Form Select

Bootstrap custom <select> using custom styles. Optionally specify options based on an array, array of objects, or an object.

Generate your select options by pasing an aray or object to the options props:

    <b-form-select v-model="selected" :options="options" class="mb-3">
    <div>Selected: <strong>{{ selected }}</strong></div>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      selected: null,
      options: [
        { value: null, text: 'Please select an option' },
        { value: 'a', text: 'This is First option' },
        { value: 'b', text: 'Selected Option' },
        { value: {'C': '3PO'}, text: 'This is an option with object value' },
        { value: 'd', text: 'This one is disabled', disabled: true }

<!-- form-select-options.vue -->

Or manualy provide your options and optgroups:

    <b-form-select v-model="selected" class="mb-3">
      <option :value="null">Please select an option</option>
      <option value="a">Option A</option>
      <option value="b" disabled>Option B (disabled)</option>
      <optgroup label="Grouped Options">
        <option :value="{'C':'3PO'}">Option with object value</option>
        <option :value="{'R':'2D2'}">Another option with object value</option>
    <div>Selected: <strong>{{ selected }}</strong></div>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      selected: null

<!-- form-select-manual.vue -->

Feel free to mix the options prop with <option> and <optgroup>. Manully placed options and optgroups will appear below the options generated via the options prop. To place manual options and optgroups above the options specified by the options prop, use the named slot first.

    <b-form-select v-model="selected" :options="options" class="mb-3">
      <template slot="first">
        <!-- this slot appears above the options from 'options' prop -->
        <option :value="null" disabled>-- Please select an option --</option>
      <!-- these options will appear after the ones from 'options' prop -->
      <option value="C">Option C</option>
      <option value="D">Option D</option>
    <div>Selected: <strong>{{ selected }}</strong></div>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      selected: null,
      options: [
        { value: 'A', text: 'Option A (from options prop)' },
        { value: 'B', text: 'Option B (from options prop)' }

<!-- form-select-both.vue -->

Options property

options can be an array or a key-value object. Available fields:

  • text Display text
  • value The selected text which will be set on v-model
  • disabled Disables item for selection

If you want to customize fields (for example using name field for display text) you can easily change them using text-field and value-field props.


['A', 'B', 'C', {text:'D', value:'d', disabled:true}, 'E', 'F']

Array of objects

  {text: 'Item 1', value: 'first'},
  {text: 'Item 2', value: 'second'},
  {text: 'Item 3', value: 'third', disabled: true}
  {text: 'Item 3', value: { foo:'bar', baz:true}}


Keys are mapped to value and values are mapped to option object.

  a: 'Item A',
  b: 'Item B',
  c: {text: 'Item C', disabled: true},
  d: {text: 'Item D', value: 'overridden_value'},
  e: {text: 'Item E', value: { foo:'bar', baz:true}}

Standard (single) select

By default, Bootstrap V4's custom select styling is applied.

Value in single mode

In non multiple mode, <b-form-select> returns the a single value of the currently selected option.

    <b-form-select v-model="selected" :options="options" class="mb-3">
    <div>Selected: <strong>{{ selected }}</strong></div>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      selected: null,
      options: [
        { value: null, text: 'Please select some item' },
        { value: 'a', text: 'This is First option' },
        { value: 'b', text: 'Default Selected Option' },
        { value: 'c', text: 'This is another option' },
        { value: 'd', text: 'This one is disabled', disabled: true }

<!-- form-select-3.vue -->

Select sizing (displayed rows)

You can use the select-size prop to switch the custom select into a select list-box, rather than a dropdown. Set the select-size prop to a numerical value greater than 1 to control how many rows of options are visible.

Note when select-size is set to a value greater than 1, the Bootstrap V4 custom styling will not be applied, unless the multiple prop is also set.

Note: not all mobile browsers will show a the select as a list-box.

    <b-form-select v-model="selected" :options="options" class="mb-3" :select-size="4">
    <div>Selected: <strong>{{ selected }}</strong></div>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      selected: null,
      options: [
        { value: null, text: 'Please select some item' },
        { value: 'a', text: 'This is option a' },
        { value: 'b', text: 'Default Selected Option b' },
        { value: 'c', text: 'This is option c' },
        { value: 'd', text: 'This one is disabled', disabled: true },
        { value: 'e', text: 'This is option e' },
        { value: 'e', text: 'This is option f' }

<!-- form-select-4.vue -->

Multiple select support

Enable multiple select mode by setting the prop multiple, and control how many rows are displayed in the multiple select list-box by setting select-size to the number of rows to display. The default is to let the browser use it's default (typically 4).

Value in multiple mode

In multiple mode, <b-form-select> always returns an array of option values. You must provide an array reference as your v-model when in multiple mode.

    <b-form-select multiple :select-size="4" v-model="selected" :options="options" class="mb-3">
    <div>Selected: <strong>{{ selected }}</strong></div>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      selected: ['b'], // Array reference
      options: [
        { value: 'a', text: 'This is First option' },
        { value: 'b', text: 'Default Selected Option' },
        { value: 'c', text: 'This is another option' },
        { value: 'd', text: 'This one is disabled', disabled: true },
        { value: 'e', text: 'This is option e' },
        { value: 'f', text: 'This is option f' },
        { value: 'g', text: 'This is option g' }

<!-- form-select-5.vue -->

Control sizing

Set the form-control text size using the size prop to sm or lg for small or large respectively.

By default <b-form-select> will occupy the full width of the container that it appears in. To control the select width, place the input inside standard Bootstrap grid column.

Contextual States

Bootstrap includes validation styles for valid and invalid states on most form controls.

Generally speaking, you’ll want to use a particular state for specific types of feedback:

  • 'invalid' is great for when there’s a blocking or required field. A user must fill in this field properly to submit the form.
  • 'valid' is ideal for situations when you have per-field validation throughout a form and want to encourage a user through the rest of the fields.
  • null Displays no validation state

To apply one of the contextual states on <b-form-select>, set the state prop to 'invalid' (or false), 'valid' (or true), or null.

Conveying contextual validation state to assistive technologies and colorblind users:

Using these contextual states to denote the state of a form control only provides a visual, color-based indication, which will not be conveyed to users of assistive technologies - such as screen readers - or to colorblind users.

Ensure that an alternative indication of state is also provided. For instance, you could include a hint about state in the form control's <label> text itself, or by providing an additional help text block (via <b-form-group> or <b-form-feedback>). Specifically for assistive technologies, invalid form controls can also be assigned an aria-invalid="true" attribute (see below).

ARIA aria-invalid attribute:

When <b-form-select> has an invalid contextual state (i.e. invalid) you may also want to set the <b-form-select> prop aria-invalid to true.

Supported invalid values are:

  • false (default) No errors detected
  • true The value has failed validation.

When state is set to invalid, aria-invalid will also be set to true.

Non custom select

Set the prop plain to have a native browser <select> rendered (although the class .form-control will always be placed on the select).

A plain select will always be rendered for non multiple selects which have the select-size prop set to a value greater than 1.


  • <b-form-select> can be used by the shorter alias <b-select>.

Component Reference



PropertyTypeDefault Value
stateBoolean or String
optionsArray or Object[]
aria-invalidBoolean or Stringfalse


Emitted with the select value changes
Emitted with the select value changes via user interaction
Trying to get native browser events working on your component? Use the .native modifier to capture browser native events such as: @click.native="...", @mouseover.native="...", etc. See the the official Vue.js documentation for more information.

Importing Individual Components

ComponentImport Path


import bFormSelect from 'bootstrap-vue/es/components/form-select/form-select';
Vue.component('b-form-select', bFormSelect);

Importing Form Select as a Vue plugin

This plugin includes all of the above listed individual components. Plugins also include any component aliases.

import { FormSelect } from 'bootstrap-vue/es/components';