Create tabbable panes of local content.
Basic usage
<b-tab title="first" active>
<br>I'm the first fading tab
<b-tab title="second" >
<br>I'm the second tab content
<b-tab title="disabled" disabled>
<br>Disabled tab!
Cards Integration
Tabs support integrating with bootstrap cards. Just add the card
property to
. and place it inside a <b-card>
component. Note that you should add
prop on <b-card>
component in order to propertly decorate the card
header and remove the extra padding introduced by card-body
<b-card no-body>
<b-tabs card>
<b-tab title="Tab 1" active>
Tab Contents 1
<b-tab title="Tab 2">
Tab Contents 2
When <b-tabs>
is in card
mode, each <b-tab>
sub-component will automatically
have the card-body
class applied (this class provides the padding around the tab content).
To disable the card-body
class, set the no-body
prop on <b-tab>
sub component.
<b-card no-body>
<b-tabs card>
<b-tab no-body title="Picture 1" active>
<b-card-img bottom src="" />
<b-card-footer>Picture 1 footer</b-card-footer>
<b-tab no-body title="Picture 2">
<b-card-img bottom src="" />
<b-card-footer>Picture 2 footer</b-card-footer>
<b-tab no-body title="Picture 3">
<b-card-img bottom src="" />
<b-card-footer>Picture 3 footer</b-card-footer>
<b-tab title="Text">
<h5>This tab does not have the <code>no-body</code> prop set</h5>
Quis magna Lorem anim amet ipsum do mollit sit cillum voluptate ex nulla
tempor. Laborum consequat non elit enim exercitation cillum aliqua consequat
id aliqua. Esse ex consectetur mollit voluptate est in duis laboris ad sit
ipsum anim Lorem. Incididunt veniam velit elit elit veniam Lorem aliqua quis
ullamco deserunt sit enim elit aliqua esse irure.
Setting the no-body
prop on <b-tab>
will have no affect when <b-tabs>
not in card
mode (as the card-body
class is only set when in card
Pills variant
Tabs use the tabs
styling by default. Just add pills
property to <b-tabs>
the pill style variant.
<b-card no-body>
<b-tabs pills card>
<b-tab title="Tab 1" active>
Tab Contents 1
<b-tab title="Tab 2">
Tab Contents 2
Bottom placement of tab controls
Visually move the tab controls to the bottom by setting the prop end
<b-card no-body>
<b-tabs pills card end>
<b-tab title="Tab 1" active>
Tab Contents 1
<b-tab title="Tab 2">
Tab Contents 2
- Bottom placement visually works best with the
variant. When using the default
vairiant, you may want to provided your own custom styling classes, as Bootstrap
V4 CSS assumes the tabs will always be placed on the top of the tabs content.
- To provide a better user experience with bottom palced controls, ensure that the
content of each tab pane is the same height and fits completely within the visible
viewport, otherwise the user will need to scroll up to read the start of the tabed content.
Note: the bottom
prop has been deprecated in favor of the end
Vertical tabs
Have the tab controls placed on the lefthand side by setting the vertical
prop to true
Vertical tabs work with or without card
mode enabled.
<b-card no-body>
<b-tabs pills card vertical>
<b-tab title="Tab 1" active>
Tab Contents 1
<b-tab title="Tab 2">
Tab Contents 2
<b-tab title="Tab 3">
Tab Contents 3
Visually move the tab controls to the right hand side by setting the end
<b-card no-body>
<b-tabs pills card vertical end>
<b-tab title="Tab 1" active>
Tab Contents 1
<b-tab title="Tab 2">
Tab Contents 2
<b-tab title="Tab 3">
Tab Contents 3
The width of the vertical tab controls will expand to fit the width of the tab title.
To control the width, set a width utility class
via the prop nav-wrapper-class
. You can use values such as w-25
(25% width), w-50
(50% width), etc.,
or column classes such as col-2
, col-3
, etc.
<b-card no-body>
<b-tabs pills card vertical nav-wrapper-class="w-50">
<b-tab title="Tab 1" active>
Tab Contents 1
<b-tab title="Tab 2">
Tab Contents 2
<b-tab title="Tab 3">
Tab Contents 3
Vertical placement visually works best with the pills
variant. When using the default
vairiant, you may want to provided your own custom styling classes, as Bootstrap
V4 CSS assumes the tab controls will always be placed on the top of the tabs content.
Note: overflowing text may occur if your width is narrower than the tab title.
You may need additional custom styling.
Fade animation
Fade is enabled by default when changing tabs. It can disabled with no-fade
Note you should use the <b-nav-item>
component when adding contentless-tabs to maintain
correct sizing and alignment. See the advanced usage examples below for an example.
Add Tabs without content
If you want to add extra tabs that do not have any content, you can put them in tabs
<template slot="tabs">
<b-nav-item to="#" @click="onClick">Another tab</b-nav-item>
Apply custom classes to the generated nav-tabs or pills
The tab selectors are based on Boostrap V4's nav
markup ( i.e. ul.nav > li.nav-item > a.nav-link
In some situations, you may want to add classes to the <li>
(nav-item) and/or the
(nav-link) on a per tab basis. To do so, simply supply the classname to
the title-item-class
prop (for the <li>
element) or title-link-class
prop (for the
element). Value's can be passed as a string or array of strings.
Note: The active
class is automatically applied to the active tabs <a>
You may need to accomodate your custom classes for this.
<b-card no-body>
<b-tabs card v-model="tabIndex">
<b-tab title="Tab 1" :title-link-class="linkClass(0)">
Tab Contents 1
<b-tab title="Tab 2" :title-link-class="linkClass(1)">
Tab Contents 2
<b-tab title="Tab 3" :title-link-class="linkClass(2)">
Tab Contents 3
export default {
data () {
return {
tabIndex: 0
methods: {
linkClass (idx) {
if (this.tabIndex === idx) {
return ['bg-primary', 'text-light']
} else {
return ['bg-light', 'text-info']
Advanced Examples
External controls
<b-card no-body>
<b-tabs small card v-model="tabIndex">
<b-tab title="General">
I'm the first fading tab
<b-tab title="Edit profile">
I'm the second tab
<b-card>I'm the card in tab</b-card>
<b-tab title="Premium Plan" disabled>
<b-tab title="Info">
I'm the last tab
<div class="text-center">
<b-button-group class="mt-2">
<b-btn @click="tabIndex--">Previous</b-btn>
<b-btn @click="tabIndex++">Next</b-btn>
<span class="text-muted">Current Tab: {{tabIndex}}</span>
export default {
data () {
return {
tabIndex: 0
Dynamic Tabs
<b-card no-body>
<b-tabs card>
<b-tab :title="`Tab ${i}`" v-for="i in tabs" :key="i">
Tab Contents {{i}}
<b-btn size="sm" variant="danger" class="float-right" @click="()=>closeTab(i)">
Close tab
<b-nav-item slot="tabs" @click.prevent="newTab" href="#">
<div slot="empty" class="text-center text-muted">
There are no open tabs
<br> Open a new tab using + button.
export default {
data () {
return {
tabs: [],
tabCounter: 0
methods: {
closeTab (x) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.tabs.length; i++) {
if (this.tabs[i] === x) {
this.tabs.splice(i, 1)
newTab () {
Component Reference