
Use Bootstrap’s custom b-button component for actions in forms, dialogs, and more. Includes support for a handful of contextual variations, sizes, states, and more.

<div class="row">
    <template v-for="variant in ['primary','secondary','success','outline-success','warning','danger','link']">
        <div class="col-md-4 pb-2" v-for="size in ['sm','','lg']" :key="`${variant}_${size}`">
            <b-button :size="size" :variant="variant">
                {{variant}} {{size}}

<!-- button-1.vue -->

Button element type

The <b-button> component generally renders a <button> element. However, you can also render an <a> element by providing an href prop value. You man also generate vue-router <router-link> when providing a value for the to prop (vue-router is required).

  <b-button>I am a Button</b-button>
  <b-button href="#">I am a Link</b-button>

<!-- button-2.vue -->

Button type

When neither href nor to props are provided, <b-button> renders an html <button> element. You can specify the button's type by setting the prop type to button, submit or reset. The default type is button.

Button sizing

Fancy larger or smaller buttons? Specify lg or sm via the size prop.

Create block level buttons — those that span the full width of a parent — by setting the block prop.

Button contextual variants

Use the variant prop to generate the various bootstrap contextual button variants.

By default <b-button> will render with the secondary variant.

Solid color variants

primary, secondary, success, warning, and danger.

Outline color variants

In need of a button, but not the hefty background colors they bring? Use the outline-* variants to remove all background images and colors on any <b-button>:

outline-primary, outline-secondary, outline-success, outline-warning, and outline-danger.

Variant link will render a button with the appearance of a link while maintaining the default padding and size of a button.

Disabled state

Set the disabled prop to disable button default functionality. disabled also works with buttons, rendered as <a> elements and <router-link>.

  <b-button disabled variant="success">Disabled</b-button>
  <b-button variant="success">Not Disabled</b-button>

<!-- button-3.vue -->

Pressed state and toggling

Buttons will appear pressed (with a darker background, darker border, and inset shadow) when the prop pressed is set to true.

The pressed prop can be set to one of three values:

  • true: Sets the .active class and adds the attribute aria-pressed="true".
  • false: Clears the .active class and adds the attribute aria-pressed="false".
  • null: (default) Neither the class .active nor the attribute aria-pressed will be set.

To create a button that can be toggled between active and non-active states, use the .sync prop modifier (available in Vue 2.3+) on the pressed property

    <h5>Pressed and un-pressed state</h5>
    <b-button :pressed="true" variant="success">Always Pressed</b-button>
    <b-button :pressed="false" variant="success">Not Pressed</b-button>

    <h5>Toggleable Button</h5>
    <b-button :pressed.sync="myToggle" variant="primary">Toggle Me</b-button>
    <p>Pressed State: <strong>{{ myToggle }}</strong></p>

    <h5>In a button group</h5>
    <b-button-group size="sm">
      <b-button v-for="btn in buttons" :pressed.sync="btn.state" :variant="btn.variant" :key="btn.variant">
        {{ btn.caption }}
    <p>Pressed States: <strong>{{ btnStates }}</strong></p>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      myToggle: false,
      buttons: [
        { variant: 'primary', caption: 'Toggle 1', state: true },
        { variant: 'danger', caption: 'Toggle 2', state: false },
        { variant: 'warning', caption: 'Toggle 3', state: true },
        { variant: 'success', caption: 'No Toggle', state: null },
        { variant: 'outline-success', caption: 'Toggle 5', state: false },
        { variant: 'outline-primary', caption: 'Toggle 6', state: false }
  computed: {
    btnStates () {
      return this.buttons.map(btn => btn.state)

<!-- button-4.vue -->

If using toggle button style for a radio or checkbox style interface, it is best to use the built-in button style support of <b-form-radio-group> and <b-checkbox-group>.

Refer to the Router support reference docs for the various supported <router-link> related props.

Note the <router-link> prop tag is referred to as router-tag in bootstrap-vue.

Button component alias

<b-button> can also be used by its shorter alias <b-btn>.

See also

Component Reference



PropertyTypeDefault Value
eventString or Arrayclick
toString or Object


clickwhen clicked on button
Trying to get native browser events working on your component? Use the .native modifier to capture browser native events such as: @click.native="...", @mouseover.native="...", etc. See the the official Vue.js documentation for more information.



PropertyTypeDefault Value

Importing Individual Components

ComponentImport Path


import bButton from 'bootstrap-vue/es/components/button/button';
Vue.component('b-button', bButton);

Importing Button as a Vue plugin

This plugin includes all of the above listed individual components. Plugins also include any component aliases.

import { Button } from 'bootstrap-vue/es/components';