
Easily add tooltips to elements or components via the <b-tooltip> component or v-b-tooltip directive (preferred method).

<div class="text-center my-3">
  <b-btn v-b-tooltip.hover title="I'm a tooltip!">Hover Me</b-btn>

<!-- tooltip-example-1.vue -->


Things to know when using tooltip component:

  • Tooltips rely on the 3rd party library Popper.js for positioning. The library is bundled with Bootstrap-Vue in the dist files!
  • Tooltips with zero-length titles are never displayed.
  • Triggering tooltips on hidden elements will not work.
  • Specify container as null (default, appends to <body>) to avoid rendering problems in more complex components (like input groups, button groups, etc). You can use container to optionally specify a different element to append the rendered tooltip to.
  • Tooltips for disabled elements must be triggered on a wrapper element.
  • When triggered from hyperlinks that span multiple lines, tooltips will be centered. Use white-space: nowrap; on your <a>s, <b-link>s and <router-link>s to avoid this behavior.
  • Tooltips must be hidden before their corresponding elements have been removed from the DOM.

The <b-tooltip component inserts a hidden (display:none) <div> intermediate container element at the point in the DOM where the <b-tooltip> component is placed. This may affect layout and/or styling of components such as <b-button-group>, <b-button-toolbar>, and <b-input-group>. To avoid these possible layout issues, place the <b-tooltip> component outside of these types of components.

The target element must exist in the document before <b-tooltip> is mounted. If the target element is not found during mount, the tooltip will never open. Always place your <b-tooltip> component lower in the DOM than your target element.

Note: When using the default slot for the title, <b-tooltip> transfers the rendered DOM from that slot into the tooltip's markup when shown, and returns the content back to the <b-tooltip> component when hidden. This may cause some issues in rare circumstances, so please test your implementation accordingly! The title prop does not have this behavior. For simple tooltips, we recommend using the v-b-tooltip directive and enable the html modifier if needed.


Twelve options are available for positioning: top, topleft, topright, right, righttop, rightbottom, bottom, bottomleft, bottomright, left, lefttop, and leftbottom aligned. The default position is top. Positioning is relative to the trigger element.


Tooltips can be triggered (opened/closed) via any combination of click, hover and focus. The default trigger is hover focus.

If a tooltip has more than one trigger, then all triggers must be cleared before the tooltip will close. I.e. if a tooltip has the trigger focus click, and it was opened by focus, and the user then clicks the trigger element, they must click it again and move focus to close the tooltip.

<b-tooltip> Component Usage

<b-container fluid>
    <b-col md="6" class="py-4">
      <b-btn id="exButton1" variant="outline-success">Live chat</b-btn>
    <b-col md="6" class="py-4">
      <b-btn id="exButton2" variant="outline-success">Html chat</b-btn>

  <!-- Tooltip title specified via prop title -->
  <b-tooltip target="exButton1" title="Online!"></b-tooltip>

  <!-- HTML title specified via default slot -->
  <b-tooltip target="exButton2" placement="bottom">
    Hello <strong>World!</strong>

<!-- tooltip-component-1.vue -->

Component Options

Prop Default Description Supported values
target null Element String ID, or a reference to an element or component, that you want to trigger the tooltip. Required Any valid, in-document unique element ID, element reference or component reference
title null Tooltip content (text only, no HTML). if HTML is required, place it in the default slot Plain text
placement top Tooltip position, relative to the trigger element. top, bottom, left, right, auto, topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright, lefttop, leftbottom, righttop, rightbottom
triggers hover focus Space separated list of event(s), which will trigger open/close of tooltip hover, focus, click. Note blur is a special use case to close tooltip on next click, usually used in conjunction with click.
no-fade false Disable fade animation when set to true true or false
delay 0 Delay showing and hiding of tooltip by specified number of milliseconds. Can also be specified as an object in the form of { show: 100, hide: 400 } allowing different show and hide delays 0 and up, integers only.
offset 0 Shift the center of the tooltip by specified number of pixels Any negative or positive integer
container null Element string ID to append rendered tooltip into. If null or element not found, tooltip is appended to <body> (default) Any valid in-document unique element ID.
boundary 'scrollParent' The container that the tooltip will be constrained visually. The default should suffice in most cases, but you may need to chagne this if your target element is in a small container with overflow scroll 'scrollParent' (default), 'viewport', 'window', or a reference to an HTML element.

Programmatically show and hide tooltip

You can manually control the visibility of a tooltip via the syncable Boolean show prop. Setting it to true will show the tooltip, while setting it to false will hide the tooltip.

  <div class="text-center">
    <b-btn id="tooltipButton-1" variant="primary">I have a tooltip</b-btn>
    <b-btn @click="show = !show">Toggle Tooltip</b-btn>

    <b-tooltip :show.sync="show" target="tooltipButton-1" placement="top">
      Hello <strong>World!</strong>
  export default {
    data: {
      show: true

<!-- tooltip-show-sync.vue -->

To make the tooltip shown on initial render, simply add the show prop on <b-tooltip>:

<div class="text-center">
  <b-btn id="tooltipButton-2" variant="primary">Button</b-btn>
  <b-tooltip show target="tooltipButton-2">
    I start open

<!-- tooltip-show-open.vue -->

Programmatic control can also be affected by submitting 'open' and 'close' events to the tooltip by reference.

   <div class="d-flex flex-column text-md-center">
     <div class="p-2">
       <b-btn id="tooltipButton-showEvent" variant="primary">I have a popover</b-btn>
     <div class="p-2">
       <b-btn class="px-1" @click="onOpen">Open</b-btn>
       <b-btn class="px-1" @click="onClose">Close</b-btn>

     <b-tooltip ref="tooltip" target="tooltipButton-showEvent">
       Hello <strong>World!</strong>

   export default {
     methods: {
       onOpen() {
       onClose() {

 <!-- tooltip-show-ref-event.vue -->

You can also use $root events to trigger the showing and hiding of tooltip(s). See the Hiding and showing tooltips via $root events section below for details.

Programmatically disabling tooltip

You can disable tooltip via the syncable Boolean prop disabled (default is false) Setting it to true will disable the tooltip. If the tooltip is currently visible when disabled is set to false, the tooltip will remain visible until it is enabled or programmatically closed. If the tooltip is disabled/enabled via $root events (see below), your disabled value will be updated as long as you have provided the .sync prop modifier.

  <div class="d-flex flex-column text-md-center">
    <div class="p-2">
      <b-btn id="tooltipButton-disable" variant="primary">I have a tooltip</b-btn>
    <div class="p-2">
      <b-btn @click="disabled = !disabled">
        {{ disabled ? 'Enable' : 'Disable' }} Tooltip by prop

      <b-btn @click="disableByRef">
        {{ disabled ? 'Enable' : 'Disable' }} Tooltip by $ref event

      <b-tooltip :disabled.sync="disabled" ref="tooltip" target="tooltipButton-disable">
        Hello <strong>World!</strong>

  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        disabled: false
    methods: {
      disableByRef () {
        if (this.disabled) {
        } else {

<!-- tooltip-disable.vue -->

Note: In the above example, since we are using the default tooltip triggers of focus hover, the tooltip will close before it is disabled due to loosing focus (and hover) to the toggle button.

When disabled, the tooltip can be opened programmatically (either via the show prop, methods or events).

You can also emit $root events to trigger disabling and enabling of popover(s). See the Disabling and enabling tooltips via $root events section below for details.

v-b-tooltip Directive Usage

The v-b-tooltip directive makes adding tooltips even easier, without additional placeholder markup:

<b-container fluid>
    <b-col md="6" class="py-4">
      <b-btn v-b-tooltip
        Live chat
    <b-col md="6" class="py-4">
      <b-btn v-b-tooltip.html.bottom
             title="Hello <strong>World!</strong>"
        Html chat

<!-- tooltip-directive-1.vue -->

Refer to the v-b-tooltip documentation for more information and features of the directive format.

Hiding and showing tooltips via $root events

You can close (hide) all open tooltips by emitting the bv::hide::tooltip event on $root:


To close a specific tooltip, pass the trigger element's id as the argument:

this.$root.$emit('bv::show::tooltip', 'my-trigger-button-id');

To open a specific tooltip, pass the trigger element's id as the argument when emitting the bv::show::tooltip $root event:

this.$root.$emit('bv::show::tooltip', 'my-trigger-button-id');

To open all popovers simultaneously, omit the id argument when emitting the bv::show::tooltip event.

These events work for both the component and directive versions of tooltip.

Note: the trigger element must exist in the DOM and be in a visible state in order for the tooltip to show.

Disabling and enabling tooltips via $root events

You can disable all open tooltips by emitting the bv::disable::tooltip event on $root:


To disable a specific tooltip, pass the trigger element's id as the argument:

this.$root.$emit('bv::disable::tooltip', 'my-trigger-button-id');

To enable a specific tooltip, pass the trigger element's id as the argument when emitting the bv::enable::tooltip $root event:

this.$root.$emit('bv::enable::tooltip', 'my-trigger-button-id');

To enable all popovers simultaneously, omit the id argument when emitting the bv::enable::tooltip event.

These events work for both the component and directive versions of tooltip.

Note: The trigger element must exist in the DOM in order for the tooltip to be enabled or disabled.

Component Reference



PropertyTypeDefault Value
targetString or Object
delayNumber or Object or String0
offsetNumber or String0
boundaryString or ObjectscrollParent
triggersString or Arrayhover focus


bvEventbvEvent object
Emitted when tooltip is about to be shown. Cancelable. Call bvEvent.preventDefault() to cancel show.
bvEventbvEvent object.
Emitted when tooltip is shown
bvEventbvEvent object
Emitted when tooltip is about to be hidden. Cancelable. Call bvEvent.preventDefault() to cancel hide.
bvEventbvEvent object.
Emitted when tooltip is hidden
enabledEmitted when tooltip becomes enabled
disabledEmitted when tooltip becomes disabled
bvEventbvEvent object
Emitted on $root when tooltip is about to be shown. Cancelable. Call bvEvent.preventDefault() to cancel show.
bvEventbvEvent object.
Emitted on $root when tooltip is shown
bvEventbvEvent object
Emitted on $root when tooltip is about to be hidden. Cancelable. Call bvEvent.preventDefault() to cancel hide.
bvEventbvEvent object.
Emitted on $root when tooltip is hidden
bvEventbvEvent object.
Emitted on $root when tooltip becomes enabled
bvEventbvEvent object.
Emitted on $root when tooltip becomes disabled
Trying to get native browser events working on your component? Use the .native modifier to capture browser native events such as: @click.native="...", @mouseover.native="...", etc. See the the official Vue.js documentation for more information.

Importing Individual Components

ComponentImport Path


import bTooltip from 'bootstrap-vue/es/components/tooltip/tooltip';
Vue.component('b-tooltip', bTooltip);

Importing Tooltip as a Vue plugin

This plugin includes all of the above listed individual components. Plugins also include any component aliases.

import { Tooltip } from 'bootstrap-vue/es/components';