableGenerator::count() — Method in class RewindableGenerator
Get the total number of tagged services.
- Authorizable::can() — Method in class Authorizable
Determine if the entity has a given ability.
- Gate::check() — Method in class Gate
Determine if all of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.
- CanResetPassword — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- Guard::check() — Method in class Guard
Determine if the current user is authenticated.
- Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory
Get a broadcaster implementation by name.
- Application::call() — Method in class Application
Run an Artisan console command by name.
- Kernel::call() — Method in class Kernel
Run an Artisan console command by name.
- CircularDependencyException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
- Container — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
- Container::call() — Method in class Container
Call the given Closure / class@method and inject its dependencies.
- ContextualBindingBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Container
- Castable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent
- Castable::castUsing() — Method in class Castable
- CastsAttributes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent
- CastsInboundAttributes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent
- $ ModelIdentifier#class — Property in class ModelIdentifier
The class name of the model.
- $ ModelIdentifier#connection — Property in class ModelIdentifier
The connection name of the model.
- $ ModelIdentifier#collectionClass — Property in class ModelIdentifier
The class name of the model collection.
- Cloud — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
- Filesystem::copy() — Method in class Filesystem
Copy a file to a new location.
- Application::configPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the application configuration files.
- CachesConfiguration — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation
- CachesConfiguration::configurationIsCached() — Method in class CachesConfiguration
Determine if the application configuration is cached.
- CachesRoutes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation
- Hasher::check() — Method in class Hasher
Check the given plain value against a hash.
- Mailable::cc() — Method in class Mailable
Set the recipients of the message.
- Factory::channel() — Method in class Factory
Get a channel instance by name.
- CursorPaginator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination
- CursorPaginator::cursor() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Get the current cursor being paginated.
- Paginator::currentPage() — Method in class Paginator
Determine the current page being paginated.
- ProcessResult::command() — Method in class ProcessResult
Get the original command executed by the process.
- ClearableQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- ClearableQueue::clear() — Method in class ClearableQueue
Delete all of the jobs from the queue.
- Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory
Resolve a queue connection instance.
- Connection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Redis
- Connection::command() — Method in class Connection
Run a command against the Redis database.
- Connector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Redis
- Connector::connect() — Method in class Connector
Create a connection to a Redis cluster.
- Connector::connectToCluster() — Method in class Connector
Create a connection to a Redis instance.
- Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory
Get a Redis connection by name.
- UrlGenerator::current() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the current URL for the request.
- CanBeEscapedWhenCastToString — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- Translator::choice() — Method in class Translator
Get a translation according to an integer value.
- Factory::composer() — Method in class Factory
Register a view composer event.
- Factory::creator() — Method in class Factory
Register a view creator event.
- CookieJar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cookie
- CookieServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cookie
- CookieValuePrefix — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cookie
- CookieValuePrefix::create() — Method in class CookieValuePrefix
Create a new cookie value prefix for the given cookie name.
- $ AddQueuedCookiesToResponse#cookies — Property in class AddQueuedCookiesToResponse
The cookie jar instance.
- Manager::connection() — Method in class Manager
Get a connection instance from the global manager.
- ClassMorphViolationException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- BuildsQueries::chunk() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Chunk the results of the query.
- BuildsQueries::chunkMap() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Run a map over each item while chunking.
- BuildsQueries::chunkById() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Chunk the results of a query by comparing IDs.
- BuildsQueries::cursorPaginator() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Create a new cursor paginator instance.
- CompilesJsonPaths — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Concerns
- ManagesTransactions::createTransaction() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Create a transaction within the database.
- ManagesTransactions::createSavepoint() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Create a save point within the database.
- ManagesTransactions::commit() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Commit the active database transaction.
- ConfigurationUrlParser — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Connection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- $ Connection#config — Property in class Connection
The database connection configuration options.
- Connection::cursor() — Method in class Connection
Run a select statement against the database and returns a generator.
- ConnectionInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- ConnectionInterface::cursor() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Run a select statement against the database and returns a generator.
- ConnectionInterface::commit() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Commit the active database transaction.
- ConnectionResolver — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- $ ConnectionResolver#connections — Property in class ConnectionResolver
All of the registered connections.
- ConnectionResolver::connection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
Get a database connection instance.
- ConnectionResolverInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- ConnectionResolverInterface::connection() — Method in class ConnectionResolverInterface
Get a database connection instance.
- ConnectionFactory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
- $ ConnectionFactory#container — Property in class ConnectionFactory
The IoC container instance.
- ConnectionFactory::createSingleConnection() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a single database connection instance.
- ConnectionFactory::createReadWriteConnection() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a read / write database connection instance.
- ConnectionFactory::createReadPdo() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a new PDO instance for reading.
- ConnectionFactory::createPdoResolver() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a new Closure that resolves to a PDO instance.
- ConnectionFactory::createPdoResolverWithHosts() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a new Closure that resolves to a PDO instance with a specific host or an array of hosts.
- ConnectionFactory::createPdoResolverWithoutHosts() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a new Closure that resolves to a PDO instance where there is no configured host.
- ConnectionFactory::createConnector() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a connector instance based on the configuration.
- ConnectionFactory::createConnection() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a new connection instance.
- Connector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
- Connector::createConnection() — Method in class Connector
Create a new PDO connection.
- Connector::createPdoConnection() — Method in class Connector
Create a new PDO connection instance.
- ConnectorInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
- ConnectorInterface::connect() — Method in class ConnectorInterface
Establish a database connection.
- MySqlConnector::connect() — Method in class MySqlConnector
Establish a database connection.
- MySqlConnector::configureIsolationLevel() — Method in class MySqlConnector
Set the connection transaction isolation level.
- MySqlConnector::configureEncoding() — Method in class MySqlConnector
Set the connection character set and collation.
- MySqlConnector::configureTimezone() — Method in class MySqlConnector
Set the timezone on the connection.
- PostgresConnector::connect() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Establish a database connection.
- PostgresConnector::configureIsolationLevel() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Set the connection transaction isolation level.
- PostgresConnector::configureEncoding() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Set the connection character set and collation.
- PostgresConnector::configureTimezone() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Set the timezone on the connection.
- PostgresConnector::configureSearchPath() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Set the "search_path" on the database connection.
- PostgresConnector::configureApplicationName() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Set the application name on the connection.
- PostgresConnector::configureSynchronousCommit() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Configure the synchronous_commit setting.
- SQLiteConnector::connect() — Method in class SQLiteConnector
Establish a database connection.
- SqlServerConnector::connect() — Method in class SqlServerConnector
Establish a database connection.
- SqlServerConnector::configureIsolationLevel() — Method in class SqlServerConnector
Set the connection transaction isolation level.
- $ DatabaseInspectionCommand#composer — Property in class DatabaseInspectionCommand
The Composer instance.
- DbCommand::commandArguments() — Method in class DbCommand
Get the arguments for the database client command.
- DbCommand::commandEnvironment() — Method in class DbCommand
Get the environment variables for the database client command.
- MigrateCommand::createMissingSqliteDatbase() — Method in class MigrateCommand
Create a missing SQLite database.
- MigrateCommand::createMissingMysqlDatabase() — Method in class MigrateCommand
Create a missing MySQL database.
- $ MigrateMakeCommand#creator — Property in class MigrateMakeCommand
The migration creator instance.
- $ MigrateMakeCommand#composer — Property in class MigrateMakeCommand
The Composer instance.
- $ MonitorCommand#connection — Property in class MonitorCommand
The connection resolver instance.
- ShowCommand::collectViews() — Method in class ShowCommand
Get information regarding the views within the database.
- ShowModelCommand::columnIsUnique() — Method in class ShowModelCommand
Determine if the given attribute is unique.
- TableCommand::columns() — Method in class TableCommand
Get the information regarding the table's columns.
- $ DatabaseManager#connections — Property in class DatabaseManager
The active connection instances.
- DatabaseManager::connection() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Get a database connection instance.
- DatabaseManager::configuration() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Get the configuration for a connection.
- DatabaseManager::configure() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Prepare the database connection instance.
- $ DatabaseTransactionRecord#connection — Property in class DatabaseTransactionRecord
The name of the database connection.
- $ DatabaseTransactionRecord#callbacks — Property in class DatabaseTransactionRecord
The callbacks that should be executed after committing.
- $ DatabaseTransactionsManager#callbacksShouldIgnore — Property in class DatabaseTransactionsManager
The database transaction that should be ignored by callbacks.
- DatabaseTransactionsManager::commit() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager
Commit the active database transaction.
- DatabaseTransactionsManager::callbacksShouldIgnore() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager
Specify that callbacks should ignore the given transaction when determining if they should be executed.
- DatabaseTransactionsManager::callbackApplicableTransactions() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager
Get the transactions that are applicable to callbacks.
- DetectsConcurrencyErrors::causedByConcurrencyError() — Method in class DetectsConcurrencyErrors
Determine if the given exception was caused by a concurrency error such as a deadlock or serialization failure.
- DetectsLostConnections::causedByLostConnection() — Method in class DetectsLostConnections
Determine if the given exception was caused by a lost connection.
- $ BroadcastableModelEventOccurred#channels — Property in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
The channels that the event should be broadcast on.
- $ BroadcastableModelEventOccurred#connection — Property in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
The queue connection that should be used to queue the broadcast job.
- Builder::cursor() — Method in class Builder
Get a lazy collection for the given query.
- Builder::cursorPaginate() — Method in class Builder
Paginate the given query into a cursor paginator.
- Builder::create() — Method in class Builder
Save a new model and return the instance.
- Builder::callScope() — Method in class Builder
Apply the given scope on the current builder instance.
- Builder::callNamedScope() — Method in class Builder
Apply the given named scope on the current builder instance.
- Builder::createNestedWhere() — Method in class Builder
Create a where array with nested where conditions.
- Builder::combineConstraints() — Method in class Builder
Combine an array of constraints into a single constraint.
- Builder::createSelectWithConstraint() — Method in class Builder
Create a constraint to select the given columns for the relation.
- Builder::clone() — Method in class Builder
Clone the Eloquent query builder.
- ArrayObject::collect() — Method in class ArrayObject
Get a collection containing the underlying array.
- AsArrayObject::castUsing() — Method in class AsArrayObject
Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.
- AsCollection::castUsing() — Method in class AsCollection
Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.
- AsEncryptedArrayObject::castUsing() — Method in class AsEncryptedArrayObject
Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.
- AsEncryptedCollection::castUsing() — Method in class AsEncryptedCollection
Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.
- AsEnumArrayObject::castUsing() — Method in class AsEnumArrayObject
Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.
- AsEnumCollection::castUsing() — Method in class AsEnumCollection
Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.
- AsStringable::castUsing() — Method in class AsStringable
Get the caster class to use when casting from / to this cast target.
- Collection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- Collection::contains() — Method in class Collection
Determine if a key exists in the collection.
- Collection::countBy() — Method in class Collection
Count the number of items in the collection by a field or using a callback.
- Collection::collapse() — Method in class Collection
Collapse the collection of items into a single array.
- $ HasAttributes#changes — Property in class HasAttributes
The changed model attributes.
- $ HasAttributes#casts — Property in class HasAttributes
The attributes that should be cast.
- $ HasAttributes#classCastCache — Property in class HasAttributes
The attributes that have been cast using custom classes.
- $ HasAttributes#castTypeCache — Property in class HasAttributes
The cache of the converted cast types.
- HasAttributes::castAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes
Cast an attribute to a native PHP type.
- HasAttributes::castAttributeAsJson() — Method in class HasAttributes
Cast the given attribute to JSON.
- HasAttributes::castAttributeAsEncryptedString() — Method in class HasAttributes
Cast the given attribute to an encrypted string.
- HasAttributes::cacheMutatedAttributes() — Method in class HasAttributes
Extract and cache all the mutated attributes of a class.
- HasEvents::creating() — Method in class HasEvents
Register a creating model event with the dispatcher.
- HasEvents::created() — Method in class HasEvents
Register a created model event with the dispatcher.
- QueriesRelationships::canUseExistsForExistenceCheck() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Check if we can run an "exists" query to optimize performance.
- BelongsToManyRelationship::createFor() — Method in class BelongsToManyRelationship
Create the attached relationship for the given model.
- CrossJoinSequence — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories
- $ Factory#count — Property in class Factory
The number of models that should be generated.
- $ Factory#connection — Property in class Factory
The name of the database connection that will be used to create the models.
- Factory::configure() — Method in class Factory
Configure the factory.
- Factory::createOne() — Method in class Factory
Create a single model and persist it to the database.
- Factory::createOneQuietly() — Method in class Factory
Create a single model and persist it to the database without dispatching any model events.
- Factory::createMany() — Method in class Factory
Create a collection of models and persist them to the database.
- Factory::createManyQuietly() — Method in class Factory
Create a collection of models and persist them to the database without dispatching any model events.
- Factory::create() — Method in class Factory
Create a collection of models and persist them to the database.
- Factory::createQuietly() — Method in class Factory
Create a collection of models and persist them to the database without dispatching any model events.
- Factory::createChildren() — Method in class Factory
Create the children for the given model.
- Factory::crossJoinSequence() — Method in class Factory
Add a new cross joined sequenced state transformation to the model definition.
- Factory::callAfterMaking() — Method in class Factory
Call the "after making" callbacks for the given model instances.
- Factory::callAfterCreating() — Method in class Factory
Call the "after creating" callbacks for the given model instances.
- Factory::count() — Method in class Factory
Specify how many models should be generated.
- Factory::connection() — Method in class Factory
Specify the database connection that should be used to generate models.
- Relationship::createFor() — Method in class Relationship
Create the child relationship for the given parent model.
- $ Sequence#count — Property in class Sequence
The count of the sequence items.
- Sequence::count() — Method in class Sequence
Get the current count of the sequence items.
- $ InvalidCastException#column — Property in class InvalidCastException
The name of the column.
- $ InvalidCastException#castType — Property in class InvalidCastException
The name of the cast type.
- $ Model#connection — Property in class Model
The connection name for the model.
- Model::clearBootedModels() — Method in class Model
Clear the list of booted models so they will be re-booted.
- Model::callNamedScope() — Method in class Model
Apply the given named scope if possible.
- Model::childRouteBindingRelationshipName() — Method in class Model
Retrieve the child route model binding relationship name for the given child type.
- $ BelongsTo#child — Property in class BelongsTo
The child model instance of the relation.
- BelongsToMany::cursorPaginate() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Paginate the given query into a cursor paginator.
- BelongsToMany::chunk() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Chunk the results of the query.
- BelongsToMany::chunkById() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Chunk the results of a query by comparing numeric IDs.
- BelongsToMany::cursor() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get a lazy collection for the given query.
- BelongsToMany::create() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Create a new instance of the related model.
- BelongsToMany::createMany() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Create an array of new instances of the related models.
- BelongsToMany::createdAt() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the name of the "created at" column.
- CanBeOneOfMany — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Concerns
- ComparesRelatedModels — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Concerns
- ComparesRelatedModels::compareKeys() — Method in class ComparesRelatedModels
Compare the parent key with the related key.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::castKeys() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Cast the given keys to integers if they are numeric and string otherwise.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::castKey() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Cast the given key to convert to primary key type.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::castAttributes() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Cast the given pivot attributes.
- HasManyThrough::cursorPaginate() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Paginate the given query into a cursor paginator.
- HasManyThrough::chunk() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Chunk the results of the query.
- HasManyThrough::chunkById() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Chunk the results of a query by comparing numeric IDs.
- HasManyThrough::cursor() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get a generator for the given query.
- HasOneOrMany::create() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Create a new instance of the related model.
- HasOneOrMany::createQuietly() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Create a new instance of the related model without raising any events to the parent model.
- HasOneOrMany::createMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Create a Collection of new instances of the related model.
- HasOneOrMany::createManyQuietly() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Create a Collection of new instances of the related model without raising any events to the parent model.
- MorphTo::createModelByType() — Method in class MorphTo
Create a new model instance by type.
- MorphTo::constrain() — Method in class MorphTo
Specify constraints on the query for a given morph type.
- $ Relation#constraints — Property in class Relation
Indicates if the relation is adding constraints.
- Relation::createdAt() — Method in class Relation
Get the name of the "created at" column.
- ConnectionEstablished — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- ConnectionEvent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- $ ConnectionEvent#connectionName — Property in class ConnectionEvent
The name of the connection.
- $ ConnectionEvent#connection — Property in class ConnectionEvent
The database connection instance.
- $ DatabaseBusy#connectionName — Property in class DatabaseBusy
The database connection name.
- $ DatabaseBusy#connections — Property in class DatabaseBusy
The number of open connections.
- $ ModelsPruned#count — Property in class ModelsPruned
The number of pruned records.
- $ QueryExecuted#connection — Property in class QueryExecuted
The database connection instance.
- $ QueryExecuted#connectionName — Property in class QueryExecuted
The database connection name.
- $ SchemaDumped#connection — Property in class SchemaDumped
The database connection instance.
- $ SchemaDumped#connectionName — Property in class SchemaDumped
The database connection name.
- $ SchemaLoaded#connection — Property in class SchemaLoaded
The database connection instance.
- $ SchemaLoaded#connectionName — Property in class SchemaLoaded
The database connection name.
- $ StatementPrepared#connection — Property in class StatementPrepared
The database connection instance.
- Grammar::columnize() — Method in class Grammar
Convert an array of column names into a delimited string.
- $ MigrationServiceProvider#commands — Property in class MigrationServiceProvider
The commands to be registered.
- $ DatabaseMigrationRepository#connection — Property in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
The name of the database connection to use.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::createRepository() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Create the migration repository data store.
- $ Migration#connection — Property in class Migration
The name of the database connection to use.
- $ MigrationCreator#customStubPath — Property in class MigrationCreator
The custom app stubs directory.
- MigrationCreator::create() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Create a new migration at the given path.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::createRepository() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Create the migration repository data store.
- $ Migrator#connection — Property in class Migrator
The name of the default connection.
- $ MultipleRecordsFoundException#count — Property in class MultipleRecordsFoundException
The number of records found.
- ConnectsToDatabase — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\PDO\Concerns
- ConnectsToDatabase::connect() — Method in class ConnectsToDatabase
Create a new database connection.
- Connection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\PDO
- $ Connection#connection — Property in class Connection
The underlying PDO connection.
- Connection::createStatement() — Method in class Connection
Create a new statement instance.
- Connection::commit() — Method in class Connection
Commit a database transaction.
- $ SqlServerConnection#connection — Property in class SqlServerConnection
The underlying connection instance.
- SqlServerConnection::commit() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Commit a database transaction.
- SqlServerDriver::connect() — Method in class SqlServerDriver
Create a new database connection.
- $ QueryException#connectionName — Property in class QueryException
The database connection name.
- $ Builder#connection — Property in class Builder
The database connection instance.
- $ Builder#columns — Property in class Builder
The columns that should be returned.
- Builder::createSub() — Method in class Builder
Creates a subquery and parse it.
- Builder::crossJoin() — Method in class Builder
Add a "cross join" clause to the query.
- Builder::crossJoinSub() — Method in class Builder
Add a subquery cross join to the query.
- Builder::cursorPaginate() — Method in class Builder
Get a paginator only supporting simple next and previous links.
- Builder::cloneForPaginationCount() — Method in class Builder
Clone the existing query instance for usage in a pagination subquery.
- Builder::cursor() — Method in class Builder
Get a lazy collection for the given query.
- Builder::count() — Method in class Builder
Retrieve the "count" result of the query.
- Builder::castBinding() — Method in class Builder
Cast the given binding value.
- Builder::cleanBindings() — Method in class Builder
Remove all of the expressions from a list of bindings.
- Builder::clone() — Method in class Builder
Clone the query.
- Builder::cloneWithout() — Method in class Builder
Clone the query without the given properties.
- Builder::cloneWithoutBindings() — Method in class Builder
Clone the query without the given bindings.
- Grammar::compileSelect() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a select query into SQL.
- Grammar::compileComponents() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the components necessary for a select clause.
- Grammar::compileAggregate() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an aggregated select clause.
- Grammar::compileColumns() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "select *" portion of the query.
- Grammar::compileFrom() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "from" portion of the query.
- Grammar::compileJoins() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "join" portions of the query.
- Grammar::compileWheres() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "where" portions of the query.
- Grammar::compileWheresToArray() — Method in class Grammar
Get an array of all the where clauses for the query.
- Grammar::concatenateWhereClauses() — Method in class Grammar
Format the where clause statements into one string.
- Grammar::compileJsonContains() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "JSON contains" statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileJsonContainsKey() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "JSON contains key" statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileJsonValueCast() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "JSON value cast" statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileGroups() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "group by" portions of the query.
- Grammar::compileHavings() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "having" portions of the query.
- Grammar::compileHaving() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a single having clause.
- Grammar::compileBasicHaving() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a basic having clause.
- Grammar::compileHavingBetween() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "between" having clause.
- Grammar::compileHavingNull() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a having null clause.
- Grammar::compileHavingNotNull() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a having not null clause.
- Grammar::compileHavingBit() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a having clause involving a bit operator.
- Grammar::compileNestedHavings() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a nested having clause.
- Grammar::compileOrders() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "order by" portions of the query.
- Grammar::compileOrdersToArray() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the query orders to an array.
- Grammar::compileRandom() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the random statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileLimit() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "limit" portions of the query.
- Grammar::compileOffset() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "offset" portions of the query.
- Grammar::compileUnions() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the "union" queries attached to the main query.
- Grammar::compileUnion() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a single union statement.
- Grammar::compileUnionAggregate() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a union aggregate query into SQL.
- Grammar::compileExists() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an exists statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileInsert() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an insert statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileInsertOrIgnore() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an insert ignore statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileInsertGetId() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an insert and get ID statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileInsertUsing() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an insert statement using a subquery into SQL.
- Grammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an update statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileUpdateColumns() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the columns for an update statement.
- Grammar::compileUpdateWithoutJoins() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an update statement without joins into SQL.
- Grammar::compileUpdateWithJoins() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an update statement with joins into SQL.
- Grammar::compileUpsert() — Method in class Grammar
Compile an "upsert" statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileDelete() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a delete statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileDeleteWithoutJoins() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a delete statement without joins into SQL.
- Grammar::compileDeleteWithJoins() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a delete statement with joins into SQL.
- Grammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.
- Grammar::compileLock() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the lock into SQL.
- Grammar::compileSavepoint() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the SQL statement to define a savepoint.
- Grammar::compileSavepointRollBack() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the SQL statement to execute a savepoint rollback.
- Grammar::concatenate() — Method in class Grammar
Concatenate an array of segments, removing empties.
- MySqlGrammar::compileIndexHint() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the index hints for the query.
- MySqlGrammar::compileInsertOrIgnore() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile an insert ignore statement into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileJsonContains() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a "JSON contains" statement into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileJsonContainsKey() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a "JSON contains key" statement into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileJsonValueCast() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a "JSON value cast" statement into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileRandom() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the random statement into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileLock() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the lock into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileInsert() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile an insert statement into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileUpdateColumns() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the columns for an update statement.
- MySqlGrammar::compileUpsert() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile an "upsert" statement into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileJsonUpdateColumn() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Prepare a JSON column being updated using the JSON_SET function.
- MySqlGrammar::compileUpdateWithoutJoins() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile an update statement without joins into SQL.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDeleteWithoutJoins() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a delete query that does not use joins.
- PostgresGrammar::compileColumns() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the "select *" portion of the query.
- PostgresGrammar::compileJsonContains() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a "JSON contains" statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileJsonContainsKey() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a "JSON contains key" statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileHaving() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a single having clause.
- PostgresGrammar::compileHavingBitwise() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a having clause involving a bitwise operator.
- PostgresGrammar::compileLock() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the lock into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileInsertOrIgnore() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile an insert ignore statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileInsertGetId() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile an insert and get ID statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile an update statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUpdateColumns() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the columns for an update statement.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUpsert() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile an "upsert" statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileJsonUpdateColumn() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Prepares a JSON column being updated using the JSONB_SET function.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUpdateFrom() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile an update from statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUpdateWheres() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the additional where clauses for updates with joins.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUpdateJoinWheres() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the "join" clause where clauses for an update.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUpdateWithJoinsOrLimit() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile an update statement with joins or limit into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDelete() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a delete statement into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDeleteWithJoinsOrLimit() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a delete statement with joins or limit into SQL.
- PostgresGrammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileLock() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the lock into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileIndexHint() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the index hints for the query.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileJsonContainsKey() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a "JSON contains key" statement into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileUpdate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile an update statement into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileInsertOrIgnore() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile an insert ignore statement into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileUpdateColumns() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the columns for an update statement.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileUpsert() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile an "upsert" statement into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileJsonPatch() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a "JSON" patch statement into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileUpdateWithJoinsOrLimit() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile an update statement with joins or limit into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDelete() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a delete statement into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDeleteWithJoinsOrLimit() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a delete statement with joins or limit into SQL.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileTruncate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a truncate table statement into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileSelect() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a select query into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileColumns() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the "select *" portion of the query.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileFrom() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the "from" portion of the query.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileIndexHint() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the index hints for the query.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileJsonContains() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a "JSON contains" statement into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileJsonContainsKey() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a "JSON contains key" statement into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileJsonLength() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileJsonValueCast() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a "JSON value cast" statement into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileHaving() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a single having clause.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileHavingBitwise() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a having clause involving a bitwise operator.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileRowConstraint() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the limit / offset row constraint for a query.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDeleteWithoutJoins() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a delete statement without joins into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileRandom() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the random statement into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileLimit() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the "limit" portions of the query.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileOffset() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the "offset" portions of the query.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileLock() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the lock into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile an exists statement into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileUpdateWithJoins() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile an update statement with joins into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileUpsert() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile an "upsert" statement into SQL.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileSavepoint() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the SQL statement to define a savepoint.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileSavepointRollBack() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the SQL statement to execute a savepoint rollback.
- $ Blueprint#columns — Property in class Blueprint
The columns that should be added to the table.
- $ Blueprint#commands — Property in class Blueprint
The commands that should be run for the table.
- $ Blueprint#charset — Property in class Blueprint
The default character set that should be used for the table.
- $ Blueprint#collation — Property in class Blueprint
The collation that should be used for the table.
- Blueprint::commandsNamed() — Method in class Blueprint
Get all of the commands matching the given names.
- Blueprint::creating() — Method in class Blueprint
Determine if the blueprint has a create command.
- Blueprint::create() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the table needs to be created.
- Blueprint::char() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new char column on the table.
- Blueprint::computed() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new generated, computed column on the table.
- Blueprint::comment() — Method in class Blueprint
Add a comment to the table.
- Blueprint::createIndexName() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a default index name for the table.
- Blueprint::createCommand() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new Fluent command.
- $ Builder#connection — Property in class Builder
The database connection instance.
- Builder::createDatabase() — Method in class Builder
Create a database in the schema.
- Builder::create() — Method in class Builder
Create a new table on the schema.
- Builder::createBlueprint() — Method in class Builder
Create a new command set with a Closure.
- ColumnDefinition — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- ColumnDefinition::change() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
Change the column
- ColumnDefinition::charset() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- ColumnDefinition::collation() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- ColumnDefinition::comment() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- ForeignIdColumnDefinition::constrained() — Method in class ForeignIdColumnDefinition
Create a foreign key constraint on this column referencing the "id" column of the conventionally related table.
- ForeignKeyDefinition::cascadeOnUpdate() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition
Indicate that updates should cascade.
- ForeignKeyDefinition::cascadeOnDelete() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition
Indicate that deletes should cascade.
- ChangeColumn — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
- ChangeColumn::compile() — Method in class ChangeColumn
Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.
- ChangeColumn::calculateDoctrineTextLength() — Method in class ChangeColumn
Calculate the proper column length to force the Doctrine text type.
- Grammar::compileCreateDatabase() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a create database command.
- Grammar::compileDropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a drop database if exists command.
- Grammar::compileRenameColumn() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a rename column command.
- Grammar::compileChange() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.
- Grammar::compileFulltext() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a fulltext index key command.
- Grammar::compileDropFullText() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a drop fulltext index command.
- Grammar::compileForeign() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a foreign key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileCreateDatabase() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a create database command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop database if exists command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the query to determine the list of tables.
- MySqlGrammar::compileColumnListing() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
- MySqlGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a create table command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileCreateTable() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the main create table clause.
- MySqlGrammar::compileCreateEncoding() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Append the character set specifications to a command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileCreateEngine() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Append the engine specifications to a command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile an add column command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileAutoIncrementStartingValues() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the auto-incrementing column starting values.
- MySqlGrammar::compileRenameColumn() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a rename column command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileChange() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.
- MySqlGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a primary key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a unique key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a plain index key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileFullText() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a fulltext index key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileSpatialIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a spatial index key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileKey() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile an index creation command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop table command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop column command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop primary key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop unique key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop index command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropFullText() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop fulltext index command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropSpatialIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop spatial index command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a drop foreign key command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a rename table command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileRenameIndex() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a rename index command.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropAllTables() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDropAllViews() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to drop all views.
- MySqlGrammar::compileGetAllTables() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all table names.
- MySqlGrammar::compileGetAllViews() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all view names.
- MySqlGrammar::compileEnableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.
- MySqlGrammar::compileDisableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.
- MySqlGrammar::compileTableComment() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a table comment command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileCreateDatabase() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a create database command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop database if exists command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the query to determine if a table exists.
- PostgresGrammar::compileColumnListing() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
- PostgresGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a create table command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a column addition command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileAutoIncrementStartingValues() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the auto-incrementing column starting values.
- PostgresGrammar::compileRenameColumn() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a rename column command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileChange() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.
- PostgresGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a primary key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a unique key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a plain index key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileFulltext() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a fulltext index key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileSpatialIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a spatial index key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileForeign() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a foreign key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop table command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropAllTables() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropAllViews() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to drop all views.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropAllTypes() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to drop all types.
- PostgresGrammar::compileGetAllTables() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all table names.
- PostgresGrammar::compileGetAllViews() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all view names.
- PostgresGrammar::compileGetAllTypes() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all type names.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop column command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop primary key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop unique key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop index command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropFullText() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop fulltext index command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropSpatialIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop spatial index command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a drop foreign key command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a rename table command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileRenameIndex() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a rename index command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileEnableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.
- PostgresGrammar::compileDisableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.
- PostgresGrammar::compileComment() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a comment command.
- PostgresGrammar::compileTableComment() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a table comment command.
- RenameColumn::compile() — Method in class RenameColumn
Compile a rename column command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the query to determine if a table exists.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileColumnListing() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a create table command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile alter table commands for adding columns.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileRenameColumn() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a rename column command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a unique key command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a plain index key command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileSpatialIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a spatial index key command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileForeign() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a foreign key command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a drop table command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropAllTables() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropAllViews() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to drop all views.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileGetAllTables() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all table names.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileGetAllViews() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all view names.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileRebuild() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to rebuild the database.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a drop column command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a drop unique key command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a drop index command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDropSpatialIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a drop spatial index command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a rename table command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileRenameIndex() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a rename index command.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileEnableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDisableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileEnableWriteableSchema() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to enable a writable schema.
- SQLiteGrammar::compileDisableWriteableSchema() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to disable a writable schema.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileCreateDatabase() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a create database command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop database if exists command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileTableExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the query to determine if a table exists.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileColumnListing() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the query to determine the list of columns.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileCreate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a create table command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileAdd() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a column addition table command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileRenameColumn() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a rename column command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileChange() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.
- SqlServerGrammar::compilePrimary() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a primary key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileUnique() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a unique key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a plain index key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileSpatialIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a spatial index key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDefault() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a default command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDrop() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop table command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropIfExists() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop table (if exists) command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropAllTables() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropColumn() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop column command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropDefaultConstraint() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop default constraint command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropPrimary() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop primary key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropUnique() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop unique key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop index command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropSpatialIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop spatial index command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropForeign() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a drop foreign key command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileRename() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a rename table command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileRenameIndex() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a rename index command.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileEnableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the command to enable foreign key constraints.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDisableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the command to disable foreign key constraints.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropAllForeignKeys() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the command to drop all foreign keys.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileDropAllViews() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the command to drop all views.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileGetAllTables() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all table names.
- SqlServerGrammar::compileGetAllViews() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile the SQL needed to retrieve all view names.
- MySqlBuilder::createDatabase() — Method in class MySqlBuilder
Create a database in the schema.
- MySqlSchemaState::connectionString() — Method in class MySqlSchemaState
Generate a basic connection string (--socket, --host, --port, --user, --password) for the database.
- PostgresBuilder::createDatabase() — Method in class PostgresBuilder
Create a database in the schema.
- SQLiteBuilder::createDatabase() — Method in class SQLiteBuilder
Create a database in the schema.
- $ SchemaState#connection — Property in class SchemaState
The connection instance.
- SqlServerBuilder::createDatabase() — Method in class SqlServerBuilder
Create a database in the schema.
- $ Seeder#container — Property in class Seeder
The container instance.
- $ Seeder#command — Property in class Seeder
The console command instance.
- $ Seeder#called — Property in class Seeder
Seeders that have been called at least one time.
- Seeder::call() — Method in class Seeder
Run the given seeder class.
- Seeder::callWith() — Method in class Seeder
Run the given seeder class.
- Seeder::callSilent() — Method in class Seeder
Silently run the given seeder class.
- Seeder::callOnce() — Method in class Seeder
Run the given seeder class once.
- $ Encrypter#cipher — Property in class Encrypter
The algorithm used for encryption.
- CallQueuedListener — Class in namespace Illuminate\Events
- $ CallQueuedListener#class — Property in class CallQueuedListener
The listener class name.
- $ Dispatcher#container — Property in class Dispatcher
The IoC container instance.
- Dispatcher::createClassListener() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create a class based listener using the IoC container.
- Dispatcher::createClassCallable() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create the class based event callable.
- Dispatcher::createQueuedHandlerCallable() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create a callable for putting an event handler on the queue.
- Dispatcher::createCallbackForListenerRunningAfterCommits() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create a callable for dispatching a listener after database transactions.
- Dispatcher::createListenerAndJob() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create the listener and job for a queued listener.
- $ QueuedClosure#closure — Property in class QueuedClosure
The underlying Closure.
- $ QueuedClosure#connection — Property in class QueuedClosure
The name of the connection the job should be sent to.
- $ QueuedClosure#catchCallbacks — Property in class QueuedClosure
All of the "catch" callbacks for the queued closure.
- QueuedClosure::catch() — Method in class QueuedClosure
Specify a callback that should be invoked if the queued listener job fails.
- $ AwsS3V3Adapter#client — Property in class AwsS3V3Adapter
The AWS S3 client.
- Filesystem::chmod() — Method in class Filesystem
Get or set UNIX mode of a file or directory.
- Filesystem::copy() — Method in class Filesystem
Copy a file to a new location.
- Filesystem::copyDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Copy a directory from one location to another.
- Filesystem::cleanDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Empty the specified directory of all files and folders.
- $ FilesystemAdapter#config — Property in class FilesystemAdapter
The filesystem configuration.
- FilesystemAdapter::copy() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Copy a file to a new location.
- FilesystemAdapter::checksum() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the checksum for a file.
- FilesystemAdapter::concatPathToUrl() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Concatenate a path to a URL.
- $ FilesystemManager#customCreators — Property in class FilesystemManager
The registered custom driver creators.
- FilesystemManager::cloud() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Get a default cloud filesystem instance.
- FilesystemManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Call a custom driver creator.
- FilesystemManager::createLocalDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create an instance of the local driver.
- FilesystemManager::createFtpDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create an instance of the ftp driver.
- FilesystemManager::createSftpDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create an instance of the sftp driver.
- FilesystemManager::createS3Driver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create an instance of the Amazon S3 driver.
- FilesystemManager::createScopedDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create a scoped driver.
- FilesystemManager::createFlysystem() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create a Flysystem instance with the given adapter.
- LockableFile::createResource() — Method in class LockableFile
Create the file resource.
- LockableFile::close() — Method in class LockableFile
Close the file.
- $ Application#configPath — Property in class Application
The custom configuration path defined by the developer.
- Application::configPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the application configuration files.
- Application::configurationIsCached() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application configuration is cached.
- Application::currentLocale() — Method in class Application
Get the current application locale.
- Authorizable::can() — Method in class Authorizable
Determine if the entity has the given abilities.
- Authorizable::canAny() — Method in class Authorizable
Determine if the entity has any of the given abilities.
- Authorizable::cant() — Method in class Authorizable
Determine if the entity does not have the given abilities.
- Authorizable::cannot() — Method in class Authorizable
Determine if the entity does not have the given abilities.
- LoadEnvironmentVariables::checkForSpecificEnvironmentFile() — Method in class LoadEnvironmentVariables
Detect if a custom environment file matching the APP_ENV exists.
- LoadEnvironmentVariables::createDotenv() — Method in class LoadEnvironmentVariables
Create a Dotenv instance.
- $ PendingChain#chain — Property in class PendingChain
The jobs to be chained.
- $ PendingChain#connection — Property in class PendingChain
The name of the connection the chain should be sent to.
- $ PendingChain#catchCallbacks — Property in class PendingChain
The callbacks to be executed on failure.
- PendingChain::catch() — Method in class PendingChain
Add a callback to be executed on job failure.
- PendingChain::catchCallbacks() — Method in class PendingChain
Get the "catch" callbacks that have been registered.
- PendingClosureDispatch::catch() — Method in class PendingClosureDispatch
Add a callback to be executed if the job fails.
- PendingDispatch::chain() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Set the jobs that should run if this job is successful.
- CacheBasedMaintenanceMode — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- $ CacheBasedMaintenanceMode#cache — Property in class CacheBasedMaintenanceMode
The cache factory.
- ComposerScripts — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- ComposerScripts::clearCompiled() — Method in class ComposerScripts
Clear the cached Laravel bootstrapping files.
- $ AboutCommand#composer — Property in class AboutCommand
The Composer instance.
- $ AboutCommand#customDataResolvers — Property in class AboutCommand
The registered callables that add custom data to the command output.
- CastMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ChannelMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ClearCompiledCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- CliDumper — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- $ CliDumper#compiledViewPath — Property in class CliDumper
The compiled view path for the application.
- ClosureCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- $ ClosureCommand#callback — Property in class ClosureCommand
The command callback.
- ComponentMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ConfigCacheCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ConfigClearCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ConsoleMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- $ DocsCommand#cache — Property in class DocsCommand
The cache repository implementation.
- DocsCommand::configure() — Method in class DocsCommand
Configure the current command.
- $ Kernel#commands — Property in class Kernel
The Artisan commands provided by the application.
- $ Kernel#commandsLoaded — Property in class Kernel
Indicates if the Closure commands have been loaded.
- $ Kernel#commandLifecycleDurationHandlers — Property in class Kernel
All of the registered command duration handlers.
- $ Kernel#commandStartedAt — Property in class Kernel
When the currently handled command started.
- Kernel::commandStartedAt() — Method in class Kernel
When the command being handled started.
- Kernel::commands() — Method in class Kernel
Register the commands for the application.
- Kernel::command() — Method in class Kernel
Register a Closure based command with the application.
- Kernel::call() — Method in class Kernel
Run an Artisan console command by name.
- ModelMakeCommand::createFactory() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
Create a model factory for the model.
- ModelMakeCommand::createMigration() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
Create a migration file for the model.
- ModelMakeCommand::createSeeder() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
Create a seeder file for the model.
- ModelMakeCommand::createController() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
Create a controller for the model.
- ModelMakeCommand::createPolicy() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
Create a policy file for the model.
- ResourceMakeCommand::collection() — Method in class ResourceMakeCommand
Determine if the command is generating a resource collection.
- ServeCommand::canTryAnotherPort() — Method in class ServeCommand
Check if the command has reached its maximum number of port tries.
- VendorPublishCommand::createParentDirectory() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
Create the directory to house the published files if needed.
- ViewCacheCommand::compileViews() — Method in class ViewCacheCommand
Compile the given view files.
- DiscoverEvents::classFromFile() — Method in class DiscoverEvents
Extract the class name from the given file path.
- $ Handler#container — Property in class Handler
The container implementation.
- Handler::context() — Method in class Handler
Get the default context variables for logging.
- Handler::convertValidationExceptionToResponse() — Method in class Handler
Create a response object from the given validation exception.
- Handler::convertExceptionToResponse() — Method in class Handler
Create a Symfony response for the given exception.
- Handler::convertExceptionToArray() — Method in class Handler
Convert the given exception to an array.
- $ ReportableHandler#callback — Property in class ReportableHandler
The underlying callback.
- $ FormRequest#container — Property in class FormRequest
The container instance.
- FormRequest::createDefaultValidator() — Method in class FormRequest
Create the default validator instance.
- $ HtmlDumper#compiledViewPath — Property in class HtmlDumper
The compiled view path of the application.
- MaintenanceModeBypassCookie::create() — Method in class MaintenanceModeBypassCookie
Create a new maintenance mode bypass cookie.
- CheckForMaintenanceMode — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
- ConvertEmptyStringsToNull — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
- $ HandlePrecognitiveRequests#container — Property in class HandlePrecognitiveRequests
The container instance.
- TransformsRequest::clean() — Method in class TransformsRequest
Clean the request's data.
- TransformsRequest::cleanParameterBag() — Method in class TransformsRequest
Clean the data in the parameter bag.
- TransformsRequest::cleanArray() — Method in class TransformsRequest
Clean the data in the given array.
- TransformsRequest::cleanValue() — Method in class TransformsRequest
Clean the given value.
- MaintenanceModeManager::createFileDriver() — Method in class MaintenanceModeManager
Create an instance of the file based maintenance driver.
- MaintenanceModeManager::createCacheDriver() — Method in class MaintenanceModeManager
Create an instance of the cache based maintenance driver.
- PackageManifest::config() — Method in class PackageManifest
Get all of the values for all packages for the given configuration name.
- ProviderRepository::compileManifest() — Method in class ProviderRepository
Compile the application service manifest file.
- ProviderRepository::createProvider() — Method in class ProviderRepository
Create a new provider instance.
- $ ArtisanServiceProvider#commands — Property in class ArtisanServiceProvider
The commands to be registered.
- ComposerServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
- ConsoleSupportServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
- InteractsWithDatabase::castAsJson() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Cast a JSON string to a database compatible type.
- InteractsWithViews::component() — Method in class InteractsWithViews
Render the given view component.
- DatabaseTransactions::connectionsToTransact() — Method in class DatabaseTransactions
The database connections that should have transactions.
- DatabaseTruncation::connectionsToTruncate() — Method in class DatabaseTruncation
The database connections that should have their tables truncated.
- RefreshDatabase::connectionsToTransact() — Method in class RefreshDatabase
The database connections that should have transactions.
- $ TestCase#callbackException — Property in class TestCase
The exception thrown while running an application destruction callback.
- TestCase::createApplication() — Method in class TestCase
Creates the application.
- TestCase::callBeforeApplicationDestroyedCallbacks() — Method in class TestCase
Execute the application's pre-destruction callbacks.
- CanConfigureMigrationCommands — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Traits
- Vite::cspNonce() — Method in class Vite
Get the Content Security Policy nonce applied to all generated tags.
- Vite::chunk() — Method in class Vite
Get the chunk for the given entry point / asset.
- AbstractHasher::check() — Method in class AbstractHasher
Check the given plain value against a hash.
- Argon2IdHasher::check() — Method in class Argon2IdHasher
Check the given plain value against a hash.
- ArgonHasher::check() — Method in class ArgonHasher
Check the given plain value against a hash.
- BcryptHasher::check() — Method in class BcryptHasher
Check the given plain value against a hash.
- BcryptHasher::cost() — Method in class BcryptHasher
Extract the cost value from the options array.
- HashManager::createBcryptDriver() — Method in class HashManager
Create an instance of the Bcrypt hash Driver.
- HashManager::createArgonDriver() — Method in class HashManager
Create an instance of the Argon2i hash Driver.
- HashManager::createArgon2idDriver() — Method in class HashManager
Create an instance of the Argon2id hash Driver.
- HashManager::check() — Method in class HashManager
Check the given plain value against a hash.
- DeterminesStatusCode::created() — Method in class DeterminesStatusCode
Determine if the response code was 201 "Created" response.
- DeterminesStatusCode::conflict() — Method in class DeterminesStatusCode
Determine if the response was a 409 "Conflict" response.
- ConnectionException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
- ConnectionFailed — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client\Events
- $ PendingRequest#client — Property in class PendingRequest
The Guzzle client instance.
- $ PendingRequest#cookies — Property in class PendingRequest
The request cookies.
- PendingRequest::contentType() — Method in class PendingRequest
Specify the request's content type.
- PendingRequest::connectTimeout() — Method in class PendingRequest
Specify the connect timeout (in seconds) for the request.
- PendingRequest::createClient() — Method in class PendingRequest
Create new Guzzle client.
- $ Response#cookies — Property in class Response
The request cookies.
- Response::collect() — Method in class Response
Get the JSON decoded body of the response as a collection.
- Response::clientError() — Method in class Response
Determine if the response indicates a client error occurred.
- Response::cookies() — Method in class Response
Get the response cookies.
- Response::close() — Method in class Response
Close the stream and any underlying resources.
- CanBePrecognitive — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Concerns
- InteractsWithInput::collect() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve input from the request as a collection.
- InteractsWithInput::cookie() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve a cookie from the request.
- InteractsWithInput::convertUploadedFiles() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Convert the given array of Symfony UploadedFiles to custom Laravel UploadedFiles.
- CheckResponseForModifications — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Middleware
- $ HandleCors#container — Property in class HandleCors
The container instance.
- $ HandleCors#cors — Property in class HandleCors
The CORS service instance.
- $ Request#convertedFiles — Property in class Request
All of the converted files for the request.
- Request::capture() — Method in class Request
Create a new Illuminate HTTP request from server variables.
- Request::createFrom() — Method in class Request
Create a new request instance from the given Laravel request.
- Request::createFromBase() — Method in class Request
Create an Illuminate request from a Symfony instance.
- CollectsResources — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources
- CollectsResources::collectResource() — Method in class CollectsResources
Map the given collection resource into its individual resources.
- CollectsResources::collects() — Method in class CollectsResources
Get the resource that this resource collects.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources
- $ AnonymousResourceCollection#collects — Property in class AnonymousResourceCollection
The name of the resource being collected.
- JsonResource::collection() — Method in class JsonResource
Create a new anonymous resource collection.
- $ ResourceCollection#collects — Property in class ResourceCollection
The resource that this resource collects.
- $ ResourceCollection#collection — Property in class ResourceCollection
The mapped collection instance.
- ResourceCollection::count() — Method in class ResourceCollection
Return the count of items in the resource collection.
- ResourceResponse::calculateStatus() — Method in class ResourceResponse
Calculate the appropriate status code for the response.
- ResponseTrait::content() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Get the content of the response.
- ResponseTrait::cookie() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Add a cookie to the response.
- File::create() — Method in class File
Create a new fake file.
- File::createWithContent() — Method in class File
Create a new fake file with content.
- FileFactory::create() — Method in class FileFactory
Create a new fake file.
- FileFactory::createWithContent() — Method in class FileFactory
Create a new fake file with content.
- UploadedFile::clientExtension() — Method in class UploadedFile
Get the file's extension supplied by the client.
- UploadedFile::createFromBase() — Method in class UploadedFile
Create a new file instance from a base instance.
- $ MessageLogged#context — Property in class MessageLogged
The log context.
- $ LogManager#channels — Property in class LogManager
The array of resolved channels.
- $ LogManager#customCreators — Property in class LogManager
The registered custom driver creators.
- LogManager::channel() — Method in class LogManager
Get a log channel instance.
- LogManager::createEmergencyLogger() — Method in class LogManager
Create an emergency log handler to avoid white screens of death.
- LogManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class LogManager
Call a custom driver creator.
- LogManager::createCustomDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Create a custom log driver instance.
- LogManager::createStackDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Create an aggregate log driver instance.
- LogManager::createSingleDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Create an instance of the single file log driver.
- LogManager::createDailyDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Create an instance of the daily file log driver.
- LogManager::createSlackDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Create an instance of the Slack log driver.
- LogManager::createSyslogDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Create an instance of the syslog log driver.
- LogManager::createErrorlogDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Create an instance of the "error log" log driver.
- LogManager::createMonologDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Create an instance of any handler available in Monolog.
- LogManager::configurationFor() — Method in class LogManager
Get the log connection configuration.
- LogManager::critical() — Method in class LogManager
Critical conditions.
- $ Logger#context — Property in class Logger
Any context to be added to logs.
- Logger::critical() — Method in class Logger
Log a critical message to the logs.
- $ MailManager#customCreators — Property in class MailManager
The registered custom driver creators.
- MailManager::createSymfonyTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create a new transport instance.
- MailManager::createSmtpTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Symfony SMTP Transport driver.
- MailManager::configureSmtpTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Configure the additional SMTP driver options.
- MailManager::createSendmailTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Symfony Sendmail Transport driver.
- MailManager::createSesTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Symfony Amazon SES Transport driver.
- MailManager::createSesV2Transport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Symfony Amazon SES V2 Transport driver.
- MailManager::createMailTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Symfony Mail Transport driver.
- MailManager::createMailgunTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Symfony Mailgun Transport driver.
- MailManager::createPostmarkTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Symfony Postmark Transport driver.
- MailManager::createFailoverTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Symfony Failover Transport driver.
- MailManager::createLogTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Log Transport driver.
- MailManager::createArrayTransport() — Method in class MailManager
Create an instance of the Array Transport Driver.
- $ Mailable#cc — Property in class Mailable
The "cc" recipients of the message.
- $ Mailable#callbacks — Property in class Mailable
The callbacks for the message.
- Mailable::cc() — Method in class Mailable
Set the recipients of the message.
- Content — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Mailables
- $ Envelope#cc — Property in class Envelope
The recipients receiving a copy of the message.
- Envelope::cc() — Method in class Envelope
Add a "cc" recipient to the message envelope.
- Mailer::cc() — Method in class Mailer
Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.
- Mailer::createMessage() — Method in class Mailer
Create a new message instance.
- $ Markdown#componentPaths — Property in class Markdown
The registered component paths.
- Markdown::componentPaths() — Method in class Markdown
Get the component paths.
- Message::cc() — Method in class Message
Add a carbon copy to the message.
- $ PendingMail#cc — Property in class PendingMail
The "cc" recipients of the message.
- PendingMail::cc() — Method in class PendingMail
Set the recipients of the message.
- ChannelManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
- ChannelManager::channel() — Method in class ChannelManager
Get a channel instance.
- ChannelManager::createDatabaseDriver() — Method in class ChannelManager
Create an instance of the database driver.
- ChannelManager::createBroadcastDriver() — Method in class ChannelManager
Create an instance of the broadcast driver.
- ChannelManager::createMailDriver() — Method in class ChannelManager
Create an instance of the mail driver.
- ChannelManager::createDriver() — Method in class ChannelManager
Create a new driver instance.
- $ NotificationTableCommand#composer — Property in class NotificationTableCommand
- NotificationTableCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class NotificationTableCommand
Create a base migration file for the notifications.
- $ DatabaseNotification#casts — Property in class DatabaseNotification
The attributes that should be cast to native types.
- BroadcastNotificationCreated::channelName() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated
Get the broadcast channel name for the event.
- $ NotificationFailed#channel — Property in class NotificationFailed
The channel name.
- $ NotificationSending#channel — Property in class NotificationSending
The channel name.
- $ NotificationSent#channel — Property in class NotificationSent
The channel name.
- $ MailMessage#cc — Property in class MailMessage
The "cc" information for the message.
- $ MailMessage#callbacks — Property in class MailMessage
The callbacks for the message.
- MailMessage::cc() — Method in class MailMessage
Set the cc address for the mail message.
- $ SendQueuedNotifications#channels — Property in class SendQueuedNotifications
All of the channels to send the notification to.
- $ AbstractCursorPaginator#cursorName — Property in class AbstractCursorPaginator
The cursor string variable used to store the page.
- $ AbstractCursorPaginator#cursor — Property in class AbstractCursorPaginator
The current cursor.
- $ AbstractCursorPaginator#currentCursorResolver — Property in class AbstractCursorPaginator
The current cursor resolver callback.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::cursor() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get the current cursor being paginated.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::currentCursorResolver() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Set the current cursor resolver callback.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::count() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get the number of items for the current page.
- $ AbstractPaginator#currentPage — Property in class AbstractPaginator
The current page being "viewed".
- $ AbstractPaginator#currentPathResolver — Property in class AbstractPaginator
The current path resolver callback.
- $ AbstractPaginator#currentPageResolver — Property in class AbstractPaginator
The current page resolver callback.
- AbstractPaginator::currentPage() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the current page.
- AbstractPaginator::currentPathResolver() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the current request path resolver callback.
- AbstractPaginator::currentPageResolver() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the current page resolver callback.
- AbstractPaginator::count() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the number of items for the current page.
- Cursor — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- CursorPaginator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- UrlWindow::currentPage() — Method in class UrlWindow
Get the current page from the paginator.
- $ Hub#container — Property in class Hub
The container implementation.
- $ Pipeline#container — Property in class Pipeline
The container implementation.
- Pipeline::carry() — Method in class Pipeline
Get a Closure that represents a slice of the application onion.
- Factory::concurrently() — Method in class Factory
Run a pool of processes and wait for them to finish executing.
- $ FakeInvokedProcess#command — Property in class FakeInvokedProcess
The command being faked.
- $ FakeProcessResult#command — Property in class FakeProcessResult
The command string.
- FakeProcessResult::command() — Method in class FakeProcessResult
Get the original command executed by the process.
- $ PendingProcess#command — Property in class PendingProcess
The command to invoke the process.
- PendingProcess::command() — Method in class PendingProcess
Specify the command that will invoke the process.
- $ Pool#callback — Property in class Pool
The callback that resolves the pending processes.
- ProcessPoolResults::collect() — Method in class ProcessPoolResults
Get the results as a collection.
- ProcessResult::command() — Method in class ProcessResult
Get the original command executed by the process.
- CallQueuedClosure — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- $ CallQueuedClosure#closure — Property in class CallQueuedClosure
The serializable Closure instance.
- CallQueuedClosure::create() — Method in class CallQueuedClosure
Create a new job instance.
- CallQueuedHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- $ CallQueuedHandler#container — Property in class CallQueuedHandler
The container instance.
- CallQueuedHandler::call() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Handle the queued job.
- Manager::connection() — Method in class Manager
Get a connection instance from the global manager.
- BeanstalkdConnector::connect() — Method in class BeanstalkdConnector
Establish a queue connection.
- ConnectorInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
- ConnectorInterface::connect() — Method in class ConnectorInterface
Establish a queue connection.
- $ DatabaseConnector#connections — Property in class DatabaseConnector
Database connections.
- DatabaseConnector::connect() — Method in class DatabaseConnector
Establish a queue connection.
- NullConnector::connect() — Method in class NullConnector
Establish a queue connection.
- $ RedisConnector#connection — Property in class RedisConnector
The connection name.
- RedisConnector::connect() — Method in class RedisConnector
Establish a queue connection.
- SqsConnector::connect() — Method in class SqsConnector
Establish a queue connection.
- SyncConnector::connect() — Method in class SyncConnector
Establish a queue connection.
- $ BatchesTableCommand#composer — Property in class BatchesTableCommand
- BatchesTableCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class BatchesTableCommand
Create a base migration file for the table.
- ClearCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- $ FailedTableCommand#composer — Property in class FailedTableCommand
- FailedTableCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class FailedTableCommand
Create a base migration file for the table.
- $ RestartCommand#cache — Property in class RestartCommand
The cache store implementation.
- $ TableCommand#composer — Property in class TableCommand
- TableCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class TableCommand
Create a base migration file for the table.
- $ WorkCommand#cache — Property in class WorkCommand
The cache store implementation.
- DatabaseQueue::clear() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Delete all of the jobs from the queue.
- $ JobExceptionOccurred#connectionName — Property in class JobExceptionOccurred
The connection name.
- $ JobFailed#connectionName — Property in class JobFailed
The connection name.
- $ JobProcessed#connectionName — Property in class JobProcessed
The connection name.
- $ JobProcessing#connectionName — Property in class JobProcessing
The connection name.
- $ JobQueued#connectionName — Property in class JobQueued
The connection name.
- $ JobReleasedAfterException#connectionName — Property in class JobReleasedAfterException
The connection name.
- $ Looping#connectionName — Property in class Looping
The connection name.
- $ QueueBusy#connection — Property in class QueueBusy
The connection name.
- $ Job#container — Property in class Job
The IoC container instance.
- $ Job#connectionName — Property in class Job
The name of the connection the job belongs to.
- $ Listener#commandPath — Property in class Listener
The command working path.
- Listener::createCommand() — Method in class Listener
Create the command with the listener options.
- LuaScripts::clear() — Method in class LuaScripts
Get the Lua script for removing all jobs from the queue.
- $ Queue#container — Property in class Queue
The IoC container instance.
- $ Queue#connectionName — Property in class Queue
The connection name for the queue.
- $ Queue#createPayloadCallbacks — Property in class Queue
The create payload callbacks.
- Queue::createPayload() — Method in class Queue
Create a payload string from the given job and data.
- Queue::createPayloadArray() — Method in class Queue
Create a payload array from the given job and data.
- Queue::createObjectPayload() — Method in class Queue
Create a payload for an object-based queue handler.
- Queue::createStringPayload() — Method in class Queue
Create a typical, string based queue payload array.
- Queue::createPayloadUsing() — Method in class Queue
Register a callback to be executed when creating job payloads.
- $ QueueManager#connections — Property in class QueueManager
The array of resolved queue connections.
- $ QueueManager#connectors — Property in class QueueManager
The array of resolved queue connectors.
- QueueManager::connected() — Method in class QueueManager
Determine if the driver is connected.
- QueueManager::connection() — Method in class QueueManager
Resolve a queue connection instance.
- QueueServiceProvider::configureSerializableClosureUses() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Configure serializable closures uses.
- $ RedisQueue#connection — Property in class RedisQueue
The connection name.
- RedisQueue::createPayloadArray() — Method in class RedisQueue
Create a payload string from the given job and data.
- RedisQueue::clear() — Method in class RedisQueue
Delete all of the jobs from the queue.
- SqsQueue::clear() — Method in class SqsQueue
Delete all of the jobs from the queue.
- $ Worker#cache — Property in class Worker
The cache repository implementation.
- Worker::calculateBackoff() — Method in class Worker
Calculate the backoff for the given job.
- Connection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Connections
- $ Connection#client — Property in class Connection
The Redis client.
- Connection::createSubscription() — Method in class Connection
Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.
- Connection::client() — Method in class Connection
Get the underlying Redis client.
- Connection::command() — Method in class Connection
Run a command against the Redis database.
- PacksPhpRedisValues::compressed() — Method in class PacksPhpRedisValues
Determine if compression is enabled.
- $ PhpRedisConnection#connector — Property in class PhpRedisConnection
The connection creation callback.
- $ PhpRedisConnection#config — Property in class PhpRedisConnection
The connection configuration array.
- PhpRedisConnection::createSubscription() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.
- PhpRedisConnection::command() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Run a command against the Redis database.
- $ PredisConnection#client — Property in class PredisConnection
The Predis client.
- PredisConnection::createSubscription() — Method in class PredisConnection
Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.
- PhpRedisConnector::connect() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector
Create a new clustered PhpRedis connection.
- PhpRedisConnector::connectToCluster() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector
Create a new clustered PhpRedis connection.
- PhpRedisConnector::createClient() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector
Create the Redis client instance.
- PhpRedisConnector::createRedisClusterInstance() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector
Create a new redis cluster instance.
- PredisConnector::connect() — Method in class PredisConnector
Create a new clustered Predis connection.
- PredisConnector::connectToCluster() — Method in class PredisConnector
Create a new clustered Predis connection.
- CommandExecuted — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Events
- $ CommandExecuted#command — Property in class CommandExecuted
The Redis command that was executed.
- $ CommandExecuted#connection — Property in class CommandExecuted
The Redis connection instance.
- $ CommandExecuted#connectionName — Property in class CommandExecuted
The Redis connection name.
- ConcurrencyLimiter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Limiters
- ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Limiters
- $ ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder#connection — Property in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder
The Redis connection.
- DurationLimiter::clear() — Method in class DurationLimiter
Clear the limiter.
- $ DurationLimiterBuilder#connection — Property in class DurationLimiterBuilder
The Redis connection.
- $ RedisManager#customCreators — Property in class RedisManager
The registered custom driver creators.
- $ RedisManager#config — Property in class RedisManager
The Redis server configurations.
- $ RedisManager#connections — Property in class RedisManager
The Redis connections.
- RedisManager::connection() — Method in class RedisManager
Get a Redis connection by name.
- RedisManager::configure() — Method in class RedisManager
Configure the given connection to prepare it for commands.
- RedisManager::connector() — Method in class RedisManager
Get the connector instance for the current driver.
- RedisManager::connections() — Method in class RedisManager
Return all of the created connections.
- AbstractRouteCollection::checkForAlternateVerbs() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection
Determine if any routes match on another HTTP verb.
- AbstractRouteCollection::compile() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection
Compile the routes for caching.
- AbstractRouteCollection::count() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection
Count the number of items in the collection.
- CallableDispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- $ CallableDispatcher#container — Property in class CallableDispatcher
The container instance.
- CompiledRouteCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- $ CompiledRouteCollection#compiled — Property in class CompiledRouteCollection
The compiled routes collection.
- $ CompiledRouteCollection#container — Property in class CompiledRouteCollection
The container instance used by the route.
- ControllerMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Console
- CallableDispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Contracts
- ControllerDispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Contracts
- Controller — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- Controller::callAction() — Method in class Controller
Execute an action on the controller.
- ControllerDispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- $ ControllerDispatcher#container — Property in class ControllerDispatcher
The container instance.
- ControllerMiddlewareOptions — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- ThrottleRequests::calculateRemainingAttempts() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
Calculate the number of remaining attempts.
- ThrottleRequestsWithRedis::calculateRemainingAttempts() — Method in class ThrottleRequestsWithRedis
Calculate the number of remaining attempts.
- $ PendingResourceRegistration#controller — Property in class PendingResourceRegistration
The resource controller.
- $ PendingSingletonResourceRegistration#controller — Property in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
The resource controller.
- PendingSingletonResourceRegistration::creatable() — Method in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
Indicate that the resource should have creation and storage routes.
- Redirector::createRedirect() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response.
- $ Route#controller — Property in class Route
The controller instance.
- $ Route#computedMiddleware — Property in class Route
The computed gathered middleware.
- $ Route#compiled — Property in class Route
The compiled version of the route.
- $ Route#container — Property in class Route
The container instance used by the route.
- Route::compileRoute() — Method in class Route
Compile the route into a Symfony CompiledRoute instance.
- Route::compileParameterNames() — Method in class Route
Get the parameter names for the route.
- Route::can() — Method in class Route
Specify that the "Authorize" / "can" middleware should be applied to the route with the given options.
- Route::controllerMiddleware() — Method in class Route
Get the middleware for the route's controller.
- Route::controllerDispatcher() — Method in class Route
Get the dispatcher for the route's controller.
- RouteAction::containsSerializedClosure() — Method in class RouteAction
Determine if the given array actions contain a serialized Closure.
- RouteBinding::createClassBinding() — Method in class RouteBinding
Create a class based binding using the IoC container.
- RouteRegistrar::compileAction() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
Compile the action into an array including the attributes.
- RouteRegistrar::controller() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- $ Router#container — Property in class Router
The IoC container instance.
- $ Router#current — Property in class Router
The currently dispatched route instance.
- $ Router#currentRequest — Property in class Router
The request currently being dispatched.
- Router::createRoute() — Method in class Router
Create a new route instance.
- Router::convertToControllerAction() — Method in class Router
Add a controller based route action to the action array.
- Router::current() — Method in class Router
Get the currently dispatched route instance.
- Router::currentRouteName() — Method in class Router
Get the current route name.
- Router::currentRouteNamed() — Method in class Router
Determine if the current route matches a pattern.
- Router::currentRouteAction() — Method in class Router
Get the current route action.
- Router::currentRouteUses() — Method in class Router
Determine if the current route action matches a given action.
- $ UrlGenerator#cachedRoot — Property in class UrlGenerator
A cached copy of the URL root for the current request.
- $ UrlGenerator#cachedScheme — Property in class UrlGenerator
A cached copy of the URL scheme for the current request.
- UrlGenerator::current() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the current URL for the request.
- ViewController::callAction() — Method in class ViewController
Execute an action on the controller.
- ArraySessionHandler::close() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- ArraySessionHandler::calculateExpiration() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler
Get the expiration time of the session.
- CacheBasedSessionHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- $ CacheBasedSessionHandler#cache — Property in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
The cache repository instance.
- CacheBasedSessionHandler::close() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- $ SessionTableCommand#composer — Property in class SessionTableCommand
- SessionTableCommand::createBaseMigration() — Method in class SessionTableCommand
Create a base migration file for the session.
- CookieSessionHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- $ CookieSessionHandler#cookie — Property in class CookieSessionHandler
The cookie jar instance.
- CookieSessionHandler::close() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- $ DatabaseSessionHandler#connection — Property in class DatabaseSessionHandler
The database connection instance.
- $ DatabaseSessionHandler#container — Property in class DatabaseSessionHandler
The container instance.
- DatabaseSessionHandler::close() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- FileSessionHandler::close() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- $ StartSession#cacheFactoryResolver — Property in class StartSession
The callback that can resolve an instance of the cache factory.
- StartSession::collectGarbage() — Method in class StartSession
Remove the garbage from the session if necessary.
- StartSession::configHitsLottery() — Method in class StartSession
Determine if the configuration odds hit the lottery.
- StartSession::cache() — Method in class StartSession
Resolve the given cache driver.
- NullSessionHandler::close() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- SessionManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class SessionManager
Call a custom driver creator.
- SessionManager::createNullDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the "null" session driver.
- SessionManager::createArrayDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the "array" session driver.
- SessionManager::createCookieDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the "cookie" session driver.
- SessionManager::createFileDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the file session driver.
- SessionManager::createNativeDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the file session driver.
- SessionManager::createDatabaseDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the database session driver.
- SessionManager::createApcDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the APC session driver.
- SessionManager::createMemcachedDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the Memcached session driver.
- SessionManager::createRedisDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the Redis session driver.
- SessionManager::createDynamodbDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of the DynamoDB session driver.
- SessionManager::createCacheBased() — Method in class SessionManager
Create an instance of a cache driven driver.
- SessionManager::createCacheHandler() — Method in class SessionManager
Create the cache based session handler instance.
- SymfonySessionDecorator::clear() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- Arr::collapse() — Method in class Arr
Collapse an array of arrays into a single array.
- Arr::crossJoin() — Method in class Arr
Cross join the given arrays, returning all possible permutations.
- Carbon — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Collection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Collection::collapse() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::contains() — Method in class Collection
Determine if an item exists in the enumerable.
- Collection::containsStrict() — Method in class Collection
Determine if an item exists, using strict comparison.
- Collection::crossJoin() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::containsOneItem() — Method in class Collection
Determine if the collection contains a single item.
- Collection::combine() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::concat() — Method in class Collection
Push all of the given items onto the collection.
- Collection::chunk() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::chunkWhile() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::count() — Method in class Collection
Count the number of items in the collection.
- Collection::countBy() — Method in class Collection
- Composer — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- ConfigurationUrlParser — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- $ DateFactory#callable — Property in class DateFactory
This callable may be used to intercept date creation.
- DateFactory::create() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createFromDate() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createFromFormat() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createFromTime() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createFromTimeString() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createFromTimestamp() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createFromTimestampMs() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createFromTimestampUTC() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createMidnightDate() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::createSafe() — Method in class DateFactory
- Enumerable::collapse() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::containsStrict() — Method in class Enumerable
Determine if an item exists, using strict comparison.
- Enumerable::contains() — Method in class Enumerable
Determine if an item exists in the enumerable.
- Enumerable::crossJoin() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::containsOneItem() — Method in class Enumerable
Determine if the collection contains a single item.
- Enumerable::combine() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::concat() — Method in class Enumerable
Push all of the given items onto the collection.
- Enumerable::chunk() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::chunkWhile() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::count() — Method in class Enumerable
Count the number of items in the collection.
- Enumerable::countBy() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::collect() — Method in class Enumerable
Collect the values into a collection.
- App::configPath() — Method in class App
- App::configurationIsCached() — Method in class App
- App::currentLocale() — Method in class App
- App::callMethodBinding() — Method in class App
- App::call() — Method in class App
- Artisan::commandStartedAt() — Method in class Artisan
- Artisan::command() — Method in class Artisan
- Artisan::call() — Method in class Artisan
- Auth::createSessionDriver() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::createTokenDriver() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::createUserProvider() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::check() — Method in class Auth
- Blade::compile() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::compileString() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::check() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::component() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::components() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::componentNamespace() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::compileClassComponentOpening() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::compileEndComponentClass() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::compileEndOnce() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::compileEchos() — Method in class Blade
- Broadcast::channelRoutes() — Method in class Broadcast
- Broadcast::connection() — Method in class Broadcast
- Broadcast::channel() — Method in class Broadcast
- Bus::chain() — Method in class Bus
- Cache — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Cache::clear() — Method in class Cache
- Config — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Cookie — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Crypt — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- DB::connection() — Method in class DB
- DB::cursor() — Method in class DB
- DB::commit() — Method in class DB
- Date::create() — Method in class Date
- Date::createFromDate() — Method in class Date
- Date::createFromFormat() — Method in class Date
- Date::createFromTime() — Method in class Date
- Date::createFromTimeString() — Method in class Date
- Date::createFromTimestamp() — Method in class Date
- Date::createFromTimestampMs() — Method in class Date
- Date::createFromTimestampUTC() — Method in class Date
- Date::createMidnightDate() — Method in class Date
- Date::createSafe() — Method in class Date
- Event::createClassListener() — Method in class Event
- $ Facade#cached — Property in class Facade
Indicates if the resolved instance should be cached.
- Facade::createFreshMockInstance() — Method in class Facade
Create a fresh mock instance for the given class.
- Facade::createMock() — Method in class Facade
Create a fresh mock instance for the given class.
- Facade::clearResolvedInstance() — Method in class Facade
Clear a resolved facade instance.
- Facade::clearResolvedInstances() — Method in class Facade
Clear all of the resolved instances.
- File::chmod() — Method in class File
- File::copy() — Method in class File
- File::copyDirectory() — Method in class File
- File::cleanDirectory() — Method in class File
- Gate::check() — Method in class Gate
- Hash::createBcryptDriver() — Method in class Hash
- Hash::createArgonDriver() — Method in class Hash
- Hash::createArgon2idDriver() — Method in class Hash
- Hash::check() — Method in class Hash
- Http::contentType() — Method in class Http
- Http::connectTimeout() — Method in class Http
- Http::createClient() — Method in class Http
- Lang::choice() — Method in class Lang
- Log::channel() — Method in class Log
- Log::critical() — Method in class Log
- Mail::createSymfonyTransport() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::cc() — Method in class Mail
- Notification::channel() — Method in class Notification
- ParallelTesting::callSetUpProcessCallbacks() — Method in class ParallelTesting
- ParallelTesting::callSetUpTestCaseCallbacks() — Method in class ParallelTesting
- ParallelTesting::callSetUpTestDatabaseCallbacks() — Method in class ParallelTesting
- ParallelTesting::callTearDownProcessCallbacks() — Method in class ParallelTesting
- ParallelTesting::callTearDownTestCaseCallbacks() — Method in class ParallelTesting
- Password::createToken() — Method in class Password
- Process::command() — Method in class Process
- Process::concurrently() — Method in class Process
- Queue::connected() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::connection() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::createPayloadUsing() — Method in class Queue
- RateLimiter::clear() — Method in class RateLimiter
- RateLimiter::cleanRateLimiterKey() — Method in class RateLimiter
- Redis::connection() — Method in class Redis
- Redis::connections() — Method in class Redis
- Redis::createSubscription() — Method in class Redis
- Redis::client() — Method in class Redis
- Redis::command() — Method in class Redis
- Request::capture() — Method in class Request
- Request::createFrom() — Method in class Request
- Request::createFromBase() — Method in class Request
- Request::createFromGlobals() — Method in class Request
- Request::create() — Method in class Request
- Request::collect() — Method in class Request
- Request::cookie() — Method in class Request
- Route::current() — Method in class Route
- Route::currentRouteName() — Method in class Route
- Route::currentRouteNamed() — Method in class Route
- Route::currentRouteAction() — Method in class Route
- Route::currentRouteUses() — Method in class Route
- Route::controller() — Method in class Route
- $ Schema#cached — Property in class Schema
Indicates if the resolved facade should be cached.
- Schema::connection() — Method in class Schema
Get a schema builder instance for a connection.
- Schema::createDatabase() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::create() — Method in class Schema
- Storage::cloud() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::createLocalDriver() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::createFtpDriver() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::createSftpDriver() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::createS3Driver() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::createScopedDriver() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::copy() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::checksum() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::createDirectory() — Method in class Storage
- URL::current() — Method in class URL
- View::creator() — Method in class View
- View::composers() — Method in class View
- View::composer() — Method in class View
- View::callComposer() — Method in class View
- View::callCreator() — Method in class View
- Vite::cspNonce() — Method in class Vite
- $ HigherOrderCollectionProxy#collection — Property in class HigherOrderCollectionProxy
The collection being operated on.
- $ HigherOrderWhenProxy#condition — Property in class HigherOrderWhenProxy
The condition for proxying.
- HigherOrderWhenProxy::condition() — Method in class HigherOrderWhenProxy
Set the condition on the proxy.
- InteractsWithTime::currentTime() — Method in class InteractsWithTime
Get the current system time as a UNIX timestamp.
- Js::convertDataToJavaScriptExpression() — Method in class Js
Convert the given data to a JavaScript expression.
- Js::convertJsonToJavaScriptExpression() — Method in class Js
Convert the given JSON to a JavaScript expression.
- LazyCollection::collapse() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::contains() — Method in class LazyCollection
Determine if an item exists in the enumerable.
- LazyCollection::containsStrict() — Method in class LazyCollection
Determine if an item exists, using strict comparison.
- LazyCollection::crossJoin() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::countBy() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::containsOneItem() — Method in class LazyCollection
Determine if the collection contains a single item.
- LazyCollection::combine() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::concat() — Method in class LazyCollection
Push all of the given items onto the collection.
- LazyCollection::chunk() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::chunkWhile() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::count() — Method in class LazyCollection
Count the number of items in the collection.
- $ Lottery#chances — Property in class Lottery
The number of expected wins.
- Lottery::choose() — Method in class Lottery
Run the lottery.
- $ Manager#container — Property in class Manager
The container instance.
- $ Manager#config — Property in class Manager
The configuration repository instance.
- $ Manager#customCreators — Property in class Manager
The registered custom driver creators.
- Manager::createDriver() — Method in class Manager
Create a new driver instance.
- Manager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class Manager
Call a custom driver creator.
- MessageBag::checkFormat() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the appropriate format based on the given format.
- MessageBag::count() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the number of messages in the message bag.
- $ MultipleInstanceManager#customCreators — Property in class MultipleInstanceManager
The registered custom instance creators.
- MultipleInstanceManager::callCustomCreator() — Method in class MultipleInstanceManager
Call a custom instance creator.
- $ MultipleItemsFoundException#count — Property in class MultipleItemsFoundException
The number of items found.
- ServiceProvider::callBootingCallbacks() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Call the registered booting callbacks.
- ServiceProvider::callBootedCallbacks() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Call the registered booted callbacks.
- ServiceProvider::callAfterResolving() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Setup an after resolving listener, or fire immediately if already resolved.
- ServiceProvider::commands() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Register the package's custom Artisan commands.
- $ Str#camelCache — Property in class Str
The cache of camel-cased words.
- Str::camel() — Method in class Str
Convert a value to camel case.
- Str::contains() — Method in class Str
Determine if a given string contains a given substring.
- Str::containsAll() — Method in class Str
Determine if a given string contains all array values.
- Str::createRandomStringsUsing() — Method in class Str
Set the callable that will be used to generate random strings.
- Str::createRandomStringsUsingSequence() — Method in class Str
Set the sequence that will be used to generate random strings.
- Str::createRandomStringsNormally() — Method in class Str
Indicate that random strings should be created normally and not using a custom factory.
- Str::createUuidsUsing() — Method in class Str
Set the callable that will be used to generate UUIDs.
- Str::createUuidsUsingSequence() — Method in class Str
Set the sequence that will be used to generate UUIDs.
- Str::createUuidsNormally() — Method in class Str
Indicate that UUIDs should be created normally and not using a custom factory.
- Stringable::classBasename() — Method in class Stringable
Get the basename of the class path.
- Stringable::camel() — Method in class Stringable
Convert a value to camel case.
- Stringable::contains() — Method in class Stringable
Determine if a given string contains a given substring.
- Stringable::containsAll() — Method in class Stringable
Determine if a given string contains all array values.
- BatchFake::cancel() — Method in class BatchFake
Cancel the batch.
- BatchRepositoryFake::cancel() — Method in class BatchRepositoryFake
Cancel the batch that has the given ID.
- $ BusFake#commands — Property in class BusFake
The commands that have been dispatched.
- $ BusFake#commandsSync — Property in class BusFake
The commands that have been dispatched synchronously.
- $ BusFake#commandsAfterResponse — Property in class BusFake
The commands that have been dispatched after the response has been sent.
- BusFake::chain() — Method in class BusFake
Create a new chain of queueable jobs.
- $ MailFake#currentMailer — Property in class MailFake
The mailer currently being used to send a message.
- MailFake::cc() — Method in class MailFake
Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.
- NotificationFake::channel() — Method in class NotificationFake
Get a channel instance by name.
- QueueFake::connection() — Method in class QueueFake
Resolve a queue connection instance.
- Timebox::call() — Method in class Timebox
Invoke the given callback within the specified timebox minimum.
- CapsuleManagerTrait — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
- $ CapsuleManagerTrait#container — Property in class CapsuleManagerTrait
The container instance.
- Conditionable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
- $ EnumeratesValues#contains — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::collect() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Collect the values into a collection.
- ReflectsClosures::closureParameterTypes() — Method in class ReflectsClosures
Get the class names / types of the parameters of the given Closure.
- ValidatedInput::collect() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Get the input as a collection.
- ViewErrorBag::count() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Get the number of messages in the default bag.
- AssertableJsonString::count() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Get the total number of items in the underlying JSON array.
- RunsInParallel::createApplication() — Method in class RunsInParallel
Creates the application.
- CountInDatabase — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Constraints
- $ SeeInOrder#content — Property in class SeeInOrder
The string under validation.
- InvalidArgumentException::create() — Method in class InvalidArgumentException
Creates a new exception for an invalid argument.
- Has::count() — Method in class Has
Assert that the prop is of the expected size.
- $ ParallelTesting#container — Property in class ParallelTesting
The container instance.
- ParallelTesting::callSetUpProcessCallbacks() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Call all of the "setUp" process callbacks.
- ParallelTesting::callSetUpTestCaseCallbacks() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Call all of the "setUp" test case callbacks.
- ParallelTesting::callSetUpTestDatabaseCallbacks() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Call all of the "setUp" test database callbacks.
- ParallelTesting::callTearDownProcessCallbacks() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Call all of the "tearDown" process callbacks.
- ParallelTesting::callTearDownTestCaseCallbacks() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Call all of the "tearDown" test case callbacks.
- $ PendingCommand#command — Property in class PendingCommand
The command to run.
- $ TestComponent#component — Property in class TestComponent
The original component.
- TestResponse::collect() — Method in class TestResponse
Get the JSON decoded body of the response as a collection.
- MessageSelector::choose() — Method in class MessageSelector
Select a proper translation string based on the given number.
- Translator::choice() — Method in class Translator
Get a translation according to an integer value.
- ClosureValidationRule — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- $ ClosureValidationRule#callback — Property in class ClosureValidationRule
The callback that validates the attribute.
- FormatsMessages::callReplacer() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Call a custom validator message replacer.
- FormatsMessages::callClassBasedReplacer() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Call a class based validator message replacer.
- ValidatesAttributes::compareDates() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Compare a given date against another using an operator.
- ValidatesAttributes::checkDateTimeOrder() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Given two date/time strings, check that one is after the other.
- ValidatesAttributes::convertValuesToBoolean() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Convert the given values to boolean if they are string "true" / "false".
- ValidatesAttributes::convertValuesToNull() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Convert the given values to null if they are string "null".
- ValidatesAttributes::compare() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Determine if a comparison passes between the given values.
- ConditionalRules — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- $ ConditionalRules#condition — Property in class ConditionalRules
The boolean condition indicating if the rules should be added to the attribute.
- $ DatabasePresenceVerifier#connection — Property in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
The database connection to use.
- $ Factory#container — Property in class Factory
The IoC container instance.
- $ NestedRules#callback — Property in class NestedRules
The callback to execute.
- NestedRules::compile() — Method in class NestedRules
Compile the callback into an array of rules.
- $ DatabaseRule#column — Property in class DatabaseRule
The column to check on.
- $ Dimensions#constraints — Property in class Dimensions
The constraints for the dimensions rule.
- $ ExcludeIf#condition — Property in class ExcludeIf
The condition that validates the attribute.
- $ File#customRules — Property in class File
An array of custom rules that will be merged into the validation rules.
- $ Password#compromisedThreshold — Property in class Password
The number of times a password can appear in data leaks before being considered compromised.
- $ Password#customRules — Property in class Password
Additional validation rules that should be merged into the default rules during validation.
- $ ProhibitedIf#condition — Property in class ProhibitedIf
The condition that validates the attribute.
- $ RequiredIf#condition — Property in class RequiredIf
The condition that validates the attribute.
- $ Validator#container — Property in class Validator
The container instance.
- $ Validator#currentRule — Property in class Validator
The current rule that is validating.
- $ Validator#customMessages — Property in class Validator
The array of custom error messages.
- $ Validator#customAttributes — Property in class Validator
The array of custom attribute names.
- $ Validator#customValues — Property in class Validator
The array of custom displayable values.
- Validator::callExtension() — Method in class Validator
Call a custom validator extension.
- Validator::callClassBasedExtension() — Method in class Validator
Call a class based validator extension.
- $ BladeCompiler#customDirectives — Property in class BladeCompiler
All custom "directive" handlers.
- $ BladeCompiler#conditions — Property in class BladeCompiler
All custom "condition" handlers.
- $ BladeCompiler#compilers — Property in class BladeCompiler
All of the available compiler functions.
- $ BladeCompiler#contentTags — Property in class BladeCompiler
Array of opening and closing tags for regular echos.
- $ BladeCompiler#classComponentAliases — Property in class BladeCompiler
The array of class component aliases and their class names.
- $ BladeCompiler#classComponentNamespaces — Property in class BladeCompiler
The array of class component namespaces to autoload from.
- $ BladeCompiler#compilesComponentTags — Property in class BladeCompiler
Indicates if component tags should be compiled.
- BladeCompiler::compile() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Compile the view at the given path.
- BladeCompiler::compileString() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Compile the given Blade template contents.
- Compiler — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
- $ Compiler#cachePath — Property in class Compiler
The cache path for the compiled views.
- $ Compiler#compiledExtension — Property in class Compiler
The compiled view file extension.
- CompilerInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
- CompilerInterface::compile() — Method in class CompilerInterface
Compile the view at the given path.
- ComponentTagCompiler — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers
- ComponentTagCompiler::compile() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Compile the component and slot tags within the given string.
- ComponentTagCompiler::compileTags() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Compile the tags within the given string.
- ComponentTagCompiler::compileOpeningTags() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Compile the opening tags within the given string.
- ComponentTagCompiler::compileSelfClosingTags() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Compile the self-closing tags within the given string.
- ComponentTagCompiler::componentString() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Compile the Blade component string for the given component and attributes.
- ComponentTagCompiler::componentClass() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Get the component class for a given component alias.
- ComponentTagCompiler::compileClosingTags() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Compile the closing tags within the given string.
- ComponentTagCompiler::compileSlots() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Compile the slot tags within the given string.
- ComponentTagCompiler::compileAttributeEchos() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Compile any Blade echo statements that are present in the attribute string.
- CompilesAuthorizations — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileCan() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the can statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileCannot() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the cannot statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileCanany() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the canany statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileElsecan() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the else-can statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileElsecannot() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the else-cannot statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileElsecanany() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the else-canany statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileEndcan() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the end-can statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileEndcannot() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the end-cannot statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesAuthorizations::compileEndcanany() — Method in class CompilesAuthorizations
Compile the end-canany statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesClasses — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesClasses::compileClass() — Method in class CompilesClasses
Compile the conditional class statement into valid PHP.
- CompilesComments — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesComments::compileComments() — Method in class CompilesComments
Compile Blade comments into an empty string.
- CompilesComponents — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- $ CompilesComponents#componentHashStack — Property in class CompilesComponents
The component name hash stack.
- CompilesComponents::compileComponent() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the component statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesComponents::compileClassComponentOpening() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile a class component opening.
- CompilesComponents::compileEndComponent() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the end-component statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesComponents::compileEndComponentClass() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the end-component statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesComponents::compileSlot() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the slot statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesComponents::compileEndSlot() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the end-slot statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesComponents::compileComponentFirst() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the component-first statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesComponents::compileEndComponentFirst() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the end-component-first statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesComponents::compileProps() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the prop statement into valid PHP.
- CompilesComponents::compileAware() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Compile the aware statement into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesConditionals::compileAuth() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the if-auth statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileElseAuth() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the else-auth statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileEndAuth() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the end-auth statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileEnv() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the env statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileEndEnv() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the end-env statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileProduction() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the production statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileEndProduction() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the end-production statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileGuest() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the if-guest statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileElseGuest() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the else-guest statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileEndGuest() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the end-guest statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileHasSection() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the has-section statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileSectionMissing() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the section-missing statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileIf() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the if statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileUnless() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the unless statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileElseif() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the else-if statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileElse() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the else statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileEndif() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the end-if statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileEndunless() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the end-unless statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileIsset() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the if-isset statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileEndIsset() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the end-isset statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileSwitch() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the switch statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileCase() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the case statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileDefault() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the default statements in switch case into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileEndSwitch() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the end switch statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileOnce() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile a once block into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileEndOnce() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile an end-once block into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileSelected() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile a selected block into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileChecked() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile a checked block into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileDisabled() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile a disabled block into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileRequired() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile a required block into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileReadonly() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile a readonly block into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compilePushIf() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the push statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesConditionals::compileEndPushIf() — Method in class CompilesConditionals
Compile the end-push statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesEchos — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesEchos::compileEchos() — Method in class CompilesEchos
Compile Blade echos into valid PHP.
- CompilesEchos::compileRawEchos() — Method in class CompilesEchos
Compile the "raw" echo statements.
- CompilesEchos::compileRegularEchos() — Method in class CompilesEchos
Compile the "regular" echo statements.
- CompilesEchos::compileEscapedEchos() — Method in class CompilesEchos
Compile the escaped echo statements.
- CompilesErrors — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesErrors::compileError() — Method in class CompilesErrors
Compile the error statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesErrors::compileEnderror() — Method in class CompilesErrors
Compile the enderror statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesFragments — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesFragments::compileFragment() — Method in class CompilesFragments
Compile the fragment statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesFragments::compileEndfragment() — Method in class CompilesFragments
Compile the end-fragment statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesHelpers — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesHelpers::compileCsrf() — Method in class CompilesHelpers
Compile the CSRF statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesHelpers::compileDd() — Method in class CompilesHelpers
Compile the "dd" statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesHelpers::compileDump() — Method in class CompilesHelpers
Compile the "dump" statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesHelpers::compileMethod() — Method in class CompilesHelpers
Compile the method statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesHelpers::compileVite() — Method in class CompilesHelpers
Compile the "vite" statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesHelpers::compileViteReactRefresh() — Method in class CompilesHelpers
Compile the "viteReactRefresh" statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesIncludes — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesIncludes::compileEach() — Method in class CompilesIncludes
Compile the each statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesIncludes::compileInclude() — Method in class CompilesIncludes
Compile the include statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesIncludes::compileIncludeIf() — Method in class CompilesIncludes
Compile the include-if statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesIncludes::compileIncludeWhen() — Method in class CompilesIncludes
Compile the include-when statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesIncludes::compileIncludeUnless() — Method in class CompilesIncludes
Compile the include-unless statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesIncludes::compileIncludeFirst() — Method in class CompilesIncludes
Compile the include-first statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesInjections — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesInjections::compileInject() — Method in class CompilesInjections
Compile the inject statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesJs — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesJs::compileJs() — Method in class CompilesJs
Compile the "@js" directive into valid PHP.
- CompilesJson — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesJson::compileJson() — Method in class CompilesJson
Compile the JSON statement into valid PHP.
- CompilesLayouts — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesLayouts::compileExtends() — Method in class CompilesLayouts
Compile the extends statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLayouts::compileExtendsFirst() — Method in class CompilesLayouts
Compile the extends-first statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLayouts::compileSection() — Method in class CompilesLayouts
Compile the section statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLayouts::compileParent() — Method in class CompilesLayouts
Replace the @parent directive to a placeholder.
- CompilesLayouts::compileYield() — Method in class CompilesLayouts
Compile the yield statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLayouts::compileShow() — Method in class CompilesLayouts
Compile the show statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLayouts::compileAppend() — Method in class CompilesLayouts
Compile the append statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLayouts::compileOverwrite() — Method in class CompilesLayouts
Compile the overwrite statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLayouts::compileStop() — Method in class CompilesLayouts
Compile the stop statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLayouts::compileEndsection() — Method in class CompilesLayouts
Compile the end-section statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLoops — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesLoops::compileForelse() — Method in class CompilesLoops
Compile the for-else statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLoops::compileEmpty() — Method in class CompilesLoops
Compile the for-else-empty and empty statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLoops::compileEndforelse() — Method in class CompilesLoops
Compile the end-for-else statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLoops::compileEndEmpty() — Method in class CompilesLoops
Compile the end-empty statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLoops::compileFor() — Method in class CompilesLoops
Compile the for statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLoops::compileForeach() — Method in class CompilesLoops
Compile the for-each statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLoops::compileBreak() — Method in class CompilesLoops
Compile the break statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLoops::compileContinue() — Method in class CompilesLoops
Compile the continue statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLoops::compileEndfor() — Method in class CompilesLoops
Compile the end-for statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLoops::compileEndforeach() — Method in class CompilesLoops
Compile the end-for-each statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLoops::compileWhile() — Method in class CompilesLoops
Compile the while statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesLoops::compileEndwhile() — Method in class CompilesLoops
Compile the end-while statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesRawPhp — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesRawPhp::compilePhp() — Method in class CompilesRawPhp
Compile the raw PHP statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesRawPhp::compileUnset() — Method in class CompilesRawPhp
Compile the unset statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesStacks — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesStacks::compileStack() — Method in class CompilesStacks
Compile the stack statements into the content.
- CompilesStacks::compilePush() — Method in class CompilesStacks
Compile the push statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesStacks::compilePushOnce() — Method in class CompilesStacks
Compile the push-once statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesStacks::compileEndpush() — Method in class CompilesStacks
Compile the end-push statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesStacks::compileEndpushOnce() — Method in class CompilesStacks
Compile the end-push-once statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesStacks::compilePrepend() — Method in class CompilesStacks
Compile the prepend statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesStacks::compilePrependOnce() — Method in class CompilesStacks
Compile the prepend-once statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesStacks::compileEndprepend() — Method in class CompilesStacks
Compile the end-prepend statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesStacks::compileEndprependOnce() — Method in class CompilesStacks
Compile the end-prepend-once statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesStyles — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesStyles::compileStyle() — Method in class CompilesStyles
Compile the conditional style statement into valid PHP.
- CompilesTranslations — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns
- CompilesTranslations::compileLang() — Method in class CompilesTranslations
Compile the lang statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesTranslations::compileEndlang() — Method in class CompilesTranslations
Compile the end-lang statements into valid PHP.
- CompilesTranslations::compileChoice() — Method in class CompilesTranslations
Compile the choice statements into valid PHP.
- Component — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- $ Component#componentName — Property in class Component
The component alias name.
- $ Component#componentsResolver — Property in class Component
The component resolver callback.
- $ Component#constructorParametersCache — Property in class Component
The cache of constructor parameters, keyed by class.
- Component::createBladeViewFromString() — Method in class Component
Create a Blade view with the raw component string content.
- Component::createVariableFromMethod() — Method in class Component
Create a callable variable from the given method.
- Component::createInvokableVariable() — Method in class Component
Create an invokable, toStringable variable for the given component method.
- ComponentAttributeBag — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- ComponentAttributeBag::class() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Conditionally merge classes into the attribute bag.
- ComponentSlot — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- $ ComponentSlot#contents — Property in class ComponentSlot
The slot contents.
- $ ManagesComponents#componentStack — Property in class ManagesComponents
The components being rendered.
- $ ManagesComponents#componentData — Property in class ManagesComponents
The original data passed to the component.
- $ ManagesComponents#currentComponentData — Property in class ManagesComponents
The component data for the component that is currently being rendered.
- ManagesComponents::componentData() — Method in class ManagesComponents
Get the data for the given component.
- ManagesComponents::currentComponent() — Method in class ManagesComponents
Get the index for the current component.
- ManagesEvents::creator() — Method in class ManagesEvents
Register a view creator event.
- ManagesEvents::composers() — Method in class ManagesEvents
Register multiple view composers via an array.
- ManagesEvents::composer() — Method in class ManagesEvents
Register a view composer event.
- ManagesEvents::classEventMethodForPrefix() — Method in class ManagesEvents
Determine the class event method based on the given prefix.
- ManagesEvents::callComposer() — Method in class ManagesEvents
Call the composer for a given view.
- ManagesEvents::callCreator() — Method in class ManagesEvents
Call the creator for a given view.
- $ DynamicComponent#component — Property in class DynamicComponent
The name of the component.
- $ DynamicComponent#compiler — Property in class DynamicComponent
The component tag compiler instance.
- $ DynamicComponent#componentClasses — Property in class DynamicComponent
The cached component classes.
- DynamicComponent::compileProps() — Method in class DynamicComponent
Compile the @props directive for the component.
- DynamicComponent::compileBindings() — Method in class DynamicComponent
Compile the bindings for the component.
- DynamicComponent::compileSlots() — Method in class DynamicComponent
Compile the slots for the component.
- DynamicComponent::classForComponent() — Method in class DynamicComponent
Get the class for the current component.
- DynamicComponent::compiler() — Method in class DynamicComponent
Get an instance of the Blade tag compiler.
- CompilerEngine — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
- $ CompilerEngine#compiler — Property in class CompilerEngine
The Blade compiler instance.
- $ CompilerEngine#compiledOrNotExpired — Property in class CompilerEngine
The view paths that were compiled or are not expired, keyed by the path.
- $ Factory#container — Property in class Factory
The IoC container instance.
- $ Factory#composers — Property in class Factory
The view composer events.
- $ InvokableComponentVariable#callable — Property in class InvokableComponentVariable
The callable instance to resolve the variable value.
- ViewServiceProvider::createFactory() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
Create a new Factory Instance.
- Gate::denyIf() — Method in class Gate
Perform an on-demand authorization check. Throw an authorization exception if the condition or callback is true.
- Gate::define() — Method in class Gate
Define a new ability.
- Gate::denies() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given ability should be denied for the current user.
- Gate::dispatchGateEvaluatedEvent() — Method in class Gate
Dispatch a gate evaluation event.
- HandlesAuthorization::deny() — Method in class HandlesAuthorization
Throws an unauthorized exception.
- HandlesAuthorization::denyWithStatus() — Method in class HandlesAuthorization
Deny with a HTTP status code.
- HandlesAuthorization::denyAsNotFound() — Method in class HandlesAuthorization
Deny with a 404 HTTP status code.
- Response::deny() — Method in class Response
Create a new "deny" Response.
- Response::denyWithStatus() — Method in class Response
Create a new "deny" Response with a HTTP status code.
- Response::denyAsNotFound() — Method in class Response
Create a new "deny" Response with a 404 HTTP status code.
- Response::denied() — Method in class Response
Determine if the response was denied.
- $ ClearResetsCommand#description — Property in class ClearResetsCommand
The console command description.
- DatabaseUserProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- DatabaseTokenRepository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
- DatabaseTokenRepository::deleteExisting() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Delete all existing reset tokens from the database.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::delete() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Delete a token record by user.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::deleteExpired() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Delete expired tokens.
- PasswordBroker::deleteToken() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Delete password reset tokens of the given user.
- TokenRepositoryInterface::delete() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
Delete a token record.
- TokenRepositoryInterface::deleteExpired() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
Delete expired tokens.
- BroadcastEvent::displayName() — Method in class BroadcastEvent
Get the display name for the queued job.
- $ BroadcastManager#drivers — Property in class BroadcastManager
The array of resolved broadcast drivers.
- BroadcastManager::driver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Get a driver instance.
- PusherBroadcaster::decodePusherResponse() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster
Decode the given Pusher response.
- InteractsWithSockets::dontBroadcastToCurrentUser() — Method in class InteractsWithSockets
Exclude the current user from receiving the broadcast.
- Batch::decrementPendingJobs() — Method in class Batch
Decrement the pending jobs for the batch.
- Batch::delete() — Method in class Batch
Delete the batch from storage.
- BatchRepository::decrementPendingJobs() — Method in class BatchRepository
Decrement the total number of pending jobs for the batch.
- BatchRepository::delete() — Method in class BatchRepository
Delete the batch that has the given ID.
- DatabaseBatchRepository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- DatabaseBatchRepository::decrementPendingJobs() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Decrement the total number of pending jobs for the batch.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::delete() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Delete the batch that has the given ID.
- Dispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- Dispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler.
- Dispatcher::dispatchSync() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.
- Dispatcher::dispatchNow() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process without using the synchronous queue.
- Dispatcher::dispatchToQueue() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler behind a queue.
- Dispatcher::dispatchAfterResponse() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler after the current process.
- PendingBatch::dispatch() — Method in class PendingBatch
Dispatch the batch.
- PendingBatch::dispatchAfterResponse() — Method in class PendingBatch
Dispatch the batch after the response is sent to the browser.
- PendingBatch::dispatchExistingBatch() — Method in class PendingBatch
Dispatch an existing batch.
- $ Queueable#delay — Property in class Queueable
The number of seconds before the job should be made available.
- Queueable::delay() — Method in class Queueable
Set the desired delay in seconds for the job.
- Queueable::dispatchNextJobInChain() — Method in class Queueable
Dispatch the next job on the chain.
- ApcStore::decrement() — Method in class ApcStore
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- ApcWrapper::decrement() — Method in class ApcWrapper
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- ApcWrapper::delete() — Method in class ApcWrapper
Remove an item from the cache.
- ArrayStore::decrement() — Method in class ArrayStore
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- CacheManager::driver() — Method in class CacheManager
Get a cache driver instance.
- $ CacheTableCommand#description — Property in class CacheTableCommand
The console command description.
- $ ClearCommand#description — Property in class ClearCommand
The console command description.
- $ ForgetCommand#description — Property in class ForgetCommand
The console command description.
- $ PruneStaleTagsCommand#description — Property in class PruneStaleTagsCommand
The console command description.
- DatabaseLock — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- DatabaseStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- DatabaseStore::decrement() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- DynamoDbLock — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- $ DynamoDbLock#dynamo — Property in class DynamoDbLock
The DynamoDB client instance.
- DynamoDbStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- $ DynamoDbStore#dynamo — Property in class DynamoDbStore
The DynamoDB client instance.
- DynamoDbStore::decrement() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- $ FileStore#directory — Property in class FileStore
The file cache directory.
- FileStore::decrement() — Method in class FileStore
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- MemcachedStore::decrement() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- NullStore::decrement() — Method in class NullStore
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- $ Limit#decayMinutes — Property in class Limit
The number of minutes until the rate limit is reset.
- RedisStore::decrement() — Method in class RedisStore
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- RedisTaggedCache::decrement() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- $ Repository#default — Property in class Repository
The default number of seconds to store items.
- Repository::decrement() — Method in class Repository
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- Repository::delete() — Method in class Repository
- {@inheritdoc}
- Repository::deleteMultiple() — Method in class Repository
- {@inheritdoc}
- TaggedCache::decrement() — Method in class TaggedCache
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- BufferedConsoleOutput::doWrite() — Method in class BufferedConsoleOutput
- {@inheritdoc}
- $ Command#description — Property in class Command
The console command description.
- PromptsForMissingInput::didReceiveOptions() — Method in class PromptsForMissingInput
Whether the input contains any options that differ from the default values.
- $ Event#description — Property in class Event
The human readable description of the event.
- Event::description() — Method in class Event
Set the human-friendly description of the event.
- ManagesFrequencies::daily() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run daily.
- ManagesFrequencies::dailyAt() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run daily at a given time (10:00, 19:30, etc).
- ManagesFrequencies::days() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Set the days of the week the command should run on.
- $ Schedule#dispatcher — Property in class Schedule
The job dispatcher implementation.
- Schedule::dispatchToQueue() — Method in class Schedule
Dispatch the given job to the queue.
- Schedule::dispatchUniqueJobToQueue() — Method in class Schedule
Dispatch the given unique job to the queue.
- Schedule::dispatchNow() — Method in class Schedule
Dispatch the given job right now.
- Schedule::dueEvents() — Method in class Schedule
Get all of the events on the schedule that are due.
- $ ScheduleClearCacheCommand#description — Property in class ScheduleClearCacheCommand
The console command description.
- $ ScheduleFinishCommand#description — Property in class ScheduleFinishCommand
The console command description.
- $ ScheduleListCommand#description — Property in class ScheduleListCommand
The console command description.
- $ ScheduleRunCommand#description — Property in class ScheduleRunCommand
The console command description.
- $ ScheduleRunCommand#dispatcher — Property in class ScheduleRunCommand
The event dispatcher.
- $ ScheduleTestCommand#description — Property in class ScheduleTestCommand
The console command description.
- $ ScheduleWorkCommand#description — Property in class ScheduleWorkCommand
The console command description.
- Container::dropStaleInstances() — Method in class Container
Drop all of the stale instances and aliases.
- Gate::define() — Method in class Gate
Define a new ability.
- Gate::denies() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given ability should be denied for the current user.
- Dispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Bus
- Dispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler.
- Dispatcher::dispatchSync() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.
- Dispatcher::dispatchNow() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.
- QueueingDispatcher::dispatchToQueue() — Method in class QueueingDispatcher
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler behind a queue.
- Repository::decrement() — Method in class Repository
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- Store::decrement() — Method in class Store
Decrement the value of an item in the cache.
- DeviatesCastableAttributes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent
- DeviatesCastableAttributes::decrement() — Method in class DeviatesCastableAttributes
Decrement the attribute.
- DecryptException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption
- Encrypter::decrypt() — Method in class Encrypter
Decrypt the given value.
- StringEncrypter::decryptString() — Method in class StringEncrypter
Decrypt the given string without unserialization.
- Dispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Events
- Dispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatch an event and call the listeners.
- Factory::disk() — Method in class Factory
Get a filesystem implementation.
- Filesystem::delete() — Method in class Filesystem
Delete the file at a given path.
- Filesystem::directories() — Method in class Filesystem
Get all of the directories within a given directory.
- Filesystem::deleteDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Recursively delete a directory.
- Application::databasePath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the database directory.
- MaintenanceMode::deactivate() — Method in class MaintenanceMode
Take the application out of maintenance.
- MaintenanceMode::data() — Method in class MaintenanceMode
Get the data array which was provided when the application was placed into maintenance.
- Dispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Notifications
- Job::delete() — Method in class Job
Delete the job from the queue.
- Registrar::delete() — Method in class Registrar
Register a new DELETE route with the router.
- ResponseFactory::download() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new file download response.
- DeferrableProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- DeferringDisplayableValue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- DataAwareRule — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
- $ CookieJar#domain — Property in class CookieJar
The default domain (if specified).
- EncryptCookies::disableFor() — Method in class EncryptCookies
Disable encryption for the given cookie name(s).
- EncryptCookies::decrypt() — Method in class EncryptCookies
Decrypt the cookies on the request.
- EncryptCookies::decryptCookie() — Method in class EncryptCookies
Decrypt the given cookie and return the value.
- EncryptCookies::decryptArray() — Method in class EncryptCookies
Decrypt an array based cookie.
- EncryptCookies::duplicate() — Method in class EncryptCookies
Duplicate a cookie with a new value.
- $ Connection#database — Property in class Connection
The name of the connected database.
- $ Connection#doctrineConnection — Property in class Connection
The instance of Doctrine connection.
- $ Connection#doctrineTypeMappings — Property in class Connection
Type mappings that should be registered with new Doctrine connections.
- Connection::delete() — Method in class Connection
Run a delete statement against the database.
- Connection::disconnect() — Method in class Connection
Disconnect from the underlying PDO connection.
- Connection::disableQueryLog() — Method in class Connection
Disable the query log on the connection.
- ConnectionInterface::delete() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Run a delete statement against the database.
- $ ConnectionResolver#default — Property in class ConnectionResolver
The default connection name.
- DatabaseInspectionCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console
- DbCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console
- $ DbCommand#description — Property in class DbCommand
The console command description.
- DumpCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console
- $ DumpCommand#description — Property in class DumpCommand
The console command description.
- $ FactoryMakeCommand#description — Property in class FactoryMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ FreshCommand#description — Property in class FreshCommand
The console command description.
- $ InstallCommand#description — Property in class InstallCommand
The console command description.
- $ MigrateCommand#description — Property in class MigrateCommand
The console command description.
- $ MigrateCommand#dispatcher — Property in class MigrateCommand
The event dispatcher instance.
- $ MigrateMakeCommand#description — Property in class MigrateMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ RefreshCommand#description — Property in class RefreshCommand
The console command description.
- $ ResetCommand#description — Property in class ResetCommand
The console command description.
- $ RollbackCommand#description — Property in class RollbackCommand
The console command description.
- $ StatusCommand#description — Property in class StatusCommand
The console command description.
- $ MonitorCommand#description — Property in class MonitorCommand
The console command description.
- MonitorCommand::displayConnections() — Method in class MonitorCommand
Display the databases and their connection counts in the console.
- MonitorCommand::dispatchEvents() — Method in class MonitorCommand
Dispatch the database monitoring events.
- $ PruneCommand#description — Property in class PruneCommand
The console command description.
- $ SeedCommand#description — Property in class SeedCommand
The console command description.
- $ SeederMakeCommand#description — Property in class SeederMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ ShowCommand#description — Property in class ShowCommand
The console command description.
- ShowCommand::display() — Method in class ShowCommand
Render the database information.
- ShowCommand::displayJson() — Method in class ShowCommand
Render the database information as JSON.
- ShowCommand::displayForCli() — Method in class ShowCommand
Render the database information formatted for the CLI.
- $ ShowModelCommand#description — Property in class ShowModelCommand
The console command description.
- ShowModelCommand::display() — Method in class ShowModelCommand
Render the model information.
- ShowModelCommand::displayJson() — Method in class ShowModelCommand
Render the model information as JSON.
- ShowModelCommand::displayCli() — Method in class ShowModelCommand
Render the model information for the CLI.
- $ TableCommand#description — Property in class TableCommand
The console command description.
- TableCommand::display() — Method in class TableCommand
Render the table information.
- TableCommand::displayJson() — Method in class TableCommand
Render the table information as JSON.
- TableCommand::displayForCli() — Method in class TableCommand
Render the table information formatted for the CLI.
- $ WipeCommand#description — Property in class WipeCommand
The console command description.
- WipeCommand::dropAllTables() — Method in class WipeCommand
Drop all of the database tables.
- WipeCommand::dropAllViews() — Method in class WipeCommand
Drop all of the database views.
- WipeCommand::dropAllTypes() — Method in class WipeCommand
Drop all of the database types.
- DatabaseManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- $ DatabaseManager#doctrineTypes — Property in class DatabaseManager
The custom Doctrine column types.
- DatabaseManager::disconnect() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Disconnect from the given database.
- DatabaseServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- DatabaseTransactionRecord — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- DatabaseTransactionsManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- DeadlockException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- DetectsConcurrencyErrors — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- DetectsLostConnections — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Builder::decrement() — Method in class Builder
Decrement a column's value by a given amount.
- Builder::delete() — Method in class Builder
Delete records from the database.
- Builder::defaultKeyName() — Method in class Builder
Get the default key name of the table.
- Collection::diff() — Method in class Collection
Diff the collection with the given items.
- Collection::duplicateComparator() — Method in class Collection
Get the comparison function to detect duplicates.
- $ HasAttributes#dateFormat — Property in class HasAttributes
The storage format of the model's date columns.
- HasAttributes::deviateClassCastableAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes
Increment or decrement the given attribute using the custom cast class.
- HasAttributes::discardChanges() — Method in class HasAttributes
Discard attribute changes and reset the attributes to their original state.
- $ HasEvents#dispatchesEvents — Property in class HasEvents
The event map for the model.
- HasEvents::deleting() — Method in class HasEvents
Register a deleting model event with the dispatcher.
- HasEvents::deleted() — Method in class HasEvents
Register a deleted model event with the dispatcher.
- QueriesRelationships::doesntHave() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query.
- QueriesRelationships::doesntHaveMorph() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a polymorphic relationship count / exists condition to the query.
- Factory::definition() — Method in class Factory
Define the model's default state.
- $ Model#dispatcher — Property in class Model
The event dispatcher instance.
- $ Model#discardedAttributeViolationCallback — Property in class Model
The callback that is responsible for handling discarded attribute violations.
- Model::decrement() — Method in class Model
Decrement a column's value by a given amount.
- Model::decrementQuietly() — Method in class Model
Decrement a column's value by a given amount without raising any events.
- Model::destroy() — Method in class Model
Destroy the models for the given IDs.
- Model::delete() — Method in class Model
Delete the model from the database.
- Model::deleteQuietly() — Method in class Model
Delete the model from the database without raising any events.
- Model::deleteOrFail() — Method in class Model
Delete the model from the database within a transaction.
- BelongsTo::dissociate() — Method in class BelongsTo
Dissociate previously associated model from the given parent.
- BelongsTo::disassociate() — Method in class BelongsTo
Alias of "dissociate" method.
- AsPivot::delete() — Method in class AsPivot
Delete the pivot model record from the database.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::detach() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Detach models from the relationship.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::detachUsingCustomClass() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Detach models from the relationship using a custom class.
- MorphPivot::delete() — Method in class MorphPivot
Delete the pivot model record from the database.
- $ MorphTo#dictionary — Property in class MorphTo
All of the models keyed by ID.
- MorphTo::dissociate() — Method in class MorphTo
Dissociate previously associated model from the given parent.
- DatabaseBusy — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- DatabaseRefreshed — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- DatabaseMigrationRepository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::delete() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Remove a migration from the log.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::deleteRepository() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Delete the migration repository data store.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::delete() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Remove a migration from the log.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::deleteRepository() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Delete the migration repository data store.
- Migrator::deleteRepository() — Method in class Migrator
Delete the migration repository data store.
- $ Builder#distinct — Property in class Builder
Indicates if the query returns distinct results.
- Builder::distinct() — Method in class Builder
Force the query to only return distinct results.
- Builder::dynamicWhere() — Method in class Builder
Handles dynamic "where" clauses to the query.
- Builder::doesntExist() — Method in class Builder
Determine if no rows exist for the current query.
- Builder::doesntExistOr() — Method in class Builder
Execute the given callback if rows exist for the current query.
- Builder::decrement() — Method in class Builder
Decrement a column's value by a given amount.
- Builder::decrementEach() — Method in class Builder
Decrement the given column's values by the given amounts.
- Builder::delete() — Method in class Builder
Delete records from the database.
- Builder::defaultKeyName() — Method in class Builder
Get the default key name of the table.
- Builder::dump() — Method in class Builder
Dump the current SQL and bindings.
- Builder::dd() — Method in class Builder
Die and dump the current SQL and bindings.
- Grammar::dateBasedWhere() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a date based where clause.
- PostgresGrammar::dateBasedWhere() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a date based where clause.
- SQLiteGrammar::dateBasedWhere() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a date based where clause.
- Blueprint::drop() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the table should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropIfExists() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the table should be dropped if it exists.
- Blueprint::dropColumn() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given columns should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropPrimary() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given primary key should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropUnique() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given unique key should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropIndex() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given index should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropFullText() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given fulltext index should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropSpatialIndex() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given spatial index should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropForeign() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given foreign key should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropConstrainedForeignId() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given column and foreign key should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropForeignIdFor() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given foreign key should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropConstrainedForeignIdFor() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given foreign key should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropTimestamps() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the timestamp columns should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropTimestampsTz() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the timestamp columns should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropSoftDeletes() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the soft delete column should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropSoftDeletesTz() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the soft delete column should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropRememberToken() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the remember token column should be dropped.
- Blueprint::dropMorphs() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the polymorphic columns should be dropped.
- Blueprint::double() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new double column on the table.
- Blueprint::decimal() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new decimal column on the table.
- Blueprint::date() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new date column on the table.
- Blueprint::dateTime() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new date-time column on the table.
- Blueprint::dateTimeTz() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new date-time column (with time zone) on the table.
- Blueprint::datetimes() — Method in class Blueprint
Add creation and update datetime columns to the table.
- Blueprint::dropIndexCommand() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new drop index command on the blueprint.
- $ Builder#defaultStringLength — Property in class Builder
The default string length for migrations.
- $ Builder#defaultMorphKeyType — Property in class Builder
The default relationship morph key type.
- Builder::defaultStringLength() — Method in class Builder
Set the default string length for migrations.
- Builder::defaultMorphKeyType() — Method in class Builder
Set the default morph key type for migrations.
- Builder::dropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class Builder
Drop a database from the schema if the database exists.
- Builder::drop() — Method in class Builder
Drop a table from the schema.
- Builder::dropIfExists() — Method in class Builder
Drop a table from the schema if it exists.
- Builder::dropColumns() — Method in class Builder
Drop columns from a table schema.
- Builder::dropAllTables() — Method in class Builder
Drop all tables from the database.
- Builder::dropAllViews() — Method in class Builder
Drop all views from the database.
- Builder::dropAllTypes() — Method in class Builder
Drop all types from the database.
- Builder::disableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class Builder
Disable foreign key constraints.
- ColumnDefinition::default() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
Specify a "default" value for the column
- ForeignKeyDefinition::deferrable() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition
- ChangeColumn::doesntNeedCharacterOptions() — Method in class ChangeColumn
Determine if the given type does not need character / collation options.
- IndexDefinition::deferrable() — Method in class IndexDefinition
- MySqlBuilder::dropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class MySqlBuilder
Drop a database from the schema if the database exists.
- MySqlBuilder::dropAllTables() — Method in class MySqlBuilder
Drop all tables from the database.
- MySqlBuilder::dropAllViews() — Method in class MySqlBuilder
Drop all views from the database.
- MySqlSchemaState::dump() — Method in class MySqlSchemaState
Dump the database's schema into a file.
- PostgresBuilder::dropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class PostgresBuilder
Drop a database from the schema if the database exists.
- PostgresBuilder::dropAllTables() — Method in class PostgresBuilder
Drop all tables from the database.
- PostgresBuilder::dropAllViews() — Method in class PostgresBuilder
Drop all views from the database.
- PostgresBuilder::dropAllTypes() — Method in class PostgresBuilder
Drop all types from the database.
- PostgresSchemaState::dump() — Method in class PostgresSchemaState
Dump the database's schema into a file.
- SQLiteBuilder::dropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class SQLiteBuilder
Drop a database from the schema if the database exists.
- SQLiteBuilder::dropAllTables() — Method in class SQLiteBuilder
Drop all tables from the database.
- SQLiteBuilder::dropAllViews() — Method in class SQLiteBuilder
Drop all views from the database.
- SchemaState::dump() — Method in class SchemaState
Dump the database's schema into a file.
- SqlServerBuilder::dropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class SqlServerBuilder
Drop a database from the schema if the database exists.
- SqlServerBuilder::dropAllTables() — Method in class SqlServerBuilder
Drop all tables from the database.
- SqlServerBuilder::dropAllViews() — Method in class SqlServerBuilder
Drop all views from the database.
- SqliteSchemaState::dump() — Method in class SqliteSchemaState
Dump the database's schema into a file.
- Encrypter::decrypt() — Method in class Encrypter
Decrypt the given value.
- Encrypter::decryptString() — Method in class Encrypter
Decrypt the given string without unserialization.
- $ CallQueuedListener#data — Property in class CallQueuedListener
The data to be passed to the listener.
- CallQueuedListener::displayName() — Method in class CallQueuedListener
Get the display name for the queued job.
- Dispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Events
- Dispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatcher
Fire an event and call the listeners.
- $ NullDispatcher#dispatcher — Property in class NullDispatcher
The underlying event dispatcher instance.
- NullDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class NullDispatcher
Don't fire an event.
- $ QueuedClosure#delay — Property in class QueuedClosure
The number of seconds before the job should be made available.
- QueuedClosure::delay() — Method in class QueuedClosure
Set the desired delay in seconds for the job.
- Filesystem::delete() — Method in class Filesystem
Delete the file at a given path.
- Filesystem::dirname() — Method in class Filesystem
Extract the parent directory from a file path.
- Filesystem::directories() — Method in class Filesystem
Get all of the directories within a given directory.
- Filesystem::deleteDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Recursively delete a directory.
- Filesystem::deleteDirectories() — Method in class Filesystem
Remove all of the directories within a given directory.
- $ FilesystemAdapter#driver — Property in class FilesystemAdapter
The Flysystem filesystem implementation.
- FilesystemAdapter::directoryExists() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Determine if a directory exists.
- FilesystemAdapter::directoryMissing() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Determine if a directory is missing.
- FilesystemAdapter::download() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Create a streamed download response for a given file.
- FilesystemAdapter::delete() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Delete the file at a given path.
- FilesystemAdapter::directories() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get all of the directories within a given directory.
- FilesystemAdapter::deleteDirectory() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Recursively delete a directory.
- $ FilesystemManager#disks — Property in class FilesystemManager
The array of resolved filesystem drivers.
- FilesystemManager::drive() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Get a filesystem instance.
- FilesystemManager::disk() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Get a filesystem instance.
- $ Application#deferredServices — Property in class Application
The deferred services and their providers.
- $ Application#databasePath — Property in class Application
The custom database path defined by the developer.
- Application::databasePath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the database directory.
- Application::detectEnvironment() — Method in class Application
Detect the application's current environment.
- Dispatchable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bus
- Dispatchable::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatchable
Dispatch the job with the given arguments.
- Dispatchable::dispatchIf() — Method in class Dispatchable
Dispatch the job with the given arguments if the given truth test passes.
- Dispatchable::dispatchUnless() — Method in class Dispatchable
Dispatch the job with the given arguments unless the given truth test passes.
- Dispatchable::dispatchSync() — Method in class Dispatchable
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.
- Dispatchable::dispatchAfterResponse() — Method in class Dispatchable
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler after the current process.
- DispatchesJobs — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bus
- DispatchesJobs::dispatch() — Method in class DispatchesJobs
Dispatch a job to its appropriate handler.
- DispatchesJobs::dispatchSync() — Method in class DispatchesJobs
Dispatch a job to its appropriate handler in the current process.
- $ PendingChain#delay — Property in class PendingChain
The number of seconds before the chain should be made available.
- PendingChain::delay() — Method in class PendingChain
Set the desired delay in seconds for the chain.
- PendingChain::dispatch() — Method in class PendingChain
Dispatch the job with the given arguments.
- PendingDispatch::delay() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Set the desired delay in seconds for the job.
- CacheBasedMaintenanceMode::deactivate() — Method in class CacheBasedMaintenanceMode
Take the application out of maintenance.
- CacheBasedMaintenanceMode::data() — Method in class CacheBasedMaintenanceMode
Get the data array which was provided when the application was placed into maintenance.
- $ ResolvesDumpSource#dumpSourceResolver — Property in class ResolvesDumpSource
- ResolvesDumpSource::dontIncludeSource() — Method in class ResolvesDumpSource
Don't include the location / file of the dump in dumps.
- $ AboutCommand#description — Property in class AboutCommand
The console command description.
- $ AboutCommand#data — Property in class AboutCommand
The data to display.
- AboutCommand::display() — Method in class AboutCommand
Display the application information.
- AboutCommand::displayDetail() — Method in class AboutCommand
Display the application information as a detail view.
- AboutCommand::displayJson() — Method in class AboutCommand
Display the application information as JSON.
- $ CastMakeCommand#description — Property in class CastMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ ChannelMakeCommand#description — Property in class ChannelMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ ClearCompiledCommand#description — Property in class ClearCompiledCommand
The console command description.
- $ CliDumper#dumping — Property in class CliDumper
If the dumper is currently dumping.
- CliDumper::dumpWithSource() — Method in class CliDumper
Dump a variable with its source file / line.
- ClosureCommand::describe() — Method in class ClosureCommand
Set the description for the command.
- $ ComponentMakeCommand#description — Property in class ComponentMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ ConfigCacheCommand#description — Property in class ConfigCacheCommand
The console command description.
- $ ConfigClearCommand#description — Property in class ConfigClearCommand
The console command description.
- $ ConsoleMakeCommand#description — Property in class ConsoleMakeCommand
The console command description.
- DocsCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- $ DocsCommand#description — Property in class DocsCommand
The console command description.
- DocsCommand::didNotRequestPage() — Method in class DocsCommand
Determine if the user requested a specific page when calling the command.
- DocsCommand::didNotRequestSection() — Method in class DocsCommand
Determine if the user requested a specific section when calling the command.
- DocsCommand::docs() — Method in class DocsCommand
Get the documentation index as a collection.
- DownCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- $ DownCommand#description — Property in class DownCommand
The console command description.
- $ EnvironmentCommand#description — Property in class EnvironmentCommand
The console command description.
- $ EnvironmentDecryptCommand#description — Property in class EnvironmentDecryptCommand
The console command description.
- $ EnvironmentEncryptCommand#description — Property in class EnvironmentEncryptCommand
The console command description.
- $ EventCacheCommand#description — Property in class EventCacheCommand
The console command description.
- $ EventClearCommand#description — Property in class EventClearCommand
The console command description.
- $ EventGenerateCommand#description — Property in class EventGenerateCommand
The console command description.
- $ EventListCommand#description — Property in class EventListCommand
The console command description.
- $ EventMakeCommand#description — Property in class EventMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ ExceptionMakeCommand#description — Property in class ExceptionMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ JobMakeCommand#description — Property in class JobMakeCommand
The console command description.
- Kernel::defineConsoleSchedule() — Method in class Kernel
Define the application's command schedule.
- $ KeyGenerateCommand#description — Property in class KeyGenerateCommand
The console command description.
- $ LangPublishCommand#description — Property in class LangPublishCommand
The console command description.
- $ ListenerMakeCommand#description — Property in class ListenerMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ MailMakeCommand#description — Property in class MailMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ ModelMakeCommand#description — Property in class ModelMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ NotificationMakeCommand#description — Property in class NotificationMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ ObserverMakeCommand#description — Property in class ObserverMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ OptimizeClearCommand#description — Property in class OptimizeClearCommand
The console command description.
- $ OptimizeCommand#description — Property in class OptimizeCommand
The console command description.
- $ PackageDiscoverCommand#description — Property in class PackageDiscoverCommand
The console command description.
- $ PolicyMakeCommand#description — Property in class PolicyMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ ProviderMakeCommand#description — Property in class ProviderMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ QueuedCommand#data — Property in class QueuedCommand
The data to pass to the Artisan command.
- $ RequestMakeCommand#description — Property in class RequestMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ ResourceMakeCommand#description — Property in class ResourceMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ RouteCacheCommand#description — Property in class RouteCacheCommand
The console command description.
- $ RouteClearCommand#description — Property in class RouteClearCommand
The console command description.
- $ RouteListCommand#description — Property in class RouteListCommand
The console command description.
- RouteListCommand::displayRoutes() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Display the route information on the console.
- RouteListCommand::determineRouteCountOutput() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Determine and return the output for displaying the number of routes in the CLI output.
- $ RuleMakeCommand#description — Property in class RuleMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ ScopeMakeCommand#description — Property in class ScopeMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ ServeCommand#description — Property in class ServeCommand
The console command description.
- $ StorageLinkCommand#description — Property in class StorageLinkCommand
The console command description.
- $ StubPublishCommand#description — Property in class StubPublishCommand
The console command description.
- $ TestMakeCommand#description — Property in class TestMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ UpCommand#description — Property in class UpCommand
The console command description.
- $ VendorPublishCommand#description — Property in class VendorPublishCommand
The console command description.
- VendorPublishCommand::determineWhatShouldBePublished() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
Determine the provider or tag(s) to publish.
- $ ViewCacheCommand#description — Property in class ViewCacheCommand
The console command description.
- $ ViewClearCommand#description — Property in class ViewClearCommand
The console command description.
- EnvironmentDetector::detect() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector
Detect the application's current environment.
- EnvironmentDetector::detectWebEnvironment() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector
Set the application environment for a web request.
- EnvironmentDetector::detectConsoleEnvironment() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector
Set the application environment from command-line arguments.
- DiscoverEvents — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Events
- Dispatchable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Events
- Dispatchable::dispatch() — Method in class Dispatchable
Dispatch the event with the given arguments.
- Dispatchable::dispatchIf() — Method in class Dispatchable
Dispatch the event with the given arguments if the given truth test passes.
- Dispatchable::dispatchUnless() — Method in class Dispatchable
Dispatch the event with the given arguments unless the given truth test passes.
- $ Handler#dontReport — Property in class Handler
A list of the exception types that are not reported.
- $ Handler#dontFlash — Property in class Handler
A list of the inputs that are never flashed for validation exceptions.
- WhoopsHandler::directoriesExceptVendor() — Method in class WhoopsHandler
Get the application paths except for the "vendor" directory.
- FileBasedMaintenanceMode::deactivate() — Method in class FileBasedMaintenanceMode
Take the application out of maintenance.
- FileBasedMaintenanceMode::data() — Method in class FileBasedMaintenanceMode
Get the data array which was provided when the application was placed into maintenance.
- $ HtmlDumper#dumping — Property in class HtmlDumper
If the dumper is currently dumping.
- HtmlDumper::dumpWithSource() — Method in class HtmlDumper
Dump a variable with its source file / line.
- Kernel::dispatchToRouter() — Method in class Kernel
Get the route dispatcher callback.
- $ ArtisanServiceProvider#devCommands — Property in class ArtisanServiceProvider
The commands to be registered.
- PrecognitionCallableDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class PrecognitionCallableDispatcher
Dispatch a request to a given callable.
- PrecognitionControllerDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class PrecognitionControllerDispatcher
Dispatch a request to a given controller and method.
- EventServiceProvider::discoveredEvents() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
Get the discovered events for the application.
- EventServiceProvider::discoverEvents() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
Discover the events and listeners for the application.
- EventServiceProvider::discoverEventsWithin() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
Get the listener directories that should be used to discover events.
- $ MakesHttpRequests#defaultHeaders — Property in class MakesHttpRequests
Additional headers for the request.
- $ MakesHttpRequests#defaultCookies — Property in class MakesHttpRequests
Additional cookies for the request.
- DatabaseMigrations — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
- DatabaseTransactions — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
- DatabaseTruncation — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
- WithoutEvents::disableEventsForAllTests() — Method in class WithoutEvents
Prevent all event handles from being executed.
- WithoutMiddleware::disableMiddlewareForAllTests() — Method in class WithoutMiddleware
Prevent all middleware from being executed for this test class.
- Wormhole::day() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel forward the given number of days.
- Wormhole::days() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel forward the given number of days.
- DeterminesStatusCode — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client\Concerns
- $ Factory#dispatcher — Property in class Factory
The event dispatcher implementation.
- PendingRequest::dump() — Method in class PendingRequest
Dump the request before sending.
- PendingRequest::dd() — Method in class PendingRequest
Dump the request before sending and end the script.
- PendingRequest::delete() — Method in class PendingRequest
Issue a DELETE request to the given URL.
- PendingRequest::dispatchRequestSendingEvent() — Method in class PendingRequest
Dispatch the RequestSending event if a dispatcher is available.
- PendingRequest::dispatchResponseReceivedEvent() — Method in class PendingRequest
Dispatch the ResponseReceived event if a dispatcher is available.
- PendingRequest::dispatchConnectionFailedEvent() — Method in class PendingRequest
Dispatch the ConnectionFailed event if a dispatcher is available.
- $ Request#data — Property in class Request
The decoded payload for the request.
- Request::data() — Method in class Request
Get the request's data (form parameters or JSON).
- $ Response#decoded — Property in class Response
The decoded JSON response.
- ResponseSequence::dontFailWhenEmpty() — Method in class ResponseSequence
Make the sequence return a default response when it is empty.
- InteractsWithInput::date() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve input from the request as a Carbon instance.
- InteractsWithInput::dd() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Dump the request items and end the script.
- InteractsWithInput::dump() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Dump the items.
- Request::decodedPath() — Method in class Request
Get the current decoded path info for the request.
- Request::duplicate() — Method in class Request
- {@inheritdoc}
- DelegatesToResource — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources
- $ MergeValue#data — Property in class MergeValue
The data to be merged.
- $ LogManager#dateFormat — Property in class LogManager
The standard date format to use when writing logs.
- LogManager::driver() — Method in class LogManager
Get a log driver instance.
- LogManager::debug() — Method in class LogManager
Detailed debug information.
- $ Logger#dispatcher — Property in class Logger
The event dispatcher instance.
- Logger::debug() — Method in class Logger
Log a debug message to the logs.
- $ MessageSending#data — Property in class MessageSending
The message data.
- $ MessageSent#data — Property in class MessageSent
The message data.
- MailManager::driver() — Method in class MailManager
Get a mailer driver instance.
- $ Mailable#diskAttachments — Property in class Mailable
The attachments from a storage disk.
- Mailer::dispatchSentEvent() — Method in class Mailer
Dispatch the message sent event.
- SendQueuedMailable::displayName() — Method in class SendQueuedMailable
Get the display name for the queued job.
- SesTransport::doSend() — Method in class SesTransport
- {@inheritDoc}
- SesV2Transport::doSend() — Method in class SesV2Transport
- {@inheritDoc}
- $ ChannelManager#defaultChannel — Property in class ChannelManager
The default channel used to deliver messages.
- ChannelManager::deliversVia() — Method in class ChannelManager
Get the default channel driver name.
- ChannelManager::deliverVia() — Method in class ChannelManager
Set the default channel driver name.
- DatabaseChannel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Channels
- $ NotificationTableCommand#description — Property in class NotificationTableCommand
The console command description.
- DatabaseNotification — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
- DatabaseNotificationCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
- $ BroadcastNotificationCreated#data — Property in class BroadcastNotificationCreated
The notification data.
- $ NotificationFailed#data — Property in class NotificationFailed
The data needed to process this failure.
- $ BroadcastMessage#data — Property in class BroadcastMessage
The data for the notification.
- BroadcastMessage::data() — Method in class BroadcastMessage
Set the message data.
- DatabaseMessage — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Messages
- $ DatabaseMessage#data — Property in class DatabaseMessage
The data that should be stored with the notification.
- MailMessage::data() — Method in class MailMessage
Get the data array for the mail message.
- SendQueuedNotifications::displayName() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications
Get the display name for the queued job.
- $ AbstractPaginator#defaultView — Property in class AbstractPaginator
The default pagination view.
- $ AbstractPaginator#defaultSimpleView — Property in class AbstractPaginator
The default "simple" pagination view.
- AbstractPaginator::defaultView() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the default pagination view.
- AbstractPaginator::defaultSimpleView() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the default "simple" pagination view.
- Hub::defaults() — Method in class Hub
Define the default named pipeline.
- Factory::describe() — Method in class Factory
Begin describing a fake process lifecycle.
- FakeProcessSequence::dontFailWhenEmpty() — Method in class FakeProcessSequence
Make the sequence return a default result when it is empty.
- $ BeanstalkdQueue#default — Property in class BeanstalkdQueue
The name of the default tube.
- BeanstalkdQueue::deleteMessage() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Delete a message from the Beanstalk queue.
- $ CallQueuedClosure#deleteWhenMissingModels — Property in class CallQueuedClosure
Indicate if the job should be deleted when models are missing.
- CallQueuedClosure::displayName() — Method in class CallQueuedClosure
Get the display name for the queued job.
- $ CallQueuedHandler#dispatcher — Property in class CallQueuedHandler
The bus dispatcher implementation.
- CallQueuedHandler::dispatchThroughMiddleware() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Dispatch the given job / command through its specified middleware.
- DatabaseConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
- $ BatchesTableCommand#description — Property in class BatchesTableCommand
The console command description.
- $ ClearCommand#description — Property in class ClearCommand
The console command description.
- $ FailedTableCommand#description — Property in class FailedTableCommand
The console command description.
- $ FlushFailedCommand#description — Property in class FlushFailedCommand
The console command description.
- $ ForgetFailedCommand#description — Property in class ForgetFailedCommand
The console command description.
- $ ListFailedCommand#description — Property in class ListFailedCommand
The console command description.
- ListFailedCommand::displayFailedJobs() — Method in class ListFailedCommand
Display the failed jobs in the console.
- $ ListenCommand#description — Property in class ListenCommand
The console command description.
- $ MonitorCommand#description — Property in class MonitorCommand
The console command description.
- MonitorCommand::displaySizes() — Method in class MonitorCommand
Display the queue sizes in the console.
- MonitorCommand::dispatchEvents() — Method in class MonitorCommand
Fire the monitoring events.
- $ PruneBatchesCommand#description — Property in class PruneBatchesCommand
The console command description.
- $ PruneFailedJobsCommand#description — Property in class PruneFailedJobsCommand
The console command description.
- $ RestartCommand#description — Property in class RestartCommand
The console command description.
- $ RetryBatchCommand#description — Property in class RetryBatchCommand
The console command description.
- $ RetryCommand#description — Property in class RetryCommand
The console command description.
- $ TableCommand#description — Property in class TableCommand
The console command description.
- $ WorkCommand#description — Property in class WorkCommand
The console command description.
- WorkCommand::downForMaintenance() — Method in class WorkCommand
Determine if the worker should run in maintenance mode.
- DatabaseQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- $ DatabaseQueue#database — Property in class DatabaseQueue
The database connection instance.
- $ DatabaseQueue#default — Property in class DatabaseQueue
The name of the default queue.
- DatabaseQueue::deleteReserved() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Delete a reserved job from the queue.
- DatabaseQueue::deleteAndRelease() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Delete a reserved job from the reserved queue and release it.
- DatabaseFailedJobProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Failed
- $ DatabaseFailedJobProvider#database — Property in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
The database connection name.
- DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Failed
- $ DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider#database — Property in class DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider
The database connection name.
- DynamoDbFailedJobProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Failed
- $ DynamoDbFailedJobProvider#dynamo — Property in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider
The DynamoDB client instance.
- InteractsWithQueue::delete() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue
Delete the job from the queue.
- BeanstalkdJob::delete() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Delete the job from the queue.
- DatabaseJob — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
- $ DatabaseJob#database — Property in class DatabaseJob
The database queue instance.
- DatabaseJob::delete() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Delete the job from the queue.
- DatabaseJobRecord — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
- $ Job#deleted — Property in class Job
Indicates if the job has been deleted.
- Job::delete() — Method in class Job
Delete the job from the queue.
- $ RedisJob#decoded — Property in class RedisJob
The JSON decoded version of "$job".
- RedisJob::delete() — Method in class RedisJob
Delete the job from the queue.
- SqsJob::delete() — Method in class SqsJob
Delete the job from the queue.
- RateLimited::dontRelease() — Method in class RateLimited
Do not release the job back to the queue if the limit is exceeded.
- $ RateLimitedWithRedis#decaysAt — Property in class RateLimitedWithRedis
The timestamp of the end of the current duration by key.
- $ ThrottlesExceptions#decayMinutes — Property in class ThrottlesExceptions
The number of minutes until the maximum attempts are reset.
- WithoutOverlapping::dontRelease() — Method in class WithoutOverlapping
Do not release the job back to the queue if no lock can be acquired.
- $ Queue#dispatchAfterCommit — Property in class Queue
Indicates that jobs should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed.
- QueueServiceProvider::databaseFailedJobProvider() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Create a new database failed job provider.
- QueueServiceProvider::databaseUuidFailedJobProvider() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Create a new database failed job provider that uses UUIDs as IDs.
- QueueServiceProvider::dynamoFailedJobProvider() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Create a new DynamoDb failed job provider.
- $ RedisQueue#default — Property in class RedisQueue
The name of the default queue.
- RedisQueue::deleteReserved() — Method in class RedisQueue
Delete a reserved job from the queue.
- RedisQueue::deleteAndRelease() — Method in class RedisQueue
Delete a reserved job from the reserved queue and release it.
- $ SqsQueue#default — Property in class SqsQueue
The name of the default queue.
- Worker::daemon() — Method in class Worker
Listen to the given queue in a loop.
- Worker::daemonShouldRun() — Method in class Worker
Determine if the daemon should process on this iteration.
- PhpRedisConnection::disconnect() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Disconnects from the Redis instance.
- DurationLimiter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Limiters
- $ DurationLimiter#decaysAt — Property in class DurationLimiter
The timestamp of the end of the current duration.
- DurationLimiterBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Limiters
- $ DurationLimiterBuilder#decay — Property in class DurationLimiterBuilder
The amount of time the lock window is maintained.
- $ RedisManager#driver — Property in class RedisManager
The name of the default driver.
- RedisManager::disableEvents() — Method in class RedisManager
Disable the firing of Redis command events.
- AbstractRouteCollection::dumper() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection
Return the CompiledUrlMatcherDumper instance for the route collection.
- CallableDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class CallableDispatcher
Dispatch a request to a given callable.
- $ ControllerMakeCommand#description — Property in class ControllerMakeCommand
The console command description.
- $ MiddlewareMakeCommand#description — Property in class MiddlewareMakeCommand
The console command description.
- CallableDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class CallableDispatcher
Dispatch a request to a given callable.
- ControllerDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher
Dispatch a request to a given controller and method.
- ControllerDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher
Dispatch a request to a given controller and method.
- $ ThrottleRequestsWithRedis#decaysAt — Property in class ThrottleRequestsWithRedis
The timestamp of the end of the current duration by key.
- PendingSingletonResourceRegistration::destroyable() — Method in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
Indicate that the resource should have a deletion route.
- ResponseFactory::download() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new file download response.
- $ Route#defaults — Property in class Route
The default values for the route.
- Route::defaults() — Method in class Route
Set a default value for the route.
- Route::domain() — Method in class Route
Get or set the domain for the route.
- RouteRegistrar::delete() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- RouteRegistrar::domain() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- $ RouteUrlGenerator#defaultParameters — Property in class RouteUrlGenerator
The named parameter defaults.
- $ RouteUrlGenerator#dontEncode — Property in class RouteUrlGenerator
Characters that should not be URL encoded.
- RouteUrlGenerator::defaults() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator
Set the default named parameters used by the URL generator.
- Router::delete() — Method in class Router
Register a new DELETE route with the router.
- Router::dispatch() — Method in class Router
Dispatch the request to the application.
- Router::dispatchToRoute() — Method in class Router
Dispatch the request to a route and return the response.
- UrlGenerator::defaults() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Set the default named parameters used by the URL generator.
- ArraySessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- CacheBasedSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- $ SessionTableCommand#description — Property in class SessionTableCommand
The console command description.
- CookieSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- DatabaseSessionHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- DatabaseSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- FileSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- NullSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::decrement() — Method in class Store
Decrement the value of an item in the session.
- Arr::divide() — Method in class Arr
Divide an array into two arrays. One with keys and the other with values.
- Arr::dot() — Method in class Arr
Flatten a multi-dimensional associative array with dots.
- Benchmark::dd() — Method in class Benchmark
Measure a callable or array of callables over the given number of iterations, then dump and die.
- Collection::doesntContain() — Method in class Collection
Determine if an item is not contained in the collection.
- Collection::diff() — Method in class Collection
Get the items that are not present in the given items.
- Collection::diffUsing() — Method in class Collection
Get the items that are not present in the given items, using the callback.
- Collection::diffAssoc() — Method in class Collection
Get the items whose keys and values are not present in the given items.
- Collection::diffAssocUsing() — Method in class Collection
Get the items whose keys and values are not present in the given items, using the callback.
- Collection::diffKeys() — Method in class Collection
Get the items whose keys are not present in the given items.
- Collection::diffKeysUsing() — Method in class Collection
Get the items whose keys are not present in the given items, using the callback.
- Collection::duplicates() — Method in class Collection
Retrieve duplicate items.
- Collection::duplicatesStrict() — Method in class Collection
Retrieve duplicate items using strict comparison.
- Collection::duplicateComparator() — Method in class Collection
Get the comparison function to detect duplicates.
- Composer::dumpAutoloads() — Method in class Composer
Regenerate the Composer autoloader files.
- Composer::dumpOptimized() — Method in class Composer
Regenerate the optimized Composer autoloader files.
- $ ConfigurationUrlParser#driverAliases — Property in class ConfigurationUrlParser
The drivers aliases map.
- DateFactory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- $ DateFactory#dateClass — Property in class DateFactory
The type (class) of dates that should be created.
- DateFactory::disableHumanDiffOption() — Method in class DateFactory
- Enumerable::doesntContain() — Method in class Enumerable
Determine if an item is not contained in the collection.
- Enumerable::dd() — Method in class Enumerable
Dump the collection and end the script.
- Enumerable::dump() — Method in class Enumerable
Dump the collection.
- Enumerable::diff() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the items that are not present in the given items.
- Enumerable::diffUsing() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the items that are not present in the given items, using the callback.
- Enumerable::diffAssoc() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the items whose keys and values are not present in the given items.
- Enumerable::diffAssocUsing() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the items whose keys and values are not present in the given items, using the callback.
- Enumerable::diffKeys() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the items whose keys are not present in the given items.
- Enumerable::diffKeysUsing() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the items whose keys are not present in the given items, using the callback.
- Enumerable::duplicates() — Method in class Enumerable
Retrieve duplicate items.
- Enumerable::duplicatesStrict() — Method in class Enumerable
Retrieve duplicate items using strict comparison.
- Env::disablePutenv() — Method in class Env
Disable the putenv adapter.
- App::databasePath() — Method in class App
- App::detectEnvironment() — Method in class App
- Blade::directive() — Method in class Blade
- Broadcast::driver() — Method in class Broadcast
- Bus::dispatchChain() — Method in class Bus
Dispatch the given chain of jobs.
- Bus::dispatch() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::dispatchSync() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::dispatchNow() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::dispatchToQueue() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::dispatchAfterResponse() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::dispatched() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::dispatchedSync() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::dispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::dispatchFakeBatch() — Method in class Bus
- Cache::driver() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::decrement() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::delete() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::deleteMultiple() — Method in class Cache
- Crypt::decrypt() — Method in class Crypt
- Crypt::decryptString() — Method in class Crypt
- DB — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- DB::disconnect() — Method in class DB
- DB::delete() — Method in class DB
- DB::disableQueryLog() — Method in class DB
- Date — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Date::disableHumanDiffOption() — Method in class Date
- Event::dispatch() — Method in class Event
- Event::dispatched() — Method in class Event
- Facade::defaultAliases() — Method in class Facade
Get the application default aliases.
- File::delete() — Method in class File
- File::dirname() — Method in class File
- File::directories() — Method in class File
- File::deleteDirectory() — Method in class File
- File::deleteDirectories() — Method in class File
- Gate::denyIf() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::define() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::denies() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::denyWithStatus() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::denyAsNotFound() — Method in class Gate
- Hash::driver() — Method in class Hash
- Http::dump() — Method in class Http
- Http::dd() — Method in class Http
- Http::delete() — Method in class Http
- Lang::determineLocalesUsing() — Method in class Lang
- Log::driver() — Method in class Log
- Log::debug() — Method in class Log
- Mail::driver() — Method in class Mail
- Notification::deliversVia() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::deliverVia() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::driver() — Method in class Notification
- Password::deleteToken() — Method in class Password
- Process::describe() — Method in class Process
- Redis::disableEvents() — Method in class Redis
- Request::decodedPath() — Method in class Request
- Request::duplicate() — Method in class Request
- Request::date() — Method in class Request
- Request::dd() — Method in class Request
- Request::dump() — Method in class Request
- Response::download() — Method in class Response
- Route::delete() — Method in class Route
- Route::dispatch() — Method in class Route
- Route::dispatchToRoute() — Method in class Route
- Route::domain() — Method in class Route
- Schema::defaultStringLength() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::defaultMorphKeyType() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::dropDatabaseIfExists() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::drop() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::dropIfExists() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::dropColumns() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::dropAllTables() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::dropAllViews() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::dropAllTypes() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::disableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class Schema
- Session::driver() — Method in class Session
- Session::decrement() — Method in class Session
- Storage::drive() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::disk() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::delete() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::directories() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::deleteDirectory() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::directoryExists() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::directoryMissing() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::download() — Method in class Storage
- URL::defaults() — Method in class URL
- View::decrementRender() — Method in class View
- View::doneRendering() — Method in class View
- LazyCollection::doesntContain() — Method in class LazyCollection
Determine if an item is not contained in the enumerable.
- LazyCollection::diff() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get the items that are not present in the given items.
- LazyCollection::diffUsing() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get the items that are not present in the given items, using the callback.
- LazyCollection::diffAssoc() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get the items whose keys and values are not present in the given items.
- LazyCollection::diffAssocUsing() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get the items whose keys and values are not present in the given items, using the callback.
- LazyCollection::diffKeys() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get the items whose keys are not present in the given items.
- LazyCollection::diffKeysUsing() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get the items whose keys are not present in the given items, using the callback.
- LazyCollection::duplicates() — Method in class LazyCollection
Retrieve duplicate items.
- LazyCollection::duplicatesStrict() — Method in class LazyCollection
Retrieve duplicate items using strict comparison.
- Lottery::determineResultNormally() — Method in class Lottery
Indicate that the lottery results should be determined normally.
- $ Manager#drivers — Property in class Manager
The array of created "drivers".
- Manager::driver() — Method in class Manager
Get a driver instance.
- Stringable::dirname() — Method in class Stringable
Get the parent directory's path.
- Stringable::dump() — Method in class Stringable
Dump the string.
- Stringable::dd() — Method in class Stringable
Dump the string and end the script.
- $ BatchFake#deleted — Property in class BatchFake
Indicates if the batch has been deleted.
- BatchFake::decrementPendingJobs() — Method in class BatchFake
Decrement the pending jobs for the batch.
- BatchFake::delete() — Method in class BatchFake
Delete the batch from storage.
- BatchFake::deleted() — Method in class BatchFake
Determine if the batch has been deleted.
- BatchRepositoryFake::decrementPendingJobs() — Method in class BatchRepositoryFake
Decrement the total number of pending jobs for the batch.
- BatchRepositoryFake::delete() — Method in class BatchRepositoryFake
Delete the batch that has the given ID.
- $ BusFake#dispatcher — Property in class BusFake
The original Bus dispatcher implementation.
- BusFake::dispatched() — Method in class BusFake
Get all of the jobs matching a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::dispatchedSync() — Method in class BusFake
Get all of the jobs dispatched synchronously matching a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::dispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class BusFake
Get all of the jobs dispatched after the response was sent matching a truth-test callback.
- BusFake::dispatch() — Method in class BusFake
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler.
- BusFake::dispatchSync() — Method in class BusFake
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.
- BusFake::dispatchNow() — Method in class BusFake
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.
- BusFake::dispatchToQueue() — Method in class BusFake
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler behind a queue.
- BusFake::dispatchAfterResponse() — Method in class BusFake
Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler.
- BusFake::dispatchFakeBatch() — Method in class BusFake
Dispatch an empty job batch for testing.
- $ EventFake#dispatcher — Property in class EventFake
The original event dispatcher.
- EventFake::dispatched() — Method in class EventFake
Get all of the events matching a truth-test callback.
- EventFake::dispatch() — Method in class EventFake
Fire an event and call the listeners.
- PendingBatchFake::dispatch() — Method in class PendingBatchFake
Dispatch the batch.
- PendingBatchFake::dispatchAfterResponse() — Method in class PendingBatchFake
Dispatch the batch after the response is sent to the browser.
- PendingChainFake::dispatch() — Method in class PendingChainFake
Dispatch the job with the given arguments.
- Timebox::dontReturnEarly() — Method in class Timebox
Indicate that the timebox cannot return early.
- $ EnumeratesValues#doesntContain — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::dd() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Dump the items and end the script.
- EnumeratesValues::dump() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Dump the items.
- $ AssertableJsonString#decoded — Property in class AssertableJsonString
The decoded json contents.
- $ CountInDatabase#database — Property in class CountInDatabase
The database connection.
- $ HasInDatabase#database — Property in class HasInDatabase
The database connection.
- $ HasInDatabase#data — Property in class HasInDatabase
The data that will be used to narrow the search in the database table.
- $ NotSoftDeletedInDatabase#database — Property in class NotSoftDeletedInDatabase
The database connection.
- $ NotSoftDeletedInDatabase#data — Property in class NotSoftDeletedInDatabase
The data that will be used to narrow the search in the database table.
- $ NotSoftDeletedInDatabase#deletedAtColumn — Property in class NotSoftDeletedInDatabase
The name of the column that indicates soft deletion has occurred.
- $ SoftDeletedInDatabase#database — Property in class SoftDeletedInDatabase
The database connection.
- $ SoftDeletedInDatabase#data — Property in class SoftDeletedInDatabase
The data that will be used to narrow the search in the database table.
- $ SoftDeletedInDatabase#deletedAtColumn — Property in class SoftDeletedInDatabase
The name of the column that indicates soft deletion has occurred.
- AssertableJson::dotPath() — Method in class AssertableJson
Compose the absolute "dot" path to the given key.
- Debugging — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Fluent\Concerns
- Debugging::dump() — Method in class Debugging
Dumps the given props.
- Debugging::dd() — Method in class Debugging
Dumps the given props and exits.
- Has::dotPath() — Method in class Has
Compose the absolute "dot" path to the given key.
- Matching::dotPath() — Method in class Matching
Compose the absolute "dot" path to the given key.
- PendingCommand::doesntExpectOutput() — Method in class PendingCommand
Specify output that should never be printed when the command runs.
- PendingCommand::doesntExpectOutputToContain() — Method in class PendingCommand
Specify that the given string shouldn't be contained in the command output.
- TestResponse::decodeResponseJson() — Method in class TestResponse
Validate and return the decoded response JSON.
- TestResponse::dd() — Method in class TestResponse
Dump the content from the response and end the script.
- TestResponse::ddHeaders() — Method in class TestResponse
Dump the headers from the response and end the script.
- TestResponse::ddSession() — Method in class TestResponse
Dump the session from the response and end the script.
- TestResponse::dump() — Method in class TestResponse
Dump the content from the response.
- TestResponse::dumpHeaders() — Method in class TestResponse
Dump the headers from the response.
- TestResponse::dumpSession() — Method in class TestResponse
Dump the session from the response.
- $ Translator#determineLocalesUsing — Property in class Translator
The callable that should be invoked to determine applicable locales.
- Translator::determineLocalesUsing() — Method in class Translator
Specify a callback that should be invoked to determined the applicable locale array.
- $ ClosureValidationRule#destructor — Property in class ClosureValidationRule
The callback to call when the object destructs.
- $ ConditionalRules#defaultRules — Property in class ConditionalRules
The rules to be added to the attribute if the condition fails.
- ConditionalRules::defaultRules() — Method in class ConditionalRules
Get the default rules.
- DatabasePresenceVerifier — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- $ DatabasePresenceVerifier#db — Property in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
The database connection instance.
- DatabasePresenceVerifierInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- $ Factory#dependentExtensions — Property in class Factory
All of the custom dependent validator extensions.
- $ InvokableValidationRule#data — Property in class InvokableValidationRule
The data under validation.
- Rule::dimensions() — Method in class Rule
Get a dimensions constraint builder instance.
- DatabaseRule — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
- Dimensions — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
- $ File#data — Property in class File
The data under validation.
- $ File#defaultCallback — Property in class File
The callback that will generate the "default" version of the file rule.
- File::defaults() — Method in class File
Set the default callback to be used for determining the file default rules.
- File::default() — Method in class File
Get the default configuration of the file rule.
- ImageFile::dimensions() — Method in class ImageFile
The dimension constraints for the uploaded file.
- $ Password#data — Property in class Password
The data under validation.
- $ Password#defaultCallback — Property in class Password
The callback that will generate the "default" version of the password rule.
- Password::defaults() — Method in class Password
Set the default callback to be used for determining a password's default rules.
- Password::default() — Method in class Password
Get the default configuration of the password rule.
- $ ValidationRuleParser#data — Property in class ValidationRuleParser
The data being validated.
- $ Validator#data — Property in class Validator
The data under validation.
- $ Validator#distinctValues — Property in class Validator
The cached data for the "distinct" rule.
- $ Validator#dependentRules — Property in class Validator
The validation rules which depend on other fields as parameters.
- $ Validator#dotPlaceholder — Property in class Validator
The current placeholder for dots in rule keys.
- Validator::dependsOnOtherFields() — Method in class Validator
Determine if the given rule depends on other fields.
- $ AnonymousComponent#data — Property in class AnonymousComponent
The component data.
- AnonymousComponent::data() — Method in class AnonymousComponent
Get the data that should be supplied to the view.
- Component::data() — Method in class Component
Get the data that should be supplied to the view.
- DynamicComponent — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- Factory::decrementRender() — Method in class Factory
Decrement the rendering counter.
- Factory::doneRendering() — Method in class Factory
Check if there are no active render operations.
- $ View#data — Property in class View
The array of view data.
- AuthManager::extend() — Method in class AuthManager
Register a custom driver creator Closure.
- EloquentUserProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- EnsureEmailIsVerified — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
- $ DatabaseTokenRepository#expires — Property in class DatabaseTokenRepository
The number of seconds a token should last.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::exists() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Determine if a token record exists and is valid.
- TokenRepositoryInterface::exists() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
Determine if a token record exists and is valid.
- $ SessionGuard#events — Property in class SessionGuard
The event dispatcher instance.
- SessionGuard::ensureRememberTokenIsSet() — Method in class SessionGuard
Create a new "remember me" token for the user if one doesn't already exist.
- $ BroadcastEvent#event — Property in class BroadcastEvent
The event instance.
- BroadcastManager::event() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Begin broadcasting an event.
- BroadcastManager::extend() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Register a custom driver creator Closure.
- Broadcaster::extractAuthParameters() — Method in class Broadcaster
Extract the parameters from the given pattern and channel.
- Broadcaster::extractParameters() — Method in class Broadcaster
Extracts the parameters out of what the user passed to handle the channel authentication.
- Broadcaster::extractParametersFromClass() — Method in class Broadcaster
Extracts the parameters out of a class channel's "join" method.
- Broadcaster::extractChannelKeys() — Method in class Broadcaster
Extract the channel keys from the incoming channel name.
- EncryptedPrivateChannel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- $ PendingBroadcast#events — Property in class PendingBroadcast
The event dispatcher implementation.
- $ PendingBroadcast#event — Property in class PendingBroadcast
The event instance.
- ArrayLock::exists() — Method in class ArrayLock
Determine if the current lock exists.
- CacheManager::extend() — Method in class CacheManager
Register a custom driver creator Closure.
- DatabaseLock::expiresAt() — Method in class DatabaseLock
Get the UNIX timestamp indicating when the lock should expire.
- $ DynamoDbStore#expirationAttribute — Property in class DynamoDbStore
The name of the attribute that should hold the expiration timestamp.
- FileStore::ensureCacheDirectoryExists() — Method in class FileStore
Create the file cache directory if necessary.
- FileStore::ensurePermissionsAreCorrect() — Method in class FileStore
Ensure the created node has the correct permissions.
- FileStore::emptyPayload() — Method in class FileStore
Get a default empty payload for the cache.
- FileStore::expiration() — Method in class FileStore
Get the expiration time based on the given seconds.
- RedisTagSet::entries() — Method in class RedisTagSet
Get all of the cache entry keys for the tag set.
- $ Repository#events — Property in class Repository
The event dispatcher implementation.
- Repository::event() — Method in class Repository
Fire an event for this cache instance.
- TaggedCache::event() — Method in class TaggedCache
Fire an event for this cache instance.
- $ Application#events — Property in class Application
The event dispatcher instance.
- CacheCommandMutex::exists() — Method in class CacheCommandMutex
Determine if a command mutex exists for the given command.
- Command::execute() — Method in class Command
Execute the console command.
- CommandMutex::exists() — Method in class CommandMutex
Determine if a command mutex exists for the given command.
- InteractsWithIO::error() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Write a string as error output.
- $ CommandFinished#exitCode — Property in class CommandFinished
The command exit code.
- $ ScheduledTaskFailed#exception — Property in class ScheduledTaskFailed
The exception that was thrown.
- Parser::extractDescription() — Method in class Parser
Parse the token into its token and description segments.
- QuestionHelper::ensureEndsWithPunctuation() — Method in class QuestionHelper
Ensures the given string ends with punctuation.
- CacheEventMutex::exists() — Method in class CacheEventMutex
Determine if an event mutex exists for the given event.
- CacheSchedulingMutex::exists() — Method in class CacheSchedulingMutex
Determine if a scheduling mutex exists for the given event.
- $ CallbackEvent#exception — Property in class CallbackEvent
The exception that was thrown when calling the callback, if any.
- CallbackEvent::execute() — Method in class CallbackEvent
Run the callback.
- CommandBuilder::ensureCorrectUser() — Method in class CommandBuilder
Finalize the event's command syntax with the correct user.
- Event — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- $ Event#expression — Property in class Event
The cron expression representing the event's frequency.
- $ Event#environments — Property in class Event
The list of environments the command should run under.
- $ Event#evenInMaintenanceMode — Property in class Event
Indicates if the command should run in maintenance mode.
- $ Event#expiresAt — Property in class Event
The number of minutes the mutex should be valid.
- $ Event#exitCode — Property in class Event
The exit status code of the command.
- Event::execute() — Method in class Event
Run the command process.
- Event::expressionPasses() — Method in class Event
Determine if the Cron expression passes.
- Event::emailOutputTo() — Method in class Event
E-mail the results of the scheduled operation.
- Event::emailWrittenOutputTo() — Method in class Event
E-mail the results of the scheduled operation if it produces output.
- Event::emailOutputOnFailure() — Method in class Event
E-mail the results of the scheduled operation if it fails.
- Event::ensureOutputIsBeingCaptured() — Method in class Event
Ensure that the command output is being captured.
- Event::emailOutput() — Method in class Event
E-mail the output of the event to the recipients.
- Event::environments() — Method in class Event
Limit the environments the command should run in.
- Event::evenInMaintenanceMode() — Method in class Event
State that the command should run even in maintenance mode.
- EventMutex — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- EventMutex::exists() — Method in class EventMutex
Determine if an event mutex exists for the given event.
- ManagesFrequencies::everyMinute() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run every minute.
- ManagesFrequencies::everyTwoMinutes() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run every two minutes.
- ManagesFrequencies::everyThreeMinutes() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run every three minutes.
- ManagesFrequencies::everyFourMinutes() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run every four minutes.
- ManagesFrequencies::everyFiveMinutes() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run every five minutes.
- ManagesFrequencies::everyTenMinutes() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run every ten minutes.
- ManagesFrequencies::everyFifteenMinutes() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run every fifteen minutes.
- ManagesFrequencies::everyThirtyMinutes() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run every thirty minutes.
- ManagesFrequencies::everyOddHour() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run every odd hour.
- ManagesFrequencies::everyTwoHours() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run every two hours.
- ManagesFrequencies::everyThreeHours() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run every three hours.
- ManagesFrequencies::everyFourHours() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run every four hours.
- ManagesFrequencies::everySixHours() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run every six hours.
- $ Schedule#events — Property in class Schedule
All of the events on the schedule.
- $ Schedule#eventMutex — Property in class Schedule
The event mutex implementation.
- Schedule::exec() — Method in class Schedule
Add a new command event to the schedule.
- Schedule::events() — Method in class Schedule
Get all of the events on the schedule.
- $ ScheduleRunCommand#eventsRan — Property in class ScheduleRunCommand
Check if any events ran.
- SchedulingMutex::exists() — Method in class SchedulingMutex
Determine if a scheduling mutex exists for the given event.
- Error — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
- Factory::error() — Method in class Factory
- EnsureDynamicContentIsHighlighted — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components\Mutators
- EnsureNoPunctuation — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components\Mutators
- EnsurePunctuation — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components\Mutators
- EnsureRelativePaths — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components\Mutators
- $ Container#extenders — Property in class Container
The extension closures for services.
- Container::extend() — Method in class Container
"Extend" an abstract type in the container.
- EntryNotFoundException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Container
- Container::extend() — Method in class Container
"Extend" an abstract type in the container.
- Expression — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Query
- ExceptionHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Debug
- EncryptException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption
- Encrypter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption
- Encrypter::encrypt() — Method in class Encrypter
Encrypt the given value.
- StringEncrypter::encryptString() — Method in class StringEncrypter
Encrypt a string without serialization.
- Filesystem::exists() — Method in class Filesystem
Determine if a file exists.
- Application::environment() — Method in class Application
Get or check the current application environment.
- ExceptionRenderer — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation
- InvokedProcess::errorOutput() — Method in class InvokedProcess
Get the error output for the process.
- ProcessResult::exitCode() — Method in class ProcessResult
Get the exit code of the process.
- ProcessResult::errorOutput() — Method in class ProcessResult
Get the error output of the process.
- EntityNotFoundException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- EntityResolver — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- Session::exists() — Method in class Session
Checks if a key exists.
- CanBeEscapedWhenCastToString::escapeWhenCastingToString() — Method in class CanBeEscapedWhenCastToString
Indicate that the object's string representation should be escaped when __toString is invoked.
- Factory::extend() — Method in class Factory
Register a custom validator extension.
- Factory::extendImplicit() — Method in class Factory
Register a custom implicit validator extension.
- Validator::errors() — Method in class Validator
Get all of the validation error messages.
- Engine — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\View
- Factory::exists() — Method in class Factory
Determine if a given view exists.
- CookieJar::expire() — Method in class CookieJar
Queue a cookie to expire with the next response.
- EncryptCookies — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware
- $ EncryptCookies#encrypter — Property in class EncryptCookies
The encrypter instance.
- $ EncryptCookies#except — Property in class EncryptCookies
The names of the cookies that should not be encrypted.
- EncryptCookies::encrypt() — Method in class EncryptCookies
Encrypt the cookies on an outgoing response.
- BuildsQueries::each() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Execute a callback over each item while chunking.
- BuildsQueries::eachById() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Execute a callback over each item while chunking by ID.
- ExplainsQueries — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Concerns
- ExplainsQueries::explain() — Method in class ExplainsQueries
Explains the query.
- $ Connection#events — Property in class Connection
The event dispatcher instance.
- Connection::event() — Method in class Connection
Fire the given event if possible.
- Connection::enableQueryLog() — Method in class Connection
Enable the query log on the connection.
- DatabaseInspectionCommand::ensureDependenciesExist() — Method in class DatabaseInspectionCommand
Ensure the dependencies for the database commands are available.
- $ MonitorCommand#events — Property in class MonitorCommand
The events dispatcher instance.
- $ DatabaseManager#extensions — Property in class DatabaseManager
The custom connection resolvers.
- DatabaseManager::extend() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Register an extension connection resolver.
- DatabaseTransactionRecord::executeCallbacks() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionRecord
Execute all of the callbacks.
- $ BroadcastableModelEventOccurred#event — Property in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
The event name (created, updated, etc.).
- BroadcastableModelEventOccurred::event() — Method in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
Get the event name.
- $ Builder#eagerLoad — Property in class Builder
The relationships that should be eager loaded.
- Builder::eagerLoadRelations() — Method in class Builder
Eager load the relationships for the models.
- Builder::eagerLoadRelation() — Method in class Builder
Eagerly load the relationship on a set of models.
- Builder::enforceOrderBy() — Method in class Builder
Add a generic "order by" clause if the query doesn't already have one.
- Builder::ensureOrderForCursorPagination() — Method in class Builder
Ensure the proper order by required for cursor pagination.
- Collection::except() — Method in class Collection
- $ HasAttributes#encrypter — Property in class HasAttributes
The encrypter instance that is used to encrypt attributes.
- HasAttributes::encryptUsing() — Method in class HasAttributes
Set the encrypter instance that will be used to encrypt attributes.
- Factory::expandAttributes() — Method in class Factory
Expand all attributes to their underlying values.
- $ Model#exists — Property in class Model
Indicates if the model exists.
- $ Model#escapeWhenCastingToString — Property in class Model
Indicates that the object's string representation should be escaped when __toString is invoked.
- Model::escapeWhenCastingToString() — Method in class Model
Indicate that the object's string representation should be escaped when __toString is invoked.
- BelongsToMany::each() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Execute a callback over each item while chunking.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::extractAttachIdAndAttributes() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Get the attach record ID and extra attributes.
- HasManyThrough::each() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Execute a callback over each item while chunking.
- $ Relation#eagerKeysWereEmpty — Property in class Relation
Indicates whether the eagerly loaded relation should implicitly return an empty collection.
- Relation::enforceMorphMap() — Method in class Relation
Define the morph map for polymorphic relations and require all morphed models to be explicitly mapped.
- $ SoftDeletingScope#extensions — Property in class SoftDeletingScope
All of the extensions to be added to the builder.
- SoftDeletingScope::extend() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope
Extend the query builder with the needed functions.
- MigrationCreator::ensureMigrationDoesntAlreadyExist() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Ensure that a migration with the given name doesn't already exist.
- $ Migrator#events — Property in class Migrator
The event dispatcher instance.
- Connection::exec() — Method in class Connection
Execute an SQL statement.
- SqlServerConnection::exec() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Execute an SQL statement.
- Builder::ensureOrderForCursorPagination() — Method in class Builder
Ensure the proper order by required for cursor pagination.
- Builder::enforceOrderBy() — Method in class Builder
Throw an exception if the query doesn't have an orderBy clause.
- Builder::exists() — Method in class Builder
Determine if any rows exist for the current query.
- Builder::existsOr() — Method in class Builder
Execute the given callback if no rows exist for the current query.
- Expression — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query
- $ Blueprint#engine — Property in class Blueprint
The storage engine that should be used for the table.
- Blueprint::ensureCommandsAreValid() — Method in class Blueprint
Ensure the commands on the blueprint are valid for the connection type.
- Blueprint::enum() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new enum column on the table.
- Builder::enableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class Builder
Enable foreign key constraints.
- PostgresGrammar::escapeNames() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Quote-escape the given tables, views, or types.
- MySqlSchemaState::executeDumpProcess() — Method in class MySqlSchemaState
Execute the given dump process.
- Encrypter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Encryption
- Encrypter::encrypt() — Method in class Encrypter
Encrypt the given value.
- Encrypter::encryptString() — Method in class Encrypter
Encrypt a string without serialization.
- Encrypter::ensureTagIsValid() — Method in class Encrypter
Ensure the given tag is a valid tag given the selected cipher.
- EncryptionServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Encryption
- EventServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Events
- Filesystem::exists() — Method in class Filesystem
Determine if a file or directory exists.
- Filesystem::extension() — Method in class Filesystem
Extract the file extension from a file path.
- Filesystem::ensureDirectoryExists() — Method in class Filesystem
Ensure a directory exists.
- FilesystemAdapter::exists() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Determine if a file or directory exists.
- FilesystemManager::extend() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Register a custom driver creator Closure.
- LockableFile::ensureDirectoryExists() — Method in class LockableFile
Create the file's directory if necessary.
- AliasLoader::ensureFacadeExists() — Method in class AliasLoader
Ensure that the given alias has an existing real-time facade class.
- $ Application#environmentPath — Property in class Application
The custom environment path defined by the developer.
- $ Application#environmentFile — Property in class Application
The environment file to load during bootstrapping.
- Application::environmentPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the environment file directory.
- Application::environmentFile() — Method in class Application
Get the environment file the application is using.
- Application::environmentFilePath() — Method in class Application
Get the fully qualified path to the environment file.
- Application::environment() — Method in class Application
Get or check the current application environment.
- Application::eventsAreCached() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application events are cached.
- EmailVerificationRequest — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth
- HandleExceptions::ensureDeprecationLoggerIsConfigured() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Ensure the "deprecations" logger is configured.
- HandleExceptions::ensureNullLogDriverIsConfigured() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Ensure the "null" log driver is configured.
- $ ResolvesDumpSource#editorHrefs — Property in class ResolvesDumpSource
All of the href formats for common editors.
- ClosureCommand::execute() — Method in class ClosureCommand
Execute the console command.
- DownCommand::excludedPaths() — Method in class DownCommand
Get the paths that should be excluded from maintenance mode.
- EnvironmentCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- EnvironmentDecryptCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- EnvironmentEncryptCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- EventCacheCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- EventClearCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- EventGenerateCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- EventListCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- $ EventListCommand#eventsResolver — Property in class EventListCommand
The events dispatcher resolver callback.
- EventMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ExceptionMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- $ Kernel#events — Property in class Kernel
The event dispatcher implementation.
- EnvironmentDetector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- $ Handler#exceptionMap — Property in class Handler
The registered exception mappings.
- Handler::exceptionContext() — Method in class Handler
Get the default exception context variables for logging.
- $ FormRequest#errorBag — Property in class FormRequest
The key to be used for the view error bag.
- $ PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance#except — Property in class PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance
The URIs that should be accessible while maintenance mode is enabled.
- $ TrimStrings#except — Property in class TrimStrings
The attributes that should not be trimmed.
- $ VerifyCsrfToken#encrypter — Property in class VerifyCsrfToken
The encrypter implementation.
- $ VerifyCsrfToken#except — Property in class VerifyCsrfToken
The URIs that should be excluded from CSRF verification.
- PrecognitionControllerDispatcher::ensureMethodExists() — Method in class PrecognitionControllerDispatcher
Ensure that the given method exists on the controller.
- EventServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers
- EventServiceProvider::eventDiscoveryBasePath() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
Get the base path to be used during event discovery.
- $ InteractsWithConsole#expectedOutput — Property in class InteractsWithConsole
All of the expected output lines.
- $ InteractsWithConsole#expectedOutputSubstrings — Property in class InteractsWithConsole
All of the expected text to be present in the output.
- $ InteractsWithConsole#expectedTables — Property in class InteractsWithConsole
All of the expected output tables.
- $ InteractsWithConsole#expectedQuestions — Property in class InteractsWithConsole
All of the expected questions.
- $ InteractsWithConsole#expectedChoices — Property in class InteractsWithConsole
All of the expected choice questions.
- InteractsWithDatabase::expectsDatabaseQueryCount() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Specify the number of database queries that should occur throughout the test.
- $ InteractsWithExceptionHandling#except — Property in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling
- $ MakesHttpRequests#encryptCookies — Property in class MakesHttpRequests
Indicates whether cookies should be encrypted.
- DatabaseTruncation::exceptTables() — Method in class DatabaseTruncation
Get the tables that should not be truncated.
- $ Vite#entryPoints — Property in class Vite
The configured entry points.
- PendingRequest::expandUrlParameters() — Method in class PendingRequest
Substitute the URL parameters in the given URL.
- Response::effectiveUri() — Method in class Response
Get the effective URI of the response.
- $ ResponseSequence#emptyResponse — Property in class ResponseSequence
The response that should be returned when the sequence is empty.
- InteractsWithContentTypes::expectsJson() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes
Determine if the current request probably expects a JSON response.
- InteractsWithInput::exists() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Determine if the request contains a given input item key.
- InteractsWithInput::enum() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve input from the request as an enum.
- InteractsWithInput::except() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Get all of the input except for a specified array of items.
- FileHelpers::extension() — Method in class FileHelpers
Get the file's extension.
- RedirectResponse::exceptInput() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Flash an array of input to the session.
- $ ResponseTrait#exception — Property in class ResponseTrait
The exception that triggered the error response (if applicable).
- LogManager::extend() — Method in class LogManager
Register a custom driver creator Closure.
- LogManager::emergency() — Method in class LogManager
System is unusable.
- LogManager::error() — Method in class LogManager
Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but should typically be logged and monitored.
- Logger::emergency() — Method in class Logger
Log an emergency message to the logs.
- Logger::error() — Method in class Logger
Log an error message to the logs.
- MailManager::extend() — Method in class MailManager
Register a custom transport creator Closure.
- Envelope — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Mailables
- $ Mailer#events — Property in class Mailer
The event dispatcher instance.
- $ Message#embeddedFiles — Property in class Message
CIDs of files embedded in the message.
- Message::embed() — Method in class Message
Embed a file in the message and get the CID.
- Message::embedData() — Method in class Message
Embed in-memory data in the message and get the CID.
- $ BroadcastChannel#events — Property in class BroadcastChannel
The event dispatcher.
- SimpleMessage::error() — Method in class SimpleMessage
Indicate that the notification gives information about an error.
- $ NotificationSender#events — Property in class NotificationSender
The event dispatcher.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::ensureParameterIsPrimitive() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Ensure the parameter is a primitive type.
- Cursor::encode() — Method in class Cursor
Get the encoded string representation of the cursor to construct a URL.
- LengthAwarePaginator::elements() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Get the array of elements to pass to the view.
- FakeInvokedProcess::errorOutput() — Method in class FakeInvokedProcess
Get the error output for the process.
- $ FakeProcessDescription#exitCode — Property in class FakeProcessDescription
The process' exit code.
- FakeProcessDescription::errorOutput() — Method in class FakeProcessDescription
Describe a line of error output.
- FakeProcessDescription::exitCode() — Method in class FakeProcessDescription
Specify the process exit code.
- $ FakeProcessResult#exitCode — Property in class FakeProcessResult
The process exit code.
- $ FakeProcessResult#errorOutput — Property in class FakeProcessResult
The process error output.
- FakeProcessResult::exitCode() — Method in class FakeProcessResult
Get the exit code of the process.
- FakeProcessResult::errorOutput() — Method in class FakeProcessResult
Get the error output of the process.
- $ FakeProcessSequence#emptyProcess — Property in class FakeProcessSequence
The response that should be returned when the sequence is empty.
- InvokedProcess::errorOutput() — Method in class InvokedProcess
Get the error output for the process.
- $ PendingProcess#environment — Property in class PendingProcess
The additional environment variables for the process.
- PendingProcess::env() — Method in class PendingProcess
Set the additional environent variables for the process.
- ProcessResult::exitCode() — Method in class ProcessResult
Get the exit code of the process.
- ProcessResult::errorOutput() — Method in class ProcessResult
Get the error output of the process.
- CallQueuedHandler::ensureNextJobInChainIsDispatched() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Ensure the next job in the chain is dispatched if applicable.
- CallQueuedHandler::ensureSuccessfulBatchJobIsRecorded() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Ensure the batch is notified of the successful job completion.
- CallQueuedHandler::ensureUniqueJobLockIsReleased() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Ensure the lock for a unique job is released.
- CallQueuedHandler::ensureFailedBatchJobIsRecorded() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Ensure the batch is notified of the failed job.
- CallQueuedHandler::ensureChainCatchCallbacksAreInvoked() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Ensure the chained job catch callbacks are invoked.
- $ MonitorCommand#events — Property in class MonitorCommand
The events dispatcher instance.
- $ JobExceptionOccurred#exception — Property in class JobExceptionOccurred
The exception instance.
- $ JobFailed#exception — Property in class JobFailed
The exception that caused the job to fail.
- $ Listener#environment — Property in class Listener
The environment the workers should run under.
- $ ListenerOptions#environment — Property in class ListenerOptions
The environment the worker should run in.
- $ WithoutOverlapping#expiresAfter — Property in class WithoutOverlapping
The number of seconds before the lock should expire.
- WithoutOverlapping::expireAfter() — Method in class WithoutOverlapping
Set the maximum number of seconds that can elapse before the lock is released.
- Queue::enqueueUsing() — Method in class Queue
Enqueue a job using the given callback.
- QueueManager::exceptionOccurred() — Method in class QueueManager
Register an event listener for the exception occurred job event.
- QueueManager::extend() — Method in class QueueManager
Add a queue connection resolver.
- $ Worker#events — Property in class Worker
The event dispatcher instance.
- $ Worker#exceptions — Property in class Worker
The exception handler instance.
- $ Connection#events — Property in class Connection
The event dispatcher instance.
- Connection::event() — Method in class Connection
Fire the given event if possible.
- PhpRedisConnection::evalsha() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Evaluate a LUA script serverside, from the SHA1 hash of the script instead of the script itself.
- PhpRedisConnection::eval() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Evaluate a script and return its result.
- PhpRedisConnection::executeRaw() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Execute a raw command.
- PhpRedisConnector::establishConnection() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector
Establish a connection with the Redis host.
- DurationLimiterBuilder::every() — Method in class DurationLimiterBuilder
Set the amount of time the lock window is maintained.
- $ RedisManager#events — Property in class RedisManager
Indicates whether event dispatcher is set on connections.
- RedisManager::enableEvents() — Method in class RedisManager
Enable the firing of Redis command events.
- RedisManager::extend() — Method in class RedisManager
Register a custom driver creator Closure.
- ControllerMiddlewareOptions::except() — Method in class ControllerMiddlewareOptions
Set the controller methods the middleware should exclude.
- $ Middleware#except — Property in class Middleware
The controller methods the middleware should not apply to.
- Middleware::except() — Method in class Middleware
Specify the controller methods the middleware should not apply to.
- PendingResourceRegistration::except() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration
Set the methods the controller should exclude.
- PendingSingletonResourceRegistration::except() — Method in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
Set the methods the controller should exclude.
- Route::excludedMiddleware() — Method in class Route
Get the middleware should be removed from the route.
- Route::enforcesScopedBindings() — Method in class Route
Determine if the route should enforce scoping of multiple implicit Eloquent bindings.
- $ Router#events — Property in class Router
The event dispatcher instance.
- UrlGenerator::ensureSignedRouteParametersAreNotReserved() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Ensure the given signed route parameters are not reserved.
- UrlGenerator::extractQueryString() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Extract the query string from the given path.
- $ CookieSessionHandler#expireOnClose — Property in class CookieSessionHandler
Indicates whether the session should be expired when the browser closes.
- $ DatabaseSessionHandler#exists — Property in class DatabaseSessionHandler
The existence state of the session.
- DatabaseSessionHandler::expired() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
Determine if the session is expired.
- EncryptedStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- $ EncryptedStore#encrypter — Property in class EncryptedStore
The encrypter instance.
- ExistenceAwareInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- Store::exists() — Method in class Store
Checks if a key exists.
- Arr::except() — Method in class Arr
Get all of the given array except for a specified array of keys.
- Arr::exists() — Method in class Arr
Determine if the given key exists in the provided array.
- Arr::explodePluckParameters() — Method in class Arr
Explode the "value" and "key" arguments passed to "pluck".
- Collection::except() — Method in class Collection
Get all items except for those with the specified keys.
- DateFactory::enableHumanDiffOption() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::executeWithLocale() — Method in class DateFactory
- Enumerable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Enumerable::empty() — Method in class Enumerable
Create a new instance with no items.
- Enumerable::each() — Method in class Enumerable
Execute a callback over each item.
- Enumerable::eachSpread() — Method in class Enumerable
Execute a callback over each nested chunk of items.
- Enumerable::every() — Method in class Enumerable
Determine if all items pass the given truth test.
- Enumerable::except() — Method in class Enumerable
Get all items except for those with the specified keys.
- Enumerable::escapeWhenCastingToString() — Method in class Enumerable
Indicate that the model's string representation should be escaped when __toString is invoked.
- Env — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Env::enablePutenv() — Method in class Env
Enable the putenv adapter.
- App::environmentPath() — Method in class App
- App::environmentFile() — Method in class App
- App::environmentFilePath() — Method in class App
- App::environment() — Method in class App
- App::eventsAreCached() — Method in class App
- App::extend() — Method in class App
- Auth::extend() — Method in class Auth
- Blade::extend() — Method in class Blade
- Broadcast::event() — Method in class Broadcast
- Broadcast::extend() — Method in class Broadcast
- Bus::except() — Method in class Bus
- Cache::extend() — Method in class Cache
- Cookie::expire() — Method in class Cookie
- Crypt::encrypt() — Method in class Crypt
- Crypt::encryptString() — Method in class Crypt
- DB::extend() — Method in class DB
- DB::enableQueryLog() — Method in class DB
- Date::enableHumanDiffOption() — Method in class Date
- Date::executeWithLocale() — Method in class Date
- Event — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Event::except() — Method in class Event
- Facade::expects() — Method in class Facade
Initiate a mock expectation on the facade.
- File::exists() — Method in class File
- File::extension() — Method in class File
- File::ensureDirectoryExists() — Method in class File
- Hash::extend() — Method in class Hash
- Log::extend() — Method in class Log
- Log::emergency() — Method in class Log
- Log::error() — Method in class Log
- Mail::extend() — Method in class Mail
- Notification::extend() — Method in class Notification
- Process::env() — Method in class Process
- Queue::exceptionOccurred() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::extend() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::except() — Method in class Queue
- Redis::enableEvents() — Method in class Redis
- Redis::extend() — Method in class Redis
- Request::enableHttpMethodParameterOverride() — Method in class Request
- Request::expectsJson() — Method in class Request
- Request::exists() — Method in class Request
- Request::enum() — Method in class Request
- Request::except() — Method in class Request
- Schema::enableForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class Schema
- Session::extend() — Method in class Session
- Session::exists() — Method in class Session
- Storage::extend() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::exists() — Method in class Storage
- Validator::extend() — Method in class Validator
- Validator::extendImplicit() — Method in class Validator
- Validator::extendDependent() — Method in class Validator
- Validator::excludeUnvalidatedArrayKeys() — Method in class Validator
- View::exists() — Method in class View
- View::endSlot() — Method in class View
- LazyCollection::eager() — Method in class LazyCollection
Eager load all items into a new lazy collection backed by an array.
- LazyCollection::except() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get all items except for those with the specified keys.
- LazyCollection::explodePluckParameters() — Method in class LazyCollection
Explode the "value" and "key" arguments passed to "pluck".
- Manager::extend() — Method in class Manager
Register a custom driver creator Closure.
- MultipleInstanceManager::extend() — Method in class MultipleInstanceManager
Register a custom instance creator Closure.
- ProcessUtils::escapeArgument() — Method in class ProcessUtils
Escapes a string to be used as a shell argument.
- ServiceProvider::ensurePublishArrayInitialized() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Ensure the publish array for the service provider is initialized.
- Str::endsWith() — Method in class Str
Determine if a given string ends with a given substring.
- Str::excerpt() — Method in class Str
Extracts an excerpt from text that matches the first instance of a phrase.
- Stringable::endsWith() — Method in class Stringable
Determine if a given string ends with a given substring.
- Stringable::exactly() — Method in class Stringable
Determine if the string is an exact match with the given value.
- Stringable::excerpt() — Method in class Stringable
Extracts an excerpt from text that matches the first instance of a phrase.
- Stringable::explode() — Method in class Stringable
Explode the string into an array.
- BusFake::except() — Method in class BusFake
Specify the jobs that should be dispatched instead of faked.
- EventFake — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
- $ EventFake#eventsToFake — Property in class EventFake
The event types that should be intercepted instead of dispatched.
- $ EventFake#eventsToDispatch — Property in class EventFake
The event types that should be dispatched instead of intercepted.
- $ EventFake#events — Property in class EventFake
All of the events that have been intercepted keyed by type.
- EventFake::except() — Method in class EventFake
Specify the events that should be dispatched instead of faked.
- QueueFake::except() — Method in class QueueFake
Specify the jobs that should be queued instead of faked.
- $ Timebox#earlyReturn — Property in class Timebox
Indicates if the timebox is allowed to return early.
- EnumeratesValues — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
- $ EnumeratesValues#escapeWhenCastingToString — Property in class EnumeratesValues
Indicates that the object's string representation should be escaped when __toString is invoked.
- $ EnumeratesValues#each — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- $ EnumeratesValues#every — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::empty() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Create a new instance with no items.
- EnumeratesValues::each() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Execute a callback over each item.
- EnumeratesValues::eachSpread() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Execute a callback over each nested chunk of items.
- EnumeratesValues::every() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Determine if all items pass the given truth test.
- EnumeratesValues::escapeWhenCastingToString() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Indicate that the model's string representation should be escaped when __toString is invoked.
- EnumeratesValues::equality() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Make a function to check an item's equality.
- ValidatedInput::except() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Get all of the input except for a specified array of items.
- RunsInParallel::execute() — Method in class RunsInParallel
Runs the test suite.
- TestDatabases::ensureTestDatabaseExists() — Method in class TestDatabases
Ensure a test database exists and returns its name.
- TestDatabases::ensureSchemaIsUpToDate() — Method in class TestDatabases
Ensure the current database test schema is up to date.
- ArraySubset::evaluate() — Method in class ArraySubset
Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other.
- $ CountInDatabase#expectedCount — Property in class CountInDatabase
The expected table entries count that will be checked against the actual count.
- AssertableJson::each() — Method in class AssertableJson
Instantiate a new "scope" on each child element.
- Has::etc() — Method in class Has
Disables the interaction check.
- Interaction::etc() — Method in class Interaction
Disables the interaction check.
- Matching::ensureSorted() — Method in class Matching
Ensures that all properties are sorted the same way, recursively.
- $ PendingCommand#expectedExitCode — Property in class PendingCommand
The expected exit code.
- PendingCommand::expectsQuestion() — Method in class PendingCommand
Specify an expected question that will be asked when the command runs.
- PendingCommand::expectsConfirmation() — Method in class PendingCommand
Specify an expected confirmation question that will be asked when the command runs.
- PendingCommand::expectsChoice() — Method in class PendingCommand
Specify an expected choice question with expected answers that will be asked/shown when the command runs.
- PendingCommand::expectsOutput() — Method in class PendingCommand
Specify output that should be printed when the command runs.
- PendingCommand::expectsOutputToContain() — Method in class PendingCommand
Specify that the given string should be contained in the command output.
- PendingCommand::expectsTable() — Method in class PendingCommand
Specify a table that should be printed when the command runs.
- PendingCommand::execute() — Method in class PendingCommand
Execute the command.
- $ TestResponse#exceptions — Property in class TestResponse
The collection of logged exceptions for the request.
- TestResponse::ensureResponseHasView() — Method in class TestResponse
Ensure that the response has a view as its original content.
- ValidatesAttributes::extractDistinctValues() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Extract the distinct values from the data.
- $ Factory#extensions — Property in class Factory
All of the custom validator extensions.
- $ Factory#excludeUnvalidatedArrayKeys — Property in class Factory
Indicates that unvalidated array keys should be excluded, even if the parent array was validated.
- Factory::extend() — Method in class Factory
Register a custom validator extension.
- Factory::extendImplicit() — Method in class Factory
Register a custom implicit validator extension.
- Factory::extendDependent() — Method in class Factory
Register a custom dependent validator extension.
- Factory::excludeUnvalidatedArrayKeys() — Method in class Factory
Indicate that unvalidated array keys should be excluded from the validated data, even if the parent array was validated.
- Rule::exists() — Method in class Rule
Get an exists constraint builder instance.
- Rule::excludeIf() — Method in class Rule
Get a exclude_if constraint builder instance.
- Rule::enum() — Method in class Rule
Get an enum constraint builder instance.
- Enum — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
- ExcludeIf — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
- Exists — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
- ValidationData::extractValuesForWildcards() — Method in class ValidationData
Get all of the exact attribute values for a given wildcard attribute.
- ValidationData::extractDataFromPath() — Method in class ValidationData
Extract data based on the given dot-notated path.
- $ ValidationException#errorBag — Property in class ValidationException
The name of the error bag.
- ValidationException::errors() — Method in class ValidationException
Get all of the validation error messages.
- ValidationException::errorBag() — Method in class ValidationException
Set the error bag on the exception.
- ValidationRuleParser::explode() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser
Parse the human-friendly rules into a full rules array for the validator.
- ValidationRuleParser::explodeRules() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser
Explode the rules into an array of explicit rules.
- ValidationRuleParser::explodeExplicitRule() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser
Explode the explicit rule into an array if necessary.
- ValidationRuleParser::explodeWildcardRules() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser
Define a set of rules that apply to each element in an array attribute.
- $ Validator#excludeAttributes — Property in class Validator
Attributes that should be excluded from the validated data.
- $ Validator#excludeUnvalidatedArrayKeys — Property in class Validator
Indicates that unvalidated array keys should be excluded, even if the parent array was validated.
- $ Validator#extensions — Property in class Validator
All of the custom validator extensions.
- $ Validator#excludeRules — Property in class Validator
The validation rules that can exclude an attribute.
- $ Validator#exception — Property in class Validator
The exception to throw upon failure.
- Validator::excludeAttribute() — Method in class Validator
Add the given attribute to the list of excluded attributes.
- Validator::errors() — Method in class Validator
An alternative more semantic shortcut to the message container.
- $ BladeCompiler#extensions — Property in class BladeCompiler
All of the registered extensions.
- $ BladeCompiler#escapedTags — Property in class BladeCompiler
Array of opening and closing tags for escaped echos.
- $ BladeCompiler#echoFormat — Property in class BladeCompiler
The "regular" / legacy echo string format.
- Compiler::ensureCompiledDirectoryExists() — Method in class Compiler
Create the compiled file directory if necessary.
- ComponentTagCompiler::escapeSingleQuotesOutsideOfPhpBlocks() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Escape the single quotes in the given string that are outside of PHP blocks.
- $ CompilesEchos#echoHandlers — Property in class CompilesEchos
Custom rendering callbacks for stringable objects.
- $ Component#except — Property in class Component
The properties / methods that should not be exposed to the component.
- Component::extractConstructorParameters() — Method in class Component
Extract the constructor parameters for the component.
- Component::extractBladeViewFromString() — Method in class Component
Create a Blade view with the raw component string content.
- Component::extractPublicProperties() — Method in class Component
Extract the public properties for the component.
- Component::extractPublicMethods() — Method in class Component
Extract the public methods for the component.
- ComponentAttributeBag::except() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Exclude the given attribute from the attribute array.
- ComponentAttributeBag::exceptProps() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Exclude the given attribute from the attribute array.
- ComponentAttributeBag::extractPropNames() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Extract prop names from given keys.
- ManagesComponents::endSlot() — Method in class ManagesComponents
Save the slot content for rendering.
- ManagesLayouts::extendSection() — Method in class ManagesLayouts
Append content to a given section.
- ManagesStacks::extendPush() — Method in class ManagesStacks
Append content to a given push section.
- ManagesStacks::extendPrepend() — Method in class ManagesStacks
Prepend content to a given stack.
- Engine — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
- EngineResolver — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
- PhpEngine::evaluatePath() — Method in class PhpEngine
Get the evaluated contents of the view at the given path.
- $ Factory#engines — Property in class Factory
The engine implementation.
- $ Factory#events — Property in class Factory
The event dispatcher instance.
- $ Factory#extensions — Property in class Factory
The extension to engine bindings.
- Factory::exists() — Method in class Factory
Determine if a given view exists.
- $ FileViewFinder#extensions — Property in class FileViewFinder
Register a view extension with the finder.
- $ View#engine — Property in class View
The engine implementation.
- Gate::formatAbilityToMethod() — Method in class Gate
Format the policy ability into a method name.
- Gate::forUser() — Method in class Gate
Get a gate instance for the given user.
- AuthManager::forgetGuards() — Method in class AuthManager
Forget all of the resolved guard instances.
- Failed — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- GuardHelpers::forgetUser() — Method in class GuardHelpers
Forget the current user.
- SessionGuard::failedBasicResponse() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the response for basic authentication.
- SessionGuard::fireAttemptEvent() — Method in class SessionGuard
Fire the attempt event with the arguments.
- SessionGuard::fireValidatedEvent() — Method in class SessionGuard
Fires the validated event if the dispatcher is set.
- SessionGuard::fireLoginEvent() — Method in class SessionGuard
Fire the login event if the dispatcher is set.
- SessionGuard::fireAuthenticatedEvent() — Method in class SessionGuard
Fire the authenticated event if the dispatcher is set.
- SessionGuard::fireOtherDeviceLogoutEvent() — Method in class SessionGuard
Fire the other device logout event if the dispatcher is set.
- SessionGuard::fireFailedEvent() — Method in class SessionGuard
Fire the failed authentication attempt event with the given arguments.
- BroadcastEvent::formatProperty() — Method in class BroadcastEvent
Format the given value for a property.
- BroadcastManager::forgetDrivers() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Forget all of the resolved driver instances.
- AblyBroadcaster::formatChannels() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster
Format the channel array into an array of strings.
- Broadcaster::formatChannels() — Method in class Broadcaster
Format the channel array into an array of strings.
- RedisBroadcaster::formatChannels() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster
Format the channel array into an array of strings.
- $ Batch#failedJobs — Property in class Batch
The total number of jobs that have failed.
- $ Batch#failedJobIds — Property in class Batch
The IDs of the jobs that have failed.
- $ Batch#finishedAt — Property in class Batch
The date indicating when the batch was finished.
- Batch::fresh() — Method in class Batch
Get a fresh instance of the batch represented by this ID.
- Batch::finished() — Method in class Batch
Determine if the batch has finished executing.
- BatchRepository::find() — Method in class BatchRepository
Retrieve information about an existing batch.
- $ DatabaseBatchRepository#factory — Property in class DatabaseBatchRepository
The batch factory instance.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::find() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Retrieve information about an existing batch.
- Dispatcher::findBatch() — Method in class Dispatcher
Attempt to find the batch with the given ID.
- PendingBatch::finally() — Method in class PendingBatch
Add a callback to be executed after the batch has finished executing.
- PendingBatch::finallyCallbacks() — Method in class PendingBatch
Get the "finally" callbacks that have been registered with the pending batch.
- $ UpdatedBatchJobCounts#failedJobs — Property in class UpdatedBatchJobCounts
The number of failed jobs that belong to the batch.
- ApcStore::forever() — Method in class ApcStore
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- ApcStore::forget() — Method in class ApcStore
Remove an item from the cache.
- ApcStore::flush() — Method in class ApcStore
Remove all items from the cache.
- ApcWrapper::flush() — Method in class ApcWrapper
Remove all items from the cache.
- ArrayLock::forceRelease() — Method in class ArrayLock
Releases this lock in disregard of ownership.
- ArrayStore::forever() — Method in class ArrayStore
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- ArrayStore::forget() — Method in class ArrayStore
Remove an item from the cache.
- ArrayStore::flush() — Method in class ArrayStore
Remove all items from the cache.
- CacheLock::forceRelease() — Method in class CacheLock
Releases this lock regardless of ownership.
- CacheManager::forgetDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Unset the given driver instances.
- $ CacheTableCommand#files — Property in class CacheTableCommand
The filesystem instance.
- $ ClearCommand#files — Property in class ClearCommand
The filesystem instance.
- ClearCommand::flushFacades() — Method in class ClearCommand
Flush the real-time facades stored in the cache directory.
- ForgetCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Console
- DatabaseLock::forceRelease() — Method in class DatabaseLock
Releases this lock in disregard of ownership.
- DatabaseStore::forever() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- DatabaseStore::forget() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Remove an item from the cache.
- DatabaseStore::flush() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Remove all items from the cache.
- DynamoDbLock::forceRelease() — Method in class DynamoDbLock
Release this lock in disregard of ownership.
- DynamoDbStore::forever() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- DynamoDbStore::forget() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Remove an item from the cache.
- DynamoDbStore::flush() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Remove all items from the cache.
- FileLock — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- FileStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- $ FileStore#files — Property in class FileStore
The Illuminate Filesystem instance.
- $ FileStore#filePermission — Property in class FileStore
Octal representation of the cache file permissions.
- FileStore::forever() — Method in class FileStore
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- FileStore::forget() — Method in class FileStore
Remove an item from the cache.
- FileStore::flush() — Method in class FileStore
Remove all items from the cache.
- MemcachedLock::forceRelease() — Method in class MemcachedLock
Releases this lock in disregard of ownership.
- MemcachedStore::forever() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- MemcachedStore::forget() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Remove an item from the cache.
- MemcachedStore::flush() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Remove all items from the cache.
- NoLock::forceRelease() — Method in class NoLock
Releases this lock in disregard of ownership.
- NullStore::forever() — Method in class NullStore
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- NullStore::forget() — Method in class NullStore
Remove an item from the cache.
- NullStore::flush() — Method in class NullStore
Remove all items from the cache.
- RateLimiter::for() — Method in class RateLimiter
Register a named limiter configuration.
- RedisLock::forceRelease() — Method in class RedisLock
Releases this lock in disregard of ownership.
- RedisStore::forever() — Method in class RedisStore
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- RedisStore::forget() — Method in class RedisStore
Remove an item from the cache.
- RedisStore::flush() — Method in class RedisStore
Remove all items from the cache.
- RedisStore::flushStaleTags() — Method in class RedisStore
Remove all expired tag set entries.
- RedisTagSet::flushStaleEntries() — Method in class RedisTagSet
Remove the stale entries from the tag set.
- RedisTagSet::flushTag() — Method in class RedisTagSet
Flush the tag from the cache.
- RedisTaggedCache::forever() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- RedisTaggedCache::flush() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache
Remove all items from the cache.
- RedisTaggedCache::flushValues() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache
Flush the individual cache entries for the tags.
- RedisTaggedCache::flushStale() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache
Remove all stale reference entries from the tag set.
- Repository::forever() — Method in class Repository
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- Repository::forget() — Method in class Repository
Remove an item from the cache.
- TagSet::flush() — Method in class TagSet
Flush all the tags in the set.
- TagSet::flushTag() — Method in class TagSet
Flush the tag from the cache.
- TaggedCache::flush() — Method in class TaggedCache
Remove all items from the cache.
- Application::formatCommandString() — Method in class Application
Format the given command as a fully-qualified executable command.
- Application::forgetBootstrappers() — Method in class Application
Clear the console application bootstrappers.
- BufferedConsoleOutput::fetch() — Method in class BufferedConsoleOutput
Empties the buffer and returns its content.
- CacheCommandMutex::forget() — Method in class CacheCommandMutex
Release the mutex for the given command.
- CommandMutex::forget() — Method in class CommandMutex
Release the mutex for the given command.
- $ GeneratorCommand#files — Property in class GeneratorCommand
The filesystem instance.
- CacheEventMutex::forget() — Method in class CacheEventMutex
Clear the event mutex for the given event.
- $ Event#filters — Property in class Event
The array of filter callbacks.
- Event::finish() — Method in class Event
Mark the command process as finished and run callbacks/cleanup.
- Event::filtersPass() — Method in class Event
Determine if the filters pass for the event.
- EventMutex::forget() — Method in class EventMutex
Clear the event mutex for the given event.
- ManagesFrequencies::fridays() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run only on Fridays.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
- Container::factory() — Method in class Container
Get a closure to resolve the given type from the container.
- Container::findInContextualBindings() — Method in class Container
Find the concrete binding for the given abstract in the contextual binding array.
- Container::fireBeforeResolvingCallbacks() — Method in class Container
Fire all of the before resolving callbacks.
- Container::fireBeforeCallbackArray() — Method in class Container
Fire an array of callbacks with an object.
- Container::fireResolvingCallbacks() — Method in class Container
Fire all of the resolving callbacks.
- Container::fireAfterResolvingCallbacks() — Method in class Container
Fire all of the after resolving callbacks.
- Container::fireCallbackArray() — Method in class Container
Fire an array of callbacks with an object.
- Container::forgetExtenders() — Method in class Container
Remove all of the extender callbacks for a given type.
- Container::forgetInstance() — Method in class Container
Remove a resolved instance from the instance cache.
- Container::forgetInstances() — Method in class Container
Clear all of the instances from the container.
- Container::forgetScopedInstances() — Method in class Container
Clear all of the scoped instances from the container.
- Container::flush() — Method in class Container
Flush the container of all bindings and resolved instances.
- Gate::forUser() — Method in class Gate
Get a guard instance for the given user.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
- QueueingDispatcher::findBatch() — Method in class QueueingDispatcher
Attempt to find the batch with the given ID.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
- Lock::forceRelease() — Method in class Lock
Releases this lock in disregard of ownership.
- Repository::forever() — Method in class Repository
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- Repository::forget() — Method in class Repository
Remove an item from the cache.
- Store::forever() — Method in class Store
Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
- Store::forget() — Method in class Store
Remove an item from the cache.
- Store::flush() — Method in class Store
Remove all items from the cache.
- Container::factory() — Method in class Container
Get a closure to resolve the given type from the container.
- Container::flush() — Method in class Container
Flush the container of all bindings and resolved instances.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cookie
- Factory::forever() — Method in class Factory
Create a cookie that lasts "forever" (five years).
- Factory::forget() — Method in class Factory
Expire the given cookie.
- Dispatcher::flush() — Method in class Dispatcher
Flush a set of pushed events.
- Dispatcher::forget() — Method in class Dispatcher
Remove a set of listeners from the dispatcher.
- Dispatcher::forgetPushed() — Method in class Dispatcher
Forget all of the queued listeners.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
- FileNotFoundException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
- Filesystem — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
- Filesystem::files() — Method in class Filesystem
Get an array of all files in a directory.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Mail
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Notifications
- CursorPaginator::fragment() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Get / set the URL fragment to be appended to URLs.
- Paginator::fragment() — Method in class Paginator
Get / set the URL fragment to be appended to URLs.
- Paginator::firstItem() — Method in class Paginator
Get the "index" of the first item being paginated.
- ProcessResult::failed() — Method in class ProcessResult
Determine if the process failed.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- Job::fire() — Method in class Job
Fire the job.
- Job::fail() — Method in class Job
Delete the job, call the "failed" method, and raise the failed job event.
- Monitor::failing() — Method in class Monitor
Register a callback to be executed when a job fails after the maximum number of retries.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Redis
- ResponseFactory::file() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Return the raw contents of a binary file.
- Session::forget() — Method in class Session
Remove one or many items from the session.
- Session::flush() — Method in class Session
Remove all of the items from the session.
- MessageBag::first() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the first message from the bag for a given key.
- MessageBag::forget() — Method in class MessageBag
Remove a message from the bag.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
- Validator::fails() — Method in class Validator
Determine if the data fails the validation rules.
- Validator::failed() — Method in class Validator
Get the failed validation rules.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\View
- Factory::file() — Method in class Factory
Get the evaluated view contents for the given path.
- CookieJar::forever() — Method in class CookieJar
Create a cookie that lasts "forever" (400 days).
- CookieJar::forget() — Method in class CookieJar
Expire the given cookie.
- CookieJar::flushQueuedCookies() — Method in class CookieJar
Flush the cookies which have been queued for the next request.
- BuildsQueries::first() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Execute the query and get the first result.
- $ Connection#fetchMode — Property in class Connection
The default fetch mode of the connection.
- Connection::fireConnectionEvent() — Method in class Connection
Fire an event for this connection.
- Connection::forgetRecordModificationState() — Method in class Connection
Reset the record modification state.
- Connection::flushQueryLog() — Method in class Connection
Clear the query log.
- FactoryMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Factories
- FreshCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- TableCommand::foreignKeys() — Method in class TableCommand
Get the information regarding the table's foreign keys.
- $ DatabaseManager#factory — Property in class DatabaseManager
The database connection factory instance.
- DatabaseManager::forgetExtension() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Remove an extension connection resolver.
- $ DatabaseServiceProvider#fakers — Property in class DatabaseServiceProvider
The array of resolved Faker instances.
- Builder::firstWhere() — Method in class Builder
Add a basic where clause to the query, and return the first result.
- Builder::fromQuery() — Method in class Builder
Create a collection of models from a raw query.
- Builder::find() — Method in class Builder
Find a model by its primary key.
- Builder::findMany() — Method in class Builder
Find multiple models by their primary keys.
- Builder::findOrFail() — Method in class Builder
Find a model by its primary key or throw an exception.
- Builder::findOrNew() — Method in class Builder
Find a model by its primary key or return fresh model instance.
- Builder::findOr() — Method in class Builder
Find a model by its primary key or call a callback.
- Builder::firstOrNew() — Method in class Builder
Get the first record matching the attributes or instantiate it.
- Builder::firstOrCreate() — Method in class Builder
Get the first record matching the attributes or create it.
- Builder::firstOrFail() — Method in class Builder
Execute the query and get the first result or throw an exception.
- Builder::firstOr() — Method in class Builder
Execute the query and get the first result or call a callback.
- Builder::forceCreate() — Method in class Builder
Save a new model and return the instance. Allow mass-assignment.
- Builder::forceDelete() — Method in class Builder
Run the default delete function on the builder.
- Collection::find() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::fresh() — Method in class Collection
Reload a fresh model instance from the database for all the entities.
- Collection::flatten() — Method in class Collection
Get a flattened array of the items in the collection.
- Collection::flip() — Method in class Collection
Flip the items in the collection.
- $ GuardsAttributes#fillable — Property in class GuardsAttributes
The attributes that are mass assignable.
- GuardsAttributes::fillable() — Method in class GuardsAttributes
Set the fillable attributes for the model.
- GuardsAttributes::fillableFromArray() — Method in class GuardsAttributes
Get the fillable attributes of a given array.
- HasAttributes::fillJsonAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes
Set a given JSON attribute on the model.
- HasAttributes::fromJson() — Method in class HasAttributes
Decode the given JSON back into an array or object.
- HasAttributes::fromEncryptedString() — Method in class HasAttributes
Decrypt the given encrypted string.
- HasAttributes::fromFloat() — Method in class HasAttributes
Decode the given float.
- HasAttributes::fromDateTime() — Method in class HasAttributes
Convert a DateTime to a storable string.
- HasEvents::fireModelEvent() — Method in class HasEvents
Fire the given event for the model.
- HasEvents::fireCustomModelEvent() — Method in class HasEvents
Fire a custom model event for the given event.
- HasEvents::filterModelEventResults() — Method in class HasEvents
Filter the model event results.
- HasEvents::flushEventListeners() — Method in class HasEvents
Remove all the event listeners for the model.
- HasTimestamps::freshTimestamp() — Method in class HasTimestamps
Get a fresh timestamp for the model.
- HasTimestamps::freshTimestampString() — Method in class HasTimestamps
Get a fresh timestamp for the model.
- $ BelongsToManyRelationship#factory — Property in class BelongsToManyRelationship
The related factory instance.
- $ BelongsToRelationship#factory — Property in class BelongsToRelationship
The related factory instance.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories
- $ Factory#for — Property in class Factory
The child relationships that will be applied to the model.
- $ Factory#faker — Property in class Factory
The current Faker instance.
- $ Factory#factoryNameResolver — Property in class Factory
The factory name resolver.
- Factory::forEachSequence() — Method in class Factory
Add a new sequenced state transformation to the model definition and update the pending creation count to the size of the sequence.
- Factory::for() — Method in class Factory
Define a parent relationship for the model.
- Factory::factoryForModel() — Method in class Factory
Get a new factory instance for the given model name.
- HasFactory::factory() — Method in class HasFactory
Get a new factory instance for the model.
- $ Relationship#factory — Property in class Relationship
The related factory instance.
- JsonEncodingException::forModel() — Method in class JsonEncodingException
Create a new JSON encoding exception for the model.
- JsonEncodingException::forResource() — Method in class JsonEncodingException
Create a new JSON encoding exception for the resource.
- JsonEncodingException::forAttribute() — Method in class JsonEncodingException
Create a new JSON encoding exception for an attribute.
- Model::fill() — Method in class Model
Fill the model with an array of attributes.
- Model::forceFill() — Method in class Model
Fill the model with an array of attributes. Force mass assignment.
- Model::finishSave() — Method in class Model
Perform any actions that are necessary after the model is saved.
- Model::forceDelete() — Method in class Model
Force a hard delete on a soft deleted model.
- Model::fresh() — Method in class Model
Reload a fresh model instance from the database.
- $ BelongsTo#foreignKey — Property in class BelongsTo
The foreign key of the parent model.
- $ BelongsToMany#foreignPivotKey — Property in class BelongsToMany
The foreign key of the parent model.
- BelongsToMany::findOrNew() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Find a related model by its primary key or return a new instance of the related model.
- BelongsToMany::firstOrNew() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the first related model record matching the attributes or instantiate it.
- BelongsToMany::firstOrCreate() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the first related record matching the attributes or create it.
- BelongsToMany::find() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Find a related model by its primary key.
- BelongsToMany::findMany() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Find multiple related models by their primary keys.
- BelongsToMany::findOrFail() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Find a related model by its primary key or throw an exception.
- BelongsToMany::findOr() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Find a related model by its primary key or call a callback.
- BelongsToMany::firstWhere() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Add a basic where clause to the query, and return the first result.
- BelongsToMany::first() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Execute the query and get the first result.
- BelongsToMany::firstOrFail() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Execute the query and get the first result or throw an exception.
- BelongsToMany::firstOr() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Execute the query and get the first result or call a callback.
- $ AsPivot#foreignKey — Property in class AsPivot
The name of the foreign key column.
- AsPivot::fromAttributes() — Method in class AsPivot
Create a new pivot model instance.
- AsPivot::fromRawAttributes() — Method in class AsPivot
Create a new pivot model from raw values returned from a query.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::formatRecordsList() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Format the sync / toggle record list so that it is keyed by ID.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::formatAttachRecords() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Create an array of records to insert into the pivot table.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::formatAttachRecord() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Create a full attachment record payload.
- $ HasManyThrough#farParent — Property in class HasManyThrough
The far parent model instance.
- $ HasManyThrough#firstKey — Property in class HasManyThrough
The near key on the relationship.
- HasManyThrough::firstOrNew() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get the first related model record matching the attributes or instantiate it.
- HasManyThrough::firstWhere() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Add a basic where clause to the query, and return the first result.
- HasManyThrough::first() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Execute the query and get the first related model.
- HasManyThrough::firstOrFail() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Execute the query and get the first result or throw an exception.
- HasManyThrough::firstOr() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Execute the query and get the first result or call a callback.
- HasManyThrough::find() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Find a related model by its primary key.
- HasManyThrough::findMany() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Find multiple related models by their primary keys.
- HasManyThrough::findOrFail() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Find a related model by its primary key or throw an exception.
- HasManyThrough::findOr() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Find a related model by its primary key or call a callback.
- $ HasOneOrMany#foreignKey — Property in class HasOneOrMany
The foreign key of the parent model.
- HasOneOrMany::findOrNew() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Find a model by its primary key or return a new instance of the related model.
- HasOneOrMany::firstOrNew() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Get the first related model record matching the attributes or instantiate it.
- HasOneOrMany::firstOrCreate() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Get the first related record matching the attributes or create it.
- HasOneOrMany::forceCreate() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Create a new instance of the related model. Allow mass-assignment.
- MorphMany::forceCreate() — Method in class MorphMany
Create a new instance of the related model. Allow mass-assignment.
- $ SoftDeletes#forceDeleting — Property in class SoftDeletes
Indicates if the model is currently force deleting.
- SoftDeletes::forceDelete() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Force a hard delete on a soft deleted model.
- SoftDeletes::forceDeleteQuietly() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Force a hard delete on a soft deleted model without raising any events.
- SoftDeletes::forceDeleting() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Register a "forceDeleting" model event callback with the dispatcher.
- SoftDeletes::forceDeleted() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Register a "forceDeleted" model event callback with the dispatcher.
- $ MigrationCreator#files — Property in class MigrationCreator
The filesystem instance.
- MigrationCreator::firePostCreateHooks() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Fire the registered post create hooks.
- $ Migrator#files — Property in class Migrator
The filesystem instance.
- Migrator::fireMigrationEvent() — Method in class Migrator
Fire the given event for the migration.
- QueryException::formatMessage() — Method in class QueryException
Format the SQL error message.
- $ Builder#from — Property in class Builder
The table which the query is targeting.
- Builder::fromSub() — Method in class Builder
Makes "from" fetch from a subquery.
- Builder::fromRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add a raw from clause to the query.
- Builder::from() — Method in class Builder
Set the table which the query is targeting.
- Builder::forceIndex() — Method in class Builder
Add an index hint to force a query index.
- Builder::forNestedWhere() — Method in class Builder
Create a new query instance for nested where condition.
- Builder::forPage() — Method in class Builder
Set the limit and offset for a given page.
- Builder::forPageBeforeId() — Method in class Builder
Constrain the query to the previous "page" of results before a given ID.
- Builder::forPageAfterId() — Method in class Builder
Constrain the query to the next "page" of results after a given ID.
- Builder::find() — Method in class Builder
Execute a query for a single record by ID.
- Builder::findOr() — Method in class Builder
Execute a query for a single record by ID or call a callback.
- Builder::forSubQuery() — Method in class Builder
Create a new query instance for a sub-query.
- Builder::flattenValue() — Method in class Builder
Get a scalar type value from an unknown type of input.
- JoinClause::forSubQuery() — Method in class JoinClause
Create a new query instance for sub-query.
- Blueprint::fullText() — Method in class Blueprint
Specify an fulltext for the table.
- Blueprint::foreign() — Method in class Blueprint
Specify a foreign key for the table.
- Blueprint::foreignId() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new unsigned big integer (8-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::foreignIdFor() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a foreign ID column for the given model.
- Blueprint::float() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new float column on the table.
- Blueprint::foreignUuid() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new UUID column on the table with a foreign key constraint.
- Blueprint::foreignUlid() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new ULID column on the table with a foreign key constraint.
- ColumnDefinition::first() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- ColumnDefinition::from() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- ColumnDefinition::fulltext() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
Add a fulltext index
- ForeignIdColumnDefinition — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- ForeignKeyDefinition — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- $ Grammar#fluentCommands — Property in class Grammar
The commands to be executed outside of create or alter command.
- $ MySqlGrammar#fluentCommands — Property in class MySqlGrammar
The commands to be executed outside of create or alter command.
- $ PostgresGrammar#fluentCommands — Property in class PostgresGrammar
The commands to be executed outside of create or alter command.
- $ SqlServerGrammar#fluentCommands — Property in class SqlServerGrammar
The commands to be executed outside of create or alter command.
- $ SchemaState#files — Property in class SchemaState
The filesystem instance.
- CallQueuedListener::failed() — Method in class CallQueuedListener
Call the failed method on the job instance.
- Dispatcher::flush() — Method in class Dispatcher
Flush a set of pushed events.
- Dispatcher::forget() — Method in class Dispatcher
Remove a set of listeners from the dispatcher.
- Dispatcher::forgetPushed() — Method in class Dispatcher
Forget all of the pushed listeners.
- InvokeQueuedClosure::failed() — Method in class InvokeQueuedClosure
Handle a job failure.
- NullDispatcher::flush() — Method in class NullDispatcher
Flush a set of pushed events.
- NullDispatcher::forget() — Method in class NullDispatcher
Remove a set of listeners from the dispatcher.
- NullDispatcher::forgetPushed() — Method in class NullDispatcher
Forget all of the queued listeners.
- Filesystem — Class in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
- Filesystem::files() — Method in class Filesystem
Get an array of all files in a directory.
- FilesystemAdapter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
- FilesystemAdapter::fileExists() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Determine if a file exists.
- FilesystemAdapter::fileMissing() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Determine if a file is missing.
- FilesystemAdapter::fallbackName() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Convert the string to ASCII characters that are equivalent to the given name.
- FilesystemAdapter::files() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get an array of all files in a directory.
- FilesystemManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
- FilesystemManager::formatS3Config() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Format the given S3 configuration with the default options.
- FilesystemManager::forgetDisk() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Unset the given disk instances.
- FilesystemServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
- $ AliasLoader#facadeNamespace — Property in class AliasLoader
The namespace for all real-time facades.
- AliasLoader::formatFacadeStub() — Method in class AliasLoader
Format the facade stub with the proper namespace and class.
- Application::fireAppCallbacks() — Method in class Application
Call the booting callbacks for the application.
- Application::flush() — Method in class Application
Flush the container of all bindings and resolved instances.
- EmailVerificationRequest::fulfill() — Method in class EmailVerificationRequest
Fulfill the email verification request.
- HandleExceptions::fatalErrorFromPhpError() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Create a new fatal error instance from an error array.
- HandleExceptions::forwardsTo() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Forward a method call to the given method if an application instance exists.
- HandleExceptions::forgetApp() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Clear the local application instance from memory.
- $ ConfigCacheCommand#files — Property in class ConfigCacheCommand
The filesystem instance.
- $ ConfigClearCommand#files — Property in class ConfigClearCommand
The filesystem instance.
- DocsCommand::fetchDocs() — Method in class DocsCommand
Fetch the documentation index from the Laravel website.
- $ EnvironmentDecryptCommand#files — Property in class EnvironmentDecryptCommand
The filesystem instance.
- $ EnvironmentEncryptCommand#files — Property in class EnvironmentEncryptCommand
The filesystem instance.
- $ EventClearCommand#files — Property in class EventClearCommand
The filesystem instance.
- EventListCommand::filterEvents() — Method in class EventListCommand
Filter the given events using the provided event name filter.
- EventListCommand::filteringByEvent() — Method in class EventListCommand
Determine whether the user is filtering by an event name.
- $ RouteCacheCommand#files — Property in class RouteCacheCommand
The filesystem instance.
- $ RouteClearCommand#files — Property in class RouteClearCommand
The filesystem instance.
- RouteListCommand::filterRoute() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Filter the route by URI and / or name.
- RouteListCommand::forCli() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Convert the given routes to regular CLI output.
- RouteListCommand::formatActionForCli() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Get the formatted action for display on the CLI.
- $ VendorPublishCommand#files — Property in class VendorPublishCommand
The filesystem instance.
- $ ViewClearCommand#files — Property in class ViewClearCommand
The filesystem instance.
- WhoopsHandler::forDebug() — Method in class WhoopsHandler
Create a new Whoops handler for debug mode.
- FileBasedMaintenanceMode — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- FormRequest — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http
- FormRequest::failedValidation() — Method in class FormRequest
Handle a failed validation attempt.
- FormRequest::failedAuthorization() — Method in class FormRequest
Handle a failed authorization attempt.
- Inspiring::formatForConsole() — Method in class Inspiring
Formats the given quote for a pretty console output.
- $ PackageManifest#files — Property in class PackageManifest
The filesystem instance.
- PackageManifest::format() — Method in class PackageManifest
Format the given package name.
- $ ProviderRepository#files — Property in class ProviderRepository
The filesystem instance.
- ProviderRepository::freshManifest() — Method in class ProviderRepository
Create a fresh service manifest data structure.
- FormRequestServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
- FoundationServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Providers
- InteractsWithContainer::forgetMock() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
Instruct the container to forget a previously mocked / spied instance of an object.
- InteractsWithSession::flushSession() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
Flush all of the current session data.
- InteractsWithTime::freezeTime() — Method in class InteractsWithTime
Freeze time.
- InteractsWithTime::freezeSecond() — Method in class InteractsWithTime
Freeze time at the beginning of the current second.
- $ MakesHttpRequests#followRedirects — Property in class MakesHttpRequests
Indicates whether redirects should be followed.
- MakesHttpRequests::flushHeaders() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Flush all the configured headers.
- $ WithFaker#faker — Property in class WithFaker
The Faker instance.
- WithFaker::faker() — Method in class WithFaker
Get the default Faker instance for a given locale.
- DeterminesStatusCode::found() — Method in class DeterminesStatusCode
Determine if the response code was a 302 "Found" response.
- DeterminesStatusCode::forbidden() — Method in class DeterminesStatusCode
Determine if the response was a 403 "Forbidden" response.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
- Factory::fake() — Method in class Factory
Register a stub callable that will intercept requests and be able to return stub responses.
- Factory::fakeSequence() — Method in class Factory
Register a response sequence for the given URL pattern.
- $ PendingRequest#factory — Property in class PendingRequest
The factory instance.
- $ Pool#factory — Property in class Pool
The factory instance.
- Response::failed() — Method in class Response
Determine if the response indicates a client or server error occurred.
- $ ResponseSequence#failWhenEmpty — Property in class ResponseSequence
Indicates that invoking this sequence when it is empty should throw an exception.
- CanBePrecognitive::filterPrecognitiveRules() — Method in class CanBePrecognitive
Filter the given array of rules into an array of rules that are included in precognitive headers.
- InteractsWithContentTypes::format() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes
Get the data format expected in the response.
- InteractsWithFlashData::flash() — Method in class InteractsWithFlashData
Flash the input for the current request to the session.
- InteractsWithFlashData::flashOnly() — Method in class InteractsWithFlashData
Flash only some of the input to the session.
- InteractsWithFlashData::flashExcept() — Method in class InteractsWithFlashData
Flash only some of the input to the session.
- InteractsWithFlashData::flush() — Method in class InteractsWithFlashData
Flush all of the old input from the session.
- InteractsWithInput::filled() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Determine if the request contains a non-empty value for an input item.
- InteractsWithInput::float() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve input as a float value.
- InteractsWithInput::file() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve a file from the request.
- File — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http
- FileHelpers — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http
- JsonResponse::fromJsonString() — Method in class JsonResponse
- {@inheritdoc}
- FrameGuard — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Middleware
- Request::fullUrl() — Method in class Request
Get the full URL for the request.
- Request::fullUrlWithQuery() — Method in class Request
Get the full URL for the request with the added query string parameters.
- Request::fullUrlWithoutQuery() — Method in class Request
Get the full URL for the request without the given query string parameters.
- Request::fullUrlIs() — Method in class Request
Determine if the current request URL and query string match a pattern.
- Request::filterFiles() — Method in class Request
Filter the given array of files, removing any empty values.
- Request::fingerprint() — Method in class Request
Get a unique fingerprint for the request / route / IP address.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::filter() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Filter the given data, removing any optional values.
- File — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Testing
- FileFactory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Testing
- MimeType::from() — Method in class MimeType
Get the MIME type for a file based on the file's extension.
- UploadedFile::fake() — Method in class UploadedFile
Begin creating a new file fake.
- LogManager::formatter() — Method in class LogManager
Get a Monolog formatter instance.
- LogManager::flushSharedContext() — Method in class LogManager
Flush the shared context.
- LogManager::forgetChannel() — Method in class LogManager
Unset the given channel instance.
- Logger::fireLogEvent() — Method in class Logger
Fires a log event.
- Logger::formatMessage() — Method in class Logger
Format the parameters for the logger.
- Attachment::fromPath() — Method in class Attachment
Create a mail attachment from a path.
- Attachment::fromData() — Method in class Attachment
Create a mail attachment from in-memory data.
- Attachment::fromStorage() — Method in class Attachment
Create a mail attachment from a file in the default storage disk.
- Attachment::fromStorageDisk() — Method in class Attachment
Create a mail attachment from a file in the specified storage disk.
- MailManager::forgetMailers() — Method in class MailManager
Forget all of the resolved mailer instances.
- $ Mailable#from — Property in class Mailable
The person the message is from.
- Mailable::from() — Method in class Mailable
Set the sender of the message.
- $ Envelope#from — Property in class Envelope
The address sending the message.
- Envelope::from() — Method in class Envelope
Specify who the message will be "from".
- $ Mailer#from — Property in class Mailer
The global from address and name.
- Message::from() — Method in class Message
Add a "from" address to the message.
- Message::forgetTo() — Method in class Message
Remove all "to" addresses from the message.
- Message::forgetCc() — Method in class Message
Remove all carbon copy addresses from the message.
- Message::forgetBcc() — Method in class Message
Remove all of the blind carbon copy addresses from the message.
- PendingMail::fill() — Method in class PendingMail
Populate the mailable with the addresses.
- SendQueuedMailable::failed() — Method in class SendQueuedMailable
Call the failed method on the mailable instance.
- ArrayTransport::flush() — Method in class ArrayTransport
Clear all of the messages from the local collection.
- $ NotificationTableCommand#files — Property in class NotificationTableCommand
The filesystem instance.
- $ MailMessage#from — Property in class MailMessage
The "from" information for the message.
- MailMessage::from() — Method in class MailMessage
Set the from address for the mail message.
- SimpleMessage::formatLine() — Method in class SimpleMessage
Format the given line of text.
- NotificationSender::formatNotifiables() — Method in class NotificationSender
Format the notifiables into a Collection / array if necessary.
- SendQueuedNotifications::failed() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications
Call the failed method on the notification instance.
- $ AbstractCursorPaginator#fragment — Property in class AbstractCursorPaginator
The URL fragment to add to all URLs.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::fragment() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get / set the URL fragment to be appended to URLs.
- $ AbstractPaginator#fragment — Property in class AbstractPaginator
The URL fragment to add to all URLs.
- AbstractPaginator::fragment() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get / set the URL fragment to be appended to URLs.
- AbstractPaginator::firstItem() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the number of the first item in the slice.
- Cursor::fromEncoded() — Method in class Cursor
Get a cursor instance from the encoded string representation.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Process
- $ Factory#fakeHandlers — Property in class Factory
The registered fake handler callbacks.
- Factory::fake() — Method in class Factory
Indicate that the process factory should fake processes.
- FakeInvokedProcess — Class in namespace Illuminate\Process
- FakeProcessDescription — Class in namespace Illuminate\Process
- FakeProcessResult — Class in namespace Illuminate\Process
- FakeProcessResult::failed() — Method in class FakeProcessResult
Determine if the process failed.
- FakeProcessSequence — Class in namespace Illuminate\Process
- $ FakeProcessSequence#failWhenEmpty — Property in class FakeProcessSequence
Indicates that invoking this sequence when it is empty should throw an exception.
- $ PendingProcess#factory — Property in class PendingProcess
The process factory instance.
- $ PendingProcess#fakeHandlers — Property in class PendingProcess
The registered fake handler callbacks.
- PendingProcess::forever() — Method in class PendingProcess
Indicate that the process may run forever without timing out.
- PendingProcess::fakeFor() — Method in class PendingProcess
Get the fake handler for the given command, if applicable.
- $ Pool#factory — Property in class Pool
The process factory instance.
- ProcessResult::failed() — Method in class ProcessResult
Determine if the process failed.
- $ CallQueuedClosure#failureCallbacks — Property in class CallQueuedClosure
The callbacks that should be executed on failure.
- CallQueuedClosure::failed() — Method in class CallQueuedClosure
Handle a job failure.
- CallQueuedHandler::failed() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Call the failed method on the job instance.
- $ BatchesTableCommand#files — Property in class BatchesTableCommand
The filesystem instance.
- FailedTableCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- $ FailedTableCommand#files — Property in class FailedTableCommand
The filesystem instance.
- FlushFailedCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- ForgetFailedCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- $ TableCommand#files — Property in class TableCommand
The filesystem instance.
- DatabaseFailedJobProvider::find() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
Get a single failed job.
- DatabaseFailedJobProvider::forget() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
Delete a single failed job from storage.
- DatabaseFailedJobProvider::flush() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
Flush all of the failed jobs from storage.
- DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider::find() — Method in class DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider
Get a single failed job.
- DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider::forget() — Method in class DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider
Delete a single failed job from storage.
- DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider::flush() — Method in class DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider
Flush all of the failed jobs from storage.
- DynamoDbFailedJobProvider::find() — Method in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider
Get a single failed job.
- DynamoDbFailedJobProvider::forget() — Method in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider
Delete a single failed job from storage.
- DynamoDbFailedJobProvider::flush() — Method in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider
Flush all of the failed jobs from storage.
- FailedJobProviderInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Failed
- FailedJobProviderInterface::find() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface
Get a single failed job.
- FailedJobProviderInterface::forget() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface
Delete a single failed job from storage.
- FailedJobProviderInterface::flush() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface
Flush all of the failed jobs from storage.
- NullFailedJobProvider::find() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider
Get a single failed job.
- NullFailedJobProvider::forget() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider
Delete a single failed job from storage.
- NullFailedJobProvider::flush() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider
Flush all of the failed jobs from storage.
- InteractsWithQueue::fail() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue
Fail the job from the queue.
- $ Job#failed — Property in class Job
Indicates if the job has failed.
- Job::fire() — Method in class Job
Fire the job.
- Job::fail() — Method in class Job
Delete the job, call the "failed" method, and raise the failed job event.
- Job::failed() — Method in class Job
Process an exception that caused the job to fail.
- QueueManager::failing() — Method in class QueueManager
Register an event listener for the failed job event.
- Worker::failJob() — Method in class Worker
Mark the given job as failed and raise the relevant event.
- $ WorkerOptions#force — Property in class WorkerOptions
Indicates if the worker should run in maintenance mode.
- Connection::funnel() — Method in class Connection
Funnel a callback for a maximum number of simultaneous executions.
- PhpRedisClusterConnection::flushdb() — Method in class PhpRedisClusterConnection
Flush the selected Redis database on all master nodes.
- PhpRedisConnection::flushdb() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Flush the selected Redis database.
- PredisClusterConnection::flushdb() — Method in class PredisClusterConnection
Flush the selected Redis database on all cluster nodes.
- PhpRedisConnector::formatHost() — Method in class PhpRedisConnector
Format the host using the scheme if available.
- UrlGenerationException::forMissingParameters() — Method in class UrlGenerationException
Create a new exception for missing route parameters.
- ResponseFactory::fallbackName() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Convert the string to ASCII characters that are equivalent to the given name.
- ResponseFactory::file() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Return the raw contents of a binary file.
- Route::flushController() — Method in class Route
Flush the cached container instance on the route.
- Route::forgetParameter() — Method in class Route
Unset a parameter on the route if it is set.
- Route::fallback() — Method in class Route
Mark this route as a fallback route.
- RouteAction::findCallable() — Method in class RouteAction
Find the callable in an action array.
- RouteBinding::forCallback() — Method in class RouteBinding
Create a Route model binding for a given callback.
- RouteBinding::forModel() — Method in class RouteBinding
Create a Route model binding for a model.
- RouteGroup::formatNamespace() — Method in class RouteGroup
Format the namespace for the new group attributes.
- RouteGroup::formatPrefix() — Method in class RouteGroup
Format the prefix for the new group attributes.
- RouteGroup::formatWhere() — Method in class RouteGroup
Format the "wheres" for the new group attributes.
- RouteGroup::formatAs() — Method in class RouteGroup
Format the "as" clause of the new group attributes.
- RouteSignatureParameters::fromAction() — Method in class RouteSignatureParameters
Extract the route action's signature parameters.
- RouteSignatureParameters::fromClassMethodString() — Method in class RouteSignatureParameters
Get the parameters for the given class / method by string.
- RouteUrlGenerator::formatDomain() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator
Format the domain and port for the route and request.
- Router::fallback() — Method in class Router
Register a new Fallback route with the router.
- Router::findRoute() — Method in class Router
Find the route matching a given request.
- Router::flushMiddlewareGroups() — Method in class Router
Flush the router's middleware groups.
- $ UrlGenerator#forcedRoot — Property in class UrlGenerator
The forced URL root.
- $ UrlGenerator#forceScheme — Property in class UrlGenerator
The forced scheme for URLs.
- $ UrlGenerator#formatHostUsing — Property in class UrlGenerator
The callback to use to format hosts.
- $ UrlGenerator#formatPathUsing — Property in class UrlGenerator
The callback to use to format paths.
- UrlGenerator::full() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the full URL for the current request.
- UrlGenerator::formatScheme() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the default scheme for a raw URL.
- UrlGenerator::formatAction() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Format the given controller action.
- UrlGenerator::formatParameters() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Format the array of URL parameters.
- UrlGenerator::formatRoot() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the base URL for the request.
- UrlGenerator::format() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Format the given URL segments into a single URL.
- UrlGenerator::forceScheme() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Force the scheme for URLs.
- UrlGenerator::forceRootUrl() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Set the forced root URL.
- UrlGenerator::formatHostUsing() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Set a callback to be used to format the host of generated URLs.
- UrlGenerator::formatPathUsing() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Set a callback to be used to format the path of generated URLs.
- $ SessionTableCommand#files — Property in class SessionTableCommand
The filesystem instance.
- FileSessionHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- $ FileSessionHandler#files — Property in class FileSessionHandler
The filesystem instance.
- Store::flash() — Method in class Store
Flash a key / value pair to the session.
- Store::flashInput() — Method in class Store
Flash an input array to the session.
- Store::forget() — Method in class Store
Remove one or many items from the session.
- Store::flush() — Method in class Store
Remove all of the items from the session.
- Arr::first() — Method in class Arr
Return the first element in an array passing a given truth test.
- Arr::flatten() — Method in class Arr
Flatten a multi-dimensional array into a single level.
- Arr::forget() — Method in class Arr
Remove one or many array items from a given array using "dot" notation.
- Collection::filter() — Method in class Collection
Run a filter over each of the items.
- Collection::first() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::flatten() — Method in class Collection
Get a flattened array of the items in the collection.
- Collection::flip() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::forget() — Method in class Collection
Remove an item from the collection by key.
- Collection::firstOrFail() — Method in class Collection
Get the first item in the collection but throw an exception if no matching items exist.
- $ Composer#files — Property in class Composer
The filesystem instance.
- Composer::findComposer() — Method in class Composer
Get the composer command for the environment.
- $ DateFactory#factory — Property in class DateFactory
The Carbon factory that should be used when creating dates.
- DateFactory::fromSerialized() — Method in class DateFactory
- Enumerable::filter() — Method in class Enumerable
Run a filter over each of the items.
- Enumerable::first() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::firstWhere() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the first item by the given key value pair.
- Enumerable::flatten() — Method in class Enumerable
Get a flattened array of the items in the collection.
- Enumerable::flip() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::flatMap() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::forPage() — Method in class Enumerable
"Paginate" the collection by slicing it into a smaller collection.
- Enumerable::firstOrFail() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the first item in the collection but throw an exception if no matching items exist.
- App::flush() — Method in class App
- App::factory() — Method in class App
- App::forgetExtenders() — Method in class App
- App::forgetInstance() — Method in class App
- App::forgetInstances() — Method in class App
- App::forgetScopedInstances() — Method in class App
- App::flushMacros() — Method in class App
- Auth::forgetGuards() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::forgetUser() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::flushMacros() — Method in class Auth
- Broadcast::forgetDrivers() — Method in class Broadcast
- Bus::fake() — Method in class Bus
Replace the bound instance with a fake.
- Bus::findBatch() — Method in class Bus
- Cache::forgetDriver() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::forever() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::forget() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::flushMacros() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::flush() — Method in class Cache
- Config::flushMacros() — Method in class Config
- Cookie::forever() — Method in class Cookie
- Cookie::forget() — Method in class Cookie
- Cookie::flushQueuedCookies() — Method in class Cookie
- Cookie::flushMacros() — Method in class Cookie
- DB::forgetExtension() — Method in class DB
- DB::flushMacros() — Method in class DB
- DB::forgetRecordModificationState() — Method in class DB
- DB::flushQueryLog() — Method in class DB
- Date::fromSerialized() — Method in class Date
- Event::fake() — Method in class Event
Replace the bound instance with a fake.
- Event::fakeExcept() — Method in class Event
Replace the bound instance with a fake that fakes all events except the given events.
- Event::fakeFor() — Method in class Event
Replace the bound instance with a fake during the given callable's execution.
- Event::fakeExceptFor() — Method in class Event
Replace the bound instance with a fake during the given callable's execution.
- Event::flush() — Method in class Event
- Event::forget() — Method in class Event
- Event::forgetPushed() — Method in class Event
- Event::flushMacros() — Method in class Event
- Facade — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- File — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- File::files() — Method in class File
- File::flushMacros() — Method in class File
- Gate::forUser() — Method in class Gate
- Hash::forgetDrivers() — Method in class Hash
- Http::fake() — Method in class Http
Register a stub callable that will intercept requests and be able to return stub responses.
- Http::fakeSequence() — Method in class Http
Register a response sequence for the given URL pattern.
- Http::flushMacros() — Method in class Http
- Lang::flushParsedKeys() — Method in class Lang
- Lang::flushMacros() — Method in class Lang
- Log::flushSharedContext() — Method in class Log
- Log::forgetChannel() — Method in class Log
- Mail::fake() — Method in class Mail
Replace the bound instance with a fake.
- Mail::forgetMailers() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::flushMacros() — Method in class Mail
- Notification::fake() — Method in class Notification
Replace the bound instance with a fake.
- Notification::forgetDrivers() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::flushMacros() — Method in class Notification
- Process::fake() — Method in class Process
Indicate that the process factory should fake processes.
- Process::forever() — Method in class Process
- Process::flushMacros() — Method in class Process
- Queue::fake() — Method in class Queue
Replace the bound instance with a fake.
- Queue::failing() — Method in class Queue
- RateLimiter::for() — Method in class RateLimiter
- Redirect::flushMacros() — Method in class Redirect
- Redis::funnel() — Method in class Redis
- Redis::flushMacros() — Method in class Redis
- Request::fullUrl() — Method in class Request
- Request::fullUrlWithQuery() — Method in class Request
- Request::fullUrlWithoutQuery() — Method in class Request
- Request::fullUrlIs() — Method in class Request
- Request::fingerprint() — Method in class Request
- Request::filterPrecognitiveRules() — Method in class Request
- Request::format() — Method in class Request
- Request::flash() — Method in class Request
- Request::flashOnly() — Method in class Request
- Request::flashExcept() — Method in class Request
- Request::flush() — Method in class Request
- Request::filled() — Method in class Request
- Request::float() — Method in class Request
- Request::file() — Method in class Request
- Request::flushMacros() — Method in class Request
- Response::file() — Method in class Response
- Response::flushMacros() — Method in class Response
- Route::fallback() — Method in class Route
- Route::flushMiddlewareGroups() — Method in class Route
- Route::flushMacros() — Method in class Route
- Session::forgetDrivers() — Method in class Session
- Session::flash() — Method in class Session
- Session::flashInput() — Method in class Session
- Session::forget() — Method in class Session
- Session::flush() — Method in class Session
- Session::flushMacros() — Method in class Session
- Storage::fake() — Method in class Storage
Replace the given disk with a local testing disk.
- Storage::forgetDisk() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::files() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::fileExists() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::fileMissing() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::flushMacros() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::fileSize() — Method in class Storage
- URL::full() — Method in class URL
- URL::formatScheme() — Method in class URL
- URL::formatParameters() — Method in class URL
- URL::formatRoot() — Method in class URL
- URL::format() — Method in class URL
- URL::forceScheme() — Method in class URL
- URL::forceRootUrl() — Method in class URL
- URL::formatHostUsing() — Method in class URL
- URL::formatPathUsing() — Method in class URL
- URL::flushMacros() — Method in class URL
- View::file() — Method in class View
- View::first() — Method in class View
- View::flushState() — Method in class View
- View::flushStateIfDoneRendering() — Method in class View
- View::flushFinderCache() — Method in class View
- View::flushMacros() — Method in class View
- View::flushFragments() — Method in class View
- View::flushSections() — Method in class View
- View::flushStacks() — Method in class View
- Vite::flushMacros() — Method in class Vite
- Fluent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Js::from() — Method in class Js
Create a new JavaScript string from the given data.
- LazyCollection::filter() — Method in class LazyCollection
Run a filter over each of the items.
- LazyCollection::first() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::flatten() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::flip() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::firstOrFail() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get the first item in the collection but throw an exception if no matching items exist.
- Lottery::fix() — Method in class Lottery
Set the sequence that will be used to determine lottery results.
- Lottery::forceResultWithSequence() — Method in class Lottery
Set the sequence that will be used to determine lottery results.
- Manager::forgetDrivers() — Method in class Manager
Forget all of the resolved driver instances.
- $ MessageBag#format — Property in class MessageBag
Default format for message output.
- MessageBag::first() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the first message from the bag for a given key.
- MessageBag::forget() — Method in class MessageBag
Remove a message from the bag.
- MultipleInstanceManager::forgetInstance() — Method in class MultipleInstanceManager
Unset the given instances.
- NamespacedItemResolver::flushParsedKeys() — Method in class NamespacedItemResolver
Flush the cache of parsed keys.
- Str::finish() — Method in class Str
Cap a string with a single instance of a given value.
- Str::freezeUuids() — Method in class Str
Always return the same UUID when generating new UUIDs.
- Str::flushCache() — Method in class Str
Remove all strings from the casing caches.
- Stringable::finish() — Method in class Stringable
Cap a string with a single instance of a given value.
- BatchFake::fresh() — Method in class BatchFake
Get a fresh instance of the batch represented by this ID.
- BatchRepositoryFake::find() — Method in class BatchRepositoryFake
Retrieve information about an existing batch.
- BusFake::findBatch() — Method in class BusFake
Attempt to find the batch with the given ID.
- EventFake::flush() — Method in class EventFake
Flush a set of pushed events.
- EventFake::forget() — Method in class EventFake
Remove a set of listeners from the dispatcher.
- EventFake::forgetPushed() — Method in class EventFake
Forget all of the queued listeners.
- Fake — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
- MailFake::forgetMailers() — Method in class MailFake
Forget all of the resolved mailer instances.
- $ EnumeratesValues#filter — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- $ EnumeratesValues#first — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- $ EnumeratesValues#flatMap — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::firstWhere() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Get the first item by the given key value pair.
- EnumeratesValues::flatMap() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::forPage() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
"Paginate" the collection by slicing it into a smaller collection.
- ForwardsCalls — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
- ForwardsCalls::forwardCallTo() — Method in class ForwardsCalls
Forward a method call to the given object.
- ForwardsCalls::forwardDecoratedCallTo() — Method in class ForwardsCalls
Forward a method call to the given object, returning $this if the forwarded call returned itself.
- Macroable::flushMacros() — Method in class Macroable
Flush the existing macros.
- ReflectsClosures::firstClosureParameterType() — Method in class ReflectsClosures
Get the class name of the first parameter of the given Closure.
- ReflectsClosures::firstClosureParameterTypes() — Method in class ReflectsClosures
Get the class names of the first parameter of the given Closure, including union types.
- RunsInParallel::forEachProcess() — Method in class RunsInParallel
Apply the given callback for each process.
- ArraySubset::failureDescription() — Method in class ArraySubset
Returns the description of the failure.
- CountInDatabase::failureDescription() — Method in class CountInDatabase
Get the description of the failure.
- HasInDatabase::failureDescription() — Method in class HasInDatabase
Get the description of the failure.
- NotSoftDeletedInDatabase::failureDescription() — Method in class NotSoftDeletedInDatabase
Get the description of the failure.
- $ SeeInOrder#failedValue — Property in class SeeInOrder
The last value that failed to pass validation.
- SeeInOrder::failureDescription() — Method in class SeeInOrder
Get the description of the failure.
- SoftDeletedInDatabase::failureDescription() — Method in class SoftDeletedInDatabase
Get the description of the failure.
- AssertableJson::first() — Method in class AssertableJson
Instantiate a new "scope" on the first child element.
- AssertableJson::fromArray() — Method in class AssertableJson
Create a new instance from an array.
- AssertableJson::fromAssertableJsonString() — Method in class AssertableJson
Create a new instance from an AssertableJsonString.
- Has::first() — Method in class Has
Instantiate a new "scope" on the first element.
- PendingCommand::flushExpectations() — Method in class PendingCommand
Flush the expectations from the test case.
- TestResponse::fromBaseResponse() — Method in class TestResponse
Create a new TestResponse from another response.
- FileLoader — Class in namespace Illuminate\Translation
- $ FileLoader#files — Property in class FileLoader
The filesystem instance.
- $ Translator#fallback — Property in class Translator
The fallback locale used by the translator.
- $ ClosureValidationRule#failed — Property in class ClosureValidationRule
Indicates if the validation callback failed.
- FilterEmailValidation — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Concerns
- $ FilterEmailValidation#flags — Property in class FilterEmailValidation
The flags to pass to the filter_var function.
- FormatsMessages — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Concerns
- ValidatesAttributes::failsBasicDimensionChecks() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Test if the given width and height fail any conditions.
- ValidatesAttributes::failsRatioCheck() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Determine if the given parameters fail a dimension ratio check.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- $ Factory#fallbackMessages — Property in class Factory
All of the fallback messages for custom rules.
- $ InvokableValidationRule#failed — Property in class InvokableValidationRule
Indicates if the validation invokable failed.
- $ NotPwnedVerifier#factory — Property in class NotPwnedVerifier
The HTTP factory instance.
- Rule::forEach() — Method in class Rule
Create a new nested rule set.
- Rule::file() — Method in class Rule
Get a file constraint builder instance.
- DatabaseRule::formatWheres() — Method in class DatabaseRule
Format the where clauses.
- File — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
- File::fail() — Method in class File
Adds the given failures, and return false.
- Password::fail() — Method in class Password
Adds the given failures, and return false.
- ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait::failedValidation() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait
Handle a failed validation attempt.
- ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait::failedAuthorization() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait
Handle a failed authorization attempt.
- ValidationRuleParser::filterConditionalRules() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser
Expand and conditional rules in the given array of rules.
- $ Validator#failedRules — Property in class Validator
The failed validation rules.
- $ Validator#fallbackMessages — Property in class Validator
The array of fallback error messages.
- $ Validator#fileRules — Property in class Validator
The validation rules that may be applied to files.
- Validator::fails() — Method in class Validator
Determine if the data fails the validation rules.
- Validator::failed() — Method in class Validator
Get the failed validation rules.
- $ BladeCompiler#footer — Property in class BladeCompiler
Array of footer lines to be added to the template.
- $ Compiler#files — Property in class Compiler
The filesystem instance.
- ComponentTagCompiler::findClassByComponent() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Find the class for the given component using the registered namespaces.
- ComponentTagCompiler::formatClassName() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Format the class name for the given component.
- $ CompilesConditionals#firstCaseInSwitch — Property in class CompilesConditionals
Identifier for the first case in the switch statement.
- $ CompilesLoops#forElseCounter — Property in class CompilesLoops
Counter to keep track of nested forelse statements.
- $ Component#factory — Property in class Component
The view factory instance, if any.
- Component::factory() — Method in class Component
Get the view factory instance.
- Component::flushCache() — Method in class Component
Flush the component's cached state.
- Component::forgetFactory() — Method in class Component
Forget the component's factory instance.
- Component::forgetComponentsResolver() — Method in class Component
Forget the component's resolver callback.
- ComponentAttributeBag::first() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Get the first attribute's value.
- ComponentAttributeBag::filter() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Filter the attributes, returning a bag of attributes that pass the filter.
- ManagesComponents::flushComponents() — Method in class ManagesComponents
Flush all of the component state.
- $ ManagesFragments#fragments — Property in class ManagesFragments
All of the captured, rendered fragments.
- $ ManagesFragments#fragmentStack — Property in class ManagesFragments
The stack of in-progress fragment renders.
- ManagesFragments::flushFragments() — Method in class ManagesFragments
Flush all of the fragments.
- ManagesLayouts::flushSections() — Method in class ManagesLayouts
Flush all of the sections.
- ManagesStacks::flushStacks() — Method in class ManagesStacks
Flush all of the stacks.
- CompilerEngine::forgetCompiledOrNotExpired() — Method in class CompilerEngine
Clear the cache of views that were compiled or not expired.
- EngineResolver::forget() — Method in class EngineResolver
Remove a resolved engine.
- FileEngine — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
- $ FileEngine#files — Property in class FileEngine
The filesystem instance.
- $ PhpEngine#files — Property in class PhpEngine
The filesystem instance.
- Factory — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- $ Factory#finder — Property in class Factory
The view finder implementation.
- Factory::file() — Method in class Factory
Get the evaluated view contents for the given view.
- Factory::first() — Method in class Factory
Get the first view that actually exists from the given list.
- Factory::flushState() — Method in class Factory
Flush all of the factory state like sections and stacks.
- Factory::flushStateIfDoneRendering() — Method in class Factory
Flush all of the section contents if done rendering.
- Factory::flushFinderCache() — Method in class Factory
Flush the cache of views located by the finder.
- FileViewFinder — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- $ FileViewFinder#files — Property in class FileViewFinder
The filesystem instance.
- FileViewFinder::find() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Get the fully qualified location of the view.
- FileViewFinder::findNamespacedView() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Get the path to a template with a named path.
- FileViewFinder::findInPaths() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Find the given view in the list of paths.
- FileViewFinder::flush() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Flush the cache of located views.
- $ View#factory — Property in class View
The view factory instance.
- View::fragment() — Method in class View
Get the evaluated contents of a given fragment.
- View::fragments() — Method in class View
Get the evaluated contents for a given array of fragments.
- View::fragmentIf() — Method in class View
Get the evaluated contents of a given fragment if the given condition is true.
- View::fragmentsIf() — Method in class View
Get the evaluated contents for a given array of fragments if the given condition is true.
- View::formatErrors() — Method in class View
Parse the given errors into an appropriate value.
- ViewFinderInterface::find() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
Get the fully qualified location of the view.
- ViewFinderInterface::flush() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
Flush the cache of located views.
- GateEvaluated — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access\Events
- Gate — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
- $ Gate#guessPolicyNamesUsingCallback — Property in class Gate
The callback to be used to guess policy names.
- Gate::getPolicyFor() — Method in class Gate
Get a policy instance for a given class.
- Gate::guessPolicyName() — Method in class Gate
Guess the policy name for the given class.
- Gate::guessPolicyNamesUsing() — Method in class Gate
Specify a callback to be used to guess policy names.
- $ AuthManager#guards — Property in class AuthManager
The array of created "drivers".
- AuthManager::guard() — Method in class AuthManager
Attempt to get the guard from the local cache.
- AuthManager::getConfig() — Method in class AuthManager
Get the guard configuration.
- AuthManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class AuthManager
Get the default authentication driver name.
- Authenticatable::getAuthIdentifierName() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the name of the unique identifier for the user.
- Authenticatable::getAuthIdentifier() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the unique identifier for the user.
- Authenticatable::getAuthIdentifierForBroadcasting() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the unique broadcast identifier for the user.
- Authenticatable::getAuthPassword() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the password for the user.
- Authenticatable::getRememberToken() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the token value for the "remember me" session.
- Authenticatable::getRememberTokenName() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the column name for the "remember me" token.
- $ AuthenticationException#guards — Property in class AuthenticationException
All of the guards that were checked.
- AuthenticationException::guards() — Method in class AuthenticationException
Get the guards that were checked.
- CreatesUserProviders::getProviderConfiguration() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders
Get the user provider configuration.
- CreatesUserProviders::getDefaultUserProvider() — Method in class CreatesUserProviders
Get the default user provider name.
- DatabaseUserProvider::getGenericUser() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
Get the generic user.
- EloquentUserProvider::getHasher() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Gets the hasher implementation.
- EloquentUserProvider::getModel() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Gets the name of the Eloquent user model.
- EloquentUserProvider::getQueryCallback() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Get the callback that modifies the query before retrieving users.
- $ Attempting#guard — Property in class Attempting
The authentication guard name.
- $ Authenticated#guard — Property in class Authenticated
The authentication guard name.
- $ CurrentDeviceLogout#guard — Property in class CurrentDeviceLogout
The authentication guard name.
- $ Failed#guard — Property in class Failed
The authentication guard name.
- $ Login#guard — Property in class Login
The authentication guard name.
- $ Logout#guard — Property in class Logout
The authentication guard name.
- $ OtherDeviceLogout#guard — Property in class OtherDeviceLogout
The authentication guard name.
- $ Validated#guard — Property in class Validated
The authentication guard name.
- GenericUser — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- GenericUser::getAuthIdentifierName() — Method in class GenericUser
Get the name of the unique identifier for the user.
- GenericUser::getAuthIdentifier() — Method in class GenericUser
Get the unique identifier for the user.
- GenericUser::getAuthPassword() — Method in class GenericUser
Get the password for the user.
- GenericUser::getRememberToken() — Method in class GenericUser
Get the "remember me" token value.
- GenericUser::getRememberTokenName() — Method in class GenericUser
Get the column name for the "remember me" token.
- GuardHelpers — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
These methods are typically the same across all guards.
- GuardHelpers::guest() — Method in class GuardHelpers
Determine if the current user is a guest.
- GuardHelpers::getProvider() — Method in class GuardHelpers
Get the user provider used by the guard.
- $ Authorize#gate — Property in class Authorize
The gate instance.
- Authorize::getGateArguments() — Method in class Authorize
Get the arguments parameter for the gate.
- Authorize::getModel() — Method in class Authorize
Get the model to authorize.
- MustVerifyEmail::getEmailForVerification() — Method in class MustVerifyEmail
Get the email address that should be used for verification.
- CanResetPassword::getEmailForPasswordReset() — Method in class CanResetPassword
Get the e-mail address where password reset links are sent.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::getPayload() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Build the record payload for the table.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::getConnection() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Get the database connection instance.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::getTable() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Begin a new database query against the table.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::getHasher() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Get the hasher instance.
- PasswordBroker::getUser() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Get the user for the given credentials.
- PasswordBroker::getRepository() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Get the password reset token repository implementation.
- PasswordBrokerManager::getConfig() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
Get the password broker configuration.
- PasswordBrokerManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
Get the default password broker name.
- SessionGuard::getLastAttempted() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the last user we attempted to authenticate.
- SessionGuard::getName() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get a unique identifier for the auth session value.
- SessionGuard::getRecallerName() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the name of the cookie used to store the "recaller".
- SessionGuard::getRememberDuration() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the number of minutes the remember me cookie should be valid for.
- SessionGuard::getCookieJar() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the cookie creator instance used by the guard.
- SessionGuard::getDispatcher() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the event dispatcher instance.
- SessionGuard::getSession() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the session store used by the guard.
- SessionGuard::getUser() — Method in class SessionGuard
Return the currently cached user.
- SessionGuard::getRequest() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the current request instance.
- SessionGuard::getTimebox() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the timebox instance used by the guard.
- TokenGuard::getTokenForRequest() — Method in class TokenGuard
Get the token for the current request.
- BroadcastEvent::getPayloadFromEvent() — Method in class BroadcastEvent
Get the payload for the given event.
- BroadcastManager::get() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Attempt to get the connection from the local cache.
- BroadcastManager::getConfig() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Get the connection configuration.
- BroadcastManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Get the default driver name.
- BroadcastManager::getApplication() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Get the application instance used by the manager.
- AblyBroadcaster::generateAblySignature() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster
Generate the signature needed for Ably authentication headers.
- AblyBroadcaster::getPublicToken() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster
Get the public token value from the Ably key.
- AblyBroadcaster::getPrivateToken() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster
Get the private token value from the Ably key.
- AblyBroadcaster::getAbly() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster
Get the underlying Ably SDK instance.
- PusherBroadcaster::getPusher() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster
Get the Pusher SDK instance.
- BatchRepository::get() — Method in class BatchRepository
Retrieve a list of batches.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::get() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Retrieve a list of batches.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::getConnection() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Get the underlying database connection.
- Dispatcher::getCommandHandler() — Method in class Dispatcher
Retrieve the handler for a command.
- UniqueLock::getKey() — Method in class UniqueLock
Generate the lock key for the given job.
- ApcStore::get() — Method in class ApcStore
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- ApcStore::getPrefix() — Method in class ApcStore
Get the cache key prefix.
- ApcWrapper::get() — Method in class ApcWrapper
Get an item from the cache.
- ArrayLock::getCurrentOwner() — Method in class ArrayLock
Returns the owner value written into the driver for this lock.
- ArrayStore::get() — Method in class ArrayStore
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- ArrayStore::getPrefix() — Method in class ArrayStore
Get the cache key prefix.
- CacheLock::getCurrentOwner() — Method in class CacheLock
Returns the owner value written into the driver for this lock.
- CacheManager::get() — Method in class CacheManager
Attempt to get the store from the local cache.
- CacheManager::getPrefix() — Method in class CacheManager
Get the cache prefix.
- CacheManager::getConfig() — Method in class CacheManager
Get the cache connection configuration.
- CacheManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Get the default cache driver name.
- ClearCommand::getArguments() — Method in class ClearCommand
Get the console command arguments.
- ClearCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ClearCommand
Get the console command options.
- PruneStaleTagsCommand::getArguments() — Method in class PruneStaleTagsCommand
Get the console command arguments.
- DatabaseLock::getCurrentOwner() — Method in class DatabaseLock
Returns the owner value written into the driver for this lock.
- DatabaseLock::getConnectionName() — Method in class DatabaseLock
Get the name of the database connection being used to manage the lock.
- DatabaseStore::get() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- DatabaseStore::getTime() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Get the current system time.
- DatabaseStore::getConnection() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Get the underlying database connection.
- DatabaseStore::getPrefix() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Get the cache key prefix.
- DynamoDbLock::getCurrentOwner() — Method in class DynamoDbLock
Returns the owner value written into the driver for this lock.
- DynamoDbStore::get() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- DynamoDbStore::getPrefix() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Get the cache key prefix.
- DynamoDbStore::getClient() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Get the DynamoDb Client instance.
- FileStore::get() — Method in class FileStore
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- FileStore::getPayload() — Method in class FileStore
Retrieve an item and expiry time from the cache by key.
- FileStore::getFilesystem() — Method in class FileStore
Get the Filesystem instance.
- FileStore::getDirectory() — Method in class FileStore
Get the working directory of the cache.
- FileStore::getPrefix() — Method in class FileStore
Get the cache key prefix.
- Lock::getCurrentOwner() — Method in class Lock
Returns the owner value written into the driver for this lock.
- Lock::get() — Method in class Lock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- MemcachedConnector::getMemcached() — Method in class MemcachedConnector
Get a new Memcached instance.
- MemcachedLock::getCurrentOwner() — Method in class MemcachedLock
Returns the owner value written into the driver for this lock.
- MemcachedStore::get() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- MemcachedStore::getMemcached() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Get the underlying Memcached connection.
- MemcachedStore::getPrefix() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Get the cache key prefix.
- NoLock::getCurrentOwner() — Method in class NoLock
Returns the owner value written into the driver for this lock.
- NullStore::get() — Method in class NullStore
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- NullStore::getPrefix() — Method in class NullStore
Get the cache key prefix.
- GlobalLimit — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\RateLimiting
- RedisLock::getCurrentOwner() — Method in class RedisLock
Returns the owner value written into the driver for this lock.
- RedisLock::getConnectionName() — Method in class RedisLock
Get the name of the Redis connection being used to manage the lock.
- RedisStore::get() — Method in class RedisStore
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- RedisStore::getRedis() — Method in class RedisStore
Get the Redis database instance.
- RedisStore::getPrefix() — Method in class RedisStore
Get the cache key prefix.
- Repository::get() — Method in class Repository
- Repository::getMultiple() — Method in class Repository
- {@inheritdoc}
- Repository::getSeconds() — Method in class Repository
Calculate the number of seconds for the given TTL.
- Repository::getDefaultCacheTime() — Method in class Repository
Get the default cache time.
- Repository::getStore() — Method in class Repository
Get the cache store implementation.
- Repository::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Repository
Get the event dispatcher instance.
- TagSet::getNamespace() — Method in class TagSet
Get a unique namespace that changes when any of the tags are flushed.
- TagSet::getNames() — Method in class TagSet
Get all of the tag names in the set.
- TaggedCache::getTags() — Method in class TaggedCache
Get the tag set instance.
- Repository::get() — Method in class Repository
Get the specified configuration value.
- Repository::getMany() — Method in class Repository
Get many configuration values.
- Application::getDefaultInputDefinition() — Method in class Application
Get the default input definition for the application.
- Application::getEnvironmentOption() — Method in class Application
Get the global environment option for the definition.
- Application::getLaravel() — Method in class Application
Get the Laravel application instance.
- Command::getLaravel() — Method in class Command
Get the Laravel application instance.
- HasParameters::getArguments() — Method in class HasParameters
Get the console command arguments.
- HasParameters::getOptions() — Method in class HasParameters
Get the console command options.
- InteractsWithIO::getOutput() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Get the output implementation.
- ConfirmableTrait::getDefaultConfirmCallback() — Method in class ConfirmableTrait
Get the default confirmation callback.
- ContainerCommandLoader::get() — Method in class ContainerCommandLoader
Resolve a command from the container.
- ContainerCommandLoader::getNames() — Method in class ContainerCommandLoader
Get the command names.
- GeneratorCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- GeneratorCommand::getStub() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- GeneratorCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- GeneratorCommand::getPath() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Get the destination class path.
- GeneratorCommand::getNamespace() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Get the full namespace for a given class, without the class name.
- GeneratorCommand::getNameInput() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Get the desired class name from the input.
- GeneratorCommand::getArguments() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Get the console command arguments.
- OutputStyle::getOutput() — Method in class OutputStyle
Get the underlying Symfony output implementation.
- CallbackEvent::getSummaryForDisplay() — Method in class CallbackEvent
Get the summary of the event for display.
- Event::getDefaultOutput() — Method in class Event
Get the default output depending on the OS.
- Event::getEmailSubject() — Method in class Event
Get the e-mail subject line for output results.
- Event::getSummaryForDisplay() — Method in class Event
Get the summary of the event for display.
- Event::getExpression() — Method in class Event
Get the Cron expression for the event.
- Schedule::getDispatcher() — Method in class Schedule
Get the job dispatcher, if available.
- ScheduleListCommand::getTerminalWidth() — Method in class ScheduleListCommand
Get the terminal width.
- Signals::getHandlers() — Method in class Signals
Get the registry's handlers.
- BoundMethod::getMethodDependencies() — Method in class BoundMethod
Get all dependencies for a given method.
- BoundMethod::getCallReflector() — Method in class BoundMethod
Get the proper reflection instance for the given callback.
- $ Container#globalBeforeResolvingCallbacks — Property in class Container
All of the global before resolving callbacks.
- $ Container#globalResolvingCallbacks — Property in class Container
All of the global resolving callbacks.
- $ Container#globalAfterResolvingCallbacks — Property in class Container
All of the global after resolving callbacks.
- Container::getClosure() — Method in class Container
Get the Closure to be used when building a type.
- Container::getReboundCallbacks() — Method in class Container
Get the rebound callbacks for a given type.
- Container::get() — Method in class Container
- {@inheritdoc}
- Container::getConcrete() — Method in class Container
Get the concrete type for a given abstract.
- Container::getContextualConcrete() — Method in class Container
Get the contextual concrete binding for the given abstract.
- Container::getParameterOverride() — Method in class Container
Get a parameter override for a dependency.
- Container::getLastParameterOverride() — Method in class Container
Get the last parameter override.
- Container::getCallbacksForType() — Method in class Container
Get all callbacks for a given type.
- Container::getBindings() — Method in class Container
Get the container's bindings.
- Container::getAlias() — Method in class Container
Get the alias for an abstract if available.
- Container::getExtenders() — Method in class Container
Get the extender callbacks for a given type.
- Container::getInstance() — Method in class Container
Get the globally available instance of the container.
- ContextualBindingBuilder::give() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
Define the implementation for the contextual binding.
- ContextualBindingBuilder::giveTagged() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
Define tagged services to be used as the implementation for the contextual binding.
- ContextualBindingBuilder::giveConfig() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
Specify the configuration item to bind as a primitive.
- $ RewindableGenerator#generator — Property in class RewindableGenerator
The generator callback.
- RewindableGenerator::getIterator() — Method in class RewindableGenerator
Get an iterator from the generator.
- Util::getParameterClassName() — Method in class Util
Get the class name of the given parameter's type, if possible.
- Gate — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access
- Gate::getPolicyFor() — Method in class Gate
Get a policy instance for a given class.
- Authenticatable::getAuthIdentifierName() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the name of the unique identifier for the user.
- Authenticatable::getAuthIdentifier() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the unique identifier for the user.
- Authenticatable::getAuthPassword() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the password for the user.
- Authenticatable::getRememberToken() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the token value for the "remember me" session.
- Authenticatable::getRememberTokenName() — Method in class Authenticatable
Get the column name for the "remember me" token.
- CanResetPassword::getEmailForPasswordReset() — Method in class CanResetPassword
Get the e-mail address where password reset links are sent.
- Factory::guard() — Method in class Factory
Get a guard instance by name.
- Guard — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- Guard::guest() — Method in class Guard
Determine if the current user is a guest.
- MustVerifyEmail::getEmailForVerification() — Method in class MustVerifyEmail
Get the email address that should be used for verification.
- Dispatcher::getCommandHandler() — Method in class Dispatcher
Retrieve the handler for a command.
- Lock::get() — Method in class Lock
Attempt to acquire the lock.
- Repository::getStore() — Method in class Repository
Get the cache store implementation.
- Store::get() — Method in class Store
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- Store::getPrefix() — Method in class Store
Get the cache key prefix.
- Repository::get() — Method in class Repository
Get the specified configuration value.
- ContextualBindingBuilder::give() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
Define the implementation for the contextual binding.
- ContextualBindingBuilder::giveTagged() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
Define tagged services to be used as the implementation for the contextual binding.
- ContextualBindingBuilder::giveConfig() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
Specify the configuration item to bind as a primitive.
- QueueingFactory::getQueuedCookies() — Method in class QueueingFactory
Get the cookies which have been queued for the next request.
- CastsAttributes::get() — Method in class CastsAttributes
Transform the attribute from the underlying model values.
- SupportsPartialRelations::getOneOfManySubQuery() — Method in class SupportsPartialRelations
Get the one of many inner join subselect query builder instance.
- Expression::getValue() — Method in class Expression
Get the value of the expression.
- Encrypter::getKey() — Method in class Encrypter
Get the encryption key that the encrypter is currently using.
- Filesystem::get() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the contents of a file.
- Filesystem::getVisibility() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the visibility for the given path.
- Application::getLocale() — Method in class Application
Get the current application locale.
- Application::getNamespace() — Method in class Application
Get the application namespace.
- Application::getProviders() — Method in class Application
Get the registered service provider instances if any exist.
- CachesConfiguration::getCachedConfigPath() — Method in class CachesConfiguration
Get the path to the configuration cache file.
- CachesConfiguration::getCachedServicesPath() — Method in class CachesConfiguration
Get the path to the cached services.php file.
- CachesRoutes::getCachedRoutesPath() — Method in class CachesRoutes
Get the path to the routes cache file.
- Kernel::getApplication() — Method in class Kernel
Get the Laravel application instance.
- LengthAwarePaginator::getUrlRange() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Create a range of pagination URLs.
- Job::getJobId() — Method in class Job
Get the job identifier.
- Job::getName() — Method in class Job
Get the name of the queued job class.
- Job::getConnectionName() — Method in class Job
Get the name of the connection the job belongs to.
- Job::getQueue() — Method in class Job
Get the name of the queue the job belongs to.
- Job::getRawBody() — Method in class Job
Get the raw body string for the job.
- Queue::getConnectionName() — Method in class Queue
Get the connection name for the queue.
- QueueableCollection::getQueueableClass() — Method in class QueueableCollection
Get the type of the entities being queued.
- QueueableCollection::getQueueableIds() — Method in class QueueableCollection
Get the identifiers for all of the entities.
- QueueableCollection::getQueueableRelations() — Method in class QueueableCollection
Get the relationships of the entities being queued.
- QueueableCollection::getQueueableConnection() — Method in class QueueableCollection
Get the connection of the entities being queued.
- QueueableEntity::getQueueableId() — Method in class QueueableEntity
Get the queueable identity for the entity.
- QueueableEntity::getQueueableRelations() — Method in class QueueableEntity
Get the relationships for the entity.
- QueueableEntity::getQueueableConnection() — Method in class QueueableEntity
Get the connection of the entity.
- BindingRegistrar::getBindingCallback() — Method in class BindingRegistrar
Get the binding callback for a given binding.
- Registrar::get() — Method in class Registrar
Register a new GET route with the router.
- Registrar::group() — Method in class Registrar
Create a route group with shared attributes.
- UrlGenerator::getRootControllerNamespace() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the root controller namespace.
- UrlRoutable::getRouteKey() — Method in class UrlRoutable
Get the value of the model's route key.
- UrlRoutable::getRouteKeyName() — Method in class UrlRoutable
Get the route key for the model.
- Session::getName() — Method in class Session
Get the name of the session.
- Session::getId() — Method in class Session
Get the current session ID.
- Session::get() — Method in class Session
Get an item from the session.
- Session::getHandler() — Method in class Session
Get the session handler instance.
- MessageBag::get() — Method in class MessageBag
Get all of the messages from the bag for a given key.
- MessageBag::getMessages() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the raw messages in the container.
- MessageBag::getFormat() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the default message format.
- MessageProvider::getMessageBag() — Method in class MessageProvider
Get the messages for the instance.
- Translator::get() — Method in class Translator
Get the translation for a given key.
- Translator::getLocale() — Method in class Translator
Get the default locale being used.
- Engine::get() — Method in class Engine
Get the evaluated contents of the view.
- View::getData() — Method in class View
Get the array of view data.
- CookieJar::getPathAndDomain() — Method in class CookieJar
Get the path and domain, or the default values.
- CookieJar::getQueuedCookies() — Method in class CookieJar
Get the cookies which have been queued for the next request.
- Manager::getConnection() — Method in class Manager
Get a registered connection instance.
- Manager::getDatabaseManager() — Method in class Manager
Get the database manager instance.
- Manager::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Manager
Get the current event dispatcher instance.
- BuildsQueries::getOriginalColumnNameForCursorPagination() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Get the original column name of the given column, without any aliasing.
- Connection::getDefaultQueryGrammar() — Method in class Connection
Get the default query grammar instance.
- Connection::getDefaultSchemaGrammar() — Method in class Connection
Get the default schema grammar instance.
- Connection::getDefaultPostProcessor() — Method in class Connection
Get the default post processor instance.
- Connection::getSchemaBuilder() — Method in class Connection
Get a schema builder instance for the connection.
- Connection::getPdoForSelect() — Method in class Connection
Get the PDO connection to use for a select query.
- Connection::getElapsedTime() — Method in class Connection
Get the elapsed time since a given starting point.
- Connection::getDoctrineColumn() — Method in class Connection
Get a Doctrine Schema Column instance.
- Connection::getDoctrineSchemaManager() — Method in class Connection
Get the Doctrine DBAL schema manager for the connection.
- Connection::getDoctrineConnection() — Method in class Connection
Get the Doctrine DBAL database connection instance.
- Connection::getPdo() — Method in class Connection
Get the current PDO connection.
- Connection::getRawPdo() — Method in class Connection
Get the current PDO connection parameter without executing any reconnect logic.
- Connection::getReadPdo() — Method in class Connection
Get the current PDO connection used for reading.
- Connection::getRawReadPdo() — Method in class Connection
Get the current read PDO connection parameter without executing any reconnect logic.
- Connection::getName() — Method in class Connection
Get the database connection name.
- Connection::getNameWithReadWriteType() — Method in class Connection
Get the database connection full name.
- Connection::getConfig() — Method in class Connection
Get an option from the configuration options.
- Connection::getDriverName() — Method in class Connection
Get the PDO driver name.
- Connection::getQueryGrammar() — Method in class Connection
Get the query grammar used by the connection.
- Connection::getSchemaGrammar() — Method in class Connection
Get the schema grammar used by the connection.
- Connection::getPostProcessor() — Method in class Connection
Get the query post processor used by the connection.
- Connection::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Connection
Get the event dispatcher used by the connection.
- Connection::getQueryLog() — Method in class Connection
Get the connection query log.
- Connection::getDatabaseName() — Method in class Connection
Get the name of the connected database.
- Connection::getTablePrefix() — Method in class Connection
Get the table prefix for the connection.
- Connection::getResolver() — Method in class Connection
Get the connection resolver for the given driver.
- ConnectionInterface::getDatabaseName() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Get the name of the connected database.
- ConnectionResolver::getDefaultConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
Get the default connection name.
- ConnectionResolverInterface::getDefaultConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolverInterface
Get the default connection name.
- ConnectionFactory::getReadConfig() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Get the read configuration for a read / write connection.
- ConnectionFactory::getWriteConfig() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Get the write configuration for a read / write connection.
- ConnectionFactory::getReadWriteConfig() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Get a read / write level configuration.
- Connector::getOptions() — Method in class Connector
Get the PDO options based on the configuration.
- Connector::getDefaultOptions() — Method in class Connector
Get the default PDO connection options.
- MySqlConnector::getCollation() — Method in class MySqlConnector
Get the collation for the configuration.
- MySqlConnector::getDsn() — Method in class MySqlConnector
Create a DSN string from a configuration.
- MySqlConnector::getSocketDsn() — Method in class MySqlConnector
Get the DSN string for a socket configuration.
- MySqlConnector::getHostDsn() — Method in class MySqlConnector
Get the DSN string for a host / port configuration.
- PostgresConnector::getDsn() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Create a DSN string from a configuration.
- SqlServerConnector::getDsn() — Method in class SqlServerConnector
Create a DSN string from a configuration.
- SqlServerConnector::getDblibDsn() — Method in class SqlServerConnector
Get the DSN string for a DbLib connection.
- SqlServerConnector::getOdbcDsn() — Method in class SqlServerConnector
Get the DSN string for an ODBC connection.
- SqlServerConnector::getSqlSrvDsn() — Method in class SqlServerConnector
Get the DSN string for a SqlSrv connection.
- SqlServerConnector::getAvailableDrivers() — Method in class SqlServerConnector
Get the available PDO drivers.
- DatabaseInspectionCommand::getPlatformName() — Method in class DatabaseInspectionCommand
Get a human-readable platform name for the given platform.
- DatabaseInspectionCommand::getTableSize() — Method in class DatabaseInspectionCommand
Get the size of a table in bytes.
- DatabaseInspectionCommand::getMySQLTableSize() — Method in class DatabaseInspectionCommand
Get the size of a MySQL table in bytes.
- DatabaseInspectionCommand::getPostgresTableSize() — Method in class DatabaseInspectionCommand
Get the size of a Postgres table in bytes.
- DatabaseInspectionCommand::getSqliteTableSize() — Method in class DatabaseInspectionCommand
Get the size of a SQLite table in bytes.
- DatabaseInspectionCommand::getConnectionCount() — Method in class DatabaseInspectionCommand
Get the number of open connections for a database.
- DatabaseInspectionCommand::getConfigFromDatabase() — Method in class DatabaseInspectionCommand
Get the connection configuration details for the given connection.
- DbCommand::getConnection() — Method in class DbCommand
Get the database connection configuration.
- DbCommand::getCommand() — Method in class DbCommand
Get the database client command to run.
- DbCommand::getMysqlArguments() — Method in class DbCommand
Get the arguments for the MySQL CLI.
- DbCommand::getPgsqlArguments() — Method in class DbCommand
Get the arguments for the Postgres CLI.
- DbCommand::getSqliteArguments() — Method in class DbCommand
Get the arguments for the SQLite CLI.
- DbCommand::getSqlsrvArguments() — Method in class DbCommand
Get the arguments for the SQL Server CLI.
- DbCommand::getPgsqlEnvironment() — Method in class DbCommand
Get the environment variables for the Postgres CLI.
- DbCommand::getOptionalArguments() — Method in class DbCommand
Get the optional arguments based on the connection configuration.
- FactoryMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class FactoryMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- FactoryMakeCommand::getPath() — Method in class FactoryMakeCommand
Get the destination class path.
- FactoryMakeCommand::guessModelName() — Method in class FactoryMakeCommand
Guess the model name from the Factory name or return a default model name.
- FactoryMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class FactoryMakeCommand
Get the console command options.
- BaseCommand::getMigrationPaths() — Method in class BaseCommand
Get all of the migration paths.
- BaseCommand::getMigrationPath() — Method in class BaseCommand
Get the path to the migration directory.
- FreshCommand::getOptions() — Method in class FreshCommand
Get the console command options.
- InstallCommand::getOptions() — Method in class InstallCommand
Get the console command options.
- MigrateMakeCommand::getMigrationPath() — Method in class MigrateMakeCommand
Get migration path (either specified by '--path' option or default location).
- RefreshCommand::getOptions() — Method in class RefreshCommand
Get the console command options.
- ResetCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ResetCommand
Get the console command options.
- RollbackCommand::getOptions() — Method in class RollbackCommand
Get the console command options.
- StatusCommand::getStatusFor() — Method in class StatusCommand
Get the status for the given run migrations.
- StatusCommand::getAllMigrationFiles() — Method in class StatusCommand
Get an array of all of the migration files.
- StatusCommand::getOptions() — Method in class StatusCommand
Get the console command options.
- TableGuesser::guess() — Method in class TableGuesser
Attempt to guess the table name and "creation" status of the given migration.
- PruneCommand::getDefaultPath() — Method in class PruneCommand
Get the default path where models are located.
- SeedCommand::getSeeder() — Method in class SeedCommand
Get a seeder instance from the container.
- SeedCommand::getDatabase() — Method in class SeedCommand
Get the name of the database connection to use.
- SeedCommand::getArguments() — Method in class SeedCommand
Get the console command arguments.
- SeedCommand::getOptions() — Method in class SeedCommand
Get the console command options.
- SeederMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class SeederMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- SeederMakeCommand::getPath() — Method in class SeederMakeCommand
Get the destination class path.
- ShowModelCommand::getPolicy() — Method in class ShowModelCommand
Get the first policy associated with this model.
- ShowModelCommand::getAttributes() — Method in class ShowModelCommand
Get the column attributes for the given model.
- ShowModelCommand::getVirtualAttributes() — Method in class ShowModelCommand
Get the virtual (non-column) attributes for the given model.
- ShowModelCommand::getRelations() — Method in class ShowModelCommand
Get the relations from the given model.
- ShowModelCommand::getObservers() — Method in class ShowModelCommand
Get the Observers watching this model.
- ShowModelCommand::getCastType() — Method in class ShowModelCommand
Get the cast type for the given column.
- ShowModelCommand::getCastsWithDates() — Method in class ShowModelCommand
Get the model casts, including any date casts.
- ShowModelCommand::getColumnType() — Method in class ShowModelCommand
Get the type of the given column.
- ShowModelCommand::getColumnDefault() — Method in class ShowModelCommand
Get the default value for the given column.
- TableCommand::getAttributesForColumn() — Method in class TableCommand
Get the attributes for a table column.
- TableCommand::getAttributesForIndex() — Method in class TableCommand
Get the attributes for a table index.
- WipeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class WipeCommand
Get the console command options.
- TimestampType::getSQLDeclaration() — Method in class TimestampType
- {@inheritdoc}
- TimestampType::getMySqlPlatformSQLDeclaration() — Method in class TimestampType
Get the SQL declaration for MySQL.
- TimestampType::getPostgresPlatformSQLDeclaration() — Method in class TimestampType
Get the SQL declaration for PostgreSQL.
- TimestampType::getSqlServerPlatformSQLDeclaration() — Method in class TimestampType
Get the SQL declaration for SQL Server.
- TimestampType::getName() — Method in class TimestampType
- {@inheritdoc}
- DatabaseManager::getDefaultConnection() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Get the default connection name.
- DatabaseManager::getConnections() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Return all of the created connections.
- DatabaseTransactionRecord::getCallbacks() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionRecord
Get all of the callbacks.
- DatabaseTransactionsManager::getTransactions() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager
Get all the transactions.
- Builder::get() — Method in class Builder
Execute the query as a "select" statement.
- Builder::getModels() — Method in class Builder
Get the hydrated models without eager loading.
- Builder::getRelation() — Method in class Builder
Get the relation instance for the given relation name.
- Builder::groupWhereSliceForScope() — Method in class Builder
Slice where conditions at the given offset and add them to the query as a nested condition.
- Builder::getQuery() — Method in class Builder
Get the underlying query builder instance.
- Builder::getEagerLoads() — Method in class Builder
Get the relationships being eagerly loaded.
- Builder::getModel() — Method in class Builder
Get the model instance being queried.
- Builder::getMacro() — Method in class Builder
Get the given macro by name.
- Builder::getGlobalMacro() — Method in class Builder
Get the given global macro by name.
- AsArrayObject::get() — Method in class AsArrayObject
- AsCollection::get() — Method in class AsCollection
- AsEncryptedArrayObject::get() — Method in class AsEncryptedArrayObject
- AsEncryptedCollection::get() — Method in class AsEncryptedCollection
- AsEnumArrayObject::get() — Method in class AsEnumArrayObject
- AsEnumArrayObject::getStorableEnumValue() — Method in class AsEnumArrayObject
- AsEnumCollection::get() — Method in class AsEnumCollection
- AsEnumCollection::getStorableEnumValue() — Method in class AsEnumCollection
- AsStringable::get() — Method in class AsStringable
- $ Attribute#get — Property in class Attribute
The attribute accessor.
- Attribute::get() — Method in class Attribute
Create a new attribute accessor.
- Collection::getDictionary() — Method in class Collection
Get a dictionary keyed by primary keys.
- Collection::getQueueableClass() — Method in class Collection
Get the type of the entities being queued.
- Collection::getQueueableModelClass() — Method in class Collection
Get the queueable class name for the given model.
- Collection::getQueueableIds() — Method in class Collection
Get the identifiers for all of the entities.
- Collection::getQueueableRelations() — Method in class Collection
Get the relationships of the entities being queued.
- Collection::getQueueableConnection() — Method in class Collection
Get the connection of the entities being queued.
- GuardsAttributes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
- $ GuardsAttributes#guarded — Property in class GuardsAttributes
The attributes that aren't mass assignable.
- $ GuardsAttributes#guardableColumns — Property in class GuardsAttributes
The actual columns that exist on the database and can be guarded.
- GuardsAttributes::getFillable() — Method in class GuardsAttributes
Get the fillable attributes for the model.
- GuardsAttributes::getGuarded() — Method in class GuardsAttributes
Get the guarded attributes for the model.
- GuardsAttributes::guard() — Method in class GuardsAttributes
Set the guarded attributes for the model.
- $ HasAttributes#getAttributeMutatorCache — Property in class HasAttributes
The cache of the "Attribute" return type marked mutated, gettable attributes for each class.
- HasAttributes::getArrayableAttributes() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get an attribute array of all arrayable attributes.
- HasAttributes::getArrayableAppends() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get all of the appendable values that are arrayable.
- HasAttributes::getArrayableRelations() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get an attribute array of all arrayable relations.
- HasAttributes::getArrayableItems() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get an attribute array of all arrayable values.
- HasAttributes::getAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get an attribute from the model.
- HasAttributes::getAttributeValue() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get a plain attribute (not a relationship).
- HasAttributes::getAttributeFromArray() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get an attribute from the $attributes array.
- HasAttributes::getRelationValue() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get a relationship.
- HasAttributes::getRelationshipFromMethod() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get a relationship value from a method.
- HasAttributes::getClassCastableAttributeValue() — Method in class HasAttributes
Cast the given attribute using a custom cast class.
- HasAttributes::getEnumCastableAttributeValue() — Method in class HasAttributes
Cast the given attribute to an enum.
- HasAttributes::getCastType() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get the type of cast for a model attribute.
- HasAttributes::getEnumCaseFromValue() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get an enum case instance from a given class and value.
- HasAttributes::getStorableEnumValue() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get the storable value from the given enum.
- HasAttributes::getArrayAttributeWithValue() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get an array attribute with the given key and value set.
- HasAttributes::getArrayAttributeByKey() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get an array attribute or return an empty array if it is not set.
- HasAttributes::getDates() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get the attributes that should be converted to dates.
- HasAttributes::getDateFormat() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get the format for database stored dates.
- HasAttributes::getCasts() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get the casts array.
- HasAttributes::getAttributes() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get all of the current attributes on the model.
- HasAttributes::getAttributesForInsert() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get all of the current attributes on the model for an insert operation.
- HasAttributes::getOriginal() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get the model's original attribute values.
- HasAttributes::getOriginalWithoutRewindingModel() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get the model's original attribute values.
- HasAttributes::getRawOriginal() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get the model's raw original attribute values.
- HasAttributes::getDirty() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get the attributes that have been changed since the last sync.
- HasAttributes::getChanges() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get the attributes that were changed when the model was last saved.
- HasAttributes::getAppends() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get the accessors that are being appended to model arrays.
- HasAttributes::getMutatedAttributes() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get the mutated attributes for a given instance.
- HasAttributes::getMutatorMethods() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get all of the attribute mutator methods.
- HasAttributes::getAttributeMarkedMutatorMethods() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get all of the "Attribute" return typed attribute mutator methods.
- HasEvents::getObservableEvents() — Method in class HasEvents
Get the observable event names.
- HasEvents::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class HasEvents
Get the event dispatcher instance.
- HasGlobalScopes::getGlobalScope() — Method in class HasGlobalScopes
Get a global scope registered with the model.
- HasGlobalScopes::getGlobalScopes() — Method in class HasGlobalScopes
Get the global scopes for this class instance.
- HasRelationships::getActualClassNameForMorph() — Method in class HasRelationships
Retrieve the actual class name for a given morph class.
- HasRelationships::guessBelongsToRelation() — Method in class HasRelationships
Guess the "belongs to" relationship name.
- HasRelationships::guessBelongsToManyRelation() — Method in class HasRelationships
Get the relationship name of the belongsToMany relationship.
- HasRelationships::getMorphs() — Method in class HasRelationships
Get the polymorphic relationship columns.
- HasRelationships::getMorphClass() — Method in class HasRelationships
Get the class name for polymorphic relations.
- HasRelationships::getRelations() — Method in class HasRelationships
Get all the loaded relations for the instance.
- HasRelationships::getRelation() — Method in class HasRelationships
Get a specified relationship.
- HasRelationships::getTouchedRelations() — Method in class HasRelationships
Get the relationships that are touched on save.
- HasTimestamps::getCreatedAtColumn() — Method in class HasTimestamps
Get the name of the "created at" column.
- HasTimestamps::getUpdatedAtColumn() — Method in class HasTimestamps
Get the name of the "updated at" column.
- HasTimestamps::getQualifiedCreatedAtColumn() — Method in class HasTimestamps
Get the fully qualified "created at" column.
- HasTimestamps::getQualifiedUpdatedAtColumn() — Method in class HasTimestamps
Get the fully qualified "updated at" column.
- HasUlids::getKeyType() — Method in class HasUlids
Get the auto-incrementing key type.
- HasUlids::getIncrementing() — Method in class HasUlids
Get the value indicating whether the IDs are incrementing.
- HasUuids::getKeyType() — Method in class HasUuids
Get the auto-incrementing key type.
- HasUuids::getIncrementing() — Method in class HasUuids
Get the value indicating whether the IDs are incrementing.
- HidesAttributes::getHidden() — Method in class HidesAttributes
Get the hidden attributes for the model.
- HidesAttributes::getVisible() — Method in class HidesAttributes
Get the visible attributes for the model.
- QueriesRelationships::getBelongsToRelation() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Get the BelongsTo relationship for a single polymorphic type.
- QueriesRelationships::getRelationHashedColumn() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Get the relation hashed column name for the given column and relation.
- QueriesRelationships::getRelationWithoutConstraints() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Get the "has relation" base query instance.
- Factory::getExpandedAttributes() — Method in class Factory
Get a raw attributes array for the model.
- Factory::getRawAttributes() — Method in class Factory
Get the raw attributes for the model as an array.
- Factory::guessRelationship() — Method in class Factory
Attempt to guess the relationship name for a "has" relationship.
- Factory::getRandomRecycledModel() — Method in class Factory
Retrieve a random model of a given type from previously provided models to recycle.
- Factory::guessModelNamesUsing() — Method in class Factory
Specify the callback that should be invoked to guess model names based on factory names.
- Factory::guessFactoryNamesUsing() — Method in class Factory
Specify the callback that should be invoked to guess factory names based on dynamic relationship names.
- $ Model#globalScopes — Property in class Model
The array of global scopes on the model.
- Model::getKeyForSelectQuery() — Method in class Model
Get the primary key value for a select query.
- Model::getKeyForSaveQuery() — Method in class Model
Get the primary key value for a save query.
- Model::getConnection() — Method in class Model
Get the database connection for the model.
- Model::getConnectionName() — Method in class Model
Get the current connection name for the model.
- Model::getConnectionResolver() — Method in class Model
Get the connection resolver instance.
- Model::getTable() — Method in class Model
Get the table associated with the model.
- Model::getKeyName() — Method in class Model
Get the primary key for the model.
- Model::getQualifiedKeyName() — Method in class Model
Get the table qualified key name.
- Model::getKeyType() — Method in class Model
Get the auto-incrementing key type.
- Model::getIncrementing() — Method in class Model
Get the value indicating whether the IDs are incrementing.
- Model::getKey() — Method in class Model
Get the value of the model's primary key.
- Model::getQueueableId() — Method in class Model
Get the queueable identity for the entity.
- Model::getQueueableRelations() — Method in class Model
Get the relationships for the entity.
- Model::getQueueableConnection() — Method in class Model
Get the connection of the entity.
- Model::getRouteKey() — Method in class Model
Get the value of the model's route key.
- Model::getRouteKeyName() — Method in class Model
Get the route key for the model.
- Model::getForeignKey() — Method in class Model
Get the default foreign key name for the model.
- Model::getPerPage() — Method in class Model
Get the number of models to return per page.
- ModelNotFoundException::getModel() — Method in class ModelNotFoundException
Get the affected Eloquent model.
- ModelNotFoundException::getIds() — Method in class ModelNotFoundException
Get the affected Eloquent model IDs.
- BelongsTo::getResults() — Method in class BelongsTo
Get the results of the relationship.
- BelongsTo::getEagerModelKeys() — Method in class BelongsTo
Gather the keys from an array of related models.
- BelongsTo::getRelationExistenceQuery() — Method in class BelongsTo
Add the constraints for a relationship query.
- BelongsTo::getRelationExistenceQueryForSelfRelation() — Method in class BelongsTo
Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table.
- BelongsTo::getChild() — Method in class BelongsTo
Get the child of the relationship.
- BelongsTo::getForeignKeyName() — Method in class BelongsTo
Get the foreign key of the relationship.
- BelongsTo::getQualifiedForeignKeyName() — Method in class BelongsTo
Get the fully qualified foreign key of the relationship.
- BelongsTo::getParentKey() — Method in class BelongsTo
Get the key value of the child's foreign key.
- BelongsTo::getOwnerKeyName() — Method in class BelongsTo
Get the associated key of the relationship.
- BelongsTo::getQualifiedOwnerKeyName() — Method in class BelongsTo
Get the fully qualified associated key of the relationship.
- BelongsTo::getRelatedKeyFrom() — Method in class BelongsTo
Get the value of the model's associated key.
- BelongsTo::getRelationName() — Method in class BelongsTo
Get the name of the relationship.
- BelongsToMany::getPivotClass() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the class being used for pivot models.
- BelongsToMany::getResults() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the results of the relationship.
- BelongsToMany::get() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Execute the query as a "select" statement.
- BelongsToMany::guessInverseRelation() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Attempt to guess the name of the inverse of the relation.
- BelongsToMany::getRelationExistenceQuery() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Add the constraints for a relationship query.
- BelongsToMany::getRelationExistenceQueryForSelfJoin() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table.
- BelongsToMany::getExistenceCompareKey() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the key for comparing against the parent key in "has" query.
- BelongsToMany::getForeignPivotKeyName() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the foreign key for the relation.
- BelongsToMany::getQualifiedForeignPivotKeyName() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the fully qualified foreign key for the relation.
- BelongsToMany::getRelatedPivotKeyName() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the "related key" for the relation.
- BelongsToMany::getQualifiedRelatedPivotKeyName() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the fully qualified "related key" for the relation.
- BelongsToMany::getParentKeyName() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the parent key for the relationship.
- BelongsToMany::getQualifiedParentKeyName() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the fully qualified parent key name for the relation.
- BelongsToMany::getRelatedKeyName() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the related key for the relationship.
- BelongsToMany::getQualifiedRelatedKeyName() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the fully qualified related key name for the relation.
- BelongsToMany::getTable() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the intermediate table for the relationship.
- BelongsToMany::getRelationName() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the relationship name for the relationship.
- BelongsToMany::getPivotAccessor() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the name of the pivot accessor for this relationship.
- BelongsToMany::getPivotColumns() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the pivot columns for this relationship.
- AsPivot::getDeleteQuery() — Method in class AsPivot
Get the query builder for a delete operation on the pivot.
- AsPivot::getTable() — Method in class AsPivot
Get the table associated with the model.
- AsPivot::getForeignKey() — Method in class AsPivot
Get the foreign key column name.
- AsPivot::getRelatedKey() — Method in class AsPivot
Get the "related key" column name.
- AsPivot::getOtherKey() — Method in class AsPivot
Get the "related key" column name.
- AsPivot::getCreatedAtColumn() — Method in class AsPivot
Get the name of the "created at" column.
- AsPivot::getUpdatedAtColumn() — Method in class AsPivot
Get the name of the "updated at" column.
- AsPivot::getQueueableId() — Method in class AsPivot
Get the queueable identity for the entity.
- CanBeOneOfMany::getOneOfManySubQuerySelectColumns() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Get the columns the determine the relationship groups.
- CanBeOneOfMany::getDefaultOneOfManyJoinAlias() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Get the default alias for the one of many inner join clause.
- CanBeOneOfMany::getRelationQuery() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Get the query builder that will contain the relationship constraints.
- CanBeOneOfMany::getOneOfManySubQuery() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Get the one of many inner join subselect builder instance.
- CanBeOneOfMany::guessRelationship() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Guess the "hasOne" relationship's name via backtrace.
- CanBeOneOfMany::getRelationName() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Get the name of the relationship.
- ComparesRelatedModels::getParentKey() — Method in class ComparesRelatedModels
Get the value of the parent model's key.
- ComparesRelatedModels::getRelatedKeyFrom() — Method in class ComparesRelatedModels
Get the value of the model's related key.
- InteractsWithDictionary::getDictionaryKey() — Method in class InteractsWithDictionary
Get a dictionary key attribute - casting it to a string if necessary.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::getCurrentlyAttachedPivots() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Get the pivot models that are currently attached.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::getTypeSwapValue() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Converts a given value to a given type value.
- SupportsDefaultModels::getDefaultFor() — Method in class SupportsDefaultModels
Get the default value for this relation.
- HasMany::getResults() — Method in class HasMany
Get the results of the relationship.
- HasManyThrough::getQualifiedParentKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get the fully qualified parent key name.
- HasManyThrough::getResults() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get the results of the relationship.
- HasManyThrough::get() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Execute the query as a "select" statement.
- HasManyThrough::getRelationExistenceQuery() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Add the constraints for a relationship query.
- HasManyThrough::getRelationExistenceQueryForSelfRelation() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table.
- HasManyThrough::getRelationExistenceQueryForThroughSelfRelation() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table as the through parent.
- HasManyThrough::getQualifiedFarKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get the qualified foreign key on the related model.
- HasManyThrough::getFirstKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get the foreign key on the "through" model.
- HasManyThrough::getQualifiedFirstKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get the qualified foreign key on the "through" model.
- HasManyThrough::getForeignKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get the foreign key on the related model.
- HasManyThrough::getQualifiedForeignKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get the qualified foreign key on the related model.
- HasManyThrough::getLocalKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get the local key on the far parent model.
- HasManyThrough::getQualifiedLocalKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get the qualified local key on the far parent model.
- HasManyThrough::getSecondLocalKeyName() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get the local key on the intermediary model.
- HasOne::getResults() — Method in class HasOne
Get the results of the relationship.
- HasOne::getRelationExistenceQuery() — Method in class HasOne
Add the constraints for an internal relationship existence query.
- HasOne::getOneOfManySubQuerySelectColumns() — Method in class HasOne
Get the columns that should be selected by the one of many subquery.
- HasOne::getRelatedKeyFrom() — Method in class HasOne
Get the value of the model's foreign key.
- HasOneOrMany::getRelationValue() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Get the value of a relationship by one or many type.
- HasOneOrMany::getRelationExistenceQuery() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Add the constraints for a relationship query.
- HasOneOrMany::getRelationExistenceQueryForSelfRelation() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table.
- HasOneOrMany::getExistenceCompareKey() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Get the key for comparing against the parent key in "has" query.
- HasOneOrMany::getParentKey() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Get the key value of the parent's local key.
- HasOneOrMany::getQualifiedParentKeyName() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Get the fully qualified parent key name.
- HasOneOrMany::getForeignKeyName() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Get the plain foreign key.
- HasOneOrMany::getQualifiedForeignKeyName() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Get the foreign key for the relationship.
- HasOneOrMany::getLocalKeyName() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Get the local key for the relationship.
- HasOneThrough::getResults() — Method in class HasOneThrough
Get the results of the relationship.
- MorphMany::getResults() — Method in class MorphMany
Get the results of the relationship.
- MorphOne::getResults() — Method in class MorphOne
Get the results of the relationship.
- MorphOne::getRelationExistenceQuery() — Method in class MorphOne
Get the relationship query.
- MorphOne::getOneOfManySubQuerySelectColumns() — Method in class MorphOne
Get the columns that should be selected by the one of many subquery.
- MorphOne::getRelatedKeyFrom() — Method in class MorphOne
Get the value of the model's foreign key.
- MorphOneOrMany::getRelationExistenceQuery() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Get the relationship query.
- MorphOneOrMany::getQualifiedMorphType() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Get the foreign key "type" name.
- MorphOneOrMany::getMorphType() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Get the plain morph type name without the table.
- MorphOneOrMany::getMorphClass() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Get the class name of the parent model.
- MorphPivot::getMorphType() — Method in class MorphPivot
Get the morph type for the pivot.
- MorphPivot::getQueueableId() — Method in class MorphPivot
Get the queueable identity for the entity.
- MorphTo::getEager() — Method in class MorphTo
Get the results of the relationship.
- MorphTo::getResultsByType() — Method in class MorphTo
Get all of the relation results for a type.
- MorphTo::gatherKeysByType() — Method in class MorphTo
Gather all of the foreign keys for a given type.
- MorphTo::getMorphType() — Method in class MorphTo
Get the foreign key "type" name.
- MorphTo::getDictionary() — Method in class MorphTo
Get the dictionary used by the relationship.
- MorphToMany::getRelationExistenceQuery() — Method in class MorphToMany
Add the constraints for a relationship count query.
- MorphToMany::getCurrentlyAttachedPivots() — Method in class MorphToMany
Get the pivot models that are currently attached.
- MorphToMany::getMorphType() — Method in class MorphToMany
Get the foreign key "type" name.
- MorphToMany::getMorphClass() — Method in class MorphToMany
Get the class name of the parent model.
- MorphToMany::getInverse() — Method in class MorphToMany
Get the indicator for a reverse relationship.
- $ Pivot#guarded — Property in class Pivot
The attributes that aren't mass assignable.
- Relation::getResults() — Method in class Relation
Get the results of the relationship.
- Relation::getEager() — Method in class Relation
Get the relationship for eager loading.
- Relation::get() — Method in class Relation
Execute the query as a "select" statement.
- Relation::getRelationExistenceCountQuery() — Method in class Relation
Add the constraints for a relationship count query.
- Relation::getRelationExistenceQuery() — Method in class Relation
Add the constraints for an internal relationship existence query.
- Relation::getRelationCountHash() — Method in class Relation
Get a relationship join table hash.
- Relation::getKeys() — Method in class Relation
Get all of the primary keys for an array of models.
- Relation::getRelationQuery() — Method in class Relation
Get the query builder that will contain the relationship constraints.
- Relation::getQuery() — Method in class Relation
Get the underlying query for the relation.
- Relation::getBaseQuery() — Method in class Relation
Get the base query builder driving the Eloquent builder.
- Relation::getParent() — Method in class Relation
Get the parent model of the relation.
- Relation::getQualifiedParentKeyName() — Method in class Relation
Get the fully qualified parent key name.
- Relation::getRelated() — Method in class Relation
Get the related model of the relation.
- Relation::getMorphedModel() — Method in class Relation
Get the model associated with a custom polymorphic type.
- SoftDeletes::getDeletedAtColumn() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Get the name of the "deleted at" column.
- SoftDeletes::getQualifiedDeletedAtColumn() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Get the fully qualified "deleted at" column.
- SoftDeletingScope::getDeletedAtColumn() — Method in class SoftDeletingScope
Get the "deleted at" column for the builder.
- Grammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Grammar::getValue() — Method in class Grammar
Transforms expressions to their scalar types.
- Grammar::getDateFormat() — Method in class Grammar
Get the format for database stored dates.
- Grammar::getTablePrefix() — Method in class Grammar
Get the grammar's table prefix.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::getRan() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Get the completed migrations.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::getMigrations() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Get the list of migrations.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::getMigrationsByBatch() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Get the list of the migrations by batch number.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::getLast() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Get the last migration batch.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::getMigrationBatches() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Get the completed migrations with their batch numbers.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::getNextBatchNumber() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Get the next migration batch number.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::getLastBatchNumber() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Get the last migration batch number.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::getConnectionResolver() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Get the connection resolver instance.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::getConnection() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Resolve the database connection instance.
- Migration::getConnection() — Method in class Migration
Get the migration connection name.
- MigrationCreator::getStub() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Get the migration stub file.
- MigrationCreator::getClassName() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Get the class name of a migration name.
- MigrationCreator::getPath() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Get the full path to the migration.
- MigrationCreator::getDatePrefix() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Get the date prefix for the migration.
- MigrationCreator::getFilesystem() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Get the filesystem instance.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::getRan() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Get the completed migrations.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::getMigrations() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Get the list of migrations.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::getMigrationsByBatch() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Get the list of the migrations by batch.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::getLast() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Get the last migration batch.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::getMigrationBatches() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Get the completed migrations with their batch numbers.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::getNextBatchNumber() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Get the next migration batch number.
- Migrator::getMigrationsForRollback() — Method in class Migrator
Get the migrations for a rollback operation.
- Migrator::getQueries() — Method in class Migrator
Get all of the queries that would be run for a migration.
- Migrator::getMigrationClass() — Method in class Migrator
Generate a migration class name based on the migration file name.
- Migrator::getMigrationFiles() — Method in class Migrator
Get all of the migration files in a given path.
- Migrator::getMigrationName() — Method in class Migrator
Get the name of the migration.
- Migrator::getConnection() — Method in class Migrator
Get the default connection name.
- Migrator::getSchemaGrammar() — Method in class Migrator
Get the schema grammar out of a migration connection.
- Migrator::getRepository() — Method in class Migrator
Get the migration repository instance.
- Migrator::getFilesystem() — Method in class Migrator
Get the file system instance.
- MultipleRecordsFoundException::getCount() — Method in class MultipleRecordsFoundException
Get the number of records found.
- MySqlConnection::getDefaultQueryGrammar() — Method in class MySqlConnection
Get the default query grammar instance.
- MySqlConnection::getSchemaBuilder() — Method in class MySqlConnection
Get a schema builder instance for the connection.
- MySqlConnection::getDefaultSchemaGrammar() — Method in class MySqlConnection
Get the default schema grammar instance.
- MySqlConnection::getSchemaState() — Method in class MySqlConnection
Get the schema state for the connection.
- MySqlConnection::getDefaultPostProcessor() — Method in class MySqlConnection
Get the default post processor instance.
- MySqlConnection::getDoctrineDriver() — Method in class MySqlConnection
Get the Doctrine DBAL driver.
- Connection::getServerVersion() — Method in class Connection
Get the server version for the connection.
- Connection::getWrappedConnection() — Method in class Connection
Get the wrapped PDO connection.
- MySqlDriver::getName() — Method in class MySqlDriver
- {@inheritdoc}
- PostgresDriver::getName() — Method in class PostgresDriver
- {@inheritdoc}
- SQLiteDriver::getName() — Method in class SQLiteDriver
- {@inheritdoc}
- SqlServerConnection::getServerVersion() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Get the server version for the connection.
- SqlServerConnection::getWrappedConnection() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Get the wrapped PDO connection.
- SqlServerDriver::getName() — Method in class SqlServerDriver
- {@inheritdoc}
- PostgresConnection::getDefaultQueryGrammar() — Method in class PostgresConnection
Get the default query grammar instance.
- PostgresConnection::getSchemaBuilder() — Method in class PostgresConnection
Get a schema builder instance for the connection.
- PostgresConnection::getDefaultSchemaGrammar() — Method in class PostgresConnection
Get the default schema grammar instance.
- PostgresConnection::getSchemaState() — Method in class PostgresConnection
Get the schema state for the connection.
- PostgresConnection::getDefaultPostProcessor() — Method in class PostgresConnection
Get the default post processor instance.
- PostgresConnection::getDoctrineDriver() — Method in class PostgresConnection
Get the Doctrine DBAL driver.
- QueryException::getConnectionName() — Method in class QueryException
Get the connection name for the query.
- QueryException::getSql() — Method in class QueryException
Get the SQL for the query.
- QueryException::getBindings() — Method in class QueryException
Get the bindings for the query.
- $ Builder#grammar — Property in class Builder
The database query grammar instance.
- $ Builder#groups — Property in class Builder
The groupings for the query.
- Builder::groupBy() — Method in class Builder
Add a "group by" clause to the query.
- Builder::groupByRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add a raw groupBy clause to the query.
- Builder::get() — Method in class Builder
Execute the query as a "select" statement.
- Builder::getCountForPagination() — Method in class Builder
Get the count of the total records for the paginator.
- Builder::getColumns() — Method in class Builder
Get all of the query builder's columns in a text-only array with all expressions evaluated.
- Builder::getBindings() — Method in class Builder
Get the current query value bindings in a flattened array.
- Builder::getRawBindings() — Method in class Builder
Get the raw array of bindings.
- Builder::getConnection() — Method in class Builder
Get the database connection instance.
- Builder::getProcessor() — Method in class Builder
Get the database query processor instance.
- Builder::getGrammar() — Method in class Builder
Get the query grammar instance.
- Expression::getValue() — Method in class Expression
Get the value of the expression.
- Grammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
- Grammar::getOperators() — Method in class Grammar
Get the grammar specific operators.
- Grammar::getBitwiseOperators() — Method in class Grammar
Get the grammar specific bitwise operators.
- SQLiteGrammar::groupJsonColumnsForUpdate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Group the nested JSON columns.
- SqlServerGrammar::getDateFormat() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Get the format for database stored dates.
- SQLiteConnection::getDefaultQueryGrammar() — Method in class SQLiteConnection
Get the default query grammar instance.
- SQLiteConnection::getSchemaBuilder() — Method in class SQLiteConnection
Get a schema builder instance for the connection.
- SQLiteConnection::getDefaultSchemaGrammar() — Method in class SQLiteConnection
Get the default schema grammar instance.
- SQLiteConnection::getSchemaState() — Method in class SQLiteConnection
Get the schema state for the connection.
- SQLiteConnection::getDefaultPostProcessor() — Method in class SQLiteConnection
Get the default post processor instance.
- SQLiteConnection::getDoctrineDriver() — Method in class SQLiteConnection
Get the Doctrine DBAL driver.
- SQLiteConnection::getForeignKeyConstraintsConfigurationValue() — Method in class SQLiteConnection
Get the database connection foreign key constraints configuration option.
- Blueprint::geometry() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new geometry column on the table.
- Blueprint::geometryCollection() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new geometrycollection column on the table.
- Blueprint::getTable() — Method in class Blueprint
Get the table the blueprint describes.
- Blueprint::getColumns() — Method in class Blueprint
Get the columns on the blueprint.
- Blueprint::getCommands() — Method in class Blueprint
Get the commands on the blueprint.
- Blueprint::getAddedColumns() — Method in class Blueprint
Get the columns on the blueprint that should be added.
- Blueprint::getChangedColumns() — Method in class Blueprint
Get the columns on the blueprint that should be changed.
- $ Builder#grammar — Property in class Builder
The schema grammar instance.
- Builder::getColumnType() — Method in class Builder
Get the data type for the given column name.
- Builder::getColumnListing() — Method in class Builder
Get the column listing for a given table.
- Builder::getAllTables() — Method in class Builder
Get all of the table names for the database.
- Builder::getConnection() — Method in class Builder
Get the database connection instance.
- ColumnDefinition::generatedAs() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- ChangeColumn::getChangedDiff() — Method in class ChangeColumn
Get the Doctrine table difference for the given changes.
- ChangeColumn::getTableWithColumnChanges() — Method in class ChangeColumn
Get a copy of the given Doctrine table after making the column changes.
- ChangeColumn::getDoctrineColumn() — Method in class ChangeColumn
Get the Doctrine column instance for a column change.
- ChangeColumn::getDoctrineColumnChangeOptions() — Method in class ChangeColumn
Get the Doctrine column change options.
- ChangeColumn::getDoctrineColumnType() — Method in class ChangeColumn
Get the doctrine column type.
- Grammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
- Grammar::getColumns() — Method in class Grammar
Compile the blueprint's added column definitions.
- Grammar::getType() — Method in class Grammar
Get the SQL for the column data type.
- Grammar::getCommandByName() — Method in class Grammar
Get the primary key command if it exists on the blueprint.
- Grammar::getCommandsByName() — Method in class Grammar
Get all of the commands with a given name.
- Grammar::getDefaultValue() — Method in class Grammar
Format a value so that it can be used in "default" clauses.
- Grammar::getDoctrineTableDiff() — Method in class Grammar
Create an empty Doctrine DBAL TableDiff from the Blueprint.
- Grammar::getFluentCommands() — Method in class Grammar
Get the fluent commands for the grammar.
- RenameColumn::getRenamedDiff() — Method in class RenameColumn
Get a new column instance with the new column name.
- SQLiteGrammar::getForeignKey() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Get the SQL for the foreign key.
- MySqlBuilder::getColumnListing() — Method in class MySqlBuilder
Get the column listing for a given table.
- MySqlBuilder::getAllTables() — Method in class MySqlBuilder
Get all of the table names for the database.
- MySqlBuilder::getAllViews() — Method in class MySqlBuilder
Get all of the view names for the database.
- PostgresBuilder::getAllTables() — Method in class PostgresBuilder
Get all of the table names for the database.
- PostgresBuilder::getAllViews() — Method in class PostgresBuilder
Get all of the view names for the database.
- PostgresBuilder::getAllTypes() — Method in class PostgresBuilder
Get all of the type names for the database.
- PostgresBuilder::getColumnListing() — Method in class PostgresBuilder
Get the column listing for a given table.
- SQLiteBuilder::getAllTables() — Method in class SQLiteBuilder
Get all of the table names for the database.
- SQLiteBuilder::getAllViews() — Method in class SQLiteBuilder
Get all of the view names for the database.
- SqlServerBuilder::getAllTables() — Method in class SqlServerBuilder
Drop all tables from the database.
- SqlServerBuilder::getAllViews() — Method in class SqlServerBuilder
Get all of the view names for the database.
- SqlServerConnection::getDefaultQueryGrammar() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Get the default query grammar instance.
- SqlServerConnection::getSchemaBuilder() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Get a schema builder instance for the connection.
- SqlServerConnection::getDefaultSchemaGrammar() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Get the default schema grammar instance.
- SqlServerConnection::getSchemaState() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Get the schema state for the connection.
- SqlServerConnection::getDefaultPostProcessor() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Get the default post processor instance.
- SqlServerConnection::getDoctrineDriver() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Get the Doctrine DBAL driver.
- Encrypter::generateKey() — Method in class Encrypter
Create a new encryption key for the given cipher.
- Encrypter::getJsonPayload() — Method in class Encrypter
Get the JSON array from the given payload.
- Encrypter::getKey() — Method in class Encrypter
Get the encryption key that the encrypter is currently using.
- Dispatcher::getListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher
Get all of the listeners for a given event name.
- Dispatcher::getWildcardListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher
Get the wildcard listeners for the event.
- Dispatcher::getRawListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher
Gets the raw, unprepared listeners.
- AwsS3V3Adapter::getClient() — Method in class AwsS3V3Adapter
Get the underlying S3 client.
- Filesystem::get() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the contents of a file.
- Filesystem::getRequire() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the returned value of a file.
- Filesystem::guessExtension() — Method in class Filesystem
Guess the file extension from the mime-type of a given file.
- Filesystem::glob() — Method in class Filesystem
Find path names matching a given pattern.
- FilesystemAdapter::get() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the contents of a file.
- FilesystemAdapter::getVisibility() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the visibility for the given path.
- FilesystemAdapter::getFtpUrl() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the URL for the file at the given path.
- FilesystemAdapter::getLocalUrl() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the URL for the file at the given path.
- FilesystemAdapter::getDriver() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the Flysystem driver.
- FilesystemAdapter::getAdapter() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the Flysystem adapter.
- FilesystemAdapter::getConfig() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the configuration values.
- FilesystemManager::get() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Attempt to get the disk from the local cache.
- FilesystemManager::getConfig() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Get the filesystem connection configuration.
- FilesystemManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Get the default driver name.
- FilesystemManager::getDefaultCloudDriver() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Get the default cloud driver name.
- FilesystemServiceProvider::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class FilesystemServiceProvider
Get the default file driver.
- FilesystemServiceProvider::getCloudDriver() — Method in class FilesystemServiceProvider
Get the default cloud based file driver.
- LockableFile::getSharedLock() — Method in class LockableFile
Get a shared lock on the file.
- LockableFile::getExclusiveLock() — Method in class LockableFile
Get an exclusive lock on the file.
- AliasLoader::getInstance() — Method in class AliasLoader
Get or create the singleton alias loader instance.
- AliasLoader::getAliases() — Method in class AliasLoader
Get the registered aliases.
- Application::getProvider() — Method in class Application
Get the registered service provider instance if it exists.
- Application::getProviders() — Method in class Application
Get the registered service provider instances if any exist.
- Application::getCachedServicesPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the cached services.php file.
- Application::getCachedPackagesPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the cached packages.php file.
- Application::getCachedConfigPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the configuration cache file.
- Application::getCachedRoutesPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the routes cache file.
- Application::getCachedEventsPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the events cache file.
- Application::getLoadedProviders() — Method in class Application
Get the service providers that have been loaded.
- Application::getDeferredServices() — Method in class Application
Get the application's deferred services.
- Application::getLocale() — Method in class Application
Get the current application locale.
- Application::getFallbackLocale() — Method in class Application
Get the current application fallback locale.
- Application::getNamespace() — Method in class Application
Get the application namespace.
- HandleExceptions::getExceptionHandler() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Get an instance of the exception handler.
- LoadConfiguration::getConfigurationFiles() — Method in class LoadConfiguration
Get all of the configuration files for the application.
- LoadConfiguration::getNestedDirectory() — Method in class LoadConfiguration
Get the configuration file nesting path.
- CacheBasedMaintenanceMode::getStore() — Method in class CacheBasedMaintenanceMode
Get the cache store to use.
- ResolvesDumpSource::getOriginalFileForCompiledView() — Method in class ResolvesDumpSource
Get the original view compiled file by the given compiled file.
- AboutCommand::gatherApplicationInformation() — Method in class AboutCommand
Gather information about the application.
- CastMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class CastMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- CastMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class CastMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- CastMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class CastMakeCommand
Get the console command arguments.
- ChannelMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ChannelMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- ChannelMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ChannelMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- ChannelMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ChannelMakeCommand
Get the console command arguments.
- CliDumper::getDumpSourceContent() — Method in class CliDumper
Get the dump's source console content.
- ComponentMakeCommand::getView() — Method in class ComponentMakeCommand
Get the view name relative to the components directory.
- ComponentMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ComponentMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- ComponentMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ComponentMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- ComponentMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ComponentMakeCommand
Get the console command options.
- ConfigCacheCommand::getFreshConfiguration() — Method in class ConfigCacheCommand
Boot a fresh copy of the application configuration.
- ConsoleMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ConsoleMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- ConsoleMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ConsoleMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- ConsoleMakeCommand::getArguments() — Method in class ConsoleMakeCommand
Get the console command arguments.
- ConsoleMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ConsoleMakeCommand
Get the console command options.
- DocsCommand::guessPage() — Method in class DocsCommand
Guess the page the user is attempting to open.
- DocsCommand::guessSection() — Method in class DocsCommand
Guess the section the user is attempting to open.
- DownCommand::getDownFilePayload() — Method in class DownCommand
Get the payload to be placed in the "down" file.
- DownCommand::getRetryTime() — Method in class DownCommand
Get the number of seconds the client should wait before retrying their request.
- EventCacheCommand::getEvents() — Method in class EventCacheCommand
Get all of the events and listeners configured for the application.
- EventListCommand::getEvents() — Method in class EventListCommand
Get all of the events and listeners configured for the application.
- EventListCommand::getListenersOnDispatcher() — Method in class EventListCommand
Get the event / listeners from the dispatcher object.
- EventListCommand::getRawListeners() — Method in class EventListCommand
Gets the raw version of event listeners from the event dispatcher.
- EventListCommand::getEventsDispatcher() — Method in class EventListCommand
Get the event dispatcher.
- EventMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class EventMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- EventMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class EventMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- EventMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class EventMakeCommand
Get the console command options.
- ExceptionMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ExceptionMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- ExceptionMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ExceptionMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- ExceptionMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ExceptionMakeCommand
Get the console command options.
- JobMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class JobMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- JobMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class JobMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- JobMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class JobMakeCommand
Get the console command options.
- Kernel::getArtisan() — Method in class Kernel
Get the Artisan application instance.
- KeyGenerateCommand::generateRandomKey() — Method in class KeyGenerateCommand
Generate a random key for the application.
- ListenerMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- ListenerMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- ListenerMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ListenerMakeCommand
Get the console command options.
- MailMakeCommand::getView() — Method in class MailMakeCommand
Get the view name.
- MailMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class MailMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- MailMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class MailMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- MailMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class MailMakeCommand
Get the console command options.
- ModelMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- ModelMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- ModelMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
Get the console command options.
- NotificationMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class NotificationMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- NotificationMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class NotificationMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- NotificationMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class NotificationMakeCommand
Get the console command options.
- ObserverMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ObserverMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- ObserverMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ObserverMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- ObserverMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ObserverMakeCommand
Get the console command arguments.
- PolicyMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- PolicyMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- PolicyMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand
Get the console command arguments.
- ProviderMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ProviderMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- ProviderMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ProviderMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- ProviderMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ProviderMakeCommand
Get the console command arguments.
- RequestMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class RequestMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- RequestMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class RequestMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- RequestMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class RequestMakeCommand
Get the console command arguments.
- ResourceMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ResourceMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- ResourceMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ResourceMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- ResourceMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ResourceMakeCommand
Get the console command options.
- RouteCacheCommand::getFreshApplicationRoutes() — Method in class RouteCacheCommand
Boot a fresh copy of the application and get the routes.
- RouteCacheCommand::getFreshApplication() — Method in class RouteCacheCommand
Get a fresh application instance.
- RouteListCommand::getRoutes() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Compile the routes into a displayable format.
- RouteListCommand::getRouteInformation() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Get the route information for a given route.
- RouteListCommand::getMiddleware() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Get the middleware for the route.
- RouteListCommand::getHeaders() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Get the table headers for the visible columns.
- RouteListCommand::getColumns() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Get the column names to show (lowercase table headers).
- RouteListCommand::getTerminalWidth() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Get the terminal width.
- RouteListCommand::getOptions() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Get the console command options.
- RuleMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class RuleMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- RuleMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class RuleMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- RuleMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class RuleMakeCommand
Get the console command options.
- ScopeMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ScopeMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- ScopeMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ScopeMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- ScopeMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ScopeMakeCommand
Get the console command arguments.
- ServeCommand::getHostAndPort() — Method in class ServeCommand
Get the host and port from the host option string.
- ServeCommand::getDateFromLine() — Method in class ServeCommand
Get the date from the given PHP server output.
- ServeCommand::getRequestPortFromLine() — Method in class ServeCommand
Get the request port from the given PHP server output.
- ServeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ServeCommand
Get the console command options.
- TestMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class TestMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- TestMakeCommand::getPath() — Method in class TestMakeCommand
Get the destination class path.
- TestMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class TestMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- TestMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class TestMakeCommand
Get the console command options.
- EnvironmentDetector::getEnvironmentArgument() — Method in class EnvironmentDetector
Get the environment argument from the console.
- DiscoverEvents::getListenerEvents() — Method in class DiscoverEvents
Get all of the listeners and their corresponding events.
- Handler::getHttpExceptionView() — Method in class Handler
Get the view used to render HTTP exceptions.
- FormRequest::getValidatorInstance() — Method in class FormRequest
Get the validator instance for the request.
- FormRequest::getRedirectUrl() — Method in class FormRequest
Get the URL to redirect to on a validation error.
- HtmlDumper::getDumpSourceContent() — Method in class HtmlDumper
Get the dump's source HTML content.
- Kernel::gatherRouteMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel
Gather the route middleware for the given request.
- Kernel::getMiddlewarePriority() — Method in class Kernel
Get the priority-sorted list of middleware.
- Kernel::getMiddlewareGroups() — Method in class Kernel
Get the application's route middleware groups.
- Kernel::getRouteMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel
Get the application's route middleware aliases.
- Kernel::getMiddlewareAliases() — Method in class Kernel
Get the application's route middleware aliases.
- Kernel::getApplication() — Method in class Kernel
Get the Laravel application instance.
- PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance::getHeaders() — Method in class PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance
Get the headers that should be sent with the response.
- PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance::getExcludedPaths() — Method in class PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance
Get the URIs that should be accessible even when maintenance mode is enabled.
- ValidatePostSize::getPostMaxSize() — Method in class ValidatePostSize
Determine the server 'post_max_size' as bytes.
- VerifyCsrfToken::getTokenFromRequest() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken
Get the CSRF token from the request.
- MaintenanceModeManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class MaintenanceModeManager
Get the default driver name.
- PackageManifest::getManifest() — Method in class PackageManifest
Get the current package manifest.
- EventServiceProvider::getEvents() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
Get the discovered events and listeners for the application.
- InteractsWithDatabase::getConnection() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Get the database connection.
- InteractsWithDatabase::getTable() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Get the table name from the given model or string.
- InteractsWithDatabase::getTableConnection() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Get the table connection specified in the given model.
- ValidatesRequests::getValidationFactory() — Method in class ValidatesRequests
Get a validation factory instance.
- HashManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class HashManager
Get the default driver name.
- Factory::getDispatcher() — Method in class Factory
Get the current event dispatcher implementation.
- PendingRequest::get() — Method in class PendingRequest
Issue a GET request to the given URL.
- PendingRequest::getReusableClient() — Method in class PendingRequest
Retrieve a reusable Guzzle client.
- PendingRequest::getPromise() — Method in class PendingRequest
Retrieve the pending request promise.
- PendingRequest::getOptions() — Method in class PendingRequest
Get the pending request options.
- Pool::getRequests() — Method in class Pool
Retrieve the requests in the pool.
- HttpResponseException::getResponse() — Method in class HttpResponseException
Get the underlying response instance.
- JsonResponse::getData() — Method in class JsonResponse
Get the json_decoded data from the response.
- HandleCors::getPathsByHost() — Method in class HandleCors
Get the CORS paths for the given host.
- TrustProxies::getTrustedHeaderNames() — Method in class TrustProxies
Retrieve trusted header name(s), falling back to defaults if config not set.
- RedirectResponse::getOriginalContent() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Get the original response content.
- RedirectResponse::getRequest() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Get the request instance.
- RedirectResponse::getSession() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Get the session store instance.
- Request::get() — Method in class Request
This method belongs to Symfony HttpFoundation and is not usually needed when using Laravel.
- Request::getInputSource() — Method in class Request
Get the input source for the request.
- Request::getSession() — Method in class Request
- {@inheritdoc}
- Request::getUserResolver() — Method in class Request
Get the user resolver callback.
- Request::getRouteResolver() — Method in class Request
Get the route resolver callback.
- CollectsResources::getIterator() — Method in class CollectsResources
Get an iterator for the resource collection.
- DelegatesToResource::getRouteKey() — Method in class DelegatesToResource
Get the value of the resource's route key.
- DelegatesToResource::getRouteKeyName() — Method in class DelegatesToResource
Get the route key for the resource.
- ResponseTrait::getOriginalContent() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Get the original response content.
- ResponseTrait::getCallback() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Get the callback of the response.
- File::getSize() — Method in class File
Get the size of the file.
- File::getMimeType() — Method in class File
Get the MIME type of the file.
- FileFactory::generateImage() — Method in class FileFactory
Generate a dummy image of the given width and height.
- MimeType::getMimeTypes() — Method in class MimeType
Get the mime types instance.
- MimeType::get() — Method in class MimeType
Get the MIME type for a given extension or return all mimes.
- UploadedFile::get() — Method in class UploadedFile
Get the contents of the uploaded file.
- LogManager::get() — Method in class LogManager
Attempt to get the log from the local cache.
- LogManager::getFallbackChannelName() — Method in class LogManager
Get fallback log channel name.
- LogManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Get the default log driver name.
- LogManager::getChannels() — Method in class LogManager
Get all of the resolved log channels.
- Logger::getLogger() — Method in class Logger
Get the underlying logger implementation.
- Logger::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Logger
Get the event dispatcher instance.
- ParsesLogConfiguration::getFallbackChannelName() — Method in class ParsesLogConfiguration
Get fallback log channel name.
- MailManager::get() — Method in class MailManager
Attempt to get the mailer from the local cache.
- MailManager::getHttpClient() — Method in class MailManager
Get a configured Symfony HTTP client instance.
- MailManager::getConfig() — Method in class MailManager
Get the mail connection configuration.
- MailManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class MailManager
Get the default mail driver name.
- MailManager::getApplication() — Method in class MailManager
Get the application instance used by the manager.
- Mailer::getSymfonyTransport() — Method in class Mailer
Get the Symfony Transport instance.
- Mailer::getViewFactory() — Method in class Mailer
Get the view factory instance.
- Markdown::getTheme() — Method in class Markdown
Get the theme currently being used by the renderer.
- Message::getSymfonyMessage() — Method in class Message
Get the underlying Symfony Email instance.
- SentMessage::getSymfonySentMessage() — Method in class SentMessage
Get the underlying Symfony Email instance.
- SesTransport::getOptions() — Method in class SesTransport
Get the transmission options being used by the transport.
- SesV2Transport::getOptions() — Method in class SesV2Transport
Get the transmission options being used by the transport.
- AnonymousNotifiable::getKey() — Method in class AnonymousNotifiable
Get the value of the notifiable's primary key.
- ChannelManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class ChannelManager
Get the default channel driver name.
- BroadcastChannel::getData() — Method in class BroadcastChannel
Get the data for the notification.
- DatabaseChannel::getData() — Method in class DatabaseChannel
Get the data for the notification.
- MailChannel::getRecipients() — Method in class MailChannel
Get the recipients of the given message.
- $ DatabaseNotification#guarded — Property in class DatabaseNotification
The guarded attributes on the model.
- $ SimpleMessage#greeting — Property in class SimpleMessage
The notification's greeting.
- SimpleMessage::greeting() — Method in class SimpleMessage
Set the greeting of the notification.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::getCursorForItem() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get a cursor instance for the given item.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::getParametersForItem() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get the cursor parameters for a given object.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::getPivotParameterForItem() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get the cursor parameter value from a pivot model if applicable.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::getCursorName() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get the query string variable used to store the cursor.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::getIterator() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get an iterator for the items.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::getCollection() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get the paginator's underlying collection.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::getOptions() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get the paginator options.
- AbstractPaginator::getUrlRange() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Create a range of pagination URLs.
- AbstractPaginator::getPageName() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the query string variable used to store the page.
- AbstractPaginator::getIterator() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get an iterator for the items.
- AbstractPaginator::getCollection() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the paginator's underlying collection.
- AbstractPaginator::getOptions() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the paginator options.
- UrlWindow::get() — Method in class UrlWindow
Get the window of URLs to be shown.
- UrlWindow::getSmallSlider() — Method in class UrlWindow
Get the slider of URLs there are not enough pages to slide.
- UrlWindow::getUrlSlider() — Method in class UrlWindow
Create a URL slider links.
- UrlWindow::getSliderTooCloseToBeginning() — Method in class UrlWindow
Get the slider of URLs when too close to the beginning of the window.
- UrlWindow::getSliderTooCloseToEnding() — Method in class UrlWindow
Get the slider of URLs when too close to the ending of the window.
- UrlWindow::getFullSlider() — Method in class UrlWindow
Get the slider of URLs when a full slider can be made.
- UrlWindow::getAdjacentUrlRange() — Method in class UrlWindow
Get the page range for the current page window.
- UrlWindow::getStart() — Method in class UrlWindow
Get the starting URLs of a pagination slider.
- UrlWindow::getFinish() — Method in class UrlWindow
Get the ending URLs of a pagination slider.
- Hub::getContainer() — Method in class Hub
Get the container instance used by the hub.
- Pipeline::getContainer() — Method in class Pipeline
Get the container instance.
- BeanstalkdQueue::getQueue() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Get the queue or return the default.
- BeanstalkdQueue::getPheanstalk() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Get the underlying Pheanstalk instance.
- CallQueuedHandler::getCommand() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Get the command from the given payload.
- Manager::getConnection() — Method in class Manager
Get a registered connection instance.
- Manager::getQueueManager() — Method in class Manager
Get the queue manager instance.
- SqsConnector::getDefaultConfiguration() — Method in class SqsConnector
Get the default configuration for SQS.
- ClearCommand::getQueue() — Method in class ClearCommand
Get the queue name to clear.
- ClearCommand::getArguments() — Method in class ClearCommand
Get the console command arguments.
- ClearCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ClearCommand
Get the console command options.
- ListFailedCommand::getFailedJobs() — Method in class ListFailedCommand
Compile the failed jobs into a displayable format.
- ListenCommand::getQueue() — Method in class ListenCommand
Get the name of the queue connection to listen on.
- ListenCommand::gatherOptions() — Method in class ListenCommand
Get the listener options for the command.
- RetryCommand::getJobIds() — Method in class RetryCommand
Get the job IDs to be retried.
- RetryCommand::getJobIdsByQueue() — Method in class RetryCommand
Get the job IDs by queue, if applicable.
- RetryCommand::getJobIdsByRanges() — Method in class RetryCommand
Get the job IDs ranges, if applicable.
- WorkCommand::gatherWorkerOptions() — Method in class WorkCommand
Gather all of the queue worker options as a single object.
- WorkCommand::getQueue() — Method in class WorkCommand
Get the queue name for the worker.
- DatabaseQueue::getNextAvailableJob() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Get the next available job for the queue.
- DatabaseQueue::getLockForPopping() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Get the lock required for popping the next job.
- DatabaseQueue::getQueue() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Get the queue or return the default.
- DatabaseQueue::getDatabase() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Get the underlying database instance.
- DatabaseFailedJobProvider::getTable() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
Get a new query builder instance for the table.
- DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider::getTable() — Method in class DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider
Get a new query builder instance for the table.
- BeanstalkdJob::getJobId() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Get the job identifier.
- BeanstalkdJob::getRawBody() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Get the raw body string for the job.
- BeanstalkdJob::getPheanstalk() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Get the underlying Pheanstalk instance.
- BeanstalkdJob::getPheanstalkJob() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Get the underlying Pheanstalk job.
- DatabaseJob::getJobId() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Get the job identifier.
- DatabaseJob::getRawBody() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Get the raw body string for the job.
- DatabaseJob::getJobRecord() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Get the database job record.
- Job::getJobId() — Method in class Job
Get the job identifier.
- Job::getRawBody() — Method in class Job
Get the raw body of the job.
- Job::getResolvedJob() — Method in class Job
Get the resolved job handler instance.
- Job::getName() — Method in class Job
Get the name of the queued job class.
- Job::getConnectionName() — Method in class Job
Get the name of the connection the job belongs to.
- Job::getQueue() — Method in class Job
Get the name of the queue the job belongs to.
- Job::getContainer() — Method in class Job
Get the service container instance.
- RedisJob::getRawBody() — Method in class RedisJob
Get the raw body string for the job.
- RedisJob::getJobId() — Method in class RedisJob
Get the job identifier.
- RedisJob::getRedisQueue() — Method in class RedisJob
Get the underlying Redis factory implementation.
- RedisJob::getReservedJob() — Method in class RedisJob
Get the underlying reserved Redis job.
- SqsJob::getJobId() — Method in class SqsJob
Get the job identifier.
- SqsJob::getRawBody() — Method in class SqsJob
Get the raw body string for the job.
- SqsJob::getSqs() — Method in class SqsJob
Get the underlying SQS client instance.
- SqsJob::getSqsJob() — Method in class SqsJob
Get the underlying raw SQS job.
- SyncJob::getJobId() — Method in class SyncJob
Get the job identifier.
- SyncJob::getRawBody() — Method in class SyncJob
Get the raw body string for the job.
- SyncJob::getQueue() — Method in class SyncJob
Get the name of the queue the job belongs to.
- RateLimited::getTimeUntilNextRetry() — Method in class RateLimited
Get the number of seconds that should elapse before the job is retried.
- RateLimitedWithRedis::getTimeUntilNextRetry() — Method in class RateLimitedWithRedis
Get the number of seconds that should elapse before the job is retried.
- ThrottlesExceptions::getKey() — Method in class ThrottlesExceptions
Get the cache key associated for the rate limiter.
- ThrottlesExceptions::getTimeUntilNextRetry() — Method in class ThrottlesExceptions
Get the number of seconds that should elapse before the job is retried.
- WithoutOverlapping::getLockKey() — Method in class WithoutOverlapping
Get the lock key for the given job.
- Queue::getDisplayName() — Method in class Queue
Get the display name for the given job.
- Queue::getJobBackoff() — Method in class Queue
Get the backoff for an object-based queue handler.
- Queue::getJobExpiration() — Method in class Queue
Get the expiration timestamp for an object-based queue handler.
- Queue::getConnectionName() — Method in class Queue
Get the connection name for the queue.
- Queue::getContainer() — Method in class Queue
Get the container instance being used by the connection.
- QueueManager::getConnector() — Method in class QueueManager
Get the connector for a given driver.
- QueueManager::getConfig() — Method in class QueueManager
Get the queue connection configuration.
- QueueManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class QueueManager
Get the name of the default queue connection.
- QueueManager::getName() — Method in class QueueManager
Get the full name for the given connection.
- QueueManager::getApplication() — Method in class QueueManager
Get the application instance used by the manager.
- RedisQueue::getRandomId() — Method in class RedisQueue
Get a random ID string.
- RedisQueue::getQueue() — Method in class RedisQueue
Get the queue or return the default.
- RedisQueue::getConnection() — Method in class RedisQueue
Get the connection for the queue.
- RedisQueue::getRedis() — Method in class RedisQueue
Get the underlying Redis instance.
- SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers::getSerializedPropertyValue() — Method in class SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers
Get the property value prepared for serialization.
- SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers::getRestoredPropertyValue() — Method in class SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers
Get the restored property value after deserialization.
- SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers::getQueryForModelRestoration() — Method in class SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers
Get the query for model restoration.
- SerializesModels::getPropertyValue() — Method in class SerializesModels
Get the property value for the given property.
- SqsQueue::getQueue() — Method in class SqsQueue
Get the queue or return the default.
- SqsQueue::getSqs() — Method in class SqsQueue
Get the underlying SQS instance.
- Worker::getNextJob() — Method in class Worker
Get the next job from the queue connection.
- Worker::getTimestampOfLastQueueRestart() — Method in class Worker
Get the last queue restart timestamp, or null.
- Worker::getManager() — Method in class Worker
Get the queue manager instance.
- Connection::getName() — Method in class Connection
Get the connection name.
- Connection::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Connection
Get the event dispatcher used by the connection.
- PhpRedisConnection::get() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Returns the value of the given key.
- AbstractRouteCollection::getRouteForMethods() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection
Get a route (if necessary) that responds when other available methods are present.
- AbstractRouteCollection::generateRouteName() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection
Get a randomly generated route name.
- AbstractRouteCollection::getIterator() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection
Get an iterator for the items.
- CompiledRouteCollection::get() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection
Get routes from the collection by method.
- CompiledRouteCollection::getByName() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection
Get a route instance by its name.
- CompiledRouteCollection::getByAction() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection
Get a route instance by its controller action.
- CompiledRouteCollection::getRoutes() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection
Get all of the routes in the collection.
- CompiledRouteCollection::getRoutesByMethod() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection
Get all of the routes keyed by their HTTP verb / method.
- CompiledRouteCollection::getRoutesByName() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection
Get all of the routes keyed by their name.
- ControllerMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- ControllerMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- ControllerMakeCommand::generateFormRequests() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand
Generate the form requests for the given model and classes.
- ControllerMakeCommand::getOptions() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand
Get the console command options.
- MiddlewareMakeCommand::getStub() — Method in class MiddlewareMakeCommand
Get the stub file for the generator.
- MiddlewareMakeCommand::getDefaultNamespace() — Method in class MiddlewareMakeCommand
Get the default namespace for the class.
- ControllerDispatcher::getMiddleware() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher
Get the middleware for the controller instance.
- Controller::getMiddleware() — Method in class Controller
Get the middleware assigned to the controller.
- ControllerDispatcher::getMiddleware() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher
Get the middleware for the controller instance.
- StreamedResponseException::getInnerException() — Method in class StreamedResponseException
Get the actual exception thrown during the stream.
- ImplicitRouteBinding::getParameterName() — Method in class ImplicitRouteBinding
Return the parameter name if it exists in the given parameters.
- ThrottleRequests::getTimeUntilNextRetry() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
Get the number of seconds until the next retry.
- ThrottleRequests::getHeaders() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
Get the limit headers information.
- ThrottleRequestsWithRedis::getTimeUntilNextRetry() — Method in class ThrottleRequestsWithRedis
Get the number of seconds until the lock is released.
- $ Redirector#generator — Property in class Redirector
The URL generator instance.
- Redirector::guest() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response, while putting the current URL in the session.
- Redirector::getUrlGenerator() — Method in class Redirector
Get the URL generator instance.
- Redirector::getIntendedUrl() — Method in class Redirector
Get the "intended" URL from the session.
- ResourceRegistrar::getResourcePrefix() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Extract the resource and prefix from a resource name.
- ResourceRegistrar::getResourceMethods() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Get the applicable resource methods.
- ResourceRegistrar::getShallowName() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Get the name for a given resource with shallowness applied when applicable.
- ResourceRegistrar::getResourceUri() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Get the base resource URI for a given resource.
- ResourceRegistrar::getNestedResourceUri() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Get the URI for a nested resource segment array.
- ResourceRegistrar::getResourceWildcard() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Format a resource parameter for usage.
- ResourceRegistrar::getResourceAction() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Get the action array for a resource route.
- ResourceRegistrar::getResourceRouteName() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Get the name for a given resource.
- ResourceRegistrar::getParameters() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Get the global parameter map.
- Route::getController() — Method in class Route
Get the controller instance for the route.
- Route::getControllerClass() — Method in class Route
Get the controller class used for the route.
- Route::getControllerMethod() — Method in class Route
Get the controller method used for the route.
- Route::getDomain() — Method in class Route
Get the domain defined for the route.
- Route::getPrefix() — Method in class Route
Get the prefix of the route instance.
- Route::getName() — Method in class Route
Get the name of the route instance.
- Route::getActionName() — Method in class Route
Get the action name for the route.
- Route::getActionMethod() — Method in class Route
Get the method name of the route action.
- Route::getAction() — Method in class Route
Get the action array or one of its properties for the route.
- Route::getMissing() — Method in class Route
Get the value of the action that should be taken on a missing model exception.
- Route::gatherMiddleware() — Method in class Route
Get all middleware, including the ones from the controller.
- Route::getValidators() — Method in class Route
Get the route validators for the instance.
- Route::getOptionalParameterNames() — Method in class Route
Get the optional parameter names for the route.
- Route::getCompiled() — Method in class Route
Get the compiled version of the route.
- RouteCollection::get() — Method in class RouteCollection
Get routes from the collection by method.
- RouteCollection::getByName() — Method in class RouteCollection
Get a route instance by its name.
- RouteCollection::getByAction() — Method in class RouteCollection
Get a route instance by its controller action.
- RouteCollection::getRoutes() — Method in class RouteCollection
Get all of the routes in the collection.
- RouteCollection::getRoutesByMethod() — Method in class RouteCollection
Get all of the routes keyed by their HTTP verb / method.
- RouteCollection::getRoutesByName() — Method in class RouteCollection
Get all of the routes keyed by their name.
- RouteCollectionInterface::get() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface
Get routes from the collection by method.
- RouteCollectionInterface::getByName() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface
Get a route instance by its name.
- RouteCollectionInterface::getByAction() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface
Get a route instance by its controller action.
- RouteCollectionInterface::getRoutes() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface
Get all of the routes in the collection.
- RouteCollectionInterface::getRoutesByMethod() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface
Get all of the routes keyed by their HTTP verb / method.
- RouteCollectionInterface::getRoutesByName() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface
Get all of the routes keyed by their name.
- RouteRegistrar::group() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
Create a route group with shared attributes.
- RouteRegistrar::get() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- RouteUrlGenerator::getRouteDomain() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator
Get the formatted domain for a given route.
- RouteUrlGenerator::getRouteScheme() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator
Get the scheme for the given route.
- RouteUrlGenerator::getRouteQueryString() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator
Get the query string for a given route.
- RouteUrlGenerator::getStringParameters() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator
Get the string parameters from a given list.
- RouteUrlGenerator::getNumericParameters() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator
Get the numeric parameters from a given list.
- $ Router#groupStack — Property in class Router
The route group attribute stack.
- Router::get() — Method in class Router
Register a new GET route with the router.
- Router::group() — Method in class Router
Create a route group with shared attributes.
- Router::getLastGroupPrefix() — Method in class Router
Get the prefix from the last group on the stack.
- Router::gatherRouteMiddleware() — Method in class Router
Gather the middleware for the given route with resolved class names.
- Router::getMiddleware() — Method in class Router
Get all of the defined middleware short-hand names.
- Router::getMiddlewareGroups() — Method in class Router
Get all of the defined middleware groups.
- Router::getBindingCallback() — Method in class Router
Get the binding callback for a given binding.
- Router::getPatterns() — Method in class Router
Get the global "where" patterns.
- Router::getGroupStack() — Method in class Router
Get the current group stack for the router.
- Router::getCurrentRequest() — Method in class Router
Get the request currently being dispatched.
- Router::getCurrentRoute() — Method in class Router
Get the currently dispatched route instance.
- Router::getRoutes() — Method in class Router
Get the underlying route collection.
- UrlGenerator::getPreviousUrlFromSession() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the previous URL from the session if possible.
- UrlGenerator::getDefaultParameters() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the default named parameters used by the URL generator.
- UrlGenerator::getRequest() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the request instance.
- UrlGenerator::getSession() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the session implementation from the resolver.
- UrlGenerator::getRootControllerNamespace() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the root controller namespace.
- ArraySessionHandler::gc() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- CacheBasedSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- CacheBasedSessionHandler::getCache() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
Get the underlying cache repository.
- CookieSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- DatabaseSessionHandler::getDefaultPayload() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
Get the default payload for the session.
- DatabaseSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- DatabaseSessionHandler::getQuery() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
Get a fresh query builder instance for the table.
- EncryptedStore::getEncrypter() — Method in class EncryptedStore
Get the encrypter instance.
- FileSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- AuthenticateSession::guard() — Method in class AuthenticateSession
Get the guard instance that should be used by the middleware.
- StartSession::getSession() — Method in class StartSession
Get the session implementation from the manager.
- StartSession::getSessionLifetimeInSeconds() — Method in class StartSession
Get the session lifetime in seconds.
- StartSession::getCookieExpirationDate() — Method in class StartSession
Get the cookie lifetime in seconds.
- NullSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- SessionManager::getDatabaseConnection() — Method in class SessionManager
Get the database connection for the database driver.
- SessionManager::getSessionConfig() — Method in class SessionManager
Get the session configuration.
- SessionManager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Get the default session driver name.
- Store::get() — Method in class Store
Get an item from the session.
- Store::getOldInput() — Method in class Store
Get the requested item from the flashed input array.
- Store::getName() — Method in class Store
Get the name of the session.
- Store::getId() — Method in class Store
Get the current session ID.
- Store::generateSessionId() — Method in class Store
Get a new, random session ID.
- Store::getHandler() — Method in class Store
Get the underlying session handler implementation.
- SymfonySessionDecorator::getId() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- SymfonySessionDecorator::getName() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- SymfonySessionDecorator::get() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- SymfonySessionDecorator::getBag() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- SymfonySessionDecorator::getMetadataBag() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- Arr::get() — Method in class Arr
Get an item from an array using "dot" notation.
- Collection::get() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::getOrPut() — Method in class Collection
Get an item from the collection by key or add it to collection if it does not exist.
- Collection::groupBy() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::getIterator() — Method in class Collection
Get the values iterator.
- Composer::getProcess() — Method in class Composer
Get a new Symfony process instance.
- Composer::getVersion() — Method in class Composer
Get the version of Composer.
- ConfigurationUrlParser::getPrimaryOptions() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser
Get the primary database connection options.
- ConfigurationUrlParser::getDriver() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser
Get the database driver from the URL.
- ConfigurationUrlParser::getDatabase() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser
Get the database name from the URL.
- ConfigurationUrlParser::getQueryOptions() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser
Get all of the additional database options from the query string.
- ConfigurationUrlParser::getDriverAliases() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser
Get all of the current drivers' aliases.
- DateFactory::getAvailableLocales() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::getDays() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::getHumanDiffOptions() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::getIsoUnits() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::getLastErrors() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::getLocale() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::getMidDayAt() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::getTestNow() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::getTranslator() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::getWeekEndsAt() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::getWeekStartsAt() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::getWeekendDays() — Method in class DateFactory
- Enumerable::get() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::groupBy() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::getIterator() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the values iterator.
- Enumerable::getCachingIterator() — Method in class Enumerable
Get a CachingIterator instance.
- Env::getRepository() — Method in class Env
Get the environment repository instance.
- Env::get() — Method in class Env
Gets the value of an environment variable.
- App::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class App
Get the registered name of the component.
- App::getProvider() — Method in class App
- App::getProviders() — Method in class App
- App::getCachedServicesPath() — Method in class App
- App::getCachedPackagesPath() — Method in class App
- App::getCachedConfigPath() — Method in class App
- App::getCachedRoutesPath() — Method in class App
- App::getCachedEventsPath() — Method in class App
- App::getLoadedProviders() — Method in class App
- App::getDeferredServices() — Method in class App
- App::getLocale() — Method in class App
- App::getFallbackLocale() — Method in class App
- App::getNamespace() — Method in class App
- App::get() — Method in class App
- App::getBindings() — Method in class App
- App::getAlias() — Method in class App
- App::getInstance() — Method in class App
- Artisan::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Artisan
Get the registered name of the component.
- Auth::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Auth
Get the registered name of the component.
- Auth::guard() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::getDefaultUserProvider() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::guest() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::getLastAttempted() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::getName() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::getRecallerName() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::getCookieJar() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::getDispatcher() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::getSession() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::getUser() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::getRequest() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::getTimebox() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::getProvider() — Method in class Auth
- Blade::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Blade
Get the registered name of the component.
- Blade::getPath() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::getExtensions() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::getClassComponentAliases() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::getAnonymousComponentPaths() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::getAnonymousComponentNamespaces() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::getClassComponentNamespaces() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::getCustomDirectives() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::getCompiledPath() — Method in class Blade
- Broadcast::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Broadcast
Get the registered name of the component.
- Broadcast::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class Broadcast
- Broadcast::getApplication() — Method in class Broadcast
- Bus::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Bus
Get the registered name of the component.
- Bus::getCommandHandler() — Method in class Bus
- Cache::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Cache
Get the registered name of the component.
- Cache::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::get() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::getMultiple() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::getDefaultCacheTime() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::getStore() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::getPrefix() — Method in class Cache
- Config::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Config
Get the registered name of the component.
- Config::get() — Method in class Config
- Config::getMany() — Method in class Config
- Cookie::get() — Method in class Cookie
Retrieve a cookie from the request.
- Cookie::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Cookie
Get the registered name of the component.
- Cookie::getQueuedCookies() — Method in class Cookie
- Crypt::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Crypt
Get the registered name of the component.
- Crypt::generateKey() — Method in class Crypt
- Crypt::getKey() — Method in class Crypt
- DB::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class DB
Get the registered name of the component.
- DB::getDefaultConnection() — Method in class DB
- DB::getConnections() — Method in class DB
- DB::getSchemaBuilder() — Method in class DB
- DB::getDoctrineColumn() — Method in class DB
- DB::getDoctrineSchemaManager() — Method in class DB
- DB::getDoctrineConnection() — Method in class DB
- DB::getPdo() — Method in class DB
- DB::getRawPdo() — Method in class DB
- DB::getReadPdo() — Method in class DB
- DB::getRawReadPdo() — Method in class DB
- DB::getName() — Method in class DB
- DB::getNameWithReadWriteType() — Method in class DB
- DB::getConfig() — Method in class DB
- DB::getDriverName() — Method in class DB
- DB::getQueryGrammar() — Method in class DB
- DB::getSchemaGrammar() — Method in class DB
- DB::getPostProcessor() — Method in class DB
- DB::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class DB
- DB::getQueryLog() — Method in class DB
- DB::getDatabaseName() — Method in class DB
- DB::getTablePrefix() — Method in class DB
- DB::getResolver() — Method in class DB
- Date::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Date
Get the registered name of the component.
- Date::getAvailableLocales() — Method in class Date
- Date::getDays() — Method in class Date
- Date::getHumanDiffOptions() — Method in class Date
- Date::getIsoUnits() — Method in class Date
- Date::getLastErrors() — Method in class Date
- Date::getLocale() — Method in class Date
- Date::getMidDayAt() — Method in class Date
- Date::getTestNow() — Method in class Date
- Date::getTranslator() — Method in class Date
- Date::getWeekEndsAt() — Method in class Date
- Date::getWeekStartsAt() — Method in class Date
- Date::getWeekendDays() — Method in class Date
- Event::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Event
Get the registered name of the component.
- Event::getListeners() — Method in class Event
- Event::getRawListeners() — Method in class Event
- Facade::getMockableClass() — Method in class Facade
Get the mockable class for the bound instance.
- Facade::getFacadeRoot() — Method in class Facade
Get the root object behind the facade.
- Facade::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Facade
Get the registered name of the component.
- Facade::getFacadeApplication() — Method in class Facade
Get the application instance behind the facade.
- File::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class File
Get the registered name of the component.
- File::get() — Method in class File
- File::getRequire() — Method in class File
- File::guessExtension() — Method in class File
- File::glob() — Method in class File
- Gate — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Gate::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Gate
Get the registered name of the component.
- Gate::getPolicyFor() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::guessPolicyNamesUsing() — Method in class Gate
- Hash::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Hash
Get the registered name of the component.
- Hash::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class Hash
- Hash::getDrivers() — Method in class Hash
- Hash::getContainer() — Method in class Hash
- Http::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Http
Get the registered name of the component.
- Http::getDispatcher() — Method in class Http
- Http::get() — Method in class Http
- Http::getPromise() — Method in class Http
- Http::getOptions() — Method in class Http
- Lang::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Lang
Get the registered name of the component.
- Lang::get() — Method in class Lang
- Lang::getSelector() — Method in class Lang
- Lang::getLoader() — Method in class Lang
- Lang::getLocale() — Method in class Lang
- Lang::getFallback() — Method in class Lang
- Log::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Log
Get the registered name of the component.
- Log::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class Log
- Log::getChannels() — Method in class Log
- Log::getLogger() — Method in class Log
- Log::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Log
- Mail::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Mail
Get the registered name of the component.
- Mail::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::getApplication() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::getSymfonyTransport() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::getViewFactory() — Method in class Mail
- Notification::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Notification
Get the registered name of the component.
- Notification::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::getDrivers() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::getContainer() — Method in class Notification
- ParallelTesting::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Get the registered name of the component.
- Password::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Password
Get the registered name of the component.
- Password::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class Password
- Password::getUser() — Method in class Password
- Password::getRepository() — Method in class Password
- Process::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Process
Get the registered name of the component.
- Queue::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Queue
Get the registered name of the component.
- Queue::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::getName() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::getApplication() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::getConnectionName() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::getJobBackoff() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::getJobExpiration() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::getContainer() — Method in class Queue
- RateLimiter::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class RateLimiter
Get the registered name of the component.
- Redirect::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Redirect
Get the registered name of the component.
- Redirect::guest() — Method in class Redirect
- Redirect::getUrlGenerator() — Method in class Redirect
- Redirect::getIntendedUrl() — Method in class Redirect
- Redis::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Redis
Get the registered name of the component.
- Redis::getName() — Method in class Redis
- Redis::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class Redis
- Request::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Request
Get the registered name of the component.
- Request::get() — Method in class Request
- Request::getSession() — Method in class Request
- Request::getUserResolver() — Method in class Request
- Request::getRouteResolver() — Method in class Request
- Request::getTrustedProxies() — Method in class Request
- Request::getTrustedHeaderSet() — Method in class Request
- Request::getTrustedHosts() — Method in class Request
- Request::getHttpMethodParameterOverride() — Method in class Request
- Request::getClientIps() — Method in class Request
- Request::getClientIp() — Method in class Request
- Request::getScriptName() — Method in class Request
- Request::getPathInfo() — Method in class Request
- Request::getBasePath() — Method in class Request
- Request::getBaseUrl() — Method in class Request
- Request::getScheme() — Method in class Request
- Request::getPort() — Method in class Request
- Request::getUser() — Method in class Request
- Request::getPassword() — Method in class Request
- Request::getUserInfo() — Method in class Request
- Request::getHttpHost() — Method in class Request
- Request::getRequestUri() — Method in class Request
- Request::getSchemeAndHttpHost() — Method in class Request
- Request::getUri() — Method in class Request
- Request::getUriForPath() — Method in class Request
- Request::getRelativeUriForPath() — Method in class Request
- Request::getQueryString() — Method in class Request
- Request::getHost() — Method in class Request
- Request::getMethod() — Method in class Request
- Request::getRealMethod() — Method in class Request
- Request::getMimeType() — Method in class Request
- Request::getMimeTypes() — Method in class Request
- Request::getFormat() — Method in class Request
- Request::getRequestFormat() — Method in class Request
- Request::getContentTypeFormat() — Method in class Request
- Request::getDefaultLocale() — Method in class Request
- Request::getLocale() — Method in class Request
- Request::getProtocolVersion() — Method in class Request
- Request::getContent() — Method in class Request
- Request::getETags() — Method in class Request
- Request::getPreferredFormat() — Method in class Request
- Request::getPreferredLanguage() — Method in class Request
- Request::getLanguages() — Method in class Request
- Request::getCharsets() — Method in class Request
- Request::getEncodings() — Method in class Request
- Request::getAcceptableContentTypes() — Method in class Request
- Response::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Response
Get the registered name of the component.
- Route::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Route
Get the registered name of the component.
- Route::get() — Method in class Route
- Route::group() — Method in class Route
- Route::getLastGroupPrefix() — Method in class Route
- Route::gatherRouteMiddleware() — Method in class Route
- Route::getMiddleware() — Method in class Route
- Route::getMiddlewareGroups() — Method in class Route
- Route::getBindingCallback() — Method in class Route
- Route::getPatterns() — Method in class Route
- Route::getGroupStack() — Method in class Route
- Route::getCurrentRequest() — Method in class Route
- Route::getCurrentRoute() — Method in class Route
- Route::getRoutes() — Method in class Route
- Schema::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Schema
Get the registered name of the component.
- Schema::getColumnType() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::getColumnListing() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::getAllTables() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::getConnection() — Method in class Schema
- Session::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Session
Get the registered name of the component.
- Session::getSessionConfig() — Method in class Session
- Session::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class Session
- Session::getDrivers() — Method in class Session
- Session::getContainer() — Method in class Session
- Session::get() — Method in class Session
- Session::getOldInput() — Method in class Session
- Session::getName() — Method in class Session
- Session::getId() — Method in class Session
- Session::getHandler() — Method in class Session
- Storage::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Storage
Get the registered name of the component.
- Storage::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::getDefaultCloudDriver() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::get() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::getVisibility() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::getDriver() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::getAdapter() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::getConfig() — Method in class Storage
- URL::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class URL
Get the registered name of the component.
- URL::getDefaultParameters() — Method in class URL
- URL::getRequest() — Method in class URL
- URL::getRootControllerNamespace() — Method in class URL
- Validator::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Validator
Get the registered name of the component.
- Validator::getTranslator() — Method in class Validator
- Validator::getPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Validator
- Validator::getContainer() — Method in class Validator
- View::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class View
Get the registered name of the component.
- View::getEngineFromPath() — Method in class View
- View::getExtensions() — Method in class View
- View::getEngineResolver() — Method in class View
- View::getFinder() — Method in class View
- View::getDispatcher() — Method in class View
- View::getContainer() — Method in class View
- View::getShared() — Method in class View
- View::getConsumableComponentData() — Method in class View
- View::getFragment() — Method in class View
- View::getFragments() — Method in class View
- View::getSection() — Method in class View
- View::getSections() — Method in class View
- View::getLastLoop() — Method in class View
- View::getLoopStack() — Method in class View
- Vite::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Vite
Get the registered name of the component.
- Fluent::get() — Method in class Fluent
- Fluent::getAttributes() — Method in class Fluent
- LazyCollection::get() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::groupBy() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::getIterator() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get the values iterator.
- Manager::getDefaultDriver() — Method in class Manager
Get the default driver name.
- Manager::getDrivers() — Method in class Manager
Get all of the created "drivers".
- Manager::getContainer() — Method in class Manager
Get the container instance used by the manager.
- MessageBag::get() — Method in class MessageBag
Get all of the messages from the bag for a given key.
- MessageBag::getMessagesForWildcardKey() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the messages for a wildcard key.
- MessageBag::getMessages() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the raw messages in the container.
- MessageBag::getMessageBag() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the messages for the instance.
- MessageBag::getFormat() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the default message format.
- MultipleInstanceManager::getDefaultInstance() — Method in class MultipleInstanceManager
Get the default instance name.
- MultipleInstanceManager::getInstanceConfig() — Method in class MultipleInstanceManager
Get the instance specific configuration.
- MultipleInstanceManager::get() — Method in class MultipleInstanceManager
Attempt to get an instance from the local cache.
- MultipleItemsFoundException::getCount() — Method in class MultipleItemsFoundException
Get the number of items found.
- Reflector::getParameterClassName() — Method in class Reflector
Get the class name of the given parameter's type, if possible.
- Reflector::getParameterClassNames() — Method in class Reflector
Get the class names of the given parameter's type, including union types.
- Reflector::getTypeName() — Method in class Reflector
Get the given type's class name.
- BatchRepositoryFake::get() — Method in class BatchRepositoryFake
Retrieve a list of batches.
- BusFake::getCommandHandler() — Method in class BusFake
Retrieve the handler for a command.
- QueueFake::getConnectionName() — Method in class QueueFake
Get the connection name for the queue.
- CapsuleManagerTrait::getContainer() — Method in class CapsuleManagerTrait
Get the IoC container instance.
- $ EnumeratesValues#groupBy — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::getCachingIterator() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Get a CachingIterator instance.
- EnumeratesValues::getArrayableItems() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
- ValidatedInput::getIterator() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Get an iterator for the input.
- ViewErrorBag::getBag() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Get a MessageBag instance from the bags.
- ViewErrorBag::getBags() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Get all the bags.
- RunsInParallel::getExitCode() — Method in class RunsInParallel
Returns the highest exit code encountered throughout the course of test execution.
- HasInDatabase::getAdditionalInfo() — Method in class HasInDatabase
Get additional info about the records found in the database table.
- NotSoftDeletedInDatabase::getAdditionalInfo() — Method in class NotSoftDeletedInDatabase
Get additional info about the records found in the database table.
- SoftDeletedInDatabase::getAdditionalInfo() — Method in class SoftDeletedInDatabase
Get additional info about the records found in the database table.
- TestResponse::getCookie() — Method in class TestResponse
Get the given cookie from the response.
- MessageSelector::getPluralIndex() — Method in class MessageSelector
Get the index to use for pluralization.
- Translator::get() — Method in class Translator
Get the translation for the given key.
- Translator::getLine() — Method in class Translator
Retrieve a language line out the loaded array.
- Translator::getSelector() — Method in class Translator
Get the message selector instance.
- Translator::getLoader() — Method in class Translator
Get the language line loader implementation.
- Translator::getLocale() — Method in class Translator
Get the default locale being used.
- Translator::getFallback() — Method in class Translator
Get the fallback locale being used.
- FilterEmailValidation::getError() — Method in class FilterEmailValidation
Returns the validation error.
- FilterEmailValidation::getWarnings() — Method in class FilterEmailValidation
Returns the validation warnings.
- FormatsMessages::getMessage() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Get the validation message for an attribute and rule.
- FormatsMessages::getInlineMessage() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Get the proper inline error message for standard and size rules.
- FormatsMessages::getFromLocalArray() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Get the inline message for a rule if it exists.
- FormatsMessages::getCustomMessageFromTranslator() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Get the custom error message from the translator.
- FormatsMessages::getWildcardCustomMessages() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Check the given messages for a wildcard key.
- FormatsMessages::getSizeMessage() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Get the proper error message for an attribute and size rule.
- FormatsMessages::getAttributeType() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Get the data type of the given attribute.
- FormatsMessages::getDisplayableAttribute() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Get the displayable name of the attribute.
- FormatsMessages::getAttributeFromTranslations() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Get the given attribute from the attribute translations.
- FormatsMessages::getDisplayableValue() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Get the displayable name of the value.
- FormatsMessages::getAttributeList() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Transform an array of attributes to their displayable form.
- ValidatesAttributes::getDnsRecords() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Get the DNS records for the given hostname.
- ValidatesAttributes::getDateFormat() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Get the date format for an attribute if it has one.
- ValidatesAttributes::getDateTimestamp() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Get the date timestamp.
- ValidatesAttributes::getDateTimeWithOptionalFormat() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Get a DateTime instance from a string.
- ValidatesAttributes::getDateTime() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Get a DateTime instance from a string with no format.
- ValidatesAttributes::getDistinctValues() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Get the values to distinct between.
- ValidatesAttributes::getExistCount() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Get the number of records that exist in storage.
- ValidatesAttributes::getUniqueIds() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Get the excluded ID column and value for the unique rule.
- ValidatesAttributes::getUniqueExtra() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Get the extra conditions for a unique rule.
- ValidatesAttributes::getQueryColumn() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Get the column name for an exists / unique query.
- ValidatesAttributes::guessColumnForQuery() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Guess the database column from the given attribute name.
- ValidatesAttributes::getExtraConditions() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Get the extra conditions for a unique / exists rule.
- ValidatesAttributes::getSize() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Get the size of an attribute.
- DatabasePresenceVerifier::getCount() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
Count the number of objects in a collection having the given value.
- DatabasePresenceVerifier::getMultiCount() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
Count the number of objects in a collection with the given values.
- Factory::getTranslator() — Method in class Factory
Get the Translator implementation.
- Factory::getPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Factory
Get the Presence Verifier implementation.
- Factory::getContainer() — Method in class Factory
Get the container instance used by the validation factory.
- NotPwnedVerifier::getHash() — Method in class NotPwnedVerifier
Get the hash and its first 5 chars.
- PresenceVerifierInterface::getCount() — Method in class PresenceVerifierInterface
Count the number of objects in a collection having the given value.
- PresenceVerifierInterface::getMultiCount() — Method in class PresenceVerifierInterface
Count the number of objects in a collection with the given values.
- Password::getErrorMessage() — Method in class Password
Get the translated password error message.
- ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait::getValidatorInstance() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait
Get the validator instance for the request.
- ValidationData::getLeadingExplicitAttributePath() — Method in class ValidationData
Get the explicit part of the attribute name.
- ValidationException::getResponse() — Method in class ValidationException
Get the underlying response instance.
- Validator::getExplicitKeys() — Method in class Validator
Get the explicit keys from an attribute flattened with dot notation.
- Validator::getPrimaryAttribute() — Method in class Validator
Get the primary attribute name.
- Validator::getMessageBag() — Method in class Validator
Get the messages for the instance.
- Validator::getRule() — Method in class Validator
Get a rule and its parameters for a given attribute.
- Validator::getData() — Method in class Validator
Get the data under validation.
- Validator::getValue() — Method in class Validator
Get the value of a given attribute.
- Validator::getRules() — Method in class Validator
Get the validation rules.
- Validator::getRulesWithoutPlaceholders() — Method in class Validator
Get the validation rules with key placeholders removed.
- Validator::getPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Validator
Get the Presence Verifier implementation.
- Validator::getTranslator() — Method in class Validator
Get the Translator implementation.
- BladeCompiler::getOpenAndClosingPhpTokens() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Get the open and closing PHP tag tokens from the given string.
- BladeCompiler::getPath() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Get the path currently being compiled.
- Compiler::getCompiledPath() — Method in class Compiler
Get the path to the compiled version of a view.
- CompilerInterface::getCompiledPath() — Method in class CompilerInterface
Get the path to the compiled version of a view.
- ComponentTagCompiler::guessAnonymousComponentUsingPaths() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Attempt to find an anonymous component using the registered anonymous component paths.
- ComponentTagCompiler::guessAnonymousComponentUsingNamespaces() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Attempt to find an anonymous component using the registered anonymous component namespaces.
- ComponentTagCompiler::guessClassName() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Guess the class name for the given component.
- ComponentTagCompiler::guessViewName() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Guess the view name for the given component.
- ComponentTagCompiler::getAttributesFromAttributeString() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Get an array of attributes from the given attribute string.
- CompilesEchos::getEchoMethods() — Method in class CompilesEchos
Get the echo methods in the proper order for compilation.
- ComponentAttributeBag::get() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Get a given attribute from the attribute array.
- ComponentAttributeBag::getAttributes() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Get all of the raw attributes.
- ComponentAttributeBag::getIterator() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Get an iterator for the items.
- ManagesComponents::getConsumableComponentData() — Method in class ManagesComponents
Get an item from the component data that exists above the current component.
- ManagesFragments::getFragment() — Method in class ManagesFragments
Get the contents of a fragment.
- ManagesFragments::getFragments() — Method in class ManagesFragments
Get the entire array of rendered fragments.
- ManagesLayouts::getSection() — Method in class ManagesLayouts
Get the contents of a section.
- ManagesLayouts::getSections() — Method in class ManagesLayouts
Get the entire array of sections.
- ManagesLoops::getLastLoop() — Method in class ManagesLoops
Get an instance of the last loop in the stack.
- ManagesLoops::getLoopStack() — Method in class ManagesLoops
Get the entire loop stack.
- CompilerEngine::get() — Method in class CompilerEngine
Get the evaluated contents of the view.
- CompilerEngine::getMessage() — Method in class CompilerEngine
Get the exception message for an exception.
- CompilerEngine::getCompiler() — Method in class CompilerEngine
Get the compiler implementation.
- Engine::getLastRendered() — Method in class Engine
Get the last view that was rendered.
- FileEngine::get() — Method in class FileEngine
Get the evaluated contents of the view.
- PhpEngine::get() — Method in class PhpEngine
Get the evaluated contents of the view.
- Factory::getEngineFromPath() — Method in class Factory
Get the appropriate view engine for the given path.
- Factory::getExtension() — Method in class Factory
Get the extension used by the view file.
- Factory::getExtensions() — Method in class Factory
Get the extension to engine bindings.
- Factory::getEngineResolver() — Method in class Factory
Get the engine resolver instance.
- Factory::getFinder() — Method in class Factory
Get the view finder instance.
- Factory::getDispatcher() — Method in class Factory
Get the event dispatcher instance.
- Factory::getContainer() — Method in class Factory
Get the IoC container instance.
- Factory::getShared() — Method in class Factory
Get all of the shared data for the environment.
- FileViewFinder::getPossibleViewFiles() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Get an array of possible view files.
- FileViewFinder::getFilesystem() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Get the filesystem instance.
- FileViewFinder::getPaths() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Get the active view paths.
- FileViewFinder::getViews() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Get the views that have been located.
- FileViewFinder::getHints() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Get the namespace to file path hints.
- FileViewFinder::getExtensions() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Get registered extensions.
- InvokableComponentVariable::getIterator() — Method in class InvokableComponentVariable
Get an interator instance for the variable.
- View::getContents() — Method in class View
Get the evaluated contents of the view.
- View::gatherData() — Method in class View
Get the data bound to the view instance.
- View::getName() — Method in class View
Get the name of the view.
- View::getData() — Method in class View
Get the array of view data.
- View::getPath() — Method in class View
Get the path to the view file.
- View::getFactory() — Method in class View
Get the view factory instance.
- View::getEngine() — Method in class View
Get the view's rendering engine.
- AuthorizationException::hasStatus() — Method in class AuthorizationException
Determine if the HTTP status code has been set.
- Gate::has() — Method in class Gate
Determine if a given ability has been defined.
- HandlesAuthorization — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
- AuthManager::hasResolvedGuards() — Method in class AuthManager
Determines if any guards have already been resolved.
- ClearResetsCommand::handle() — Method in class ClearResetsCommand
Execute the console command.
- $ DatabaseUserProvider#hasher — Property in class DatabaseUserProvider
The hasher implementation.
- $ EloquentUserProvider#hasher — Property in class EloquentUserProvider
The hasher implementation.
- GuardHelpers::hasUser() — Method in class GuardHelpers
Determine if the guard has a user instance.
- SendEmailVerificationNotification::handle() — Method in class SendEmailVerificationNotification
Handle the event.
- Authenticate::handle() — Method in class Authenticate
Handle an incoming request.
- AuthenticateWithBasicAuth::handle() — Method in class AuthenticateWithBasicAuth
Handle an incoming request.
- Authorize::handle() — Method in class Authorize
Handle an incoming request.
- EnsureEmailIsVerified::handle() — Method in class EnsureEmailIsVerified
Handle an incoming request.
- RequirePassword::handle() — Method in class RequirePassword
Handle an incoming request.
- MustVerifyEmail::hasVerifiedEmail() — Method in class MustVerifyEmail
Determine if the user has verified their email address.
- $ DatabaseTokenRepository#hasher — Property in class DatabaseTokenRepository
The Hasher implementation.
- $ DatabaseTokenRepository#hashKey — Property in class DatabaseTokenRepository
The hashing key.
- Recaller::hash() — Method in class Recaller
Get the password from the recaller.
- Recaller::hasAllSegments() — Method in class Recaller
Determine if the recaller has all segments.
- SessionGuard::hasValidCredentials() — Method in class SessionGuard
Determine if the user matches the credentials.
- $ TokenGuard#hash — Property in class TokenGuard
Indicates if the API token is hashed in storage.
- BroadcastEvent::handle() — Method in class BroadcastEvent
Handle the queued job.
- Batch::hasThenCallbacks() — Method in class Batch
Determine if the batch has "success" callbacks.
- Batch::hasFailures() — Method in class Batch
Determine if the batch has job failures.
- Batch::hasCatchCallbacks() — Method in class Batch
Determine if the batch has "catch" callbacks.
- Batch::hasFinallyCallbacks() — Method in class Batch
Determine if the batch has "finally" callbacks.
- $ Dispatcher#handlers — Property in class Dispatcher
The command to handler mapping for non-self-handling events.
- Dispatcher::hasCommandHandler() — Method in class Dispatcher
Determine if the given command has a handler.
- CacheTableCommand::handle() — Method in class CacheTableCommand
Execute the console command.
- ClearCommand::handle() — Method in class ClearCommand
Execute the console command.
- ForgetCommand::handle() — Method in class ForgetCommand
Execute the console command.
- PruneStaleTagsCommand::handle() — Method in class PruneStaleTagsCommand
Execute the console command.
- HasCacheLock — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- RateLimiter::hit() — Method in class RateLimiter
Increment the counter for a given key for a given decay time.
- Repository::has() — Method in class Repository
Determine if an item exists in the cache.
- Repository::handleManyResult() — Method in class Repository
Handle a result for the "many" method.
- Repository::has() — Method in class Repository
Determine if the given configuration value exists.
- $ Command#help — Property in class Command
The console command help text.
- $ Command#hidden — Property in class Command
Indicates whether the command should be shown in the Artisan command list.
- CreatesMatchingTest::handleTestCreation() — Method in class CreatesMatchingTest
Create the matching test case if requested.
- HasParameters — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Concerns
- InteractsWithIO::hasArgument() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Determine if the given argument is present.
- InteractsWithIO::hasOption() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Determine if the given option is present.
- ContainerCommandLoader::has() — Method in class ContainerCommandLoader
Determines if a command exists.
- GeneratorCommand::handle() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Execute the console command.
- ManagesFrequencies::hourly() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run hourly.
- ManagesFrequencies::hourlyAt() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run hourly at a given offset in the hour.
- ScheduleClearCacheCommand::handle() — Method in class ScheduleClearCacheCommand
Execute the console command.
- $ ScheduleFinishCommand#hidden — Property in class ScheduleFinishCommand
Indicates whether the command should be shown in the Artisan command list.
- ScheduleFinishCommand::handle() — Method in class ScheduleFinishCommand
Execute the console command.
- ScheduleListCommand::handle() — Method in class ScheduleListCommand
Execute the console command.
- $ ScheduleRunCommand#handler — Property in class ScheduleRunCommand
The exception handler.
- ScheduleRunCommand::handle() — Method in class ScheduleRunCommand
Execute the console command.
- ScheduleTestCommand::handle() — Method in class ScheduleTestCommand
Execute the console command.
- ScheduleWorkCommand::handle() — Method in class ScheduleWorkCommand
Execute the console command.
- Container::has() — Method in class Container
- {@inheritdoc}
- Container::hasMethodBinding() — Method in class Container
Determine if the container has a method binding.
- Container::hasParameterOverride() — Method in class Container
Determine if the given dependency has a parameter override.
- Gate::has() — Method in class Gate
Determine if a given ability has been defined.
- Guard::hasUser() — Method in class Guard
Determine if the guard has a user instance.
- MustVerifyEmail::hasVerifiedEmail() — Method in class MustVerifyEmail
Determine if the user has verified their email address.
- HasBroadcastChannel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
- Dispatcher::hasCommandHandler() — Method in class Dispatcher
Determine if the given command has a handler.
- Repository::has() — Method in class Repository
Determine if the given configuration value exists.
- Kernel::handle() — Method in class Kernel
Handle an incoming console command.
- Dispatcher::hasListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher
Determine if a given event has listeners.
- Application::hasDebugModeEnabled() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application is running with debug mode enabled.
- Application::hasBeenBootstrapped() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application has been bootstrapped before.
- Hasher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Hashing
- Kernel::handle() — Method in class Kernel
Handle an incoming HTTP request.
- CursorPaginator::hasPages() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Determine if there are enough items to split into multiple pages.
- Paginator::hasPages() — Method in class Paginator
Determine if there are enough items to split into multiple pages.
- Paginator::hasMorePages() — Method in class Paginator
Determine if there are more items in the data store.
- Hub — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pipeline
- Job::hasFailed() — Method in class Job
Determine if the job has been marked as a failure.
- Session::has() — Method in class Session
Checks if a key is present and not null.
- Session::handlerNeedsRequest() — Method in class Session
Determine if the session handler needs a request.
- Htmlable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- MessageBag::has() — Method in class MessageBag
Determine if messages exist for a given key.
- HasLocalePreference — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Translation
- CookieJar::hasQueued() — Method in class CookieJar
Determine if a cookie has been queued.
- AddQueuedCookiesToResponse::handle() — Method in class AddQueuedCookiesToResponse
Handle an incoming request.
- EncryptCookies::handle() — Method in class EncryptCookies
Handle an incoming request.
- ManagesTransactions::handleTransactionException() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Handle an exception encountered when running a transacted statement.
- ManagesTransactions::handleBeginTransactionException() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Handle an exception from a transaction beginning.
- ManagesTransactions::handleCommitTransactionException() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Handle an exception encountered when committing a transaction.
- ManagesTransactions::handleRollBackException() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Handle an exception from a rollback.
- Connection::handleQueryException() — Method in class Connection
Handle a query exception.
- Connection::hasModifiedRecords() — Method in class Connection
Determine if the database connection has modified any database records.
- ConnectionResolver::hasConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
Check if a connection has been registered.
- MySqlConnector::hasSocket() — Method in class MySqlConnector
Determine if the given configuration array has a UNIX socket value.
- DbCommand::handle() — Method in class DbCommand
Execute the console command.
- DumpCommand::handle() — Method in class DumpCommand
Execute the console command.
- FreshCommand::handle() — Method in class FreshCommand
Execute the console command.
- InstallCommand::handle() — Method in class InstallCommand
Execute the console command.
- MigrateCommand::handle() — Method in class MigrateCommand
Execute the console command.
- MigrateMakeCommand::handle() — Method in class MigrateMakeCommand
Execute the console command.
- RefreshCommand::handle() — Method in class RefreshCommand
Execute the console command.
- ResetCommand::handle() — Method in class ResetCommand
Execute the console command.
- RollbackCommand::handle() — Method in class RollbackCommand
Execute the console command.
- StatusCommand::handle() — Method in class StatusCommand
Execute the console command.
- MonitorCommand::handle() — Method in class MonitorCommand
Execute the console command.
- PruneCommand::handle() — Method in class PruneCommand
Execute the console command.
- SeedCommand::handle() — Method in class SeedCommand
Execute the console command.
- SeederMakeCommand::handle() — Method in class SeederMakeCommand
Execute the console command.
- ShowCommand::handle() — Method in class ShowCommand
Execute the console command.
- ShowModelCommand::handle() — Method in class ShowModelCommand
Execute the console command.
- TableCommand::handle() — Method in class TableCommand
Execute the console command.
- WipeCommand::handle() — Method in class WipeCommand
Execute the console command.
- Builder::hydrate() — Method in class Builder
Create a collection of models from plain arrays.
- Builder::hasNamedScope() — Method in class Builder
Determine if the given model has a scope.
- Builder::hasMacro() — Method in class Builder
Checks if a macro is registered.
- Builder::hasGlobalMacro() — Method in class Builder
Checks if a global macro is registered.
- HasAttributes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
- HasAttributes::handleLazyLoadingViolation() — Method in class HasAttributes
Handle a lazy loading violation.
- HasAttributes::hasGetMutator() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if a get mutator exists for an attribute.
- HasAttributes::hasAttributeMutator() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if a "Attribute" return type marked mutator exists for an attribute.
- HasAttributes::hasAttributeGetMutator() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if a "Attribute" return type marked get mutator exists for an attribute.
- HasAttributes::hasSetMutator() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if a set mutator exists for an attribute.
- HasAttributes::hasAttributeSetMutator() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if an "Attribute" return type marked set mutator exists for an attribute.
- HasAttributes::hasCast() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine whether an attribute should be cast to a native type.
- HasAttributes::hasChanges() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if any of the given attributes were changed when the model was last saved.
- HasAttributes::hasAppended() — Method in class HasAttributes
Return whether the accessor attribute has been appended.
- HasEvents — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
- HasGlobalScopes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
- HasGlobalScopes::hasGlobalScope() — Method in class HasGlobalScopes
Determine if a model has a global scope.
- HasRelationships — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
- HasRelationships::hasOne() — Method in class HasRelationships
Define a one-to-one relationship.
- HasRelationships::hasOneThrough() — Method in class HasRelationships
Define a has-one-through relationship.
- HasRelationships::hasMany() — Method in class HasRelationships
Define a one-to-many relationship.
- HasRelationships::hasManyThrough() — Method in class HasRelationships
Define a has-many-through relationship.
- HasTimestamps — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
- HasUlids — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
- HasUuids — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
- HidesAttributes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
- $ HidesAttributes#hidden — Property in class HidesAttributes
The attributes that should be hidden for serialization.
- QueriesRelationships::has() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query.
- QueriesRelationships::hasNested() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add nested relationship count / exists conditions to the query.
- QueriesRelationships::hasMorph() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a polymorphic relationship count / exists condition to the query.
- $ Factory#has — Property in class Factory
The parent relationships that will be applied to the model.
- Factory::has() — Method in class Factory
Define a child relationship for the model.
- Factory::hasAttached() — Method in class Factory
- HasFactory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories
- HigherOrderBuilderProxy — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- Model::handleLazyLoadingViolationUsing() — Method in class Model
Register a callback that is responsible for handling lazy loading violations.
- Model::handleDiscardedAttributeViolationUsing() — Method in class Model
Register a callback that is responsible for handling discarded attribute violations.
- Model::handleMissingAttributeViolationUsing() — Method in class Model
Register a callback that is responsible for handling missing attribute violations.
- Model::hasNamedScope() — Method in class Model
Determine if the model has a given scope.
- PendingHasThroughRelationship::has() — Method in class PendingHasThroughRelationship
Define the distant relationship that this model has.
- BelongsToMany::hydratePivotRelation() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Hydrate the pivot table relationship on the models.
- AsPivot::hasTimestampAttributes() — Method in class AsPivot
Determine if the pivot model or given attributes has timestamp attributes.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::hasPivotColumn() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Determine whether the given column is defined as a pivot column.
- HasMany — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- HasManyThrough — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- HasOne — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- HasOneOrMany — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- HasOneThrough — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- Migrator::hasRunAnyMigrations() — Method in class Migrator
Determine if any migrations have been run.
- $ Builder#havings — Property in class Builder
The having constraints for the query.
- Builder::having() — Method in class Builder
Add a "having" clause to the query.
- Builder::havingNested() — Method in class Builder
Add a nested having statement to the query.
- Builder::havingNull() — Method in class Builder
Add a "having null" clause to the query.
- Builder::havingNotNull() — Method in class Builder
Add a "having not null" clause to the query.
- Builder::havingBetween() — Method in class Builder
Add a "having between " clause to the query.
- Builder::havingRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add a raw having clause to the query.
- Builder::hasTable() — Method in class Builder
Determine if the given table exists.
- Builder::hasColumn() — Method in class Builder
Determine if the given table has a given column.
- Builder::hasColumns() — Method in class Builder
Determine if the given table has given columns.
- MySqlBuilder::hasTable() — Method in class MySqlBuilder
Determine if the given table exists.
- PostgresBuilder::hasTable() — Method in class PostgresBuilder
Determine if the given table exists.
- SchemaState::handleOutputUsing() — Method in class SchemaState
Specify the callback that should be used to handle process output.
- Encrypter::hash() — Method in class Encrypter
Create a MAC for the given value.
- CallQueuedListener::handle() — Method in class CallQueuedListener
Handle the queued job.
- Dispatcher::hasListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher
Determine if a given event has listeners.
- Dispatcher::hasWildcardListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher
Determine if the given event has any wildcard listeners.
- Dispatcher::handlerShouldBeQueued() — Method in class Dispatcher
Determine if the event handler class should be queued.
- Dispatcher::handlerShouldBeDispatchedAfterDatabaseTransactions() — Method in class Dispatcher
Determine if the given event handler should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed.
- Dispatcher::handlerWantsToBeQueued() — Method in class Dispatcher
Determine if the event handler wants to be queued.
- InvokeQueuedClosure::handle() — Method in class InvokeQueuedClosure
Handle the event.
- NullDispatcher::hasListeners() — Method in class NullDispatcher
Determine if a given event has listeners.
- Filesystem::hash() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the hash of the file at the given path.
- Filesystem::hasSameHash() — Method in class Filesystem
Determine if two files are the same by comparing their hashes.
- $ LockableFile#handle — Property in class LockableFile
The file resource.
- $ Application#hasBeenBootstrapped — Property in class Application
Indicates if the application has been bootstrapped before.
- Application::hasBeenBootstrapped() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application has been bootstrapped before.
- Application::hasDebugModeEnabled() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application is running with debug mode enabled.
- Application::handle() — Method in class Application
- {@inheritdoc}
- HandleExceptions — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
- HandleExceptions::handleError() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Report PHP deprecations, or convert PHP errors to ErrorException instances.
- HandleExceptions::handleDeprecationError() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Reports a deprecation to the "deprecations" logger.
- HandleExceptions::handleException() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Handle an uncaught exception from the application.
- HandleExceptions::handleShutdown() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Handle the PHP shutdown event.
- AboutCommand::handle() — Method in class AboutCommand
Execute the console command.
- AboutCommand::hasPhpFiles() — Method in class AboutCommand
Determine whether the given directory has PHP files.
- ClearCompiledCommand::handle() — Method in class ClearCompiledCommand
Execute the console command.
- ComponentMakeCommand::handle() — Method in class ComponentMakeCommand
Execute the console command.
- ConfigCacheCommand::handle() — Method in class ConfigCacheCommand
Execute the console command.
- ConfigClearCommand::handle() — Method in class ConfigClearCommand
Execute the console command.
- $ DocsCommand#help — Property in class DocsCommand
The console command help text.
- $ DocsCommand#http — Property in class DocsCommand
The HTTP client instance.
- DocsCommand::handle() — Method in class DocsCommand
Execute the console command.
- DownCommand::handle() — Method in class DownCommand
Execute the console command.
- EnvironmentCommand::handle() — Method in class EnvironmentCommand
Execute the console command.
- EnvironmentDecryptCommand::handle() — Method in class EnvironmentDecryptCommand
Execute the console command.
- EnvironmentEncryptCommand::handle() — Method in class EnvironmentEncryptCommand
Execute the console command.
- EventCacheCommand::handle() — Method in class EventCacheCommand
Execute the console command.
- EventClearCommand::handle() — Method in class EventClearCommand
Execute the console command.
- EventGenerateCommand::handle() — Method in class EventGenerateCommand
Execute the console command.
- EventListCommand::handle() — Method in class EventListCommand
Execute the console command.
- Kernel::handle() — Method in class Kernel
Run the console application.
- KeyGenerateCommand::handle() — Method in class KeyGenerateCommand
Execute the console command.
- LangPublishCommand::handle() — Method in class LangPublishCommand
Execute the console command.
- MailMakeCommand::handle() — Method in class MailMakeCommand
Execute the console command.
- ModelMakeCommand::handle() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
Execute the console command.
- NotificationMakeCommand::handle() — Method in class NotificationMakeCommand
Execute the console command.
- OptimizeClearCommand::handle() — Method in class OptimizeClearCommand
Execute the console command.
- OptimizeCommand::handle() — Method in class OptimizeCommand
Execute the console command.
- PackageDiscoverCommand::handle() — Method in class PackageDiscoverCommand
Execute the console command.
- QueuedCommand::handle() — Method in class QueuedCommand
Handle the job.
- ResourceMakeCommand::handle() — Method in class ResourceMakeCommand
Execute the console command.
- RouteCacheCommand::handle() — Method in class RouteCacheCommand
Execute the console command.
- RouteClearCommand::handle() — Method in class RouteClearCommand
Execute the console command.
- $ RouteListCommand#headers — Property in class RouteListCommand
The table headers for the command.
- RouteListCommand::handle() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Execute the console command.
- ServeCommand::handle() — Method in class ServeCommand
Execute the console command.
- ServeCommand::host() — Method in class ServeCommand
Get the host for the command.
- ServeCommand::handleProcessOutput() — Method in class ServeCommand
Returns a "callable" to handle the process output.
- StorageLinkCommand::handle() — Method in class StorageLinkCommand
Execute the console command.
- StubPublishCommand::handle() — Method in class StubPublishCommand
Execute the console command.
- UpCommand::handle() — Method in class UpCommand
Execute the console command.
- VendorPublishCommand::handle() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
Execute the console command.
- ViewCacheCommand::handle() — Method in class ViewCacheCommand
Execute the console command.
- ViewClearCommand::handle() — Method in class ViewClearCommand
Execute the console command.
- Handler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions
- ReportableHandler::handles() — Method in class ReportableHandler
Determine if the callback handles the given exception.
- HtmlDumper — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http
- Kernel::handle() — Method in class Kernel
Handle an incoming HTTP request.
- Kernel::hasMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel
Determine if the kernel has a given middleware.
- ConvertEmptyStringsToNull::handle() — Method in class ConvertEmptyStringsToNull
Handle an incoming request.
- HandlePrecognitiveRequests — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
- HandlePrecognitiveRequests::handle() — Method in class HandlePrecognitiveRequests
Handle an incoming request.
- PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance::handle() — Method in class PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance
Handle an incoming request.
- PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance::hasValidBypassCookie() — Method in class PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance
Determine if the incoming request has a maintenance mode bypass cookie.
- TransformsRequest::handle() — Method in class TransformsRequest
Handle an incoming request.
- TrimStrings::handle() — Method in class TrimStrings
Handle an incoming request.
- ValidatePostSize::handle() — Method in class ValidatePostSize
Handle an incoming request.
- VerifyCsrfToken::handle() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken
Handle an incoming request.
- InteractsWithAuthentication::hasCredentials() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Return true if the credentials are valid, false otherwise.
- InteractsWithExceptionHandling::handleExceptions() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling
Only handle the given exceptions via the exception handler.
- InteractsWithExceptionHandling::handleValidationExceptions() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling
Only handle validation exceptions via the exception handler.
- MakesHttpRequests::handle() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
- Wormhole::hour() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel forward the given number of hours.
- Wormhole::hours() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel forward the given number of hours.
- Wormhole::handleCallback() — Method in class Wormhole
Handle the given optional execution callback.
- $ Vite#hotFile — Property in class Vite
The path to the "hot" file.
- Vite::hotFile() — Method in class Vite
Get the Vite "hot" file path.
- Vite::hotAsset() — Method in class Vite
Get the path to a given asset when running in HMR mode.
- HashManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
- HashServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Hashing
- HttpClientException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
- $ PendingRequest#handler — Property in class PendingRequest
The Guzzle HTTP handler.
- PendingRequest::head() — Method in class PendingRequest
Issue a HEAD request to the given URL.
- $ Pool#handler — Property in class Pool
The handler function for the Guzzle client.
- Request::hasHeader() — Method in class Request
Determine if the request has a given header.
- Request::hasHeaders() — Method in class Request
Determine if the request has the given headers.
- Request::header() — Method in class Request
Get the values for the header with the given name.
- Request::headers() — Method in class Request
Get the request headers.
- Request::hasFile() — Method in class Request
Determine if the request contains the given file.
- Response::header() — Method in class Response
Get a header from the response.
- Response::headers() — Method in class Response
Get the headers from the response.
- Response::handlerStats() — Method in class Response
Get the handler stats of the response.
- InteractsWithInput::hasHeader() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Determine if a header is set on the request.
- InteractsWithInput::header() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve a header from the request.
- InteractsWithInput::has() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Determine if the request contains a given input item key.
- InteractsWithInput::hasAny() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Determine if the request contains any of the given inputs.
- InteractsWithInput::hasCookie() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Determine if a cookie is set on the request.
- InteractsWithInput::hasFile() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Determine if the uploaded data contains a file.
- HttpResponseException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Exceptions
- $ FileHelpers#hashName — Property in class FileHelpers
The cache copy of the file's hash name.
- FileHelpers::hashName() — Method in class FileHelpers
Get a filename for the file.
- JsonResponse::hasValidJson() — Method in class JsonResponse
Determine if an error occurred during JSON encoding.
- JsonResponse::hasEncodingOption() — Method in class JsonResponse
Determine if a JSON encoding option is set.
- AddLinkHeadersForPreloadedAssets::handle() — Method in class AddLinkHeadersForPreloadedAssets
Handle the incoming request.
- CheckResponseForModifications::handle() — Method in class CheckResponseForModifications
Handle an incoming request.
- FrameGuard::handle() — Method in class FrameGuard
Handle the given request and get the response.
- HandleCors — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Middleware
- HandleCors::handle() — Method in class HandleCors
Handle the incoming request.
- HandleCors::hasMatchingPath() — Method in class HandleCors
Get the path from the configuration to determine if the CORS service should run.
- SetCacheHeaders::handle() — Method in class SetCacheHeaders
Add cache related HTTP headers.
- TrustHosts::hosts() — Method in class TrustHosts
Get the host patterns that should be trusted.
- TrustHosts::handle() — Method in class TrustHosts
Handle the incoming request.
- $ TrustProxies#headers — Property in class TrustProxies
The proxy header mappings.
- TrustProxies::handle() — Method in class TrustProxies
Handle an incoming request.
- Request::host() — Method in class Request
Get the host name.
- Request::httpHost() — Method in class Request
Get the HTTP host being requested.
- Request::hasSession() — Method in class Request
- {@inheritdoc}
- Request::hasValidSignature() — Method in class Request
- ResourceResponse::haveDefaultWrapperAndDataIsUnwrapped() — Method in class ResourceResponse
Determine if we have a default wrapper and the given data is unwrapped.
- ResourceResponse::haveAdditionalInformationAndDataIsUnwrapped() — Method in class ResourceResponse
Determine if "with" data has been added and our data is unwrapped.
- ResponseTrait::header() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Set a header on the Response.
- $ Mailable#html — Property in class Mailable
The HTML to use for the message.
- Mailable::hasFrom() — Method in class Mailable
Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.
- Mailable::hasTo() — Method in class Mailable
Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.
- Mailable::hasCc() — Method in class Mailable
Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.
- Mailable::hasBcc() — Method in class Mailable
Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.
- Mailable::hasReplyTo() — Method in class Mailable
Determine if the given replyTo is set on the mailable.
- Mailable::hasRecipient() — Method in class Mailable
Determine if the given recipient is set on the mailable.
- Mailable::hasSubject() — Method in class Mailable
Determine if the mailable has the given subject.
- Mailable::html() — Method in class Mailable
Set the rendered HTML content for the message.
- Mailable::hasAttachment() — Method in class Mailable
Determine if the mailable has the given attachment.
- Mailable::hasAttachmentFromStorage() — Method in class Mailable
Determine if the mailable has the given attachment from storage.
- Mailable::hasAttachmentFromStorageDisk() — Method in class Mailable
Determine if the mailable has the given attachment from a specific storage disk.
- Mailable::hasAttachedData() — Method in class Mailable
Determine if the mailable has the given data as an attachment.
- Mailable::hasTag() — Method in class Mailable
Determine if the mailable has the given tag.
- Mailable::hasMetadata() — Method in class Mailable
Determine if the mailable has the given metadata.
- $ Content#html — Property in class Content
The Blade view that should be rendered for the mailable.
- $ Content#htmlString — Property in class Content
The pre-rendered HTML of the message.
- Content::html() — Method in class Content
Set the view for the message.
- Content::htmlString() — Method in class Content
Set the pre-rendered HTML for the message.
- Envelope::hasTo() — Method in class Envelope
Determine if the message has the given address as a recipient.
- Envelope::hasCc() — Method in class Envelope
Determine if the message has the given address as a "cc" recipient.
- Envelope::hasBcc() — Method in class Envelope
Determine if the message has the given address as a "bcc" recipient.
- Envelope::hasReplyTo() — Method in class Envelope
Determine if the message has the given address as a "reply to" recipient.
- Envelope::hasRecipient() — Method in class Envelope
Determine if the message has the given recipient.
- Envelope::hasSubject() — Method in class Envelope
Determine if the message has the given subject.
- Envelope::hasMetadata() — Method in class Envelope
Determine if the message has the given metadata.
- Headers — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Mailables
- Mailer::html() — Method in class Mailer
Send a new message with only an HTML part.
- Markdown::htmlComponentPaths() — Method in class Markdown
Get the HTML component paths.
- SendQueuedMailable::handle() — Method in class SendQueuedMailable
Handle the queued job.
- NotificationTableCommand::handle() — Method in class NotificationTableCommand
Execute the console command.
- HasDatabaseNotifications — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
- SendQueuedNotifications::handle() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications
Send the notifications.
- AbstractPaginator::hasPages() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Determine if there are enough items to split into multiple pages.
- $ CursorPaginator#hasMore — Property in class CursorPaginator
Indicates whether there are more items in the data source.
- CursorPaginator::hasMorePages() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Determine if there are more items in the data source.
- CursorPaginator::hasPages() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Determine if there are enough items to split into multiple pages.
- LengthAwarePaginator::hasMorePages() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Determine if there are more items in the data store.
- $ Paginator#hasMore — Property in class Paginator
Determine if there are more items in the data source.
- Paginator::hasMorePagesWhen() — Method in class Paginator
Manually indicate that the paginator does have more pages.
- Paginator::hasMorePages() — Method in class Paginator
Determine if there are more items in the data store.
- UrlWindow::hasPages() — Method in class UrlWindow
Determine if the underlying paginator being presented has pages to show.
- Hub — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pipeline
- Pipeline::handleCarry() — Method in class Pipeline
Handle the value returned from each pipe before passing it to the next.
- Pipeline::handleException() — Method in class Pipeline
Handle the given exception.
- FakeInvokedProcess::hasReceivedSignal() — Method in class FakeInvokedProcess
Determine if the process has received the given signal.
- CallQueuedClosure::handle() — Method in class CallQueuedClosure
Execute the job.
- CallQueuedHandler::handleModelNotFound() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Handle a model not found exception.
- BatchesTableCommand::handle() — Method in class BatchesTableCommand
Execute the console command.
- ClearCommand::handle() — Method in class ClearCommand
Execute the console command.
- FailedTableCommand::handle() — Method in class FailedTableCommand
Execute the console command.
- FlushFailedCommand::handle() — Method in class FlushFailedCommand
Execute the console command.
- ForgetFailedCommand::handle() — Method in class ForgetFailedCommand
Execute the console command.
- $ ListFailedCommand#headers — Property in class ListFailedCommand
The table headers for the command.
- ListFailedCommand::handle() — Method in class ListFailedCommand
Execute the console command.
- ListenCommand::handle() — Method in class ListenCommand
Execute the console command.
- MonitorCommand::handle() — Method in class MonitorCommand
Execute the console command.
- PruneBatchesCommand::handle() — Method in class PruneBatchesCommand
Execute the console command.
- PruneFailedJobsCommand::handle() — Method in class PruneFailedJobsCommand
Execute the console command.
- RestartCommand::handle() — Method in class RestartCommand
Execute the console command.
- RetryBatchCommand::handle() — Method in class RetryBatchCommand
Execute the console command.
- RetryCommand::handle() — Method in class RetryCommand
Execute the console command.
- TableCommand::handle() — Method in class TableCommand
Execute the console command.
- WorkCommand::handle() — Method in class WorkCommand
Execute the console command.
- Job::hasFailed() — Method in class Job
Determine if the job has been marked as a failure.
- Listener::handleWorkerOutput() — Method in class Listener
Handle output from the worker process.
- RateLimited::handle() — Method in class RateLimited
Process the job.
- RateLimited::handleJob() — Method in class RateLimited
Handle a rate limited job.
- RateLimitedWithRedis::handleJob() — Method in class RateLimitedWithRedis
Handle a rate limited job.
- SkipIfBatchCancelled::handle() — Method in class SkipIfBatchCancelled
Process the job.
- ThrottlesExceptions::handle() — Method in class ThrottlesExceptions
Process the job.
- ThrottlesExceptionsWithRedis::handle() — Method in class ThrottlesExceptionsWithRedis
Process the job.
- WithoutOverlapping::handle() — Method in class WithoutOverlapping
Process the job.
- SyncQueue::handleException() — Method in class SyncQueue
Handle an exception that occurred while processing a job.
- Worker::handleJobException() — Method in class Worker
Handle an exception that occurred while the job was running.
- PhpRedisConnection::hmget() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Get the value of the given hash fields.
- PhpRedisConnection::hmset() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Set the given hash fields to their respective values.
- PhpRedisConnection::hsetnx() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Set the given hash field if it doesn't exist.
- PhpRedisConnection::hscan() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Scans the given hash for all values based on options.
- AbstractRouteCollection::handleMatchedRoute() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection
Handle the matched route.
- CompiledRouteCollection::hasNamedRoute() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection
Determine if the route collection contains a given named route.
- HasMiddleware — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Controllers
- HostValidator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
- SubstituteBindings::handle() — Method in class SubstituteBindings
Handle an incoming request.
- ThrottleRequests::handle() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
Handle an incoming request.
- ThrottleRequests::handleRequestUsingNamedLimiter() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
Handle an incoming request.
- ThrottleRequests::handleRequest() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
Handle an incoming request.
- ThrottleRequestsWithRedis::handleRequest() — Method in class ThrottleRequestsWithRedis
Handle an incoming request.
- ValidateSignature::handle() — Method in class ValidateSignature
Handle an incoming request.
- Pipeline::handleCarry() — Method in class Pipeline
Handles the value returned from each pipe before passing it to the next.
- Pipeline::handleException() — Method in class Pipeline
Handle the given exception.
- Route::hasParameters() — Method in class Route
Determine if the route has parameters.
- Route::hasParameter() — Method in class Route
Determine a given parameter exists from the route.
- Route::httpOnly() — Method in class Route
Determine if the route only responds to HTTP requests.
- Route::httpsOnly() — Method in class Route
Determine if the route only responds to HTTPS requests.
- RouteCollection::hasNamedRoute() — Method in class RouteCollection
Determine if the route collection contains a given named route.
- RouteCollectionInterface::hasNamedRoute() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface
Determine if the route collection contains a given named route.
- Router::hasMiddlewareGroup() — Method in class Router
Check if a middlewareGroup with the given name exists.
- Router::hasGroupStack() — Method in class Router
Determine if the router currently has a group stack.
- Router::has() — Method in class Router
Check if a route with the given name exists.
- UrlGenerator::hasValidSignature() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Determine if the given request has a valid signature.
- UrlGenerator::hasValidRelativeSignature() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Determine if the given request has a valid signature for a relative URL.
- UrlGenerator::hasCorrectSignature() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Determine if the signature from the given request matches the URL.
- SessionTableCommand::handle() — Method in class SessionTableCommand
Execute the console command.
- AuthenticateSession::handle() — Method in class AuthenticateSession
Handle an incoming request.
- StartSession::handle() — Method in class StartSession
Handle an incoming request.
- StartSession::handleRequestWhileBlocking() — Method in class StartSession
Handle the given request within session state.
- StartSession::handleStatefulRequest() — Method in class StartSession
Handle the given request within session state.
- $ Store#handler — Property in class Store
The session handler implementation.
- Store::has() — Method in class Store
Checks if a key is present and not null.
- Store::hasOldInput() — Method in class Store
Determine if the session contains old input.
- Store::handlerNeedsRequest() — Method in class Store
Determine if the session handler needs a request.
- SymfonySessionDecorator::has() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- Arr::has() — Method in class Arr
Check if an item or items exist in an array using "dot" notation.
- Arr::hasAny() — Method in class Arr
Determine if any of the keys exist in an array using "dot" notation.
- Collection::has() — Method in class Collection
Determine if an item exists in the collection by key.
- Collection::hasAny() — Method in class Collection
Determine if any of the keys exist in the collection.
- DateFactory::hasFormat() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::hasMacro() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::hasRelativeKeywords() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::hasTestNow() — Method in class DateFactory
- Enumerable::has() — Method in class Enumerable
Determine if an item exists in the collection by key.
- Enumerable::hasAny() — Method in class Enumerable
Determine if any of the keys exist in the collection.
- App::hasBeenBootstrapped() — Method in class App
- App::hasDebugModeEnabled() — Method in class App
- App::handle() — Method in class App
- App::has() — Method in class App
- App::hasMethodBinding() — Method in class App
- App::hasMacro() — Method in class App
- Artisan::handle() — Method in class Artisan
- Auth::hasResolvedGuards() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::hasUser() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::hasMacro() — Method in class Auth
- Bus::hasCommandHandler() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::hasDispatched() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::hasDispatchedSync() — Method in class Bus
- Bus::hasDispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class Bus
- Cache::has() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::hasMacro() — Method in class Cache
- Config::has() — Method in class Config
- Config::hasMacro() — Method in class Config
- Cookie::has() — Method in class Cookie
Determine if a cookie exists on the request.
- Cookie::hasQueued() — Method in class Cookie
- Cookie::hasMacro() — Method in class Cookie
- DB::hasMacro() — Method in class DB
- DB::hasModifiedRecords() — Method in class DB
- Date::hasFormat() — Method in class Date
- Date::hasMacro() — Method in class Date
- Date::hasRelativeKeywords() — Method in class Date
- Date::hasTestNow() — Method in class Date
- Event::hasListeners() — Method in class Event
- Event::hasWildcardListeners() — Method in class Event
- Event::hasMacro() — Method in class Event
- Event::hasDispatched() — Method in class Event
- File::hash() — Method in class File
- File::hasSameHash() — Method in class File
- File::hasMacro() — Method in class File
- Gate::has() — Method in class Gate
- Hash — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Http — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Http::hasMacro() — Method in class Http
- Http::head() — Method in class Http
- Lang::hasForLocale() — Method in class Lang
- Lang::has() — Method in class Lang
- Lang::hasMacro() — Method in class Lang
- Mail::html() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::hasMacro() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::hasSent() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::hasQueued() — Method in class Mail
- Notification::hasSent() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::hasMacro() — Method in class Notification
- Process::hasMacro() — Method in class Process
- Queue::hasPushed() — Method in class Queue
- RateLimiter::hit() — Method in class RateLimiter
- Redirect::hasMacro() — Method in class Redirect
- Redis::hasMacro() — Method in class Redis
- Request::host() — Method in class Request
- Request::httpHost() — Method in class Request
- Request::hasSession() — Method in class Request
- Request::hasPreviousSession() — Method in class Request
- Request::hasHeader() — Method in class Request
- Request::header() — Method in class Request
- Request::has() — Method in class Request
- Request::hasAny() — Method in class Request
- Request::hasCookie() — Method in class Request
- Request::hasFile() — Method in class Request
- Request::hasMacro() — Method in class Request
- Request::hasValidSignature() — Method in class Request
- Response::hasMacro() — Method in class Response
- Route::hasMiddlewareGroup() — Method in class Route
- Route::hasGroupStack() — Method in class Route
- Route::has() — Method in class Route
- Route::hasMacro() — Method in class Route
- Schema::hasTable() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::hasColumn() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::hasColumns() — Method in class Schema
- Session::has() — Method in class Session
- Session::hasOldInput() — Method in class Session
- Session::handlerNeedsRequest() — Method in class Session
- Session::hasMacro() — Method in class Session
- Storage::hasMacro() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::has() — Method in class Storage
- URL::hasValidSignature() — Method in class URL
- URL::hasValidRelativeSignature() — Method in class URL
- URL::hasCorrectSignature() — Method in class URL
- URL::hasMacro() — Method in class URL
- View::hasRenderedOnce() — Method in class View
- View::hasMacro() — Method in class View
- View::hasSection() — Method in class View
- Vite::hotFile() — Method in class Vite
- Vite::hasMacro() — Method in class Vite
- HigherOrderCollectionProxy — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- HigherOrderTapProxy — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- HigherOrderWhenProxy — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- $ HigherOrderWhenProxy#hasCondition — Property in class HigherOrderWhenProxy
Indicates whether the proxy has a condition.
- HtmlString — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- $ HtmlString#html — Property in class HtmlString
The HTML string.
- LazyCollection::has() — Method in class LazyCollection
Determine if an item exists in the collection by key.
- LazyCollection::hasAny() — Method in class LazyCollection
Determine if any of the keys exist in the collection.
- MessageBag::has() — Method in class MessageBag
Determine if messages exist for a given key.
- MessageBag::hasAny() — Method in class MessageBag
Determine if messages exist for any of the given keys.
- Str::headline() — Method in class Str
Convert the given string to title case for each word.
- Stringable::headline() — Method in class Stringable
Convert the given string to title case for each word.
- BusFake::hasDispatched() — Method in class BusFake
Determine if there are any stored commands for a given class.
- BusFake::hasDispatchedSync() — Method in class BusFake
Determine if there are any stored commands for a given class.
- BusFake::hasDispatchedAfterResponse() — Method in class BusFake
Determine if there are any stored commands for a given class.
- BusFake::hasCommandHandler() — Method in class BusFake
Determine if the given command has a handler.
- EventFake::hasDispatched() — Method in class EventFake
Determine if the given event has been dispatched.
- EventFake::hasListeners() — Method in class EventFake
Determine if a given event has listeners.
- MailFake::hasSent() — Method in class MailFake
Determine if the given mailable has been sent.
- MailFake::hasQueued() — Method in class MailFake
Determine if the given mailable has been queued.
- NotificationFake::hasSent() — Method in class NotificationFake
Determine if there are more notifications left to inspect.
- QueueFake::hasPushed() — Method in class QueueFake
Determine if there are any stored jobs for a given class.
- Macroable::hasMacro() — Method in class Macroable
Checks if macro is registered.
- ValidatedInput::has() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Determine if the validated input has one or more keys.
- ViewErrorBag::hasBag() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Checks if a named MessageBag exists in the bags.
- HasInDatabase — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Constraints
- Has — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Fluent\Concerns
- Has::has() — Method in class Has
Ensure that the given prop exists.
- Has::hasAll() — Method in class Has
Assert that all of the given props exist.
- Has::hasAny() — Method in class Has
Assert that at least one of the given props exists.
- Matching::has() — Method in class Matching
Ensure that the given prop exists.
- $ PendingCommand#hasExecuted — Property in class PendingCommand
Determine if the command has executed.
- $ FileLoader#hints — Property in class FileLoader
All of the namespace hints.
- Translator::hasForLocale() — Method in class Translator
Determine if a translation exists for a given locale.
- Translator::has() — Method in class Translator
Determine if a translation exists.
- Dimensions::height() — Method in class Dimensions
Set the "height" constraint.
- Validator::hasNotFailedPreviousRuleIfPresenceRule() — Method in class Validator
Determine if it's a necessary presence validation.
- Validator::hasRule() — Method in class Validator
Determine if the given attribute has a rule in the given set.
- ComponentAttributeBag::has() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Determine if a given attribute exists in the attribute array.
- ManagesLayouts::hasSection() — Method in class ManagesLayouts
Check if section exists.
- CompilerEngine::handleViewException() — Method in class CompilerEngine
Handle a view exception.
- PhpEngine::handleViewException() — Method in class PhpEngine
Handle a view exception.
- Factory::hasRenderedOnce() — Method in class Factory
Determine if the given once token has been rendered.
- $ FileViewFinder#hints — Property in class FileViewFinder
The namespace to file path hints.
- FileViewFinder::hasHintInformation() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Returns whether or not the view name has any hint information.
- ShareErrorsFromSession::handle() — Method in class ShareErrorsFromSession
Handle an incoming request.
- Gate::inspect() — Method in class Gate
Inspect the user for the given ability.
- GuardHelpers::id() — Method in class GuardHelpers
Get the ID for the currently authenticated user.
- Authorize::isClassName() — Method in class Authorize
Checks if the given string looks like a fully qualified class name.
- Recaller::id() — Method in class Recaller
Get the user ID from the recaller.
- SessionGuard::id() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the ID for the currently authenticated user.
- $ TokenGuard#inputKey — Property in class TokenGuard
The name of the query string item from the request containing the API token.
- AblyBroadcaster::isGuardedChannel() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster
Return true if the channel is protected by authentication.
- Broadcaster::isImplicitlyBindable() — Method in class Broadcaster
Determine if a given key and parameter is implicitly bindable.
- UsePusherChannelConventions::isGuardedChannel() — Method in class UsePusherChannelConventions
Return true if the channel is protected by authentication.
- InteractsWithBroadcasting — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- InteractsWithSockets — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- $ Batch#id — Property in class Batch
The batch ID.
- Batch::incrementFailedJobs() — Method in class Batch
Increment the failed jobs for the batch.
- Batch::invokeHandlerCallback() — Method in class Batch
Invoke a batch callback handler.
- BatchRepository::incrementTotalJobs() — Method in class BatchRepository
Increment the total number of jobs within the batch.
- BatchRepository::incrementFailedJobs() — Method in class BatchRepository
Increment the total number of failed jobs for the batch.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::incrementTotalJobs() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Increment the total number of jobs within the batch.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::incrementFailedJobs() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Increment the total number of failed jobs for the batch.
- Queueable::invokeChainCatchCallbacks() — Method in class Queueable
Invoke all of the chain's failed job callbacks.
- ApcStore::increment() — Method in class ApcStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- ApcWrapper::increment() — Method in class ApcWrapper
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- ArrayStore::increment() — Method in class ArrayStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- DatabaseStore::increment() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- DatabaseStore::incrementOrDecrement() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Increment or decrement an item in the cache.
- DynamoDbStore::isExpired() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Determine if the given item is expired.
- DynamoDbStore::increment() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- FileStore::increment() — Method in class FileStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- Lock::isOwnedByCurrentProcess() — Method in class Lock
Determines whether this lock is allowed to release the lock in the driver.
- MemcachedStore::increment() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- NullStore::increment() — Method in class NullStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- RedisStore::increment() — Method in class RedisStore
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- RedisTaggedCache::increment() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- Repository::increment() — Method in class Repository
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- Repository::itemKey() — Method in class Repository
Format the key for a cache item.
- TaggedCache::increment() — Method in class TaggedCache
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- TaggedCache::itemKey() — Method in class TaggedCache
Format the key for a cache item.
- $ Repository#items — Property in class Repository
All of the configuration items.
- Command::isHidden() — Method in class Command
- {@inheritdoc}
- InteractsWithIO — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Concerns
- $ InteractsWithIO#input — Property in class InteractsWithIO
The input interface implementation.
- InteractsWithIO::info() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Write a string as information output.
- InteractsWithSignals — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Concerns
- PromptsForMissingInput::interact() — Method in class PromptsForMissingInput
Interact with the user before validating the input.
- $ CommandFinished#input — Property in class CommandFinished
The console input implementation.
- $ CommandStarting#input — Property in class CommandStarting
The console input implementation.
- GeneratorCommand::isReservedName() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Checks whether the given name is reserved.
- OutputStyle::isQuiet() — Method in class OutputStyle
Returns whether verbosity is quiet (-q).
- OutputStyle::isVerbose() — Method in class OutputStyle
Returns whether verbosity is verbose (-v).
- OutputStyle::isVeryVerbose() — Method in class OutputStyle
Returns whether verbosity is very verbose (-vv).
- OutputStyle::isDebug() — Method in class OutputStyle
Returns whether verbosity is debug (-vvv).
- Event::isDue() — Method in class Event
Determine if the given event should run based on the Cron expression.
- Signals::initializeSignal() — Method in class Signals
Gets the signal's existing handler in array format.
- Factory::info() — Method in class Factory
- Info — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
- BoundMethod::isCallableWithAtSign() — Method in class BoundMethod
Determine if the given string is in Class@method syntax.
- $ Container#instance — Property in class Container
The current globally available container (if any).
- $ Container#instances — Property in class Container
The container's shared instances.
- Container::isShared() — Method in class Container
Determine if a given type is shared.
- Container::isAlias() — Method in class Container
Determine if a given string is an alias.
- Container::instance() — Method in class Container
Register an existing instance as shared in the container.
- Container::isBuildable() — Method in class Container
Determine if the given concrete is buildable.
- Gate::inspect() — Method in class Gate
Inspect the user for the given ability.
- Guard::id() — Method in class Guard
Get the ID for the currently authenticated user.
- Repository::increment() — Method in class Repository
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- Store::increment() — Method in class Store
Increment the value of an item in the cache.
- Isolatable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Console
- Container::instance() — Method in class Container
Register an existing instance as shared in the container.
- DeviatesCastableAttributes::increment() — Method in class DeviatesCastableAttributes
Increment the attribute.
- SupportsPartialRelations::isOneOfMany() — Method in class SupportsPartialRelations
Determine whether the relationship is a one-of-many relationship.
- $ ModelIdentifier#id — Property in class ModelIdentifier
The unique identifier of the model.
- Application::isDownForMaintenance() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application is currently down for maintenance.
- Hasher::info() — Method in class Hasher
Get information about the given hashed value.
- CursorPaginator::items() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Get all of the items being paginated.
- CursorPaginator::isEmpty() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Determine if the list of items is empty or not.
- CursorPaginator::isNotEmpty() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Determine if the list of items is not empty.
- Paginator::items() — Method in class Paginator
Get all of the items being paginated.
- Paginator::isEmpty() — Method in class Paginator
Determine if the list of items is empty or not.
- Paginator::isNotEmpty() — Method in class Paginator
Determine if the list of items is not empty.
- InvokedProcess — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Process
- InvokedProcess::id() — Method in class InvokedProcess
Get the process ID if the process is still running.
- Job::isReleased() — Method in class Job
Determine if the job was released back into the queue.
- Job::isDeleted() — Method in class Job
Determine if the job has been deleted.
- Job::isDeletedOrReleased() — Method in class Job
Determine if the job has been deleted or released.
- Session::invalidate() — Method in class Session
Flush the session data and regenerate the ID.
- Session::isStarted() — Method in class Session
Determine if the session has been started.
- MessageBag::isEmpty() — Method in class MessageBag
Determine if the message bag has any messages.
- MessageBag::isNotEmpty() — Method in class MessageBag
Determine if the message bag has any messages.
- ImplicitRule — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
- InvokableRule — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
- EncryptCookies::isDisabled() — Method in class EncryptCookies
Determine whether encryption has been disabled for the given cookie.
- Connection::insert() — Method in class Connection
Run an insert statement against the database.
- Connection::isDoctrineAvailable() — Method in class Connection
Is Doctrine available?
- ConnectionInterface::insert() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Run an insert statement against the database.
- DatabaseInspectionCommand::installDependencies() — Method in class DatabaseInspectionCommand
Install the command's dependencies.
- InstallCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- PruneCommand::isPrunable() — Method in class PruneCommand
Determine if the given model class is prunable.
- TableCommand::indexes() — Method in class TableCommand
Get the information regarding the table's indexes.
- Builder::isNestedUnder() — Method in class Builder
Determine if the relationship is nested.
- Builder::increment() — Method in class Builder
Increment a column's value by a given amount.
- Collection::intersect() — Method in class Collection
Intersect the collection with the given items.
- GuardsAttributes::isUnguarded() — Method in class GuardsAttributes
Determine if the current state is "unguarded".
- GuardsAttributes::isFillable() — Method in class GuardsAttributes
Determine if the given attribute may be mass assigned.
- GuardsAttributes::isGuarded() — Method in class GuardsAttributes
Determine if the given key is guarded.
- GuardsAttributes::isGuardableColumn() — Method in class GuardsAttributes
Determine if the given column is a valid, guardable column.
- HasAttributes::isRelation() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if the given key is a relationship method on the model.
- HasAttributes::isCustomDateTimeCast() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if the cast type is a custom date time cast.
- HasAttributes::isImmutableCustomDateTimeCast() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if the cast type is an immutable custom date time cast.
- HasAttributes::isDecimalCast() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if the cast type is a decimal cast.
- HasAttributes::isDateAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if the given attribute is a date or date castable.
- HasAttributes::isStandardDateFormat() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if the given value is a standard date format.
- HasAttributes::isDateCastable() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine whether a value is Date / DateTime castable for inbound manipulation.
- HasAttributes::isDateCastableWithCustomFormat() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine whether a value is Date / DateTime custom-castable for inbound manipulation.
- HasAttributes::isJsonCastable() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine whether a value is JSON castable for inbound manipulation.
- HasAttributes::isEncryptedCastable() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine whether a value is an encrypted castable for inbound manipulation.
- HasAttributes::isClassCastable() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if the given key is cast using a custom class.
- HasAttributes::isEnumCastable() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if the given key is cast using an enum.
- HasAttributes::isClassDeviable() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if the key is deviable using a custom class.
- HasAttributes::isClassSerializable() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if the key is serializable using a custom class.
- HasAttributes::isDirty() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if the model or any of the given attribute(s) have been modified.
- HasAttributes::isClean() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if the model or all the given attribute(s) have remained the same.
- $ HasTimestamps#ignoreTimestampsOn — Property in class HasTimestamps
The list of models classes that have timestamps temporarily disabled.
- HasTimestamps::isIgnoringTimestamps() — Method in class HasTimestamps
Determine if the given model is ignoring timestamps / touches.
- $ Sequence#index — Property in class Sequence
The current index of the sequence iteration.
- InvalidCastException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- $ Model#incrementing — Property in class Model
Indicates if the IDs are auto-incrementing.
- $ Model#ignoreOnTouch — Property in class Model
The list of models classes that should not be affected with touch.
- $ Model#isBroadcasting — Property in class Model
Indicates if broadcasting is currently enabled.
- Model::initializeTraits() — Method in class Model
Initialize any initializable traits on the model.
- Model::isIgnoringTouch() — Method in class Model
Determine if the given model is ignoring touches.
- Model::increment() — Method in class Model
Increment a column's value by a given amount.
- Model::incrementOrDecrement() — Method in class Model
Run the increment or decrement method on the model.
- Model::incrementQuietly() — Method in class Model
Increment a column's value by a given amount without raising any events.
- Model::insertAndSetId() — Method in class Model
Insert the given attributes and set the ID on the model.
- Model::is() — Method in class Model
Determine if two models have the same ID and belong to the same table.
- Model::isNot() — Method in class Model
Determine if two models are not the same.
- $ ModelNotFoundException#ids — Property in class ModelNotFoundException
The affected model IDs.
- BelongsTo::initRelation() — Method in class BelongsTo
Initialize the relation on a set of models.
- BelongsToMany::initRelation() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Initialize the relation on a set of models.
- $ CanBeOneOfMany#isOneOfMany — Property in class CanBeOneOfMany
Determines whether the relationship is one-of-many.
- CanBeOneOfMany::isOneOfMany() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Determine whether the relationship is a one-of-many relationship.
- ComparesRelatedModels::is() — Method in class ComparesRelatedModels
Determine if the model is the related instance of the relationship.
- ComparesRelatedModels::isNot() — Method in class ComparesRelatedModels
Determine if the model is not the related instance of the relationship.
- InteractsWithDictionary — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Concerns
- InteractsWithPivotTable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Concerns
- HasMany::initRelation() — Method in class HasMany
Initialize the relation on a set of models.
- HasManyThrough::initRelation() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Initialize the relation on a set of models.
- HasOne::initRelation() — Method in class HasOne
Initialize the relation on a set of models.
- HasOneThrough::initRelation() — Method in class HasOneThrough
Initialize the relation on a set of models.
- MorphMany::initRelation() — Method in class MorphMany
Initialize the relation on a set of models.
- MorphOne::initRelation() — Method in class MorphOne
Initialize the relation on a set of models.
- $ MorphToMany#inverse — Property in class MorphToMany
Indicates if we are connecting the inverse of the relation.
- $ Pivot#incrementing — Property in class Pivot
Indicates if the IDs are auto-incrementing.
- Relation::initRelation() — Method in class Relation
Initialize the relation on a set of models.
- SoftDeletes::initializeSoftDeletes() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Initialize the soft deleting trait for an instance.
- SoftDeletes::isForceDeleting() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Determine if the model is currently force deleting.
- Grammar::isJsonSelector() — Method in class Grammar
Determine if the given string is a JSON selector.
- Grammar::isExpression() — Method in class Grammar
Determine if the given value is a raw expression.
- MySqlConnection::isMaria() — Method in class MySqlConnection
Determine if the connected database is a MariaDB database.
- $ Builder#indexHint — Property in class Builder
The index hint for the query.
- Builder::ignoreIndex() — Method in class Builder
Add an index hint to ignore a query index.
- Builder::invalidOperatorAndValue() — Method in class Builder
Determine if the given operator and value combination is legal.
- Builder::invalidOperator() — Method in class Builder
Determine if the given operator is supported.
- Builder::isBitwiseOperator() — Method in class Builder
Determine if the operator is a bitwise operator.
- Builder::inRandomOrder() — Method in class Builder
Put the query's results in random order.
- Builder::implode() — Method in class Builder
Concatenate values of a given column as a string.
- Builder::insert() — Method in class Builder
Insert new records into the database.
- Builder::insertOrIgnore() — Method in class Builder
Insert new records into the database while ignoring errors.
- Builder::insertGetId() — Method in class Builder
Insert a new record and get the value of the primary key.
- Builder::insertUsing() — Method in class Builder
Insert new records into the table using a subquery.
- Builder::increment() — Method in class Builder
Increment a column's value by a given amount.
- Builder::incrementEach() — Method in class Builder
Increment the given column's values by the given amounts.
- Builder::isQueryable() — Method in class Builder
Determine if the value is a query builder instance or a Closure.
- IndexHint — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query
- $ IndexHint#index — Property in class IndexHint
The name of the index.
- Blueprint::index() — Method in class Blueprint
Specify an index for the table.
- Blueprint::id() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new auto-incrementing big integer (8-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::increments() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new auto-incrementing integer (4-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::integerIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new auto-incrementing integer (4-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::integer() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new integer (4-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::ipAddress() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new IP address column on the table.
- Blueprint::indexCommand() — Method in class Blueprint
Add a new index command to the blueprint.
- ColumnDefinition::index() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
Add an index
- ColumnDefinition::invisible() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- ForeignKeyDefinition::initiallyImmediate() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition
- IndexDefinition — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- IndexDefinition::initiallyImmediate() — Method in class IndexDefinition
- InvokeQueuedClosure — Class in namespace Illuminate\Events
- Filesystem::isDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Determine if the given path is a directory.
- Filesystem::isEmptyDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Determine if the given path is a directory that does not contain any other files or directories.
- Filesystem::isReadable() — Method in class Filesystem
Determine if the given path is readable.
- Filesystem::isWritable() — Method in class Filesystem
Determine if the given path is writable.
- Filesystem::isFile() — Method in class Filesystem
Determine if the given path is a file.
- $ LockableFile#isLocked — Property in class LockableFile
Indicates if the file is locked.
- $ AliasLoader#instance — Property in class AliasLoader
The singleton instance of the loader.
- AliasLoader::isRegistered() — Method in class AliasLoader
Indicates if the loader has been registered.
- $ Application#isRunningInConsole — Property in class Application
Indicates if the application is running in the console.
- Application::isLocal() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application is in the local environment.
- Application::isProduction() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application is in the production environment.
- Application::isBooted() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application has booted.
- Application::isDownForMaintenance() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application is currently down for maintenance.
- Application::isDeferredService() — Method in class Application
Determine if the given service is a deferred service.
- Application::isLocale() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application locale is the given locale.
- HandleExceptions::isDeprecation() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Determine if the error level is a deprecation.
- HandleExceptions::isFatal() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Determine if the error type is fatal.
- ResolvesDumpSource::isCompiledViewFile() — Method in class ResolvesDumpSource
Determine if the given file is a view compiled.
- DocsCommand::isSearching() — Method in class DocsCommand
Determine if the command is intended to perform a search.
- RouteListCommand::isVendorRoute() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Determine if the route has been defined outside of the application.
- RouteListCommand::isFrameworkController() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Determine if the route uses a framework controller.
- StorageLinkCommand::isRemovableSymlink() — Method in class StorageLinkCommand
Determine if the provided path is a symlink that can be removed.
- $ Handler#internalDontReport — Property in class Handler
A list of the internal exception types that should not be reported.
- Handler::ignore() — Method in class Handler
Indicate that the given exception type should not be reported.
- Handler::invalid() — Method in class Handler
Convert a validation exception into a response.
- Handler::invalidJson() — Method in class Handler
Convert a validation exception into a JSON response.
- Handler::isHttpException() — Method in class Handler
Determine if the given exception is an HTTP exception.
- MaintenanceModeBypassCookie::isValid() — Method in class MaintenanceModeBypassCookie
Determine if the given maintenance mode bypass cookie is valid.
- PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance::inExceptArray() — Method in class PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance
Determine if the request has a URI that should be accessible in maintenance mode.
- VerifyCsrfToken::isReading() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken
Determine if the HTTP request uses a ‘read’ verb.
- VerifyCsrfToken::inExceptArray() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken
Determine if the request has a URI that should pass through CSRF verification.
- Inspiring — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- InteractsWithAuthentication — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- InteractsWithAuthentication::isAuthenticated() — Method in class InteractsWithAuthentication
Return true if the user is authenticated, false otherwise.
- InteractsWithConsole — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- InteractsWithContainer — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- InteractsWithContainer::instance() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
Register an instance of an object in the container.
- InteractsWithDatabase — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- InteractsWithDatabase::isSoftDeletableModel() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Determine if the argument is a soft deletable model.
- InteractsWithDeprecationHandling — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- InteractsWithExceptionHandling — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- InteractsWithRedis — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- InteractsWithRedis::ifRedisAvailable() — Method in class InteractsWithRedis
Run test if redis is available.
- InteractsWithSession — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- InteractsWithTime — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- InteractsWithViews — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- $ Vite#integrityKey — Property in class Vite
The key to check for integrity hashes within the manifest.
- Vite::isCssPath() — Method in class Vite
Determine whether the given path is a CSS file.
- Vite::isRunningHot() — Method in class Vite
Determine if the HMR server is running.
- AbstractHasher::info() — Method in class AbstractHasher
Get information about the given hashed value.
- HashManager::info() — Method in class HashManager
Get information about the given hashed value.
- Request::isForm() — Method in class Request
Determine if the request is simple form data.
- Request::isJson() — Method in class Request
Determine if the request is JSON.
- Request::isMultipart() — Method in class Request
Determine if the request is multipart.
- ResponseSequence::isEmpty() — Method in class ResponseSequence
Indicate that this sequence has depleted all of its responses.
- CanBePrecognitive::isAttemptingPrecognition() — Method in class CanBePrecognitive
Determine if the request is attempting to be precognitive.
- CanBePrecognitive::isPrecognitive() — Method in class CanBePrecognitive
Determine if the request is precognitive.
- InteractsWithContentTypes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Concerns
- InteractsWithContentTypes::isJson() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes
Determine if the request is sending JSON.
- InteractsWithFlashData — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Concerns
- InteractsWithInput — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Concerns
- InteractsWithInput::isNotFilled() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Determine if the request contains an empty value for an input item.
- InteractsWithInput::isEmptyString() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Determine if the given input key is an empty string for "filled".
- InteractsWithInput::input() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve an input item from the request.
- InteractsWithInput::integer() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve input as an integer value.
- InteractsWithInput::isValidFile() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Check that the given file is a valid file instance.
- Request::instance() — Method in class Request
Return the Request instance.
- Request::is() — Method in class Request
Determine if the current request URI matches a pattern.
- Request::ip() — Method in class Request
Get the client IP address.
- Request::ips() — Method in class Request
Get the client IP addresses.
- MissingValue::isMissing() — Method in class MissingValue
Determine if the object should be considered "missing".
- PotentiallyMissing::isMissing() — Method in class PotentiallyMissing
Determine if the object should be considered "missing".
- File::image() — Method in class File
Create a new fake image.
- FileFactory::image() — Method in class FileFactory
Create a new fake image.
- LogManager::info() — Method in class LogManager
Interesting events.
- Logger::info() — Method in class Logger
Log an informational message to the logs.
- Attachment::isEquivalent() — Method in class Attachment
Determine if the given attachment is equivalent to this attachment.
- Envelope::isFrom() — Method in class Envelope
Determine if the message is from the given address.
- $ DatabaseNotification#incrementing — Property in class DatabaseNotification
Indicates if the IDs are auto-incrementing.
- $ SimpleMessage#introLines — Property in class SimpleMessage
The "intro" lines of the notification.
- $ Notification#id — Property in class Notification
The unique identifier for the notification.
- $ AbstractCursorPaginator#items — Property in class AbstractCursorPaginator
All of the items being paginated.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::items() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get the slice of items being paginated.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::isEmpty() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Determine if the list of items is empty.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::isNotEmpty() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Determine if the list of items is not empty.
- $ AbstractPaginator#items — Property in class AbstractPaginator
All of the items being paginated.
- AbstractPaginator::isValidPageNumber() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Determine if the given value is a valid page number.
- AbstractPaginator::items() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the slice of items being paginated.
- AbstractPaginator::isEmpty() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Determine if the list of items is empty.
- AbstractPaginator::isNotEmpty() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Determine if the list of items is not empty.
- Factory::isRecording() — Method in class Factory
Determine if the process factory has fake process handlers and is recording processes.
- FakeInvokedProcess::id() — Method in class FakeInvokedProcess
Get the process ID if the process is still running.
- FakeInvokedProcess::invokeOutputHandlerWithNextLineOfOutput() — Method in class FakeInvokedProcess
Invoke the asynchronous output handler with the next single line of output if necessary.
- FakeProcessDescription::id() — Method in class FakeProcessDescription
Specify the process ID that should be assigned to the process.
- FakeProcessDescription::iterations() — Method in class FakeProcessDescription
Specify how many times the "isRunning" method should return "true".
- FakeProcessSequence::isEmpty() — Method in class FakeProcessSequence
Indicate that this sequence has depleted all of its process results.
- InvokedProcess — Class in namespace Illuminate\Process
- InvokedProcess::id() — Method in class InvokedProcess
Get the process ID if the process is still running.
- InvokedProcessPool — Class in namespace Illuminate\Process
- $ InvokedProcessPool#invokedProcesses — Property in class InvokedProcessPool
The array of invoked processes.
- $ PendingProcess#idleTimeout — Property in class PendingProcess
The maximum number of seconds the process may go without returning output.
- $ PendingProcess#input — Property in class PendingProcess
The standard input data that should be piped into the command.
- PendingProcess::idleTimeout() — Method in class PendingProcess
Specify the maximum number of seconds a process may go without returning output.
- PendingProcess::input() — Method in class PendingProcess
Set the standard input that should be provided when invoking the process.
- DatabaseQueue::isAvailable() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Modify the query to check for available jobs.
- DatabaseQueue::isReservedButExpired() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Modify the query to check for jobs that are reserved but have expired.
- $ JobQueued#id — Property in class JobQueued
The job ID.
- InteractsWithQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- InvalidPayloadException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- DatabaseJobRecord::increment() — Method in class DatabaseJobRecord
Increment the number of times the job has been attempted.
- $ Job#instance — Property in class Job
The job handler instance.
- Job::isDeleted() — Method in class Job
Determine if the job has been deleted.
- Job::isReleased() — Method in class Job
Determine if the job was released back into the queue.
- Job::isDeletedOrReleased() — Method in class Job
Determine if the job has been deleted or released.
- $ Worker#isDownForMaintenance — Property in class Worker
The callback used to determine if the application is in maintenance mode.
- InvalidSignatureException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Exceptions
- ImplicitRouteBinding — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- $ ValidateSignature#ignore — Property in class ValidateSignature
The names of the parameters that should be ignored.
- Redirector::intended() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to the previously intended location.
- $ Route#isFallback — Property in class Route
Indicates whether the route is a fallback route.
- Route::isControllerAction() — Method in class Route
Checks whether the route's action is a controller.
- Route::isSerializedClosure() — Method in class Route
Determine if the route action is a serialized Closure.
- Router::input() — Method in class Router
Get a route parameter for the current route.
- Router::is() — Method in class Router
Alias for the "currentRouteNamed" method.
- UrlGenerator::isValidUrl() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Determine if the given path is a valid URL.
- DatabaseSessionHandler::ipAddress() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
Get the IP address for the current request.
- $ Store#id — Property in class Store
The session ID.
- Store::increment() — Method in class Store
Increment the value of an item in the session.
- Store::invalidate() — Method in class Store
Flush the session data and regenerate the ID.
- Store::isStarted() — Method in class Store
Determine if the session has been started.
- Store::isValidId() — Method in class Store
Determine if this is a valid session ID.
- SymfonySessionDecorator::invalidate() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- SymfonySessionDecorator::isStarted() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- $ AggregateServiceProvider#instances — Property in class AggregateServiceProvider
An array of the service provider instances.
- Arr::isAssoc() — Method in class Arr
Determines if an array is associative.
- Arr::isList() — Method in class Arr
Determines if an array is a list.
- $ Collection#items — Property in class Collection
- Collection::implode() — Method in class Collection
Concatenate values of a given key as a string.
- Collection::intersect() — Method in class Collection
Intersect the collection with the given items.
- Collection::intersectUsing() — Method in class Collection
Intersect the collection with the given items, using the callback.
- Collection::intersectAssoc() — Method in class Collection
Intersect the collection with the given items with additional index check.
- Collection::intersectAssocUsing() — Method in class Collection
Intersect the collection with the given items with additional index check, using the callback.
- Collection::intersectByKeys() — Method in class Collection
Intersect the collection with the given items by key.
- Collection::isEmpty() — Method in class Collection
Determine if the collection is empty or not.
- DateFactory::instance() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::isImmutable() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::isModifiableUnit() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::isMutable() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::isStrictModeEnabled() — Method in class DateFactory
- Enumerable::implode() — Method in class Enumerable
Concatenate values of a given key as a string.
- Enumerable::intersect() — Method in class Enumerable
Intersect the collection with the given items.
- Enumerable::intersectByKeys() — Method in class Enumerable
Intersect the collection with the given items by key.
- Enumerable::isEmpty() — Method in class Enumerable
Determine if the collection is empty or not.
- Enumerable::isNotEmpty() — Method in class Enumerable
Determine if the collection is not empty.
- App::isLocal() — Method in class App
- App::isProduction() — Method in class App
- App::isBooted() — Method in class App
- App::isDownForMaintenance() — Method in class App
- App::isDeferredService() — Method in class App
- App::isLocale() — Method in class App
- App::isShared() — Method in class App
- App::isAlias() — Method in class App
- App::instance() — Method in class App
- Auth::id() — Method in class Auth
- Blade::if() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::include() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::isExpired() — Method in class Blade
- Cache::increment() — Method in class Cache
- DB::insert() — Method in class DB
- DB::isDoctrineAvailable() — Method in class DB
- Date::instance() — Method in class Date
- Date::isImmutable() — Method in class Date
- Date::isModifiableUnit() — Method in class Date
- Date::isMutable() — Method in class Date
- Date::isStrictModeEnabled() — Method in class Date
- Facade::isMock() — Method in class Facade
Determines whether a mock is set as the instance of the facade.
- Facade::isFake() — Method in class Facade
Determines whether a "fake" has been set as the facade instance.
- File::isDirectory() — Method in class File
- File::isEmptyDirectory() — Method in class File
- File::isReadable() — Method in class File
- File::isWritable() — Method in class File
- File::isFile() — Method in class File
- Gate::inspect() — Method in class Gate
- Hash::info() — Method in class Hash
- Log::info() — Method in class Log
- Process::idleTimeout() — Method in class Process
- Process::input() — Method in class Process
- Process::isRecording() — Method in class Process
- Redirect::intended() — Method in class Redirect
- Request::instance() — Method in class Request
- Request::is() — Method in class Request
- Request::ip() — Method in class Request
- Request::ips() — Method in class Request
- Request::initialize() — Method in class Request
- Request::isSecure() — Method in class Request
- Request::isMethod() — Method in class Request
- Request::isMethodSafe() — Method in class Request
- Request::isMethodIdempotent() — Method in class Request
- Request::isMethodCacheable() — Method in class Request
- Request::isNoCache() — Method in class Request
- Request::isXmlHttpRequest() — Method in class Request
- Request::isFromTrustedProxy() — Method in class Request
- Request::isAttemptingPrecognition() — Method in class Request
- Request::isPrecognitive() — Method in class Request
- Request::isJson() — Method in class Request
- Request::isNotFilled() — Method in class Request
- Request::input() — Method in class Request
- Request::integer() — Method in class Request
- Route::input() — Method in class Route
- Route::is() — Method in class Route
- Session::increment() — Method in class Session
- Session::invalidate() — Method in class Session
- Session::isStarted() — Method in class Session
- Session::isValidId() — Method in class Session
- URL::isValidUrl() — Method in class URL
- Validator::includeUnvalidatedArrayKeys() — Method in class Validator
- View::incrementRender() — Method in class View
- View::inject() — Method in class View
- View::incrementLoopIndices() — Method in class View
- Vite::isRunningHot() — Method in class Vite
- HtmlString::isEmpty() — Method in class HtmlString
Determine if the given HTML string is empty.
- HtmlString::isNotEmpty() — Method in class HtmlString
Determine if the given HTML string is not empty.
- InteractsWithTime — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- ItemNotFoundException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- LazyCollection::implode() — Method in class LazyCollection
Concatenate values of a given key as a string.
- LazyCollection::intersect() — Method in class LazyCollection
Intersect the collection with the given items.
- LazyCollection::intersectUsing() — Method in class LazyCollection
Intersect the collection with the given items, using the callback.
- LazyCollection::intersectAssoc() — Method in class LazyCollection
Intersect the collection with the given items with additional index check.
- LazyCollection::intersectAssocUsing() — Method in class LazyCollection
Intersect the collection with the given items with additional index check, using the callback.
- LazyCollection::intersectByKeys() — Method in class LazyCollection
Intersect the collection with the given items by key.
- LazyCollection::isEmpty() — Method in class LazyCollection
Determine if the items are empty or not.
- MessageBag::isUnique() — Method in class MessageBag
Determine if a key and message combination already exists.
- MessageBag::isEmpty() — Method in class MessageBag
Determine if the message bag has any messages.
- MessageBag::isNotEmpty() — Method in class MessageBag
Determine if the message bag has any messages.
- $ MultipleInstanceManager#instances — Property in class MultipleInstanceManager
The array of resolved instances.
- MultipleInstanceManager::instance() — Method in class MultipleInstanceManager
Get an instance instance by name.
- $ Pluralizer#inflector — Property in class Pluralizer
The cached inflector instance.
- Pluralizer::inflector() — Method in class Pluralizer
Get the inflector instance.
- ProcessUtils::isSurroundedBy() — Method in class ProcessUtils
Is the given string surrounded by the given character?
- Reflector::isCallable() — Method in class Reflector
This is a PHP 7.4 compatible implementation of is_callable.
- Reflector::isParameterSubclassOf() — Method in class Reflector
Determine if the parameter's type is a subclass of the given type.
- Reflector::isParameterBackedEnumWithStringBackingType() — Method in class Reflector
Determine if the parameter's type is a Backed Enum with a string backing type.
- ServiceProvider::isDeferred() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Determine if the provider is deferred.
- Str::is() — Method in class Str
Determine if a given string matches a given pattern.
- Str::isAscii() — Method in class Str
Determine if a given string is 7 bit ASCII.
- Str::isJson() — Method in class Str
Determine if a given string is valid JSON.
- Str::isUuid() — Method in class Str
Determine if a given string is a valid UUID.
- Str::isUlid() — Method in class Str
Determine if a given string is a valid ULID.
- Str::inlineMarkdown() — Method in class Str
Converts inline Markdown into HTML.
- Stringable::is() — Method in class Stringable
Determine if a given string matches a given pattern.
- Stringable::isAscii() — Method in class Stringable
Determine if a given string is 7 bit ASCII.
- Stringable::isJson() — Method in class Stringable
Determine if a given string is valid JSON.
- Stringable::isUuid() — Method in class Stringable
Determine if a given string is a valid UUID.
- Stringable::isUlid() — Method in class Stringable
Determine if a given string is a valid ULID.
- Stringable::isEmpty() — Method in class Stringable
Determine if the given string is empty.
- Stringable::isNotEmpty() — Method in class Stringable
Determine if the given string is not empty.
- Stringable::inlineMarkdown() — Method in class Stringable
Convert inline Markdown into HTML.
- BatchFake::incrementFailedJobs() — Method in class BatchFake
Increment the failed jobs for the batch.
- BatchRepositoryFake::incrementTotalJobs() — Method in class BatchRepositoryFake
Increment the total number of jobs within the batch.
- BatchRepositoryFake::incrementFailedJobs() — Method in class BatchRepositoryFake
Increment the total number of failed jobs for the batch.
- BusFake::isChainOfObjects() — Method in class BusFake
Determine if the given chain is entirely composed of objects.
- QueueFake::isChainOfObjects() — Method in class QueueFake
Determine if the given chain is entirely composed of objects.
- $ CapsuleManagerTrait#instance — Property in class CapsuleManagerTrait
The current globally used instance.
- EnumeratesValues::isNotEmpty() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Determine if the collection is not empty.
- EnumeratesValues::identity() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Make a function that returns what's passed to it.
- $ ValidatedInput#input — Property in class ValidatedInput
The underlying input.
- InvalidArgumentException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Exceptions
- Has::interactsWith() — Method in class Has
Marks the property as interacted.
- Interaction — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Fluent\Concerns
- $ Interaction#interacted — Property in class Interaction
The list of interacted properties.
- Interaction::interactsWith() — Method in class Interaction
Marks the property as interacted.
- Interaction::interacted() — Method in class Interaction
Asserts that all properties have been interacted with.
- $ ParallelConsoleOutput#ignore — Property in class ParallelConsoleOutput
The output that should be ignored.
- ParallelTesting::inParallel() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Indicates if the current tests are been run in parallel.
- Translator::isLoaded() — Method in class Translator
Determine if the given group has been loaded.
- FilterEmailValidation::isValid() — Method in class FilterEmailValidation
Returns true if the given email is valid.
- ValidatesAttributes::isValidFileInstance() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Check that the given value is a valid file instance.
- ValidatesAttributes::isSameType() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Check if the parameters are of the same type.
- $ Factory#implicitExtensions — Property in class Factory
All of the custom implicit validator extensions.
- Factory::includeUnvalidatedArrayKeys() — Method in class Factory
Indicate that unvalidated array keys should be included in validated data when the parent array is validated.
- InvokableValidationRule — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- $ InvokableValidationRule#invokable — Property in class InvokableValidationRule
The invokable that validates the attribute.
- Rule::in() — Method in class Rule
Get an in constraint builder instance.
- Rule::imageFile() — Method in class Rule
Get an image file constraint builder instance.
- File::image() — Method in class File
Limit the uploaded file to only image types.
- ImageFile — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
- In — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
- $ Unique#ignore — Property in class Unique
The ID that should be ignored.
- $ Unique#idColumn — Property in class Unique
The name of the ID column.
- Unique::ignore() — Method in class Unique
Ignore the given ID during the unique check.
- Unique::ignoreModel() — Method in class Unique
Ignore the given model during the unique check.
- ValidationData::initializeAndGatherData() — Method in class ValidationData
Initialize and gather data for the given attribute.
- ValidationData::initializeAttributeOnData() — Method in class ValidationData
Gather a copy of the attribute data filled with any missing attributes.
- $ ValidationRuleParser#implicitAttributes — Property in class ValidationRuleParser
The implicit attributes.
- $ Validator#initialRules — Property in class Validator
The initial rules provided.
- $ Validator#implicitAttributes — Property in class Validator
The array of wildcard attributes with their asterisks expanded.
- $ Validator#implicitAttributesFormatter — Property in class Validator
The callback that should be used to format the attribute.
- $ Validator#implicitRules — Property in class Validator
The validation rules that imply the field is required.
- Validator::isValidatable() — Method in class Validator
Determine if the attribute is validatable.
- Validator::isImplicit() — Method in class Validator
Determine if a given rule implies the attribute is required.
- Validator::isNotNullIfMarkedAsNullable() — Method in class Validator
Determine if the attribute fails the nullable check.
- Validator::invalid() — Method in class Validator
Returns the data which was invalid.
- Compiler::isExpired() — Method in class Compiler
Determine if the view at the given path is expired.
- CompilerInterface::isExpired() — Method in class CompilerInterface
Determine if the given view is expired.
- Component::ignoredMethods() — Method in class Component
Get the methods that should be ignored.
- ComponentSlot::isEmpty() — Method in class ComponentSlot
Determine if the slot is empty.
- ComponentSlot::isNotEmpty() — Method in class ComponentSlot
Determine if the slot is not empty.
- ManagesLayouts::inject() — Method in class ManagesLayouts
Inject inline content into a section.
- ManagesLoops::incrementLoopIndices() — Method in class ManagesLoops
Increment the top loop's indices.
- Factory::incrementRender() — Method in class Factory
Increment the rendering counter.
- InvokableComponentVariable — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- Batch::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Batch
Get the JSON serializable representation of the object.
- $ PendingBatch#jobs — Property in class PendingBatch
The jobs that belong to the batch.
- Schedule::job() — Method in class Schedule
Add a new job callback event to the schedule.
- Job — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- ResponseFactory::json() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new JSON response instance.
- ResponseFactory::jsonp() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new JSONP response instance.
- Jsonable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- ArrayObject::jsonSerialize() — Method in class ArrayObject
Get the array that should be JSON serialized.
- HasRelationships::joiningTable() — Method in class HasRelationships
Get the joining table name for a many-to-many relation.
- HasRelationships::joiningTableSegment() — Method in class HasRelationships
Get this model's half of the intermediate table name for belongsToMany relationships.
- JsonEncodingException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- Model::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Model
Convert the object into something JSON serializable.
- $ Builder#joins — Property in class Builder
The table joins for the query.
- Builder::join() — Method in class Builder
Add a join clause to the query.
- Builder::joinWhere() — Method in class Builder
Add a "join where" clause to the query.
- Builder::joinSub() — Method in class Builder
Add a subquery join clause to the query.
- JoinClause — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query
- Blueprint::json() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new json column on the table.
- Blueprint::jsonb() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new jsonb column on the table.
- Application::joinPaths() — Method in class Application
Join the given paths together.
- $ PendingChain#job — Property in class PendingChain
The class name of the job being dispatched.
- $ PendingDispatch#job — Property in class PendingDispatch
The job.
- JobMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- Request::json() — Method in class Request
Get the JSON decoded body of the request.
- Response::json() — Method in class Response
Get the JSON decoded body of the response as an array or scalar value.
- JsonResponse — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http
- $ Request#json — Property in class Request
The decoded JSON content for the request.
- Request::json() — Method in class Request
Get the JSON payload for the request.
- CollectsResources::jsonOptions() — Method in class CollectsResources
Get the JSON serialization options that should be applied to the resource response.
- JsonResource — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json
- JsonResource::jsonOptions() — Method in class JsonResource
Get the JSON serialization options that should be applied to the resource response.
- JsonResource::jsonSerialize() — Method in class JsonResource
Prepare the resource for JSON serialization.
- CursorPaginator::jsonSerialize() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Convert the object into something JSON serializable.
- LengthAwarePaginator::jsonSerialize() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Convert the object into something JSON serializable.
- Paginator::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Paginator
Convert the object into something JSON serializable.
- JobExceptionOccurred — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
- $ JobExceptionOccurred#job — Property in class JobExceptionOccurred
The job instance.
- JobFailed — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
- $ JobFailed#job — Property in class JobFailed
The job instance.
- JobProcessed — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
- $ JobProcessed#job — Property in class JobProcessed
The job instance.
- JobProcessing — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
- $ JobProcessing#job — Property in class JobProcessing
The job instance.
- JobQueued — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
- $ JobQueued#job — Property in class JobQueued
The job instance.
- JobReleasedAfterException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
- $ JobReleasedAfterException#job — Property in class JobReleasedAfterException
The job instance.
- JobRetryRequested — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
- $ JobRetryRequested#job — Property in class JobRetryRequested
The job instance.
- $ InteractsWithQueue#job — Property in class InteractsWithQueue
The underlying queue job instance.
- $ BeanstalkdJob#job — Property in class BeanstalkdJob
The Pheanstalk job instance.
- $ DatabaseJob#job — Property in class DatabaseJob
The database job payload.
- Job — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
- JobName — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
- $ RedisJob#job — Property in class RedisJob
The Redis raw job payload.
- $ SqsJob#job — Property in class SqsJob
The Amazon SQS job instance.
- $ SyncJob#job — Property in class SyncJob
The class name of the job.
- Queue::jobShouldBeEncrypted() — Method in class Queue
Determine if the job should be encrypted.
- ResponseFactory::json() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new JSON response instance.
- ResponseFactory::jsonp() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new JSONP response instance.
- Arr::join() — Method in class Arr
Join all items using a string. The final items can use a separate glue string.
- Collection::join() — Method in class Collection
Join all items from the collection using a string. The final items can use a separate glue string.
- Enumerable::join() — Method in class Enumerable
Join all items from the collection using a string. The final items can use a separate glue string.
- Enumerable::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Enumerable
Convert the object into something JSON serializable.
- App::joinPaths() — Method in class App
- Request::json() — Method in class Request
- Response::json() — Method in class Response
- Response::jsonp() — Method in class Response
- Fluent::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Fluent
- Js — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- $ Js#js — Property in class Js
The JavaScript string.
- Js::jsonEncode() — Method in class Js
Encode the given data as JSON.
- LazyCollection::join() — Method in class LazyCollection
Join all items from the collection using a string. The final items can use a separate glue string.
- MessageBag::jsonSerialize() — Method in class MessageBag
Convert the object into something JSON serializable.
- Stringable::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Stringable
Convert the object to a string when JSON encoded.
- $ BusFake#jobsToFake — Property in class BusFake
The job types that should be intercepted instead of dispatched.
- $ BusFake#jobsToDispatch — Property in class BusFake
The job types that should be dispatched instead of faked.
- $ QueueFake#jobsToFake — Property in class QueueFake
The job types that should be intercepted instead of pushed to the queue.
- $ QueueFake#jobsToBeQueued — Property in class QueueFake
The job types that should be pushed to the queue and not intercepted.
- $ QueueFake#jobs — Property in class QueueFake
All of the jobs that have been pushed.
- EnumeratesValues::jsonSerialize() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
- $ AssertableJsonString#json — Property in class AssertableJsonString
The original encoded json.
- AssertableJsonString::json() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Validate and return the decoded response JSON.
- AssertableJsonString::jsonSearchStrings() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Get the strings we need to search for when examining the JSON.
- TestResponse::json() — Method in class TestResponse
Validate and return the decoded response JSON.
- $ FileLoader#jsonPaths — Property in class FileLoader
All of the registered paths to JSON translation files.
- FileLoader::jsonPaths() — Method in class FileLoader
Get an array of all the registered paths to JSON translation files.
- $ DynamoDbStore#keyAttribute — Property in class DynamoDbStore
The name of the attribute that should hold the key.
- $ CacheEvent#key — Property in class CacheEvent
The key of the event.
- KeyForgotten — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
- KeyWritten — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Events
- $ Limit#key — Property in class Limit
The rate limit signature key.
- Kernel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Console
- Kernel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Http
- MessageBag::keys() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the keys present in the message bag.
- Collection::keys() — Method in class Collection
Get the keys of the collection items.
- $ Model#keyType — Property in class Model
The "type" of the primary key ID.
- $ Encrypter#key — Property in class Encrypter
The encryption key.
- EncryptionServiceProvider::key() — Method in class EncryptionServiceProvider
Extract the encryption key from the given configuration.
- $ CacheBasedMaintenanceMode#key — Property in class CacheBasedMaintenanceMode
The cache key to use when storing maintenance mode information.
- Kernel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- KeyGenerateCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- KeyGenerateCommand::keyReplacementPattern() — Method in class KeyGenerateCommand
Get a regex pattern that will match env APP_KEY with any random key.
- Kernel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http
- InteractsWithInput::keys() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Get the keys for all of the input and files.
- $ DatabaseNotification#keyType — Property in class DatabaseNotification
The "type" of the primary key ID.
- $ ThrottlesExceptions#key — Property in class ThrottlesExceptions
The developer specified key that the rate limiter should use.
- $ WithoutOverlapping#key — Property in class WithoutOverlapping
The job's unique key used for preventing overlaps.
- Worker::kill() — Method in class Worker
Kill the process.
- $ UrlGenerator#keyResolver — Property in class UrlGenerator
The encryption key resolver callable.
- Store::keep() — Method in class Store
Reflash a subset of the current flash data.
- Arr::keyBy() — Method in class Arr
Key an associative array by a field or using a callback.
- Collection::keyBy() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::keys() — Method in class Collection
- Enumerable::keyBy() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::keys() — Method in class Enumerable
- Request::keys() — Method in class Request
- Session::keep() — Method in class Session
- LazyCollection::keyBy() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::keys() — Method in class LazyCollection
- MessageBag::keys() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the keys present in the message bag.
- Str::kebab() — Method in class Str
Convert a string to kebab case.
- Stringable::kebab() — Method in class Stringable
Convert a string to kebab case.
- $ EnumeratesValues#keyBy — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- Lockout — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- Login — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- Logout — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- $ SessionGuard#lastAttempted — Property in class SessionGuard
The user we last attempted to retrieve.
- $ SessionGuard#loggedOut — Property in class SessionGuard
Indicates if the logout method has been called.
- SessionGuard::loginUsingId() — Method in class SessionGuard
Log the given user ID into the application.
- SessionGuard::login() — Method in class SessionGuard
Log a user into the application.
- SessionGuard::logout() — Method in class SessionGuard
Log the user out of the application.
- SessionGuard::logoutCurrentDevice() — Method in class SessionGuard
Log the user out of the application on their current device only.
- SessionGuard::logoutOtherDevices() — Method in class SessionGuard
Invalidate other sessions for the current user.
- LogBroadcaster — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
- $ LogBroadcaster#logger — Property in class LogBroadcaster
The logger implementation.
- $ ArrayStore#locks — Property in class ArrayStore
The array of locks.
- ArrayStore::lock() — Method in class ArrayStore
Get a lock instance.
- $ DatabaseLock#lottery — Property in class DatabaseLock
The prune probability odds.
- $ DatabaseStore#lockConnection — Property in class DatabaseStore
The database connection instance that should be used to manage locks.
- $ DatabaseStore#lockTable — Property in class DatabaseStore
The name of the cache locks table.
- $ DatabaseStore#lockLottery — Property in class DatabaseStore
An array representation of the lock lottery odds.
- DatabaseStore::lock() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Get a lock instance.
- DynamoDbStore::lock() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Get a lock instance.
- FileStore::lock() — Method in class FileStore
Get a lock instance.
- HasCacheLock::lock() — Method in class HasCacheLock
Get a lock instance.
- Lock — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- LuaScripts — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- MemcachedStore::lock() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Get a lock instance.
- NullStore::lock() — Method in class NullStore
Get a lock instance.
- $ RateLimiter#limiters — Property in class RateLimiter
The configured limit object resolvers.
- RateLimiter::limiter() — Method in class RateLimiter
Get the given named rate limiter.
- Limit — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\RateLimiting
- $ RedisStore#lockConnection — Property in class RedisStore
The name of the connection that should be used for locks.
- RedisStore::lock() — Method in class RedisStore
Get a lock instance.
- RedisStore::lockConnection() — Method in class RedisStore
Get the Redis connection instance that should be used to manage locks.
- $ Application#laravel — Property in class Application
The Laravel application instance.
- $ Application#lastOutput — Property in class Application
The output from the previous command.
- $ Command#laravel — Property in class Command
The Laravel application instance.
- InteractsWithIO::line() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Write a string as standard output.
- ManagesFrequencies::lastDayOfMonth() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run on the last day of the month.
- Factory::line() — Method in class Factory
- Line — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
- StatefulGuard::login() — Method in class StatefulGuard
Log a user into the application.
- StatefulGuard::loginUsingId() — Method in class StatefulGuard
Log the given user ID into the application.
- StatefulGuard::logout() — Method in class StatefulGuard
Log the user out of the application.
- Lock — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
- LockProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
- LockProvider::lock() — Method in class LockProvider
Get a lock instance.
- LockTimeoutException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
- Dispatcher::listen() — Method in class Dispatcher
Register an event listener with the dispatcher.
- Filesystem::lastModified() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the file's last modification time.
- LockTimeoutException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem
- Application::langPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the language files.
- Application::loadDeferredProviders() — Method in class Application
Load and boot all of the remaining deferred providers.
- MailQueue::later() — Method in class MailQueue
Queue a new e-mail message for sending after (n) seconds.
- Mailable::later() — Method in class Mailable
Deliver the queued message after (n) seconds.
- Mailable::locale() — Method in class Mailable
Set the locale of the message.
- LengthAwarePaginator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination
- LengthAwarePaginator::lastPage() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Get the page number of the last available page.
- Paginator::lastItem() — Method in class Paginator
Get the "index" of the last item being paginated.
- InvokedProcess::latestOutput() — Method in class InvokedProcess
Get the latest standard output for the process.
- InvokedProcess::latestErrorOutput() — Method in class InvokedProcess
Get the latest error output for the process.
- Monitor::looping() — Method in class Monitor
Register a callback to be executed on every iteration through the queue loop.
- Queue::later() — Method in class Queue
Push a new job onto the queue after (n) seconds.
- Queue::laterOn() — Method in class Queue
Push a new job onto a specific queue after (n) seconds.
- LimiterTimeoutException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Redis
- Loader — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Translation
- Loader::load() — Method in class Loader
Load the messages for the given locale.
- BuildsQueries::lazy() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Query lazily, by chunks of the given size.
- BuildsQueries::lazyById() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Query lazily, by chunking the results of a query by comparing IDs.
- BuildsQueries::lazyByIdDesc() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Query lazily, by chunking the results of a query by comparing IDs in descending order.
- $ Connection#loggingQueries — Property in class Connection
Indicates whether queries are being logged.
- Connection::logQuery() — Method in class Connection
Log a query in the connection's query log.
- Connection::listen() — Method in class Connection
Register a database query listener with the connection.
- Connection::logging() — Method in class Connection
Determine whether we're logging queries.
- MigrateCommand::loadSchemaState() — Method in class MigrateCommand
Load the schema state to seed the initial database schema structure.
- $ DatabaseTransactionRecord#level — Property in class DatabaseTransactionRecord
The transaction level.
- $ Builder#localMacros — Property in class Builder
All of the locally registered builder macros.
- Builder::latest() — Method in class Builder
Add an "order by" clause for a timestamp to the query.
- Collection::load() — Method in class Collection
Load a set of relationships onto the collection.
- Collection::loadAggregate() — Method in class Collection
Load a set of aggregations over relationship's column onto the collection.
- Collection::loadCount() — Method in class Collection
Load a set of relationship counts onto the collection.
- Collection::loadMax() — Method in class Collection
Load a set of relationship's max column values onto the collection.
- Collection::loadMin() — Method in class Collection
Load a set of relationship's min column values onto the collection.
- Collection::loadSum() — Method in class Collection
Load a set of relationship's column summations onto the collection.
- Collection::loadAvg() — Method in class Collection
Load a set of relationship's average column values onto the collection.
- Collection::loadExists() — Method in class Collection
Load a set of related existences onto the collection.
- Collection::loadMissing() — Method in class Collection
Load a set of relationships onto the collection if they are not already eager loaded.
- Collection::loadMissingRelation() — Method in class Collection
Load a relationship path if it is not already eager loaded.
- Collection::loadMorph() — Method in class Collection
Load a set of relationships onto the mixed relationship collection.
- Collection::loadMorphCount() — Method in class Collection
Load a set of relationship counts onto the mixed relationship collection.
- Factory::lazy() — Method in class Factory
- $ Model#lazyLoadingViolationCallback — Property in class Model
The callback that is responsible for handling lazy loading violations.
- Model::load() — Method in class Model
Eager load relations on the model.
- Model::loadMorph() — Method in class Model
Eager load relationships on the polymorphic relation of a model.
- Model::loadMissing() — Method in class Model
Eager load relations on the model if they are not already eager loaded.
- Model::loadAggregate() — Method in class Model
Eager load relation's column aggregations on the model.
- Model::loadCount() — Method in class Model
Eager load relation counts on the model.
- Model::loadMax() — Method in class Model
Eager load relation max column values on the model.
- Model::loadMin() — Method in class Model
Eager load relation min column values on the model.
- Model::loadSum() — Method in class Model
Eager load relation's column summations on the model.
- Model::loadAvg() — Method in class Model
Eager load relation average column values on the model.
- Model::loadExists() — Method in class Model
Eager load related model existence values on the model.
- Model::loadMorphAggregate() — Method in class Model
Eager load relationship column aggregation on the polymorphic relation of a model.
- Model::loadMorphCount() — Method in class Model
Eager load relationship counts on the polymorphic relation of a model.
- Model::loadMorphMax() — Method in class Model
Eager load relationship max column values on the polymorphic relation of a model.
- Model::loadMorphMin() — Method in class Model
Eager load relationship min column values on the polymorphic relation of a model.
- Model::loadMorphSum() — Method in class Model
Eager load relationship column summations on the polymorphic relation of a model.
- Model::loadMorphAvg() — Method in class Model
Eager load relationship average column values on the polymorphic relation of a model.
- $ PendingHasThroughRelationship#localRelationship — Property in class PendingHasThroughRelationship
The local relationship.
- BelongsToMany::lazy() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Query lazily, by chunks of the given size.
- BelongsToMany::lazyById() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Query lazily, by chunking the results of a query by comparing IDs.
- CanBeOneOfMany::latestOfMany() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Indicate that the relation is the latest single result of a larger one-to-many relationship.
- $ HasManyThrough#localKey — Property in class HasManyThrough
The local key on the relationship.
- HasManyThrough::lazy() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Query lazily, by chunks of the given size.
- HasManyThrough::lazyById() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Query lazily, by chunking the results of a query by comparing IDs.
- $ HasOneOrMany#localKey — Property in class HasOneOrMany
The local key of the parent model.
- LazyLoadingViolationException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- LostConnectionException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::log() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Log that a migration was run.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::log() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Log that a migration was run.
- Connection::lastInsertId() — Method in class Connection
Get the last insert ID.
- SqlServerConnection::lastInsertId() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Get the last insert ID.
- $ Builder#limit — Property in class Builder
The maximum number of records to return.
- $ Builder#lock — Property in class Builder
Indicates whether row locking is being used.
- Builder::leftJoin() — Method in class Builder
Add a left join to the query.
- Builder::leftJoinWhere() — Method in class Builder
Add a "join where" clause to the query.
- Builder::leftJoinSub() — Method in class Builder
Add a subquery left join to the query.
- Builder::latest() — Method in class Builder
Add an "order by" clause for a timestamp to the query.
- Builder::limit() — Method in class Builder
Set the "limit" value of the query.
- Builder::lock() — Method in class Builder
Lock the selected rows in the table.
- Builder::lockForUpdate() — Method in class Builder
Lock the selected rows in the table for updating.
- Blueprint::longText() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new long text column on the table.
- Blueprint::lineString() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new linestring column on the table.
- IndexDefinition::language() — Method in class IndexDefinition
- MySqlSchemaState::load() — Method in class MySqlSchemaState
Load the given schema file into the database.
- PostgresSchemaState::load() — Method in class PostgresSchemaState
Load the given schema file into the database.
- SchemaState::load() — Method in class SchemaState
Load the given schema file into the database.
- SqliteSchemaState::load() — Method in class SqliteSchemaState
Load the given schema file into the database.
- $ Dispatcher#listeners — Property in class Dispatcher
The registered event listeners.
- Dispatcher::listen() — Method in class Dispatcher
Register an event listener with the dispatcher.
- NullDispatcher::listen() — Method in class NullDispatcher
Register an event listener with the dispatcher.
- Filesystem::lines() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the contents of a file one line at a time.
- Filesystem::link() — Method in class Filesystem
Create a symlink to the target file or directory. On Windows, a hard link is created if the target is a file.
- Filesystem::lastModified() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the file's last modification time.
- FilesystemAdapter::lastModified() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the file's last modification time.
- LockableFile — Class in namespace Illuminate\Filesystem
- AliasLoader::load() — Method in class AliasLoader
Load a class alias if it is registered.
- AliasLoader::loadFacade() — Method in class AliasLoader
Load a real-time facade for the given alias.
- $ Application#loadedProviders — Property in class Application
The names of the loaded service providers.
- $ Application#langPath — Property in class Application
The custom language file path defined by the developer.
- Application::langPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the language files.
- Application::loadEnvironmentFrom() — Method in class Application
Set the environment file to be loaded during bootstrapping.
- Application::loadDeferredProviders() — Method in class Application
Load and boot all of the remaining deferred providers.
- Application::loadDeferredProvider() — Method in class Application
Load the provider for a deferred service.
- Application::loadDeferredProviderIfNeeded() — Method in class Application
Load the deferred provider if the given type is a deferred service and the instance has not been loaded.
- LoadConfiguration — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
- LoadConfiguration::loadConfigurationFiles() — Method in class LoadConfiguration
Load the configuration items from all of the files.
- LoadEnvironmentVariables — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
- Kernel::load() — Method in class Kernel
Register all of the commands in the given directory.
- LangPublishCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ListenerMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- StorageLinkCommand::links() — Method in class StorageLinkCommand
Get the symbolic links that are configured for the application.
- LocaleUpdated — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Events
- $ LocaleUpdated#locale — Property in class LocaleUpdated
The new locale.
- $ Handler#levels — Property in class Handler
A map of exceptions with their corresponding custom log levels.
- Handler::level() — Method in class Handler
Set the log level for the given exception type.
- ProviderRepository::load() — Method in class ProviderRepository
Register the application service providers.
- ProviderRepository::loadManifest() — Method in class ProviderRepository
Load the service provider manifest JSON file.
- $ EventServiceProvider#listen — Property in class EventServiceProvider
The event handler mappings for the application.
- EventServiceProvider::listens() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
Get the events and handlers.
- $ RouteServiceProvider#loadRoutesUsing — Property in class RouteServiceProvider
The callback that should be used to load the application's routes.
- RouteServiceProvider::loadCachedRoutes() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider
Load the cached routes for the application.
- RouteServiceProvider::loadRoutes() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider
Load the application routes.
- $ MakesHttpRequests#latestResponse — Property in class MakesHttpRequests
The latest test response (if any).
- LazilyRefreshDatabase — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
- $ RefreshDatabaseState#lazilyRefreshed — Property in class RefreshDatabaseState
Indicates if a lazy refresh hook has been invoked.
- $ MessageLogged#level — Property in class MessageLogged
The log "level".
- LogManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Log
- LogManager::log() — Method in class LogManager
Logs with an arbitrary level.
- LogServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Log
- Logger — Class in namespace Illuminate\Log
- $ Logger#logger — Property in class Logger
The underlying logger implementation.
- Logger::log() — Method in class Logger
Log a message to the logs.
- Logger::listen() — Method in class Logger
Register a new callback handler for when a log event is triggered.
- $ ParsesLogConfiguration#levels — Property in class ParsesLogConfiguration
The Log levels.
- ParsesLogConfiguration::level() — Method in class ParsesLogConfiguration
Parse the string level into a Monolog constant.
- $ Mailable#locale — Property in class Mailable
The locale of the message.
- Mailable::later() — Method in class Mailable
Deliver the queued message after (n) seconds.
- Mailable::locale() — Method in class Mailable
Set the locale of the message.
- Mailer::later() — Method in class Mailer
Queue a new e-mail message for sending after (n) seconds.
- Mailer::laterOn() — Method in class Mailer
Queue a new e-mail message for sending after (n) seconds on the given queue.
- Markdown::loadComponentsFrom() — Method in class Markdown
Register new mail component paths.
- $ PendingMail#locale — Property in class PendingMail
The locale of the message.
- PendingMail::locale() — Method in class PendingMail
Set the locale of the message.
- PendingMail::later() — Method in class PendingMail
Deliver the queued message after (n) seconds.
- LogTransport — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
- $ LogTransport#logger — Property in class LogTransport
The Logger instance.
- LogTransport::logger() — Method in class LogTransport
Get the logger for the LogTransport instance.
- $ ChannelManager#locale — Property in class ChannelManager
The locale used when sending notifications.
- ChannelManager::locale() — Method in class ChannelManager
Set the locale of notifications.
- $ SimpleMessage#level — Property in class SimpleMessage
The "level" of the notification (info, success, error).
- SimpleMessage::level() — Method in class SimpleMessage
Set the "level" of the notification (success, error, etc.).
- SimpleMessage::line() — Method in class SimpleMessage
Add a line of text to the notification.
- SimpleMessage::lineIf() — Method in class SimpleMessage
Add a line of text to the notification if the given condition is true.
- SimpleMessage::lines() — Method in class SimpleMessage
Add lines of text to the notification.
- SimpleMessage::linesIf() — Method in class SimpleMessage
Add lines of text to the notification if the given condition is true.
- $ Notification#locale — Property in class Notification
The locale to be used when sending the notification.
- Notification::locale() — Method in class Notification
Set the locale to send this notification in.
- $ NotificationSender#locale — Property in class NotificationSender
The locale to be used when sending notifications.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::loadMorph() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Load a set of relationships onto the mixed relationship collection.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::loadMorphCount() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Load a set of relationship counts onto the mixed relationship collection.
- AbstractPaginator::loadMorph() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Load a set of relationships onto the mixed relationship collection.
- AbstractPaginator::loadMorphCount() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Load a set of relationship counts onto the mixed relationship collection.
- AbstractPaginator::lastItem() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the number of the last item in the slice.
- CursorPaginator::links() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Render the paginator using the given view.
- LengthAwarePaginator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- $ LengthAwarePaginator#lastPage — Property in class LengthAwarePaginator
The last available page.
- LengthAwarePaginator::links() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Render the paginator using the given view.
- LengthAwarePaginator::linkCollection() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Get the paginator links as a collection (for JSON responses).
- LengthAwarePaginator::lastPage() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Get the page number of the last available page.
- Paginator::links() — Method in class Paginator
Render the paginator using the given view.
- UrlWindow::lastPage() — Method in class UrlWindow
Get the last page from the paginator.
- FakeInvokedProcess::latestOutput() — Method in class FakeInvokedProcess
Get the latest standard output for the process.
- FakeInvokedProcess::latestErrorOutput() — Method in class FakeInvokedProcess
Get the latest error output for the process.
- InvokedProcess::latestOutput() — Method in class InvokedProcess
Get the latest standard output for the process.
- InvokedProcess::latestErrorOutput() — Method in class InvokedProcess
Get the latest error output for the process.
- BeanstalkdQueue::later() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Push a new job onto the queue after (n) seconds.
- Manager::later() — Method in class Manager
Push a new job onto the queue after (n) seconds.
- ListFailedCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- ListenCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- $ ListenCommand#listener — Property in class ListenCommand
The queue listener instance.
- $ WorkCommand#latestStartedAt — Property in class WorkCommand
Holds the start time of the last processed job, if any.
- WorkCommand::listenForEvents() — Method in class WorkCommand
Listen for the queue events in order to update the console output.
- WorkCommand::logFailedJob() — Method in class WorkCommand
Store a failed job event.
- DatabaseQueue::later() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Push a new job onto the queue after (n) seconds.
- Looping — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
- DatabaseFailedJobProvider::log() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
Log a failed job into storage.
- DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider::log() — Method in class DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider
Log a failed job into storage.
- DynamoDbFailedJobProvider::log() — Method in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider
Log a failed job into storage.
- FailedJobProviderInterface::log() — Method in class FailedJobProviderInterface
Log a failed job into storage.
- NullFailedJobProvider::log() — Method in class NullFailedJobProvider
Log a failed job into storage.
- Listener — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- Listener::listen() — Method in class Listener
Listen to the given queue connection.
- ListenerOptions — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- LuaScripts — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- $ RateLimited#limiter — Property in class RateLimited
The rate limiter instance.
- $ RateLimited#limiterName — Property in class RateLimited
The name of the rate limiter.
- $ ThrottlesExceptions#limiter — Property in class ThrottlesExceptions
The rate limiter instance.
- $ ThrottlesExceptionsWithRedis#limiter — Property in class ThrottlesExceptionsWithRedis
The rate limiter instance.
- NullQueue::later() — Method in class NullQueue
Push a new job onto the queue after (n) seconds.
- Queue::laterOn() — Method in class Queue
Push a new job onto a specific queue after (n) seconds.
- QueueManager::looping() — Method in class QueueManager
Register an event listener for the daemon queue loop.
- RedisQueue::later() — Method in class RedisQueue
Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
- RedisQueue::laterRaw() — Method in class RedisQueue
Push a raw job onto the queue after (n) seconds.
- SqsQueue::later() — Method in class SqsQueue
Push a new job onto the queue after (n) seconds.
- SyncQueue::later() — Method in class SyncQueue
Push a new job onto the queue after (n) seconds.
- Worker::listenForSignals() — Method in class Worker
Enable async signals for the process.
- Connection::listen() — Method in class Connection
Register a Redis command listener with the connection.
- PacksPhpRedisValues::lzfCompressed() — Method in class PacksPhpRedisValues
Determine if LZF compression is enabled.
- PacksPhpRedisValues::lz4Compressed() — Method in class PacksPhpRedisValues
Determine if LZ4 compression is enabled.
- PhpRedisConnection::lrem() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Removes the first count occurrences of the value element from the list.
- ConcurrencyLimiter::lockScript() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiter
Get the Lua script for acquiring a lock.
- ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder::limit() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder
Set the maximum number of locks that can be obtained per time window.
- DurationLimiter::luaScript() — Method in class DurationLimiter
Get the Lua script for acquiring a lock.
- $ ThrottleRequests#limiter — Property in class ThrottleRequests
The rate limiter instance.
- $ Route#lockSeconds — Property in class Route
Indicates the maximum number of seconds the route should acquire a session lock for.
- Route::locksFor() — Method in class Route
Get the maximum number of seconds the route's session lock should be held for.
- Router::loadRoutes() — Method in class Router
Load the provided routes.
- AuthenticateSession::logout() — Method in class AuthenticateSession
Log the user out of the application.
- Store::loadSession() — Method in class Store
Load the session data from the handler.
- Arr::last() — Method in class Arr
Return the last element in an array passing a given truth test.
- Collection::lazy() — Method in class Collection
Get a lazy collection for the items in this collection.
- Collection::last() — Method in class Collection
- DateFactory::localeHasDiffOneDayWords() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::localeHasDiffSyntax() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::localeHasDiffTwoDayWords() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::localeHasPeriodSyntax() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::localeHasShortUnits() — Method in class DateFactory
- Enumerable::last() — Method in class Enumerable
- App::langPath() — Method in class App
- App::loadEnvironmentFrom() — Method in class App
- App::loadDeferredProviders() — Method in class App
- App::loadDeferredProvider() — Method in class App
- Auth::login() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::loginUsingId() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::logout() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::logoutCurrentDevice() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::logoutOtherDevices() — Method in class Auth
- Cache::lock() — Method in class Cache
- DB::logQuery() — Method in class DB
- DB::listen() — Method in class DB
- DB::logging() — Method in class DB
- Date::localeHasDiffOneDayWords() — Method in class Date
- Date::localeHasDiffSyntax() — Method in class Date
- Date::localeHasDiffTwoDayWords() — Method in class Date
- Date::localeHasPeriodSyntax() — Method in class Date
- Date::localeHasShortUnits() — Method in class Date
- Event::listen() — Method in class Event
- File::lines() — Method in class File
- File::link() — Method in class File
- File::lastModified() — Method in class File
- Lang — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Lang::load() — Method in class Lang
- Lang::locale() — Method in class Lang
- Log — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Log::log() — Method in class Log
- Log::listen() — Method in class Log
- Mail::later() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::laterOn() — Method in class Mail
- Notification::locale() — Method in class Notification
- Queue::looping() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::later() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::laterOn() — Method in class Queue
- RateLimiter::limiter() — Method in class RateLimiter
- Redis::listen() — Method in class Redis
- Storage::lastModified() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::listContents() — Method in class Storage
- LazyCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- LazyCollection::last() — Method in class LazyCollection
- Lottery — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- $ Lottery#loser — Property in class Lottery
The losing callback.
- Lottery::loser() — Method in class Lottery
Set the loser callback.
- $ Pluralizer#language — Property in class Pluralizer
The language that should be used by the inflector.
- ServiceProvider::loadRoutesFrom() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Load the given routes file if routes are not already cached.
- ServiceProvider::loadViewsFrom() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Register a view file namespace.
- ServiceProvider::loadViewComponentsAs() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Register the given view components with a custom prefix.
- ServiceProvider::loadTranslationsFrom() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Register a translation file namespace.
- ServiceProvider::loadJsonTranslationsFrom() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Register a JSON translation file path.
- ServiceProvider::loadMigrationsFrom() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Register database migration paths.
- ServiceProvider::loadFactoriesFrom() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Register Eloquent model factory paths.
- Str::length() — Method in class Str
Return the length of the given string.
- Str::limit() — Method in class Str
Limit the number of characters in a string.
- Str::lower() — Method in class Str
Convert the given string to lower-case.
- Str::lcfirst() — Method in class Str
Make a string's first character lowercase.
- Stringable::length() — Method in class Stringable
Return the length of the given string.
- Stringable::limit() — Method in class Stringable
Limit the number of characters in a string.
- Stringable::lower() — Method in class Stringable
Convert the given string to lower-case.
- Stringable::ltrim() — Method in class Stringable
Left trim the string of the given characters.
- Stringable::lcfirst() — Method in class Stringable
Make a string's first character lowercase.
- EventFake::listen() — Method in class EventFake
Register an event listener with the dispatcher.
- MailFake::later() — Method in class MailFake
Queue a new e-mail message for sending after (n) seconds.
- $ NotificationFake#locale — Property in class NotificationFake
Locale used when sending notifications.
- NotificationFake::locale() — Method in class NotificationFake
Set the locale of notifications.
- QueueFake::later() — Method in class QueueFake
Push a new job onto the queue after (n) seconds.
- QueueFake::laterOn() — Method in class QueueFake
Push a new job onto a specific queue after (n) seconds.
- Localizable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
- LoggedExceptionCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing
- ArrayLoader::load() — Method in class ArrayLoader
Load the messages for the given locale.
- FileLoader::load() — Method in class FileLoader
Load the messages for the given locale.
- FileLoader::loadNamespaced() — Method in class FileLoader
Load a namespaced translation group.
- FileLoader::loadNamespaceOverrides() — Method in class FileLoader
Load a local namespaced translation group for overrides.
- FileLoader::loadPaths() — Method in class FileLoader
Load a locale from a given path.
- FileLoader::loadJsonPaths() — Method in class FileLoader
Load a locale from the given JSON file path.
- $ Translator#loader — Property in class Translator
The loader implementation.
- $ Translator#locale — Property in class Translator
The default locale being used by the translator.
- $ Translator#loaded — Property in class Translator
The array of loaded translation groups.
- Translator::localeForChoice() — Method in class Translator
Get the proper locale for a choice operation.
- Translator::load() — Method in class Translator
Load the specified language group.
- Translator::localeArray() — Method in class Translator
Get the array of locales to be checked.
- Translator::locale() — Method in class Translator
Get the default locale being used.
- $ Password#letters — Property in class Password
If the password requires at least one letter.
- Password::letters() — Method in class Password
Makes the password require at least one letter.
- $ CompilesFragments#lastFragment — Property in class CompilesFragments
The last compiled fragment.
- $ CompilesLayouts#lastSection — Property in class CompilesLayouts
The name of the last section that was started.
- $ ManagesLoops#loopsStack — Property in class ManagesLoops
The stack of in-progress loops.
- $ CompilerEngine#lastCompiled — Property in class CompilerEngine
A stack of the last compiled templates.
- $ Engine#lastRendered — Property in class Engine
The view that was last to be rendered.
- Gate::methodAllowsGuests() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given class method allows guests.
- $ Response#message — Property in class Response
The response message.
- Response::message() — Method in class Response
Get the response message.
- $ EloquentUserProvider#model — Property in class EloquentUserProvider
The Eloquent user model.
- MustVerifyEmail — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- MustVerifyEmail::markEmailAsVerified() — Method in class MustVerifyEmail
Mark the given user's email as verified.
- BroadcastManager::mustBeUniqueAndCannotAcquireLock() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Determine if the broadcastable event must be unique and determine if we can acquire the necessary lock.
- BatchFactory::make() — Method in class BatchFactory
Create a new batch instance.
- BatchRepository::markAsFinished() — Method in class BatchRepository
Mark the batch that has the given ID as finished.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::markAsFinished() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Mark the batch that has the given ID as finished.
- Dispatcher::map() — Method in class Dispatcher
Map a command to a handler.
- $ Queueable#middleware — Property in class Queueable
The middleware the job should be dispatched through.
- DynamoDbStore::many() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.
- MemcachedConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- MemcachedLock — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- $ MemcachedLock#memcached — Property in class MemcachedLock
The Memcached instance.
- MemcachedStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- $ MemcachedStore#memcached — Property in class MemcachedStore
The Memcached instance.
- MemcachedStore::many() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.
- $ Limit#maxAttempts — Property in class Limit
The maximum number of attempts allowed within the given number of minutes.
- RedisStore::many() — Method in class RedisStore
Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.
- Repository::missing() — Method in class Repository
Determine if an item doesn't exist in the cache.
- Repository::many() — Method in class Repository
Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.
- RetrievesMultipleKeys::many() — Method in class RetrievesMultipleKeys
Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.
- GeneratorCommand::makeDirectory() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Build the directory for the class if necessary.
- CallbackEvent::mutexName() — Method in class CallbackEvent
Get the mutex name for the scheduled command.
- $ Event#mutex — Property in class Event
The event mutex implementation.
- $ Event#mutexNameResolver — Property in class Event
The mutex name resolver callback.
- Event::mutexName() — Method in class Event
Get the mutex name for the scheduled command.
- ManagesFrequencies — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- ManagesFrequencies::mondays() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run only on Mondays.
- ManagesFrequencies::monthly() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run monthly.
- ManagesFrequencies::monthlyOn() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run monthly on a given day and time.
- $ Component#mutators — Property in class Component
The list of mutators to apply on the view data.
- Component::mutate() — Method in class Component
Mutates the given data with the given set of mutators.
- $ Container#methodBindings — Property in class Container
The container's method bindings.
- Container::makeWith() — Method in class Container
An alias function name for make().
- Container::make() — Method in class Container
Resolve the given type from the container.
- MustVerifyEmail — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- MustVerifyEmail::markEmailAsVerified() — Method in class MustVerifyEmail
Mark the given user's email as verified.
- Dispatcher::map() — Method in class Dispatcher
Map a command to a handler.
- Store::many() — Method in class Store
Retrieve multiple items from the cache by key.
- Container::make() — Method in class Container
Resolve the given type from the container.
- Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
Create a new cookie instance.
- MigrationEvent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Events
- ModelIdentifier — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database
- Filesystem::move() — Method in class Filesystem
Move a file to a new location.
- Filesystem::makeDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Create a directory.
- Application::maintenanceMode() — Method in class Application
Get an instance of the maintenance mode manager implementation.
- MaintenanceMode — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation
- Hasher::make() — Method in class Hasher
Hash the given value.
- Factory::mailer() — Method in class Factory
Get a mailer instance by name.
- MailQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Mail
- Mailable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Mail
- Mailable::mailer() — Method in class Mailable
Set the name of the mailer that should be used to send the message.
- Mailer — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Mail
- Job::markAsFailed() — Method in class Job
Mark the job as "failed".
- Job::maxTries() — Method in class Job
Get the number of times to attempt a job.
- Job::maxExceptions() — Method in class Job
Get the maximum number of exceptions allowed, regardless of attempts.
- Monitor — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- Registrar::match() — Method in class Registrar
Register a new route with the given verbs.
- ResponseFactory::make() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new response instance.
- Session::migrate() — Method in class Session
Generate a new session ID for the session.
- MessageBag — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- MessageBag::merge() — Method in class MessageBag
Merge a new array of messages into the bag.
- MessageProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
Create a new Validator instance.
- Rule::message() — Method in class Rule
Get the validation error message.
- Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
Get the evaluated view contents for the given view.
- CookieJar::make() — Method in class CookieJar
Create a new cookie instance.
- Manager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Capsule
- $ Manager#manager — Property in class Manager
The database manager instance.
- $ ClassMorphViolationException#model — Property in class ClassMorphViolationException
The name of the affected Eloquent model.
- ManagesTransactions — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Concerns
- ConnectionFactory::make() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Establish a PDO connection based on the configuration.
- ConnectionFactory::mergeReadWriteConfig() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Merge a configuration for a read / write connection.
- MySqlConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
- MigrateCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- $ MigrateCommand#migrator — Property in class MigrateCommand
The migrator instance.
- MigrateMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- $ ResetCommand#migrator — Property in class ResetCommand
The migrator instance.
- $ RollbackCommand#migrator — Property in class RollbackCommand
The migrator instance.
- $ StatusCommand#migrator — Property in class StatusCommand
The migrator instance.
- MonitorCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console
- PruneCommand::models() — Method in class PruneCommand
Determine the models that should be pruned.
- DatabaseManager::makeConnection() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Make the database connection instance.
- $ BroadcastableModelEventOccurred#model — Property in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
The model instance corresponding to the event.
- $ Builder#model — Property in class Builder
The model being queried.
- $ Builder#macros — Property in class Builder
All of the globally registered builder macros.
- Builder::make() — Method in class Builder
Create and return an un-saved model instance.
- Attribute::make() — Method in class Attribute
Create a new attribute accessor / mutator.
- Collection::modelKeys() — Method in class Collection
Get the array of primary keys.
- Collection::merge() — Method in class Collection
Merge the collection with the given items.
- Collection::map() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::mapWithKeys() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::makeHidden() — Method in class Collection
Make the given, typically visible, attributes hidden across the entire collection.
- Collection::makeVisible() — Method in class Collection
Make the given, typically hidden, attributes visible across the entire collection.
- GuardsAttributes::mergeFillable() — Method in class GuardsAttributes
Merge new fillable attributes with existing fillable attributes on the model.
- GuardsAttributes::mergeGuarded() — Method in class GuardsAttributes
Merge new guarded attributes with existing guarded attributes on the model.
- $ HasAttributes#mutatorCache — Property in class HasAttributes
The cache of the mutated attributes for each class.
- HasAttributes::mutateAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get the value of an attribute using its mutator.
- HasAttributes::mutateAttributeMarkedAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get the value of an "Attribute" return type marked attribute using its mutator.
- HasAttributes::mutateAttributeForArray() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get the value of an attribute using its mutator for array conversion.
- HasAttributes::mergeCasts() — Method in class HasAttributes
Merge new casts with existing casts on the model.
- HasAttributes::mergeAttributesFromCachedCasts() — Method in class HasAttributes
Merge the cast class and attribute cast attributes back into the model.
- HasAttributes::mergeAttributesFromClassCasts() — Method in class HasAttributes
Merge the cast class attributes back into the model.
- HasAttributes::mergeAttributesFromAttributeCasts() — Method in class HasAttributes
Merge the cast class attributes back into the model.
- $ HasRelationships#manyMethods — Property in class HasRelationships
The many to many relationship methods.
- HasRelationships::morphOne() — Method in class HasRelationships
Define a polymorphic one-to-one relationship.
- HasRelationships::morphTo() — Method in class HasRelationships
Define a polymorphic, inverse one-to-one or many relationship.
- HasRelationships::morphEagerTo() — Method in class HasRelationships
Define a polymorphic, inverse one-to-one or many relationship.
- HasRelationships::morphInstanceTo() — Method in class HasRelationships
Define a polymorphic, inverse one-to-one or many relationship.
- HasRelationships::morphMany() — Method in class HasRelationships
Define a polymorphic one-to-many relationship.
- HasRelationships::morphToMany() — Method in class HasRelationships
Define a polymorphic many-to-many relationship.
- HasRelationships::morphedByMany() — Method in class HasRelationships
Define a polymorphic, inverse many-to-many relationship.
- HidesAttributes::makeVisible() — Method in class HidesAttributes
Make the given, typically hidden, attributes visible.
- HidesAttributes::makeVisibleIf() — Method in class HidesAttributes
Make the given, typically hidden, attributes visible if the given truth test passes.
- HidesAttributes::makeHidden() — Method in class HidesAttributes
Make the given, typically visible, attributes hidden.
- HidesAttributes::makeHiddenIf() — Method in class HidesAttributes
Make the given, typically visible, attributes hidden if the given truth test passes.
- QueriesRelationships::mergeConstraintsFrom() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Merge the where constraints from another query to the current query.
- $ Factory#model — Property in class Factory
- $ Factory#modelNameResolver — Property in class Factory
The default model name resolver.
- Factory::makeOne() — Method in class Factory
Make a single instance of the model.
- Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
Create a collection of models.
- Factory::makeInstance() — Method in class Factory
Make an instance of the model with the given attributes.
- Factory::modelName() — Method in class Factory
- $ HigherOrderBuilderProxy#method — Property in class HigherOrderBuilderProxy
The method being proxied.
- $ InvalidCastException#model — Property in class InvalidCastException
The name of the affected Eloquent model.
- MassAssignmentException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- MassPrunable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- MissingAttributeException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- Model — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- $ Model#modelsShouldPreventLazyLoading — Property in class Model
Indicates whether lazy loading should be restricted on all models.
- $ Model#modelsShouldPreventSilentlyDiscardingAttributes — Property in class Model
Indicates if an exception should be thrown instead of silently discarding non-fillable attributes.
- $ Model#modelsShouldPreventAccessingMissingAttributes — Property in class Model
Indicates if an exception should be thrown when trying to access a missing attribute on a retrieved model.
- $ Model#missingAttributeViolationCallback — Property in class Model
The callback that is responsible for handling missing attribute violations.
- ModelNotFoundException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- $ ModelNotFoundException#model — Property in class ModelNotFoundException
Name of the affected Eloquent model.
- $ RelationNotFoundException#model — Property in class RelationNotFoundException
The name of the affected Eloquent model.
- RelationNotFoundException::make() — Method in class RelationNotFoundException
Create a new exception instance.
- BelongsTo::match() — Method in class BelongsTo
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- BelongsToMany::match() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- BelongsToMany::migratePivotAttributes() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the pivot attributes from a model.
- CanBeOneOfMany::mergeOneOfManyJoinsTo() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Merge the relationship query joins to the given query builder.
- HasMany::match() — Method in class HasMany
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- HasManyThrough::match() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- HasOne::match() — Method in class HasOne
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- HasOneOrMany::make() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Create and return an un-saved instance of the related model.
- HasOneOrMany::makeMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Create and return an un-saved instance of the related models.
- HasOneOrMany::matchOne() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Match the eagerly loaded results to their single parents.
- HasOneOrMany::matchMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Match the eagerly loaded results to their many parents.
- HasOneOrMany::matchOneOrMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Match the eagerly loaded results to their many parents.
- HasOneThrough::match() — Method in class HasOneThrough
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- MorphMany — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- MorphMany::match() — Method in class MorphMany
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- MorphOne — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- MorphOne::match() — Method in class MorphOne
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- MorphOneOrMany — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- $ MorphOneOrMany#morphType — Property in class MorphOneOrMany
The foreign key type for the relationship.
- $ MorphOneOrMany#morphClass — Property in class MorphOneOrMany
The class name of the parent model.
- MorphPivot — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- $ MorphPivot#morphType — Property in class MorphPivot
The type of the polymorphic relation.
- $ MorphPivot#morphClass — Property in class MorphPivot
The value of the polymorphic relation.
- MorphTo — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- $ MorphTo#morphType — Property in class MorphTo
The type of the polymorphic relation.
- $ MorphTo#models — Property in class MorphTo
The models whose relations are being eager loaded.
- $ MorphTo#macroBuffer — Property in class MorphTo
A buffer of dynamic calls to query macros.
- $ MorphTo#morphableEagerLoads — Property in class MorphTo
A map of relations to load for each individual morph type.
- $ MorphTo#morphableEagerLoadCounts — Property in class MorphTo
A map of relationship counts to load for each individual morph type.
- $ MorphTo#morphableConstraints — Property in class MorphTo
A map of constraints to apply for each individual morph type.
- MorphTo::match() — Method in class MorphTo
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- MorphTo::matchToMorphParents() — Method in class MorphTo
Match the results for a given type to their parents.
- MorphTo::morphWith() — Method in class MorphTo
Specify which relations to load for a given morph type.
- MorphTo::morphWithCount() — Method in class MorphTo
Specify which relationship counts to load for a given morph type.
- MorphToMany — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- $ MorphToMany#morphType — Property in class MorphToMany
The type of the polymorphic relation.
- $ MorphToMany#morphClass — Property in class MorphToMany
The class name of the morph type constraint.
- $ Relation#morphMap — Property in class Relation
An array to map class names to their morph names in the database.
- Relation::match() — Method in class Relation
Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.
- Relation::morphMap() — Method in class Relation
Set or get the morph map for polymorphic relations.
- MigrationEnded — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- MigrationEvent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- $ MigrationEvent#migration — Property in class MigrationEvent
A migration instance.
- $ MigrationEvent#method — Property in class MigrationEvent
The migration method that was called.
- MigrationStarted — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- MigrationsEnded — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- MigrationsEvent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- $ MigrationsEvent#method — Property in class MigrationsEvent
The migration method that was invoked.
- MigrationsStarted — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- ModelsPruned — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- $ ModelsPruned#model — Property in class ModelsPruned
The class name of the model that was pruned.
- $ NoPendingMigrations#method — Property in class NoPendingMigrations
The migration method that was called.
- $ LazyLoadingViolationException#model — Property in class LazyLoadingViolationException
The name of the affected Eloquent model.
- MigrationServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Migration — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
- MigrationCreator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
- MigrationRepositoryInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
- Migrator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Migrations
- MultipleColumnsSelectedException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- MultipleRecordsFoundException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- MySqlConnection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- MySqlDriver — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\PDO
- Builder::mergeWheres() — Method in class Builder
Merge an array of where clauses and bindings.
- Builder::min() — Method in class Builder
Retrieve the minimum value of a given column.
- Builder::max() — Method in class Builder
Retrieve the maximum value of a given column.
- Builder::mergeBindings() — Method in class Builder
Merge an array of bindings into our bindings.
- MySqlGrammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
- MySqlProcessor — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
- Blueprint::mediumIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new auto-incrementing medium integer (3-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::mediumText() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new medium text column on the table.
- Blueprint::mediumInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new medium integer (3-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::macAddress() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new MAC address column on the table.
- Blueprint::multiPoint() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new multipoint column on the table.
- Blueprint::multiLineString() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new multilinestring column on the table.
- Blueprint::multiPolygon() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new multipolygon column on the table.
- Blueprint::multiPolygonZ() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new multipolygon column on the table.
- Blueprint::morphs() — Method in class Blueprint
Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table.
- Builder::morphUsingUuids() — Method in class Builder
Set the default morph key type for migrations to UUIDs.
- Builder::morphUsingUlids() — Method in class Builder
Set the default morph key type for migrations to ULIDs.
- ChangeColumn::mapFluentOptionToDoctrine() — Method in class ChangeColumn
Get the matching Doctrine option for a given Fluent attribute name.
- ChangeColumn::mapFluentValueToDoctrine() — Method in class ChangeColumn
Get the matching Doctrine value for a given Fluent attribute.
- $ Grammar#modifiers — Property in class Grammar
The possible column modifiers.
- MySqlGrammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
- $ MySqlGrammar#modifiers — Property in class MySqlGrammar
The possible column modifiers.
- MySqlGrammar::modifyVirtualAs() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Get the SQL for a generated virtual column modifier.
- MySqlGrammar::modifyStoredAs() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Get the SQL for a generated stored column modifier.
- MySqlGrammar::modifyUnsigned() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Get the SQL for an unsigned column modifier.
- MySqlGrammar::modifyCharset() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Get the SQL for a character set column modifier.
- MySqlGrammar::modifyCollate() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Get the SQL for a collation column modifier.
- MySqlGrammar::modifyNullable() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Get the SQL for a nullable column modifier.
- MySqlGrammar::modifyInvisible() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Get the SQL for an invisible column modifier.
- MySqlGrammar::modifyDefault() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Get the SQL for a default column modifier.
- MySqlGrammar::modifyOnUpdate() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Get the SQL for an "on update" column modifier.
- MySqlGrammar::modifyIncrement() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Get the SQL for an auto-increment column modifier.
- MySqlGrammar::modifyFirst() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Get the SQL for a "first" column modifier.
- MySqlGrammar::modifyAfter() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Get the SQL for an "after" column modifier.
- MySqlGrammar::modifyComment() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Get the SQL for a "comment" column modifier.
- MySqlGrammar::modifySrid() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Get the SQL for a SRID column modifier.
- $ PostgresGrammar#modifiers — Property in class PostgresGrammar
The possible column modifiers.
- PostgresGrammar::modifyCollate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Get the SQL for a collation column modifier.
- PostgresGrammar::modifyNullable() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Get the SQL for a nullable column modifier.
- PostgresGrammar::modifyDefault() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Get the SQL for a default column modifier.
- PostgresGrammar::modifyIncrement() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Get the SQL for an auto-increment column modifier.
- PostgresGrammar::modifyVirtualAs() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Get the SQL for a generated virtual column modifier.
- PostgresGrammar::modifyStoredAs() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Get the SQL for a generated stored column modifier.
- PostgresGrammar::modifyGeneratedAs() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Get the SQL for an identity column modifier.
- $ SQLiteGrammar#modifiers — Property in class SQLiteGrammar
The possible column modifiers.
- SQLiteGrammar::modifyVirtualAs() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Get the SQL for a generated virtual column modifier.
- SQLiteGrammar::modifyStoredAs() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Get the SQL for a generated stored column modifier.
- SQLiteGrammar::modifyNullable() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Get the SQL for a nullable column modifier.
- SQLiteGrammar::modifyDefault() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Get the SQL for a default column modifier.
- SQLiteGrammar::modifyIncrement() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Get the SQL for an auto-increment column modifier.
- $ SqlServerGrammar#modifiers — Property in class SqlServerGrammar
The possible column modifiers.
- SqlServerGrammar::modifyCollate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Get the SQL for a collation column modifier.
- SqlServerGrammar::modifyNullable() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Get the SQL for a nullable column modifier.
- SqlServerGrammar::modifyDefault() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Get the SQL for a default column modifier.
- SqlServerGrammar::modifyIncrement() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Get the SQL for an auto-increment column modifier.
- SqlServerGrammar::modifyPersisted() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Get the SQL for a generated stored column modifier.
- MySqlBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- MySqlSchemaState — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- $ SchemaState#migrationTable — Property in class SchemaState
The name of the application's migration table.
- SchemaState::makeProcess() — Method in class SchemaState
Create a new process instance.
- MissingAppKeyException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Encryption
- $ CallQueuedListener#method — Property in class CallQueuedListener
The listener method.
- $ CallQueuedListener#maxExceptions — Property in class CallQueuedListener
The maximum number of exceptions allowed, regardless of attempts.
- Dispatcher::makeListener() — Method in class Dispatcher
Register an event listener with the dispatcher.
- Filesystem::missing() — Method in class Filesystem
Determine if a file or directory is missing.
- Filesystem::move() — Method in class Filesystem
Move a file to a new location.
- Filesystem::mimeType() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the mime-type of a given file.
- Filesystem::makeDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Create a directory.
- Filesystem::moveDirectory() — Method in class Filesystem
Move a directory.
- FilesystemAdapter::missing() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Determine if a file or directory is missing.
- FilesystemAdapter::move() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Move a file to a new location.
- FilesystemAdapter::mimeType() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the mime-type of a given file.
- FilesystemAdapter::makeDirectory() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Create a directory.
- Application::markAsRegistered() — Method in class Application
Mark the given provider as registered.
- Application::make() — Method in class Application
Resolve the given type from the container.
- Application::maintenanceMode() — Method in class Application
Get an instance of the maintenance mode manager implementation.
- EventGenerateCommand::makeEventAndListeners() — Method in class EventGenerateCommand
Make the event and listeners for the given event.
- EventGenerateCommand::makeListeners() — Method in class EventGenerateCommand
Make the listeners for the given event.
- MailMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ModelMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- VendorPublishCommand::moveManagedFiles() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
Move all the files in the given MountManager.
- MaintenanceModeDisabled — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Events
- MaintenanceModeEnabled — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Events
- Handler::map() — Method in class Handler
Register a new exception mapping.
- Handler::mapException() — Method in class Handler
Map the exception using a registered mapper if possible.
- FormRequest::messages() — Method in class FormRequest
Get custom messages for validator errors.
- $ Kernel#middleware — Property in class Kernel
The application's middleware stack.
- $ Kernel#middlewareGroups — Property in class Kernel
The application's route middleware groups.
- $ Kernel#middlewareAliases — Property in class Kernel
The application's middleware aliases.
- $ Kernel#middlewarePriority — Property in class Kernel
The priority-sorted list of middleware.
- MaintenanceModeBypassCookie — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http
- MaintenanceModeManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- Mix — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- $ PackageManifest#manifestPath — Property in class PackageManifest
The manifest path.
- $ PackageManifest#manifest — Property in class PackageManifest
The loaded manifest array.
- $ ProviderRepository#manifestPath — Property in class ProviderRepository
The path to the manifest file.
- $ InteractsWithConsole#mockConsoleOutput — Property in class InteractsWithConsole
Indicates if the console output should be mocked.
- InteractsWithContainer::mock() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
Mock an instance of an object in the container.
- MakesHttpRequests — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
- RefreshDatabase::migrateUsing() — Method in class RefreshDatabase
The parameters that should be used when running "migrate".
- $ RefreshDatabaseState#migrated — Property in class RefreshDatabaseState
Indicates if the test database has been migrated.
- CanConfigureMigrationCommands::migrateFreshUsing() — Method in class CanConfigureMigrationCommands
The parameters that should be used when running "migrate:fresh".
- WithFaker::makeFaker() — Method in class WithFaker
Create a Faker instance for the given locale.
- Wormhole::millisecond() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel forward the given number of milliseconds.
- Wormhole::milliseconds() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel forward the given number of milliseconds.
- Wormhole::minute() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel forward the given number of minutes.
- Wormhole::minutes() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel forward the given number of minutes.
- Wormhole::month() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel forward the given number of months.
- Wormhole::months() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel forward the given number of months.
- $ Vite#manifestFilename — Property in class Vite
The name of the manifest file.
- $ Vite#manifests — Property in class Vite
The cached manifest files.
- Vite::makeTagForChunk() — Method in class Vite
Make tag for the given chunk.
- Vite::makePreloadTagForChunk() — Method in class Vite
Make a preload tag for the given chunk.
- Vite::makeTag() — Method in class Vite
Generate an appropriate tag for the given URL in HMR mode.
- Vite::makeScriptTag() — Method in class Vite
Generate a script tag for the given URL.
- Vite::makeStylesheetTag() — Method in class Vite
Generate a stylesheet tag for the given URL in HMR mode.
- Vite::makeScriptTagWithAttributes() — Method in class Vite
Generate a script tag with attributes for the given URL.
- Vite::makeStylesheetTagWithAttributes() — Method in class Vite
Generate a link tag with attributes for the given URL.
- Vite::manifest() — Method in class Vite
Get the the manifest file for the given build directory.
- Vite::manifestPath() — Method in class Vite
Get the path to the manifest file for the given build directory.
- Vite::manifestHash() — Method in class Vite
Get a unique hash representing the current manifest, or null if there is no manifest.
- $ ArgonHasher#memory — Property in class ArgonHasher
The default memory cost factor.
- ArgonHasher::make() — Method in class ArgonHasher
Hash the given value.
- ArgonHasher::memory() — Method in class ArgonHasher
Extract the memory cost value from the options array.
- BcryptHasher::make() — Method in class BcryptHasher
Hash the given value.
- HashManager::make() — Method in class HashManager
Hash the given value.
- DeterminesStatusCode::movedPermanently() — Method in class DeterminesStatusCode
Determine if the response code was a 301 "Moved Permanently".
- $ PendingRequest#middleware — Property in class PendingRequest
The middleware callables added by users that will handle requests.
- $ PendingRequest#mergableOptions — Property in class PendingRequest
The Guzzle request options that are mergable via array_merge_recursive.
- PendingRequest::maxRedirects() — Method in class PendingRequest
Specify the maximum number of redirects to allow.
- PendingRequest::makePromise() — Method in class PendingRequest
Send an asynchronous request to the given URL.
- PendingRequest::mergeOptions() — Method in class PendingRequest
Replace the given options with the current request options.
- Request::method() — Method in class Request
Get the request method.
- InteractsWithContentTypes::matchesType() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes
Determine if the given content types match.
- InteractsWithInput::missing() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Determine if the request is missing a given input item key.
- Request::method() — Method in class Request
Get the request method.
- Request::merge() — Method in class Request
Merge new input into the current request's input array.
- Request::mergeIfMissing() — Method in class Request
Merge new input into the request's input, but only when that key is missing from the request.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::mergeData() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Merge the given data in at the given index.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::merge() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Merge a value into the array.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::mergeWhen() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Merge a value if the given condition is truthy.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::mergeUnless() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Merge a value unless the given condition is truthy.
- JsonResource::make() — Method in class JsonResource
Create a new resource instance.
- PaginatedResourceResponse::meta() — Method in class PaginatedResourceResponse
Gather the meta data for the response.
- MergeValue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources
- MissingValue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources
- Response::morphToJson() — Method in class Response
Morph the given content into JSON.
- $ File#mimeTypeToReport — Property in class File
The MIME type to report.
- File::mimeType() — Method in class File
Set the "MIME type" for the file.
- MimeType — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Testing
- MessageLogged — Class in namespace Illuminate\Log\Events
- $ MessageLogged#message — Property in class MessageLogged
The log message.
- $ Attachment#mime — Property in class Attachment
The attached file's mime type.
- MessageSending — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Events
- $ MessageSending#message — Property in class MessageSending
The Symfony Email instance.
- MessageSent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Events
- $ MessageSent#message — Property in class MessageSent
- MailManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail
- $ MailManager#mailers — Property in class MailManager
The array of resolved mailers.
- MailManager::mailer() — Method in class MailManager
Get a mailer instance by name.
- MailServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail
- Mailable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail
- $ Mailable#markdown — Property in class Mailable
The Markdown template for the message (if applicable).
- $ Mailable#metadata — Property in class Mailable
The metadata for the message.
- $ Mailable#mailer — Property in class Mailable
The name of the mailer that should send the message.
- Mailable::markdown() — Method in class Mailable
Set the Markdown template for the message.
- Mailable::metadata() — Method in class Mailable
Add a metadata header to the message when supported by the underlying transport.
- Mailable::mailer() — Method in class Mailable
Set the name of the mailer that should send the message.
- $ Content#markdown — Property in class Content
The Blade view that represents the Markdown version of the message.
- Content::markdown() — Method in class Content
Set the Markdown view for the message.
- $ Envelope#metadata — Property in class Envelope
The message's meta data.
- Envelope::metadata() — Method in class Envelope
Add metadata to the message.
- $ Headers#messageId — Property in class Headers
The message's message ID.
- Headers::messageId() — Method in class Headers
Set the message ID.
- Mailer — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail
- Markdown — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail
- Message — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail
- $ Message#message — Property in class Message
The Symfony Email instance.
- $ PendingMail#mailer — Property in class PendingMail
The mailer instance.
- $ SendQueuedMailable#mailable — Property in class SendQueuedMailable
The mailable message instance.
- $ SendQueuedMailable#maxExceptions — Property in class SendQueuedMailable
The maximum number of unhandled exceptions to allow before failing.
- $ ArrayTransport#messages — Property in class ArrayTransport
The collection of Symfony Messages.
- ArrayTransport::messages() — Method in class ArrayTransport
Retrieve the collection of messages.
- MailChannel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Channels
- $ MailChannel#mailer — Property in class MailChannel
The mailer implementation.
- $ MailChannel#markdown — Property in class MailChannel
The markdown implementation.
- MailChannel::messageBuilder() — Method in class MailChannel
Get the mailer Closure for the message.
- DatabaseNotification::markAsRead() — Method in class DatabaseNotification
Mark the notification as read.
- DatabaseNotification::markAsUnread() — Method in class DatabaseNotification
Mark the notification as unread.
- DatabaseNotificationCollection::markAsRead() — Method in class DatabaseNotificationCollection
Mark all notifications as read.
- DatabaseNotificationCollection::markAsUnread() — Method in class DatabaseNotificationCollection
Mark all notifications as unread.
- MailMessage — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Messages
- $ MailMessage#markdown — Property in class MailMessage
The Markdown template to render (if applicable).
- $ MailMessage#metadata — Property in class MailMessage
The metadata for the message.
- MailMessage::markdown() — Method in class MailMessage
Set the Markdown template for the notification.
- MailMessage::metadata() — Method in class MailMessage
Add a metadata header to the message when supported by the underlying transport.
- $ SimpleMessage#mailer — Property in class SimpleMessage
The name of the mailer that should send the notification.
- SimpleMessage::mailer() — Method in class SimpleMessage
Set the name of the mailer that should send the notification.
- $ NotificationSender#manager — Property in class NotificationSender
The notification manager instance.
- $ SendQueuedNotifications#maxExceptions — Property in class SendQueuedNotifications
The maximum number of unhandled exceptions to allow before failing.
- UrlWindow::make() — Method in class UrlWindow
Create a new URL window instance.
- $ Pipeline#method — Property in class Pipeline
The method to call on each pipe.
- Manager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Capsule
- $ Manager#manager — Property in class Manager
The queue manager instance.
- ListFailedCommand::matchJobName() — Method in class ListFailedCommand
Match the job name from the payload.
- MonitorCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- $ MonitorCommand#manager — Property in class MonitorCommand
The queue manager instance.
- DatabaseQueue::marshalJob() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Marshal the reserved job into a DatabaseJob instance.
- DatabaseQueue::markJobAsReserved() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Mark the given job ID as reserved.
- Job::markAsFailed() — Method in class Job
Mark the job as "failed".
- Job::maxTries() — Method in class Job
Get the number of times to attempt a job.
- Job::maxExceptions() — Method in class Job
Get the number of times to attempt a job after an exception.
- $ Listener#maxTries — Property in class Listener
The number of times to try a job before logging it failed.
- Listener::makeProcess() — Method in class Listener
Create a new Symfony process for the worker.
- Listener::memoryExceeded() — Method in class Listener
Determine if the memory limit has been exceeded.
- LuaScripts::migrateExpiredJobs() — Method in class LuaScripts
Get the Lua script to migrate expired jobs back onto the queue.
- ManuallyFailedException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- MaxAttemptsExceededException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- $ ThrottlesExceptions#maxAttempts — Property in class ThrottlesExceptions
The maximum number of attempts allowed before rate limiting applies.
- $ RedisQueue#migrationBatchSize — Property in class RedisQueue
The batch size to use when migrating delayed / expired jobs onto the primary queue.
- RedisQueue::migrate() — Method in class RedisQueue
Migrate any delayed or expired jobs onto the primary queue.
- RedisQueue::migrateExpiredJobs() — Method in class RedisQueue
Migrate the delayed jobs that are ready to the regular queue.
- $ Worker#manager — Property in class Worker
The queue manager instance.
- Worker::markJobAsFailedIfAlreadyExceedsMaxAttempts() — Method in class Worker
Mark the given job as failed if it has exceeded the maximum allowed attempts.
- Worker::markJobAsFailedIfWillExceedMaxAttempts() — Method in class Worker
Mark the given job as failed if it has exceeded the maximum allowed attempts.
- Worker::markJobAsFailedIfWillExceedMaxExceptions() — Method in class Worker
Mark the given job as failed if it has exceeded the maximum allowed attempts.
- Worker::markJobAsFailedIfItShouldFailOnTimeout() — Method in class Worker
Mark the given job as failed if it should fail on timeouts.
- Worker::memoryExceeded() — Method in class Worker
Determine if the memory limit has been exceeded.
- Worker::maxAttemptsExceededException() — Method in class Worker
Create an instance of MaxAttemptsExceededException.
- $ WorkerOptions#memory — Property in class WorkerOptions
The maximum amount of RAM the worker may consume.
- $ WorkerOptions#maxTries — Property in class WorkerOptions
The maximum number of times a job may be attempted.
- $ WorkerOptions#maxJobs — Property in class WorkerOptions
The maximum number of jobs to run.
- $ WorkerOptions#maxTime — Property in class WorkerOptions
The maximum number of seconds a worker may live.
- PhpRedisConnection::mget() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Get the values of all the given keys.
- $ ConcurrencyLimiter#maxLocks — Property in class ConcurrencyLimiter
The allowed number of concurrent tasks.
- $ ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder#maxLocks — Property in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder
The maximum number of entities that can hold the lock at the same time.
- $ DurationLimiterBuilder#maxLocks — Property in class DurationLimiterBuilder
The maximum number of locks that can be obtained per time window.
- AbstractRouteCollection::matchAgainstRoutes() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection
Determine if a route in the array matches the request.
- AbstractRouteCollection::methodNotAllowed() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection
Throw a method not allowed HTTP exception.
- CompiledRouteCollection::match() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection
Find the first route matching a given request.
- MiddlewareMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Console
- $ Controller#middleware — Property in class Controller
The middleware registered on the controller.
- Controller::middleware() — Method in class Controller
Register middleware on the controller.
- ControllerDispatcher::methodExcludedByOptions() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher
Determine if the given options exclude a particular method.
- HasMiddleware::middleware() — Method in class HasMiddleware
Get the middleware that should be assigned to the controller.
- Middleware — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Controllers
- $ Middleware#middleware — Property in class Middleware
The middleware that should be assigned.
- HostValidator::matches() — Method in class HostValidator
Validate a given rule against a route and request.
- MethodValidator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
- MethodValidator::matches() — Method in class MethodValidator
Validate a given rule against a route and request.
- SchemeValidator::matches() — Method in class SchemeValidator
Validate a given rule against a route and request.
- UriValidator::matches() — Method in class UriValidator
Validate a given rule against a route and request.
- ValidatorInterface::matches() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
Validate a given rule against a route and request.
- MiddlewareNameResolver — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- PendingResourceRegistration::middleware() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration
Add middleware to the resource routes.
- PendingResourceRegistration::missing() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration
Define the callable that should be invoked on a missing model exception.
- PendingSingletonResourceRegistration::middleware() — Method in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
Add middleware to the resource routes.
- ResponseFactory::make() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new response instance.
- $ Route#methods — Property in class Route
The HTTP methods the route responds to.
- Route::matches() — Method in class Route
Determine if the route matches a given request.
- Route::methods() — Method in class Route
Get the HTTP verbs the route responds to.
- Route::missing() — Method in class Route
Define the callable that should be invoked on a missing model exception.
- Route::middleware() — Method in class Route
Get or set the middlewares attached to the route.
- RouteAction::missingAction() — Method in class RouteAction
Get an action for a route that has no action.
- RouteAction::makeInvokable() — Method in class RouteAction
Make an action for an invokable controller.
- RouteCollection::match() — Method in class RouteCollection
Find the first route matching a given request.
- RouteCollectionInterface::match() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface
Find the first route matching a given request.
- RouteGroup::merge() — Method in class RouteGroup
Merge route groups into a new array.
- RouteParameterBinder::matchToKeys() — Method in class RouteParameterBinder
Combine a set of parameter matches with the route's keys.
- RouteRegistrar::match() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
Register a new route with the given verbs.
- RouteRegistrar::middleware() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- $ Router#middleware — Property in class Router
All of the short-hand keys for middlewares.
- $ Router#middlewareGroups — Property in class Router
All of the middleware groups.
- $ Router#middlewarePriority — Property in class Router
The priority-sorted list of middleware.
- Router::match() — Method in class Router
Register a new route with the given verbs.
- Router::mergeWithLastGroup() — Method in class Router
Merge the given array with the last group stack.
- Router::mergeGroupAttributesIntoRoute() — Method in class Router
Merge the group stack with the controller action.
- Router::matched() — Method in class Router
Register a route matched event listener.
- Router::middlewareGroup() — Method in class Router
Register a group of middleware.
- Router::model() — Method in class Router
Register a model binder for a wildcard.
- SortedMiddleware::middlewareNames() — Method in class SortedMiddleware
Resolve the middleware names to look for in the priority array.
- SortedMiddleware::moveMiddleware() — Method in class SortedMiddleware
Splice a middleware into a new position and remove the old entry.
- $ ArraySessionHandler#minutes — Property in class ArraySessionHandler
The number of minutes the session should be valid.
- $ CacheBasedSessionHandler#minutes — Property in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
The number of minutes to store the data in the cache.
- $ CookieSessionHandler#minutes — Property in class CookieSessionHandler
The number of minutes the session should be valid.
- $ DatabaseSessionHandler#minutes — Property in class DatabaseSessionHandler
The number of minutes the session should be valid.
- $ FileSessionHandler#minutes — Property in class FileSessionHandler
The number of minutes the session should be valid.
- $ StartSession#manager — Property in class StartSession
The session manager.
- Store::marshalErrorBag() — Method in class Store
Marshal the ViewErrorBag when using JSON serialization for sessions.
- Store::missing() — Method in class Store
Determine if the given key is missing from the session data.
- Store::mergeNewFlashes() — Method in class Store
Merge new flash keys into the new flash array.
- Store::migrate() — Method in class Store
Generate a new session ID for the session.
- SymfonySessionDecorator::migrate() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- Arr::map() — Method in class Arr
Run a map over each of the items in the array.
- Benchmark::measure() — Method in class Benchmark
Measure a callable or array of callables over the given number of iterations.
- Collection::median() — Method in class Collection
Get the median of a given key.
- Collection::mode() — Method in class Collection
Get the mode of a given key.
- Collection::map() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::mapToDictionary() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::mapWithKeys() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::merge() — Method in class Collection
Merge the collection with the given items.
- Collection::mergeRecursive() — Method in class Collection
- DateFactory::macro() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::make() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::maxValue() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::minValue() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::mixin() — Method in class DateFactory
- Enumerable::make() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::median() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the median of a given key.
- Enumerable::mode() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the mode of a given key.
- Enumerable::map() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::mapSpread() — Method in class Enumerable
Run a map over each nested chunk of items.
- Enumerable::mapToDictionary() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::mapToGroups() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::mapWithKeys() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::mapInto() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::merge() — Method in class Enumerable
Merge the collection with the given items.
- Enumerable::mergeRecursive() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::min() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the min value of a given key.
- Enumerable::max() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the max value of a given key.
- MathException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Exceptions
- App::make() — Method in class App
- App::maintenanceMode() — Method in class App
- App::makeWith() — Method in class App
- App::macro() — Method in class App
- App::mixin() — Method in class App
- Auth::macro() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::mixin() — Method in class Auth
- Bus::map() — Method in class Bus
- Cache::missing() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::many() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::macro() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::mixin() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::macroCall() — Method in class Cache
- Config::macro() — Method in class Config
- Config::mixin() — Method in class Config
- Cookie::make() — Method in class Cookie
- Cookie::macro() — Method in class Cookie
- Cookie::mixin() — Method in class Cookie
- DB::macro() — Method in class DB
- DB::mixin() — Method in class DB
- DB::macroCall() — Method in class DB
- Date::macro() — Method in class Date
- Date::make() — Method in class Date
- Date::maxValue() — Method in class Date
- Date::minValue() — Method in class Date
- Date::mixin() — Method in class Date
- Event::makeListener() — Method in class Event
- Event::macro() — Method in class Event
- Event::mixin() — Method in class Event
- File::missing() — Method in class File
- File::move() — Method in class File
- File::mimeType() — Method in class File
- File::makeDirectory() — Method in class File
- File::moveDirectory() — Method in class File
- File::macro() — Method in class File
- File::mixin() — Method in class File
- Hash::make() — Method in class Hash
- Http::macro() — Method in class Http
- Http::mixin() — Method in class Http
- Http::macroCall() — Method in class Http
- Http::maxRedirects() — Method in class Http
- Http::mergeOptions() — Method in class Http
- Lang::macro() — Method in class Lang
- Lang::mixin() — Method in class Lang
- Mail — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Mail::mailer() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::macro() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::mixin() — Method in class Mail
- Notification::macro() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::mixin() — Method in class Notification
- Process::macro() — Method in class Process
- Process::mixin() — Method in class Process
- Process::macroCall() — Method in class Process
- Redirect::macro() — Method in class Redirect
- Redirect::mixin() — Method in class Redirect
- Redis::macro() — Method in class Redis
- Redis::mixin() — Method in class Redis
- Redis::macroCall() — Method in class Redis
- Request::method() — Method in class Request
- Request::merge() — Method in class Request
- Request::mergeIfMissing() — Method in class Request
- Request::matchesType() — Method in class Request
- Request::missing() — Method in class Request
- Request::macro() — Method in class Request
- Request::mixin() — Method in class Request
- Response::make() — Method in class Response
- Response::macro() — Method in class Response
- Response::mixin() — Method in class Response
- Route::match() — Method in class Route
- Route::mergeWithLastGroup() — Method in class Route
- Route::matched() — Method in class Route
- Route::middlewareGroup() — Method in class Route
- Route::model() — Method in class Route
- Route::macro() — Method in class Route
- Route::mixin() — Method in class Route
- Route::macroCall() — Method in class Route
- Route::middleware() — Method in class Route
- Schema::morphUsingUuids() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::morphUsingUlids() — Method in class Schema
- Session::missing() — Method in class Session
- Session::migrate() — Method in class Session
- Session::macro() — Method in class Session
- Session::mixin() — Method in class Session
- Storage::move() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::makeDirectory() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::missing() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::mimeType() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::macro() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::mixin() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::macroCall() — Method in class Storage
- URL::macro() — Method in class URL
- URL::mixin() — Method in class URL
- Validator::make() — Method in class Validator
- View::make() — Method in class View
- View::markAsRenderedOnce() — Method in class View
- View::macro() — Method in class View
- View::mixin() — Method in class View
- Vite::manifestHash() — Method in class Vite
- Vite::macro() — Method in class Vite
- Vite::mixin() — Method in class Vite
- $ HigherOrderCollectionProxy#method — Property in class HigherOrderCollectionProxy
The method being proxied.
- LazyCollection::make() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::median() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get the median of a given key.
- LazyCollection::mode() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get the mode of a given key.
- LazyCollection::map() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::mapToDictionary() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::mapWithKeys() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::merge() — Method in class LazyCollection
Merge the collection with the given items.
- LazyCollection::mergeRecursive() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::makeIterator() — Method in class LazyCollection
- Manager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- MessageBag — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- $ MessageBag#messages — Property in class MessageBag
All of the registered messages.
- MessageBag::merge() — Method in class MessageBag
Merge a new array of messages into the bag.
- MessageBag::messages() — Method in class MessageBag
Get the raw messages in the message bag.
- MultipleInstanceManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- MultipleItemsFoundException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Pluralizer::matchCase() — Method in class Pluralizer
Attempt to match the case on two strings.
- ServiceProvider::mergeConfigFrom() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Merge the given configuration with the existing configuration.
- Str::markdown() — Method in class Str
Converts GitHub flavored Markdown into HTML.
- Str::mask() — Method in class Str
Masks a portion of a string with a repeated character.
- Str::match() — Method in class Str
Get the string matching the given pattern.
- Str::matchAll() — Method in class Str
Get the string matching the given pattern.
- Stringable::markdown() — Method in class Stringable
Convert GitHub flavored Markdown into HTML.
- Stringable::mask() — Method in class Stringable
Masks a portion of a string with a repeated character.
- Stringable::match() — Method in class Stringable
Get the string matching the given pattern.
- Stringable::matchAll() — Method in class Stringable
Get the string matching the given pattern.
- BatchRepositoryFake::markAsFinished() — Method in class BatchRepositoryFake
Mark the batch that has the given ID as finished.
- BusFake::map() — Method in class BusFake
Map a command to a handler.
- MailFake — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
- $ MailFake#manager — Property in class MailFake
The mailer instance.
- $ MailFake#mailables — Property in class MailFake
All of the mailables that have been sent.
- MailFake::mailablesOf() — Method in class MailFake
Get all of the mailed mailables for a given type.
- MailFake::mailer() — Method in class MailFake
Get a mailer instance by name.
- $ EnumeratesValues#map — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- $ EnumeratesValues#max — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- $ EnumeratesValues#min — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::make() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::mapSpread() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::mapToGroups() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::mapInto() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::min() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Get the min value of a given key.
- EnumeratesValues::max() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Get the max value of a given key.
- Macroable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
- $ Macroable#macros — Property in class Macroable
The registered string macros.
- Macroable::macro() — Method in class Macroable
Register a custom macro.
- Macroable::mixin() — Method in class Macroable
Mix another object into the class.
- ValidatedInput::missing() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Determine if the validated input is missing one or more keys.
- ValidatedInput::merge() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Merge the validated input with the given array of additional data.
- CountInDatabase::matches() — Method in class CountInDatabase
Check if the expected and actual count are equal.
- HasInDatabase::matches() — Method in class HasInDatabase
Check if the data is found in the given table.
- NotSoftDeletedInDatabase::matches() — Method in class NotSoftDeletedInDatabase
Check if the data is found in the given table.
- SeeInOrder::matches() — Method in class SeeInOrder
Determine if the rule passes validation.
- SoftDeletedInDatabase::matches() — Method in class SoftDeletedInDatabase
Check if the data is found in the given table.
- Has::missingAll() — Method in class Has
Assert that none of the given props exist.
- Has::missing() — Method in class Has
Assert that the given prop does not exist.
- Matching — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Fluent\Concerns
- PendingCommand::mockConsoleOutput() — Method in class PendingCommand
Mock the application's console output.
- $ ArrayLoader#messages — Property in class ArrayLoader
All of the translation messages.
- MessageSelector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Translation
- Translator::makeReplacements() — Method in class Translator
Make the place-holder replacements on a line.
- $ ClosureValidationRule#messages — Property in class ClosureValidationRule
The validation error messages.
- ClosureValidationRule::message() — Method in class ClosureValidationRule
Get the validation error messages.
- FormatsMessages::makeReplacements() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Replace all error message place-holders with actual values.
- Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
Create a new Validator instance.
- $ InvokableValidationRule#messages — Property in class InvokableValidationRule
The validation error messages.
- InvokableValidationRule::make() — Method in class InvokableValidationRule
Create a new implicit or explicit Invokable validation rule.
- Dimensions::minWidth() — Method in class Dimensions
Set the "min width" constraint.
- Dimensions::minHeight() — Method in class Dimensions
Set the "min height" constraint.
- Dimensions::maxWidth() — Method in class Dimensions
Set the "max width" constraint.
- Dimensions::maxHeight() — Method in class Dimensions
Set the "max height" constraint.
- Enum::message() — Method in class Enum
Get the validation error message.
- $ File#minimumFileSize — Property in class File
The minimum size in kilobytes that the file can be.
- $ File#maximumFileSize — Property in class File
The maximum size in kilobytes that the file can be.
- $ File#messages — Property in class File
The error message after validation, if any.
- File::min() — Method in class File
Indicate that the uploaded file should be no less than the given number of kilobytes.
- File::max() — Method in class File
Indicate that the uploaded file should be no more than the given number of kilobytes.
- File::message() — Method in class File
Get the validation error message.
- $ Password#min — Property in class Password
The minimum size of the password.
- $ Password#mixedCase — Property in class Password
If the password requires at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter.
- $ Password#messages — Property in class Password
The failure messages, if any.
- Password::min() — Method in class Password
Sets the minimum size of the password.
- Password::mixedCase() — Method in class Password
Makes the password require at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter.
- Password::message() — Method in class Password
Get the validation error message.
- ValidationRuleParser::mergeRules() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser
Merge additional rules into a given attribute(s).
- ValidationRuleParser::mergeRulesForAttribute() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser
Merge additional rules into a given attribute.
- $ Validator#messages — Property in class Validator
The message bag instance.
- Validator::messages() — Method in class Validator
Get the message container for the validator.
- $ Component#methodCache — Property in class Component
The cache of public method names, keyed by class.
- ComponentAttributeBag::missing() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Determine if a given attribute is missing from the attribute array.
- ComponentAttributeBag::merge() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Merge additional attributes / values into the attribute bag.
- ManagesComponents — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Concerns
- ManagesEvents — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Concerns
- ManagesFragments — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Concerns
- ManagesLayouts — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Concerns
- ManagesLoops — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Concerns
- ManagesStacks — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Concerns
- ManagesTranslations — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Concerns
- Factory::make() — Method in class Factory
Get the evaluated view contents for the given view.
- Factory::markAsRenderedOnce() — Method in class Factory
Mark the given once token as having been rendered.
- Gate::none() — Method in class Gate
Determine if all of the given abilities should be denied for the current user.
- EloquentUserProvider::newModelQuery() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Get a new query builder for the model instance.
- $ SessionGuard#name — Property in class SessionGuard
The name of the guard. Typically "web".
- AblyBroadcaster::normalizeChannelName() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster
Remove prefix from channel name.
- Broadcaster::normalizeChannelHandlerToCallable() — Method in class Broadcaster
Normalize the given callback into a callable.
- NullBroadcaster — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
- UsePusherChannelConventions::normalizeChannelName() — Method in class UsePusherChannelConventions
Remove prefix from channel name.
- $ Channel#name — Property in class Channel
The channel's name.
- $ Batch#name — Property in class Batch
The batch name.
- $ PendingBatch#name — Property in class PendingBatch
The batch name.
- PendingBatch::name() — Method in class PendingBatch
Set the name for the batch.
- CacheManager::newDynamodbClient() — Method in class CacheManager
Create new DynamoDb Client instance.
- $ CacheTableCommand#name — Property in class CacheTableCommand
The console command name.
- $ ClearCommand#name — Property in class ClearCommand
The console command name.
- $ PruneStaleTagsCommand#name — Property in class PruneStaleTagsCommand
The console command name.
- $ Lock#name — Property in class Lock
The name of the lock.
- NoLock — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- NullStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- Limit::none() — Method in class Limit
Create a new unlimited rate limit.
- $ TagSet#names — Property in class TagSet
The tag names.
- $ Command#name — Property in class Command
The console command name.
- InteractsWithIO::newLine() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Write a blank line.
- NewLineAware — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Contracts
- NewLineAware::newLineWritten() — Method in class NewLineAware
Whether a newline has already been written.
- $ OutputStyle#newLineWritten — Property in class OutputStyle
If the last output written wrote a new line.
- OutputStyle::newLine() — Method in class OutputStyle
- {@inheritdoc}
- OutputStyle::newLineWritten() — Method in class OutputStyle
Whether a newline has already been written.
- Parser::name() — Method in class Parser
Extract the name of the command from the expression.
- Event::name() — Method in class Event
Set the human-friendly description of the event.
- Event::nextRunDate() — Method in class Event
Determine the next due date for an event.
- $ ScheduleClearCacheCommand#name — Property in class ScheduleClearCacheCommand
The console command name.
- $ ScheduleRunCommand#name — Property in class ScheduleRunCommand
The console command name.
- BoundMethod::normalizeMethod() — Method in class BoundMethod
Normalize the given callback into a Class@method string.
- Container::notInstantiable() — Method in class Container
Throw an exception that the concrete is not instantiable.
- $ ContextualBindingBuilder#needs — Property in class ContextualBindingBuilder
The abstract target.
- ContextualBindingBuilder::needs() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
Define the abstract target that depends on the context.
- ContextualBindingBuilder::needs() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
Define the abstract target that depends on the context.
- Hasher::needsRehash() — Method in class Hasher
Check if the given hash has been hashed using the given options.
- CursorPaginator::nextPageUrl() — Method in class CursorPaginator
The URL for the next page, or null.
- CursorPaginator::nextCursor() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Get the "cursor" of the next set of items.
- Paginator::nextPageUrl() — Method in class Paginator
The URL for the next page, or null.
- ResponseFactory::noContent() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new "no content" response.
- Loader::namespaces() — Method in class Loader
Get an array of all the registered namespaces.
- View::name() — Method in class View
Get the name of the view.
- $ FactoryMakeCommand#name — Property in class FactoryMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ FreshCommand#name — Property in class FreshCommand
The console command name.
- FreshCommand::needsSeeding() — Method in class FreshCommand
Determine if the developer has requested database seeding.
- $ InstallCommand#name — Property in class InstallCommand
The console command name.
- $ RefreshCommand#name — Property in class RefreshCommand
The console command name.
- RefreshCommand::needsSeeding() — Method in class RefreshCommand
Determine if the developer has requested database seeding.
- $ ResetCommand#name — Property in class ResetCommand
The console command name.
- $ RollbackCommand#name — Property in class RollbackCommand
The console command name.
- $ StatusCommand#name — Property in class StatusCommand
The console command name.
- $ SeedCommand#name — Property in class SeedCommand
The console command name.
- $ SeederMakeCommand#name — Property in class SeederMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ ShowModelCommand#name — Property in class ShowModelCommand
The console command name.
- $ WipeCommand#name — Property in class WipeCommand
The console command name.
- BroadcastsEvents::newBroadcastableModelEvent() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Create a new broadcastable model event event.
- BroadcastsEvents::newBroadcastableEvent() — Method in class BroadcastsEvents
Create a new broadcastable model event for the model.
- Builder::newModelInstance() — Method in class Builder
Create a new instance of the model being queried.
- HasAttributes::normalizeCastClassResponse() — Method in class HasAttributes
Normalize the response from a custom class caster.
- HasRelationships::newHasOne() — Method in class HasRelationships
Instantiate a new HasOne relationship.
- HasRelationships::newHasOneThrough() — Method in class HasRelationships
Instantiate a new HasOneThrough relationship.
- HasRelationships::newMorphOne() — Method in class HasRelationships
Instantiate a new MorphOne relationship.
- HasRelationships::newBelongsTo() — Method in class HasRelationships
Instantiate a new BelongsTo relationship.
- HasRelationships::newMorphTo() — Method in class HasRelationships
Instantiate a new MorphTo relationship.
- HasRelationships::newHasMany() — Method in class HasRelationships
Instantiate a new HasMany relationship.
- HasRelationships::newHasManyThrough() — Method in class HasRelationships
Instantiate a new HasManyThrough relationship.
- HasRelationships::newMorphMany() — Method in class HasRelationships
Instantiate a new MorphMany relationship.
- HasRelationships::newBelongsToMany() — Method in class HasRelationships
Instantiate a new BelongsToMany relationship.
- HasRelationships::newMorphToMany() — Method in class HasRelationships
Instantiate a new MorphToMany relationship.
- HasRelationships::newRelatedInstance() — Method in class HasRelationships
Create a new model instance for a related model.
- HasRelationships::newRelatedThroughInstance() — Method in class HasRelationships
Create a new model instance for a related "through" model.
- HasUlids::newUniqueId() — Method in class HasUlids
Generate a new ULID for the model.
- HasUuids::newUniqueId() — Method in class HasUuids
Generate a new UUID for the model.
- $ Factory#namespace — Property in class Factory
The default namespace where factories reside.
- Factory::new() — Method in class Factory
Get a new factory instance for the given attributes.
- Factory::newInstance() — Method in class Factory
Create a new instance of the factory builder with the given mutated properties.
- Factory::newModel() — Method in class Factory
Get a new model instance.
- HasFactory::newFactory() — Method in class HasFactory
Create a new factory instance for the model.
- Model::newInstance() — Method in class Model
Create a new instance of the given model.
- Model::newFromBuilder() — Method in class Model
Create a new model instance that is existing.
- Model::newQuery() — Method in class Model
Get a new query builder for the model's table.
- Model::newModelQuery() — Method in class Model
Get a new query builder that doesn't have any global scopes or eager loading.
- Model::newQueryWithoutRelationships() — Method in class Model
Get a new query builder with no relationships loaded.
- Model::newQueryWithoutScopes() — Method in class Model
Get a new query builder that doesn't have any global scopes.
- Model::newQueryWithoutScope() — Method in class Model
Get a new query instance without a given scope.
- Model::newQueryForRestoration() — Method in class Model
Get a new query to restore one or more models by their queueable IDs.
- Model::newEloquentBuilder() — Method in class Model
Create a new Eloquent query builder for the model.
- Model::newBaseQueryBuilder() — Method in class Model
Get a new query builder instance for the connection.
- Model::newCollection() — Method in class Model
Create a new Eloquent Collection instance.
- Model::newPivot() — Method in class Model
Create a new pivot model instance.
- BelongsTo::newRelatedInstanceFor() — Method in class BelongsTo
Make a new related instance for the given model.
- AsPivot::newQueryForRestoration() — Method in class AsPivot
Get a new query to restore one or more models by their queueable IDs.
- AsPivot::newQueryForCollectionRestoration() — Method in class AsPivot
Get a new query to restore multiple models by their queueable IDs.
- CanBeOneOfMany::newOneOfManySubQuery() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Get a new query for the related model, grouping the query by the given column, often the foreign key of the relationship.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::newPivot() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Create a new pivot model instance.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::newExistingPivot() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Create a new existing pivot model instance.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::newPivotStatement() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Get a new plain query builder for the pivot table.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::newPivotStatementForId() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Get a new pivot statement for a given "other" ID.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::newPivotQuery() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Create a new query builder for the pivot table.
- SupportsDefaultModels::newRelatedInstanceFor() — Method in class SupportsDefaultModels
Make a new related instance for the given model.
- HasOne::newRelatedInstanceFor() — Method in class HasOne
Make a new related instance for the given model.
- HasOneThrough::newRelatedInstanceFor() — Method in class HasOneThrough
Make a new related instance for the given model.
- MorphOne::newRelatedInstanceFor() — Method in class MorphOne
Make a new related instance for the given model.
- MorphPivot::newQueryForRestoration() — Method in class MorphPivot
Get a new query to restore one or more models by their queueable IDs.
- MorphPivot::newQueryForCollectionRestoration() — Method in class MorphPivot
Get a new query to restore multiple models by their queueable IDs.
- MorphTo::newRelatedInstanceFor() — Method in class MorphTo
Make a new related instance for the given model.
- MorphToMany::newPivotQuery() — Method in class MorphToMany
Create a new query builder for the pivot table.
- MorphToMany::newPivot() — Method in class MorphToMany
Create a new pivot model instance.
- Relation::noConstraints() — Method in class Relation
Run a callback with constraints disabled on the relation.
- NoPendingMigrations — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- Builder::newJoinClause() — Method in class Builder
Get a new join clause.
- Builder::numericAggregate() — Method in class Builder
Execute a numeric aggregate function on the database.
- Builder::newQuery() — Method in class Builder
Get a new instance of the query builder.
- JoinClause::newQuery() — Method in class JoinClause
Get a new instance of the join clause builder.
- JoinClause::newParentQuery() — Method in class JoinClause
Create a new parent query instance.
- Blueprint::nullableTimestamps() — Method in class Blueprint
Add nullable creation and update timestamps to the table.
- Blueprint::nullableMorphs() — Method in class Blueprint
Add nullable columns for a polymorphic table.
- Blueprint::numericMorphs() — Method in class Blueprint
Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table using numeric IDs (incremental).
- Blueprint::nullableNumericMorphs() — Method in class Blueprint
Add nullable columns for a polymorphic table using numeric IDs (incremental).
- Blueprint::nullableUuidMorphs() — Method in class Blueprint
Add nullable columns for a polymorphic table using UUIDs.
- Blueprint::nullableUlidMorphs() — Method in class Blueprint
Add nullable columns for a polymorphic table using ULIDs.
- ColumnDefinition::nullable() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
Allow NULL values to be inserted into the column
- ForeignKeyDefinition::nullOnDelete() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition
Indicate that deletes should set the foreign key value to null.
- ForeignKeyDefinition::noActionOnDelete() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition
Indicate that deletes should have "no action".
- NullDispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Events
- Filesystem::name() — Method in class Filesystem
Extract the file name from a file path.
- $ Application#namespace — Property in class Application
The application namespace.
- Application::normalizeCachePath() — Method in class Application
Normalize a relative or absolute path to a cache file.
- AuthorizesRequests::normalizeGuessedAbilityName() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests
Normalize the ability name that has been guessed from the method name.
- $ CastMakeCommand#name — Property in class CastMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ ChannelMakeCommand#name — Property in class ChannelMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ ClearCompiledCommand#name — Property in class ClearCompiledCommand
The console command name.
- $ ComponentMakeCommand#name — Property in class ComponentMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ ConfigCacheCommand#name — Property in class ConfigCacheCommand
The console command name.
- $ ConfigClearCommand#name — Property in class ConfigClearCommand
The console command name.
- $ ConsoleMakeCommand#name — Property in class ConsoleMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ EnvironmentCommand#name — Property in class EnvironmentCommand
The console command name.
- $ EventClearCommand#name — Property in class EventClearCommand
The console command name.
- $ EventGenerateCommand#name — Property in class EventGenerateCommand
The console command name.
- $ EventMakeCommand#name — Property in class EventMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ ExceptionMakeCommand#name — Property in class ExceptionMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ JobMakeCommand#name — Property in class JobMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ ListenerMakeCommand#name — Property in class ListenerMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ MailMakeCommand#name — Property in class MailMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ ModelMakeCommand#name — Property in class ModelMakeCommand
The console command name.
- NotificationMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- $ NotificationMakeCommand#name — Property in class NotificationMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ ObserverMakeCommand#name — Property in class ObserverMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ OptimizeClearCommand#name — Property in class OptimizeClearCommand
The console command name.
- $ OptimizeCommand#name — Property in class OptimizeCommand
The console command name.
- $ PolicyMakeCommand#name — Property in class PolicyMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ ProviderMakeCommand#name — Property in class ProviderMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ RequestMakeCommand#name — Property in class RequestMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ ResourceMakeCommand#name — Property in class ResourceMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ RouteCacheCommand#name — Property in class RouteCacheCommand
The console command name.
- $ RouteClearCommand#name — Property in class RouteClearCommand
The console command name.
- $ RouteListCommand#name — Property in class RouteListCommand
The console command name.
- $ RuleMakeCommand#name — Property in class RuleMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ ScopeMakeCommand#name — Property in class ScopeMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ ServeCommand#name — Property in class ServeCommand
The console command name.
- $ TestMakeCommand#name — Property in class TestMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ UpCommand#name — Property in class UpCommand
The console command name.
- $ ViewClearCommand#name — Property in class ViewClearCommand
The console command name.
- VerifyCsrfToken::newCookie() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken
Create a new "XSRF-TOKEN" cookie that contains the CSRF token.
- $ RouteServiceProvider#namespace — Property in class RouteServiceProvider
The controller namespace for the application.
- InteractsWithDatabase::newModelFor() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Get the model entity from the given model or string.
- $ Vite#nonce — Property in class Vite
The Content Security Policy nonce to apply to all generated tags.
- ArgonHasher::needsRehash() — Method in class ArgonHasher
Check if the given hash has been hashed using the given options.
- BcryptHasher::needsRehash() — Method in class BcryptHasher
Check if the given hash has been hashed using the given options.
- HashManager::needsRehash() — Method in class HashManager
Check if the given hash has been hashed using the given options.
- DeterminesStatusCode::noContent() — Method in class DeterminesStatusCode
Determine if the response code was the given status code and the body has no content.
- DeterminesStatusCode::notFound() — Method in class DeterminesStatusCode
Determine if the response was a 404 "Not Found" response.
- Factory::newPendingRequest() — Method in class Factory
Create a new pending request instance for this factory.
- JsonResource::newCollection() — Method in class JsonResource
Create a new resource collection instance.
- $ File#name — Property in class File
The name of the file.
- LogManager::notice() — Method in class LogManager
Normal but significant events.
- Logger::notice() — Method in class Logger
Log a notice to the logs.
- Mailable::newQueuedJob() — Method in class Mailable
Make the queued mailable job instance.
- Mailable::normalizeRecipient() — Method in class Mailable
Convert the given recipient into an object.
- $ Address#name — Property in class Address
The recipient's name.
- Envelope::normalizeAddresses() — Method in class Envelope
Normalize the given array of addresses.
- $ Mailer#name — Property in class Mailer
The name that is configured for the mailer.
- AnonymousNotifiable::notify() — Method in class AnonymousNotifiable
Send the given notification.
- AnonymousNotifiable::notifyNow() — Method in class AnonymousNotifiable
Send the given notification immediately.
- NotificationTableCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Console
- $ NotificationTableCommand#name — Property in class NotificationTableCommand
The console command name.
- DatabaseNotification::notifiable() — Method in class DatabaseNotification
Get the notifiable entity that the notification belongs to.
- DatabaseNotification::newCollection() — Method in class DatabaseNotification
Create a new database notification collection instance.
- $ BroadcastNotificationCreated#notifiable — Property in class BroadcastNotificationCreated
The notifiable entity who received the notification.
- $ BroadcastNotificationCreated#notification — Property in class BroadcastNotificationCreated
The notification instance.
- NotificationFailed — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Events
- $ NotificationFailed#notifiable — Property in class NotificationFailed
The notifiable entity who received the notification.
- $ NotificationFailed#notification — Property in class NotificationFailed
The notification instance.
- NotificationSending — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Events
- $ NotificationSending#notifiable — Property in class NotificationSending
The notifiable entity who received the notification.
- $ NotificationSending#notification — Property in class NotificationSending
The notification instance.
- NotificationSent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Events
- $ NotificationSent#notifiable — Property in class NotificationSent
The notifiable entity who received the notification.
- $ NotificationSent#notification — Property in class NotificationSent
The notification instance.
- HasDatabaseNotifications::notifications() — Method in class HasDatabaseNotifications
Get the entity's notifications.
- Notifiable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
- Notification — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
- NotificationSender — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
- NotificationServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
- RoutesNotifications::notify() — Method in class RoutesNotifications
Send the given notification.
- RoutesNotifications::notifyNow() — Method in class RoutesNotifications
Send the given notification immediately.
- $ SendQueuedNotifications#notifiables — Property in class SendQueuedNotifications
The notifiable entities that should receive the notification.
- $ SendQueuedNotifications#notification — Property in class SendQueuedNotifications
The notification to be sent.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::nextPageUrl() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
The URL for the next page, or null.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::nextCursor() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get the "cursor" that points to the next set of items.
- LengthAwarePaginator::nextPageUrl() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
The URL for the next page, or null.
- Paginator::nextPageUrl() — Method in class Paginator
The URL for the next page, or null.
- Factory::newPendingProcess() — Method in class Factory
Create a new pending process associated with this factory.
- $ FakeInvokedProcess#nextOutputIndex — Property in class FakeInvokedProcess
The current output's index.
- $ FakeInvokedProcess#nextErrorOutputIndex — Property in class FakeInvokedProcess
The current error output's index.
- FakeProcessResult::normalizeOutput() — Method in class FakeProcessResult
Normalize the given output into a string with newlines.
- NullConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
- $ BatchesTableCommand#name — Property in class BatchesTableCommand
The console command name.
- $ ClearCommand#name — Property in class ClearCommand
The console command name.
- $ FailedTableCommand#name — Property in class FailedTableCommand
The console command name.
- $ ListFailedCommand#name — Property in class ListFailedCommand
The console command name.
- $ RestartCommand#name — Property in class RestartCommand
The console command name.
- $ TableCommand#name — Property in class TableCommand
The console command name.
- WorkCommand::now() — Method in class WorkCommand
Get the current date / time.
- NullFailedJobProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Failed
- NullQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- $ Worker#name — Property in class Worker
The name of the worker.
- $ WorkerOptions#name — Property in class WorkerOptions
The name of the worker.
- $ Connection#name — Property in class Connection
The Redis connection name.
- $ ConcurrencyLimiter#name — Property in class ConcurrencyLimiter
The name of the limiter.
- $ ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder#name — Property in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder
The name of the lock.
- $ DurationLimiterBuilder#name — Property in class DurationLimiterBuilder
The name of the lock.
- CompiledRouteCollection::newRoute() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection
Resolve an array of attributes to a Route instance.
- $ ControllerMakeCommand#name — Property in class ControllerMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ MiddlewareMakeCommand#name — Property in class MiddlewareMakeCommand
The console command name.
- $ PendingResourceRegistration#name — Property in class PendingResourceRegistration
The resource name.
- PendingResourceRegistration::names() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration
Set the route names for controller actions.
- PendingResourceRegistration::name() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration
Set the route name for a controller action.
- $ PendingSingletonResourceRegistration#name — Property in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
The resource name.
- PendingSingletonResourceRegistration::names() — Method in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
Set the route names for controller actions.
- PendingSingletonResourceRegistration::name() — Method in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
Set the route name for a controller action.
- ResponseFactory::noContent() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new "no content" response.
- Route::name() — Method in class Route
Add or change the route name.
- Route::named() — Method in class Route
Determine whether the route's name matches the given patterns.
- $ RouteCollection#nameList — Property in class RouteCollection
A look-up table of routes by their names.
- RouteRegistrar::name() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- RouteRegistrar::namespace() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- Router::newRoute() — Method in class Router
Create a new Route object.
- $ SessionTableCommand#name — Property in class SessionTableCommand
The console command name.
- NullSessionHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- $ Store#name — Property in class Store
The session name.
- Store::now() — Method in class Store
Flash a key / value pair to the session for immediate use.
- Collection::nth() — Method in class Collection
Create a new collection consisting of every n-th element.
- DateFactory::now() — Method in class DateFactory
- Enumerable::nth() — Method in class Enumerable
Create a new collection consisting of every n-th element.
- Blade::newComponentHash() — Method in class Blade
- Date::now() — Method in class Date
- File::name() — Method in class File
- Gate::none() — Method in class Gate
- Hash::needsRehash() — Method in class Hash
- Log::notice() — Method in class Log
- Notification — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Process::newPendingProcess() — Method in class Process
- Request::normalizeQueryString() — Method in class Request
- Response::noContent() — Method in class Response
- Route::newRoute() — Method in class Route
- Route::name() — Method in class Route
- Route::namespace() — Method in class Route
- Session::now() — Method in class Session
- $ HigherOrderWhenProxy#negateConditionOnCapture — Property in class HigherOrderWhenProxy
Determine whether the condition should be negated.
- HigherOrderWhenProxy::negateConditionOnCapture() — Method in class HigherOrderWhenProxy
Indicate that the condition should be negated.
- LazyCollection::nth() — Method in class LazyCollection
Create a new collection consisting of every n-th element.
- LazyCollection::now() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get the current time.
- NamespacedItemResolver — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Stringable::newLine() — Method in class Stringable
Append a new line to the string.
- NotificationFake — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
- $ NotificationFake#notifications — Property in class NotificationFake
All of the notifications that have been sent.
- NotificationFake::notificationsFor() — Method in class NotificationFake
Get all of the notifications for a notifiable entity by type.
- EnumeratesValues::negate() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Make a function using another function, by negating its result.
- NotSoftDeletedInDatabase — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Constraints
- ArrayLoader::namespaces() — Method in class ArrayLoader
Get an array of all the registered namespaces.
- FileLoader::namespaces() — Method in class FileLoader
Get an array of all the registered namespaces.
- FormatsMessages::numberToIndexOrPositionWord() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Get the word for a index or position segment.
- NestedRules — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- NotPwnedVerifier — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- Rule::notIn() — Method in class Rule
Get a not_in constraint builder instance.
- NotIn — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
- $ Password#numbers — Property in class Password
If the password requires at least one number.
- Password::numbers() — Method in class Password
Makes the password require at least one number.
- ValidationRuleParser::normalizeRule() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser
Normalizes a rule so that we can accept short types.
- $ Validator#numericRules — Property in class Validator
The numeric related validation rules.
- $ ComponentTagCompiler#namespaces — Property in class ComponentTagCompiler
The component class namespaces.
- CompilesComponents::newComponentHash() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Get a new component hash for a component name.
- Component::newAttributeBag() — Method in class Component
Get a new attribute bag instance.
- Factory::normalizeName() — Method in class Factory
Normalize a view name.
- View::nest() — Method in class View
Add a view instance to the view data.
- View::name() — Method in class View
Get the name of the view.
- ViewName::normalize() — Method in class ViewName
Normalize the given view name.
- OtherDeviceLogout — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- SessionGuard::once() — Method in class SessionGuard
Log a user into the application without sessions or cookies.
- SessionGuard::onceUsingId() — Method in class SessionGuard
Log the given user ID into the application without sessions or cookies.
- SessionGuard::onceBasic() — Method in class SessionGuard
Perform a stateless HTTP Basic login attempt.
- $ Batch#options — Property in class Batch
The batch options.
- $ PendingBatch#options — Property in class PendingBatch
The batch options.
- PendingBatch::onConnection() — Method in class PendingBatch
Specify the queue connection that the batched jobs should run on.
- PendingBatch::onQueue() — Method in class PendingBatch
Specify the queue that the batched jobs should run on.
- Queueable::onConnection() — Method in class Queueable
Set the desired connection for the job.
- Queueable::onQueue() — Method in class Queueable
Set the desired queue for the job.
- $ Lock#owner — Property in class Lock
The scope identifier of this lock.
- Lock::owner() — Method in class Lock
Returns the current owner of the lock.
- $ MemcachedStore#onVersionThree — Property in class MemcachedStore
Indicates whether we are using Memcached version >= 3.0.0.
- Repository::offsetExists() — Method in class Repository
Determine if a cached value exists.
- Repository::offsetGet() — Method in class Repository
Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
- Repository::offsetSet() — Method in class Repository
Store an item in the cache for the default time.
- Repository::offsetUnset() — Method in class Repository
Remove an item from the cache.
- Repository::offsetExists() — Method in class Repository
Determine if the given configuration option exists.
- Repository::offsetGet() — Method in class Repository
Get a configuration option.
- Repository::offsetSet() — Method in class Repository
Set a configuration option.
- Repository::offsetUnset() — Method in class Repository
Unset a configuration option.
- Application::output() — Method in class Application
Get the output from the last command.
- $ InteractsWithIO#output — Property in class InteractsWithIO
The output interface implementation.
- InteractsWithIO::option() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Get the value of a command option.
- InteractsWithIO::options() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Get all of the options passed to the command.
- $ CommandFinished#output — Property in class CommandFinished
The command output implementation.
- $ CommandStarting#output — Property in class CommandStarting
The command output implementation.
- OutputStyle — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- CallbackEvent::onOneServer() — Method in class CallbackEvent
Allow the event to only run on one server for each cron expression.
- $ Event#onOneServer — Property in class Event
Indicates if the command should only be allowed to run on one server for each cron expression.
- $ Event#output — Property in class Event
The location that output should be sent to.
- Event::onOneServer() — Method in class Event
Allow the event to only run on one server for each cron expression.
- Event::onSuccess() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to be called if the operation succeeds.
- Event::onSuccessWithOutput() — Method in class Event
Register a callback that uses the output if the operation succeeds.
- Event::onFailure() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to be called if the operation fails.
- Event::onFailureWithOutput() — Method in class Event
Register a callback that uses the output if the operation fails.
- $ Component#output — Property in class Component
The output style implementation.
- $ Factory#output — Property in class Factory
The output interface implementation.
- Container::offsetExists() — Method in class Container
Determine if a given offset exists.
- Container::offsetGet() — Method in class Container
Get the value at a given offset.
- Container::offsetSet() — Method in class Container
Set the value at a given offset.
- Container::offsetUnset() — Method in class Container
Unset the value at a given offset.
- StatefulGuard::once() — Method in class StatefulGuard
Log a user into the application without sessions or cookies.
- StatefulGuard::onceUsingId() — Method in class StatefulGuard
Log the given user ID into the application without sessions or cookies.
- SupportsBasicAuth::onceBasic() — Method in class SupportsBasicAuth
Perform a stateless HTTP Basic login attempt.
- Lock::owner() — Method in class Lock
Returns the current owner of the lock.
- Application::output() — Method in class Application
Get the output from the last command.
- Kernel::output() — Method in class Kernel
Get the output for the last run command.
- SupportsPartialRelations::ofMany() — Method in class SupportsPartialRelations
Indicate that the relation is a single result of a larger one-to-many relationship.
- InvokedProcess::output() — Method in class InvokedProcess
Get the standard output for the process.
- ProcessResult::output() — Method in class ProcessResult
Get the standard output of the process.
- Registrar::options() — Method in class Registrar
Register a new OPTIONS route with the router.
- BuildsQueries::orderedLazyById() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Query lazily, by chunking the results of a query by comparing IDs in a given order.
- $ Connector#options — Property in class Connector
The default PDO connection options.
- $ PostgresConnector#options — Property in class PostgresConnector
The default PDO connection options.
- $ SqlServerConnector#options — Property in class SqlServerConnector
The PDO connection options.
- BroadcastableModelEventOccurred::onChannels() — Method in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
Manually specify the channels the event should broadcast on.
- $ Builder#onDelete — Property in class Builder
A replacement for the typical delete function.
- $ Builder#orWhere — Property in class Builder
- $ Builder#orWhereNot — Property in class Builder
- Builder::orWhere() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where" clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereNot() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where not" clause to the query.
- Builder::oldest() — Method in class Builder
Add an "order by" clause for a timestamp to the query.
- Builder::onDelete() — Method in class Builder
Register a replacement for the default delete function.
- Collection::only() — Method in class Collection
- $ HasAttributes#original — Property in class HasAttributes
The model attribute's original state.
- HasAttributes::only() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get a subset of the model's attributes.
- HasAttributes::originalIsEquivalent() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if the new and old values for a given key are equivalent.
- $ HasEvents#observables — Property in class HasEvents
User exposed observable events.
- HasEvents::observe() — Method in class HasEvents
Register observers with the model.
- QueriesRelationships::orHas() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with an "or".
- QueriesRelationships::orDoesntHave() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with an "or".
- QueriesRelationships::orWhereHas() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses and an "or".
- QueriesRelationships::orWhereDoesntHave() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses and an "or".
- QueriesRelationships::orHasMorph() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a polymorphic relationship count / exists condition to the query with an "or".
- QueriesRelationships::orDoesntHaveMorph() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a polymorphic relationship count / exists condition to the query with an "or".
- QueriesRelationships::orWhereHasMorph() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a polymorphic relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses and an "or".
- QueriesRelationships::orWhereDoesntHaveMorph() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a polymorphic relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses and an "or".
- QueriesRelationships::orWhereRelation() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add an "or where" clause to a relationship query.
- QueriesRelationships::orWhereMorphRelation() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a polymorphic relationship condition to the query with an "or where" clause.
- QueriesRelationships::orWhereMorphedTo() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a morph-to relationship condition to the query with an "or where" clause.
- QueriesRelationships::orWhereNotMorphedTo() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a not morph-to relationship condition to the query with an "or where" clause.
- QueriesRelationships::orWhereBelongsTo() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add an "BelongsTo" relationship with an "or where" clause to the query.
- Model::on() — Method in class Model
Begin querying the model on a given connection.
- Model::onWriteConnection() — Method in class Model
Begin querying the model on the write connection.
- Model::offsetExists() — Method in class Model
Determine if the given attribute exists.
- Model::offsetGet() — Method in class Model
Get the value for a given offset.
- Model::offsetSet() — Method in class Model
Set the value for a given offset.
- Model::offsetUnset() — Method in class Model
Unset the value for a given offset.
- $ BelongsTo#ownerKey — Property in class BelongsTo
The associated key on the parent model.
- BelongsToMany::orWherePivotBetween() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set a "or where between" clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::orWherePivotNotBetween() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set a "or where not between" clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::orWherePivot() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set an "or where" clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::orWherePivotIn() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set an "or where in" clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::orWherePivotNotIn() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set an "or where not in" clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::orWherePivotNull() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set a "or where null" clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::orWherePivotNotNull() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set a "or where not null" clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::orderByPivot() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Add an "order by" clause for a pivot table column.
- $ CanBeOneOfMany#oneOfManySubQuery — Property in class CanBeOneOfMany
The one of many inner join subselect query builder instance.
- CanBeOneOfMany::ofMany() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Indicate that the relation is a single result of a larger one-to-many relationship.
- CanBeOneOfMany::oldestOfMany() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Indicate that the relation is the oldest single result of a larger one-to-many relationship.
- SoftDeletes::onlyTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletes
- $ Migrator#output — Property in class Migrator
The output interface implementation.
- $ Builder#orders — Property in class Builder
The orderings for the query.
- $ Builder#offset — Property in class Builder
The number of records to skip.
- $ Builder#operators — Property in class Builder
All of the available clause operators.
- Builder::orWhere() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where" clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereNot() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where not" clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereColumn() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where" clause comparing two columns to the query.
- Builder::orWhereRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add a raw or where clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereIn() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where in" clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereNotIn() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where not in" clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereIntegerInRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where in raw" clause for integer values to the query.
- Builder::orWhereIntegerNotInRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where not in raw" clause for integer values to the query.
- Builder::orWhereNull() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where null" clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereBetween() — Method in class Builder
Add an or where between statement to the query.
- Builder::orWhereBetweenColumns() — Method in class Builder
Add an or where between statement using columns to the query.
- Builder::orWhereNotBetween() — Method in class Builder
Add an or where not between statement to the query.
- Builder::orWhereNotBetweenColumns() — Method in class Builder
Add an or where not between statement using columns to the query.
- Builder::orWhereNotNull() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where not null" clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereDate() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where date" statement to the query.
- Builder::orWhereTime() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where time" statement to the query.
- Builder::orWhereDay() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where day" statement to the query.
- Builder::orWhereMonth() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where month" statement to the query.
- Builder::orWhereYear() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where year" statement to the query.
- Builder::orWhereExists() — Method in class Builder
Add an or exists clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereNotExists() — Method in class Builder
Add a where not exists clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereRowValues() — Method in class Builder
Adds an or where condition using row values.
- Builder::orWhereJsonContains() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where JSON contains" clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereJsonDoesntContain() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where JSON not contains" clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereJsonContainsKey() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or" clause that determines if a JSON path exists to the query.
- Builder::orWhereJsonDoesntContainKey() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or" clause that determines if a JSON path does not exist to the query.
- Builder::orWhereJsonLength() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or where JSON length" clause to the query.
- Builder::orWhereFullText() — Method in class Builder
Add a "or where fulltext" clause to the query.
- Builder::orHaving() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or having" clause to the query.
- Builder::orHavingNull() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or having null" clause to the query.
- Builder::orHavingNotNull() — Method in class Builder
Add an "or having not null" clause to the query.
- Builder::orHavingRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add a raw or having clause to the query.
- Builder::orderBy() — Method in class Builder
Add an "order by" clause to the query.
- Builder::orderByDesc() — Method in class Builder
Add a descending "order by" clause to the query.
- Builder::oldest() — Method in class Builder
Add an "order by" clause for a timestamp to the query.
- Builder::orderByRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add a raw "order by" clause to the query.
- Builder::offset() — Method in class Builder
Set the "offset" value of the query.
- Builder::onceWithColumns() — Method in class Builder
Execute the given callback while selecting the given columns.
- $ Grammar#operators — Property in class Grammar
The grammar specific operators.
- $ MySqlGrammar#operators — Property in class MySqlGrammar
The grammar specific operators.
- $ PostgresGrammar#operators — Property in class PostgresGrammar
All of the available clause operators.
- $ SQLiteGrammar#operators — Property in class SQLiteGrammar
All of the available clause operators.
- $ SqlServerGrammar#operators — Property in class SqlServerGrammar
All of the available clause operators.
- JoinClause::on() — Method in class JoinClause
Add an "on" clause to the join.
- JoinClause::orOn() — Method in class JoinClause
Add an "or on" clause to the join.
- ForeignKeyDefinition::on() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition
Specify the referenced table
- ForeignKeyDefinition::onDelete() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition
Add an ON DELETE action
- ForeignKeyDefinition::onUpdate() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition
Add an ON UPDATE action
- $ SchemaState#output — Property in class SchemaState
The output callable instance.
- QueuedClosure::onConnection() — Method in class QueuedClosure
Set the desired connection for the job.
- QueuedClosure::onQueue() — Method in class QueuedClosure
Set the desired queue for the job.
- PendingChain::onConnection() — Method in class PendingChain
Set the desired connection for the job.
- PendingChain::onQueue() — Method in class PendingChain
Set the desired queue for the job.
- PendingDispatch::onConnection() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Set the desired connection for the job.
- PendingDispatch::onQueue() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Set the desired queue for the job.
- $ CliDumper#output — Property in class CliDumper
The output instance.
- DocsCommand::openUrl() — Method in class DocsCommand
Open the documentation URL.
- DocsCommand::open() — Method in class DocsCommand
Open the URL in the user's browser.
- DocsCommand::openViaCustomStrategy() — Method in class DocsCommand
Open the URL via a custom strategy.
- DocsCommand::openViaBuiltInStrategy() — Method in class DocsCommand
Open the URL via the built in strategy.
- EnvironmentDecryptCommand::outputFilePath() — Method in class EnvironmentDecryptCommand
Get the output file path that should be used for the command.
- Kernel::output() — Method in class Kernel
Get the output for the last run command.
- ObserverMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- OptimizeClearCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- OptimizeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- $ EventServiceProvider#observers — Property in class EventServiceProvider
The model observers to register.
- $ InteractsWithContainer#originalVite — Property in class InteractsWithContainer
The original Vite handler.
- $ InteractsWithContainer#originalMix — Property in class InteractsWithContainer
The original Laravel Mix handler.
- $ InteractsWithDeprecationHandling#originalDeprecationHandler — Property in class InteractsWithDeprecationHandling
The original deprecation handler.
- $ InteractsWithExceptionHandling#originalExceptionHandler — Property in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling
The original exception handler.
- $ InteractsWithExceptionHandling#originalHandler — Property in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling
- DeterminesStatusCode::ok() — Method in class DeterminesStatusCode
Determine if the response code was 200 "OK" response.
- $ PendingRequest#options — Property in class PendingRequest
The request options.
- Request::offsetExists() — Method in class Request
Determine if the given offset exists.
- Request::offsetGet() — Method in class Request
Get the value for a given offset.
- Request::offsetSet() — Method in class Request
Set the value at the given offset.
- Request::offsetUnset() — Method in class Request
Unset the value at the given offset.
- Response::object() — Method in class Response
Get the JSON decoded body of the response as an object.
- Response::onError() — Method in class Response
Execute the given callback if there was a server or client error.
- Response::offsetExists() — Method in class Response
Determine if the given offset exists.
- Response::offsetGet() — Method in class Response
Get the value for a given offset.
- Response::offsetSet() — Method in class Response
Set the value at the given offset.
- Response::offsetUnset() — Method in class Response
Unset the value at the given offset.
- InteractsWithFlashData::old() — Method in class InteractsWithFlashData
Retrieve an old input item.
- InteractsWithInput::only() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Get a subset containing the provided keys with values from the input data.
- RedirectResponse::onlyInput() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Flash an array of input to the session.
- Request::offsetExists() — Method in class Request
Determine if the given offset exists.
- Request::offsetGet() — Method in class Request
Get the value at the given offset.
- Request::offsetSet() — Method in class Request
Set the value at the given offset.
- Request::offsetUnset() — Method in class Request
Remove the value at the given offset.
- DelegatesToResource::offsetExists() — Method in class DelegatesToResource
Determine if the given attribute exists.
- DelegatesToResource::offsetGet() — Method in class DelegatesToResource
Get the value for a given offset.
- DelegatesToResource::offsetSet() — Method in class DelegatesToResource
Set the value for a given offset.
- DelegatesToResource::offsetUnset() — Method in class DelegatesToResource
Unset the value for a given offset.
- $ ResponseTrait#original — Property in class ResponseTrait
The original content of the response.
- Mailer::onQueue() — Method in class Mailer
Queue a new e-mail message for sending on the given queue.
- $ SesTransport#options — Property in class SesTransport
The Amazon SES transmission options.
- $ SesV2Transport#options — Property in class SesV2Transport
The Amazon SES transmission options.
- $ SimpleMessage#outroLines — Property in class SimpleMessage
The "outro" lines of the notification.
- $ AbstractCursorPaginator#options — Property in class AbstractCursorPaginator
The paginator options.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::offsetExists() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Determine if the given item exists.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::offsetGet() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get the item at the given offset.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::offsetSet() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Set the item at the given offset.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::offsetUnset() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Unset the item at the given key.
- $ AbstractPaginator#onEachSide — Property in class AbstractPaginator
The number of links to display on each side of current page link.
- $ AbstractPaginator#options — Property in class AbstractPaginator
The paginator options.
- AbstractPaginator::onFirstPage() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Determine if the paginator is on the first page.
- AbstractPaginator::onLastPage() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Determine if the paginator is on the last page.
- AbstractPaginator::onEachSide() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the number of links to display on each side of current page link.
- AbstractPaginator::offsetExists() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Determine if the given item exists.
- AbstractPaginator::offsetGet() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the item at the given offset.
- AbstractPaginator::offsetSet() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the item at the given offset.
- AbstractPaginator::offsetUnset() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Unset the item at the given key.
- CursorPaginator::onFirstPage() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Determine if the paginator is on the first page.
- CursorPaginator::onLastPage() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Determine if the paginator is on the last page.
- $ FakeInvokedProcess#outputHandler — Property in class FakeInvokedProcess
The general output handler callback.
- FakeInvokedProcess::output() — Method in class FakeInvokedProcess
Get the standard output for the process.
- $ FakeProcessDescription#output — Property in class FakeProcessDescription
All of the process' output in the order it was described.
- FakeProcessDescription::output() — Method in class FakeProcessDescription
Describe a line of standard output.
- $ FakeProcessResult#output — Property in class FakeProcessResult
The process output.
- FakeProcessResult::output() — Method in class FakeProcessResult
Get the standard output of the process.
- InvokedProcess::output() — Method in class InvokedProcess
Get the standard output for the process.
- $ PendingProcess#options — Property in class PendingProcess
The options that will be passed to "proc_open".
- PendingProcess::options() — Method in class PendingProcess
Set the "proc_open" options that should be used when invoking the process.
- ProcessPoolResults::offsetExists() — Method in class ProcessPoolResults
Determine if the given array offset exists.
- ProcessPoolResults::offsetGet() — Method in class ProcessPoolResults
Get the result at the given offset.
- ProcessPoolResults::offsetSet() — Method in class ProcessPoolResults
Set the result at the given offset.
- ProcessPoolResults::offsetUnset() — Method in class ProcessPoolResults
Unset the result at the given offset.
- ProcessResult::output() — Method in class ProcessResult
Get the standard output of the process.
- CallQueuedClosure::onFailure() — Method in class CallQueuedClosure
Add a callback to be executed if the job fails.
- $ Listener#outputHandler — Property in class Listener
The output handler callback.
- $ ControllerMiddlewareOptions#options — Property in class ControllerMiddlewareOptions
The middleware options.
- ControllerMiddlewareOptions::only() — Method in class ControllerMiddlewareOptions
Set the controller methods the middleware should apply to.
- $ Middleware#only — Property in class Middleware
The controller methods the middleware should only apply to.
- Middleware::only() — Method in class Middleware
Specify the only controller methods the middleware should apply to.
- $ StreamedResponseException#originalException — Property in class StreamedResponseException
The actual exception thrown during the stream.
- $ PendingResourceRegistration#options — Property in class PendingResourceRegistration
The resource options.
- PendingResourceRegistration::only() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration
Set the methods the controller should apply to.
- $ PendingSingletonResourceRegistration#options — Property in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
The resource options.
- PendingSingletonResourceRegistration::only() — Method in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
Set the methods the controller should apply to.
- $ Route#originalParameters — Property in class Route
The array of the matched parameters' original values.
- Route::originalParameter() — Method in class Route
Get original value of a given parameter from the route.
- Route::originalParameters() — Method in class Route
Get the key / value list of original parameters for the route.
- RouteRegistrar::options() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- Router::options() — Method in class Router
Register a new OPTIONS route with the router.
- ArraySessionHandler::open() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- CacheBasedSessionHandler::open() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- CookieSessionHandler::open() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- DatabaseSessionHandler::open() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- FileSessionHandler::open() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- NullSessionHandler::open() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- Store::only() — Method in class Store
Get a subset of the session data.
- Arr::only() — Method in class Arr
Get a subset of the items from the given array.
- Collection::only() — Method in class Collection
Get the items with the specified keys.
- Collection::offsetExists() — Method in class Collection
Determine if an item exists at an offset.
- Collection::offsetGet() — Method in class Collection
Get an item at a given offset.
- Collection::offsetSet() — Method in class Collection
Set the item at a given offset.
- Collection::offsetUnset() — Method in class Collection
Unset the item at a given offset.
- Enumerable::only() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the items with the specified keys.
- Artisan::output() — Method in class Artisan
- Auth::once() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::onceUsingId() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::onceBasic() — Method in class Auth
- Mail::onQueue() — Method in class Mail
- ParallelTesting::option() — Method in class ParallelTesting
- Process::options() — Method in class Process
- Request::overrideGlobals() — Method in class Request
- Request::old() — Method in class Request
- Request::only() — Method in class Request
- Route::options() — Method in class Route
- Session::only() — Method in class Session
- Fluent::offsetExists() — Method in class Fluent
Determine if the given offset exists.
- Fluent::offsetGet() — Method in class Fluent
Get the value for a given offset.
- Fluent::offsetSet() — Method in class Fluent
Set the value at the given offset.
- Fluent::offsetUnset() — Method in class Fluent
Unset the value at the given offset.
- LazyCollection::only() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get the items with the specified keys.
- $ Lottery#outOf — Property in class Lottery
The number of potential opportunities to win.
- Lottery::odds() — Method in class Lottery
Create a new Lottery instance.
- Optional — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Optional::offsetExists() — Method in class Optional
Determine if an item exists at an offset.
- Optional::offsetGet() — Method in class Optional
Get an item at a given offset.
- Optional::offsetSet() — Method in class Optional
Set the item at a given offset.
- Optional::offsetUnset() — Method in class Optional
Unset the item at a given offset.
- Str::of() — Method in class Str
Get a new stringable object from the given string.
- Str::orderedUuid() — Method in class Str
Generate a time-ordered UUID (version 4).
- EnumeratesValues::operatorForWhere() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Get an operator checker callback.
- ValidatedInput::only() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Get a subset containing the provided keys with values from the input data.
- ValidatedInput::offsetExists() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Determine if an item exists at an offset.
- ValidatedInput::offsetGet() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Get an item at a given offset.
- ValidatedInput::offsetSet() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Set the item at a given offset.
- ValidatedInput::offsetUnset() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Unset the item at a given offset.
- AssertableJsonString::offsetExists() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Determine whether an offset exists.
- AssertableJsonString::offsetGet() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Get the value at the given offset.
- AssertableJsonString::offsetSet() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Set the value at the given offset.
- AssertableJsonString::offsetUnset() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Unset the value at the given offset.
- $ RunsInParallel#options — Property in class RunsInParallel
The original test runner options.
- $ RunsInParallel#output — Property in class RunsInParallel
The output instance.
- $ ParallelConsoleOutput#output — Property in class ParallelConsoleOutput
The original output instance.
- $ ParallelTesting#optionsResolver — Property in class ParallelTesting
The options resolver callback.
- ParallelTesting::option() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Get a parallel testing option.
- TestResponse::offsetExists() — Method in class TestResponse
Determine if the given offset exists.
- TestResponse::offsetGet() — Method in class TestResponse
Get the value for a given offset.
- TestResponse::offsetSet() — Method in class TestResponse
Set the value at the given offset.
- TestResponse::offsetUnset() — Method in class TestResponse
Unset the value at the given offset.
- PotentiallyTranslatedString::original() — Method in class PotentiallyTranslatedString
Get the original string.
- DatabaseRule::onlyTrashed() — Method in class DatabaseRule
Only include soft deleted models during the existence check.
- ComponentAttributeBag::only() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Only include the given attribute from the attribute array.
- ComponentAttributeBag::onlyProps() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Only include the given attribute from the attribute array.
- ComponentAttributeBag::offsetExists() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Determine if the given offset exists.
- ComponentAttributeBag::offsetGet() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Get the value at the given offset.
- ComponentAttributeBag::offsetSet() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Set the value at a given offset.
- ComponentAttributeBag::offsetUnset() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Remove the value at the given offset.
- View::offsetExists() — Method in class View
Determine if a piece of data is bound.
- View::offsetGet() — Method in class View
Get a piece of bound data to the view.
- View::offsetSet() — Method in class View
Set a piece of data on the view.
- View::offsetUnset() — Method in class View
Unset a piece of data from the view.
- $ Gate#policies — Property in class Gate
All of the defined policies.
- Gate::policy() — Method in class Gate
Define a policy class for a given class type.
- Gate::parameterAllowsGuests() — Method in class Gate
Determine if the given parameter allows guests.
- Gate::policies() — Method in class Gate
Get all of the defined policies.
- AuthManager::provider() — Method in class AuthManager
Register a custom provider creator Closure.
- PasswordReset — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- $ GuardHelpers#provider — Property in class GuardHelpers
The user provider implementation.
- $ RequirePassword#passwordTimeout — Property in class RequirePassword
The password timeout.
- PasswordBroker — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
- PasswordBrokerManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
- PasswordResetServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
- PasswordResetServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class PasswordResetServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
- Recaller::properString() — Method in class Recaller
Determine if the recaller is an invalid string.
- BroadcastManager::pusher() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Get a Pusher instance for the given configuration.
- BroadcastManager::purge() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Disconnect the given disk and remove from local cache.
- BroadcastServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class BroadcastServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
- PusherBroadcaster — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
- $ PusherBroadcaster#pusher — Property in class PusherBroadcaster
The Pusher SDK instance.
- $ RedisBroadcaster#prefix — Property in class RedisBroadcaster
The Redis key prefix.
- PendingBroadcast — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- PresenceChannel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- PrivateChannel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- $ Batch#pendingJobs — Property in class Batch
The total number of jobs that are still pending.
- Batch::prepareBatchedChain() — Method in class Batch
Prepare a chain that exists within the jobs being added.
- Batch::processedJobs() — Method in class Batch
Get the total number of jobs that have been processed by the batch thus far.
- Batch::progress() — Method in class Batch
Get the percentage of jobs that have been processed (between 0-100).
- BusServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class BusServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::prune() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Prune all of the entries older than the given date.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::pruneUnfinished() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Prune all of the unfinished entries older than the given date.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::pruneCancelled() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Prune all of the cancelled entries older than the given date.
- $ Dispatcher#pipeline — Property in class Dispatcher
The pipeline instance for the bus.
- $ Dispatcher#pipes — Property in class Dispatcher
The pipes to send commands through before dispatching.
- Dispatcher::pushCommandToQueue() — Method in class Dispatcher
Push the command onto the given queue instance.
- Dispatcher::pipeThrough() — Method in class Dispatcher
Set the pipes through which commands should be piped before dispatching.
- PendingBatch — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- PrunableBatchRepository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- PrunableBatchRepository::prune() — Method in class PrunableBatchRepository
Prune all of the entries older than the given date.
- Queueable::prependToChain() — Method in class Queueable
Prepend a job to the current chain so that it is run after the currently running job.
- $ UpdatedBatchJobCounts#pendingJobs — Property in class UpdatedBatchJobCounts
The number of pending jobs remaining for the batch.
- $ ApcStore#prefix — Property in class ApcStore
A string that should be prepended to keys.
- ApcStore::put() — Method in class ApcStore
Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.
- ApcWrapper::put() — Method in class ApcWrapper
Store an item in the cache.
- ArrayStore::put() — Method in class ArrayStore
Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.
- CacheManager::purge() — Method in class CacheManager
Disconnect the given driver and remove from local cache.
- CacheServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class CacheServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
- PruneStaleTagsCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\Console
- $ DatabaseStore#prefix — Property in class DatabaseStore
A string that should be prepended to keys.
- DatabaseStore::put() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.
- $ DynamoDbStore#prefix — Property in class DynamoDbStore
A string that should be prepended to keys.
- DynamoDbStore::put() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.
- DynamoDbStore::putMany() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of seconds.
- FileStore::put() — Method in class FileStore
Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.
- FileStore::path() — Method in class FileStore
Get the full path for the given cache key.
- $ MemcachedStore#prefix — Property in class MemcachedStore
A string that should be prepended to keys.
- MemcachedStore::put() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.
- MemcachedStore::putMany() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of seconds.
- NullStore::put() — Method in class NullStore
Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.
- PhpRedisLock — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- Limit::perMinute() — Method in class Limit
Create a new rate limit.
- Limit::perMinutes() — Method in class Limit
Create a new rate limit using minutes as decay time.
- Limit::perHour() — Method in class Limit
Create a new rate limit using hours as decay time.
- Limit::perDay() — Method in class Limit
Create a new rate limit using days as decay time.
- $ RedisStore#prefix — Property in class RedisStore
A string that should be prepended to keys.
- RedisStore::put() — Method in class RedisStore
Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.
- RedisStore::putMany() — Method in class RedisStore
Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of seconds.
- RedisTaggedCache::put() — Method in class RedisTaggedCache
Store an item in the cache.
- Repository::pull() — Method in class Repository
- Repository::put() — Method in class Repository
Store an item in the cache.
- Repository::putMany() — Method in class Repository
Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of seconds.
- Repository::putManyForever() — Method in class Repository
Store multiple items in the cache indefinitely.
- RetrievesMultipleKeys::putMany() — Method in class RetrievesMultipleKeys
Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of seconds.
- TaggedCache::putMany() — Method in class TaggedCache
Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of seconds.
- Repository::prepend() — Method in class Repository
Prepend a value onto an array configuration value.
- Repository::push() — Method in class Repository
Push a value onto an array configuration value.
- Application::phpBinary() — Method in class Application
Determine the proper PHP executable.
- Application::parseCommand() — Method in class Application
Parse the incoming Artisan command and its input.
- InteractsWithIO::parseVerbosity() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Get the verbosity level in terms of Symfony's OutputInterface level.
- PromptsForMissingInput — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Concerns
- PromptsForMissingInput::promptForMissingArguments() — Method in class PromptsForMissingInput
Prompt the user for any missing arguments.
- PromptsForMissingInput::promptForMissingArgumentsUsing() — Method in class PromptsForMissingInput
Prompt for missing input arguments using the returned questions.
- GeneratorCommand::possibleModels() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Get a list of possible model names.
- GeneratorCommand::possibleEvents() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Get a list of possible event names.
- GeneratorCommand::promptForMissingArgumentsUsing() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Prompt for missing input arguments using the returned questions.
- Parser — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- Parser::parse() — Method in class Parser
Parse the given console command definition into an array.
- Parser::parameters() — Method in class Parser
Extract all of the parameters from the tokens.
- Parser::parseArgument() — Method in class Parser
Parse an argument expression.
- Parser::parseOption() — Method in class Parser
Parse an option expression.
- $ CallbackEvent#parameters — Property in class CallbackEvent
The parameters to pass to the method.
- Event::pingBefore() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to ping a given URL before the job runs.
- Event::pingBeforeIf() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to ping a given URL before the job runs if the given condition is true.
- Event::pingOnSuccess() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to ping a given URL if the operation succeeds.
- Event::pingOnFailure() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to ping a given URL if the operation fails.
- Event::pingCallback() — Method in class Event
Get the callback that pings the given URL.
- Event::preventOverlapsUsing() — Method in class Event
Set the event mutex implementation to be used.
- $ ScheduleRunCommand#phpBinary — Property in class ScheduleRunCommand
The PHP binary used by the command.
- $ Signals#previousHandlers — Property in class Signals
The signal registry's previous list of handlers.
- Container::parseBindMethod() — Method in class Container
Get the method to be bound in class@method format.
- Gate::policy() — Method in class Gate
Define a policy class for a given class type.
- PasswordBroker — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- PasswordBrokerFactory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- Dispatcher::pipeThrough() — Method in class Dispatcher
Set the pipes commands should be piped through before dispatching.
- Repository::pull() — Method in class Repository
- Repository::put() — Method in class Repository
Store an item in the cache.
- Store::put() — Method in class Store
Store an item in the cache for a given number of seconds.
- Store::putMany() — Method in class Store
Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of seconds.
- Repository::prepend() — Method in class Repository
Prepend a value onto an array configuration value.
- Repository::push() — Method in class Repository
Push a value onto an array configuration value.
- PromptsForMissingInput — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Console
- Dispatcher::push() — Method in class Dispatcher
Register an event and payload to be fired later.
- Filesystem::put() — Method in class Filesystem
Write the contents of a file.
- Filesystem::prepend() — Method in class Filesystem
Prepend to a file.
- Application::publicPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the public directory.
- CursorPaginator::previousPageUrl() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Get the URL for the previous page, or null.
- CursorPaginator::previousCursor() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Get the "cursor" of the previous set of items.
- CursorPaginator::perPage() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Determine how many items are being shown per page.
- CursorPaginator::path() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Get the base path for paginator generated URLs.
- Paginator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination
- Paginator::previousPageUrl() — Method in class Paginator
Get the URL for the previous page, or null.
- Paginator::perPage() — Method in class Paginator
Determine how many items are being shown per page.
- Paginator::path() — Method in class Paginator
Get the base path for paginator generated URLs.
- Hub::pipe() — Method in class Hub
Send an object through one of the available pipelines.
- Pipeline — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Pipeline
- ProcessResult — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Process
- Job::payload() — Method in class Job
Get the decoded body of the job.
- Queue::push() — Method in class Queue
Push a new job onto the queue.
- Queue::pushOn() — Method in class Queue
Push a new job onto the queue.
- Queue::pushRaw() — Method in class Queue
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
- Queue::pop() — Method in class Queue
Pop the next job off of the queue.
- Connection::psubscribe() — Method in class Connection
Subscribe to a set of given channels with wildcards.
- Registrar::post() — Method in class Registrar
Register a new POST route with the router.
- Registrar::put() — Method in class Registrar
Register a new PUT route with the router.
- Registrar::patch() — Method in class Registrar
Register a new PATCH route with the router.
- UrlGenerator::previous() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the URL for the previous request.
- Session::pull() — Method in class Session
Get the value of a given key and then forget it.
- Session::put() — Method in class Session
Put a key / value pair or array of key / value pairs in the session.
- Session::previousUrl() — Method in class Session
Get the previous URL from the session.
- DeferrableProvider::provides() — Method in class DeferrableProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
- HasLocalePreference::preferredLocale() — Method in class HasLocalePreference
Get the preferred locale of the entity.
- Rule::passes() — Method in class Rule
Determine if the validation rule passes.
- $ CookieJar#path — Property in class CookieJar
The default path (if specified).
- BuildsQueries::paginateUsingCursor() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Paginate the given query using a cursor paginator.
- BuildsQueries::paginator() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Create a new length-aware paginator instance.
- ManagesTransactions::performRollBack() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Perform a rollback within the database.
- ParsesSearchPath — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Concerns
- ParsesSearchPath::parseSearchPath() — Method in class ParsesSearchPath
Parse the Postgres "search_path" configuration value into an array.
- $ Connection#pdo — Property in class Connection
The active PDO connection.
- $ Connection#postProcessor — Property in class Connection
The query post processor implementation.
- $ Connection#pretending — Property in class Connection
Indicates if the connection is in a "dry run".
- Connection::prepared() — Method in class Connection
Configure the PDO prepared statement.
- Connection::pretend() — Method in class Connection
Execute the given callback in "dry run" mode.
- Connection::prepareBindings() — Method in class Connection
Prepare the query bindings for execution.
- Connection::pretending() — Method in class Connection
Determine if the connection is in a "dry run".
- ConnectionInterface::prepareBindings() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Prepare the query bindings for execution.
- ConnectionInterface::pretend() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Execute the given callback in "dry run" mode.
- ConnectionFactory::parseConfig() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Parse and prepare the database configuration.
- ConnectionFactory::parseHosts() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Parse the hosts configuration item into an array.
- PostgresConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
- SqlServerConnector::prefersOdbc() — Method in class SqlServerConnector
Determine if the database configuration prefers ODBC.
- DumpCommand::path() — Method in class DumpCommand
Get the path that the dump should be written to.
- MigrateCommand::prepareDatabase() — Method in class MigrateCommand
Prepare the migration database for running.
- MigrateMakeCommand::promptForMissingArgumentsUsing() — Method in class MigrateMakeCommand
Prompt for missing input arguments using the returned questions.
- MonitorCommand::parseDatabases() — Method in class MonitorCommand
Parse the database into an array of the connections.
- PruneCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console
- PruneCommand::pruneModel() — Method in class PruneCommand
Prune the given model.
- PruneCommand::pretendToPrune() — Method in class PruneCommand
Display how many models will be pruned.
- DatabaseManager::parseConnectionName() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Parse the connection into an array of the name and read / write type.
- DatabaseManager::purge() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Disconnect from the given database and remove from local cache.
- $ Builder#propertyPassthru — Property in class Builder
The properties that should be returned from query builder.
- $ Builder#passthru — Property in class Builder
The methods that should be returned from query builder.
- Builder::pluck() — Method in class Builder
Get a collection with the values of a given column.
- Builder::paginate() — Method in class Builder
Paginate the given query.
- Builder::parseWithRelations() — Method in class Builder
Parse a list of relations into individuals.
- Builder::prepareNestedWithRelationships() — Method in class Builder
Prepare nested with relationships.
- Builder::parseNameAndAttributeSelectionConstraint() — Method in class Builder
Parse the attribute select constraints from the name.
- Collection::pad() — Method in class Collection
Pad collection to the specified length with a value.
- Collection::pluck() — Method in class Collection
Get an array with the values of a given key.
- $ HasAttributes#primitiveCastTypes — Property in class HasAttributes
The built-in, primitive cast types supported by Eloquent.
- HasAttributes::parseCasterClass() — Method in class HasAttributes
Parse the given caster class, removing any arguments.
- $ BelongsToManyRelationship#pivot — Property in class BelongsToManyRelationship
The pivot attributes / attribute resolver.
- Factory::parentResolvers() — Method in class Factory
Create the parent relationship resolvers (as deferred Closures).
- MassPrunable::pruneAll() — Method in class MassPrunable
Prune all prunable models in the database.
- MassPrunable::prunable() — Method in class MassPrunable
Get the prunable model query.
- $ Model#primaryKey — Property in class Model
The primary key for the model.
- $ Model#preventsLazyLoading — Property in class Model
Indicates whether lazy loading will be prevented on this model.
- $ Model#perPage — Property in class Model
The number of models to return for pagination.
- Model::preventLazyLoading() — Method in class Model
Prevent model relationships from being lazy loaded.
- Model::preventSilentlyDiscardingAttributes() — Method in class Model
Prevent non-fillable attributes from being silently discarded.
- Model::preventAccessingMissingAttributes() — Method in class Model
Prevent accessing missing attributes on retrieved models.
- Model::push() — Method in class Model
Save the model and all of its relationships.
- Model::pushQuietly() — Method in class Model
Save the model and all of its relationships without raising any events to the parent model.
- Model::performUpdate() — Method in class Model
Perform a model update operation.
- Model::performInsert() — Method in class Model
Perform a model insert operation.
- Model::performDeleteOnModel() — Method in class Model
Perform the actual delete query on this model instance.
- Model::preventsLazyLoading() — Method in class Model
Determine if lazy loading is disabled.
- Model::preventsSilentlyDiscardingAttributes() — Method in class Model
Determine if discarding guarded attribute fills is disabled.
- Model::preventsAccessingMissingAttributes() — Method in class Model
Determine if accessing missing attributes is disabled.
- PendingHasThroughRelationship — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- Prunable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- Prunable::pruneAll() — Method in class Prunable
Prune all prunable models in the database.
- Prunable::prunable() — Method in class Prunable
Get the prunable model query.
- Prunable::prune() — Method in class Prunable
Prune the model in the database.
- Prunable::pruning() — Method in class Prunable
Prepare the model for pruning.
- $ BelongsToMany#parentKey — Property in class BelongsToMany
The key name of the parent model.
- $ BelongsToMany#pivotColumns — Property in class BelongsToMany
The pivot table columns to retrieve.
- $ BelongsToMany#pivotWheres — Property in class BelongsToMany
Any pivot table restrictions for where clauses.
- $ BelongsToMany#pivotWhereIns — Property in class BelongsToMany
Any pivot table restrictions for whereIn clauses.
- $ BelongsToMany#pivotWhereNulls — Property in class BelongsToMany
Any pivot table restrictions for whereNull clauses.
- $ BelongsToMany#pivotValues — Property in class BelongsToMany
The default values for the pivot columns.
- $ BelongsToMany#pivotCreatedAt — Property in class BelongsToMany
The custom pivot table column for the created_at timestamp.
- $ BelongsToMany#pivotUpdatedAt — Property in class BelongsToMany
The custom pivot table column for the updated_at timestamp.
- BelongsToMany::performJoin() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set the join clause for the relation query.
- BelongsToMany::paginate() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get a paginator for the "select" statement.
- BelongsToMany::prepareQueryBuilder() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Prepare the query builder for query execution.
- $ AsPivot#pivotParent — Property in class AsPivot
The parent model of the relationship.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::parseIds() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Get all of the IDs from the given mixed value.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::parseId() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Get the ID from the given mixed value.
- HasManyThrough::performJoin() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Set the join clause on the query.
- HasManyThrough::paginate() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Get a paginator for the "select" statement.
- HasManyThrough::prepareQueryBuilder() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Prepare the query builder for query execution.
- Pivot — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- $ Relation#parent — Property in class Relation
The parent model instance.
- SoftDeletes::performDeleteOnModel() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Perform the actual delete query on this model instance.
- $ SchemaDumped#path — Property in class SchemaDumped
The path to the schema dump.
- $ SchemaLoaded#path — Property in class SchemaLoaded
The path to the schema dump.
- Grammar::parameterize() — Method in class Grammar
Create query parameter place-holders for an array.
- Grammar::parameter() — Method in class Grammar
Get the appropriate query parameter place-holder for a value.
- MigrationServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
- $ MigrationCreator#postCreate — Property in class MigrationCreator
The registered post create hooks.
- MigrationCreator::populateStub() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Populate the place-holders in the migration stub.
- $ Migrator#paths — Property in class Migrator
The paths to all of the migration files.
- Migrator::pendingMigrations() — Method in class Migrator
Get the migration files that have not yet run.
- Migrator::pretendToRun() — Method in class Migrator
Pretend to run the migrations.
- Migrator::path() — Method in class Migrator
Register a custom migration path.
- Migrator::paths() — Method in class Migrator
Get all of the custom migration paths.
- Connection::prepare() — Method in class Connection
Prepare a new SQL statement.
- PostgresDriver — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\PDO
- SqlServerConnection::prepare() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Prepare a new SQL statement.
- PostgresConnection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- $ Builder#processor — Property in class Builder
The database query post processor instance.
- Builder::parseSub() — Method in class Builder
Parse the subquery into SQL and bindings.
- Builder::prependDatabaseNameIfCrossDatabaseQuery() — Method in class Builder
Prepend the database name if the given query is on another database.
- Builder::prepareValueAndOperator() — Method in class Builder
Prepare the value and operator for a where clause.
- Builder::paginate() — Method in class Builder
Paginate the given query into a simple paginator.
- Builder::pluck() — Method in class Builder
Get a collection instance containing the values of a given column.
- Builder::pluckFromObjectColumn() — Method in class Builder
Retrieve column values from rows represented as objects.
- Builder::pluckFromArrayColumn() — Method in class Builder
Retrieve column values from rows represented as arrays.
- Grammar::prepareBindingForJsonContains() — Method in class Grammar
Prepare the binding for a "JSON contains" statement.
- Grammar::prepareBindingsForUpdate() — Method in class Grammar
Prepare the bindings for an update statement.
- Grammar::prepareBindingsForDelete() — Method in class Grammar
Prepare the bindings for a delete statement.
- MySqlGrammar::prepareBindingsForUpdate() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Prepare the bindings for an update statement.
- PostgresGrammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
- PostgresGrammar::prepareBindingsForUpdateFrom() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Prepare the bindings for an update statement.
- PostgresGrammar::prepareBindingsForUpdate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Prepare the bindings for an update statement.
- PostgresGrammar::parseJsonPathArrayKeys() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Parse the given JSON path attribute for array keys.
- SQLiteGrammar::prepareBindingsForUpdate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Prepare the bindings for an update statement.
- SqlServerGrammar::prepareBindingForJsonContains() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Prepare the binding for a "JSON contains" statement.
- SqlServerGrammar::prepareBindingsForUpdate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Prepare the bindings for an update statement.
- $ JoinClause#parentConnection — Property in class JoinClause
The connection of the parent query builder.
- $ JoinClause#parentGrammar — Property in class JoinClause
The grammar of the parent query builder.
- $ JoinClause#parentProcessor — Property in class JoinClause
The processor of the parent query builder.
- $ JoinClause#parentClass — Property in class JoinClause
The class name of the parent query builder.
- MySqlProcessor::processColumnListing() — Method in class MySqlProcessor
Process the results of a column listing query.
- PostgresProcessor — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
- PostgresProcessor::processInsertGetId() — Method in class PostgresProcessor
Process an "insert get ID" query.
- PostgresProcessor::processColumnListing() — Method in class PostgresProcessor
Process the results of a column listing query.
- Processor — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
- Processor::processSelect() — Method in class Processor
Process the results of a "select" query.
- Processor::processInsertGetId() — Method in class Processor
Process an "insert get ID" query.
- Processor::processColumnListing() — Method in class Processor
Process the results of a column listing query.
- SQLiteProcessor::processColumnListing() — Method in class SQLiteProcessor
Process the results of a column listing query.
- SqlServerProcessor::processInsertGetId() — Method in class SqlServerProcessor
Process an "insert get ID" query.
- SqlServerProcessor::processInsertGetIdForOdbc() — Method in class SqlServerProcessor
Process an "insert get ID" query for ODBC.
- SqlServerProcessor::processColumnListing() — Method in class SqlServerProcessor
Process the results of a column listing query.
- $ SQLiteDatabaseDoesNotExistException#path — Property in class SQLiteDatabaseDoesNotExistException
The path to the database.
- $ Blueprint#prefix — Property in class Blueprint
The prefix of the table.
- Blueprint::primary() — Method in class Blueprint
Specify the primary key(s) for the table.
- Blueprint::point() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new point column on the table.
- Blueprint::polygon() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new polygon column on the table.
- ColumnDefinition::persisted() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- ColumnDefinition::primary() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
Add a primary index
- Grammar::prefixArray() — Method in class Grammar
Add a prefix to an array of values.
- PostgresGrammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
- PostgresBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- PostgresBuilder::parseSchemaAndTable() — Method in class PostgresBuilder
Parse the database object reference and extract the database, schema, and table.
- PostgresBuilder::parseSearchPath() — Method in class PostgresBuilder
Parse the "search_path" configuration value into an array.
- PostgresSchemaState — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- $ SchemaState#processFactory — Property in class SchemaState
The process factory callback.
- EncryptionServiceProvider::parseKey() — Method in class EncryptionServiceProvider
Parse the encryption key.
- CallQueuedListener::prepareData() — Method in class CallQueuedListener
Unserialize the data if needed.
- Dispatcher::push() — Method in class Dispatcher
Register an event and payload to be fired later.
- Dispatcher::parseEventAndPayload() — Method in class Dispatcher
Parse the given event and payload and prepare them for dispatching.
- Dispatcher::prepareListeners() — Method in class Dispatcher
Prepare the listeners for a given event.
- Dispatcher::parseClassCallable() — Method in class Dispatcher
Parse the class listener into class and method.
- Dispatcher::propagateListenerOptions() — Method in class Dispatcher
Propagate listener options to the job.
- NullDispatcher::push() — Method in class NullDispatcher
Don't register an event and payload to be fired later.
- AwsS3V3Adapter::providesTemporaryUrls() — Method in class AwsS3V3Adapter
Determine if temporary URLs can be generated.
- Filesystem::put() — Method in class Filesystem
Write the contents of a file.
- Filesystem::prepend() — Method in class Filesystem
Prepend to a file.
- $ FilesystemAdapter#prefixer — Property in class FilesystemAdapter
The Flysystem PathPrefixer instance.
- FilesystemAdapter::path() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the full path for the file at the given "short" path.
- FilesystemAdapter::put() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Write the contents of a file.
- FilesystemAdapter::putFile() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Store the uploaded file on the disk.
- FilesystemAdapter::putFileAs() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Store the uploaded file on the disk with a given name.
- FilesystemAdapter::prepend() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Prepend to a file.
- FilesystemAdapter::providesTemporaryUrls() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Determine if temporary URLs can be generated.
- FilesystemAdapter::parseVisibility() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Parse the given visibility value.
- FilesystemManager::purge() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Disconnect the given disk and remove from local cache.
- $ LockableFile#path — Property in class LockableFile
The file path.
- AliasLoader::prependToLoaderStack() — Method in class AliasLoader
Prepend the load method to the auto-loader stack.
- $ Application#publicPath — Property in class Application
The custom public / web path defined by the developer.
- Application::path() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the application "app" directory.
- Application::publicPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the public directory.
- Application::providerIsLoaded() — Method in class Application
Determine if the given service provider is loaded.
- Application::provideFacades() — Method in class Application
Configure the real-time facade namespace.
- AuthorizesRequests::parseAbilityAndArguments() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests
Guesses the ability's name if it wasn't provided.
- PendingChain — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bus
- PendingClosureDispatch — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bus
- PendingDispatch — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bus
- ComposerScripts::postInstall() — Method in class ComposerScripts
Handle the post-install Composer event.
- ComposerScripts::postUpdate() — Method in class ComposerScripts
Handle the post-update Composer event.
- ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump() — Method in class ComposerScripts
Handle the post-autoload-dump Composer event.
- ClosureCommand::purpose() — Method in class ClosureCommand
Set the description for the command.
- DocsCommand::page() — Method in class DocsCommand
The page the user is opening.
- DocsCommand::pages() — Method in class DocsCommand
The pages available to open.
- DownCommand::prerenderView() — Method in class DownCommand
Prerender the specified view so that it can be rendered even before loading Composer.
- EnvironmentDecryptCommand::parseKey() — Method in class EnvironmentDecryptCommand
Parse the encryption key.
- EnvironmentEncryptCommand::parseKey() — Method in class EnvironmentEncryptCommand
Parse the encryption key.
- ObserverMakeCommand::parseModel() — Method in class ObserverMakeCommand
Get the fully-qualified model class name.
- PackageDiscoverCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- PolicyMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ProviderMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- RouteListCommand::pluckColumns() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Remove unnecessary columns from the routes.
- RouteListCommand::parseColumns() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Parse the column list.
- $ ServeCommand#portOffset — Property in class ServeCommand
The current port offset.
- $ ServeCommand#passthroughVariables — Property in class ServeCommand
The environment variables that should be passed from host machine to the PHP server process.
- ServeCommand::port() — Method in class ServeCommand
Get the port for the command.
- $ VendorPublishCommand#provider — Property in class VendorPublishCommand
The provider to publish.
- VendorPublishCommand::promptForProviderOrTag() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
Prompt for which provider or tag to publish.
- VendorPublishCommand::publishableChoices() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
The choices available via the prompt.
- VendorPublishCommand::parseChoice() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
Parse the answer that was given via the prompt.
- VendorPublishCommand::publishTag() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
Publishes the assets for a tag.
- VendorPublishCommand::pathsToPublish() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
Get all of the paths to publish.
- VendorPublishCommand::publishItem() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
Publish the given item from and to the given location.
- VendorPublishCommand::publishFile() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
Publish the file to the given path.
- VendorPublishCommand::publishDirectory() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
Publish the directory to the given directory.
- ViewCacheCommand::paths() — Method in class ViewCacheCommand
Get all of the possible view paths.
- PublishingStubs — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Events
- $ VendorTagPublished#paths — Property in class VendorTagPublished
The publishable paths registered by the tag.
- Handler::prepareException() — Method in class Handler
Prepare exception for rendering.
- Handler::prepareResponse() — Method in class Handler
Prepare a response for the given exception.
- Handler::prepareJsonResponse() — Method in class Handler
Prepare a JSON response for the given exception.
- FileBasedMaintenanceMode::path() — Method in class FileBasedMaintenanceMode
Get the path where the file is stored that signals that the application is down for maintenance.
- FormRequest::passesAuthorization() — Method in class FormRequest
Determine if the request passes the authorization check.
- Kernel::parseMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel
Parse a middleware string to get the name and parameters.
- Kernel::prependMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel
Add a new middleware to the beginning of the stack if it does not already exist.
- Kernel::pushMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel
Add a new middleware to end of the stack if it does not already exist.
- Kernel::prependMiddlewareToGroup() — Method in class Kernel
Prepend the given middleware to the given middleware group.
- Kernel::prependToMiddlewarePriority() — Method in class Kernel
Prepend the given middleware to the middleware priority list.
- HandlePrecognitiveRequests::prepareForPrecognition() — Method in class HandlePrecognitiveRequests
Prepare to handle a precognitive request.
- PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
- PackageManifest — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- PackageManifest::providers() — Method in class PackageManifest
Get all of the service provider class names for all packages.
- PackageManifest::packagesToIgnore() — Method in class PackageManifest
Get all of the package names that should be ignored.
- Precognition — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- ProviderRepository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- ArtisanServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
- ComposerServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ComposerServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
- $ ConsoleSupportServiceProvider#providers — Property in class ConsoleSupportServiceProvider
The provider class names.
- $ FoundationServiceProvider#providers — Property in class FoundationServiceProvider
The provider class names.
- PrecognitionCallableDispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Routing
- PrecognitionControllerDispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Routing
- $ AuthServiceProvider#policies — Property in class AuthServiceProvider
The policy mappings for the application.
- AuthServiceProvider::policies() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
Get the policies defined on the provider.
- InteractsWithContainer::partialMock() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
Mock a partial instance of an object in the container.
- InteractsWithContainer::preloadedAssets() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
- $ Vite#preloadTagAttributesResolvers — Property in class Vite
The preload tag attributes resolvers.
- $ Vite#preloadedAssets — Property in class Vite
The preloaded assets.
- Vite::preloadedAssets() — Method in class Vite
Get the preloaded assets.
- Vite::parseAttributes() — Method in class Vite
Parse the attributes into key="value" strings.
- HashServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class HashServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
- DeterminesStatusCode::paymentRequired() — Method in class DeterminesStatusCode
Determine if the response was a 402 "Payment Required" response.
- $ Factory#preventStrayRequests — Property in class Factory
Indicates that an exception should be thrown if any request is not faked.
- Factory::preventStrayRequests() — Method in class Factory
Indicate that an exception should be thrown if any request is not faked.
- PendingRequest — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
- $ PendingRequest#pendingBody — Property in class PendingRequest
The raw body for the request.
- $ PendingRequest#pendingFiles — Property in class PendingRequest
The pending files for the request.
- $ PendingRequest#preventStrayRequests — Property in class PendingRequest
Indicates that an exception should be thrown if any request is not faked.
- $ PendingRequest#promise — Property in class PendingRequest
The pending request promise.
- PendingRequest::post() — Method in class PendingRequest
Issue a POST request to the given URL.
- PendingRequest::patch() — Method in class PendingRequest
Issue a PATCH request to the given URL.
- PendingRequest::put() — Method in class PendingRequest
Issue a PUT request to the given URL.
- PendingRequest::pool() — Method in class PendingRequest
Send a pool of asynchronous requests concurrently.
- PendingRequest::parseHttpOptions() — Method in class PendingRequest
Parse the given HTTP options and set the appropriate additional options.
- PendingRequest::parseMultipartBodyFormat() — Method in class PendingRequest
Parse multi-part form data.
- PendingRequest::parseRequestData() — Method in class PendingRequest
Get the request data as an array so that we can attach it to the request for convenient assertions.
- PendingRequest::populateResponse() — Method in class PendingRequest
Populate the given response with additional data.
- PendingRequest::pushHandlers() — Method in class PendingRequest
Add the necessary handlers to the given handler stack.
- PendingRequest::preventStrayRequests() — Method in class PendingRequest
Indicate that an exception should be thrown if any request is not faked.
- Pool — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
- $ Pool#pool — Property in class Pool
The pool of requests.
- Request::parameters() — Method in class Request
Get the request's form parameters.
- RequestException::prepareMessage() — Method in class RequestException
Prepare the exception message.
- ResponseSequence::push() — Method in class ResponseSequence
Push a response to the sequence.
- ResponseSequence::pushStatus() — Method in class ResponseSequence
Push a response with the given status code to the sequence.
- ResponseSequence::pushFile() — Method in class ResponseSequence
Push response with the contents of a file as the body to the sequence.
- ResponseSequence::pushResponse() — Method in class ResponseSequence
Push a response to the sequence.
- InteractsWithContentTypes::prefers() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes
Return the most suitable content type from the given array based on content negotiation.
- InteractsWithInput::post() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve a request payload item from the request.
- PostTooLargeException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Exceptions
- FileHelpers::path() — Method in class FileHelpers
Get the fully qualified path to the file.
- SetCacheHeaders::parseOptions() — Method in class SetCacheHeaders
Parse the given header options.
- $ TrustProxies#proxies — Property in class TrustProxies
The trusted proxies for the application.
- TrustProxies::proxies() — Method in class TrustProxies
Get the trusted proxies.
- RedirectResponse::parseErrors() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Parse the given errors into an appropriate value.
- Request::path() — Method in class Request
Get the current path info for the request.
- Request::pjax() — Method in class Request
Determine if the request is the result of a PJAX call.
- Request::prefetch() — Method in class Request
Determine if the request is the result of a prefetch call.
- $ AnonymousResourceCollection#preserveKeys — Property in class AnonymousResourceCollection
Indicates if the collection keys should be preserved.
- PaginatedResourceResponse — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json
- PaginatedResourceResponse::paginationInformation() — Method in class PaginatedResourceResponse
Add the pagination information to the response.
- PaginatedResourceResponse::paginationLinks() — Method in class PaginatedResourceResponse
Get the pagination links for the response.
- $ ResourceCollection#preserveAllQueryParameters — Property in class ResourceCollection
Indicates if all existing request query parameters should be added to pagination links.
- ResourceCollection::preserveQuery() — Method in class ResourceCollection
Indicate that all current query parameters should be appended to pagination links.
- ResourceCollection::preparePaginatedResponse() — Method in class ResourceCollection
Create a paginate-aware HTTP response.
- PotentiallyMissing — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources
- UploadedFile::parseOptions() — Method in class UploadedFile
Parse and format the given options.
- LogManager::parseTap() — Method in class LogManager
Parse the given tap class string into a class name and arguments string.
- LogManager::prepareHandlers() — Method in class LogManager
Prepare the handlers for usage by Monolog.
- LogManager::prepareHandler() — Method in class LogManager
Prepare the handler for usage by Monolog.
- LogManager::parseDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Parse the driver name.
- ParsesLogConfiguration — Class in namespace Illuminate\Log
- ParsesLogConfiguration::parseChannel() — Method in class ParsesLogConfiguration
Extract the log channel from the given configuration.
- MailManager::purge() — Method in class MailManager
Disconnect the given mailer and remove from local cache.
- MailServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class MailServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
- Mailable::priority() — Method in class Mailable
Set the priority of this message.
- Mailer::plain() — Method in class Mailer
Send a new message with only a plain part.
- Mailer::parseView() — Method in class Mailer
Parse the given view name or array.
- Markdown::parse() — Method in class Markdown
Parse the given Markdown text into HTML.
- Message::priority() — Method in class Message
Set the message priority level.
- PendingMail — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail
- $ MailMessage#priority — Property in class MailMessage
Priority level of the message.
- MailMessage::priority() — Method in class MailMessage
Set the priority of this message.
- MailMessage::parseAddresses() — Method in class MailMessage
Parse the multi-address array into the necessary format.
- NotificationSender::preferredLocale() — Method in class NotificationSender
Get the notifiable's preferred locale for the notification.
- $ AbstractCursorPaginator#perPage — Property in class AbstractCursorPaginator
The number of items to be shown per page.
- $ AbstractCursorPaginator#path — Property in class AbstractCursorPaginator
The base path to assign to all URLs.
- $ AbstractCursorPaginator#parameters — Property in class AbstractCursorPaginator
The paginator parameters for the cursor.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::previousPageUrl() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get the URL for the previous page.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::previousCursor() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get the "cursor" that points to the previous set of items.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::perPage() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get the number of items shown per page.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::path() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get the base path for paginator generated URLs.
- $ AbstractPaginator#perPage — Property in class AbstractPaginator
The number of items to be shown per page.
- $ AbstractPaginator#path — Property in class AbstractPaginator
The base path to assign to all URLs.
- $ AbstractPaginator#pageName — Property in class AbstractPaginator
The query string variable used to store the page.
- AbstractPaginator::previousPageUrl() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the URL for the previous page.
- AbstractPaginator::perPage() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the number of items shown per page.
- AbstractPaginator::path() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the base path for paginator generated URLs.
- $ Cursor#parameters — Property in class Cursor
The parameters associated with the cursor.
- $ Cursor#pointsToNextItems — Property in class Cursor
Determine whether the cursor points to the next or previous set of items.
- Cursor::parameter() — Method in class Cursor
Get the given parameter from the cursor.
- Cursor::parameters() — Method in class Cursor
Get the given parameters from the cursor.
- Cursor::pointsToNextItems() — Method in class Cursor
Determine whether the cursor points to the next set of items.
- Cursor::pointsToPreviousItems() — Method in class Cursor
Determine whether the cursor points to the previous set of items.
- PaginationServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- PaginationState — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- Paginator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- $ UrlWindow#paginator — Property in class UrlWindow
The paginator implementation.
- $ Hub#pipelines — Property in class Hub
All of the available pipelines.
- Hub::pipeline() — Method in class Hub
Define a new named pipeline.
- Hub::pipe() — Method in class Hub
Send an object through one of the available pipelines.
- Pipeline — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pipeline
- $ Pipeline#passable — Property in class Pipeline
The object being passed through the pipeline.
- $ Pipeline#pipes — Property in class Pipeline
The array of class pipes.
- Pipeline::pipe() — Method in class Pipeline
Push additional pipes onto the pipeline.
- Pipeline::prepareDestination() — Method in class Pipeline
Get the final piece of the Closure onion.
- Pipeline::parsePipeString() — Method in class Pipeline
Parse full pipe string to get name and parameters.
- Pipeline::pipes() — Method in class Pipeline
Get the array of configured pipes.
- PipelineServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pipeline
- PipelineServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class PipelineServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
- ProcessFailedException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Process\Exceptions
- ProcessTimedOutException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Process\Exceptions
- $ Factory#preventStrayProcesses — Property in class Factory
Indicates that an exception should be thrown if any process is not faked.
- Factory::preventStrayProcesses() — Method in class Factory
Indicate that an exception should be thrown if any process is not faked.
- Factory::preventingStrayProcesses() — Method in class Factory
Determine if stray processes are being prevented.
- Factory::pool() — Method in class Factory
Start defining a pool of processes.
- $ FakeInvokedProcess#process — Property in class FakeInvokedProcess
The underlying process description.
- FakeInvokedProcess::predictProcessResult() — Method in class FakeInvokedProcess
Get the ultimate process result that wil be returned by this "process".
- $ FakeProcessDescription#processId — Property in class FakeProcessDescription
The process' ID.
- $ FakeProcessSequence#processes — Property in class FakeProcessSequence
The fake process results and descriptions.
- FakeProcessSequence::push() — Method in class FakeProcessSequence
Push a new process result or description onto the sequence.
- $ InvokedProcess#process — Property in class InvokedProcess
The underlying process instance.
- PendingProcess — Class in namespace Illuminate\Process
- $ PendingProcess#path — Property in class PendingProcess
The working directory of the process.
- PendingProcess::path() — Method in class PendingProcess
Specify the working directory of the process.
- Pool — Class in namespace Illuminate\Process
- $ Pool#pendingProcesses — Property in class Pool
The array of pending processes.
- ProcessPoolResults — Class in namespace Illuminate\Process
- ProcessResult — Class in namespace Illuminate\Process
- $ ProcessResult#process — Property in class ProcessResult
The underlying process instance.
- $ BeanstalkdQueue#pheanstalk — Property in class BeanstalkdQueue
The Pheanstalk instance.
- BeanstalkdQueue::push() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Push a new job onto the queue.
- BeanstalkdQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
- BeanstalkdQueue::pop() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Pop the next job off of the queue.
- Manager::push() — Method in class Manager
Push a new job onto the queue.
- BeanstalkdConnector::pheanstalk() — Method in class BeanstalkdConnector
Create a Pheanstalk instance.
- ListFailedCommand::parseFailedJob() — Method in class ListFailedCommand
Parse the failed job row.
- MonitorCommand::parseQueues() — Method in class MonitorCommand
Parse the queues into an array of the connections and queues.
- PruneBatchesCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- PruneFailedJobsCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- DatabaseQueue::push() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Push a new job onto the queue.
- DatabaseQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
- DatabaseQueue::pushToDatabase() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Push a raw payload to the database with a given delay of (n) seconds.
- DatabaseQueue::pop() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Pop the next job off of the queue.
- $ JobRetryRequested#payload — Property in class JobRetryRequested
The decoded job payload.
- JobRetryRequested::payload() — Method in class JobRetryRequested
The job payload.
- DatabaseFailedJobProvider::prune() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
Prune all of the entries older than the given date.
- DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider::prune() — Method in class DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider
Prune all of the entries older than the given date.
- PrunableFailedJobProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Failed
- PrunableFailedJobProvider::prune() — Method in class PrunableFailedJobProvider
Prune all of the entries older than the given date.
- $ BeanstalkdJob#pheanstalk — Property in class BeanstalkdJob
The Pheanstalk instance.
- Job::payload() — Method in class Job
Get the decoded body of the job.
- JobName::parse() — Method in class JobName
Parse the given job name into a class / method array.
- $ SyncJob#payload — Property in class SyncJob
The queue message data.
- Listener::phpBinary() — Method in class Listener
Get the PHP binary.
- LuaScripts::push() — Method in class LuaScripts
Get the Lua script for pushing jobs onto the queue.
- LuaScripts::pop() — Method in class LuaScripts
Get the Lua script for popping the next job off of the queue.
- $ ThrottlesExceptions#prefix — Property in class ThrottlesExceptions
The prefix of the rate limiter key.
- $ WithoutOverlapping#prefix — Property in class WithoutOverlapping
The prefix of the lock key.
- NullQueue::push() — Method in class NullQueue
Push a new job onto the queue.
- NullQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class NullQueue
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
- NullQueue::pop() — Method in class NullQueue
Pop the next job off of the queue.
- Queue::pushOn() — Method in class Queue
Push a new job onto the queue.
- QueueServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
- RedisQueue::push() — Method in class RedisQueue
Push a new job onto the queue.
- RedisQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class RedisQueue
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
- RedisQueue::pop() — Method in class RedisQueue
Pop the next job off of the queue.
- $ SqsQueue#prefix — Property in class SqsQueue
The queue URL prefix.
- SqsQueue::push() — Method in class SqsQueue
Push a new job onto the queue.
- SqsQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class SqsQueue
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
- SqsQueue::pop() — Method in class SqsQueue
Pop the next job off of the queue.
- SyncQueue::push() — Method in class SyncQueue
Push a new job onto the queue.
- SyncQueue::pushRaw() — Method in class SyncQueue
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
- SyncQueue::pop() — Method in class SyncQueue
Pop the next job off of the queue.
- $ Worker#paused — Property in class Worker
Indicates if the worker is paused.
- $ Worker#popCallbacks — Property in class Worker
The callbacks used to pop jobs from queues.
- Worker::pauseWorker() — Method in class Worker
Pause the worker for the current loop.
- Worker::process() — Method in class Worker
Process the given job from the queue.
- Worker::popUsing() — Method in class Worker
Register a callback to be executed to pick jobs.
- Connection::psubscribe() — Method in class Connection
Subscribe to a set of given channels with wildcards.
- PacksPhpRedisValues — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Connections
- PacksPhpRedisValues::pack() — Method in class PacksPhpRedisValues
Prepares the given values to be used with the
command, including serialization and compression.- PacksPhpRedisValues::phpRedisVersionAtLeast() — Method in class PacksPhpRedisValues
Determine if the PhpRedis extension version is at least the given version.
- PhpRedisClusterConnection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Connections
- PhpRedisConnection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Connections
- PhpRedisConnection::pipeline() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Execute commands in a pipeline.
- PhpRedisConnection::psubscribe() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Subscribe to a set of given channels with wildcards.
- PredisClusterConnection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Connections
- PredisConnection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Connections
- PhpRedisConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Connectors
- PredisConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis\Connectors
- $ CommandExecuted#parameters — Property in class CommandExecuted
The array of command parameters.
- RedisManager::parseConnectionConfiguration() — Method in class RedisManager
Parse the Redis connection configuration.
- RedisManager::purge() — Method in class RedisManager
Disconnect the given connection and remove from local cache.
- RedisServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class RedisServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
- ControllerMakeCommand::parseModel() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand
Get the fully-qualified model class name.
- MiddlewareNameResolver::parseMiddlewareGroup() — Method in class MiddlewareNameResolver
Parse the middleware group and format it for usage.
- PendingResourceRegistration — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- PendingResourceRegistration::parameters() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration
Override the route parameter names.
- PendingResourceRegistration::parameter() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration
Override a route parameter's name.
- PendingSingletonResourceRegistration — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- PendingSingletonResourceRegistration::parameters() — Method in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
Override the route parameter names.
- PendingSingletonResourceRegistration::parameter() — Method in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
Override a route parameter's name.
- Pipeline — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
This extended pipeline catches any exceptions that occur during each slice.
- $ ResourceRegistrar#parameters — Property in class ResourceRegistrar
The parameters set for this resource instance.
- $ ResourceRegistrar#parameterMap — Property in class ResourceRegistrar
The global parameter mapping.
- ResourceRegistrar::prefixedResource() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Build a set of prefixed resource routes.
- ResourceRegistrar::prefixedSingleton() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Build a set of prefixed singleton routes.
- $ Route#parameters — Property in class Route
The array of matched parameters.
- $ Route#parameterNames — Property in class Route
The parameter names for the route.
- Route::parseAction() — Method in class Route
Parse the route action into a standard array.
- Route::parseControllerCallback() — Method in class Route
Parse the controller.
- Route::parameter() — Method in class Route
Get a given parameter from the route.
- Route::parameters() — Method in class Route
Get the key / value list of parameters for the route.
- Route::parametersWithoutNulls() — Method in class Route
Get the key / value list of parameters without null values.
- Route::parameterNames() — Method in class Route
Get all of the parameter names for the route.
- Route::parentOfParameter() — Method in class Route
Get the parent parameter of the given parameter.
- Route::parseWhere() — Method in class Route
Parse arguments to the where method into an array.
- Route::prefix() — Method in class Route
Add a prefix to the route URI.
- Route::parseUri() — Method in class Route
Parse the route URI and normalize / store any implicit binding fields.
- Route::preventsScopedBindings() — Method in class Route
Determine if the route should prevent scoping of multiple implicit Eloquent bindings.
- Route::prepareForSerialization() — Method in class Route
Prepare the route instance for serialization.
- RouteAction::parse() — Method in class RouteAction
Parse the given action into an array.
- RouteParameterBinder::parameters() — Method in class RouteParameterBinder
Get the parameters for the route.
- $ RouteRegistrar#passthru — Property in class RouteRegistrar
The methods to dynamically pass through to the router.
- RouteRegistrar::patch() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- RouteRegistrar::post() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- RouteRegistrar::put() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- RouteRegistrar::prefix() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- RouteUri::parse() — Method in class RouteUri
Parse the given URI.
- $ Router#patterns — Property in class Router
The globally available parameter patterns.
- Router::post() — Method in class Router
Register a new POST route with the router.
- Router::put() — Method in class Router
Register a new PUT route with the router.
- Router::patch() — Method in class Router
Register a new PATCH route with the router.
- Router::permanentRedirect() — Method in class Router
Create a permanent redirect from one URI to another.
- Router::prependGroupNamespace() — Method in class Router
Prepend the last group namespace onto the use clause.
- Router::prependGroupController() — Method in class Router
Prepend the last group controller onto the use clause.
- Router::prefix() — Method in class Router
Prefix the given URI with the last prefix.
- Router::prepareResponse() — Method in class Router
Create a response instance from the given value.
- Router::performBinding() — Method in class Router
Call the binding callback for the given key.
- Router::prependMiddlewareToGroup() — Method in class Router
Add a middleware to the beginning of a middleware group.
- Router::pushMiddlewareToGroup() — Method in class Router
Add a middleware to the end of a middleware group.
- Router::pattern() — Method in class Router
Set a global where pattern on all routes.
- Router::patterns() — Method in class Router
Set a group of global where patterns on all routes.
- SortedMiddleware::priorityMapIndex() — Method in class SortedMiddleware
Calculate the priority map index of the middleware.
- UrlGenerator::previous() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the URL for the previous request.
- UrlGenerator::previousPath() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the previous path info for the request.
- UrlGenerator::pathFormatter() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the path formatter being used by the URL generator.
- DatabaseSessionHandler::performInsert() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
Perform an insert operation on the session ID.
- DatabaseSessionHandler::performUpdate() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
Perform an update operation on the session ID.
- EncryptedStore::prepareForUnserialize() — Method in class EncryptedStore
Prepare the raw string data from the session for unserialization.
- EncryptedStore::prepareForStorage() — Method in class EncryptedStore
Prepare the serialized session data for storage.
- $ FileSessionHandler#path — Property in class FileSessionHandler
The path where sessions should be stored.
- Store::prepareForUnserialize() — Method in class Store
Prepare the raw string data from the session for unserialization.
- Store::prepareErrorBagForSerialization() — Method in class Store
Prepare the ViewErrorBag instance for JSON serialization.
- Store::prepareForStorage() — Method in class Store
Prepare the serialized session data for storage.
- Store::pull() — Method in class Store
Get the value of a given key and then forget it.
- Store::put() — Method in class Store
Put a key / value pair or array of key / value pairs in the session.
- Store::push() — Method in class Store
Push a value onto a session array.
- Store::previousUrl() — Method in class Store
Get the previous URL from the session.
- Store::passwordConfirmed() — Method in class Store
Specify that the user has confirmed their password.
- $ AggregateServiceProvider#providers — Property in class AggregateServiceProvider
The provider class names.
- AggregateServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class AggregateServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
- Arr::prependKeysWith() — Method in class Arr
Prepend the key names of an associative array.
- Arr::pluck() — Method in class Arr
Pluck an array of values from an array.
- Arr::prepend() — Method in class Arr
Push an item onto the beginning of an array.
- Arr::pull() — Method in class Arr
Get a value from the array, and remove it.
- Collection::pluck() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::pop() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::prepend() — Method in class Collection
Push an item onto the beginning of the collection.
- Collection::push() — Method in class Collection
Push one or more items onto the end of the collection.
- Collection::pull() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::put() — Method in class Collection
Put an item in the collection by key.
- Collection::pad() — Method in class Collection
- Composer::phpBinary() — Method in class Composer
Get the PHP binary.
- ConfigurationUrlParser::parseConfiguration() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser
Parse the database configuration, hydrating options using a database configuration URL if possible.
- ConfigurationUrlParser::parseUrl() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser
Parse the string URL to an array of components.
- ConfigurationUrlParser::parseStringsToNativeTypes() — Method in class ConfigurationUrlParser
Convert string casted values to their native types.
- DateFactory::parse() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::pluralUnit() — Method in class DateFactory
- Enumerable::partition() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::pipe() — Method in class Enumerable
Pass the enumerable to the given callback and return the result.
- Enumerable::pipeInto() — Method in class Enumerable
Pass the collection into a new class.
- Enumerable::pipeThrough() — Method in class Enumerable
Pass the collection through a series of callable pipes and return the result.
- Enumerable::pluck() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::pad() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::proxy() — Method in class Enumerable
Add a method to the list of proxied methods.
- $ Env#putenv — Property in class Env
Indicates if the putenv adapter is enabled.
- App::path() — Method in class App
- App::publicPath() — Method in class App
- App::providerIsLoaded() — Method in class App
- App::provideFacades() — Method in class App
- Auth::provider() — Method in class Auth
- Blade::precompiler() — Method in class Blade
- Broadcast::pusher() — Method in class Broadcast
- Broadcast::purge() — Method in class Broadcast
- Bus::pipeThrough() — Method in class Bus
- Cache::purge() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::pull() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::put() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::putMany() — Method in class Cache
- Config::prepend() — Method in class Config
- Config::push() — Method in class Config
- DB::purge() — Method in class DB
- DB::pretend() — Method in class DB
- DB::prepareBindings() — Method in class DB
- DB::pretending() — Method in class DB
- Date::parse() — Method in class Date
- Date::pluralUnit() — Method in class Date
- Event::push() — Method in class Event
- Facade::partialMock() — Method in class Facade
Initiate a partial mock on the facade.
- File::put() — Method in class File
- File::prepend() — Method in class File
- Gate::policy() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::policies() — Method in class Gate
- Http::preventStrayRequests() — Method in class Http
Indicate that an exception should be thrown if any request is not faked.
- Http::post() — Method in class Http
- Http::patch() — Method in class Http
- Http::put() — Method in class Http
- Http::pool() — Method in class Http
- Http::pushHandlers() — Method in class Http
- Lang::parseKey() — Method in class Lang
- Mail::purge() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::plain() — Method in class Mail
- ParallelTesting — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Password — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Process — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Process::path() — Method in class Process
- Process::preventStrayProcesses() — Method in class Process
- Process::preventingStrayProcesses() — Method in class Process
- Process::pool() — Method in class Process
- Queue::popUsing() — Method in class Queue
Register a callback to be executed to pick jobs.
- Queue::push() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::pushOn() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::pushRaw() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::pop() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::pushed() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::pushedJobs() — Method in class Queue
- Redis::purge() — Method in class Redis
- Redis::psubscribe() — Method in class Redis
- Request::path() — Method in class Request
- Request::pjax() — Method in class Request
- Request::prefetch() — Method in class Request
- Request::preferSafeContent() — Method in class Request
- Request::prefers() — Method in class Request
- Request::post() — Method in class Request
- Route::post() — Method in class Route
- Route::put() — Method in class Route
- Route::patch() — Method in class Route
- Route::permanentRedirect() — Method in class Route
- Route::prepareResponse() — Method in class Route
- Route::prependMiddlewareToGroup() — Method in class Route
- Route::pushMiddlewareToGroup() — Method in class Route
- Route::pattern() — Method in class Route
- Route::patterns() — Method in class Route
- Route::prefix() — Method in class Route
- Session::pull() — Method in class Session
- Session::put() — Method in class Session
- Session::push() — Method in class Session
- Session::previousUrl() — Method in class Session
- Session::passwordConfirmed() — Method in class Session
- Storage::persistentFake() — Method in class Storage
Replace the given disk with a persistent local testing disk.
- Storage::purge() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::put() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::prepend() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::path() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::putFile() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::putFileAs() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::providesTemporaryUrls() — Method in class Storage
- URL::previous() — Method in class URL
- URL::previousPath() — Method in class URL
- URL::pathFormatter() — Method in class URL
- View::prependNamespace() — Method in class View
- View::parentPlaceholder() — Method in class View
- View::popLoop() — Method in class View
- Vite::preloadedAssets() — Method in class Vite
- InteractsWithTime::parseDateInterval() — Method in class InteractsWithTime
If the given value is an interval, convert it to a DateTime instance.
- LazyCollection::pluck() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::pad() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::passthru() — Method in class LazyCollection
Pass this lazy collection through a method on the collection class.
- MultipleInstanceManager::purge() — Method in class MultipleInstanceManager
Disconnect the given instance and remove from local cache.
- $ NamespacedItemResolver#parsed — Property in class NamespacedItemResolver
A cache of the parsed items.
- NamespacedItemResolver::parseKey() — Method in class NamespacedItemResolver
Parse a key into namespace, group, and item.
- NamespacedItemResolver::parseBasicSegments() — Method in class NamespacedItemResolver
Parse an array of basic segments.
- NamespacedItemResolver::parseNamespacedSegments() — Method in class NamespacedItemResolver
Parse an array of namespaced segments.
- Pluralizer — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Pluralizer::plural() — Method in class Pluralizer
Get the plural form of an English word.
- ProcessUtils — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
ProcessUtils is a bunch of utility methods.
- $ ServiceProvider#publishes — Property in class ServiceProvider
The paths that should be published.
- $ ServiceProvider#publishGroups — Property in class ServiceProvider
The paths that should be published by group.
- ServiceProvider::publishes() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Register paths to be published by the publish command.
- ServiceProvider::pathsToPublish() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Get the paths to publish.
- ServiceProvider::pathsForProviderOrGroup() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Get the paths for the provider or group (or both).
- ServiceProvider::pathsForProviderAndGroup() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Get the paths for the provider and group.
- ServiceProvider::publishableProviders() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Get the service providers available for publishing.
- ServiceProvider::publishableGroups() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Get the groups available for publishing.
- ServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
- Str::padBoth() — Method in class Str
Pad both sides of a string with another.
- Str::padLeft() — Method in class Str
Pad the left side of a string with another.
- Str::padRight() — Method in class Str
Pad the right side of a string with another.
- Str::parseCallback() — Method in class Str
Parse a Class[@]method style callback into class and method.
- Str::plural() — Method in class Str
Get the plural form of an English word.
- Str::pluralStudly() — Method in class Str
Pluralize the last word of an English, studly caps case string.
- Str::password() — Method in class Str
Generate a random, secure password.
- Stringable::padBoth() — Method in class Stringable
Pad both sides of the string with another.
- Stringable::padLeft() — Method in class Stringable
Pad the left side of the string with another.
- Stringable::padRight() — Method in class Stringable
Pad the right side of the string with another.
- Stringable::parseCallback() — Method in class Stringable
Parse a Class@method style callback into class and method.
- Stringable::pipe() — Method in class Stringable
Call the given callback and return a new string.
- Stringable::plural() — Method in class Stringable
Get the plural form of an English word.
- Stringable::pluralStudly() — Method in class Stringable
Pluralize the last word of an English, studly caps case string.
- Stringable::prepend() — Method in class Stringable
Prepend the given values to the string.
- BusFake::pipeThrough() — Method in class BusFake
Set the pipes commands should be piped through before dispatching.
- EventFake::push() — Method in class EventFake
Register an event and payload to be dispatched later.
- MailFake::prepareMailableAndCallback() — Method in class MailFake
Infer mailable class using reflection if a typehinted closure is passed to assertion.
- PendingBatchFake — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
- PendingChainFake — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
- PendingMailFake — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
- QueueFake::pushed() — Method in class QueueFake
Get all of the jobs matching a truth-test callback.
- QueueFake::push() — Method in class QueueFake
Push a new job onto the queue.
- QueueFake::pushRaw() — Method in class QueueFake
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
- QueueFake::pushOn() — Method in class QueueFake
Push a new job onto the queue.
- QueueFake::pop() — Method in class QueueFake
Pop the next job off of the queue.
- QueueFake::pushedJobs() — Method in class QueueFake
Get the jobs that have been pushed.
- $ EnumeratesValues#proxies — Property in class EnumeratesValues
The methods that can be proxied.
- $ EnumeratesValues#partition — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::partition() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::pipe() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Pass the collection to the given callback and return the result.
- EnumeratesValues::pipeInto() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Pass the collection into a new class.
- EnumeratesValues::pipeThrough() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Pass the collection through a series of callable pipes and return the result.
- EnumeratesValues::proxy() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Add a method to the list of proxied methods.
- ViewErrorBag::put() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Add a new MessageBag instance to the bags.
- AssertableJson::prop() — Method in class AssertableJson
Retrieve a prop within the current scope using "dot" notation.
- Debugging::prop() — Method in class Debugging
Retrieve a prop within the current scope using "dot" notation.
- Has::prop() — Method in class Has
Retrieve a prop within the current scope using "dot" notation.
- Interaction::prop() — Method in class Interaction
Retrieve a prop within the current scope using "dot" notation.
- Matching::prop() — Method in class Matching
Retrieve a prop within the current scope using "dot" notation.
- ParallelConsoleOutput — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing
- ParallelRunner — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing
- ParallelTesting — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing
- ParallelTestingServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing
- PendingCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing
- $ PendingCommand#parameters — Property in class PendingCommand
The parameters to pass to the command.
- $ FileLoader#paths — Property in class FileLoader
The default paths for the loader.
- PotentiallyTranslatedString — Class in namespace Illuminate\Translation
- TranslationServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class TranslationServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
- Translator::parseKey() — Method in class Translator
Parse a key into namespace, group, and item.
- ClosureValidationRule::passes() — Method in class ClosureValidationRule
Determine if the validation rule passes.
- ClosureValidationRule::pendingPotentiallyTranslatedString() — Method in class ClosureValidationRule
Create a pending potentially translated string.
- ValidatesAttributes::prepareUniqueId() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Prepare the given ID for querying.
- ValidatesAttributes::parseTable() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Parse the connection / table for the unique / exists rules.
- ValidatesAttributes::parseDependentRuleParameters() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Prepare the values and the other value for validation.
- ValidatesAttributes::parseNamedParameters() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Parse named parameters to $key => $value items.
- ConditionalRules::passes() — Method in class ConditionalRules
Determine if the conditional rules should be added.
- PresenceVerifierInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- Rule::prohibitedIf() — Method in class Rule
Get a prohibited_if constraint builder instance.
- Enum::passes() — Method in class Enum
Determine if the validation rule passes.
- File::passes() — Method in class File
Determine if the validation rule passes.
- Password — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
- Password::passes() — Method in class Password
Determine if the validation rule passes.
- ProhibitedIf — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
- ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait::prepareForValidation() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait
Prepare the data for validation.
- ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait::passedValidation() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait
Handle a passed validation attempt.
- ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait::passesAuthorization() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait
Determine if the request passes the authorization check.
- ValidationRuleParser::prepareRule() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser
Prepare the given rule for the Validator.
- ValidationRuleParser::parse() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser
Extract the rule name and parameters from a rule.
- ValidationRuleParser::parseArrayRule() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser
Parse an array based rule.
- ValidationRuleParser::parseStringRule() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser
Parse a string based rule.
- ValidationRuleParser::parseParameters() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser
Parse a parameter list.
- ValidationServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class ValidationServiceProvider
Get the services provided by the provider.
- $ Validator#presenceVerifier — Property in class Validator
The Presence Verifier implementation.
- Validator::parseData() — Method in class Validator
Parse the data array, converting dots and asterisks.
- Validator::passes() — Method in class Validator
Determine if the data passes the validation rules.
- Validator::presentOrRuleIsImplicit() — Method in class Validator
Determine if the field is present, or the rule implies required.
- Validator::passesOptionalCheck() — Method in class Validator
Determine if the attribute passes any optional check.
- $ BladeCompiler#precompilers — Property in class BladeCompiler
All of the registered precompilers.
- $ BladeCompiler#path — Property in class BladeCompiler
The file currently being compiled.
- ComponentTagCompiler::partitionDataAndAttributes() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Partition the data and extra attributes from the given array of attributes.
- ComponentTagCompiler::parseShortAttributeSyntax() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Parses a short attribute syntax like :$foo into a fully-qualified syntax like :foo="$foo".
- ComponentTagCompiler::parseAttributeBag() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Parse the attribute bag in a given attribute string into its fully-qualified syntax.
- ComponentTagCompiler::parseComponentTagClassStatements() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Parse @class statements in a given attribute string into their fully-qualified syntax.
- ComponentTagCompiler::parseComponentTagStyleStatements() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Parse @style statements in a given attribute string into their fully-qualified syntax.
- ComponentTagCompiler::parseBindAttributes() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Parse the "bind" attributes in a given attribute string into their fully-qualified syntax.
- $ Component#propertyCache — Property in class Component
The cache of public property names, keyed by class.
- ComponentAttributeBag::prepends() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Create a new appendable attribute value.
- ManagesEvents::parseClassEvent() — Method in class ManagesEvents
Parse a class based composer name.
- $ ManagesLayouts#parentPlaceholder — Property in class ManagesLayouts
The parent placeholder for the request.
- $ ManagesLayouts#parentPlaceholderSalt — Property in class ManagesLayouts
The parent placeholder salt for the request.
- ManagesLayouts::parentPlaceholder() — Method in class ManagesLayouts
Get the parent placeholder for the current request.
- ManagesLayouts::parentPlaceholderSalt() — Method in class ManagesLayouts
Get the parent placeholder salt.
- ManagesLoops::popLoop() — Method in class ManagesLoops
Pop a loop from the top of the loop stack.
- $ ManagesStacks#pushes — Property in class ManagesStacks
All of the finished, captured push sections.
- $ ManagesStacks#prepends — Property in class ManagesStacks
All of the finished, captured prepend sections.
- $ ManagesStacks#pushStack — Property in class ManagesStacks
The stack of in-progress push sections.
- PhpEngine — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Engines
- Factory::parseData() — Method in class Factory
Parse the given data into a raw array.
- Factory::prependNamespace() — Method in class Factory
Prepend a new namespace to the loader.
- $ FileViewFinder#paths — Property in class FileViewFinder
The array of active view paths.
- FileViewFinder::parseNamespaceSegments() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Get the segments of a template with a named path.
- FileViewFinder::prependLocation() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Prepend a location to the finder.
- FileViewFinder::prependNamespace() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Prepend a namespace hint to the finder.
- $ View#path — Property in class View
The path to the view file.
- ViewFinderInterface::prependNamespace() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
Prepend a namespace hint to the finder.
- $ EloquentUserProvider#queryCallback — Property in class EloquentUserProvider
The callback that may modify the user retrieval queries.
- SessionGuard::queueRecallerCookie() — Method in class SessionGuard
Queue the recaller cookie into the cookie jar.
- BroadcastManager::queue() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Queue the given event for broadcast.
- $ Batch#queue — Property in class Batch
The queue factory implementation.
- $ BatchFactory#queue — Property in class BatchFactory
The queue factory implementation.
- $ Dispatcher#queueResolver — Property in class Dispatcher
The queue resolver callback.
- PendingBatch::queue() — Method in class PendingBatch
Get the queue used by the pending batch.
- Queueable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- $ Queueable#queue — Property in class Queueable
The name of the queue the job should be sent to.
- InteractsWithIO::question() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Write a string as question output.
- GeneratorCommand::qualifyClass() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Parse the class name and format according to the root namespace.
- GeneratorCommand::qualifyModel() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Qualify the given model class base name.
- QuestionHelper — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- ManagesFrequencies::quarterly() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run quarterly.
- ManagesFrequencies::quarterlyOn() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run quarterly on a given day and time.
- QueueingDispatcher — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Bus
- Kernel::queue() — Method in class Kernel
Queue an Artisan console command by name.
- QueueingFactory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cookie
- QueueingFactory::queue() — Method in class QueueingFactory
Queue a cookie to send with the next response.
- MailQueue::queue() — Method in class MailQueue
Queue a new e-mail message for sending.
- Mailable::queue() — Method in class Mailable
Queue the given message.
- Queue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- QueueableCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- QueueableEntity — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- $ CookieJar#queued — Property in class CookieJar
All of the cookies queued for sending.
- CookieJar::queued() — Method in class CookieJar
Get a queued cookie instance.
- CookieJar::queue() — Method in class CookieJar
Queue a cookie to send with the next response.
- $ Connection#queryGrammar — Property in class Connection
The query grammar implementation.
- $ Connection#queryLog — Property in class Connection
All of the queries run against the connection.
- $ Connection#queryDurationHandlers — Property in class Connection
All of the registered query duration handlers.
- Connection::query() — Method in class Connection
Get a new query builder instance.
- PostgresConnector::quoteSearchPath() — Method in class PostgresConnector
Format the search path for the DSN.
- ShowModelCommand::qualifyModel() — Method in class ShowModelCommand
Qualify the given model class base name.
- $ BroadcastableModelEventOccurred#queue — Property in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
The queue that should be used to queue the broadcast job.
- $ Builder#query — Property in class Builder
The base query builder instance.
- Builder::qualifyColumn() — Method in class Builder
Qualify the given column name by the model's table.
- Builder::qualifyColumns() — Method in class Builder
Qualify the given columns with the model's table.
- QueriesRelationships — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns
- Model::qualifyColumn() — Method in class Model
Qualify the given column name by the model's table.
- Model::qualifyColumns() — Method in class Model
Qualify the given columns with the model's table.
- Model::query() — Method in class Model
Begin querying the model.
- QueueEntityResolver — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- BelongsToMany::qualifyPivotColumn() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Qualify the given column name by the pivot table.
- CanBeOneOfMany::qualifySubSelectColumn() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Get the qualified column name for the one-of-many relationship using the subselect join query's alias.
- CanBeOneOfMany::qualifyRelatedColumn() — Method in class CanBeOneOfMany
Qualify related column using the related table name if it is not already qualified.
- $ Relation#query — Property in class Relation
The Eloquent query builder instance.
- QueryExecuted — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- Grammar::quoteString() — Method in class Grammar
Quote the given string literal.
- Connection::query() — Method in class Connection
Execute a new query against the connection.
- Connection::quote() — Method in class Connection
Wrap quotes around the given input.
- SqlServerConnection::query() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Execute a new query against the connection.
- SqlServerConnection::quote() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Wrap quotes around the given input.
- QueryException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- SqlServerGrammar::quoteString() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Quote the given string literal.
- $ Dispatcher#queueResolver — Property in class Dispatcher
The queue resolver instance.
- Dispatcher::queueHandler() — Method in class Dispatcher
Queue the handler class.
- QueuedClosure — Class in namespace Illuminate\Events
- $ QueuedClosure#queue — Property in class QueuedClosure
The name of the queue the job should be sent to.
- $ PendingChain#queue — Property in class PendingChain
The name of the queue the chain should be sent to.
- Kernel::queue() — Method in class Kernel
Queue the given console command.
- QueuedCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- Inspiring::quote() — Method in class Inspiring
Get an inspiring quote.
- Inspiring::quotes() — Method in class Inspiring
Get the collection of inspiring quotes.
- InteractsWithInput::query() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve a query string item from the request.
- $ ResourceCollection#queryParameters — Property in class ResourceCollection
The query parameters that should be added to the pagination links.
- Mailable::queue() — Method in class Mailable
Queue the message for sending.
- $ Mailer#queue — Property in class Mailer
The queue factory implementation.
- Mailer::queue() — Method in class Mailer
Queue a new e-mail message for sending.
- Mailer::queueOn() — Method in class Mailer
Queue a new e-mail message for sending on the given queue.
- PendingMail::queue() — Method in class PendingMail
Push the given mailable onto the queue.
- NotificationSender::queueNotification() — Method in class NotificationSender
Queue the given notification instances.
- $ AbstractCursorPaginator#query — Property in class AbstractCursorPaginator
The query parameters to add to all URLs.
- $ AbstractPaginator#query — Property in class AbstractPaginator
The query parameters to add to all URLs.
- $ AbstractPaginator#queryStringResolver — Property in class AbstractPaginator
The query string resolver callback.
- AbstractPaginator::queryStringResolver() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set with query string resolver callback.
- $ PendingProcess#quietly — Property in class PendingProcess
Indicates whether output should be disabled for the process.
- PendingProcess::quietly() — Method in class PendingProcess
Disable output for the process.
- $ Looping#queue — Property in class Looping
The queue name.
- QueueBusy — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
- $ QueueBusy#queue — Property in class QueueBusy
The queue name.
- $ Job#queue — Property in class Job
The name of the queue the job belongs to.
- Queue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- QueueManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- QueueServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- Worker::queueShouldRestart() — Method in class Worker
Determine if the queue worker should restart.
- Arr::query() — Method in class Arr
Convert the array into a query string.
- Artisan::queue() — Method in class Artisan
- Broadcast::queue() — Method in class Broadcast
- Cookie::queued() — Method in class Cookie
- Cookie::queue() — Method in class Cookie
- DB::query() — Method in class DB
- Mail::queue() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::queueOn() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::queued() — Method in class Mail
- Process::quietly() — Method in class Process
- Queue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Request::query() — Method in class Request
- $ MailFake#queuedMailables — Property in class MailFake
All of the mailables that have been queued.
- MailFake::queued() — Method in class MailFake
Get all of the queued mailables matching a truth-test callback.
- MailFake::queuedMailablesOf() — Method in class MailFake
Get all of the mailed mailables for a given type.
- MailFake::queue() — Method in class MailFake
Queue a new e-mail message for sending.
- PendingMailFake::queue() — Method in class PendingMailFake
Push the given mailable onto the queue.
- QueueFake — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Testing\Fakes
- $ QueueFake#queue — Property in class QueueFake
The original queue manager.
- DatabaseRule::queryCallbacks() — Method in class DatabaseRule
Get the custom query callbacks for the rule.
- $ AuthorizationException#response — Property in class AuthorizationException
The response from the gate.
- AuthorizationException::response() — Method in class AuthorizationException
Get the response from the gate.
- $ GateEvaluated#result — Property in class GateEvaluated
The result of the evaluation.
- Gate::resource() — Method in class Gate
Define abilities for a resource.
- Gate::raw() — Method in class Gate
Get the raw result from the authorization callback.
- Gate::resolveAuthCallback() — Method in class Gate
Resolve the callable for the given ability and arguments.
- Gate::resolvePolicy() — Method in class Gate
Build a policy class instance of the given type.
- Gate::resolvePolicyCallback() — Method in class Gate
Resolve the callback for a policy check.
- Gate::resolveUser() — Method in class Gate
Resolve the user from the user resolver.
- Response — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Access
- AuthManager::resolve() — Method in class AuthManager
Resolve the given guard.
- AuthManager::resolveUsersUsing() — Method in class AuthManager
Set the callback to be used to resolve users.
- AuthServiceProvider::register() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- AuthServiceProvider::registerAuthenticator() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
Register the authenticator services.
- AuthServiceProvider::registerUserResolver() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
Register a resolver for the authenticated user.
- AuthServiceProvider::registerAccessGate() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
Register the access gate service.
- AuthServiceProvider::registerRequirePassword() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
Register a resolver for the authenticated user.
- AuthServiceProvider::registerRequestRebindHandler() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
Handle the re-binding of the request binding.
- AuthServiceProvider::registerEventRebindHandler() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
Handle the re-binding of the event dispatcher binding.
- $ Authenticatable#rememberTokenName — Property in class Authenticatable
The column name of the "remember me" token.
- $ AuthenticationException#redirectTo — Property in class AuthenticationException
The path the user should be redirected to.
- AuthenticationException::redirectTo() — Method in class AuthenticationException
Get the path the user should be redirected to.
- DatabaseUserProvider::retrieveById() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
Retrieve a user by their unique identifier.
- DatabaseUserProvider::retrieveByToken() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
Retrieve a user by their unique identifier and "remember me" token.
- DatabaseUserProvider::retrieveByCredentials() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
Retrieve a user by the given credentials.
- EloquentUserProvider::retrieveById() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Retrieve a user by their unique identifier.
- EloquentUserProvider::retrieveByToken() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Retrieve a user by their unique identifier and "remember me" token.
- EloquentUserProvider::retrieveByCredentials() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Retrieve a user by the given credentials.
- $ Attempting#remember — Property in class Attempting
Indicates if the user should be "remembered".
- $ Lockout#request — Property in class Lockout
The throttled request.
- $ Login#remember — Property in class Login
Indicates if the user should be "remembered".
- Registered — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- Authenticate::redirectTo() — Method in class Authenticate
Get the path the user should be redirected to when they are not authenticated.
- RequirePassword — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Middleware
- $ RequirePassword#responseFactory — Property in class RequirePassword
The response factory instance.
- ResetPassword — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Notifications
- ResetPassword::resetUrl() — Method in class ResetPassword
Get the reset URL for the given notifiable.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::recentlyCreatedToken() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Determine if the given user recently created a password reset token.
- PasswordBroker::reset() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Reset the password for the given token.
- PasswordBrokerManager::resolve() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
Resolve the given broker.
- PasswordResetServiceProvider::register() — Method in class PasswordResetServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- PasswordResetServiceProvider::registerPasswordBroker() — Method in class PasswordResetServiceProvider
Register the password broker instance.
- TokenRepositoryInterface::recentlyCreatedToken() — Method in class TokenRepositoryInterface
Determine if the given user recently created a password reset token.
- Recaller — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- $ Recaller#recaller — Property in class Recaller
The "recaller" / "remember me" cookie string.
- RequestGuard — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- $ RequestGuard#request — Property in class RequestGuard
The request instance.
- $ SessionGuard#rememberDuration — Property in class SessionGuard
The number of minutes that the "remember me" cookie should be valid for.
- $ SessionGuard#request — Property in class SessionGuard
The request instance.
- $ SessionGuard#recallAttempted — Property in class SessionGuard
Indicates if a token user retrieval has been attempted.
- SessionGuard::recaller() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the decrypted recaller cookie for the request.
- SessionGuard::rehashUserPassword() — Method in class SessionGuard
Rehash the current user's password.
- $ TokenGuard#request — Property in class TokenGuard
The request instance.
- BroadcastManager::routes() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Register the routes for handling broadcast channel authentication and sockets.
- BroadcastManager::resolve() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Resolve the given broadcaster.
- BroadcastServiceProvider::register() — Method in class BroadcastServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- Broadcaster::resolveAuthenticatedUser() — Method in class Broadcaster
Resolve the authenticated user payload for the incoming connection request.
- Broadcaster::resolveAuthenticatedUserUsing() — Method in class Broadcaster
Register the user retrieval callback used to authenticate connections.
- Broadcaster::resolveBinding() — Method in class Broadcaster
Resolve the given parameter binding.
- Broadcaster::resolveExplicitBindingIfPossible() — Method in class Broadcaster
Resolve an explicit parameter binding if applicable.
- Broadcaster::resolveImplicitBindingIfPossible() — Method in class Broadcaster
Resolve an implicit parameter binding if applicable.
- Broadcaster::retrieveUser() — Method in class Broadcaster
Retrieve the authenticated user using the configured guard (if any).
- Broadcaster::retrieveChannelOptions() — Method in class Broadcaster
Retrieve options for a certain channel.
- PusherBroadcaster::resolveAuthenticatedUser() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster
Resolve the authenticated user payload for an incoming connection request.
- RedisBroadcaster — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
- $ RedisBroadcaster#redis — Property in class RedisBroadcaster
The Redis instance.
- $ Batch#repository — Property in class Batch
The repository implementation.
- Batch::recordSuccessfulJob() — Method in class Batch
Record that a job within the batch finished successfully, executing any callbacks if necessary.
- Batch::recordFailedJob() — Method in class Batch
Record that a job within the batch failed to finish successfully, executing any callbacks if necessary.
- BusServiceProvider::register() — Method in class BusServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- BusServiceProvider::registerBatchServices() — Method in class BusServiceProvider
Register the batch handling services.
- UniqueLock::release() — Method in class UniqueLock
Release the lock for the given job.
- ArrayLock::release() — Method in class ArrayLock
Release the lock.
- ArrayStore::restoreLock() — Method in class ArrayStore
Restore a lock instance using the owner identifier.
- CacheLock::release() — Method in class CacheLock
Release the lock.
- CacheManager::resolve() — Method in class CacheManager
Resolve the given store.
- CacheManager::repository() — Method in class CacheManager
Create a new cache repository with the given implementation.
- CacheManager::refreshEventDispatcher() — Method in class CacheManager
Re-set the event dispatcher on all resolved cache repositories.
- CacheServiceProvider::register() — Method in class CacheServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- DatabaseLock::release() — Method in class DatabaseLock
Release the lock.
- DatabaseStore::restoreLock() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Restore a lock instance using the owner identifier.
- DynamoDbLock::release() — Method in class DynamoDbLock
Release the lock.
- DynamoDbStore::restoreLock() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Restore a lock instance using the owner identifier.
- FileStore::restoreLock() — Method in class FileStore
Restore a lock instance using the owner identifier.
- HasCacheLock::restoreLock() — Method in class HasCacheLock
Restore a lock instance using the owner identifier.
- Lock::release() — Method in class Lock
Release the lock.
- LuaScripts::releaseLock() — Method in class LuaScripts
Get the Lua script to atomically release a lock.
- MemcachedLock::release() — Method in class MemcachedLock
Release the lock.
- MemcachedStore::restoreLock() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Restore a lock instance using the owner identifier.
- NoLock::release() — Method in class NoLock
Release the lock.
- NullStore::restoreLock() — Method in class NullStore
Restore a lock instance using the owner identifier.
- PhpRedisLock::release() — Method in class PhpRedisLock
Release the lock.
- RateLimiter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- RateLimiter::resetAttempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
Reset the number of attempts for the given key.
- RateLimiter::remaining() — Method in class RateLimiter
Get the number of retries left for the given key.
- RateLimiter::retriesLeft() — Method in class RateLimiter
Get the number of retries left for the given key.
- $ Limit#responseCallback — Property in class Limit
The response generator callback.
- Limit::response() — Method in class Limit
Set the callback that should generate the response when the limit is exceeded.
- RedisLock — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- $ RedisLock#redis — Property in class RedisLock
The Redis factory implementation.
- RedisLock::release() — Method in class RedisLock
Release the lock.
- RedisStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- $ RedisStore#redis — Property in class RedisStore
The Redis factory implementation.
- RedisStore::restoreLock() — Method in class RedisStore
Restore a lock instance using the owner identifier.
- RedisTagSet — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- RedisTagSet::resetTag() — Method in class RedisTagSet
Reset the tag and return the new tag identifier.
- RedisTaggedCache — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- Repository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- Repository::remember() — Method in class Repository
- Repository::rememberForever() — Method in class Repository
- RetrievesMultipleKeys — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- TagSet::reset() — Method in class TagSet
Reset all tags in the set.
- TagSet::resetTag() — Method in class TagSet
Reset the tag and return the new tag identifier.
- Repository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Config
- Application::run() — Method in class Application
- {@inheritdoc}
- Application::resolve() — Method in class Application
Add a command, resolving through the application.
- Application::resolveCommands() — Method in class Application
Resolve an array of commands through the application.
- Command::run() — Method in class Command
Run the console command.
- Command::resolveCommand() — Method in class Command
Resolve the console command instance for the given command.
- CallsCommands::resolveCommand() — Method in class CallsCommands
Resolve the console command instance for the given command.
- CallsCommands::runCommand() — Method in class CallsCommands
Run the given the console command.
- $ ScheduledTaskFinished#runtime — Property in class ScheduledTaskFinished
The runtime of the scheduled event.
- $ GeneratorCommand#reservedNames — Property in class GeneratorCommand
Reserved names that cannot be used for generation.
- GeneratorCommand::replaceNamespace() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Replace the namespace for the given stub.
- GeneratorCommand::replaceClass() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Replace the class name for the given stub.
- GeneratorCommand::rootNamespace() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Get the root namespace for the class.
- $ CallbackEvent#result — Property in class CallbackEvent
The result of the callback's execution.
- CallbackEvent::run() — Method in class CallbackEvent
Run the callback event.
- CallbackEvent::runInBackground() — Method in class CallbackEvent
Indicate that the callback should run in the background.
- CallbackEvent::removeMutex() — Method in class CallbackEvent
Clear the mutex for the event.
- $ Event#runInBackground — Property in class Event
Indicates if the command should run in the background.
- $ Event#rejects — Property in class Event
The array of reject callbacks.
- Event::run() — Method in class Event
Run the given event.
- Event::runsInMaintenanceMode() — Method in class Event
Determine if the event runs in maintenance mode.
- Event::runsInEnvironment() — Method in class Event
Determine if the event runs in the given environment.
- Event::runInBackground() — Method in class Event
State that the command should run in the background.
- Event::removeMutex() — Method in class Event
Delete the mutex for the event.
- ScheduleListCommand::resolveTerminalWidthUsing() — Method in class ScheduleListCommand
Set a callback that should be used when resolving the terminal width.
- ScheduleRunCommand::runSingleServerEvent() — Method in class ScheduleRunCommand
Run the given single server event.
- ScheduleRunCommand::runEvent() — Method in class ScheduleRunCommand
Run the given event.
- $ Signals#registry — Property in class Signals
The signal registry instance.
- Signals::register() — Method in class Signals
Register a new signal handler.
- Signals::resolveAvailabilityUsing() — Method in class Signals
- Alert::render() — Method in class Alert
Renders the component using the given arguments.
- Ask::render() — Method in class Ask
Renders the component using the given arguments.
- AskWithCompletion::render() — Method in class AskWithCompletion
Renders the component using the given arguments.
- BulletList::render() — Method in class BulletList
Renders the component using the given arguments.
- Choice::render() — Method in class Choice
Renders the component using the given arguments.
- Component::renderView() — Method in class Component
Renders the given view.
- Confirm::render() — Method in class Confirm
Renders the component using the given arguments.
- Error::render() — Method in class Error
Renders the component using the given arguments.
- Info::render() — Method in class Info
Renders the component using the given arguments.
- Line::render() — Method in class Line
Renders the component using the given arguments.
- Task::render() — Method in class Task
- TwoColumnDetail::render() — Method in class TwoColumnDetail
Renders the component using the given arguments.
- Warn::render() — Method in class Warn
Renders the component using the given arguments.
- $ Container#resolved — Property in class Container
An array of the types that have been resolved.
- $ Container#reboundCallbacks — Property in class Container
All of the registered rebound callbacks.
- $ Container#resolvingCallbacks — Property in class Container
All of the resolving callbacks by class type.
- Container::resolved() — Method in class Container
Determine if the given abstract type has been resolved.
- Container::removeAbstractAlias() — Method in class Container
Remove an alias from the contextual binding alias cache.
- Container::rebinding() — Method in class Container
Bind a new callback to an abstract's rebind event.
- Container::refresh() — Method in class Container
Refresh an instance on the given target and method.
- Container::rebound() — Method in class Container
Fire the "rebound" callbacks for the given abstract type.
- Container::resolve() — Method in class Container
Resolve the given type from the container.
- Container::resolveDependencies() — Method in class Container
Resolve all of the dependencies from the ReflectionParameters.
- Container::resolvePrimitive() — Method in class Container
Resolve a non-class hinted primitive dependency.
- Container::resolveClass() — Method in class Container
Resolve a class based dependency from the container.
- Container::resolveVariadicClass() — Method in class Container
Resolve a class based variadic dependency from the container.
- Container::resolving() — Method in class Container
Register a new resolving callback.
- RewindableGenerator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Container
- Gate::resource() — Method in class Gate
Define abilities for a resource.
- Gate::raw() — Method in class Gate
Get the raw result from the authorization callback.
- PasswordBroker::reset() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Reset the password for the given token.
- UserProvider::retrieveById() — Method in class UserProvider
Retrieve a user by their unique identifier.
- UserProvider::retrieveByToken() — Method in class UserProvider
Retrieve a user by their unique identifier and "remember me" token.
- UserProvider::retrieveByCredentials() — Method in class UserProvider
Retrieve a user by the given credentials.
- Lock::release() — Method in class Lock
Release the lock.
- LockProvider::restoreLock() — Method in class LockProvider
Restore a lock instance using the owner identifier.
- Repository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
- Repository::remember() — Method in class Repository
- Repository::rememberForever() — Method in class Repository
- Repository — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Config
- Container::resolved() — Method in class Container
Determine if the given abstract type has been resolved.
- Container::resolving() — Method in class Container
Register a new resolving callback.
- $ ModelIdentifier#relations — Property in class ModelIdentifier
The relationships loaded on the model.
- ExceptionHandler::report() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
Report or log an exception.
- ExceptionHandler::render() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
Render an exception into an HTTP response.
- ExceptionHandler::renderForConsole() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
Render an exception to the console.
- Filesystem::readStream() — Method in class Filesystem
Get a resource to read the file.
- Application::resourcePath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the resources directory.
- Application::runningInConsole() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application is running in the console.
- Application::runningUnitTests() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application is running unit tests.
- Application::registerConfiguredProviders() — Method in class Application
Register all of the configured providers.
- Application::register() — Method in class Application
Register a service provider with the application.
- Application::registerDeferredProvider() — Method in class Application
Register a deferred provider and service.
- Application::resolveProvider() — Method in class Application
Resolve a service provider instance from the class name.
- CachesRoutes::routesAreCached() — Method in class CachesRoutes
Determine if the application routes are cached.
- ExceptionRenderer::render() — Method in class ExceptionRenderer
Renders the given exception as HTML.
- Mailer::raw() — Method in class Mailer
Send a new message with only a raw text part.
- CursorPaginator::render() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Render the paginator using a given view.
- Paginator::render() — Method in class Paginator
Render the paginator using a given view.
- InvokedProcess::running() — Method in class InvokedProcess
Determine if the process is still running.
- EntityResolver::resolve() — Method in class EntityResolver
Resolve the entity for the given ID.
- Job::release() — Method in class Job
Release the job back into the queue after (n) seconds.
- Job::retryUntil() — Method in class Job
Get the timestamp indicating when the job should timeout.
- Job::resolveName() — Method in class Job
Get the resolved name of the queued job class.
- Registrar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
- Registrar::resource() — Method in class Registrar
Route a resource to a controller.
- ResponseFactory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
- ResponseFactory::redirectTo() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response to the given path.
- ResponseFactory::redirectToRoute() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response to a named route.
- ResponseFactory::redirectToAction() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response to a controller action.
- ResponseFactory::redirectGuest() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response, while putting the current URL in the session.
- ResponseFactory::redirectToIntended() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response to the previously intended location.
- UrlGenerator::route() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the URL to a named route.
- UrlRoutable::resolveRouteBinding() — Method in class UrlRoutable
Retrieve the model for a bound value.
- UrlRoutable::resolveChildRouteBinding() — Method in class UrlRoutable
Retrieve the child model for a bound value.
- Session::regenerateToken() — Method in class Session
Regenerate the CSRF token value.
- Session::remove() — Method in class Session
Remove an item from the session, returning its value.
- Session::regenerate() — Method in class Session
Generate a new session identifier.
- DeferringDisplayableValue::resolveDisplayableValue() — Method in class DeferringDisplayableValue
Resolve the displayable value that the class is deferring.
- Renderable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- Renderable::render() — Method in class Renderable
Get the evaluated contents of the object.
- Responsable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- Factory::replacer() — Method in class Factory
Register a custom implicit validator message replacer.
- Rule — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
- Factory::replaceNamespace() — Method in class Factory
Replace the namespace hints for the given namespace.
- CookieServiceProvider::register() — Method in class CookieServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- CookieValuePrefix::remove() — Method in class CookieValuePrefix
Remove the cookie value prefix.
- ManagesTransactions::rollBack() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Rollback the active database transaction.
- $ Connection#readPdo — Property in class Connection
The active PDO connection used for reads.
- $ Connection#readWriteType — Property in class Connection
The type of the connection.
- $ Connection#reconnector — Property in class Connection
The reconnector instance for the connection.
- $ Connection#recordsModified — Property in class Connection
Indicates if changes have been made to the database.
- $ Connection#readOnWriteConnection — Property in class Connection
Indicates if the connection should use the "write" PDO connection.
- $ Connection#resolvers — Property in class Connection
The connection resolvers.
- Connection::run() — Method in class Connection
Run a SQL statement and log its execution context.
- Connection::runQueryCallback() — Method in class Connection
Run a SQL statement.
- Connection::resetTotalQueryDuration() — Method in class Connection
Reset the duration of all run queries.
- Connection::reconnect() — Method in class Connection
Reconnect to the database.
- Connection::reconnectIfMissingConnection() — Method in class Connection
Reconnect to the database if a PDO connection is missing.
- Connection::raw() — Method in class Connection
Get a new raw query expression.
- Connection::recordsHaveBeenModified() — Method in class Connection
Indicate if any records have been modified.
- Connection::registerDoctrineType() — Method in class Connection
Register a custom Doctrine mapping type.
- Connection::resolverFor() — Method in class Connection
Register a connection resolver.
- ConnectionInterface::raw() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Get a new raw query expression.
- ConnectionInterface::rollBack() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Rollback the active database transaction.
- DatabaseInspectionCommand::registerTypeMappings() — Method in class DatabaseInspectionCommand
Register the custom Doctrine type mappings for inspection commands.
- FactoryMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class FactoryMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- FreshCommand::runSeeder() — Method in class FreshCommand
Run the database seeder command.
- $ InstallCommand#repository — Property in class InstallCommand
The repository instance.
- MigrateCommand::repositoryExists() — Method in class MigrateCommand
Determine if the migrator repository exists.
- RefreshCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- RefreshCommand::runRollback() — Method in class RefreshCommand
Run the rollback command.
- RefreshCommand::runReset() — Method in class RefreshCommand
Run the reset command.
- RefreshCommand::runSeeder() — Method in class RefreshCommand
Run the database seeder command.
- ResetCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- RollbackCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- $ SeedCommand#resolver — Property in class SeedCommand
The connection resolver instance.
- SeederMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class SeederMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- SeederMakeCommand::rootNamespace() — Method in class SeederMakeCommand
Get the root namespace for the class.
- $ ShowModelCommand#relationMethods — Property in class ShowModelCommand
The methods that can be called in a model to indicate a relation.
- $ DatabaseManager#reconnector — Property in class DatabaseManager
The callback to be executed to reconnect to a database.
- DatabaseManager::registerConfiguredDoctrineTypes() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Register custom Doctrine types with the connection.
- DatabaseManager::registerDoctrineType() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Register a custom Doctrine type.
- DatabaseManager::reconnect() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Reconnect to the given database.
- DatabaseManager::refreshPdoConnections() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Refresh the PDO connections on a given connection.
- DatabaseServiceProvider::register() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- DatabaseServiceProvider::registerConnectionServices() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider
Register the primary database bindings.
- DatabaseServiceProvider::registerEloquentFactory() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider
Register the Eloquent factory instance in the container.
- DatabaseServiceProvider::registerQueueableEntityResolver() — Method in class DatabaseServiceProvider
Register the queueable entity resolver implementation.
- DatabaseTransactionsManager::rollback() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager
Rollback the active database transaction.
- $ Builder#removedScopes — Property in class Builder
Removed global scopes.
- Builder::removedScopes() — Method in class Builder
Get an array of global scopes that were removed from the query.
- Builder::relationsNestedUnder() — Method in class Builder
Get the deeply nested relations for a given top-level relation.
- Builder::registerMixin() — Method in class Builder
Register the given mixin with the builder.
- GuardsAttributes::reguard() — Method in class GuardsAttributes
Enable the mass assignment restrictions.
- HasAttributes::relationsToArray() — Method in class HasAttributes
Get the model's relationships in array form.
- HasAttributes::resolveCasterClass() — Method in class HasAttributes
Resolve the custom caster class for a given key.
- HasEvents::registerObserver() — Method in class HasEvents
Register a single observer with the model.
- HasEvents::removeObservableEvents() — Method in class HasEvents
Remove an observable event name.
- HasEvents::registerModelEvent() — Method in class HasEvents
Register a model event with the dispatcher.
- HasEvents::retrieved() — Method in class HasEvents
Register a retrieved model event with the dispatcher.
- HasEvents::replicating() — Method in class HasEvents
Register a replicating model event with the dispatcher.
- $ HasRelationships#relations — Property in class HasRelationships
The loaded relationships for the model.
- $ HasRelationships#relationResolvers — Property in class HasRelationships
The relation resolver callbacks.
- HasRelationships::relationResolver() — Method in class HasRelationships
Get the dynamic relation resolver if defined or inherited, or return null.
- HasRelationships::resolveRelationUsing() — Method in class HasRelationships
Define a dynamic relation resolver.
- HasRelationships::relationLoaded() — Method in class HasRelationships
Determine if the given relation is loaded.
- HasUlids::resolveRouteBindingQuery() — Method in class HasUlids
Retrieve the model for a bound value.
- HasUuids::resolveRouteBindingQuery() — Method in class HasUuids
Retrieve the model for a bound value.
- QueriesRelationships::requalifyWhereTables() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Updates the table name for any columns with a new qualified name.
- $ BelongsToManyRelationship#relationship — Property in class BelongsToManyRelationship
The relationship name.
- BelongsToManyRelationship::recycle() — Method in class BelongsToManyRelationship
Specify the model instances to always use when creating relationships.
- $ BelongsToRelationship#relationship — Property in class BelongsToRelationship
The relationship name.
- $ BelongsToRelationship#resolved — Property in class BelongsToRelationship
The cached, resolved parent instance ID.
- BelongsToRelationship::resolver() — Method in class BelongsToRelationship
Get the deferred resolver for this relationship's parent ID.
- BelongsToRelationship::recycle() — Method in class BelongsToRelationship
Specify the model instances to always use when creating relationships.
- $ Factory#recycle — Property in class Factory
The model instances to always use when creating relationships.
- Factory::raw() — Method in class Factory
Get the raw attributes generated by the factory.
- Factory::recycle() — Method in class Factory
Provide model instances to use instead of any nested factory calls when creating relationships.
- Factory::resolveFactoryName() — Method in class Factory
Get the factory name for the given model name.
- Relationship — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories
- $ Relationship#relationship — Property in class Relationship
The relationship name.
- Relationship::recycle() — Method in class Relationship
Specify the model instances to always use when creating relationships.
- $ Model#resolver — Property in class Model
The connection resolver instance.
- Model::registerGlobalScopes() — Method in class Model
Register the global scopes for this builder instance.
- Model::refresh() — Method in class Model
Reload the current model instance with fresh attributes from the database.
- Model::replicate() — Method in class Model
Clone the model into a new, non-existing instance.
- Model::replicateQuietly() — Method in class Model
Clone the model into a new, non-existing instance without raising any events.
- Model::resolveConnection() — Method in class Model
Resolve a connection instance.
- Model::resolveRouteBinding() — Method in class Model
Retrieve the model for a bound value.
- Model::resolveSoftDeletableRouteBinding() — Method in class Model
Retrieve the model for a bound value.
- Model::resolveChildRouteBinding() — Method in class Model
Retrieve the child model for a bound value.
- Model::resolveSoftDeletableChildRouteBinding() — Method in class Model
Retrieve the child model for a bound value.
- Model::resolveChildRouteBindingQuery() — Method in class Model
Retrieve the child model query for a bound value.
- Model::resolveRouteBindingQuery() — Method in class Model
Retrieve the model for a bound value.
- $ PendingHasThroughRelationship#rootModel — Property in class PendingHasThroughRelationship
The root model that the relationship exists on.
- QueueEntityResolver::resolve() — Method in class QueueEntityResolver
Resolve the entity for the given ID.
- RelationNotFoundException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- $ RelationNotFoundException#relation — Property in class RelationNotFoundException
The name of the relation.
- $ BelongsTo#relationName — Property in class BelongsTo
The name of the relationship.
- BelongsTo::relationHasIncrementingId() — Method in class BelongsTo
Determine if the related model has an auto-incrementing ID.
- $ BelongsToMany#relatedPivotKey — Property in class BelongsToMany
The associated key of the relation.
- $ BelongsToMany#relatedKey — Property in class BelongsToMany
The key name of the related model.
- $ BelongsToMany#relationName — Property in class BelongsToMany
The "name" of the relationship.
- BelongsToMany::resolveTableName() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Attempt to resolve the intermediate table name from the given string.
- $ AsPivot#relatedKey — Property in class AsPivot
The name of the "other key" column.
- $ CanBeOneOfMany#relationName — Property in class CanBeOneOfMany
The name of the relationship.
- MorphTo::replayMacros() — Method in class MorphTo
Replay stored macro calls on the actual related instance.
- Relation — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations
- $ Relation#related — Property in class Relation
The related model instance.
- $ Relation#requireMorphMap — Property in class Relation
Prevents morph relationships without a morph map.
- Relation::rawUpdate() — Method in class Relation
Run a raw update against the base query.
- Relation::relatedUpdatedAt() — Method in class Relation
Get the name of the related model's "updated at" column.
- Relation::requireMorphMap() — Method in class Relation
Prevent polymorphic relationships from being used without model mappings.
- Relation::requiresMorphMap() — Method in class Relation
Determine if polymorphic relationships require explicit model mapping.
- SoftDeletes::runSoftDelete() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Perform the actual delete query on this model instance.
- SoftDeletes::restore() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Restore a soft-deleted model instance.
- SoftDeletes::restoreQuietly() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Restore a soft-deleted model instance without raising any events.
- SoftDeletes::restoring() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Register a "restoring" model event callback with the dispatcher.
- SoftDeletes::restored() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Register a "restored" model event callback with the dispatcher.
- $ LazyLoadingViolationException#relation — Property in class LazyLoadingViolationException
The name of the relation.
- MigrationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- MigrationServiceProvider::registerRepository() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
Register the migration repository service.
- MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrator() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
Register the migrator service.
- MigrationServiceProvider::registerCreator() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
Register the migration creator.
- MigrationServiceProvider::registerCommands() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
Register the given commands.
- MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrateCommand() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
Register the command.
- MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrateFreshCommand() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
Register the command.
- MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrateInstallCommand() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
Register the command.
- MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrateMakeCommand() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
Register the command.
- MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrateRefreshCommand() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
Register the command.
- MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrateResetCommand() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
Register the command.
- MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrateRollbackCommand() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
Register the command.
- MigrationServiceProvider::registerMigrateStatusCommand() — Method in class MigrationServiceProvider
Register the command.
- $ DatabaseMigrationRepository#resolver — Property in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
The database connection resolver instance.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::repositoryExists() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Determine if the migration repository exists.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::repositoryExists() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Determine if the migration repository exists.
- $ Migrator#repository — Property in class Migrator
The migration repository implementation.
- $ Migrator#resolver — Property in class Migrator
The connection resolver instance.
- $ Migrator#requiredPathCache — Property in class Migrator
The paths that have already been required.
- Migrator::run() — Method in class Migrator
Run the pending migrations at a given path.
- Migrator::runPending() — Method in class Migrator
Run an array of migrations.
- Migrator::runUp() — Method in class Migrator
Run "up" a migration instance.
- Migrator::rollback() — Method in class Migrator
Rollback the last migration operation.
- Migrator::rollbackMigrations() — Method in class Migrator
Rollback the given migrations.
- Migrator::reset() — Method in class Migrator
Rolls all of the currently applied migrations back.
- Migrator::resetMigrations() — Method in class Migrator
Reset the given migrations.
- Migrator::runDown() — Method in class Migrator
Run "down" a migration instance.
- Migrator::runMigration() — Method in class Migrator
Run a migration inside a transaction if the database supports it.
- Migrator::runMethod() — Method in class Migrator
Run a migration method on the given connection.
- Migrator::resolve() — Method in class Migrator
Resolve a migration instance from a file.
- Migrator::resolvePath() — Method in class Migrator
Resolve a migration instance from a migration path.
- Migrator::requireFiles() — Method in class Migrator
Require in all the migration files in a given path.
- Migrator::resolveConnection() — Method in class Migrator
Resolve the database connection instance.
- Migrator::repositoryExists() — Method in class Migrator
Determine if the migration repository exists.
- Connection::rollBack() — Method in class Connection
Rollback a database transaction.
- SqlServerConnection::rollBack() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Rollback a database transaction.
- Builder::rightJoin() — Method in class Builder
Add a right join to the query.
- Builder::rightJoinWhere() — Method in class Builder
Add a "right join where" clause to the query.
- Builder::rightJoinSub() — Method in class Builder
Add a subquery right join to the query.
- Builder::reorder() — Method in class Builder
Remove all existing orders and optionally add a new order.
- Builder::removeExistingOrdersFor() — Method in class Builder
Get an array with all orders with a given column removed.
- Builder::rawValue() — Method in class Builder
Get a single expression value from the first result of a query.
- Builder::runSelect() — Method in class Builder
Run the query as a "select" statement against the connection.
- Builder::runPaginationCountQuery() — Method in class Builder
Run a pagination count query.
- Builder::raw() — Method in class Builder
Create a raw database expression.
- Grammar::removeLeadingBoolean() — Method in class Grammar
Remove the leading boolean from a statement.
- RecordsNotFoundException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Blueprint::renameColumn() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given columns should be renamed.
- Blueprint::renameIndex() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the given indexes should be renamed.
- Blueprint::rename() — Method in class Blueprint
Rename the table to a given name.
- Blueprint::rawIndex() — Method in class Blueprint
Specify a raw index for the table.
- Blueprint::rememberToken() — Method in class Blueprint
Adds the
column to the table.- Blueprint::removeColumn() — Method in class Blueprint
Remove a column from the schema blueprint.
- $ Builder#resolver — Property in class Builder
The Blueprint resolver callback.
- Builder::rename() — Method in class Builder
Rename a table on the schema.
- ForeignIdColumnDefinition::references() — Method in class ForeignIdColumnDefinition
Specify which column this foreign ID references on another table.
- ForeignKeyDefinition::restrictOnUpdate() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition
Indicate that updates should be restricted.
- ForeignKeyDefinition::restrictOnDelete() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition
Indicate that deletes should be restricted.
- ForeignKeyDefinition::references() — Method in class ForeignKeyDefinition
- RenameColumn — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
- MySqlSchemaState::removeAutoIncrementingState() — Method in class MySqlSchemaState
Remove the auto-incrementing state from the given schema dump.
- SQLiteBuilder::refreshDatabaseFile() — Method in class SQLiteBuilder
Empty the database file.
- Seeder::resolve() — Method in class Seeder
Resolve an instance of the given seeder class.
- EncryptionServiceProvider::register() — Method in class EncryptionServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- EncryptionServiceProvider::registerEncrypter() — Method in class EncryptionServiceProvider
Register the encrypter.
- EncryptionServiceProvider::registerSerializableClosureSecurityKey() — Method in class EncryptionServiceProvider
Configure Serializable Closure signing for security.
- $ CallQueuedListener#retryUntil — Property in class CallQueuedListener
The timestamp indicating when the job should timeout.
- Dispatcher::resolveSubscriber() — Method in class Dispatcher
Resolve the subscriber instance.
- Dispatcher::resolveQueue() — Method in class Dispatcher
Get the queue implementation from the resolver.
- EventServiceProvider::register() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- QueuedClosure::resolve() — Method in class QueuedClosure
Resolve the actual event listener callback.
- Filesystem::requireOnce() — Method in class Filesystem
Require the given file once.
- Filesystem::replace() — Method in class Filesystem
Write the contents of a file, replacing it atomically if it already exists.
- Filesystem::replaceInFile() — Method in class Filesystem
Replace a given string within a given file.
- Filesystem::relativeLink() — Method in class Filesystem
Create a relative symlink to the target file or directory.
- FilesystemAdapter::response() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Create a streamed response for a given file.
- FilesystemAdapter::readStream() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get a resource to read the file.
- FilesystemAdapter::replaceBaseUrl() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Replace the scheme, host and port of the given UriInterface with values from the given URL.
- FilesystemManager::resolve() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Resolve the given disk.
- FilesystemServiceProvider::register() — Method in class FilesystemServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- FilesystemServiceProvider::registerNativeFilesystem() — Method in class FilesystemServiceProvider
Register the native filesystem implementation.
- FilesystemServiceProvider::registerFlysystem() — Method in class FilesystemServiceProvider
Register the driver based filesystem.
- FilesystemServiceProvider::registerManager() — Method in class FilesystemServiceProvider
Register the filesystem manager.
- LockableFile::read() — Method in class LockableFile
Read the file contents.
- LockableFile::releaseLock() — Method in class LockableFile
Release the lock on the file.
- $ AliasLoader#registered — Property in class AliasLoader
Indicates if a loader has been registered.
- AliasLoader::register() — Method in class AliasLoader
Register the loader on the auto-loader stack.
- Application::registerBaseBindings() — Method in class Application
Register the basic bindings into the container.
- Application::registerBaseServiceProviders() — Method in class Application
Register all of the base service providers.
- Application::resourcePath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the resources directory.
- Application::runningInConsole() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application is running in the console.
- Application::runningUnitTests() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application is running unit tests.
- Application::registerConfiguredProviders() — Method in class Application
Register all of the configured providers.
- Application::register() — Method in class Application
Register a service provider with the application.
- Application::resolveProvider() — Method in class Application
Resolve a service provider instance from the class name.
- Application::registerDeferredProvider() — Method in class Application
Register a deferred provider and service.
- Application::resolve() — Method in class Application
Resolve the given type from the container.
- Application::routesAreCached() — Method in class Application
Determine if the application routes are cached.
- Application::registerCoreContainerAliases() — Method in class Application
Register the core class aliases in the container.
- AuthorizesRequests::resourceAbilityMap() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests
Get the map of resource methods to ability names.
- AuthorizesRequests::resourceMethodsWithoutModels() — Method in class AuthorizesRequests
Get the list of resource methods which do not have model parameters.
- EmailVerificationRequest::rules() — Method in class EmailVerificationRequest
Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
- $ HandleExceptions#reservedMemory — Property in class HandleExceptions
Reserved memory so that errors can be displayed properly on memory exhaustion.
- HandleExceptions::renderForConsole() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Render an exception to the console.
- HandleExceptions::renderHttpResponse() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Render an exception as an HTTP response and send it.
- RegisterFacades — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
- RegisterProviders — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
- ResolvesDumpSource — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Concerns
- ResolvesDumpSource::resolveDumpSource() — Method in class ResolvesDumpSource
Resolve the source of the dump call.
- ResolvesDumpSource::resolveSourceHref() — Method in class ResolvesDumpSource
Resolve the source href, if possible.
- ResolvesDumpSource::resolveDumpSourceUsing() — Method in class ResolvesDumpSource
- CastMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class CastMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- CliDumper::register() — Method in class CliDumper
Create a new CLI dumper instance and register it as the default dumper.
- ComponentMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class ComponentMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- ConsoleMakeCommand::replaceClass() — Method in class ConsoleMakeCommand
Replace the class name for the given stub.
- DocsCommand::resolvePage() — Method in class DocsCommand
Determine the page to open.
- DocsCommand::refreshDocs() — Method in class DocsCommand
Refresh the cached copy of the documentation index.
- DownCommand::redirectPath() — Method in class DownCommand
Get the path that users should be redirected to.
- EventListCommand::resolveEventsUsing() — Method in class EventListCommand
Set a callback that should be used when resolving the events dispatcher.
- EventMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class EventMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- JobMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class JobMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- Kernel::registerCommand() — Method in class Kernel
Register the given command with the console application.
- Kernel::reportException() — Method in class Kernel
Report the exception to the exception handler.
- Kernel::renderException() — Method in class Kernel
Render the given exception.
- MailMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class MailMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- ModelMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class ModelMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- NotificationMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class NotificationMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- ObserverMakeCommand::replaceModel() — Method in class ObserverMakeCommand
Replace the model for the given stub.
- ObserverMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class ObserverMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- PolicyMakeCommand::replaceUserNamespace() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand
Replace the User model namespace.
- PolicyMakeCommand::replaceModel() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand
Replace the model for the given stub.
- PolicyMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- ProviderMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class ProviderMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- RequestMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- RequestMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class RequestMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- ResourceMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ResourceMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class ResourceMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- RouteCacheCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- RouteClearCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- RouteListCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- $ RouteListCommand#router — Property in class RouteListCommand
The router instance.
- RouteListCommand::resolveTerminalWidthUsing() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Set a callback that should be used when resolving the terminal width.
- RuleMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ScopeMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class ScopeMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- $ ServeCommand#requestsPool — Property in class ServeCommand
The list of requests being handled and their start time.
- TestMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class TestMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- TestMakeCommand::rootNamespace() — Method in class TestMakeCommand
Get the root namespace for the class.
- $ Handler#reportCallbacks — Property in class Handler
The callbacks that should be used during reporting.
- $ Handler#renderCallbacks — Property in class Handler
The callbacks that should be used during rendering.
- Handler::register() — Method in class Handler
Register the exception handling callbacks for the application.
- Handler::reportable() — Method in class Handler
Register a reportable callback.
- Handler::renderable() — Method in class Handler
Register a renderable callback.
- Handler::report() — Method in class Handler
Report or log an exception.
- Handler::render() — Method in class Handler
Render an exception into an HTTP response.
- Handler::renderViaCallbacks() — Method in class Handler
Try to render a response from request and exception via render callbacks.
- Handler::renderExceptionResponse() — Method in class Handler
Render a default exception response if any.
- Handler::renderExceptionContent() — Method in class Handler
Get the response content for the given exception.
- Handler::renderExceptionWithCustomRenderer() — Method in class Handler
Render an exception to a string using the registered
.- Handler::renderExceptionWithSymfony() — Method in class Handler
Render an exception to a string using Symfony.
- Handler::renderHttpException() — Method in class Handler
Render the given HttpException.
- Handler::registerErrorViewPaths() — Method in class Handler
Register the error template hint paths.
- Handler::renderForConsole() — Method in class Handler
Render an exception to the console.
- RegisterErrorViewPaths — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions
- ReportableHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions
- WhoopsExceptionRenderer::render() — Method in class WhoopsExceptionRenderer
Renders the given exception as HTML.
- WhoopsHandler::registerApplicationPaths() — Method in class WhoopsHandler
Register the application paths with the handler.
- WhoopsHandler::registerBlacklist() — Method in class WhoopsHandler
Register the blacklist with the handler.
- WhoopsHandler::registerEditor() — Method in class WhoopsHandler
Register the editor with the handler.
- RequestHandled — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Events
- $ RequestHandled#request — Property in class RequestHandled
The request instance.
- $ RequestHandled#response — Property in class RequestHandled
The response instance.
- $ FormRequest#redirector — Property in class FormRequest
The redirector instance.
- $ FormRequest#redirect — Property in class FormRequest
The URI to redirect to if validation fails.
- $ FormRequest#redirectRoute — Property in class FormRequest
The route to redirect to if validation fails.
- $ FormRequest#redirectAction — Property in class FormRequest
The controller action to redirect to if validation fails.
- HtmlDumper::register() — Method in class HtmlDumper
Create a new HTML dumper instance and register it as the default dumper.
- $ Kernel#router — Property in class Kernel
The router instance.
- $ Kernel#routeMiddleware — Property in class Kernel
The application's route middleware.
- $ Kernel#requestLifecycleDurationHandlers — Property in class Kernel
All of the registered request duration handlers.
- $ Kernel#requestStartedAt — Property in class Kernel
When the kernel starting handling the current request.
- Kernel::requestStartedAt() — Method in class Kernel
When the request being handled started.
- Kernel::reportException() — Method in class Kernel
Report the exception to the exception handler.
- Kernel::renderException() — Method in class Kernel
Render the exception to a response.
- VerifyCsrfToken::runningUnitTests() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken
Determine if the application is running unit tests.
- ProviderRepository::registerLoadEvents() — Method in class ProviderRepository
Register the load events for the given provider.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerCommands() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the given commands.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerAboutCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerCacheClearCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerCacheForgetCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerCacheTableCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerCastMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerChannelMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerComponentMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerConfigCacheCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerConfigClearCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerConsoleMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerControllerMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerEventMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerExceptionMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerFactoryMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerEventClearCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerJobMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerListenerMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerMailMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerMiddlewareMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerModelMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerNotificationMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerNotificationTableCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerObserverMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerPolicyMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerProviderMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueueForgetCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueueListenCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueueMonitorCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueuePruneBatchesCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueuePruneFailedJobsCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueueRestartCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueueWorkCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueueFailedTableCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueueTableCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerQueueBatchesTableCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerRequestMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerResourceMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerRuleMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerScopeMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerSeederMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerSessionTableCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerRouteCacheCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerRouteClearCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerRouteListCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerSeedCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerTestMakeCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerVendorPublishCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ArtisanServiceProvider::registerViewClearCommand() — Method in class ArtisanServiceProvider
Register the command.
- ComposerServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ComposerServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- FormRequestServiceProvider::register() — Method in class FormRequestServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- FoundationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class FoundationServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- FoundationServiceProvider::registerDumper() — Method in class FoundationServiceProvider
Register an var dumper (with source) to debug variables.
- FoundationServiceProvider::registerRequestValidation() — Method in class FoundationServiceProvider
Register the "validate" macro on the request.
- FoundationServiceProvider::registerRequestSignatureValidation() — Method in class FoundationServiceProvider
Register the "hasValidSignature" macro on the request.
- FoundationServiceProvider::registerExceptionTracking() — Method in class FoundationServiceProvider
Register an event listener to track logged exceptions.
- FoundationServiceProvider::registerMaintenanceModeManager() — Method in class FoundationServiceProvider
Register the maintenance mode manager service.
- AuthServiceProvider::register() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
Register the application's policies.
- AuthServiceProvider::registerPolicies() — Method in class AuthServiceProvider
Register the application's policies.
- EventServiceProvider::register() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
Register the application's event listeners.
- RouteServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers
- RouteServiceProvider::register() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider
Register any application services.
- RouteServiceProvider::routes() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider
Register the callback that will be used to load the application's routes.
- RouteServiceProvider::routesAreCached() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider
Determine if the application routes are cached.
- InteractsWithExceptionHandling::report() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling
Report or log an exception.
- InteractsWithExceptionHandling::render() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling
Render an exception into an HTTP response.
- InteractsWithExceptionHandling::renderForConsole() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling
Render an exception to the console.
- InteractsWithRedis::redisDriverProvider() — Method in class InteractsWithRedis
Get redis driver provider.
- DatabaseMigrations::runDatabaseMigrations() — Method in class DatabaseMigrations
Define hooks to migrate the database before and after each test.
- LazilyRefreshDatabase::refreshDatabase() — Method in class LazilyRefreshDatabase
Define hooks to migrate the database before and after each test.
- RefreshDatabase — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
- RefreshDatabase::refreshDatabase() — Method in class RefreshDatabase
Define hooks to migrate the database before and after each test.
- RefreshDatabase::refreshInMemoryDatabase() — Method in class RefreshDatabase
Refresh the in-memory database.
- RefreshDatabase::refreshTestDatabase() — Method in class RefreshDatabase
Refresh a conventional test database.
- RefreshDatabaseState — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
- TestCase::refreshApplication() — Method in class TestCase
Refresh the application instance.
- TestCase::runTest() — Method in class TestCase
- {@inheritdoc}
- Vite::resolveScriptTagAttributes() — Method in class Vite
Resolve the attributes for the chunks generated script tag.
- Vite::resolveStylesheetTagAttributes() — Method in class Vite
Resolve the attributes for the chunks generated stylesheet tag.
- Vite::resolvePreloadTagAttributes() — Method in class Vite
Resolve the attributes for the chunks generated preload tag.
- Vite::reactRefresh() — Method in class Vite
Generate React refresh runtime script.
- $ BcryptHasher#rounds — Property in class BcryptHasher
The default cost factor.
- HashServiceProvider::register() — Method in class HashServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- DeterminesStatusCode::requestTimeout() — Method in class DeterminesStatusCode
Determine if the response was a 408 "Request Timeout" response.
- $ ConnectionFailed#request — Property in class ConnectionFailed
The request instance.
- RequestSending — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client\Events
- $ RequestSending#request — Property in class RequestSending
The request instance.
- ResponseReceived — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client\Events
- $ ResponseReceived#request — Property in class ResponseReceived
The request instance.
- $ ResponseReceived#response — Property in class ResponseReceived
The response instance.
- $ Factory#recording — Property in class Factory
Indicates if the factory is recording requests and responses.
- $ Factory#recorded — Property in class Factory
The recorded response array.
- $ Factory#responseSequences — Property in class Factory
All created response sequences.
- Factory::response() — Method in class Factory
Create a new response instance for use during stubbing.
- Factory::record() — Method in class Factory
Begin recording request / response pairs.
- Factory::recordRequestResponsePair() — Method in class Factory
Record a request response pair.
- Factory::recorded() — Method in class Factory
Get a collection of the request / response pairs matching the given truth test.
- $ PendingRequest#retryDelay — Property in class PendingRequest
The number of milliseconds to wait between retries.
- $ PendingRequest#retryThrow — Property in class PendingRequest
Whether to throw an exception when all retries fail.
- $ PendingRequest#retryWhenCallback — Property in class PendingRequest
The callback that will determine if the request should be retried.
- $ PendingRequest#request — Property in class PendingRequest
The sent request object, if a request has been made.
- PendingRequest::retry() — Method in class PendingRequest
Specify the number of times the request should be attempted.
- PendingRequest::requestsReusableClient() — Method in class PendingRequest
Determine if a reusable client is required.
- PendingRequest::runBeforeSendingCallbacks() — Method in class PendingRequest
Execute the "before sending" callbacks.
- Request — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
- $ Request#request — Property in class Request
The underlying PSR request.
- RequestException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
- $ RequestException#response — Property in class RequestException
The response instance.
- Response — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
- $ Response#response — Property in class Response
The underlying PSR response.
- Response::reason() — Method in class Response
Get the reason phrase of the response.
- Response::redirect() — Method in class Response
Determine if the response was a redirect.
- ResponseSequence — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Client
- $ ResponseSequence#responses — Property in class ResponseSequence
The responses in the sequence.
- InteractsWithInput::retrieveItem() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve a parameter item from a given source.
- $ HttpResponseException#response — Property in class HttpResponseException
The underlying response instance.
- RedirectResponse — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http
- $ RedirectResponse#request — Property in class RedirectResponse
The request instance.
- RedirectResponse::removeFilesFromInput() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Remove all uploaded files form the given input array.
- Request — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http
- $ Request#routeResolver — Property in class Request
The route resolver callback.
- Request::root() — Method in class Request
Get the root URL for the application.
- Request::routeIs() — Method in class Request
Determine if the route name matches a given pattern.
- Request::replace() — Method in class Request
Replace the input for the current request.
- Request::route() — Method in class Request
Get the route handling the request.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::removeMissingValues() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Remove the missing values from the filtered data.
- DelegatesToResource::resolveRouteBinding() — Method in class DelegatesToResource
Retrieve the model for a bound value.
- DelegatesToResource::resolveChildRouteBinding() — Method in class DelegatesToResource
Retrieve the model for a bound value.
- $ JsonResource#resource — Property in class JsonResource
The resource instance.
- JsonResource::resolve() — Method in class JsonResource
Resolve the resource to an array.
- JsonResource::response() — Method in class JsonResource
Transform the resource into an HTTP response.
- ResourceCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json
- ResourceResponse — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json
- $ ResourceResponse#resource — Property in class ResourceResponse
The underlying resource.
- Response — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http
- ResponseTrait — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http
- LogManager::resolve() — Method in class LogManager
Resolve the given log instance by name.
- LogServiceProvider::register() — Method in class LogServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- $ Attachment#resolver — Property in class Attachment
A callback that attaches the attachment to the mail message.
- MailManager::resolve() — Method in class MailManager
Resolve the given mailer.
- MailServiceProvider::register() — Method in class MailServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- MailServiceProvider::registerIlluminateMailer() — Method in class MailServiceProvider
Register the Illuminate mailer instance.
- MailServiceProvider::registerMarkdownRenderer() — Method in class MailServiceProvider
Register the Markdown renderer instance.
- $ Mailable#replyTo — Property in class Mailable
The "reply to" recipients of the message.
- $ Mailable#rawAttachments — Property in class Mailable
The raw attachments for the message.
- Mailable::render() — Method in class Mailable
Render the mailable into a view.
- Mailable::runCallbacks() — Method in class Mailable
Run the callbacks for the message.
- Mailable::replyTo() — Method in class Mailable
Set the "reply to" address of the message.
- Mailable::renderForAssertions() — Method in class Mailable
Render the HTML and plain-text version of the mailable into views for assertions.
- $ Envelope#replyTo — Property in class Envelope
The recipients that should be replied to.
- Envelope::replyTo() — Method in class Envelope
Add a "reply to" recipient to the message envelope.
- $ Headers#references — Property in class Headers
The message IDs that are referenced by the message.
- Headers::references() — Method in class Headers
Set the message IDs referenced by this message.
- Headers::referencesString() — Method in class Headers
Get the references header as a string.
- $ Mailer#replyTo — Property in class Mailer
The global reply-to address and name.
- $ Mailer#returnPath — Property in class Mailer
The global return path address.
- Mailer::raw() — Method in class Mailer
Send a new message with only a raw text part.
- Mailer::render() — Method in class Mailer
Render the given message as a view.
- Mailer::renderView() — Method in class Mailer
Render the given view.
- Markdown::render() — Method in class Markdown
Render the Markdown template into HTML.
- Markdown::renderText() — Method in class Markdown
Render the Markdown template into text.
- Message::returnPath() — Method in class Message
Set the "return path" of the message.
- Message::replyTo() — Method in class Message
Add a "reply to" address to the message.
- SendQueuedMailable::retryUntil() — Method in class SendQueuedMailable
Determine the time at which the job should timeout.
- $ AnonymousNotifiable#routes — Property in class AnonymousNotifiable
All of the notification routing information.
- AnonymousNotifiable::route() — Method in class AnonymousNotifiable
Add routing information to the target.
- AnonymousNotifiable::routeNotificationFor() — Method in class AnonymousNotifiable
Get the notification routing information for the given driver.
- MailChannel::runCallbacks() — Method in class MailChannel
Run the callbacks for the message.
- DatabaseNotification::read() — Method in class DatabaseNotification
Determine if a notification has been read.
- $ NotificationSent#response — Property in class NotificationSent
The channel's response.
- HasDatabaseNotifications::readNotifications() — Method in class HasDatabaseNotifications
Get the entity's read notifications.
- $ MailMessage#replyTo — Property in class MailMessage
The "reply to" information for the message.
- $ MailMessage#rawAttachments — Property in class MailMessage
The raw attachments for the message.
- MailMessage::replyTo() — Method in class MailMessage
Set the "reply to" address of the message.
- MailMessage::render() — Method in class MailMessage
Render the mail notification message into an HTML string.
- NotificationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class NotificationServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- RoutesNotifications — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
- RoutesNotifications::routeNotificationFor() — Method in class RoutesNotifications
Get the notification routing information for the given driver.
- SendQueuedNotifications::retryUntil() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications
Determine the time at which the job should timeout.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::resolveCurrentCursor() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Resolve the current cursor or return the default value.
- AbstractPaginator::resolveCurrentPath() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Resolve the current request path or return the default value.
- AbstractPaginator::resolveCurrentPage() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Resolve the current page or return the default value.
- AbstractPaginator::resolveQueryString() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Resolve the query string or return the default value.
- CursorPaginator::render() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Render the paginator using a given view.
- LengthAwarePaginator::render() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Render the paginator using a given view.
- PaginationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class PaginationServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- PaginationState::resolveUsing() — Method in class PaginationState
Bind the pagination state resolvers using the given application container as a base.
- Paginator::render() — Method in class Paginator
Render the paginator using a given view.
- PipelineServiceProvider::register() — Method in class PipelineServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- $ ProcessFailedException#result — Property in class ProcessFailedException
The process result instance.
- $ ProcessTimedOutException#result — Property in class ProcessTimedOutException
The process result instance.
- $ Factory#recording — Property in class Factory
Indicates if the process factory has faked process handlers.
- $ Factory#recorded — Property in class Factory
All of the recorded processes.
- Factory::result() — Method in class Factory
Create a new fake process response for testing purposes.
- Factory::recordIfRecording() — Method in class Factory
Record the given process if processes should be recorded.
- Factory::record() — Method in class Factory
Record the given process.
- $ FakeInvokedProcess#receivedSignals — Property in class FakeInvokedProcess
The signals that have been received.
- $ FakeInvokedProcess#remainingRunIterations — Property in class FakeInvokedProcess
The number of times the process should indicate that it is "running".
- FakeInvokedProcess::running() — Method in class FakeInvokedProcess
Determine if the process is still running.
- $ FakeProcessDescription#runIterations — Property in class FakeProcessDescription
The number of times the process should indicate that it is "running".
- FakeProcessDescription::replaceOutput() — Method in class FakeProcessDescription
Replace the entire output buffer with the given string.
- FakeProcessDescription::replaceErrorOutput() — Method in class FakeProcessDescription
Replace the entire error output buffer with the given string.
- FakeProcessDescription::runsFor() — Method in class FakeProcessDescription
Specify how many times the "isRunning" method should return "true".
- FakeProcessDescription::resolveOutput() — Method in class FakeProcessDescription
Resolve the standard output as a string.
- FakeProcessDescription::resolveErrorOutput() — Method in class FakeProcessDescription
Resolve the error output as a string.
- InvokedProcess::running() — Method in class InvokedProcess
Determine if the process is still running.
- InvokedProcessPool::running() — Method in class InvokedProcessPool
Get the processes in the pool that are still currently running.
- PendingProcess::run() — Method in class PendingProcess
Run the process.
- PendingProcess::resolveSynchronousFake() — Method in class PendingProcess
Resolve the given fake handler for a synchronous process.
- PendingProcess::resolveAsynchronousFake() — Method in class PendingProcess
Resolve the given fake handler for an asynchronous process.
- Pool::run() — Method in class Pool
Start and wait for the processes to finish.
- $ ProcessPoolResults#results — Property in class ProcessPoolResults
The results of the processes.
- CallQueuedHandler::resolveHandler() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Resolve the handler for the given command.
- Manager::registerConnectors() — Method in class Manager
Register the default connectors that the component ships with.
- RedisConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
- $ RedisConnector#redis — Property in class RedisConnector
The Redis database instance.
- BatchesTableCommand::replaceMigration() — Method in class BatchesTableCommand
Replace the generated migration with the batches job table stub.
- FailedTableCommand::replaceMigration() — Method in class FailedTableCommand
Replace the generated migration with the failed job table stub.
- RestartCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- RetryBatchCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- RetryCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- RetryCommand::retryJob() — Method in class RetryCommand
Retry the queue job.
- RetryCommand::resetAttempts() — Method in class RetryCommand
Reset the payload attempts.
- RetryCommand::refreshRetryUntil() — Method in class RetryCommand
Refresh the "retry until" timestamp for the job.
- TableCommand::replaceMigration() — Method in class TableCommand
Replace the generated migration with the job table stub.
- WorkCommand::runWorker() — Method in class WorkCommand
Run the worker instance.
- $ DatabaseQueue#retryAfter — Property in class DatabaseQueue
The expiration time of a job.
- DatabaseQueue::release() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Release a reserved job back onto the queue after (n) seconds.
- $ DatabaseFailedJobProvider#resolver — Property in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
The connection resolver implementation.
- $ DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider#resolver — Property in class DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider
The connection resolver implementation.
- InteractsWithQueue::release() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue
Release the job back into the queue after (n) seconds.
- BeanstalkdJob::release() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Release the job back into the queue after (n) seconds.
- DatabaseJob::release() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Release the job back into the queue after (n) seconds.
- $ DatabaseJobRecord#record — Property in class DatabaseJobRecord
The underlying job record.
- $ Job#released — Property in class Job
Indicates if the job has been released.
- Job::release() — Method in class Job
Release the job back into the queue after (n) seconds.
- Job::resolve() — Method in class Job
Resolve the given class.
- Job::retryUntil() — Method in class Job
Get the timestamp indicating when the job should timeout.
- Job::resolveName() — Method in class Job
Get the resolved name of the queued job class.
- JobName::resolve() — Method in class JobName
Get the resolved name of the queued job class.
- RedisJob — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
- $ RedisJob#redis — Property in class RedisJob
The Redis queue instance.
- $ RedisJob#reserved — Property in class RedisJob
The Redis job payload inside the reserved queue.
- RedisJob::release() — Method in class RedisJob
Release the job back into the queue after (n) seconds.
- SqsJob::release() — Method in class SqsJob
Release the job back into the queue after (n) seconds.
- SyncJob::release() — Method in class SyncJob
Release the job back into the queue after (n) seconds.
- Listener::runProcess() — Method in class Listener
Run the given process.
- LuaScripts::release() — Method in class LuaScripts
Get the Lua script for releasing reserved jobs.
- RateLimited — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Middleware
- RateLimitedWithRedis — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Middleware
- $ RateLimitedWithRedis#redis — Property in class RateLimitedWithRedis
The Redis factory implementation.
- $ ThrottlesExceptions#retryAfterMinutes — Property in class ThrottlesExceptions
The number of minutes to wait before retrying the job after an exception.
- $ ThrottlesExceptionsWithRedis#redis — Property in class ThrottlesExceptionsWithRedis
The Redis factory implementation.
- $ WithoutOverlapping#releaseAfter — Property in class WithoutOverlapping
The number of seconds before a job should be available again if no lock was acquired.
- WithoutOverlapping::releaseAfter() — Method in class WithoutOverlapping
Set the delay (in seconds) to release the job back to the queue.
- Queue::raiseJobQueuedEvent() — Method in class Queue
Raise the job queued event.
- QueueManager::resolve() — Method in class QueueManager
Resolve a queue connection.
- QueueServiceProvider::register() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- QueueServiceProvider::registerManager() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Register the queue manager.
- QueueServiceProvider::registerConnection() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Register the default queue connection binding.
- QueueServiceProvider::registerConnectors() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Register the connectors on the queue manager.
- QueueServiceProvider::registerNullConnector() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Register the Null queue connector.
- QueueServiceProvider::registerSyncConnector() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Register the Sync queue connector.
- QueueServiceProvider::registerDatabaseConnector() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Register the database queue connector.
- QueueServiceProvider::registerRedisConnector() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Register the Redis queue connector.
- QueueServiceProvider::registerBeanstalkdConnector() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Register the Beanstalkd queue connector.
- QueueServiceProvider::registerSqsConnector() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Register the Amazon SQS queue connector.
- QueueServiceProvider::registerWorker() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Register the queue worker.
- QueueServiceProvider::registerListener() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Register the queue listener.
- QueueServiceProvider::registerFailedJobServices() — Method in class QueueServiceProvider
Register the failed job services.
- RedisQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- $ RedisQueue#redis — Property in class RedisQueue
The Redis factory implementation.
- $ RedisQueue#retryAfter — Property in class RedisQueue
The expiration time of a job.
- RedisQueue::retrieveNextJob() — Method in class RedisQueue
Retrieve the next job from the queue.
- SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers::restoreCollection() — Method in class SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers
Restore a queueable collection instance.
- SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers::restoreModel() — Method in class SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers
Restore the model from the model identifier instance.
- SyncQueue::resolveJob() — Method in class SyncQueue
Resolve a Sync job instance.
- SyncQueue::raiseBeforeJobEvent() — Method in class SyncQueue
Raise the before queue job event.
- SyncQueue::raiseAfterJobEvent() — Method in class SyncQueue
Raise the after queue job event.
- SyncQueue::raiseExceptionOccurredJobEvent() — Method in class SyncQueue
Raise the exception occurred queue job event.
- $ Worker#resetScope — Property in class Worker
The callback used to reset the application's scope.
- Worker::registerTimeoutHandler() — Method in class Worker
Register the worker timeout handler.
- Worker::resetTimeoutHandler() — Method in class Worker
Reset the worker timeout handler.
- Worker::runNextJob() — Method in class Worker
Process the next job on the queue.
- Worker::runJob() — Method in class Worker
Process the given job.
- Worker::raiseBeforeJobEvent() — Method in class Worker
Raise the before queue job event.
- Worker::raiseAfterJobEvent() — Method in class Worker
Raise the after queue job event.
- Worker::raiseExceptionOccurredJobEvent() — Method in class Worker
Raise the exception occurred queue job event.
- $ WorkerOptions#rest — Property in class WorkerOptions
The number of seconds to rest between jobs.
- $ ConcurrencyLimiter#redis — Property in class ConcurrencyLimiter
The Redis factory implementation.
- $ ConcurrencyLimiter#releaseAfter — Property in class ConcurrencyLimiter
The number of seconds a slot should be maintained.
- ConcurrencyLimiter::release() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiter
Release the lock.
- ConcurrencyLimiter::releaseScript() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiter
Get the Lua script to atomically release a lock.
- $ ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder#releaseAfter — Property in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder
The number of seconds to maintain the lock until it is automatically released.
- ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder::releaseAfter() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder
Set the number of seconds until the lock will be released.
- $ DurationLimiter#remaining — Property in class DurationLimiter
The number of remaining slots.
- RedisManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis
- RedisManager::resolve() — Method in class RedisManager
Resolve the given connection by name.
- RedisManager::resolveCluster() — Method in class RedisManager
Resolve the given cluster connection by name.
- RedisServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Redis
- RedisServiceProvider::register() — Method in class RedisServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- AbstractRouteCollection::requestMethodNotAllowed() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection
Throw a method not allowed HTTP exception.
- CallableDispatcher::resolveParameters() — Method in class CallableDispatcher
Resolve the parameters for the callable.
- $ CompiledRouteCollection#routes — Property in class CompiledRouteCollection
The dynamically added routes that were added after loading the cached, compiled routes.
- $ CompiledRouteCollection#router — Property in class CompiledRouteCollection
The router instance used by the route.
- CompiledRouteCollection::refreshNameLookups() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection
Refresh the name look-up table.
- CompiledRouteCollection::refreshActionLookups() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection
Refresh the action look-up table.
- CompiledRouteCollection::requestWithoutTrailingSlash() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection
Get a cloned instance of the given request without any trailing slash on the URI.
- ControllerMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class ControllerMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- MiddlewareMakeCommand::resolveStubPath() — Method in class MiddlewareMakeCommand
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
- ControllerDispatcher::resolveParameters() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher
Resolve the parameters for the controller.
- RouteMatched — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Events
- $ RouteMatched#route — Property in class RouteMatched
The route instance.
- $ RouteMatched#request — Property in class RouteMatched
The request instance.
- Routing — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Events
- $ Routing#request — Property in class Routing
The request instance.
- StreamedResponseException::render() — Method in class StreamedResponseException
Render the exception.
- ImplicitRouteBinding::resolveForRoute() — Method in class ImplicitRouteBinding
Resolve the implicit route bindings for the given route.
- ImplicitRouteBinding::resolveBackedEnumsForRoute() — Method in class ImplicitRouteBinding
Resolve the Backed Enums route bindings for the route.
- MiddlewareNameResolver::resolve() — Method in class MiddlewareNameResolver
Resolve the middleware name to a class name(s) preserving passed parameters.
- $ SubstituteBindings#router — Property in class SubstituteBindings
The router instance.
- ThrottleRequests::resolveMaxAttempts() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
Resolve the number of attempts if the user is authenticated or not.
- ThrottleRequests::resolveRequestSignature() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
Resolve request signature.
- $ ThrottleRequestsWithRedis#redis — Property in class ThrottleRequestsWithRedis
The Redis factory implementation.
- $ ThrottleRequestsWithRedis#remaining — Property in class ThrottleRequestsWithRedis
The number of remaining slots by key.
- $ PendingResourceRegistration#registrar — Property in class PendingResourceRegistration
The resource registrar.
- $ PendingResourceRegistration#registered — Property in class PendingResourceRegistration
The resource's registration status.
- PendingResourceRegistration::register() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration
Register the resource route.
- $ PendingSingletonResourceRegistration#registrar — Property in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
The resource registrar.
- $ PendingSingletonResourceRegistration#registered — Property in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
The resource's registration status.
- PendingSingletonResourceRegistration::register() — Method in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
Register the singleton resource route.
- RedirectController — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- Redirector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- Redirector::refresh() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to the current URI.
- Redirector::route() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to a named route.
- ResourceRegistrar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- $ ResourceRegistrar#router — Property in class ResourceRegistrar
The router instance.
- $ ResourceRegistrar#resourceDefaults — Property in class ResourceRegistrar
The default actions for a resourceful controller.
- ResourceRegistrar::register() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Route a resource to a controller.
- ResponseFactory — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- $ ResponseFactory#redirector — Property in class ResponseFactory
The redirector instance.
- ResponseFactory::redirectTo() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response to the given path.
- ResponseFactory::redirectToRoute() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response to a named route.
- ResponseFactory::redirectToAction() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response to a controller action.
- ResponseFactory::redirectGuest() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response, while putting the current URL in the session.
- ResponseFactory::redirectToIntended() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new redirect response to the previously intended location.
- Route — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- $ Route#router — Property in class Route
The router instance used by the route.
- Route::run() — Method in class Route
Run the route action and return the response.
- Route::runCallable() — Method in class Route
Run the route action and return the response.
- Route::runController() — Method in class Route
Run the route action and return the response.
- RouteAction — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- RouteBinding — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- RouteCollection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- $ RouteCollection#routes — Property in class RouteCollection
An array of the routes keyed by method.
- RouteCollection::refreshNameLookups() — Method in class RouteCollection
Refresh the name look-up table.
- RouteCollection::refreshActionLookups() — Method in class RouteCollection
Refresh the action look-up table.
- RouteCollectionInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- RouteCollectionInterface::refreshNameLookups() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface
Refresh the name look-up table.
- RouteCollectionInterface::refreshActionLookups() — Method in class RouteCollectionInterface
Refresh the action look-up table.
- RouteDependencyResolverTrait — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- RouteDependencyResolverTrait::resolveClassMethodDependencies() — Method in class RouteDependencyResolverTrait
Resolve the object method's type-hinted dependencies.
- RouteDependencyResolverTrait::resolveMethodDependencies() — Method in class RouteDependencyResolverTrait
Resolve the given method's type-hinted dependencies.
- RouteFileRegistrar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- $ RouteFileRegistrar#router — Property in class RouteFileRegistrar
The router instance.
- RouteFileRegistrar::register() — Method in class RouteFileRegistrar
Require the given routes file.
- RouteGroup — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- RouteParameterBinder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- $ RouteParameterBinder#route — Property in class RouteParameterBinder
The route instance.
- RouteParameterBinder::replaceDefaults() — Method in class RouteParameterBinder
Replace null parameters with their defaults.
- RouteRegistrar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- $ RouteRegistrar#router — Property in class RouteRegistrar
The router instance.
- RouteRegistrar::resource() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
Route a resource to a controller.
- RouteRegistrar::registerRoute() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
Register a new route with the router.
- RouteSignatureParameters — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- RouteUri — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- RouteUrlGenerator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- $ RouteUrlGenerator#request — Property in class RouteUrlGenerator
The request instance.
- RouteUrlGenerator::replaceRootParameters() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator
Replace the parameters on the root path.
- RouteUrlGenerator::replaceRouteParameters() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator
Replace all of the wildcard parameters for a route path.
- RouteUrlGenerator::replaceNamedParameters() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator
Replace all of the named parameters in the path.
- Router — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- $ Router#routes — Property in class Router
The route collection instance.
- Router::redirect() — Method in class Router
Create a redirect from one URI to another.
- Router::resources() — Method in class Router
Register an array of resource controllers.
- Router::resource() — Method in class Router
Route a resource to a controller.
- Router::respondWithRoute() — Method in class Router
Return the response returned by the given route.
- Router::runRoute() — Method in class Router
Return the response for the given route.
- Router::runRouteWithinStack() — Method in class Router
Run the given route within a Stack "onion" instance.
- Router::resolveMiddleware() — Method in class Router
Resolve a flat array of middleware classes from the provided array.
- Router::removeMiddlewareFromGroup() — Method in class Router
Remove the given middleware from the specified group.
- Router::resourceParameters() — Method in class Router
Set the global resource parameter mapping.
- Router::resourceVerbs() — Method in class Router
Get or set the verbs used in the resource URIs.
- RoutingServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- RoutingServiceProvider::register() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- RoutingServiceProvider::registerRouter() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider
Register the router instance.
- RoutingServiceProvider::registerUrlGenerator() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider
Register the URL generator service.
- RoutingServiceProvider::requestRebinder() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider
Get the URL generator request rebinder.
- RoutingServiceProvider::registerRedirector() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider
Register the Redirector service.
- RoutingServiceProvider::registerPsrRequest() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider
Register a binding for the PSR-7 request implementation.
- RoutingServiceProvider::registerPsrResponse() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider
Register a binding for the PSR-7 response implementation.
- RoutingServiceProvider::registerResponseFactory() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider
Register the response factory implementation.
- RoutingServiceProvider::registerCallableDispatcher() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider
Register the callable dispatcher.
- RoutingServiceProvider::registerControllerDispatcher() — Method in class RoutingServiceProvider
Register the controller dispatcher.
- $ UrlGenerator#routes — Property in class UrlGenerator
The route collection.
- $ UrlGenerator#request — Property in class UrlGenerator
The request instance.
- $ UrlGenerator#rootNamespace — Property in class UrlGenerator
The root namespace being applied to controller actions.
- $ UrlGenerator#routeGenerator — Property in class UrlGenerator
The route URL generator instance.
- UrlGenerator::removeIndex() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Remove the index.php file from a path.
- UrlGenerator::route() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the URL to a named route.
- UrlGenerator::routeUrl() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the Route URL generator instance.
- $ ViewController#response — Property in class ViewController
The response factory implementation.
- ArraySessionHandler::read() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- CacheBasedSessionHandler::read() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- $ CookieSessionHandler#request — Property in class CookieSessionHandler
The request instance.
- CookieSessionHandler::read() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- DatabaseSessionHandler::read() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- FileSessionHandler::read() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- NullSessionHandler::read() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- SessionServiceProvider::register() — Method in class SessionServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- SessionServiceProvider::registerSessionManager() — Method in class SessionServiceProvider
Register the session manager instance.
- SessionServiceProvider::registerSessionDriver() — Method in class SessionServiceProvider
Register the session driver instance.
- Store::readFromHandler() — Method in class Store
Read the session data from the handler.
- Store::replace() — Method in class Store
Replace the given session attributes entirely.
- Store::remember() — Method in class Store
Get an item from the session, or store the default value.
- Store::reflash() — Method in class Store
Reflash all of the session flash data.
- Store::removeFromOldFlashData() — Method in class Store
Remove the given keys from the old flash data.
- Store::remove() — Method in class Store
Remove an item from the session, returning its value.
- Store::regenerate() — Method in class Store
Generate a new session identifier.
- Store::regenerateToken() — Method in class Store
Regenerate the CSRF token value.
- SymfonySessionDecorator::replace() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- SymfonySessionDecorator::remove() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- SymfonySessionDecorator::registerBag() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- AggregateServiceProvider::register() — Method in class AggregateServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- Arr::random() — Method in class Arr
Get one or a specified number of random values from an array.
- Collection::range() — Method in class Collection
Create a collection with the given range.
- Collection::random() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::replace() — Method in class Collection
Replace the collection items with the given items.
- Collection::replaceRecursive() — Method in class Collection
Recursively replace the collection items with the given items.
- Collection::reverse() — Method in class Collection
Reverse items order.
- DateFactory::resetMonthsOverflow() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::resetToStringFormat() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::resetYearsOverflow() — Method in class DateFactory
- Enumerable::range() — Method in class Enumerable
Create a collection with the given range.
- Enumerable::random() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::reduce() — Method in class Enumerable
Reduce the collection to a single value.
- Enumerable::reduceSpread() — Method in class Enumerable
Reduce the collection to multiple aggregate values.
- Enumerable::replace() — Method in class Enumerable
Replace the collection items with the given items.
- Enumerable::replaceRecursive() — Method in class Enumerable
Recursively replace the collection items with the given items.
- Enumerable::reverse() — Method in class Enumerable
Reverse items order.
- Enumerable::reject() — Method in class Enumerable
Create a collection of all elements that do not pass a given truth test.
- $ Env#repository — Property in class Env
The environment repository instance.
- App::resourcePath() — Method in class App
- App::runningInConsole() — Method in class App
- App::runningUnitTests() — Method in class App
- App::registerConfiguredProviders() — Method in class App
- App::register() — Method in class App
- App::resolveProvider() — Method in class App
- App::registerDeferredProvider() — Method in class App
- App::routesAreCached() — Method in class App
- App::registerCoreContainerAliases() — Method in class App
- App::rebinding() — Method in class App
- App::refresh() — Method in class App
- App::resolving() — Method in class App
- Artisan::registerCommand() — Method in class Artisan
- Auth::routes() — Method in class Auth
Register the typical authentication routes for an application.
- Auth::resolveUsersUsing() — Method in class Auth
- Blade::render() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::renderComponent() — Method in class Blade
- Broadcast::routes() — Method in class Broadcast
- Broadcast::resolveAuthenticatedUser() — Method in class Broadcast
- Broadcast::resolveAuthenticatedUserUsing() — Method in class Broadcast
- Bus::recordPendingBatch() — Method in class Bus
- Cache::resolve() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::repository() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::refreshEventDispatcher() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::remember() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::rememberForever() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::restoreLock() — Method in class Cache
- DB::registerDoctrineType() — Method in class DB
- DB::reconnect() — Method in class DB
- DB::resetTotalQueryDuration() — Method in class DB
- DB::reconnectIfMissingConnection() — Method in class DB
- DB::raw() — Method in class DB
- DB::recordsHaveBeenModified() — Method in class DB
- DB::resolverFor() — Method in class DB
- DB::rollBack() — Method in class DB
- Date::resolveFacadeInstance() — Method in class Date
Resolve the facade root instance from the container.
- Date::resetMonthsOverflow() — Method in class Date
- Date::resetToStringFormat() — Method in class Date
- Date::resetYearsOverflow() — Method in class Date
- $ Facade#resolvedInstance — Property in class Facade
The resolved object instances.
- Facade::resolved() — Method in class Facade
Run a Closure when the facade has been resolved.
- Facade::resolveFacadeInstance() — Method in class Facade
Resolve the facade root instance from the container.
- File::requireOnce() — Method in class File
- File::replace() — Method in class File
- File::replaceInFile() — Method in class File
- File::relativeLink() — Method in class File
- Gate::resource() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::raw() — Method in class Gate
- Gate::resolvePolicy() — Method in class Gate
- Http::response() — Method in class Http
- Http::recordRequestResponsePair() — Method in class Http
- Http::recorded() — Method in class Http
- Http::retry() — Method in class Http
- Http::runBeforeSendingCallbacks() — Method in class Http
- Mail::raw() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::render() — Method in class Mail
- Notification::route() — Method in class Notification
Begin sending a notification to an anonymous notifiable.
- ParallelTesting::resolveOptionsUsing() — Method in class ParallelTesting
- ParallelTesting::resolveTokenUsing() — Method in class ParallelTesting
- Password::reset() — Method in class Password
- Process::run() — Method in class Process
- Process::result() — Method in class Process
- Process::recordIfRecording() — Method in class Process
- Process::record() — Method in class Process
- RateLimiter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- RateLimiter::resetAttempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
- RateLimiter::remaining() — Method in class RateLimiter
- RateLimiter::retriesLeft() — Method in class RateLimiter
- Redirect — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Redirect::refresh() — Method in class Redirect
- Redirect::route() — Method in class Redirect
- Redis — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Redis::resolve() — Method in class Redis
- Request — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Request::root() — Method in class Request
- Request::routeIs() — Method in class Request
- Request::replace() — Method in class Request
- Request::route() — Method in class Request
- Response — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Response::redirectTo() — Method in class Response
- Response::redirectToRoute() — Method in class Response
- Response::redirectToAction() — Method in class Response
- Response::redirectGuest() — Method in class Response
- Response::redirectToIntended() — Method in class Response
- Route — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Route::redirect() — Method in class Route
- Route::resources() — Method in class Route
- Route::resource() — Method in class Route
- Route::respondWithRoute() — Method in class Route
- Route::resolveMiddleware() — Method in class Route
- Route::removeMiddlewareFromGroup() — Method in class Route
- Route::resourceParameters() — Method in class Route
- Route::resourceVerbs() — Method in class Route
- Schema::rename() — Method in class Schema
- Session::replace() — Method in class Session
- Session::remember() — Method in class Session
- Session::reflash() — Method in class Session
- Session::remove() — Method in class Session
- Session::regenerate() — Method in class Session
- Session::regenerateToken() — Method in class Session
- Storage::readStream() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::response() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::read() — Method in class Storage
- URL::route() — Method in class URL
- Validator::replacer() — Method in class Validator
- Validator::resolver() — Method in class Validator
- View::renderWhen() — Method in class View
- View::renderUnless() — Method in class View
- View::renderEach() — Method in class View
- View::replaceNamespace() — Method in class View
- View::renderComponent() — Method in class View
- View::renderTranslation() — Method in class View
- Vite::reactRefresh() — Method in class Vite
- LazyCollection::range() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::remember() — Method in class LazyCollection
Cache values as they're enumerated.
- LazyCollection::random() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::replace() — Method in class LazyCollection
Replace the collection items with the given items.
- LazyCollection::replaceRecursive() — Method in class LazyCollection
Recursively replace the collection items with the given items.
- LazyCollection::reverse() — Method in class LazyCollection
Reverse items order.
- $ Lottery#resultFactory — Property in class Lottery
The factory that should be used to generate results.
- Lottery::runCallback() — Method in class Lottery
Run the winner or loser callback, randomly.
- Lottery::resultFactory() — Method in class Lottery
The factory that determines the lottery result.
- MultipleInstanceManager::resolve() — Method in class MultipleInstanceManager
Resolve the given instance.
- Reflector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- ServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Register any application services.
- $ Str#randomStringFactory — Property in class Str
The callback that should be used to generate random strings.
- Str::random() — Method in class Str
Generate a more truly "random" alpha-numeric string.
- Str::repeat() — Method in class Str
Repeat the given string.
- Str::replaceArray() — Method in class Str
Replace a given value in the string sequentially with an array.
- Str::replace() — Method in class Str
Replace the given value in the given string.
- Str::replaceFirst() — Method in class Str
Replace the first occurrence of a given value in the string.
- Str::replaceLast() — Method in class Str
Replace the last occurrence of a given value in the string.
- Str::remove() — Method in class Str
Remove any occurrence of the given string in the subject.
- Str::reverse() — Method in class Str
Reverse the given string.
- Stringable::remove() — Method in class Stringable
Remove any occurrence of the given string in the subject.
- Stringable::reverse() — Method in class Stringable
Reverse the string.
- Stringable::repeat() — Method in class Stringable
Repeat the string.
- Stringable::replace() — Method in class Stringable
Replace the given value in the given string.
- Stringable::replaceArray() — Method in class Stringable
Replace a given value in the string sequentially with an array.
- Stringable::replaceFirst() — Method in class Stringable
Replace the first occurrence of a given value in the string.
- Stringable::replaceLast() — Method in class Stringable
Replace the last occurrence of a given value in the string.
- Stringable::replaceMatches() — Method in class Stringable
Replace the patterns matching the given regular expression.
- Stringable::rtrim() — Method in class Stringable
Right trim the string of the given characters.
- BatchFake::recordSuccessfulJob() — Method in class BatchFake
Record that a job within the batch finished successfully, executing any callbacks if necessary.
- BatchFake::recordFailedJob() — Method in class BatchFake
Record that a job within the batch failed to finish successfully, executing any callbacks if necessary.
- BusFake::resetChainPropertiesToDefaults() — Method in class BusFake
Reset the chain properties to their default values on the job.
- BusFake::recordPendingBatch() — Method in class BusFake
Record the fake pending batch dispatch.
- MailFake::raw() — Method in class MailFake
Send a new message with only a raw text part.
- Timebox::returnEarly() — Method in class Timebox
Indicate that the timebox can return early.
- $ EnumeratesValues#reject — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::reduce() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Reduce the collection to a single value.
- EnumeratesValues::reduceSpread() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Reduce the collection to multiple aggregate values.
- EnumeratesValues::reduceWithKeys() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Reduce an associative collection to a single value.
- EnumeratesValues::reject() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Create a collection of all elements that do not pass a given truth test.
- ReflectsClosures — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
- AssertableJsonString::reorderAssocKeys() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Reorder associative array keys to make it easy to compare arrays.
- RunsInParallel — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Concerns
- $ RunsInParallel#runnerResolver — Property in class RunsInParallel
The runner resolver callback.
- $ RunsInParallel#runner — Property in class RunsInParallel
The original test runner.
- RunsInParallel::resolveApplicationUsing() — Method in class RunsInParallel
Set the application resolver callback.
- RunsInParallel::resolveRunnerUsing() — Method in class RunsInParallel
Set the runner resolver callback.
- ParallelRunner::run() — Method in class ParallelRunner
Runs the test suite.
- ParallelTesting::resolveOptionsUsing() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Set a callback that should be used when resolving options.
- ParallelTesting::resolveTokenUsing() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Set a callback that should be used when resolving the unique process token.
- ParallelTestingServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ParallelTestingServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- PendingCommand::run() — Method in class PendingCommand
Execute the command.
- $ TestComponent#rendered — Property in class TestComponent
The rendered component contents.
- TestResponse::responseHasView() — Method in class TestResponse
Determine if the original response is a view.
- $ TestView#rendered — Property in class TestView
The rendered view contents.
- TranslationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class TranslationServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- TranslationServiceProvider::registerLoader() — Method in class TranslationServiceProvider
Register the translation line loader.
- FormatsMessages::replaceAttributePlaceholder() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Replace the :attribute placeholder in the given message.
- FormatsMessages::replaceIndexPlaceholder() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Replace the :index placeholder in the given message.
- FormatsMessages::replacePositionPlaceholder() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Replace the :position placeholder in the given message.
- FormatsMessages::replaceIndexOrPositionPlaceholder() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Replace the :index or :position placeholder in the given message.
- FormatsMessages::replaceInputPlaceholder() — Method in class FormatsMessages
Replace the :input placeholder in the given message.
- ReplacesAttributes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Concerns
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceAcceptedIf() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the accepted_if rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceDeclinedIf() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the declined_if rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceBetween() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the between rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceDateFormat() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the date_format rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceDecimal() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the decimal rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceDifferent() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the different rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceDigits() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the digits rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceDigitsBetween() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the digits (between) rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceMin() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the min rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceMinDigits() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the min digits rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceMax() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the max rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceMaxDigits() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the max digits rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceMissingIf() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the missing_if rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceMissingUnless() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the missing_unless rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceMissingWith() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the missing_with rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceMissingWithAll() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the missing_with_all rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceMultipleOf() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the multiple_of rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceIn() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the in rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceNotIn() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the not_in rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceInArray() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the in_array rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceRequiredArrayKeys() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the required_array_keys rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceMimetypes() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the mimetypes rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceMimes() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the mimes rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceRequiredWith() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the required_with rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceRequiredWithAll() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the required_with_all rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceRequiredWithout() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the required_without rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceRequiredWithoutAll() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the required_without_all rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceSize() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the size rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceGt() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the gt rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceLt() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the lt rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceGte() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the gte rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceLte() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the lte rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceRequiredIf() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the required_if rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceRequiredIfAccepted() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the required_if_accepted rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceRequiredUnless() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the required_unless rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceProhibitedIf() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the prohibited_if rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceProhibitedUnless() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the prohibited_unless rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceProhibits() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the prohibited_with rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceSame() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the same rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceBefore() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the before rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceBeforeOrEqual() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the before_or_equal rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceAfter() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the after rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceAfterOrEqual() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the after_or_equal rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceDateEquals() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the date_equals rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceDimensions() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the dimensions rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceEndsWith() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the ends_with rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceDoesntEndWith() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the doesnt_end_with rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceStartsWith() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the starts_with rule.
- ReplacesAttributes::replaceDoesntStartWith() — Method in class ReplacesAttributes
Replace all place-holders for the doesnt_start_with rule.
- ValidatesAttributes::requireParameterCount() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Require a certain number of parameters to be present.
- $ ConditionalRules#rules — Property in class ConditionalRules
The rules to be added to the attribute.
- ConditionalRules::rules() — Method in class ConditionalRules
Get the rules.
- $ Factory#replacers — Property in class Factory
All of the custom validator message replacers.
- $ Factory#resolver — Property in class Factory
The Validator resolver instance.
- Factory::resolve() — Method in class Factory
Resolve a new Validator instance.
- Factory::replacer() — Method in class Factory
Register a custom validator message replacer.
- Factory::resolver() — Method in class Factory
Set the Validator instance resolver.
- Rule — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- Rule::requiredIf() — Method in class Rule
Get a required_if constraint builder instance.
- DatabaseRule::resolveTableName() — Method in class DatabaseRule
Resolves the name of the table from the given string.
- Dimensions::ratio() — Method in class Dimensions
Set the "ratio" constraint.
- File::rules() — Method in class File
Specify additional validation rules that should be merged with the default rules during validation.
- $ In#rule — Property in class In
The name of the rule.
- $ NotIn#rule — Property in class NotIn
The name of the rule.
- Password::required() — Method in class Password
Get the default configuration of the password rule and mark the field as required.
- Password::rules() — Method in class Password
Specify additional validation rules that should be merged with the default rules during validation.
- RequiredIf — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
- $ ValidationException#response — Property in class ValidationException
The recommended response to send to the client.
- $ ValidationException#redirectTo — Property in class ValidationException
The path the client should be redirected to.
- ValidationException::redirectTo() — Method in class ValidationException
Set the URL to redirect to on a validation error.
- ValidationRuleParser::ruleIsRegex() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser
Determine if the rule is a regular expression.
- ValidationServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ValidationServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- ValidationServiceProvider::registerValidationFactory() — Method in class ValidationServiceProvider
Register the validation factory.
- ValidationServiceProvider::registerPresenceVerifier() — Method in class ValidationServiceProvider
Register the database presence verifier.
- ValidationServiceProvider::registerUncompromisedVerifier() — Method in class ValidationServiceProvider
Register the uncompromised password verifier.
- $ Validator#rules — Property in class Validator
The rules to be applied to the data.
- $ Validator#replacers — Property in class Validator
All of the custom replacer extensions.
- Validator::replacePlaceholders() — Method in class Validator
Replace the placeholders used in data keys.
- Validator::replacePlaceholderInString() — Method in class Validator
Replace the placeholders in the given string.
- Validator::removeAttribute() — Method in class Validator
Remove the given attribute.
- Validator::replaceDotInParameters() — Method in class Validator
Replace each field parameter which has an escaped dot with the dot placeholder.
- Validator::replaceAsterisksInParameters() — Method in class Validator
Replace each field parameter which has asterisks with the given keys.
- AnonymousComponent::render() — Method in class AnonymousComponent
Get the view / view contents that represent the component.
- $ BladeCompiler#rawTags — Property in class BladeCompiler
Array of opening and closing tags for raw echos.
- $ BladeCompiler#rawBlocks — Property in class BladeCompiler
Array to temporarily store the raw blocks found in the template.
- BladeCompiler::render() — Method in class BladeCompiler
- Component::render() — Method in class Component
Get the view / view contents that represent the component.
- Component::resolve() — Method in class Component
Resolve the component instance with the given data.
- Component::resolveView() — Method in class Component
Resolve the Blade view or view file that should be used when rendering the component.
- Component::resolveComponentsUsing() — Method in class Component
Set the callback that should be used to resolve components within views.
- ComponentAttributeBag::resolveAppendableAttributeDefault() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Resolve an appendable attribute value default value.
- ManagesComponents::renderComponent() — Method in class ManagesComponents
Render the current component.
- ManagesTranslations::renderTranslation() — Method in class ManagesTranslations
Render the current translation.
- DynamicComponent::render() — Method in class DynamicComponent
Get the view / contents that represent the component.
- $ EngineResolver#resolvers — Property in class EngineResolver
The array of engine resolvers.
- $ EngineResolver#resolved — Property in class EngineResolver
The resolved engine instances.
- EngineResolver::register() — Method in class EngineResolver
Register a new engine resolver.
- EngineResolver::resolve() — Method in class EngineResolver
Resolve an engine instance by name.
- $ Factory#renderCount — Property in class Factory
The number of active rendering operations.
- $ Factory#renderedOnce — Property in class Factory
The "once" block IDs that have been rendered.
- Factory::renderWhen() — Method in class Factory
Get the rendered content of the view based on a given condition.
- Factory::renderUnless() — Method in class Factory
Get the rendered content of the view based on the negation of a given condition.
- Factory::renderEach() — Method in class Factory
Get the rendered contents of a partial from a loop.
- Factory::replaceNamespace() — Method in class Factory
Replace the namespace hints for the given namespace.
- FileViewFinder::resolvePath() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Resolve the path.
- FileViewFinder::replaceNamespace() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Replace the namespace hints for the given namespace.
- InvokableComponentVariable::resolveDisplayableValue() — Method in class InvokableComponentVariable
Resolve the displayable value that the class is deferring.
- View::render() — Method in class View
Get the evaluated contents of the object.
- View::renderContents() — Method in class View
Get the contents of the view instance.
- View::renderSections() — Method in class View
Get the sections of the rendered view.
- ViewException::report() — Method in class ViewException
Report the exception.
- ViewException::render() — Method in class ViewException
Render the exception into an HTTP response.
- ViewFinderInterface::replaceNamespace() — Method in class ViewFinderInterface
Replace the namespace hints for the given namespace.
- ViewServiceProvider::register() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
Register the service provider.
- ViewServiceProvider::registerFactory() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
Register the view environment.
- ViewServiceProvider::registerViewFinder() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
Register the view finder implementation.
- ViewServiceProvider::registerBladeCompiler() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
Register the Blade compiler implementation.
- ViewServiceProvider::registerEngineResolver() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
Register the engine resolver instance.
- ViewServiceProvider::registerFileEngine() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
Register the file engine implementation.
- ViewServiceProvider::registerPhpEngine() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
Register the PHP engine implementation.
- ViewServiceProvider::registerBladeEngine() — Method in class ViewServiceProvider
Register the Blade engine implementation.
- $ AuthorizationException#status — Property in class AuthorizationException
The HTTP response status code.
- AuthorizationException::setResponse() — Method in class AuthorizationException
Set the response from the gate.
- AuthorizationException::status() — Method in class AuthorizationException
Get the HTTP status code.
- $ Gate#stringCallbacks — Property in class Gate
All of the defined abilities using class@method notation.
- Gate::setContainer() — Method in class Gate
Set the container instance used by the gate.
- $ Response#status — Property in class Response
The HTTP response status code.
- Response::status() — Method in class Response
Get the HTTP status code.
- AuthManager::shouldUse() — Method in class AuthManager
Set the default guard driver the factory should serve.
- AuthManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class AuthManager
Set the default authentication driver name.
- AuthManager::setApplication() — Method in class AuthManager
Set the application instance used by the manager.
- Authenticatable::setRememberToken() — Method in class Authenticatable
Set the token value for the "remember me" session.
- $ ClearResetsCommand#signature — Property in class ClearResetsCommand
The name and signature of the console command.
- EloquentUserProvider::setHasher() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Sets the hasher implementation.
- EloquentUserProvider::setModel() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Sets the name of the Eloquent user model.
- GenericUser::setRememberToken() — Method in class GenericUser
Set the "remember me" token value.
- GuardHelpers::setUser() — Method in class GuardHelpers
Set the current user.
- GuardHelpers::setProvider() — Method in class GuardHelpers
Set the user provider used by the guard.
- SendEmailVerificationNotification — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Listeners
- RequirePassword::shouldConfirmPassword() — Method in class RequirePassword
Determine if the confirmation timeout has expired.
- MustVerifyEmail::sendEmailVerificationNotification() — Method in class MustVerifyEmail
Send the email verification notification.
- CanResetPassword::sendPasswordResetNotification() — Method in class CanResetPassword
Send the password reset notification.
- PasswordBroker::sendResetLink() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Send a password reset link to a user.
- PasswordBrokerManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
Set the default password broker name.
- Recaller::segments() — Method in class Recaller
Get the recaller's segments.
- RequestGuard::setRequest() — Method in class RequestGuard
Set the current request instance.
- SessionGuard — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- $ SessionGuard#session — Property in class SessionGuard
The session used by the guard.
- SessionGuard::shouldLogin() — Method in class SessionGuard
Determine if the user should login by executing the given callbacks.
- SessionGuard::setRememberDuration() — Method in class SessionGuard
Set the number of minutes the remember me cookie should be valid for.
- SessionGuard::setCookieJar() — Method in class SessionGuard
Set the cookie creator instance used by the guard.
- SessionGuard::setDispatcher() — Method in class SessionGuard
Set the event dispatcher instance.
- SessionGuard::setUser() — Method in class SessionGuard
Set the current user.
- SessionGuard::setRequest() — Method in class SessionGuard
Set the current request instance.
- $ TokenGuard#storageKey — Property in class TokenGuard
The name of the token "column" in persistent storage.
- TokenGuard::setRequest() — Method in class TokenGuard
Set the current request instance.
- BroadcastManager::socket() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Get the socket ID for the given request.
- BroadcastManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Set the default driver name.
- BroadcastManager::setApplication() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Set the application instance used by the manager.
- PusherBroadcaster::setPusher() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster
Set the Pusher SDK instance.
- $ InteractsWithSockets#socket — Property in class InteractsWithSockets
The socket ID for the user that raised the event.
- BatchRepository::store() — Method in class BatchRepository
Store a new pending batch.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::store() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Store a new pending batch.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::serialize() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Serialize the given value.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::setConnection() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Set the underlying database connection.
- Queueable::serializeJob() — Method in class Queueable
Serialize a job for queuing.
- $ ArrayLock#store — Property in class ArrayLock
The parent array cache store.
- $ ArrayStore#storage — Property in class ArrayStore
The array of stored values.
- $ ArrayStore#serializesValues — Property in class ArrayStore
Indicates if values are serialized within the store.
- $ CacheLock#store — Property in class CacheLock
The cache store implementation.
- $ CacheManager#stores — Property in class CacheManager
The array of resolved cache stores.
- CacheManager::store() — Method in class CacheManager
Get a cache store instance by name, wrapped in a repository.
- CacheManager::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class CacheManager
Set the event dispatcher on the given repository instance.
- CacheManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class CacheManager
Set the default cache driver name.
- $ ForgetCommand#signature — Property in class ForgetCommand
The console command name.
- DatabaseStore::setLockConnection() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Specify the name of the connection that should be used to manage locks.
- DatabaseStore::serialize() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Serialize the given value.
- DynamoDbStore::serialize() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Serialize the value.
- DynamoDbStore::setPrefix() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Set the cache key prefix.
- CacheEvent::setTags() — Method in class CacheEvent
Set the tags for the cache event.
- $ KeyWritten#seconds — Property in class KeyWritten
The number of seconds the key should be valid.
- $ Lock#seconds — Property in class Lock
The number of seconds the lock should be maintained.
- $ Lock#sleepMilliseconds — Property in class Lock
The number of milliseconds to wait before re-attempting to acquire a lock while blocking.
- MemcachedConnector::setCredentials() — Method in class MemcachedConnector
Set the SASL credentials on the Memcached connection.
- MemcachedStore::setPrefix() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Set the cache key prefix.
- RedisStore::setConnection() — Method in class RedisStore
Specify the name of the connection that should be used to store data.
- RedisStore::setLockConnection() — Method in class RedisStore
Specify the name of the connection that should be used to manage locks.
- RedisStore::setPrefix() — Method in class RedisStore
Set the cache key prefix.
- RedisStore::serialize() — Method in class RedisStore
Serialize the value.
- $ Repository#store — Property in class Repository
The cache store implementation.
- Repository::set() — Method in class Repository
- {@inheritdoc}
- Repository::setMultiple() — Method in class Repository
- {@inheritdoc}
- Repository::sear() — Method in class Repository
- Repository::supportsTags() — Method in class Repository
Determine if the current store supports tags.
- Repository::setDefaultCacheTime() — Method in class Repository
Set the default cache time in seconds.
- Repository::setStore() — Method in class Repository
Set the cache store implementation.
- Repository::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Repository
Set the event dispatcher instance.
- $ TagSet#store — Property in class TagSet
The cache store implementation.
- Repository::set() — Method in class Repository
Set a given configuration value.
- Application::starting() — Method in class Application
Register a console "starting" bootstrapper.
- Application::setContainerCommandLoader() — Method in class Application
Set the container command loader for lazy resolution.
- $ CacheCommandMutex#store — Property in class CacheCommandMutex
The cache store that should be used.
- $ Command#signature — Property in class Command
The name and signature of the console command.
- Command::setHidden() — Method in class Command
- {@inheritdoc}
- Command::setLaravel() — Method in class Command
Set the Laravel application instance.
- HasParameters::specifyParameters() — Method in class HasParameters
Specify the arguments and options on the command.
- InteractsWithIO::secret() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Prompt the user for input but hide the answer from the console.
- InteractsWithIO::setInput() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Set the input interface implementation.
- InteractsWithIO::setOutput() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Set the output interface implementation.
- InteractsWithIO::setVerbosity() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Set the verbosity level.
- $ InteractsWithSignals#signals — Property in class InteractsWithSignals
The signal registrar instance.
- ScheduledBackgroundTaskFinished — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
- ScheduledTaskFailed — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
- ScheduledTaskFinished — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
- ScheduledTaskSkipped — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
- ScheduledTaskStarting — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Events
- GeneratorCommand::sortImports() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Alphabetically sorts the imports for the given stub.
- $ CacheEventMutex#store — Property in class CacheEventMutex
The cache store that should be used.
- $ CacheSchedulingMutex#store — Property in class CacheSchedulingMutex
The cache store that should be used.
- CallbackEvent::shouldSkipDueToOverlapping() — Method in class CallbackEvent
Determine if the event should skip because another process is overlapping.
- $ Event#shouldAppendOutput — Property in class Event
Indicates whether output should be appended.
- Event::shouldSkipDueToOverlapping() — Method in class Event
Determine if the event should skip because another process is overlapping.
- Event::start() — Method in class Event
Run the command process.
- Event::storeOutput() — Method in class Event
Ensure that the output is stored on disk in a log file.
- Event::sendOutputTo() — Method in class Event
Send the output of the command to a given location.
- Event::skip() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to further filter the schedule.
- ManagesFrequencies::saturdays() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run only on Saturdays.
- ManagesFrequencies::sundays() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run only on Sundays.
- ManagesFrequencies::spliceIntoPosition() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Splice the given value into the given position of the expression.
- Schedule — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- $ Schedule#schedulingMutex — Property in class Schedule
The scheduling mutex implementation.
- Schedule::serverShouldRun() — Method in class Schedule
Determine if the server is allowed to run this event.
- ScheduleClearCacheCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- ScheduleFinishCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- $ ScheduleFinishCommand#signature — Property in class ScheduleFinishCommand
The console command name.
- ScheduleListCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- $ ScheduleListCommand#signature — Property in class ScheduleListCommand
The console command name.
- ScheduleRunCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- $ ScheduleRunCommand#schedule — Property in class ScheduleRunCommand
The schedule instance.
- $ ScheduleRunCommand#startedAt — Property in class ScheduleRunCommand
The 24 hour timestamp this scheduler command started running.
- ScheduleTestCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- $ ScheduleTestCommand#signature — Property in class ScheduleTestCommand
The console command name.
- ScheduleWorkCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- $ ScheduleWorkCommand#signature — Property in class ScheduleWorkCommand
The name and signature of the console command.
- SchedulingMutex — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\Scheduling
- Signals — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console
- Signals::setHandlers() — Method in class Signals
Set the registry's handlers.
- $ Line#styles — Property in class Line
The possible line styles.
- $ Container#scopedInstances — Property in class Container
The container's scoped instances.
- Container::singleton() — Method in class Container
Register a shared binding in the container.
- Container::singletonIf() — Method in class Container
Register a shared binding if it hasn't already been registered.
- Container::scoped() — Method in class Container
Register a scoped binding in the container.
- Container::scopedIf() — Method in class Container
Register a scoped binding if it hasn't already been registered.
- Container::setInstance() — Method in class Container
Set the shared instance of the container.
- Authenticatable::setRememberToken() — Method in class Authenticatable
Set the token value for the "remember me" session.
- CanResetPassword::sendPasswordResetNotification() — Method in class CanResetPassword
Send the password reset notification.
- Factory::shouldUse() — Method in class Factory
Set the default guard the factory should serve.
- Guard::setUser() — Method in class Guard
Set the current user.
- MustVerifyEmail::sendEmailVerificationNotification() — Method in class MustVerifyEmail
Send the email verification notification.
- PasswordBroker::sendResetLink() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Send a password reset link to a user.
- StatefulGuard — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- SupportsBasicAuth — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- ShouldBeUnique — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
- ShouldBroadcast — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
- ShouldBroadcastNow — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting
- Factory::store() — Method in class Factory
Get a cache store instance by name.
- Repository::sear() — Method in class Repository
- Store — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache
- Repository::set() — Method in class Repository
Set a given configuration value.
- Container::singleton() — Method in class Container
Register a shared binding in the container.
- Container::singletonIf() — Method in class Container
Register a shared binding if it hasn't already been registered.
- Container::scoped() — Method in class Container
Register a scoped binding in the container.
- Container::scopedIf() — Method in class Container
Register a scoped binding if it hasn't already been registered.
- CastsAttributes::set() — Method in class CastsAttributes
Transform the attribute to its underlying model values.
- CastsInboundAttributes::set() — Method in class CastsInboundAttributes
Transform the attribute to its underlying model values.
- SerializesCastableAttributes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent
- SerializesCastableAttributes::serialize() — Method in class SerializesCastableAttributes
Serialize the attribute when converting the model to an array.
- SupportsPartialRelations — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent
- ExceptionHandler::shouldReport() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
Determine if the exception should be reported.
- StringEncrypter — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption
- Dispatcher::subscribe() — Method in class Dispatcher
Register an event subscriber with the dispatcher.
- Filesystem::setVisibility() — Method in class Filesystem
Set the visibility for the given path.
- Filesystem::size() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the file size of a given file.
- Application::storagePath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the storage directory.
- Application::setLocale() — Method in class Application
Set the current application locale.
- Application::shouldSkipMiddleware() — Method in class Application
Determine if middleware has been disabled for the application.
- Mailable::send() — Method in class Mailable
Send the message using the given mailer.
- Mailer::send() — Method in class Mailer
Send a new message using a view.
- Dispatcher::send() — Method in class Dispatcher
Send the given notification to the given notifiable entities.
- Dispatcher::sendNow() — Method in class Dispatcher
Send the given notification immediately.
- Factory::send() — Method in class Factory
Send the given notification to the given notifiable entities.
- Factory::sendNow() — Method in class Factory
Send the given notification immediately.
- Pipeline::send() — Method in class Pipeline
Set the traveler object being sent on the pipeline.
- InvokedProcess::signal() — Method in class InvokedProcess
Send a signal to the process.
- ProcessResult::successful() — Method in class ProcessResult
Determine if the process was successful.
- Monitor::stopping() — Method in class Monitor
Register a callback to be executed when a daemon queue is stopping.
- Queue::size() — Method in class Queue
Get the size of the queue.
- Queue::setConnectionName() — Method in class Queue
Set the connection name for the queue.
- ShouldBeEncrypted — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- ShouldBeUnique — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- ShouldBeUniqueUntilProcessing — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- ShouldQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Queue
- Connection::subscribe() — Method in class Connection
Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.
- Registrar::substituteBindings() — Method in class Registrar
Substitute the route bindings onto the route.
- Registrar::substituteImplicitBindings() — Method in class Registrar
Substitute the implicit Eloquent model bindings for the route.
- ResponseFactory::stream() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new streamed response instance.
- ResponseFactory::streamDownload() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new streamed response instance as a file download.
- UrlGenerator::secure() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate a secure, absolute URL to the given path.
- UrlGenerator::setRootControllerNamespace() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Set the root controller namespace.
- Session — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Session
- Session::setName() — Method in class Session
Set the name of the session.
- Session::setId() — Method in class Session
Set the session ID.
- Session::start() — Method in class Session
Start the session, reading the data from a handler.
- Session::save() — Method in class Session
Save the session data to storage.
- Session::setPreviousUrl() — Method in class Session
Set the "previous" URL in the session.
- Session::setRequestOnHandler() — Method in class Session
Set the request on the handler instance.
- MessageBag::setFormat() — Method in class MessageBag
Set the default message format.
- Translator::setLocale() — Method in class Translator
Set the default locale.
- DataAwareRule::setData() — Method in class DataAwareRule
Set the data under validation.
- Validator::sometimes() — Method in class Validator
Add conditions to a given field based on a Closure.
- ValidatorAwareRule::setValidator() — Method in class ValidatorAwareRule
Set the current validator.
- Factory::share() — Method in class Factory
Add a piece of shared data to the environment.
- $ CookieJar#secure — Property in class CookieJar
The default secure setting (defaults to null).
- $ CookieJar#sameSite — Property in class CookieJar
The default SameSite option (defaults to lax).
- CookieJar::setDefaultPathAndDomain() — Method in class CookieJar
Set the default path and domain for the jar.
- $ EncryptCookies#serialize — Property in class EncryptCookies
Indicates if cookies should be serialized.
- EncryptCookies::serialized() — Method in class EncryptCookies
Determine if the cookie contents should be serialized.
- Manager::setupDefaultConfiguration() — Method in class Manager
Setup the default database configuration options.
- Manager::setupManager() — Method in class Manager
Build the database manager instance.
- Manager::schema() — Method in class Manager
Get a schema builder instance.
- Manager::setFetchMode() — Method in class Manager
Set the fetch mode for the database connections.
- Manager::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Manager
Set the event dispatcher instance to be used by connections.
- BuildsQueries::sole() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Execute the query and get the first result if it's the sole matching record.
- BuildsQueries::simplePaginator() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Create a new simple paginator instance.
- $ Connection#schemaGrammar — Property in class Connection
The schema grammar implementation.
- Connection::selectOne() — Method in class Connection
Run a select statement and return a single result.
- Connection::scalar() — Method in class Connection
Run a select statement and return the first column of the first row.
- Connection::selectFromWriteConnection() — Method in class Connection
Run a select statement against the database.
- Connection::select() — Method in class Connection
Run a select statement against the database.
- Connection::statement() — Method in class Connection
Execute an SQL statement and return the boolean result.
- Connection::setRecordModificationState() — Method in class Connection
Set the record modification state.
- Connection::setPdo() — Method in class Connection
Set the PDO connection.
- Connection::setReadPdo() — Method in class Connection
Set the PDO connection used for reading.
- Connection::setReconnector() — Method in class Connection
Set the reconnect instance on the connection.
- Connection::setQueryGrammar() — Method in class Connection
Set the query grammar used by the connection.
- Connection::setSchemaGrammar() — Method in class Connection
Set the schema grammar used by the connection.
- Connection::setPostProcessor() — Method in class Connection
Set the query post processor used by the connection.
- Connection::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Connection
Set the event dispatcher instance on the connection.
- Connection::setTransactionManager() — Method in class Connection
Set the transaction manager instance on the connection.
- Connection::setDatabaseName() — Method in class Connection
Set the name of the connected database.
- Connection::setReadWriteType() — Method in class Connection
Set the read / write type of the connection.
- Connection::setTablePrefix() — Method in class Connection
Set the table prefix in use by the connection.
- ConnectionInterface::selectOne() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Run a select statement and return a single result.
- ConnectionInterface::select() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Run a select statement against the database.
- ConnectionInterface::statement() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Execute an SQL statement and return the boolean result.
- ConnectionResolver::setDefaultConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
Set the default connection name.
- ConnectionResolverInterface::setDefaultConnection() — Method in class ConnectionResolverInterface
Set the default connection name.
- Connector::setDefaultOptions() — Method in class Connector
Set the default PDO connection options.
- MySqlConnector::setModes() — Method in class MySqlConnector
Set the modes for the connection.
- MySqlConnector::setCustomModes() — Method in class MySqlConnector
Set the custom modes on the connection.
- MySqlConnector::strictMode() — Method in class MySqlConnector
Get the query to enable strict mode.
- SQLiteConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
- SqlServerConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Connectors
- $ DbCommand#signature — Property in class DbCommand
The name and signature of the console command.
- $ DumpCommand#signature — Property in class DumpCommand
The console command name.
- DumpCommand::schemaState() — Method in class DumpCommand
Create a schema state instance for the given connection.
- $ MigrateCommand#signature — Property in class MigrateCommand
The name and signature of the console command.
- MigrateCommand::schemaPath() — Method in class MigrateCommand
Get the path to the stored schema for the given connection.
- $ MigrateMakeCommand#signature — Property in class MigrateMakeCommand
The console command signature.
- StatusCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- $ MonitorCommand#signature — Property in class MonitorCommand
The name and signature of the console command.
- $ PruneCommand#signature — Property in class PruneCommand
The console command name.
- SeedCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Seeds
- SeederMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Seeds
- ShowCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console
- $ ShowCommand#signature — Property in class ShowCommand
The name and signature of the console command.
- ShowModelCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console
- $ ShowModelCommand#signature — Property in class ShowModelCommand
The console command signature.
- $ TableCommand#signature — Property in class TableCommand
The name and signature of the console command.
- DatabaseManager::setPdoForType() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Prepare the read / write mode for database connection instance.
- DatabaseManager::setDefaultConnection() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Set the default connection name.
- DatabaseManager::supportedDrivers() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Get all of the support drivers.
- DatabaseManager::setReconnector() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Set the database reconnector callback.
- DatabaseManager::setApplication() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Set the application instance used by the manager.
- BroadcastableModelEventOccurred::shouldBroadcastNow() — Method in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
Determine if the event should be broadcast synchronously.
- $ Builder#scopes — Property in class Builder
Applied global scopes.
- Builder::sole() — Method in class Builder
Execute the query and get the first result if it's the sole matching record.
- Builder::soleValue() — Method in class Builder
Get a single column's value from the first result of a query if it's the sole matching record.
- Builder::simplePaginate() — Method in class Builder
Paginate the given query into a simple paginator.
- Builder::scopes() — Method in class Builder
Call the given local model scopes.
- Builder::setQuery() — Method in class Builder
Set the underlying query builder instance.
- Builder::setEagerLoads() — Method in class Builder
Set the relationships being eagerly loaded.
- Builder::setModel() — Method in class Builder
Set a model instance for the model being queried.
- AsArrayObject::set() — Method in class AsArrayObject
- AsArrayObject::serialize() — Method in class AsArrayObject
- AsCollection::set() — Method in class AsCollection
- AsEncryptedArrayObject::set() — Method in class AsEncryptedArrayObject
- AsEncryptedArrayObject::serialize() — Method in class AsEncryptedArrayObject
- AsEncryptedCollection::set() — Method in class AsEncryptedCollection
- AsEnumArrayObject::set() — Method in class AsEnumArrayObject
- AsEnumArrayObject::serialize() — Method in class AsEnumArrayObject
- AsEnumCollection::set() — Method in class AsEnumCollection
- AsEnumCollection::serialize() — Method in class AsEnumCollection
- AsStringable::set() — Method in class AsStringable
- $ Attribute#set — Property in class Attribute
The attribute mutator.
- Attribute::set() — Method in class Attribute
Create a new attribute mutator.
- Attribute::shouldCache() — Method in class Attribute
Enable caching for the attribute.
- Collection::setVisible() — Method in class Collection
Set the visible attributes across the entire collection.
- Collection::setHidden() — Method in class Collection
Set the hidden attributes across the entire collection.
- $ HasAttributes#snakeAttributes — Property in class HasAttributes
Indicates whether attributes are snake cased on arrays.
- $ HasAttributes#setAttributeMutatorCache — Property in class HasAttributes
The cache of the "Attribute" return type marked mutated, settable attributes for each class.
- HasAttributes::serializeClassCastableAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes
Serialize the given attribute using the custom cast class.
- HasAttributes::setAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes
Set a given attribute on the model.
- HasAttributes::setMutatedAttributeValue() — Method in class HasAttributes
Set the value of an attribute using its mutator.
- HasAttributes::setAttributeMarkedMutatedAttributeValue() — Method in class HasAttributes
Set the value of a "Attribute" return type marked attribute using its mutator.
- HasAttributes::setClassCastableAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes
Set the value of a class castable attribute.
- HasAttributes::setEnumCastableAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes
Set the value of an enum castable attribute.
- HasAttributes::serializeDate() — Method in class HasAttributes
Prepare a date for array / JSON serialization.
- HasAttributes::setDateFormat() — Method in class HasAttributes
Set the date format used by the model.
- HasAttributes::setRawAttributes() — Method in class HasAttributes
Set the array of model attributes. No checking is done.
- HasAttributes::syncOriginal() — Method in class HasAttributes
Sync the original attributes with the current.
- HasAttributes::syncOriginalAttribute() — Method in class HasAttributes
Sync a single original attribute with its current value.
- HasAttributes::syncOriginalAttributes() — Method in class HasAttributes
Sync multiple original attribute with their current values.
- HasAttributes::syncChanges() — Method in class HasAttributes
Sync the changed attributes.
- HasAttributes::setAppends() — Method in class HasAttributes
Set the accessors to append to model arrays.
- HasEvents::setObservableEvents() — Method in class HasEvents
Set the observable event names.
- HasEvents::saving() — Method in class HasEvents
Register a saving model event with the dispatcher.
- HasEvents::saved() — Method in class HasEvents
Register a saved model event with the dispatcher.
- HasEvents::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class HasEvents
Set the event dispatcher instance.
- HasRelationships::setRelation() — Method in class HasRelationships
Set the given relationship on the model.
- HasRelationships::setRelations() — Method in class HasRelationships
Set the entire relations array on the model.
- HasRelationships::setTouchedRelations() — Method in class HasRelationships
Set the relationships that are touched on save.
- HasTimestamps::setCreatedAt() — Method in class HasTimestamps
Set the value of the "created at" attribute.
- HasTimestamps::setUpdatedAt() — Method in class HasTimestamps
Set the value of the "updated at" attribute.
- HidesAttributes::setHidden() — Method in class HidesAttributes
Set the hidden attributes for the model.
- HidesAttributes::setVisible() — Method in class HidesAttributes
Set the visible attributes for the model.
- $ Factory#states — Property in class Factory
The state transformations that will be applied to the model.
- Factory::store() — Method in class Factory
Set the connection name on the results and store them.
- Factory::state() — Method in class Factory
Add a new state transformation to the model definition.
- Factory::set() — Method in class Factory
Set a single model attribute.
- Factory::sequence() — Method in class Factory
Add a new sequenced state transformation to the model definition.
- Sequence — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories
- $ Sequence#sequence — Property in class Sequence
The sequence of return values.
- Model::shouldBeStrict() — Method in class Model
Indicate that models should prevent lazy loading, silently discarding attributes, and accessing missing attributes.
- Model::saveQuietly() — Method in class Model
Save the model to the database without raising any events.
- Model::save() — Method in class Model
Save the model to the database.
- Model::saveOrFail() — Method in class Model
Save the model to the database within a transaction.
- Model::setKeysForSelectQuery() — Method in class Model
Set the keys for a select query.
- Model::setKeysForSaveQuery() — Method in class Model
Set the keys for a save update query.
- Model::setConnection() — Method in class Model
Set the connection associated with the model.
- Model::setConnectionResolver() — Method in class Model
Set the connection resolver instance.
- Model::setTable() — Method in class Model
Set the table associated with the model.
- Model::setKeyName() — Method in class Model
Set the primary key for the model.
- Model::setKeyType() — Method in class Model
Set the data type for the primary key.
- Model::setIncrementing() — Method in class Model
Set whether IDs are incrementing.
- Model::setPerPage() — Method in class Model
Set the number of models to return per page.
- ModelNotFoundException::setModel() — Method in class ModelNotFoundException
Set the affected Eloquent model and instance ids.
- BelongsToMany::shouldSelect() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the select columns for the relation query.
- BelongsToMany::simplePaginate() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Paginate the given query into a simple paginator.
- BelongsToMany::save() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Save a new model and attach it to the parent model.
- BelongsToMany::saveQuietly() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Save a new model without raising any events and attach it to the parent model.
- BelongsToMany::saveMany() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Save an array of new models and attach them to the parent model.
- BelongsToMany::saveManyQuietly() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Save an array of new models without raising any events and attach them to the parent model.
- AsPivot::setKeysForSelectQuery() — Method in class AsPivot
Set the keys for a select query.
- AsPivot::setKeysForSaveQuery() — Method in class AsPivot
Set the keys for a save update query.
- AsPivot::setPivotKeys() — Method in class AsPivot
Set the key names for the pivot model instance.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::syncWithoutDetaching() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Sync the intermediate tables with a list of IDs without detaching.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::sync() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Sync the intermediate tables with a list of IDs or collection of models.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::syncWithPivotValues() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Sync the intermediate tables with a list of IDs or collection of models with the given pivot values.
- SupportsDefaultModels — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Concerns
- $ HasManyThrough#secondKey — Property in class HasManyThrough
The far key on the relationship.
- $ HasManyThrough#secondLocalKey — Property in class HasManyThrough
The local key on the intermediary model.
- HasManyThrough::simplePaginate() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Paginate the given query into a simple paginator.
- HasManyThrough::shouldSelect() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Set the select clause for the relation query.
- HasOneOrMany::save() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Attach a model instance to the parent model.
- HasOneOrMany::saveQuietly() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Attach a model instance without raising any events to the parent model.
- HasOneOrMany::saveMany() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Attach a collection of models to the parent instance.
- HasOneOrMany::saveManyQuietly() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Attach a collection of models to the parent instance without raising any events to the parent model.
- HasOneOrMany::setForeignAttributesForCreate() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Set the foreign ID for creating a related model.
- MorphOneOrMany::setForeignAttributesForCreate() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Set the foreign ID and type for creating a related model.
- MorphPivot::setKeysForSaveQuery() — Method in class MorphPivot
Set the keys for a save update query.
- MorphPivot::setKeysForSelectQuery() — Method in class MorphPivot
Set the keys for a select query.
- MorphPivot::setMorphType() — Method in class MorphPivot
Set the morph type for the pivot.
- MorphPivot::setMorphClass() — Method in class MorphPivot
Set the morph class for the pivot.
- $ Relation#selfJoinCount — Property in class Relation
The count of self joins.
- Relation::sole() — Method in class Relation
Execute the query and get the first result if it's the sole matching record.
- Scope — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- SoftDeletes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- SoftDeletes::softDeleted() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Register a "softDeleted" model event callback with the dispatcher.
- SoftDeletingScope — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent
- $ QueryExecuted#sql — Property in class QueryExecuted
The SQL query that was executed.
- SchemaDumped — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- SchemaLoaded — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- StatementPrepared — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- $ StatementPrepared#statement — Property in class StatementPrepared
The PDO statement.
- Grammar::setTablePrefix() — Method in class Grammar
Set the grammar's table prefix.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::setSource() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Set the information source to gather data.
- MigrationCreator::stubPath() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Get the path to the stubs.
- MigrationRepositoryInterface::setSource() — Method in class MigrationRepositoryInterface
Set the information source to gather data.
- Migrator::setConnection() — Method in class Migrator
Set the default connection name.
- Migrator::setOutput() — Method in class Migrator
Set the output implementation that should be used by the console.
- SQLiteDriver — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\PDO
- SqlServerConnection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\PDO
- SqlServerDriver — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\PDO
- $ QueryException#sql — Property in class QueryException
The SQL for the query.
- Builder::select() — Method in class Builder
Set the columns to be selected.
- Builder::selectSub() — Method in class Builder
Add a subselect expression to the query.
- Builder::selectRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add a new "raw" select expression to the query.
- Builder::skip() — Method in class Builder
Alias to set the "offset" value of the query.
- Builder::sharedLock() — Method in class Builder
Share lock the selected rows in the table.
- Builder::soleValue() — Method in class Builder
Get a single column's value from the first result of a query if it's the sole matching record.
- Builder::simplePaginate() — Method in class Builder
Get a paginator only supporting simple next and previous links.
- Builder::stripTableForPluck() — Method in class Builder
Strip off the table name or alias from a column identifier.
- Builder::sum() — Method in class Builder
Retrieve the sum of the values of a given column.
- Builder::setAggregate() — Method in class Builder
Set the aggregate property without running the query.
- Builder::setBindings() — Method in class Builder
Set the bindings on the query builder.
- $ Grammar#selectComponents — Property in class Grammar
The components that make up a select clause.
- Grammar::supportsSavepoints() — Method in class Grammar
Determine if the grammar supports savepoints.
- SQLiteGrammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
- SqlServerGrammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars
- $ SqlServerGrammar#selectComponents — Property in class SqlServerGrammar
The components that make up a select clause.
- SqlServerGrammar::sortBindingsForSubqueryOrderBy() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Move the order bindings to be after the "select" statement to account for an order by subquery.
- SQLiteProcessor — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
- SqlServerProcessor — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors
- SQLiteConnection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- SQLiteDatabaseDoesNotExistException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Blueprint::spatialIndex() — Method in class Blueprint
Specify a spatial index for the table.
- Blueprint::smallIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new auto-incrementing small integer (2-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::string() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new string column on the table.
- Blueprint::smallInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new small integer (2-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::set() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new set column on the table.
- Blueprint::softDeletes() — Method in class Blueprint
Add a "deleted at" timestamp for the table.
- Blueprint::softDeletesTz() — Method in class Blueprint
Add a "deleted at" timestampTz for the table.
- Blueprint::softDeletesDatetime() — Method in class Blueprint
Add a "deleted at" datetime column to the table.
- Builder::setConnection() — Method in class Builder
Set the database connection instance.
- ColumnDefinition::spatialIndex() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
Add a spatial index
- ColumnDefinition::startingValue() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- ColumnDefinition::storedAs() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- Grammar::supportsSchemaTransactions() — Method in class Grammar
Check if this Grammar supports schema changes wrapped in a transaction.
- $ MySqlGrammar#serials — Property in class MySqlGrammar
The possible column serials.
- $ PostgresGrammar#serials — Property in class PostgresGrammar
The columns available as serials.
- RenameColumn::setRenamedColumns() — Method in class RenameColumn
Set the renamed columns on the table diff.
- SQLiteGrammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
- $ SQLiteGrammar#serials — Property in class SQLiteGrammar
The columns available as serials.
- SqlServerGrammar — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars
- $ SqlServerGrammar#serials — Property in class SqlServerGrammar
The columns available as serials.
- SQLiteBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- SchemaState — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- SqlServerBuilder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- SqliteSchemaState — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Schema
- Seeder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Seeder::setContainer() — Method in class Seeder
Set the IoC container instance.
- Seeder::setCommand() — Method in class Seeder
Set the console command instance.
- SqlServerConnection — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database
- Encrypter::supported() — Method in class Encrypter
Determine if the given key and cipher combination is valid.
- $ CallQueuedListener#shouldBeEncrypted — Property in class CallQueuedListener
Indicates if the job should be encrypted.
- CallQueuedListener::setJobInstanceIfNecessary() — Method in class CallQueuedListener
Set the job instance of the given class if necessary.
- Dispatcher::setupWildcardListen() — Method in class Dispatcher
Setup a wildcard listener callback.
- Dispatcher::subscribe() — Method in class Dispatcher
Register an event subscriber with the dispatcher.
- Dispatcher::shouldBroadcast() — Method in class Dispatcher
Determine if the payload has a broadcastable event.
- Dispatcher::setQueueResolver() — Method in class Dispatcher
Set the queue resolver implementation.
- NullDispatcher::subscribe() — Method in class NullDispatcher
Register an event subscriber with the dispatcher.
- Filesystem::sharedGet() — Method in class Filesystem
Get contents of a file with shared access.
- Filesystem::size() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the file size of a given file.
- FilesystemAdapter::setVisibility() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Set the visibility for the given path.
- FilesystemAdapter::size() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the file size of a given file.
- FilesystemManager::set() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Set the given disk instance.
- FilesystemManager::setApplication() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Set the application instance used by the manager.
- LockableFile::size() — Method in class LockableFile
Get the file size.
- AliasLoader::setAliases() — Method in class AliasLoader
Set the registered aliases.
- AliasLoader::setRegistered() — Method in class AliasLoader
Set the "registered" state of the loader.
- AliasLoader::setFacadeNamespace() — Method in class AliasLoader
Set the real-time facade namespace.
- AliasLoader::setInstance() — Method in class AliasLoader
Set the value of the singleton alias loader.
- $ Application#serviceProviders — Property in class Application
All of the registered service providers.
- $ Application#storagePath — Property in class Application
The custom storage path defined by the developer.
- Application::setBasePath() — Method in class Application
Set the base path for the application.
- Application::storagePath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the storage directory.
- Application::shouldSkipMiddleware() — Method in class Application
Determine if middleware has been disabled for the application.
- Application::setDeferredServices() — Method in class Application
Set the application's deferred services.
- Application::setLocale() — Method in class Application
Set the current application locale.
- Application::setFallbackLocale() — Method in class Application
Set the current application fallback locale.
- HandleExceptions::shouldIgnoreDeprecationErrors() — Method in class HandleExceptions
Determine if deprecation errors should be ignored.
- LoadEnvironmentVariables::setEnvironmentFilePath() — Method in class LoadEnvironmentVariables
Load a custom environment file.
- SetRequestForConsole — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap
- PendingDispatch::shouldDispatch() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Determine if the job should be dispatched.
- $ CacheBasedMaintenanceMode#store — Property in class CacheBasedMaintenanceMode
The cache store that should be utilized.
- $ AboutCommand#signature — Property in class AboutCommand
The console command signature.
- AboutCommand::sections() — Method in class AboutCommand
Get the sections provided to the command.
- CliDumper::supportsColors() — Method in class CliDumper
- {@inheritDoc}
- $ DocsCommand#signature — Property in class DocsCommand
The name and signature of the console command.
- $ DocsCommand#systemOsFamily — Property in class DocsCommand
The operating system family.
- DocsCommand::section() — Method in class DocsCommand
The section the user specifically asked to open.
- DocsCommand::sectionsFor() — Method in class DocsCommand
The available sections for the page.
- DocsCommand::searchQuery() — Method in class DocsCommand
The search query the user provided.
- DocsCommand::setVersion() — Method in class DocsCommand
Set the documentation version.
- DocsCommand::setUrlOpener() — Method in class DocsCommand
Set a custom URL opener.
- DocsCommand::setSystemOsFamily() — Method in class DocsCommand
Set the system operating system family.
- $ DownCommand#signature — Property in class DownCommand
The console command signature.
- $ EnvironmentDecryptCommand#signature — Property in class EnvironmentDecryptCommand
The name and signature of the console command.
- $ EnvironmentEncryptCommand#signature — Property in class EnvironmentEncryptCommand
The name and signature of the console command.
- $ EventCacheCommand#signature — Property in class EventCacheCommand
The name and signature of the console command.
- $ EventListCommand#signature — Property in class EventListCommand
The name and signature of the console command.
- EventListCommand::stringifyClosure() — Method in class EventListCommand
Get a displayable string representation of a Closure listener.
- Kernel::scheduleCache() — Method in class Kernel
Get the name of the cache store that should manage scheduling mutexes.
- Kernel::schedule() — Method in class Kernel
Define the application's command schedule.
- Kernel::scheduleTimezone() — Method in class Kernel
Get the timezone that should be used by default for scheduled events.
- Kernel::setArtisan() — Method in class Kernel
Set the Artisan application instance.
- $ KeyGenerateCommand#signature — Property in class KeyGenerateCommand
The name and signature of the console command.
- KeyGenerateCommand::setKeyInEnvironmentFile() — Method in class KeyGenerateCommand
Set the application key in the environment file.
- $ LangPublishCommand#signature — Property in class LangPublishCommand
The name and signature of the console command.
- $ PackageDiscoverCommand#signature — Property in class PackageDiscoverCommand
The console command signature.
- RouteListCommand::sortRoutes() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Sort the routes by a given element.
- ScopeMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ServeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- $ ServeCommand#serverRunningHasBeenDisplayed — Property in class ServeCommand
Indicates if the "Server running on..." output message has been displayed.
- ServeCommand::startProcess() — Method in class ServeCommand
Start a new server process.
- ServeCommand::serverCommand() — Method in class ServeCommand
Get the full server command.
- StorageLinkCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- $ StorageLinkCommand#signature — Property in class StorageLinkCommand
The console command signature.
- StubPublishCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- $ StubPublishCommand#signature — Property in class StubPublishCommand
The name and signature of the console command.
- $ VendorPublishCommand#signature — Property in class VendorPublishCommand
The console command signature.
- VendorPublishCommand::status() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
Write a status message to the console.
- $ ViewCacheCommand#signature — Property in class ViewCacheCommand
The name and signature of the console command.
- $ PublishingStubs#stubs — Property in class PublishingStubs
The stubs being published.
- Handler::shouldReport() — Method in class Handler
Determine if the exception should be reported.
- Handler::shouldntReport() — Method in class Handler
Determine if the exception is in the "do not report" list.
- Handler::stopIgnoring() — Method in class Handler
Remove the given exception class from the list of exceptions that should be ignored.
- Handler::shouldReturnJson() — Method in class Handler
Determine if the exception handler response should be JSON.
- $ ReportableHandler#shouldStop — Property in class ReportableHandler
Indicates if reporting should stop after invoking this handler.
- ReportableHandler::stop() — Method in class ReportableHandler
Indicate that report handling should stop after invoking this callback.
- $ FormRequest#stopOnFirstFailure — Property in class FormRequest
Indicates whether validation should stop after the first rule failure.
- FormRequest::safe() — Method in class FormRequest
Get a validated input container for the validated input.
- FormRequest::setValidator() — Method in class FormRequest
Set the Validator instance.
- FormRequest::setRedirector() — Method in class FormRequest
Set the Redirector instance.
- FormRequest::setContainer() — Method in class FormRequest
Set the container implementation.
- Kernel::sendRequestThroughRouter() — Method in class Kernel
Send the given request through the middleware / router.
- Kernel::syncMiddlewareToRouter() — Method in class Kernel
Sync the current state of the middleware to the router.
- Kernel::setApplication() — Method in class Kernel
Set the Laravel application instance.
- $ ConvertEmptyStringsToNull#skipCallbacks — Property in class ConvertEmptyStringsToNull
All of the registered skip callbacks.
- ConvertEmptyStringsToNull::skipWhen() — Method in class ConvertEmptyStringsToNull
Register a callback that instructs the middleware to be skipped.
- $ TrimStrings#skipCallbacks — Property in class TrimStrings
All of the registered skip callbacks.
- TrimStrings::skipWhen() — Method in class TrimStrings
Register a callback that instructs the middleware to be skipped.
- VerifyCsrfToken::shouldAddXsrfTokenCookie() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken
Determine if the cookie should be added to the response.
- VerifyCsrfToken::serialized() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken
Determine if the cookie contents should be serialized.
- ProviderRepository::shouldRecompile() — Method in class ProviderRepository
Determine if the manifest should be compiled.
- $ FoundationServiceProvider#singletons — Property in class FoundationServiceProvider
The singletons to register into the container.
- $ EventServiceProvider#subscribe — Property in class EventServiceProvider
The subscribers to register.
- EventServiceProvider::shouldDiscoverEvents() — Method in class EventServiceProvider
Determine if events and listeners should be automatically discovered.
- RouteServiceProvider::setRootControllerNamespace() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider
Set the root controller namespace for the application.
- InteractsWithContainer::swap() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
Register an instance of an object in the container.
- InteractsWithContainer::spy() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
Spy an instance of an object in the container.
- InteractsWithDatabase::seed() — Method in class InteractsWithDatabase
Seed a given database connection.
- InteractsWithExceptionHandling::shouldReport() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling
Determine if the exception should be reported.
- InteractsWithRedis::setUpRedis() — Method in class InteractsWithRedis
Setup redis connection.
- InteractsWithSession::session() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
Set the session to the given array.
- InteractsWithSession::startSession() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
Start the session for the application.
- $ MakesHttpRequests#serverVariables — Property in class MakesHttpRequests
Additional server variables for the request.
- $ TestCase#setUpHasRun — Property in class TestCase
Indicates if we have made it through the base setUp function.
- TestCase::setUp() — Method in class TestCase
Setup the test environment.
- TestCase::setUpTraits() — Method in class TestCase
Boot the testing helper traits.
- CanConfigureMigrationCommands::shouldDropViews() — Method in class CanConfigureMigrationCommands
Determine if views should be dropped when refreshing the database.
- CanConfigureMigrationCommands::shouldDropTypes() — Method in class CanConfigureMigrationCommands
Determine if types should be dropped when refreshing the database.
- CanConfigureMigrationCommands::shouldSeed() — Method in class CanConfigureMigrationCommands
Determine if the seed task should be run when refreshing the database.
- CanConfigureMigrationCommands::seeder() — Method in class CanConfigureMigrationCommands
Determine the specific seeder class that should be used when refreshing the database.
- WithFaker::setUpFaker() — Method in class WithFaker
Setup up the Faker instance.
- Wormhole::second() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel forward the given number of seconds.
- Wormhole::seconds() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel forward the given number of seconds.
- $ Vite#scriptTagAttributesResolvers — Property in class Vite
The script tag attributes resolvers.
- $ Vite#styleTagAttributesResolvers — Property in class Vite
The style tag attributes resolvers.
- ArgonHasher::setMemory() — Method in class ArgonHasher
Set the default password memory factor.
- ArgonHasher::setTime() — Method in class ArgonHasher
Set the default password timing factor.
- ArgonHasher::setThreads() — Method in class ArgonHasher
Set the default password threads factor.
- BcryptHasher::setRounds() — Method in class BcryptHasher
Set the default password work factor.
- $ Factory#stubCallbacks — Property in class Factory
The stub callables that will handle requests.
- Factory::sequence() — Method in class Factory
Get an invokable object that returns a sequence of responses in order for use during stubbing.
- Factory::stubUrl() — Method in class Factory
Stub the given URL using the given callback.
- $ PendingRequest#stubCallbacks — Property in class PendingRequest
The stub callables that will handle requests.
- PendingRequest::sink() — Method in class PendingRequest
Specify the path where the body of the response should be stored.
- PendingRequest::send() — Method in class PendingRequest
Send the request to the given URL.
- PendingRequest::sendRequest() — Method in class PendingRequest
Send a request either synchronously or asynchronously.
- PendingRequest::sinkStubHandler() — Method in class PendingRequest
Get the sink stub handler callback.
- PendingRequest::stub() — Method in class PendingRequest
Register a stub callable that will intercept requests and be able to return stub responses.
- PendingRequest::setClient() — Method in class PendingRequest
Set the client instance.
- PendingRequest::setHandler() — Method in class PendingRequest
Create a new client instance using the given handler.
- Response::status() — Method in class Response
Get the status code of the response.
- Response::successful() — Method in class Response
Determine if the request was successful.
- Response::serverError() — Method in class Response
Determine if the response indicates a server error occurred.
- InteractsWithInput::server() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve a server variable from the request.
- InteractsWithInput::str() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve input from the request as a Stringable instance.
- InteractsWithInput::string() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Retrieve input from the request as a Stringable instance.
- JsonResponse::setData() — Method in class JsonResponse
- {@inheritdoc}
- JsonResponse::setEncodingOptions() — Method in class JsonResponse
- {@inheritdoc}
- SetCacheHeaders — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Middleware
- TrustHosts::shouldSpecifyTrustedHosts() — Method in class TrustHosts
Determine if the application should specify trusted hosts.
- TrustProxies::setTrustedProxyIpAddresses() — Method in class TrustProxies
Sets the trusted proxies on the request.
- TrustProxies::setTrustedProxyIpAddressesToSpecificIps() — Method in class TrustProxies
Specify the IP addresses to trust explicitly.
- TrustProxies::setTrustedProxyIpAddressesToTheCallingIp() — Method in class TrustProxies
Set the trusted proxy to be the IP address calling this servers.
- $ RedirectResponse#session — Property in class RedirectResponse
The session store instance.
- RedirectResponse::setRequest() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Set the request instance.
- RedirectResponse::setSession() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Set the session store instance.
- Request::segment() — Method in class Request
Get a segment from the URI (1 based index).
- Request::segments() — Method in class Request
Get all of the segments for the request path.
- Request::schemeAndHttpHost() — Method in class Request
Get the scheme and HTTP host.
- Request::secure() — Method in class Request
Determine if the request is over HTTPS.
- Request::session() — Method in class Request
Get the session associated with the request.
- Request::setLaravelSession() — Method in class Request
Set the session instance on the request.
- Request::setRequestLocale() — Method in class Request
Set the locale for the request instance.
- Request::setDefaultRequestLocale() — Method in class Request
Set the default locale for the request instance.
- Request::setJson() — Method in class Request
Set the JSON payload for the request.
- Request::setUserResolver() — Method in class Request
Set the user resolver callback.
- Request::setRouteResolver() — Method in class Request
Set the route resolver callback.
- Response::setContent() — Method in class Response
Set the content on the response.
- Response::shouldBeJson() — Method in class Response
Determine if the given content should be turned into JSON.
- ResponseTrait::status() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Get the status code for the response.
- ResponseTrait::statusText() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Get the status text for the response.
- $ File#sizeToReport — Property in class File
The "size" to report.
- File::size() — Method in class File
Set the "size" of the file in kilobytes.
- MimeType::search() — Method in class MimeType
Search for the extension of a given MIME type.
- UploadedFile::store() — Method in class UploadedFile
Store the uploaded file on a filesystem disk.
- UploadedFile::storePublicly() — Method in class UploadedFile
Store the uploaded file on a filesystem disk with public visibility.
- UploadedFile::storePubliclyAs() — Method in class UploadedFile
Store the uploaded file on a filesystem disk with public visibility.
- UploadedFile::storeAs() — Method in class UploadedFile
Store the uploaded file on a filesystem disk.
- $ LogManager#sharedContext — Property in class LogManager
The context shared across channels and stacks.
- LogManager::stack() — Method in class LogManager
Create a new, on-demand aggregate logger instance.
- LogManager::shareContext() — Method in class LogManager
Share context across channels and stacks.
- LogManager::sharedContext() — Method in class LogManager
The context shared across channels and stacks.
- LogManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class LogManager
Set the default log driver name.
- Logger::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Logger
Set the event dispatcher instance.
- $ MessageSent#sent — Property in class MessageSent
The message that was sent.
- MailManager::setGlobalAddress() — Method in class MailManager
Set a global address on the mailer by type.
- MailManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class MailManager
Set the default mail driver name.
- MailManager::setApplication() — Method in class MailManager
Set the application instance used by the manager.
- $ Mailable#subject — Property in class Mailable
The subject of the message.
- Mailable::send() — Method in class Mailable
Send the message using the given mailer.
- Mailable::setAddress() — Method in class Mailable
Set the recipients of the message.
- Mailable::subject() — Method in class Mailable
Set the subject of the message.
- $ Envelope#subject — Property in class Envelope
The subject of the message.
- Envelope::subject() — Method in class Envelope
Set the subject of the message.
- Mailer::send() — Method in class Mailer
Send a new message using a view.
- Mailer::sendMailable() — Method in class Mailer
Send the given mailable.
- Mailer::setGlobalToAndRemoveCcAndBcc() — Method in class Mailer
Set the global "to" address on the given message.
- Mailer::sendSymfonyMessage() — Method in class Mailer
Send a Symfony Email instance.
- Mailer::shouldSendMessage() — Method in class Mailer
Determines if the email can be sent.
- Mailer::setSymfonyTransport() — Method in class Mailer
Set the Symfony Transport instance.
- Mailer::setQueue() — Method in class Mailer
Set the queue manager instance.
- Message::sender() — Method in class Message
Set the "sender" of the message.
- Message::subject() — Method in class Message
Set the subject of the message.
- PendingMail::send() — Method in class PendingMail
Send a new mailable message instance.
- SendQueuedMailable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail
- $ SendQueuedMailable#shouldBeEncrypted — Property in class SendQueuedMailable
Indicates if the job should be encrypted.
- SentMessage — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail
- $ SentMessage#sentMessage — Property in class SentMessage
The Symfony SentMessage instance.
- ArrayTransport::send() — Method in class ArrayTransport
- {@inheritdoc}
- LogTransport::send() — Method in class LogTransport
- {@inheritdoc}
- SesTransport — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
- $ SesTransport#ses — Property in class SesTransport
The Amazon SES instance.
- SesTransport::ses() — Method in class SesTransport
Get the Amazon SES client for the SesTransport instance.
- SesTransport::setOptions() — Method in class SesTransport
Set the transmission options being used by the transport.
- SesV2Transport — Class in namespace Illuminate\Mail\Transport
- $ SesV2Transport#ses — Property in class SesV2Transport
The Amazon SES V2 instance.
- SesV2Transport::ses() — Method in class SesV2Transport
Get the Amazon SES V2 client for the SesV2Transport instance.
- SesV2Transport::setOptions() — Method in class SesV2Transport
Set the transmission options being used by the transport.
- ChannelManager::send() — Method in class ChannelManager
Send the given notification to the given notifiable entities.
- ChannelManager::sendNow() — Method in class ChannelManager
Send the given notification immediately.
- BroadcastChannel::send() — Method in class BroadcastChannel
Send the given notification.
- DatabaseChannel::send() — Method in class DatabaseChannel
Send the given notification.
- MailChannel::send() — Method in class MailChannel
Send the given notification.
- DatabaseNotification::scopeRead() — Method in class DatabaseNotification
Scope a query to only include read notifications.
- DatabaseNotification::scopeUnread() — Method in class DatabaseNotification
Scope a query to only include unread notifications.
- SimpleMessage — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications\Messages
- $ SimpleMessage#subject — Property in class SimpleMessage
The subject of the notification.
- $ SimpleMessage#salutation — Property in class SimpleMessage
The notification's salutation.
- SimpleMessage::success() — Method in class SimpleMessage
Indicate that the notification gives information about a successful operation.
- SimpleMessage::subject() — Method in class SimpleMessage
Set the subject of the notification.
- SimpleMessage::salutation() — Method in class SimpleMessage
Set the salutation of the notification.
- NotificationSender::send() — Method in class NotificationSender
Send the given notification to the given notifiable entities.
- NotificationSender::sendNow() — Method in class NotificationSender
Send the given notification immediately.
- NotificationSender::sendToNotifiable() — Method in class NotificationSender
Send the given notification to the given notifiable via a channel.
- NotificationSender::shouldSendNotification() — Method in class NotificationSender
Determines if the notification can be sent.
- SendQueuedNotifications — Class in namespace Illuminate\Notifications
- $ SendQueuedNotifications#shouldBeEncrypted — Property in class SendQueuedNotifications
Indicates if the job should be encrypted.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::setCursorName() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Set the query string variable used to store the cursor.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::setPath() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Set the base path to assign to all URLs.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::setCollection() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Set the paginator's underlying collection.
- AbstractPaginator::setPageName() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the query string variable used to store the page.
- AbstractPaginator::setPath() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the base path to assign to all URLs.
- AbstractPaginator::setCollection() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the paginator's underlying collection.
- CursorPaginator::setItems() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Set the items for the paginator.
- LengthAwarePaginator::setCurrentPage() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Get the current page for the request.
- Paginator::setCurrentPage() — Method in class Paginator
Get the current page for the request.
- Paginator::setItems() — Method in class Paginator
Set the items for the paginator.
- Hub::setContainer() — Method in class Hub
Set the container instance used by the hub.
- Pipeline::send() — Method in class Pipeline
Set the object being sent through the pipeline.
- Pipeline::setContainer() — Method in class Pipeline
Set the container instance.
- Factory::sequence() — Method in class Factory
Begin describing a fake process sequence.
- FakeInvokedProcess::signal() — Method in class FakeInvokedProcess
Send a signal to the process.
- FakeProcessResult::successful() — Method in class FakeProcessResult
Determine if the process was successful.
- FakeProcessResult::seeInOutput() — Method in class FakeProcessResult
Determine if the output contains the given string.
- FakeProcessResult::seeInErrorOutput() — Method in class FakeProcessResult
Determine if the error output contains the given string.
- InvokedProcess::signal() — Method in class InvokedProcess
Send a signal to the process.
- InvokedProcessPool::signal() — Method in class InvokedProcessPool
Send a signal to each running process in the pool, returning the processes that were signalled.
- PendingProcess::start() — Method in class PendingProcess
Start the process in the background.
- Pool::start() — Method in class Pool
Start all of the processes in the pool.
- ProcessResult::successful() — Method in class ProcessResult
Determine if the process was successful.
- ProcessResult::seeInOutput() — Method in class ProcessResult
Determine if the output contains the given string.
- ProcessResult::seeInErrorOutput() — Method in class ProcessResult
Determine if the error output contains the given string.
- BeanstalkdQueue::size() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Get the size of the queue.
- CallQueuedHandler::setJobInstanceIfNecessary() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Set the job instance of the given class if necessary.
- Manager::setupDefaultConfiguration() — Method in class Manager
Setup the default queue configuration options.
- Manager::setupManager() — Method in class Manager
Build the queue manager instance.
- SqsConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
- SyncConnector — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Connectors
- $ FlushFailedCommand#signature — Property in class FlushFailedCommand
The console command name.
- $ ForgetFailedCommand#signature — Property in class ForgetFailedCommand
The console command signature.
- $ ListenCommand#signature — Property in class ListenCommand
The console command name.
- ListenCommand::setOutputHandler() — Method in class ListenCommand
Set the options on the queue listener.
- $ MonitorCommand#signature — Property in class MonitorCommand
The console command name.
- $ PruneBatchesCommand#signature — Property in class PruneBatchesCommand
The console command signature.
- $ PruneFailedJobsCommand#signature — Property in class PruneFailedJobsCommand
The console command signature.
- $ RetryBatchCommand#signature — Property in class RetryBatchCommand
The console command signature.
- $ RetryCommand#signature — Property in class RetryCommand
The console command signature.
- $ WorkCommand#signature — Property in class WorkCommand
The console command name.
- DatabaseQueue::size() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Get the size of the queue.
- $ QueueBusy#size — Property in class QueueBusy
The size of the queue.
- $ WorkerStopping#status — Property in class WorkerStopping
The worker exit status.
- InteractsWithQueue::setJob() — Method in class InteractsWithQueue
Set the base queue job instance.
- Job::shouldFailOnTimeout() — Method in class Job
Determine if the job should fail when it timeouts.
- SqsJob — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
- $ SqsJob#sqs — Property in class SqsJob
The Amazon SQS client instance.
- SyncJob — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Jobs
- $ Listener#sleep — Property in class Listener
The amount of seconds to wait before polling the queue.
- Listener::stop() — Method in class Listener
Stop listening and bail out of the script.
- Listener::setOutputHandler() — Method in class Listener
Set the output handler callback.
- LuaScripts::size() — Method in class LuaScripts
Get the Lua script for computing the size of queue.
- $ RateLimited#shouldRelease — Property in class RateLimited
Indicates if the job should be released if the limit is exceeded.
- SkipIfBatchCancelled — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Middleware
- $ WithoutOverlapping#shareKey — Property in class WithoutOverlapping
Share the key across different jobs.
- WithoutOverlapping::shared() — Method in class WithoutOverlapping
Indicate that the lock key should be shared across job classes.
- NullQueue::size() — Method in class NullQueue
Get the size of the queue.
- Queue::shouldDispatchAfterCommit() — Method in class Queue
Determine if the job should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed.
- Queue::setConnectionName() — Method in class Queue
Set the connection name for the queue.
- Queue::setContainer() — Method in class Queue
Set the IoC container instance.
- QueueManager::stopping() — Method in class QueueManager
Register an event listener for the daemon queue stopping.
- QueueManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class QueueManager
Set the name of the default queue connection.
- QueueManager::setApplication() — Method in class QueueManager
Set the application instance used by the manager.
- RedisQueue::size() — Method in class RedisQueue
Get the size of the queue.
- SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- SerializesModels — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- SqsQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- $ SqsQueue#sqs — Property in class SqsQueue
The Amazon SQS instance.
- $ SqsQueue#suffix — Property in class SqsQueue
The queue name suffix.
- SqsQueue::size() — Method in class SqsQueue
Get the size of the queue.
- SqsQueue::suffixQueue() — Method in class SqsQueue
Add the given suffix to the given queue name.
- SyncQueue — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- SyncQueue::size() — Method in class SyncQueue
Get the size of the queue.
- $ Worker#shouldQuit — Property in class Worker
Indicates if the worker should exit.
- Worker::stopIfNecessary() — Method in class Worker
Determine the exit code to stop the process if necessary.
- Worker::stopWorkerIfLostConnection() — Method in class Worker
Stop the worker if we have lost connection to a database.
- Worker::supportsAsyncSignals() — Method in class Worker
Determine if "async" signals are supported.
- Worker::stop() — Method in class Worker
Stop listening and bail out of the script.
- Worker::sleep() — Method in class Worker
Sleep the script for a given number of seconds.
- Worker::setCache() — Method in class Worker
Set the cache repository implementation.
- Worker::setName() — Method in class Worker
Set the name of the worker.
- Worker::setManager() — Method in class Worker
Set the queue manager instance.
- $ WorkerOptions#sleep — Property in class WorkerOptions
The number of seconds to wait in between polling the queue.
- $ WorkerOptions#stopWhenEmpty — Property in class WorkerOptions
Indicates if the worker should stop when the queue is empty.
- Connection::subscribe() — Method in class Connection
Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.
- Connection::setName() — Method in class Connection
Set the connections name.
- Connection::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Connection
Set the event dispatcher instance on the connection.
- $ PacksPhpRedisValues#supportsPacking — Property in class PacksPhpRedisValues
Indicates if Redis supports packing.
- $ PacksPhpRedisValues#supportsLzf — Property in class PacksPhpRedisValues
Indicates if Redis supports LZF compression.
- $ PacksPhpRedisValues#supportsZstd — Property in class PacksPhpRedisValues
Indicates if Redis supports Zstd compression.
- PacksPhpRedisValues::supportsPacking() — Method in class PacksPhpRedisValues
Determine if the current PhpRedis extension version supports packing.
- PacksPhpRedisValues::supportsLzf() — Method in class PacksPhpRedisValues
Determine if the current PhpRedis extension version supports LZF compression.
- PacksPhpRedisValues::supportsZstd() — Method in class PacksPhpRedisValues
Determine if the current PhpRedis extension version supports Zstd compression.
- PhpRedisConnection::set() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Set the string value in the argument as the value of the key.
- PhpRedisConnection::setnx() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Set the given key if it doesn't exist.
- PhpRedisConnection::spop() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Removes and returns a random element from the set value at key.
- PhpRedisConnection::scan() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Scans all keys based on options.
- PhpRedisConnection::sscan() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Scans the given set for all values based on options.
- PhpRedisConnection::subscribe() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.
- $ ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder#sleep — Property in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder
The number of milliseconds to wait between attempts to acquire the lock.
- ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder::sleep() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder
The number of milliseconds to wait between lock acquisition attempts.
- $ DurationLimiterBuilder#sleep — Property in class DurationLimiterBuilder
The number of milliseconds to wait between attempts to acquire the lock.
- DurationLimiterBuilder::sleep() — Method in class DurationLimiterBuilder
The number of milliseconds to wait between lock acquisition attempts.
- RedisManager::setDriver() — Method in class RedisManager
Set the default driver.
- CompiledRouteCollection::setRouter() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection
Set the router instance on the route.
- CompiledRouteCollection::setContainer() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection
Set the container instance on the route.
- StreamedResponseException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Exceptions
- SchemeValidator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
- SubstituteBindings — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Middleware
- PendingResourceRegistration::shallow() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration
Indicate that the resource routes should have "shallow" nesting.
- PendingResourceRegistration::scoped() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration
Indicate that the resource routes should be scoped using the given binding fields.
- $ Redirector#session — Property in class Redirector
The session store instance.
- Redirector::secure() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to the given HTTPS path.
- Redirector::signedRoute() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to a signed named route.
- Redirector::setSession() — Method in class Redirector
Set the active session store.
- Redirector::setIntendedUrl() — Method in class Redirector
Set the "intended" URL in the session.
- $ ResourceRegistrar#singletonResourceDefaults — Property in class ResourceRegistrar
The default actions for a singleton resource controller.
- $ ResourceRegistrar#singularParameters — Property in class ResourceRegistrar
Singular global parameters.
- ResourceRegistrar::singleton() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Route a singleton resource to a controller.
- ResourceRegistrar::setResourceBindingFields() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Set the route's binding fields if the resource is scoped.
- ResourceRegistrar::singularParameters() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Set or unset the unmapped global parameters to singular.
- ResourceRegistrar::setParameters() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Set the global parameter mapping.
- ResponseFactory::stream() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new streamed response instance.
- ResponseFactory::streamDownload() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new streamed response instance as a file download.
- Route::setParameter() — Method in class Route
Set a parameter to the given value.
- Route::signatureParameters() — Method in class Route
Get the parameters that are listed in the route / controller signature.
- Route::setBindingFields() — Method in class Route
Set the binding fields for the route.
- Route::setDefaults() — Method in class Route
Set the default values for the route.
- Route::setWheres() — Method in class Route
Set a list of regular expression requirements on the route.
- Route::setFallback() — Method in class Route
Set the fallback value.
- Route::secure() — Method in class Route
Determine if the route only responds to HTTPS requests.
- Route::setUri() — Method in class Route
Set the URI that the route responds to.
- Route::setAction() — Method in class Route
Set the action array for the route.
- Route::staticallyProvidedControllerMiddleware() — Method in class Route
Get the statically provided controller middleware for the given class and method.
- Route::scopeBindings() — Method in class Route
Indicate that the route should enforce scoping of multiple implicit Eloquent bindings.
- Route::setRouter() — Method in class Route
Set the router instance on the route.
- Route::setContainer() — Method in class Route
Set the container instance on the route.
- RouteDependencyResolverTrait::spliceIntoParameters() — Method in class RouteDependencyResolverTrait
Splice the given value into the parameter list.
- RouteRegistrar::singleton() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
Route a singleton resource to a controller.
- RouteRegistrar::scopeBindings() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- Router::singletons() — Method in class Router
Register an array of singleton resource controllers.
- Router::singleton() — Method in class Router
Route a singleton resource to a controller.
- Router::sortMiddleware() — Method in class Router
Sort the given middleware by priority.
- Router::substituteBindings() — Method in class Router
Substitute the route bindings onto the route.
- Router::substituteImplicitBindings() — Method in class Router
Substitute the implicit route bindings for the given route.
- Router::singularResourceParameters() — Method in class Router
Set the unmapped global resource parameters to singular.
- Router::setRoutes() — Method in class Router
Set the route collection instance.
- Router::setCompiledRoutes() — Method in class Router
Set the compiled route collection instance.
- Router::setContainer() — Method in class Router
Set the container instance used by the router.
- SortedMiddleware — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- SortedMiddleware::sortMiddleware() — Method in class SortedMiddleware
Sort the middlewares by the given priority map.
- $ UrlGenerator#sessionResolver — Property in class UrlGenerator
The session resolver callable.
- UrlGenerator::secure() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate a secure, absolute URL to the given path.
- UrlGenerator::secureAsset() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate the URL to a secure asset.
- UrlGenerator::signedRoute() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Create a signed route URL for a named route.
- UrlGenerator::signatureHasNotExpired() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Determine if the expires timestamp from the given request is not from the past.
- UrlGenerator::setRequest() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Set the current request instance.
- UrlGenerator::setRoutes() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Set the route collection.
- UrlGenerator::setSessionResolver() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Set the session resolver for the generator.
- UrlGenerator::setKeyResolver() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Set the encryption key resolver.
- UrlGenerator::setRootControllerNamespace() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Set the root controller namespace.
- $ ArraySessionHandler#storage — Property in class ArraySessionHandler
The array of stored values.
- SessionTableCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session\Console
- CookieSessionHandler::setRequest() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
Set the request instance.
- DatabaseSessionHandler::setContainer() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
Set the application instance used by the handler.
- DatabaseSessionHandler::setExists() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
Set the existence state for the session.
- ExistenceAwareInterface::setExists() — Method in class ExistenceAwareInterface
Set the existence state for the session.
- AuthenticateSession::storePasswordHashInSession() — Method in class AuthenticateSession
Store the user's current password hash in the session.
- StartSession — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session\Middleware
- StartSession::startSession() — Method in class StartSession
Start the session for the given request.
- StartSession::storeCurrentUrl() — Method in class StartSession
Store the current URL for the request if necessary.
- StartSession::saveSession() — Method in class StartSession
Save the session data to storage.
- StartSession::sessionConfigured() — Method in class StartSession
Determine if a session driver has been configured.
- StartSession::sessionIsPersistent() — Method in class StartSession
Determine if the configured session driver is persistent.
- SessionManager — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- SessionManager::shouldBlock() — Method in class SessionManager
Determine if requests for the same session should wait for each to finish before executing.
- SessionManager::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class SessionManager
Set the default session driver name.
- SessionServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- Store — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- $ Store#serialization — Property in class Store
The session store's serialization strategy.
- $ Store#started — Property in class Store
Session store started status.
- Store::start() — Method in class Store
Start the session, reading the data from a handler.
- Store::save() — Method in class Store
Save the session data to storage.
- Store::setName() — Method in class Store
Set the name of the session.
- Store::setId() — Method in class Store
Set the session ID.
- Store::setExists() — Method in class Store
Set the existence of the session on the handler if applicable.
- Store::setPreviousUrl() — Method in class Store
Set the "previous" URL in the session.
- Store::setHandler() — Method in class Store
Set the underlying session handler implementation.
- Store::setRequestOnHandler() — Method in class Store
Set the request on the handler instance.
- SymfonySessionDecorator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- $ SymfonySessionDecorator#store — Property in class SymfonySessionDecorator
The underlying Laravel session store.
- SymfonySessionDecorator::start() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- SymfonySessionDecorator::setId() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- SymfonySessionDecorator::setName() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- SymfonySessionDecorator::save() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- SymfonySessionDecorator::set() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
- {@inheritdoc}
- Arr::set() — Method in class Arr
Set an array item to a given value using "dot" notation.
- Arr::shuffle() — Method in class Arr
Shuffle the given array and return the result.
- Arr::sort() — Method in class Arr
Sort the array using the given callback or "dot" notation.
- Arr::sortDesc() — Method in class Arr
Sort the array in descending order using the given callback or "dot" notation.
- Arr::sortRecursive() — Method in class Arr
Recursively sort an array by keys and values.
- Carbon::setTestNow() — Method in class Carbon
- {@inheritdoc}
- Collection::search() — Method in class Collection
Search the collection for a given value and return the corresponding key if successful.
- Collection::shift() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::shuffle() — Method in class Collection
Shuffle the items in the collection.
- Collection::sliding() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::skip() — Method in class Collection
Skip the first {$count} items.
- Collection::skipUntil() — Method in class Collection
Skip items in the collection until the given condition is met.
- Collection::skipWhile() — Method in class Collection
Skip items in the collection while the given condition is met.
- Collection::slice() — Method in class Collection
Get a slice of items from the enumerable.
- Collection::split() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::splitIn() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::sole() — Method in class Collection
Get the first item in the collection, but only if exactly one item exists. Otherwise, throw an exception.
- Collection::sort() — Method in class Collection
Sort through each item with a callback.
- Collection::sortDesc() — Method in class Collection
Sort items in descending order.
- Collection::sortBy() — Method in class Collection
Sort the collection using the given callback.
- Collection::sortByMany() — Method in class Collection
Sort the collection using multiple comparisons.
- Collection::sortByDesc() — Method in class Collection
Sort the collection in descending order using the given callback.
- Collection::sortKeys() — Method in class Collection
Sort the collection keys.
- Collection::sortKeysDesc() — Method in class Collection
Sort the collection keys in descending order.
- Collection::sortKeysUsing() — Method in class Collection
Sort the collection keys using a callback.
- Collection::splice() — Method in class Collection
Splice a portion of the underlying collection array.
- Composer::setWorkingPath() — Method in class Composer
Set the working path used by the class.
- DateFactory::serializeUsing() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::setHumanDiffOptions() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::setLocale() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::setMidDayAt() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::setTestNow() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::setToStringFormat() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::setTranslator() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::setUtf8() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::setWeekEndsAt() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::setWeekStartsAt() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::setWeekendDays() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::shouldOverflowMonths() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::shouldOverflowYears() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::singularUnit() — Method in class DateFactory
- Enumerable::some() — Method in class Enumerable
Alias for the "contains" method.
- Enumerable::search() — Method in class Enumerable
Search the collection for a given value and return the corresponding key if successful.
- Enumerable::shuffle() — Method in class Enumerable
Shuffle the items in the collection.
- Enumerable::sliding() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::skip() — Method in class Enumerable
Skip the first {$count} items.
- Enumerable::skipUntil() — Method in class Enumerable
Skip items in the collection until the given condition is met.
- Enumerable::skipWhile() — Method in class Enumerable
Skip items in the collection while the given condition is met.
- Enumerable::slice() — Method in class Enumerable
Get a slice of items from the enumerable.
- Enumerable::split() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::sole() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the first item in the collection, but only if exactly one item exists. Otherwise, throw an exception.
- Enumerable::splitIn() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::sort() — Method in class Enumerable
Sort through each item with a callback.
- Enumerable::sortDesc() — Method in class Enumerable
Sort items in descending order.
- Enumerable::sortBy() — Method in class Enumerable
Sort the collection using the given callback.
- Enumerable::sortByDesc() — Method in class Enumerable
Sort the collection in descending order using the given callback.
- Enumerable::sortKeys() — Method in class Enumerable
Sort the collection keys.
- Enumerable::sortKeysDesc() — Method in class Enumerable
Sort the collection keys in descending order.
- Enumerable::sortKeysUsing() — Method in class Enumerable
Sort the collection keys using a callback.
- Enumerable::sum() — Method in class Enumerable
Get the sum of the given values.
- App::setBasePath() — Method in class App
- App::storagePath() — Method in class App
- App::shouldSkipMiddleware() — Method in class App
- App::setDeferredServices() — Method in class App
- App::setLocale() — Method in class App
- App::setFallbackLocale() — Method in class App
- App::singleton() — Method in class App
- App::singletonIf() — Method in class App
- App::scoped() — Method in class App
- App::scopedIf() — Method in class App
- App::setInstance() — Method in class App
- Artisan::setArtisan() — Method in class Artisan
- Auth::shouldUse() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::setApplication() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::setUser() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::setRememberDuration() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::setCookieJar() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::setDispatcher() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::setRequest() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::setProvider() — Method in class Auth
- Blade::setPath() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::stripParentheses() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::setEchoFormat() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::sanitizeComponentAttribute() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::stringable() — Method in class Blade
- Broadcast::socket() — Method in class Broadcast
- Broadcast::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class Broadcast
- Broadcast::setApplication() — Method in class Broadcast
- Cache::store() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::set() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::setMultiple() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::sear() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::supportsTags() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::setDefaultCacheTime() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::setStore() — Method in class Cache
- Cache::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Cache
- Config::set() — Method in class Config
- Cookie::setDefaultPathAndDomain() — Method in class Cookie
- Crypt::supported() — Method in class Crypt
- DB::setDefaultConnection() — Method in class DB
- DB::supportedDrivers() — Method in class DB
- DB::setReconnector() — Method in class DB
- DB::setApplication() — Method in class DB
- DB::selectOne() — Method in class DB
- DB::scalar() — Method in class DB
- DB::selectFromWriteConnection() — Method in class DB
- DB::select() — Method in class DB
- DB::statement() — Method in class DB
- DB::setRecordModificationState() — Method in class DB
- DB::setPdo() — Method in class DB
- DB::setReadPdo() — Method in class DB
- DB::setQueryGrammar() — Method in class DB
- DB::setSchemaGrammar() — Method in class DB
- DB::setPostProcessor() — Method in class DB
- DB::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class DB
- DB::setTransactionManager() — Method in class DB
- DB::setDatabaseName() — Method in class DB
- DB::setReadWriteType() — Method in class DB
- DB::setTablePrefix() — Method in class DB
- Date::serializeUsing() — Method in class Date
- Date::setHumanDiffOptions() — Method in class Date
- Date::setLocale() — Method in class Date
- Date::setMidDayAt() — Method in class Date
- Date::setTestNow() — Method in class Date
- Date::setToStringFormat() — Method in class Date
- Date::setTranslator() — Method in class Date
- Date::setUtf8() — Method in class Date
- Date::setWeekEndsAt() — Method in class Date
- Date::setWeekStartsAt() — Method in class Date
- Date::setWeekendDays() — Method in class Date
- Date::shouldOverflowMonths() — Method in class Date
- Date::shouldOverflowYears() — Method in class Date
- Date::singularUnit() — Method in class Date
- Event::subscribe() — Method in class Event
- Event::setQueueResolver() — Method in class Event
- Facade::spy() — Method in class Facade
Convert the facade into a Mockery spy.
- Facade::shouldReceive() — Method in class Facade
Initiate a mock expectation on the facade.
- Facade::swap() — Method in class Facade
Hotswap the underlying instance behind the facade.
- Facade::setFacadeApplication() — Method in class Facade
Set the application instance.
- File::sharedGet() — Method in class File
- File::size() — Method in class File
- Gate::setContainer() — Method in class Gate
- Hash::setContainer() — Method in class Hash
- Http::stubUrl() — Method in class Http
Stub the given URL using the given callback.
- Http::sequence() — Method in class Http
- Http::sink() — Method in class Http
- Http::send() — Method in class Http
- Http::stub() — Method in class Http
- Http::setClient() — Method in class Http
- Http::setHandler() — Method in class Http
- Lang::setSelector() — Method in class Lang
- Lang::setLocale() — Method in class Lang
- Lang::setFallback() — Method in class Lang
- Lang::setLoaded() — Method in class Lang
- Lang::stringable() — Method in class Lang
- Lang::setParsedKey() — Method in class Lang
- Log::stack() — Method in class Log
- Log::shareContext() — Method in class Log
- Log::sharedContext() — Method in class Log
- Log::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class Log
- Log::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Log
- Mail::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::setApplication() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::send() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::setSymfonyTransport() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::setQueue() — Method in class Mail
- Mail::sent() — Method in class Mail
- Notification::send() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::sendNow() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::setContainer() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::sent() — Method in class Notification
- Notification::sentNotifications() — Method in class Notification
- ParallelTesting::setUpProcess() — Method in class ParallelTesting
- ParallelTesting::setUpTestCase() — Method in class ParallelTesting
- ParallelTesting::setUpTestDatabase() — Method in class ParallelTesting
- Password::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class Password
- Password::sendResetLink() — Method in class Password
- Process::start() — Method in class Process
- Process::sequence() — Method in class Process
- Queue::stopping() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::setApplication() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::size() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::setConnectionName() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::setContainer() — Method in class Queue
- Queue::shouldFakeJob() — Method in class Queue
- Redirect::secure() — Method in class Redirect
- Redirect::signedRoute() — Method in class Redirect
- Redirect::setSession() — Method in class Redirect
- Redirect::setIntendedUrl() — Method in class Redirect
- Redis::setDriver() — Method in class Redis
- Redis::subscribe() — Method in class Redis
- Redis::setName() — Method in class Redis
- Redis::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class Redis
- Request::segment() — Method in class Request
- Request::segments() — Method in class Request
- Request::schemeAndHttpHost() — Method in class Request
- Request::secure() — Method in class Request
- Request::session() — Method in class Request
- Request::setLaravelSession() — Method in class Request
- Request::setRequestLocale() — Method in class Request
- Request::setDefaultRequestLocale() — Method in class Request
- Request::setJson() — Method in class Request
- Request::setUserResolver() — Method in class Request
- Request::setRouteResolver() — Method in class Request
- Request::setFactory() — Method in class Request
- Request::setTrustedProxies() — Method in class Request
- Request::setTrustedHosts() — Method in class Request
- Request::setSession() — Method in class Request
- Request::setMethod() — Method in class Request
- Request::setFormat() — Method in class Request
- Request::setRequestFormat() — Method in class Request
- Request::setDefaultLocale() — Method in class Request
- Request::setLocale() — Method in class Request
- Request::server() — Method in class Request
- Request::str() — Method in class Request
- Request::string() — Method in class Request
- Response::stream() — Method in class Response
- Response::streamDownload() — Method in class Response
- Route::singletons() — Method in class Route
- Route::singleton() — Method in class Route
- Route::substituteBindings() — Method in class Route
- Route::substituteImplicitBindings() — Method in class Route
- Route::singularResourceParameters() — Method in class Route
- Route::setRoutes() — Method in class Route
- Route::setCompiledRoutes() — Method in class Route
- Route::setContainer() — Method in class Route
- Route::scopeBindings() — Method in class Route
- Schema — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Schema::setConnection() — Method in class Schema
- Session — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Session::shouldBlock() — Method in class Session
- Session::setDefaultDriver() — Method in class Session
- Session::setContainer() — Method in class Session
- Session::start() — Method in class Session
- Session::save() — Method in class Session
- Session::setName() — Method in class Session
- Session::setId() — Method in class Session
- Session::setExists() — Method in class Session
- Session::setPreviousUrl() — Method in class Session
- Session::setHandler() — Method in class Session
- Session::setRequestOnHandler() — Method in class Session
- Storage — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Storage::set() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::setApplication() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::setVisibility() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::size() — Method in class Storage
- URL::secure() — Method in class URL
- URL::secureAsset() — Method in class URL
- URL::signedRoute() — Method in class URL
- URL::signatureHasNotExpired() — Method in class URL
- URL::setRequest() — Method in class URL
- URL::setRoutes() — Method in class URL
- URL::setSessionResolver() — Method in class URL
- URL::setKeyResolver() — Method in class URL
- URL::setRootControllerNamespace() — Method in class URL
- Validator::setPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Validator
- Validator::setContainer() — Method in class Validator
- View::share() — Method in class View
- View::setFinder() — Method in class View
- View::setDispatcher() — Method in class View
- View::setContainer() — Method in class View
- View::shared() — Method in class View
- View::startComponent() — Method in class View
- View::startComponentFirst() — Method in class View
- View::slot() — Method in class View
- View::startFragment() — Method in class View
- View::stopFragment() — Method in class View
- View::startSection() — Method in class View
- View::stopSection() — Method in class View
- View::sectionMissing() — Method in class View
- View::startPush() — Method in class View
- View::stopPush() — Method in class View
- View::startPrepend() — Method in class View
- View::stopPrepend() — Method in class View
- View::startTranslation() — Method in class View
- InteractsWithTime::secondsUntil() — Method in class InteractsWithTime
Get the number of seconds until the given DateTime.
- $ LazyCollection#source — Property in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::search() — Method in class LazyCollection
Search the collection for a given value and return the corresponding key if successful.
- LazyCollection::shuffle() — Method in class LazyCollection
Shuffle the items in the collection.
- LazyCollection::sliding() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::skip() — Method in class LazyCollection
Skip the first {$count} items.
- LazyCollection::skipUntil() — Method in class LazyCollection
Skip items in the collection until the given condition is met.
- LazyCollection::skipWhile() — Method in class LazyCollection
Skip items in the collection while the given condition is met.
- LazyCollection::slice() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get a slice of items from the enumerable.
- LazyCollection::split() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::sole() — Method in class LazyCollection
Get the first item in the collection, but only if exactly one item exists. Otherwise, throw an exception.
- LazyCollection::splitIn() — Method in class LazyCollection
- LazyCollection::sort() — Method in class LazyCollection
Sort through each item with a callback.
- LazyCollection::sortDesc() — Method in class LazyCollection
Sort items in descending order.
- LazyCollection::sortBy() — Method in class LazyCollection
Sort the collection using the given callback.
- LazyCollection::sortByDesc() — Method in class LazyCollection
Sort the collection in descending order using the given callback.
- LazyCollection::sortKeys() — Method in class LazyCollection
Sort the collection keys.
- LazyCollection::sortKeysDesc() — Method in class LazyCollection
Sort the collection keys in descending order.
- LazyCollection::sortKeysUsing() — Method in class LazyCollection
Sort the collection keys using a callback.
- Lottery::setResultFactory() — Method in class Lottery
Set the factory that should be used to determine the lottery results.
- Manager::setContainer() — Method in class Manager
Set the container instance used by the manager.
- MessageBag::setFormat() — Method in class MessageBag
Set the default message format.
- MultipleInstanceManager::setDefaultInstance() — Method in class MultipleInstanceManager
Set the default instance name.
- NamespacedItemResolver::setParsedKey() — Method in class NamespacedItemResolver
Set the parsed value of a key.
- Pluralizer::singular() — Method in class Pluralizer
Get the singular form of an English word.
- ServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Str — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- $ Str#snakeCache — Property in class Str
The cache of snake-cased words.
- $ Str#studlyCache — Property in class Str
The cache of studly-cased words.
- Str::start() — Method in class Str
Begin a string with a single instance of a given value.
- Str::singular() — Method in class Str
Get the singular form of an English word.
- Str::slug() — Method in class Str
Generate a URL friendly "slug" from a given string.
- Str::snake() — Method in class Str
Convert a string to snake case.
- Str::squish() — Method in class Str
Remove all "extra" blank space from the given string.
- Str::startsWith() — Method in class Str
Determine if a given string starts with a given substring.
- Str::studly() — Method in class Str
Convert a value to studly caps case.
- Str::substr() — Method in class Str
Returns the portion of the string specified by the start and length parameters.
- Str::substrCount() — Method in class Str
Returns the number of substring occurrences.
- Str::substrReplace() — Method in class Str
Replace text within a portion of a string.
- Str::swap() — Method in class Str
Swap multiple keywords in a string with other keywords.
- Stringable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- Stringable::split() — Method in class Stringable
Split a string using a regular expression or by length.
- Stringable::scan() — Method in class Stringable
Parse input from a string to a collection, according to a format.
- Stringable::squish() — Method in class Stringable
Remove all "extra" blank space from the given string.
- Stringable::start() — Method in class Stringable
Begin a string with a single instance of a given value.
- Stringable::stripTags() — Method in class Stringable
Strip HTML and PHP tags from the given string.
- Stringable::singular() — Method in class Stringable
Get the singular form of an English word.
- Stringable::slug() — Method in class Stringable
Generate a URL friendly "slug" from a given string.
- Stringable::snake() — Method in class Stringable
Convert a string to snake case.
- Stringable::startsWith() — Method in class Stringable
Determine if a given string starts with a given substring.
- Stringable::studly() — Method in class Stringable
Convert a value to studly caps case.
- Stringable::substr() — Method in class Stringable
Returns the portion of the string specified by the start and length parameters.
- Stringable::substrCount() — Method in class Stringable
Returns the number of substring occurrences.
- Stringable::substrReplace() — Method in class Stringable
Replace text within a portion of a string.
- Stringable::swap() — Method in class Stringable
Swap multiple keywords in a string with other keywords.
- BatchRepositoryFake::store() — Method in class BatchRepositoryFake
Store a new pending batch.
- BusFake::shouldFakeJob() — Method in class BusFake
Determine if a command should be faked or actually dispatched.
- BusFake::shouldDispatchCommand() — Method in class BusFake
Determine if a command should be dispatched or not.
- EventFake::subscribe() — Method in class EventFake
Register an event subscriber with the dispatcher.
- EventFake::shouldFakeEvent() — Method in class EventFake
Determine if an event should be faked or actually dispatched.
- EventFake::shouldDispatchEvent() — Method in class EventFake
Determine whether an event should be dispatched or not.
- MailFake::sent() — Method in class MailFake
Get all of the mailables matching a truth-test callback.
- MailFake::send() — Method in class MailFake
Send a new message using a view.
- NotificationFake::sent() — Method in class NotificationFake
Get all of the notifications matching a truth-test callback.
- NotificationFake::send() — Method in class NotificationFake
Send the given notification to the given notifiable entities.
- NotificationFake::sendNow() — Method in class NotificationFake
Send the given notification immediately.
- NotificationFake::sentNotifications() — Method in class NotificationFake
Get the notifications that have been sent.
- PendingMailFake::send() — Method in class PendingMailFake
Send a new mailable message instance.
- QueueFake::size() — Method in class QueueFake
Get the size of the queue.
- QueueFake::shouldFakeJob() — Method in class QueueFake
Determine if a job should be faked or actually dispatched.
- QueueFake::shouldDispatchJob() — Method in class QueueFake
Determine if a job should be pushed to the queue instead of faked.
- QueueFake::setConnectionName() — Method in class QueueFake
Set the connection name for the queue.
- CapsuleManagerTrait::setupContainer() — Method in class CapsuleManagerTrait
Setup the IoC container instance.
- CapsuleManagerTrait::setAsGlobal() — Method in class CapsuleManagerTrait
Make this capsule instance available globally.
- CapsuleManagerTrait::setContainer() — Method in class CapsuleManagerTrait
Set the IoC container instance.
- $ EnumeratesValues#skipUntil — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- $ EnumeratesValues#skipWhile — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- $ EnumeratesValues#some — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- $ EnumeratesValues#sortBy — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- $ EnumeratesValues#sortByDesc — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- $ EnumeratesValues#sum — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::some() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Alias for the "contains" method.
- EnumeratesValues::sum() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Get the sum of the given values.
- $ TestDatabases#schemaIsUpToDate — Property in class TestDatabases
Indicates if the test database schema is up to date.
- TestDatabases::switchToDatabase() — Method in class TestDatabases
Switch to the given database.
- $ HasInDatabase#show — Property in class HasInDatabase
Number of records that will be shown in the console in case of failure.
- $ NotSoftDeletedInDatabase#show — Property in class NotSoftDeletedInDatabase
Number of records that will be shown in the console in case of failure.
- SeeInOrder — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Constraints
- SoftDeletedInDatabase — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Constraints
- $ SoftDeletedInDatabase#show — Property in class SoftDeletedInDatabase
Number of records that will be shown in the console in case of failure.
- AssertableJson::scope() — Method in class AssertableJson
Instantiate a new "scope" at the path of the given key.
- Has::scope() — Method in class Has
Instantiate a new "scope" at the path of the given key.
- $ ParallelTesting#setUpProcessCallbacks — Property in class ParallelTesting
All of the registered "setUp" process callbacks.
- $ ParallelTesting#setUpTestCaseCallbacks — Property in class ParallelTesting
All of the registered "setUp" test case callbacks.
- $ ParallelTesting#setUpTestDatabaseCallbacks — Property in class ParallelTesting
All of the registered "setUp" test database callbacks.
- ParallelTesting::setUpProcess() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Register a "setUp" process callback.
- ParallelTesting::setUpTestCase() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Register a "setUp" test case callback.
- ParallelTesting::setUpTestDatabase() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Register a "setUp" test database callback.
- $ TestResponse#streamedContent — Property in class TestResponse
The streamed content of the response.
- TestResponse::statusMessageWithDetails() — Method in class TestResponse
Get an assertion message for a status assertion containing extra details when available.
- TestResponse::session() — Method in class TestResponse
Get the current session store.
- TestResponse::streamedContent() — Method in class TestResponse
Get the streamed content from the response.
- $ PotentiallyTranslatedString#string — Property in class PotentiallyTranslatedString
The string that may be translated.
- $ Translator#selector — Property in class Translator
The message selector.
- $ Translator#stringableHandlers — Property in class Translator
The custom rendering callbacks for stringable objects.
- Translator::setSelector() — Method in class Translator
Set the message selector instance.
- Translator::setLocale() — Method in class Translator
Set the default locale.
- Translator::setFallback() — Method in class Translator
Set the fallback locale being used.
- Translator::setLoaded() — Method in class Translator
Set the loaded translation groups.
- Translator::stringable() — Method in class Translator
Add a handler to be executed in order to format a given class to a string during translation replacements.
- ClosureValidationRule::setValidator() — Method in class ClosureValidationRule
Set the current validator.
- ValidatesAttributes::shouldBlockPhpUpload() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Check if PHP uploads are explicitly allowed.
- ValidatesAttributes::shouldConvertToBoolean() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Check if parameter should be converted to boolean.
- ValidatesAttributes::shouldBeNumeric() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Adds the existing rule to the numericRules array if the attribute's value is numeric.
- DatabasePresenceVerifier::setConnection() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
Set the connection to be used.
- DatabasePresenceVerifierInterface::setConnection() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifierInterface
Set the connection to be used.
- Factory::setPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Factory
Set the Presence Verifier implementation.
- Factory::setContainer() — Method in class Factory
Set the container instance used by the validation factory.
- NotPwnedVerifier::search() — Method in class NotPwnedVerifier
Search by the given hash prefix and returns all occurrences of leaked passwords.
- File::size() — Method in class File
Indicate that the uploaded file should be exactly a certain size in kilobytes.
- File::setValidator() — Method in class File
Set the current validator.
- File::setData() — Method in class File
Set the current data under validation.
- $ Password#symbols — Property in class Password
If the password requires at least one symbol.
- Password::sometimes() — Method in class Password
Get the default configuration of the password rule and mark the field as sometimes being required.
- Password::setValidator() — Method in class Password
Set the performing validator.
- Password::setData() — Method in class Password
Set the data under validation.
- Password::symbols() — Method in class Password
Makes the password require at least one symbol.
- $ ValidationException#status — Property in class ValidationException
The status code to use for the response.
- ValidationException::summarize() — Method in class ValidationException
Create an error message summary from the validation errors.
- ValidationException::status() — Method in class ValidationException
Set the HTTP status code to be used for the response.
- $ Validator#stopOnFirstFailure — Property in class Validator
Indicates if the validator should stop on the first rule failure.
- $ Validator#sizeRules — Property in class Validator
The size related validation rules.
- Validator::shouldBeExcluded() — Method in class Validator
Determine if the attribute should be excluded.
- Validator::safe() — Method in class Validator
Get a validated input container for the validated input.
- Validator::shouldStopValidating() — Method in class Validator
Check if we should stop further validations on a given attribute.
- Validator::setData() — Method in class Validator
Set the data under validation.
- Validator::setRules() — Method in class Validator
Set the validation rules.
- Validator::sometimes() — Method in class Validator
Add conditions to a given field based on a Closure.
- Validator::stopOnFirstFailure() — Method in class Validator
Instruct the validator to stop validating after the first rule failure.
- Validator::setCustomMessages() — Method in class Validator
Set the custom messages for the validator.
- Validator::setAttributeNames() — Method in class Validator
Set the custom attributes on the validator.
- Validator::setImplicitAttributesFormatter() — Method in class Validator
Set the callback that used to format an implicit attribute.
- Validator::setValueNames() — Method in class Validator
Set the custom values on the validator.
- Validator::setFallbackMessages() — Method in class Validator
Set the fallback messages for the validator.
- Validator::setPresenceVerifier() — Method in class Validator
Set the Presence Verifier implementation.
- Validator::setException() — Method in class Validator
Set the exception to throw upon failed validation.
- Validator::setTranslator() — Method in class Validator
Set the Translator implementation.
- Validator::setContainer() — Method in class Validator
Set the IoC container instance.
- BladeCompiler::setPath() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Set the path currently being compiled.
- $ Compiler#shouldCache — Property in class Compiler
Determines if compiled views should be cached.
- ComponentTagCompiler::stripQuotes() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Strip any quotes from the given string.
- CompilesComponents::sanitizeComponentAttribute() — Method in class CompilesComponents
Sanitize the given component attribute value.
- CompilesEchos::stringable() — Method in class CompilesEchos
Add a handler to be executed before echoing a given class.
- Component::shouldIgnore() — Method in class Component
Determine if the given property / method should be ignored.
- Component::shouldRender() — Method in class Component
Determine if the component should be rendered.
- ComponentAttributeBag::style() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Conditionally merge styles into the attribute bag.
- ComponentAttributeBag::shouldEscapeAttributeValue() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Determine if the specific attribute value should be escaped.
- ComponentAttributeBag::setAttributes() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Set the underlying attributes.
- $ ManagesComponents#slots — Property in class ManagesComponents
The slot contents for the component.
- $ ManagesComponents#slotStack — Property in class ManagesComponents
The names of the slots being rendered.
- ManagesComponents::startComponent() — Method in class ManagesComponents
Start a component rendering process.
- ManagesComponents::startComponentFirst() — Method in class ManagesComponents
Get the first view that actually exists from the given list, and start a component.
- ManagesComponents::slot() — Method in class ManagesComponents
Start the slot rendering process.
- ManagesFragments::startFragment() — Method in class ManagesFragments
Start injecting content into a fragment.
- ManagesFragments::stopFragment() — Method in class ManagesFragments
Stop injecting content into a fragment.
- $ ManagesLayouts#sections — Property in class ManagesLayouts
All of the finished, captured sections.
- $ ManagesLayouts#sectionStack — Property in class ManagesLayouts
The stack of in-progress sections.
- ManagesLayouts::startSection() — Method in class ManagesLayouts
Start injecting content into a section.
- ManagesLayouts::stopSection() — Method in class ManagesLayouts
Stop injecting content into a section.
- ManagesLayouts::sectionMissing() — Method in class ManagesLayouts
Check if section does not exist.
- ManagesStacks::startPush() — Method in class ManagesStacks
Start injecting content into a push section.
- ManagesStacks::stopPush() — Method in class ManagesStacks
Stop injecting content into a push section.
- ManagesStacks::startPrepend() — Method in class ManagesStacks
Start prepending content into a push section.
- ManagesStacks::stopPrepend() — Method in class ManagesStacks
Stop prepending content into a push section.
- ManagesTranslations::startTranslation() — Method in class ManagesTranslations
Start a translation block.
- $ Factory#shared — Property in class Factory
Data that should be available to all templates.
- Factory::share() — Method in class Factory
Add a piece of shared data to the environment.
- Factory::setFinder() — Method in class Factory
Set the view finder instance.
- Factory::setDispatcher() — Method in class Factory
Set the event dispatcher instance.
- Factory::setContainer() — Method in class Factory
Set the IoC container instance.
- Factory::shared() — Method in class Factory
Get an item from the shared data.
- FileViewFinder::setPaths() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Set the active view paths.
- ShareErrorsFromSession — Class in namespace Illuminate\View\Middleware
- View::setPath() — Method in class View
Set the path to the view.
- AuthorizationException::toResponse() — Method in class AuthorizationException
Create a deny response object from this exception.
- Response::toArray() — Method in class Response
Convert the response to an array.
- $ DatabaseUserProvider#table — Property in class DatabaseUserProvider
The table containing the users.
- $ ResetPassword#token — Property in class ResetPassword
The password reset token.
- $ ResetPassword#toMailCallback — Property in class ResetPassword
The callback that should be used to build the mail message.
- ResetPassword::toMail() — Method in class ResetPassword
Build the mail representation of the notification.
- ResetPassword::toMailUsing() — Method in class ResetPassword
Set a callback that should be used when building the notification mail message.
- $ VerifyEmail#toMailCallback — Property in class VerifyEmail
The callback that should be used to build the mail message.
- VerifyEmail::toMail() — Method in class VerifyEmail
Build the mail representation of the notification.
- VerifyEmail::toMailUsing() — Method in class VerifyEmail
Set a callback that should be used when building the notification mail message.
- $ DatabaseTokenRepository#table — Property in class DatabaseTokenRepository
The token database table.
- $ DatabaseTokenRepository#throttle — Property in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Minimum number of seconds before re-redefining the token.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::tokenExpired() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Determine if the token has expired.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::tokenRecentlyCreated() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Determine if the token was recently created.
- $ PasswordBroker#tokens — Property in class PasswordBroker
The password token repository.
- PasswordBroker::tokenExists() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Validate the given password reset token.
- TokenRepositoryInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Passwords
- Recaller::token() — Method in class Recaller
Get the "remember token" token from the recaller.
- $ SessionGuard#timebox — Property in class SessionGuard
The timebox instance.
- TokenGuard — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth
- $ BroadcastEvent#tries — Property in class BroadcastEvent
The number of times the job may be attempted.
- $ BroadcastEvent#timeout — Property in class BroadcastEvent
The number of seconds the job can run before timing out.
- PendingBroadcast::toOthers() — Method in class PendingBroadcast
Broadcast the event to everyone except the current user.
- $ Batch#totalJobs — Property in class Batch
The total number of jobs that belong to the batch.
- Batch::toArray() — Method in class Batch
- BatchRepository::transaction() — Method in class BatchRepository
Execute the given Closure within a storage specific transaction.
- $ DatabaseBatchRepository#table — Property in class DatabaseBatchRepository
The database table to use to store batch information.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::transaction() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Execute the given Closure within a storage specific transaction.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::toBatch() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Convert the given raw batch to a Batch object.
- PendingBatch::then() — Method in class PendingBatch
Add a callback to be executed after all jobs in the batch have executed successfully.
- PendingBatch::thenCallbacks() — Method in class PendingBatch
Get the "then" callbacks that have been registered with the pending batch.
- Queueable::through() — Method in class Queueable
Specify the middleware the job should be dispatched through.
- ArrayStore::toTimestamp() — Method in class ArrayStore
Get the UNIX timestamp for the given number of seconds.
- ClearCommand::tags() — Method in class ClearCommand
Get the tags passed to the command.
- $ DatabaseLock#table — Property in class DatabaseLock
The database table name.
- $ DatabaseStore#table — Property in class DatabaseStore
The name of the cache table.
- DatabaseStore::table() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Get a query builder for the cache table.
- $ DynamoDbStore#table — Property in class DynamoDbStore
The table name.
- DynamoDbStore::toTimestamp() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Get the UNIX timestamp for the given number of seconds.
- DynamoDbStore::type() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Get the DynamoDB type for the given value.
- $ CacheEvent#tags — Property in class CacheEvent
The tags that were assigned to the key.
- MemcachedStore::toTimestamp() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Get the UNIX timestamp for the given number of seconds.
- RateLimiter::tooManyAttempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
Determine if the given key has been "accessed" too many times.
- RedisStore::tags() — Method in class RedisStore
Begin executing a new tags operation.
- RedisTagSet::tagId() — Method in class RedisTagSet
Get the unique tag identifier for a given tag.
- RedisTagSet::tagKey() — Method in class RedisTagSet
Get the tag identifier key for a given tag.
- Repository::tags() — Method in class Repository
Begin executing a new tags operation if the store supports it.
- TagSet — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- TagSet::tagIds() — Method in class TagSet
Get an array of tag identifiers for all of the tags in the set.
- TagSet::tagId() — Method in class TagSet
Get the unique tag identifier for a given tag.
- TagSet::tagKey() — Method in class TagSet
Get the tag identifier key for a given tag.
- TaggableStore — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- TaggableStore::tags() — Method in class TaggableStore
Begin executing a new tags operation.
- TaggedCache — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache
- $ TaggedCache#tags — Property in class TaggedCache
The tag set instance.
- TaggedCache::taggedItemKey() — Method in class TaggedCache
Get a fully qualified key for a tagged item.
- InteractsWithIO::table() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Format input to textual table.
- InteractsWithSignals::trap() — Method in class InteractsWithSignals
Define a callback to be run when the given signal(s) occurs.
- $ ScheduledBackgroundTaskFinished#task — Property in class ScheduledBackgroundTaskFinished
The scheduled event that ran.
- $ ScheduledTaskFailed#task — Property in class ScheduledTaskFailed
The scheduled event that failed.
- $ ScheduledTaskFinished#task — Property in class ScheduledTaskFinished
The scheduled event that ran.
- $ ScheduledTaskSkipped#task — Property in class ScheduledTaskSkipped
The scheduled event being run.
- $ ScheduledTaskStarting#task — Property in class ScheduledTaskStarting
The scheduled event being run.
- $ GeneratorCommand#type — Property in class GeneratorCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ Event#timezone — Property in class Event
The timezone the date should be evaluated on.
- Event::thenPing() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to ping a given URL after the job runs.
- Event::thenPingIf() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to ping a given URL after the job runs if the given condition is true.
- Event::then() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to be called after the operation.
- Event::thenWithOutput() — Method in class Event
Register a callback that uses the output after the job runs.
- ManagesFrequencies::twiceDaily() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run twice daily.
- ManagesFrequencies::twiceDailyAt() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run twice daily at a given offset.
- ManagesFrequencies::tuesdays() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run only on Tuesdays.
- ManagesFrequencies::thursdays() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run only on Thursdays.
- ManagesFrequencies::twiceMonthly() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run twice monthly at a given time.
- ManagesFrequencies::timezone() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Set the timezone the date should be evaluated on.
- $ Schedule#timezone — Property in class Schedule
The timezone the date should be evaluated on.
- $ ScheduleListCommand#terminalWidthResolver — Property in class ScheduleListCommand
The terminal width resolver callback.
- Factory::task() — Method in class Factory
- Factory::twoColumnDetail() — Method in class Factory
- Task — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
- TwoColumnDetail — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
- $ Container#tags — Property in class Container
All of the registered tags.
- Container::tag() — Method in class Container
Assign a set of tags to a given binding.
- Container::tagged() — Method in class Container
Resolve all of the bindings for a given tag.
- Kernel::terminate() — Method in class Kernel
Terminate the application.
- Container::tag() — Method in class Container
Assign a set of tags to a given binding.
- Container::tagged() — Method in class Container
Resolve all of the bindings for a given tag.
- Application::terminating() — Method in class Application
Register a terminating callback with the application.
- Application::terminate() — Method in class Application
Terminate the application.
- Kernel::terminate() — Method in class Kernel
Perform any final actions for the request lifecycle.
- Attachable::toMailAttachment() — Method in class Attachable
Get an attachment instance for this entity.
- Mailable::to() — Method in class Mailable
Set the recipients of the message.
- Mailer::to() — Method in class Mailer
Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.
- LengthAwarePaginator::total() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Determine the total number of items in the data store.
- Pipeline::through() — Method in class Pipeline
Set the stops of the pipeline.
- Pipeline::then() — Method in class Pipeline
Run the pipeline with a final destination callback.
- ProcessResult::throw() — Method in class ProcessResult
Throw an exception if the process failed.
- ProcessResult::throwIf() — Method in class ProcessResult
Throw an exception if the process failed and the given condition is true.
- Job::timeout() — Method in class Job
Get the number of seconds the job can run.
- UrlGenerator::to() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate an absolute URL to the given path.
- Session::token() — Method in class Session
Get the CSRF token value.
- Arrayable::toArray() — Method in class Arrayable
- Htmlable::toHtml() — Method in class Htmlable
Get content as a string of HTML.
- Jsonable::toJson() — Method in class Jsonable
Convert the object to its JSON representation.
- Responsable::toResponse() — Method in class Responsable
Create an HTTP response that represents the object.
- Translator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Translation
- Manager::table() — Method in class Manager
Get a fluent query builder instance.
- BuildsQueries::tap() — Method in class BuildsQueries
Pass the query to a given callback.
- ManagesTransactions::transaction() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Execute a Closure within a transaction.
- ManagesTransactions::transactionLevel() — Method in class ManagesTransactions
Get the number of active transactions.
- $ Connection#tablePrefix — Property in class Connection
The table prefix for the connection.
- $ Connection#transactions — Property in class Connection
The number of active transactions.
- $ Connection#transactionsManager — Property in class Connection
The transaction manager instance.
- $ Connection#totalQueryDuration — Property in class Connection
The duration of all executed queries in milliseconds.
- Connection::table() — Method in class Connection
Begin a fluent query against a database table.
- Connection::totalQueryDuration() — Method in class Connection
Get the duration of all run queries in milliseconds.
- Connection::tryAgainIfCausedByLostConnection() — Method in class Connection
Handle a query exception that occurred during query execution.
- ConnectionInterface::table() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Begin a fluent query against a database table.
- ConnectionInterface::transaction() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Execute a Closure within a transaction.
- ConnectionInterface::transactionLevel() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Get the number of active transactions.
- Connector::tryAgainIfCausedByLostConnection() — Method in class Connector
Handle an exception that occurred during connect execution.
- $ DatabaseInspectionCommand#typeMappings — Property in class DatabaseInspectionCommand
A map of database column types.
- $ FactoryMakeCommand#type — Property in class FactoryMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- TableGuesser — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations
- $ SeederMakeCommand#type — Property in class SeederMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- ShowCommand::tables() — Method in class ShowCommand
Get information regarding the tables within the database.
- TableCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console
- TimestampType — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\DBAL
- $ DatabaseTransactionsManager#transactions — Property in class DatabaseTransactionsManager
All of the recorded transactions.
- Builder::touch() — Method in class Builder
Update the column's update timestamp.
- Builder::toBase() — Method in class Builder
Get a base query builder instance.
- ArrayObject::toArray() — Method in class ArrayObject
- Collection::toQuery() — Method in class Collection
Get the Eloquent query builder from the collection.
- GuardsAttributes::totallyGuarded() — Method in class GuardsAttributes
Determine if the model is totally guarded.
- HasAttributes::throwMissingAttributeExceptionIfApplicable() — Method in class HasAttributes
Either throw a missing attribute exception or return null depending on Eloquent's configuration.
- HasAttributes::transformModelValue() — Method in class HasAttributes
Transform a raw model value using mutators, casts, etc.
- $ HasRelationships#touches — Property in class HasRelationships
The relationships that should be touched on save.
- HasRelationships::through() — Method in class HasRelationships
Create a pending has-many-through or has-one-through relationship.
- HasRelationships::touches() — Method in class HasRelationships
Determine if the model touches a given relation.
- HasRelationships::touchOwners() — Method in class HasRelationships
Touch the owning relations of the model.
- $ HasTimestamps#timestamps — Property in class HasTimestamps
Indicates if the model should be timestamped.
- HasTimestamps::touch() — Method in class HasTimestamps
Update the model's update timestamp.
- HasTimestamps::touchQuietly() — Method in class HasTimestamps
Update the model's update timestamp without raising any events.
- Factory::times() — Method in class Factory
Get a new factory instance for the given number of models.
- Factory::trashed() — Method in class Factory
- $ Model#table — Property in class Model
The table associated with the model.
- $ Model#traitInitializers — Property in class Model
The array of trait initializers that will be called on each new instance.
- Model::toArray() — Method in class Model
- Model::toJson() — Method in class Model
Convert the object to its JSON representation.
- $ BelongsToMany#table — Property in class BelongsToMany
The intermediate table for the relation.
- BelongsToMany::touchIfTouching() — Method in class BelongsToMany
If we're touching the parent model, touch.
- BelongsToMany::touchingParent() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Determine if we should touch the parent on sync.
- BelongsToMany::touch() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Touch all of the related models for the relationship.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::toggle() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Toggles a model (or models) from the parent.
- $ HasManyThrough#throughParent — Property in class HasManyThrough
The "through" parent model instance.
- HasManyThrough::throughParentSoftDeletes() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Determine whether "through" parent of the relation uses Soft Deletes.
- MorphTo::touch() — Method in class MorphTo
Touch all of the related models for the relationship.
- Relation::touch() — Method in class Relation
Touch all of the related models for the relationship.
- Relation::toBase() — Method in class Relation
Get a base query builder instance.
- SoftDeletes::trashed() — Method in class SoftDeletes
Determine if the model instance has been soft-deleted.
- $ QueryExecuted#time — Property in class QueryExecuted
The number of milliseconds it took to execute the query.
- TransactionBeginning — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- TransactionCommitted — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- TransactionCommitting — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- TransactionRolledBack — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Events
- $ Grammar#tablePrefix — Property in class Grammar
The grammar table prefix.
- $ DatabaseMigrationRepository#table — Property in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
The name of the migration table.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::table() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Get a query builder for the migration table.
- Builder::take() — Method in class Builder
Alias to set the "limit" value of the query.
- Builder::toSql() — Method in class Builder
Get the SQL representation of the query.
- Builder::truncate() — Method in class Builder
Run a truncate statement on the table.
- $ IndexHint#type — Property in class IndexHint
The type of query hint.
- $ JoinClause#type — Property in class JoinClause
The type of join being performed.
- $ JoinClause#table — Property in class JoinClause
The table the join clause is joining to.
- $ Blueprint#table — Property in class Blueprint
The table the blueprint describes.
- $ Blueprint#temporary — Property in class Blueprint
Whether to make the table temporary.
- Blueprint::toSql() — Method in class Blueprint
Get the raw SQL statements for the blueprint.
- Blueprint::temporary() — Method in class Blueprint
Indicate that the table needs to be temporary.
- Blueprint::tinyIncrements() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new auto-incrementing tiny integer (1-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::tinyText() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new tiny text column on the table.
- Blueprint::text() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new text column on the table.
- Blueprint::tinyInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new tiny integer (1-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::time() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new time column on the table.
- Blueprint::timeTz() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new time column (with time zone) on the table.
- Blueprint::timestamp() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new timestamp column on the table.
- Blueprint::timestampTz() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new timestamp (with time zone) column on the table.
- Blueprint::timestamps() — Method in class Blueprint
Add nullable creation and update timestamps to the table.
- Blueprint::timestampsTz() — Method in class Blueprint
Add creation and update timestampTz columns to the table.
- Builder::table() — Method in class Builder
Modify a table on the schema.
- ColumnDefinition::type() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
Specify a type for the column
- $ Grammar#transactions — Property in class Grammar
If this Grammar supports schema changes wrapped in a transaction.
- Grammar::typeComputed() — Method in class Grammar
Create the column definition for a generated, computed column type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeChar() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a char type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeString() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a string type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeTinyText() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a tiny text type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeText() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a text type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeMediumText() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a medium text type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeLongText() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a long text type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeBigInteger() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a big integer type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeInteger() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for an integer type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeMediumInteger() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a medium integer type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeTinyInteger() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a tiny integer type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeSmallInteger() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a small integer type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeFloat() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a float type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeDouble() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a double type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeDecimal() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a decimal type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeBoolean() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a boolean type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeEnum() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for an enumeration type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeSet() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a set enumeration type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeJson() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a json type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeJsonb() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a jsonb type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeDate() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a date type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeDateTime() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a date-time type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeDateTimeTz() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a date-time (with time zone) type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeTime() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a time type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeTimeTz() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a time (with time zone) type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeTimestamp() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a timestamp type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeTimestampTz() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a timestamp (with time zone) type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeYear() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a year type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeBinary() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a binary type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeUuid() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a uuid type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeIpAddress() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for an IP address type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeMacAddress() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a MAC address type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeGeometry() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial Geometry type.
- MySqlGrammar::typePoint() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial Point type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeLineString() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial LineString type.
- MySqlGrammar::typePolygon() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial Polygon type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeGeometryCollection() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial GeometryCollection type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeMultiPoint() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPoint type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeMultiLineString() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial MultiLineString type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeMultiPolygon() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPolygon type.
- MySqlGrammar::typeComputed() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Create the column definition for a generated, computed column type.
- $ PostgresGrammar#transactions — Property in class PostgresGrammar
If this Grammar supports schema changes wrapped in a transaction.
- PostgresGrammar::typeChar() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a char type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeString() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a string type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeTinyText() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a tiny text type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeText() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a text type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeMediumText() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a medium text type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeLongText() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a long text type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeInteger() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for an integer type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeBigInteger() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a big integer type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeMediumInteger() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a medium integer type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeTinyInteger() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a tiny integer type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeSmallInteger() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a small integer type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeFloat() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a float type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeDouble() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a double type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeReal() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a real type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeDecimal() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a decimal type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeBoolean() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a boolean type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeEnum() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for an enumeration type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeJson() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a json type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeJsonb() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a jsonb type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeDate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a date type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeDateTime() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a date-time type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeDateTimeTz() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a date-time (with time zone) type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeTime() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a time type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeTimeTz() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a time (with time zone) type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeTimestamp() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a timestamp type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeTimestampTz() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a timestamp (with time zone) type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeYear() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a year type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeBinary() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a binary type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeUuid() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a uuid type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeIpAddress() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for an IP address type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeMacAddress() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a MAC address type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeGeometry() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial Geometry type.
- PostgresGrammar::typePoint() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial Point type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeLineString() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial LineString type.
- PostgresGrammar::typePolygon() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial Polygon type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeGeometryCollection() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial GeometryCollection type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeMultiPoint() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPoint type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeMultiLineString() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial MultiLineString type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeMultiPolygon() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPolygon type.
- PostgresGrammar::typeMultiPolygonZ() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPolygonZ type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeChar() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a char type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeString() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a string type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeTinyText() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a tiny text type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeText() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a text type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeMediumText() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a medium text type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeLongText() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a long text type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeInteger() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for an integer type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeBigInteger() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a big integer type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeMediumInteger() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a medium integer type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeTinyInteger() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a tiny integer type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeSmallInteger() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a small integer type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeFloat() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a float type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeDouble() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a double type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeDecimal() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a decimal type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeBoolean() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a boolean type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeEnum() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for an enumeration type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeJson() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a json type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeJsonb() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a jsonb type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeDate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a date type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeDateTime() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a date-time type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeDateTimeTz() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a date-time (with time zone) type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeTime() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a time type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeTimeTz() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a time (with time zone) type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeTimestamp() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a timestamp type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeTimestampTz() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a timestamp (with time zone) type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeYear() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a year type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeBinary() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a binary type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeUuid() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a uuid type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeIpAddress() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for an IP address type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeMacAddress() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a MAC address type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeGeometry() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial Geometry type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typePoint() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial Point type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeLineString() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial LineString type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typePolygon() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial Polygon type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeGeometryCollection() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial GeometryCollection type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeMultiPoint() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPoint type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeMultiLineString() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial MultiLineString type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeMultiPolygon() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPolygon type.
- SQLiteGrammar::typeComputed() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Create the column definition for a generated, computed column type.
- $ SqlServerGrammar#transactions — Property in class SqlServerGrammar
If this Grammar supports schema changes wrapped in a transaction.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeChar() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a char type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeString() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a string type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeTinyText() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a tiny text type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeText() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a text type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeMediumText() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a medium text type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeLongText() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a long text type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeInteger() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for an integer type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeBigInteger() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a big integer type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeMediumInteger() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a medium integer type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeTinyInteger() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a tiny integer type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeSmallInteger() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a small integer type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeFloat() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a float type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeDouble() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a double type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeDecimal() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a decimal type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeBoolean() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a boolean type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeEnum() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for an enumeration type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeJson() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a json type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeJsonb() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a jsonb type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeDate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a date type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeDateTime() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a date-time type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeDateTimeTz() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a date-time (with time zone) type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeTime() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a time type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeTimeTz() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a time (with time zone) type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeTimestamp() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a timestamp type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeTimestampTz() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a timestamp (with time zone) type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeYear() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a year type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeBinary() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a binary type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeUuid() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a uuid type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeIpAddress() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for an IP address type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeMacAddress() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a MAC address type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeGeometry() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial Geometry type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typePoint() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial Point type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeLineString() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial LineString type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typePolygon() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial Polygon type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeGeometryCollection() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial GeometryCollection type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeMultiPoint() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPoint type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeMultiLineString() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial MultiLineString type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeMultiPolygon() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a spatial MultiPolygon type.
- SqlServerGrammar::typeComputed() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Create the column definition for a generated, computed column type.
- SqlServerConnection::transaction() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Execute a Closure within a transaction.
- $ CallQueuedListener#tries — Property in class CallQueuedListener
The number of times the job may be attempted.
- $ CallQueuedListener#timeout — Property in class CallQueuedListener
The number of seconds the job can run before timing out.
- AwsS3V3Adapter::temporaryUrl() — Method in class AwsS3V3Adapter
Get a temporary URL for the file at the given path.
- AwsS3V3Adapter::temporaryUploadUrl() — Method in class AwsS3V3Adapter
Get a temporary upload URL for the file at the given path.
- Filesystem::type() — Method in class Filesystem
Get the file type of a given file.
- $ FilesystemAdapter#temporaryUrlCallback — Property in class FilesystemAdapter
The temporary URL builder callback.
- FilesystemAdapter::temporaryUrl() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get a temporary URL for the file at the given path.
- FilesystemAdapter::temporaryUploadUrl() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get a temporary upload URL for the file at the given path.
- FilesystemAdapter::throwsExceptions() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Determine if Flysystem exceptions should be thrown.
- LockableFile::truncate() — Method in class LockableFile
Truncate the file.
- $ Application#terminatingCallbacks — Property in class Application
The array of terminating callbacks.
- Application::terminating() — Method in class Application
Register a terminating callback with the application.
- Application::terminate() — Method in class Application
Terminate the application.
- $ CastMakeCommand#type — Property in class CastMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ ChannelMakeCommand#type — Property in class ChannelMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ ComponentMakeCommand#type — Property in class ComponentMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ ConsoleMakeCommand#type — Property in class ConsoleMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ EventMakeCommand#type — Property in class EventMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ ExceptionMakeCommand#type — Property in class ExceptionMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ JobMakeCommand#type — Property in class JobMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- Kernel::terminate() — Method in class Kernel
Terminate the application.
- $ ListenerMakeCommand#type — Property in class ListenerMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ MailMakeCommand#type — Property in class MailMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ ModelMakeCommand#type — Property in class ModelMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ NotificationMakeCommand#type — Property in class NotificationMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ ObserverMakeCommand#type — Property in class ObserverMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ PolicyMakeCommand#type — Property in class PolicyMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ ProviderMakeCommand#type — Property in class ProviderMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ RequestMakeCommand#type — Property in class RequestMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ ResourceMakeCommand#type — Property in class ResourceMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ RouteListCommand#terminalWidthResolver — Property in class RouteListCommand
The terminal width resolver callback.
- $ RuleMakeCommand#type — Property in class RuleMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ ScopeMakeCommand#type — Property in class ScopeMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- TestMakeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- $ TestMakeCommand#type — Property in class TestMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ VendorPublishCommand#tags — Property in class VendorPublishCommand
The tags to publish.
- $ VendorTagPublished#tag — Property in class VendorTagPublished
The vendor tag that was published.
- Handler::toIlluminateResponse() — Method in class Handler
Map the given exception into an Illuminate response.
- Kernel::terminate() — Method in class Kernel
Call the terminate method on any terminable middleware.
- Kernel::terminateMiddleware() — Method in class Kernel
Call the terminate method on any terminable middleware.
- ConvertEmptyStringsToNull::transform() — Method in class ConvertEmptyStringsToNull
Transform the given value.
- TransformsRequest — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
- TransformsRequest::transform() — Method in class TransformsRequest
Transform the given value.
- TrimStrings — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
- TrimStrings::transform() — Method in class TrimStrings
Transform the given value.
- VerifyCsrfToken::tokensMatch() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken
Determine if the session and input CSRF tokens match.
- InteractsWithRedis::tearDownRedis() — Method in class InteractsWithRedis
Teardown redis connection.
- InteractsWithTime::travel() — Method in class InteractsWithTime
Begin travelling to another time.
- InteractsWithTime::travelTo() — Method in class InteractsWithTime
Travel to another time.
- InteractsWithTime::travelBack() — Method in class InteractsWithTime
Travel back to the current time.
- DatabaseTruncation::truncateDatabaseTables() — Method in class DatabaseTruncation
Truncate the database tables for all configured connections.
- DatabaseTruncation::truncateTablesForAllConnections() — Method in class DatabaseTruncation
Truncate the database tables for all configured connections.
- DatabaseTruncation::truncateTablesForConnection() — Method in class DatabaseTruncation
Truncate the database tables for the given database connection.
- TestCase — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
- TestCase::tearDown() — Method in class TestCase
Clean up the testing environment before the next test.
- TestCase::tearDownAfterClass() — Method in class TestCase
Clean up the testing environment before the next test case.
- Vite::toHtml() — Method in class Vite
Get the Vite tag content as a string of HTML.
- $ ArgonHasher#time — Property in class ArgonHasher
The default time cost factor.
- $ ArgonHasher#threads — Property in class ArgonHasher
The default threads factor.
- ArgonHasher::time() — Method in class ArgonHasher
Extract the time cost value from the options array.
- ArgonHasher::threads() — Method in class ArgonHasher
Extract the thread's value from the options array.
- DeterminesStatusCode::tooManyRequests() — Method in class DeterminesStatusCode
Determine if the response was a 429 "Too Many Requests" response.
- $ PendingRequest#transferStats — Property in class PendingRequest
The transfer stats for the request.
- $ PendingRequest#throwCallback — Property in class PendingRequest
A callback to run when throwing if a server or client error occurs.
- $ PendingRequest#throwIfCallback — Property in class PendingRequest
A callback to check if an exception should be thrown when a server or client error occurs.
- $ PendingRequest#tries — Property in class PendingRequest
The number of times to try the request.
- PendingRequest::timeout() — Method in class PendingRequest
Specify the timeout (in seconds) for the request.
- PendingRequest::throw() — Method in class PendingRequest
Throw an exception if a server or client error occurs.
- PendingRequest::throwIf() — Method in class PendingRequest
Throw an exception if a server or client error occurred and the given condition evaluates to true.
- PendingRequest::throwUnless() — Method in class PendingRequest
Throw an exception if a server or client error occurred and the given condition evaluates to false.
- Request::toPsrRequest() — Method in class Request
Get the underlying PSR compliant request instance.
- $ Response#transferStats — Property in class Response
The transfer stats for the request.
- Response::toPsrResponse() — Method in class Response
Get the underlying PSR response for the response.
- Response::toException() — Method in class Response
Create an exception if a server or client error occurred.
- Response::throw() — Method in class Response
Throw an exception if a server or client error occurred.
- Response::throwIf() — Method in class Response
Throw an exception if a server or client error occurred and the given condition evaluates to true.
- Response::throwIfStatus() — Method in class Response
Throw an exception if the response status code matches the given code.
- Response::throwUnlessStatus() — Method in class Response
Throw an exception unless the response status code matches the given code.
- Response::throwIfClientError() — Method in class Response
Throw an exception if the response status code is a 4xx level code.
- Response::throwIfServerError() — Method in class Response
Throw an exception if the response status code is a 5xx level code.
- ThrottleRequestsException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Exceptions
- TrustHosts — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Middleware
- TrustProxies — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http\Middleware
- Request::toArray() — Method in class Request
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::transform() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Transform the given value if it is present.
- JsonResource::toArray() — Method in class JsonResource
Transform the resource into an array.
- JsonResource::toJson() — Method in class JsonResource
Convert the model instance to JSON.
- JsonResource::toResponse() — Method in class JsonResource
Create an HTTP response that represents the object.
- PaginatedResourceResponse::toResponse() — Method in class PaginatedResourceResponse
Create an HTTP response that represents the object.
- ResourceCollection::toArray() — Method in class ResourceCollection
Transform the resource into an array.
- ResourceCollection::toResponse() — Method in class ResourceCollection
Create an HTTP response that represents the object.
- ResourceResponse::toResponse() — Method in class ResourceResponse
Create an HTTP response that represents the object.
- ResponseTrait::throwResponse() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Throws the response in a HttpResponseException instance.
- $ File#tempFile — Property in class File
The temporary file resource.
- File::tempFilePath() — Method in class File
Get the path to the temporary file.
- LogManager::tap() — Method in class LogManager
Apply the configured taps for the logger.
- $ Mailable#to — Property in class Mailable
The "to" recipients of the message.
- $ Mailable#textView — Property in class Mailable
The plain text view to use for the message.
- $ Mailable#tags — Property in class Mailable
The tags for the message.
- $ Mailable#theme — Property in class Mailable
The name of the theme that should be used when formatting the message.
- Mailable::to() — Method in class Mailable
Set the recipients of the message.
- Mailable::text() — Method in class Mailable
Set the plain text view for the message.
- Mailable::tag() — Method in class Mailable
Add a tag header to the message when supported by the underlying transport.
- $ Content#text — Property in class Content
The Blade view that represents the text version of the message.
- Content::text() — Method in class Content
Set the plain text view for the message.
- $ Envelope#to — Property in class Envelope
The recipients of the message.
- $ Envelope#tags — Property in class Envelope
The message's tags.
- Envelope::to() — Method in class Envelope
Add a "to" recipient to the message envelope.
- Envelope::tags() — Method in class Envelope
Add "tags" to the message.
- Envelope::tag() — Method in class Envelope
Add a "tag" to the message.
- $ Headers#text — Property in class Headers
The message's text headers.
- Headers::text() — Method in class Headers
Set the headers for this message.
- $ Mailer#transport — Property in class Mailer
The Symfony Transport instance.
- $ Mailer#to — Property in class Mailer
The global to address and name.
- Mailer::to() — Method in class Mailer
Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.
- $ Markdown#theme — Property in class Markdown
The current theme being used when generating emails.
- Markdown::textComponentPaths() — Method in class Markdown
Get the text component paths.
- Markdown::theme() — Method in class Markdown
Set the default theme to be used.
- Message::to() — Method in class Message
Add a recipient to the message.
- $ PendingMail#to — Property in class PendingMail
The "to" recipients of the message.
- PendingMail::to() — Method in class PendingMail
Set the recipients of the message.
- $ SendQueuedMailable#tries — Property in class SendQueuedMailable
The number of times the job may be attempted.
- $ SendQueuedMailable#timeout — Property in class SendQueuedMailable
The number of seconds the job can run before timing out.
- $ Action#text — Property in class Action
The action text.
- $ DatabaseNotification#table — Property in class DatabaseNotification
The table associated with the model.
- $ MailMessage#theme — Property in class MailMessage
The current theme being used when generating emails.
- $ MailMessage#tags — Property in class MailMessage
The tags for the message.
- MailMessage::template() — Method in class MailMessage
Set the default markdown template.
- MailMessage::theme() — Method in class MailMessage
Set the theme to use with the Markdown template.
- MailMessage::tag() — Method in class MailMessage
Add a tag header to the message when supported by the underlying transport.
- SimpleMessage::toArray() — Method in class SimpleMessage
Get an array representation of the message.
- $ SendQueuedNotifications#tries — Property in class SendQueuedNotifications
The number of times the job may be attempted.
- $ SendQueuedNotifications#timeout — Property in class SendQueuedNotifications
The number of seconds the job can run before timing out.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::through() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Transform each item in the slice of items using a callback.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::toHtml() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Render the contents of the paginator to HTML.
- AbstractPaginator::through() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Transform each item in the slice of items using a callback.
- AbstractPaginator::toHtml() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Render the contents of the paginator to HTML.
- Cursor::toArray() — Method in class Cursor
Get the array representation of the cursor.
- CursorPaginator::toArray() — Method in class CursorPaginator
- CursorPaginator::toJson() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Convert the object to its JSON representation.
- $ LengthAwarePaginator#total — Property in class LengthAwarePaginator
The total number of items before slicing.
- LengthAwarePaginator::total() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Determine the total number of items in the data store.
- LengthAwarePaginator::toArray() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
- LengthAwarePaginator::toJson() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Convert the object to its JSON representation.
- Paginator::toArray() — Method in class Paginator
- Paginator::toJson() — Method in class Paginator
Convert the object to its JSON representation.
- Pipeline::through() — Method in class Pipeline
Set the array of pipes.
- Pipeline::then() — Method in class Pipeline
Run the pipeline with a final destination callback.
- Pipeline::thenReturn() — Method in class Pipeline
Run the pipeline and return the result.
- FakeProcessDescription::toSymfonyProcess() — Method in class FakeProcessDescription
Turn the fake process description into an actual process.
- FakeProcessDescription::toProcessResult() — Method in class FakeProcessDescription
Conver the process description into a process result.
- FakeProcessResult::throw() — Method in class FakeProcessResult
Throw an exception if the process failed.
- FakeProcessResult::throwIf() — Method in class FakeProcessResult
Throw an exception if the process failed and the given condition is true.
- FakeProcessSequence::toProcessResult() — Method in class FakeProcessSequence
Convert the given result into an actual process result or description.
- $ PendingProcess#timeout — Property in class PendingProcess
The maximum number of seconds the process may run.
- $ PendingProcess#tty — Property in class PendingProcess
Indicates if TTY mode should be enabled.
- PendingProcess::timeout() — Method in class PendingProcess
Specify the maximum number of seconds the process may run.
- PendingProcess::tty() — Method in class PendingProcess
Enable TTY mode for the process.
- PendingProcess::toSymfonyProcess() — Method in class PendingProcess
Get a Symfony Process instance from the current pending command.
- ProcessResult::throw() — Method in class ProcessResult
Throw an exception if the process failed.
- ProcessResult::throwIf() — Method in class ProcessResult
Throw an exception if the process failed and the given condition is true.
- $ BeanstalkdQueue#timeToRun — Property in class BeanstalkdQueue
The "time to run" for all pushed jobs.
- TableCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- $ DatabaseQueue#table — Property in class DatabaseQueue
The database table that holds the jobs.
- $ DatabaseFailedJobProvider#table — Property in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
The database table.
- $ DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider#table — Property in class DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider
The database table.
- $ DynamoDbFailedJobProvider#table — Property in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider
The table name.
- DatabaseJobRecord::touch() — Method in class DatabaseJobRecord
Update the "reserved at" timestamp of the job.
- Job::timeout() — Method in class Job
Get the number of seconds the job can run.
- RateLimitedWithRedis::tooManyAttempts() — Method in class RateLimitedWithRedis
Determine if the given key has been "accessed" too many times.
- ThrottlesExceptions — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Middleware
- ThrottlesExceptionsWithRedis — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Middleware
- Worker::timeoutForJob() — Method in class Worker
Get the appropriate timeout for the given job.
- $ WorkerOptions#timeout — Property in class WorkerOptions
The maximum number of seconds a child worker may run.
- Connection::throttle() — Method in class Connection
Throttle a callback for a maximum number of executions over a given duration.
- PhpRedisConnection::transaction() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Execute commands in a transaction.
- $ CommandExecuted#time — Property in class CommandExecuted
The number of milliseconds it took to execute the command.
- $ ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder#timeout — Property in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder
The amount of time to block until a lock is available.
- ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder::then() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder
Execute the given callback if a lock is obtained, otherwise call the failure callback.
- DurationLimiter::tooManyAttempts() — Method in class DurationLimiter
Determine if the key has been "accessed" too many times.
- DurationLimiter::tooManyAttemptsLuaScript() — Method in class DurationLimiter
Get the Lua script to determine if the key has been "accessed" too many times.
- $ DurationLimiterBuilder#timeout — Property in class DurationLimiterBuilder
The amount of time to block until a lock is available.
- DurationLimiterBuilder::then() — Method in class DurationLimiterBuilder
Execute the given callback if a lock is obtained, otherwise call the failure callback.
- AbstractRouteCollection::toSymfonyRouteCollection() — Method in class AbstractRouteCollection
Convert the collection to a Symfony RouteCollection instance.
- $ ControllerMakeCommand#type — Property in class ControllerMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- $ MiddlewareMakeCommand#type — Property in class MiddlewareMakeCommand
The type of class being generated.
- ThrottleRequests — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Middleware
- ThrottleRequestsWithRedis — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Middleware
- ThrottleRequestsWithRedis::tooManyAttempts() — Method in class ThrottleRequestsWithRedis
Determine if the given key has been "accessed" too many times.
- Redirector::to() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to the given path.
- Redirector::temporarySignedRoute() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new redirect response to a signed named route.
- Route::toSymfonyRoute() — Method in class Route
Convert the route to a Symfony route.
- RouteCollection::toSymfonyRouteCollection() — Method in class RouteCollection
Convert the collection to a Symfony RouteCollection instance.
- RouteCollection::toCompiledRouteCollection() — Method in class RouteCollection
Convert the collection to a CompiledRouteCollection instance.
- RouteDependencyResolverTrait::transformDependency() — Method in class RouteDependencyResolverTrait
Attempt to transform the given parameter into a class instance.
- RouteUrlGenerator::to() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator
Generate a URL for the given route.
- Router::toResponse() — Method in class Router
Static version of prepareResponse.
- UrlGenerator::to() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generate an absolute URL to the given path.
- UrlGenerator::temporarySignedRoute() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Create a temporary signed route URL for a named route.
- UrlGenerator::toRoute() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Get the URL for a given route instance.
- $ DatabaseSessionHandler#table — Property in class DatabaseSessionHandler
The name of the session table.
- Store::token() — Method in class Store
Get the CSRF token value.
- TokenMismatchException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Session
- Arr::toCssClasses() — Method in class Arr
Conditionally compile classes from an array into a CSS class list.
- Arr::toCssStyles() — Method in class Arr
Conditionally compile styles from an array into a style list.
- Collection::take() — Method in class Collection
Take the first or last {$limit} items.
- Collection::takeUntil() — Method in class Collection
Take items in the collection until the given condition is met.
- Collection::takeWhile() — Method in class Collection
Take items in the collection while the given condition is met.
- Collection::transform() — Method in class Collection
Transform each item in the collection using a callback.
- Collection::toBase() — Method in class Collection
Get a base Support collection instance from this collection.
- DateFactory::today() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::tomorrow() — Method in class DateFactory
- Enumerable::times() — Method in class Enumerable
Create a new instance by invoking the callback a given amount of times.
- Enumerable::take() — Method in class Enumerable
Take the first or last {$limit} items.
- Enumerable::takeUntil() — Method in class Enumerable
Take items in the collection until the given condition is met.
- Enumerable::takeWhile() — Method in class Enumerable
Take items in the collection while the given condition is met.
- Enumerable::tap() — Method in class Enumerable
Pass the collection to the given callback and then return it.
- Enumerable::toArray() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::toJson() — Method in class Enumerable
Convert the object to its JSON representation.
- App::terminating() — Method in class App
- App::terminate() — Method in class App
- App::tag() — Method in class App
- App::tagged() — Method in class App
- Artisan::terminate() — Method in class Artisan
- Cache::tags() — Method in class Cache
- DB::table() — Method in class DB
- DB::totalQueryDuration() — Method in class DB
- DB::transaction() — Method in class DB
- DB::transactionLevel() — Method in class DB
- Date::today() — Method in class Date
- Date::tomorrow() — Method in class Date
- File::type() — Method in class File
- Http::timeout() — Method in class Http
- Http::throw() — Method in class Http
- Http::throwIf() — Method in class Http
- Http::throwUnless() — Method in class Http
- Mail::to() — Method in class Mail
- ParallelTesting::tearDownProcess() — Method in class ParallelTesting
- ParallelTesting::tearDownTestCase() — Method in class ParallelTesting
- ParallelTesting::token() — Method in class ParallelTesting
- Password::tokenExists() — Method in class Password
- Process::timeout() — Method in class Process
- Process::tty() — Method in class Process
- RateLimiter::tooManyAttempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
- Redirect::to() — Method in class Redirect
- Redirect::temporarySignedRoute() — Method in class Redirect
- Redis::throttle() — Method in class Redis
- Request::toArray() — Method in class Request
- Route::toResponse() — Method in class Route
- Schema::table() — Method in class Schema
- Session::token() — Method in class Session
- Storage::temporaryUrl() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::temporaryUploadUrl() — Method in class Storage
- URL::to() — Method in class URL
- URL::temporarySignedRoute() — Method in class URL
- URL::toRoute() — Method in class URL
- Vite::toHtml() — Method in class Vite
- Fluent::toArray() — Method in class Fluent
- Fluent::toJson() — Method in class Fluent
Convert the object to its JSON representation.
- $ HigherOrderTapProxy#target — Property in class HigherOrderTapProxy
The target being tapped.
- $ HigherOrderWhenProxy#target — Property in class HigherOrderWhenProxy
The target being conditionally operated on.
- HtmlString::toHtml() — Method in class HtmlString
Get the HTML string.
- Js::toHtml() — Method in class Js
Get the string representation of the data for use in HTML.
- LazyCollection::take() — Method in class LazyCollection
Take the first or last {$limit} items.
- LazyCollection::takeUntil() — Method in class LazyCollection
Take items in the collection until the given condition is met.
- LazyCollection::takeUntilTimeout() — Method in class LazyCollection
Take items in the collection until a given point in time.
- LazyCollection::takeWhile() — Method in class LazyCollection
Take items in the collection while the given condition is met.
- LazyCollection::tapEach() — Method in class LazyCollection
Pass each item in the collection to the given callback, lazily.
- MessageBag::transform() — Method in class MessageBag
Format an array of messages.
- MessageBag::toArray() — Method in class MessageBag
- MessageBag::toJson() — Method in class MessageBag
Convert the object to its JSON representation.
- Str::transliterate() — Method in class Str
Transliterate a string to its closest ASCII representation.
- Str::title() — Method in class Str
Convert the given string to title case.
- Stringable::test() — Method in class Stringable
Determine if the string matches the given pattern.
- Stringable::title() — Method in class Stringable
Convert the given string to title case.
- Stringable::trim() — Method in class Stringable
Trim the string of the given characters.
- Stringable::toHtmlString() — Method in class Stringable
Convert the string into a
instance.- Stringable::toString() — Method in class Stringable
Get the underlying string value.
- Stringable::toInteger() — Method in class Stringable
Get the underlying string value as an integer.
- Stringable::toFloat() — Method in class Stringable
Get the underlying string value as a float.
- Stringable::toBoolean() — Method in class Stringable
Get the underlying string value as a boolean.
- Stringable::toDate() — Method in class Stringable
Get the underlying string value as a Carbon instance.
- BatchRepositoryFake::transaction() — Method in class BatchRepositoryFake
Execute the given Closure within a storage specific transaction.
- MailFake::to() — Method in class MailFake
Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance.
- Timebox — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- $ EnumeratesValues#takeUntil — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- $ EnumeratesValues#takeWhile — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::times() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::tap() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Pass the collection to the given callback and then return it.
- EnumeratesValues::toArray() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::toJson() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Get the collection of items as JSON.
- ForwardsCalls::throwBadMethodCallException() — Method in class ForwardsCalls
Throw a bad method call exception for the given method.
- Tappable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Traits
- Tappable::tap() — Method in class Tappable
Call the given Closure with this instance then return the instance.
- ValidatedInput::toArray() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Get the instance as an array.
- TestDatabases — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing\Concerns
- TestDatabases::testDatabase() — Method in class TestDatabases
Returns the test database name.
- ArraySubset::toString() — Method in class ArraySubset
Returns a string representation of the constraint.
- CountInDatabase::toString() — Method in class CountInDatabase
Get a string representation of the object.
- HasInDatabase::toString() — Method in class HasInDatabase
Get a string representation of the object.
- NotSoftDeletedInDatabase::toString() — Method in class NotSoftDeletedInDatabase
Get a string representation of the object.
- SeeInOrder::toString() — Method in class SeeInOrder
Get a string representation of the object.
- SoftDeletedInDatabase::toString() — Method in class SoftDeletedInDatabase
Get a string representation of the object.
- AssertableJson::toArray() — Method in class AssertableJson
Get the instance as an array.
- $ ParallelTesting#tokenResolver — Property in class ParallelTesting
The token resolver callback.
- $ ParallelTesting#tearDownProcessCallbacks — Property in class ParallelTesting
All of the registered "tearDown" process callbacks.
- $ ParallelTesting#tearDownTestCaseCallbacks — Property in class ParallelTesting
All of the registered "tearDown" test case callbacks.
- ParallelTesting::tearDownProcess() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Register a "tearDown" process callback.
- ParallelTesting::tearDownTestCase() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Register a "tearDown" test case callback.
- ParallelTesting::token() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Gets a unique test token.
- $ PendingCommand#test — Property in class PendingCommand
The test being run.
- TestComponent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing
- TestResponse — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing
- TestResponse::transformNotSuccessfulException() — Method in class TestResponse
This method is called when test method did not execute successfully.
- TestView — Class in namespace Illuminate\Testing
- $ PotentiallyTranslatedString#translation — Property in class PotentiallyTranslatedString
The translated string.
- $ PotentiallyTranslatedString#translator — Property in class PotentiallyTranslatedString
The validator that may perform the translation.
- PotentiallyTranslatedString::translate() — Method in class PotentiallyTranslatedString
Translate the string.
- PotentiallyTranslatedString::translateChoice() — Method in class PotentiallyTranslatedString
Translates the string based on a count.
- PotentiallyTranslatedString::toString() — Method in class PotentiallyTranslatedString
Get the potentially translated string.
- TranslationServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Translation
- Translator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Translation
- ValidatesAttributes::trim() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Trim the value if it is a string.
- DatabasePresenceVerifier::table() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
Get a query builder for the given table.
- $ Factory#translator — Property in class Factory
The Translator implementation.
- $ NotPwnedVerifier#timeout — Property in class NotPwnedVerifier
The number of seconds the request can run before timing out.
- $ DatabaseRule#table — Property in class DatabaseRule
The table to run the query against.
- $ Enum#type — Property in class Enum
The type of the enum.
- File::types() — Method in class File
Limit the uploaded file to the given MIME types or file extensions.
- $ Validator#translator — Property in class Validator
The Translator implementation.
- $ BladeCompiler#template — Property in class BladeCompiler
- ComponentAttributeBag::thatStartWith() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Return a bag of attributes that have keys starting with the given value / pattern.
- ComponentAttributeBag::toHtml() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Get content as a string of HTML.
- ComponentSlot::toHtml() — Method in class ComponentSlot
Get the slot's HTML string.
- $ ManagesTranslations#translationReplacements — Property in class ManagesTranslations
The translation replacements for the translation being rendered.
- View::toHtml() — Method in class View
Get content as a string of HTML.
- $ GateEvaluated#user — Property in class GateEvaluated
The authenticatable model.
- $ Gate#userResolver — Property in class Gate
The user resolver callable.
- $ AuthManager#userResolver — Property in class AuthManager
The user resolver shared by various services.
- AuthManager::userResolver() — Method in class AuthManager
Get the user resolver callback.
- DatabaseUserProvider::updateRememberToken() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
Update the "remember me" token for the given user in storage.
- EloquentUserProvider::updateRememberToken() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Update the "remember me" token for the given user in storage.
- $ Authenticated#user — Property in class Authenticated
The authenticated user.
- $ CurrentDeviceLogout#user — Property in class CurrentDeviceLogout
The authenticated user.
- $ Failed#user — Property in class Failed
The user the attempter was trying to authenticate as.
- $ Login#user — Property in class Login
The authenticated user.
- $ Logout#user — Property in class Logout
The authenticated user.
- $ OtherDeviceLogout#user — Property in class OtherDeviceLogout
The authenticated user.
- $ PasswordReset#user — Property in class PasswordReset
The user.
- $ Registered#user — Property in class Registered
The authenticated user.
- $ Validated#user — Property in class Validated
The user retrieved and validated from the User Provider.
- $ Verified#user — Property in class Verified
The verified user.
- $ GuardHelpers#user — Property in class GuardHelpers
The currently authenticated user.
- Authenticate::unauthenticated() — Method in class Authenticate
Handle an unauthenticated user.
- $ RequirePassword#urlGenerator — Property in class RequirePassword
The URL generator instance.
- $ PasswordBroker#users — Property in class PasswordBroker
The user provider implementation.
- RequestGuard::user() — Method in class RequestGuard
Get the currently authenticated user.
- SessionGuard::user() — Method in class SessionGuard
Get the currently authenticated user.
- SessionGuard::userFromRecaller() — Method in class SessionGuard
Pull a user from the repository by its "remember me" cookie token.
- SessionGuard::updateSession() — Method in class SessionGuard
Update the session with the given ID.
- TokenGuard::user() — Method in class TokenGuard
Get the currently authenticated user.
- BroadcastManager::userRoutes() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Register the routes for handling broadcast user authentication.
- UsePusherChannelConventions — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting\Broadcasters
- UniqueBroadcastEvent — Class in namespace Illuminate\Broadcasting
- $ UniqueBroadcastEvent#uniqueId — Property in class UniqueBroadcastEvent
The unique lock identifier.
- $ UniqueBroadcastEvent#uniqueFor — Property in class UniqueBroadcastEvent
The number of seconds the unique lock should be maintained.
- UniqueBroadcastEvent::uniqueVia() — Method in class UniqueBroadcastEvent
Resolve the cache implementation that should manage the event's uniqueness.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::updateAtomicValues() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Update an atomic value within the batch.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::unserialize() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Unserialize the given value.
- UniqueLock — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- UpdatedBatchJobCounts — Class in namespace Illuminate\Bus
- DatabaseStore::unserialize() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Unserialize the given value.
- DynamoDbStore::unserialize() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Unserialize the value.
- Unlimited — Class in namespace Illuminate\Cache\RateLimiting
- RedisStore::unserialize() — Method in class RedisStore
Unserialize the value.
- CacheCommandMutex::useStore() — Method in class CacheCommandMutex
Specify the cache store that should be used.
- InteractsWithSignals::untrap() — Method in class InteractsWithSignals
Untrap signal handlers set within the command's handler.
- GeneratorCommand::userProviderModel() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Get the model for the default guard's user provider.
- CacheAware::useStore() — Method in class CacheAware
Specify the cache store that should be used.
- CacheEventMutex::useStore() — Method in class CacheEventMutex
Specify the cache store that should be used.
- CacheSchedulingMutex::useStore() — Method in class CacheSchedulingMutex
Specify the cache store that should be used.
- $ Event#user — Property in class Event
The user the command should run as.
- Event::user() — Method in class Event
Set which user the command should run as.
- ManagesFrequencies::unlessBetween() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to not run between start and end time.
- Schedule::useCache() — Method in class Schedule
Specify the cache store that should be used to store mutexes.
- Signals::unregister() — Method in class Signals
Unregister the current signal handlers.
- Component::usingQuestionHelper() — Method in class Component
Eventually performs a question using the component's question helper.
- Container::unresolvablePrimitive() — Method in class Container
Throw an exception for an unresolvable primitive.
- Util — Class in namespace Illuminate\Container
- Util::unwrapIfClosure() — Method in class Util
Return the default value of the given value.
- Guard::user() — Method in class Guard
Get the currently authenticated user.
- UserProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Auth
- UserProvider::updateRememberToken() — Method in class UserProvider
Update the "remember me" token for the given user in storage.
- QueueingFactory::unqueue() — Method in class QueueingFactory
Remove a cookie from the queue.
- ModelIdentifier::useCollectionClass() — Method in class ModelIdentifier
Specify the collection class that should be used when serializing / restoring collections.
- Dispatcher::until() — Method in class Dispatcher
Dispatch an event until the first non-null response is returned.
- Cloud::url() — Method in class Cloud
Get the URL for the file at the given path.
- CursorPaginator::url() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Get the URL for a given cursor.
- Paginator::url() — Method in class Paginator
Get the URL for a given page.
- Job::uuid() — Method in class Job
Get the UUID of the job.
- UrlGenerator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
- UrlRoutable — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Routing
- UncompromisedVerifier — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
- CookieJar::unqueue() — Method in class CookieJar
Remove a cookie from the queue.
- Connection::useDefaultQueryGrammar() — Method in class Connection
Set the query grammar to the default implementation.
- Connection::useDefaultSchemaGrammar() — Method in class Connection
Set the schema grammar to the default implementation.
- Connection::useDefaultPostProcessor() — Method in class Connection
Set the query post processor to the default implementation.
- Connection::update() — Method in class Connection
Run an update statement against the database.
- Connection::unprepared() — Method in class Connection
Run a raw, unprepared query against the PDO connection.
- Connection::useWriteConnectionWhenReading() — Method in class Connection
Indicate that the connection should use the write PDO connection for reads.
- Connection::usingNativeSchemaOperations() — Method in class Connection
Indicates whether native alter operations will be used when dropping, renaming, or modifying columns, even if Doctrine DBAL is installed.
- Connection::unsetEventDispatcher() — Method in class Connection
Unset the event dispatcher for this connection.
- Connection::unsetTransactionManager() — Method in class Connection
Unset the transaction manager for this connection.
- ConnectionInterface::update() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Run an update statement against the database.
- ConnectionInterface::unprepared() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Run a raw, unprepared query against the PDO connection.
- BaseCommand::usingRealPath() — Method in class BaseCommand
Determine if the given path(s) are pre-resolved "real" paths.
- DatabaseManager::usingConnection() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Set the default database connection for the callback execution.
- Builder::updateOrCreate() — Method in class Builder
Create or update a record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.
- Builder::update() — Method in class Builder
Update records in the database.
- Builder::upsert() — Method in class Builder
Insert new records or update the existing ones.
- Collection::unique() — Method in class Collection
- $ GuardsAttributes#unguarded — Property in class GuardsAttributes
Indicates if all mass assignment is enabled.
- GuardsAttributes::unguard() — Method in class GuardsAttributes
Disable all mass assignable restrictions.
- GuardsAttributes::unguarded() — Method in class GuardsAttributes
Run the given callable while being unguarded.
- HasEvents::updating() — Method in class HasEvents
Register an updating model event with the dispatcher.
- HasEvents::updated() — Method in class HasEvents
Register an updated model event with the dispatcher.
- HasEvents::unsetEventDispatcher() — Method in class HasEvents
Unset the event dispatcher for models.
- HasRelationships::unsetRelation() — Method in class HasRelationships
Unset a loaded relationship.
- HasRelationships::unsetRelations() — Method in class HasRelationships
Unset all the loaded relations for the instance.
- HasTimestamps::updateTimestamps() — Method in class HasTimestamps
Update the creation and update timestamps.
- HasTimestamps::usesTimestamps() — Method in class HasTimestamps
Determine if the model uses timestamps.
- HasUlids::uniqueIds() — Method in class HasUlids
Get the columns that should receive a unique identifier.
- HasUuids::uniqueIds() — Method in class HasUuids
Get the columns that should receive a unique identifier.
- Factory::useNamespace() — Method in class Factory
Specify the default namespace that contains the application's model factories.
- Model::update() — Method in class Model
Update the model in the database.
- Model::updateOrFail() — Method in class Model
Update the model in the database within a transaction.
- Model::updateQuietly() — Method in class Model
Update the model in the database without raising any events.
- Model::unsetConnectionResolver() — Method in class Model
Unset the connection resolver for models.
- $ BelongsToMany#using — Property in class BelongsToMany
The class name of the custom pivot model to use for the relationship.
- BelongsToMany::using() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Specify the custom pivot model to use for the relationship.
- BelongsToMany::updateOrCreate() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Create or update a related record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.
- BelongsToMany::updatedAt() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Get the name of the "updated at" column.
- AsPivot::unsetRelations() — Method in class AsPivot
Unset all the loaded relations for the instance.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::updateExistingPivot() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Update an existing pivot record on the table.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::updateExistingPivotUsingCustomClass() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Update an existing pivot record on the table via a custom class.
- HasManyThrough::updateOrCreate() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Create or update a related record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.
- HasOneOrMany::updateOrCreate() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Create or update a related record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.
- Relation::updatedAt() — Method in class Relation
Get the name of the "updated at" column.
- Migrator::usingConnection() — Method in class Migrator
Execute the given callback using the given connection as the default connection.
- $ Builder#unions — Property in class Builder
The query union statements.
- $ Builder#unionLimit — Property in class Builder
The maximum number of union records to return.
- $ Builder#unionOffset — Property in class Builder
The number of union records to skip.
- $ Builder#unionOrders — Property in class Builder
The orderings for the union query.
- $ Builder#useWritePdo — Property in class Builder
Whether to use write pdo for the select.
- Builder::useIndex() — Method in class Builder
Add an index hint to suggest a query index.
- Builder::union() — Method in class Builder
Add a union statement to the query.
- Builder::unionAll() — Method in class Builder
Add a union all statement to the query.
- Builder::update() — Method in class Builder
Update records in the database.
- Builder::updateFrom() — Method in class Builder
Update records in a PostgreSQL database using the update from syntax.
- Builder::updateOrInsert() — Method in class Builder
Insert or update a record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.
- Builder::upsert() — Method in class Builder
Insert new records or update the existing ones.
- Builder::useWritePdo() — Method in class Builder
Use the "write" PDO connection when executing the query.
- Blueprint::unique() — Method in class Blueprint
Specify a unique index for the table.
- Blueprint::unsignedInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new unsigned integer (4-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::unsignedTinyInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new unsigned tiny integer (1-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::unsignedSmallInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new unsigned small integer (2-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::unsignedMediumInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new unsigned medium integer (3-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::unsignedBigInteger() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new unsigned big integer (8-byte) column on the table.
- Blueprint::unsignedFloat() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new unsigned float column on the table.
- Blueprint::unsignedDouble() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new unsigned double column on the table.
- Blueprint::unsignedDecimal() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new unsigned decimal column on the table.
- Blueprint::uuid() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new UUID column on the table.
- Blueprint::ulid() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new ULID column on the table.
- Blueprint::uuidMorphs() — Method in class Blueprint
Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table using UUIDs.
- Blueprint::ulidMorphs() — Method in class Blueprint
Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table using ULIDs.
- Builder::useNativeSchemaOperationsIfPossible() — Method in class Builder
Attempt to use native schema operations for dropping, renaming, and modifying columns, even if Doctrine DBAL is installed.
- ColumnDefinition::unique() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
Add a unique index
- ColumnDefinition::unsigned() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- ColumnDefinition::useCurrent() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
Set the TIMESTAMP column to use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as default value
- ColumnDefinition::useCurrentOnUpdate() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- Dispatcher::until() — Method in class Dispatcher
Fire an event until the first non-null response is returned.
- NullDispatcher::until() — Method in class NullDispatcher
Don't dispatch an event.
- AwsS3V3Adapter::url() — Method in class AwsS3V3Adapter
Get the URL for the file at the given path.
- FilesystemAdapter::url() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Get the URL for the file at the given path.
- Application::useAppPath() — Method in class Application
Set the application directory.
- Application::useBootstrapPath() — Method in class Application
Set the bootstrap file directory.
- Application::useConfigPath() — Method in class Application
Set the configuration directory.
- Application::useDatabasePath() — Method in class Application
Set the database directory.
- Application::useLangPath() — Method in class Application
Set the language file directory.
- Application::usePublicPath() — Method in class Application
Set the public / web directory.
- Application::useStoragePath() — Method in class Application
Set the storage directory.
- Application::useEnvironmentPath() — Method in class Application
Set the directory for the environment file.
- User — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Auth
- $ DocsCommand#urlOpener — Property in class DocsCommand
The custom URL opener.
- DocsCommand::url() — Method in class DocsCommand
The URL to the documentation page.
- PolicyMakeCommand::userProviderModel() — Method in class PolicyMakeCommand
Get the model for the guard's user provider.
- UpCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- Handler::unauthenticated() — Method in class Handler
Convert an authentication exception into a response.
- $ InteractsWithConsole#unexpectedOutput — Property in class InteractsWithConsole
All of the output lines that aren't expected to be displayed.
- $ InteractsWithConsole#unexpectedOutputSubstrings — Property in class InteractsWithConsole
All of the text that is not expected to be present in the output.
- InteractsWithContainer::useIntegrityKey() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
- InteractsWithContainer::useBuildDirectory() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
- InteractsWithContainer::useHotFile() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
- InteractsWithContainer::useScriptTagAttributes() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
- InteractsWithContainer::useStyleTagAttributes() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
- $ MakesHttpRequests#unencryptedCookies — Property in class MakesHttpRequests
Additional cookies will not be encrypted for the request.
- RefreshDatabase::usingInMemoryDatabase() — Method in class RefreshDatabase
Determine if an in-memory database is being used.
- Vite::useCspNonce() — Method in class Vite
Generate or set a Content Security Policy nonce to apply to all generated tags.
- Vite::useIntegrityKey() — Method in class Vite
Use the given key to detect integrity hashes in the manifest.
- Vite::useManifestFilename() — Method in class Vite
Set the filename for the manifest file.
- Vite::useHotFile() — Method in class Vite
Set the Vite "hot" file path.
- Vite::useBuildDirectory() — Method in class Vite
Set the Vite build directory.
- Vite::useScriptTagAttributes() — Method in class Vite
Use the given callback to resolve attributes for script tags.
- Vite::useStyleTagAttributes() — Method in class Vite
Use the given callback to resolve attributes for style tags.
- Vite::usePreloadTagAttributes() — Method in class Vite
Use the given callback to resolve attributes for preload tags.
- DeterminesStatusCode::unauthorized() — Method in class DeterminesStatusCode
Determine if the response was a 401 "Unauthorized" response.
- DeterminesStatusCode::unprocessableEntity() — Method in class DeterminesStatusCode
Determine if the response was a 422 "Unprocessable Entity" response.
- $ PendingRequest#urlParameters — Property in class PendingRequest
The parameters that can be substituted into the URL.
- Request::url() — Method in class Request
Get the URL of the request.
- $ Request#userResolver — Property in class Request
The user resolver callback.
- Request::url() — Method in class Request
Get the URL (no query string) for the request.
- Request::userAgent() — Method in class Request
Get the client user agent.
- Request::user() — Method in class Request
Get the user making the request.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::unless() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Retrieve a value if the given "condition" is falsy.
- UploadedFile — Class in namespace Illuminate\Http
- $ Envelope#using — Property in class Envelope
The message's Symfony Message customization callbacks.
- Envelope::using() — Method in class Envelope
Add a Symfony Message customization callback to the message.
- $ Action#url — Property in class Action
The action URL.
- DatabaseNotification::unread() — Method in class DatabaseNotification
Determine if a notification has not been read.
- HasDatabaseNotifications::unreadNotifications() — Method in class HasDatabaseNotifications
Get the entity's unread notifications.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::url() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get the URL for a given cursor.
- AbstractPaginator::url() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get the URL for a given page number.
- AbstractPaginator::useTailwind() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Indicate that Tailwind styling should be used for generated links.
- AbstractPaginator::useBootstrap() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Indicate that Bootstrap 4 styling should be used for generated links.
- AbstractPaginator::useBootstrapThree() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Indicate that Bootstrap 3 styling should be used for generated links.
- AbstractPaginator::useBootstrapFour() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Indicate that Bootstrap 4 styling should be used for generated links.
- AbstractPaginator::useBootstrapFive() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Indicate that Bootstrap 5 styling should be used for generated links.
- UrlWindow — Class in namespace Illuminate\Pagination
- Job::uuid() — Method in class Job
Get the UUID of the job.
- Connection::unsetEventDispatcher() — Method in class Connection
Unset the event dispatcher instance on the connection.
- UrlGenerationException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Exceptions
- UriValidator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
- $ Route#uri — Property in class Route
The URI pattern the route responds to.
- Route::updatePrefixOnAction() — Method in class Route
Update the "prefix" attribute on the action array.
- Route::uri() — Method in class Route
Get the URI associated with the route.
- Route::uses() — Method in class Route
Set the handler for the route.
- $ RouteUri#uri — Property in class RouteUri
The route URI.
- $ RouteUrlGenerator#url — Property in class RouteUrlGenerator
The URL generator instance.
- Router::updateGroupStack() — Method in class Router
Update the group stack with the given attributes.
- Router::uses() — Method in class Router
Alias for the "currentRouteUses" method.
- Router::uniqueMiddleware() — Method in class Router
Remove any duplicate middleware from the given array.
- UrlGenerator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- DatabaseSessionHandler::userId() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
Get the currently authenticated user's ID.
- DatabaseSessionHandler::userAgent() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
Get the user agent for the current request.
- Arr::undot() — Method in class Arr
Convert a flatten "dot" notation array into an expanded array.
- Collection::union() — Method in class Collection
Union the collection with the given items.
- Collection::undot() — Method in class Collection
Convert a flatten "dot" notation array into an expanded array.
- Collection::unique() — Method in class Collection
Return only unique items from the collection array.
- DateFactory::use() — Method in class DateFactory
Use the given handler when generating dates (class name, callable, or factory).
- DateFactory::useDefault() — Method in class DateFactory
Use the default date class when generating dates.
- DateFactory::useCallable() — Method in class DateFactory
Execute the given callable on each date creation.
- DateFactory::useClass() — Method in class DateFactory
Use the given date type (class) when generating dates.
- DateFactory::useFactory() — Method in class DateFactory
Use the given Carbon factory when generating dates.
- DateFactory::useMonthsOverflow() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::useStrictMode() — Method in class DateFactory
- DateFactory::useYearsOverflow() — Method in class DateFactory
- Enumerable::unwrap() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::unless() — Method in class Enumerable
Apply the callback if the given "value" is (or resolves to) truthy.
- Enumerable::unlessEmpty() — Method in class Enumerable
Apply the callback unless the collection is empty.
- Enumerable::unlessNotEmpty() — Method in class Enumerable
Apply the callback unless the collection is not empty.
- Enumerable::union() — Method in class Enumerable
Union the collection with the given items.
- Enumerable::undot() — Method in class Enumerable
Convert a flatten "dot" notation array into an expanded array.
- Enumerable::unique() — Method in class Enumerable
Return only unique items from the collection array.
- Enumerable::uniqueStrict() — Method in class Enumerable
Return only unique items from the collection array using strict comparison.
- App::useAppPath() — Method in class App
- App::useBootstrapPath() — Method in class App
- App::useConfigPath() — Method in class App
- App::useDatabasePath() — Method in class App
- App::useLangPath() — Method in class App
- App::usePublicPath() — Method in class App
- App::useStoragePath() — Method in class App
- App::useEnvironmentPath() — Method in class App
- Auth::userResolver() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::user() — Method in class Auth
- Broadcast::userRoutes() — Method in class Broadcast
- Cookie::unqueue() — Method in class Cookie
- DB::usingConnection() — Method in class DB
- DB::useDefaultQueryGrammar() — Method in class DB
- DB::useDefaultSchemaGrammar() — Method in class DB
- DB::useDefaultPostProcessor() — Method in class DB
- DB::update() — Method in class DB
- DB::unprepared() — Method in class DB
- DB::useWriteConnectionWhenReading() — Method in class DB
- DB::usingNativeSchemaOperations() — Method in class DB
- DB::unsetEventDispatcher() — Method in class DB
- DB::unsetTransactionManager() — Method in class DB
- Date::use() — Method in class Date
- Date::useDefault() — Method in class Date
- Date::useCallable() — Method in class Date
- Date::useClass() — Method in class Date
- Date::useFactory() — Method in class Date
- Date::useMonthsOverflow() — Method in class Date
- Date::useStrictMode() — Method in class Date
- Date::useYearsOverflow() — Method in class Date
- Event::until() — Method in class Event
- File::unless() — Method in class File
- Http::unless() — Method in class Http
- Redis::unsetEventDispatcher() — Method in class Redis
- Request::url() — Method in class Request
- Request::userAgent() — Method in class Request
- Request::user() — Method in class Request
- Route::uses() — Method in class Route
- Route::uniqueMiddleware() — Method in class Route
- Schema::useNativeSchemaOperationsIfPossible() — Method in class Schema
- Storage::url() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::unless() — Method in class Storage
- URL — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Vite::useCspNonce() — Method in class Vite
- Vite::useIntegrityKey() — Method in class Vite
- Vite::useManifestFilename() — Method in class Vite
- Vite::useHotFile() — Method in class Vite
- Vite::useBuildDirectory() — Method in class Vite
- Vite::useScriptTagAttributes() — Method in class Vite
- Vite::useStyleTagAttributes() — Method in class Vite
- Vite::usePreloadTagAttributes() — Method in class Vite
- LazyCollection::union() — Method in class LazyCollection
Union the collection with the given items.
- LazyCollection::undot() — Method in class LazyCollection
Convert a flatten "dot" notation array into an expanded array.
- LazyCollection::unique() — Method in class LazyCollection
Return only unique items from the collection array.
- MessageBag::unique() — Method in class MessageBag
Get all of the unique messages for every key in the message bag.
- $ Pluralizer#uncountable — Property in class Pluralizer
Uncountable non-nouns word forms.
- Pluralizer::uncountable() — Method in class Pluralizer
Determine if the given value is uncountable.
- Pluralizer::useLanguage() — Method in class Pluralizer
Specify the language that should be used by the inflector.
- $ Str#uuidFactory — Property in class Str
The callback that should be used to generate UUIDs.
- Str::upper() — Method in class Str
Convert the given string to upper-case.
- Str::ucfirst() — Method in class Str
Make a string's first character uppercase.
- Str::ucsplit() — Method in class Str
Split a string into pieces by uppercase characters.
- Str::uuid() — Method in class Str
Generate a UUID (version 4).
- Str::ulid() — Method in class Str
Generate a ULID.
- Stringable::upper() — Method in class Stringable
Convert the given string to upper-case.
- Stringable::ucfirst() — Method in class Stringable
Make a string's first character uppercase.
- Stringable::ucsplit() — Method in class Stringable
Split a string by uppercase characters.
- EventFake::until() — Method in class EventFake
Dispatch an event and call the listeners.
- Timebox::usleep() — Method in class Timebox
Sleep for the specified number of microseconds.
- Conditionable::unless() — Method in class Conditionable
Apply the callback if the given "value" is (or resolves to) falsy.
- $ EnumeratesValues#unique — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- $ EnumeratesValues#unless — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- $ EnumeratesValues#until — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::unwrap() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::unlessEmpty() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Apply the callback unless the collection is empty.
- EnumeratesValues::unlessNotEmpty() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Apply the callback unless the collection is not empty.
- EnumeratesValues::unique() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Return only unique items from the collection array.
- EnumeratesValues::uniqueStrict() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Return only unique items from the collection array using strict comparison.
- EnumeratesValues::useAsCallable() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Determine if the given value is callable, but not a string.
- TestDatabases::usingDatabase() — Method in class TestDatabases
Runs the given callable using the given database.
- $ PendingCommand#unexpectedExitCode — Property in class PendingCommand
The unexpected exit code.
- FilterEmailValidation::unicode() — Method in class FilterEmailValidation
Create a new instance which allows any unicode characters in local-part.
- Rule::unique() — Method in class Rule
Get a unique constraint builder instance.
- $ DatabaseRule#using — Property in class DatabaseRule
The array of custom query callbacks.
- DatabaseRule::using() — Method in class DatabaseRule
Register a custom query callback.
- $ Password#uncompromised — Property in class Password
If the password should not have been compromised in data leaks.
- Password::uncompromised() — Method in class Password
Ensures the password has not been compromised in data leaks.
- Unique — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Rules
- UnauthorizedException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- AuthManager::viaRequest() — Method in class AuthManager
Register a new callback based request guard.
- DatabaseUserProvider::validateCredentials() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
Validate a user against the given credentials.
- EloquentUserProvider::validateCredentials() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Validate a user against the given credentials.
- Validated — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- Verified — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events
- ResetPassword::via() — Method in class ResetPassword
Get the notification's channels.
- VerifyEmail — Class in namespace Illuminate\Auth\Notifications
- VerifyEmail::via() — Method in class VerifyEmail
Get the notification's channels.
- VerifyEmail::verificationUrl() — Method in class VerifyEmail
Get the verification URL for the given notifiable.
- PasswordBroker::validateReset() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Validate a password reset for the given credentials.
- Recaller::valid() — Method in class Recaller
Determine if the recaller is valid.
- RequestGuard::validate() — Method in class RequestGuard
Validate a user's credentials.
- $ SessionGuard#viaRemember — Property in class SessionGuard
Indicates if the user was authenticated via a recaller cookie.
- SessionGuard::validate() — Method in class SessionGuard
Validate a user's credentials.
- SessionGuard::viaRemember() — Method in class SessionGuard
Determine if the user was authenticated via "remember me" cookie.
- TokenGuard::validate() — Method in class TokenGuard
Validate a user's credentials.
- AblyBroadcaster::validAuthenticationResponse() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster
Return the valid authentication response.
- Broadcaster::verifyUserCanAccessChannel() — Method in class Broadcaster
Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel.
- LogBroadcaster::validAuthenticationResponse() — Method in class LogBroadcaster
Return the valid authentication response.
- NullBroadcaster::validAuthenticationResponse() — Method in class NullBroadcaster
Return the valid authentication response.
- PusherBroadcaster::validAuthenticationResponse() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster
Return the valid authentication response.
- RedisBroadcaster::validAuthenticationResponse() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster
Return the valid authentication response.
- PendingBroadcast::via() — Method in class PendingBroadcast
Broadcast the event using a specific broadcaster.
- $ DynamoDbStore#valueAttribute — Property in class DynamoDbStore
The name of the attribute that should hold the value.
- $ CacheHit#value — Property in class CacheHit
The value that was retrieved.
- $ KeyWritten#value — Property in class KeyWritten
The value that was written.
- $ InteractsWithIO#verbosity — Property in class InteractsWithIO
The default verbosity of output commands.
- $ InteractsWithIO#verbosityMap — Property in class InteractsWithIO
The mapping between human readable verbosity levels and Symfony's OutputInterface.
- GeneratorCommand::viewPath() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Get the first view directory path from the application configuration.
- Guard::validate() — Method in class Guard
Validate a user's credentials.
- StatefulGuard::viaRemember() — Method in class StatefulGuard
Determine if the user was authenticated via "remember me" cookie.
- UserProvider::validateCredentials() — Method in class UserProvider
Validate a user against the given credentials.
- Broadcaster::validAuthenticationResponse() — Method in class Broadcaster
Return the valid authentication response.
- Application::version() — Method in class Application
Get the version number of the application.
- Pipeline::via() — Method in class Pipeline
Set the method to call on the stops.
- ResponseFactory::view() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new response for a given view.
- ValidatedData — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Support
- UncompromisedVerifier::verify() — Method in class UncompromisedVerifier
Verify that the given data has not been compromised in data leaks.
- ValidatesWhenResolved — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
- ValidatesWhenResolved::validateResolved() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolved
Validate the given class instance.
- ValidationRule — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
- ValidationRule::validate() — Method in class ValidationRule
Run the validation rule.
- Validator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
- Validator::validate() — Method in class Validator
Run the validator's rules against its data.
- Validator::validated() — Method in class Validator
Get the attributes and values that were validated.
- ValidatorAwareRule — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Validation
- View — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\View
- ViewCompilationException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Contracts\View
- CookieValuePrefix::validate() — Method in class CookieValuePrefix
Validate a cookie value contains a valid prefix. If it does, return the cookie value with the prefix removed. Otherwise, return null.
- EncryptCookies::validateValue() — Method in class EncryptCookies
Validate and remove the cookie value prefix from the value.
- EncryptCookies::validateArray() — Method in class EncryptCookies
Validate and remove the cookie value prefix from all values of an array.
- Builder::value() — Method in class Builder
Get a single column's value from the first result of a query.
- Builder::valueOrFail() — Method in class Builder
Get a single column's value from the first result of the query or throw an exception.
- $ HidesAttributes#visible — Property in class HidesAttributes
The attributes that should be visible in serialization.
- Builder::value() — Method in class Builder
Get a single column's value from the first result of a query.
- $ Expression#value — Property in class Expression
The value of the expression.
- PostgresGrammar::validFullTextLanguages() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Get an array of valid full text languages.
- ColumnDefinition::virtualAs() — Method in class ColumnDefinition
- Encrypter::validPayload() — Method in class Encrypter
Verify that the encryption payload is valid.
- Encrypter::validMac() — Method in class Encrypter
Determine if the MAC for the given payload is valid.
- Application::version() — Method in class Application
Get the version number of the application.
- Application::viewPath() — Method in class Application
Get the path to the views directory.
- $ DocsCommand#version — Property in class DocsCommand
The custom documentation version to open.
- DocsCommand::version() — Method in class DocsCommand
Determine the version of the docs to open.
- $ RouteListCommand#verbColors — Property in class RouteListCommand
The verb colors for the command.
- VendorPublishCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ViewCacheCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- ViewClearCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Console
- VendorTagPublished — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Events
- $ FormRequest#validator — Property in class FormRequest
The validator instance.
- FormRequest::validationData() — Method in class FormRequest
Get data to be validated from the request.
- FormRequest::validated() — Method in class FormRequest
Get the validated data from the request.
- ValidatePostSize — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
- VerifyCsrfToken — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware
- $ PackageManifest#vendorPath — Property in class PackageManifest
The vendor path.
- InteractsWithViews::view() — Method in class InteractsWithViews
Create a new TestView from the given view.
- $ Wormhole#value — Property in class Wormhole
The amount of time to travel.
- ValidatesRequests — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Validation
- ValidatesRequests::validateWith() — Method in class ValidatesRequests
Run the validation routine against the given validator.
- ValidatesRequests::validate() — Method in class ValidatesRequests
Validate the given request with the given rules.
- ValidatesRequests::validateWithBag() — Method in class ValidatesRequests
Validate the given request with the given rules.
- Vite — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation
- $ ArgonHasher#verifyAlgorithm — Property in class ArgonHasher
Indicates whether to perform an algorithm check.
- $ BcryptHasher#verifyAlgorithm — Property in class BcryptHasher
Indicates whether to perform an algorithm check.
- Request::validate() — Method in class Request
- Request::validateWithBag() — Method in class Request
- $ Mailable#view — Property in class Mailable
The view to use for the message.
- $ Mailable#viewData — Property in class Mailable
The view data for the message.
- $ Mailable#viewDataCallback — Property in class Mailable
The callback that should be invoked while building the view data.
- Mailable::view() — Method in class Mailable
Set the view and view data for the message.
- $ Content#view — Property in class Content
The Blade view that should be rendered for the mailable.
- Content::view() — Method in class Content
Set the view for the message.
- $ Mailer#views — Property in class Mailer
The view factory instance.
- $ Markdown#view — Property in class Markdown
The view factory implementation.
- $ MailMessage#view — Property in class MailMessage
The view to be rendered.
- $ MailMessage#viewData — Property in class MailMessage
The view data for the message.
- MailMessage::view() — Method in class MailMessage
Set the view for the mail message.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::viewFactory() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Get an instance of the view factory from the resolver.
- $ AbstractPaginator#viewFactoryResolver — Property in class AbstractPaginator
The view factory resolver callback.
- AbstractPaginator::viewFactory() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Get an instance of the view factory from the resolver.
- AbstractPaginator::viewFactoryResolver() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the view factory resolver callback.
- Pipeline::via() — Method in class Pipeline
Set the method to call on the pipes.
- ValidatorInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Matching
- ValidateSignature — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing\Middleware
- $ ResourceRegistrar#verbs — Property in class ResourceRegistrar
The verbs used in the resource URIs.
- ResourceRegistrar::verbs() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Get or set the action verbs used in the resource URIs.
- $ ResponseFactory#view — Property in class ResponseFactory
The view factory instance.
- ResponseFactory::view() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new response for a given view.
- $ Route#validators — Property in class Route
The validators used by the routes.
- $ Router#verbs — Property in class Router
All of the verbs supported by the router.
- Router::view() — Method in class Router
Register a new route that returns a view.
- ViewController — Class in namespace Illuminate\Routing
- Collection::values() — Method in class Collection
- Enumerable::values() — Method in class Enumerable
- App::version() — Method in class App
- App::viewPath() — Method in class App
- Auth::viaRequest() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::validate() — Method in class Auth
- Auth::viaRemember() — Method in class Auth
- Broadcast::validAuthenticationResponse() — Method in class Broadcast
- Request::validate() — Method in class Request
- Request::validateWithBag() — Method in class Request
- Response::view() — Method in class Response
- Route::view() — Method in class Route
- Storage::visibility() — Method in class Storage
- Validator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Validator::validate() — Method in class Validator
- View — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- Vite — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades
- LazyCollection::values() — Method in class LazyCollection
- $ Optional#value — Property in class Optional
The underlying object.
- $ Stringable#value — Property in class Stringable
The underlying string value.
- Stringable::value() — Method in class Stringable
Get the underlying string value.
- EnumeratesValues::value() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Get a single key's value from the first matching item in the collection.
- EnumeratesValues::valueRetriever() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Get a value retrieving callback.
- ValidatedInput — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- ViewErrorBag — Class in namespace Illuminate\Support
- PendingCommand::verifyExpectations() — Method in class PendingCommand
Determine if expected questions / choices / outputs are fulfilled.
- TestResponse::viewData() — Method in class TestResponse
Get a piece of data from the original view.
- $ TestView#view — Property in class TestView
The original view.
- $ ClosureValidationRule#validator — Property in class ClosureValidationRule
The current validator.
- ValidatesAttributes — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation\Concerns
- ValidatesAttributes::validateAccepted() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute was "accepted".
- ValidatesAttributes::validateAcceptedIf() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute was "accepted" when another attribute has a given value.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateDeclined() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute was "declined".
- ValidatesAttributes::validateDeclinedIf() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute was "declined" when another attribute has a given value.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateActiveUrl() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is an active URL.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateAscii() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is 7 bit ASCII.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateBail() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
"Break" on first validation fail.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateBefore() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the date is before a given date.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateBeforeOrEqual() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the date is before or equal a given date.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateAfter() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the date is after a given date.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateAfterOrEqual() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the date is equal or after a given date.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateAlpha() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute contains only alphabetic characters.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateAlphaDash() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute contains only alpha-numeric characters, dashes, and underscores.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateAlphaNum() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute contains only alpha-numeric characters.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateArray() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is an array.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateRequiredArrayKeys() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an array has all of the given keys.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateBetween() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the size of an attribute is between a set of values.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateBoolean() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is a boolean.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateConfirmed() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute has a matching confirmation.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateCurrentPassword() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that the password of the currently authenticated user matches the given value.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateDate() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is a valid date.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateDateFormat() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute matches a date format.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateDateEquals() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is equal to another date.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateDecimal() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute has a given number of decimal places.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateDifferent() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is different from another attribute.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateDigits() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute has a given number of digits.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateDigitsBetween() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is between a given number of digits.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateDimensions() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the dimensions of an image matches the given values.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateDistinct() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate an attribute is unique among other values.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateEmail() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is a valid e-mail address.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateExists() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the existence of an attribute value in a database table.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateUnique() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the uniqueness of an attribute value on a given database table.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateFile() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the given value is a valid file.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateFilled() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the given attribute is filled if it is present.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateGt() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is greater than another attribute.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateLt() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is less than another attribute.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateGte() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is greater than or equal another attribute.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateLte() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is less than or equal another attribute.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateLowercase() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is lowercase.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateUppercase() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is uppercase.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateImage() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the MIME type of a file is an image MIME type.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateIn() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate an attribute is contained within a list of values.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateInArray() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that the values of an attribute are in another attribute.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateInteger() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is an integer.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateIp() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is a valid IP.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateIpv4() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is a valid IPv4.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateIpv6() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is a valid IPv6.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateMacAddress() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is a valid MAC address.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateJson() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the attribute is a valid JSON string.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateMax() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the size of an attribute is less than a maximum value.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateMaxDigits() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute has a maximum number of digits.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateMimes() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the guessed extension of a file upload is in a set of file extensions.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateMimetypes() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the MIME type of a file upload attribute is in a set of MIME types.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateMin() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the size of an attribute is greater than a minimum value.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateMinDigits() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute has a minimum number of digits.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateMissing() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is missing.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateMissingIf() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is missing when another attribute has a given value.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateMissingUnless() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is missing unless another attribute has a given value.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateMissingWith() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is missing when any given attribute is present.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateMissingWithAll() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is missing when all given attributes are present.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateMultipleOf() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the value of an attribute is a multiple of a given value.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateNullable() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
"Indicate" validation should pass if value is null.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateNotIn() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate an attribute is not contained within a list of values.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateNumeric() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is numeric.
- ValidatesAttributes::validatePresent() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute exists even if not filled.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateRegex() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute passes a regular expression check.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateNotRegex() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute does not pass a regular expression check.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateRequired() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that a required attribute exists.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateRequiredIf() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute exists when another attribute has a given value.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateRequiredIfAccepted() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute exists when another attribute was "accepted".
- ValidatesAttributes::validateProhibited() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute does not exist or is an empty string.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateProhibitedIf() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute does not exist when another attribute has a given value.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateProhibitedUnless() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute does not exist unless another attribute has a given value.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateProhibits() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that other attributes do not exist when this attribute exists.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateExclude() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Indicate that an attribute is excluded.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateExcludeIf() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Indicate that an attribute should be excluded when another attribute has a given value.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateExcludeUnless() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Indicate that an attribute should be excluded when another attribute does not have a given value.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateRequiredUnless() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute exists when another attribute does not have a given value.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateExcludeWith() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Indicate that an attribute should be excluded when another attribute presents.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateExcludeWithout() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Indicate that an attribute should be excluded when another attribute is missing.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateRequiredWith() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute exists when any other attribute exists.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateRequiredWithAll() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute exists when all other attributes exist.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateRequiredWithout() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute exists when another attribute does not.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateRequiredWithoutAll() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute exists when all other attributes do not.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateSame() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that two attributes match.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateSize() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the size of an attribute.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateSometimes() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
"Validate" optional attributes.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateStartsWith() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the attribute starts with a given substring.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateDoesntStartWith() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the attribute does not start with a given substring.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateEndsWith() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the attribute ends with a given substring.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateDoesntEndWith() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate the attribute does not end with a given substring.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateString() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is a string.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateTimezone() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is a valid timezone.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateUrl() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is a valid URL.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateUlid() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is a valid ULID.
- ValidatesAttributes::validateUuid() — Method in class ValidatesAttributes
Validate that an attribute is a valid UUID.
- $ Factory#verifier — Property in class Factory
The Presence Verifier implementation.
- Factory::validate() — Method in class Factory
Validate the given data against the provided rules.
- $ InvokableValidationRule#validator — Property in class InvokableValidationRule
The current validator.
- NotPwnedVerifier::verify() — Method in class NotPwnedVerifier
Verify that the given data has not been compromised in public breaches.
- $ File#validator — Property in class File
The validator performing the validation.
- $ In#values — Property in class In
The accepted values.
- $ NotIn#values — Property in class NotIn
The accepted values.
- $ Password#validator — Property in class Password
The validator performing the validation.
- ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
Provides default implementation of ValidatesWhenResolved contract.
- ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait::validateResolved() — Method in class ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait
Validate the class instance.
- ValidationData — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- ValidationException — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- $ ValidationException#validator — Property in class ValidationException
The validator instance.
- ValidationRuleParser — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- ValidationServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- Validator — Class in namespace Illuminate\Validation
- Validator::validate() — Method in class Validator
Run the validator's rules against its data.
- Validator::validateWithBag() — Method in class Validator
Run the validator's rules against its data.
- Validator::validated() — Method in class Validator
Get the attributes and values that were validated.
- Validator::validateAttribute() — Method in class Validator
Validate a given attribute against a rule.
- Validator::validateUsingCustomRule() — Method in class Validator
Validate an attribute using a custom rule object.
- Validator::valid() — Method in class Validator
Returns the data which was valid.
- $ AnonymousComponent#view — Property in class AnonymousComponent
The component view.
- $ AppendableAttributeValue#value — Property in class AppendableAttributeValue
The attribute value.
- Component::view() — Method in class Component
Get the evaluated view contents for the given view.
- Factory::viewInstance() — Method in class Factory
Create a new view instance from the given arguments.
- $ FileViewFinder#views — Property in class FileViewFinder
The array of views that have been located.
- $ ShareErrorsFromSession#view — Property in class ShareErrorsFromSession
The view factory implementation.
- View — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- $ View#view — Property in class View
The name of the view.
- ViewException — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- ViewFinderInterface — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- ViewName — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- ViewServiceProvider — Class in namespace Illuminate\View
- AuthorizationException::withStatus() — Method in class AuthorizationException
Set the HTTP response status code.
- Response::withStatus() — Method in class Response
Set the HTTP response status code.
- EloquentUserProvider::withQuery() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Sets the callback to modify the query before retrieving users.
- Batchable::withBatchId() — Method in class Batchable
Set the batch ID on the job.
- Batchable::withFakeBatch() — Method in class Batchable
Indicate that the job should use a fake batch.
- PendingBatch::withOption() — Method in class PendingBatch
Add additional data into the batch's options array.
- InteractsWithIO::withProgressBar() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Execute a given callback while advancing a progress bar.
- InteractsWithIO::warn() — Method in class InteractsWithIO
Write a string as warning output.
- OutputStyle::write() — Method in class OutputStyle
- {@inheritdoc}
- OutputStyle::writeln() — Method in class OutputStyle
- {@inheritdoc}
- QuestionHelper::writePrompt() — Method in class QuestionHelper
- {@inheritdoc}
- CallbackEvent::withoutOverlapping() — Method in class CallbackEvent
Do not allow the event to overlap each other.
- $ Event#withoutOverlapping — Property in class Event
Indicates if the command should not overlap itself.
- Event::withoutOverlapping() — Method in class Event
Do not allow the event to overlap each other.
- Event::when() — Method in class Event
Register a callback to further filter the schedule.
- Event::withOutputCallback() — Method in class Event
Get a callback that provides output.
- ManagesFrequencies::weekdays() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run only on weekdays.
- ManagesFrequencies::weekends() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run only on weekends.
- ManagesFrequencies::wednesdays() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run only on Wednesdays.
- ManagesFrequencies::weekly() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run weekly.
- ManagesFrequencies::weeklyOn() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run weekly on a given day and time.
- Signals::whenAvailable() — Method in class Signals
Execute the given callback if "signals" should be used and are available.
- Factory::warn() — Method in class Factory
- Warn — Class in namespace Illuminate\Console\View\Components
- $ Container#with — Property in class Container
The parameter override stack.
- Container::when() — Method in class Container
Define a contextual binding.
- Container::wrap() — Method in class Container
Wrap the given closure such that its dependencies will be injected when executed.
- Container::when() — Method in class Container
Define a contextual binding.
- Filesystem::writeStream() — Method in class Filesystem
Write a new file using a stream.
- CursorPaginator::withQueryString() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Add all current query string values to the paginator.
- InvokedProcess::wait() — Method in class InvokedProcess
Wait for the process to finish.
- View::with() — Method in class View
Add a piece of data to the view.
- CompilesJsonPaths::wrapJsonFieldAndPath() — Method in class CompilesJsonPaths
Split the given JSON selector into the field and the optional path and wrap them separately.
- CompilesJsonPaths::wrapJsonPath() — Method in class CompilesJsonPaths
Wrap the given JSON path.
- CompilesJsonPaths::wrapJsonPathSegment() — Method in class CompilesJsonPaths
Wrap the given JSON path segment.
- Connection::withFreshQueryLog() — Method in class Connection
Execute the given callback in "dry run" mode.
- Connection::whenQueryingForLongerThan() — Method in class Connection
Register a callback to be invoked when the connection queries for longer than a given amount of time.
- Connection::withTablePrefix() — Method in class Connection
Set the table prefix and return the grammar.
- MigrateMakeCommand::writeMigration() — Method in class MigrateMakeCommand
Write the migration file to disk.
- WithoutModelEvents — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console\Seeds
- WithoutModelEvents::withoutModelEvents() — Method in class WithoutModelEvents
Prevent model events from being dispatched by the given callback.
- WipeCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Database\Console
- $ Builder#whereNot — Property in class Builder
- Builder::withGlobalScope() — Method in class Builder
Register a new global scope.
- Builder::withoutGlobalScope() — Method in class Builder
Remove a registered global scope.
- Builder::withoutGlobalScopes() — Method in class Builder
Remove all or passed registered global scopes.
- Builder::whereKey() — Method in class Builder
Add a where clause on the primary key to the query.
- Builder::whereKeyNot() — Method in class Builder
Add a where clause on the primary key to the query.
- Builder::where() — Method in class Builder
Add a basic where clause to the query.
- Builder::whereNot() — Method in class Builder
Add a basic "where not" clause to the query.
- Builder::with() — Method in class Builder
Set the relationships that should be eager loaded.
- Builder::without() — Method in class Builder
Prevent the specified relations from being eager loaded.
- Builder::withOnly() — Method in class Builder
Set the relationships that should be eager loaded while removing any previously added eager loading specifications.
- Builder::withCasts() — Method in class Builder
Apply query-time casts to the model instance.
- Builder::withoutEagerLoad() — Method in class Builder
Indicate that the given relationships should not be eagerly loaded.
- Builder::withoutEagerLoads() — Method in class Builder
Flush the relationships being eagerly loaded.
- $ Attribute#withCaching — Property in class Attribute
Indicates if caching is enabled for this attribute.
- $ Attribute#withObjectCaching — Property in class Attribute
Indicates if caching of objects is enabled for this attribute.
- Attribute::withoutObjectCaching() — Method in class Attribute
Disable object caching for the attribute.
- HasAttributes::wasChanged() — Method in class HasAttributes
Determine if the model or any of the given attribute(s) were changed when the model was last saved.
- HasEvents::withoutEvents() — Method in class HasEvents
Execute a callback without firing any model events for any model type.
- HasRelationships::withoutRelations() — Method in class HasRelationships
Duplicate the instance and unset all the loaded relations.
- HasTimestamps::withoutTimestamps() — Method in class HasTimestamps
Disable timestamps for the current class during the given callback scope.
- HasTimestamps::withoutTimestampsOn() — Method in class HasTimestamps
Disable timestamps for the given model classes during the given callback scope.
- QueriesRelationships::whereHas() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses.
- QueriesRelationships::withWhereHas() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses.
- QueriesRelationships::whereDoesntHave() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses.
- QueriesRelationships::whereHasMorph() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a polymorphic relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses.
- QueriesRelationships::whereDoesntHaveMorph() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a polymorphic relationship count / exists condition to the query with where clauses.
- QueriesRelationships::whereRelation() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a basic where clause to a relationship query.
- QueriesRelationships::whereMorphRelation() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a polymorphic relationship condition to the query with a where clause.
- QueriesRelationships::whereMorphedTo() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a morph-to relationship condition to the query.
- QueriesRelationships::whereNotMorphedTo() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a not morph-to relationship condition to the query.
- QueriesRelationships::whereBelongsTo() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add a "belongs to" relationship where clause to the query.
- QueriesRelationships::withAggregate() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add subselect queries to include an aggregate value for a relationship.
- QueriesRelationships::withCount() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add subselect queries to count the relations.
- QueriesRelationships::withMax() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add subselect queries to include the max of the relation's column.
- QueriesRelationships::withMin() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add subselect queries to include the min of the relation's column.
- QueriesRelationships::withSum() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add subselect queries to include the sum of the relation's column.
- QueriesRelationships::withAvg() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add subselect queries to include the average of the relation's column.
- QueriesRelationships::withExists() — Method in class QueriesRelationships
Add subselect queries to include the existence of related models.
- Factory::withFaker() — Method in class Factory
Get a new Faker instance.
- $ Model#with — Property in class Model
The relations to eager load on every query.
- $ Model#withCount — Property in class Model
The relationship counts that should be eager loaded on every query.
- $ Model#wasRecentlyCreated — Property in class Model
Indicates if the model was inserted during the current request lifecycle.
- Model::withoutTouching() — Method in class Model
Disables relationship model touching for the current class during given callback scope.
- Model::withoutTouchingOn() — Method in class Model
Disables relationship model touching for the given model classes during given callback scope.
- Model::withoutBroadcasting() — Method in class Model
Execute a callback without broadcasting any model events for all model types.
- Model::with() — Method in class Model
Begin querying a model with eager loading.
- $ BelongsToMany#withTimestamps — Property in class BelongsToMany
Indicates if timestamps are available on the pivot table.
- BelongsToMany::wherePivot() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set a where clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::wherePivotBetween() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set a "where between" clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::wherePivotNotBetween() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set a "where pivot not between" clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::wherePivotIn() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set a "where in" clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::withPivotValue() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set a where clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::wherePivotNotIn() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set a "where not in" clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::wherePivotNull() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set a "where null" clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::wherePivotNotNull() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Set a "where not null" clause for a pivot table column.
- BelongsToMany::withTimestamps() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Specify that the pivot table has creation and update timestamps.
- InteractsWithPivotTable::withPivot() — Method in class InteractsWithPivotTable
Set the columns on the pivot table to retrieve.
- $ SupportsDefaultModels#withDefault — Property in class SupportsDefaultModels
Indicates if a default model instance should be used.
- SupportsDefaultModels::withDefault() — Method in class SupportsDefaultModels
Return a new model instance in case the relationship does not exist.
- HasManyThrough::withTrashedParents() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Indicate that trashed "through" parents should be included in the query.
- Relation::whereInEager() — Method in class Relation
Add a whereIn eager constraint for the given set of model keys to be loaded.
- Relation::whereInMethod() — Method in class Relation
Get the name of the "where in" method for eager loading.
- SoftDeletes::withTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletes
- SoftDeletes::withoutTrashed() — Method in class SoftDeletes
- Grammar::wrapArray() — Method in class Grammar
Wrap an array of values.
- Grammar::wrapTable() — Method in class Grammar
Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.
- Grammar::wrap() — Method in class Grammar
Wrap a value in keyword identifiers.
- Grammar::wrapAliasedValue() — Method in class Grammar
Wrap a value that has an alias.
- Grammar::wrapSegments() — Method in class Grammar
Wrap the given value segments.
- Grammar::wrapValue() — Method in class Grammar
Wrap a single string in keyword identifiers.
- Grammar::wrapJsonSelector() — Method in class Grammar
Wrap the given JSON selector.
- $ Migration#withinTransaction — Property in class Migration
Enables, if supported, wrapping the migration within a transaction.
- Migrator::write() — Method in class Migrator
Write to the console's output.
- $ Builder#wheres — Property in class Builder
The where constraints for the query.
- Builder::where() — Method in class Builder
Add a basic where clause to the query.
- Builder::whereNot() — Method in class Builder
Add a basic "where not" clause to the query.
- Builder::whereColumn() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where" clause comparing two columns to the query.
- Builder::whereRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add a raw where clause to the query.
- Builder::whereIn() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where in" clause to the query.
- Builder::whereNotIn() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where not in" clause to the query.
- Builder::whereIntegerInRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where in raw" clause for integer values to the query.
- Builder::whereIntegerNotInRaw() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where not in raw" clause for integer values to the query.
- Builder::whereNull() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where null" clause to the query.
- Builder::whereNotNull() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where not null" clause to the query.
- Builder::whereBetween() — Method in class Builder
Add a where between statement to the query.
- Builder::whereBetweenColumns() — Method in class Builder
Add a where between statement using columns to the query.
- Builder::whereNotBetween() — Method in class Builder
Add a where not between statement to the query.
- Builder::whereNotBetweenColumns() — Method in class Builder
Add a where not between statement using columns to the query.
- Builder::whereDate() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where date" statement to the query.
- Builder::whereTime() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where time" statement to the query.
- Builder::whereDay() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where day" statement to the query.
- Builder::whereMonth() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where month" statement to the query.
- Builder::whereYear() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where year" statement to the query.
- Builder::whereNested() — Method in class Builder
Add a nested where statement to the query.
- Builder::whereSub() — Method in class Builder
Add a full sub-select to the query.
- Builder::whereExists() — Method in class Builder
Add an exists clause to the query.
- Builder::whereNotExists() — Method in class Builder
Add a where not exists clause to the query.
- Builder::whereRowValues() — Method in class Builder
Adds a where condition using row values.
- Builder::whereJsonContains() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where JSON contains" clause to the query.
- Builder::whereJsonDoesntContain() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where JSON not contains" clause to the query.
- Builder::whereJsonContainsKey() — Method in class Builder
Add a clause that determines if a JSON path exists to the query.
- Builder::whereJsonDoesntContainKey() — Method in class Builder
Add a clause that determines if a JSON path does not exist to the query.
- Builder::whereJsonLength() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where JSON length" clause to the query.
- Builder::whereFullText() — Method in class Builder
Add a "where fulltext" clause to the query.
- Builder::withoutSelectAliases() — Method in class Builder
Remove the column aliases since they will break count queries.
- Grammar::whereRaw() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a raw where clause.
- Grammar::whereBasic() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a basic where clause.
- Grammar::whereBitwise() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a bitwise operator where clause.
- Grammar::whereIn() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "where in" clause.
- Grammar::whereNotIn() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "where not in" clause.
- Grammar::whereNotInRaw() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "where not in raw" clause.
- Grammar::whereInRaw() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "where in raw" clause.
- Grammar::whereNull() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "where null" clause.
- Grammar::whereNotNull() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "where not null" clause.
- Grammar::whereBetween() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "between" where clause.
- Grammar::whereBetweenColumns() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "between" where clause.
- Grammar::whereDate() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "where date" clause.
- Grammar::whereTime() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "where time" clause.
- Grammar::whereDay() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "where day" clause.
- Grammar::whereMonth() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "where month" clause.
- Grammar::whereYear() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "where year" clause.
- Grammar::whereColumn() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a where clause comparing two columns.
- Grammar::whereNested() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a nested where clause.
- Grammar::whereSub() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a where condition with a sub-select.
- Grammar::whereExists() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a where exists clause.
- Grammar::whereNotExists() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a where exists clause.
- Grammar::whereRowValues() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a where row values condition.
- Grammar::whereJsonBoolean() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "where JSON boolean" clause.
- Grammar::whereJsonContains() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "where JSON contains" clause.
- Grammar::whereJsonContainsKey() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "where JSON contains key" clause.
- Grammar::whereJsonLength() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "where JSON length" clause.
- Grammar::whereFullText() — Method in class Grammar
Compile a "where fulltext" clause.
- Grammar::wrapUnion() — Method in class Grammar
Wrap a union subquery in parentheses.
- Grammar::wrapJsonBooleanSelector() — Method in class Grammar
Wrap the given JSON selector for boolean values.
- Grammar::wrapJsonBooleanValue() — Method in class Grammar
Wrap the given JSON boolean value.
- MySqlGrammar::whereNull() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Add a "where null" clause to the query.
- MySqlGrammar::whereNotNull() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Add a "where not null" clause to the query.
- MySqlGrammar::whereFullText() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Compile a "where fulltext" clause.
- MySqlGrammar::wrapValue() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Wrap a single string in keyword identifiers.
- MySqlGrammar::wrapJsonSelector() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Wrap the given JSON selector.
- MySqlGrammar::wrapJsonBooleanSelector() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Wrap the given JSON selector for boolean values.
- PostgresGrammar::whereBasic() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a basic where clause.
- PostgresGrammar::whereBitwise() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a bitwise operator where clause.
- PostgresGrammar::whereDate() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a "where date" clause.
- PostgresGrammar::whereTime() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a "where time" clause.
- PostgresGrammar::whereFullText() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Compile a "where fulltext" clause.
- PostgresGrammar::wrapJsonSelector() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Wrap the given JSON selector.
- PostgresGrammar::wrapJsonBooleanSelector() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Wrap the given JSON selector for boolean values.
- PostgresGrammar::wrapJsonBooleanValue() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Wrap the given JSON boolean value.
- PostgresGrammar::wrapJsonPathAttributes() — Method in class PostgresGrammar
Wrap the attributes of the given JSON path.
- SQLiteGrammar::wrapUnion() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Wrap a union subquery in parentheses.
- SQLiteGrammar::whereDate() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a "where date" clause.
- SQLiteGrammar::whereDay() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a "where day" clause.
- SQLiteGrammar::whereMonth() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a "where month" clause.
- SQLiteGrammar::whereYear() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a "where year" clause.
- SQLiteGrammar::whereTime() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Compile a "where time" clause.
- SQLiteGrammar::wrapJsonSelector() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Wrap the given JSON selector.
- SqlServerGrammar::whereBitwise() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a bitwise operator where clause.
- SqlServerGrammar::whereDate() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a "where date" clause.
- SqlServerGrammar::whereTime() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Compile a "where time" clause.
- SqlServerGrammar::wrapUnion() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Wrap a union subquery in parentheses.
- SqlServerGrammar::wrapValue() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Wrap a single string in keyword identifiers.
- SqlServerGrammar::wrapJsonSelector() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Wrap the given JSON selector.
- SqlServerGrammar::wrapJsonBooleanValue() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Wrap the given JSON boolean value.
- SqlServerGrammar::wrapTable() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.
- SqlServerGrammar::wrapTableValuedFunction() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.
- Builder::whenTableHasColumn() — Method in class Builder
Execute a table builder callback if the given table has a given column.
- Builder::whenTableDoesntHaveColumn() — Method in class Builder
Execute a table builder callback if the given table doesn't have a given column.
- Builder::withoutForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class Builder
Disable foreign key constraints during the execution of a callback.
- Grammar::wrapTable() — Method in class Grammar
Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.
- Grammar::wrap() — Method in class Grammar
Wrap a value in keyword identifiers.
- MySqlGrammar::wrapValue() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Wrap a single string in keyword identifiers.
- MySqlGrammar::wrapJsonSelector() — Method in class MySqlGrammar
Wrap the given JSON selector.
- SQLiteGrammar::wrapJsonSelector() — Method in class SQLiteGrammar
Wrap the given JSON selector.
- SqlServerGrammar::wrapTable() — Method in class SqlServerGrammar
Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.
- SchemaState::withMigrationTable() — Method in class SchemaState
Specify the name of the application's migration table.
- $ Dispatcher#wildcards — Property in class Dispatcher
The wildcard listeners.
- $ Dispatcher#wildcardsCache — Property in class Dispatcher
The cached wildcard listeners.
- FilesystemAdapter::writeStream() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Write a new file using a stream.
- LockableFile::write() — Method in class LockableFile
Write to the file.
- EmailVerificationRequest::withValidator() — Method in class EmailVerificationRequest
Configure the validator instance.
- LoadEnvironmentVariables::writeErrorAndDie() — Method in class LoadEnvironmentVariables
Write the error information to the screen and exit.
- Dispatchable::withChain() — Method in class Dispatchable
Set the jobs that should run if this job is successful.
- ComponentMakeCommand::writeView() — Method in class ComponentMakeCommand
Write the view for the component.
- Kernel::whenCommandLifecycleIsLongerThan() — Method in class Kernel
Register a callback to be invoked when the command lifecycle duration exceeds a given amount of time.
- KeyGenerateCommand::writeNewEnvironmentFileWith() — Method in class KeyGenerateCommand
Write a new environment file with the given key.
- MailMakeCommand::writeMarkdownTemplate() — Method in class MailMakeCommand
Write the Markdown template for the mailable.
- NotificationMakeCommand::writeMarkdownTemplate() — Method in class NotificationMakeCommand
Write the Markdown template for the mailable.
- DiscoverEvents::within() — Method in class DiscoverEvents
Get all of the events and listeners by searching the given listener directory.
- WhoopsExceptionRenderer — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Whoops
- WhoopsExceptionRenderer::whoopsHandler() — Method in class WhoopsExceptionRenderer
Get the Whoops handler for the application.
- WhoopsHandler — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Whoops
- Kernel::whenRequestLifecycleIsLongerThan() — Method in class Kernel
Register a callback to be invoked when the requests lifecycle duration exceeds a given amount of time.
- PackageManifest::write() — Method in class PackageManifest
Write the given manifest array to disk.
- ProviderRepository::writeManifest() — Method in class ProviderRepository
Write the service manifest file to disk.
- InteractsWithConsole::withoutMockingConsoleOutput() — Method in class InteractsWithConsole
Disable mocking the console output.
- InteractsWithContainer::withoutVite() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
Register an empty handler for Vite in the container.
- InteractsWithContainer::withEntryPoints() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
- InteractsWithDeprecationHandling::withDeprecationHandling() — Method in class InteractsWithDeprecationHandling
Restore deprecation handling.
- InteractsWithDeprecationHandling::withoutDeprecationHandling() — Method in class InteractsWithDeprecationHandling
Disable deprecation handling for the test.
- InteractsWithExceptionHandling::withExceptionHandling() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling
Restore exception handling.
- InteractsWithExceptionHandling::withoutExceptionHandling() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling
Disable exception handling for the test.
- InteractsWithSession::withSession() — Method in class InteractsWithSession
Set the session to the given array.
- InteractsWithViews::withViewErrors() — Method in class InteractsWithViews
Populate the shared view error bag with the given errors.
- $ MakesHttpRequests#withCredentials — Property in class MakesHttpRequests
Indicated whether JSON requests should be performed "with credentials" (cookies).
- MakesHttpRequests::withHeaders() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Define additional headers to be sent with the request.
- MakesHttpRequests::withHeader() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Add a header to be sent with the request.
- MakesHttpRequests::withToken() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Add an authorization token for the request.
- MakesHttpRequests::withBasicAuth() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Add a basic authentication header to the request with the given credentials.
- MakesHttpRequests::withoutToken() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Remove the authorization token from the request.
- MakesHttpRequests::withServerVariables() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Define a set of server variables to be sent with the requests.
- MakesHttpRequests::withoutMiddleware() — Method in class MakesHttpRequests
Disable middleware for the test.
- WithFaker — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
- WithoutEvents — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
- WithoutMiddleware — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
- Wormhole — Class in namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing
- Wormhole::week() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel forward the given number of weeks.
- Wormhole::weeks() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel forward the given number of weeks.
- Vite::withEntryPoints() — Method in class Vite
Set the Vite entry points.
- PendingRequest::withBody() — Method in class PendingRequest
Attach a raw body to the request.
- PendingRequest::withHeaders() — Method in class PendingRequest
Add the given headers to the request.
- PendingRequest::withBasicAuth() — Method in class PendingRequest
Specify the basic authentication username and password for the request.
- PendingRequest::withDigestAuth() — Method in class PendingRequest
Specify the digest authentication username and password for the request.
- PendingRequest::withToken() — Method in class PendingRequest
Specify an authorization token for the request.
- PendingRequest::withUserAgent() — Method in class PendingRequest
Specify the user agent for the request.
- PendingRequest::withUrlParameters() — Method in class PendingRequest
Specify the URL parameters that can be substituted into the request URL.
- PendingRequest::withCookies() — Method in class PendingRequest
Specify the cookies that should be included with the request.
- PendingRequest::withoutRedirecting() — Method in class PendingRequest
Indicate that redirects should not be followed.
- PendingRequest::withoutVerifying() — Method in class PendingRequest
Indicate that TLS certificates should not be verified.
- PendingRequest::withOptions() — Method in class PendingRequest
Replace the specified options on the request.
- PendingRequest::withMiddleware() — Method in class PendingRequest
Add new middleware the client handler stack.
- Request::withData() — Method in class Request
Set the decoded data on the request.
- ResponseSequence::whenEmpty() — Method in class ResponseSequence
Make the sequence return a default response when it is empty.
- InteractsWithContentTypes::wantsJson() — Method in class InteractsWithContentTypes
Determine if the current request is asking for JSON.
- InteractsWithInput::whenHas() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Apply the callback if the request contains the given input item key.
- InteractsWithInput::whenFilled() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Apply the callback if the request contains a non-empty value for the given input item key.
- InteractsWithInput::whenMissing() — Method in class InteractsWithInput
Apply the callback if the request is missing the given input item key.
- JsonResponse::withCallback() — Method in class JsonResponse
Sets the JSONP callback.
- RedirectResponse::with() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Flash a piece of data to the session.
- RedirectResponse::withCookies() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Add multiple cookies to the response.
- RedirectResponse::withInput() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Flash an array of input to the session.
- RedirectResponse::withErrors() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Flash a container of errors to the session.
- RedirectResponse::withFragment() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Add a fragment identifier to the URL.
- RedirectResponse::withoutFragment() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Remove any fragment identifier from the response URL.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::when() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Retrieve a value if the given "condition" is truthy.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::whenHas() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Retrieve an attribute if it exists on the resource.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::whenNull() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Retrieve a model attribute if it is null.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::whenNotNull() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Retrieve a model attribute if it is not null.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::whenAppended() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Retrieve an accessor when it has been appended.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::whenLoaded() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Retrieve a relationship if it has been loaded.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::whenCounted() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Retrieve a relationship count if it exists.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::whenPivotLoaded() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Execute a callback if the given pivot table has been loaded.
- ConditionallyLoadsAttributes::whenPivotLoadedAs() — Method in class ConditionallyLoadsAttributes
Execute a callback if the given pivot table with a custom accessor has been loaded.
- $ JsonResource#with — Property in class JsonResource
The additional data that should be added to the top-level resource array.
- $ JsonResource#wrap — Property in class JsonResource
The "data" wrapper that should be applied.
- JsonResource::with() — Method in class JsonResource
Get any additional data that should be returned with the resource array.
- JsonResource::withResponse() — Method in class JsonResource
Customize the response for a request.
- JsonResource::wrap() — Method in class JsonResource
Set the string that should wrap the outer-most resource array.
- JsonResource::withoutWrapping() — Method in class JsonResource
Disable wrapping of the outer-most resource array.
- ResourceCollection::withQuery() — Method in class ResourceCollection
Specify the query string parameters that should be present on pagination links.
- ResourceResponse::wrap() — Method in class ResourceResponse
Wrap the given data if necessary.
- ResourceResponse::wrapper() — Method in class ResourceResponse
Get the default data wrapper for the resource.
- ResponseTrait::withHeaders() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Add an array of headers to the response.
- ResponseTrait::withCookie() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Add a cookie to the response.
- ResponseTrait::withoutCookie() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Expire a cookie when sending the response.
- ResponseTrait::withException() — Method in class ResponseTrait
Set the exception to attach to the response.
- LogManager::warning() — Method in class LogManager
Exceptional occurrences that are not errors.
- Logger::warning() — Method in class Logger
Log a warning message to the logs.
- Logger::write() — Method in class Logger
Dynamically pass log calls into the writer.
- Logger::writeLog() — Method in class Logger
Write a message to the log.
- Logger::withContext() — Method in class Logger
Add context to all future logs.
- Logger::withoutContext() — Method in class Logger
Flush the existing context array.
- Attachment::withMime() — Method in class Attachment
Set the attached file's mime type.
- Mailable::with() — Method in class Mailable
Set the view data for the message.
- Mailable::withSymfonyMessage() — Method in class Mailable
Register a callback to be called with the Symfony message instance.
- $ Content#with — Property in class Content
The message's view data.
- Content::with() — Method in class Content
Add a piece of view data to the message.
- MailMessage::withSymfonyMessage() — Method in class MailMessage
Register a callback to be called with the Symfony message instance.
- SimpleMessage::with() — Method in class SimpleMessage
Add a line of text to the notification.
- SendQueuedNotifications::wrapNotifiables() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications
Wrap the notifiable(s) in a collection.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::withQueryString() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Add all current query string values to the paginator.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::withPath() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Set the base path to assign to all URLs.
- AbstractPaginator::withQueryString() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Add all current query string values to the paginator.
- AbstractPaginator::withPath() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Set the base path to assign to all URLs.
- FakeInvokedProcess::wait() — Method in class FakeInvokedProcess
Wait for the process to finish.
- FakeInvokedProcess::withOutputHandler() — Method in class FakeInvokedProcess
Set the general output handler for the fake invoked process.
- FakeProcessResult::withCommand() — Method in class FakeProcessResult
Create a new fake process result with the given command.
- FakeProcessSequence::whenEmpty() — Method in class FakeProcessSequence
Make the sequence return a default result when it is empty.
- InvokedProcess::wait() — Method in class InvokedProcess
Wait for the process to finish.
- InvokedProcessPool::wait() — Method in class InvokedProcessPool
Wait for the processes to finish.
- PendingProcess::withFakeHandlers() — Method in class PendingProcess
Specify the fake process result handlers for the pending process.
- Pool::wait() — Method in class Pool
Start and wait for the processes to finish.
- WorkCommand — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Console
- $ WorkCommand#worker — Property in class WorkCommand
The queue worker instance.
- WorkCommand::writeOutput() — Method in class WorkCommand
Write the status output for the queue worker.
- WorkerStopping — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Events
- $ WorkerStopping#workerOptions — Property in class WorkerStopping
The worker options.
- $ ThrottlesExceptions#whenCallback — Property in class ThrottlesExceptions
The callback that determines if rate limiting should apply.
- ThrottlesExceptions::when() — Method in class ThrottlesExceptions
Specify a callback that should determine if rate limiting behavior should apply.
- ThrottlesExceptions::withPrefix() — Method in class ThrottlesExceptions
Set the prefix of the rate limiter key.
- WithoutOverlapping — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue\Middleware
- WithoutOverlapping::withPrefix() — Method in class WithoutOverlapping
Set the prefix of the lock key.
- Queue::withCreatePayloadHooks() — Method in class Queue
Create the given payload using any registered payload hooks.
- Worker — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- WorkerOptions — Class in namespace Illuminate\Queue
- CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints::whereAlpha() — Method in class CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints
Specify that the given route parameters must be alphabetic.
- CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints::whereAlphaNumeric() — Method in class CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints
Specify that the given route parameters must be alphanumeric.
- CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints::whereNumber() — Method in class CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints
Specify that the given route parameters must be numeric.
- CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints::whereUlid() — Method in class CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints
Specify that the given route parameters must be ULIDs.
- CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints::whereUuid() — Method in class CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints
Specify that the given route parameters must be UUIDs.
- CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints::whereIn() — Method in class CreatesRegularExpressionRouteConstraints
Specify that the given route parameters must be one of the given values.
- PendingResourceRegistration::withoutMiddleware() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration
Specify middleware that should be removed from the resource routes.
- PendingResourceRegistration::where() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration
Add "where" constraints to the resource routes.
- PendingResourceRegistration::withTrashed() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration
Define which routes should allow "trashed" models to be retrieved when resolving implicit model bindings.
- PendingSingletonResourceRegistration::withoutMiddleware() — Method in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
Specify middleware that should be removed from the resource routes.
- PendingSingletonResourceRegistration::where() — Method in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
Add "where" constraints to the resource routes.
- $ Route#wheres — Property in class Route
The regular expression requirements.
- $ Route#withTrashedBindings — Property in class Route
Indicates "trashed" models can be retrieved when resolving implicit model bindings for this route.
- $ Route#waitSeconds — Property in class Route
Indicates the maximum number of seconds the route should wait while attempting to acquire a session lock.
- Route::withTrashed() — Method in class Route
Allow "trashed" models to be retrieved when resolving implicit model bindings for this route.
- Route::where() — Method in class Route
Set a regular expression requirement on the route.
- Route::withoutMiddleware() — Method in class Route
Specify middleware that should be removed from the given route.
- Route::withoutScopedBindings() — Method in class Route
Indicate that the route should not enforce scoping of multiple implicit Eloquent bindings.
- Route::withoutBlocking() — Method in class Route
Specify that the route should allow concurrent requests from the same session.
- Route::waitsFor() — Method in class Route
Get the maximum number of seconds to wait while attempting to acquire a session lock.
- RouteRegistrar::where() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- RouteRegistrar::withoutMiddleware() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- RouteRegistrar::withoutScopedBindings() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
- UrlGenerator::withKeyResolver() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Clone a new instance of the URL generator with a different encryption key resolver.
- ArraySessionHandler::write() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- CacheBasedSessionHandler::write() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- CookieSessionHandler::write() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- DatabaseSessionHandler::write() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- FileSessionHandler::write() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- NullSessionHandler::write() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- Arr::where() — Method in class Arr
Filter the array using the given callback.
- Arr::whereNotNull() — Method in class Arr
Filter items where the value is not null.
- Arr::wrap() — Method in class Arr
If the given value is not an array and not null, wrap it in one.
- $ Composer#workingPath — Property in class Composer
The working path to regenerate from.
- Enumerable::wrap() — Method in class Enumerable
- Enumerable::when() — Method in class Enumerable
Apply the callback if the given "value" is (or resolves to) truthy.
- Enumerable::whenEmpty() — Method in class Enumerable
Apply the callback if the collection is empty.
- Enumerable::whenNotEmpty() — Method in class Enumerable
Apply the callback if the collection is not empty.
- Enumerable::where() — Method in class Enumerable
Filter items by the given key value pair.
- Enumerable::whereNull() — Method in class Enumerable
Filter items where the value for the given key is null.
- Enumerable::whereNotNull() — Method in class Enumerable
Filter items where the value for the given key is not null.
- Enumerable::whereStrict() — Method in class Enumerable
Filter items by the given key value pair using strict comparison.
- Enumerable::whereIn() — Method in class Enumerable
Filter items by the given key value pair.
- Enumerable::whereInStrict() — Method in class Enumerable
Filter items by the given key value pair using strict comparison.
- Enumerable::whereBetween() — Method in class Enumerable
Filter items such that the value of the given key is between the given values.
- Enumerable::whereNotBetween() — Method in class Enumerable
Filter items such that the value of the given key is not between the given values.
- Enumerable::whereNotIn() — Method in class Enumerable
Filter items by the given key value pair.
- Enumerable::whereNotInStrict() — Method in class Enumerable
Filter items by the given key value pair using strict comparison.
- Enumerable::whereInstanceOf() — Method in class Enumerable
- App::when() — Method in class App
- App::wrap() — Method in class App
- Artisan::whenCommandLifecycleIsLongerThan() — Method in class Artisan
- Blade::withDoubleEncoding() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::withoutDoubleEncoding() — Method in class Blade
- Blade::withoutComponentTags() — Method in class Blade
- DB::whenQueryingForLongerThan() — Method in class DB
- DB::withTablePrefix() — Method in class DB
- File::when() — Method in class File
- Http::withBody() — Method in class Http
- Http::withHeaders() — Method in class Http
- Http::withBasicAuth() — Method in class Http
- Http::withDigestAuth() — Method in class Http
- Http::withToken() — Method in class Http
- Http::withUserAgent() — Method in class Http
- Http::withUrlParameters() — Method in class Http
- Http::withCookies() — Method in class Http
- Http::withoutRedirecting() — Method in class Http
- Http::withoutVerifying() — Method in class Http
- Http::withOptions() — Method in class Http
- Http::withMiddleware() — Method in class Http
- Http::when() — Method in class Http
- Log::warning() — Method in class Log
- Log::write() — Method in class Log
- Log::withContext() — Method in class Log
- Log::withoutContext() — Method in class Log
- Process::withFakeHandlers() — Method in class Process
- Request::wantsJson() — Method in class Request
- Request::whenHas() — Method in class Request
- Request::whenFilled() — Method in class Request
- Request::whenMissing() — Method in class Request
- Route::whereAlpha() — Method in class Route
- Route::whereAlphaNumeric() — Method in class Route
- Route::whereNumber() — Method in class Route
- Route::whereUlid() — Method in class Route
- Route::whereUuid() — Method in class Route
- Route::whereIn() — Method in class Route
- Route::where() — Method in class Route
- Route::withoutMiddleware() — Method in class Route
- Route::withoutScopedBindings() — Method in class Route
- Schema::whenTableHasColumn() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::whenTableDoesntHaveColumn() — Method in class Schema
- Schema::withoutForeignKeyConstraints() — Method in class Schema
- Storage::writeStream() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::when() — Method in class Storage
- Storage::write() — Method in class Storage
- URL::withKeyResolver() — Method in class URL
- Vite::withEntryPoints() — Method in class Vite
- $ Lottery#winner — Property in class Lottery
The winning callback.
- Lottery::winner() — Method in class Lottery
Set the winner callback.
- Lottery::wins() — Method in class Lottery
Determine if the lottery "wins" or "loses".
- ServiceProvider::when() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Get the events that trigger this service provider to register.
- Str::wrap() — Method in class Str
Wrap the string with the given strings.
- Str::words() — Method in class Str
Limit the number of words in a string.
- Str::wordCount() — Method in class Str
Get the number of words a string contains.
- Stringable::whenContains() — Method in class Stringable
Execute the given callback if the string contains a given substring.
- Stringable::whenContainsAll() — Method in class Stringable
Execute the given callback if the string contains all array values.
- Stringable::whenEmpty() — Method in class Stringable
Execute the given callback if the string is empty.
- Stringable::whenNotEmpty() — Method in class Stringable
Execute the given callback if the string is not empty.
- Stringable::whenEndsWith() — Method in class Stringable
Execute the given callback if the string ends with a given substring.
- Stringable::whenExactly() — Method in class Stringable
Execute the given callback if the string is an exact match with the given value.
- Stringable::whenNotExactly() — Method in class Stringable
Execute the given callback if the string is not an exact match with the given value.
- Stringable::whenIs() — Method in class Stringable
Execute the given callback if the string matches a given pattern.
- Stringable::whenIsAscii() — Method in class Stringable
Execute the given callback if the string is 7 bit ASCII.
- Stringable::whenIsUuid() — Method in class Stringable
Execute the given callback if the string is a valid UUID.
- Stringable::whenIsUlid() — Method in class Stringable
Execute the given callback if the string is a valid ULID.
- Stringable::whenStartsWith() — Method in class Stringable
Execute the given callback if the string starts with a given substring.
- Stringable::whenTest() — Method in class Stringable
Execute the given callback if the string matches the given pattern.
- Stringable::words() — Method in class Stringable
Limit the number of words in a string.
- Stringable::wordCount() — Method in class Stringable
Get the number of words a string contains.
- Stringable::wrap() — Method in class Stringable
Wrap the string with the given strings.
- Conditionable::when() — Method in class Conditionable
Apply the callback if the given "value" is (or resolves to) truthy.
- $ EnumeratesValues#when — Property in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::wrap() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
- EnumeratesValues::whenEmpty() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Apply the callback if the collection is empty.
- EnumeratesValues::whenNotEmpty() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Apply the callback if the collection is not empty.
- EnumeratesValues::where() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Filter items by the given key value pair.
- EnumeratesValues::whereNull() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Filter items where the value for the given key is null.
- EnumeratesValues::whereNotNull() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Filter items where the value for the given key is not null.
- EnumeratesValues::whereStrict() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Filter items by the given key value pair using strict comparison.
- EnumeratesValues::whereIn() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Filter items by the given key value pair.
- EnumeratesValues::whereInStrict() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Filter items by the given key value pair using strict comparison.
- EnumeratesValues::whereBetween() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Filter items such that the value of the given key is between the given values.
- EnumeratesValues::whereNotBetween() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Filter items such that the value of the given key is not between the given values.
- EnumeratesValues::whereNotIn() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Filter items by the given key value pair.
- EnumeratesValues::whereNotInStrict() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Filter items by the given key value pair using strict comparison.
- EnumeratesValues::whereInstanceOf() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
- Localizable::withLocale() — Method in class Localizable
Run the callback with the given locale.
- TestDatabases::whenNotUsingInMemoryDatabase() — Method in class TestDatabases
Apply the given callback when tests are not using in memory database.
- Matching::where() — Method in class Matching
Asserts that the property matches the expected value.
- Matching::whereNot() — Method in class Matching
Asserts that the property does not match the expected value.
- Matching::whereAll() — Method in class Matching
Asserts that all properties match their expected values.
- Matching::whereType() — Method in class Matching
Asserts that the property is of the expected type.
- Matching::whereAllType() — Method in class Matching
Asserts that all properties are of their expected types.
- Matching::whereContains() — Method in class Matching
Asserts that the property contains the expected values.
- ParallelConsoleOutput::write() — Method in class ParallelConsoleOutput
Writes a message to the output.
- ParallelTesting::whenRunningInParallel() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Apply the callback if tests are running in parallel.
- TestResponse::withExceptions() — Method in class TestResponse
Set the previous exceptions on the response.
- Rule::when() — Method in class Rule
Create a new conditional rule set.
- $ DatabaseRule#wheres — Property in class DatabaseRule
The extra where clauses for the query.
- DatabaseRule::where() — Method in class DatabaseRule
Set a "where" constraint on the query.
- DatabaseRule::whereNot() — Method in class DatabaseRule
Set a "where not" constraint on the query.
- DatabaseRule::whereNull() — Method in class DatabaseRule
Set a "where null" constraint on the query.
- DatabaseRule::whereNotNull() — Method in class DatabaseRule
Set a "where not null" constraint on the query.
- DatabaseRule::whereIn() — Method in class DatabaseRule
Set a "where in" constraint on the query.
- DatabaseRule::whereNotIn() — Method in class DatabaseRule
Set a "where not in" constraint on the query.
- DatabaseRule::withoutTrashed() — Method in class DatabaseRule
Ignore soft deleted models during the existence check.
- Dimensions::width() — Method in class Dimensions
Set the "width" constraint.
- ValidationException::withMessages() — Method in class ValidationException
Create a new validation exception from a plain array of messages.
- CompilesEchos::wrapInEchoHandler() — Method in class CompilesEchos
Wrap the echoable value in an echo handler if applicable.
- Component::withName() — Method in class Component
Set the component alias name.
- Component::withAttributes() — Method in class Component
Set the extra attributes that the component should make available.
- ComponentAttributeBag::whereStartsWith() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Return a bag of attributes that have keys starting with the given value / pattern.
- ComponentAttributeBag::whereDoesntStartWith() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Return a bag of attributes with keys that do not start with the given value / pattern.
- ComponentSlot::withAttributes() — Method in class ComponentSlot
Set the extra attributes that the slot should make available.
- View::with() — Method in class View
Add a piece of data to the view.
- View::withErrors() — Method in class View
Add validation errors to the view.
- ManagesFrequencies::yearly() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run yearly.
- ManagesFrequencies::yearlyOn() — Method in class ManagesFrequencies
Schedule the event to run yearly on a given month, day, and time.
- Blueprint::year() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new year column on the table.
- Wormhole::year() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel forward the given number of years.
- Wormhole::years() — Method in class Wormhole
Travel forward the given number of years.
- DateFactory::yesterday() — Method in class DateFactory
- Date::yesterday() — Method in class Date
- View::yieldSection() — Method in class View
- View::yieldContent() — Method in class View
- View::yieldPushContent() — Method in class View
- ManagesLayouts::yieldSection() — Method in class ManagesLayouts
Stop injecting content into a section and return its contents.
- ManagesLayouts::yieldContent() — Method in class ManagesLayouts
Get the string contents of a section.
- ManagesStacks::yieldPushContent() — Method in class ManagesStacks
Get the string contents of a push section.
- Collection::zip() — Method in class Collection
Zip the collection together with one or more arrays.
- PacksPhpRedisValues::zstdCompressed() — Method in class PacksPhpRedisValues
Determine if ZSTD compression is enabled.
- PhpRedisConnection::zadd() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Add one or more members to a sorted set or update its score if it already exists.
- PhpRedisConnection::zrangebyscore() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Return elements with score between $min and $max.
- PhpRedisConnection::zrevrangebyscore() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Return elements with score between $min and $max.
- PhpRedisConnection::zinterstore() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Find the intersection between sets and store in a new set.
- PhpRedisConnection::zunionstore() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Find the union between sets and store in a new set.
- PhpRedisConnection::zscan() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Scans the given set for all values based on options.
- Collection::zip() — Method in class Collection
- Enumerable::zip() — Method in class Enumerable
- LazyCollection::zip() — Method in class LazyCollection
- AuthorizationException::__construct() — Method in class AuthorizationException
Create a new authorization exception instance.
- GateEvaluated::__construct() — Method in class GateEvaluated
Create a new event instance.
- Gate::__construct() — Method in class Gate
Create a new gate instance.
- Response::__construct() — Method in class Response
Create a new response.
- Response::__toString() — Method in class Response
Get the string representation of the message.
- AuthManager::__construct() — Method in class AuthManager
Create a new Auth manager instance.
- AuthManager::__call() — Method in class AuthManager
Dynamically call the default driver instance.
- AuthenticationException::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticationException
Create a new authentication exception.
- DatabaseUserProvider::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseUserProvider
Create a new database user provider.
- EloquentUserProvider::__construct() — Method in class EloquentUserProvider
Create a new database user provider.
- Attempting::__construct() — Method in class Attempting
Create a new event instance.
- Authenticated::__construct() — Method in class Authenticated
Create a new event instance.
- CurrentDeviceLogout::__construct() — Method in class CurrentDeviceLogout
Create a new event instance.
- Failed::__construct() — Method in class Failed
Create a new event instance.
- Lockout::__construct() — Method in class Lockout
Create a new event instance.
- Login::__construct() — Method in class Login
Create a new event instance.
- Logout::__construct() — Method in class Logout
Create a new event instance.
- OtherDeviceLogout::__construct() — Method in class OtherDeviceLogout
Create a new event instance.
- PasswordReset::__construct() — Method in class PasswordReset
Create a new event instance.
- Registered::__construct() — Method in class Registered
Create a new event instance.
- Validated::__construct() — Method in class Validated
Create a new event instance.
- Verified::__construct() — Method in class Verified
Create a new event instance.
- GenericUser::__construct() — Method in class GenericUser
Create a new generic User object.
- GenericUser::__get() — Method in class GenericUser
Dynamically access the user's attributes.
- GenericUser::__set() — Method in class GenericUser
Dynamically set an attribute on the user.
- GenericUser::__isset() — Method in class GenericUser
Dynamically check if a value is set on the user.
- GenericUser::__unset() — Method in class GenericUser
Dynamically unset a value on the user.
- Authenticate::__construct() — Method in class Authenticate
Create a new middleware instance.
- AuthenticateWithBasicAuth::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticateWithBasicAuth
Create a new middleware instance.
- Authorize::__construct() — Method in class Authorize
Create a new middleware instance.
- RequirePassword::__construct() — Method in class RequirePassword
Create a new middleware instance.
- ResetPassword::__construct() — Method in class ResetPassword
Create a notification instance.
- DatabaseTokenRepository::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseTokenRepository
Create a new token repository instance.
- PasswordBroker::__construct() — Method in class PasswordBroker
Create a new password broker instance.
- PasswordBrokerManager::__construct() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
Create a new PasswordBroker manager instance.
- PasswordBrokerManager::__call() — Method in class PasswordBrokerManager
Dynamically call the default driver instance.
- Recaller::__construct() — Method in class Recaller
Create a new recaller instance.
- RequestGuard::__construct() — Method in class RequestGuard
Create a new authentication guard.
- SessionGuard::__construct() — Method in class SessionGuard
Create a new authentication guard.
- TokenGuard::__construct() — Method in class TokenGuard
Create a new authentication guard.
- BroadcastEvent::__construct() — Method in class BroadcastEvent
Create a new job handler instance.
- BroadcastEvent::__clone() — Method in class BroadcastEvent
Prepare the instance for cloning.
- BroadcastManager::__construct() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Create a new manager instance.
- BroadcastManager::__call() — Method in class BroadcastManager
Dynamically call the default driver instance.
- AblyBroadcaster::__construct() — Method in class AblyBroadcaster
Create a new broadcaster instance.
- LogBroadcaster::__construct() — Method in class LogBroadcaster
Create a new broadcaster instance.
- PusherBroadcaster::__construct() — Method in class PusherBroadcaster
Create a new broadcaster instance.
- RedisBroadcaster::__construct() — Method in class RedisBroadcaster
Create a new broadcaster instance.
- Channel::__construct() — Method in class Channel
Create a new channel instance.
- Channel::__toString() — Method in class Channel
Convert the channel instance to a string.
- EncryptedPrivateChannel::__construct() — Method in class EncryptedPrivateChannel
Create a new channel instance.
- PendingBroadcast::__construct() — Method in class PendingBroadcast
Create a new pending broadcast instance.
- PendingBroadcast::__destruct() — Method in class PendingBroadcast
Handle the object's destruction.
- PresenceChannel::__construct() — Method in class PresenceChannel
Create a new channel instance.
- PrivateChannel::__construct() — Method in class PrivateChannel
Create a new channel instance.
- UniqueBroadcastEvent::__construct() — Method in class UniqueBroadcastEvent
Create a new event instance.
- Batch::__construct() — Method in class Batch
Create a new batch instance.
- Batch::__get() — Method in class Batch
Dynamically access the batch's "options" via properties.
- BatchFactory::__construct() — Method in class BatchFactory
Create a new batch factory instance.
- DatabaseBatchRepository::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseBatchRepository
Create a new batch repository instance.
- Dispatcher::__construct() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create a new command dispatcher instance.
- BatchDispatched::__construct() — Method in class BatchDispatched
Create a new event instance.
- PendingBatch::__construct() — Method in class PendingBatch
Create a new pending batch instance.
- UniqueLock::__construct() — Method in class UniqueLock
Create a new unique lock manager instance.
- UpdatedBatchJobCounts::__construct() — Method in class UpdatedBatchJobCounts
Create a new batch job counts object.
- ApcStore::__construct() — Method in class ApcStore
Create a new APC store.
- ApcWrapper::__construct() — Method in class ApcWrapper
Create a new APC wrapper instance.
- ArrayLock::__construct() — Method in class ArrayLock
Create a new lock instance.
- ArrayStore::__construct() — Method in class ArrayStore
Create a new Array store.
- CacheLock::__construct() — Method in class CacheLock
Create a new lock instance.
- CacheManager::__construct() — Method in class CacheManager
Create a new Cache manager instance.
- CacheManager::__call() — Method in class CacheManager
Dynamically call the default driver instance.
- CacheTableCommand::__construct() — Method in class CacheTableCommand
Create a new cache table command instance.
- ClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class ClearCommand
Create a new cache clear command instance.
- ForgetCommand::__construct() — Method in class ForgetCommand
Create a new cache clear command instance.
- DatabaseLock::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseLock
Create a new lock instance.
- DatabaseStore::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseStore
Create a new database store.
- DynamoDbLock::__construct() — Method in class DynamoDbLock
Create a new lock instance.
- DynamoDbStore::__construct() — Method in class DynamoDbStore
Create a new store instance.
- CacheEvent::__construct() — Method in class CacheEvent
Create a new event instance.
- CacheHit::__construct() — Method in class CacheHit
Create a new event instance.
- KeyWritten::__construct() — Method in class KeyWritten
Create a new event instance.
- FileStore::__construct() — Method in class FileStore
Create a new file cache store instance.
- Lock::__construct() — Method in class Lock
Create a new lock instance.
- MemcachedLock::__construct() — Method in class MemcachedLock
Create a new lock instance.
- MemcachedStore::__construct() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Create a new Memcached store.
- PhpRedisLock::__construct() — Method in class PhpRedisLock
Create a new phpredis lock instance.
- RateLimiter::__construct() — Method in class RateLimiter
Create a new rate limiter instance.
- GlobalLimit::__construct() — Method in class GlobalLimit
Create a new limit instance.
- Limit::__construct() — Method in class Limit
Create a new limit instance.
- Unlimited::__construct() — Method in class Unlimited
Create a new limit instance.
- RedisLock::__construct() — Method in class RedisLock
Create a new lock instance.
- RedisStore::__construct() — Method in class RedisStore
Create a new Redis store.
- Repository::__construct() — Method in class Repository
Create a new cache repository instance.
- Repository::__call() — Method in class Repository
Handle dynamic calls into macros or pass missing methods to the store.
- Repository::__clone() — Method in class Repository
Clone cache repository instance.
- TagSet::__construct() — Method in class TagSet
Create a new TagSet instance.
- TaggedCache::__construct() — Method in class TaggedCache
Create a new tagged cache instance.
- Repository::__construct() — Method in class Repository
Create a new configuration repository.
- Application::__construct() — Method in class Application
Create a new Artisan console application.
- CacheCommandMutex::__construct() — Method in class CacheCommandMutex
Create a new command mutex.
- Command::__construct() — Method in class Command
Create a new console command instance.
- ContainerCommandLoader::__construct() — Method in class ContainerCommandLoader
Create a new command loader instance.
- ArtisanStarting::__construct() — Method in class ArtisanStarting
Create a new event instance.
- CommandFinished::__construct() — Method in class CommandFinished
Create a new event instance.
- CommandStarting::__construct() — Method in class CommandStarting
Create a new event instance.
- ScheduledBackgroundTaskFinished::__construct() — Method in class ScheduledBackgroundTaskFinished
Create a new event instance.
- ScheduledTaskFailed::__construct() — Method in class ScheduledTaskFailed
Create a new event instance.
- ScheduledTaskFinished::__construct() — Method in class ScheduledTaskFinished
Create a new event instance.
- ScheduledTaskSkipped::__construct() — Method in class ScheduledTaskSkipped
Create a new event instance.
- ScheduledTaskStarting::__construct() — Method in class ScheduledTaskStarting
Create a new event instance.
- GeneratorCommand::__construct() — Method in class GeneratorCommand
Create a new controller creator command instance.
- OutputStyle::__construct() — Method in class OutputStyle
Create a new Console OutputStyle instance.
- CacheEventMutex::__construct() — Method in class CacheEventMutex
Create a new overlapping strategy.
- CacheSchedulingMutex::__construct() — Method in class CacheSchedulingMutex
Create a new scheduling strategy.
- CallbackEvent::__construct() — Method in class CallbackEvent
Create a new event instance.
- Event::__construct() — Method in class Event
Create a new event instance.
- Schedule::__construct() — Method in class Schedule
Create a new schedule instance.
- ScheduleRunCommand::__construct() — Method in class ScheduleRunCommand
Create a new command instance.
- Signals::__construct() — Method in class Signals
Create a new signal registrar instance.
- Component::__construct() — Method in class Component
Creates a new component instance.
- Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory
Creates a new factory instance.
- Factory::__call() — Method in class Factory
Dynamically handle calls into the component instance.
- EnsureDynamicContentIsHighlighted::__invoke() — Method in class EnsureDynamicContentIsHighlighted
Highlight dynamic content within the given string.
- EnsureNoPunctuation::__invoke() — Method in class EnsureNoPunctuation
Ensures the given string does not end with punctuation.
- EnsurePunctuation::__invoke() — Method in class EnsurePunctuation
Ensures the given string ends with punctuation.
- EnsureRelativePaths::__invoke() — Method in class EnsureRelativePaths
Ensures the given string only contains relative paths.
- Container::__get() — Method in class Container
Dynamically access container services.
- Container::__set() — Method in class Container
Dynamically set container services.
- ContextualBindingBuilder::__construct() — Method in class ContextualBindingBuilder
Create a new contextual binding builder.
- RewindableGenerator::__construct() — Method in class RewindableGenerator
Create a new generator instance.
- ModelIdentifier::__construct() — Method in class ModelIdentifier
Create a new model identifier.
- EntityNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class EntityNotFoundException
Create a new exception instance.
- InvokableRule::__invoke() — Method in class InvokableRule
Run the validation rule.
- AddQueuedCookiesToResponse::__construct() — Method in class AddQueuedCookiesToResponse
Create a new CookieQueue instance.
- EncryptCookies::__construct() — Method in class EncryptCookies
Create a new CookieGuard instance.
- Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
Create a new database capsule manager.
- Manager::__callStatic() — Method in class Manager
Dynamically pass methods to the default connection.
- ClassMorphViolationException::__construct() — Method in class ClassMorphViolationException
Create a new exception instance.
- Connection::__construct() — Method in class Connection
Create a new database connection instance.
- ConnectionResolver::__construct() — Method in class ConnectionResolver
Create a new connection resolver instance.
- ConnectionFactory::__construct() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
Create a new connection factory instance.
- DatabaseInspectionCommand::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseInspectionCommand
Create a new command instance.
- InstallCommand::__construct() — Method in class InstallCommand
Create a new migration install command instance.
- MigrateCommand::__construct() — Method in class MigrateCommand
Create a new migration command instance.
- MigrateMakeCommand::__construct() — Method in class MigrateMakeCommand
Create a new migration install command instance.
- ResetCommand::__construct() — Method in class ResetCommand
Create a new migration rollback command instance.
- RollbackCommand::__construct() — Method in class RollbackCommand
Create a new migration rollback command instance.
- StatusCommand::__construct() — Method in class StatusCommand
Create a new migration rollback command instance.
- MonitorCommand::__construct() — Method in class MonitorCommand
Create a new command instance.
- SeedCommand::__construct() — Method in class SeedCommand
Create a new database seed command instance.
- DatabaseManager::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Create a new database manager instance.
- DatabaseManager::__call() — Method in class DatabaseManager
Dynamically pass methods to the default connection.
- DatabaseTransactionRecord::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionRecord
Create a new database transaction record instance.
- DatabaseTransactionsManager::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseTransactionsManager
Create a new database transactions manager instance.
- BroadcastableModelEventOccurred::__construct() — Method in class BroadcastableModelEventOccurred
Create a new event instance.
- Builder::__construct() — Method in class Builder
Create a new Eloquent query builder instance.
- Builder::__get() — Method in class Builder
Dynamically access builder proxies.
- Builder::__call() — Method in class Builder
Dynamically handle calls into the query instance.
- Builder::__callStatic() — Method in class Builder
Dynamically handle calls into the query instance.
- Builder::__clone() — Method in class Builder
Force a clone of the underlying query builder when cloning.
- AsEnumArrayObject::__construct() — Method in class AsEnumArrayObject
- AsEnumCollection::__construct() — Method in class AsEnumCollection
- Attribute::__construct() — Method in class Attribute
Create a new attribute accessor / mutator.
- BelongsToManyRelationship::__construct() — Method in class BelongsToManyRelationship
Create a new attached relationship definition.
- BelongsToRelationship::__construct() — Method in class BelongsToRelationship
Create a new "belongs to" relationship definition.
- CrossJoinSequence::__construct() — Method in class CrossJoinSequence
Create a new cross join sequence instance.
- Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory
Create a new factory instance.
- Factory::__call() — Method in class Factory
Proxy dynamic factory methods onto their proper methods.
- Relationship::__construct() — Method in class Relationship
Create a new child relationship instance.
- Sequence::__construct() — Method in class Sequence
Create a new sequence instance.
- Sequence::__invoke() — Method in class Sequence
Get the next value in the sequence.
- HigherOrderBuilderProxy::__construct() — Method in class HigherOrderBuilderProxy
Create a new proxy instance.
- HigherOrderBuilderProxy::__call() — Method in class HigherOrderBuilderProxy
Proxy a scope call onto the query builder.
- InvalidCastException::__construct() — Method in class InvalidCastException
Create a new exception instance.
- MissingAttributeException::__construct() — Method in class MissingAttributeException
Create a new missing attribute exception instance.
- Model::__construct() — Method in class Model
Create a new Eloquent model instance.
- Model::__get() — Method in class Model
Dynamically retrieve attributes on the model.
- Model::__set() — Method in class Model
Dynamically set attributes on the model.
- Model::__isset() — Method in class Model
Determine if an attribute or relation exists on the model.
- Model::__unset() — Method in class Model
Unset an attribute on the model.
- Model::__call() — Method in class Model
Handle dynamic method calls into the model.
- Model::__callStatic() — Method in class Model
Handle dynamic static method calls into the model.
- Model::__toString() — Method in class Model
Convert the model to its string representation.
- Model::__sleep() — Method in class Model
Prepare the object for serialization.
- Model::__wakeup() — Method in class Model
When a model is being unserialized, check if it needs to be booted.
- PendingHasThroughRelationship::__construct() — Method in class PendingHasThroughRelationship
Create a pending has-many-through or has-one-through relationship.
- PendingHasThroughRelationship::__call() — Method in class PendingHasThroughRelationship
Handle dynamic method calls into the model.
- BelongsTo::__construct() — Method in class BelongsTo
Create a new belongs to relationship instance.
- BelongsToMany::__construct() — Method in class BelongsToMany
Create a new belongs to many relationship instance.
- HasManyThrough::__construct() — Method in class HasManyThrough
Create a new has many through relationship instance.
- HasOneOrMany::__construct() — Method in class HasOneOrMany
Create a new has one or many relationship instance.
- MorphOneOrMany::__construct() — Method in class MorphOneOrMany
Create a new morph one or many relationship instance.
- MorphTo::__construct() — Method in class MorphTo
Create a new morph to relationship instance.
- MorphTo::__call() — Method in class MorphTo
Handle dynamic method calls to the relationship.
- MorphToMany::__construct() — Method in class MorphToMany
Create a new morph to many relationship instance.
- Relation::__construct() — Method in class Relation
Create a new relation instance.
- Relation::__call() — Method in class Relation
Handle dynamic method calls to the relationship.
- Relation::__clone() — Method in class Relation
Force a clone of the underlying query builder when cloning.
- ConnectionEvent::__construct() — Method in class ConnectionEvent
Create a new event instance.
- DatabaseBusy::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseBusy
Create a new event instance.
- MigrationEvent::__construct() — Method in class MigrationEvent
Create a new event instance.
- MigrationsEvent::__construct() — Method in class MigrationsEvent
Create a new event instance.
- ModelsPruned::__construct() — Method in class ModelsPruned
Create a new event instance.
- NoPendingMigrations::__construct() — Method in class NoPendingMigrations
Create a new event instance.
- QueryExecuted::__construct() — Method in class QueryExecuted
Create a new event instance.
- SchemaDumped::__construct() — Method in class SchemaDumped
Create a new event instance.
- SchemaLoaded::__construct() — Method in class SchemaLoaded
Create a new event instance.
- StatementPrepared::__construct() — Method in class StatementPrepared
Create a new event instance.
- LazyLoadingViolationException::__construct() — Method in class LazyLoadingViolationException
Create a new exception instance.
- DatabaseMigrationRepository::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseMigrationRepository
Create a new database migration repository instance.
- MigrationCreator::__construct() — Method in class MigrationCreator
Create a new migration creator instance.
- Migrator::__construct() — Method in class Migrator
Create a new migrator instance.
- MultipleRecordsFoundException::__construct() — Method in class MultipleRecordsFoundException
Create a new exception instance.
- Connection::__construct() — Method in class Connection
Create a new PDO connection instance.
- SqlServerConnection::__construct() — Method in class SqlServerConnection
Create a new SQL Server connection instance.
- QueryException::__construct() — Method in class QueryException
Create a new query exception instance.
- Builder::__construct() — Method in class Builder
Create a new query builder instance.
- Builder::__call() — Method in class Builder
Handle dynamic method calls into the method.
- Expression::__construct() — Method in class Expression
Create a new raw query expression.
- IndexHint::__construct() — Method in class IndexHint
Create a new index hint instance.
- JoinClause::__construct() — Method in class JoinClause
Create a new join clause instance.
- SQLiteConnection::__construct() — Method in class SQLiteConnection
Create a new database connection instance.
- SQLiteDatabaseDoesNotExistException::__construct() — Method in class SQLiteDatabaseDoesNotExistException
Create a new exception instance.
- Blueprint::__construct() — Method in class Blueprint
Create a new schema blueprint.
- Builder::__construct() — Method in class Builder
Create a new database Schema manager.
- ForeignIdColumnDefinition::__construct() — Method in class ForeignIdColumnDefinition
Create a new foreign ID column definition.
- SchemaState::__construct() — Method in class SchemaState
Create a new dumper instance.
- Seeder::__invoke() — Method in class Seeder
Run the database seeds.
- Encrypter::__construct() — Method in class Encrypter
Create a new encrypter instance.
- MissingAppKeyException::__construct() — Method in class MissingAppKeyException
Create a new exception instance.
- CallQueuedListener::__construct() — Method in class CallQueuedListener
Create a new job instance.
- CallQueuedListener::__clone() — Method in class CallQueuedListener
Prepare the instance for cloning.
- Dispatcher::__construct() — Method in class Dispatcher
Create a new event dispatcher instance.
- NullDispatcher::__construct() — Method in class NullDispatcher
Create a new event dispatcher instance that does not fire.
- NullDispatcher::__call() — Method in class NullDispatcher
Dynamically pass method calls to the underlying dispatcher.
- QueuedClosure::__construct() — Method in class QueuedClosure
Create a new queued closure event listener resolver.
- AwsS3V3Adapter::__construct() — Method in class AwsS3V3Adapter
Create a new AwsS3V3FilesystemAdapter instance.
- FilesystemAdapter::__construct() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Create a new filesystem adapter instance.
- FilesystemAdapter::__call() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
Pass dynamic methods call onto Flysystem.
- FilesystemManager::__construct() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Create a new filesystem manager instance.
- FilesystemManager::__call() — Method in class FilesystemManager
Dynamically call the default driver instance.
- LockableFile::__construct() — Method in class LockableFile
Create a new File instance.
- Application::__construct() — Method in class Application
Create a new Illuminate application instance.
- PendingChain::__construct() — Method in class PendingChain
Create a new PendingChain instance.
- PendingDispatch::__construct() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Create a new pending job dispatch.
- PendingDispatch::__call() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Dynamically proxy methods to the underlying job.
- PendingDispatch::__destruct() — Method in class PendingDispatch
Handle the object's destruction.
- CacheBasedMaintenanceMode::__construct() — Method in class CacheBasedMaintenanceMode
Create a new cache based maintenance mode implementation.
- AboutCommand::__construct() — Method in class AboutCommand
Create a new command instance.
- CliDumper::__construct() — Method in class CliDumper
Create a new CLI dumper instance.
- ClosureCommand::__construct() — Method in class ClosureCommand
Create a new command instance.
- ConfigCacheCommand::__construct() — Method in class ConfigCacheCommand
Create a new config cache command instance.
- ConfigClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class ConfigClearCommand
Create a new config clear command instance.
- EnvironmentDecryptCommand::__construct() — Method in class EnvironmentDecryptCommand
Create a new command instance.
- EnvironmentEncryptCommand::__construct() — Method in class EnvironmentEncryptCommand
Create a new command instance.
- EventClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class EventClearCommand
Create a new config clear command instance.
- Kernel::__construct() — Method in class Kernel
Create a new console kernel instance.
- QueuedCommand::__construct() — Method in class QueuedCommand
Create a new job instance.
- RouteCacheCommand::__construct() — Method in class RouteCacheCommand
Create a new route command instance.
- RouteClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class RouteClearCommand
Create a new route clear command instance.
- RouteListCommand::__construct() — Method in class RouteListCommand
Create a new route command instance.
- VendorPublishCommand::__construct() — Method in class VendorPublishCommand
Create a new command instance.
- ViewClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class ViewClearCommand
Create a new config clear command instance.
- LocaleUpdated::__construct() — Method in class LocaleUpdated
Create a new event instance.
- PublishingStubs::__construct() — Method in class PublishingStubs
Create a new event instance.
- VendorTagPublished::__construct() — Method in class VendorTagPublished
Create a new event instance.
- Handler::__construct() — Method in class Handler
Create a new exception handler instance.
- RegisterErrorViewPaths::__invoke() — Method in class RegisterErrorViewPaths
Register the error view paths.
- ReportableHandler::__construct() — Method in class ReportableHandler
Create a new reportable handler instance.
- ReportableHandler::__invoke() — Method in class ReportableHandler
Invoke the handler.
- RequestHandled::__construct() — Method in class RequestHandled
Create a new event instance.
- HtmlDumper::__construct() — Method in class HtmlDumper
Create a new HTML dumper instance.
- Kernel::__construct() — Method in class Kernel
Create a new HTTP kernel instance.
- HandlePrecognitiveRequests::__construct() — Method in class HandlePrecognitiveRequests
Create a new middleware instance.
- PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance::__construct() — Method in class PreventRequestsDuringMaintenance
Create a new middleware instance.
- VerifyCsrfToken::__construct() — Method in class VerifyCsrfToken
Create a new middleware instance.
- Mix::__invoke() — Method in class Mix
Get the path to a versioned Mix file.
- PackageManifest::__construct() — Method in class PackageManifest
Create a new package manifest instance.
- ProviderRepository::__construct() — Method in class ProviderRepository
Create a new service repository instance.
- RouteServiceProvider::__call() — Method in class RouteServiceProvider
Pass dynamic methods onto the router instance.
- InteractsWithContainer::__invoke() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
- InteractsWithContainer::__call() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
- InteractsWithContainer::__toString() — Method in class InteractsWithContainer
- InteractsWithExceptionHandling::__construct() — Method in class InteractsWithExceptionHandling
Create a new class instance.
- Wormhole::__construct() — Method in class Wormhole
Create a new wormhole instance.
- Vite::__invoke() — Method in class Vite
Generate Vite tags for an entrypoint.
- ArgonHasher::__construct() — Method in class ArgonHasher
Create a new hasher instance.
- BcryptHasher::__construct() — Method in class BcryptHasher
Create a new hasher instance.
- ConnectionFailed::__construct() — Method in class ConnectionFailed
Create a new event instance.
- RequestSending::__construct() — Method in class RequestSending
Create a new event instance.
- ResponseReceived::__construct() — Method in class ResponseReceived
Create a new event instance.
- Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory
Create a new factory instance.
- Factory::__call() — Method in class Factory
Execute a method against a new pending request instance.
- PendingRequest::__construct() — Method in class PendingRequest
Create a new HTTP Client instance.
- Pool::__construct() — Method in class Pool
Create a new requests pool.
- Pool::__call() — Method in class Pool
Add a request to the pool with a numeric index.
- Request::__construct() — Method in class Request
Create a new request instance.
- RequestException::__construct() — Method in class RequestException
Create a new exception instance.
- Response::__construct() — Method in class Response
Create a new response instance.
- Response::__toString() — Method in class Response
Get the body of the response.
- Response::__call() — Method in class Response
Dynamically proxy other methods to the underlying response.
- ResponseSequence::__construct() — Method in class ResponseSequence
Create a new response sequence.
- ResponseSequence::__invoke() — Method in class ResponseSequence
Get the next response in the sequence.
- HttpResponseException::__construct() — Method in class HttpResponseException
Create a new HTTP response exception instance.
- PostTooLargeException::__construct() — Method in class PostTooLargeException
Create a new "post too large" exception instance.
- ThrottleRequestsException::__construct() — Method in class ThrottleRequestsException
Create a new throttle requests exception instance.
- JsonResponse::__construct() — Method in class JsonResponse
- Constructor.
- HandleCors::__construct() — Method in class HandleCors
Create a new middleware instance.
- TrustHosts::__construct() — Method in class TrustHosts
Create a new middleware instance.
- RedirectResponse::__call() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Dynamically bind flash data in the session.
- Request::__isset() — Method in class Request
Check if an input element is set on the request.
- Request::__get() — Method in class Request
Get an input element from the request.
- DelegatesToResource::__isset() — Method in class DelegatesToResource
Determine if an attribute exists on the resource.
- DelegatesToResource::__unset() — Method in class DelegatesToResource
Unset an attribute on the resource.
- DelegatesToResource::__get() — Method in class DelegatesToResource
Dynamically get properties from the underlying resource.
- DelegatesToResource::__call() — Method in class DelegatesToResource
Dynamically pass method calls to the underlying resource.
- AnonymousResourceCollection::__construct() — Method in class AnonymousResourceCollection
Create a new anonymous resource collection.
- JsonResource::__construct() — Method in class JsonResource
Create a new resource instance.
- ResourceCollection::__construct() — Method in class ResourceCollection
Create a new resource instance.
- ResourceResponse::__construct() — Method in class ResourceResponse
Create a new resource response.
- MergeValue::__construct() — Method in class MergeValue
Create a new merge value instance.
- Response::__construct() — Method in class Response
Create a new HTTP response.
- File::__construct() — Method in class File
Create a new file instance.
- MessageLogged::__construct() — Method in class MessageLogged
Create a new event instance.
- LogManager::__construct() — Method in class LogManager
Create a new Log manager instance.
- LogManager::__call() — Method in class LogManager
Dynamically call the default driver instance.
- Logger::__construct() — Method in class Logger
Create a new log writer instance.
- Logger::__call() — Method in class Logger
Dynamically proxy method calls to the underlying logger.
- MessageSending::__construct() — Method in class MessageSending
Create a new event instance.
- MessageSent::__construct() — Method in class MessageSent
Create a new event instance.
- MessageSent::__serialize() — Method in class MessageSent
Get the serializable representation of the object.
- MessageSent::__unserialize() — Method in class MessageSent
Marshal the object from its serialized data.
- MessageSent::__get() — Method in class MessageSent
Dynamically get the original message.
- MailManager::__construct() — Method in class MailManager
Create a new Mail manager instance.
- MailManager::__call() — Method in class MailManager
Dynamically call the default driver instance.
- Mailable::__call() — Method in class Mailable
Dynamically bind parameters to the message.
- Address::__construct() — Method in class Address
Create a new address instance.
- Content::__construct() — Method in class Content
Create a new content definition.
- Envelope::__construct() — Method in class Envelope
Create a new message envelope instance.
- Headers::__construct() — Method in class Headers
Create a new instance of headers for a message.
- Mailer::__construct() — Method in class Mailer
Create a new Mailer instance.
- Markdown::__construct() — Method in class Markdown
Create a new Markdown renderer instance.
- Message::__construct() — Method in class Message
Create a new message instance.
- Message::__call() — Method in class Message
Dynamically pass missing methods to the Symfony instance.
- PendingMail::__construct() — Method in class PendingMail
Create a new mailable mailer instance.
- SendQueuedMailable::__construct() — Method in class SendQueuedMailable
Create a new job instance.
- SendQueuedMailable::__clone() — Method in class SendQueuedMailable
Prepare the instance for cloning.
- SentMessage::__construct() — Method in class SentMessage
Create a new SentMessage instance.
- SentMessage::__call() — Method in class SentMessage
Dynamically pass missing methods to the Symfony instance.
- ArrayTransport::__construct() — Method in class ArrayTransport
Create a new array transport instance.
- ArrayTransport::__toString() — Method in class ArrayTransport
Get the string representation of the transport.
- LogTransport::__construct() — Method in class LogTransport
Create a new log transport instance.
- LogTransport::__toString() — Method in class LogTransport
Get the string representation of the transport.
- SesTransport::__construct() — Method in class SesTransport
Create a new SES transport instance.
- SesTransport::__toString() — Method in class SesTransport
Get the string representation of the transport.
- SesV2Transport::__construct() — Method in class SesV2Transport
Create a new SES V2 transport instance.
- SesV2Transport::__toString() — Method in class SesV2Transport
Get the string representation of the transport.
- Action::__construct() — Method in class Action
Create a new action instance.
- BroadcastChannel::__construct() — Method in class BroadcastChannel
Create a new broadcast channel.
- MailChannel::__construct() — Method in class MailChannel
Create a new mail channel instance.
- NotificationTableCommand::__construct() — Method in class NotificationTableCommand
Create a new notifications table command instance.
- BroadcastNotificationCreated::__construct() — Method in class BroadcastNotificationCreated
Create a new event instance.
- NotificationFailed::__construct() — Method in class NotificationFailed
Create a new event instance.
- NotificationSending::__construct() — Method in class NotificationSending
Create a new event instance.
- NotificationSent::__construct() — Method in class NotificationSent
Create a new event instance.
- BroadcastMessage::__construct() — Method in class BroadcastMessage
Create a new message instance.
- DatabaseMessage::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseMessage
Create a new database message.
- NotificationSender::__construct() — Method in class NotificationSender
Create a new notification sender instance.
- SendQueuedNotifications::__construct() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications
Create a new job instance.
- SendQueuedNotifications::__clone() — Method in class SendQueuedNotifications
Prepare the instance for cloning.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::__call() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Make dynamic calls into the collection.
- AbstractCursorPaginator::__toString() — Method in class AbstractCursorPaginator
Render the contents of the paginator when casting to a string.
- AbstractPaginator::__call() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Make dynamic calls into the collection.
- AbstractPaginator::__toString() — Method in class AbstractPaginator
Render the contents of the paginator when casting to a string.
- Cursor::__construct() — Method in class Cursor
Create a new cursor instance.
- CursorPaginator::__construct() — Method in class CursorPaginator
Create a new paginator instance.
- LengthAwarePaginator::__construct() — Method in class LengthAwarePaginator
Create a new paginator instance.
- Paginator::__construct() — Method in class Paginator
Create a new paginator instance.
- UrlWindow::__construct() — Method in class UrlWindow
Create a new URL window instance.
- Hub::__construct() — Method in class Hub
Create a new Hub instance.
- Pipeline::__construct() — Method in class Pipeline
Create a new class instance.
- ProcessFailedException::__construct() — Method in class ProcessFailedException
Create a new exception instance.
- ProcessTimedOutException::__construct() — Method in class ProcessTimedOutException
Create a new exception instance.
- Factory::__call() — Method in class Factory
Dynamically proxy methods to a new pending process instance.
- FakeInvokedProcess::__construct() — Method in class FakeInvokedProcess
Create a new invoked process instance.
- FakeProcessResult::__construct() — Method in class FakeProcessResult
Create a new process result instance.
- FakeProcessSequence::__construct() — Method in class FakeProcessSequence
Create a new fake process sequence instance.
- FakeProcessSequence::__invoke() — Method in class FakeProcessSequence
Get the next process in the sequence.
- InvokedProcess::__construct() — Method in class InvokedProcess
Create a new invoked process instance.
- InvokedProcessPool::__construct() — Method in class InvokedProcessPool
Create a new invoked process pool.
- PendingProcess::__construct() — Method in class PendingProcess
Create a new pending process instance.
- Pool::__construct() — Method in class Pool
Create a new process pool.
- Pool::__call() — Method in class Pool
Dynamically proxy methods calls to a new pending process.
- ProcessPoolResults::__construct() — Method in class ProcessPoolResults
Create a new process pool result set.
- ProcessResult::__construct() — Method in class ProcessResult
Create a new process result instance.
- BeanstalkdQueue::__construct() — Method in class BeanstalkdQueue
Create a new Beanstalkd queue instance.
- CallQueuedClosure::__construct() — Method in class CallQueuedClosure
Create a new job instance.
- CallQueuedHandler::__construct() — Method in class CallQueuedHandler
Create a new handler instance.
- Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
Create a new queue capsule manager.
- Manager::__call() — Method in class Manager
Pass dynamic instance methods to the manager.
- Manager::__callStatic() — Method in class Manager
Dynamically pass methods to the default connection.
- DatabaseConnector::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseConnector
Create a new connector instance.
- RedisConnector::__construct() — Method in class RedisConnector
Create a new Redis queue connector instance.
- BatchesTableCommand::__construct() — Method in class BatchesTableCommand
Create a new batched queue jobs table command instance.
- FailedTableCommand::__construct() — Method in class FailedTableCommand
Create a new failed queue jobs table command instance.
- ListenCommand::__construct() — Method in class ListenCommand
Create a new queue listen command.
- MonitorCommand::__construct() — Method in class MonitorCommand
Create a new queue monitor command.
- RestartCommand::__construct() — Method in class RestartCommand
Create a new queue restart command.
- TableCommand::__construct() — Method in class TableCommand
Create a new queue job table command instance.
- WorkCommand::__construct() — Method in class WorkCommand
Create a new queue work command.
- DatabaseQueue::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseQueue
Create a new database queue instance.
- JobExceptionOccurred::__construct() — Method in class JobExceptionOccurred
Create a new event instance.
- JobFailed::__construct() — Method in class JobFailed
Create a new event instance.
- JobProcessed::__construct() — Method in class JobProcessed
Create a new event instance.
- JobProcessing::__construct() — Method in class JobProcessing
Create a new event instance.
- JobQueued::__construct() — Method in class JobQueued
Create a new event instance.
- JobReleasedAfterException::__construct() — Method in class JobReleasedAfterException
Create a new event instance.
- JobRetryRequested::__construct() — Method in class JobRetryRequested
Create a new event instance.
- Looping::__construct() — Method in class Looping
Create a new event instance.
- QueueBusy::__construct() — Method in class QueueBusy
Create a new event instance.
- WorkerStopping::__construct() — Method in class WorkerStopping
Create a new event instance.
- DatabaseFailedJobProvider::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseFailedJobProvider
Create a new database failed job provider.
- DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseUuidFailedJobProvider
Create a new database failed job provider.
- DynamoDbFailedJobProvider::__construct() — Method in class DynamoDbFailedJobProvider
Create a new DynamoDb failed job provider.
- InvalidPayloadException::__construct() — Method in class InvalidPayloadException
Create a new exception instance.
- BeanstalkdJob::__construct() — Method in class BeanstalkdJob
Create a new job instance.
- DatabaseJob::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseJob
Create a new job instance.
- DatabaseJobRecord::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseJobRecord
Create a new job record instance.
- DatabaseJobRecord::__get() — Method in class DatabaseJobRecord
Dynamically access the underlying job information.
- RedisJob::__construct() — Method in class RedisJob
Create a new job instance.
- SqsJob::__construct() — Method in class SqsJob
Create a new job instance.
- SyncJob::__construct() — Method in class SyncJob
Create a new job instance.
- Listener::__construct() — Method in class Listener
Create a new queue listener.
- ListenerOptions::__construct() — Method in class ListenerOptions
Create a new listener options instance.
- RateLimited::__construct() — Method in class RateLimited
Create a new middleware instance.
- RateLimited::__sleep() — Method in class RateLimited
Prepare the object for serialization.
- RateLimited::__wakeup() — Method in class RateLimited
Prepare the object after unserialization.
- RateLimitedWithRedis::__construct() — Method in class RateLimitedWithRedis
Create a new middleware instance.
- RateLimitedWithRedis::__wakeup() — Method in class RateLimitedWithRedis
Prepare the object after unserialization.
- ThrottlesExceptions::__construct() — Method in class ThrottlesExceptions
Create a new middleware instance.
- WithoutOverlapping::__construct() — Method in class WithoutOverlapping
Create a new middleware instance.
- QueueManager::__construct() — Method in class QueueManager
Create a new queue manager instance.
- QueueManager::__call() — Method in class QueueManager
Dynamically pass calls to the default connection.
- RedisQueue::__construct() — Method in class RedisQueue
Create a new Redis queue instance.
- SerializesModels::__serialize() — Method in class SerializesModels
Prepare the instance values for serialization.
- SerializesModels::__unserialize() — Method in class SerializesModels
Restore the model after serialization.
- SqsQueue::__construct() — Method in class SqsQueue
Create a new Amazon SQS queue instance.
- Worker::__construct() — Method in class Worker
Create a new queue worker.
- WorkerOptions::__construct() — Method in class WorkerOptions
Create a new worker options instance.
- Connection::__call() — Method in class Connection
Pass other method calls down to the underlying client.
- PhpRedisConnection::__construct() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Create a new PhpRedis connection.
- PhpRedisConnection::__call() — Method in class PhpRedisConnection
Pass other method calls down to the underlying client.
- PredisConnection::__construct() — Method in class PredisConnection
Create a new Predis connection.
- CommandExecuted::__construct() — Method in class CommandExecuted
Create a new event instance.
- ConcurrencyLimiter::__construct() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiter
Create a new concurrency limiter instance.
- ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder::__construct() — Method in class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder
Create a new builder instance.
- DurationLimiter::__construct() — Method in class DurationLimiter
Create a new duration limiter instance.
- DurationLimiterBuilder::__construct() — Method in class DurationLimiterBuilder
Create a new builder instance.
- RedisManager::__construct() — Method in class RedisManager
Create a new Redis manager instance.
- RedisManager::__call() — Method in class RedisManager
Pass methods onto the default Redis connection.
- CallableDispatcher::__construct() — Method in class CallableDispatcher
Create a new callable dispatcher instance.
- CompiledRouteCollection::__construct() — Method in class CompiledRouteCollection
Create a new CompiledRouteCollection instance.
- Controller::__call() — Method in class Controller
Handle calls to missing methods on the controller.
- ControllerDispatcher::__construct() — Method in class ControllerDispatcher
Create a new controller dispatcher instance.
- ControllerMiddlewareOptions::__construct() — Method in class ControllerMiddlewareOptions
Create a new middleware option instance.
- Middleware::__construct() — Method in class Middleware
Create a new controller middleware definition.
- RouteMatched::__construct() — Method in class RouteMatched
Create a new event instance.
- Routing::__construct() — Method in class Routing
Create a new event instance.
- BackedEnumCaseNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class BackedEnumCaseNotFoundException
Create a new exception instance.
- InvalidSignatureException::__construct() — Method in class InvalidSignatureException
Create a new exception instance.
- StreamedResponseException::__construct() — Method in class StreamedResponseException
Create a new exception instance.
- SubstituteBindings::__construct() — Method in class SubstituteBindings
Create a new bindings substitutor.
- ThrottleRequests::__construct() — Method in class ThrottleRequests
Create a new request throttler.
- ThrottleRequestsWithRedis::__construct() — Method in class ThrottleRequestsWithRedis
Create a new request throttler.
- PendingResourceRegistration::__construct() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration
Create a new pending resource registration instance.
- PendingResourceRegistration::__destruct() — Method in class PendingResourceRegistration
Handle the object's destruction.
- PendingSingletonResourceRegistration::__construct() — Method in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
Create a new pending singleton resource registration instance.
- PendingSingletonResourceRegistration::__destruct() — Method in class PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
Handle the object's destruction.
- RedirectController::__invoke() — Method in class RedirectController
Invoke the controller method.
- Redirector::__construct() — Method in class Redirector
Create a new Redirector instance.
- ResourceRegistrar::__construct() — Method in class ResourceRegistrar
Create a new resource registrar instance.
- ResponseFactory::__construct() — Method in class ResponseFactory
Create a new response factory instance.
- Route::__construct() — Method in class Route
Create a new Route instance.
- Route::__get() — Method in class Route
Dynamically access route parameters.
- RouteFileRegistrar::__construct() — Method in class RouteFileRegistrar
Create a new route file registrar instance.
- RouteParameterBinder::__construct() — Method in class RouteParameterBinder
Create a new Route parameter binder instance.
- RouteRegistrar::__construct() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
Create a new route registrar instance.
- RouteRegistrar::__call() — Method in class RouteRegistrar
Dynamically handle calls into the route registrar.
- RouteUri::__construct() — Method in class RouteUri
Create a new route URI instance.
- RouteUrlGenerator::__construct() — Method in class RouteUrlGenerator
Create a new Route URL generator.
- Router::__construct() — Method in class Router
Create a new Router instance.
- Router::__call() — Method in class Router
Dynamically handle calls into the router instance.
- SortedMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class SortedMiddleware
Create a new Sorted Middleware container.
- UrlGenerator::__construct() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Create a new URL Generator instance.
- ViewController::__construct() — Method in class ViewController
Create a new controller instance.
- ViewController::__invoke() — Method in class ViewController
Invoke the controller method.
- ArraySessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class ArraySessionHandler
Create a new array driven handler instance.
- CacheBasedSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class CacheBasedSessionHandler
Create a new cache driven handler instance.
- SessionTableCommand::__construct() — Method in class SessionTableCommand
Create a new session table command instance.
- CookieSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class CookieSessionHandler
Create a new cookie driven handler instance.
- DatabaseSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseSessionHandler
Create a new database session handler instance.
- EncryptedStore::__construct() — Method in class EncryptedStore
Create a new session instance.
- FileSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class FileSessionHandler
Create a new file driven handler instance.
- AuthenticateSession::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticateSession
Create a new middleware instance.
- StartSession::__construct() — Method in class StartSession
Create a new session middleware.
- Store::__construct() — Method in class Store
Create a new session instance.
- SymfonySessionDecorator::__construct() — Method in class SymfonySessionDecorator
Create a new session decorator.
- Collection::__construct() — Method in class Collection
Create a new collection.
- Composer::__construct() — Method in class Composer
Create a new Composer manager instance.
- DateFactory::__call() — Method in class DateFactory
Handle dynamic calls to generate dates.
- Enumerable::__toString() — Method in class Enumerable
Convert the collection to its string representation.
- Enumerable::__get() — Method in class Enumerable
Dynamically access collection proxies.
- Facade::__callStatic() — Method in class Facade
Handle dynamic, static calls to the object.
- Fluent::__construct() — Method in class Fluent
Create a new fluent instance.
- Fluent::__call() — Method in class Fluent
Handle dynamic calls to the fluent instance to set attributes.
- Fluent::__get() — Method in class Fluent
Dynamically retrieve the value of an attribute.
- Fluent::__set() — Method in class Fluent
Dynamically set the value of an attribute.
- Fluent::__isset() — Method in class Fluent
Dynamically check if an attribute is set.
- Fluent::__unset() — Method in class Fluent
Dynamically unset an attribute.
- HigherOrderCollectionProxy::__construct() — Method in class HigherOrderCollectionProxy
Create a new proxy instance.
- HigherOrderCollectionProxy::__get() — Method in class HigherOrderCollectionProxy
Proxy accessing an attribute onto the collection items.
- HigherOrderCollectionProxy::__call() — Method in class HigherOrderCollectionProxy
Proxy a method call onto the collection items.
- HigherOrderTapProxy::__construct() — Method in class HigherOrderTapProxy
Create a new tap proxy instance.
- HigherOrderTapProxy::__call() — Method in class HigherOrderTapProxy
Dynamically pass method calls to the target.
- HigherOrderWhenProxy::__construct() — Method in class HigherOrderWhenProxy
Create a new proxy instance.
- HigherOrderWhenProxy::__get() — Method in class HigherOrderWhenProxy
Proxy accessing an attribute onto the target.
- HigherOrderWhenProxy::__call() — Method in class HigherOrderWhenProxy
Proxy a method call on the target.
- HtmlString::__construct() — Method in class HtmlString
Create a new HTML string instance.
- HtmlString::__toString() — Method in class HtmlString
Get the HTML string.
- Js::__construct() — Method in class Js
Create a new class instance.
- Js::__toString() — Method in class Js
Get the string representation of the data for use in HTML.
- LazyCollection::__construct() — Method in class LazyCollection
- Lottery::__construct() — Method in class Lottery
Create a new Lottery instance.
- Lottery::__invoke() — Method in class Lottery
Run the lottery.
- Manager::__construct() — Method in class Manager
Create a new manager instance.
- Manager::__call() — Method in class Manager
Dynamically call the default driver instance.
- MessageBag::__construct() — Method in class MessageBag
Create a new message bag instance.
- MessageBag::__toString() — Method in class MessageBag
Convert the message bag to its string representation.
- MultipleInstanceManager::__construct() — Method in class MultipleInstanceManager
Create a new manager instance.
- MultipleInstanceManager::__call() — Method in class MultipleInstanceManager
Dynamically call the default instance.
- MultipleItemsFoundException::__construct() — Method in class MultipleItemsFoundException
Create a new exception instance.
- Optional::__construct() — Method in class Optional
Create a new optional instance.
- Optional::__get() — Method in class Optional
Dynamically access a property on the underlying object.
- Optional::__isset() — Method in class Optional
Dynamically check a property exists on the underlying object.
- Optional::__call() — Method in class Optional
Dynamically pass a method to the underlying object.
- ServiceProvider::__construct() — Method in class ServiceProvider
Create a new service provider instance.
- Stringable::__construct() — Method in class Stringable
Create a new instance of the class.
- Stringable::__get() — Method in class Stringable
Proxy dynamic properties onto methods.
- Stringable::__toString() — Method in class Stringable
Get the raw string value.
- BatchFake::__construct() — Method in class BatchFake
Create a new batch instance.
- BusFake::__construct() — Method in class BusFake
Create a new bus fake instance.
- EventFake::__construct() — Method in class EventFake
Create a new event fake instance.
- EventFake::__call() — Method in class EventFake
Handle dynamic method calls to the dispatcher.
- MailFake::__construct() — Method in class MailFake
Create a new mail fake.
- MailFake::__call() — Method in class MailFake
Handle dynamic method calls to the mailer.
- PendingBatchFake::__construct() — Method in class PendingBatchFake
Create a new pending batch instance.
- PendingChainFake::__construct() — Method in class PendingChainFake
Create a new pending chain instance.
- PendingMailFake::__construct() — Method in class PendingMailFake
Create a new instance.
- QueueFake::__construct() — Method in class QueueFake
Create a new fake queue instance.
- QueueFake::__call() — Method in class QueueFake
Override the QueueManager to prevent circular dependency.
- EnumeratesValues::__toString() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Convert the collection to its string representation.
- EnumeratesValues::__get() — Method in class EnumeratesValues
Dynamically access collection proxies.
- Macroable::__callStatic() — Method in class Macroable
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
- Macroable::__call() — Method in class Macroable
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
- ValidatedInput::__construct() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Create a new validated input container.
- ValidatedInput::__get() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Dynamically access input data.
- ValidatedInput::__set() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Dynamically set input data.
- ValidatedInput::__isset() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Determine if an input key is set.
- ValidatedInput::__unset() — Method in class ValidatedInput
Remove an input key.
- ViewErrorBag::__call() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Dynamically call methods on the default bag.
- ViewErrorBag::__get() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Dynamically access a view error bag.
- ViewErrorBag::__set() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Dynamically set a view error bag.
- ViewErrorBag::__toString() — Method in class ViewErrorBag
Convert the default bag to its string representation.
- AssertableJsonString::__construct() — Method in class AssertableJsonString
Create a new assertable JSON string instance.
- RunsInParallel::__construct() — Method in class RunsInParallel
Creates a new test runner instance.
- ArraySubset::__construct() — Method in class ArraySubset
Create a new array subset constraint instance.
- CountInDatabase::__construct() — Method in class CountInDatabase
Create a new constraint instance.
- HasInDatabase::__construct() — Method in class HasInDatabase
Create a new constraint instance.
- NotSoftDeletedInDatabase::__construct() — Method in class NotSoftDeletedInDatabase
Create a new constraint instance.
- SeeInOrder::__construct() — Method in class SeeInOrder
Create a new constraint instance.
- SoftDeletedInDatabase::__construct() — Method in class SoftDeletedInDatabase
Create a new constraint instance.
- AssertableJson::__construct() — Method in class AssertableJson
Create a new fluent, assertable JSON data instance.
- ParallelConsoleOutput::__construct() — Method in class ParallelConsoleOutput
Create a new Parallel ConsoleOutput instance.
- ParallelTesting::__construct() — Method in class ParallelTesting
Create a new parallel testing instance.
- PendingCommand::__construct() — Method in class PendingCommand
Create a new pending console command run.
- PendingCommand::__destruct() — Method in class PendingCommand
Handle the object's destruction.
- TestComponent::__construct() — Method in class TestComponent
Create a new test component instance.
- TestComponent::__toString() — Method in class TestComponent
Get the string contents of the rendered component.
- TestComponent::__get() — Method in class TestComponent
Dynamically access properties on the underlying component.
- TestComponent::__call() — Method in class TestComponent
Dynamically call methods on the underlying component.
- TestResponse::__construct() — Method in class TestResponse
Create a new test response instance.
- TestResponse::__get() — Method in class TestResponse
Dynamically access base response parameters.
- TestResponse::__isset() — Method in class TestResponse
Proxy isset() checks to the underlying base response.
- TestResponse::__call() — Method in class TestResponse
Handle dynamic calls into macros or pass missing methods to the base response.
- TestView::__construct() — Method in class TestView
Create a new test view instance.
- TestView::__toString() — Method in class TestView
Get the string contents of the rendered view.
- FileLoader::__construct() — Method in class FileLoader
Create a new file loader instance.
- PotentiallyTranslatedString::__construct() — Method in class PotentiallyTranslatedString
Create a new potentially translated string.
- PotentiallyTranslatedString::__toString() — Method in class PotentiallyTranslatedString
Get the potentially translated string.
- Translator::__construct() — Method in class Translator
Create a new translator instance.
- ClosureValidationRule::__construct() — Method in class ClosureValidationRule
Create a new pending potentially translated string.
- ClosureValidationRule::__destruct() — Method in class ClosureValidationRule
Handle the object's destruction.
- FilterEmailValidation::__construct() — Method in class FilterEmailValidation
Create a new validation instance.
- ConditionalRules::__construct() — Method in class ConditionalRules
Create a new conditional rules instance.
- DatabasePresenceVerifier::__construct() — Method in class DatabasePresenceVerifier
Create a new database presence verifier.
- Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory
Create a new Validator factory instance.
- InvokableValidationRule::__construct() — Method in class InvokableValidationRule
Create a new explicit Invokable validation rule.
- NestedRules::__construct() — Method in class NestedRules
Create a new nested rule instance.
- NotPwnedVerifier::__construct() — Method in class NotPwnedVerifier
Create a new uncompromised verifier.
- DatabaseRule::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseRule
Create a new rule instance.
- Dimensions::__construct() — Method in class Dimensions
Create a new dimensions rule instance.
- Dimensions::__toString() — Method in class Dimensions
Convert the rule to a validation string.
- Enum::__construct() — Method in class Enum
Create a new rule instance.
- ExcludeIf::__construct() — Method in class ExcludeIf
Create a new exclude validation rule based on a condition.
- ExcludeIf::__toString() — Method in class ExcludeIf
Convert the rule to a validation string.
- Exists::__toString() — Method in class Exists
Convert the rule to a validation string.
- ImageFile::__construct() — Method in class ImageFile
Create a new image file rule instance.
- In::__construct() — Method in class In
Create a new in rule instance.
- In::__toString() — Method in class In
Convert the rule to a validation string.
- NotIn::__construct() — Method in class NotIn
Create a new "not in" rule instance.
- NotIn::__toString() — Method in class NotIn
Convert the rule to a validation string.
- Password::__construct() — Method in class Password
Create a new rule instance.
- ProhibitedIf::__construct() — Method in class ProhibitedIf
Create a new prohibited validation rule based on a condition.
- ProhibitedIf::__toString() — Method in class ProhibitedIf
Convert the rule to a validation string.
- RequiredIf::__construct() — Method in class RequiredIf
Create a new required validation rule based on a condition.
- RequiredIf::__toString() — Method in class RequiredIf
Convert the rule to a validation string.
- Unique::__toString() — Method in class Unique
Convert the rule to a validation string.
- ValidationException::__construct() — Method in class ValidationException
Create a new exception instance.
- ValidationRuleParser::__construct() — Method in class ValidationRuleParser
Create a new validation rule parser.
- Validator::__construct() — Method in class Validator
Create a new Validator instance.
- Validator::__call() — Method in class Validator
Handle dynamic calls to class methods.
- AnonymousComponent::__construct() — Method in class AnonymousComponent
Create a new anonymous component instance.
- AppendableAttributeValue::__construct() — Method in class AppendableAttributeValue
Create a new appendable attribute value.
- AppendableAttributeValue::__toString() — Method in class AppendableAttributeValue
Get the string value.
- BladeCompiler::__construct() — Method in class BladeCompiler
Create a new compiler instance.
- Compiler::__construct() — Method in class Compiler
Create a new compiler instance.
- ComponentTagCompiler::__construct() — Method in class ComponentTagCompiler
Create a new component tag compiler.
- ComponentAttributeBag::__construct() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Create a new component attribute bag instance.
- ComponentAttributeBag::__invoke() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Merge additional attributes / values into the attribute bag.
- ComponentAttributeBag::__toString() — Method in class ComponentAttributeBag
Implode the attributes into a single HTML ready string.
- ComponentSlot::__construct() — Method in class ComponentSlot
Create a new slot instance.
- ComponentSlot::__toString() — Method in class ComponentSlot
Get the slot's HTML string.
- DynamicComponent::__construct() — Method in class DynamicComponent
Create a new component instance.
- CompilerEngine::__construct() — Method in class CompilerEngine
Create a new compiler engine instance.
- FileEngine::__construct() — Method in class FileEngine
Create a new file engine instance.
- PhpEngine::__construct() — Method in class PhpEngine
Create a new file engine instance.
- Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory
Create a new view factory instance.
- FileViewFinder::__construct() — Method in class FileViewFinder
Create a new file view loader instance.
- InvokableComponentVariable::__construct() — Method in class InvokableComponentVariable
Create a new variable instance.
- InvokableComponentVariable::__get() — Method in class InvokableComponentVariable
Dynamically proxy attribute access to the variable.
- InvokableComponentVariable::__call() — Method in class InvokableComponentVariable
Dynamically proxy method access to the variable.
- InvokableComponentVariable::__invoke() — Method in class InvokableComponentVariable
Resolve the variable.
- InvokableComponentVariable::__toString() — Method in class InvokableComponentVariable
Resolve the variable as a string.
- ShareErrorsFromSession::__construct() — Method in class ShareErrorsFromSession
Create a new error binder instance.
- View::__construct() — Method in class View
Create a new view instance.
- View::__get() — Method in class View
Get a piece of data from the view.
- View::__set() — Method in class View
Set a piece of data on the view.
- View::__isset() — Method in class View
Check if a piece of data is bound to the view.
- View::__unset() — Method in class View
Remove a piece of bound data from the view.
- View::__call() — Method in class View
Dynamically bind parameters to the view.
- View::__toString() — Method in class View
Get the string contents of the view.