
For displaying tabular data. <b-table> supports pagination, filtering, sorting, custom rendering, events, and asynchronous data.

Example: Basic usage

  <b-table striped hover :items="items"></b-table>

const items = [
  { isActive: true, age: 40, first_name: 'Dickerson', last_name: 'Macdonald' },
  { isActive: false, age: 21, first_name: 'Larsen', last_name: 'Shaw' },
  { isActive: false, age: 89, first_name: 'Geneva', last_name: 'Wilson' },
  { isActive: true, age: 38, first_name: 'Jami', last_name: 'Carney' }

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      items: items

<!-- table-basic-1.vue -->

Items (record data)

items is the table data in array format, where each record (row) data are keyed objects. Example format:

    { age: 32, first_name: 'Cyndi' },
    { age: 27, first_name: 'Havij' },
    { age: 42, first_name: 'Robert' }

<b-table> automatically samples the first row to extract field names (they keys in the record data). Field names are automatically "humanized" by converting kebab-case, snake_case, and camelCase to individual words and capitalizes each word. Example conversions:

  • first_name becomes First Name
  • last-name becomes Last Name
  • age becoms Age
  • YEAR remains YEAR
  • isActive becomes Is Active

These titles wil be displayed in the table header, in the order they appear in the first record of data. See the Fields section below for customizing how field headings appear.

Note: Field order is not guaranteed. Fields will typically appear in the order they were defined in the first row, but this may not always be the case depending on the version of browser in use. See section Fields (column definitions) below to see how to guarantee the order of fields.

Record data may also have additional special reserved name keys for colorizing rows and individual cells (variants), and for triggering additional row detail. The supported optional item record modifier properties (make sure your field keys do not conflict with these names):

Property Type Description
_cellVariants Object Bootstrap contextual state applied to individual cells. Keyed by field (Supported values: active, success, info, warning, danger)
_rowVariant String Bootstrap contextual state applied to the entire row (Supported values: active, success, info, warning, danger)
_showDetails Boolean Used to trigger the display of the row-details scoped slot. See section Row details support below for additional information

Example: Using variants for table cells

  <b-table hover :items="items"></b-table>

const items = [
  { isActive: true, age: 40, first_name: 'Dickerson', last_name: 'Macdonald' },
  { isActive: false, age: 21, first_name: 'Larsen', last_name: 'Shaw' },
    isActive: false,
    age: 89,
    first_name: 'Geneva',
    last_name: 'Wilson',
    _rowVariant: 'danger'
    isActive: true,
    age: 40,
    first_name: 'Thor',
    last_name: 'Macdonald',
    _cellVariants: { isActive: 'success', age: 'info', first_name: 'warning' }
  { isActive: false, age: 29, first_name: 'Dick', last_name: 'Dunlap' }

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      items: items

<!-- table-variants-1.vue -->

items can also be a reference to a provider function, which returns an Array of items data. Provider functions can also be asynchronous:

  • By returning null (or undefined) and calling a callback, when the data is ready, with the data array as the only argument to the callback,
  • By returning a Promise that resolves to an array.

See the "Using Items Provider functions" section below for more details.

Fields (column definitions)

The fields prop is used to customize the table columns headings, and in which order the columns of data are displayed. The field object keys (i.e. age or first_name as shown below) are used to extract the value from each item (record) row, and to provide additional fetures such as enabling sorting on the column, etc.

Fields can be provided as a simple array, an array of objects, or an object. Internally the fields data will be normalized into the array of objects format. Events or slots that include the column field data will be in the normalized field object format (array of objects for fields, or an object for an individual field).

Fields as a simple array

Fields can be a simple array, for defining the order of the columns, and which columns to display (order is guaranteed):

Example: Using array fields definition

  <b-table striped hover :items="items" :fields="fields"></b-table>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      // Note 'isActive' is left out and will not appear in the rendered table
      fields: [ 'first_name', 'last_name', 'age' ],
      items: [
        { isActive: true, age: 40, first_name: 'Dickerson', last_name: 'Macdonald' },
        { isActive: false, age: 21, first_name: 'Larsen', last_name: 'Shaw' },
        { isActive: false, age: 89, first_name: 'Geneva', last_name: 'Wilson' },
        { isActive: true, age: 38, first_name: 'Jami', last_name: 'Carney' }

<!-- table-fields-array.vue -->

Fields as an array of objects

Fields can be a an array of objects, providing additional control over the fields (such as sorting, formatting, etc). Only columns (keys) that appear in the fields array will be shown (order is guaranteed):

Example: Using array of objects fields definition

  <b-table striped hover :items="items" :fields="fields"></b-table>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      // Note 'isActive' is left out and will not appear in the rendered table
      fields: [
          key: 'last_name',
          sortable: true
          key: 'first_name',
          sortable: false
          key: 'age',
          label: 'Person age',
          sortable: true,
          // Variant applies to the whole column, including the header and footer
          variant: 'danger'
      items: [
        { isActive: true, age: 40, first_name: 'Dickerson', last_name: 'Macdonald' },
        { isActive: false, age: 21, first_name: 'Larsen', last_name: 'Shaw' },
        { isActive: false, age: 89, first_name: 'Geneva', last_name: 'Wilson' },
        { isActive: true, age: 38, first_name: 'Jami', last_name: 'Carney' }

<!-- table-fields-array-of-objects.vue -->

Fields as an object

Also, fields can be a an object providing similar control over the fields as the array of objects above does. Only columns listed in the fields object will be shown. The order of the fields will typically be in the order they were defined in the object, although order is not guaranteed:

Example: Using object fields definition

  <b-table striped hover :items="items" :fields="fields"></b-table>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      // Note 'isActive' is left out and will not appear in the rendered table
      fields: {
        last_name: {
          label: 'Person last name',
          sortable: true
        first_name: {
          label: 'Person first name',
          sortable: false
        foo: {
          // This key overrides `foo`!
          key: 'age',
          label: 'Person age',
          sortable: true
      items: [
        { isActive: true, age: 40, first_name: 'Dickerson', last_name: 'Macdonald' },
        { isActive: false, age: 21, first_name: 'Larsen', last_name: 'Shaw' },
        { isActive: false, age: 89, first_name: 'Geneva', last_name: 'Wilson' },
        { isActive: true, age: 38, first_name: 'Jami', last_name: 'Carney' }

<!-- table-fields-object.vue -->

Note: if a key property is defined in the field definition, it will take precidence over the key used to define the field.

Field definition reference

The following field properties are recognized:

Property Type Description
key String The key for selecting data from the record in the items array. Required when passing the props fields an array of objects.
label String Appears in the columns table header (and footer if foot-clone is set). Defaults to the field's key (in humanized format) if not provided.
class String or Array Class name (or array of class names) to add to <th> and <td> in the column.
formatter String or Function A formatter callback function, can be used instead of (or in conjunction with) slots for real table fields (i.e. fields, that have corresponding data at items array). Refer to Custom Data Rendering for more details.
sortable Boolean Enable sorting on this column. Refer to the Sorting Section for more details.
tdClass String or Array Class name (or array of class names) to add to <tbody> data <td> cells in the column.
thClass String or Array Class name (or array of class names) to add to <thead>/<tfoot> heading <th> cell.
thStyle Object JavaScript object representing CSS styles you would like to apply to the table <thead>/<tfoot> field <th>.
variant String Apply contextual class to all the <th> and <td> in the column - active, success, info, warning, danger (these variants map to classes thead-${variant}, table-${variant}, or bg-${variant} accordingly).
tdAttr Object JavaScript object representing additional attributes to apply to the <tbody> field td cell.
isRowHeader Boolean When set to true, the field's item data cell will be rendered with <th> rather than the default of <td>.


  • Field properties, if not present, default to null (falsey) unless otherwise stated above.
  • thClass and tdClass will not work with classes that are defined in scoped CSS
  • For information on the syntax supported by thStyle, see Class and Style Bindings in the Vue.js guide.
  • Any additional properties added to the field objects will be left intact - so you can access them via the named scoped slots for custom data, header, and footer rendering.

For information and usage about scoped slots and formatters, refer to the Custom Data Rendering section below.

Feel free to mix and match simple array and object array together:

fields: [
  { key: 'first_name', label: 'First' },
  { key: 'last_name', label: 'Last' },

Table style options

<b-table> provides several props to alter the style of the table:

prop Type Description
striped Boolean Add zebra-striping to the table rows within the <tbody>
bordered Boolean For borders on all sides of the table and cells.
outlined Boolean For a thin border on all sides of the table. Has no effect is bordered is set.
small Boolean To make tables more compact by cutting cell padding in half.
hover Boolean To enable a hover highlighting state on table rows within a <tbody>
dark Boolean Invert the colors — with light text on dark backgrounds (equivalent to Bootstrap V4 class .table-dark)
fixed Boolean Generate a table with equal fixed-width columns (table-layout: fixed)
foot-clone Boolean Turns on the table footer, and defaults with the same contents a the table header
responsive Boolean or String Generate a responsive table to make it scroll horizontally. Set to true for an always responsive table, or set it to one of the breakpoints 'sm', 'md', 'lg', or 'xl' to make the table responsive (horizontally scroll) only on screens smaller than the breakpoint. See Responsive tables below for details.
stacked Boolean or String Generate a responsive stacked table. Set to true for an always stacked table, or set it to one of the breakpoints 'sm', 'md', 'lg', or 'xl' to make the table visually stacked only on screens smaller than the breakpoint. See Stacked tables below for details.
head-variant String Use 'light' or 'dark' to make table header appear light or dark gray, respectively
foot-variant String Use 'light' or 'dark' to make table footer appear light or dark gray, respectively. If not set, head-variant will be used. Has no effect if foot-clone is not set

Deprecation note: As of Bootstrap-Vue v1.0.0, the prop inverse has been deprecated in favour of prop dark to better align with the new Bootstrap V4.beta.2 CSS class names.

Example: Basic table styles

    <b-form-checkbox v-model="striped">Striped</b-form-checkbox>
    <b-form-checkbox v-model="bordered">Bordered</b-form-checkbox>
    <b-form-checkbox v-model="outlined">Outlined</b-form-checkbox>
    <b-form-checkbox v-model="small">Small</b-form-checkbox>
    <b-form-checkbox v-model="hover">Hover</b-form-checkbox>
    <b-form-checkbox v-model="dark">Dark</b-form-checkbox>
    <b-form-checkbox v-model="fixed">Fixed</b-form-checkbox>
    <b-form-checkbox v-model="footClone">Foot Clone</b-form-checkbox>

    <b-table :striped="striped"

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      fields: [ 'first_name', 'last_name', 'age' ],
      items: [
        { age: 40, first_name: 'Dickerson', last_name: 'Macdonald' },
        { age: 21, first_name: 'Larsen', last_name: 'Shaw' },
        { age: 89, first_name: 'Geneva', last_name: 'Wilson' }
      striped: false,
      bordered: false,
      outlined: false,
      small: false,
      hover: false,
      dark: false,
      fixed: false,
      footClone: false

<!-- table-bordered.vue -->

Responsive tables

Responsive tables allow tables to be scrolled horizontally with ease. Make any table responsive across all viewports by setting the prop responsive to true. Or, pick a maximum breakpoint with which to have a responsive table up to by setting the prop responsive to one of the breakpoint values: sm, md, lg, or xl.

Example: Always responsive table

  <b-table responsive :items="items"></b-table>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      items: [
          'heading 1': 'table cell',
          'heading 2': 'table cell',
          'heading 3': 'table cell',
          'heading 4': 'table cell',
          'heading 5': 'table cell',
          'heading 6': 'table cell',
          'heading 7': 'table cell',
          'heading 8': 'table cell',
          'heading 9': 'table cell',
          'heading 10': 'table cell'
          'heading 1': 'table cell',
          'heading 2': 'table cell',
          'heading 3': 'table cell',
          'heading 4': 'table cell',
          'heading 5': 'table cell',
          'heading 6': 'table cell',
          'heading 7': 'table cell',
          'heading 8': 'table cell',
          'heading 9': 'table cell',
          'heading 10': 'table cell'
          'heading 1': 'table cell',
          'heading 2': 'table cell',
          'heading 3': 'table cell',
          'heading 4': 'table cell',
          'heading 5': 'table cell',
          'heading 6': 'table cell',
          'heading 7': 'table cell',
          'heading 8': 'table cell',
          'heading 9': 'table cell',
          'heading 10': 'table cell'

<!-- table-responsive.vue -->

Responsive table notes:

  • Possible vertical clipping/truncation. Responsive tables make use of overflow-y: hidden, which clips off any content that goes beyond the bottom or top edges of the table. In particular, this can clip off dropdown menus and other third-party widgets.
  • When in responsive mode the table will lose it's width of 100%. This is a known issue with bootstrap V4 css and placing the table-responsive class on the <table> element as reccommended by Bootstrap.

Stacked tables

An alternative to responsive tables, Bootstrap-Vue includes the stacked table option, which allow tables to be rendered in a visually stacked format. Make any table stacked across all viewports by setting the prop stacked to true. Or, alternatively, set a breakpoint at which the table will return to normal table format by setting the prop stacked to one of the breakpoint values 'sm', 'md', 'lg', or 'xl'.

Column header labels will be rendered to the left of each field value using a CSS ::before pseudo element, with a width of 40%.

The prop stacked takes precedence over the responsive prop.

Example: Always stacked table

  <b-table stacked :items="items"></b-table>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      items: [
        { age: 40, first_name: 'Dickerson', last_name: 'Macdonald' },
        { age: 21, first_name: 'Larsen', last_name: 'Shaw' },
        { age: 89, first_name: 'Geneva', last_name: 'Wilson' }

<!-- table-stacked.vue -->

Note: When the table is visually stacked:

  • The table header (and table footer) will be hidden.
  • Custom rendred header slots will not be shown, rather, the fields' label will be used.
  • The table cannot be sorted by clicking the rendered field labels. You will need to provde an external control to select the field to sort by and the sort direction. See the Sorting section below for sorting control information, as well as the complete example at the bottom of this page for an example of controlling sorting via the use of form controls.
  • The slots top-row and bottom-row will be hidden when visually stacked.
  • The table caption, if provided, will always appear at the top of the table when visually stacked.
  • In an always stacked table, the table header and footer, and the fixed top and bottom row slots will not be rendered.

Table caption

Add an optional caption to your table via the prop caption or the named slot table-caption (the slot takes precedence over the prop). The default Bootstrap V4 styling places the caption at the bottom of the table:

  <b-table :items="items" :fields="fields">
    <template slot="table-caption">
      This is a table caption.

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      fields: [ 'first_name', 'last_name', 'age' ],
      items: [
        { age: 40, first_name: 'Dickerson', last_name: 'Macdonald' },
        { age: 21, first_name: 'Larsen', last_name: 'Shaw' },
        { age: 89, first_name: 'Geneva', last_name: 'Wilson' }

<!-- table-caption.vue -->

You can have the caption placed at the top of the table by setting the caption-top prop to true:

  <b-table :items="items" :fields="fields" caption-top>
    <template slot="table-caption">
      This is a table caption at the top.

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      fields: [ 'first_name', 'last_name', 'age' ],
      items: [
        { age: 40, first_name: 'Dickerson', last_name: 'Macdonald' },
        { age: 21, first_name: 'Larsen', last_name: 'Shaw' },
        { age: 89, first_name: 'Geneva', last_name: 'Wilson' }

<!-- table-caption-top.vue -->

You can also use custom CSS to control the caption positioning.

Table colgroup

Use the named slot table-colgroup to specify <colgroup> and <col> elements for optional grouping and styling of table columns. Note the styles available via <col> elements are limited. Refer to MDN for details and usage of <colgroup>

Custom Data Rendering

Custom rendering for each data field in a row is possible using either scoped slots or formatter callback function.

Scoped Field Slots

Scoped slots give you greater control over how the record data apepars. If you want to add an extra field which does not exist in the records, just add it to the fields array, And then reference the field(s) in the scoped slot(s).

Example: Custom data rendering with scoped slots

  <b-table :fields="fields" :items="items">
    <!-- A virtual column -->
    <template slot="index" slot-scope="data">
      {{data.index + 1}}
    <!-- A custom formatted column -->
    <template slot="name" slot-scope="data">
      {{data.value.first}} {{data.value.last}}
    <!-- A virtual composite column -->
    <template slot="nameage" slot-scope="data">
      {{}} is {{data.item.age}} years old

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      fields: [
        // A virtual column that doesn't exist in items
        // A column that needs custom formatting
        { key: 'name', label: 'Full Name' },
        // A regular column
        // A regular column
        // A virtual column made up from two fields
        { key: 'nameage', label: 'First name and age' }
      items: [
        { name: { first: 'John', last: 'Doe' }, sex: 'Male', age: 42 },
        { name: { first: 'Jane', last: 'Doe' }, sex: 'Female', age: 36 },
        { name: { first: 'Rubin', last: 'Kincade' }, sex: 'Male', age: 73 },
        { name: { first: 'Shirley', last: 'Partridge' }, sex: 'Female', age: 62 }

<!-- table-data-slots.vue -->

The slot's scope variable (data in the above sample) will have the following properties:

Property Type Description
index Number The row number (indexed from zero) relative to the displayed rows
item Object The entire raw record data (i.e. items[index]) for this row (before any formatter is applied)
value Any The value for this key in the record (null or undefined if a virtual column), or the output of the field's formatter function (see below for for information on field formatter callback functions)
unformatted Any The raw value for this key in the item record (null or undefined if a virtual column), before being passed to the field's formatter function
detailsShowing Boolean Will be true if the row's row-details scoped slot is visible. See section Row details support below for additional information
toggleDetails Function Can be called to toggle the visibility of the rows row-details scoped slot. See section Row details support below for additional information


  • index will not always be the actual row's index number, as it is computed after pagination and filtering have been applied to the original table data. The index value will refer to the displayed row number. This number will align with the indexes from the optional v-model bound variable.
  • When placing inputs, buttons, selects or links within a data cell scoped slot, be sure to add a `@click.stop(or@click.native.stopif needed) handler (which can be empty) to prevent the click on the input, button, select, or link, from triggering therow-clicked` event:
<template slot="actions" slot-scope="cell">
  <!-- We use click.stop here to prevent a 'row-clicked' event from also happening -->
  <b-btn size="sm" @click.stop="details(cell.item,cell.index,$">Details</b-btn>

Formatter callback

One more option to customize field output is to use formatter callback function. To enable this field's property formatter is used. Value of this property may be String or function reference. In case of a String value, function must be defined at parent component's methods. Providing formatter as Function, it must be declared at global scope (window or as global mixin at Vue).

Callback function accepts three arguments - value, key, and item, and should return the formatted value as a string (basic HTML is supported)

Example: Custom data rendering with formatter callback function

  <b-table :fields="fields" :items="items">
    <template slot="name" slot-scope="data">
      <a :href="`#${data.value.replace(/[^a-z]+/i,'-').toLowerCase()}`">

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      fields: [
          // A column that needs custom formatting,
          // calling formatter 'fullName' in this app
          key: 'name',
          label: 'Full Name',
          formatter: 'fullName'
        // A regular column
          // A regular column with custom formatter
          key: 'sex',
          formatter: (value) => { return value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() }
          // A virtual column with custom formatter
          key: 'birthYear',
          label: 'Calculated Birth Year',
          formatter: (value, key, item) => {
            return (new Date()).getFullYear() - item.age
      items: [
        { name: { first: 'John', last: 'Doe' }, sex: 'Male', age: 42 },
        { name: { first: 'Jane', last: 'Doe' }, sex: 'Female', age: 36 },
        { name: { first: 'Rubin', last: 'Kincade' }, sex: 'male', age: 73 },
        { name: { first: 'Shirley', last: 'Partridge' }, sex: 'female', age: 62 }
  methods: {
    fullName (value) {
      return `${value.first} ${value.last}`

<!-- table-data-formatter.vue -->

It is also possible to provide custom rendering for the tables thead and tfoot elements. Note by default the table footer is not rendered unless foot-clone is set to true.

Scoped slots for the header and footer cells uses a special naming convetion of HEAD_<fieldkey> and FOOT_<fieldkey> respectivly. if a FOOT_ slot for a field is not provided, but a HEAD_ slot is provided, then the footer will use the HEAD_ slot content.

<b-table :fields="fields" :items="items"  foot-clone>
  <template slot="name" slot-scope="data">
    <!-- A custom formatted data column cell -->
    {{data.value.first}} {{data.value.last}}
  <template slot="HEAD_name" slot-scope="data">
    <!-- A custom formatted header cell for field 'name' -->
  <template slot="FOOT_name" slot-scope="data">
    <!-- A custom formatted footer cell  for field 'name' -->

The slot's scope variable (data in the above example) will have the following properties:

Property Type Description
column String The fields's key value
field Object the field's object (from the fields prop)
label String The fields label value (also available as data.field.label)

When placing inputs, buttons, selects or links within a HEAD_ or FOOT_ slot, be sure to add a `@click.stop(or@click.native.stop) handler (which can be empty) to prevent the click on the input, button, select, or link, from triggering a change in sorting, or ahead-clicked` event.

<template slot="HEAD_actions" slot-scope="foo">
  <!-- We use click.stop here to prevent 'sort-changed' or 'head-clicked' events -->
  <input @click.stop type="checkbox" :value="foo.column" v-model="selected">
  <!-- We use click.native.stop here to prevent 'sort-changed' or 'head-clicked' events -->
  <b-form-checkbox @click.native.stop :value="foo.column" v-model="selected">

Row details support

If you would optionally like to display additional record information (such as columns not specified in the fields definition array), you can use the scoped slot row-details, in combination with the special item record Boolean property _showDetails.

If the record has it's _showDetails property set to true, and a row-details scoped slot exists, a new row will be shown just below the item, with the rendered contents of the row-details scoped slot.

In the scoped field slot, you can toggle the visibility of the row's row-details scoped slot by calling the toggleDetails function passed to the field's scoped slot variable. You can use the scoped fields slot variable detailsShowing to determine the visibility of the row-details slot.

Note: _If manipulating the _showDetails property directly on the item data (i.e. not via the toggleDetails function reference), the _showDetails propertly must exist in the items data for proper reactive detection of changes to it's value. Read more about Vue's reactivity limitations._

Available row-details scoped viariable properties:

Property Type Description
item Object The entire row record data object
index Number The current visible row number
fields Array The normailized fields definition array (in the array of objects format)
toggleDetails Function Function to toggle visibility of the row's details slot

In the following example, we show two methods of toggling the visibility of the details: one via a button, and one via a checkbox. We also have the third row row details defaulting to have details initially showing.

  <b-table :items="items" :fields="fields">
    <template slot="show_details" slot-scope="row">
      <!-- we use @click.stop here to prevent emitting of a 'row-clicked' event  -->
      <b-button size="sm" @click.stop="row.toggleDetails" class="mr-2">
       {{ row.detailsShowing ? 'Hide' : 'Show'}} Details
      <!-- In some circumstances you may need to use @click.native.stop instead -->
      <!-- As `row.showDetails` is one-way, we call the toggleDetails function on @change -->
      <b-form-checkbox @click.native.stop @change="row.toggleDetails" v-model="row.detailsShowing">
        Details via check
    <template slot="row-details" slot-scope="row">
        <b-row class="mb-2">
          <b-col sm="3" class="text-sm-right"><b>Age:</b></b-col>
          <b-col>{{ row.item.age }}</b-col>
        <b-row class="mb-2">
          <b-col sm="3" class="text-sm-right"><b>Is Active:</b></b-col>
          <b-col>{{ row.item.isActive }}</b-col>
        <b-button size="sm" @click="row.toggleDetails">Hide Details</b-button>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      fields: [ 'first_name', 'last_name', 'show_details' ],
      items: [
        { isActive: true, age: 40, first_name: 'Dickerson', last_name: 'Macdonald' },
        { isActive: false, age: 21, first_name: 'Larsen', last_name: 'Shaw' },
        { isActive: false, age: 89, first_name: 'Geneva', last_name: 'Wilson', _showDetails: true },
        { isActive: true, age: 38, first_name: 'Jami', last_name: 'Carney' }

<!-- table-details.vue -->


As mentioned in the Fields section above, you can make columns sortable. Clicking on a sortable column header will sort the column in ascending direction (smallest first), while clicking on it again will switch the direction of sorting. Clicking on a non-sortable column will clear the sorting.

You can control which column is pre-sorted and the order of sorting (ascending or descending). To pre-specify the column to be sorted, set the sort-by prop to the field's key. Set the sort direction by setting sort-desc to either true (for descending) or false (for ascending, the default).

The props sort-by and sort-desc can be turned into two-way (syncable) props by adding the .sync modifier. Your bound variables will then be updated accordingly based on the current sort critera. See the Vue docs for details on the .sync prop modifier

Note: The built-in sort-compare routine cannot sort virtual columns, nor sort based on the custom rendering of the field data (formatter functions and/or scoped slots are used only for presentation only, and do not affect the underlying data). Refer to the Sort-compare routine section below for details on sorting by presentational data.

    <b-table :sort-by.sync="sortBy"
      Sorting By: <b>{{ sortBy }}</b>,
      Sort Direction: <b>{{ sortDesc ? 'Descending' : 'Ascending' }}</b>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      sortBy: 'age',
      sortDesc: false,
      fields: [
        { key: 'last_name', sortable: true },
        { key: 'first_name', sortable: true },
        { key: 'age', sortable: true },
        { key: 'isActive', sortable: false }
      items: [
        { isActive: true, age: 40, first_name: 'Dickerson', last_name: 'Macdonald' },
        { isActive: false, age: 21, first_name: 'Larsen', last_name: 'Shaw' },
        { isActive: false, age: 89, first_name: 'Geneva', last_name: 'Wilson' },
        { isActive: true, age: 38, first_name: 'Jami', last_name: 'Carney' }

<!-- table-sorting.vue -->

Sort-Compare routine

The built-in default sort-compare function sorts the specified field key based on the data in the underlying record object (not by the formatted value). The field value is first stringified if it is an object, and then sorted.

The default sort-compare routine cannot sort virtual columns, nor sort based on the custom rendering of the field data (formatter functions and/or scoped slots are used only for presentation). For this reason, you can provide your own custom sort compare routine by passing a function reference to the prop sort-compare.

The sort-compare routine is passed three arguments. The first two arguments (a and b) are the record objects for the rows being compared, and the third argument is the field key being sorted on (sortBy). The routine should return either -1, 0, or 1 based on the result of the comparing of the two records. If the routine returns null, then the default sort-compare rouine will be used. You can use this feature (i.e. returning null) to have your custom sort-compare routine handle only certain fields (keys).

The default sort-compare routine works as follows:

if (typeof a[key] === 'number' && typeof b[key] === 'number') {
  // If both compared fields are native numbers
  return a[key] < b[key] ? -1 : (a[key] > b[key] ? 1 : 0)
} else {
  // Stringify the field data and use String.localeCompare
  return toString(a[key]).localeCompare(toString(b[key]), undefined, {
    numeric: true

Disable local sorting

If you want to handle sorting entirely in your app, you can disable the local sorting in <b-table> bu setting the prop no-local-sorting to true, while still maintaining the sortable header functionality.

You can use the syncable props sort-by.sync and sort-desc.sync to detect changes in sorting column and direction.

Also, When a sortable column header (or footer) is clicked, the event sort-changed will be emitted with a single argument containing the context object of <b-table>. See the Detection of sorting change section below for details about the sort-changed event and the context object.


Filtering, when used, is applied to the original items array data, and hence it is not possible to filter data based on custom rendering of virtual columns. The items row data is stringified and the filter searches that stringified data (excluding any properties that begin with an underscore _).

The filter prop value can be a string, a RegExp or a function reference. If a function is provided, the first argument is the original item record data object. The function should return true if the record matches your criteria or false if the record is to be filtered out.

When local filtering is applied, and the resultant number of items change, <b-table> will emit the filtered event, passing a single argument which is the complete list of items passing the filter routine. Treat this argument as read-only.

Setting the prop filter to null or an empty string will disable local items filtering.

See the Complete Example below for an example of using the filter feature.


<b-table> supports built in pagination of item data. You can control how many reords are displayed at a time by setting the per-page prop to the maximum number of rows you would like displayed, and use the current-page prop to specify which page to display (starting from page 1). If you set current-page to a value larger than the computed number of pages, then no rows will be shown.

You can use the <b-pagination> component in conjuction with <b-table> for providing control over pagination.

Setting per-page to 0 (default) will disable the local items pagination feature.

v-model binding

If you bind a variable to the v-model prop, the contents of this variable will be the currently disaplyed item records (zero based index, up to page-size - 1). This variable (the value prop) should usually be treated as readonly.

The records within the v-model are a filtered/paginated shallow copy of items, and hence any changes to a record's properties in the v-model will be reflected in the original items array (except when items is set to a provider function). Deleting a record from the v-model will not remove the record from the original items array.

Note: Do not bind any value directly to the value prop. Use the v-model binding.

Using Items Provider Functions

As mentioned under the Items prop section, it is possible to use a function to provide the row data (items), by specifying a function reference via the items prop.

The provider function is called with the following signature:

    provider(ctx, [callback])

The ctx is the context object associated with the table state, and contains the following five properties:

Property Type Description
currentPage Number The current page number (starting from 1, the value of the current-page prop)
perPage Number The maximum number of rows per page to display (the value of the per-page prop)
filter String or RegExp or Function the value of the Filter prop
sortBy String The current column key being sorted, or null if not sorting
sortDesc Boolean The current sort direction (true for descending, false for ascending)

The second argument callback is an optional parameter for when using the callback asynchronous method.

Example: returning an array of data (synchronous):

function myProvider (ctx) {
  let items = []

  // perform any items processing needed

  // Must return an array
  return items || []

Example: Using callback to return data (asynchronous):

function myProvider (ctx, callback) {
  let params = '?page=' + ctx.currentPage + '&size=' + ctx.perPage

  this.fetchData('/some/url' + params).then((data) => {
    // Pluck the array of items off our axios response
    let items = data.items
    // Provide the array of items to the callabck
  }).catch(error => {

  // Must return null or undefined to signal b-table that callback is being used
  return null

Example: Using a Promise to return data (asynchronous):

function myProvider (ctx) {
  let promise = axios.get('/some/url?page=' + ctx.currentPage + '&size=' + ctx.perPage)

  // Must return a promise that resolves to an array of items
  return promise.then((data) => {
    // Pluck the array of items off our axios response
    let items = data.items
    // Must return an array of items or an empty array if an error occurred
    return(items || [])

<b-table> automatically tracks/controls it's busy state, however it provides a busy prop that can be used either to override inner busystate, or to monitor <b-table>'s current busy state in your application using the 2-way .sync modifier.

Note: in order to allow <b-table> fully track it's busy state, custom items provider function should handle errors from data sources and return an empty array to <b-table>.

<b-table> provides a busy prop that will flag the table as busy, which you can set to true just before your async fetch, and then set it to false once you have your data, and just before you send it to the table for display. Example:

<b-table id="my-table" :busy.sync="isBusy" :items="myProvider" :fields="fields" ...></b-table>
data () {
  return {
    isBusy: false
methods: {
  myProvider (ctx) {
      // Here we don't set isBusy prop, so busy state will be handled by table itself
      // this.isBusy = true
    let promise = axios.get('/some/url')

    return promise.then((data) => {
      const items = data.items
      // Here we could override the busy state, setting isBusy to false
      // this.isBusy = false
    }).catch(error => {
      // Here we could override the busy state, setting isBusy to false
      // this.isBusy = false
      // Returning an empty array, allows table to correctly handle busy state in case of error
      return []


  • If you manually place the table in the busy state, the items provider will not be called/refreshed until the busy state has been set to false.
  • All click related and hover events, and sort-changed events will not be emiited when in the busy state (either set automatically during provider update, or when manually set).

Provider Paging, Filtering, and Sorting

By default, the items provider function is responsible for all paging, filtering, and sorting of the data, before passing it to b-table for display.

You can disable provider paging, filtering, and sorting (individually) by setting the following b-table prop(s) to true:

Prop Type Default Description
no-provider-paging Boolean false When true enables the use of b-table local data pagination
no-provider-sorting Boolean false When true enables the use of b-table local sorting
no-provider-filtering Boolean false When true enables the use of b-table local filtering

When no-provider-paging is false (default), you should only return at maximum, perPage number of records.


  • <b-table> needs reference to your pagination and filtering values in order to trigger the calling of the provider function. So be sure to bind to the per-page, current-page and filter props on b-table to trigger the provider update function call (unless you have the respective no-provider-* prop set to true).
  • The no-local-sorting prop has no effect when items is a provider funtion.

Event based refreshing of data

You may also trigger the refresh of the provider function by emitting the event table::refresh on $root with the single argument being the id of your b-table. You must have a unique ID on your table for this to work.

    this.$root.$emit('bv::table::refresh', 'my-table');

Or by calling the refresh method on the table reference

<b-table ref="table" ... ></b-table>

These refresh event/methods are only applicable when items is a provider function.

Detection of sorting change

By listening on <b-table> sort-changed event, you can detect when the sorting key and direction have changed.

<b-table @sort-changed="sortingChanged" ...></b-table>

The sort-changed event provides a single argument of the table's current state context object. This context object has the same format as used by items provider functions.

methods: {
  sortingChanged (ctx) {
    // ctx.sortBy   ==> Field key for sorting by (or null for no sorting)
    // ctx.sortDesc ==> true if sorting descending, false otherwise

You can also obtain the current sortBy and sortDesc values by using the :sort-by.sync and :sort-desc.sync two-way props respectively (see section Sorting above for details).

<b-table :sort-by.sync="mySortBy" :sort-desc.sync="mySortDesc" ...>

Server Side Rendering

Special care must be taken when using server side rendering (SSR) and an items provider function. Make sure you handle any special situations that may be needed server side when fetching your data!

Complete Example

  <b-container fluid>
    <!-- User Interface controls -->
      <b-col md="6" class="my-1">
        <b-form-group horizontal label="Filter" class="mb-0">
            <b-form-input v-model="filter" placeholder="Type to Search" />
              <b-btn :disabled="!filter" @click="filter = ''">Clear</b-btn>
      <b-col md="6" class="my-1">
        <b-form-group horizontal label="Sort" class="mb-0">
            <b-form-select v-model="sortBy" :options="sortOptions">
              <option slot="first" :value="null">-- none --</option>
              <b-form-select :disabled="!sortBy" v-model="sortDesc">
                <option :value="false">Asc</option>
                <option :value="true">Desc</option>
      <b-col md="6" class="my-1">
        <b-pagination :total-rows="totalRows" :per-page="perPage" v-model="currentPage" class="my-0" />
      <b-col md="6" class="my-1">
        <b-form-group horizontal label="Per page" class="mb-0">
          <b-form-select :options="pageOptions" v-model="perPage" />

    <!-- Main table element -->
    <b-table show-empty
      <template slot="name" slot-scope="row">{{row.value.first}} {{row.value.last}}</template>
      <template slot="isActive" slot-scope="row">{{row.value?'Yes :)':'No :('}}</template>
      <template slot="actions" slot-scope="row">
        <!-- We use @click.stop here to prevent a 'row-clicked' event from also happening -->
        <b-button size="sm" @click.stop="info(row.item, row.index, $" class="mr-1">
          Info modal
        <b-button size="sm" @click.stop="row.toggleDetails">
          {{ row.detailsShowing ? 'Hide' : 'Show' }} Details
      <template slot="row-details" slot-scope="row">
            <li v-for="(value, key) in row.item" :key="key">{{ key }}: {{ value}}</li>

    <!-- Info modal -->
    <b-modal id="modalInfo" @hide="resetModal" :title="modalInfo.title" ok-only>
      <pre>{{ modalInfo.content }}</pre>


const items = [
  { isActive: true, age: 40, name: { first: 'Dickerson', last: 'Macdonald' } },
  { isActive: false, age: 21, name: { first: 'Larsen', last: 'Shaw' } },
    isActive: false,
    age: 9,
    name: { first: 'Mini', last: 'Navarro' },
    _rowVariant: 'success'
  { isActive: false, age: 89, name: { first: 'Geneva', last: 'Wilson' } },
  { isActive: true, age: 38, name: { first: 'Jami', last: 'Carney' } },
  { isActive: false, age: 27, name: { first: 'Essie', last: 'Dunlap' } },
  { isActive: true, age: 40, name: { first: 'Thor', last: 'Macdonald' } },
    isActive: true,
    age: 87,
    name: { first: 'Larsen', last: 'Shaw' },
    _cellVariants: { age: 'danger', isActive: 'warning' }
  { isActive: false, age: 26, name: { first: 'Mitzi', last: 'Navarro' } },
  { isActive: false, age: 22, name: { first: 'Genevieve', last: 'Wilson' } },
  { isActive: true, age: 38, name: { first: 'John', last: 'Carney' } },
  { isActive: false, age: 29, name: { first: 'Dick', last: 'Dunlap' } }

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      items: items,
      fields: [
        { key: 'name', label: 'Person Full name', sortable: true },
        { key: 'age', label: 'Person age', sortable: true, 'class': 'text-center' },
        { key: 'isActive', label: 'is Active' },
        { key: 'actions', label: 'Actions' }
      currentPage: 1,
      perPage: 5,
      totalRows: items.length,
      pageOptions: [ 5, 10, 15 ],
      sortBy: null,
      sortDesc: false,
      filter: null,
      modalInfo: { title: '', content: '' }
  computed: {
    sortOptions () {
      // Create an options list from our fields
      return this.fields
        .filter(f => f.sortable)
        .map(f => { return { text: f.label, value: f.key } })
  methods: {
    info (item, index, button) {
      this.modalInfo.title = `Row index: ${index}`
      this.modalInfo.content = JSON.stringify(item, null, 2)
      this.$root.$emit('bv::show::modal', 'modalInfo', button)
    resetModal () {
      this.modalInfo.title = ''
      this.modalInfo.content = ''
    onFiltered (filteredItems) {
      // Trigger pagination to update the number of buttons/pages due to filtering
      this.totalRows = filteredItems.length
      this.currentPage = 1

<!-- table-complete-1.vue -->

Component Reference



PropertyTypeDefault Value
itemsArray or Function[]
fieldsObject or Array
responsiveBoolean or Stringfalse
stackedBoolean or Stringfalse
thead-classString or Array
thead-tr-classString or Array
tbody-classString or Array
tbody-tr-classString or Array
tfoot-classString or Array
tfoot-tr-classString or Array
filterString or RegExp or Function
label-sort-ascStringClick to sort Ascending
label-sort-descStringClick to sort Descending
empty-textStringThere are no records to show
empty-filtered-textStringThere are no records matching your request


table-captionContent to display in the table's caption element
table-colgroupSlot to place custom colgroup and col elements
[field]Scoped slot for custom data rendering of field data. See docs for scoped data
HEAD_[field]Scoped slot for custom rendering of field header. See docs for scoped header
FOOT_[field]Scoped slot for custom rendering of field footer. See docs for scoped footer
row-detailsScoped slot for optional rendering additional record details. See docs for Row details support
emptyContent to display when no items are present in the `items` array
emptyfilteredContent to display when no items are present in the filtered `items` array
top-rowFixed top row slot for user supplied TD cells. Scoped data: columns - number of TDs to provide, fields - fields object
bottom-rowFixed bottom row slot for user supplied TD cells. Scoped data: columns - number of TDs to provide, fields - fields object


itemItem data of the row being clicked.
indexIndex of the row being clicked.
eventNative event object.
Emitted when a row is clicked.
itemItem data of the row being double clicked.
indexIndex of the row being double clicked.
eventNative event object.
Emitted when a row is double clicked.
itemItem data of the row being hovered.
indexIndex of the row being hovered.
eventNative event object.
Emitted when a row is hovered.
keyColumn key clicked (field name).
fieldField definition object.
eventNative event object.
Emitted when a header or footer cell is clicked.
ctxTable state context object. See docs.
Emitted when the sorting on the table has changed
ctxTable state context object. See docs.
Emitted whenever the table state context has changed
filteredItemsArray of items after filtering (before local pagination occurs).
Emitted when local filtering causes a change in the number of items.
refreshedEmitted when the items provider function has returned data.
Trying to get native browser events working on your component? Use the .native modifier to capture browser native events such as: @click.native="...", @mouseover.native="...", etc. See the the official Vue.js documentation for more information.

Importing Individual Components

ComponentImport Path


import bTable from 'bootstrap-vue/es/components/table/table';
Vue.component('b-table', bTable);

Importing Table as a Vue plugin

This plugin includes all of the above listed individual components. Plugins also include any component aliases.

import { Table } from 'bootstrap-vue/es/components';